Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 19 2018

97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree

"97 percent of climate scientists agree: Humans are causing global warming."

It's one of the most famous statistics in all of science: That experts, the people who

know the most about Earth's climate, agree–almost universally–that humans are warming the


Where does this 97% number come from?

The most famous source of the 97% agreement comes from a study in 2013 by Australian scientist

John Cook.

He looked at almost 4,000 scientific papers that made some statement about whether humans

were the main cause of climate change.

And 97% of those papers agreed with the consensus.

To make sure nothing was misinterpreted, he also asked scientists to rate the views of

their own papers, and they found the same 97% agreement.

It shouldn't surprise you to learn that people have attacked this study, saying its

methods were wrong, and that it miscounted things.

But even if we ignore Cook's study, turns out lots of other people have looked at this

question and found a similar answer.

Between 90-100% of experts agree the climate is changing, Earth is getting

warmer, and we're responsible for a lot of it.

What does it mean to measure consensus?

First, you identify the experts.

In this case, the experts are thousands of scientists who study climate and publish their

work in peer-reviewed journals.

Peer review means that every finding that's published is analyzed by people working in

the same field, people who really know what they're talking about.

It's not flawless.

Mistakes occasionally happen, but this system is built to correct those mistakes, and it's

by far the best process humans have ever come up with for doing good science.

Once we find this group of experts, we analyze their opinion: for or against a particular


Sometimes this is done by studying what scientists have written in their papers.

Other times scientists are surveyed directly.

This can even be done by listening to what scientists say in public.

Now some scientists don't explicitly express an opinion either way.

They're not included in the analysis.

Consensus is the fraction who support an idea divided by the sum of those who support plus

those who reject the idea.

All these different methods have ended up with the same conclusion: The people who know

the most almost universally agree about what's causing global warming.

But if you ask everyday people what they think the consensus is, they guess that only 55%

of climate scientists agree.

That's way off from what experts actually think.

Why does this gap exist?

Because–surprise!–there are people out there who spend a lot of money and effort

manufacturing doubt.

A big argument among critics of the 97% agreement is that in a lot of research papers, scientists

never specifically write "humans are causing most global warming".

These papers are usually excluded from studies about consensus, because they don't give

a position either way.

People draw different conclusions from this.

Some say not giving a position is exactly what you'd expect from scientists who agree

that something's basically settled, like how physicists don't write "gravity is

real" in every single paper, biologists aren't regularly citing Darwin and natural


They're accepted as true.

But critics of global warming science claim that any scientist who doesn't specifically

say in every paper that they agree with the consensus, should be counted as uncertain,

or even counted as rejecting it.

And this is a very strange claim to make, that any climate scientist who doesn't write

"I believe that humans are the main cause of global warming" is actually uncertain

or doesn't believe that humans are the main cause of global warming.

To show you why this is flawed, let's apply the same logic to another scientific idea.

Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's crust is made up of several large chunks that

move over time, and that new crust is made at some places and eaten up at others.

Not a controversial idea today, but you might be surprised to learn that before the 1950s

and 60s, most scientists didn't accept it.

Researchers looked at recent geology papers using the same criteria the critics of global

warming science claim should be used on climate consensus: That any paper that doesn't explicitly

state that "plate tectonics is real" should be counted as uncertain, or as rejecting it.

Turns out, not one single paper, out of hundreds, specifically endorsed the theory of plate


So clearly, plate tectonics is a hoax?

Doubt about what's causing climate change really only exists among people who… how

do i put this… aren't experts.

And that's a big problem, because when we think scientists are divided on an issue,

we're less likely to think the issue is a problem.

This also means if more people understood how much agreement there really is about humans

causing climate change, we could start paying attention to more important questions like

"what do we do about it?"

People sometimes say that science doesn't work by consensus, or by agreement, and that

every truth must be decided by experiment.

But this is wrong.

Consensus, or agreement, is a hugely important part of science.

When scientists do experiments, they don't repeat or re-establish every single bit of

knowledge that got them to that point.

They, and I hope we, trust in the process of science.

In every field, there are things that are well-enough proven, that are agreed upon,

and these are where scientists start from to journey out into what's actually unknown.

And when it comes to the science of global warming and climate change, experts agree

overwhelmingly on the cause.

maybe it's time we accept the consensus, I think it's time we start talking about

what's really important.

That's why I'm excited today to announce a new project here on YouTube, one I've

been working on for most of the last year.

It's a new channel dedicated to stories about climate change and climate science,

called Hot Mess.

Have a look:

It's brought to you by the same amazing people that make these awesome videos here

on It's Okay To Be Smart, along with a few new faces

Hot Mess is going to be the best channel on YouTube for stories about our planet's changing


I know that's something that a lot of you care about.

So come join us over at Hot Mess.

Stay Curious.

For more infomation >> 97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree - Duration: 6:55.


The True and the False Self - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> The True and the False Self - Duration: 6:55.


Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer - Duration: 2:24.

We gettin' close!

DEADPOOL: You all know the drill!

Intercept the convoy.

And watch out for Cable!

Hit it!

There's this kid, he's in trouble...

Move or die.

DEADPOOL: Pump the hate brakes, Thanos.

I ain't lettin' Cable get to him,

but I can't do this alone.

We need backup.

We're gonna form a super-duper fucking group.

It's time to get back on LinkedIn.

Meet Bedlam.

My name's Shatterstar.


-I'm lucky. -(COCKS GUN AND FIRES)

DEADPOOL: Luck isn't a superpower.

And certainly not very cinematic.

-Yes, it is. -DEADPOOL: Let's meet

in the middle and say "No, it isn't."

Fuck it. It's showtime.


CABLE: You're no fucking hero.

You're just a clown,

dressed up as a sex toy.

So dark.

You sure you're not from the DC Universe?

DEADPOOL: Bring it on, One-Eyed Willie.

Your bullets, they're really fast!

Last but not least...


DEADPOOL: Any power you wanna tell us about?

I don't... I don't have one.

Um, I just saw the ad.

DEADPOOL: You're in.

For more infomation >> Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer - Duration: 2:24.


Two Black Men Get Arrested for Doing Nothing at Starbucks | The Daily Show - Duration: 5:22.

If you're a black person, you're probably buzzing

from some great news right now.

First, Kendrick Lamar just won a Pulitzer Prize for music.

-(cheering, applause) -Yeah.

The first time, the first time this award has gone to someone

who was not in classical music or jazz.

Right? Other great news:

Beyoncé tore the roof off Coachella.

-(cheering) -Yeah. And... and I know what you're saying:

"But it's an outdoor festival." Yeah, that's how badass she is.

She brought in a roof just so she could tear it off.

That's what she did. That's how big it was.

And, guys, this was the blackest performance

at the whitest festival.

And white people love that stuff,

because it makes it feel like they're down, you know?

Which is weird, because it never goes the other way around.

Like, you could never have, like, the Oak Ridge Boys show up

at the club, and then... expect brothers walking out,

going like, "Yo, these niggas can strum, B.

Yo, they can... they can strum."

-(applause) -You never feel that.

So... so all in all, it feels like a great couple of days

for black America.

But of course, unfortunately, if you're a black person

who is not on stage, not everything is going your way.

There is a firestorm tonight

over what happened three days ago

at a Starbucks in Philadelphia

where the police were called in and two black men were arrested.

TV REPORTER: This video, captured by

a witness's cell phone, shows police talking,

and later handcuffing the men

while they were waiting for a friend.

The men wanted to use the restroom but the manager said

that per store policy, they couldn't,

since they didn't buy anything.

When they wouldn't leave, she called police.

How crazy is this?

Two men arrested for waiting

to meet someone at Starbucks.

You see, this, this here,

this is why black people should always show up late.

Yeah. If you're early, it's loitering.

For our safety, black people,

we show up late everywhere we go.

In fact, maybe-- this got me thinking--

maybe it's not true that black people are never on time.

It's just that we only know about the ones who show up late,

because all the early ones got taken away.

Maybe that's what it is.

And I know, I know there are some people saying,

"Well, why were these guys

in Starbucks doing nothing? Huh? Why?"

Well, because that's what Starbucks is for.

Everyone is doing nothing.



Starbucks is basically a bus station

with espresso machines; that's all it is.

In fact, the only mistake these black guys made

was not using the tactics of the white man.

That's all they did. Yeah.

When the manager accused them of doing nothing,

they should have replied, "Uh, actually,

I'm writing a screenplay, that's what I'm doing."

But, look, if I can get serious

for just a minute here, I will say this:

Do you have any idea

what it does to a person's dignity

to be arrested by bike cops?



Think about this. Think about this.

Someone calls the cops on you,

and instead of driving up with sirens wailing all bad-ass,

they're like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

(laughter and applause)

And how do they even get you back to the station, huh?


Do they throw you on the back of a bicycle built for two?

(laughter and applause)

And now, now you're in custody but you have to help them pedal?

You're just there at the back, like, "Man.

"This is some bullshit, man.

"This is some bullshit.

We look adorable, though, we look adorable."


But for real, though, for real, though,

America clearly has a problem with policing and black people.

On the one hand, you have people calling the police

because they see black people as inherently threatening,

and then you have police who only know how to respond

to a call with an arrest or violence.

So the question is, what do we do?

Do we fix society or do we try and fix the police?

Or maybe, maybe-- got us thinking:

maybe all we need to do is change the people

who connect civilians to the police.

Well, for years 9-1-1's been handling calls that,

-turns out, aren't actual emergencies. -(phone ringing)

So we came up with with a program

to help white people decide if their emergency

was an actual emergency.

We hired a black operator.

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

MALE CALLER: I'm on the train

and these black people are talking,

and it's loud and I think there could be a fight.

Okay, sir. So let me get this straight.

You called 9-1-1 because black people were talking loud?

Uh, yeah, I-I guess.

Okay, good. Here's what I need you to do.

Stand up, walk to the window,

and throw your bitch-ass off that train.

FEMALE CALLER 2: No, they're just walking down the sidewalk

but if feels threatening.

Girl, bye.

Is she a bit unorthodox?

Yes, but it's been efficient,

and she's almost entirely professional, almost.

So you're saying he's a six-four,

African American male, broad shoulders,

driving a Benz?

I need you to look closely at him.

Is he wearing a wedding ring?


Stay right there. I'm on my way.

Hold on, girl.


That's how it should be.

For more infomation >> Two Black Men Get Arrested for Doing Nothing at Starbucks | The Daily Show - Duration: 5:22.


Jenna Bush Hager Shares Emotional Letter To Grandmother Barbara Bush | TODAY - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Jenna Bush Hager Shares Emotional Letter To Grandmother Barbara Bush | TODAY - Duration: 7:32.


Let's Check In On Corey Feldman | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:33.






























































For more infomation >> Let's Check In On Corey Feldman | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:33.


Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.

You said that you love me

Yes I do

Good show me that you love me

I want you to sing a song for me... i know you sings very well

When you sings, my heart sweets me


For more infomation >> Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.


We know now how unfit Comey was to be FBI Director: Ronna Romney McDaniel - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> We know now how unfit Comey was to be FBI Director: Ronna Romney McDaniel - Duration: 2:13.


Pep's Speech To Players & Staff | "We Are All Champions" - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Pep's Speech To Players & Staff | "We Are All Champions" - Duration: 3:02.


[TMT][655] Giới thiệu Super Minipla Live Boxer, Super Live Robo! Choujuu Sentai Liveman! (Engsub) - Duration: 7:19.

Welcome back to TokuVN Media Team toys review channel!

Previously, we talked about Super Minipla Live Robo from Choujuu Sentai Liveman,...

Today, I\ll bring you the 2nd Robot of this series,...

It's Live Boxer!

And of course that's not DX version...

It's Super Minipla.

Let's begin with the box!

The Super Minipla Live Boxer box front image is the same as the DX version,...

Only replace the logo from DX to Super Minipla.

Like the Super Minipla Dragon Caesar,...

Live Boxer has only one box like this,...

There are no odd boxes inside.

The unique point is,...

When we combine the back side of the box of Super Minipla Live Robo and Live Boxer,...

We will have an image of Super Live Robo Combo box.

Why did Zyuranger once sell the DX Jyutei Daizyujin Combo box,...

But the back of the Super Minipla Zyuranger box was not have image of combo box like Liveman?

Due to the fact that in 1988, DX Liveman didn't printed anything in backside,...

So when designing the box for Super Minipla Liveman,...

They added a combo image to back side for not make the box backside empty.

One thing we should know that Super Minipla Live Boxer is sold as a limited edition,...

So it will be difficult to buy if you miss the pre-order.

Go back to our main product today.

In front of us is Bison Liner,...

Which is used by Black Bison.

Super Minipla Bison Liner design looks almost identical to DX.

The rim and tire are designed similar with DX.

The decal placement in both versions are almost the same,...

Only some place different...

Like here.

Based on the decal details, we'll see that...

The Super Minipla head is slimmer and looks more like in TV-series.

The horn is made of gray plastic rather than chromium plated as DX.

The "Antenna" is similar,...

The new point is that this part is detachable...

While the DX is a attached part.

Next is Sai Fire, which is used by Green Sai.

Super Minipla Sai Fire is also similar to the DX version from appearance, sticker decal ...

Super Minipla horns are pre-painted in gold by BANDAI,...

Not chromium plate like DX version.

This horns in Super Minipla can not move up and down...

While the DX version can.

As with the Bision Liner,...

Super Minipla Sai Fire's head is slimmer.

Especially in Sai Fire,...

If you notice carefully...

Except the head...

All white parts in DX...

Are replaced by gray parts in Super Minipla.

The Super Minipla missile could not fire like the DX,...

It's replaced by pre-painted rocket details.

In TV-series,...

The duo are extremely well-connected with Bison Liner's destruction, opening and cleaning the way,...

And Sai Fire's extremely powerful firepower that frightens the enemy from the first appearance.

Not only have tanks form,...

Two vehicle have the ability to combine into a Robot for fighting,...

And now let's move on to that Robot form!

In front of us is the Super Minipla Live Boxer.

The combination is a little different from the DX version.

Due to the limited size of the Super Minipla Live Boxer, its head was a removed part,...

We have to removed from the body and reassembled.

But in DX version, the head is hidden in the body,...

We have to move,...

Pull out,...

And put up,...

So we have the head.

To say this is very good.

In addition, we have a part that plays the role of "pelvis"...

To connect the Super Minipla Live Boxer's two bodies.

In the previous DX version, we don't have that part but still can combine.

About the appearance, Super Live Boxer have a big body,...

The hands are quite small while the legs are too big.

Boxer is a Japanese word-play,...

"Box" means box for physical appearance,...

Add "-er" will have "boxer" corresponding to the attacking methods of Live Boxer.

In terms of amplitude,...

Super Minipla Live Boxer is quite limited in the leg,...

Due to the block assembly mechanism so the legs can't raise up high,...

Fold legs like Super Minipla Live Robo.

But the hands are very flexible.

Because the "Antena" of Super Minipla can detach,...

Wo when form the robot, the head can turn,...

Not permanent like DX version.

Just like Super Minipla Live Robo,...

We also have an optional pair of hands for Super Minipla Live Boxer,...

These hands make Live Boxer appearance more balance,...

Small hands only use for combination and hold the rocket.

In overall, Super Minipla Live Boxer is pretty,...

It's body may fat,....

But in comparison with DX version, its has "pretty much lose weight",...

Look more eye-catching.

The foot of the Super Minipla Live Boxer is made of plastic,...

So the assembly is quite steady,...

Difficult to fall out like the DX.

The reason for the DX Live Boxer foots easy to drop...

Is due to being made of diecast,...

So the connection between the leg and the foot does not inconsistent, lead to that problem....

Super Minipla Live Boxer have a lot of sticker decal,...

And the quality of its no less than Super Minipla Live Robo,...

Just when forming Live Boxer,...

We have to touch the decal so much,...

Partially affect the quality of the decal...

So we have pay attention when combine.

Now we are going to the first super-gattai robot between the main robot and the second robot in Super Sentai history!

After the assembly is complete, we will have super gattai Super Live Robo.

The Super Minipla version is almost 95% similar to the DX version.

Bison Liner and Sai Fire are now separated and become armor for Live Robo.

In the form of super-gattai,...

The robot looks very cool and powerful.

Although equipped with armor in the legs,...

Super Minipla's movement range is not limited like the DX version,...

The legs and armor can move freely independently.

The arm movement is the same as the DX version,...

Can not be flexible like in the odd.

The head can still rotate without causing any problems.

In super-gattai,...

Black and green color has been divided on two sides,...

So the overall color of the robot is quite harmonious,...

And with it shape has helped the robot look cooler and stronger.

Small but special,...

Liveman's Super Minipla has left a good impression,...

Because the design and the combination are almost same as the DX version,...

Helping older players evoke memories of their childhood.

For me,...

I really did not know about Choujuu Sentai Liveman,...

As well as related toy products,...

Until Spamac introduced the "Super Sentai Toys History 40" book last year.

When you own Super Minipla Liveman,...

You can see very beautiful products from the appearance,...


To assembly methods.

From which can see the designers have put a lot of effort,...

Enthusiasm and time,...

They just wanted to give the customers a perfect product.

And this product did that,...

Which is worthy to have a position in the collection of Super Sentai fan.

And that is all I want to introduce as well as share with you in this product.

Let's wait for more Super Minipla products of the Super Sentai!

Thank you for watching!

Bye bye and see you again in our team next project!

For more infomation >> [TMT][655] Giới thiệu Super Minipla Live Boxer, Super Live Robo! Choujuu Sentai Liveman! (Engsub) - Duration: 7:19.


Life After Castro: Who Is Cuba's Next President? | NYT News - Duration: 3:52.

For over a half century, Cuba and the Castros

have gone hand in hand.

Often clad in green military fatigues,

Fidel ruled the island nation as a dictator,

squashing dissent and confronting a superpower

just 90 miles away in America.

Now, in a historic power shift,

a new face is assuming power in Cuba.

His name is Miguel Díaz-Canel and he's been lurking

in the background, standing shoulder to shoulder

with Fidel and his brother Raúl,

and yet all the while, he was slowly

moving up the ranks, becoming the country's

vice president in 2013.

It's the first time a non-Castro will be president

in more than 40 years.

He takes over from Raúl, who succeeded

his older brother in 2008.

It's also the first time that someone

who wasn't part of the revolution takes the reins.

Raúl Castro had put in place rules that limit

a president to two five-year terms.

And he's lived up to that.

But Castro is not exactly disappearing.

He will continue to head the Communist Party,

arguably the most powerful political post in Cuba.

So this is a slow changing of the guard.

But it signals a huge shift in how

Cuba will operate, politically and economically.

Unlike the Castros, who established their legitimacy

through the communist revolution,

Díaz-Canel will have to cement his role

by delivering on some much-needed reforms,

including fixing the island's two-currency system.

As it stands, there's both a national currency

and another one pegged to the U.S. dollar,

effectively barring parts of the population

from purchasing certain basic goods

and from actively participating in the larger economy.

Díaz-Canel also needs to cultivate more opportunities

for the country's restive youth.

"I hope that the line that Raúl Castro established

a few years ago can be steadily improving and

more businesses, more licenses, that's what I hope."

Díaz-Canel is likely to maintain Cuba's ties with Russia and China

as relations with the U.S. continue to sour.

He has also said that he plans to expand access to the internet.

But on the question of human rights, like censorship,

Cuba's tight grip is likely to take longer to loosen.

So just how did Díaz-Canel emerge in a country

whose rulers have had an iron grip on power?

He grew up 170 miles east of Havana, in Santa Clara,

where he worked as an engineering professor

and a local Communist Party leader.

From there, he went on to become the youngest-ever member,

at 43 years old, of the Politburo,

the most powerful body within the Communist Party.

He was appointed minister of higher education in 2009

and was handpicked to be vice president in 2013.

Experts say he rose by keeping a low profile

and toeing the country's line.

And with Raúl keeping close watch over his rule,

any change will likely come slow.

For more infomation >> Life After Castro: Who Is Cuba's Next President? | NYT News - Duration: 3:52.


Did Trump expand the Republican Party's base? - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Did Trump expand the Republican Party's base? - Duration: 6:17.


Granny's AM Meditation - #3 Lessons & Flexibility - Duration: 4:22.

Hello InnerTubers, welcome to another episode of Granny's Morning Meditations.

Today's topic is lessons.

First, let's do our breathing exercises.

[inhales loudly] Inhale.

[exhales] woooooooo exhale.

Roll your wrists around, forward and backward, flexibility, that's what we're going for.

Doesn't that feel better already?

In meditation 1, I talked about letting go – are you still singing that fucking song?

HaHa, you're welcome.

In meditation #2, I talked about perception and that's that whole letting go shit again.

I'll probably talk about it again today because learning what to hold on to and what

to release – those right there are key ingredients in a good life.

Be flexible.

Ha Ha.

Oh, hey, speaking of ingredients, my FASTasFUCK cookbook is coming out October 23rd.

There's a link to preorder right down there in the description.

So, you just do that, okay?

You do that for me, sweet fuckers.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh, uh, yeah, life lessons.

In my experience, the best lessons are the ones you learn by counting to 10 before you

find yourself chin keep in bullshit.

Are any of you old enough to remember that song "The Gambler"?

There's a line in there that's just so fucking perfect!

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away,

know when to run."

Yeah, Granny can sing, a little bit.

Fuck yeah!

That's that flexibility I was talking about.

Knowing your limits and knowing when to be flexible – those are important aspects.

Let's talk about flexibility in your schedule so that if something comes up, you can adjust.

On this side, let's talk about knowing exactly when you have to finish something or you have

to be somewhere and you do not have room for extra bullshit.

You know the difference between those two as your day goes along, you're in good shape.

How about flexibility in your opinions when you get new information?

Like pineapple on pizza?

It's not a fucking crime.

It's a personal choice, don't you dare diss me.

Listen, dearies, I won't make you eat my fucking pizza if you don't like it.

But, if you do try it and you do like it,

be willing to own up – cuz that shit is FIRE!

Here's another one.

NOT flexing your jaw when being silent is the better choice.

Engaging a moron and expecting them to change their mind is futile.

All it will do is raise your blood pressure.

There's also the difference in knowing when to speak up when you absolutely must.

Some of these are split-second decisions, and others take a little more time.

It's very possible that the best way to learn a lesson is to watch other people fuck up

and then not repeat that same behavior.

I'll tell you something special I've learned…

you guys are THE best fans in the entire world.

So, on that note, please be sure and share my shit everywhere.

Oh, you know: hit the "like" button,

make a comment, share,

on the YouTube, on the Facebook,

on the InstaGrammy,

where ever the fuck you see my shit.

Oh, I'm sorry, my wiggly hands.

That's gotta be very distracting,

but, just share my shit, please.

You are my street team, so spread the lessons.

You know another way you can help?

You can become a member of my Patreon family.

It's just a small membership amount every month.

Morning meditation is just about over.

Time to get moving and get on with the rest of your day.

One more time with a big inhale.


[haaaaaaaaaahhh while exhaling]

Let that shit go.

So, here's the question of the day: Are you ready and alert to learn new lessons?

That's what I thought.

You know why?

'cuz you're an InnerTuber.

You're smart,

and you're fine,

and you're awesome,

and you're a whole bunch of other good shit.

And, you know what?

[blows kiss] Granny Loves You.

Share my shit.

That's all I ask.

For more infomation >> Granny's AM Meditation - #3 Lessons & Flexibility - Duration: 4:22.


Chicago PD - Credit Union Robbery (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Chicago PD - Credit Union Robbery (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:59.


Yuki Goes On A Desert Island Date! | The Bachelor Japan - Duration: 3:13.

Yuki Poyo gets taken on a beach date on The Bachelor Japan. She's appeared on Bachelor Winter Games showing off her skiing skills with Ben Higgins. Will she impress the Bachelor Japan

For more infomation >> Yuki Goes On A Desert Island Date! | The Bachelor Japan - Duration: 3:13.


Enscape Materials Tips and Tricks | Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup - Duration: 8:21.

What's happening ladies and gentlemen,

this is Minh from Architecture Inspirations,

I'm going to show you some materials tips and tricks

in Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup. Let's get started.

First when you start Enscape,

you will see that certain materials in your model

look really good

such as the glass material on these glassware,

while other materials don't look quite right,

such as the tile material

and the aluminum material here

So to fix this,

you need to understand the unique workflow

of Enscape materials in Sketchup.

To display materials realistically in Enscape,

we need to use certain keywords

in that Sketchup Material's name.

A few examples of the keywords include:

Glass, Chrome, Metal, Ceramic, etc

For example if I use the color picker tool here

and sample this glass material,

you can see that the name of the material is Wine Glass,

and since glass is a keyword,

Enscape will now render this material to look like Glass

Same with these bowls and plates,

which has materials with

the keyword "Ceramic" in their name,

that's why they are a little bit reflective like Ceramic.

But how come these tiles look so reflective?

Let's sample the material.

As you can see,

the name includes the word "Mirror",

which is also a keyword.

But we don't want it to look like a mirror,

so we can remove that word,

and there we go,

it doesn't look super reflective anymore.

And since tiles are often ceramic,

we can add the word ceramic in the name,

and now it has the right amount of reflection.

There we go, now we can use this workflow

to adjust the materials in Enscape.

Remember to check the spelling of the word as well.

For example, this is supposed to be a Chrome Material,

but it was misspelled,

so I can just fix it like so

and there we go, it looks better now

he color of this chrome material is a little dark,

I can adjust it by going to the Material Editor in Sketchup

Let's sample this material,

which is supposed to be an Aluminum material,

you can see that it has the word Aluminum in the name,

but why does it not look like metal?

That's because the keyword is actually Aluminium.

Aluminum is how Americans spell it,

but Aluminium is how the British

and most of the rest of the world spell it,

both means the same thing,

but in this case, we're using Aluminium.

So I'm going to add an "i" to the name

and BAM, looks good!

That's how can you use keywords

to adjust materials in Enscape,

you can go to this link to get the full list,

I will also leave this link in the description box as well.

Another way to adjust materials

is by using the new Material Editor in Enscape 2.2

To open it up, you can go to this Icon on the toolbar,

or go to Extensions - Enscape - Enscape Materials.

Here you will see several options to adjust materials.

First is materials type.

Most of the time your materials will be Generic Type.

The Grass type can be used

to quickly create realistic grass.

You can use the Water type

to create water material like what I did here.

Foliage is used on vegetation materials

like Leaves, to add some translucency to the material.

Next on the list is Albedo,

Albedo is the base color input, also known as Diffuse.

The albedo color and texture settings

in this Enscape material editor

are exactly the same

as that of the Sketchup Material editor.

You can add a color in Enscape Material Editor here

and it will reflect in Sketchup material editor.

Similarly you can add a texture

and it will show up here as well.

What's different here

is that when you sample a material with a texture,

you have the option to add a Tint color to the albedo

or you can make the texture more faded.

For example,

the lines on this aluminum material is too prominent,

I can lessen its visibility by reducing the image fade,

I can also blend it with a different color

but in this case I will leave it as a gray color.

Next is Self Illumination.

You can use this to create an emissive material.

Just select the material you want to make emissive,

then turn on Self Illumination.

Here you can adjust the luminance

or brightness of the material.

I want it to be bright

but it seems like the material

is losing its original orange color.

So I can add the color here

But to have the exact color

I can go in the albedo color, in the advanced tab,

I can copy this Hex Code,

and paste it in my Self Illumination color

to have it emit the same exact color.

Next is transparency,

which is similar to the Opacity settings

in the Sketchup Material Editor.

You can adjust the transparency

using this Opacity Slider.

But note that when the opacity is at 0%,

you can't tint the glass with the Albedo color,

but you have to use the tint color here

to add color to the glass

Next is the refractive index,

which determines how lights bend through the glass.

The frosted glass option lets you blur the material,

but you also need to make some adjustments

on the roughness to get the right effect.

You can also add a texture to map

the transparency of your object.

This option allows you to create materials

like the metal mesh here.

Pretty cool huh?

Next is the bump settings.

For example, let's take another look

at these tiles that we edited earlier.

These tiles are supposed to have indentations

at the mortar lines,

but here it looks really flat.

So we can add a bump map by using this plus icon here.

To load in a bump map

Or we can Use the Albedo to create a bump map.

After you've created a bump map,

you can use this slider here to adjust the intensity.

It's a little hard to see how the bump map

is affecting our material,

so I'm going to go up here

and fade out the albedo map like so

to make it easier to see the effect.

Pay close attention to how the material is rendered.

In this case,

you can see that the mortar lines are protruding upward

when it's supposed to be pushed downward.

To flip it,

I can simply changes the value from negative to positive,

and there you go, the mortar lines look correct now.

I can "unfade" my image to bring back the albedo map.

Finally we have the reflections

First you have Roughness,

the lower the roughness value,

the more reflective the material.

On the website I mentioned earlier,

you can reference this table here

to see the roughness values

of some common materials.

Next is Metallic.

This value should be 0 for non-metals or 100 for metals.

For example, gold is a type of metal,

so I can set that to 100,

and now I can adjust the roughness

to make it more reflective.

The last setting is setting is Specular,

which affects the fresnel intensity of a material.

Here is an example of a material

with Specular value of 0

and one with a value of 50.

Similar to the other settings,

you can also add a texture map to the reflection.

For example,

let's take a look at the door frame metal material.

Since this is a metal material,

I will set the metallic slider to 100%.

Next I will decrease the roughness

to make it more reflective.

To see the reflection easier,

I will temporarily fade out our Albedo map,

now take a look at what happens

when I add a Reflection map.

As you can see, the reflection is now more detailed

and not as perfect as before,

which makes it way more realistic.

Now I can add in a bump map as well,

Finally, I can unfade my albedo

to bring back some color of the rusted metal like so.

As you can see,

with the new material editor in Enscape 2.2

there's so much you can do

to increase realism in your scene.

You can also create materials from PBR textures

like the ones you find on Poliigon,

this will take your materials rendering skills

to a whole new level.

And that's all for today guys,

let me know if you'd like to see more videos on Enscape.

Leave a like if you enjoyed the video,

comment below if you have any suggestions,

stay inspired guys, and I will see you,

next time.

For more infomation >> Enscape Materials Tips and Tricks | Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup - Duration: 8:21.


Volkswagen Discover Media – test – Jest Pięknie za kierownicą - Duration: 2:55.

Hello. Today I'll be talking about the Volkswagen infotainment system.

It's one of a few available from VW, equipped with Active Info Display.

What is it and how to use it? Let's see.

As every infotainment system, this one has a lot of functions. The basic one for many people is the phone – it's easy to set up. After that, you can choose a few most used numbers and have them on the screen.

Another function is GPS.

Typing in the address is quick and intuitive, and the map itself easy to read.

Technically there's a voice command option, but it's disabled in this exact car. I'll try it out next time.

This is VW with Active Info Display meaning virtual cockpit.

I can have the map here, between the dials. Navigation prompts and speed limits will be shown on the central display.

Or here, on the central display and the navigation prompts in front of me.

Or maybe you don't care for a map? You can see the fuel consumption details in front of you, as well as distance, height above sea level, compass, or the radio station you're listening to.

At first, it's overwhelming, but if you ever complained about the data you can't have on your display, you'll love Active Info Display.

For the more eco-oriented there's Think Blue Coach – the car rates your driving, braking and accelerating.

Even if you just sad „ew", let me put it this way: normally, you'd have to pay dearly for co-driving lessons.

Here, it's included in the car price.

And eco-driving is really more cost effective than flooring it whenever you can.

Radio and media are self-explanatory – you can choose a radio station (FM or optional DAB), connect music source via USB, stream it from a phone or just play a CD.

There are also other apps, like the weather app or news app.

And no, I still don't know why anyone would use them.

When I'm driving, I won't be reading news, and when I'm done driving, I have my phone, my laptop, TV, anything.

Or maybe you have an idea what's it useful for? Let me know in the comments below.

Rate my video – and give it a thumb up if you liked it.

Press the bell button to stay up to date with my videos.

Next car review next Thursday, same time. Thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Discover Media – test – Jest Pięknie za kierownicą - Duration: 2:55.


Cardi B Responds To Funk Flex & The Haters With Sarcastic Message - Duration: 5:56.

Cardi B Responds To Funk Flex & The Haters With Sarcastic Message

Although she doesnt name drop anyone, Cardi B appears to be talking to Funk Flex & maybe Nick?.

In case you missed it, Funk Flex decided to go at Cardi B a couple days ago for having a ghostwriter and not writing all her lyrics.

Cant stand rappers who dont write they shit," Flex said before going on to name drop Cardi.

"Cardi's consistently getting somebody else to write her shit," he added.

Flexs harsh critique came just days after Cardis other foe, Nicki Minaj, opened up about Cardi not being genuine in any of her interviews, and not believing all was good between them.

Well of course Cardi caught wind of the recent shade shes been receiving, and decided to respond to the haters on Wednesday with a little message.

The Bronx sensation appears to take the sarcastic route and joke about not wanting anything better for herself in life.

"Hey everybody can y'all please stop watching my videos.

Can you guys stop talking about me.

Can you guys please stop listening to my music.

I deserve to be a stripper.

My mom dont deserve to live in a crib.

My child dont deserve to have a good life.

I dont deserve no money.

I deserve to be in the Bronx," she sarcastically said to the haters.

"I hope this shit make you niggas richer.

I hope this shit y'all blow it up.

I hope this makes y'all happy.

Im just trying to make everybody's dreams come true.

Even my haters, there you go.".

While Cardi doesnt technically name drop Flex or Nicki in the message, the timing of it is rather coincidental if it isnt aimed at them.

For more infomation >> Cardi B Responds To Funk Flex & The Haters With Sarcastic Message - Duration: 5:56.


Så byter du fjäderbenslagring på MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [GUIDE AUTODOC] - Duration: 11:42.

Use a wrench № 17 and a torx № T30

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

Use a socket №E12

Using a special tool to compress the spring

Use a socket №21 and an end bit №7

For more infomation >> Så byter du fjäderbenslagring på MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [GUIDE AUTODOC] - Duration: 11:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Regensensor | Panoramadak | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Regensensor | Panoramadak | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.


Technology Gone Too Far? | Magic Breakfast - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Technology Gone Too Far? | Magic Breakfast - Duration: 0:37.


Indian army's artillery modernisation in comparison to Pakistan's - Duration: 6:29.

After almost three decades of stagnation there is finally a significant forward movement

in the Artillery modernisation and transformational plans.

The success of the indigenously developed 155mm 45 calibre Dhanush gun, the induction

of the first two 155mm 39 calibre M777 Ultra-Light Howitzers out of the 145 contracted for and

the signing of the contract for 100 self-propelled tracked 155mm 52 calibre howitzers are positive

developments in Indian Artillery�s overall transformation plan.

DRDO also got the defence ministry to agree to strike down the licensed production of

1,100 imported 155 mm / 52 caliber artillery guns.

The Indian army's Field Artillery Rationalisation Programme, approved in 1999, aims to equip

its 169 artillery regiments (one regiment has 18 guns) with over 3,000 155 mm howitzers-towed,

tracked, self-propelled, wheeled and ultra-light-by 2027.

Unfortunately the state of Indian artillery has only deteriorated over the years due to

New Delhi�s inability to acquire even a single artillery gun since the Bofors scam

broke in the late 1980s.

Due to these scams bofors, denel & soltam were blacklisted, this clearly points out

how Nehru-Gandhi corruption damaged India�s defense preparedness.

This incompetency by the government has slowly lead to Pakistan closing the gap between India

and Pakistan as far as artillery is concerned.

India's total towed strength on paper stands at 4150 compared to Pakistan�s 3278 though

that's not the reality.

India posses a total of 380 155mm guns compared to 394 155mm Guns of Pakistan.

These are primary howitzers for Indian army.

Pakistan also fields a few dozen of 203mm gun as POF manufactures the required ammunition

that are used in these guns.

Pakistan panter 155 deal is not verified, which it may bought in very limited quantities.

However, it did not issue follow-up orders.

Currently, the M198 is Pakistan�s primary 155mm towed howitzer.

India plans to decommissioned its medium artillery whereas Pakistan�s 130mm M46 clones and

122 mm variants stand at a staggering 1,243 guns.

OFB participated in AHQ RFP competing with two other private manufacturers, who fielded

equipment in association with foreign OEMs.

After extensive FET, OFB�s gun had emerged as the only Gun System meeting all Quality


130 artillery guns which is now in the range of 25 kms we will get 130mm guns which will

take to the range of 35 to 40 kms.

The cost of a new 155mm artillery gun comes to around Rs 15 crore, while the upgradation

has been done for just Rs one crore for each, thus saving the exchequer a lot of money.

India possess over 1700 Light guns as compared to Pakistan�s 1643 guns.

OFB has stopped producing 105mm Indian field gun and for light field gun army projected

annual requirement of 30 LFGs from 2013-14 onwards but indent of only 8 guns was received

in 2013-14.

Premature expiry of 669 Guns 105mm LFG without completing prescribed 4500 rounds of firing

also noted.

Bharat Forge's Conventional Recoil ULH is a 155mm/39 cal long range field artillery

weapon system weighing less than 4.8 tons.

Advance Hybrid Recoil ULH is a MSG variant of Conventional ULH which incorporates the

state of the art advanced recoil system(Soft recoil technology) which further brings down

the weight of the gun to less than 4.5 tons.

The mounted gun system provides a high level of autonomy and shoot and scoot capability

and has a distinct advantage in the mountains due to its shorter turning radius compared

to the towed gun.

The wheeled self-propelled gun is ideally suited for the plains and the semi desert

terrain vis-�-vis the tracked version providing better speed and mobility at lesser costs

� however this project has now been shelved and is not expected to be revived in the future.

Self Propelled Artillery platform comes with its own propulsion system.

They are equipped with guns of a usually higher caliber than tanks, most have 155mm, but are

positioned on a higher angle for bombardment of long-range targets.

Unlike tanks, the armor of an SPA is effective only against small-arms fire and shrapnel

since they are not designed for frontal engagements like tanks.

SPA is most useful in mobile conflicts where its �shoot-and-scoot� ability is a major

advantage over towed artillery.

The Pakistani Army as of Jan 2017 has a grand total of 325 Self propelled Guns while India

going to receive its first batch of K-9 Vajra in coming weeks.

Pakistan could spend $844 million more by 2024 on SPH.

Overall the state of Indian Artillery is not so good, due to decades of policy paralysis,

inaction and mismanagement by the Government and the Army, India has fallen behind Pakistan

but situation is expected to change in future with Indian industries coming up with indigenous


For more infomation >> Indian army's artillery modernisation in comparison to Pakistan's - Duration: 6:29.


Opel KARL 1.0 75pk Innovation | Intelilink | Climate control | - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 75pk Innovation | Intelilink | Climate control | - Duration: 0:53.


Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:41.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 120pk Executiveline in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie! - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 120pk Executiveline in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie! - Duration: 0:47.


Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 116pk Navi MMi Lease Edition - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 116pk Navi MMi Lease Edition - Duration: 1:12.


R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids - Duration: 1:39.

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

For more infomation >> R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids - Duration: 1:39.


胡杏儿恶斗家婆 争夺儿子养育权 明星也不能避免婆媳关系 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 胡杏儿恶斗家婆 争夺儿子养育权 明星也不能避免婆媳关系 - Duration: 2:38.


災後停電的婚禮怎麼拍?!沒問題!讓專業的來~2018/04/19潮攝影「攝影週四Live狂熱夜」 - Duration: 1:10:07.

For more infomation >> 災後停電的婚禮怎麼拍?!沒問題!讓專業的來~2018/04/19潮攝影「攝影週四Live狂熱夜」 - Duration: 1:10:07.


Live Eagle Cam

For more infomation >> Live Eagle Cam


For more infomation >> Live Eagle Cam



For more infomation >> PRODOTTI FINITI APRILE 2018 (PRIMA PARTE)!! CUCU' NON CE N' E' PIU'!! - Duration: 16:50.


For more infomation >> PRODOTTI FINITI APRILE 2018 (PRIMA PARTE)!! CUCU' NON CE N' E' PIU'!! - Duration: 16:50.


Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.

You said that you love me

Yes I do

Good show me that you love me

I want you to sing a song for me... i know you sings very well

When you sings, my heart sweets me


For more infomation >> Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.


For more infomation >> Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.



For more infomation >> DÉCO SUPER SYMPA À FAIRE ABSOLUMENT !! - Duration: 5:53.


For more infomation >> DÉCO SUPER SYMPA À FAIRE ABSOLUMENT !! - Duration: 5:53.



For more infomation >> FACE КОПИРУЕТ ЕГОРА КРИДА? | БАСТА VS ДЕЦЛ | PHARAOH | ПИКА | TRUWER #RapNews 296 - Duration: 10:35.


For more infomation >> FACE КОПИРУЕТ ЕГОРА КРИДА? | БАСТА VS ДЕЦЛ | PHARAOH | ПИКА | TRUWER #RapNews 296 - Duration: 10:35.


Laeticia Hallyday a-t-elle enfreint la loi pour retourner à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday a-t-elle enfreint la loi pour retourner à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:43.


For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday a-t-elle enfreint la loi pour retourner à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:43.


SpangaS THROWBACK | MAYA en STAN gaan naar PARIJS?! - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> SpangaS THROWBACK | MAYA en STAN gaan naar PARIJS?! - Duration: 4:24.


For more infomation >> SpangaS THROWBACK | MAYA en STAN gaan naar PARIJS?! - Duration: 4:24.


Changer coupelle d'amortisseur MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 11:42.

Use a wrench № 17 and a torx № T30

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

Use a socket №E12

Using a special tool to compress the spring

Use a socket №21 and an end bit №7

For more infomation >> Changer coupelle d'amortisseur MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 11:42.


For more infomation >> Changer coupelle d'amortisseur MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 11:42.


Laeti­cia Hally­day aurait presque persuadé Johnny que c'est Laura Smet qui... - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day aurait presque persuadé Johnny que c'est Laura Smet qui... - Duration: 2:52.


For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day aurait presque persuadé Johnny que c'est Laura Smet qui... - Duration: 2:52.


Kermit Muppet Babies | Gonzo Muppet Babies | Disney Muppet Babies - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Kermit Muppet Babies | Gonzo Muppet Babies | Disney Muppet Babies - Duration: 3:12.


For more infomation >> Kermit Muppet Babies | Gonzo Muppet Babies | Disney Muppet Babies - Duration: 3:12.


R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids - Duration: 1:39.

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids

For more infomation >> R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> R Letter | ABC Song | Learn ABC For Kids - Duration: 1:39.


Pourquoi Kate Midd­le­ton pour­rait accou­cher cette semaine : les signes qui sèment le doute - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Kate Midd­le­ton pour­rait accou­cher cette semaine : les signes qui sèment le doute - Duration: 2:08.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi Kate Midd­le­ton pour­rait accou­cher cette semaine : les signes qui sèment le doute - Duration: 2:08.


T.P N°2 Usos: Memoria, Verdad y Justicia por Exe Ch G - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> T.P N°2 Usos: Memoria, Verdad y Justicia por Exe Ch G - Duration: 1:43.


For more infomation >> T.P N°2 Usos: Memoria, Verdad y Justicia por Exe Ch G - Duration: 1:43.


Non, ce n'est pas le sucre, cet aliment est la principale cause du diabète - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Non, ce n'est pas le sucre, cet aliment est la principale cause du diabète - Duration: 8:23.


For more infomation >> Non, ce n'est pas le sucre, cet aliment est la principale cause du diabète - Duration: 8:23.


AVC : Vous devez connaître ces 4 astuces pour sauver des vies : chaque seconde compte - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> AVC : Vous devez connaître ces 4 astuces pour sauver des vies : chaque seconde compte - Duration: 7:49.


For more infomation >> AVC : Vous devez connaître ces 4 astuces pour sauver des vies : chaque seconde compte - Duration: 7:49.


6 Causes de la rétention d'eau et ses remèdes - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> 6 Causes de la rétention d'eau et ses remèdes - Duration: 14:19.


For more infomation >> 6 Causes de la rétention d'eau et ses remèdes - Duration: 14:19.


Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Dad...

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Dad...


Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.

You said that you love me

Yes I do

Good show me that you love me

I want you to sing a song for me... i know you sings very well

When you sings, my heart sweets me


For more infomation >> Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo watch my i not better than your maggi? - Duration: 2:36.


BMW 3 Serie 328i Coupe Aut 250PK M-Sportpakket (Sportleder/Memory Clima Cruise Schuifdak BiXenon 19I - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 328i Coupe Aut 250PK M-Sportpakket (Sportleder/Memory Clima Cruise Schuifdak BiXenon 19I - Duration: 1:11.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET Easy *EXPORT* - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET Easy *EXPORT* - Duration: 0:50.


「Nightcore」→ Faded (Rock Version / Lyrics) - Duration: 2:36.

Nightcore - Faded (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Faded (Rock Version / Lyrics) - Duration: 2:36.


Enscape Materials Tips and Tricks | Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup - Duration: 8:21.

What's happening ladies and gentlemen,

this is Minh from Architecture Inspirations,

I'm going to show you some materials tips and tricks

in Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup. Let's get started.

First when you start Enscape,

you will see that certain materials in your model

look really good

such as the glass material on these glassware,

while other materials don't look quite right,

such as the tile material

and the aluminum material here

So to fix this,

you need to understand the unique workflow

of Enscape materials in Sketchup.

To display materials realistically in Enscape,

we need to use certain keywords

in that Sketchup Material's name.

A few examples of the keywords include:

Glass, Chrome, Metal, Ceramic, etc

For example if I use the color picker tool here

and sample this glass material,

you can see that the name of the material is Wine Glass,

and since glass is a keyword,

Enscape will now render this material to look like Glass

Same with these bowls and plates,

which has materials with

the keyword "Ceramic" in their name,

that's why they are a little bit reflective like Ceramic.

But how come these tiles look so reflective?

Let's sample the material.

As you can see,

the name includes the word "Mirror",

which is also a keyword.

But we don't want it to look like a mirror,

so we can remove that word,

and there we go,

it doesn't look super reflective anymore.

And since tiles are often ceramic,

we can add the word ceramic in the name,

and now it has the right amount of reflection.

There we go, now we can use this workflow

to adjust the materials in Enscape.

Remember to check the spelling of the word as well.

For example, this is supposed to be a Chrome Material,

but it was misspelled,

so I can just fix it like so

and there we go, it looks better now

he color of this chrome material is a little dark,

I can adjust it by going to the Material Editor in Sketchup

Let's sample this material,

which is supposed to be an Aluminum material,

you can see that it has the word Aluminum in the name,

but why does it not look like metal?

That's because the keyword is actually Aluminium.

Aluminum is how Americans spell it,

but Aluminium is how the British

and most of the rest of the world spell it,

both means the same thing,

but in this case, we're using Aluminium.

So I'm going to add an "i" to the name

and BAM, looks good!

That's how can you use keywords

to adjust materials in Enscape,

you can go to this link to get the full list,

I will also leave this link in the description box as well.

Another way to adjust materials

is by using the new Material Editor in Enscape 2.2

To open it up, you can go to this Icon on the toolbar,

or go to Extensions - Enscape - Enscape Materials.

Here you will see several options to adjust materials.

First is materials type.

Most of the time your materials will be Generic Type.

The Grass type can be used

to quickly create realistic grass.

You can use the Water type

to create water material like what I did here.

Foliage is used on vegetation materials

like Leaves, to add some translucency to the material.

Next on the list is Albedo,

Albedo is the base color input, also known as Diffuse.

The albedo color and texture settings

in this Enscape material editor

are exactly the same

as that of the Sketchup Material editor.

You can add a color in Enscape Material Editor here

and it will reflect in Sketchup material editor.

Similarly you can add a texture

and it will show up here as well.

What's different here

is that when you sample a material with a texture,

you have the option to add a Tint color to the albedo

or you can make the texture more faded.

For example,

the lines on this aluminum material is too prominent,

I can lessen its visibility by reducing the image fade,

I can also blend it with a different color

but in this case I will leave it as a gray color.

Next is Self Illumination.

You can use this to create an emissive material.

Just select the material you want to make emissive,

then turn on Self Illumination.

Here you can adjust the luminance

or brightness of the material.

I want it to be bright

but it seems like the material

is losing its original orange color.

So I can add the color here

But to have the exact color

I can go in the albedo color, in the advanced tab,

I can copy this Hex Code,

and paste it in my Self Illumination color

to have it emit the same exact color.

Next is transparency,

which is similar to the Opacity settings

in the Sketchup Material Editor.

You can adjust the transparency

using this Opacity Slider.

But note that when the opacity is at 0%,

you can't tint the glass with the Albedo color,

but you have to use the tint color here

to add color to the glass

Next is the refractive index,

which determines how lights bend through the glass.

The frosted glass option lets you blur the material,

but you also need to make some adjustments

on the roughness to get the right effect.

You can also add a texture to map

the transparency of your object.

This option allows you to create materials

like the metal mesh here.

Pretty cool huh?

Next is the bump settings.

For example, let's take another look

at these tiles that we edited earlier.

These tiles are supposed to have indentations

at the mortar lines,

but here it looks really flat.

So we can add a bump map by using this plus icon here.

To load in a bump map

Or we can Use the Albedo to create a bump map.

After you've created a bump map,

you can use this slider here to adjust the intensity.

It's a little hard to see how the bump map

is affecting our material,

so I'm going to go up here

and fade out the albedo map like so

to make it easier to see the effect.

Pay close attention to how the material is rendered.

In this case,

you can see that the mortar lines are protruding upward

when it's supposed to be pushed downward.

To flip it,

I can simply changes the value from negative to positive,

and there you go, the mortar lines look correct now.

I can "unfade" my image to bring back the albedo map.

Finally we have the reflections

First you have Roughness,

the lower the roughness value,

the more reflective the material.

On the website I mentioned earlier,

you can reference this table here

to see the roughness values

of some common materials.

Next is Metallic.

This value should be 0 for non-metals or 100 for metals.

For example, gold is a type of metal,

so I can set that to 100,

and now I can adjust the roughness

to make it more reflective.

The last setting is setting is Specular,

which affects the fresnel intensity of a material.

Here is an example of a material

with Specular value of 0

and one with a value of 50.

Similar to the other settings,

you can also add a texture map to the reflection.

For example,

let's take a look at the door frame metal material.

Since this is a metal material,

I will set the metallic slider to 100%.

Next I will decrease the roughness

to make it more reflective.

To see the reflection easier,

I will temporarily fade out our Albedo map,

now take a look at what happens

when I add a Reflection map.

As you can see, the reflection is now more detailed

and not as perfect as before,

which makes it way more realistic.

Now I can add in a bump map as well,

Finally, I can unfade my albedo

to bring back some color of the rusted metal like so.

As you can see,

with the new material editor in Enscape 2.2

there's so much you can do

to increase realism in your scene.

You can also create materials from PBR textures

like the ones you find on Poliigon,

this will take your materials rendering skills

to a whole new level.

And that's all for today guys,

let me know if you'd like to see more videos on Enscape.

Leave a like if you enjoyed the video,

comment below if you have any suggestions,

stay inspired guys, and I will see you,

next time.

For more infomation >> Enscape Materials Tips and Tricks | Enscape 2.2 for Sketchup - Duration: 8:21.


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For more infomation >> Maren Wolf: Nippelblitzer auf Instagram! - Duration: 0:59.





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For more infomation >> 독일 '나홀로' 신차판매 호조…왜?[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:49.


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For more infomation >> 현대모비스, 자율주행차 '엠빌리' 테스트..기아차 K5 기반 - Duration: 4:01.


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For more infomation >> Letizia, cumpleaños feliz en la Casa Blanca - Duration: 1:59.


Remote Program Do-more PLC using StrideLinx VPN Cloud - Duration: 3:25.

In this video we will show the process of getting connected to a Do-more CPU through

the StrideLinx VPN router.

If you have not already setup your router please see the videos for the initial setup,

from the links in the description below.

Then once you have setup your router continue on to this video.

First, we must discuss the Do-more CPUs IP address.

This is IP address of the VPN router on the control side.

Now, to remotely program your Do-more CPU it must be on the same subnet as the VPN router

and have the IP address of the router as it's Default Gateway.

This way the Do-more CPU will be communicating through the router.

Now, it is very important that everything is a static IP address, as one limitation

of VPN networks is that Broadcast comms will not work and broadcast comms is what is used

for auto discovery of devices.

So now, let's set up the Do-More CPU's IP address for the first time locally.

From the Application Launchpad select Net Edit 3.

Now select Network and then adapter and verify that you are using the correct Network adapter.

Now, click on scan network and you should see your Do-more CPU.

Double click on the CPU and enter in the information as we discussed earlier.

That will change the IP address of your CPU.

Now that the PLC has been setup and shipped to the remote site, let's make our first

connection through the StrideLinx.

Select your device and then select connect.

Once the IX client is connected.

Open up the Do-more software and then we will need to make a new Link.

So, in the Link section here select New Link….

Select Ethernet and then UDP/IP and then select Next.

Now, from the adapter section here, make sure to select the Windows TAPP Adapter.

Now Select Link Editor.

Select your Do-more CPU type and then select the Port Tab.

In the IP address portion place the IP address of your CPU and then select the advanced settings


Here you probably need to increase your Timeout time.

This is the time that the Link will use to gauge if it has lost communication to the


Increasing this time will overcome long communication time or spotty networks.

I typically place this at 15 seconds and then increase if I am having issues connecting.

Select Ok.

Now I will give the Link a name and then select Accept.

Now, I will Read in my project from the Remote Do-more CPU.

Now you will be able to program and control you PLC from around the world.

A little safety disclaimer though.

Before you make any changes to your PLC remotely take into account what you are activating

or deactivating remotely as it may cause an unsafe conditions.

It is always best to have local eyes on the equipment while making these changes.

This is where the digital input on the VPN router can be useful.

It will allow you to lock out remote changes until someone is there to monitor to safety

purposes If you have any questions about the Stride

VPN router please contact AutomationDirect's support team during regular business hours.

They will be glad to help.

Click on this video to learn more about AutomationDirect's many support options, click here to learn

more or see more videos on our many products, and be sure to click here to subscribe to

our YouTube channel for upcoming videos.

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