Welcome back after a long break
Hi! Hello everyone.
Today we have for you analysis of a incident which took place on Zar.
Less than a week ago.
Wing - Cayenne
Pawel is the pilot. Greetings to him.
Well then, Pawel thrown a reserve.
Luckily there were some people
who rushed to help him
Pawel didn't have a chance to thank them, therefore he asked us to thank them in this movie.
They were bikers who reacted very quickly to his bad fortune
As well as pilots who were at the take off, also rushed to him
Luckily nothing major happened to Pawel.
Everything is OK. It finished with happy end.
Yes that's nice that people run to help him.
In case of accident we often see
it takes a lot of time for someone to get to the pilot.
Which is really important
And Pawel said it several times that people were around him very quickly.
Therefore big applause for those who were helping there.
So great job Boys and Girls.
I'll rewind and we will move on to analysis.
I will pay it with sound on my side
and you can later edit it so it works.
So I'll just play it now, without narration, so everyone can see what happened.
And that's how the whole subject ends.
Nothing really happened.
I'll switch off the sound and rewind the film to about half way trough.
because the film is a bit longer.
-Jarek are you still there?
Yes Yes!
I think it's a skywalk wing.
Yes. It's Cayenne.
Cayenne is surly a sport wing.
It's not a school wing.
I don't remember what category wing is that.
But I bet its a EN C
We will check it later.
So I don't make complete idiot out of myself.
So we will try to analyse it a bit.
I'll divide it into two analysis.
The first one will be very general.
Where I will talk about what happened here
and later I'll try to go over it step by step
I hope I will succeed, cause its easier said than done.
I can hear the audio so I know the pilot is turning right in the thermic
I don't know the set up of his vario
But the bipps are quite intensive so I think the thermic is usable
the wing is braked
We can see the trailing edge being braked on the right side.
And I think the pilot is weight shifting a lot
because the horizon is tilted in the camera that is probably mounted centered on the cask .
So I would like to Notice that while turning in this thermic he weight shifts a lot.
Now is the moment...
I know we cant see the wing
but we have a air separation on right side of the wing
and in that moment
forces on brake lines change dramatically
but only on one of them
on the inside one
So the right one in this situation.
The force on this line decreases.
the wing will give us two warnings before a stall
First one: when we look at the wing
It starts to look like a hockey stick
where one of the sides falls backwards, and the whole wing starts to bend
That's the first warning - we should immediately rise the hands up
Second waning is often too late
for less experienced pilots
The control goes soft all the sudden
at first it's getting harder and harder, and at once the force on it disappears.
And that mean the air flow already separated from the wing
I believe without even looking on this wing
that if the pilot would immediately raised the right control up
The wing would gain the speed back
It would shoot forward slightly, which needs to be braked
proportionally to the amount of pitch
and he would fly normally
I don't know his altitude above those trees.
But I assume theatrically that he would regain the speed and fly over those trees
I'll play it again
Here you can see the wing being bent backwards.
We can see the airflow detached from the wing on the right side
the right control is pulled down
Pilot is still weight shifting to the right
The fame is tilted.
And we've got airflow separation on the right side.
The pilot eases on the brake, because he sensed something happened.
And it's the right reaction
If he would have stayed in this position, with his arms up
the glider would shoot forward, the wing would regain the speed. He, then, would have to brake it.
and he would continue to fly.
No biggie.
But that's not what happened.
Because here we have another pilot's input on the control.
Yet again the pilot pulled the brakes down
In my opinion
He is surprised with all that situation
and he is in a state of flight he have never experienced before
Its a strange sensation, he doesn't know what's going on with the wing - it's fully inflated
resembles snake
and it's a parachute faze
In this faze
The wing is inflated
However the forces on the controls are completely different
and even the slightest move on the brakes: 2-3-4cm has an impact on the wing's behavior
and only experienced pilots, who try to find the point of airflow separation
already completed 2-3 SIVs
play with the ACRO tricks
Are able to cope with such a state of flight
and get out of it very quickly
That's why I'm not surprised that pilot less experienced got surprised by the situation
Because to be able to handle this situation, he would have to practice such situations regularly.
So there's brake input.
The wing is in parachuting
and become to dance above his head
Notice that the wing is inflated
It's not collapsed anywhere
It's a clear evidence of parachuting.
It's not even a spin
because he doesn't change direction by 360 or even 180 degrees
Why am I saying that?
Because the glider is fully inflated
and during a spin it takes slightly different shape
One side starts to pull back
and the side which is pulling back
Has an ear at the front
in this way.
and the opposite side starts to move positively forward, and in most cases
it's not deformed.
So yet again after pulling on the brakes, he lifts his arms up
So again. It's OK. If he would keep it that way
the wing would gain speed and shoot forward
but gain here, he starts to pull down
Notice, those are not massive inputs
And now due to wing oscillation commenced earlier
that causes twist
which means pilot is spinning slower than the wing
That's why he gets 180 degree twist
and in this faze here
because he pulls on the left brake
as well as on the right
being twisted he goes into a faze of flight which calls backwards flying
and I can clearly recognise that
because the whole wing is inflated
and only the tips of the wing
are tucked in
there's still way out from this position
by smoothly easing up on the brakes
but we have to be prepared for the wing shooting forward
and to be able to stop it
The pilot doesn't pull the brakes deeper
but if he would, he would go deeper in this stall
and in a half stall he would reach those trees in no time
But that's not what happens
because he's flying backwards
and sink rate is not as large as in deep stall
when the brakes are buried under a harness
so now here he's doing the right thing trying to untwist himself
He reacts accordingly
and all this time he 's pulling on the brakes
That's why everything is stalled.
And now because he's low, he takes a decision to
He stops to deal with all that
and begins to look for the reserve handle
Maybe it's a right decision
And I think Jarek will agree with me
If in doubt, and the situation is too much
throw the reserve
especially if we are in such a critical situation
Would you agree with me Jarek??
Yes, Yes of course, considering he was really low
We could see he tried 3 times to solve the situation
We could see they weren.t the right reactions, for the most part
beside we have to keep in mind it all happens in split of second
It's a quick brain storm
And I think he was so low he decided to throw the reserve
and I suspect that after those 3 attempts
it was the smartest solution
He could have make a few more mistakes
and run out of altitude
Exactly. I would like to emphasize
that it's easy for me to comment
"here he pulled 3,5mm to much.."
"and here he didn't pull enough..."
"And there he could have pull his legs around his neck"
"that would improve everything"
But that's not the idea of this program
I would like to tell you what I see here trough my experience
Because everyone can see different things
I'm only saying what I can see
in given moment
and I can recognize those states quite well
here he stopped dealing with it
and look here! can you see that?!
Haw far forward does the wing shoot!
Why? Because he let go off the brakes.
Yes, Yes.
He let go off the brakes.
and this is dangerous situation
If we are in to moment of airflow separating from the wing
On the one side of the wing, or both
and we have arms up
we should be prepared for the wing shooting forward
and we have to brake that
because that oscillation induced earlier,
after a few failed attempts to solve it,
will be that large
we can find ourselves in a situation where the wing shoots forward so much we end up falling into it
and in this case, with this height above the trees
wrapping yourself in a wing, means the end.
So pay attention
if someone tells you - hands up
and the wing is certificated
in its class
and it wont shoot forward so much, cause it was certificated
This is not true.
Because, some situations took place earlier, which have never been tested
We have to really pay attention
Because that forward shooting,
after a spin
Could be really large
we might not have even enough time to throw the reserve.
because we are already wrapped up in the wing
but luckily that's not the case here
The wing shoots quite a bit, at least that's how it looks like
Now we cant see what happened to the wing
but I bet, that in 99% he got large front stall
Here he throws the reserve
excuse me
and what can we see?
looks like he's throwing it up
I think he did throw it up after all
and I think he should have throw it as far backwards as possible
So I think that's also a mistake
But I don't know how would i act in this situation
cause there was some adrenaline rush, he needed to quickly use that reserve
above those trees, and that's what he has done.
can you see how far up is this reserve going?
It should have gone backwards
but it's going up above the pilot
Oh and now you can see I was talking bout front stall
and here we can see this front collapse
Now it's re-inflating
Front tuck is opening, so does the reserve
and the Pilot
here we can see he still tries, he has good intentions
he tries to roll up the wing
but quickly realises he's so low it doesn't make sense to even bother
and he should rather try to catch some branches
he tries to brace during the impact. And I think he landed quite soft. I think so - I'm not sure.
You still there?
Yes Yes
I will rewind it, and we will make quick review
yes I would like to add something
Go On.
I just would like to add that the pilot
did everything by the book
Ok maybe he didn't do everything right regarding getting out of this mess
but he tried to fight
it went tits up
he analysed the height
and he decided to throw the reserve
I think those 3 factors that he performed are school example
we can see he is experienced pilot
because as I said, we have the attempt to fight,
we have the quick altitude analysis
and thrown reserve
I think if he would be 400-500m higher
He would carry on fighting
The question is
Is it worth to fight till the bitter end?
because sometimes we might run out of height.
We can see when the reserve opened.
And we can see it was the last moment
Yes, That's why I always emphasize
that in the situation where we don't know what to do, we should try to use that reserve.
and that's what happened here
Luckily nothing bad happened
Glider doesn't dive too much after the separation of the air flow
so he only gets a frontal
then he opened the reserve
and landed on the trees
Just a quick recap
So at this point the air flow separates from the wing
the pilot should have lift his arms up
So the wing would dive, but it wouldn't be a dramatic one
Because the airflow didn't separate entirely form the wing yet
In my opinion it would be sufficient to just, at his moment
maybe not now...
And now it starts to go back, because the wing disappeared from the view
At that point, when the brake line goes soft
and the wing starts to looks like a hockey stick
One should lift arms up, and wait for the wing to dive
then brake, asymmetrically, or metrically
and he would continue to fly
The air flow separates from the wing.
the wing is in parachuting
the inputs on the brakes are unfortunately incorrect.
They are not applied accordingly to the situation
because its all happening very fast
Now the pilot decides to use the reserve
Reserve out
and the reserve inflates. It actually inflated very quickly
Almost instantly. Shame we cant see that.
I estimate it inflated in about 1,5s.
Because he threw it upwards.
I'm not so sure abut that..
The rule of thumb is that we try to throw the reserve, as far, outside the layout - Pilot - wing, as possible
It normally takes place in rotation
It's more important there.
As far as possible away from yourself
It was ok. I'm not gonna be nosy here.
It's all good.
and that would be all from me.
I was trying to explain what i see here.
Maybe others will see something else
But I think I got quite deep into states of flight we could observe here
So that would be all from me. I don't know if Jarek want's to add something
No way, I have nothing to say here.
I just wanted to point out...
It's worth to mention and appreciate that he did throw the reserve in just the right moment
and that was the very last moment to do so
After 3 mistakes he could have made more of them
Which could have cost him life
So I think the response of the pilot
to unsuccessful try of regaining the control of the flight
He made a decision to throw the reserve
I think it was a good decision
And when I was reading the comments like "he still could have get out of it"
Yes he could have...
but look how close those trees are
He was really low. It's also worth to mention
Zar is a very moody mountain
and there are some places
where it might bite you in the @#?
And that's it folks.
I just remembered something.
This kind of thing
...air flow separating on one side of the wing
You can practise during SIV, over the water
and practising that during SIV
enables you to
get to know the feeling of it, in controlled, safe conditions
and allows to learn the reactions, which it thermic wont be random anymore
but they will be the right ones
In my opinion
the theory of physics
Why is it flying, why is it not flying
when does the air flow separate from the wing etc.
It's completely different from the practise...
If we wont practise it, the theory wont help us a bit.
This theoretical knowledge that this air flow might separate from the wing
That's my opinion. That's why I encourage you to
practicing all of those weird states of flight
during some cool SIV training
That's all from me.
Thank you all very much for sticking with us till the very end
Soon we will release another episode
We will try to make it ASAP
Maybe one day we will be bale to make
episodes systematically
If not...
hey, what can we do...;)
Thank you all very much
all the best.
C ya! Bye
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SCP-517 Grammie Knows | object class safe | extradimensional / predatory scp - Duration: 13:09.
SCP-517 Grammie Knows object class safe
Item #: SCP-517
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-517 is to be kept secured within Containment Locker
51164 in Site-66, facing away from the doorway.
A thick sheet is to be draped over the item at all times.
Testing is currently prohibited, as the nature of the manifestation invariably causes a low-level
containment breach.
If SCP-517-01 is triggered, personnel are instructed to report to their immediate superior
to enact Protocol 517-001.
As of Incident 517-1997-M, SCP-517 is to be kept in a dedicated cell at all times.
An opaque black sheet is to be kept bound around the object at all times.
As of ██/██/2002, no more testing is to be conducted on SCP-517 without Site
Director's approval.
Description: SCP-517 is a fortune-telling machine.
Item stands approximately 2 meters tall, containing a mechanical puppet and an electric candle
within a glass and wooden case.
Examination has shown an internal layout consistent with similar machines.
On the top panels the words "Grandmother Predictions" are painted on built-in signage.
The puppet within is in the shape of an elderly woman, with a white blouse and a blue shawl.
Item's power cord has been severed approximately 15 centimeters from its base; it appears to
have been inexpertly separated from its original power source.
No reaction occurs if a coin is inserted into the slot.
The item will energize automatically, once an hour, if an individual (hereafter the "Target")
enters its field of vision.
The puppet will turn to face directly at the Target, dispense a "fortune card" from the
slot on its front, and cease function.
Process is fully mechanical, and item does not show signs of awareness.
See Addendum for a transcript for examples of "fortunes".
The individual who "activated" SCP-517 will become the Target of an entity or number of
entities who will attack at 1:43 AM local time the following morning.
The Entity or Entities (hereby SCP-517-01) appear as a varying number of long, multi-jointed
arms (between ten and three dozen), initially appearing from a single area.
Arms seem to be completely corporeal, and can apparently extend indefinitely.
Entity will immediately rush towards and attempt to grab and capture the Target or Targets.
If the hunt is made sufficiently challenging, additional arms will begin to constantly generate
in close proximity to the victim in order to facilitate an easier capture.
Chosen areas are usually low, cramped, dark areas such as basements or closets, and will
not shift during a given assault.
In all instances, Targets have been captured, rapidly dragged into SCP-517-01's chosen area,
and savagely beaten until sunrise.
Entity has been documented reaching from the ventilation system of an office building,
drawing a Target into a drop-ceiling, pulling a Target under a bed, and drawing a Target
through a sewage grate.
Any attempts to intrude on this event will result in human aggressors being drawn into
the assault.
The remains of victims are reduced to [REDACTED].
To date there have been no survivors.
If more than one individual activates the item in the span of one day, all will become
Targets of the following night's assault.
SCP-517-01 will appear from multiple areas while "hunting" multiple Targets.
However, due to the resultant chaos during the test (517-34c) in which this was discovered,
all measures are to be taken to avoid multiple activations.
Remote viewing of the expected points of origin of SCP-517-01 during testing revealed arms
extending from points around corners and otherwise off-camera, eventually crowding out the video
Fragmented, unidentified human DNA has appeared in the areas utilized by SCP-517-01; ultimate
origins are still currently unknown.
Addendum - Fortunes Samples from several "fortunes" as read by
██/██/1993: How many times should somebody be told to be good?
██/██/1994: Your mother raised you better than that.
I'm sorry, but fair is fair.
██/██/1994: You try to be good; you should try harder.
██/██/1994: Some people don't know how to be kind.
You'll know soon enough, won't you?
██/██/1997: People who do terrible things deserve terrible things.
You've brought this upon yourself, my dear.
██/██/1998: You'll find out, soon enough.
██/██/2002: You look like you've made some mistakes.
Some things are unforgivable, aren't they?
██/██/2002: Do you think they've forgotten?
Incident 517-1997-M
SCP Involved: SCP-517 Personnel Involved: Dr. Agusta Meil (deceased),
Site-23 Security Date: 08/25/1997
Location: Storage Site-23.
On 08/25/1997, at approximately 13:56, the late Dr. Meil was targeted by SCP-517 while
supervising the object's transport to a new storage locker.
Security and Site Director were alerted, and a defensive strategy was devised.
At 23:30, Dr. Meil was loaded into a Foundation UH-60 Black Hawk, five security personnel
assigned as bodyguards.
Helicopter was situated on Helipad 3-8, located on the roof of the then-empty Cafeteria 1.
Non-essential security personnel from sectors 1, 3 and 4 were armed with blades and stun
batons, and select personnel were granted flame weapons and concussion explosives.
Squads were directed to strategic points around Cafeteria 1's main and second floors, and
instructed to destroy any instances of SCP-517-01 that appear.
As this was the first concerted effort intended to overcome SCP-517-01, all measures were
As Cafeteria 1 was not constructed with a proper basement, it was expected that SCP-517-01
would manifest in one of the surrounding buildings.
All SCP objects that posed a threat if released by SCP-517-01 were moved to another area of
the Site.
SCP-059's enclosure is located away from Cafeteria 1 and as such was deemed safe.
Log of Events
23:57 - Dr. Meil and guards board aerial transport 00:05 - Night time illumination augmented
by additional floodlights.
00:36 - Ground squads assigned to interior of Cafeteria 1 in place.
00:41 - Ground squads assigned to exterior of Cafeteria 1 in place.
01:03 - Weapon check called.
01:10 - Dr. Meil expresses an intense feeling of suspense.
Becomes mildly agitated.
Attributed to knowledge of SCP object and subsequent paranoia.
01:20 - Last call for restroom breaks.
01:30 - Site locked down.
All doors and windows capable of being sealed are locked.
01:43 - Approximately 18 SCP-517-01 limbs sighted to the east of Cafeteria 1, generated
somewhere in Storage-Center 4-b, approximately 40 metres away.
Immediately destroyed by concentrated weapons fire.
01:47 - More SCP-517-01 sighted, in the same area.
Additional arms generate to replace those destroyed by weapons fire.
Several seemed tasked to collect pieces left behind.
No hostility towards squads reported.
01:55 - Further instances of SCP-517-01 sighted to the northeast of Cafeteria 1, generating
from within several Foundation- assigned vehicles parked between Cafeteria 1 and Storage-Center
Ground squad engages, utilizing flame weapons.
02:10 - Assault continues upon SCP-517-01.
Number of arms greatly increase, between 80 and 100 are estimated to generate at a steady
pace from various points to the northeast.
Fire-damaged or destroyed limbs retract out of sight.
Pieces left behind collected by entity.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:24 - Squads report some difficulty keeping up with the rate of replacement.
Explosive weapons authorized against origin points.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:39 - Dr. Meil and aerial squad go airborne.
02:41 - Arms generate "from the walls" within Cafeteria 1, ground floor.
Later examination reveals the arms had formed irregular holes in the drywall consistent
with blunt force.
Ground-floor squad engages, utilizing close-quarters weaponry.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:49 - SCP-517-01 appears within Cafeteria 1 ventilation system.
Roof squad engages.
Ground-based instances of SCP-517-01 are noted to continue reaching in the direction of Cafeteria
1, even while Dr. Meil has gone airborne within the evacuation vehicle.
200 estimated to have appeared.
03:04 - SCP-517-01 appear on roof of Cafeteria 1, generating from kitchen exhaust ports.
Damage done to structural mesh.
Entity engaged.
03:11 - SCP-517-01 observed to remove the locked fire-escape door on the north side
of Cafeteria 1.
Said instances generated within Cafeteria 1's ventilation systems.
03:22 - 4 SCP-517-01 limbs, generating from the exhaust system of Cafeteria 1, reach helicopter.
Roof crew alerted, limbs culled.
03:31 - Dr. Meil becomes hysteric, demands that the pilot flee.
Helicopter begins moving to the southeast.
03:33 - SCP-517-01 generate upon helicopter, seemingly from the base of the tail.
Begin attacking the doors.
03:34 - Left-side rear window shattered, onboard squad engaged with bladed weapons.
03:35 - Dr. Meil acquired by SCP-517-01.
Drawn through window, passed towards waiting arms.
Subsequently moved through the air towards Cafeteria 1.
03:35 - SCP-517-01 limb caught in helicopter's tail rotor; pilot forced to attempt an emergency
Agent Track severely wounded.
03:36 - Squads report a marked increase in hostility by SCP-517-01.
Entity begins replacing arms at a greatly increased rate.
Number of limbs estimated at a steady 150.
03:37 - Dr. Meil drawn through Cafeteria 1's kitchen ventilation system.
03:37 - Dr. Meil reappears in kitchen.
Agent Matheson attempts to sever 517-01 limbs; subsequently captured and pulled towards fire
exit with Dr. Meil.
03:37 - Agent Germain, Agent Teffler, and Agent Seile captured.
Defence squads ordered to stand down.
03:39 - Dr. Meil, Agents Matheson, Germain, Teffler, and Seile drawn into Storage-Building
4-b through access door.
Outside limbs retract, disappear.
03:44 - Agent Ted attempts to damage Storage-Building 4-b with combat grenades; aggressively drawn
into building by exceedingly rapid limbs.
03:45 - Command contacted; mission failed.
07:01 - Dawn.
07:10 - Collective remains of Dr. Meil and Agents Matheson, Germain, Teffler, Seile and
Ted rediscovered.
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Apple iPhone SE in 2018: Still Enticing - Duration: 4:29.
Hey there, Alex here.
The iPhone SE is around two years old now, and ever since it came out, it has been the
best phone that you can get if you want something really compact but still decent.
Android has the Sony Xperia Compact series of course, but it's still not quite as compact
as the iPhone SE.
So is it still worth getting one 2018?
Let's do a quick revisit.
First of all, I don't think we need to talk much about the design of the phone.
At this point we're all too familiar with it already.
It's a classic.
Personally I like the metal unibody a lot, especially when comparing it to the more fragile
glass back phones these days.
There isn't really much to say about the 4 inch screen on the phone too.
It's decent looking, but nowhere near what more modern phones has to offer, even when
compared to cheaper phones.
It is the same panel from the iPhone 5S afterall.
In fact the entire front assembly is pretty much the same, down to the fingerprint sensor
and the front camera.
If you're looking for a really compact phone, the screen shouldn't be that big of a deal.
But if you're just looking for a cheap iPhone, I would recommend the iPhone 6S instead which
has a much better display.
Talking about the iPhone 6S, the iPhone SE has pretty similar specifications.
Same A9 processor with 2GB of RAM.
This is where the iPhone SE really shines for me.
Like in terms of day to day use, and playing games on it, it still feels really smooth
and responsive for the most part even with the latest version of iOS.
Other than a few minor annoyances like the fact that tapping the bluetooth or WIFI icon
doesn't actually turn them off anymore, it's still the same iOS experience that
many have grown to enjoy.
iOS 11 has gone through plenty of bug fixes already, so I've not seen any major bugs
on the phone.
Best of all, the phone will probably be kept updated for another year or two considering
the iPhone 5S got the iOS 11 update.
Battery life is another aspect of the phone that I really love.
It's still really great probably because of how iOS manages apps, and because of the
smaller screen of course.
It's still a phone that can get me through a day of normal use easily.
If you play games on it, the smaller battery might not do as well, but then again, with
such a small screen, you're probably not going to be gaming a whole lot on it.
There's no fast charging or wireless charging, but because the battery is not that big, it
doesn't take that long to charge the phone up, so it's not really a deal breaker for
Then we move on to the camera which is still relatively decent for the most part, at least
for the rear camera.
Because the front camera is pretty much the same 1.2MP sensor as the iPhone 5S.
The rear camera is partly lifted from the iPhone 6S, and it's decent.
I mean it's not going to blow anyone's socks off, but you can get decent shots on
the phone.
It also supports 4K recording, which is great to have for a budget device, and the video
quality is actually pretty good.
So overall it's definitely still a usable camera in 2018.
The iPhone SE should be an unlovable phone.
As someone who likes shiny new toys to play with all the time, the iPhone SE should feel
like an abomination.
Recycling components and design from older iPhones and repackaging it for sale as a new
But that was the opposite of how I felt about the iPhone SE when I reviewed it back then.
Even in 2018, I actually still think it's worth buying if it's cheap enough, or you
still love that small form factor.
It still does a lot of things well.
This is still my favourite phone to bring with me for a jog, because of how easy it
is to hold and use one-handed, and the fact that it supports Apple Pay is a nice bonus
I do have to say this though, if your budget allows and you don't mind a bigger phone,
I'll still recommend the iPhone 6S.
You get plenty of upgrades in return like a better screen quality with 3D Touch, a faster
fingerprint sensor, faster 4G speeds, better speaker, and better cameras.
But if you want a small compact phone above all else, the iPhone SE is still one of the
best options out there.
Thanks for watching this revisit of the iPhone SE.
Do leave a comment below if you're still rocking the iPhone SE.
I'm curious to see how many of you are still using this little gem.
Thanks again, and see you guys on the next one.
Prinz Louis: Diese starke Bedeutung hat der royale Baby-Name - Duration: 1:02.
Wie euch Genauigkeit die Note retten kann - Duration: 4:21.
МЫ СДЕЛАЛИ ЭТО! 💍 | ВЛОГ - Duration: 14:23.
The Shapes Song | Learning Videos by Bob The Train On Kids Tv - Duration: 3:30.
I am the shapes train..
chuu- chuu
I am the shapes train..
Mr. Circle Mr. Circle your so round and round and round
U can roll on the ground, U can roll all over around
Mr. Circle Mr. Circle your so round and round and round
U can roll on the ground, U can roll all over around
Mr. Square Mr. Square...
'' Good morning '' How are you..
Take care of your four sides and your four corners too..
Mr. Square Mr. Square...
'' Good morning '' How are you..
Take care of your four sides and your four corners too..
Mr Triangle....Triangle....
U look like a pyramid want you join on my train as Mr square did....
Mr. Triangle....Triangle....
U look like a pyramid want you join on my train as Mr square did....
Mr. Star Mr. Star...
Are you looking at the sky, Your friends will come out in the night so very high...
Mr. Star Mr. Star...
Are you looking at the sky.
Your friends will come out in the night so very high..
Mr. Rectangle.... Rectangle..
Or you will join us too..
My wagons are comfortable and shape just like you..
Mr. Rectangle Mr. Rectangle..
Or you will join us too..
My wagons are comfortable and shape just like you..
Mr.Oval Mr.Oval
'' Good morning '' How do you do..
Look your friends all are bold want you join us too..
Mr. Oval Mr. Oval
'' Good morning '' How do you do..
Look your friends all are bold want you join us too..
Bye Bye kids
Crazy! So hat man Hannibal Lecter noch nie gesehen! - Duration: 0:58.
352 B week 7 recap video - Duration: 6:41.
Hi there, congratulations, we have made it to the final half week together!
Let's get right to this final quiz recap so you can study for the final and complete
your test before the course deadline this Tuesday, May 1st.
As of creating this video on Friday afternoon, we do not have the full course average yet,
so these numbers are based on about half of the class's quiz results.
The average so far is just over 4.4, so nice work!
First up, 83% correctly identified the various public health improvements as all of the answer
The government's focus on public health reduced maternal deaths during childbirth,
highway accidents, and workplace deaths.
While we still have work to do in these areas, the improvements that were made by the new
public health focus were important for creating a healthier society.
Next up, the Freedom Riders and Selma marches that took place within the Civil Rights Movement
were in support of equality for the right to vote.
Roughly 95% answered that question correctly.
And the civil rights court cases were largely won and driven by the NAACP and its lawyers,
and about 84% have answered that one correctly.
When it comes to the state as a social change driver, there is a mix between support and
opposition by both liberals and conservatives, and this depends largely on the issues that
are taken up by the government at a certain time, and 88% have answered correctly.
Lastly, as noted in the Pew Research article, this past 2016 election saw a turnout of between
55 and 56% who actually voted in the election.
This is similar to previous years, where in 2012, the number was about 54%.
This number is compared to other countries in the world, and it consists of the number
of voters compared to those who are of age to vote.
The US trails many other countries, and one possible reason explained in the Pew Research
article is that 24 countries have mandatory voting rules.
Instead, as of the 2016 election in the U.S., voting is not compulsory and registration
is largely an opt-in exercise in states, where citizens must choose to register rather than
choose not to register.
Individual responsibility for voter registration is one factor for the lower voter-age participation
compared to other countries.
Currently, 12 states have added automatic voter registration, where residents are given
opportunities to opt-out of voting, and more states are currently debating and legislating
this, so we may see a larger change in the future regarding voting and voter registration.
Be sure to study up on these questions and the ones from the weeks 5 and 6 quizzes as
you may see them again on the final exam!
And here are the deadlines for our final week together.
All we have left is our final exam!
The final is available in the Week 7 folder and is due no later than our final course
date, this Tuesday May 1st by 11:59pm Arizona time.
Be sure to submit your test before that deadline, as there are no extensions beyond the last
day of our course.
There is still an extra credit survey available for me to get feedback from you on what would
be helpful additions or changes to this course going forward.
Your feedback is really important for how I improve on designing the course.
The survey is located in the Week 7 folder, with the due date of our last day of class
as well.
After you complete the survey, you will receive a green check mark in the grade center.
I will add 5 extra points to students' grades who have that green check mark.
If you completed the survey last week, you have already been awarded the 5 points and
should see it in its own row just below the green check mark in your My Grades section.
I have taken a peek at the results since over 2/3rds of the class has filled out the survey
and I am pleased to see that there are some clear patterns emerging, especially in regard
to the instructional materials and social action focus.
A majority agrees that more of each would be better.
The remaining questions are still not forming clear patterns, and your written responses
will be most helpful for me to consider when updating the course.
I really appreciate all of your feedback!
So where do we go from here?
Many students will be pleased that our session is coming to and end and you can move on to
other important things in your lives.
If you are graduating, congratulations and best wishes on your next steps in life!
If not, maybe we will be in another course together in the future.
Sometimes at this point in the course I get questions about what can be done individually
to help society.
With so much information coming to us through social media and the news, and from covering
such broad social issues that we discuss in our course, some students feel a daunting
task to do something.
It's important to recognize that each of us is already an active member of society,
so we are playing a role even if it may feel like we aren't.
The videos from Week 7 and the last section of the Massey text really help to give some
strong ideas on where to go from here.
No matter what life circumstances each of us faces, what political beliefs or values
we each hold, or how connected or not we may feel to causes, we can each make positive
There are various ways that people make a difference such as Iris Summers sending money
for causes she felt were impactful, to movements that are happening all around us, such as
the high school students protesting for gun control measures, to people calling their
representatives to voice their opinions and concerns and showing up to town hall meetings,
to simply doing small acts of kindness for others.
These are various ways that individuals promote change.
The community change projects in our course may also be a jumping off point for more research
and exploration into social issues and possible changes in your own area if you wish to explore
the topics more after our course ends.
I am also happy to continue discussions with you about our social change topic if you want
to contact me after our course comes to a close.
Have a wonderful final couple days in the course, and be sure to utilize the study guide,
announcement videos with quiz recaps, and the course questions board.
Have a good end to the semester!
✧ ШОКОЛАДНО-ТРЮФЕЛЬНЫЙ ПИРОГ ✧ Chocolate Truffle Cake (Pie) ✧ Марьяна - Duration: 3:35.
Hello Everyone!
My name is Maryana and you are on the Tasty Food Channel!
Today prepare the tender, melting in the mouth -
Truffle chocolate Cake (Pie).
The pie tastes like big chocolate chip.
To satisfy your sweet tooth, chocolate lover
and chocolate cakes.
The composition of the recipe you can see below, in the description below this video.
To prepare the Foundation:
Cookies grind into a fine crumb
with the help of a blender.
(If you don't have at hand blender's,
put the cookie in a tight package with a zipper,
and grind with a rolling pin.)
Melt the butter in a water bath or in a microwave.
Then the melted butter oil pour in a bowl with sand crumb
and the whole mass is very stir well.
The bottom of the detachable form 20 cm.
cover with parchment paper,
paper residue cut.
Put a crumb of cookie,
firmly tamp the bottom
and form the walls.
Poison the basis of heated up to 180 C oven
and bake for 5-7 minutes.
For filling, beat eggs with sugar and salt
literally 2-3 minutes.
Add the cream
both good stir.
Chocolate with butter melt in a water bath
or in the microwave. 30 seconds at full power,
each time mixing well.
Then let it cool down for 5 minutes.
(It is very important to use chocolate of the highest quality.
Therefore, I prefer chocolate,
in which the content of cocoa products
not less than 70%
it will provide the noble taste of this chocolate pie.)
To connect with chocolate egg-cream mixture
and gently stir until smooth.
Pour the chocolate filling on the basis of cookies,
level well,
and a little knock the walls of the mold,
to release excess air.
Bake pie in preheated up to 180 with oven,
20-25 minutes.
After baking, the finished cake allow to cool for 2-3 hours.
Then sprinkle cocoa powder on top
or decorate on its choice.
The cake turned out very tasty!
For completeness of taste sensation,
can be set vanilla or chocolate ice cream.
Chocolate Truffle Cake ready.
Bon appetit!
All thank you, that look video,
write comments,
share the recipe with your friends in social networks,
and subscribe to the channel,
me will be very pleased!
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean | Kindergarten Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:01:28.
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
6 CHANSONS DE BTS ET EXO - Duration: 5:17.
Hello !
I wanted to launch a new series videos on my channel,
where I will introduce you 5 stuffs.
Can be 5 songs, 5 artists,
or 5 chicken legs, I do not know,
it will depend on my mood.
Oh, and I'll call this series: The Famous Five !
That's the literary reference.
But as I am too smart,
I already make an exception on the very first video
by putting not 5 but 6 songs.
What an idea to put two groups in the same video
with an odd number of songs?
This have to remain fair !
I will propose 3 songs of EXO and 3 songs of BTS in this video .
So let's go !
The first song I wanted you to speak of is ...
We On is part of the big handle of BTS songs that I still listen to
because there are still a lot of their songs that I do not listen to ..
It comes from the album ORUL82 which, I think,
will remain my favorite BTS album.
It was the year of their debut, when they clearly displayed their hiphop inspirations
by the way in his lyrics, RM refers to his underground past
by quoting his old name, Runch Randa.
What also stands out a lot of these lyrics,
it's their willingness to show that they are good and that they were going successful
despite what people could say while they were only rookies.
And when you see them today ...
Well, they bluntly killed the game.
For EXO, I propose ...
Extracted from the album EXODUS, this song is actually a trio of Suho, Baekhyun and DO
It is a very beautiful ballad, very sweet, which may seem rather simple
but it feels good sometimes a little simplicity.
We have this little soul vibes that makes its charm and that transports me totally.
So do not underestimate this song.
Next song!
I remember, the song was released a shortly before the album Dark& Wild was released
and we could only listen to it on an official website.
I've never really been a fan of BTS but when I clicked on the link ...
You can not imagine the slap I received.
I was totally taken with it, and I did not expect it.
There is an atmosphere in this song that I particularly like
with obviously rap that is well highlighted.
So, to me, it's a song that you have to know.
A little song from EXO-K
since the group was still divided in two units at this time.
We have very nice rnb influences,
a rather mid-tempo track that I have a lot listened to when it came out.
There is a passage that I particularly like,
it's this kind of broken glass sound effects
which allows the transition between the first chorus and the 2nd verse,
concretely it's just a detail but I loved it.
Then DO's voice, guys ... it's ...
My last BTS song will be ...
It's not an official song and it's a cover of Born Sinner by J.Cole
that the group has occasionally released a month after their debuts.
Their version is splendid,
I really liked their arrangement, the chorus, rap parts and lyrics too.
It's a song I'm still listening regularly,
the emotion is there, and there is enough to make us nostalgic.
And finally I kept you my favorite for the end.
I'm not a fan of EXO but Baby Don't Cry, omg.
I had already enjoyed the song during the bunch of teaser
we had at the group's debuts,
We had to wait the album XOXO to have the full song,
and I completely fell in love with it !
I had even learned the beginning of the song at the piano.
Even though I can not play the piano.
I love the melody, the power of the chorus and even the rap part.
Anyway, it's my favorite EXO song.
That will be all for my small selection of songs of BTS and EXO,
I hope you liked it.
Feel free to give your opinion on songs that I quoted,
and to share your favorite songs of these groups,
on that, I'll see you soon for a new video,
And do not forget:
Beware of pebbles!
Massive weight-loss, transge...
For more infomation >> Massive weight-loss, transge...-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] 180428 潮流伊周 ONER Bufan - Duration: 0:16.
Bufan invites you to video chat
What are you doing?
Did I say you don't have to contact me?
I couldn't contact you for half a day.
If there is a next time, you wait.
Reflect by yourself, okay?
Let's hang up.
not finished to be continued...
For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 180428 潮流伊周 ONER Bufan - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
Colorado Rockies @ Miami Marlins - Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series MLB The Show 18 - Duration: 59:45.
For more infomation >> Colorado Rockies @ Miami Marlins - Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series MLB The Show 18 - Duration: 59:45.-------------------------------------------
Royal Baby 3 : quand verra-t-on le petit Louis ? - Duration: 2:20.
For more infomation >> Royal Baby 3 : quand verra-t-on le petit Louis ? - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Les bienfaits de la marche à pied au quotidien - Duration: 4:27.
For more infomation >> Les bienfaits de la marche à pied au quotidien - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Le zèbre et la peau du lion - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants - Duration: 2:44.
For more infomation >> Le zèbre et la peau du lion - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Kate & Williams Royal-Spross: Promis raten den Babynamen! - Duration: 3:12.
For more infomation >> Kate & Williams Royal-Spross: Promis raten den Babynamen! - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Survivor 2018 57. Bölüm Fragmanı 28 Nisan Cumartesi | Son Dokunulmazlığı Kim Kazandı? - Duration: 3:04.
For more infomation >> Survivor 2018 57. Bölüm Fragmanı 28 Nisan Cumartesi | Son Dokunulmazlığı Kim Kazandı? - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Shiba Inu and Baby Happy Moments - Cute Dog and Baby Compilation 2018 - Duration: 11:18.
Hi friends! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!
Please comment the things you want to see, we will always create interesting video to you enjoy.
You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.
Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.
Having many interesting video more. Let's follow us!
For more infomation >> Shiba Inu and Baby Happy Moments - Cute Dog and Baby Compilation 2018 - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
20 choses extraordinaires que vous ignorez - Duration: 7:02.
For more infomation >> 20 choses extraordinaires que vous ignorez - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
Éliminer les bouchons de cérumen de façon naturelle - Duration: 3:26.
For more infomation >> Éliminer les bouchons de cérumen de façon naturelle - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Life Of The Party Movie
Wojna w M jak miłość. Karolina oskarży Magdę, że robi karierę przez łóżko Budzyńskiego - Duration: 2:34.
SCP-517 Grammie Knows | object class safe | extradimensional / predatory scp - Duration: 13:09.
SCP-517 Grammie Knows object class safe
Item #: SCP-517
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-517 is to be kept secured within Containment Locker
51164 in Site-66, facing away from the doorway.
A thick sheet is to be draped over the item at all times.
Testing is currently prohibited, as the nature of the manifestation invariably causes a low-level
containment breach.
If SCP-517-01 is triggered, personnel are instructed to report to their immediate superior
to enact Protocol 517-001.
As of Incident 517-1997-M, SCP-517 is to be kept in a dedicated cell at all times.
An opaque black sheet is to be kept bound around the object at all times.
As of ██/██/2002, no more testing is to be conducted on SCP-517 without Site
Director's approval.
Description: SCP-517 is a fortune-telling machine.
Item stands approximately 2 meters tall, containing a mechanical puppet and an electric candle
within a glass and wooden case.
Examination has shown an internal layout consistent with similar machines.
On the top panels the words "Grandmother Predictions" are painted on built-in signage.
The puppet within is in the shape of an elderly woman, with a white blouse and a blue shawl.
Item's power cord has been severed approximately 15 centimeters from its base; it appears to
have been inexpertly separated from its original power source.
No reaction occurs if a coin is inserted into the slot.
The item will energize automatically, once an hour, if an individual (hereafter the "Target")
enters its field of vision.
The puppet will turn to face directly at the Target, dispense a "fortune card" from the
slot on its front, and cease function.
Process is fully mechanical, and item does not show signs of awareness.
See Addendum for a transcript for examples of "fortunes".
The individual who "activated" SCP-517 will become the Target of an entity or number of
entities who will attack at 1:43 AM local time the following morning.
The Entity or Entities (hereby SCP-517-01) appear as a varying number of long, multi-jointed
arms (between ten and three dozen), initially appearing from a single area.
Arms seem to be completely corporeal, and can apparently extend indefinitely.
Entity will immediately rush towards and attempt to grab and capture the Target or Targets.
If the hunt is made sufficiently challenging, additional arms will begin to constantly generate
in close proximity to the victim in order to facilitate an easier capture.
Chosen areas are usually low, cramped, dark areas such as basements or closets, and will
not shift during a given assault.
In all instances, Targets have been captured, rapidly dragged into SCP-517-01's chosen area,
and savagely beaten until sunrise.
Entity has been documented reaching from the ventilation system of an office building,
drawing a Target into a drop-ceiling, pulling a Target under a bed, and drawing a Target
through a sewage grate.
Any attempts to intrude on this event will result in human aggressors being drawn into
the assault.
The remains of victims are reduced to [REDACTED].
To date there have been no survivors.
If more than one individual activates the item in the span of one day, all will become
Targets of the following night's assault.
SCP-517-01 will appear from multiple areas while "hunting" multiple Targets.
However, due to the resultant chaos during the test (517-34c) in which this was discovered,
all measures are to be taken to avoid multiple activations.
Remote viewing of the expected points of origin of SCP-517-01 during testing revealed arms
extending from points around corners and otherwise off-camera, eventually crowding out the video
Fragmented, unidentified human DNA has appeared in the areas utilized by SCP-517-01; ultimate
origins are still currently unknown.
Addendum - Fortunes Samples from several "fortunes" as read by
██/██/1993: How many times should somebody be told to be good?
██/██/1994: Your mother raised you better than that.
I'm sorry, but fair is fair.
██/██/1994: You try to be good; you should try harder.
██/██/1994: Some people don't know how to be kind.
You'll know soon enough, won't you?
██/██/1997: People who do terrible things deserve terrible things.
You've brought this upon yourself, my dear.
██/██/1998: You'll find out, soon enough.
██/██/2002: You look like you've made some mistakes.
Some things are unforgivable, aren't they?
██/██/2002: Do you think they've forgotten?
Incident 517-1997-M
SCP Involved: SCP-517 Personnel Involved: Dr. Agusta Meil (deceased),
Site-23 Security Date: 08/25/1997
Location: Storage Site-23.
On 08/25/1997, at approximately 13:56, the late Dr. Meil was targeted by SCP-517 while
supervising the object's transport to a new storage locker.
Security and Site Director were alerted, and a defensive strategy was devised.
At 23:30, Dr. Meil was loaded into a Foundation UH-60 Black Hawk, five security personnel
assigned as bodyguards.
Helicopter was situated on Helipad 3-8, located on the roof of the then-empty Cafeteria 1.
Non-essential security personnel from sectors 1, 3 and 4 were armed with blades and stun
batons, and select personnel were granted flame weapons and concussion explosives.
Squads were directed to strategic points around Cafeteria 1's main and second floors, and
instructed to destroy any instances of SCP-517-01 that appear.
As this was the first concerted effort intended to overcome SCP-517-01, all measures were
As Cafeteria 1 was not constructed with a proper basement, it was expected that SCP-517-01
would manifest in one of the surrounding buildings.
All SCP objects that posed a threat if released by SCP-517-01 were moved to another area of
the Site.
SCP-059's enclosure is located away from Cafeteria 1 and as such was deemed safe.
Log of Events
23:57 - Dr. Meil and guards board aerial transport 00:05 - Night time illumination augmented
by additional floodlights.
00:36 - Ground squads assigned to interior of Cafeteria 1 in place.
00:41 - Ground squads assigned to exterior of Cafeteria 1 in place.
01:03 - Weapon check called.
01:10 - Dr. Meil expresses an intense feeling of suspense.
Becomes mildly agitated.
Attributed to knowledge of SCP object and subsequent paranoia.
01:20 - Last call for restroom breaks.
01:30 - Site locked down.
All doors and windows capable of being sealed are locked.
01:43 - Approximately 18 SCP-517-01 limbs sighted to the east of Cafeteria 1, generated
somewhere in Storage-Center 4-b, approximately 40 metres away.
Immediately destroyed by concentrated weapons fire.
01:47 - More SCP-517-01 sighted, in the same area.
Additional arms generate to replace those destroyed by weapons fire.
Several seemed tasked to collect pieces left behind.
No hostility towards squads reported.
01:55 - Further instances of SCP-517-01 sighted to the northeast of Cafeteria 1, generating
from within several Foundation- assigned vehicles parked between Cafeteria 1 and Storage-Center
Ground squad engages, utilizing flame weapons.
02:10 - Assault continues upon SCP-517-01.
Number of arms greatly increase, between 80 and 100 are estimated to generate at a steady
pace from various points to the northeast.
Fire-damaged or destroyed limbs retract out of sight.
Pieces left behind collected by entity.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:24 - Squads report some difficulty keeping up with the rate of replacement.
Explosive weapons authorized against origin points.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:39 - Dr. Meil and aerial squad go airborne.
02:41 - Arms generate "from the walls" within Cafeteria 1, ground floor.
Later examination reveals the arms had formed irregular holes in the drywall consistent
with blunt force.
Ground-floor squad engages, utilizing close-quarters weaponry.
No hostility reported directly towards Foundation teams.
02:49 - SCP-517-01 appears within Cafeteria 1 ventilation system.
Roof squad engages.
Ground-based instances of SCP-517-01 are noted to continue reaching in the direction of Cafeteria
1, even while Dr. Meil has gone airborne within the evacuation vehicle.
200 estimated to have appeared.
03:04 - SCP-517-01 appear on roof of Cafeteria 1, generating from kitchen exhaust ports.
Damage done to structural mesh.
Entity engaged.
03:11 - SCP-517-01 observed to remove the locked fire-escape door on the north side
of Cafeteria 1.
Said instances generated within Cafeteria 1's ventilation systems.
03:22 - 4 SCP-517-01 limbs, generating from the exhaust system of Cafeteria 1, reach helicopter.
Roof crew alerted, limbs culled.
03:31 - Dr. Meil becomes hysteric, demands that the pilot flee.
Helicopter begins moving to the southeast.
03:33 - SCP-517-01 generate upon helicopter, seemingly from the base of the tail.
Begin attacking the doors.
03:34 - Left-side rear window shattered, onboard squad engaged with bladed weapons.
03:35 - Dr. Meil acquired by SCP-517-01.
Drawn through window, passed towards waiting arms.
Subsequently moved through the air towards Cafeteria 1.
03:35 - SCP-517-01 limb caught in helicopter's tail rotor; pilot forced to attempt an emergency
Agent Track severely wounded.
03:36 - Squads report a marked increase in hostility by SCP-517-01.
Entity begins replacing arms at a greatly increased rate.
Number of limbs estimated at a steady 150.
03:37 - Dr. Meil drawn through Cafeteria 1's kitchen ventilation system.
03:37 - Dr. Meil reappears in kitchen.
Agent Matheson attempts to sever 517-01 limbs; subsequently captured and pulled towards fire
exit with Dr. Meil.
03:37 - Agent Germain, Agent Teffler, and Agent Seile captured.
Defence squads ordered to stand down.
03:39 - Dr. Meil, Agents Matheson, Germain, Teffler, and Seile drawn into Storage-Building
4-b through access door.
Outside limbs retract, disappear.
03:44 - Agent Ted attempts to damage Storage-Building 4-b with combat grenades; aggressively drawn
into building by exceedingly rapid limbs.
03:45 - Command contacted; mission failed.
07:01 - Dawn.
07:10 - Collective remains of Dr. Meil and Agents Matheson, Germain, Teffler, Seile and
Ted rediscovered.
Vijay Tv Avalum Naanum Nila, Diya Family Photos / Actress Mounika Devi Family Photos - Duration: 1:56.
Avalum Naanum Nila, Diya Family Photos / Actress Mounika Devi Family Photos
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean | Kindergarten Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:01:28.
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
Fender Stratocaster American Professional UNBOXING! (THE COOLEST UNBOXING VIDEO EVER!) - Duration: 1:59.
Come! Come!
I'm filming an unboxing video.
F**king hell!
You better record the guitars all over again...
Just smell it...
Everyone who I sent the photo to said "So, you're buying the exact same guitar?"
I was like "Well.. I guess I am..."
はじめてのPixARK#13 GW突入記念!!神殿探索ツアー - Duration: 1:29:48.
Top 4 High Protein Pastas You Should Start Eating - Duration: 3:21.
For high-protein pastas you should start eating I can't polish off a giant plate of pasta like nobody's business
Preferably covered in some form of cheese pesto or meaty sauce but about an hour later
I'm bloated tired and cranky and about two hours later
I could go for a snack
The problem traditional white pasta is sky high in carbs and low in protein and fiber
Which can lead to erratic spikes and dips in blood sugar?
Triggering those subsequent cravings, but you already knew that
What you probably didn't know there are some pretty kick-ass new pastas on the market that taste like the real deal
But pack a wallop of protein and fiber
Thanks to ingredients like lentils Adam aim
Chickpeas beans and almonds no refined flour in sight
Here are four of our favorites that are reinventing pasta as an ultra clean pantry staple
Modern table meals lentil rotini cookouts just got a whole lot healthier
Meet your new go-to pasta for legitimately healthy summer macaroni salad not only does rotini
Perfectly hang on to your delicious homemade dressing
But just one serving of these corkscrew-shaped noodles packs 14 grams of filling protein and 4 grams of fiber
They're made of just one ingredient
red lentil flour
$5 ba I modern table combines a chickpea pasta shells
Harnessing the power of another delicious legume
banza offers shells made from chickpeas along with a bit of tapioca and pea protein
The result is 14 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber a third of your recommended daily intake
Per serving the added nutrients make us feel a whole lot better about
Using these sauce hugging shells as a base for mac and cheese
$10 eat bans accom Capello's fettuccine perhaps the most delicious of them all
Capello's pasta is rich buttery and comes the closest to tasting like fresh handmade. Noodles kind of crazy
Considering they're made from maman's and egg
better yet a
serving clocks in at six grams of protein and four grams of fiber and
Packs the fewest carbs of any grain free pasta. We could find, but the best part. They take just 90 seconds to cook
$10 Capello's dot-com explore cuisine Organic Adam aim and mung bean fettuccine to plant protein
Powerhouses in one pasta means a ridiculously healthy nutritional profile
Just one serving contains 10 grams of fiber and 25 grams of protein
More than you'd get in three eggs because they contain soy this protein is considered complete
Containing all 9 essential amino acids 3 dollars and 15 cents drive market calm
Chasing COWS on a QUAD! (2/2) - Raglan, New Zealand | Travel (#39) - Duration: 5:51.
Second part of our Workaway
We are on the farm - 250ha !
So yeah... Like a small town
The family who we do workaway / wwoofing for happened to have an adventure business (Adventure Waikato)
Their truck... and their house...
Kasia already feels like home
That how it looks here
Swimming pool of course
This is very cool! Outdoor Hot Tub
Here is our space
Messy as usuall
Those scenes are for us really so we can remind ourselves in a few years :)
O, this is interesting
They've found it in the forest
In a few minutes we will see how the farm looks
The owner proposed to show us the farm driving on a quad
yes, yes, I wish I could drive it
It has 0.5l engine so need to have licence for it
The owner said: You will NOT drive it :)
So what do we do on this farm?
"Sawing is favourite activity of Piotr B. He feels like a hunter when he does that..."
Like a ranger
"Sawing - saw every day"
Let's pick a few avocados ^^. I have never seen avocado tree until now,
Kasia, look how nice they are
It's been a while since I climbed a tree :D
First attempt - fail
You have to use your legs... like a monkey
He's not getting on very well. He seems to be tired or something
Well done!
You have to navigate me here
and I will shake
There they are
Could you pass me a piece of branch?
What is this...
Under your feet, on you left
WOW! This is a big one! :O
What are you doing there ?
Im relaxing ^^
Can you move the light?
Night, moon and stars
And here is Kasia enjoying her life with a cap of tea in her hand
Life cannot get better than that, right?
I think I will join you
Searching more Hong Kong $500 banknotes - Duration: 5:16.
so how about people are you going today my name is Glenn and today I'm going to
be searching through five hundred dollar banknotes
now this is a lot not too sure how many banknotes are here and we're going to
check for any types of our serial numbers so the numbers on them and see
if there's any abnormalities or errors on these bank notes for the first one
he's our 2009 this is the old series in V Oh double through double O four yeah
nearly closed but maybe I won't keep that one so these old bank notes you can
still find a few in circulation but most of $500 a brand-new issues and here is
the brand new issue okay sear on them oh when I fall and that
one's a 2013 okay we have a 2014 602 yeah nothing on that I read this 114 as
well nope this one - first and ten so the first you okay issue for this
banknote new this one 2014 so 2014 set last date that I found for the HSBC bank
notes this one is double five but he ever serial numbers not nothing mmm okay
first I'm following p.m. so they actually run it and serial numbers and
probably got to start again soon turn nothing in there oh nice 69 69 yeah but
the 70 in the middle no okay this is the back side of it not bad thank no good
okay double to double five that was a zero that'll be good
okay double - and Rusty's nothing special
Oh double free in the center but new okay this one this old series 2009 again
no it's nothing special net okay this one no this one no definitely not this
one no that six was one oh that one was a six that'll be a keeper but no so no
nothing in that well if the hard this is nearly closed have a look look at the
eights so you've depth for was a free or that
free was a for I don't would definitely be keep up it no now here is he I was
one of the free Bank Standard Chartered Bank 2010 nothing to click done that one
here's the back side of it not a bad banknote focus
okay so we have a double fives this is nearly cost as well as the
previous one before but now this one no nothing in that this one here it's just
so hard to actually get banknotes oh that actually have a good serial number
set but yeah well oh this one's also close as well nothing on that oh yeah
this one's nearly close as well but new so I do have some close ones here so
you've some of these numbers have actually changed then like this four and
seven was changed around I nearly closed nearly closed but so
there were these two just need a one number change I clean make him a keeper
but there is nothing in that and it is quite a lot of money that I have there
so this is all the gun back to the bank or maybe I'll just spend it so thank you
very much for watching and just remember doesn't matter what
country you're in you can search through all their bank notes and see if you have
our serial numbers or errors that you could keep because all countries
actually have our fancy serial numbers you can find and they all have error
bank notes so I can awesome make no clicking time people
Japan Trip day 3 ยังชมซากุระที่คาวากุจิโกะ Sakura still blooming at Kawaguchiko - Duration: 10:43.
the 2nd morning
actually it's 3rd morning of the trip
why don't you introduce the breakfast
ok. this is Nutto. I don't eat it in the pass.
but now I love it
i will eat with soy sauce
but this sauce eat with this little hot pot
we are going out
we still at Kawaguchiko in the morning
we will go to Matsumoto in the afternoon
going up the mountain by ropeway
Kachi Kachi ropeway
the ropeway name is so cute
Kachi Kachi
can see the view behind
get off from the ropeway,
and this is what we can see
so close
Can see Fuji Q from here
Rabbit and Tanuki
really close
Happy Songran
the Fuji Q highland
and real mt.Fuji
[rabbit and turtle]
Tanuki is not a turtle
let me go to another stop at Kawaguchiko
we spend 2 days at Kawaguchiko
the weather is very clear both days
Bye Bye Fuji san
we leaving for Otsuki station
we are on...
who is this character?
because the train going slowly
we are on Kaiji express train.
Going to Kofu Station
Azusa coming
Azusa 19
we are heading to Matsumoto
will take 75 mins
we were hurriedly
but the train delayed 5 mins
we booked the seats before
this is my lunch
at Nagano now
colder than Kawaguchiko
this is female zone. We got L1, L16, L17
this hotel is new
just only us for now. But I can hear someone in the bathroom
they provide logger
the logger's key is inside this one
[can see inside? ...come for inspect] [have a bag for shower]
they also have luggage area
I see. the bag for shower
inside this bag
are pajamas and towel
this hotel is very good
[look ...Dove shampoo]
they give us everything
also have hair accessories. Tomorrow I don't need a hat because my hair will be nice
the bathroom [nice]
in bathroom have conditioner,
shampoo and body soap
it's new
too good
cups for brushing
you can choose what you want here
it's 7900 yen per 2 nights
almost 4000 yen per night
about 2000 Thai Baht
I think it's ok
[what is this?] the body rubbing
booking.com 8.8 rated. very high rate
the lounge very clean
and here is comics
food vending machine
very good
we will go back later
It's for control bad smell because here is shoes room
using the key that we got from reception
get our shoes
and return slipper to the box
we can leave it like this
and when we come back, no need to use the same box
going to Matsumoto castle
this is the way to out capsule hotel just now
but we have to use the elevator behind
the stationary shop
good for my friends
have to have canal around the castle
Sakura drops to the green water
hot drink! [if I have 5000 yen note, cannot use?]
the change will be too many
hot drink and cold drink
i just got this one.
Drinking water with apple smell, so good
so big hah?
we are at Matsumoto castle
looks nice. cool black
red bridge over there
an uncle with little girl giving fish the food
around castle area
many stop to look at
the cherry blossom trees
no more Sakura
drop whole like this
now we can see only Sakura drops
you are so chill
the water must be very cold. this mama hatching her eggs
the uncle told us
hatching her eggs
so big
give me food, she said
[ Is this place that you wanted to take me to?] I'm not sure where we are now but this street looks cool right?
it's look quite old street
yes, kind of that
continue walk a bit. there is a shrine
not the red shrine
I thought they have to be red
we bought strawberry
grill fish, same what we have in Thailand?
[it's eating] this is real
[eating like this]
Nagamachi street
most of cafe are white
they got many shop
cool hah...
how cool
that cafe looking good
this cafe name is same as street name
they are closed
if they are not cool enough, they cannot be here I think.
we will walk around
Matsumoto station
the shopping mall
at hotel entrance
Hotel M Matsumoto
it's 8 degree now
very cold
8 degree
too cold
we didn't prepare our-self facing this cold
so so cold
we bought them
snack for tonight
this one is 650
650 yen another one is 550
and these are my drink, lager beer
cannot read them all
and Sapporo mango and apple flavors
so good.
【VIỆTSUB phụ đề + LYRICS subtitle 】MONSTER【all in the description】 - Duration: 3:38.
Let me introduce myself
You didn't think I was done
Well I've just began having my fun
Some people live for attention, playing the victim
I see how you're going
crazy always thinkin' 'bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me,
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
You ain't ready for the monster
I'm just being me
Cut out the things that I don't need.
And I don't CARE if you disagree
I DON'T need no sympathy
Winning the game on my own.
Yeah, baby
I see how you're going
crazy always thinkin' 'bout me
Baby on the daily
Feed me your negativity
Talk some more about me
I know that you love me
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
You ain't ready for the monster
It could have been so different between us
But then you went and messed everything up
You took a knife and stabbed me in the back,
Took everything I had,
Went to your friends and laughed.
This is the last time
I'm gonna to tell you now:
If you try to break me,
I'm gonna burn you down
Baby I'm done with you
Not coming back for you
Let me introduce myseeeeee
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
Are you ready for the monster?
You ain't ready for the monster.
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