Hey everybody what's going on! welcome back to another video!
and in today's video we are going to be talking about a new
Insane gta 5 money glitch! which is too easy and fast!
Also this is a solo money glitch so you don't need any friends to help you out!
Which makes it even more awesome! Anyways before moving on, make sure if you
enjoyed this video to slap that like button with your fist
comment below your thoughts! and subscribe for more!
So to start this off let me showcase how this money glitch works
Basically a bunch of glitchers and modders grouped up under the name Genius Theft Auto
And they found a very insane way to force the rockstar games cloud servers to send money
to Anyone they choose!
Not only money, they can also force the servers to multiply the RP amount of someone's character
and basically they can also send any amount of ranks to anyone they want aswell!
Whats more insane is the way they keep this glitch unpatched, is that whenever someone
gets the money they chose, it appears as minus in the maze bank account, and thats what they
call as the "Anti-Ban" feature! with this feature and having a minus amount
helps delete any fingerprints from rockstar which helps not to get caught and not get
banned! Pretty insane am i right?
Now the reason i made this video, is to help spread the word about these modders and to
give you the guide of how You can get free money and Ranks without being banned, in a
few simple steps! and its working for Xbox one & xbox 360 & ps3 & ps4 and the PC platform!
so these guys made a website which is located at:
in that website they automated the process of forcing the rockstar cloud servers to send
money to whoever uses that site!
easy steps and easy process. First thing you need to do is to choose your
platform you can use "Auto detect" if you feel lazy
second step is to type your gamertag ID or your PSN ID
Make sure its correct before proceeding And then choose how much money you want in
the 2nd box and third of all, choose the rank
take a note that you can only choose 9 billion and a maximum rank of 999 and thats for more
after that click on "Generate" and the console of the website will appear at the left side
of the screen and keep an eye on the process and if there is any errors it will tell you
what to do, and if everything is alright, you should see a "Success" message at the
end of the process
This method can be done while you're both online or offline from GTA so it won't really
Also before finishing off let me tell you that i'll make a giveaway
This giveaway is solely made to prove that this method is working
and it consists of 5 gamertags that can choose whatever amount of money under 9 billion
and whatever amount of rank under 999
but in order to qualify for this giveway, you need to do something in return
First step: like this video Second step: subscribe to my channel
Third step: Comment your gamertag id with the platform and the amounts you need.
If you don't wanna do that, no problem, feel free to do it by your own from the site which
i mentioned earlier which is located at: www.cubegaming.net/gta
And thats it for today's video, hope you guys had a great time!
will see you on the next time And im out!
For more infomation >> GTA 5 Online: "BEST" MONEY GLITCH 1.41 "GTA 5 Money Glitch 1.41" SOLO - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Kate McKinnon Shows Off Her Voice Acting Skills - Duration: 2:29.
Slovenia to Croatia by Bus Travel Vlog - Duration: 11:19.
Good morning guys.
So today it is our last day here in Slovenia in Ljubljana and we are going to Croatia for
the first time.
The start of our Balkan adventures begins right now.
What we have to do right - it is early Sunday morning and we're going to be walking over
to the bus station.
It is about a 20 minutes walk from our AirBNB that we just checked out of.
And then we're catching a bus (tickets = 11.50 Euros per person) and it is going to actually
the route veers through Italy and then we're crossing in through the border.
So yeah we'll be stopping in Trieste.
We have an hour and a half.
Gotta switch buses and we'll have to do immigration.
So it is going to be a bit of a long day but what we're hoping to do is get some nice Italian
Maybe some pizza, maybe a cappuccino.
Maybe some Italian baked goods too.
So we're looking forward to lunch.
Anyways we'll show you the journey and yeah let's get started.
Time for an update.
We've arrived at the station.
Lovely hair happening.
So number 30 platform 30 is FlixBus.
It looks like this is the only platform for the bus company we're traveling with.
Yeah, so just hanging out here waiting.
I'm just show you a pan so over here where my finger is pointing that is the main bus
station so most of the other buses are actually down that way.
We're kind of away from most of the other buses.
Also something to keep in mind the train station is right across from the bus terminal.
And a lot of people were getting confused and going to the train station thinking they
were buying bus tickets.
Yeah, and trying to board buses with a train tickets.
Which is horrible.
I don't know if they do refunds but the yellow building is the train station, the grey one
that looks like nothing that is your bus terminal.
So if you find yourself here be aware.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, we actually saw that on our trip to Bled.
It was so sad.
Yeah some poor guy ran into the train station and bought a ticket and then he couldn't board
the bus.
But anyways what did you think of our time in Slovenia?
Well, we really enjoyed it.
I mean we were mostly based out of Ljubljana so in the city but yesterday we took our day
trip to Lake Bled and we got to see a little bit of the countryside and it is really beautiful.
It reminded us a little bit of Austria in a way but like so much cheaper and yeah it
was good.
Yeah, I thought this was a great like a great value country.
I thought like in terms of services and like just everything like it is up to par with
a lot of other like more expensive places in Europe but yet you get really good value
here so highly recommend travel in Slovenia.
We'd like to come back and do some more travel here for sure.
So our bus was over an hour late.
An hour and ten minutes to be precise.
We're not sure if we're going to make our connection so it is going to be tight.
I think we will.
It is going to be very tight.
I think we'll make it.
I hope so.
Oh my gosh.
Just in the nick of time.
Not a second to spare.
We made it.
Are you filming this?
Oh my gosh.
We just barely made our connection.
Oh wow.
I feel so relieved.
I really didn't think we would get it so.
This is the best news so we should still be on time.
We made it by like 3 minutes that is all.
That is it.
How do you like bus travel Sam?
Well, I'd say at this point I'm a little tired.
I've been sleeping the whole way.
You have.
I haven't.
I've been filming the whole time.
Oh yeah.
The film maker.
So basically we crossed the border here.
So we're currently in Istria.
And we need to travel all the way down to Pula at the very bottom.
That was one of the easiest border crossings ever.
Oh yeah.
The guy came on the border control came onto the bus, we handed over our passports, got
stamps and then we were off on our way.
It took like 5 minutes.
10 minutes at most.
For the whole bus.
So that was awesome.
Well we've arrived at last.
We sure have and it is about four thirty so we're just going to roll out to our airbnb.
It is a short walk from here.
Then food.
I'm thinking risotto.
I've been thinking about risotto the whole journey.
We're absolutely ravenous at this point because we only packed enough snacks for like a morning
Yeah, we were planning to have pizza in Italy.
We were going to have an hour and a half.
That didn't happen.
To kill.
That didn't happen.
Anyways, we're very fortunate to have made that bus though so we will go drop off our
bags and then it is all about the food.
Dun dun dun.
We have stopped to admire the Pula arena.
We were walking and Sam is like wow.
Just wow.
It is incredible and the sun is about to set not too long from now so I mean it is amazing
It is beautifully lit.
And apparently we're not too far from here.
No, just like a block down.
We will be back.
(Rolling sounds)
Made it to the airbnb.
Now we're going to fetch the key.
It is supposed to be in here.
Is it?
Found the key.
Is it.
We found the key.
Ho ho ho.
So nice not having to meet someone to check in.
So anti-social.
It is not so much that.
I just don't like waiting.
Alright, we found somewhere.
Actually the first few places we've tried have been closed.
Places are closed already.
What is it Saturday?
Oh, it is a Sunday.
So yeah.
There you go.
In the off-season.
Well, well.
Well, well she is fixing her hair.
So what are we going to try here?
Alright, so first up the wine.
We went for a red.
Cha ching.
What is the name of this one?
I believe it was Vranac.
If I remember correctly.
Yeah, it is a dry red.
And what is really cool is that while we were driving through you know the northern tip
of Croatia, as we were coming down here we saw like tonnes of vineyards.
And olive trees.
Olive groves.
And olive groves, exactly.
Yeah, I think we're going to be eating really well.
I found my risotto guys.
Risotto is coming.
What did you get?
And I found my pizza.
Pizza is coming.
We're both happy then.
Yeah, it is the best of both getting what we wanted.
And how is the wine?
OMG it already arrived.
My risotto came out in like 10 minutes.
This is amazing and I got the one with prosciutto, prosciutto.
Why can't I say that?
And pinenuts.
And was it arugula?
I forget.
Oh man, something green.
With a name I can't pronounce.
It looks good.
Oh my gosh.
I've been thinking about risotto all day long.
We're not definitely not going to be the best of food critics at the moment we are so we
are such a hangry stage that anything would taste good.
It does.
But is it good though?
It is good.
Risotto has been really good but look at what else arrived.
I'm already a huge fan of this place.
They brought our food fast.
It was like they knew.
They must have been able to sense our desperation.
Your hanger.
They could read our hanger.
Um, and I can say the food here so far has been awesome.
I tried your risotto it tasted so good.
It was so creamy and cheesy.
And this pizza hasn't been cut so I'm just going to be gnawing on it.
Gnawing on it.
What is on it?
Do you want to tell us?
That is good.
I see prosciutto.
That is really juicy.
Yeah, there is prosciutto, there is ham underneath.
Asparagus, we've got olives, we've got mushrooms.
Oh my.
It is fully jacked.
Like I ordered the full, I ordered the most expensive one so.
I'm hungry I want lots of ingredients.
So we are back at the airbnb.
Sam is chilling.
Chilling like a villain.
We are going to make very good use of this table.
What did we get?
We got ice creams.
They were only 1 Euro each which was 7 in local currency.
And what else?
And we got some local wine.
It was on sale for 28.
Not Euros but local.
The exchange is 1 to 7 right now.
It is a good deal.
Um, yeah.
Satisfied now that we've had some food in our bellies.
Yeah, it was a good meal.
I'm feeling okay now so yeah we're just going to chill and have some wine and we can't wait
to show you some more food and travel videos from Croatia soon.
Bye. Ciao.
Martre d'Amérique VS souris - ZAPPING SAUVAGE - Duration: 4:05.
Kate McKinnon Eats Food from the Garbage - Duration: 3:47.
😃👊 Learn English Words: VIM - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:11.
Vim energy; enthusiasm
The lively singer's vim came off as a little too enthusiastic.
Although most people dread turning 40, the enthusiastic woman embraced the big 4-0 with
as much vim and vigor as she possible.
Las Vegas is a fast-paced environment filled with spirited vim.
After losing a few pounds, the dieter was energized again with vim and vigor.
The girl's enthusiastic and youthful vim outshined all the other energy in the room.
Vim energy; enthusiasm
Vim energy; enthusiasm
Vim energy; enthusiasm
👨💰 Learn English Words: PARVENU - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:46.
Parvenu an individual who moves from a lower economic and social class to a higher one
while remaining an outsider
To the town's oldest and wealthiest families, the lottery winner was a parvenu who would
never be welcome in their social circle.
Mark realized his sudden wealth would not change the fact society's elite saw him
as a parvenu or social climber.
Even though Tom married into a rich family, he was still considered a parvenu by his bride's
snobby family.
When the parvenu won the lottery, he joined a country club in an attempt to fit in with
the other well-off citizens.
Although Gail received a large inheritance from a distant cousin, she was still treated
like an unwanted parvenu by the upper crust of society.
Parvenu an individual who moves from a lower economic and social class to a higher one
while remaining an outsider
Parvenu an individual who moves from a lower economic and social class to a higher one
while remaining an outsider
Parvenu an individual who moves from a lower economic and social class to a higher one
while remaining an outsider
Reasons of drawning into REACTIVITY - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 10:57.
and sometimes it comes to people who through some apparent accident
accidentally lose everything that they thought they where life takes it away
from them strips you of all the things that you've
been hanging on to and then you are left with this bear I am a deep sense of
beingness aliveness or presence
everything has been removed from you
that works too or here it works in many different ways this in some places they
may not come to teachings like this
somebody may lose become a refugee lose their homes loss does it sometimes so
this is emerging now on a larger scale for the first time on the planet
thousands of years ago that realization came to one human being the first
flowering of human consciousness the first realization who I am beyond form
and it is quite possible that that person was a person whose existence on
this planet goes back into the legendary past we know even less about him than we
know about Jesus or Buddha and there's the legend in India of Krishna and
Krishna may well have been the first human to have realized that I mentioned
within and over time now the amazing thing is that some humans recognized
something in in him they recognized something of themselves in him but
didn't fully know that that was what was happening that they recognized something
of themselves a pure aversion an undiluted version of themselves
an unobscured version of themselves and over time they associated the formless
consciousness that was emerging with the form of the person and so the person
became a kind of God in people's eyes in people's thoughts but of course that
realization is the emergence of the formless it is not off a person of a
form it does not belong to any form it comes when the form becomes somehow
transparent is no longer obscured by the density of mental and emotional
structures and so that was perhaps the first flowering and then came others
here and there and gradually the possibility of this happening this
realization could not come on this planet until now for the simple reason
that the need for it was not there yet
they where preparations one could say almost for the shift in consciousness
the early flowerings prototypes exactly the same happened as I mentioned before
when flowers first appeared on the planet millions of years of plant life
without flowers and one day one plant developed a flower which is one could
see another dimension of plant life
thousands of years later another flower thousand years later two flowers until
finally suddenly a profusion of flowers all over the planet
our human evolutionary stage the way humans where we are now is coming to an
end the cycle of thought not that thought will not operate anymore but
humans are going beyond having to rely predominantly on thought they're going
beyond needing to derive their identity from thought and this is a momentous
event why is it happening now for the simple reason that it has to happen now
because the old consciousness is becoming increasingly dysfunctional
which is normal at the end of an evolutionary cycle things don't work
anymore and so even that is fine even the madness that you'll be witness on
the planet now and the witnessed in past centuries even the madness is good is
ultimately part of what is meant to be ultimately and part of it is also
recognizing madness as madness recognizing dysfunction as dysfunction
is equally important so let this this is an event that goes far beyond this room
because on the surface of things not much is happening here a person speaking
some people are listening
and yet it is part already of the transformation of human consciousness on
the planet not significant enough it is not what fit into the news usually
although it can happen it's happened but it's rare it's not to a large extent not
yet a newsworthy event all the ones this teaching was on the national news in
Canada but it's rare and they only gave it two and a half minutes but it's the
beginning so don't believe entirely don't believe that what you hear or see
on television is the entire truth and is the complete news of what's happening on
this planet there's a lot happening that is not being mentioned on the news and
what is not being mentioned on the news is more significant than that which is
mentioned beware of being drawn into reactivity when you watch events
happening in the world either interfered or into anger or into despair could
happen when you watch the news on television be there as a witnessing
presence compassionate that comes naturally with the witnessing presence
be there alert just as you watch the tree or the flower you can watch the
news or just as you sit with the past who is in pain and talking to you you
can watch the news in that way let it happen within a field of peace who is
going to bring peace to this world if not you and if enough people watch the
news with in a field of peace even the news will change it's all happening in
consciousness the collective dream of humanity is changing the collective
nightmare is changing we are waking up out of the collective nightmare to some
extent you could say that all of phenomenal existence is a kind of dream
but it becomes a more beautiful dream
Virtual Reality Pictionary with Kate McKinnon and Patton Oswalt - Duration: 8:26.
Michael Shannon Dishes on Filming The Shape of Water - Duration: 5:26.
👎 Learn English Words: UNBEFITTING - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:08.
Unbefitting not suitable or compatible
The tacky looking dress was unbefitting for a royal duchess.
Spitting on the sidewalk is unbefitting a true gentleman with manners.
Although the woman though the couch would look good in her home, it was actually unbefitting.
The nurse's nasty personality was unbefitting, since those working in a helping profession
should be kind and compassionate.
Since he still wanted to play the field, the bachelor's lifestyle was unbefitting with
Unbefitting not suitable or compatible
Unbefitting not suitable or compatible
Unbefitting not suitable or compatible
🇹 👀 Learn English Words: PERPENDICULAR - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:20.
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
After the dying plant was watered for several days, it grew upright and perpendicular to
the dirt.
When the geometry teacher drew a perpendicular line on the horizontal line, she created two
ninety-degree angles.
The cross is made of two wooden boards with one of them placed in a perpendicular position
over the other one.
Holding your arms straight out will put them perpendicular to your frame.
The intersection was created by paving a perpendicular road in the middle of another road.
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
Michael Shannon Once Worked at a Pet Store - Duration: 3:04.
BREAKING: Puerto Rico's Officials BUSTED… This Is PURE INSANITY!! - Duration: 3:01.
BREAKING: Puerto Rico's Officials BUSTED…
When the hurricanes swept through Puerto Rico earlier this year, officials on the island
were caught literally throwing away aid sent by President Trump, we previously reported.
Shocking video showed literally entire cases of food and water just discarded like trash
as people on the island were still suffering from the devastation caused from the storms."Fully
packed meals in Trash Dumpster in Patilla, P.R. and Starvation still in effect in most
of the island," the video's caption reads.
Meanwhile, Puerto Rican officials like San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz were publicly
bashing the President's relief effort and accused him of not being serious enough about
helping the people on the storm-ravaged island.Eventually Congress approved an aid package for Puerto
Rico totaling some $15.3 billion, yes that's billion, with Puerto Rico's leaders requesting
$94 billion total.
Unfortunately, we're now learning what at least $100 million of that aid went to, and
it has U.S. taxpayers absolutely enraged…rightfully so.
From Breitbart News:
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello Nevares asked federal taxpayers to pay $94 billion
towards the island's recovery from Hurricane Maria, then reportedly spent $100 million
on Christmas bonuses for the territory's government employees.
The governor's aides argue that the bonuses had been part of the budget approved last
summer and that they are a longstanding tradition allowed under the law, the Washington Times
Puerto Rico's financial oversight board, established by Congress in 2016 to bail the
territory out of defaulting on its debt, called the bonuses "imprudent" and said the governor
should rethink his allocation of government funds in light of the recent hurricanes.
What in the actual hell?
For what?
Destroying the country?
"Puerto Rico has demonstrated time and time again that its government is incapable of
responsibly handling its finances.
This is yet another such instance," said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), a member of the
House committee with oversight over Puerto Rico.
President Trump rightfully pointed out that Puerto Rico's finances are in a mess, which
is why they needed American aid to begin with.
For the territory to pay out a hundred million dollars in bonuses is nothing more than a
slap in the face to Americans and even more proof that we need to sump that hellhole and
cut our losses.
After all, if they can't figure out how to live within their means on their own, there's
no reason the rest of us should have to support their ridiculous pending habits.
Absolutely outrageous.
Deep-Dish BBQ Pizza | Food Network - Duration: 1:12.
BREAKING: Black Thug Whose Son Got Rescued By President Trump Made Shock Move Against His OWN KID - Duration: 3:55.
BREAKING: Black Thug Whose Son Got Rescued By President Trump Just Made Shock Move Against
His OWN KID Scumbag father of the year LaVar Ball has
hit a snag in his plans for his offspring.
The father of UCLA guard LiAngelo Ball is now planning to withdraw his son from school.
WHY you may ask?
Well, apparently UCLA feels that LiAngelo�s shoplifting in China is a huge deal and has
suspended him indefinitely from the team.Sure, it was an international incident that threatened
to spark a diplomatic crisis and required the intervention of the U.S. president.
But according to LaVar?
It was no big deal!
LaVar said of the incident �Everybody is making it a big deal.
It ain�t that big of a deal.��
LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley � three athletes playing for UCLA were caught shoplifting
sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store in China.
What does that say about the U.S. culture of entitlement?
UCLA basketball players felt entitled to steal when they have so much and so much to lose.Rather
than allow his son to accept his punishment and get his comeuppance for his serious lack
of judgment?
Well its Daddy to the rescue bailing the Baby Baller out of the trouble he landed himself
into causing UCLA to take the action to suspend him indefinitely.
When LaVar was asked how LiAngelo felt about being withdrawn from school?
Well, the Big Baller had this to say �
�My boy is loyal to me.
I tried to let UCLA deal with the process and he should have been playing the next week.�What
part of your son was caught STEALING in a COMMUNIST country where he was a GUEST and
a representative of the UNITED STATES failed to sink into your thick, entitled head?
Does it occur to you that your son nearly caused an international incident and the likelihood
of him finding a school that is going to deal with THAT level of headache and potential
drama so he can play basketball is likely nihil?
UCLA basketball couch Steve Alford said in a statement �
�We learned today of LiAngelo Ball�s intention to withdraw from UCLA.
We respect the decision he and his family have made, and we wish him all the best in
the future.�
Which is more than likely PR speak for � �We�re glad your problem child is leaving!�
His father has thus far shown no indication that what his son did was bad, very bad.
Instead LaVar continues to insist that this was simply no big deal and that LiAngelo should
be allowed to play and continue on with no repercussions for his actions whatsoever.
No accountability.
Gee I think this may be a large part of the issue??
LiAngelo is the middle child of Ball�s three sons.
The oldest son is Lonzo.
He is a rookie with the LA Lakers after playing one successful season at UCLA.
LiAngelo however, never played a regular season game for the Bruins during his short tenure
at the school.
The Ball family is known for their expensive �Big Baller Brand� clothing and shoes.
The family is all about showing off and entitlement.
In an episode of their Facebook reality show �Ball In The Family,� LaVar livestreams
getting LiAngelo a Ferrari insisting it won�t change his son and he wasn�t being spoiled.On
an episode of �The Ellen DeGeneres Show,� LiAngelo Ball�s big brother Lonzo, a Los
Angeles Laker rookie, said this about the family-brand sneakers priced between $495
dollars and $695 dollars a pair, �If you�re not dedicated and disciplined enough to go
do whatever to go get the shoes, you�re not a big baller.�
President Trump: Women explain the sexual assault and harassment allegations against him - Duration: 5:40.
Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roger Ailes and many others all lost their
jobs after claims of sexual misconduct but Donald Trump remains still in his
post as president despite a dozen women making allegations against him.
Ranging from harassment to sexual assault and rape.
The U.S. president denies any wrongdoing.
Every woman lied when they came forward
to hurt my campaign.
Total fabrication.
The events never happened. Never.
All of these liars who'd (inaudible) after the election is over.
Jessica Leeds says Trump groped her on a flight, after a stewardess asked her
to sit next to him.
He was grabbing my breasts and trying to turn me towards him
and kissing me and then after a bit that's when his hand started going.
I was wearing a skirt and his hands started going towards my knee and up my skirt.
Trump has denounced Leeds account as fiction.
Trump's first wife Ivana accused him of raping her in a divorce deposition.
Ivana later softened the allegation before saying it was totally without merit.
Trump also denies groping model Kristen Anderson in a New York nightclub.
I was on the couch with my girlfriends. - This was at a club?
It was at a club and I was talking to them and next thing I know there's a
hand up my skirt and I basically just pushed the hand away turned and looked,
got up off the couch and we all moved.
Jill Hart said the Trump made unwanted advances and groped her
while she was trying to negotiate a business with him.
He pushed me up against the wall and had his hands all over me and tried to
get up my dress again and I had to physically say what are you doing?
Stop it! It was a shocking thing to have him do.
This in a tweet Trump called the story false malicious and libellous.
Former Miss Utah temple Taggart said that Trump repeatedly kissed her on the lips.
He's married this is awkward for me he's much older.
This is not at all what I came here for.
Trump said in a statement
I emphatically deny this ridiculous claim.
Kathy Heller also said the Trump
kissed her on the lips in front of her husband and family.
He denies it.
Karen Virginia said the Trump touched her right breast.
I was in shock, I flinched.
Don't you know who I am? Don't you know who I am? That's what he said to me.
Trump's team said the story was a politically motivated smear.
Mindy MacGillivray said the Trump grabbed her backside
at an event at his mar-a-lago estate in Florida.
I was standing front centre and like leaning toward Ray Charles
as much as I can. Sort of trying to push forward maybe for a hug,
maybe for a photograph.
And at that moment I felt like a little like a little,
like maybe a lift almost, on it on the cheek. Like oh I want to call it a nudge or a
grab but it was sort of like this.
Like you're just kind of feeling it. It was a feel.
I was startled I was I stood up really tall and I looked back at him.
He didn't make eye contact with me so to me it didn't seem like an accident.
It didn't feel like an accident.
A Trump spokesman said the allegation lacks any merit or veracity.
Rachel Crooks was working as a receptionist in
Trump Tower when she says that Trump kissed her inappropriately.
Trump said none of this ever took place.
People magazine writer Natasha Stoyanov
said that Trump pushed her against a wall and forced his tongue down her throat.
Trump called her account lies.
You take a look. Look at her. look at her words.
You tell me what you think. I don't think so. I don't think so.
Jessica Drake was an adult film actress and director when she agreed to
meet Trump with two other women.
When we entered the room he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and
kissed each one of us without asking permission.
She also said that he offered her $10,000 to spend a night with her.
Trump called that story total fiction.
Former apprentice contestant Summer Zervos said the Trump kissed her on the lips and groped her.
He put me in embrace in an embrace and I tried to push him away.
I pushed his chest, put space between us and I said come on man get real.
He repeated my words back to me, "get real", as he began thrusting his genitals.
Trump's team called her allegations absurd.
She is suing him for defamation.
【加點吉拿棒】阿滴挑戰星戰經典台詞接力 同時還能教英文?!│ 《STAR WARS:最後的絕地武士》 - Duration: 10:20.
T@B Off Road 320 RS - Duration: 0:56.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 B.jet Exclusive - Duration: 0:57.
Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI 110pk Business | Comfortstoelen - Duration: 1:03.
La Linguisterie #7 - L'aire de Broca est-elle vraiment l'aire du langage? - Duration: 12:38.
¿Es rentable la I Amsterdam card ?Que incluye? Holanda #4 - Duration: 3:32.
As we have seen in previous videos Amsterdam is a city with
many things to do. While walking lost their
streets and canals is the appeal principal, surely you want to achieve
more activities. We opted to buy the card
I Amsterdam city tourist card, which think much before doing so because
indeed the cost is somewhat high. You have different types of cards depending
time, 24 hours 48, 72, or 96 hours. We chose the 72 hours.
Attractions. Some attractions like the visits to churches Oudekerk,
Newekerk, or Our Lady of the attic They are included, but not rise to the
Oude Kerk tower, or Westerkerk tower..
The museums. Not repeat rates and explanations of museums that already
did the previous video, we'll leave here for checks. But you have tickets
virtually all important museums,
although not included and Rijkmuseum just you have a discount.
Canal cruise. you have around four companies among which
you can choose to make the journey through channels.
unlimited public transportation. You can take buses, metro, or tram
during the days that you have activated your card. Does not include the train between
Amsterdam Central and the airport, if not you saw the video of our arrival
here's the link.
Like all tourist card,it includes discounts in some shops
If it is profitable or not it will depend on activities do you think
during their stay. Become a spreadsheet and scores prices and so see if you go
to get even or not. In our case it has been profitable.
our video ends here today, We hope you liked,
If so do not forget to subscribe and like him. Until next time !
제17강 수동태 문장2 (초급 영문법) - Duration: 3:01.
J Sexton
For more infomation >> J Sexton-------------------------------------------
BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Panorama Dak - Duration: 0:52.
For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Panorama Dak - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
La Linguisterie #7 - L'aire de Broca est-elle vraiment l'aire du langage? - Duration: 12:38.
For more infomation >> La Linguisterie #7 - L'aire de Broca est-elle vraiment l'aire du langage? - Duration: 12:38.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO PLAY WITH JAPANESE PLAYERS ? The zoning in Splatoon 2 - Duration: 5:51.
How does matchmaking work? how do Splatfests work?
what are the messages we can see in Inkopolis?
In general, how does zoning work in Splatoon 2?
This is what we're gonna see in this video
First, you must know that I'm making this video from the 2.0.1 version of Splatoon 2
There are many things which can be modified by Nintendo like matchmaking
And so, potentially many information of this video may change in the future
But first of all, you must know that two things determine your game experience:
the version of the game you have,
and your localisation
You have to know that there are 3 versions of the game:
a European one, an American one and a Japanese one
And the version of the game you have will have an impact on 3 elements:
First, the language of your game
The language of your game depends on the language of your Nintendo Switch, which you can change.
But depending on the version, the language will be slightly different.
If you have a European version and your Nintendo Switch is in French
So your Splatoon 2 game will be in French
But, if you have an American version, it will be in French but in Canadian version.
So slightly different.
And on a special note, the Japanese version does not contain any other language than Japanese
So whatever is the language of your Nintendo Switch,
your Japanese game will be in Japanese
And if you can't read Japanese you won't understand a thing.
Next, the version of the game you have determines the messages you will see in Inkopolis Square
The messages that we see with the European version
are the messages that people with the European version published
And if you have a Japanese version of the game like me
Well you will see the messages that people with the Japanese version published
So it's impossible for us in Europe to see messages from American versions
and vice versa
And the third element that is impacted by the version
is the Splatfests you will able to make.
Indeed if you have a European version you will be able to join the European Splatfest
If you have an American version you will be able to join the American Splatfest
And If you have a Japanese version, the Japanese Splatfest
It's seems logic but it's doesn't depend on where you are in the world
It means that if you are in Japan and you have a European version of the game,
You will only be able to join European Splatfests and not Japanese Splatfests
The second thing is the localization
And this is what has an impact on the matchmaking
in other words on the players you will meet online.
For that, the game analyses your internet connection
And determines your location and makes you play against players near you
in order to make the connection between players faster and to avoid lag problems
And it was a good idea from Nintendo originally,
But there are many problems, the first one is if you want to play a Splatfest out of your region
Me for example, I have also a Japanese version.
But when I want to play the Japanese Splatfests, my location prevents me from playing with Japanese players
And I play the Splatfest with the few players in Europe who also have a Japanese version.
Which means... almost nobody and it's very hard to find people to play with.
The other problem is for top players
who complain that the European players' level is lowe than the Japanese players'
And they can improve less than in Splatoon 1
in which they could meet everyone.
Our location prevents us from meeting Japanese people
And there are people who don't like that.
There is actually a method to avoid this problem
But this solution has a cost..
And needs some knowledge in informatics.
This method is to use a VPN that enables you to make your internet connection 'believe' that you are in another contry than yours
There are many methods to do that and before making this video, I tried this myself
I can confirm it, it works.
I'm not a expert in data processing so here I will present you very quickly how I made this
And I will put in the description,
some links to find the tools I bought for that.
you must know that when wyou are on a computer, to use a VPN is pretty simple,
You have to subscribe to a program running on your computer
And when you go on the internet this program change syour location.
to sum up, this is how it works.
But in our case, we must change the location of our Nintendo Switch
And the best solution, I think,
is to buy a rooter on which you're gonna set up a VPN.
Next, instead of connecting your Switch to your internet box
You will connect it to the rooter which will be connected to the internet box.
And the VPN of this rooter will determine your position.
You must know that this type of setting makes your internet connection slower
and will be good only with a VERY good internet connection at first.
I have the optical fiber and locating me in Japan
damages massively my connection, but it's still ok to play Splatoon 2
When I want to do something else, I reset my location in Europe.
And when I say it has a cost, the rooter I have costs 150€ (~177$)
And the VPN I subscribed to that enables me to change my location wherever I want in the world,
costs arround 10€ (~12$) per month
There are rooters at different costs and VPN subscriptions at different costs too.
I don't know a lot about it
and so, if you are interested by these
I invite you to find out what is the optimal tools for you.
Indeed, it's a investment that is not accessible for all
But that can be a good solution for some players, notably for those who truly want to play against Japanese players.
With that, I can play against them in every mode
And also in league matches, inly if I am hosting the session,
Because, if it's another person who hosts and I join him, suddenly, we get back against European peole.
there is another solution more simple, finally, to play with Japanese people
you have bond with Japanese peole. You add them as friends on the Nintendo Switch,
you join their games or you play league with them...
...and you will play against Japanese.
But yes, to have Japanese friends, it's not always simple.
I think I said everything about zoning and how to meet other players in different zones.
Tell me in the comment section if you enjoyed this video and if you think about using this VPN alternative
It's not accessible for all, but I'm interested to know if you think about it.
I hope you enjoyed this video.
Don't hesitate to show it pressing the like button and with a share,
It was EvilSquid, see you for a next video!
See ya!
For more infomation >> HOW TO PLAY WITH JAPANESE PLAYERS ? The zoning in Splatoon 2 - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
🇹 👀 Learn English Words: PERPENDICULAR - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:20.
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
After the dying plant was watered for several days, it grew upright and perpendicular to
the dirt.
When the geometry teacher drew a perpendicular line on the horizontal line, she created two
ninety-degree angles.
The cross is made of two wooden boards with one of them placed in a perpendicular position
over the other one.
Holding your arms straight out will put them perpendicular to your frame.
The intersection was created by paving a perpendicular road in the middle of another road.
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
Perpendicular precisely upright or vertical at a ninety-degree angle
For more infomation >> 🇹 👀 Learn English Words: PERPENDICULAR - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
L'avant-scène/Wael Alkak "A cause du 1er album, on me classe dans le politique " - Duration: 8:46.
For more infomation >> L'avant-scène/Wael Alkak "A cause du 1er album, on me classe dans le politique " - Duration: 8:46.-------------------------------------------
MAQUILLAGE ARTISTIQUE : La Reine des Glaces | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 6/24 - Duration: 5:40.
Today I'm an Ice Queen
but not a regular one
I wanted to be mysterious
and kinda weird!
I put my Hidrocharm Ice contacts from Solotica on
and now I cover my brows with a glue stick
I comb the hairs to the top and
then apply some powder with a puff
I now apply my foundation from Huda Beauty
I apply it all over my face with
a beauty blender
I apply some concealer that I blend with my beauty blender
I put some on my brows too but I don't really care
about hiding the color as I will stick something on later
I apply some white flash color with a beauty blender as well
I set everything with a translucent loose powder
I apply star powder 967 from MUFE
to give my face a frozen look
on my light points
I start my eyes with Aqua MAtic M10 from MUFE
I already put some on my waterline and now
I do my base on my lower lash line
I smudge
I apply it on my lids until the crease
I smudge
I use 35N palette from Morphe
I start with this shade as my
transition color. I use Zoeva brush 231
and put it between my skin and the black pencil
I apply it on my crease too
Take your time to do a beautiful blending, it has
to be smokey
Once I'm done I apply black on top of my pencil
I start with the lower lash line
and then my lids
I make sure the two colors are blended together
There is always an empty line on the lash line
so make sure it's blacken using an eyeliner
I now apply this shade on my face
I sculpt by starting with my cheeks
If you find the result too hard use a puff
I continue with the rest of my face
I apply 157 lashes from Eylure
I use Drug Lord from JSC as a mascara
this is one of my all time favorite products
I can't live without it!
With a glittery hot glue I created this shape
and I will use it as my eyebrows
So I glue it with some
lash glue or spirit gum
I now apply some crystals I bought
at some random chinese shop
I only put some at the head of the brows
I made some stalactite shapes with the same
hot glue gun
and I put them on the bottom of my eyes
Do this prior on some baking paper and
then put them on your face once it's dried
I whiten my lips
I will put some glitters on my face so I put some
setting spray first
I apply Iridescent Angle glitters from @itsinyourdreams
Them setting spray helps the glitters to stay
I apply Purgatory from Black Moon on my lips
Only on the center and then I smudge
with my fingers to the edges
Once I'm done I apply the white star powder on top
and the glitters as well
I wanted my hair white obviously
this one is from Eva Hair
I bought this crown on Etsy, I highly recommend this
website if you wanna find some cool stuffs
Thank you for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed it, tell me your thoughts in the comments
Give it a thumbs up if you liked it
Don't forget to subscribe, it makes me
really happy thank you guys!
For more infomation >> MAQUILLAGE ARTISTIQUE : La Reine des Glaces | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 6/24 - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Nói chuyện bằng Tiếng Thái tại quán cắt tóc 用我的破泰语上理发院 - Duration: 7:14.
My hair is so messy!
Hello friends, I'm Ezra
I need a haircut today
so let's go and look for a barber shop together!
Chiang Kham is just a small district,
but it has......
It has 10 barber shops
just within this small district centre
Cut it short on both sides
and not too short here
... I couldn't see
Couldn't see? Wear spectacles first
Is there a lot of white hair?
Ya, a lot
Oh, a lot!
(Can I) dye it?
Dye hair is it?
Black colour
Want black colour?
This is also black, but a bit of dark brownish
while this is pure black
Is it same price?
Same, but this is black
while this is dark brown
Wow, you speak English very well
Not well, I just read what it says here: "dark brown"
(I'll take) this
This is dark brown
This is black
Want this? ok
Ya, pure black doesn't look good
Where are you come from?
Malaysia? Very good, you can speak Thai
Little bit
Where are you staying now?
(I'm) Staying at the Christian youth centre (Also known as Christian pharmacy among the locals)
Oh, Youth Centre. Mom Naree (The person-in-charge)
Oh? You know Mom Naree and Father Inkhian?
Tell mom that you have come to this shop
Na Deng (her name)
tell Mom Naree: "Na Deng cut my hair"
and mother will know
Mom knows?
She knows, she knows me
Does mom come here for haircut often?
I never cut mom's hair
but did cut for Father before
So what are you doing here? a teacher?
Ya, English and Mandarin teacher
Are you teaching in Chiang Kham school?
No, teaching in the youth centre
What is your name?
Wow, I couldn't pronounce that
Ezra is a Christian name
I'm a Malaysian Chinese
So what is your Chinese name?
Chinese (name)? 陈 Tan
How old are you?
27? Oh you are younger than my son
Since you are 27, do you have a lover?
(I couldn't catch the question so she repeated:)
Do you have a lover?
No, I don't have.
so you can get one here in Thailand
Why are there so many barber shops in Chiang Kham?
Who recommended you to this shop?
Or are you coming by yourself?
you come by yourself?
or others recommended you here?
(I couldn't understand these questions at that moment)
Very handsome!
Handsome, handsome
How much is it?
400 Baht
Thanks everyone for watching
Don't forget to like and share if you <3 this
To know more about my life in Thailand,
kindly SUBSCRIBE for the latest updates!
See you again, bye!
For more infomation >> Nói chuyện bằng Tiếng Thái tại quán cắt tóc 用我的破泰语上理发院 - Duration: 7:14.-------------------------------------------
Johnny Hallyday est parti, revenant sur la vie de l'idole française. P10 - Duration: 2:16.
For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday est parti, revenant sur la vie de l'idole française. P10 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Johnny Hallyday est parti, revenant sur la vie de l'idole française. P17 - Duration: 2:32.
For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday est parti, revenant sur la vie de l'idole française. P17 - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
Mary, Did You Know? Official ...
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET DYNAMIC AIRCO-ECC / AUDIO / CRUISE CTR. / LMV / TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:54.
REACTIVATE & EUPHORIA - AFTERVLOG #106 - Duration: 12:24.
Hello loves
Hi best viewers
Welcome at our new vlog
It's Saturday
Half past six
Half past six, really
-It's a little late
Because we went to Amsterdam yesterday
- And it was heavy!
And now we're going to REactivate
We're going to take you with us, It's not going to be a long video
It goes about the atmosphere that we want to share with you
Enjoy watching!
- We're really boring
Bye, greetings
Greetings home
- We're quite today
Same location, different party
Let's go for it!
We thought we're going home but
And now we're at Euphoria
Where do we begin
Saturday it was time for REactivate
We went to Amsterdam the day before
That Friday
So we had a little hangover
But we wanted really bad to REactivate
Because we had that in our planning
So we went to there at half past six
It was a good time to go
in the night the best dj's were playing
We did we see?
D-Block & S-te-Fan
Pavo& Zany
He had a very good set
And 2Sidez were playing also a very nice set
They were our two favorites of the night
Then we thought our night was finished
But we had a brilliant idea
to go to Euphoria
at 013 in Tilburg
It was very nice but
it had a really different atmosphere, also because of the music
Also a big difference was the sound at both parties
at Reactivate the sound was really loud
and at Euphoria the sound was less louder
that because of the location
and also the music
that's why you heard a little difference in sound I think
I can't do anything about it
I'm sorry
But we had a great evening and night last Saturday
I want to thank you for watching
Don't forget to like and subscribe
Almost got 2k subscribers
Very nice!
Also very nice that we met a lot of people
last weeekend
Friday you can find us at Epic Hard
and Saturday at Snakepit
Also very exciting
and also this Friday I'm uploading an extra video
namely of an tv program where I was as a guest yesterday
I let you know this Friday
Enjoy your week
And see you soon!
Hi guys welcome to the first episode of "Easy-peasy with Mong"
Please pardon the cheesy name, we couldn't really think of any other names
..but basically this is a new series that I've come up with to teach you guys
the really simple basic makeup techniques and tips that I have for beginners, so if
you're a beginner that really doesn't know much about makeup, and are looking to start
experimenting with makeup, then I hope you guys find this series useful!
Today we will be doing a very highly requested one - and that is how to do
gradient lips! I love gradient lips because it's a very soft and very
natural and sweet way of applying lipstick. It makes you look like
you have very kissable lips. So, today I have put together four different types of
gradient lips to show you guys and they are all like super super simple so let's
get started! I don't have anything on my lips right now. If you can see, I have
really dry lips and that is why I can't really go for like super matte liquid
lipsticks. The first technique I'm going to show you guys is also one that
I always go for and that is just using one lipstick. I'm just gonna be dabbing
the color right in the center of my lips
Just gently purse the lips. Make sure it doesn't go too far outside
Dab the rest on and use your fingers. You just want to gently blur out the sides
of the harsh lines
..and there you have it!
For the second gradient lip technique, we are using two lipsticks
one lighter color and one darker color. I decided to go with one really nice
orange color and a pretty hot red color on the inside. We want to be applying the
lighter shade all across the lips,
then we want to take the darker shade and just apply it in the center of the lips, and then use your fingers
gently blend it out! Third type of gradient lips - use a concealer. What you
want to do is to first conceal the side of your lips and use your
fingers to blur out the lines of your lips at the side. Take a lip color and apply
it in the middle of your lips
Last but not least, this is a totally different kind of gradient lip
What I would do is to take a dark brown eye shadow color and we are gonna
be doing a more gothic gradient lip. With that, I'll be using this kind of dark
red color and applying it
then I would take an eye shadow brush loaded up with a little bit of dark eye shadow
This gives off a very vampy, sultry effect.
And that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed this Easy-peasy with Mong tutorial about gradient lips and hope
you guys learnt a little bit more about how to create them. They're actually really
really easy and really simple so any beginner can do it as long as you own a
lipstick. I hope you guys enjoyed this video! If you did, don't forget to
subscribe! Talk to me in the comments, like and share
this video as well and I'll see you next time! Bye!
WINTER WONDERLAND RAVE - Blijdorp Winter Festival 2017 - Duration: 4:18.
Hi! You may think; Alennah we've seen this outfit before, and that's true. Last year to Blijdorp Winter Festival I wore exactly the same thing.
But you know, Blijdorp is a zoo, I'm a giraffe and it's both indoor and outdoor, so what's better than a onesie which also opens easily?!
Let me show you... and than you can wrap it around your waist!
I'm quite excited because last year I really enjoyed myself.
The atmosphere was great, there were igloos, hot chocolate, great music, great party!
Once again the festival as a great lineup.
I'm going there in a second, it's from 13:00 - 01:00 and I have to admit, it's 1 PM right now, so I'm a bit late.
I'm going there soon! I'll be taking you with me and I'll see you there!
From 1 to 10, how cold are you right now? 12...
We've just arrived, everything went really smooth.
I'm happy to say that's a bit warmer inside than outside. We're getting a locker now and then it's time to dance!
The atmosphere here is sooo good. But it's way too cold outside
We're having a small pee break and then we're heading inside again as quick as possible.
But I'm really enjoying myself so far!
Don't think I've ever gotten so many compliments on my outfit ever before!
Hey guys, we're heading home now. Slightly earlier than I'd normally go
but for those who don't know I managed to get a dislocated nerve between my ribs, which I think is a talent on itself.
Sadly today it hurt quite bad, so I'm going home a bit early! But I had such a good time!
The atmosphere was even better than last year, it was really cold though, but what can you do.
I just really enjoyed it. The food was great, music was great, such great people as well.
I'm going now, because it's way too cold! Like, subscribe, I'll see you soon!
La Linguisterie #7 - L'aire de Broca est-elle vraiment l'aire du langage? - Duration: 12:38.
Volkswagen Golf Variant Highline Business R 1.5TSI/150pk · Achteruitrijcamera · Dynaudio · Adapti - Duration: 0:54.
Slovenia to Croatia by Bus Travel Vlog - Duration: 11:19.
Good morning guys.
So today it is our last day here in Slovenia in Ljubljana and we are going to Croatia for
the first time.
The start of our Balkan adventures begins right now.
What we have to do right - it is early Sunday morning and we're going to be walking over
to the bus station.
It is about a 20 minutes walk from our AirBNB that we just checked out of.
And then we're catching a bus (tickets = 11.50 Euros per person) and it is going to actually
the route veers through Italy and then we're crossing in through the border.
So yeah we'll be stopping in Trieste.
We have an hour and a half.
Gotta switch buses and we'll have to do immigration.
So it is going to be a bit of a long day but what we're hoping to do is get some nice Italian
Maybe some pizza, maybe a cappuccino.
Maybe some Italian baked goods too.
So we're looking forward to lunch.
Anyways we'll show you the journey and yeah let's get started.
Time for an update.
We've arrived at the station.
Lovely hair happening.
So number 30 platform 30 is FlixBus.
It looks like this is the only platform for the bus company we're traveling with.
Yeah, so just hanging out here waiting.
I'm just show you a pan so over here where my finger is pointing that is the main bus
station so most of the other buses are actually down that way.
We're kind of away from most of the other buses.
Also something to keep in mind the train station is right across from the bus terminal.
And a lot of people were getting confused and going to the train station thinking they
were buying bus tickets.
Yeah, and trying to board buses with a train tickets.
Which is horrible.
I don't know if they do refunds but the yellow building is the train station, the grey one
that looks like nothing that is your bus terminal.
So if you find yourself here be aware.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, we actually saw that on our trip to Bled.
It was so sad.
Yeah some poor guy ran into the train station and bought a ticket and then he couldn't board
the bus.
But anyways what did you think of our time in Slovenia?
Well, we really enjoyed it.
I mean we were mostly based out of Ljubljana so in the city but yesterday we took our day
trip to Lake Bled and we got to see a little bit of the countryside and it is really beautiful.
It reminded us a little bit of Austria in a way but like so much cheaper and yeah it
was good.
Yeah, I thought this was a great like a great value country.
I thought like in terms of services and like just everything like it is up to par with
a lot of other like more expensive places in Europe but yet you get really good value
here so highly recommend travel in Slovenia.
We'd like to come back and do some more travel here for sure.
So our bus was over an hour late.
An hour and ten minutes to be precise.
We're not sure if we're going to make our connection so it is going to be tight.
I think we will.
It is going to be very tight.
I think we'll make it.
I hope so.
Oh my gosh.
Just in the nick of time.
Not a second to spare.
We made it.
Are you filming this?
Oh my gosh.
We just barely made our connection.
Oh wow.
I feel so relieved.
I really didn't think we would get it so.
This is the best news so we should still be on time.
We made it by like 3 minutes that is all.
That is it.
How do you like bus travel Sam?
Well, I'd say at this point I'm a little tired.
I've been sleeping the whole way.
You have.
I haven't.
I've been filming the whole time.
Oh yeah.
The film maker.
So basically we crossed the border here.
So we're currently in Istria.
And we need to travel all the way down to Pula at the very bottom.
That was one of the easiest border crossings ever.
Oh yeah.
The guy came on the border control came onto the bus, we handed over our passports, got
stamps and then we were off on our way.
It took like 5 minutes.
10 minutes at most.
For the whole bus.
So that was awesome.
Well we've arrived at last.
We sure have and it is about four thirty so we're just going to roll out to our airbnb.
It is a short walk from here.
Then food.
I'm thinking risotto.
I've been thinking about risotto the whole journey.
We're absolutely ravenous at this point because we only packed enough snacks for like a morning
Yeah, we were planning to have pizza in Italy.
We were going to have an hour and a half.
That didn't happen.
To kill.
That didn't happen.
Anyways, we're very fortunate to have made that bus though so we will go drop off our
bags and then it is all about the food.
Dun dun dun.
We have stopped to admire the Pula arena.
We were walking and Sam is like wow.
Just wow.
It is incredible and the sun is about to set not too long from now so I mean it is amazing
It is beautifully lit.
And apparently we're not too far from here.
No, just like a block down.
We will be back.
(Rolling sounds)
Made it to the airbnb.
Now we're going to fetch the key.
It is supposed to be in here.
Is it?
Found the key.
Is it.
We found the key.
Ho ho ho.
So nice not having to meet someone to check in.
So anti-social.
It is not so much that.
I just don't like waiting.
Alright, we found somewhere.
Actually the first few places we've tried have been closed.
Places are closed already.
What is it Saturday?
Oh, it is a Sunday.
So yeah.
There you go.
In the off-season.
Well, well.
Well, well she is fixing her hair.
So what are we going to try here?
Alright, so first up the wine.
We went for a red.
Cha ching.
What is the name of this one?
I believe it was Vranac.
If I remember correctly.
Yeah, it is a dry red.
And what is really cool is that while we were driving through you know the northern tip
of Croatia, as we were coming down here we saw like tonnes of vineyards.
And olive trees.
Olive groves.
And olive groves, exactly.
Yeah, I think we're going to be eating really well.
I found my risotto guys.
Risotto is coming.
What did you get?
And I found my pizza.
Pizza is coming.
We're both happy then.
Yeah, it is the best of both getting what we wanted.
And how is the wine?
OMG it already arrived.
My risotto came out in like 10 minutes.
This is amazing and I got the one with prosciutto, prosciutto.
Why can't I say that?
And pinenuts.
And was it arugula?
I forget.
Oh man, something green.
With a name I can't pronounce.
It looks good.
Oh my gosh.
I've been thinking about risotto all day long.
We're not definitely not going to be the best of food critics at the moment we are so we
are such a hangry stage that anything would taste good.
It does.
But is it good though?
It is good.
Risotto has been really good but look at what else arrived.
I'm already a huge fan of this place.
They brought our food fast.
It was like they knew.
They must have been able to sense our desperation.
Your hanger.
They could read our hanger.
Um, and I can say the food here so far has been awesome.
I tried your risotto it tasted so good.
It was so creamy and cheesy.
And this pizza hasn't been cut so I'm just going to be gnawing on it.
Gnawing on it.
What is on it?
Do you want to tell us?
That is good.
I see prosciutto.
That is really juicy.
Yeah, there is prosciutto, there is ham underneath.
Asparagus, we've got olives, we've got mushrooms.
Oh my.
It is fully jacked.
Like I ordered the full, I ordered the most expensive one so.
I'm hungry I want lots of ingredients.
So we are back at the airbnb.
Sam is chilling.
Chilling like a villain.
We are going to make very good use of this table.
What did we get?
We got ice creams.
They were only 1 Euro each which was 7 in local currency.
And what else?
And we got some local wine.
It was on sale for 28.
Not Euros but local.
The exchange is 1 to 7 right now.
It is a good deal.
Um, yeah.
Satisfied now that we've had some food in our bellies.
Yeah, it was a good meal.
I'm feeling okay now so yeah we're just going to chill and have some wine and we can't wait
to show you some more food and travel videos from Croatia soon.
Bye. Ciao.
1 Student Gets Offended By Costume Teacher Has Worn For 18 Years, Now He's About To Be Fired - Duration: 2:22.
1 Student Gets Offended By Costume Teacher Has Worn For 18 Years, Now He's About To
Be Fired
A high school teacher in Seattle has been put on paid leave after dressing up as Michael
Jordan on Halloween.
Math teacher Peter Colino wore a rubber mask, a jersey with Jordan's number 23, and black
gloves to school, KIRO reported.
Colino said he had worn the same costume for 18 years on Halloween as a way to motivate
students in his class.
He told them Jordan was coming to visit, then walked in the next day in costume and played
a highlight video of Jordan's career.
"He is, to me, the greatest, I'm going to say, athlete of all time and my whole deal
is to honor Michael Jordan," Colino told KIRO.
A parent issued a complaint after a video of Colino was circulated around the school.
The mother, who wished to remain anonymous, received a screenshot from her son and forwarded
it to The Stranger.
"He's never texted me while he was at school, [but] he sent me the picture and I
was just floored," the woman told The Stranger.
"I couldn't even believe the lapse of judgment."
The principal sent an email to Colino telling him to remove the mask for the rest of the
Some students didn't see a problem with Colino's costume.
"I laughed.
It was funny.
I didn't mind it, seemed cool to me," said Dillon Mahone, KIRO reported.
The next day, Colino apologized to all his classes and discussed issues of race with
He explained how he felt about the decision to put him on administrative leave.
"The difficult part for me is I've always done well with trying to bring people together.
I teach kids of all backgrounds and I've been respected and liked as a teacher,"
Colino told KIRO.
In a letter to parents, the principal described Colino's behavior as being "in opposition
to Ingraham's values of racial diversity and inclusivity and have impacted our students
Colino met with the Black Students' Union to apologize.
"We are all able to learn from this and now people know this kind of thing shouldn't
I'm hoping it won't happen again in the future," said Union vice president Eden
HOW TO PLAY WITH JAPANESE PLAYERS ? The zoning in Splatoon 2 - Duration: 5:51.
How does matchmaking work? how do Splatfests work?
what are the messages we can see in Inkopolis?
In general, how does zoning work in Splatoon 2?
This is what we're gonna see in this video
First, you must know that I'm making this video from the 2.0.1 version of Splatoon 2
There are many things which can be modified by Nintendo like matchmaking
And so, potentially many information of this video may change in the future
But first of all, you must know that two things determine your game experience:
the version of the game you have,
and your localisation
You have to know that there are 3 versions of the game:
a European one, an American one and a Japanese one
And the version of the game you have will have an impact on 3 elements:
First, the language of your game
The language of your game depends on the language of your Nintendo Switch, which you can change.
But depending on the version, the language will be slightly different.
If you have a European version and your Nintendo Switch is in French
So your Splatoon 2 game will be in French
But, if you have an American version, it will be in French but in Canadian version.
So slightly different.
And on a special note, the Japanese version does not contain any other language than Japanese
So whatever is the language of your Nintendo Switch,
your Japanese game will be in Japanese
And if you can't read Japanese you won't understand a thing.
Next, the version of the game you have determines the messages you will see in Inkopolis Square
The messages that we see with the European version
are the messages that people with the European version published
And if you have a Japanese version of the game like me
Well you will see the messages that people with the Japanese version published
So it's impossible for us in Europe to see messages from American versions
and vice versa
And the third element that is impacted by the version
is the Splatfests you will able to make.
Indeed if you have a European version you will be able to join the European Splatfest
If you have an American version you will be able to join the American Splatfest
And If you have a Japanese version, the Japanese Splatfest
It's seems logic but it's doesn't depend on where you are in the world
It means that if you are in Japan and you have a European version of the game,
You will only be able to join European Splatfests and not Japanese Splatfests
The second thing is the localization
And this is what has an impact on the matchmaking
in other words on the players you will meet online.
For that, the game analyses your internet connection
And determines your location and makes you play against players near you
in order to make the connection between players faster and to avoid lag problems
And it was a good idea from Nintendo originally,
But there are many problems, the first one is if you want to play a Splatfest out of your region
Me for example, I have also a Japanese version.
But when I want to play the Japanese Splatfests, my location prevents me from playing with Japanese players
And I play the Splatfest with the few players in Europe who also have a Japanese version.
Which means... almost nobody and it's very hard to find people to play with.
The other problem is for top players
who complain that the European players' level is lowe than the Japanese players'
And they can improve less than in Splatoon 1
in which they could meet everyone.
Our location prevents us from meeting Japanese people
And there are people who don't like that.
There is actually a method to avoid this problem
But this solution has a cost..
And needs some knowledge in informatics.
This method is to use a VPN that enables you to make your internet connection 'believe' that you are in another contry than yours
There are many methods to do that and before making this video, I tried this myself
I can confirm it, it works.
I'm not a expert in data processing so here I will present you very quickly how I made this
And I will put in the description,
some links to find the tools I bought for that.
you must know that when wyou are on a computer, to use a VPN is pretty simple,
You have to subscribe to a program running on your computer
And when you go on the internet this program change syour location.
to sum up, this is how it works.
But in our case, we must change the location of our Nintendo Switch
And the best solution, I think,
is to buy a rooter on which you're gonna set up a VPN.
Next, instead of connecting your Switch to your internet box
You will connect it to the rooter which will be connected to the internet box.
And the VPN of this rooter will determine your position.
You must know that this type of setting makes your internet connection slower
and will be good only with a VERY good internet connection at first.
I have the optical fiber and locating me in Japan
damages massively my connection, but it's still ok to play Splatoon 2
When I want to do something else, I reset my location in Europe.
And when I say it has a cost, the rooter I have costs 150€ (~177$)
And the VPN I subscribed to that enables me to change my location wherever I want in the world,
costs arround 10€ (~12$) per month
There are rooters at different costs and VPN subscriptions at different costs too.
I don't know a lot about it
and so, if you are interested by these
I invite you to find out what is the optimal tools for you.
Indeed, it's a investment that is not accessible for all
But that can be a good solution for some players, notably for those who truly want to play against Japanese players.
With that, I can play against them in every mode
And also in league matches, inly if I am hosting the session,
Because, if it's another person who hosts and I join him, suddenly, we get back against European peole.
there is another solution more simple, finally, to play with Japanese people
you have bond with Japanese peole. You add them as friends on the Nintendo Switch,
you join their games or you play league with them...
...and you will play against Japanese.
But yes, to have Japanese friends, it's not always simple.
I think I said everything about zoning and how to meet other players in different zones.
Tell me in the comment section if you enjoyed this video and if you think about using this VPN alternative
It's not accessible for all, but I'm interested to know if you think about it.
I hope you enjoyed this video.
Don't hesitate to show it pressing the like button and with a share,
It was EvilSquid, see you for a next video!
See ya!
How to create a stop-motion video using Kapwing - Duration: 3:36.
Today I'm going to bring you a tool that you can use to create a stop-motion video
from either your videos or in fact a link to your video and that needs to be
online using a tool which again is online at Kapwing.com. My name is Krishna De
You can find me online at www.Krishna.me and here in this example
I'm showing you the latest update from Kapwing. Kapwing.com needs to be used on your
Chrome browser and the feature we've got here is creating a stop-motion video.
You can change the speed - it's very simple - to do so so I've got mine here
set for 'medium'. I could actually change it to being a very fast stop-motion
so it depends what you look into to share. Alternatively I can go to a very slow
stop motion. In my case this is a video that I published on YouTube and it's in
landscape and obviously you can actually try with square videos - that depends what
you are going to do with your content. I'm going to leave it at medium setting.
Underneath it, you can see I've chosen a clip rate of 6 seconds and if I want to actually
have content actually clipped in terms of every 1.5 seconds, so it's like a
longer time between each clip to go into the stop-motion video. I can go up to 1.5
seconds here, alternatively I can go down to 0.2 seconds.
It's going to be pretty close to the original video. Let me stick with
that 6 seconds. The other thing to note though is up on the right I actually can
trim the video. So if I click here to trim the video what you'll see is if I
want to pause that for a moment in terms of the the audio that is on there.
I want to trim the video then it just gives me the opportunity to change the start
and end time so I could just easily bring that in in terms of it was a piece that I
want you didn't want it to show on that. I'm actually going to leave it in terms
of the full length of the video for the moment and then I just click on done
showing and I'm all done. Now all I need to do is click on creating the video.
What you can see here is it's now starting to process my video so let's
just pause for a few moments. My video is now ready which you can see here.
What will happen is initially you'll get a video there which gives a watermark
if you don't have a paid account. Or you could delete the watermark off and the price per video.
Or alternatively what you can do is pay for a monthly subscription if you
don't want to have the Kapwing.com watermark on your video. And now when
it's processed I can download the video or I can open the link to the video and
then I can share it! So I think it's a great way to get more visibility for
your content. Perhaps what you want to do in this case is just take a long piece
of content to create a stop-motion video and then use it as a way to promote your
original video. Perhaps you can post this on to one of your social networks,
it might be something that you can link to in your email to give people a taste of
what they might enjoy seeing in terms of in the format video, or of course even the
replay of a live stream that you've done. I hope you find this of assistance and let
me know if you decide to use Kapwing. If you've got questions about digital
communications, social media or live streaming, head on over to www.Krishna.me;
that's my website where you'll find lots of tutorials and tips to help you in
terms of your communications. You also see on the bottom right of the website a
little chat box area and you can put in your questions there and we can arrange
to have a one-to-one meeting to cover your questions.
MAQUILLAGE ARTISTIQUE : La Reine des Glaces | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 6/24 - Duration: 5:40.
Today I'm an Ice Queen
but not a regular one
I wanted to be mysterious
and kinda weird!
I put my Hidrocharm Ice contacts from Solotica on
and now I cover my brows with a glue stick
I comb the hairs to the top and
then apply some powder with a puff
I now apply my foundation from Huda Beauty
I apply it all over my face with
a beauty blender
I apply some concealer that I blend with my beauty blender
I put some on my brows too but I don't really care
about hiding the color as I will stick something on later
I apply some white flash color with a beauty blender as well
I set everything with a translucent loose powder
I apply star powder 967 from MUFE
to give my face a frozen look
on my light points
I start my eyes with Aqua MAtic M10 from MUFE
I already put some on my waterline and now
I do my base on my lower lash line
I smudge
I apply it on my lids until the crease
I smudge
I use 35N palette from Morphe
I start with this shade as my
transition color. I use Zoeva brush 231
and put it between my skin and the black pencil
I apply it on my crease too
Take your time to do a beautiful blending, it has
to be smokey
Once I'm done I apply black on top of my pencil
I start with the lower lash line
and then my lids
I make sure the two colors are blended together
There is always an empty line on the lash line
so make sure it's blacken using an eyeliner
I now apply this shade on my face
I sculpt by starting with my cheeks
If you find the result too hard use a puff
I continue with the rest of my face
I apply 157 lashes from Eylure
I use Drug Lord from JSC as a mascara
this is one of my all time favorite products
I can't live without it!
With a glittery hot glue I created this shape
and I will use it as my eyebrows
So I glue it with some
lash glue or spirit gum
I now apply some crystals I bought
at some random chinese shop
I only put some at the head of the brows
I made some stalactite shapes with the same
hot glue gun
and I put them on the bottom of my eyes
Do this prior on some baking paper and
then put them on your face once it's dried
I whiten my lips
I will put some glitters on my face so I put some
setting spray first
I apply Iridescent Angle glitters from @itsinyourdreams
Them setting spray helps the glitters to stay
I apply Purgatory from Black Moon on my lips
Only on the center and then I smudge
with my fingers to the edges
Once I'm done I apply the white star powder on top
and the glitters as well
I wanted my hair white obviously
this one is from Eva Hair
I bought this crown on Etsy, I highly recommend this
website if you wanna find some cool stuffs
Thank you for watching this video
I hope you enjoyed it, tell me your thoughts in the comments
Give it a thumbs up if you liked it
Don't forget to subscribe, it makes me
really happy thank you guys!
[다이어트레시피/칼로리 더보기 참고] 홈메이드 그릭 요거트 / 라브네 치즈 / Home made greak yogurt / Labneh Cheese - Duration: 6:03.
(Eng sub : avelyn.lee@tgeagle.org :)*
As it already appeared in the peach tart video before,
I'd like to reintroduce my homemade greek yogurt.
The main ingredient, milk and yogurt should be placed in room temperature
Because I often make these,
I have a bowl dedicated just for yogurt making
You now simply have to add a plain yogurt to 900 ml of milk
Since it's germ sensitive, avoid using metal
and be careful in the stirring process
Usually people use yogurt maker
but just putting in a rice cooker setted to low heat does it all
after 8 hours in about 38~40℃ temperature,
it turns into this tofu like textured
The whey extracts in the process but it's ok
Wrap a cotton cloth on a strainer
and pour the yogurt to separate the whey
Basically you are extracting the moisture out.
Leave space between the strainer and the bowl for the whey can fall off
and wrap that remain and place it in the fridge for at least a day
Once this is done,
a denser yogurt is ready
This is my homemade greek yogurt
Foreign country sometimes refers it to " Labneh cheese"
but they use sheep milk for this
and they only last about a week
but if you preserve it well, they are edible for more than a month
If you preserve
it becomes a bit more denser
If you roll these into cashew nuts or other herbs
or shape it without anything
and put it into a sanitized bottle
Once you soak this all up with olive oil
Long lasting homemade Labneh cheese is done
If you don't like plain yogurt, you can add other ingredients
First blend the extra ingredients with milk
and strain it so that there aren't any clumps
and then lastly just mix it with the yogurt.
For a vivid color, I made one with beets and blueberries
Any ingredients are interchangeable
Then Make yogurt for 8 hours.
Even if you mix other ingredients, yogurt works well.
But by doing this, you'd barely taste any of the extra ingredients
so unless it's for the color, I'd recommend just mixing it directly to the yogurt
If you want to separate the whey faster,
you could do it by hand
But be careful that the yogurt might go down with the whey
Pumpkin, beet,blueberry yogurt finally done in two days :)
By the way I squeezed the beet&berry more than the pumpkin
You could tell that it's way more denser this way right?
If you add salt during the process,
the whey separates more easily
the whey separates more easily
and it also sanitizes, so I'd recommend adding.
Don't worry about stomach problems from daily yogurt consumption
You can take my words! I've been doing it for over an year
Homemade Greek Yogurt! I hope you all would try making it.
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