♪ ♪
- Welcome.
You have outlasted 20 artists
to make it to this point,
and you are the last four standing.
Three of you will earn a spot in the finale,
but only one of you will earn
a feature in "Inked" magazine,
and the title of Ink Master.
- [whispering] Yes!
- Coaches, you know better than anyone
what it takes to win this competition.
- And you coached your teams every step of the way.
Now, each of you have artists in the top four.
- But your fight for control is not over yet.
Every artist from your team, to make it into the finale,
will earn you the power to call a shot
in the master face-off for $100,000.
And this week, there's no flash challenge.
- [chuckling]
- Artists, you will be judged
on all of these central skills:
technical application,
dimension-- everything it takes
to be an Ink Master.
- This is like a final exam.
We've had all these tests
throughout this whole competition,
and now I got to make sure that I hit everything
and knock this [bleep] out the park.
- All season long, you've been coached
by the most impressive and elite artists
"Ink Master" has ever seen.
Now, you must prove that you have the skills
to battle it out in the finale
and earn a place in their exclusive circle.
- We got this, man. - Bring it on.
- Get ready for one of the toughest challenges
in "Ink Master" history.
- To earn your spot in the finale,
you must create...
- A one-session,
tattoo on the arm.
all: Wow.
- No breaks. - What?
- Man, tattooing for 12 hours is definitely hard.
Your hands suffer. Your back suffers.
The canvas suffers.
This is crazy.
- Your canvases are completely open
and have been randomly assigned.
- You can tattoo any style and any subject.
- Oh, ho-ho-ho-ho!
- This is your chance to give us everything you've got
and earn your spot in the finale.
- You need to work smart, you need to work efficient,
you need to have a very strict plan
on how you're gonna attack this
so that your canvas can sit the maximum amount of time
to get the most amount of tattoo done.
Little tattoos that don't take the whole time
are not gonna cut it.
This is the time to be big
and be impressive
and draw the [bleep] out of this thing.
Stake a claim on your spot.
Nobody wants to make it all the way to the end
just to go home.
Go out with a [bleep] bang.
- Prove you have the endurance and skill
to compete in the finale,
or you will be packing your bags.
Head to your shops, and we'll bring in your canvases.
[dramatic music]
Good luck.
- Let's do this, bro. - Yeah.
- Good luck, brother. - Yeah, you too, man.
- I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go towards black and gray.
- It's all you. Your design. [bleep] do your tattoo.
- How are you? My name is Juan. - Nice to meet you.
- Very nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
- So I came up with this sweet-ass piece
that I'm pumped on. - Very cool.
- What's the longest you've sat?
- Six hours straight. - Oh, yeah?
- Yeah. - Okay, cool.
When you start out this competition,
the title of "Ink Master" feels like
it's almost untouchable.
And when you feel like it's in your grasp,
it's crazy. It's a lot of pressure.
- I really wanted my last tattoo to be me, so...
- Yeah, of course.
- My plan here is to do something
that you don't normally see in this competition.
Taking my own route and doing my style
is a huge risk here.
In 12 hours, I could definitely cover from here to here.
- Okay. - It's kinda like just putting
your heart out there and hoping that it's accepted.
- That's gorgeous.
[intense music]
♪ ♪
- All right, artists, you have 12 hours
to tattoo.
And your time starts...
- Yeah!
Last one, everybody.
Last one.
- Let's do this.
- This is the biggest elimination tattoo
we've ever done.
12 hours, all-in,
one session tattoo--
go big or go home.
- My God, that's beautiful.
- It's gonna have some tails. - Okay.
- But I'm just gonna free-hand them.
- We now have the top four competitors.
Only one more person goes home before the finale.
This is huge.
- It curves right around your elbow.
- Yeah, it fits perfectly.
- Nobody wants to be this close to the finale
and pack it up now.
[suspenseful music]
♪ ♪
- I don't think it could actually fit any better.
Doing a 12-hour tattoo like this is not
an amateur-level thing.
Your design has to be perfect.
Your application has to be perfect.
And just your understanding of how to approach
something on this scale
is a totally different animal.
We are so much farther ahead than everybody else.
I'm choosing to do more of a Japanese-style frog
flying a koi fish kite.
I'm gonna bust my ass and make sure
that every inch of this tattoo
is absolutely flawless.
♪ ♪
- Josh is definitely going to be the hardest person
to beat for me.
He's not only fast,
but he's also a great illustrator.
I took my canvas
totally into consideration.
She's a beautiful lady,
so I give her a beautiful feminine bird
carrying one of my lotus flowers.
Have, like, black shading in here.
- There better be.
That bird looks great,
but I don't want to end up looking like a dirty bird.
- This is my last chance to prove
why I should make it to the finale.
- Everything is gonna be clean.
- All right, guys, ten hours left.
[suspenseful music]
♪ ♪
- What made you start tattooing?
Were you a good artist before?
- That's crazy.
- I'm the underdog, and I know I'm underestimated.
But that's not a new feeling.
I'm here because I challenge myself my whole life.
I'm gonna push myself until I'm the next Ink Master.
♪ ♪
- This is smooth as [bleep].
♪ ♪
- That went far.
- [bleep]
- Six hours left.
You have six hours remaining.
♪ ♪
- This is a long day-- for the artist,
not even just the canvas.
It strains your eyes. - Mm-hmm.
- It's a long time to sit, you know?
- Yeah. - Aside from tattooing
and technical application, I think this is
a big battle of artistry.
- Technical application should not be the issue.
Unless someone really drops the ball,
which I don't assume so at this point.
- Yeah. - No.
♪ ♪
- My biggest card here is artistry.
To put real emotion into something
is an extremely hard thing to do.
But that's what I'm gonna pull off here.
- Is that highlight under her chin
gonna be colored?
- That was me wiping stuff into it.
So I already made a mistake there.
- Always wipe away.
- So I start wiping the canvas's skin off,
and I don't know if I'm being too abrasive
or wiping too many times...
What the [bleep]?
But now I notice that there's a couple small areas
of trauma towards the bottom of her arm.
- Let me see the bottom of that.
- It's down here.
- [exhales nervously]
- Man, my heart is racing,
and it's making me really [bleep] panicked.
- Damn, dude.
- I've put so much heart into this tattoo.
I hate to think that a couple spots of trauma
are gonna be what hold me from making it to the finale.
♪ ♪
- [moans]
Holy [bleep].
- It may hurt a little bit today,
but you're gonna have an amazing tattoo forever.
- Whew.
- Is that girl gonna get through
the rest of Juan's piece?
She's been making a lot of noises over there.
- Mm! - I need every minute
of this 12 hours.
I'm planning to go simple,
but now, I got to go even more simple
to be sure that I can finish it on time.
Not only the canvas is in pain,
but I'm in pain as well.
My neck is hurting,
my fingers are cramping...
- Ah, God!
- I got to make this work,
because my life is on the line.
- [bleep]!
[suspenseful music]
For more infomation >> 12 Hour Sleeve Tattoo - Elimination Tattoo | Ink Master: Return of the Masters (Season 10) - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
Did A Man Killed In Alleged Kidnapping Attempt Know The Truth About Missing Teen Natalee Holloway? - Duration: 3:46.
Los gritos de una aterrada mujer al percatarse de que viaja a pocos metros de un enorme tornado - Duration: 1:15.
James Comey Calls President Morally Unfit, Trump Smokes Him With 3 Brutal Words. - Duration: 4:12.
James Comey Calls President Morally Unfit, Trump Smokes Him With 3 Brutal Words.
Former FBI Director James Comey blasted President Donald Trump for being "morally unfit"
to lead our country.
In return, Trump just smoked Comey with three brutal words that you won't want to miss.
James Comey has taken the dignity of his formerly held position at the helm of the FBI to an
all-time low.
In a disturbing interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, April 15,
2018, Comey peeled back the very last layer of his stoic exterior to reveal just how ugly,
and politicized our intelligence community has become.
During the interview, Stephanopoulos said, "You write that President Trump is unethical,
untethered to the truth."
Then, he asked, "Is Donald Trump unfit to be President?" to which Comey responded,
"Yes, but not in the way I often hear people talk about it."
Comey continued, "I don't buy the stuff about him being mentally incompetent or in
the early stages of dementia.
He strikes me as a person of above average intelligence whos tracking conversations,
and knows what's going on.
I don't think he's medically unfit to be President.
I think he's morally unfit to be President."
Who would have ever thought that a former FBI Director would stoop so low in an attempt
to take revenge for being fired?
As Comey lays out his poisonous narrative in the interview, it gives viewers a scary
look at just how horrified the left became after Trump won the election.
Comey's face and his words reveal the utter contempt that he, and a large majority of
government officials felt and still feel toward the President.
During the interview, James Comey also suggested that President Donald Trump could be guilty
of obstruction of justice.
In my opinion, it's going to be extremely awkward for Comey, when he is the one who
faces criminal charges in the future.
Comey's audacity is unbelievable as he spins lie after lie about our President.
The former FBI Director should keep in mind that it was not Trump who illegally leaked
classified information, and who actively participated in a sham investigation into a fairly elected
President as part of a political war.
Comey may be getting his moment in the spotlight to portray Trump as "morally unfit," but
he won't have a leg to stand on when he's sitting in front of a judge, with the entire
nation expecting justice for his wrongdoing.
The former FBI Director's nasty resentment for President Donald Trump completely removes
all doubt, that he was ever a servant of the American people.
Comey comes across as an elitist and a political "holier than thou" creature of the swamp,
and the liberal media is now hanging on his every word.
At such a crucial moment in our history, it's invaluable for American patriots to hear directly
from the President.
On Monday, April 16, 2018, Trump smoked Comey with a brutal response on Twitter and, at
the same time, provided his supporters with better insight into the ongoing battle against
the deep state.
"Comey drafted the Crooked Hillary exoneration long before he talked to her (lied in Congress
to Senator G), then based his decisions on her poll numbers.
Disgruntled, he, McCabe, and the others, committed many crimes!" Trump wrote.
Trump's summation of the events which took place at the highest levels of our country's
top law enforcement agency is flawless.
As Comey conspired and acted to help Hillary Clinton escape justice, he betrayed the American
people and our constitutional code of ethics.
Comey is the traitor from within, and other deep state operatives, like former FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe, attempted to help him hide Clinton's corruption.
Now that Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on McCabe has revealed, so much complicity,
the Department of Justice must appoint a second special counsel to investigate James Comey's
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Lauren Sanderson - This Is How I Made It | Episode 9 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:15.
You know, it's a lot easier to become successful and become somebody if you're not complaining
about your circumstances.
I always was like the weirdo, I just was a weird kid.
I came out in high school.
I feel like I was the only person who came out in my whole grade at the time.
I think it inspired me, just being free in my own world.
I always just wanted to empower people to be who they are, that's just it.
I started making YouTube videos and kind of using my voice to inspire.
And people started following a lot, and they were just like, this changed my life, please
make more of these.
I did a Ted talk to parents about how to just love your kids for who they are.
You are you and that's enough.
I spoke at schools for like a month.
That's all I could take.
I was only eighteen, so it was weird talking to like, seventeen year olds.
It's like, here's how to be successful.
I was sitting in my car.
I was playing, like, "tight beats" instrumentals, and I was just rapping to them.
It felt like I was just turning my speeches into songs.
It felt perfect.
It felt right.
And I think a week later I put my very first song on Soundcloud.
So basically I just started going on Greyhound bus trips.
I officially saw my vision for what it was and that it was really happening.
I saw this line and these people waiting and I was like, this is happening.
After the Center of Expression tour, a few labels reached out.
They didn't fully get where I was going, or they didn't fully believe in it.
A year later was when I came out with my new EP, Spaces.
And that, I made a lot of the songs in my bedroom closet.
I put it on iTunes, and that was crazy.
That was number one on iTunes.
I got an email from Erika Coulter at Epic, and they were offering a partnership.
Full creative freedom to be whoever I wanted to be.
And that was something that no one had ever offered me before.
It was just like, we see you, we believe in you.
Like, you don't have to be a pop princess, you can just be yourself.
I think what stops a lot of people from being successful is trying to box themselves in.
I have a real message.
Like, I feel like I'm a real human being, and I have like, real emotions and real
feelings that I put into every single song that I have.
I wanna be the voice of people who may not be able to speak.
I feel like when we get sad, we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It's so hard for people to be like, it's gonna get better.
I want people to just feel free.
Like they can do whatever the f*ck they want.
And it's amazing that, like, I feel like after my shows I get so many tweets just saying
like, I feel like I can do anything.
And that's just it. That's all I want.
Just empower people to just… be a boss.
I'm Lauren Sanderson, and this is how I made it.
Making it.
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- When tyranny becomes law then rebellion becomes necessity.
- [Man] Don't be afraid to shoot the FBI.
- [Crowd] Go home!
Go home!
- Please go home.
- The land here needs to be returned
to the people of this county.
- It almost demands blood sacrifice.
- [Narrator] No Man's Land, part of Independent Lens on PBS.
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know i'm bout to start
to say it with my heart
oh baby you know i'll do my part
and say it with my heart
know i'm bout to start
to say it with my heart
oh baby you know i'll do my part
and say it with my heart
i just felt something that you gotta know
do what you like when i tell you so
we don't gotta feel the same way no more
long as it's real that's what words are for
you know i'm done with it
holdin' in
i begin to say it
say it
it again -
you know i'm done with it
holdin' in
i begin to say it
say it
it again -
know i'm bout to start
to say it with my heart
oh baby you know i'll do my part
and say it with my heart
know i'm bout to start
to say it with my heart
oh baby you know i'll do my part
and say it with my heart
<<< i have something to say >>>
you know i'm -
know i'm bout to -
know i'm bout to start
to say it with my heart
oh baby you know i'll do my part
and say it with my heart
know i'm bout to -
say it
say it
say it
say it
say it
it again -
[ till it gets to you my way ]
you know i'll
say it
say it
say it
say it
say it
it again -
till it gets to you
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this area where we was riding was the turkey Bay ohv area and it's centrally
located and Land Between the Lakes this area has about a hundred miles of trails
to ride one of the coolest things is the outside primary trail runs right next to
the Kentucky Lake the secondary trail system is at Turkey Bay are a little bit
more difficult than most a lot more washed out rocky off-camber uphill stuff
that you just don't see other places and another thing is the trails aren't
numbered so when you get out there in the middle of nowhere it's all
color-coded it makes it a little bit more difficult to find your way back
that water felt good when you hit it back there I was thinking so high I'm
thinking I should hit it a little faster I think it is about 90 degrees we may
have to jump in the lake well you know that's possibility we might have to jump
in the lake
dad was letting that baby keep hauling butt so what'd you do
so I followed in his example I was like here right like that I like to go fast
you my kicked up some rocks oh we were kicking up some rocks
yeah we're not going on this side yeah I'm not taking Bri over here on this
side, this side over here is really washed out really like off camber so let
me just feel it out first and if I think it's too bad I'll come back up and get your
four wheeler. if I think you can do it I'll meet you down there where the hard stuff
is and I'll just help you through it okay all right stay here till I give you the
Bri's back end went up a little bit she got little cattywampus but she didn't
panic you you can never be too safe out here the last thing you want to do is
come out here with a family have somebody get hurt so just keeping it on
everybody and keeping them safe. Bri did a good job she didn't panic she handled it
like a champ now we got the boys coming down
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A 32 Bedroom Mansion for Sale or for Rent in Stockbridge MA, surrounded by the Hamptons of New England, The Berkshires 5 minutes away from Numerous $1000 a night resorts. An amazing place. An amazing Location
Total of 6.2 Acres of land with 9 buildings on it. also there is land where there is a private well
In good structural shape. Needs cosmetic work. Can be turned into luxury condos or numerous other uses.
Was originally used as a hotel and then later as a famous dance camp and then as a Theater Festival, where hundreds of actors and celebrities stayed when they performed at the Theater Festival
Has walk in Freezers, a commercial kitchen, a large 100 person dining hall
has working water and hot water, is right on Route 7 a famous road and main artery in the Berkshires
most visitors to the South berkshires pass by this property as it is on the main road in the berkshires
great neighbors surrounded by multi million dollar homes and luxury communities
in good structural shape, recently updated, and numerous structural improvements
new beams and support systems under the house
incredible value in one of the best locations in New England
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the one thing that is usually forgotten when it comes to photography is
Textures is a easy way to add the raw aesthetic feel to your photographs
So here we present
10 high quality grungy Textures to use in your photograph today
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Vitus Merwee - touch somebo...
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If you enjoyed this/want to be a part of the DNH GANG!! Please like, share, comment, and subscribe!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
KIMAHRI VICTORY | Final Fantasy X Gameplay Walkthrough Commentary | Part 39 - Duration: 6:20.
Now, last time on Final Fantasy X:
we went up to Mt. Gazel to meet up to these Ronsos and now we're in the battle.
So, let's continue this mother %$#* battle.
Uses Blizzard on me like the little bitch he is. (dog bark)
Let's use fire breath on this mother %^*#.
Okay, eight teen-hundred damage. That's good.
That's always really really really good.
Again with the Bull Doze.
Let me win, damn it.
Okay let's use Megalixir, on my ^%&* sorry ass.
Yeah of course you would use fire breath on me.
Oh yeah!
One to go...one down, one to go.
I wonder what he used.
I can't remember right now, but let's...
...figure somethin' out here.
Let's use that amount of change.
Use one more Lancet?
Actually no. I meant to attack.
What is wrong with me?
Okay whoa there. Whoa whoa whoa.
Damn right you should be happy. I kicked both of you asses!
Hell yeah!
Oh, "Gagazet".
That's what it is.
"You shall not pass"
This continue on with the story.
Hell yeah!
Let's move along with the story.
Song of the Prayer
Or maybe...
Hymn of the Fayth
This kind of version.
Kind of sounds like we're in a choir or something, which is kinda cool.
In a setting like this.
Let's continue forward.
Maybe a certain point. Back to what I was saying. We got Mountains to climb.
We got Zanarkand to show to our crew mates.
What the %$&*!
Alrighty you guys!
Make sure you give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it.
Subscribe and share if you want.
Thank you for watching and have a nice day everyone!
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Kitchen Frightmare Top Cartoon For Kids - Ruby Randall - Duration: 16:47.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
like you guys are in for a real treat Chazz was like our food mentor his food
truck used to serve anything that could be made up or covered in cheese that was
so fancy silverware it was the dress code
Yeti that's what I said a Yeti when you say Yeti you mean yeah
giant hairy snow monster an opening and if I get bad reviews
it'll be our grand closing your lunch as because the gang and I have lots of
experience dealing with monster attacks speaking of experience this food quick
Scoob don't look don't smell
the legend of the abominable snowman or Yeti started when 20th century British
explorers and countered a creature in the Himalayan mountains many have tried
to find proof of the snow marry and stop a ghost the cops always say great work
kids why does no one say yeah and horrible
job officers what are people just hanging around waiting for a band full
of teens to show up before giving 911 one a shot these roles Oh fun shoe bub
it still doesn't make sense
that's it this is the clue that explains the nothing explain that yet yes I don't
think she's okay Oh Himalayan salt this is Himalayan salt
walk-in freezer I wonder how big a walk-in freezer would
have to be before they just call it a really cold or warmer in here than out
there hey Velma they're eyeing the one-star button
I hear you but this food can't get pleaded any faster that's because you
won't let me help I'm ready look I just made no actually
it's uh just the wall here so I'm gonna go this way the greatest food ever
created right here will bring you right around ticket please
every restaurant that's ever opened here closed down immediately under suspicious
circumstances let me guess Yeti related circumstances you got
I bet this building is resting on an
and my kitchens destroyed could I get a reference letter or Oh what am I gonna
do now Jaz who never gives up who never backs down see shut down I've been
worrying so much about why it's a Yeti I haven't been concentrating on what it's
been trying to do right I know how to catch this in there - that's right wait
you do well I don't know why the same person will have a kitchen in his van
but sure is gonna come in handy I don't know if the customers hey guys my name
is Daphne Blake how's everybody doing tonight
so the abominable snowman right personally I feel kind of bad for the
guy I mean we actually refer to him as
abominable thanks Fred ladies and gentlemen he just realized what he's
they love it gonna have a successful evening looks like everything's going
according to plan
restaurant space for decades but he never wanted a kitchen under his
apartment that's why he scared away every restaurant that ever tried to open
here this came to prop a window open hmm you kids are good at mystery solving but
this is the one thing I don't understand why you're meddling kids got me but at
least this Yeti costume is more than paid for itself over the years well
Chazz it looks like your restaurant is off to a great start
9:54 let's turn coming up why do we stop for breakfast
good Aggie no time to stop we've got to get crossbows Scoob
next right up here hold out its 1003 it sold out in three minutes okay like in
the next place we go not be haunted I mean can we manage that once people once
good luck with that what up who's that Jasper crawl
he's Malone's manager total nightmare what's going on
no not that one
Mystery Machine yeah the bad luck so no Panthers
anywhere I see Panther one and we're done
no discussion are we clear of course okay bring him in strange like I said
we're a really new band great well the other band left their gear onstage if
you want to rehearse
okay mr. rock-and-roll what I thought I was a lead guitarist in our band why
else do we drive around in the van everywhere right Scoob hard Fred the job
of the drummer is to be the engine the machine that controls everything on
stage and keeps perfect time it's the foundation of the entire band
if I did there aren't any left mm-hmm
please you guys haven't decided what
instruments you're playing why don't you come grab me when you get your act
together huh kill yourselves musicians how much
longer enough to put up with this come on Velma Daphne oh sorry sing
attempt to save our ourselves well treat attach you see during which we escape
yes I get it thank you please everywhere everyone who's ever performed here a
hundred years of history on the walls meet Cassandra Tilden known to the world
as the prima donna Tilden was cleaner Donna haunts this theatre terrorizing
any fool that dares perform out of her stage why would the prima donna try to
stop the charity show if the theater gets demolished oh and Fred how about
the whole encouraging the ghosts to harm you thing you do understand it was only
so we could save our own skins I'm so glad you guys are okay I appreciate
you're still willing to play well clearly this theater means a lot Wyatt
charity in the first place is business not good enough to finance the repairs
yourself honestly no I mean it's cool that we give artists a shot but new acts
on the air piano ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Kyle the
hovering balladeer great what are you guys doing oh come on
Velma it's a quitter yeah I just saw this keyboard sitting here and I'll stop
now like we heard there's a possible panther infestation of all this stuff
and do a sweep of the room you are you want to give us a little room to work
here fellas
what are you guys doing in here artistic recluse driving me nuts he even makes me
sing through this voice modulation microphone to correct my pitch thinks my
voice isn't strong enough you have to sing the songs we agreed on I'm sick of
those songs fine don't listen to me thanks mr. Malone please call me bones I
want to play a new song inspired by two new friends I just met
who else
like what's this suspicious oh it's time for mystery machine to take the stage
this was also backstage
that's right
the are the mystery-solving dictation and here's what the bad guy say when
they play when the law forbids what I got away with it too
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.0TSI/110pk Comfortline Business · Adaptive cruise control · Comfort-pakk - Duration: 1:00.
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.2 TSI Comfortline DSG Navigatie, PDC, Stoelverwarming, 16"LM - Duration: 1:13.
DAY6 - Baby It's Okay / FUWA【COVER】 - Duration: 3:55.
Baby let me see your eyes
(When I say)
When I say that I like you
Baby don't you look away
(When I say)
When I compliment your beauty
I've only been able to
Look at your narrow, shivering back
But from now on
I'm going to say it
Let me be your love
I want to protect
This warm love
Baby it's okay, from now on
I want you to be happy
Let me be your love
please accept it
If it's you - that's how it's supposed to be
Baby it's okay, from now on
I'll always be here for you
Baby let me see your smile
(When I say)
When I say I love you
Baby don't you think I'm wrong
(When I say)
When I say that there's only you
Finally, I get to hold both of your small hands
I'll never let go forever
Baby, I'll say it no matter how many times
Let me be your love
I want to protect
This warm love
Baby it's okay, from now on
I want you to be happy
Let me be your love
please accept it
If it's you - that's how it's supposed to be
Baby it's okay, from now on
I'll always be here for you
It's okay, you're okay
If only you can get used to it a little
It's okay, it's okay
It's okay to be a little more free
Let me be your love
I want to protect
This warm love
Baby it's okay, from now on
I want you to be happy
Let me be your love
please accept it
If it's you - that's how it's supposed to be
Baby it's okay, from now on
I'll always be here for you
Thank you ^^
Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.6 TDI Comfortline Executive Navigatie, Cruise Control, PDC, 16"LM - Duration: 1:13.
【BMW新型3シリーズ最新情報】2018年秋フルモデルチェンジ電気自動車追加!スペックや価格、発売日は? - Duration: 15:43.
初動画☆ パピヨンのぴょん - Duration: 2:43.
2nd Roblox Video. (wait until the end and then read description) please open the captions - Duration: 5:46.
Kampus Tempat Menuntut Sampah/Ilmu? - Duration: 1:25.
Greet Others with Open, Unbiased Heart - Harmony Inspiring Video Quote - Keep Gigging - Nikki Karis - Duration: 1:43.
Hello, Friends!
I'm Nikki Karis, and welcome to today's inspirational video.
For today, I want to talk about an inspirational message I've written that falls under the
subcategory of messages known as harmony.
Here's my message for today: "Greet others with an open, unbiased heart.
While travelling a different path than you, they're headed for the same destination."
You know, Friends, I think today there is so much anger, so much animosity, so much
hatred that all of us have for each other, that we forget one very important thing - we're
all here as a result of the same creator.
We're all travelling this great path together known as life, and we're all headed for the
same destination.
When we meet others, we need to meet them with an open, unbiased heart.
Don't judge others.
If you don't know them, how do you know how they're going to react?
Do you assume that because a person is a certain color of skin or a certain gender or whatever
it may be, you know how that person is going to react to you?
Well, you don't.
If all of us just opened up our hearts, allowed the love and compassion to flow freely, what
a wonderful world this would be.
It would be a place where all of us came from a place of kindness and compassion for our
fellow mankind.
That's my message for today, my Friends.
Open your heart.
Enjoy your journey here on planet Earth.
And enjoy all of the people who are travelling it with you.
Love and blessings, Nikki Karis.
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