Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 28 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]

Good news: It looks like we've finally made it through this nasty flu season.

Hopefully, thanks to a flu shot and lots of hand-washing, you managed to avoid getting sick.

Maybe you even went the extra mile this year and put on a surgical mask to ward off germs

in crowded, public places.

After all, according to public wisdom, that totally works, right?

Well, it's not that simple.

That fetching paper mask might not have actually prevented you from catching the flu -- but

if nothing else, if you were sick, it probably stopped you from infecting everyone else.

At first glance, those masks might seem really effective -- even according to some research.

In one 2009 study, almost 450 nurses in Ontario, Canada, were assigned to wear either a simple

surgical mask or an N95 respirator.

These are specially designed masks that mold closely to the face and block at least 95%

of tiny particles.

That study, published in JAMA, found that about 23% of nurses ended up catching the

flu regardless of the form of protection they used.

So case closed, right?

Masks must work at least as well as those fancy respirators at keeping people flu-free.

Except… that's probably not the case.

See, there's a difference between getting sick and being exposed to flu virus.

And other studies have shown that surgical masks are definitely worse at keeping out viruses.

One of those studies, published in American Journal of Infection Control in 2006, used

samples of a harmless virus to test how good respirators and surgical masks are at protecting

their wearers from airborne pathogens.

They found that 20 to 85% of the simulated pathogens penetrated the surgical masks, compared

to only around 5% for the respirators.

Which is quite the difference.

So even if both groups of nurses in that first study got sick just as often, the ones wearing

surgical masks were probably exposed to a lot more particles.

If you think about it, though, that really isn't that surprising.

Because here's the thing: Surgical masks aren't actually designed to protect you

from dangerous particles in the environment.

Only respirators are.

Instead, the masks intended for the opposite job -- protecting other people from your germs.

See, while respirators fit tightly to your face, surgical masks often have gaps on the sides.

They still do a good job covering your mouth and nose, but outside particles can probably

sneak in around the mask.

So even if they do happen to keep you healthy, that's not their main purpose.

Still, when it comes to containing your germs, they're definitely effective.

For a 2013 study published in the journal PLOS Pathogens, scientists collected examples

of exhaled particles from about 40 flu patients with and without surgical masks.

They found that the masks significantly reduced the amount of aerosolized virus that their

subjects put into the air.

And a 2009 study from the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that surgical masks

were just as effective as fancy respirators at keeping the illness from spreading.

This is why doctor's offices will ask patients who are coughing or sneezing to put on a mask

while they're in the waiting room -- to protect everyone else.

According to a Mayo Clinic expert, if you're not sick yourself, just worried about catching

the flu, wearing a paper mask might help, and it certainly won't hurt.

But your best bet is still to suck it up and go get that flu shot.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

And special thanks to Lorraine on Patreon for asking, and to all our patrons who voted

to have this question answered!

If you'd like to submit a question or vote on the next ones we answer, you can go to

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Do Surgical Masks Really Protect You from the Flu? - Duration: 3:40.


Inside the Mind of a Bastion Player - Duration: 8:52.

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beep beep beep beep

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

whir whir rattle shhhh

beep beep beep beep bep bp b

okay if you still have subtitles on at this point I'm really proud of you.

These are taking way longer to set up than I thought they would

And I'm not even halfway through the video

Also pay attention this part is really funny and I will not have it undermined by these subtitles

Now back to the trash

Okay this is really tough so I'm just going to cover the screen with robot noises from now on


Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Inside the Mind of a Bastion Player - Duration: 8:52.


Shady Things Everyone Just Ignores About Hope Solo - Duration: 4:34.

Over the course of her incredible soccer career, goalkeeper Hope Solo has made the news not

just for her on-field skills, but also for her long history of highly controversial moments.

From assault charges to some seriously bad sportsmanship, Solo has a habit of landing

in hot water.

Still, with everything she's done, fans clearly haven't given up on her quite yet.

Let's take a look at how even off the field, life has handed her a whole bunch of yellow


Verbal attack

During a U.S. team match with Brazil in 2007, the American coach started veteran goalie

Briana Scurry instead of Solo.

Scurry had a bad match, and Brazil ran away with the game.

Solo was unable to keep her frustration under wraps, and launched a tirade against the coach

and her teammate.

"It was the wrong decision, and I think anybody that knows anything about the game knows that.

There's no doubt in my mind I would have made those saves."

"And you can't live by big names.

You can't live in the past.

It doesn't matter what somebody did in an Olympic gold-medal game in the Olympics three

years ago."

According to ESPN, Solo's verbal attack earned her a temporary suspension from the team.

Twitter trouble

Following a playoff loss against the Washington Freedom in September 2010, Solo took to social

media and laid down a blistering Twitter attack directed at the referees and the league itself.

According to The Washington Post, she wrote,

"It's official, the refs are straight bad.

It's clear the league wanted [DC] in [the] playoffs.

I have truly never seen anything like this.

It's sad.

I am done playing in a league where the game is no longer in control of the players."

Those comments, among others, earned her a $2,500 fine, eight hours of community service,

and a one-game suspension from her team, the Atlanta Beat.

Wedding brawl

Early on the morning of her wedding day in 2012, Solo, her brother Marcus, and her husband

Jerramy Stevens, were involved in an alleged drunken brawl involving a stun gun.

According to KOMO News in Seattle, the police reported that multiple people had blood on

them, and Stevens, quote, "appeared to be hiding."

As ABC News reported, authorities believed Stevens caused Hope's injuries and arrested

him for domestic violence assault.

The pair wed later that same day, and police reportedly dropped the charges when the alleged

victims refused to cooperate.

Family feud

Perhaps the most widely-publicized shady moment of Hope's career was her 2014 arrest on domestic

violence charges stemming from a drunken brawl with her nephew and half-sister.

According to ESPN, Solo verbally lashed out at her teenage nephew, calling him, quote,

"...too fat, unathletic and crazy..." be an athlete, before physically attacking him and her half-sister.

At the police station, Solo allegedly told an officer,

"You're scared of me because you know that if the handcuffs were off, I'd kick your ass."

When asked to remove a necklace, Solo reportedly told the officer that the piece of jewelry

was, quote,

"...worth more than [you make] in a year."

In a subsequent interview with Good Morning America, Solo portrayed herself as the victim

of domestic violence.

"All of us, in my opinion, have a fundamental right to be considered innocent until proven


Training camp shenanigans

During training camp for the U.S. women's national team in 2015, Solo reportedly slipped

away from the facilities in a U.S. soccer team van for a rendezvous with her husband.

According to ESPN, the pair was pulled over, and Stevens was arrested for suspicion of

driving under the influence.

Solo wasn't arrested, but the run-in with cops was embarrassing to the national team

and coaches, who learned about the incident on TMZ.

As a result, Solo found herself serving yet another 30-day suspension from the national


"It was stupid and we should've called a taxi."

Ruckus in Rio

At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, Solo made waves when she displayed poor sportsmanship

following the United States' loss to Sweden.

Her comments sparked outrage from athletes, coaches, and fans around the world, and according

to Sports Illustrated, the U.S. team responded by terminating her contract and banning her

for six months.

"17 f---ing years and it's over!"

Solo was so distraught by the decision that she also quit the Seattle Reign, the team

on which she played for three years.

On Twitter, Solo wrote that her contract termination from the U.S. team was "devastating" and that

she was "not there yet mentally" to be able to play for the Reign.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Shady Things Everyone Just Ignores About Hope Solo - Duration: 4:34.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode April 28, 2018 - Duration: 26:42.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode April 28, 2018 - Duration: 26:42.


Betfair trading - What is the perfect stake to use? - Duration: 9:14.

so what is the perfect steak when you're trading we have covered in a previous

video how you can adjust your steak in but this video addresses exactly what

that perfect steak is please like and comment on the video below that will

allow me to produce better quality videos and more of them in the future if

you're interested in learning to trade successfully in sports then why not

visit the BET angel' Academy where we have more detailed videos so when you go

into a market you obviously want to trade with as much money as you possibly

can but you don't want to trade with so much

that it distorts the outcome of your particular trade and when you go into

the market if you're using two-pound stakes then money's gonna go in and out

of the market but relatively if using 10-pound steaks that will probably

happen and then as you start going up the scale in terms of the amount of

steaks that you're likely to use that's going to change the way that you trade

and I have mentioned in previous videos that one of the problems that I have is

adjusting my steak to sort of a sensible level because I have more money than I

can reasonably stake in the market so when I go into the market that nearly

always the first judgment that I make is what is my steak going to be what how

big is my trade gonna be now when you're starting out it's not really a problem

because you start with small steaks but the problem you get with small steaks is

you will always get small returns a lot of people never ever get off of small

steaks because they're working away with their ten pounds and their 20s and their

50s and they're thinking well I'm not really making much of did all of that

work for 50p or whatever and the fact is that is normal that is exactly where you

would expect to be and you should not focus on the amount of money that you're

making when you first start trading you focus on your strike rate because if you

couldn't get your strike rate to a reasonable level then it's probably

quite likely that you will be able to scale so even if you're using relatively

small steaks just gradually keep increasing those steaks and they'll get

bigger and bigger and then you get this sort of exponential curve if you're

trading successfully where it goes to much much higher levels now when you do

that you'll be quite comfortable and you eventually find sort of a level at which

the staking starts to sort of break down so the equity curve that I have in my

cow salùte when like that and all of a

sudden I realized that if I was putting too much money in the market it would

affect the outcome of my trade so the next question I asked was why and that

provides you the answer to what is the most sensible stake so imagine is doing

a trade and you put some money into the market and to complete the trade you

need to pull the money out again so the trading process is the case of opening a

trade and then closing a trade and then eventually hedging your position at some

point in the future where you may repeat that process again in a game so putting

the trade into the market because relatively straightforward you can offer

money to the market you can take out a particular price and the market will

always accept your stake especially if you decide to take a price out but the

problem that you have is getting the trade back out of the market so whatever

you put into the market you're going to have to get out at some point

so the way that you think about the perfect trade side is nothing to do with

the liquidity of the market or other stuff although that is sort of related

but what I'm trying to say here is that your entry stake is almost an

irrelevance really your stake size should be set by how quickly can you get

rid of your position if you think it's going wrong so if I go into market

that's very liquid and there's loads of money flooding through it then I know I

can up my stake size because if I need to get my position out I can but can you

imagine the disaster that will await you if you go in to the market you use a

stake that's too big and then you're unable to get out the only way that you

can get out of your position is to start taking prices out that are available and

if you start doing that you're going to start losing money or your position will

be significantly weaker so at a core level the level of staking that you

should use should not be related to how much money you want to make what your

target is it should be directly related to how easy it is to get to that

position out of the market and this is where fillrate comes into the equation

so fill rates for me is if I put two orders into the market how quickly will

they get matched will it take a second two seconds five ten thirty Seconds four

hours and basically the perfect trade is where you can get a position in and out

of the market in really really quick time so the perfect trade would be you

offer a price you offer press there and it's gone and

that is the perfect rate because the amount of time that you leave the trade

in the market it can be an expression of risk so if we can get a trade in and out

of the market in milliseconds there's virtually no risk in there but if you

have to leave that trade open for ten minutes

they let the chance of that trade going against you gets bigger the longer you

hold the position in the market and that's why you focus on the exit trade

or the amount you're using for the exit trade because that's key to a successful

trade so you put a position into the market and you're sort of thinking do

you know what I think I made a mistake there or it hasn't done what I expect

and you need to be to get rid of your position as quickly as possible

and this could be applicable on anything tennis football racing golf darts

snooker whatever you fancy that will be the thing that determines how big your

trade is it's the ability to get out not the ability to get in so when I look at

what my stake level will be I set up a bet angel and I look at the volume

moving average and the volume moving average tells me how much is going

through the market over a defined period now depending upon how fast you've got

your refresh set up at you'll find that you know if you've got your refresh set

up at one second then you may want to use a ten or twenty second interval to

measure how much money's going through the market at that particular period of

time but when you look at that average volume that's going through the market

that more or less is around the maximum stake that you could use so if you've

got a thousand pound going through the market at any one particular point then

you can sort of say well okay you know if I have a thousand pound and I've put

it in it probably won't fill within a second but within a few seconds it

probably will so I feel sort of comfortable maybe around double the

average volume and and that's what sort of determines where my stake is now when

you're starting you don't really need to worry about because if using tenors and

fivers and 50s the volume is always going to be above that level but also

the volume in the morning is non-existent there is no volume so

that's why the risk of doing a trade in the morning is so high because if it

goes against you you're doomed so you've got to use small stakes and if you use

small stakes you weren't returned much because the average return when trading

is measured in in a in percentage terms sometimes in tenths of a percent so

that's why doing it very early on when there's no liquidity is

very risky and then volume rises during the day and then in the last 5-10

minutes volumes very high so that's why most of my attention is focused on that

particular period because that's when I know I'm taking less risk there's more

money going through the market I can sell a position back if I think I've got

it wrong or if I'm in a profitable position and I can offer it to the

market and somebody will come along and take it but the thing to remember that

when you're starting out your returns are only going to be very very small now

if you keep them very very small you don't compound them and you don't start

adding to your bank and then you'll never get to the higher level but you'd

be amazed at some of the money and that I put through the markets and how much

I've put through and the small percentage return that I get on it

because what I'm doing some testing the market I'm putting an order in thinking

is that gonna work yes it is great I'll take it out again and I just work the

market that way so sometimes I can rack up pretty large totals but the return is

always going to be a small percentage of that and so when you're at low stakes

sometimes it feels like you're not making anything but that was exactly

where I started when I first started had a bank of a thousand and I was using

small amounts of money and I was getting small returns but I just consistently

added to my bank which gave me more capital to work with and then all of a

sudden you start getting into this where is the best place to be in the market

and what is the optimal stake you get within the market but also optimal

staking is to do within where you are within the market if you're in the

market and the turnover is low then the chance if you're getting a decent trade

through the market and at sensible risk diminishes so you need to be in the

market where there is peak volume first thing in the morning there is no volume

you're taking significantly more risk and if the position goes against you

you're not better closed out without taking some of the positions in the

market which will push you into a loss but as you approach that period and that

sort of sweet spot in the market on racing between five and ten minutes

before they off when the courtesy is high then you can do pretty much

anything there's so much that you can do in that period and with reasonable

amounts of money and even if you're using smaller stakes you'll be doing so

at smaller risk so the answer at the end of this video is that the optimal stake

is related to how much money's going through the market and your focus

shouldn't be on how much money you want to use how much money you want to make

or any variant thereof it's focused on the ease of exit

of your trade


For more infomation >> Betfair trading - What is the perfect stake to use? - Duration: 9:14.


Debating Pasta「Slime Rancher 😃」 - Duration: 54:50.

For more infomation >> Debating Pasta「Slime Rancher 😃」 - Duration: 54:50.


Stupid driving mistakes #202 (April 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 14:36.

stunt school graduate

in the foreground a wooden mansion of the 19th century


What are you surprised at? at this windswept squad time for gardening? I was counting on good weather today

He broke the rules. This .. what's it called?

this is called a bus. Yes

and the rest of the fools continue to ride the red light

a familiar intersection? this Serpukhov, a city of small automobile crashes

on the radio report on traffic jams on the roads of the city

yourbunnywrote! nihuya sebe! (I'm very surprised and excited)

LED lights on the Kamaz truck developed in the 70s, it's funny

Something about the Leninsky district of the city (In Russia, the communist names of streets and districts did not change practically in any city) In each settlement there must be a street of Lenin and Karl Marx

motorcyclists in Russia called "crunchy sticks"

and sportsbike drivers are called "shrimp"

as well as a "jet cutlet" or a donor

You are a goat for carnal pleasures blyat


he leaves here from the secondary road?

get it! blyaaat!

are you the ultimate fool?

Dad calm down! calmly please

Dad, please stay calm

yop tvoyu mat!


call an ambulance

the driver of the car Nissan ran away from the police. As a result, he went to another world In Toyota, 4 people, two adults and two children (2 and 4 years) went to the hospital with serious

raise the cow's battle, raise it! (maybe a video game?)



heck! And who is to blame?

oh damn it! what it is? shards in the air

the wheel burst the wheel burst

it's scary

at the big truck, did the wheel burst? not a white truck?No, in red, he tore the wheel about the curb


in the frame of an army truck evacuator "mtp-А2" on Ural truck chassis

tactile method of braking

friction braking method

a very important person crosses the street. The policeman salutes!



Camera in the patrol car

one policeman went to heaven

What is your name? Arthur

Date of Birth? 11.03.87

Have you driven this car for a long time? Yes

All this time you did not have a driver's license? Yes

You used drugs today Yes

at the time when you were driving, you are in a state of intoxication? Well, a little

grandfather slept sweetly

where did he go?

blyat yop tvoyu mat!

Has fallen asleep that?


according to the police are all alive. including a paratrooper who does not respect the seat belts

stunned! take pictures

I'm shooting a video do you shoot a video?


cat! Cute cat! blyat I did not take the rifle

Tiger is a teenage tiger r, it's not a full-sized tiger

This is pizdez lads !

why are you giving me the sound signals of your mouth blyat!?

you slowly think and block the road. Where can I see that you saw there a road sign? this prohibits go to hell! it's you yourself go to hell!

you are a donkey (osel) blyat!

The inscription on the wall: an alcohol store from 9 am to 11 pm

For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes #202 (April 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 14:36.


NEW Dragon Ball Super Movie Villain NOT Yamoshi?!REVEAL! by Akira Toriyama - Duration: 12:23.

Never having leaked his official image,

There are many unknowns about who the villain in the new Dragon Ball Super Movie really


Leaving us to use the little facts we have to make an educated guess on this person's


But just how wrong could our assumptions about this character be?

The answer might just shock you, #ANIFAM.

Let's separate the facts from the theories to find the truth about the identity of Goku's

next enemy.

I'm having a $500 giveaway for the #ANIFAM members!

Best way to win is clicking the notification bell!

I'll wait for 3 seconds.



More details in pinned comment and description.


With so many fan theories to be found all over the Internet, it's hard to remember

the cold, hard truth about the new Dragon Ball Super movie:

We know hardly anything about it.

A teaser trailer, a picture here and there, and a brief statement from Toriyama are the

only official facts we have to go by.

Yet, have you noticed how easy it's been for us to give a factual identity to this

movie's villain?

While it may seem impossible to figure out the truth about this brand new character

based off of such a small amount of official sources,

the #ANIFAM has pieced together the secrets these few sources have unlocked.

And the most valid of these sources has to be this right here:

Comments providing movie details from Toriyama himself

that you can find on the Dragon Ball Super Movie's official website.

Even though his comment was short and, for obvious spoiler reasons, vague,

it still gave us two facts that you can use to figure out the details being hidden about

the movie.

Fact #1:

Quote: "The Dragon Ball Super movie this time around will be the next story that takes

place after the anime that's currently on TV."

End quote.

This is truly going to be a Dragon Ball Super movie, and that means that this one sentence

just unlocked a ton of secrets.

The first of which can be answered by looking at the other movies in the Dragon Ball franchise.

When you compare the 8th Dragon Ball Z movie, The Burning Battles,

to the last two Dragon Ball Z movies, #14: Battle of the Gods

and #15: Resurrection "F," you'll instantly find a huge difference.

The last two are canon, while the other is not.

Both Resurrection "F" and Battle of the Gods even became arcs in the actual Dragon

Ball Super anime.

So, by telling us that the events taking place in this movie are the next story continuing

after the end of the Tournament of Power, we instantly know that this movie will be

another canon one.

What secrets does this unlock?

Being canon to the anime means any facts revealed during the show, including things leaked from

its creators, are fair game to use in predicting who this Dragon Ball Super Movie villain is.

Leading us right into Fact #2 that Toriyama's official statement gave to us.

Quote: "The content will shed a little light on previously unexplored topics having to

do with Frieza and the Saiyans."

End quote.

This sentence hugely narrows down our ideas on what the movie is really gonna be about.

One of the biggest unexplored topics about the Saiyans was introduced to us during the

Battle of the Gods arc in the anime.

It was after Beerus had stopped playing so nice for Bulma's birthday, and had revealed

his true identity as a God of Destruction.

Having found no information from the people on this planet about who the Super Saiyan

God that he'd been searching for could be, Beerus prepared to destroy the Earth.

But suddenly, Goku appeared with a solution.

Why not ask Shenron?

However, his plan to save the world ended pretty miserably.

By being nothing more than a legend, we were reminded that the Saiyan race has

a very ancient history that has yet to be explored.

And considering the entirety of Dragon Ball Super has revolved around the gods and other

highly powerful beings, this is a topic just about any fan you meet is curious to know

more about.

I know the #ANIFAM certainly is.

So it only made sense.

Even before any promotional information of the Dragon Ball Super movie had come out,

we had pretty good assumptions as to who its villain would be.

And just as we had thought, matching up to what we've seen in the movie's trailer,

the villain has turned out to be a Saiyan.

More specifically, one who knows the truth about some history of the Saiyan race.

Looking at how little even Vegeta, the Prince of Saiyans, knows about their ancient history,

the only person who could possibly know these details has to be someone from that ancient

history itself.

So instantly, our minds flooded to the moment information was leaked in this.

This is the issue of a popular manga magazine that held

a very important interview with Toriyama in which he revealed many Saiyan secrets.

One of the biggest being who the original Super Saiyan God was.

After years and years of creating Dragon Ball content, why was Toriyama just now talking

about something like this?

Well, come to find out, only 14 days after this interview was released,

the announcement for the Dragon Ball Super movie was made.


I'm sure that was definitely just a coincidence.

Clearly the topic of the ancient Saiyans was on Toriyama's mind for a very important


He didn't create this random ancient character for absolutely nothing, #ANIFAM.

So do you see how easy it was for us, once the trailer had come out, to put the

pieces together and believe that this Saiyan villain just had to be Yamoshi?

But remember, this is a movie canon to the Dragon Ball Super anime.

So when you really think about the facts Toriyama gave to us,

both in his interview and during the Battle of the Gods arc, you start to notice a problem

with this theory.

During his interview, not only did Toriyama state

that Yamoshi had a good heart despite the fact that he was a Saiyan,

he also revealed the secret to a Saiyan's strength.

By having a righteous heart, a Saiyan's S-cells increase more than ever before, giving

them the power to become a Super Saiyan and far beyond,

as we've seen with Goku's Mastered Ultra Instinct.

Clearly this was a connection to how Yamoshi's kind nature gave him the ability to become

the first ever Super Saiyan God.

And we were able to see these facts for ourselves during the anime.

It suddenly made sense as to why it was always Goku,

probably the kindest Saiyan to ever step foot off of Planet Vegeta,

who was able to reach such high powers before any other Saiyans could.

But do you see the problem now?

If being the opposite of evil is what gave both Goku and Yamoshi the power of a god,

then why is that we think Yamoshi is Goku's next enemy?

The villain of the Dragon Ball Super movie has to be a different Saiyan.

So who could it be, then, #ANIFAM?

Let's see what other secrets Toriyama unlocked in his comments about the movie.

Quote: "I think it will be a very enjoyable story that serves up a long-awaited formidable


End quote.

Long-awaited, huh?

This is another reason lots of us instantly imagined Yamoshi as the villain.

Who could Dragon Ball Super fans be waiting to see more than him, right?

Well, let's think about this outside the box, #ANIFAM.

Although not canon, there's absolutely no way you can deny

that the 8th Dragon Ball Z movie, The Burning Battles, introduced one of the most well-known

villains of all time.

In fact, Broly became so popular that the Dragon Ball Super staff literally created

Kale in order to make the Legendary Super Saiyan a canon character.

Even though it was cool to see Goku fighting against a green-haired Saiyan once again,

a lot of fans didn't find this

Or this

Nearly as epic as its original fight.

So am I saying that the new villain is gonna be Broly?

Absolutely not.

But there's a huge similarity between Broly and the villain we see in the Dragon Ball

Super Movie trailer that just cannot be ignored.

That green aura.

As long as Super Saiyan has been around, the color of a Saiyan's hair and aura have been

extremely important details.

Don't you think it's a little crazy to say this villain is emitting green aura,

yet isn't a Legendary Super Saiyan?

So how do all the pieces fit together, then, #ANIFAM?

We've got a Legendary Super Saiyan villain who's gotta be from the ancient past in

order to reveal the secrets of Saiyan history, but it can't be Yamoshi.

Something else that Toriyama uncovered during his interview back in December

just might hold the answer.

Describing the events that led to Yamoshi's sudden burst of power into a god,

Toriyama explained that it all started with a rebellion.

When you think about Yamoshi being said to have a good heart despite his Saiyan roots,

a rebellion makes perfect sense.


Toriyama never stated right out who Yamoshi and his friends were fighting against.

He simply said that the 6 Saiyans were quote: "cornered by combatants."

End quote.

But by telling us that Yamoshi had a righteous heart at the time they were creating a rebellion,

we're able to piece the story together and find the truth about who these combatants


Clearly Yamoshi and his 5 comrades didn't agree with the cold-hearted ways of their


Therefore, they decided to start a riot in an attempt to change things for the better.

Their enemies, without a doubt, had to be other Saiyans.

What does this reveal about the villain of the new Dragon Ball Super movie, though?

Toriyama has placed himself in a very tight spot with the creation of this villain.

We all want to see Yamoshi, but how can they introduce him if he's not the villain?

And how can he be the villain if he isn't evil?

Plus, we wanna get that feeling back that we had when we saw Goku vs the original Legendary

Super Saiyan, Broly.

There's not very many options that can cover all of these points.

In fact, #ANIFAM, there's really only one option I can think of.

Goku's next villain in the new Dragon Ball Super movie has to be one of the combatant

Saiyans who first cornered Yamoshi long ago, pushing him to become the first ever Super

Saiyan God.

Do you see how this links up to everything the fans could possibly wish for?

But did you notice how this also reveals a secret hidden in the very last moments of

the Dragon Ball Super anime?

The answer is revealed in the #ANIFAM's next Dragon Ball Super Movie Secrets Video.

For more infomation >> NEW Dragon Ball Super Movie Villain NOT Yamoshi?!REVEAL! by Akira Toriyama - Duration: 12:23.



For more infomation >> NEW GENERATION KPOP FANS, DO YOU LIKE SENIORS? [FEMALE VERSION] - Duration: 9:21.


Breaking News Out Of South Korea - China Aircraft Enters Defence Territory, - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Breaking News Out Of South Korea - China Aircraft Enters Defence Territory, - Duration: 2:10.


The Diver who hit the Springboard | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:16.

Greg Louganis should be a household name for every reason

except the reason that he IS a household name.

Louganis was the best diver in the world

for more than a decade.

He won four Olympic gold medals

despite missing the 1980 Games because of an American boycott.

But no matter how blessed Louganis was as an athlete,

nor how long his list of honours,

he will always be remembered for one Olympic Games moment

more than any other.

But you'll forgive him if his own memory

is not so crystal clear.

Seoul, 1988.

This is Louganis's ninth dive

in the preliminary round of the men's springboard competition.

That contact was about 70mph. Ouch.

Louganis's accident is one of the most replayed moments

of sports footage in history.

Here are those two seconds again, just for good measure.

But what's weird about this particular strange moment

is how little impact that hit actually had on

Louganis' overall performance.

Greg Louganis was a remarkable athlete, a true great.

In Montreal in 1976, he was 16

and only just missed out on the gold medal.

The champion, Klaus Dibiasi,

whispered in his ear and told him

he would be the best in the world.

Louganis and his coaches already knew.

He continued to rise through the ranks.

At the World Championships in Ecuador in 1982,

Louganis became the first diver

ever to achieve a perfect ten from all seven judges.

It took him to Los Angeles in 1984,

where Louganis was a world apart.

His springboard tally

of 754.41 points was nearly 100 more

than his closest challenger.

It was gold medal number one,

and a second one came with

the highest score in the platform.

Not just the highest score that year -

the highest score ever.

So onwards to Seoul in 1988.

Louganis was fighting personal demons.

Six months earlier, he had been diagnosed HIV positive,

but told no-one. He thought he was dying.

The ill-fated dive was

a reverse two-and-a-half somersault with pike.

He didn't leap far enough from the board -

a disastrous mistake.

He says he doesn't remember much about it,

merely that he was embarrassed.

The disaster put him fifth in the standings,

but great champions never know when they're beaten.

This dive, not quite half an hour after

the one he is remembered for,

earned him the highest rank of any man that week.

In the final, Louganis aced all 11 dives, including the one

he had botched the day before.

Louganis still won gold in Seoul that year.

Cyclists get back in the saddle,

riders get back on the horse.

As a diver, Louganis got back on the springboard.

Less than 30 minutes later, he was near perfection again.

Another gold medal.

Louganis dived hundreds of times in the Olympic Games

and dived almost all of them better than

anybody else in a generation.

But as a wise man once said, nobody's perfect.

For more infomation >> The Diver who hit the Springboard | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:16.


Chakra Foods For Healing & Health - Duration: 12:36.

Chakra Foods For Healing & Health

By Dylan Harper

Energy is the basis for everything on this planet, and if you�ll recall from your high

school physics class, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed.

So when you need fuel, you need to eat. But did you know that you can choose foods that

have specific vibrations that correspond to some chakras, thereby helping to raise the

chakra�s vibration and recharging it? With this knowledge, you can eat for bodily fuel

and eat to support your chakras.

Nourishing Energy

Chakras are spinning �wheels of light� or energy centers in the body that start at

the root chakra at the base of the spine, and travel up to the crown chakra at the top

of your head, stopping at five other points along the way. When your chakras are open

and operating at their fullest, they draw fresh energy in from the unified field that

replenishes and nourishes your personal energy field and keeps you healthy.

The Cost of Imbalanced Chakras

Each chakra rules over a different part of your body and different areas of your life,

so if a chakra is out of whack, the body parts and life arenas it rules will also become

imbalanced. For example, the heart chakra is connected to the lungs, the circulatory

system, and your heart, and rules relationships and your ability to give and receive love.

If your heart chakra is distorted, you may have trouble maintaining healthy relationships

and find it difficult to allow love into your life. If the fourth chakra remains imbalanced

for long enough, you could develop physical symptoms like breathing problems or asthma,

or even suffer a heart attack or breast cancer.

The Rainbow Diet: Food for Energy Healing The good news is that you can clear, charge,

and balance your chakras to heal them before physical symptoms ever develop. That is one

of the best things about energy medicine�you can address issues in your field before they

manifest in your body. Working with a spiritual teacher or energy healer can help you determine

which of your chakras needs balancing�and most people have several�and then you can

target your efforts toward the energy center that needs the most help. Making your food

choices for the health of your chakras is another way to get started healing your chakras,

and your life.

A colorful rainbow diet will do more than just keep your body healthy � it will also

keep your chakras balanced. Whether you want to lose weight or increase your energy levels,

incorporating foods from all the colors of the rainbow will help you achieve balance,

so you lookand feelyour best.

Root chakra foods Your first chakra is located at the base of

your spine and is connected to your security and survival. As your foundation, your root

chakra connects you to the physical world. When your root chakra is unbalanced you may

not feel safe in your body or find yourself stressed.

Since this chakra is all about grounding you to the earth, adding root vegetables to your

diet can help strengthen your connection to the physical world.

Vegetables that can help heal your root chakra include beets, rutabagas, garlic, ginger,

turnips, potatoes, onions, and parsnips. Try them roasted with salt and olive oil for an

easy grounding meal that is also delicious!

Protein, especially red meat, is also grounding (think: earthly mineral stews and bone broths).If

you�re a vegetarian or vegan, red beans and lentils are a great protein source for

your root chakra, as are eggs, tofu, and peanut butter.

Hearty harvest grains, such as bulgar, buckwheat and whole oats, provide your body with complex

carbohydrates and are a valuable source of fiber. When buying grains at the grocery store,

always opt for whole-grains that are made cereal grains that include the whole kernel.

When you�re shopping for whole-grain products, look at the ingredients and make sure the

whole grain is at or near the top of the list.

Red fruits� such as red apples, watermelon, pomegranates, and berries � can help to

recharge your root chakra.

Spiceslike chives, paprika, and pepper can be added to root chakra foods for an added

boost of healing.

If you are a tea drinker, enjoy a cup of rooibos and hibiscus tea (hot or iced) to help heal

your root chakra.

Sacral chakra foods Just below your navel sits your second chakra.

As the foundation of your emotional body and the center of the pleasure principle, your

sacral chakra allows you to feel your emotions, to be open and friendly with other people,

and to be in touch with your sexuality and sensuality.

In the sacral chakra, you move from standing on the solid ground of your first chakra to

the fluid world of your second chakra. This chakra is the essence of life as seen in bodily

fluids like blood and tears and lymph. There is no life on earth without water. While the

first chakra challenges you to create structure and hold your ground, the second wants you

to let go so your creativity can flow.

A healthy sacral chakra aids in control and balance in your life.

Pure wateris the best thing you can ingest as a sacral chakra healing food.

Clear liquids, such broth or tea, will also help to clear and balance your second chakra.

If you are looking for some spices for your tea, cinnamon and vanilla are good choices

� and you can even add a bit of honey to keep your sacral chakra fluid and flowing.

Vegetablesthat help heal your sacral chakra include carrots, peppers, and squashes. When

cooking sacral chakra vegetables, try adding spices like turmeric, ginger, or cumin for

an extra dose of healing power.

Orange sweet fruits� such as melons, mangos, tangerines, and oranges � will all help

charge your sacral chakra. In addition to their color, these orange chakra fruits also

have a high water content which will help keep this energy center open and flowing.

Solar plexus chakra foods The third chakra is located halfway between

your navel and sternum and is the source of your ego and self-esteem. As the furnace of

your personal power, your solar plexus chakra is home to your authenticity and sense of

self. When it comes to foods for your solar plexus chakra, you should focus on foods that

help transform the energy from your first two chakras and send it up to your fourth


A healthy and balanced third chakra seeks to balance self-esteem issues and intuition.

Sunny yellow fruits and vegetableshelp to clear and balance your solar plexus chakra.

Think yellow peppers, corn, lemons, and bananas.

Complex carbohydrates and whole grainswill provide your third chakra with the slow-burning

power it needs to convert energy. Avoid foods that the body absorbs quickly, such as sugar,

white flour, and refined and processed foods. Whole grain cereals and brown rice are good

options. You can also add in flax seeds and sunflower seeds for healthy fats.

Digestive-friendly foods, such as kefir, kombucha, and yogurt. will replenish the good bacteria

in your gut and help keep the energy in your solar plexus chakra moving.

Chamomile and herbal teas(especially mint and ginger) have a soothing healing effect

on the solar plexus chakra.

Heart chakra foods Your fourth chakra is located by your heart

and is the center of love and compassion � both for yourself and others. As the bridge between

your lower three chakras and upper three chakras, the heart chakra is all about balance � coming

into balance within yourself as well as with your relationships and whatever is happening

in your environment.

Vibrant green nutrient-rich vegetables, especially leafy and cruciferous ones like kale, lettuces,

spinach, chard, bok choy, collard greens, and broccoli, will really ramp up the energy

of your heart chakra and help to heal it. The fourth chakra is also about balance, and

green veggies are neither yin nor yang in Chinese medicine, so they maintain the equilibrium

that is essential to the health of this chakra.

Green water-based alkalizing fruits, such as limes, green apples, and avocados, will

also help balance your heart chakra so that you can become more contemplative and more


Green beans(think: lima beans and mung beans) are also healing foods for the heart chakra.

Green teawill help keep your heart chakra healthy.

Spicessuch as basil, thyme, and cilantro will help charge your heart chakra.

Throat chakra foods The fifth chakra is located in the center

of your throat, and it connects the feelings in your heart center with the thoughts in

your brow chakra, allowing you to express your emotions and thoughts. Being the first

of the spiritual chakras, the fifth chakra is the portal through which you bring spirit

into the physical realm, where you connect with your true essence.

Representing will power and responsibility, and unhealthy throat chakra can manifest as

a cold or sore throat due to an inability to express oneself. Speaking your truth is

the best food you can feed your throat chakra.

Liquids like water, fresh 100% fruit juices (with no added sugars), and herbal teas will

help to keep your throat chakra healthy.

Blue foodsthat occur naturally are rare. However, blueberries are one type of throat chakra

healing food that is widely available.

Fruits that grow on trees, like apples, peaches, pears, apricots, and plums, also work to balance

the throat chakra.

Third eye chakra foods The sixth chakra, called the brow chakra or

the third eye, is where your master mind plugs into a new type of wisdom from beyond this

realm, providing amazing insights that will allow you to solve any problem.

The sixth chakra is located just above your eyebrows in the center of your forehead. Because

the sixth chakra is located in your head rather than in your torso like the first five chakras,

it has a slightly different nature and is the control center for some very powerful

gifts: thinking, wisdom, psychic gifts, and intuition. It�s a stunning indigo color,

which indicates peace and tranquility. It�s all about your intuition, your ability to

plan, forecast, sense, and know.

Nuts, seeds, and legumes � especially raw walnuts, sprouted almonds, and poppy seeds

� are nutrient-dense and packed with antioxidants that will help heal your third eye chakra.


Metal detoxers from the ground, such as harvest grains and mushrooms, work to remove heavy

metals that are in your body as a result of your environment and everyday life activities.

Purple fruits, like goji berries, acai, concord grapes, and blackberries all supply a megadose

of nutrients, optimizing the functionality of your third eye chakra.

Crown chakra foods The seventh chakra is home to your radiant

spiritual center and connection to Source. Your crown chakra is more spirit than earth,

so its nourishment really comes from sources other than food, including love and a strong

connection to the Divine.

Located on the topmost part of your head, eating light meals while engaging in a spirit-boosting

activity like meditation can energize your crown chakra.

Incense and smudging herbs like sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper, can help

awaken your crown chakra to the highest form of spiritual communication.

For more infomation >> Chakra Foods For Healing & Health - Duration: 12:36.


Funny Hamster to eat carrots quickly【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster to eat carrots quickly【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.


Outra Visita da Grande Nuvem - Duration: 20:47.

For more infomation >> Outra Visita da Grande Nuvem - Duration: 20:47.


Ischtar Isiks Liebes-Rezept? Mädelsabende sind das A und O! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ischtar Isiks Liebes-Rezept? Mädelsabende sind das A und O! - Duration: 1:07.


How To Get Free V Bucks 🔥 V Bucks Hack 2018 (PS4/XBOX/PC/iOS) - Duration: 11:00.

hello guys in today's video I'm going to show you how you can get unlimited V

bucks for your fortnight account and you can buy skins emotes and everything I

already knew that you really know what you can buy with three bucks that's the

reason why you came here to this video and today am I'm going to show you how

you can get unlimited be bucks I'll also show you my real main account in front

of me the current stats of my b-bugs and after the fact I will actually buy skins

or emotes I really don't know what we will abide with those v buds we hacked

so stay to the end of this video follow all steps and you will get your v bucks

too just like me so let's first see my use me okay and

let's see amount of V paths I have right now so as you can see it's legit it's

real game it's not recorded as you can see so right now you will need to take

your phone or tablet like in my case and go to the Google Chrome

funny little type in for night box dots club fortnight bucks that club go to

that set this is the only working site for free box I tried many of them but

this site actually gave me v bucks and you will see with your own eyes

so stay to the end of this video take them to start generator button right now

right here you need to enter your username

mine is dicker dick Oh mein and I would like to add 100 V bucks okay and hit the

start generator button it will start processing your request adding three

bucks to your account it's maybe 10 seconds of wait in that time I will just

confirm this on my fourth line game so we are waiting right now as you can see

a lot of players generate now the way back so don't miss this chance okay we

can see numbers moving on the site now you need to verify that you're a human

because they have a lot of requests are they on there

generator so just click on verify now button and you will be redirected in

this part you will need to download two apps from the below and play them for 60

seconds in this tutorial I'm going to follow just one and play it for 60

seconds because my Reeboks will also be added to the account so right now click

on the free button right here and tap to install it's one hand free no vs. you

will be redirected to official Google Play or App Store as you can see it's

Google Play there is no bullshit no viruses no hacks

at all so it's a large mobile game I will need to install it and play it for

60 seconds ok right now I think I didn't yes I didn't connect it to my Wi-Fi so I

will just connect Wi-Fi so I can download the game so when you download

the game just play it for 60 seconds do some random bullshit on the game just to

kill those 60 seconds I will also show you that step and you can see your V box

rising up on your fortnight account guys so the game is downloading now and it's

a quite boring step for me to do but I really love to show you step by step

without speeding up the video so you can understand everything so actually if

sometimes it did not work for you or your Reeboks are not on your account

just repeat all the steps for maybe like five to ten minutes later because their

server is overloading a lot of player players get those v bucks a day a second

a minute so you you really need to understand those guys because they're

the only one working and actually giving Yuri bucks so the

game is finishing the downloading and after that I will just open it play it

for 60 seconds close it and check my V box count again so you need to download

two games in this tutorial I'm going to add only one game

I mean download only one game sometimes it works with one game sometimes you

really need to download two games in order to get your free box I hope it

will work now with one game so I can show you my B box okay the game is

installing right now okay now click the open its religious game from legit

publisher song Google Play or App Store so there is no viruses no bullshit or

anything like that so open the game and just play it for 60 seconds if it has

some tutorial just complete the tutorial pay later more just make sure that you

play the game actually right now we are waiting for game to download data and

now loading okay come on come on come on okay I think it was dark right now oh

yes it's a tutorial we will need to watch this tutorial till the end in

order to get our V box I know it's boring but better use this

than actually buying the box with your own money

okay is there any way I can skip this I think no so guys this hacks worse if it

doesn't sometimes just make sure to repeat all the steps until it does you

will see with your own eyes my VBox increasing and me buying skins with

those three bucks so make sure to stay to the end of this

video and we will together decide which skin or amount we should buy with those

three bucks right so right now I'm seeing some tutorial okay okay this is

quite boring and I think this game is stupid

look at this this is a fucking come on and kill the dragon

I would really love to see some dragazine fortnight what about you two

coming below please also guys make sure to subscribe like and comment below on

this video if it works for it can work for you so it it means me a lot because

I'm planning to do a lot of fortnight videos in the future

okay so the game is started we will play some random bullshit for one minute bill

bill I think those 60 seconds will pass really really soon and I can check my

VBox imagine

okay guys I think it's enough me playing this game I will just close it and it's

P now I will check my for tights account in order to see if there is any V box

added and we can buy some skins right let's go and let's see so guys my bus

okay you think it's a Photoshop right now okay let's prove it's not let's go

to the item shop and one should we buy battle pass this show you buy this or

some skin I don't know let's fight this Europe okay I will click purchase you

see you see I just bought it I just bought it with three bucks

repackage do you see it's a real thing guys you can go right now and use it as

much as you want so you can get unlimited three bucks a day and buy skin

steer ups for whatever you need guys I just show you a crew that it

works like that actually but something weird so just make sure to visit their

site and get your wee baths right now thank you guys for watching and make

sure to subscribe comment and like this video let me know what you think about

dragon dragons inside fortnight and I will most likely soon publish some

gameplay videos of mine so just subscribe and like this video thank you

for watching and have a good luck spending those three bucks on your game


For more infomation >> How To Get Free V Bucks 🔥 V Bucks Hack 2018 (PS4/XBOX/PC/iOS) - Duration: 11:00.


5 benefícios da beterraba | Autoridade Fitness - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> 5 benefícios da beterraba | Autoridade Fitness - Duration: 0:51.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 Automaat Cruise control - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 Automaat Cruise control - Duration: 1:06.


中國再服役一款新型戰機,有些人說「浪費錢」,但印度巴鐵都想買 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 中國再服役一款新型戰機,有些人說「浪費錢」,但印度巴鐵都想買 - Duration: 4:17.


Reggae Ska & Reggae Ska Music: Best of Reggae Ska Rocksteady Instrumental Mix Playlist Compilation - Duration: 1:04:31.

Title: Reggae Ska & Reggae Ska Music: Best of Reggae Ska Rocksteady Instrumental Mix Playlist Compilation

For more infomation >> Reggae Ska & Reggae Ska Music: Best of Reggae Ska Rocksteady Instrumental Mix Playlist Compilation - Duration: 1:04:31.



I've been fucking hoes and popping Pili's, man. I feel just like a rock star

Press the bell icon on the YouTube

Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another gray video so today guys

I'm gonna show you how to install the hard knocks kodi build for kodi krypton if you have

Amazon first sick or Nvidia shield or any other device you can get and install

The hard knocks cody bill to your kodi gripe tongue

So guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the Facebook group and Facebook page

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and visit my website, so that way you're gonna keep in touch with cody

And you will get all news about Cody if you missed something

check the previous videos so guys to install the hard knocks Cody will go right here to settings and

Check your system settings

Go to add-ons and check the unknown sources

So hello it right here and press yes

Then back and go to file manager

so guys if you install or

If you used to install builds you will got your files right here

so if you're new to Kodi in your kodi beginner you will get

Profile directory and add source so double click on add source

Click none and just copy and paste the address right here to not miss any word

So hill guys you got it. You got the misfit modes

cody wizard

So you can install it and enjoy it as you can subscribe to I'll drain my filled

YouTube channel is a great developer and Rick guy the winner great job for the misfit modes

So here guys name it you can name it misfit

You can name it misfit or whatever you want and press ok click

here and then back and

back again guys

So here guys go to add-ons

click on add-ons right here and

Then guys scroll down or click here on the top right here

Then click on install from the file and then click on the misfit

so as you can see right here guys and

Here guys you got plug-in program misfit modes click on it

So here guys you got the misfit modes cody

Wizard install it to your kodi crap-ton

And then we can keep your real debride account or thanks and then click on continue

Then click on Belle's menu

So here guys you got the builds

Dismiss this one. I'm here guys get this message again, so ignore it so here guys

You got the hard knocks cody build so you got the hard knocks

Version 3.9 and you got two servers you got silver one and server to check the server one if you want

or the chair for the server to

There's no big difference

The bowls servers are working well without any problem

So you guys you got the fresh install and the standard installed?

The fresh install if you have a previous build install it to your kodi just do a fresh install if you have only

You have cody, and you have it empty, and you don't have anything installed yet

Just do a standard install so here guys. I have a previous bill already the customers Cody bill

I'm gonna fresh install this hard knocks Cody bill to install this grave 1 so click on continue

So here it's gonna clear all your files and replace them

With a new files and this gonna correct and solve all your problems

So as you can see right here guys

So don't don't press here in this empty area or click on cancel or do whatever

especially in the download process

So here guys you get the download process running don't do anything or press on any

On here this empty space or cancel because you're gonna restart from zero

that's it so be patient guys until the download process is done and

Then install in the files and first close your code each enjoy the hard knocks Cody will install it to your Kodi

Krypton, so I'm gonna bad guys after the download process is completed then we're gonna review this great amazing Kodi Bo

So here guys you get everything done without any problem and


First close your torii and restart it again to enjoy the hard knocks Cody build install it to your kodi


Here guys after installing the hard knocks Cody build you will get this great amazing?

Homepage right here so guys here

We got the movies section as you can see right here get movies and down you got all the working Kodi

Add-ons you got dogs follows piranhas electra


Fantastic it got a lot of things you can see you have

Placenta Neptune rising so you guys got the widgets so all the most popular

Movies are right here if you wanna watch any movie

Just click on it so and you guys you will got the streaming links if you wanna watch the trailer or anything

just click on any

So here guys you got the links supremacy is finding your link


don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the Facebook group that Facebook page and follow me on Twitter, so

guys we are now

40,000 or

14,000 14,000 people or subscriber on my channel and thanks a lot for you guys

You doin well guys you are amazing such beautiful people I?

Wish you doing well in your life, and be safe and happy

I'm helping you guys if you have any question or any problem, just put it down in the comment section


Here guys get it working without any problem right here

So enjoy it and watch it without any problem, so

Guys let's back to the homepage

right here, and if you move to

TV shelves you got the TV shelf section and here guys you got Empire TV and Lipton rising

triangle on Netflix show and

We got networks people watching a lot of things in the same menu and here guys in the menu

You got TV shows up right here. We got all

The working TV show right now and best ones are the most amazing ones here. You got Jairo

It's a great one so

Here we got season 1

It's a new TV show

And he'll girl you got actress you guys animal you got a lot of things right here

So you can pick any episode to watch it and here guys got Neptune rising is the main provider for this


You will enjoy a lot your kodi if you install this bill, it's really amazing one. It's work. It works

Well without any problem

So I have my little son right here

Is doing some noise?

He wants to record

With me and touching the microphone

So here guys you got the links you can pick anyone

So pick this one

As you can see right here

It's loading

We got a lot of links you can pick anyone to watch this great amazing TV show so here

We got it guys. It works. Just stop it and back

And here back to the home page

So here got kids section so

here you can enjoy your family time and

Put this section to your kids. They will stay safe and stay happy with this section

They won't do a lot of noise at home

So guys you can put this section for your kids and enjoy time with them without any problem

You can watch Batman or any superhero?

And here guys you got chibi shelves, I just back

Here we got kids and here we got fan


Here is the the most amazing one?

It's a great section right here

For the fans you can watch latest trailers, and you got you can get watch TV

Shows if you missed any

TV show and the TV you can watch it right here without any problem

What's happening you wanna record some stuff?

What do you want to say

So guys here we got fan favorites and then

You got ladies night

So this section is great is for ladies as you can see right here. You can enjoy your time

or your wife or girlfriend

Whatever, so you got ladies night you guys got the urban

It's the urban section. It's great

You can enjoy your urban wife right here

You guys get rid

You got all the western shows and you got the commentaries you got a hunt


You got a lot of things you can enjoy your documentaries right here

Here guys you got amigos

Okay, I'm here

Here guys got amigos. It's a Latino section here. We got IPTV

You guys got the a chill on TV. It's a paid paid section

So you guys got sports you can enjoy your section here your favorites or here

You won't miss any event in this section

you guys you get music as you can see you can listen to your favorite musician and enjoy it right here without any problem and

share it with your friends and family and having fun with them and

You guys you got programs and here we got the system so guys

This is the hard knocks Cody will review it for you if you have any question put it down in the comment section

I'm gonna replay you with the right solution. Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> BEST KODI BULD NOW 🔥 FOR KODI 17.6 KRYPTON MAY 2018 🔥 HARDNOX BUILD KODI 🔥 MISFITMODS WIZARD - Duration: 12:16.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:52.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:41.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:04.


Audi A6 Avant 1.8 TFSI 140KW Sp. Edition Vollausstattung o.a Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 1.8 TFSI 140KW Sp. Edition Vollausstattung o.a Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.





[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #127 - Duration: 7:47.

[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #127

For more infomation >> [ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #127 - Duration: 7:47.


心理测试:哪对情侣最幸福?测试出你的福气指数有多高 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:哪对情侣最幸福?测试出你的福气指数有多高 - Duration: 3:36.


What's the worst thing Charle...

For more infomation >> What's the worst thing Charle...


For more infomation >> What's the worst thing Charle...


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool `n Blue / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool `n Blue / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:07.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool `n Blue / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:07.


Ford Focus 1.5 ECOBOOST 196PK ST-LINE BLACK Edition 5Drs *zeer sportieve en snelle focus!!* Xenon/ N - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.5 ECOBOOST 196PK ST-LINE BLACK Edition 5Drs *zeer sportieve en snelle focus!!* Xenon/ N - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.5 ECOBOOST 196PK ST-LINE BLACK Edition 5Drs *zeer sportieve en snelle focus!!* Xenon/ N - Duration: 1:13.


발이 당신에 대해 알려주는 점 - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 발이 당신에 대해 알려주는 점 - Duration: 6:10.


For more infomation >> 발이 당신에 대해 알려주는 점 - Duration: 6:10.


Dancing With The Stars: Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζευγάρια που πέρασαν στον τελικό - Duration: 0:58.

Dancing With The Stars: Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζευγάρια που πέρασαν

στον τελικό Αποχώρησε ο Κώστας ΤσουρόςΟ

ημιτελικός του Dancing With The Stars πραγματοποιήθηκε το

βράδυ της Παρασκευής, και ήταν γεμάτος από εκπλήξεις.

Ευρυδίκη Βαλαβάνη, Βαγγέλης Κακουριώτης, Μυριέλλα Κουρεντή,

Όλγα Πηλιάκη και Κώστας Τσουρός εκτέλεσαν με τους

παρτενέρ τους δύο διαφορετικές χορογραφίες, η μία εκ των

οποίων είχε επιλεγεί από την παραγωγή και η άλλη

από τους ίδιους.

Το κοινό ψήφισε και στο παιχνίδι παρέμειναν η Ευρυδίκη

και ο Βαγγέλης, ενώ αποχώρησε ο Κώστας Τσουρός.

Στο dance off πάλεψαν οι Όλγα Πηλιάκη και Μυριέλλα Κουρεντή,

με την κριτική επιτροπή να ψηφίζει προς αποχώρηση

την δεύτερη.

For more infomation >> Dancing With The Stars: Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζευγάρια που πέρασαν στον τελικό - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Dancing With The Stars: Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζευγάρια που πέρασαν στον τελικό - Duration: 0:58.


ザ・デッドヒートブレイカーズ #10 『ダイリー代理』 - Duration: 33:22.

For more infomation >> ザ・デッドヒートブレイカーズ #10 『ダイリー代理』 - Duration: 33:22.


For more infomation >> ザ・デッドヒートブレイカーズ #10 『ダイリー代理』 - Duration: 33:22.


Kendrick Lamar Type Beat - ...

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar Type Beat - ...


BaubleBar Haul 2018 - Duration: 3:37.

hello welcome back to my channel I hope you're having an amazing day if you like

haul videos please hit that subscribe button there will be so many hauls on

this channel and if you're interested in seeing what I got at BaubleBar please keep

watching the first item that I'm gonna haul today from BaubleBar are these

earrings I just thought these were so cute they're just this like metallicky

tassel style of earring and I bought a ton of the tassel earrings last time and

I just really really liked them so I had to get these ones and now they're mine

there's a definite theme to the things that I got and it's basically tassel

everything I also got these tassel earrings and they're just this like

bright coppery almost gold I just couldn't resist I almost bought silver

ones too you might recall these earrings from my

last haul well I got them in the champagne color as well honestly I have

no like grand reason why I got these ones I just really like the blue ones

and I just thought these ones could be friends with the blue ones so I'm gonna

go put these away right now so it can be with the blue ones another thing that

you're gonna remember from my last bauble bar haul if you watched it if you

didn't it's like linked somewhere up here anyways you'll remember these pink

ridiculous things like these are massive they're huge they're like they hang so

low on my ear that they like brush my shoulder but I really like them so I got

them in black too I had also gotten like this matching pink tassel

so I bought the black tassel necklace also as one does clearly you have the

earrings you got the matching necklace then you get the other earrings and then

you get the under matching necklace and the cycle of tassels continues which I'm

completely fine with by the way this last thing is a necklace and I'm not

sure if I like it there is a tassel on it so that's like a redeeming quality

but I don't know if I like all the jewels on it so this one has a bunch of

jewels like all the way around the chain

and it must have looked appealing online but now that I have it I don't love it I

do really like the little tassels oh of course I like the tassel anyways I guess

that's just like a small little haul of what I got it balls are I really hope

that you guys like these videos if you do please hit that like button if you're

new here please hit that subscribe button and I will see you next one bye

For more infomation >> BaubleBar Haul 2018 - Duration: 3:37.


My Patreon Video - Support My Content! | Noelle dos Anjos - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> My Patreon Video - Support My Content! | Noelle dos Anjos - Duration: 2:37.


Funny Hamster to eat carrots quickly【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster to eat carrots quickly【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:18.


Fortnite BR LvL 100 - Duration: 32:06.

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