We all can appreciate how important vision is for the way we and animals perceive our
It's fascinating how nature evolved and created all these sort of specializations for every
The eye is one of evolution's greatest successes.
It acts like a camera that focuses light, and converts it into an electrical signal
that the brain translates into images.
Everything needs to work in perfect harmony for vision to happen.
But the smallest shift in those sensitive mechanics can result in a loss of vision.
Inside this special lab, scientists are studying what happens to animal eyes that can no longer
focus light.
We study the disease of the eye or the ocular tissues so that we can understand ocular disease
better and treat their patients.
Founded by Emeritus Professor Dick Dubielzig and currently run by Dr. Leandro Teixeira,
the work happening here is equal parts diagnostic lab and exotic animal eye collection.
We receive samples from almost every single state in the US, clients from Europe, clients
from Hong Kong.
Basically, everywhere in the world.
The size of our obsessions has multiplied every year since then and continues to multiply.
There are over 60, 000 different specimens stored here.
And while the majority are dog, cat and horse eyes, there are 6,000 exotic ones like jaguars,
bonobos, and even whale eyes.
"This is currently the biggest eye COPLOW has.
Look at that guy.
That is beautiful.
Look at that guy."
Every single day, there's a challenge it's safe to say that on a weekly basis we get
cases that we've never seen before.
A day at the lab begins with a pile of unknowns, just waiting to be opened.
The first thing that we look for is the overall shape of the eye.
Is there anything distorted?
Is there a mass?
Is there any change in the tissue basically from outside even before we cut?
Tissue goes through an overnight processing to a machine just to dehydrate.
The paraffin enters the tissue, and then you make a block of paraffin.
We proceed to sectioning the tissue.
The goal here is to have in the end a very thin section of that tissue on a slide, stained
so we can look at a microscope.
We have a five headed microscope.
We all sit together, look at it, read the story of the case and try to understand what's
These are two eyes from a walrus and a walrus is a pinniped, they hunt under water using
So they need to see underwater and they also need to see above water.
There are some special modifications of the eye that account for that.
A lot of animals that need to see above and below water tend to have a very flat cornea.
My favorite eye is that of the chameleon.
Their eyes move independently, back and forth, and they catch insects with their tongue,
which requires a good depth perception, but they don't use their two eyes together.
There's a staggering diversity of eye adaptations in the animal kingdom, and it all sprung into
existence during one major event: the Cambrian Period.
About 540 million years ago, life transformed from a dull, microbial existence to an explosion
of animal diversity….and the evolution of the eye is often considered the catalyst.
Understanding how life went from tiny organisms to large complex creatures with visual systems
is an ongoing field of research.
Even Charles Darwin struggled with it.
Ultimately, animals process light to compete and survive.
We're looking at a high magnification image of a lens capsule of a cat.
The cat has been traumatized and the bright magenta tissue that's been wrinkled up is
the lens cap.
This process - trauma to the lens and cats is responsible for the second most common
cancer of the cat eye, which we call the post-traumatic sarcoma.
Studying this kind of tumor in cats could have a major impact on human cancer treatment.
Now we can study, what are the differences between the lens epithelial cells in cats
and humans and try to see, "Oh, this gene is off in humans but it's on in cats.
Is that switch present in other cells that we can turn it on and off and try to regulate
This collection of eyes is a resource for evolutionary biologists and veterinarians
alike, creating an unparalleled photographic record, indexed by animal species.
By studying the disease origins, effects and progression, we're helping push the field
forward bit by bit.
It feels good to be able to help, and to know that all that information is getting archived
in a way that we might be able to work with and make an impact on animals' lives.
For more infomation >> How Eyes Evolved to See The World Differently - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Sara Carter Drops Three BOMBSHELLS Found in the House Intel's Russia Report - Duration: 12:46.
Sara Carter Drops Three BOMBSHELLS Found in the House Intel's Russia Report
Investigative journalist Sara Carter has gone through the newly released House Intel report
on Russian interference in the 2016 election and rounded up the three major bombshells
found in the report.
From Sara Carter The House Intelligence Committee released
its long-anticipated and highly redacted Russian intelligence report Friday clearing President
Donald Trump's campaign from "colluding" with Russians in the 2016 presidential election
and chiding the intelligence community for "significant intelligence tradecraft failings"
as the committee found no evidence to date that collusion had occurred.
The 248-page report, of which some pages were completely redacted after review by FBI and
DOJ officials, have raised the ire of committee Republicans and will lead to a review of the
report once again in an effort to un-redact elements of the report that the Committee
says does not relate to the classified material.
Numerous Congressional committees have complained openly that the DOJ and FBI continue to "stonewall"
their investigations and have slow rolled documents needed for adequate oversight of
the highly controversial investigations into Trump and the Bureau's handling of former
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for government
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, said in a press release that
due to public interest and the importance of the report the Committee chose to make
the report public.
Nunes has had to threaten Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher
Wray with contempt of Congress before documents have been provided.
It's a battle that he continues to fight but one that has slowed down the progress
of the Committee's investigations, say congressional sources, familiar with the investigations.
Nunes stated in the press release that "we object to the excessive and unjustified number
of redactions, many of which do not relate to classified information.
The Committee will convey our objections to the appropriate agencies and looks forward
to publishing a less redacted version in the near future."
Three Major Takeaways from the Russia Report's Findings:
Flynn Didn't Lie Former National Security Advisor Army Lt.
Gen. Michael Flynn, the embattled three-star general who was fired by the White House for
allegedly misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his conversation with former Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, did not lie to the FBI special agents who interviewed him
at the White House in January 2017.
This is important because Flynn eventually plead guilty to one count of making false
statements about his December 2016 phone conversation with Kislyak to DOJ Special Counsel Robert
Mueller, "even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents did not detect any
deception during Flynn's interview."
It is odd that Flynn would plead guilty to one count of lying when the agents didn't
believe that he was purposefully misleading them but close friends and associates of Flynn
told this reporter that he has been forced to sell his home in northern Virginia in an
effort to keep up with mounting legal fees and that he couldn't afford to keep fighting
the Special Counsel.
Even more bizarre is that one of the two agents who conducted the interview was FBI Special
Agent Peter Strzok, who is now under investigation himself for sending vehemently anti-Trump
text messages to his paramour FBI Attorney Lisa Page, as previously reported.
Strzok, who was the former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division,
was removed from the Special Counsel's investigation after the DOJ Inspector General uncovered
the anti-Trump texts, which also appeared to contain information on the investigations.
Strzok was moved to the Human Resources division of the FBI.
Both Page and Strzok continue to work with the FBI but are believed to be cooperating
with the DOJ investigations, according to sources.
Highly classified Intelligence Leaks
Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was leaked to columnist David Ignatius with the Washington
Post on January, 12.
The transcripts of the phone conversation is considered highly classified leak and a
violation of federal law.
It is currently under investigation and was believed by Republicans to have come from
a senior level Obama administration official and considered highly classified.
Flynn was asked by a Presidential Transition Team member to contact foreign governments
Moreover, according to the report, the "on or about December 22, 2016, 'a very senior
member of the Presidential Transition Team' (PTI) directed General Flynn to contact representatives
of foreign governments.
This request concerned a resolution about Israeli settlements submitted by Egypt to
the U.N. Security Council around December 21, 2016.
Later, on December 22, General Flynn contacted Ambassador Kislyak and 'requested that Russia
vote against or delay the resolution.'
The next day, Ambassador Kislyak informed General Flynn that Russia would not comply
On December 29, 2016, President Obama 'authorized a number of actions' – including new sanctions-'in
response to the Russian government's aggressive harassment of U.S. officials and cyber operations
aimed at the U.S. election in 2016.'
After the sanction was placed on Russia at the end of the Obama administration the report
found that Gen. Flynn had discussed with a senior transition team member "what, if
anything, to communicate to the Russian Ambassador about the U.S. sanctions."
Comey walks back on Flynn
Even former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by President Trump last year, had
apparently told Congress that the agents did not believe Flynn had lied.
Although, in recent interviews to promote his book A Higher Loyalty, Comey is saying
now that he has no recollection of what the agents may or may not have thought.
His statements contradict the findings of the Russia report and previous stories that
suggest he knew the agents did not believe Flynn lied to them.
Flynn redactions
The Russia report, however, is highly redacted and it appears by reading the report that
there was more information on Flynn that has yet to be made public.
If it is eventually redacted we may have more answers than questions on what Flynn did and
possibly what Comey knew.
Clapper Leaked the Dossier To Numerous Reporters In early March, I reported that former Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper may have leaked information to CNN regarding the
classified briefings given to then president-elect Trump on former British spy Christopher Steele's
dossier, which claimed the Russians had compromising information on the president-elect.
Clapper's role became more apparent when the Comey's memos about his interactions
with Trump were released to the public.
In the memos, Comey admits that it was Clapper who asked him to brief Trump on the dossier
and Comey has repeated that in a number of interviews over the past several weeks.
He also noted that he told Trump that CNN and other news outlets had the dossier and
were looking for a "news hook."
"I said there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to the [President-elect]
about alone or in a very small group," Comey said.
In an interview with Fox News Bret Baier, Comey discusses briefing the President on
the more salacious parts of the dossier.
BAIER: The intel briefing at Trump Tower.
You briefed the president-elect on the sliver of the dossier, really the salacious part
about the prostitutes in Moscow and that allegation.
COMEY: Correct.
BAIER: Didn't include anything broader than that, right?
COMEY: Correct.
My mission in that private briefing was just to tell him about that slice of it.
Russia report evidence on Clapper
The Russia report discovered that Clapper, who is now a CNN national security analyst,
"provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media,
including CNN."
They noted that when Clapper was initially asked about leaks related to the dossier in
July 2017, Clapper denied "discussing the dossier compiled by Steele or any other intelligence
related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists."
But according to the report, Clapper eventually acknowledged discussing the "dossier with
CNN journalist Jake Tapper."
He also admitted that he may have told other journalists about the dossier.
"Clapper's discussion with Tapper took place in early January 2017, around the time
IC leaders briefed President Obama and President-elect Trump, on 'the Christopher Steele information,'
a two-page summary of which was 'enclosed in' the highly-classified version of the
ICA," the Russia report states.
On Jan. 10, 2017, Tapper published an article on CNN's Tapper referring to the briefing
and the classified documents.
It noted that the "classified documents presented last week to President Obama and
President-elect Trump included allegations…about Mr. Trump that was included in a two-page
synopsis . . . appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election."
It also mentioned that it was "derived from memos compiled by a former British intelligence
analyst operative."
Those claims were sourced to "multiple U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings.
The next day, Clapper issued a statement describing a call with President-elect Trump in which
Clapper "expressed my profound-dismay at the leaks that have been appearing the in
the press."
After CNN published the briefing, Buzzfeed then published the dossier and the Russia
collusion story was well underway, according to the report and numerous congressional officials.
Former Feinstein Staffer Continues Where Fusion GPS Left Off
Last but not least, as first reported by Sean Davis with The Federalist, a former staff
member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, is helping direct a continued investigation into
President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.
The Fusion GPS investigation, which was paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC, is
being picked up by Daniel J. Jones, a former Feinstein staffer.
According to Davis, the former staffer "is intimately involved with ongoing efforts to
retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos produced by Christopher
Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS."
Jone's name appears to be redacted in the Russia report but his company, "Penn Quarter
Group" is mentioned in its continuing efforts to investigate Trump and apparently they have
raised $50 million to continue the investigation, according to a more detailed story by the
Daily Caller's Chuck Ross.
Davis noted that congressional documents and texts leaked between Sen. Mark Warner,D-Va.
and Oleg Daripaska, a registered foreign agent for a Russian aluminum oligarch "indicate
that Daniel J. Jones is intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate
a series of salacious and unverified memos produced by Christopher Steele, a former British
intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS.
The dossier, which declassified documents show was used as a basis for securing secret
wiretaps on Trump campaign affiliates, was reportedly jointly funded by the Democratic
National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign."
Black Panther's Black Superhero Ancestors | Famalam - Duration: 1:48.
Beautiful Sedona: Cathedral Rock, Energy Vortices and the Chapel of the Holy Cross - Duration: 38:07.
Rap Về Vanh Leg (Ông Hoàng Nhạc Chế) - Hz Nguyễn | Rap Youtuber - Duration: 3:33.
Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now – by David Wilcock - Duration: 2:42.
Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now � by David Wilcock
by Bette Martin
The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass,
based on multiple insiders.
�It� is happening now.
Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent
sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent.
This is not necessarily going to appear as the �Mass Arrests� scenario we had prognosticated
However, we may well see high-profile arrests and new data dumps soon enough.
No one can deny there are over 24,500 sealed criminal indictments on the books right now
in the US � an all-time high.
My friend David Seaman had his entire identity deleted off of YouTube and social media, only
to return with stunning confidence � and new, direct intel about the arrests that are
Alex Jones has a Lockheed Skunk Works insider named Zach who is claiming we are on the verge
of disclosure events that could transform us into a multi-planetary society.
Unimaginable evil is being systematically exposed and rooted out.
We have been talking about this for years and it is finally happening.
Our own immediate insiders have experienced significant, ongoing threat.
The obvious and extreme nature of these attacks again suggests desperation is occurring.
We are not backing down.
We have public appearances scheduled for New Living Expo April 27-29, Contact in the Desert
June 1-4, our Colorado Ascension Portal all-weekend event July 27-29, and others.
Once you understand the �shadow war� now reaching its crescendo, seemingly confusing
and upsetting political events can take on dramatic new levels of meaning.
The payoff we will get if the Alliance succeeds in its campaign against the Deep State is
almost beyond imagination.
Mixture of 4 Ingredients and Never Fear Cancer or any Tumors - Duration: 3:41.
PC Animals - Duration: 1:39.
Popeye's Fried Chicken Mukbang! 40 Pieces of Chicken! - Duration: 11:08.
Their chicken is really big
and their chicken is all fresh, not frozen
so usually for fried chicken
you'll get sick of the grease very quickly
but not for this
it doesn't have that super greasy feel when you bite into it
as of now I'm still enjoying it
Their chicken seems to be bigger than average
i don't know if it's just me getting full but
but it seems to be slightly bigger than
than the ones i usually had
what beverage do you guys like to go with your fried chicken?
i personally like to go with some carbonated drinks like Coke or Pepsi
i know a lot of my friends like to go with beer
but i don't really drink so I'll just go with soft drinks
if I'm not wrong i already consumed 33 pieces of chicken
and I'm still enjoying it
it's not too salty, neither is it too oily
I'll got 5 extra pieces here
and it will top it up to 40 pieces of chicken
wanted to go for 50 but this place is getting really crowded
VP Live. Epicenter is here! - Duration: 6:19.
Hello everyone, friends! The EPICENTER tournament in Moscow has already started,
which means you'll be able to watch your favorite vlogs on our channel again.
It's no secret that the team's head office and boot camp are located here, in the capital of Russia.
It means it's going to be a domestic event for us.
If it's your first time in Moscow and you've arrived to root for the Bears
and you have no idea what to see here in between matches,
we're going to ask the guys about it specially for you.
— It's not your first time in Moscow. You stay here quite often. Can you recommend our fans where to go?
What good places do you know?
— Our boot camp. We spend all the time there.
— Only there? And where do you eat? At the boot camp too?
— Yes.
— Such a loyal person.
There are plenty of parks: Gorky Park, Sokolniki Park…
— Damn, I haven't been to a park in Moscow. I want to go to the park and to the zoo…
— I recommend everyone to visit Red Square. It's May 9 (Victory Day) soon. It's going to be amazing.
There will be a celebration, a parade. Everybody should go!
Do an escape room. Where did we go… Arma? Yeah, go there.
You can go out for a walk, visit Red Square, wherever you want. Most importantly, visit Epicenter.
Your support means a lot.
— If it wasn't THD and another weaker Support, it'd be easier.
— I'm going further.
— Further? Okay, let's go.
— Grievous, victorious, friendly sounds…
The first day of the Epicenter group stage is eventful and full of highlights. Of course not.
That's why I'm going to do a review on food for you for the first time in my life. What else am I supposed to do?
I can't have any of that, so we're going to skip this line and go further.
So, as you can see, there are a lot of desserts here.
The organizers prepared proper food for our Chinese comrades.
I'm just going to stand nearby.
So, guys, first of all, I will never lose with such a job.
Secondly, they have the most delicious food at Epicenter compared to any other tournament in the world.
Just look at this. It's true.
— Vova, please!
— Can I come in already?
— Yes.
— It is the time to go already?
— Yes!
— Let's go.
— Minute 15. I'm telling to take Roshan even without Pasha. We don't need him here.
— We didn't even need Ramzes here.
— No, we did need him here.
Just go as four. I have no idea why they can't.
At Minute 17 I had already said it, "Let's take Roshan and end this shit."
We can do that, and I don't get why we don't.
— Let's go outside, like we always do?
— Let's fight.
— Hey, you're with me! Oh, okay, there's Ramzes
— The last to die is a goof.
— Bitch…
— By the way, how do you like the food at the Epicenter?
— I don't really like it, because every dish has something I hate…
— Pepper…
— Pepper, onions, eggplants, pumpkins.
— Everyone subscribe to his Instagram!
— I'll post a photo with Rostislav [fn] once there are 100,000 subscribers.
— Why everyone was laughing during the game yesterday?
— Well, there were a lot of jokes, I won't even recall them now.
— It was just some sort of slaughter there…
— Well, people who listened to the [player cam] VOD before it was removed know why.
— What are your plans for the day off?
— The day off? Oh, you mean tonight?
— Yes, tonight
— I'm trying… no, I'm planning to have a very beneficial day.
I'm going to play Dota with the team, then I'll play it alone and then watch some games.
— You won't be coming home for the night?
— No, I'd rather play some Dota. I have decided to make a change in the routine.
— Have you ever left an autograph in a passport?
— No.
— Transcript of records, money, a document…
— No.
— What was the most unexpected thing to sign then?
— A sheet of paper.
— Right, on the chest.
— No, on boobs.
— On boobs?
— Yes.
Our guys have signed a whole pack of these great posters.
Soon, you'll be able to get them. I think we'll share the details on our social media soon,
so keep an eye on our accounts.
What a beauty.
A new start, after the summit - Duration: 49:28.
Thank you for the updates Devin.
And now we are going to have a look back at Friday's inter-Korean summit, the peace declaration
signed by the two leaders -- as well as the prospects going forward.
Joining us in the studio is Kang Sun-woo from the Presidential Advisory Body, National Education
Council, and Professor Bong Young-shik, Researcher at the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies.
Great that you could squeeze us in between your busy schedules.
We'll be connecting to some other experts via Skype to discuss the summit and the current
climate in and out of the nation, following the historic event at the border village of
Panmunjom, where a declaration of Peace, Prosperity and Unification was unveiled.
The two leaders pledged to remove nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula.
They also agreed to turn the Demilitarized Zone between the two sides into a "genuine
peace zone" and stop all hostile activities.
One scene etched into the minds of the Korean people for years to come, Kim Jong-un crossing
the DMZ into the South,... the first North Korean leader to do that.
I'd like to start by picking your brains for your thoughts on the summit.
Ms. Kang, Are you satisfied with how the meeting went
the other day and what are your thoughts on the declaration the two leaders signed?
........ And, professor Bong,.. same questions to you.
.......... ______________________________________________
Ok, well let's connect to the first of our experts who are joining us from other parts
of the globe.
First we have Dean Cheng, Senior Research Fellow with The Heritage Foundation's Asian
Studies Center.
We all witnessed the extraordinary scenes at Panmunjom on Friday, did the summit live
up to your expectations?
......................... The Panmunjom Peace Declaration signed by
the two Korean leaders.
How do you think the regional player assess it.
......................... Pyongyang states in the declaration... it's
willing to denuclearize.
It's sudden, but in recent days repeatedly North Korean leader Kim Jong-un mentioned
Can we take his word on that though.
......................... Dean Cheng, Senior Research Fellow with The
Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center.
Thank you for your insights.
Professor Bong, you've been listening to what the Mr. Cheng had to say there about.
Do you agree with his assessment?
And Sunwoo,...
Mr. Cheng says there's no chance Pyongyang will ever abandon its nuclear weapons are
you inclined to agree with that sentiment?
........ _____________________________________________________
Let's bring in another expert who is joining us this evening via Skype.
We have David Maxwell, Associate Director of the Center for Security Studies in the
School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University.
Mr. Maxwell, it's a pleasure to have you.
Thanks for agreeing to come on.
Let's start with your thoughts on how the inter-Korean summit went...
.................. Also we'd be very interested to hear your
views on the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration of Peace, Prosperity and Unification....
What about Japan and Russia, members of the stalled six-party talks and key regional players.
They seem concerned about being left behind while the two Koreas, the U.S. and China race
ahead trying to find a diplomatic solution to the North Korea issue?
.................. David Maxwell, Associate Director of the Center
for Security Studies in the School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University, thank you.
Listening to his thoughts there.... how do you think Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
and Russian President Vladimir Putin see this situation on the Korean Peninsula following
the summit as beneficial to their countries?
Miss King?
........ And Professor Bong, what are your thoughts
on Russia and Japan.
Tokyo is especially concerned out being frozen out in this flurry of diplomacy....
.......... _______________________________________________________________
Plenty to chew over for those two countries in this current diplomatic climate.
Let's get the thoughts of another expert now.
Tong Zhao, Associate of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy.
I'd like to start but hearing your thoughts on Friday's inter-Korean summit as well....
................... The North says it's willing to give up its
We assumed it wants a gradual process and would seek rewards in return.
How concerned should we be that Washington and Pyongyang are still on a collision course
as President Trump made it crystal clear he wants fast, complete and irreversible denuclearization?
................... All in all, the first inter-Korean summit
this decade are viewed as a success.
Perhaps changing the complexion ahead of the regime's talks with the U.S.
How do you see it unfolding, any hope for a major breakthrough on disarmament?
Tong Zhao, Associate of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, thank you for sharing
your two cents on the developens, we appreciate it.
Professor Bong, what do you make of Mr. Zhao thoughts on the U.S.-North Korea summit and
how do you think this highly-anticipated meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un is
going to go?
.......... And Ms. Kang.
What do you think?
Do you hold much optimism for the talks between Trump and Kim?
........ _________________________________________________
Let's continue our discussion then, but turning the focus onto more domestic reaction.
Ms. Kang, you have a close relationship with the ruling party, I'd like to ask you how
the ruling Democratic Party of Korea is reacting to what we saw on Friday....
........ The conservatives -- namely the main opposition
Liberty Korea Party -- are very concerned the president is giving way too much to North
Do you think the ruling bloc can convince the main opposition to cast politics to one
side and throw its full support behind the president's efforts?
........ Professor Bong,...
The declaration is wide-ranging.
It also mentions restarting reunions for families separated by the Korean War, among other things.
Is this one most urgent issues in your opinion?
.......... This question is for the both of you,... a
lot of South Koreans were happy to see the scenes on reconciliation during Friday's summit,
but with North Korea things can change quickly.
Do you think President Moon still has to "sell" the
benefits of this deal with North Korea to the South Korean public?
.......... ........
Unfortunately we've run out of time.
Professor Bong Young-shik Researcher at the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies,
Kang Sun-woo, from the Presidential Advisory Body, National Education Council, it's been
a pleasure having you in the studio to delve deeper into the significance of the inter-Korean
summit and to talk more about what the future holds.
Certainly seems brighter than a few months ago.
A big thank you as well to our guests who joined us earlier -- Dean Cheng, David Maxwell
and Tong Zhao.
The world needs realists to keep it alive, but we do need dreamers to give it a soul.
This realist, with guarded optimism, is hopeful that we
are not going in circles, and dream of
a Korea moving forward together.
Thanks for watching everyone, this has
been Daniel Choy.
Here's wishing
a good night, and a smooth transition to a new work week.
[추억의 게임] '록맨'에 관한 뻔펀한 이야기 - [뻔펀] - Duration: 5:55.
Safely Back in Paris, Brigitte Macron Breaks Her Silence on Melania Trump - Duration: 1:45.
Safely Back in Paris, Brigitte Macron Breaks Her Silence on Melania Trump
France's "first lady" (that not her official title) first met our First Lady,
Melania Trump, last July.
So, when French President Emmanuel Macron visited the White House last week, the media
wondered how his wife, Brigitte, and Melania would get along during a more intimate time
together.They seemed to get along fine, but looks can be deceiving, especially when disseminated
by America's mainstream media.
Now, safely back in Paris, Brigitte Macron has spilled the beans on Melania in an interview
with local media, which was picked up by the British and American press.
Melania Trump, said France's first lady, is a "charming, intelligent…very open"
and "actually really fun" woman.
But, Brigitte lamented that Melania "cannot do anything.
She can't even open a window at the White House.
She can't go outside.
She's much more constrained than I am.
I go out every day in Paris."
If she thinks being unable to go out in public is bad, Brigitte should take a look at how
the liberal media here treats Melania.
Bottom line – the liberal leaders of France had nothing but praise for Melania Trump.
Why can't liberals here in America see that?
💓 5 Ways To Build Brilliant Garden Containers 💓 - Duration: 4:58.
There are endless ways when it comes to choosing what to use as a garden container,
as long as there is drainage and space for the soil.
Although it may sound easier,
buying cute planters from the store can cost you big bucks.
Look around the house for things that can be used to hold plants, vegetables and herbs.
Think of how you can repurpose old furniture, crockery, shoes and even clothes for your garden.
But if you are willing to spend some cash you can explore local stores for more unique items!
In this list, I have compiled 5 ways to build brilliant garden containers you can try by simphome.com,
regardless of your gardening skill, budget and space.
5. Baking Tin Planters
Cut a thick plastic sheet into a semi circle considering the diameter of your round baking tin.
Next, apply a small amount of gorilla glue on the edges of baking tin and stick the plastic sheet on it.
Make sure they are glued properly and wait for the glue to dry.
Put stones at the base for drainage
before adding a layer of potting soil and plant your herbs.
4. Drawer Planters
One of the easiest ways to build brilliant garden containers
is by repurposing unused drawers or wooden boxes from your storage room.
Always clean them from the dusts before turning them into planters.
You may ruin the wooden containers if you fill it directly with wet potting mix,
that's why opt for plant-filled pots inside the outer container instead.
3. Seashell Planters
Pick up some large seashells from the local beaches or craft stores.
Using a drill, make a small water drainage hole in the base.
Fill the shells with a thin layer of pebbles for drainage and top with potting mix.
Plant your selection of cactus or succulents.
Remember to keep the seashell planters in a place
with enough natural light and water as needed.
2. Succulents Book Planters
Cut at least 5cm deep square-shaped hole to plant your succulents in the book,
preferably start right after the title page.
You don't need to make a perfectly cut square because only the top page that will be visible.
Cover the hole with a small plastic bag to prevent the water and put free-draining materials at the bottom.
Place the succulent and fill the hole with soil to make the plant stand on its own.
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If you never press it, click it, include bell icon beside it.
Your support means mood booster to us and that means a lot.
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1. Milk Carton Planters
The last ways to build brilliant garden containers is by using milk carton planters.
Just collect used milk cartons and rinse them out thoroughly.
After the carton is dry, cut out one side that will be the top of the planter.
Tape the edges of the opening with strong duct tapes to maintain the shape.
Poke a few drainage holes at the base.
Fill the planter with potting soil and place the plants on the top.
Keep in mind that the plants will need more water
since they are not directly planted on the ground,
so always give your potted garden regular watering.
If you are following these ways to build brilliant garden containers,
you still need to choose food safe planters when you are planting edible plants.
That's it.
if you learn new things from this video,
express your feeling using like or share button under this video before you leave.
if you don't like it, share you mind using comment area under those buttons and Tell us what you want.
Then Dislike it if you feel have to.
See you again later sometimes in the near future and thanks for watching.
[ENG SUB] 180428 TWICE Fangirling Over Mamamoo Hwa Sa & Loco (주지마) - Duration: 1:28.
Chaeyoung: Loco came out on Music Bank today
Fan: "Don't Give It To Me"! (Song name)
♪ Men are all the same ♪
♪ No, men who drink are all the same ♪
♪ Saying I don't see anyone but you ♪
♪ Is just saying I forgot everything else but you ♪
♪ So don't give me alcohol (Hyejin-ah!) ♪
♪ I'm lonely enough sober ♪
Jihyo: Did you guys see "Don't" stage?
We saw it during the pre-recording
and we kept screaming in our waiting room!
They finished in one-go, and we were like "No! Why did they finish so fast?! Please do it one more time!"
We screamed so much in our waiting room!
Chaeyoung: Seriously... It was so sexy
♪ Don't offer me a drink, oh baby ♪
♪ I know it'll only bring regrets ♪
♪ (I can't do it) ♪
♪ Don't give me courage, oh baby ♪
♪ I know it'll only last today ♪
It was so sexy, like wow
Mina: Hwa Sa is seriously..
Jihyo: You know this move at the end!
Mina: For me, it was when she leaned back and sang
That was so cool!
Jihyo: I think she's so cool!
Anatomy of a Steeplechaser: How their Physique Helps Their Stamina - Duration: 13:01.
We've taken six of the world's top athletes
to find out what it takes to make a true Olympian...
That's it, come on!
..as we push their bodies to the max.
Rowing is one of the most physically demanding sports
on the Olympic programme.
It requires strength,
it requires strength-endurance,
it requires power.
Add on top of that, the aerobic capacity
that is required within an elite rower
is absolutely enormous.
This really is the full package for an Olympic athlete.
Damir Martin is a double Olympic silver medallist
and missed out on Olympic gold in Rio
by just five-thousandths of a second
in the closest finish in Olympic rowing history.
It's a photo-finish!
Damir's Olympic successes
and his title of European Champion have made him
Croatia's most popular sports star.
He's taken a break from pre-season training
to take on our most demanding set of tests yet.
The typical body shape of a rower really
is all about stroke rate times by stroke length.
The taller the rower is,
the longer the potential there is for that stroke,
the faster they will go.
What we're looking for is very tall, very muscular,
very lean individuals to be elite rowers.
Damir has come to the Manchester Institute
of Health and Performance, to see just what it is
that makes him one of his sport's truly elite athletes.
The stats show he's a physical force to be reckoned with,
but what are the secrets that have made him
one of rowing's stand-out performers?
We're about to find out.
It could sound funny.
I don't like to row too much, because it really
hurts my back, probably 20k, in a session
and then on a bike, I do 60-100 kilometres
and then even do some weightlifting
or some preventional training.
Before we really set Damir to work,
we need to see what makes up the body of a world-class rower
and just how much has changed since
the peak condition of games time in Rio.
Compared to an Olympic-class swimmer
with a body fat percentage of 12.4,
Damir's pre-season form
of 18.4% may seem less impressive,
but next to a similar-sized heavyweight weightlifter
at 26.7, Damir clearly has the lean muscle to match the mass.
During winter, there's a lot of endurance training,
collecting mileage and collecting weights in the gym.
So you have some storage of strength during the summer.
The Dynamometer test is regularly used for two reasons.
One is performance and one is for injury surveillance
and for rehabilitation.
Damir is a linear endurance athlete,
in other words he repeats the same action
over and over again and the load that is placed
on the left and right sides should be equal,
so we're looking for high strength
and we're looking for symmetry.
In a typical rowing stroke,
almost 50% of the power produced
comes from the leg muscles.
Our Dyno will test the rotational force, or torque,
Damir's legs can generate
and also the relative strength of his dominant
and non-dominant legs in both hamstrings and quadriceps.
- Are you ready? - I'm ready.
Great - three, two, one, go!
Good, push, push, push, pull, pull, pull, well done, Damir.
Come on, let's go again, more, more, more.
Push, push, push! Last one, let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!
Pull! Pull! Pull! And relax.
A single scull rower needs to be able to generate
massive amounts of torque
through his legs in both the flexion
and extension phases to power himself to victory.
But this power delivery has to be balanced across both legs
to ensure he propels his boat as efficiently as possible
through the water.
Two, one, go!
Good, yes, great start, Damir!
Go on, then, push hard, pull!
Good, and relax there.
Excellent, Damir, so that's some of the highest
peak torques I've ever seen,
so really well done!
You feel OK?
I put my eyeballs back!
Damir's results are truly astonishing.
His peak torque on leg extension
is in a class of its own,
higher than even the best elite athlete scores
from the NFL, NBA and football's Premier League.
The critical value we looked at
was that peak torque production,
which was almost 400 newton-metres,
incredibly strong.
Add on top of that the symmetry.
So the torque produced from both left and right leg
was almost the same.
So he is beautifully symmetric and incredibly strong.
I think my physical strengths are really
my physical strengths.
So, all the trainings in the gym.
I think the most important thing are the square metres
of your body and if you are not tall, you have to be wide.
Training at altitude has been used by elite athletes
for almost 50 years now as a way to force
the body to perform at reduced oxygen levels.
So when the athlete returns to sea level,
they can deliver improved aerobic performance.
As we go up in altitude
the availability of oxygen reduces.
Essentially what that does
is it makes rowing that much harder.
Three, two, one, go!
We've put Damir in
a cutting-edge environmental chamber...
Excellent! Good change, well done!
..and dialled in the same conditions
that exist at Belmeken, Bulgaria,
where Croatia's top Olympic performers
head for altitude training, 2,000m above sea level.
96, that's excellent!
Like all Olympic rowing events, the single sculls
is contested over 2,000m.
Rowers pace themselves over 500m splits,
with the first and the last being flat-out sprints,
and the middle two, at a constant race pace.
Inside the chamber, Damir has to produce 90 seconds
of steady-state rowing...
Connect and go, well done!
..followed by 30 seconds of all-out effort
over eight intervals
and with 22% less oxygen available than at sea level.
Yeah, well ahead of pace, well done, well done!
That's it, keep pushing, Damir!
Three, two, one.
Excellent, Damir, well done.
- Feeling OK? - Real good, well done.
For Damir, what we see is that performing the same exercise,
at the same intensity, we get this progressively increasing
heart rate across the test.
In other words, it's getting harder and harder.
As it gets harder, the adaptation to that
gets greater and greater.
So by training at altitude,
what we are seeing is an increase
in training stimulus, which hopefully translates
to an improved performance at sea level.
It could sound funny who my inspiration was,
it was Mahe Drysdale and Olaf Tufte.
I'm racing now against them.
Tufte is now the oldest in the field,
he is not happy with this title,
but he is a great athlete
and he has to show
us younger guys how to row and
how to exist that long in rowing.
In those two weeks of Rio, it was really satisfying
and the last 300m came
and I said, "It's the Olympic final,
"I have nothing to lose,
"I can just make my medal shinier."
It's Damir Martin from Drysdale,
but Drysdale has the finish.
It was really perfect from the first to the last stroke
and I have nothing to be sorry for.
Yeah, maybe for this less than one-thousandth of a second.
But it will come.
The lung function test is really important,
because it's the first piece in the jigsaw of aerobic capacity.
Now, what we see in elite rowing
is very big athletes and big athletes have big lungs.
So, what we are expecting
is Damir to demonstrate that in this test.
The cardio-respiratory system of any athlete is vital
in achieving peak performance.
Rowers must shift between intense aerobic
and anaerobic activity throughout a race
and efficient and powerful lungs are the foundation
of everything they do.
So can I get you to put your nose clip on
and so I want you to put the tube in your mouth
and have a good seal if that's all right.
Take a deep breath in - when you're ready...
And keep on going, keep on going, keep on going,
keep on going.
That's good, well done, Damir.
The effort that is required to drive a 14-kilo,
eight-metre-long single scull through the water at race pace
for 2km is huge,
and there are few Olympic sports that can match
the intensity of physical exertion
that elite rowers experience.
Fill your lungs up and out!
Keep on going, keep on going, keep on going.
That's good, well done.
So, Damir these results are phenomenal,
even compared to some of
the elite athletes that we look after.
When we look at Damir's Forced Vital Capacity
or the amount of air he can exhale in one full breath,
it's easy to see why rowers have the reputation
for having the strongest lungs in sport.
He has a huge lung volume
and that is critical to underpin
this enormous aerobic capacity
which is required for elite rowing.
The VO2 Max, or the aerobic capacity,
often what we call the endurance capacity,
is absolutely crucial for rowing performance.
So, for Damir, were expecting a very high VO2 Max,
because it underpins everything he does in the boat.
As well as testing Damir's ability to deliver oxygen
to his muscles during a maximal effort,
we are also measuring when he hits his anaerobic threshold,
the point at which his body can no longer
remove the lactic acid which causes the muscles to burn
and exhaustion to set in.
Rowers have produced some of the highest-ever recorded
VO2 Max readings among elite athletes
and there's no single test that pushes the body
to its physical limits more than this one.
It demands nothing short of total, maximum effort.
Three, two, one, off you go!
Every minute the test goes on,
Damir will have to up his power output.
350 watts, well done!
As the stroke rate increases, his heart rate rises
and the lactate levels in his muscles begin to build.
Brilliant, Damir, brilliant!
Rowing takes the body into areas of physical exhaustion
that few other sports can match,
demanding supreme endurance and strength in equal measure.
Nice and controlled, but push!
- Dig deep! - Good job!
That's it, come on!
As the lactate threshold is reached
and Damir's muscles begin to burn with the effort,
he must push through the pain if he's to achieve the VO2 Max
he is truly capable of.
- Yes, here we go! - Come on, push it!
Yes, Damir! That's it, push it, big watts!
- Well done. - Keep it going, keep it going.
Don't fail, don't fail!
- Come on, push. - 30 seconds and we're done!
Come on, 30 seconds, that's it!
Excellent! Well done.
Fantastic work, absolutely fantastic.
Damir's Maximal VO2 score is literally breathtaking,
higher than the world's best marathon runners
and greater than most of the elite rowers
he competes against.
He consumes 6.25 litres of oxygen every minute -
that's absolutely massive.
Lactate threshold, Damir can sustain
one minute 40 seconds for every 500m,
that's absolutely incredible.
The race is seven minutes,
there is a lot of fighting in your head
when the pain hits you.
You can always stop and then it's easier.
But then, you are not in front, so you have to bite through it
and go till to the end.
Even in a sport renowned
for producing some of the most impressive physical specimens
on the planet, Damir is truly a force of nature.
That's it, keep it going, keep it going! Don't fail!
Stamina, strength and a mental conditioning
that enable him to push his body beyond the limits
of even the most elite of his fellow athletes.
He is an imposing figure when he comes into the lab.
He is incredibly strong,
his lung size, absolutely astronomical.
All of these facets of performance
demonstrate why Damir
is a double Olympic silver medallist
and one of the best rowers in the world.
I thought that maybe this is for a reason,
that I didn't win the gold medal in Rio
because I think great things are coming,
so I am looking forward to Tokyo
and maybe even further.
How to love... in Dutch? ❤️🇳🇱 - Duration: 3:44.
I made a huge mistake:
I fell in love with a Dutch man...
and if I knew at that point how hard it will be to speak...
I would cut the relationship off
at that moment!
Each time you meet with a Dutch guy and you speak in Dutch...
he is positively surprised with the fact you try Dutch.
They don't care about the mistakes.
And somehow I think that it even makes guys feel better
that they can show the proper way of saying it.
They can teach you something.
They are like... "Can I explain you this..."
I met a Dutch woman in my home country, in Ireland.
And eventually that us led to here.
My wife and I, we've known each other for 18 years.
And all of a sudden to change from an English spoken relationship
to instantly speaking Dutch is not that realistic.
I attempted it before and we fell over very quickly.
The risk for us is that we keep on talking in English,
because that's what we are used to so far.
So we have a big intention to learn each other's languages.
It's very important.
When I arrived to live here, I put around all my apartment post-its...
everywhere with the Dutch word and the English word.
The very first time he entered,
he saw post-its everywhere...
on the mirror, on the drawers, on the table, even inside the cupboard...
at the beginning his sigh was like...
maybe this is not a good idea to have met this girl.
Just say one word or two in Dutch and he will be so extremely happy.
You don't have to convince a Dutch guy to speak Dutch to you.
It's enough that you show that you try,
that you are keen on.
And then you can steal the heart very easily.
What I've been advised to do, and what's working so far, is...
pick a moment or maybe a couple of situations a day
that you speak only Dutch.
So for us, we've decided that at dinner we speak Dutch.
When we're in the car, I speak Dutch.
Polish men are more like a gentleman.
So, they will open the door for us.
They will take the heavy bags for us.
They will take our coat and open the door in the car...
while Dutch guys don't do it.
Sometimes I was opening the door for Dutch guys.
And for Polish girls that's really something like,
"What the f*** is wrong with them!?"
Don't get upset with the fact that he is not a gentleman.
To his way of thinking he is a gentleman.
And you can be completely yourself,
because Dutch people are really easy going.
They don't judge you.
Through the language you can learn, and feel, and inhale more about values, roots...
So that's the main thing for me.
It's even more important, I guess, than learning the language by itself.
By diving into someone's roots or history
you really extend and expand your boundaries.
It's also very valuable for yourself.
Bombardeiros B-52 e B-1 interceptados no Báltico por caça Su-27 - Duration: 2:04.
Beautiful Sedona: Cathedral Rock, Energy Vortices and the Chapel of the Holy Cross - Duration: 38:07.
"Na vrhovima prstiju" Studio B 29.04.2018 - Duration: 3:17.
7 Rules of INFLUENCE: Influencing People - Duration: 1:40.
7 ways people can influence you
without you even knowing.
Are you ready?
Rule 1
See this pillow?
It's $10.
See this pillow?
It's $20.
You will think this $20 pillow
is luxurious,
made of duck feather,
a luxury...
It's the same freakin' pillow.
Rule 2
let me get a drink.
Oh hey there!
I bought you one too.
By the way, I'm selling raffle tickets.
Do you want to buy one?
You're more likely to say yes.
Because I bought you a drink.
But you know what's funny?
You never asked for that drink.
Rule 3
Mom, I want this bear!
You go to the shop and it's sold out.
Why would a toy that was just advertised be sold out?
You buy something else
and promise little Passy you'll buy the bear later.
All of the sudden there's a lot of bears in stock.
Remember that promise to little Passy?
These stores are so sneaky.
Rule 4
Chimpanzee falls over.
No one helps him.
If no one's helping, you're not gonna help.
And you're wondering why?
Because everyone is thinking what you're thinking.
If no one else is helping
why do I need to?
Social proof.
Rule 5
If I want to sell you a car,
isn't it interesting that I play the same sport as you?
I actually have the same hobbies as you.
We have the same birthday too!
You're more likely gonna trust someone
who has the same likes as you.
Rule 6
Let's go to a restaurant.
I recommend the pasta
cause the sandwich isn't that good today.
I just told you a lie.
But you didn't even know that.
But you trust me more now, don't you?
It looks like I'm on your side.
But what drink do I recommend?
The most expensive bottle of champagne, of course.
Rule 7
So you want a Yugioh card.
I'm sorry, we're sold out.
You're upset, aren't you?
But if I check our back and there is one,
you'll take it?
You will, I'll go have a look.
You know what's crazy?
It so happens I have this blue-eyes white dragon right here!
"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion"
It's a great book.
Give it a read!
Get fortnite v bucks
For more infomation >> Get fortnite v bucks-------------------------------------------
L'Impardonnable Episode 30 - Duration: 20:20.
For more infomation >> L'Impardonnable Episode 30 - Duration: 20:20.-------------------------------------------
💓 5 Ways To Build Brilliant Garden Containers 💓 - Duration: 4:58.
There are endless ways when it comes to choosing what to use as a garden container,
as long as there is drainage and space for the soil.
Although it may sound easier,
buying cute planters from the store can cost you big bucks.
Look around the house for things that can be used to hold plants, vegetables and herbs.
Think of how you can repurpose old furniture, crockery, shoes and even clothes for your garden.
But if you are willing to spend some cash you can explore local stores for more unique items!
In this list, I have compiled 5 ways to build brilliant garden containers you can try by simphome.com,
regardless of your gardening skill, budget and space.
5. Baking Tin Planters
Cut a thick plastic sheet into a semi circle considering the diameter of your round baking tin.
Next, apply a small amount of gorilla glue on the edges of baking tin and stick the plastic sheet on it.
Make sure they are glued properly and wait for the glue to dry.
Put stones at the base for drainage
before adding a layer of potting soil and plant your herbs.
4. Drawer Planters
One of the easiest ways to build brilliant garden containers
is by repurposing unused drawers or wooden boxes from your storage room.
Always clean them from the dusts before turning them into planters.
You may ruin the wooden containers if you fill it directly with wet potting mix,
that's why opt for plant-filled pots inside the outer container instead.
3. Seashell Planters
Pick up some large seashells from the local beaches or craft stores.
Using a drill, make a small water drainage hole in the base.
Fill the shells with a thin layer of pebbles for drainage and top with potting mix.
Plant your selection of cactus or succulents.
Remember to keep the seashell planters in a place
with enough natural light and water as needed.
2. Succulents Book Planters
Cut at least 5cm deep square-shaped hole to plant your succulents in the book,
preferably start right after the title page.
You don't need to make a perfectly cut square because only the top page that will be visible.
Cover the hole with a small plastic bag to prevent the water and put free-draining materials at the bottom.
Place the succulent and fill the hole with soil to make the plant stand on its own.
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Your support means mood booster to us and that means a lot.
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1. Milk Carton Planters
The last ways to build brilliant garden containers is by using milk carton planters.
Just collect used milk cartons and rinse them out thoroughly.
After the carton is dry, cut out one side that will be the top of the planter.
Tape the edges of the opening with strong duct tapes to maintain the shape.
Poke a few drainage holes at the base.
Fill the planter with potting soil and place the plants on the top.
Keep in mind that the plants will need more water
since they are not directly planted on the ground,
so always give your potted garden regular watering.
If you are following these ways to build brilliant garden containers,
you still need to choose food safe planters when you are planting edible plants.
That's it.
if you learn new things from this video,
express your feeling using like or share button under this video before you leave.
if you don't like it, share you mind using comment area under those buttons and Tell us what you want.
Then Dislike it if you feel have to.
See you again later sometimes in the near future and thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> 💓 5 Ways To Build Brilliant Garden Containers 💓 - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
AC III, Ep 01 : Vers le Nouveau Monde - Duration: 42:35.
For more infomation >> AC III, Ep 01 : Vers le Nouveau Monde - Duration: 42:35.-------------------------------------------
Ella froto tres aspirinas en su pelo y lo dejo por 5 minutos, cuando se secó no lo podía creer. - Duration: 3:55.
For more infomation >> Ella froto tres aspirinas en su pelo y lo dejo por 5 minutos, cuando se secó no lo podía creer. - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Dites au revoir au lupus, à l'arthrite, au vertige, à la fatigue chronique, de thyroïde ... ! - Duration: 3:07.
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Daniel Völz kennt Chethrin nicht: Ihr glaubt ihm kein Wort! - Duration: 1:53.
For more infomation >> Daniel Völz kennt Chethrin nicht: Ihr glaubt ihm kein Wort! - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
J'adore 2 fois par jour pendant une semaine. Qu'est-il arrivé? | Francaise Beauté Santé - Duration: 6:38.
For more infomation >> J'adore 2 fois par jour pendant une semaine. Qu'est-il arrivé? | Francaise Beauté Santé - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
汽車的空調開最高檔和最低檔耗油一樣嗎? - Duration: 2:48.
For more infomation >> 汽車的空調開最高檔和最低檔耗油一樣嗎? - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
L.I.F.T - "Cassette Tapes"
HOW TO TALK CINEMATIC - Duration: 3:55.
Okay, so today is about how to shoot a dialogue, so let's get right into it
This is how you may be filming a dialogue
Well pause for a moment if she ever did this I would be like
Now this is how to shoot a dialogue cinematic
The problem is this is super basic and believe it or not a lot of people make this mistake
So why this is a problem well even though you cut to another person our?
Brain is still processing the last image and psychologically we may perceive the images as if they're talking to themselves
Because they're not facing each other well the easy fix is this first. This is what happened in scene 1
Then this is what I did to fix scene 1 first
Start that scene with the white shot so that the audience will know ad class what's going on then
Shoot the over-the-shoulder shot
Connecting those characters while delivering the dialogue then move into the close-up
emphasizing the intensity of the situation finally
Be the same
with equal amount of exposure on each side
Leaving the ambiguity of what is going to happen next here what you notice is that?
Everything I did
Happened on one side and one side only and this is a point that I like to emphasize the most well
What you do is draw a line across the actors and do not leave it aside that you chose
if you don't have any
justification to do so if you're shooting from side a
Keep that throughout if you're shooting from side B
Keep that throughout of course
there are good reasons why you want to leave the side for example when there is a change in the
Situation you want to change the side as well to show the audience that something has changed
Let's say two people are fighting over something at first this person a was dominant in the fight
but then this person be
changed tactics and start winning the fight and to show that
tactical change you can pan over to side B and
Follow that up with the shot from side B of course
Panning is not the only way to do this you can insert point of view
white shot or car way so in short one don't leave the side if you don't have any
justification to do so and to shoot medium shot and close-ups for the change in intensity and
Three when you want to change the side do it properly so that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed it tomorrow
I will be doing how to park your car cinematic and also please subscribe and watch more video, and I'll see you tomorrow
Dimmu Borgir - Council of Wolves and Snakes - Eonian 2018 drum cover - Duration: 5:31.
Dimmu Borgir - Council of Wolves and Snakes drum cover
How To Balance YouTube And Life - Duration: 12:15.
Stick around till the end because today I'm going to be showing you how you can
balance YouTube and life what's going on my name is Devin Street
helping you build your online presence and make money in the process and today
we're gonna be talking about how you can balance YouTube and life together but if
you're not already subscribed go ahead and click the subscribe button new video
every single Sunday showing you how you can grow your YouTube channel so today's
video is extremely important and something that definitely should be
talked about on this channel and it's how you balance YouTube and life
together because you're always gonna have your schedule in your life and it
can get very busy at some times and then you're gonna have your YouTube where you
have to make sure you're getting content out so you can grow and if you miss like
even a couple of weeks without uploading a video it's gonna take forever to catch
back up and get back into a growth site we're gonna go ahead and go over a
couple tips in this video talking about exactly what you can do to balance
YouTube and live properly where it's not absolute chaos so for number one I would
say you have to have a schedule for your YouTube channel
and this is key not only for balancing but also for your subscribers and all
that I've talked about this kind of stuff before and it's basically you know
you're going to have to have a schedule so you make sure you stay on that
schedule before I had a schedule I was not able to keep up with getting videos
out every week I just said videos weekly and then I missed two weeks because my
schedule wasn't strict enough and I think you really have to have a strict
schedule when it comes to YouTube so I would recommend at least one video per
week depending on your content if your animation or something like that you
want to go on a different schedule because obviously it takes more than a
week sometimes to do these animations so but for most video types it's one video
per week so I would suggest pick one day and always make sure to post on that day
at the exact same time so for me it's every
single Sunday at 7:00 a.m. I choose that because it gives me Saturday to work on
a video if I don't already have one ready and it gives me all Saturday to
edit that and by Saturday night I'm able to upload that get the thumbnail
uploaded and schedule it to upload that morning Sunday morning 7:00 a.m. and
this is good for a couple reasons one with me having my videos on this exact
day are always know okay I've got a film on this day and I've got to edit through
out these days and have it ready and ready to go live by like Saturday night
so with that I'm always making sure that I'm getting everything done on time and
I'm on this very tight strict set schedule and also with this with it
being on this exact time every single time subscribers know exactly when a
video is going to go up so when you have your subscribers prepared and ready for
a new video every single time then they're going to be able to look out for
that video because every single week my subscribers are gonna go well it's
Sunday morning so there's definitely a video from Devin else so I'm gonna go to
my subscription box and check that out and also they be like sometimes
YouTube's messing up and they're like oh it's not in my subscription box so maybe
I should just go to his channel and it will probably be there and that's a
perfect way to get maximum amount of views within those first 48 hours on
your YouTube video is by knowing exactly when a video is going to come out tip
number two I would say that you definitely don't want to bite off more
than you can chew and what I mean by this is you don't want to be like okay
I'm going to do four videos a week when you have a tight hard busy schedule so
for instance I had one video every single Sunday and then
for a while I had the podcast every single Wednesday and I had don't think
I've given a full update on that like it's been on Twitter and stuff if you
follow my company OEM on Twitter go ahead and follow them there because
that's where a lot of the updates are or you can just check out the website or
something but basically I've dropped the podcast mostly because the interest is
not completely there and also it was a lot of work now it's not as much work as
doing a video every single week and having to do that editing and all that
but still that's 30 minutes of every single week that I have to give to
talking to a microphone and give audio and then do about an hour of
descriptions titles putting that into video form and putting it on YouTube and
putting on iTunes and Google Play and things like that and it's difficult and
it's hard and that's why I've dropped it until
either late June or early July I'm gonna try to pick it back up but right now I
see no point in continuing to do it during my busiest months right now in
April May and June it's gonna be extremely busy so it was something I
just need to drop mostly cuz there wasn't as many people watching that
either looking at like my videos my tutorials about YouTube and things like
that versus the podcast the podcast had much less people watching it much less
views and things like that so what I did was I was like okay the audience really
isn't there for it takes a lot of my time so I'm just gonna drop it so that's
another thing but don't bite off more than you can chew and also I'm going to
talk about now why I just changed the background so I just changed the
background because sometimes you can get extremely busy and this is one reason
why I'm sort of talking about this is because this week it's been extremely
busy for me but I'm showing how you can still balance YouTube in life I've got
tons of college tests and AP tests and high school tests all coming up at once
I'm doing this all at once tons of AP college and honors
classes altogether in one schedule and it's very difficult but I'm still able
to do YouTube once a week so honestly I don't think you have an excuse unless
you're doing something like this unless you have a really hard schedule so
people talk about you know it's hard to balance YouTube in life you know I have
a job and stuff and um that's sort of why I've just changed the background to
show you don't have to get behind your YouTube set up you don't have to get
behind the green screen and things like that in fact that takes more time if you
don't have the time then don't do things like that the first part of the video it
was all in the car it was all just me pulling my phone out in the car and
plugging my microphone up and talking and just sharing things with you and
that's basically all you have to do and you can make a successful YouTube video
because see you're still watching the video so that means that that first part
still had pretty good retention but I changed the background now I'm in the
studio where I belong I got my artificial lighting instead of natural
lighting and things like that and even for this video I'm not going to edit the
green-screen or anything just to show you know you can save time just by
getting the phone out filming and talking into your microphone and things
like that you don't need where your little studio where you do YouTube
videos you can do a YouTube video anywhere and that's tip number three
just do a video wherever you think you have time to do a video squeeze it in
anywhere you want and it's gonna save you a ton of time and then you'll still
be able to edit it if you want to and you can make it look a little better if
it's not the greatest and that's simply just it you know just squeeze it in
where you think you can do it and just roll with it because remember it's all
about showing up not making the most fantastic video in the world just show
up and you can grow and I've got two more tips and they kind of go together
here and that would be to make your videos in
advance so you get your video you finish it for the week and you schedule it for
when you have it in your schedule and then go ahead and start making the next
video don't wait to let video comes out before you go ahead and start making the
next video and that goes along with another tip is make them all at once
make them in this batch so this is what I normally do I'll film three four
videos in one day and then focus on editing each of those individually and
publishing those so all you have to do is simply just sit down one day film for
around an hour of different videos you're gonna do and then you can simply
just publish those schedule them where they fit in your schedule you know if
you've got a video coming out every single Wednesday and publish one for the
first Wednesday of the week then the second Wednesday of the week and then
the third Wednesday of the week and just so on and so forth that's all you have
to do and it's gonna save you a lot of time because every single time you don't
have to get everything set up and then just start recording and then stop
recording and go edit and then publish or you could just record them all at
once then edit them all together and then to publish them all at once it's
just a lot faster because it's a mass production process you're simply just
doing everything together and it's very simple very easy and it's a great way to
save time and that's basically how you can balance YouTube and life together
and I know it can be difficult with some people in school and college doing hard
classes where you go to school all day and then you come home and do homework
into the light light night but it's still possible you just got to find the
places just squeeze it in you gotta have the right schedule you got to make it
super strict on yourself so you make sure to do it and that's simply all you
have to do finally shout out to the fighting Panda
duo who last week commented on a video if you want to get a shout out all you
have to do is subscribe to the channel and then comment below why you liked the
video and telling me that you subscribe remember
you only have to comment once and if you comment multiple times you will not be
able to get a shout out so just keep that in mind also I want to thank
audible for sponsoring this video and they've also given me a great offer
for you you can get thirty three days of audible with two free audiobooks by just
going to the link below and there's some great ones on there there's stuff like
crushing it by Gary Vee that I'm listening to right now I've listened to
some others before like catalyst the wrote one novel the prequel novel it's a
great book I've also listened to if you're a star Wars fan I highly suggest
it but all you have to do is just go to the link below and you can get this free
30-days with two free audiobooks and also when you go to the link below you
can help support the channel so I can create more videos for you but I want to
thank you for watching all the way to the end of the video and if you want to
build your YouTube channel and grow it go ahead and click the subscribe button
and then check out another one of the videos and I will see you in the next
Muzica Noua Dance Club Original Mix 2018 By Dj Robert - Vara 🌴 Plaja 🌱 Petrecere 🌊 Distractie - Duration: 26:10.
偶像大師灰姑娘星光舞台第50話That's why I'm here 那是我為何在此的原因 - Duration: 24:11.
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Tax Withholdings Explained! (How Your 2018 W-4 Affects Your Paycheck) - Duration: 41:41.
in today's video we're gonna be talking about the w-4 and tax withholdings I'll
be teaching you how you can dominate your taxes in 2018 and beyond now this
is the first part in a series of videos I'm gonna make around this subject not
I've literally spent hours diving into various IRS publications to be able to
present the information I'm going to be showing you today I'm gonna talk about a
few things right now on the whiteboard then we're gonna look at actual examples
on screen to help you understand how your w-4 works and how it affects your
tax withholdings versus how much tax you're gonna owe or not owe at the end
of the year when it comes to your paycheck so that's what I want to talk
to you guys about today now unfortunately this is if if there
was one form if there was one area tax I wish our school system would cover this!
would be it this is such an important life skill I
don't know if you guys know this but ninety roughly ninety percent of the
people in the US who work make their living as employees and even those who
are self-employed a high percentage of them pay themselves wages and have to
fill out a w-4 as well and so we're gonna cover this step by step by step so
that you can not only see it from the employees side but also from the
employer side as well because I really feel that you have to understand how it
works from the employer side to understand how your your the tax is
being withheld from your paycheck and how they come up with that number of
amount of tax being withheld from each and every paycheck you receive and if I
lose guys at any point don't worry feel free to leave comments
in the comment section down below and I have downloadable materials in the
description section right below this video so make sure you take the time and
to check it out it's real quick guys what I'm about to show you is not tax
advice so please don't take it that way but it is definitely for your
entertainment and education and I think you will learn a lot from this but
always consult with a professional in your area if you have any questions or
uncertainties about your taxes let's dive into this okay when it comes to
your paycheck there's really two primary methods
when it comes to how much federal income tax and that's what we're talking about
here is how much federal income tax is withheld from each and every time you
get a paycheck on your payday from your employer now there's two ways that's
calculated one method one way that's calculated is the percentage method the
second way is the wage bracket method tables now if this doesn't make sense to
you it's not supposed to but in a minute I'm going to show you on screen what
they are and how it works to understand how this all works guys you're gonna
have to know how it works from the employee side the employer side and then
from the IRS side and all three of those pieces are going to be put together so
it all will make sense in the end and this is just part one of the video
series I'm planning to Bruce three or four videos on this series and telling
until it's totally done to give you guys a very complete overview like I don't
think it's ever been done before on YouTube so that you guys truly
understand how this works so it would mean so much to me guys if you comment
on these videos if you'd like the videos that will help it rate higher and search
and get this information out there to more people why are we doing this it's
so there's a couple reasons why it really the first reasons for financial
planning purposes if you're gonna be able to to be able to save as much money
as you can every month and pay off debt as quickly as possible invest as much as
possible you really have to have a good grasp on how much tax you owe throughout
the year or how much tax to withhold from each and every paycheck because
what could what I've seen happen and I made a video about this recently as in
my top eight tax mistakes that I see happen all time is if a person is not
withholding enough taxes on their paycheck when it comes a tax time they
can oh tens of thousands and I've literally seen tens of thousands of
dollars owed because they were not withholding enough taxes on their with
paycheck the other side of the coin is a person might withhold too much tax from
their paycheck and the money is if you're withholding too much and I've
seen that too where more people help with over-over withhold thousands of
dollars that could have been in their pocket that they could have been using
to invest they could have been using to pay down their debt saving money or
whatever but instead that money is then trapped with the IRS until they file at
to return because you can't get that money back until you file until in my
opinion I would not give the the I don't want to give the IRS more money than I
need to I would much rather only have a very small refund but I also don't want
to oh so that's why we're doing this video series and so that you understand
your w-4 now like I said earlier guys I really wish this stuff was taught in
school this one would be such a valuable life skill to learn but unfortunately
they do not teach it and I've been doing public accounting now for about seven
years and as far as I know there's no formal education on this I have not seen
it anywhere if you know where a person can find a formal education on this
particular topic let me know but I have not seen it you
know when I was getting my accounting degree at the state university I
attended they didn't cover this at all or are next to very little anyways and
then even when you're going through the process of obtaining your CPA license
I've done they you know you don't really cover this stuff and they're either you
talk about general tax planning and federal income taxes but not to this
level of detail not to where it can help the average person and and there's so
many people across the entire country that this information can help so now
let's really dive into the details
all right ladies and gentlemen here we are all right I really hope you guys get
something out of this because I put a lot of time into this and you're about
to see why let's start with just some basics here with your w-4
luckily chipper has been so kind and so so open to helping us out he has
actually volunteered to show us his w-4 chipper
show me your w-4 please yes saya act you'll service okay so we're gonna go
over the exact example that I've put together for you guys of chippers w-4
here in just a moment but there's a couple things I just want to talk to you
guys about first let's start with with your w-4 form itself which is basically
you know we're talking about this form right here as you guys can see this is
what I'm talking about now when you start a new job you're probably used to
getting this you're gonna get the your payroll person or HR person is gonna
give you one of these forms and tell you to fill it out and if for most people
and used to be this way for myself but it feels like I get like a pop quiz it
feels like when you walk into a classroom you get a pop quiz and you got
to fill it out and you're like not sure of what the numbers should be on here or
how to fill it out just correctly you just hope when you turn in that pop quiz
you hope you did as good as you could you know you give it to your payroll
person they they not sure if the numbers are right and legally they can't tell
you how many how much to with how many allowances to indicate on your w-4 or
things like that because they're not gonna be the ones held responsible for
your tax situation they have no liability and so that is why it's up to
us each individual to fill us out for ourselves so the more we know about it
the more accurately we can do that now with the w-4 there's a boxes and we're
gonna I'm gonna go over this one by one here in a second but really what we come
down to is figuring out the number of allowances and so allowances I want you
guys to think about it's not it's not the allowance you're your mother or dad
pays you when you do your chores if you're lucky enough to get an allowance
but really allowances refers to deductions so the more deductions you
have think of allowances as deductions so the more so so when you think about
allowances I want you to think of like tax deductions
so the more tax deductions you have the less tax we have to pay right so the way
this works is like this so the higher the number that we list here under
allowances the less tax is gonna be withheld from our paycheck so the higher
the number of the allowance is the less tax is withheld because it's because
we're getting more tax deductions that we're gonna OLS so that's why less is
withheld now let's reverse this let's reverse it so the the fewer number of
allowances the more tax is withheld from our each and every paycheck so the fewer
number of allowances means we have less tax deductions the more tax has to be
withheld from each and every one of our paychecks so if we put 0 here it's gonna
withhold the maximum amount of tax from each and every paycheck and then on top
of that you see here in box 6 we can even have more withheld if we want to we
can say well okay well hold you know I wanted to claim zero allowances but then
also withhold another $200 per check or whatever it may be for you so that's how
I would like you guys to interpret and think about allowances so that the next
the next thing I want to go over with you guys real quick is what actually
happens when after we fill out after a person fills out their w-4 what actually
happens with that well what it what happens is you give it to your employer
and your employer keeps it on file and probably 90% of the time or more this
information this w-4 form never goes to the IRS the only time it will go to the
IRS is if the IRS specifically requested which is very rare and I have not heard
I have not seen that happen or I have not heard of that happening so it's only
when the IRS requested that's when the employers have to turn it over to them
but most of the time this is just to give to your company's bookkeeper a
payroll person and then they're going to figure out how much federal income tax
state income taxes well if if if you live in a state that has state
income tax like California where I live well they're gonna look at this
information that you filled out and it's gonna determine it's gonna go from this
form and then to the payroll person and then it's gonna spit out a number of tax
withheld on your paycheck and then your employer remits those taxes to the IRS
later on when they file their quarterly SAR monthly monthly tax deposits so
that's kind of how that works so it never goes to the IRS it's just very
rare when that happens okay now I want to show you guys what your employer sees
on there and when they're figuring out how much tax to withhold from your
paycheck based on your w-4 that you provided them okay so then they'll order
to find that no like I said earlier we really have to go
understand this from the side of the employer to understand how this all
works there's no there's really not another way I know of how to explain
this other than to show you with real examples and then let's we're gonna go
through the full process here okay so this is IRS Publication 15 I want you
guys to remember this IRS Publication 15 this is circular eat employer notice it
says employers Tax Guide so this is what your employer is trying to figure out
when they're dealing with your each employees taxes okay so then now I'm
going to show you there's a second ago we talked about the still on the white
board back there but there's the percentage method and then there's the
wage bracket method tables that we're going to talk about so let me show you
what those are real quick guys just so you guys have an understanding and then
we're gonna what they are and then we're gonna go through an actual example right
of this so your employer uses these tables and I'm flipping to it real quick
to figure out your taxes so there's two of them in total so here we go so here's
the if you go to page 46 and all of this I have links to all of these materials
and all of these materials are directly from the IRS website except with a
spreadsheet I'm gonna show you which I created myself but you're free is
downloadable for free it's just to be used as an educational tool as you're
gonna see it's not to be used for like actual tax planning and tax advice what
I would like you to do with that when it comes to you actually like planning
figuring out what your withholdings should
I want you to use the IRS calculator on the IRS website last month or so they
released it the 2018 withholdings calculator well I'll show you guys that
in just a minute okay so here's is the percentage method
tables for income tax withholding now I'm not going to go over this in crazy
detail just yet but basically once your income gets to a certain point we can't
use the other method we can't use the wage bracket method we have to use your
employer has to use the percentage method tables for income tax withholding
now either way should get you the same result or roughly the same result of
withholdings so and as you guys can see I want what I want to point out real
quick is that notice it follows the new tax brackets so 10% 12% 22% this follows
the new 2018 federal income tax brackets so that's how it state that's how your
withholdings are supposed to keep in line as you get each check paycheck
throughout the year when you look at your paycheck stub that's how you can
help helps keep you on track of how much you need to withhold throughout the
course of the year to be okay and caught up on your taxes okay then so this is
this is what the percentage method tables looked like we're gonna go over
an example of that just a minute the other one if I flip to it again here's
what the wage bracket method tables for income tax withholdings look like and
there's a lot of different tables and it covers your different filing statuses so
if you're single and then it first it covers your filing status so if you're
single you use this one and if you get paid weekly you use this one it also
covers that one let me flip the page so here's know this that continues that
okay so then here's for a married person who gets paid weekly if I keep flipping
then you have a single if you keep flipping and then we're on single people
who file single but they get paid bi-weekly personally I get paid
bi-weekly so I would use this one if I were using this method to calculate my
withholdings this is what I would be looking at now like I said this only
covers income so far like it only goes so far down but this shows let me show
you guys he says and wait it at your wages are at least this but less than
this that this and then these numbers across here determine like this is how
many exemptions or allowances you're claiming
not exemptions I'm sorry this is how many allowances you're
claiming on your w-4 and then by using this information you're able to
determine how much to withhold on your taxes and I'm but I'm gonna show you all
of this guys right now so let's go over a real example and I've looked I've done
multiple calculations and I've looked this over multiple times to make sure
this is correct and it should be if you guys notice anything in my spreadsheet
that is incorrect please let me know I would love to update it for you guys and
I want it to be always as accurate as possible okay so let's go to chippers
w-4 now here we go so this is the front first page of the w-4 and chipper has
been like I said kind enough to let us use his information so we just put his
first name here he doesn't have a middle initial and I put last name the cocktail
so chipper the cocktail his full name his social security number we enter that
there we have his home address it's two for one cocktail way city or town is on
Cage City and then he's single so we marked the single box if you're married
if a person is married they might mark one of these of course now because this
doesn't get filed with the IRS even if you are married you can you can still
mark this as a single because it doesn't matter it's just kind of it's just gonna
like determine how much is withheld from each of your paychecks this does not get
get filed with IRS mine actually is still marked as single even though I'm
married but I need to update mine now with a new tax bracket so I'm gonna
probably gonna fix that coming up here but this is you know something I need to
go do myself because what's nice is you should always
I want people to always be thinking about if your income changes if your
filing status changes if you have children then these are reasons to
consider updating your w-2 I mean I'm sorry not w-2 but your w-4 on the annual
basis you might want to update your w-4 on an annual basis depending on your
situation okay then for chipper unbox 5 we're gonna see that he's going to claim
to two allowances and we're gonna walk through that right now just real quick
for some people they are exempt from withholding income tax they have an
exemption from withholding that's really for people who Zink
is solo like $6,000 or less or if a person is already overpaid has such a
large overpayment from the prior year's taxes that they have applied to the
current year then they might not have to have any tax withheld on their check
because they still will zero on this year's tax return so but for I'm not
really talking about if you want to learn if you're exempt from withholdings
look at this first section and the instructions but I don't think most
people are most people are gonna have to withhold tax from their check and so I'm
really talking to the people who need to withhold federal income taxes here and
not people who are exempt if you're exempt you probably are gonna own Ickx -
nothing in taxes anyways and so this is really that's really not who the video
is for but if you are exempt you can just follow the instructions in this
first part right here and and there's very little to fill out ok in terms of
accuracy now the IRS basically states regarding this paper form now there's
this paper version of the form what we're looking at electronically here of
the w-4 and then there's the IRS withholding calculator on the IRS
website now which one's more accurate well absolutely the one on the IRS
website the IRA the the withholdings calculator is extremely more accurate
than this this is not like far off the beaten path but it's much easier to if
you're attacked if you have a more complicated tax situation if you're
married if you have multiple jobs if you have all these different credits these
tax credits then I'll then don't even bother with this really I mean you're
the you're gonna fill out the number of allowances and give this first part to
your employer but use the IRS withholdings calculator all the way it
will save you so much time because all the calculations are built within it and
so let's keep walking down this example here guys so chipper now has two
allowances how do we come up with that go down here now let's go to the the
second page or the third page I should say personal allowances worksheet so
chipper is gonna enter one for himself because it's just him and then so it
says B if you file as married filing jointly no he doesn't enter one if your
files head of household well chipper is not a head of household it says enter
one here if you're a single or married filing separately
and have only one job that is chipper so he's got a single and he only has one
job so we're gonna put a one undie and so then we're gonna go to the line
he doesn't apply for the box or this part was section II he doesn't have to
get the child tax credit because he has no children credit for other dependents
he does not have any other dependents so there's nothing there
other credits he doesn't have any other credits to apply for so his is easy so
we go down the line H and we add up lines a through G and we enter the total
here so that's two so that's where this two is coming from so now that two is
placed right here on line five on the w-4 and that's how many allowances he's
gonna show the employer all right so that's you guys follow me there I'm
hoping you follow me so far now let's go down let's go back down to that
worksheet now if honestly like there's there's this next section of deductions
adjustments an additional income worksheet I would don't even personally
like I don't even bother with the section I would just if if you want to
get like that detailed then I are I would just go to the IRS withholdings
calculator on their website and use that I would stop here so like right as I got
to here if it became more complicated than this this is I would stop
completely and go straight to the withholdings calculator but if if you
don't have a complicated tax situation then pages one through three of this
document will suffice I'll leave a link to this document below so you have it
just in case you ever it's easy too easy to find you just google it
2018 w-4 if you ever need to find it okay so now you see this number two and
allowances on chippers gonna now turn in this these this that before to his
employer but what is that to mean the two the two actually helps the like I
said the payroll person with with determining how much tax withhold so now
your employer the chippers employer gets this w-4 they now they as far as I know
I don't know if any employer who's not using payroll tax software and the real
world that's how it's done I have not seen anybody use the actual withholding
tables that we looked at a second ago in the PDF document and
rs.15 I have not seen people using that it would be much too complicated and
much too time-consuming so employers use software and so they go and drop this
and these this information into their payroll software then payroll software
determines how much tax with hold of every paycheck but but the payroll
software is programmed with the the percentage method and the wage bracket
method so it knows all that stuff is built into the software so but that's
where that it's that's how it knows to calculate that tax so now we're gonna
actually look at a real calculation of how woodchipper gets his paycheck how it
all flows out so let's look at my word document now on screen on the pull that
up for you guys right now and I'm gonna walk through one example I've I've given
you two or I've given you three examples and all but for sake of time I'm only
going to cover one in detail just so I can walk you guys through how this works
and how it would affect chippers paycheck okay so here we are guys this
is the spreadsheet I've put together this like I said this is not I would not
use this to estimate your taxes it's not designed for that use the IRS w-4
withholdings calculator alright so this is in this first example we're at single
monthly okay so this is so this is shivers paycheck he's single and he gets
paid once a month okay only one once a month that he's get a paycheck and I've
included down here as you can see us if you're single and get paid bi-weekly and
I've included one example if person's married if they get paid monthly so
let's walk through this and then we're gonna compare the numbers on this
spreadsheet to the actual IRS withholding calculator and what it comes
up with versus what's on the spreadsheet and I'll show you guys how this actually
works this is how allowances work when it comes to your w-4 the real deal here
guys okay so basic withholdings calculator this and all of these
examples we're gonna be using the percentage method to calculate your tax
withholdings but in in this first example i'll show you both i'll show you
how we get to the same result with the the wage bracket tables as well as the
percentage of the completion method all right so this is chipper so his finally
has a single right we know he's single he's single
hey hey how often is chipper paid well he's paid monthly
we know that shippers paid monthly that's very important and then what is
shippers projected taxable wages now when it comes to planning our w-4 we
have to project our taxable wages now in the next part of this series I'm gonna
give you guys a downloadable spreadsheet I'm gonna cover with you of how to
project your taxable wages it is so important it is the leading factor of
this whole calculation is your projected taxable wages so that's why in the
second part of this series I'm just gonna cover that of how to project them
but let's let's continue down this way so we're we're gonna assume that shipper
makes like forty five thousand year and that's right around the median income of
the average single person in the United States it's right around forty thousand
bucks annually so but he's at forty five
thousand so I'll remember on his w-4 we put that he had two allowances so now
we're gonna actually see what that means and how it all plays out and I've
included some snippets and some screenshots from the this stuff is from
IRS Publication fifteen this is actually in that publication but so you can see
all the information on screen in one place I just have snipped part of this
right here and now so you can see how this works
so the number is highlighted in yellow indicate numbers that came from the IRS
Publication fifteen and so let's walk through this right now alright so we
know that chipper wheat he projects that for 2018 he's gonna make forty five
thousand dollars total of taxable wages so after his 401 K and everything he's
gonna make he projects he's gonna make forty five thousand dollars in taxable
ways it's out then we look at the number of pay periods per year and let me zoom
in a little bit here for you guys so you can see this better there we go
so he's get paid once a month right he gets paid monthly so that means there's
twelve paychecks in a year this simple math so if we divide forty-five thousand
divided by twelve that means in taxable wages he's roughly getting three
thousand seven hundred fifty dollars per check so this is the projected taxable
wages divided by number of pay periods okay so the amount per check as you guys
can see is is this amount right here right three thousand seven fifty
that's what we're projecting so now let's take into account how those
personal income tax allowances affect this calculation so here's the real
numbers and how it works behind the scenes that people never see unless
they're really digging into the detail okay number of first allowances we said
two right so then there is actually a table in IRS Publication 15 that tells
you how much each allowance is worth that's right each allowance has a
certain dollar value assigned to it so over here I've taken this out of the pub
there this is percentage method 2018 amount for one withholding allowance
so for each withholding allowance if you're if you get paid monthly which
chipper does chipper gets paid monthly he makes there it's each allowance is
345 dollars and 80 cents so $345 80 cents let's go back over here so
remember though chipper had two allowances so we take two times three
hundred forty-five dollars 80 cents so total allowances is 691 sixty in terms
of a dollar value so now we come over here follow my mouse cursor please and
notice I have minus six hundred ninety one dollars and sixty cents so what we
do is we take the amount of wages per paycheck minus the allowances of 691
dollars so that means that of the wages he makes three thousand fifty dollars
and forty cents is actually subject to federal income tax withholdings okay and
then now we have to look at the excess over per table for so this is deals with
the wage percentage method okay there are the percentage method for
calculating your withholdings so how where does that number come from well if
we remember earlier I showed you all those different the worksheets that
within publication 15 well here's from the IRS Publication 15 is this the tape
we're looking at Table four this is for people who are single and get paid
monthly well if their income it says income is is over 1100 down here but now
we look at income is over $1100 but not over 3000 $33 well
that's where we're at here because the income subject to withholdings is
between that at three thousand fifty eight dollars and forty cents okay so
then there's a fixed amount of tax as seventy nine dollars and forty cents
plus twelve percent of the amount over one thousand one hundred and two dollars
so this one thousand one hundred two dollars it's coming from right here boom
right there that's where this comes from so now we take the amount of wages
subject to withholding we we subtract the one thousand one hundred two dollars
and we get 1090 640 well that excess amount over that is now multiplied by
the twelve percent and the twelve percent is right here that's where this
is coming from so that means right there from the percentage method we know we
have to have at least two hundred and thirty-four dollars and seventy seven
cents and withholdings okay now I know that's a lot of information to take in
so if you need to rewind the video just to watch that again real quickly
yeah please feel free to do so but I'm gonna keep moving forward and and you're
gonna see how this all comes comes out together here in in the end we're just
about done now so now there's a fixed amount of withholdings it's seventy nine
dollars and forty cents so here's the seventy nine forty it's all right here
so this is why I put these visuals in here because I don't want you guys
searching all over the place for this information but it's all in our s
publication fifteen so now we take the 234 from here and we add the 79 40 from
right here and so the total average federal tax withholdings per check for
chipper is gonna be three hundred and fourteen dollars and sixteen cents okay
so each and every paycheck chipper is gonna have that much tax withheld three
hundred fourteen dollars and sixteen cents and now we know that chipper is
gonna get paid 12 times a year right well now we multiply this withholdings
amount times twelve so the total projected federal tax withholdings for
the year for chipper is gonna be three thousand
seven hundred and seventy dollars and two cents so now let's do a quick rough
comparison of what that amount compares to on the IRS website with using the
withholdings calculator so I'm like I said in the third part of this series
I'll show you in detail how the IRS with all these calculator works but for now
I'm just gonna show you a really quick example so we're gonna come here to IRS
gov we're gonna go down to the w-4 calculator right here click on that and
then if you want the actual w-4 form we were looking at a minute ago this is
where you find it and then see where it says IRS withholdings calculator that's
what we want that is what we want to use to project our withholding it's hard to
calculator with aleene's whoops there we go and if you scroll down here you're
gonna find the actual withholdings calculator I'm gonna click on that and
it's gonna take us to this screen right here let me zoom in because I know
that's hard to read couple of questions that we're gonna fly
through real quick that says what is your filing status on your 2018 income
tax return we know it's single for a chipper but
single can someone else claim you as a dependent we're gonna know and we're
just hit gonna hit continue it's gonna take us to this screen it
says select the total number of jobs in which you are currently or will be
employed it says enter military retirement pay our taxable pensions as
additional separate jobs so we know chipper only has one job in this example
all the rest of this like I said I'll go in detail on another time so we don't
need to fill out any more of this at all for right now you guys you can see it
gets into the tax credits it gets into if you're 65 or older Earned Income Tax
Credit if you qualify for that we're skipping all that we'll go over that and
part three okay let's see hit continue now this is where we actually enter our
projected taxable wages which is why that I think it's so important to have a
firm grasp on what your projected taxable wages are gonna be for the year
because everything else is factored into that everything else is derived from
those wages so all the calculations don't matter if you're that that number
is wrong so you want to get that number right which is why we're gonna look at
that in part two okay so we're gonna drop in it says enter the gross wages
salaries and tips you expect to receive in 2018
now for chipper we know that's five thousand dollars right that's what
that's the example we just looked at mm any bonuses for chipper
no none it says enter to the fete total federal income tax withheld to date on
the paycheck well we're gonna assume I don't really care about that right now I
just want to know in total what it would be for the full year so I'm gonna put
zero here and you have to put C here has an asterisk here you have to put a zero
I'm gonna put a zero in right here and then it says select how frequently
you're paid well we're gonna say monthly because shippers paid once a month right
in our example non wage income this is if you have like dividends interest or
other kinds of income if you have unemployment compensation we're skipping
all that we don't it's not gonna impact our example here now I'm gonna hit
continue and then now it automatically takes into account the standard
deduction but if you if you itemize you can put itemized deductions here we're
gonna assume that chipper gets the standard deduction so there's nothing
else that I need to do here so I'm just gonna hit continue and it's gonna spit
out our result here we go it says based on your responses your anticipated
income tax for 2018 is three thousand seventy two seventy it says based on
your responses your anticipated income tax for 2018 is three thousand seven
hundred seventy three dollars it says to meet your anticipated tax of three
thousand seventeen seventy three change your current withholding arrangement by
zero allowances plus an additional four twenty three and the reason it's saying
that is because it knows that we're in the month of April when I'm filming this
so it assumes that we only have eight eight pay periods left but then the the
thing I want to point out here guys is that this is the number I want you to
look at based on your projected taxable wages this is how much tax federal
income tax you have to withhold to be fully paid in by the time you have to
file your tax return for the at the foot you know during the following year by
the April 15th so this is the number we care about so as long as it's our total
withholdings from our paychecks add up to that amount we're good we're gonna
zero tax that's what we want if we withhold more than that if we withhold
four thousand dollars well we're gonna get a refund when we file our tax return
2004 2018 if we withhold less than that number guess what's gonna happen we're
gonna owe money we're gonna have to owe money when we file a tax return so we
want to be as accurately that's pot as possible with our withholdings and you
really the ideal tax result is zero you don't want to really owe money and you
don't want to have a huge refund now I'm okay being a little overpaid because I
don't want to end up owing money but the perfect tax result is owing zero and
getting in a zero refund because that means you're withholding exactly enough
tax without the throughout the year so that you know you're good you don't have
to think about it another reason I wouldn't really wanted to talk to you
guys about this topic is I don't want people to stress about their taxes
throughout the entire year so the more I can do to help you guys with that the
better off you'll be and the less stress you'll have and the more you know better
quality of life you'll have and now let's look at so we saw this is what our
projected tax is gonna be now let's look at that example on the spreadsheet and
I'll prove to you guys that my spreadsheets accurate right now so let's
go over here back to my spreadsheet and so based on this worksheet we projected
that our total projected federal tax withholdings for the year
would be three thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars that's how much tax
we've paid in okay that's how much tax chippers paid in this example then from
the IRS website we just looked at how much tax we were actually gonna owe and
they said 377 three so our worksheet here is only off by three bucks so in
this example chipper would owe $3.00 when he can 20 with the file as taxes
which is chump change which is means we are extremely accurate in terms of
projecting what our withholdings need to be and that's how it works guys from
start to finish that's how this calculations done that's how it's done
behind the scenes this is what people don't see this is how it's actually
being calculated now like I said this is really just for your education
entertainment don't use this to project your taxes use the IRS withholding
calculator in the next part we're gonna go dive in the detail and take a
professional approach to projecting your taxable wages and how to do that and all
these spreadsheets are completely you can download them in the description
section down below this video and so make sure to check it out I know
this video is long guys but that's why I've included timestamps but I've really
wanted to give you a full overview of how this is calculated because I could
not find this information anywhere on the Internet
and as a person who went through school to obtain a bachelor's in accounting and
who's obtained their CPA license this is not something that's covered now just
real quickly so we see that based on this analysis we learned that each
paycheck chippers gonna have three hundred and fourteen dollars withheld
from each and every paycheck but this was using the percentage method what if
we use the the table method what if we used the wage bracket table method ok
guys real quickly last but not least I want to show you what what if we use the
other method what to calculate chippers withholdings the wage bracket method
tables for income tax withholdings well this would how it would be play out so
here's the so chippers single person he gets paid monthly
remember on his life before he said he had two allowances
well his wages were between this and this and so what we do is we take our
finger come over here like this and then come down heat from the two allowances
column come down here and that is his exact withholdings amount using this
method as its exact same as it was using the the table method are the percentage
method here sorry the percentage method so is either way you do it it's exactly
the same results or should be the same or right around the same but alright
guys I hope you found this information helpful I know this is a long video it
was intended to be long cuz I really wanted to walk you through this through
the entire thing so that I mean they they really should teach this stuff in
school because I I think it's so important for for a person to know how
their taxes are being withheld from their paycheck okay that's it's really
important for me and I'm sure it's important to you to know how much money
to pay in versus how much money you're able to keep for yourself so you can
invest more pay down your debt whatever it may be or save more money it's much
better to that I think it's much better that we have our money vs. given and
also and over pain things like that but we
don't but we do also don't want to be greatly overpaid so that's why I wanted
to walk you through this example if you click on the other examples it'll it's
the same kind of scenario I'll let you guys figure work through these yourself
so you can fully understand it of how I got my numbers but it's all there it's
exactly there and it's all made up through the IRS Publication 15 in this
spreadsheet like I said which is downloadable for free alright guys well
that is all the information I have for you today if you're brand new to this
channel I just want to say welcome I know this is usually my videos aren't
this long but when you come this channel I've been able to help hundreds of
people throughout the country with their taxes investments finances etc those are
the kinds of videos that I produce here on this channel on a weekly basis so if
you're looking really looking to improve in those areas learn more about taxes
and things like that then I would I would strongly suggest you subscribe to
our Channel and please definitely subscribe to our channel to not miss any
of our weekly videos in this series because I have at least two more parts
coming out to give it the give you a full overview in full the health you
truly learn how to plan your withholdings for your for your personal
tax situation to the best of my ability of what I can do here over YouTube and
so that you can always be on top of your taxes and not worried about whether
you're paying in enough or not painted enough throughout the course of the year
at your job all right guys I love you thank you so much if you stuck with me
this long I appreciate it so much you guys are a wonderful audience I'm so
thankful to have you is so it's so nice to be able to interact with you guys so
it means so much to me when you guys drop a like and leave a comment I love
hearing from you guys and I just hope I really hope you found this helpful I
spent hours pulling this information together and honestly I learned so much
more personally pulling this information together because like I said there's
nowhere else out there that you can get this information that I know of other
than diving into the details yourself and seeing how this all works behind the
scenes with that being said make sure to share this information with a friend
make sure you drop a like guys I love y'all peace
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[포토①] 신차들의 '향연(饗宴)'..사진으로 보는 '베이징모터쇼' - Duration: 4:10.
曼聯 GGMU - 曼迷早晨栢大爸版(奏、詞、唱:Ken)支持嘅請讚好及分享 Good Morning ManUtd Fans - 20180429 - Duration: 0:41.
Depression causes health decline, in people caring for cancer patients - Duration: 2:17.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Depression causes health decline, in people caring for cancer patients
Depression is known to be associated with a decline in physical health, a new study shows, which is especially true in people caring for cancer patients.
Researchers recommend that mental health care be assessed for carers, as soon as their loved ones have a diagnosis of cancer.
Identifying caregivers and connecting them, with effective psychoanalytic services, are essential steps to improving comprehensive care for families facing cancer. , lead researcher Kelly Shaffer said, in the new information section of the American Cancer Society.
Shaffer and her team analyzed the answers of 664 carers surveyed by the American Cancer Society.
In particular, the team investigated changes in participants' health within two to eight years after their loved ones diagnosed with cancer.
Results showed that within the first 2 years, after the relative diagnosed with cancer, the health of the caregivers remained good, however, beginning to decline over the next six years.
Researchers say depression appears to be the only indicator of a decline in physical health.
In fact, people with signs, depression, and depression are twice as fast as those without signs of depression.
Doctor:Phuong Lien, According to healthday.
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Wish you always healthy.
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