Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 30 2018

Okay so Murgol the Punisher has given us trouble in the past. Does anyone need anything from him?

Sorry I kind of need a Murgols heart for my 'Hearts of Evil' achievement.

Sorry. Oh for christ sake Hamish!

Okay look well then what we'll do is I'll go in first and taunt the Muck Gu minions

I will cast 'Intimidating Shout' to scatter them, so we don't have to fight them all at once.

Yeah and I'll cast 'Divine Globe' over the party to protect us from the AOE attack of the Muck Gu goblins

And I calculate this should give us 32.333%

recurring of course chance of survival

Well that is a lot better than we usually do

Alright chums let's do this! Leeroy...


Let it go son

Just let it go

That joke...It's over 10 years old...


Shush shush

It's okay it's done now let it go son

it's old it's overdone and it's unoriginal. Let it go okay let it go

Everybody watching this video knew what was coming


Now piss off

Excuse me

See ya bro

Sorry about that lads. Now before you continue on your quest, I am a blacksmith


Oh god he's going in!

Stick to the plan!

No no I can't cast that fast!

That was kind of weird I wasn't in that one. That was really ah bizarre yeah it

Hey did you wanna join?

Yeah! Sounds like you've already kind of finished oh you've already wrapped up

like I've just watched the episode

Did you need a ride?

Yeah if you could wait

Help us out. Help us make more content. Patreon!

The link is somewhere around it's right there

Cars going


For more infomation >> Leeroy Jenkins - Epic NPC Man - VLDL (Alright chums let's do this! Lerooooy...) - Duration: 2:42.


Free v-bucks - Fortnite vbucks - Fortnite free vbucks - 🍋🍋🍊🍉 - Duration: 4:09.

Hello guys and welcome to my newest video tutorial today

I want to show you something really special how to hack fortnight with this hack

You will add 3v bucks within a few clicks by the way you don't need your computer only your smartphone

To show you that I'm not lying look at my account you can see my username and that I don't have any resources

So firstly you have to visit this link

Then we enter our username

Then choose platform that can be one of four and of course don't forget to check on through Roxy protection after

That we click connect

Now's my favorite part because there you can select the amount of V bugs after that

Lagos our generator, and as you can see it's working oh

Yes, and this is our last step verify that your human being this one is pretty easy after downloading this app

Played for 30 seconds, then V bucks will be added instantly

Okay, you can see that I've completed now. You can delete this app and open fortnight. I will speed up this part guys

As I said, it's wonderful look how many VBox we have

So that's it now. You know how to use fortnightly bugs hack


For more infomation >> Free v-bucks - Fortnite vbucks - Fortnite free vbucks - 🍋🍋🍊🍉 - Duration: 4:09.


Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.

The law of attraction. The law of attraction is a universal law that is

present at all times. Put simply, it means like attracts like. The law of attraction

states that thought energy and projected energy attract similar energy. As a

result, we attract things into our lives according to our thoughts and projected

energy. Simply stated, we attract into our lives

whatever we direct our conscious attention to. This universal law is an

age-old principle that the world's greatest minds and teachers of the past

have used without knowing its full scientific basis. Thankfully we all have

access to it through our increased understanding, and now almost all of

today's most successful people are using it to make fundamental changes in their

lives. Our understanding of the law of attraction has been enhanced through our

increased knowledge of quantum physics. You don't need to comprehend all the

intricate details of quantum physics to understand how this works. Every aspect

of who we are, our bodies, our minds, our totality is composed entirely of energy.

This includes our thoughts. Everything that exists from the dirt under our

fingernails to the farthest star and the farthest galaxy is composed of pure

energy.This is not a theory, it is fact. How does it work? The law of attraction

is working at all times regardless of your beliefs or your awareness of its

presence. We are constantly attracting into our lives, whether deliberately or

by default, what we are emitting into the universe. What you focus on expands. Your

thoughts are creating your reality. If you experience negative thoughts and

feelings, you emit negative energy. You therefore attract negative events, people,

and things into your life. If you experience positive thoughts and

feelings, you made positive energy. As a result, you will attract positive things,

people, and things into your life. Understanding and properly applying this

universal law is the key to achieving ultimate success in all areas of your

life. How to apply this universal law.

Fundamental to your using this knowledge to transform your life is understanding

that you are applying this universal law, even if you don't know it. You send

either positive or negative energy into the universe. Like attracts like whatever

you are sending out to the universe will be returned to you. you are sending out

energy right now right this second. What are you feeling right now? Are you

feeling good? Are you feeling bad? If you're feeling good, you're sending out

positive energy. If you're feeling bad, you're sending out negative energy. It's

that simple. If you want to live your greatest life, you must begin to do so by

stopping the negative energy you project, and instead emit positive energy at all

times. Simply by shifting your thoughts,

language, and most important emotions, you will successfully master this law. Keep

in mind this process is like using an undeveloped muscle. It takes time for it

to become efficient and second nature. What do you want? What do you really

really want? This is an important question to ponder in order to truly

manifest and attract all that you desire in life. you must first decide what you

want. You must become clear on your vision of what your greatest life would

look like. Most people don't know what they want. Either they don't take the

time to get clear about what they truly desire, or they focus on the things they

don't want in life. For example, I don't want debt. By focusing on the things you

don't want, you are experiencing negative thoughts and therefore launching

negative energy. This results in attracting more of the same negative

situations, people, and experiences into your life. Think about your thoughts. What

do you usually think about? Are you complaining about what your life looks

like right now? If so, chances are you are using negative language and focusing on

the things you don't want in life. By doing so you are only attracting more of

the same into your life. The key is to become clear about what you do want. Once

you know what you do want and focus your attention on that, you will automatically

project positive energy. When deciding what you want, be unrealistic. What would

you want for yourself If anything was possible. This is a difficult task to

accomplish for many people because they get stuck with the quote unquote how it

will occur in their lives. If they don't know how that could ever possibly

manifest itself in their lives, then they believe that it's not possible. When I

tell my coaching clients to dream big when deciding what they want, countless

times they respond with "but I have to be realistic." I always respond with why be

unrealistic, dream big. Don't worry about exactly how what you want will develop

in your life. Once you begin emitting powerful positive energy at

times the universe will respond. The only limits we have in our lives are the

limits we impose on ourselves. The how is unimportant. your job is to figure out

the what. One way of uncovering what you want in

life is to make a list of all the things you don't want.

After you create this list, go through each and every statement and turn it

into a positive statement of what you do want. For instance, if you say I don't

want to have trouble paying the bills each month. You can turn that around to

money comes easily and freely to me and bills are paid with ease. Doing this

exercise will force you to focus on the positive and also allows you to become

clear about what you do want. Once you discover what you truly want in

life, then you can put your energy and focus on these things. By simply focusing

on these positive things, you automatically generate positive thoughts

and positive energy. Here's a tip. Write or type out the list of what you do want.

Post it on your mirror, on your fridge, carry it around with you in your wallet.

This would be a constant reminder of what to focus on, where you are going, and

what will attract and manifest in your life. Nurture your mind with great

thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. Do you know that

you can choose what you are thinking and feeling at all times? At first this may

sound difficult to do, but by simply becoming aware of what you are thinking

and feeling, you can redirect negative thoughts and feelings and turn them into

positive thoughts and feelings. The best way to recognize a negative thought is

to become aware of how you're feeling. Anytime you're not feeling good, you are

thinking negative thoughts, whether you're conscious of it or not. And

therefore emitting negative energy. You're feeling barometer is what I like

to call it, will advise you on whether you are on track to attracting and

becoming all that you desire. We all have an inner saboteur. It is an inner voice

that is telling you that you cannot do something, be someone, or have something.

Recognize this as fear. It is normal to fear anytime you go outside your comfort

zone. Anytime you do anything new and different, there's always some sort of

inner voice, telling you that you can't do it, that you aren't good enough, or

that you fail. Just recognize that the inner voice

is you. The only person that is stopping you from living your greatest life is

you. Chase away your inner saboteur. By simply being aware, and recognizing when

your saboteur is taking over, you can then take charge and slam the door on

this unwelcome visitor. Become aware and conscious of what your saboteur often

tells you, so when it shows up unexpectedly at the doorstep of your

mind you will immediately recognize it. Do you know that we create the meaning

of everything we experience in life? We decide whether an experience is positive,

negative, or neutral. Many people believe that the meaning they give to their life

experiences is real. The truth is that we choose how we interpret whatever we

experience in life. Your interpretation of life events is based on your past

experience,s beliefs, and upbringing. Realize that your interpretation of the

situation is something you have made up. It is all a creation of your mind, you

actually have the power to choose what feelings you attach to each situation,

event, and experience. If you're not feeling good about something that has

happened, think and reflect what interpretation you've given to that

event. For instance, if you were just let go from your job and you were really

upset about it, ask yourself why am I feeling this way? Your answer may be I

can't believe my employer fired me, I worked so hard for 10 years for them and

this is how they treat me. They don't appreciate me, they never appreciated me.

In this scenario, you have made losing your job mean that your employer doesn't

care about you and that you are not appreciated by them. Your interpretation

of the situation can come from many different realms. It could be that in the

past you were ignored by family members and we're told you would amount to

nothing. This could be the reason you interpret the situation in the specific

way. On the other hand, if you had a very loving caring family environment growing

up and we're always told how wonderful you are,

you could react to this situation differently. It may mean

nothing personal to you, and you may say oh well, what can you do? These things happen.

Now I can look for my next even-better job opportunity. These are two different

interpretations attached to the same situation. Since we are the Masters of

interpreting all of our experiences, why not choose to interpret every single

experience as positive? Since we are going to make up a meaning around the

situation anyway, it may as well be some interpretation that makes us feel good.

the easiest way to do this is to separate the facts of this situation

from your interpretation of the situation. the facts in the previous

example are: you worked for a company for 10 years, you were let go from the

position at this company. Those are the facts, that's it. Everything else is your

interpretation. When you are conscious of this, you can choose your own positive

meaning to attach to that event. You know you can even choose to make it mean

nothing at all. To just let it go and move on. It's important to recognize the

difference between the facts of what happened and your interpretation of what

happened. The sooner you are able to do that, the

sooner you can begin consciously choosing interpretations that are

positive in nature. These positive choices will keep you in a positive

energy field no matter what the circumstances. In order to truly allow

and receive all that you desire into your life, you must remove all doubt and

believe it is coming to you. Only then will it materialize and manifest itself

into your life.

For more infomation >> Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.


Nhạc Không Lời Chọn Lọc II LK Nhạc Vàng II LK Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:15:02.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Không Lời Chọn Lọc II LK Nhạc Vàng II LK Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:15:02.


DARLING in the FRANXX ED1 - "トリカゴ / Torikago" - Akano - Duration: 1:51.

トリカゴ / Torikago / Birdcage Cover by Akano

I faintly ask the sky glimpsed through the classroom window:

"For what purpose am I living?" I have no idea.

I'm only taught things I don't want to know,

when I realized it, I was speechless.

The ideal me drawn on the textbook margin

is not under the control of adults,

is free like a flying bird!

Although you showed me a dream,

if you couldn't give me the power to make it come true,

it will only cause me more pain!

Even the length of the skirt is fixed.

I can't even do what I want, where the hell am I?

I hear a voice whispering in my heart: "You are right here."

The sky is so beautiful though...

For more infomation >> DARLING in the FRANXX ED1 - "トリカゴ / Torikago" - Akano - Duration: 1:51.


Trip VS Vacation: How to take an actual vacation // The Holderness Family - Duration: 2:41.

(whooshing water)

♪ Oh, hello there. ♪ (rap beat)

♪ This is relaxation ♪

♪ This is an actual vacation ♪

♪ We're in the ocean on a gorgeous ship ♪

♪ This is a vacation and not a trip ♪

♪ What's the difference ♪

♪ When the trip ends ♪

♪ You're more tired than when it begins ♪

♪ A vacation's when you come back new ♪

♪ We have needed a vacation since 2002 ♪

♪ 'Cause it's kinda hard to relax ♪

♪ When the kids keep throwing donuts at your backs ♪

♪ But if you follow this little-bitty checklist ♪

♪ A family vacation can actually exist ♪

♪ We're on a vacation ♪

♪ Not just on a trip ♪

♪ We can finally relax 'cause we're on a ship ♪

♪ Not breaking down on the trip ♪

♪ We're going on a trip, whoopee ♪

♪ She'll be on the internet for a week ♪

♪ Organizing all the activities that'll keep my kids busy ♪

♪ For like five minutes each ♪

♪ Vacation ♪

♪ Planning is a whole lot less scary ♪

♪ 'Cause they helped us make the perfect itinerary ♪

♪ And it has lots of really adventurous stuff in it ♪

♪ So my kids don't get bored after five minutes ♪

- You're my new ocean burrito, okay?


♪ Trip ♪

♪ We're in the car for seven more hours ♪

♪ I really wish I had insisted that you take showers ♪

♪ I know you're hungry ♪

♪ So we'll stop at the next exit ♪

♪ I wanna withdraw from this car like Brexit ♪

♪ Vacation ♪

♪ No fast food, no rest stops or whining ♪

♪ Open spaces and we need some really good dining ♪

♪ And a better view of an 18-wheeler in motion ♪

♪ How 'bout the top of a ship and a sunset over the ocean ♪

♪ Trip ♪

Kids we're staying at four different spots, okay

♪ We just have to pack and unpack once a day ♪

♪ And we'll carry these things up four flights of stairs ♪

♪ And we'll realize that we forgot our underwear ♪

♪ Vacation ♪

♪ We get to travel all over, cover lots of ground ♪

♪ But you unpack once ♪

♪ And your room was the thing that moves around ♪

♪ And you go to another amazing place every single day ♪

♪ Hey, mommy, look ♪

♪ You can put your suitcases away ♪

♪ Trip ♪

♪ Kids, mommy and daddy are hanging by the grill ♪

♪ Can you guys, I don't know, maybe just chill ♪

♪ Here's my phone, here's mommy's phone, give us 15 ♪

♪ This is not relaxing, this is bribery with a screen ♪

♪ Vacation ♪

♪ Wait, so you're trying to get rid of us ♪

♪ This is backwards, usually you're putting it onto us ♪

♪ But, you say this kids club has movies and scavenger hunts ♪

♪ And you wanna go back ♪

♪ All right, that works for us ♪

♪ Had a bunch of new adventures for the four of us ♪

♪ It isn't just fun, this is downright euphoria ♪

♪ Yeah, a week-long vacation, that'll do ♪

♪ And afterwards all of us, we are coming back new ♪

- [Penn] Thanks so much to Princess Cruises

for helping us make this video.

As you can see, it was a blast and you can see much more

from this vacation.

Stay tuned to our channel in the coming weeks.

We will show you a unique kid's perspective of cruise life.

- [Kim] Yeah, the part where we made Penn

enter a ship-wide talent contest,

you are not gonna wanna miss that.

- [Penn] Head to for much more.

Oh, and thanks for the ride, Captain Tim!

- Vacation! (hands clap)


- Is it over? - Thank you, Captain.

- That's all right. (laughing)

For more infomation >> Trip VS Vacation: How to take an actual vacation // The Holderness Family - Duration: 2:41.


Ride Or Die Girlfriend: Relationship Goals | Famalam - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Ride Or Die Girlfriend: Relationship Goals | Famalam - Duration: 1:44.


Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 3:35.

Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge

After a year and a half of obstruction and bellyaching, the democrats cannot wipe away

the facts.

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, career politicians sneered;

both democrats and insider republicans questioned his ability.

How could anyone outside of politics expect to help the country?

What does he know?

Well, it seems like he knows quite a bit.

While Trump is not a career politician, he is a massively successful businessman, and

his keen leadership skills and negotiation has helped our country recover from a dark


The economy is doing incredibly well; in fact, much better than any "expert" predicted.

After Obama swore jobs would never come back, guess what?

They're coming back.

Companies are investing in the United States like never before.

American products are selling around the world, thanks to trade deals.

It has resulted in jobless claims plummeting, as more Americans are back to work.

We haven't seen unemployment this low since 1969!From Yahoo:

"The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in more

than 48 years last week and the goods trade deficit narrowed sharply in March amid strong

export growth…

The anticipated slowdown in economic growth is likely to be temporary against the backdrop

of a robust labor market that is expected to underpin consumer spending.

The economy is also expected to get a boost from the Trump administration's $1.5 trillion

income tax cut package as well as increased government spending, which should also support

business investment.

In a separate report on Thursday, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment

benefits dropped 24,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended April 21, the lowest

level since December 1969."

We are seeing amazing statistics like this come out almost every day, and many liberals

said it would never happen.

(They didn't even WANT to see this happen).Under Obama, our country was in trouble.

His terrible leadership and decision-making caused the U.S. to bleed jobs.

Foreign countries walked all over us, thanks to bad deals like NAFTA, TPP, and the Paris

Climate Accord.

On top of that, Obama hiked taxes and burdened companies with massive regulation.

That all amounts to shrinking businesses and fewer jobs.

It was a deliberate plan by globalists to destroy America, because a weak United States

would have been easier to exploit.

But strong, prosperous Americans will not be cowed!

Under President Trump, everything has changed: he is putting America first.

The tax bill is having a tremendous effect, and he has slashed hurtful regulations.

Businesses are no longer being punished for investing the in U.S.

For more infomation >> Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 3:35.


Greetings reservists - EP2 - Undergarments - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Greetings reservists - EP2 - Undergarments - Duration: 2:56.


Mnuchin: The economy is doing fabulous - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Mnuchin: The economy is doing fabulous - Duration: 1:33.


How To Stop Raging (Get Out of Losing Streak) - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 8:41.

Everyone has their bad games and their losing streaks from time to time Star Wars Battlefront

2, and if you find yourself stuck in one, it can be really frustrating and rage inducing.

Today we'll talk about how recover without becoming this guy


Intro There are a few things you can do once you

get stuck in a losing streak and start to become frustrated in gaming, and as yoda says

You can learn from these games more than you can from games where you just end up dominating.

Today we'll talk about; picking your class, break down and analyze your game play, and

just basically to relax.

It's important to remember that Battlefront 2 is just a game and in the end, your performance

doesn't matter, the main thing is to just have fun.

Even if you die as a hero, it'll be ok.

Most losing streaks and rage inducing moment stem from a psychological place and the best

way to fix it, is to go back to what you know and trust.

Your abilities haven't necessarily changed, but the way you perceive the game and yourself


In order to get out of this mind set, there are some slight adjustments you can make to


As we go through this, in the comments, let me know what you do to get out of a losing

streak, and if your in one now, what do you think is causing it?

If you enjoy this video there are several ways you can show it and support this channel,

you can like, share, comment, subscribe and we're also on patreon.

Be sure to check out our partners over at star wars gaming .net as well, they do an

amazing job at keeping you up to date with all things going on in the star wars gaming

universe and are a wonderful resource for this community.



If you find yourself in a losing streak, the first thing to do is Stop Playing specialist.

I know, i love the class too, but they die to everything, they die fast, and they die


It can be extremely frustrating to play.

Instead, you're going to want to take a second and think about where you normally

find yourself in the game and pick the class that is best suited for that role.

If you find yourself playing a sniper type player, try going over to the assault for

a bit and see if that helps.

Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, and most likely you've been playing a little

bit of every class recently or just changed classes.

Go back to what you're comfortable and have the most fun with.

The more comfortable you are when you play, and the more confident you feel about a weapons

abilities, the better your going to do.

Even if it's not the best weapon in the class, if you feel like you can trust it,

the better you'll perform.

Now that we're back on the class we know and love, don't look at the match as a whole.

While, sure at the end of the match you can see how you did and being on the top 5 is

great, you want to break the match down into each life separately.

If you focus on something large, whether it's at work, school, a home project or even in

a video game, it can feel daunting.

This can effect your mental state and greatly hurt your productivity and success in whatever

it is you're doing.

Instead, break it down into small chunks and just focus on getting that one piece done


Shooters like Battlefront 2 make it easy to break it down into chunks, and those chunks

are each time you respawn.

When you spawn in, forget about the previous lifes performance and just focus on doing

as good as you can in your current one, and when you die, repeat.

This will get you out of your own head of maintaining that 1:1 KD or whatever goal you

have set for yourself for the entire match, and help you improve over all.

Since you no longer have the stress of a whole match on your shoulders, you just have that

one life to worry about.

Now when you die, and you will, everyone does, before you spawn in and forget about it, think

about what you did wrong.

Did you take a bad flank?

Did you go off on your own?

Are you maintaining your crosshairs parallel to the ground?

I know it may sound dumb, but if your stuck in a death streak, you need to change your

thinking from 'I should be doing better' or 'why do i suck so much' and go back

to the basics of shooters.

There's a chance your cross hairs are to high or to low when you move around the map.

You may not even have noticed you made this slight change and simply correcting it will

bring you back on point.

This normally occurs after you start to get over confident and usually after being on

a super long winning streak.

Your sensitivity may need to be adjusted again, even if it hasn't changed, its ok to drop

it down to help focus back on the basics of gaming.

If you've been focusing on the head, and it's no longer working, start aiming for

the body again until you get back in your groove.

If you're fundamentals aren't the issue and you're just misreading the enemies movements

or having trouble reacting to what the enemy is doing, you may just need to take a break

and put your mind on something else.

Play a different game, or step away all together.

It's ok to take a break if your not doing well, just don't be mad when you do it.

If you really don't want to take a break, but you just really sucking it up in Galactic

Assault, try switching over to another game mode.

Go play some blast, where it's all infantry and team deathmatch, or play some starfighter,

which is a different beast all together.

This goes for any game mode, just change it up a bit and try something else for awhile.

It's always good to play a mix of the game modes since each one can focus on a different

part of the game play mechanics.

Personally when I just start sucking, i go into blast, since its alot more run and gun

and far less frustrating than the others.

The next thing is something I'm pretty sure I remember my dad saying and has always been

a driving force to do better in anything I do.

I'm not saying this to make you feel bad or to hamper your drive to do things, but

I found it takes a ton of pressure off my shoulders and my mind and I just want to share

my own personal out look on life or perspective i guess.

You are not the best in this game, or most likely, anything you ever do or have done.

There is always going to be someone who is better than you currently are or were.

The only way to get better and have a chance at being your best is to work at it, recognize

your mistakes, take responsibility for them, and change what your doing so it doesn't happen


The kinder way of saying it is that there's always room for improvement, but I don't

find that wording harsh enough to drive constant growth.

Now a lot of you may be turned off by that mindset, tough love doesn't work for everyone,

but it works for me, so thought i'd share it with all of you incase.

I'm definitely going to have to see how many dislikes and unsubs come in during this

last paragraph in a few days.

The last thing is to remember that it's just a game and have fun.

The more fun you're having the better your going to do, and if you don't do better

and just keep dying every few seconds but are having fun, you care far less.

I've found playing with a group of people, shout out the greenie weenie brigade, has

definitely helped my enjoyment of this game and if your a solo player, try meeting some

new people through the game to play with.

If your on the playstation, you are always welcome to play with us, or if I've made

you mad by the last paragraph, search through the playstation communities and find a group

of people that play during your normal gaming time.

I'm sure there's something similar on xbox, and if not or if your on PC, there are always

people on reddit or the forums constantly looking for groups of

people to play with.

Now the squad system in this game can cause some rage of its own, but if you have a group

of people to joke with, or talk to, it can help you relax and just generally have a little

bit more fun.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and we'll be streaming tomorrow at 8 pm central if your

looking for someone to play with on the PS4.

I'll see you in game.

For more infomation >> How To Stop Raging (Get Out of Losing Streak) - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 8:41.


7 Life – Changing Messages From The Afterlife - Duration: 6:53.

7 Life � Changing Messages From The Afterlife

By Dylan Harper

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium

in Austin, Texas. Over the three-day event, I heard many amazing speakers share their

story and journey into the afterlife.

All of the speakers had experienced what is known as a near-death experience or NDE, which

is a miraculous event where you die or are close to death, and then come back to life

with memories of visiting higher dimensions and meeting Divine beings.

All of the stories I heard were unique and deeply touching in their own way, but they

also shared a similar theme and carried a common thread.

Here are 7 messages that were shared across all the near death stories I heard:

1.) Beauty Comes from All Things One story that really touched my heart was

that of Mary C. Neal. During her near death experience, she was told her son was going

to die. She was reminded that even though this would be a challenging event for her,

there was a reason and a plan for it. She was shown the ripple effect that his death

would cause, not just for her immediate family, but nearly 100 times removed.

She was able to see the ripple it would create and the paths that it would change, and she

was able to see that beauty came from all of it. She was shown that in the greater scheme

of things, all seemingly terribly events that occur have their own specific purpose that

eventually result in something beautiful.

2.) We are Loved and We are Love All of the speakers shared that during their

NDE, they experienced being enveloped in the most amazing and powerful feeling of love.

This love was unlike anything they had experienced on Earth and was so powerful and so healing.

Through feeling this loving sensation, all of the near-death experiencers knew that this

state of love was their true nature and that Earth and their physical body was just a temporary

state of being.

We cannot fully fathom this type of loving energy here on Earth, as it would be too powerful

for our physical bodies to handle, and it would distract us from the work we have come

to do, however it is possible to understand or get a glimmer of it through practices like


3.) There�s a Plan for all of Us We all have a purpose and a reason for being

on Earth and part of this involves learning how to love. All of us are here to learn how

to be love, spread love, and give love. Love is truly the ultimate power, and it is through

realizing this that we can grow and evolve. Troubles, pains, and strifes in this life

are all caused by a lack of love, and the more love we can give, the more we will heal

ourselves, others, and the planet.

The plan for our soul is laid out before we come into this body, but we also have free

will and the option to choose once we get here. None of us are immune from pain and

suffering when we come into this life, but learning how to love and be kind to others

despite it all is part of the process.

4.) We are all Connected We are all one. Even though we appear to be

separate from each other, we are all the same. After leaving their body, most of the NDE�ers

had an amazing sense of connection with others. This connection allowed them to understand

other people on the deepest of levels, and it was through this understanding that they

realized that we are all connected. We are all one.

When we hurt others, we hurt ourselves, and just the same, when we hurt ourselves we also

hurt others. We cannot take any action without affecting others and creating an entire ripple

effect that is felt across the entire Universe.

5.) There is no Judgement We are often told that when we die, we will

be judged and punished accordingly by a higher being, however this is not the case according

to those who have had a NDE. In fact, all of the speakers described their death as being

more like �non-judgment day� where they were loved unconditionally and completely

accepted, no matter what they had done. In fact, the only judgement in the afterlife

comes from yourself, as upon leaving your physical body you remember what your soul

was sent to learn, and you have a full knowledge over whether you have achieved this or not.

As part of this experience, you are taken through a life review where you are shown

how your behaviour and actions impacted others. During this life review you are able to feel

and live through the emotions you inflicted on others both good and bad. It is through

this review and experiencing the emotions that your actions created, that your own soul

gains awareness about what it has achieved and what it still has to learn.

6.) Death is Nothing to be Feared The speakers shared that during their NDE

they were made aware of a certain threshold that if they crossed, they would not be able

to return to their body. Out of all the speakers I heard, every single one of them wanted to

cross the threshold and continue on into the afterlife. They all described it as being

this wonderful, loving place that felt truly like home and none of them wanted to leave!

Some of the NDE�ers were told that it was not their time, but other�s were given a

choice. Upon reviewing that choice they decided to return to their body. It was through this

experience, that they realized that death was not the answer to their problems and that

anything unfinished in this life would simply be revisited in another. This experience also

released any fear of death.

7.) Our Loved Ones are All Around Us Most of the people attending the symposium

had lost loved ones and so it was often asked about what it was like to see them on the

other side. Almost all of the speakers shared that they were greeted by their deceased loved

ones after leaving their body and discovered that they had still very much been present

in their lives.

As one of the speakers, Cherie Aime� shared, the veil between this life and heaven is very

thin and our loved ones are always there if we wish to reach out to them. All communication

in the afterlife is through telepathy, and so in order to hear and receive messages from

those who have passed, it does help to learn how to still the mind and stay open to any

signs or synchronicities that occur.

For more infomation >> 7 Life – Changing Messages From The Afterlife - Duration: 6:53.


A Hostile Environment for Racists - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> A Hostile Environment for Racists - Duration: 2:15.


The marriage of story & action in Kingdom Come Deliverance - Duration: 13:05.

Dark Souls …. wait!

Don't leave, it's not what you think!

Dark Souls achieved harmony between its fiction and its gameplay by making a surreal narrative

that finally matched what actually happens in video games.

There's in-world lore reasons for all kinds of traditional game stuff

for players being able to come back after death

to drop in and out of other character's worlds

why enemies why enemies just walk around in a stupor waiting for you to come along

and why there are very few real people you can actually talk with.

Kingdom Come Deliverance achieves harmony between it's story and its game

by doing the exact opposite.

By making interactive action scenes that finally match what happens in traditional storytelling.

What comes next is look at the first two hours of Deliverance

staying away from mid and late game spoilers.

This is Henry.

You're Henry.

He's a lad.

He didn't like someone's opinions, so I made him throw crap at their house.

Then we beat the crap out of 'em and ran away from the cops.

Henry's a wanker.

Not only the way the game portrays him, but in the way that I played him.

While I don't like Henry as a person, I do like him as a character.

I've made videos before about how it's a fun escape to be a prick in games

and it especially makes sense to be a prick here in the much less enlightened past.

It's role playing the period, or at least an early period in Henry's life

Henry's a young, inexperienced, but headstrong teenager

and I was happy to get into this role.

When faced with decisions I always took the unwise ones.

I talked crap, slung it, procrastinated my dad's errands, got into fights

and went behind my mum's back.

Going behind my mum's back meant studying the blade against her wishes.

This tutorial, and some simple one-on fights that happen later on, had me confused

as to how the combat works.

Early on I feel as if the game is intentionally keeping information from me

specifically how blocking works.

Is blocking directional?

I dunno, so I don't really know how to fight, but Henry doesn't either.

It's a little frustrating, but it seems intentionally designed like this to put me

in the shoes of my character.

It's definitely a brave idea, most games seek to avoid frustration, especially with

understanding game systems.

Here it has its purpose though.

What I really like is how little hard combat is involved in the first chapter of the game,

and how it manages to be engaging without it through the use of other sources of conflict

and challenge.

After completing those errands, in typical video game fashion your hometown gets destroyed,

your family murdered, and you have to run away.

What's not typical is that you actually have to run away.

Most every RPG with the doomed hometown trope has you kicking bums and taking names.

It's not the threat of the enemies that pushes you along

it's the needs of the plot and the invisible hand of the developer.

"The darkspawn could be on us any minute."

You run excitedly towards enemies, not away from them.

There's a disconnect between the situation presented by the story and what's actually

happening as you play the game.

There's no such disconnect in Deliverance.

You flee because an invading army of geared up soldiers is going to run you down

and run you through

a very real threat in the narrative that's matched by the game's action.

Very early on in the sequence you're given the objective to save a townswoman

naturally I thought this meant taking out her attackers.

I tried to take them on and realized that I couldn't even handle one of them for more

than a few seconds, and there were three of them in front of me and still more chasing

me down from behind.

After a few silly attempts I realized the solution was to distract them momentarily


so the townswoman could slip away, then take a horse and continue to flee

all without basically slowing down.

It was a mad dash, it was chaos, I couldn't even see if she got away OK, and it felt like

actually fleeing from a crazy battlefield, running very much a mile in Henry's shoes.

As the chase continues on horseback, you can hear the arrows pelt into you, and the horse,

and there's a genuine fear that keeps you hard on the reins.

That fear is built from the knowledge that they greatly outnumber you, and uniquely,

how even one of them greatly outmatches you.

Here running is a scary but exhilarating experience.

It succeeds at something so many action games fail at.

Escaping the police is a big part of the GTAs for example, but cops are just too weak.

I feel more annoyed than afraid.

Mirror's Edge figured out all those years ago that you need to be outnumbered and outmatched

for an exciting chase scene, and on this point Deliverance certainly … deliverances.

Once safely behind walls two towns over, it's time again for more cutscenes and conversations.

During these the game's camera switches to third person.

I like this view for other games

but those other games maintain a consistent third-person style throughout the whole game

and flow more seamlessly from exploration to conversation.

Here the switch from first to third person and back again is a little jarring

and it isn't helped at all by the fade in and fade out everytime you talk to someone.

It takes you out of Henry's shoes, quite literally, after all the hard work the game

does putting you in them.

Henry's role in cutscenes also serves to separate the two of us.

For example, here the duke or whatever asks about the enemy and their banners, their flags.

"Did you see the ensigns of the attackers?"

The flags … approximately how many were there?

It's an engaging question … that I wasn't allowed to engage with.

Henry immediately took the floor and spoke for me.

That wasn't a dialog choice, but a cutscene.

Henry speaks a lot for the both of us, and says things I often don't want him to.

For a better example I have to skip forward to the second chapter in the game - mild spoilers

for about three hours in I guess.

Here the game tries really hard to bring about a conflict between you and a local young lord.

Now, the game has spent a decent amount of time showing a realistic portrayal of class

culture in the medieval period, how lords were basically gods among peasants, and were

to be treated as such.

And then to build the conflict between them, with just a little bit of provocation from the lord

Henry, without any input from me, goes and says:

"What did you say?"

"Calm down boy keep in mind who you're talking to."

"A braggart who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth."

Now, I was playing Henry as young and stupid.

But this was stupid on another level.

With the medieval game world as I understand it, it's practically committing suicide.

"Now you've really done it - you'll go to the stocks for that."

I might have taken a subtle, perhaps more passive aggressive option if offered

but this was a cutscene with no options to choose from.

I was a passenger behind the keyboard ... it may as well have not even been plugged in.

The thing that really bugs me about it is there's an obvious way to to force the conflict

without taking choice away, without taking Henry away from the player.

Just have the lord keep pushing you.

If the player backs down with polite refusals, have the lord mock your subservience and taunt

you even further.

I would have snapped.

Behind my keyboard I'd've felt the rage rising, just as Henry would have on the ground.

I would have finally chosen the go screw yourself option

only this time Henry and I would have been on the same page

feeling the same emotion, which is really what I want from RPGs.

To get into character.

Cutscenes are fine for neutral conversations, say ones where you're asking questions,

but anytime a character makes a decision that affects the story, or expresses their personality,

I want in on it.

Don't take Henry away from me.

He's all I got.

The developers have literally everything else.

They've got the entire world and all its characters to push the story

in the direction they want.

Especially in this game, where for the first time I'm a nobody, where others really have

direct power over me.

The developers can leverage that world power to influence my decisions or force the narrative.

That's why I was excited for Deliverance, but at least in this case

they failed to capitalize on the concept.

Anyways, let's go back to the first chapter of the game, where I'd just run to safety

from my burning village.

In a safe new town, my first priority is to go back to the old dangerous one and bury

my parents.

I try to persuade a guard to let me out, and I succeed, but it's an awesomely soft success.

"I'm sorry my friend, but I can't.

You'll have to persuade Sir Robbard.

Or think something up so I don't end up in the crap for it."

"What am I supposed to think up?"

"If a Talmberg soldier turns up all kitted out properly - in armor and a helmet - then

of course I let him go.

That's obvious."

I love soft success like this and even soft failures.

Too often NPCs reward success by immediately giving you everything you want, which leads

to a feeling that characters are just there for your amusement instead of being

agents in the fiction with their own set desires to follow and rules to abide by.

Three times on the way back to my hometown I run into some looters who uh …

just attack me on sight for not much reason.

I get why these fights are here though, the game's teased combat long enough.

These fights are used to build up your confidence, which you'll need later on.

These clearly insane looters become a little more believable as characters when they either

run away or even surrender when things look bad for them.

I like that, it gives me a few different options for role playing

and means I don't have to become a mass murderer just to get through the game

or at least the opening chapter.

After finding your parents you set about burying them when you're ambushed by a gang of thugs.

Me, and every let's player I've watched to research this, craps their pants.

Then that big one steps forward and a fight starts, 1v1.

I get a few hits in.

I started out a boy, running errands and then running away.

Now it's time to stand my ground and be a man.


This was a rigged fight.

But they've done a very deliberate act of deception here.

They had me believing I could win.

I got cocky, then got an almost fatal dose of reality

again this game has really turned me into a teenager

and I can't understate enough how much I enjoy that

especially as a greying middle aged man.

I've been a village teenager before in games, mostly Japanese ones.

In those games about youths that I played in my youth, the lowly village boy

gets the sword in the first few minutes and bests huge monsters with it at the end of the opening act.

I love and have great nostalgia for the those old games, but there was a fundamental disconnect

between the lowly village boy in the story and the day-one superhero in the combat.

Deliverance made me really feel like that village boy, and all it took was

some combat confusion

a proper chase scene

some ego-boosting leading to a near fatal arse kicking

and being robbed of the magnificent sword.

It's a bold approach.

Most games, especially RPGs, try make the player feel powerful right from the start,

even when the narrative dictates otherwise.

Zero to hero exists everywhere in RPGs, but this is the only time I've gotten to play

the first part of that story.

As such, it sets itself for up for a real character arc.

But I'll have to keep playing to find out if it delivers.

Kingdom Come Deliverance achieves harmony between its game and its story by taking

the zero to hero story and finally matching its gameplay with that narrative.


It's got places to go, this game.

I've never really hated any game character as much as I hate this tosser

and I can't wait to get out there and take his bloody head off.

But I suspect I've still got a few more hard lessons to learn before I'm ready for that.

For more infomation >> The marriage of story & action in Kingdom Come Deliverance - Duration: 13:05.


Verkehrsminister Norbert Hofer: In zehn Tagen mit dem Zug von China nach Österreich! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Verkehrsminister Norbert Hofer: In zehn Tagen mit dem Zug von China nach Österreich! - Duration: 0:53.


Dredging The Moorings - Duration: 7:50.

hi guys I hope you're good if you're a regular viewer you'll know that for the

past couple of weeks I've been talking about dredging taking place on my

mooring. well the work is complete so I thought I would share some footage with

you of it taking place. as you can see the first thing that needed to happen

was to move our boats around to allow space for the dredger to work. there are

19 boats on our moorings spread across four lanes. my lane which is on the far

left was the first to be done followed by the two in the middle and finally the

one on the right hand side. this meant that lots of us had to double moor to

each other whilst the work was being done. not everyone could be here for

moving day and some boats were having engine trouble but luckily we had a

tugboat to help us with some of the moves

one of my neighbors devised a plan for where everybody would be during the

dredging. luckily a few boats were going out cruising leaving more space for

those left behind. it was still a lot like playing a game of Tetris with boats

and timing was crucial because the tug could only operate during high tide

luckily it was a gloriously sunny day and everybody was out lending a hand

the tug attaches itself to the narrowboat by putting the rope around

the tiller. a cable is then attached to the narrow boat as well and the winch

used to tighten it up so it in effect becomes one long boat

not everybody required the use of the tug. most of us were moving under our

own steam and some people were even showing off with their fantastic reverse

skills very nicely done. I never realized how

big our moorings space was until I saw it without all of the boots. it looks so

different even the docks were getting really confused. the moves ended up

taking much longer than anticipated and we never would have got it done if it

wasn't for the fantastic teamwork of all of my neighbors and I promise I didn't

just stand there the whole time filming I did get my hands dirty as well

well once I'd stopped playing with the dogs

once everybody was finally in place we retired to the pub for a few well-earned

drinks. the dredging work started the next morning and Monty and I were

getting used to our new mooring position. it's a really strange feeling when your

boat has turned to face the other way I was actually starting to feel sick. you

can see here just how bad the build of silt had got on my side of the

moorings. that's why the dredging over ran by a few days. the dredger was

basically a floating digger and it scoops the mud from the river into a

barge which is then taken away for the mud to be safely disposed of. dredging has

to take place regularly because silt builds up meaning that boats eventually

will get stuck and not be able to move freely

I don't think our moorings has been dredged in living memory and that was

particularly noticeable in my lane where it wasn't unusual to get stuck in the

mud when navigating and some days if the water level was low my boat would sit on

the mud rather than floating. after a few days it was time to move back into my

normal mooring spot. one of my neighbours needed a tug back into our lane so I

entrusted my boat to our fantastic lock keepers who did an incredible job. it's

so weird seeing your own boat moving when you're not on it

what they were doing was lining the two boats up to each other

tying them together and then driving them as if they were one wide beam boat

and instead of two narrow boats

check out those skills that's proper impressive

once our boats were out of the way it meant that they could continue with the

dredging. it took them no time at all to get the last three lanes done. everyone's

back in their normal spaces now and hopefully we'll notice the effects of

the work once cruising season starts properly. again a huge thank you to Craig

and his tugboat Lenny and little Alex from CRT and everyone at land and water

and as always a huge thank you to you for watching don't forget to subscribe

because it makes me feel loved I'll see you all again soon bye

For more infomation >> Dredging The Moorings - Duration: 7:50.


HARLEM 2018: Flashmob Instructional video - Duration: 2:31.

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

breeze in the knees

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

run step

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

side kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

side kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

your own special bow

For more infomation >> HARLEM 2018: Flashmob Instructional video - Duration: 2:31.


भरलेले बटाटे - Bharlele Batate Recipe in Marathi - How To Make Paneer Stuffed Potato Curry - Smita - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> भरलेले बटाटे - Bharlele Batate Recipe in Marathi - How To Make Paneer Stuffed Potato Curry - Smita - Duration: 5:08.


How to Improve Your Kidneys Health? Ask Katherine - Welcome to 00kidney - Duration: 3:40.

Hello this is Katherine, welcome to my Youtube channel, 00Kidney.

In this channel we'll mainly talk about kidney related issues, but I swear I'm going to focus

on the solution rather than the problem.

What a lot of people don't understand is how important the kidneys are for our health.

The media they never talk about this issue.

But kidney disease and the other chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability

in the US.

Taking care of your kidneys is vital for the well-being of your whole body.

The kidneys do not just remove waste products from the blood.

They have other essential functions: for example they adjust the quantity of potassium in the


Since our body uses potassium to regulate the electrical balance of the heart, an excess

of potassium caused by kidney problems can have consequences as severe as an heart attack.

What I want to tell to the many patients that I've personally met and to those I don't know

yet is it is not your fault.

Our society and the media are to blame.

I've met countless people convinced by the television or the ads that they were eating

some healthy foods, suitable for their diet.

But what they were really eating was just sugar packed junk foods pushed as healthy.

I've already talked about this issue in my other videos, so take a look at my uploads

if you're interested in knowing how to tell unhealthy foods from the good ones.

What I firmly believe is that kidney patients and their families need all the help they

can find.

Only those who are suffering from it know how harsh could be the life of a chronic kidney

disease patient.

It's not just spending the best part of three days a week doing dialysis.

Coping with all the dietary restriction, the tiredness life can be a struggle.

This is why I'm trying to provide the most up-to-date information in a comprehensive

and straightforward way.

So what can you do to prevent kidney problems and to give such important organs the care

they deserve?

The first step is always the diet.

The outcome of a poor diet can be disastrous.

But for a kidney patient choosing the right diet can be a daunting task, since the restrictions

are many.

And, since prevention is better than cure, this channel is not just for the kidney patients

but for all those who know how important kidney health is.

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> How to Improve Your Kidneys Health? Ask Katherine - Welcome to 00kidney - Duration: 3:40.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Lease Edition Plus Automaat | Navi | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Lease Edition Plus Automaat | Navi | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Amg Line | Camera | Regensensor | Trekhaak | LED - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Amg Line | Camera | Regensensor | Trekhaak | LED - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Regensensor | Panoramadak | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Regensensor | Panoramadak | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Line Urban | Ambition | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Line Urban | Ambition | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180d Business Solution Automaat | Navi | Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180d Business Solution Automaat | Navi | Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:53.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | KeylessGo | Regensensor | Att.Assist | LED - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | KeylessGo | Regensensor | Att.Assist | LED - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Ambition | Mediadisplay | Laadruimte pakket - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Ambition | Mediadisplay | Laadruimte pakket - Duration: 1:08.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Night | Camera | Panoramadak | Airco - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Night | Camera | Panoramadak | Airco - Duration: 1:13.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Panoramadak | Regensensor | LED - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Panoramadak | Regensensor | LED - Duration: 1:05.


Sunnee腳傷摔一下⋯陳芳語「舞蹈水平」全被降B - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Sunnee腳傷摔一下⋯陳芳語「舞蹈水平」全被降B - Duration: 2:04.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat | Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat | Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 1:07.


HARLEM 2018: Flashmob Instructional video - Duration: 2:31.

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

breeze in the knees

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

hand to hand kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

run step

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fall of the log

shim sham

fall of the log


fish tail

boogie forward

boogie back

boogie forward

side kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

side kicks

long kick, rock step, 2x kick step

box step

walk around

box step

your own special bow

For more infomation >> HARLEM 2018: Flashmob Instructional video - Duration: 2:31.


FFA 2018 (francais) - Duration: 3:17.

Hi, today we are in Brussels to attend the eleventh edition of the

Forum for the Future of Agriculture.

And I am very proud, Syngenta organises this together with the ELO.

And gathered here is everyone in the EU with an opinion about sustainable farming

Let's go and have a look inside.

We have great speakers today, such as Louise Fresco and Frans Timmermans, as well

as our own Alexandra Brand, so I'm going to try to interview them.

I'm so curious about their opinions, how they think we should preserve agriculture.

I am on the lookout for inspiration.

This so great, the hall is crammed, and this morning Queen Noor of Jordan spoke.

Such a powerful woman, so much energy. Great things, I really have to be quiet

and listen now, great things are being said here.

And how do you feel about Syngenta co-organising this, this forum?

Oh, well, that's a good question. I just posted a tweet, stating the following:

I do wonder whether Syngenta's opponents, who are at the building's entrance,

made a mistake positioning themselves there, instead of in the audience, or even

on stage, as I can identify a fair amount of criticism coming from there.

And I congratulated Syngenta with the open-minded way in which they organised

this event, I think these matters should be discussed rather than just

standing there and yelling slogans.

Yes, while discussing sustainable agriculture, how do you think

we are doing in Belgium, or Flanders for that matter?

Well, it's being taken quite seriously, also in Flanders, more farmers than ever

are aware of their impact on the environment, on nature, on

the entire climate.

I would only note that when things are going well economically, so in the event

of profit opportunities, farmers are more inclined to participate in making

their activities more sustainable.

And how do you feel about Syngenta co-organising this forum?

I have a lot of respect for Syngenta because I haven't detected any signs

promoting: "buy our products" or "work together with Syngenta".

I haven't quite heard Syngenta being mentioned very often, I really appreciate

this good initiative, which you can always learn from, and this isn't the first time

I'm here, so I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

think, in cities, what R&D do for their multinationals such as Syngenta, that

it is still the way to find these types of solutions as we head into the future,

because it isn't quite so easy. I'd like to ask all of them to perpetuate

this into the future, as that could be a contribution to start

making products in a sustainable way and not only confine oneself to,

and now I'm swearing in church, making chemical products.

This was such a great day! I heard so many interesting things.

If you are wondering what has been said here, then just go to this link,

as it has all been recorded for you, so you can just watch it back.

For more infomation >> FFA 2018 (francais) - Duration: 3:17.


Födelsedagshandlar! Shopping for my upcoming birthday! ;D - Duration: 6:17.

HELLO AGAIN! This vlog is all about the upcoming B-day grocery shopping - ENJOY!;D <3<3<3

HELLO AGAIN! This vlog is all about the upcoming B-day grocery shopping - ENJOY!;D <3<3<3

HELLO AGAIN! This vlog is all about the upcoming B-day grocery shopping - ENJOY!;D <3<3<3

HELLO AGAIN! This vlog is all about the upcoming B-day grocery shopping - ENJOY!;D <3<3<3

HELLO AGAIN! This vlog is all about the upcoming B-day grocery shopping - ENJOY!;D <3<3<3

For more infomation >> Födelsedagshandlar! Shopping for my upcoming birthday! ;D - Duration: 6:17.


My Stikers Wall - Duration: 6:25.

hello guys welcome even today, like every Monday, in my hovel

Today we make a video a little different, there I present my Stikers Wall

of course, being at the beginning, because I do not even have 200 members yet,

I have only a few friends who have shared it exchange, let's start in order of how I am

they arrived, so as not to wrong nobody.

The first sticker that arrived to me, with a lot of pleasure, is that of Marfy Maker

Marcello more than anything else treats and teaches the correct way to weld to work

the iron. Then, there's another nice channel that I like,

it's the second one that has arrived to me, that's it of H725

my friend Leo Migliaccio, does all the videos on cute electronics easy to

technological character. The third, which has reached me so far, is that of

Andrea Caraffini, White Ghost, he is an electrician, but it has a rather well-rounded channel

it works both wood and also precisely with

electricity ... now the lab is also redoing, so even better

see a bit of the world of DIY in more varied way

Then there is Stefano Ferretto, FS do it yourself, work with cnc and 3d printer

is a more technological maker of me and, Stefano more, he did a contest

to the 100 members I was the lucky winner,

and now I will show you also what I have won. He made me this beautiful

license plate, I have underneath attacked his logo

done to the 3d printer

This is another gift, which made me mine cousin, is a beautiful crucifix made

with scraps of iron and I think the place right in a do-it-yourself channel,

let's go back to the stikers wall

then of course down, underneath in the description I leave you all the links of the

channels that have shared with me the exchange of


Well, we attached our stickers, now I will show you more closely

one by one

as I told you there is Marfy Maker, that is the first sticker that arrived,

H725, Leo Migliaccio, Stefano Ferretto of FS do it yourself, White Ghost

as I told you before I leave the link of the various channels that they have accepted to

to exchange stickers with me.

Self you want too

participate in this exchange of stickers,

below in description, I leave you the my e-mail address, where you can send me

maybe your address and ask for mine, if you want to join this

exchange between Maker.

This will be the protagonist of the contest

for the 200 members.

You do not know what it is? When it will now be seen in operation,

in fact this tool will help me to create the gift that I will send to the winner of the

contest. Now I showed you what I will do

as a contest of the 200 members, it is the first and the last I will do it until I do not

I will arrive at 1000.

If you liked this short video

this this little talk, let me know with a pound up,

if you have not already done so, subscribe, if you want to support the channel

in the description you will find all the various links for to be able to do it and to help the channel a

grow a little more if only for give me a hand to buy the various materials

of consumption, to give you content you need best.

Another thing I ask you, I do not know if you saw the latest videos, they were without

audio, it's an experiment I've tried to do

let me know in the comments if you prefer the videos with the description

written, like the latest facts, or if how previous ones with the description

spoken, or even a middle ground because even what can be done.

Let me know what you prefer, and I will try to do the best you can for


See you next time Monday

hopefully with the contest of the 200 members, otherwise with something different ...


For more infomation >> My Stikers Wall - Duration: 6:25.


Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTi L1H1 115 pk, airco, navi, cruise control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTi L1H1 115 pk, airco, navi, cruise control - Duration: 1:12.


Jacque Fresco - Libre Albedrío/ Culpa/ Trasfondo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Jacque Fresco - Libre Albedrío/ Culpa/ Trasfondo - Duration: 2:54.


Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI Airco - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI Airco - Duration: 1:11.


A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...

For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


For more infomation >> A Big Super Sticky Glue Pran...


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 0:55.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 0:55.


Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 1:14.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-CONNECTA FACELIFT | Navi | Panoramadak | 360 camera - Duration: 1:14.


Learn Colors Animals Name and Sounds with Animals Water Slide Racing & Magic Liquid for Kids #n - Duration: 3:40.











For more infomation >> Learn Colors Animals Name and Sounds with Animals Water Slide Racing & Magic Liquid for Kids #n - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> Learn Colors Animals Name and Sounds with Animals Water Slide Racing & Magic Liquid for Kids #n - Duration: 3:40.


EASY & FRESH BRONZY MAKEUP with LOUISE ROE (ENG-ITA SUB) | MrDanielmakeup - Duration: 18:29.

- Hi guys! Today I'm with a special guest, Louise Roe. - Hi guys!

Today we filmed the tutorial of the makeup she's wearing now: a glowy, bronzy look.

You guys know it for sure, it was screened on MTV. It was very cool.

I suggest you to subscribe to her YouTube channel as she does makeup tutorials

and she goes to cool events such as the Oscars, Red Carpets...

Thank you so much.

The video will be in English with Italian subtitles.

We're using a natural lighting here at Louise's place.

We hope you like the video! Kisses!

Hi guys.

What a mess in Milan!



So, this is the final look! A bronzy and glowy makeup look. Do you like it?

I love it! Thank you so much!

Please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and follow Louise Roe on Instagram, YouTube...

Thank you.

I send you a big kiss and I'll see you in my next video!

For more infomation >> EASY & FRESH BRONZY MAKEUP with LOUISE ROE (ENG-ITA SUB) | MrDanielmakeup - Duration: 18:29.


For more infomation >> EASY & FRESH BRONZY MAKEUP with LOUISE ROE (ENG-ITA SUB) | MrDanielmakeup - Duration: 18:29.


I Tried To Make A Terraia Lets Play... And This Happened... - Duration: 0:13.


...Why are you here...


For more infomation >> I Tried To Make A Terraia Lets Play... And This Happened... - Duration: 0:13.


For more infomation >> I Tried To Make A Terraia Lets Play... And This Happened... - Duration: 0:13.


Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 1:16:56.

For more infomation >> Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 1:16:56.


For more infomation >> Colorado Rockies @ Chicago Cubs - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 1:16:56.


les échanges hostiles entre Nadine Morano et Laurent Ruquier - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> les échanges hostiles entre Nadine Morano et Laurent Ruquier - Duration: 5:55.


For more infomation >> les échanges hostiles entre Nadine Morano et Laurent Ruquier - Duration: 5:55.


#107 [On y va ou pas ?] AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR //Critique à chaud - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> #107 [On y va ou pas ?] AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR //Critique à chaud - Duration: 3:34.


For more infomation >> #107 [On y va ou pas ?] AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR //Critique à chaud - Duration: 3:34.


🎪 5 Smart And Durable Vertical Organizer Ideas For Small Garage 🎪 - Duration: 5:13.

Garages or tool sheds are prone to a messy state

because one either just doesn't bother to put every tool in its place

or because there is simply no storage to place the tools in.

If you are into woodworking,

then make yourself an organizer or two for your garage.

No need to think hard for inspiration because in this video,

I am going to share you 5 smart vertical organizer ideas for small garage by

5.Wooden Tool Rack

With only a few slats needed, you can make a fully functioning rack

that can hold practically every one of your woodworking tools.

Fasten a few slats to a frame and assemble the frame with a screw at every joint.

Hold the frame squares with clamps when assembling.

Make sure the last slat is oversized.

By marking the edge and trimming the slat to width,

you won't have to try to exactly size every part.

Make sure each hanger has a bottom groove that allows it to fit snugly.

This smart vertical organizer idea for small garage can be moved anywhere to accommodate your new tools.

4. Make Something Out of a Pallet

Lawn tools sometimes are the main source of the mess in your garage

so you need a place to hoard them all.

Repurpose your old pallet as storage.

Start by staining it and prying off some slats for easier job when attaching it later.

Attach it to the side of the shed with framing nails

and make sure to hit the studs on the other side of the wood siding.

Attach the pallet to the supporting structure on the back slats that you chopped off earlier.

However, if you didn't take the slats off,

screw or nail them into the edges of the pallet at an angle.

Note that, it's better if your pallet is five inches or higher off the ground

to prevent debris piling up in the bottom.

3. Bins, Nooks and Hose Holder

Store all your gardening gloves, paint brushes and every little tools in bins.

Hang a few bins on the wall with nooks.

You can also hang your baskets so they won't take a lot of space on the ground

if you have several of them.

Baskets naturally come in medium to large size

so they are effective to store big tools that prone to making the garage looks overstuffed.

2. Fishing Poles under the Ceiling

Those long fishing poles really create storage problem if you happen to have several of them.

Leaning them on the wall might not be a good idea

because they will fall to the floor

and your kids might step on them and eventually break.

Make a fishing pole organizer that is out of children's reach.

Hang two wire racks on the ceiling.

Make sure the gap between the two wires are not too long nor too short to fit both end of the fishing poles.

Wire racks are really cheap so this alternative is a must!

Before we get to number 1, I invite you to check subscribe button under this video.

If you never press it, click it, include bell icon beside it.

Your support means mood booster to us and that means a lot.

Thank you for that...

1. PVC for Scoop Storage

Get creative with PVC pipe!

By cutting PVC pipes into 15 cm pieces and attaching them to boards,

you will have your own scoop organizer.

Attach two boards on the wall, one on the bottom and one about 40 cm higher.

Attach one cut pipe on each board and make sure they are aligned.

Secure the pipes to the boards with nails.

Save these smart vertical organizer ideas for small garage for you to think about.

Happy woodworking!

if you learn new things from this video,

express your feeling using like or share button under this video before you leave.

if you don't like it, share you mind using comment area under those buttons and Tell us what you want.

Then Dislike it if you feel have to.

See you again later sometimes in the near future and Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 🎪 5 Smart And Durable Vertical Organizer Ideas For Small Garage 🎪 - Duration: 5:13.


For more infomation >> 🎪 5 Smart And Durable Vertical Organizer Ideas For Small Garage 🎪 - Duration: 5:13.


Caro­line Flack l'ex du prince Harry se fiance après 2 mois d'idylle ! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Caro­line Flack l'ex du prince Harry se fiance après 2 mois d'idylle ! - Duration: 3:18.


For more infomation >> Caro­line Flack l'ex du prince Harry se fiance après 2 mois d'idylle ! - Duration: 3:18.


Sunnee腳傷摔一下⋯陳芳語「舞蹈水平」全被降B - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Sunnee腳傷摔一下⋯陳芳語「舞蹈水平」全被降B - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> Sunnee腳傷摔一下⋯陳芳語「舞蹈水平」全被降B - Duration: 2:04.


Karine Ferri enceinte de son 2e enfant, son bel hommage à Grégory Lemar­chal - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri enceinte de son 2e enfant, son bel hommage à Grégory Lemar­chal - Duration: 2:50.


For more infomation >> Karine Ferri enceinte de son 2e enfant, son bel hommage à Grégory Lemar­chal - Duration: 2:50.


Smart Forfour 52KW Automaat - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52KW Automaat - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52KW Automaat - Duration: 1:05.


Justyna Żyła znów zabrała głos. Wierzy, że Piotr do niej wróci! - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Justyna Żyła znów zabrała głos. Wierzy, że Piotr do niej wróci! - Duration: 5:23.


For more infomation >> Justyna Żyła znów zabrała głos. Wierzy, że Piotr do niej wróci! - Duration: 5:23.


Ava Max

For more infomation >> Ava Max


M jak miłość, odcinek 1374: Paweł po ślubie z Katią ściagany przez gangstera z Gruzji - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1374: Paweł po ślubie z Katią ściagany przez gangstera z Gruzji - Duration: 2:26.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 3.0 CDI ML320 4MATIC AUT edition - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 3.0 CDI ML320 4MATIC AUT edition - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 316D M SPORT EDITION HIGH EXECUTIVE LEDER NAVI CRUISE PDC LMV 19'' * 2 JAAR GARA - Duration: 1:03.


YunB - Y Sad (feat. Reddy) [Official Video] - Duration: 2:07.

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Don't be so sad, why he so mad?

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Don't be so sad, why she so mad?

Pour a cup, couple shots, drank it all, too bad

None for you, all for me, too gone, I'm glad

Fuck you mean? Talk to me don't you leave, fuck with me

I won't leave, you and me, I won't be

So mad, so bad, go back to the days

I quit all the pills and the smoke that you hate

I'm done with you (Fuck)

Oh, you done with me

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Look at me, talk to me, fuck with me, walk with me

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Look at me, talk to me, fuck with me, walk with me

Why sad? 다시 붙일 수 없어

Why sad? 깨진 유리컵처럼

Why sad? 영원한 건 여기에 없어

Why sad? 그럴 줄 알았던 우리 둘처럼

향수 냄새 대신 담배 연기만 가득해

불을 켜도 너 없는 우리 집은 눈 감은 듯해

휘청거려, 휘청거려, 술을 따러, 지워버려

깨고 나면 머릿속에 또 떠올라, 마치 peanut butter

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Don't be so sad, why he so mad?

Why sad? Why sad? Why sad? Why sad?

Don't be so sad, why she so mad?

For more infomation >> YunB - Y Sad (feat. Reddy) [Official Video] - Duration: 2:07.


Will Finds A Way - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Will Finds A Way - Duration: 1:01.


DARLING in the FRANXX ED1 - "トリカゴ / Torikago" - Akano - Duration: 1:51.

トリカゴ / Torikago / Birdcage Cover by Akano

I faintly ask the sky glimpsed through the classroom window:

"For what purpose am I living?" I have no idea.

I'm only taught things I don't want to know,

when I realized it, I was speechless.

The ideal me drawn on the textbook margin

is not under the control of adults,

is free like a flying bird!

Although you showed me a dream,

if you couldn't give me the power to make it come true,

it will only cause me more pain!

Even the length of the skirt is fixed.

I can't even do what I want, where the hell am I?

I hear a voice whispering in my heart: "You are right here."

The sky is so beautiful though...

For more infomation >> DARLING in the FRANXX ED1 - "トリカゴ / Torikago" - Akano - Duration: 1:51.


If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You - Duration: 4:44.

If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You

Basically, you cannot just understand a woman like you to understand a textbook for the

next test.

However, it is important to note that struggle is always appreciated and you never know that

your partner actually loves you more because you tries to understand him or her better.

If you are in a relationship and you want to check whether she's really into you,

there are 12 signs that can help you to know that.

Don't be disappointed if none applies to you.

The reason is because relationship is a process, and you see more signs once both make the

relationship into another level.

So, here is the 12 signs indicating that she is serious about you.

#1 - She always says "I love you too"

Though words usually mean nothing without acts, words are important to express things

as transition before the act.

Words also can make someone feel comfortable if they are truthful and poetically executed.

Additionally, words are powerful enough to deliver emotion which is essential in a relationship.

If she is serious about you, she absolutely will reply your expression of love in a very

pleasing and sincere tone.

You really can feel that.

#2 - Exchanging keys

The next indicator of commitment is that you allow to enter each other's house or apartment.

It indeed requires commitment because no one will just share this key without knowing the

other person.

#3 - You no longer have the need to show-off

You are no longer afraid to be yourself.

Additionally, you also don't need to show your qualities more because your partner knows

more than enough.

A relationship with commitment will not be ruined by such trivial thing, and that's

why you don't have burden anymore by showing-off.

#4 - You have signature pose

It is cute that both have unique pose that you both like even though your friends probably

find it disgusting or annoying.

Even so, both just like the pose, and no one knows who upload to each social media.

The reason?

It is because you have each other's account.

#5 - Silence is no longer an awkward thing

Both now can express something even without saying the words.

You know each other needs, and sometimes silence is more acceptable and forgiving than when

you were dating.

#6 - Normal routine feels normal

When she is serious about you, she basically does not really care about you so much.

There is no need for each to impress other because you know exactly when you get your

reward for the day.

#7 - More complicated time management

Being in a serious relationship with her actually forces you to be close with her families too.

That means, you need to manage your time well especially when holiday comes considering

you have families too.

#8 - You and your partner is a single package

This is quite obvious when your friend tells you something important.

Your friend probably only tells one of you instead both of you.

They think it is not necessary to tell you both because one of you will tell that he

already receives the news anyway.

#9 - Knowing each favorite foods and drinks

Just knowing the favorite foods and drinks is not enough.

Couples that are committed to each other actually prepare those foods and drinks ready when

they know that the other will come to the house.

#10 - You can do whatever you like

Basically, you are no longer embarrassed when you are caught doing a single girl behavior.

That means, you basically can put your mask on while waiting him to come, and he will

just be okay.

#11 - Knowing the need of each other.

Since you are both committed to each other, there is no need to play a game of drawing


Each knows exactly what to do which in certain situation.

#12 - You really can appreciate your idols

It is not that your partner will ignore you knowing the fact that you admire another man

or girl.

However, your partner knows that she or he only likes that person as artist or creative

person instead of lifetime partner.

Well, those are the 12 signs indicating that she is serious about you.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You - Duration: 4:44.


[시승기] 와신상담(臥薪嘗膽)한 고급세단..기아차 THE K9 3.3T - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> [시승기] 와신상담(臥薪嘗膽)한 고급세단..기아차 THE K9 3.3T - Duration: 13:39.


Learn Numbers With Bob The Train | Counting Song For Kids - Duration: 4:11.

Learn Numbers With Bob The Train...Counting song

For more infomation >> Learn Numbers With Bob The Train | Counting Song For Kids - Duration: 4:11.


Mnuchin: The economy is doing fabulous - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Mnuchin: The economy is doing fabulous - Duration: 1:33.


Dimmu Borgir - Council of Wolves and Snakes - ONLY DRUMS/Bobnar Simon - Duration: 5:31.

Dimmu Borgir - Council of Wolves and Snakes only drums

For more infomation >> Dimmu Borgir - Council of Wolves and Snakes - ONLY DRUMS/Bobnar Simon - Duration: 5:31.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2TSI/90pk ·Airco ·15"LM - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2TSI/90pk ·Airco ·15"LM - Duration: 0:53.


Audi A3 Limousine 1.0Tfsi/115PK S Edition · Panodak · Navigatie · Xenon - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine 1.0Tfsi/115PK S Edition · Panodak · Navigatie · Xenon - Duration: 1:05.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.0Tfsi/115pk Sport · Xenon · Navigatie · Cruise control - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.0Tfsi/115pk Sport · Xenon · Navigatie · Cruise control - Duration: 1:07.


Helicopter Walk-around - Descrevendo Helicopteros - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Helicopter Walk-around - Descrevendo Helicopteros - Duration: 7:00.


포르쉐, ′911 터보 S 익스클루시브′ 공개..매력 ′독보적′ - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 포르쉐, ′911 터보 S 익스클루시브′ 공개..매력 ′독보적′ - Duration: 5:40.


쌍용차, G4 렉스턴 마케팅 강화..신차효과 극대화 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 쌍용차, G4 렉스턴 마케팅 강화..신차효과 극대화 - Duration: 3:36.


페라리, 812 슈퍼패스트 국내 출시..가장 강력한 성능의 '슈퍼카' - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 페라리, 812 슈퍼패스트 국내 출시..가장 강력한 성능의 '슈퍼카' - Duration: 5:39.


Do you know the DIFFERENCE between BEEN & GONE? - Duration: 2:35.

hi do you know the difference between being and gone

this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK Languages & TRAVEL the World here to

help you improve your English with minimum effort a maximum benefits now

apparently they are not so difficult to distinguish but sometimes when I give

students exercises they get confused so what's the difference when you go

somewhere you leave a firm point a and you go to point B so if you are still

there I can say you've gone there where's Tom he's gone to the cinema he's

not here at the moment he's out he's gone to the cinema but if you go

somewhere and come back you I don't know buy something and you bring

all the shopping home I can say where's Jane oh she's been to the shops look

she's just coming back with all the shopping it means she went and she

returns so when you find an exercise where the

teacher will ask you to insert the words go in the correct tense if the person

has come back even if that the verb is to go

you should put being the verb to be because this person has gone and has

returned therefore being instead if the person hasn't returned then you can

carry on using the word go and say he's gone oh he's gone to New York he'll be

back next week she's gone out she's coming home later instead I use so

suntanned ah I've been to Hawaii or I've been on holiday I've been skiing and I

got a lovely suntan and that means I went but I returned the game so remember

even if there is the verb go in some contests in brackets you have to

actually put bean if this person has returned I hope this is clarified it why

don't you write some examples in the comments below and don't forget to

subscribe and I look forward to seeing you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> Do you know the DIFFERENCE between BEEN & GONE? - Duration: 2:35.


5 Signs You're In A Serious Walking Rut - Duration: 5:17.

Five signs you're in a serious walking rot wake up lace up

walk repeat it's become a rhythm you're used to that the no longer one that excites you

sound familiar whether you usually stroll around the neighborhood or loop around the track you're probably in a walking right if you're

not looking forward to some sweaty time have the good news

there are plenty of ways to make walking fun again

here's why you're feeling stock and how to get that spring in your step back

one you're bored write the last of different locations and songs on various slips of paper

then place the slips in a jar pull one out every time you set out for a walk and follow through

with that change suggests Judy Heller a personal trainer in Portland

Oregon and the founder of wonders of walking

switching walking partners will help to and you can even create your own walking group

you might find somebody else who can walk a little faster or who has a different attitude Fenton sat

she might challenge you to go a little faster or to take on hills or to do something you haven't done before

trying to walk for weight loss

try the gate week plan and walk off lead and lose up to 22 pounds

to your feeling lots of aches and pains

while it's normal to be sore after hiking up the huge hill for the first time in a month hurting every day isn't

looking at your reflection can help in fixing your posture to alleviate some pain

check yourself a out when you go by some sort of window

be a car or office building Heller says you might realize that you've been Bending at the waist or slouching the whole time

then when you get home

rule out the area that's bothering you with these foam roller exercises research shows that

massaging the body can reduce stiffness by 40%

also if you've been walking in the same kicks for the past year it's time to switch em out you shouldn't wear your shoes beyond when

they've stopped giving you good cushioning and support says mark Fenton associate

professor at tufts university and national public health consultant

if you're a regular walker you'll want to change them after six months

though some people get eight months out of a shoe and it won't give them an injury

check out our sneaker guide to find the right pair for you

three you're not seeing results

there's nothing more frustrating than hard work with zero improvement

if that's the case it's probably time to switch up your routine

anything that varies the workout is beneficial

exercise science teaches us that changing the stress on your body causes it to adapt that's

what getting in shape is Fenton said is very the intensity

the speed and the duration of the walk these are the things you can change how far you go

how fast you go

and how difficult that Arenas and adding a piece of equipment

like a Nordic walking pole or awaited vast will increase the intensity even if you maintain the same speed

four you're losing motivation

it's time to find a new challenge

training for a hike or race will not only push you to work hard are that you also be motivated to

conquer another challenge later on and it doesn't have to involve the grand canyon

though those views would be some serious bonus points

there could be a really cool park in your state that has an amazing hike or waterfall that you've never done before

Fenton said is explore the trails your city has to offer

and then invest in a fitness tracker or keep the fitness journal during your training

I didn't think I would be a big fan

but I got a smart watch that counts your steps and I'm amazed at hell off and I think I only walk 10,000 steps today I want to do more

says race walking Coach Jeff salvage founder of race

getting a training program from a coach would also really help five

UC walking as a chore

rather than countdown how much time you have left focus on your surroundings and really try to enjoy what you're seeing and feeling

Heller suggests and living in a neighborhood without sidewalks can be a real bummer for your fitness goals because let's face it

hopping in your car and driving 30 minutes just to walk on a path for 20 isn't exactly ideal

become an advocate and help build a sidewalk or trail

Fenton sat you'd have a sense of ownership and pride because you'd helped create it

you'd also make your streets safer and there's some permanence to that the Z American

walks or everybody walked to find out how to get started


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