The real world can be tough - non-stop traffic, pollution, freezing winters, that annoying
coworker who never does his job...
I'm looking at you, Triangle Bob...
Sometimes, you just want to hide away somewhere and escape reality.
Imagine a bubble-like home where you could be totally self-sufficient and not need a
single thing from the outside world.
Scientists have been experimenting with these so-called biodomes since the 1970s, but what
if you lived in a bubble?
If you've ever seen pictures of these biodomes, you know that they are so cool.
Filled with various ecosystems like deserts, farms, and rainforests, to provide inhabitants
with everything they need to survive without any help from the outside world.
In order to live in a self-sufficient biodome, you'd need 4 basic things - food, water,
air, and electricity.
Food would come from a farm-like area housing plants and animals.
It could have animals like chickens and goats for eggs and dairy, but using them for meat
in an environment where you can't just get more delivered wouldn't be the smartest idea.
Fruits, veggies, and beans growing on your farm could provide you with additional nutrients
to make up for the lack of meat.
You'd need to use water for a number of different things inside and remember, it isn't
an infinite resource, especially in a biodome.
When it comes to drinking water, it seems like the best option would be to collect rain
water and purify it.
You'd also want to recycle the water from sinks and shower drains and use it for watering
plants and even filling toilets.
An artificial river inside your bubble could be home to phytoplankton which would contribute
significant amounts of oxygen to your atmosphere.
In addition to the phytoplankton, a forest full of plants would release breathable oxygen
thanks to photosynthesis!
Scientists have learned from past biosphere experiments that some kinds of building materials,
like concrete, inhibit oxygen production so you'd want to avoid those.
Air purifying plants, like spider plants and English ivy, and medicinal plants, like echinacea
and peppermint, in this forest would help keep everyone inside breathing and healthy.
Being truly self-sufficient means generating your own energy and using renewable resources.
Solar panels lining the outside of your bubble would collect energy to power all electronics
And you could even add a mini hydropower turbine to that indoor running river to generate even
more energy!
You'd also want some kind of composting system to allow you to recycle human waste
to use as fertilizer.
Which may sound gross, but you've gotta make sure those plants are taken care of too!
Upkeep on this biodome would take a lot of work, so plan to bring, like, 10 people.
Each person would have their own job, like farming or resource analytics.
There are also a lot of mental and physical benefits to having people around.
Being disconnected from society has been linked to higher mortality and greater incidences
of stress, so you'd be happier and healthier with other people inside.]
In the last 40 years, scientists have tested out a few biodome experiments.
Perhaps the most well-known was Biosphere 2 in Arizona that housed 8 scientists in the
early 1990s.
Its ultimate demise was due to poor oxygen generation techniques.
So, after 2 years, the experiment was stopped, but a lot was learned.
In the future, builders can take into account what went wrong with previous biodomes to
create efficient, safe, oxygen-rich bubbles to live in.
What would you want to bring with you to live in a biodome?
Let us know in the comments.
For more infomation >> Could You Live In A Bubble? - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Relativity of Simultaneity | Special Relativity Ch. 4 - Duration: 3:48.
In our universe, when you change from a non-moving perspective to a moving one, or vice versa,
that change of perspective is represented by a what's called Lorentz transformation,
which is a kind of squeeze-stretch rotation of spacetime that I've mechanically implemented
with this spacetime globe.
A quick reminder - spacetime diagrams plot position on the horizontal axis and time on
the vertical axis, and something moving as time passes traces out a path through spacetime
called a worldline.
One of the first things you might notice about Lorentz transformations is that events that
were at different places at the same time before the transformation aren't at the same
time after the transformation.
This means that from the perspectives of people going different speeds, simultaneous events
for one person won't be simultaneous for the other, and vice versa.
For example, if from my perspective these two boxes spontaneously combust at the same
time, and you're moving at a third the speed of light to my right, then from your perspective,
that is, the perpective from which you're not moving so your worldline is purely vertical,
from your perspective the box on the right will combust first, and the box on the left
will combust second.
The takeaway here is that our universe has neither an absolute notion of time nor an
absolute sense of simultaneous events, and that simultaneity breaks down more the farther
away from each other two things are – a box even farther to the left that from my
perspective simultaneously spontaneously combusts with the others will, from your moving perspective,
be even farther out of sync with the box on the right.
This is described by the time part of the Lorentz Transformation equations, the part
that says t new = gamma times t minus v times x over c squared).
Because of the x in there, the farther away an event is from you, the more its time from
the new perspective will be out of sync with events closer to you.
Though because of the factor of c squared in the denominator, which is huge, it's hard
to notice anything being out of sync until either your speed or distance to the object
in question are really really really big – like, you'd have to be going half the speed of light
and be comparing things farther apart than the earth and moon before things would become
more than 1 second out of sync.
But in that case, events that were simultaneous from my perspective really would be out of
sync for you!
As surprising as this may seem, it might feel more familiar and comfortable when you remember
that this "getting out of alignment" phenomenon happens to points at the same place in space,
too, which is literally what we think of as defining motion – from my perspective, this
box is at the same position at different times – that is, it's not moving; maybe, "simulspacious"–
but from your moving perspective it's at different positions at different times – it is moving.
Relativity of simultaneity is just the other side of the coin – the fact that events
that happen at the same time at different spatial positions happen at different times
when viewed from a moving perspective.
All together, in our universe, the takeaway is this: events that were previously either
all at the same place or all at the same time get out of alignment with each other when
you change to a moving perspective.
A big thanks again to Mark Rober for making the spacetime globe a reality, and to dive
more into the details of relativity of simultaneity, I highly recommend heading over to's
course on special relativity that they've been developing simultaneously with this video
series (well, at least, simultaneous from my perspective).
There, you can explore custom scenarios and do actual puzzles and problems that help you
build on what you learned in this video, like figuring out how laser tag would work at relativistic
The special relativity questions on are specifically designed to help you go deeper
on the topics I'm including in this series, and you can get 20% off of a Brilliant subscription
by going to
Again, that's which gets you 20% off premium access to all
of Brilliant's courses and puzzles, and lets Brilliant know you came from here.
Allen v Perry R2 Fr3 2018 World Championship 1080p. - Duration: 15:48.
Allen v Perry R2 Fr4 2018 World Championship 1080p. - Duration: 17:33.
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Let's go, baby
Let me see video, so don't you baby make up?
Oh my god, Rihanna, I nearly gave your haircut
All right art oh oh my god. He's ripped Wow I
Killed that guy that has been shooting at us the whole time
You know that was the fucking mistake right mate give me a fucking reason please I
Feel like there's another guy
Who the fuck is next
Above always break me down brother jump down
Idolater to that
Alright if I land this shot, I'll be excuse for everything what up Norway oh?
Ok I'm excused. I'm excused. Where is this guy I see him
Let's go, what a shot cliffie oh oh
My god
Maybe not I say
What do they do guys what did they do about my Snipes what do they do what do they do oh?
Oh cliffie
I'll get to all the alerts and one second guys. Give me one sec. Let me finish to scare
Let's go
Bitch I'm here
Things Get Steamy Between Luke & Stassi On Hot Tub Date | Bachelor Winter Games - Duration: 2:32.
The date card said things are about to heat up and we roll up on a
Wood burning hot tub. I don't know should I be impressed or should I be scared okay?
He's a great trust me
yes, interesting ironic because it's the same exact wood burning hot tub that I take a one-on-one date with Jojo in I
Would have never thought that I would be here with this, Swedish Russian born
Gorgeous woman look at Exodus God threw it in there the perfect chop
Paul Bunyan you know what Paul Bunyan is yeah, you don't know Paul Bunyan. He's the most famous lumberjack of all time
It was funny because to me you know it was
Exactly the same date
But Jojo and I we had a different relationship our connection was more physical and - stassi's although were from two different
corners of the globe is
Completely different in that it's IATA at a deeper emotional level
That was the craziest thing for me is this when we were on the porch the other day. I definitely didn't know that we had
Those things in common especially something that was similar to what had happened to me like that's a hard thing you know that
And so I can hit smack a train like wow all of a sudden this woman
Understands what it's like to go through that type of me makes me feel closer to you
That's also why I appreciate life so much, and why I want to leave now
Yeah, like you know doesn't matter where you come from you
It's your person even friends too many things my confidence is gonna scare you yeah, it is so yeah absolutely
I've been the Wunder boner was open to you because he was the same way
So that is a big part of like why I'm so attracted to you
And why I want be around you know more about you. I feel like I've connected with you on a whole new level that
Thousands of people that I would meet in my life that I would never connect to that level with you know I mean
I'm really happy
Even know it's
I'm looking forward to hopefully getting more time started and see what tomorrow holds we have this deep connection. That's rare that is just completely
Coincidental, and it's just almost like so like serendipitous really
Things get steamy for Luke Pell and Stassi on The Bachelor Winter Games Season 1 when they go on a hot tub date. Check out more of the steamiest dates from across Bachelor Nation on our channel!
Easy ONE-CLICK Color Correction in Photoshop | Quickest Way To White Balance a Photo - Duration: 8:50.
In this video, I'm going to show you the quickest way
to white balance an image in Photoshop.
Hi, welcome back to the Photoshop Training Channel!
I'm Jesús Ramirez.
In this video, I'm going to show you how to color correct images with just one click.
And even though we'll focus on an automatic adjustment, I am gonna take some time to explain
what Photoshop is doing behind the scenes, that way you understand how the tool works,
and if you run into any problems, you'll know how to solve them.
Okay, let's get started!
We're gonna work with this image here, and it obviously has a color cast, and our goal
is going to be to remove the color cast so that we can neutralize the image.
I just want to point out that in this tutorial, you could use either the "Levels", or the
"Curves Adjustment Layer."
I'm going to use the Curves Adjustment Layer, and we're gonna work with the Auto button.
But notice that the Levels Adjustment Layer also has that same Auto button.
So you can use either Adjustment Layer for this tutorial.
I'm gonna stick with Curves.
If I simply hit the Auto button, you'll notice that Photoshop will make an adjustment, and
that adjustment won't necessarily be the best adjustment.
Photoshop actually has different algorithms
that it uses determine how to color correct the image automatically.
You can access those algorithms by holding "Alt", "Option" on a Mac, and clicking on
the Auto button to bring up the "Auto Color Correction Options."
Another way to get to that is by clicking on the fly-out menu, and selecting "Auto Options."
You'll notice that on the top of this window, you'll have four different algorithms.
By default, Photoshop selects "Enhance Brightness and Contrast",
and you have different algorithms that you can choose from.
The algorithm that I prefer is the "Find Dark & Light Colors" algorithm.
I believe that it gives the best results in most cases.
I also like to check the "Snap Neutral Midtones", and you can see that by simply doing that,
I've color corrected this image.
I can also tell Photoshop to use this algorithm
as default by checking this box, then pressing OK.
That way, the next time that I create a Curves Adjustment Layer, and hit the Auto button,
Photoshop will apply that Auto Adjustment.
Now before we move on, I want to explain what's going on behind the scenes so that you'll
understand this algorithm.
Then we're gonna move on to a photo that's a little bit more complicated, and simply
applying the Auto Color Correction Options will not color correct the image, but I'll
show what to do when that happens.
So we applied the Find Dark & Light Colors Adjustment, and really what that means is
this; if you are an old Photoshop user,
you might remember an old color correcting technique,
and that old color correcting technique is this one.
You can select the Red, Green, and Blue Channels,
and then find the light and dark colors.
And what I mean by that is, you select the black point, and then move the black point
over to the right until you find the darkest point of the image.
Basically, that's where the data starts here in the Histogram.
If you don't see the Histogram on your panel, you can click on the fly-out menu, and select
"Curves Display Options", and make sure that "Histogram" is enabled.
But anyway, you can click and drag the black point
until you start seeing some data on that Histogram.
Another way of doing it is by holding "Alt", "Option" on the Mac, clicking and dragging.
In this case, the image will turn red because this is a Red Channel, and whenever you start
seeing black on the image, that's where you'll find your black point.
So, you can just drop the point there, but it's a lot easier to do it through the Histogram.
So I'm just gonna click and drag the white point to the left, make sure that it matches
where the data starts here on the Histogram, and I'll do the same thing for all those channels.
That's the Green Channel, and this is the Blue Channel.
Notice that as soon as I find the dark and light points of the image, the image now looks
much better; that's before and after.
Let me know in the comments if you're an old Photoshop user and remember this old technique,
but basically, this is what the Auto Color Corrections Options is doing with this algorithm;
it's finding the dark and light colors.
Again, in most cases, this is the best algorithm
so I like having it as default, but it doesn't always work.
And that's what I'm going to show you in the following example;
what to do when this algorithm doesn't work.
So I'm gonna go into this image here, and if I create a Curves Adjustment Layer and
click on the Auto button, you'll notice that the image does look better, but it's not quite
the result that we're looking for.
If I hold "Alt", "Option" on the Mac, and click on the Auto button, you'll see that
we're using the "Find Dark & Light Colors."
I'm Snapping the Neutral Midtones, and the image is still not looking the way it should.
And I can actually scroll through the different algorithms, and you'll see that none of them
give me a good result.
So what I'll do is I'll keep the one I had originally, Find Dark & Light Colors, make
sure that Snap Neutral Midtones is selected, and then, I can come into the Properties panel,
and simply select the gray point eyedropper.
Then you can click anywhere on the image that should be a neutral gray.
For example, this brick path, and as soon as I click, the image looks much better.
I can even click on her sweater because her sweater is off-white,
so it's still a neutral gray.
So when I click on that, the image also looks much, much better.
Now you may be thinking, "Well, why don't we do that from the beginning?
Why can't we simply just click on a gray point, and just be done with it?"
Well let me show you what happens when I do that.
I'm going to click on this reset button to reset this Curves Adjustment Layer.
I have the gray point eyedropper selected,
and if I click on the path, the image looks
much better, but it looks washed out because we haven't found
the black and white points of this image.
Of course, we can click and drag the black point and the white point of each individual
channel until we find the information, but that will take too long.
It's much easier to start with the Auto button.
If it doesn't work, select the gray point eyedropper, and click on anything that should
be a neutral gray, a gray color.
And the image looks much, much better right away.
So that's before, and after.
And by the way, before we continue, I want to mention that if you're interested on learning
more about Curves and how they work, and how they work with color, more specifically, then
I recommend watching my tutorial on Cinematic Color Grading because I go into depth on how
the Curves Adjustment works, how it relates to color correction, and color grading.
It's one of my most watched tutorials and I believe it's one of my best ones so check it out.
I'll post a link to it right below in the description.
But anyway, let's get back to the tutorial,
One thing that I want you to note is that when we make an adjustment with the gray point
eyedropper, we don't actually change where the white point or black point is.
If I click anywhere on the image, you'll see that only thing that changes is the center
point, and that is true for every channel.
Notice how I'm not really adjusting the black and white point, just that point right in
the center, which is a neutral gray.
Also, if you select the black point eyedropper, and click on any color, notice that in this
case, the black point changes, and the black point changed on all channels.
So if I go into the RGB mode, watch the black point of the Blue Channel, which is here,
and the Green and Red Channel, which are right here, almost in the same spot.
If I click on this area here, notice how all three change.
So the black point eyedropper changes the black point for all three channels, the same
is true for the white point, notice how all three change.
And I'll click on her backpack just so that there's a bigger difference, you can see the
three white points change up here.
And I'll reset the adjustment, click on Auto, and the same is true for the gray eyedropper.
If I click on an area, it will change all three channels at the same time.
But the point of me showing you this is that when you hit your Auto button, you'll adjust
the black points and white points of all three RGB channels, and you can adjust the gray
point without affecting any of the black points or white points.
And there you have it, the one-click-solution to color correcting images in Photoshop.
In this case it was actually two, but you get the idea.
Let me know in the comments below if you already knew this technique or if you prefer a different
algorithm than the one I used.
If this is your first time at the Photoshop Training Channel, then don't forget to Subscribe,
and to click on the notification button.
Thank you so much for watching, and I will talk to you again in the next tutorial!
Overwatch Moments #134 - Duration: 10:30.
Kanye West Ignites a Debate About Racism | The Daily Show - Duration: 6:28.
Kanye West is back on Twitter.
And just like the new Yeezy Slides,
his tweets have people going, "What are those?"
Now, in case you missed it, Kanye tweeted out an endorsement
for a black conservative pundit who argues that black people
complain too much about racism.
Adding: "Self-victimization is a disease,"
and then he added: "There was a time when slavery
was the trend," but now is a mentality.
Now, first of all, I think it's weird
to describe slavery as a trend-- like there are no memorials
dedicated to the horrors of Tamagotchi.
I think trends are very different ideas.
But I have to admit, Kanye got me thinking.
Maybe we're too quick to call stuff racist
when we don't need to.
To help me try and figure this thing out,
we invited our very own Roy Wood Jr., everybody.
(cheering, applause)
-Roy. -What's happening?
I'm struggling with this, man. What do you think?
Are black people too sensitive about racism?
Uh, hell yeah, black people are sensitive about racism.
But that's because it's still happening.
You can't tell me to get over something that never ended.
Look, you can't treat sunburn if you're still standing outside.
You got to put on lotion and ice and...
I'm not white, man-- I don't know how you treat sunburn.
The point is...
you don't even have to look hard to find racism.
Here's a story from just a few days ago.
Tonight some new Richmond residents
are calling their neighbors racist.
One family has their display on the front porch
with several Confederate flags, but... that's not all.
NEWSWOMAN: You be the judge.
A black mannequin with painted lips,
these figures with wigs strapped to the porch,
and multiple Confederate flags of all sizes
sit outside this home.
Tonight I spoke to the family who put that display up.
You decide: racist or not?
I decided.
It's racist.
They decorated their front porch with pink-lipped black people,
and then they decorated the black people
with Confederate flags.
It's not just racist, Trevor, it's tacky.
It's like you're mixing your plaids and your stripes.
And what makes it worse is that they don't even have the balls
to own their racism.
No way, shape or form should anybody think it is racist.
What would you say to someone who's driving by this
and says that family hates black people?
I would say, you know,
everybody hates everybody, you know?
It just depends on what you hate, you know?
It depends on what you hate.
If you hate a race of people, that's racism.
It's crazy that even people who admit
that they're doing racism
don't want to be labeled racist.
People don't like racists.
Th-They don't like labels, you know? But I get it.
I like being naked all the time
but I don't want to be called a nudist.
People hate nudists.
Yeah, but people call you a nudist
because you walk around your office naked.
I'm not ashamed of my body, Trevor.
Look, the point is...
the whole thing is a disgrace.
It's a disgrace.
I will say this, though,
the wigs that they put on them dolls, on point.
Look at the detail.
The curve, the bangs, that's some artisanal racism,
and the creativity doesn't even end there.
The woman had a whole backstory for the display.
All the baseball players on there are actual, you know,
from the first blacks that played the baseball game.
REPORTER: They were asking, specifically, also,
what the black mannequin is supposed to represent.
Oh. The-- Like the mom of the baseball players, basically.
Oh. Right.
Now it makes sense.
This was a tribute to the trailblazing
black baseball players and they're momma.
'Cause I don't know what you know
about Negro league baseball, but before every game,
Jackie Robinson's momma
would hand him a Confederate flag
and say, "Go get 'em, baby."
-No, Ron. No, Ron... -"Go get 'em."
-No, look... -"Give me that bat.
-"Put this flag in your hand. -No, Roy, look, look.
-And go get 'em." -I feel you. I feel you.
I feel you, but a part of me does feel bad for these people.
I mean, if you can't be racist at home,
then where can you do it?
Well, that's the problem.
Racism never stays at the racist person's house.
Sooner or later, racism catches an Uber
and comes to your doorstep.
The day before we heard about the porch,
there was another story about a black dude
who got run out of a town in Tennessee.
TV REPORTER: A man who used to live at this house
on Depot Street, says he's never felt welcome there.
He says, just Wednesday morning, he discovered
these label slurs spray-painted on the walls of his house.
Now, see, this one is upsetting
because, first of all, there was no need to call him nigger.
He was the only black dude in town.
They could have just used his name.
They could have just said, "Hey, Keith!
Get your shit and get out of town, bro!"
-That's all they had to say. -And, you know,
this story, for me, Roy, seems open and shut.
Like, no one can say that this isn't racist.
Oh, that's exactly what they gonna say.
Mayor Casey Burnett says he was one
of the first people to see the graffiti,
but he says he doesn't consider it to be a hate crime.
It did have a little bit of a racial slur to it, uh,
but it's not--
You know, we're not a racial community at all.
Yeah. Just a little bit of a racial slur, just a little bit.
There were only two words and the other one was "kill."
"A little bit of a racial slur to it."
It sounds like he's sharing a recipe
for some oppression casserole.
Put a pinch of prejudice and some cayenne,
and you stir-- Ooh. We got--
Ooh, now, boy. You got to run.
That's good casserole right-- yeah.
Look, I think I understand
what Kanye was trying to say, but I don't agree.
Just because I'm calling out racism
doesn't mean I'm trying to play the victim.
If I see you being racist,
I'm gonna call you out on your shit,
then I'm going to carry on with my day.
Speaking of which, I've been in these clothes
for more than three minutes.
-Oh, no. No, no, no, no. -I need to be free.
No, Roy, no. Roy Wood, Jr., everybody.
Soviet Chain Mortister [Restoration] (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 23:34.
Chainsaw Bar Grease
Three phase power
Variable Frequency Drive
It's Alive!
Sorry for bad audio
Replacement handle from old table saw
Steel has been tempered
End grain test
Clean hole ;)
Cogito's Corner: Fall of the Aztec Empire - Duration: 15:41.
In 1518 the Aztec Empire ruled over millions of people.
It's central city, Tenochtitlan, was the Venice of the Americas, with beautiful canals and pyramids.
It's Emperor a near god that extracted immense tribute from conquered peoples. By 1522 it was a ruin. The city was gone, the Emperor dead.
How could a small group of Spaniards break so confident an Empire? In the Mexica's own words
"Who could conquer Tenochtitlan? Who could shake the foundation of the heavens?"
Let's Find Out!
Moctezuma sat on his royal throne is a palace that housed 2 zoos, medicinal gardens, and an aquarium.
Whether a sick rollercoaster was there is still be debated by archaeologists.
Under his stern rule the Aztec Empire had reach unparalleled heights, but today he was stumped.
His agents had made contact with strange bearded white men off the coast. Who were these bizarre foreigners, what did they want.
Moctezuma could not know.
Over 2000km away in Santiago de Cuba,
Hernan Cortés has just been appointed "Caudillo" of another expedition to Mexico. Tasked with exploration and modest trading.
He quickly set about recruiting men, stockpiling ammunition, and buying ships with and energy and determination that hinted at larger plans.
This scared the Governor of Cuba, who then sent word to another man appointing him as the new Caudillo.
The messenger however seems to have mysteriously stabbed and then thrown himself
into a ravine and totally unrelated to this Cortés got the hell out of Cuba.
He set sail with 530 soldiers, a few hundred African and native slaves,
a handful of maids, and 1-2 conquistadoras.
Oh and about 16 horses, some war dogs, cannons, guns, swords and crossbows….they're kind of important.
Because you can't have modest trade without cannons!
He first landed in Maya territory and won his first major victory, which was not militaristic, but rather linguistic.
Cortés discovered a castaway Spanish priest that had been living among the Maya and learned the language.
Language was just as important as horse or cannon in this conflict.
Unlike conquistadors before him Cortés could now conduct diplomacy and make deals with the natives.
He could find out who liked who and use that to his advantage.
Things got even better when Cortés defeated a Maya group in battle...well they got better for Cortés the Maya got screwed.
After the battle he received a woman that spoke both Maya and the Aztec language, Nahuatl.
Dubbed La Malinche she became "the" essential translator in the weird telephone game that was early colonial communication.
She also has some funky songs written about her.
Leaving Maya territory Cortés moved on and landed in modern day Vera Cruz.
Over the next few days the diplomats of Moctezuma arrived. Cortés was given many golden gifts,
had hundreds of huts built for him and his men, and had thousands of servants made available to him.
Cortés informed them that he was a diplomat sent by the King of Spain...he wasn't.
But they were hardly going to Google search the guy and the Mexica were known to highly respect diplomats.
After some back and forth questioning Cortés asked the most important question. Did Moctezuma possess much gold.
The response was "Yes". I can't imagine a more dangerous answer.
Moctezuma was in the House of Serpents, a part of his Zoo when the messengers arrived.
These were the indeed same kind of men that arrived last year. They rode bizarre looking deer
and they had sticks that created lighting along with beasts that launched rocks from their bellies that could destroy hillsides.
Moctezuma the all powerful god emperor. Warlord of the Mexica. A man that cared for millions of people and was a
famously decisive ruler sank into a pit of despair.
This was the equivalent of Martians landing. How do you deal with that?
Some sources claim that Moctezuma thought the Spanish were gods coming to reclaim Mexico.
But all the evidence for this was written pre-conquest and is pretty shaky.
Moctezuma and the Mexica in general were incredibly superstitious. He may have thought these men were evil spirits of
some kind or just sent for some divine reason. But the idea of him giving up entirely because he thought Cortés was a god is unlikely.
But there were members of the royal household that had no doubts that the Spanish were simply men.
The emperor's brother Cuitláhuac continuously pushed the idea that these were raiders and shouldn't be trusted.
He advised Moctezuma "not to allow into your house someone who will put you out of it"
Moctezuma formulated a plan, he would do everything in his power to be nice to these visitors.
But he would not meet them and he would do his best to discourage them from coming to meet him.
Be they gods or not. This wasn't like...a great plan.
While Moctezuma was discussing the Spanish with his council, Cortés was discussing Moctezuma with another council back at the coast.
The natives in the region were living under Aztec rule and paid tribute to them.
They were obviously not ecstatic about this situation. They informed Cortés that if he marched on Tenochtitlan,
he would have theirs and other unhappy vassals support.
Cortés knew he couldn't take down an empire like the Aztecs with his forces.
But if he could start a civil war, that might just give him a chance. So he marched on Tenochtitlan with an army
that was barely 5% Spanish. The biggest contributor to this multiethnic army were the Tlaxcala,
who we discussed in the previous video. Cortés made his way across Mexico, stopping to
commit a little massacre at Cholula before arriving at the main causeway leading to the Mexica's island city, on the 8th of November 1519.
Crossbowmen, Gunmen, Cavalry, and war painted native allies marched down the
causeway probably taking notice of the wooden sections that could be removed to cut off their retreat.
Moctezuma, accepting that his not really a plan plan had failed went out to greet Cortés.
What else could he do really the guy was at his doorstep..
And so on that causeway in Mexico, as Moctezuma descended from his litter and Cortés
dismounted his horse, an emperor and a conquistador met and the history of our world changed forever.
They were led into the city and given lodgings in a palace that once belong to Moctezuma's father.
Over the next few days they were given a tour of the city with awed both Cortés and his men.
However Cortés wanted to take this city to enrich himself and to impress the King back in Spain.
Even with his native allies he knew it was near impossible to take this metropolis
without a devastating battle that he wasn't sure if he could win.
What could he do…. It wasn't like he could just kidnap the Emperor of the Aztecs.
Moctezuma was taken to the Spaniards quarters and ruled his empire as a prisoner. Allowing Cortés to control the city and empire without a fight.
As the city was stripped for gold the initial welcoming spirit of the Mexica vanished and their curiosity turned to hate.
But little resistance could be organised as everything relied on the Emperor.
As the city turned against Cortés he got word that Spanish ships had been spotted off the coast,
an army had been sent from Cuba to arrest or kill Cortés and Moctezuma may have been secretly helping them.
This was obviously terribly inconvenient for him, but nevertheless he had to march out and meet this threat.
He left his second in command, Pedro de Alvarado behind with a small group of soldiers to hold the city and emperor.
While Cortés was gone there happened to be an important festival taking place in Tenochtitlan.
In the days leading up to the festival Alvarado seems to have gotten paranoid. The business of the festival preparations seems to have convinced him that an
anti-Spanish conspiracy was brewing. Left alone in a foreign city Alvarado seems to have felt
outnumbered, trapped, suffocated. He would need to throw the first punch.
The day of the festival arrived. Priests made offerings, the music of drums and flutes filled the air, feathered dancers put on magnificent shows.
Alvarado and his troops entered the temple grounds wearing armour. Little attention was paid to them.
His men blocked the exits and then Alvarado shouted "Mueran!"
Soon 3 thousand people lay dead in the temple grounds and the killing poured out on to the streets.
Most of the Aztec nobility lay dead with the dancers. Only Moctezuma and a lucky few survived.
Madness took the city as the Aztecs organised a counter-attack. It only settled down after Alvarado,
covered in blood and with a severe head wound, forced Moctezuma to address his people and beg them to stop fighting back.
Alvarado and his men hid in their quarters and the city mourned.
Cortés returned victorious from the coast. But noone came to greet him as he entered the city.
It was silent. He discovered Alvarado and his men near starving in their quarters. While he heard about what had
happened from Alvarado Cortés then found himself and his army besieged. Moctezuma's brother,
Cuitáhuac, had organised a resistance. Cortés hoping to regain some sort of control over the city sent
Moctezuma to the balcony of the besieged palace to speak to his people. This time however,
his people threw rocks at him. Moctezuma died shortly after and with him Cortés' hope of taking an empire without a fight.
I can't help but wonder if Moctezuma had heeded his brother's advice and confronted the Spanish
before they were inside the city rather than appeased them how things would have turned out.
While a great leader for most of his reign, his final decisions during this profound event sealed the doom of his people.
The Spanish attempted to flee the city at night. Using a portable bridge to cross the sections of the causeway the Aztecs had removed.
This bridge got stuck however and the Spanish were soon spotted. The war drums sounded atop the great pyramid.
War canoes swarmed the Spanish position and warriors poured down the causeway. Soon half the Spanish army
was thrashing in the water, guns, cannons, and horses were useless.
Men weighed down by gold drowned in the lake. The chaos was unimaginable.
Cortés himself was captured, only to be saved in the nick of time. An fatal example of the Aztec's preference for capturing over killing.
Bodies began to fill the gaps in the causeway and the Spanish escaped by running over there comrades.
They managed to escape to the mainland. On this Noche Triste as it is remembered the Spanish
lost between 400-1000 soldiers along with thousands of more native allies. But he still had La Malinche,
he still had Pedro de Alvarado, and most importantly he still had the support of the Tlaxcala. Whose lands he retreated to to lick his wounds.
While triumphant the Mexica could hardly celebrate. Tenochtitlan was badly burned, 2 kings of the
Triple Alliance were dead, and the nobility was wiped out. Cuitáhuac, now Emperor seemed capable of turning things around.
He just might save the Empire, it appears that there is hope yet….oh he's dead now. Smallpox has just arrived.
Within a year 40% of Tenochtitlan is dead. Farmers lay dead in their fields and famine hits.
One by one the smallpox weakened cities around Tenochtitlan fall to Spanish-
Tlaxcalan forces. Why resist, disease and famine are tearing you apart and you don't even like the Aztecs anyway.
Soon Tenochtitlan and it's neighbour Tlatelolco stand alone. Surrounded.
A year after fleeing the city Cortés returns. With tens of thousands of native allies.
12 European warships were launched onto Lake Texcoco were they clashed with thousands of Aztec canoes.
This was naval warfare at 2250 meters above sea level.
The warships stopped supplies entering the city. Alvarado cut the aqueducts. Cortés was going to
introduce the Americas to a new kind of warfare, a European style siege. There would be no
glorious battle in an open field between Eagle and Jaguar warriors. Instead just a slow withering of resolve.
The siege went on for 80 days. Each day the citizens would rain rocks down on their invaders from the roofs
of their homes and so each day the Spanish would enter the city burning and breaking as much as possible.
So there'd, you less roofs. Each night the Spanish retreated and the citizens repaired what they could.
This was a bitter slogfest. At one point it appeared the Mexica were going to win.
They had captured a large amount of Spaniards and sacrificed them in full view of the besieging army
and their allies. Some allies even deserted the Spanish cause, seeing it as hopeless. But it didn't last.
As they starved away and withered from disease, trapped in their city the Mexica hardly gave the Spanish an inch.
Every street was a last stand and every day Cortés' dream of taking the city intact slipped away.
In the Mexica's own words
"It is better that we should all die fighting in the city than see ourselves in the power of those who would enslave us and torture us for gold."
Eventually, slowly, painfully the city was erased. Moctezuma's cousin and the final Emperor,
Cuauhtémoc was captured and the Aztec Empire was forced to surrendered on 13 August 1521.
Broken spears lie in the roads; We have torn our hair in our grief The houses are roofless now, and their walls Are red with blood.
Our inheritance, our city, is lost and dead The shields of our warriors were its defense. But they could not save it.
A great city lay in ashes and the Aztec Empire was at an end but modern Mexico had just been born.
Mexico city rose from the ashes of Tenochtitlan and today in Mexico more than one million people
still speak Nahuatl. Mexican Spanish contains more than three thousand "Nahuatlisms,"
and a number of English words come from Nahuatl such tomato, chocolate, and coyote.
The Spanish soon after their conquest of Mexico and then more of the Americas became the
greatest power in Europe. Gold and Silver flowed back into Spain along with what are now modern food staples.
Such as corn, chocolate, vanilla, and chilli.
This story is one where both sides displayed the very heights of human bravery and brutality.
The conquest of Mexico is both a tragic and fundamental event in world history and one that will need to be studied forever.
25 INSANE Facts About Sensory Deprivation Tanks - Duration: 10:20.
In recent years, sensory deprivation tanks have become increasingly popular.
With new research, clinics, and spas opening up nationwide, there's clearly a demand for
this kind of therapy.
Maybe you've heard about sensory deprivation tanks, also called floating, from a favorite
television show or a friend who swears by it, but you're not exactly sure what to make
of it.
Perhaps you have a bit of apprehension about it.
Floating isn't exactly a proven science, but there's been more research about it.
Ready for us to help clear a few things up?
I'm Mike with List25 and Here are 25 Insane Facts About Sensory Deprivation Tanks.
Psychadelic Beginnings The first man to develop and try sensory deprivation
was a neuroscientist named John C. Lilly.
Intermixing hard science with psychedelic drugs and spiritualism, he carved out quite
the niche for himself.
He would do both hard drugs and submerge himself in the sensory deprivation tank.
First Float Tanks While today patients lay flat on their backs
in salt water, in the early trials, they were fully submerged with oxygen masks.
One can only imagine how stressful that might have been and why they needed to change it.
Water Temperature Many people wonder before getting into the
tank whether the water is too cold or not.
Most sensory deprivation tanks keep it at 93.5 degrees Fahrenheit (34 Celsius), give
or take a degree.
The goal is to keep it comfortable so you don't notice it.
Floating So, how in the world do you not drown in these
tanks full of water?
Well, they're filled with 10 inches of water and around 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts, helping
the patient to float.
You're more likely in danger of getting salt in your eyes than drowning.
Senses Sensory deprivation tanks are designed to
remove or dull most of your senses, excluding smell and taste.
Those who have done it say mostly they can't hear or see anything which was still very
effective at eventually making them become both internalized and relaxed.
Time in a Tank There's no known record for the amount of
time spent in a sensory deprivation tank.
But, technically, given the eventual bathroom break and meal, you can stay in as long as
you want.
Seth Stevenson on Slate wrote about spending an entire night in one.
Skin Care Since you're floating in water, some might
be concerned about eventual skin damage from staying in too long.
Fortunately, this isn't the case.
In fact, many report it makes their skin and hair feel soft afterward.
Deprivation Means Deprivation With many sensory deprivation tanks showing
up at spas, some might think they have music or relaxing sounds.
Not the case.
In fact, there's no music, guided meditation, direction, or lights.
It's totally quiet and totally dark.
Expectations are Everything Depending on how you view sensory deprivation
tanks and what you expect from them will likely determine the outcome of your experience.
But, overall, researchers have found since we're wired to be able to pay attention to
a high level of stimuli, having our senses totally dulled or muted causes our brain to
slow down and reach a relaxed state.
Reduces Stress Since sensory deprivation tanks can put you
into a relaxed state, many have claimed to feel less stressed afterward.
Clinical neuropsychologist Justin Feinstein, who researches sensory deprivation, claimed
that this state also allows your nervous system to relax which reduces anxiety.
Reduces Depression and PTSD With its ability to reduce anxiety, it also
has been said to reduce depression and PTSD.
A report in TIME claimed an Austrailian soldier returning from Afghanistan suffered horrible
PTSD and decided to do sensory deprivation therapy.
After three months of floating, many of his symptoms subsided.
Decreases Pain People suffering from migraines and other
chronic pain often feel helpless and aren't sure how to get rid of it.
In a Fox News report, one woman claimed her migraine was reduced after her first time
And, according to a study by the National Institute of Health, patients in their study
group all experienced reduced pain and muscle tension.
Helps With Addiction Sensory deprivation tanks can help remove
all distractions and make a patient become more meditative and mindful.
According to a study published in Addictive Behaviors, researchers found patients that
regularly floated while trying to quit smoking proved more successful than those that didn't.
Helps Creativity If you're needing a creativity boost, floating
has been said to help.
While in the tank, your brain creates slower brain waves similar to the feeling of right
before falling asleep.
Imagery, intense thoughts, and sudden inspirations have been said to appear for many patients,
allowing them to be more creative.
Heart Health Everyone wants a healthy heart; unfortunately,
stress can put a lot of pressure on it.
Thankfully, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health, sensory deprivation
tanks have lowered blood pressure and heart rates, reducing stress, and allowing for people
to have a more relaxed sleep.
Floating, then, could be a way to stave off heart disease.
Health Hazards While sensory deprivation tanks could have
many health benefits, there are also some health hazards to be aware of.
A study by Public Health Ontario determined that depending on the tank and the sanitizing
methods of the spa, microorganisms could still survive the salinized water and infect other
Tanks usually don't use a cleaning agent like chlorine.
So, be sure to pick a clean spa.
Pop Culture There have been several movies and television
depicting sensory deprivation tanks over the years.
From the hit television show Stranger Things to Fringe to the psychedelic movie Altered
States, they all usually deal with a mad scientist and the idea of reaching different plains
of existence.
Hallucinations Because you close off many of your senses
in a tank, it's not uncommon for people to experience hallucinations.
In one study, psychologists put 19 patients in a sensory deprivation tank and many reported
visual hallucinations.
Researchers believe this is due to something called "faulty source monitoring" where the
brain misidentifies the source of the experience.
Other Dimensions A long-held myth about these tanks has been
that they can send you to other dimensions.
John C. Lilly likely started this myth with his claims that he frequently traveled to
other dimensions, speaking to other-worldly creatures and advanced civilizations.
It's more likely he experienced what we just talked about: hallucinations.
Cost Every spa's price may vary for an hour of
sensory deprivation therapy.
But, overall, the cost can range from $50 to $100 per hour.
Spas pay a considerable amount for the tanks, salt, and other maintenance supplies.
To buy one tank, it can cost up to $40,000.
Recent Popularity While they have ebbed and flowed over their
short history, they have become especially popular in the last decade.
In 2011, there were only 85 spas with sensory deprivation tanks.
That number ballooned to 300 in 2015.
An Unusual Death Not many deaths have been reported due to
sensory deprivation tanks.
Except, however, one unusual one.
According to the National Institute of Health, a 50-year-old woman died in one due to mixed
drugs, ethanol toxicity, and hypothermia.
The study was intended to see the use and improper use of a flotation tank.
Not To Be Used At Home It doesn't take much searching to find out
how to build your own floatation tank.
Stranger Things certainly popularized this.
And, while it might be tempting to make one, it's probably a better idea to do it under
the care of others rather than yourself.
More Studies Needed Neuroscientists, psychologists, and researchers
continue to study the benefits and effects of sensory deprivation therapy on the human
brain and body.
Still, it should be noted that the research is still in its early stages, and much more
can be done to learn about it.
Neuropsychologist Justin Feinstein, however, is hopeful positive outcomes can come out
of studying it.
Official Research Lab One place focusing entirely on sensory deprivation
tanks is the Float Clinic and Research Center at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research.
This clinic is headed up by Justin Feinstein.
Inside his facility, there are no fully enclosed tanks.
They have no tight enclosure at all.
It's intended for those with severe anxiety disorders to not be afraid.
So, have you ever been in a deprivation tank?
Would you ever want to try it?
Let us know in the comments below.
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【遊戲人。遊戲事】洋蔥騎士/Onion knight《Dark Souls 黑暗靈魂》(中文字幕) - Duration: 10:30.
[Trọn Bộ] GIÁ NHƯ - Câu chuyện đời của tác giả Muahoatigon | Qua Giọng Đọc Diễn Cảm - Duration: 5:33:49.
Michael Scott's Table - Duration: 7:56.
The Office S4E13: Dinner Party
Pine (not Nordic Cherry)
Cutting legs to length.
Cutting top to size.
Nailing legs to top (while avoiding smashing my thumb)
Michael Scott would be proud
The Dundie for "Handyman of the Year"
Now with (Nordic?) cherry
Cutting to length for legs.
Ripping down the middle for two legs per board.
Smoothing the faces on the jointer.
VMarking lines for the top angles.
Hogging out the waste with the bandsaw.
Setting cut depth on tablesaw to 3/16"
Hogging out a wide dado on each side of each leg.
Chamfering the edges.
Yellow pine.
This will become the cross bracing.
Ripping to correct width to fit the dados on the legs.
Cutting the cross members to length.
Cutting mortises in the cross members.
Be careful cutting mortises on the tablesaw without a jig!!!
Marking half-height notches on center.
The Meaning of Jesus as the Vine - Duration: 3:09.
Hello, I'm Jeff Cavins and today we're looking at the readings for the fifth Sunday in Easter.
I love the readings for this week.
It's a very, very famous reading about Jesus being the vine and we are the branches,
and I think that the key this week is understanding the intimate relationship
that the branches have with the vine if they're going to produce fruit.
Listen to this reading. "I am the true vine and my father is the vine dresser.
Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away,
and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes that it may bear more fruit.
You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you" - I love this, verse 4 -
"abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine
neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
That one phrase there in verse five, "apart from me you can do nothing,"
has been a verse in my life that has always brought me back to this question:
Am I in Christ? Am I walking with Christ? Do I have a relationship with Christ
or am I trying to do everything in my life on my own?
Take a look at the different areas of your life, your relationships, if you're married, if you are a parent,
your finances, your emotional state, being an employer, an employee.
We can do nothing, really, that's going to bear fruit if we are going to do it alone.
The beautiful thing about this text is that Jesus invites us into a relationship.
He invites us into a level of intimacy that brings us to a place where our lives
are actually sharing the same life as his.
And that's why we can bear fruit if we are taking from the nourishing vine of Jesus.
Apart from Jesus, we don't have anything that's going to really bear fruit.
The second reading this week, I think, ties in beautifully in 1st John, chapter 3 where Jesus talks about
-- or John talks about -- those who keep God's commandments will abide in him.
And so, part of abiding in Jesus is keeping his commandments.
What kind of fruits are we looking for?
Well, John tells us in 1st John 3, "Love not in word or speech but in deed and truth."
The fruit that will develop from the relationship between the branches and the vine -- ourselves and Jesus --
will manifest in works that will bear fruit. Let's go after that relationship.
Let's say yes to the invitation. We know we can't do anything without it.
Paper 1: Macbeth (Part B) Standardisation - Duration: 8:08.
Hymer B 754 - Duration: 0:53.
Easy ONE-CLICK Color Correction in Photoshop | Quickest Way To White Balance a Photo - Duration: 8:50.
In this video, I'm going to show you the quickest way
to white balance an image in Photoshop.
Hi, welcome back to the Photoshop Training Channel!
I'm Jesús Ramirez.
In this video, I'm going to show you how to color correct images with just one click.
And even though we'll focus on an automatic adjustment, I am gonna take some time to explain
what Photoshop is doing behind the scenes, that way you understand how the tool works,
and if you run into any problems, you'll know how to solve them.
Okay, let's get started!
We're gonna work with this image here, and it obviously has a color cast, and our goal
is going to be to remove the color cast so that we can neutralize the image.
I just want to point out that in this tutorial, you could use either the "Levels", or the
"Curves Adjustment Layer."
I'm going to use the Curves Adjustment Layer, and we're gonna work with the Auto button.
But notice that the Levels Adjustment Layer also has that same Auto button.
So you can use either Adjustment Layer for this tutorial.
I'm gonna stick with Curves.
If I simply hit the Auto button, you'll notice that Photoshop will make an adjustment, and
that adjustment won't necessarily be the best adjustment.
Photoshop actually has different algorithms
that it uses determine how to color correct the image automatically.
You can access those algorithms by holding "Alt", "Option" on a Mac, and clicking on
the Auto button to bring up the "Auto Color Correction Options."
Another way to get to that is by clicking on the fly-out menu, and selecting "Auto Options."
You'll notice that on the top of this window, you'll have four different algorithms.
By default, Photoshop selects "Enhance Brightness and Contrast",
and you have different algorithms that you can choose from.
The algorithm that I prefer is the "Find Dark & Light Colors" algorithm.
I believe that it gives the best results in most cases.
I also like to check the "Snap Neutral Midtones", and you can see that by simply doing that,
I've color corrected this image.
I can also tell Photoshop to use this algorithm
as default by checking this box, then pressing OK.
That way, the next time that I create a Curves Adjustment Layer, and hit the Auto button,
Photoshop will apply that Auto Adjustment.
Now before we move on, I want to explain what's going on behind the scenes so that you'll
understand this algorithm.
Then we're gonna move on to a photo that's a little bit more complicated, and simply
applying the Auto Color Correction Options will not color correct the image, but I'll
show what to do when that happens.
So we applied the Find Dark & Light Colors Adjustment, and really what that means is
this; if you are an old Photoshop user,
you might remember an old color correcting technique,
and that old color correcting technique is this one.
You can select the Red, Green, and Blue Channels,
and then find the light and dark colors.
And what I mean by that is, you select the black point, and then move the black point
over to the right until you find the darkest point of the image.
Basically, that's where the data starts here in the Histogram.
If you don't see the Histogram on your panel, you can click on the fly-out menu, and select
"Curves Display Options", and make sure that "Histogram" is enabled.
But anyway, you can click and drag the black point
until you start seeing some data on that Histogram.
Another way of doing it is by holding "Alt", "Option" on the Mac, clicking and dragging.
In this case, the image will turn red because this is a Red Channel, and whenever you start
seeing black on the image, that's where you'll find your black point.
So, you can just drop the point there, but it's a lot easier to do it through the Histogram.
So I'm just gonna click and drag the white point to the left, make sure that it matches
where the data starts here on the Histogram, and I'll do the same thing for all those channels.
That's the Green Channel, and this is the Blue Channel.
Notice that as soon as I find the dark and light points of the image, the image now looks
much better; that's before and after.
Let me know in the comments if you're an old Photoshop user and remember this old technique,
but basically, this is what the Auto Color Corrections Options is doing with this algorithm;
it's finding the dark and light colors.
Again, in most cases, this is the best algorithm
so I like having it as default, but it doesn't always work.
And that's what I'm going to show you in the following example;
what to do when this algorithm doesn't work.
So I'm gonna go into this image here, and if I create a Curves Adjustment Layer and
click on the Auto button, you'll notice that the image does look better, but it's not quite
the result that we're looking for.
If I hold "Alt", "Option" on the Mac, and click on the Auto button, you'll see that
we're using the "Find Dark & Light Colors."
I'm Snapping the Neutral Midtones, and the image is still not looking the way it should.
And I can actually scroll through the different algorithms, and you'll see that none of them
give me a good result.
So what I'll do is I'll keep the one I had originally, Find Dark & Light Colors, make
sure that Snap Neutral Midtones is selected, and then, I can come into the Properties panel,
and simply select the gray point eyedropper.
Then you can click anywhere on the image that should be a neutral gray.
For example, this brick path, and as soon as I click, the image looks much better.
I can even click on her sweater because her sweater is off-white,
so it's still a neutral gray.
So when I click on that, the image also looks much, much better.
Now you may be thinking, "Well, why don't we do that from the beginning?
Why can't we simply just click on a gray point, and just be done with it?"
Well let me show you what happens when I do that.
I'm going to click on this reset button to reset this Curves Adjustment Layer.
I have the gray point eyedropper selected,
and if I click on the path, the image looks
much better, but it looks washed out because we haven't found
the black and white points of this image.
Of course, we can click and drag the black point and the white point of each individual
channel until we find the information, but that will take too long.
It's much easier to start with the Auto button.
If it doesn't work, select the gray point eyedropper, and click on anything that should
be a neutral gray, a gray color.
And the image looks much, much better right away.
So that's before, and after.
And by the way, before we continue, I want to mention that if you're interested on learning
more about Curves and how they work, and how they work with color, more specifically, then
I recommend watching my tutorial on Cinematic Color Grading because I go into depth on how
the Curves Adjustment works, how it relates to color correction, and color grading.
It's one of my most watched tutorials and I believe it's one of my best ones so check it out.
I'll post a link to it right below in the description.
But anyway, let's get back to the tutorial,
One thing that I want you to note is that when we make an adjustment with the gray point
eyedropper, we don't actually change where the white point or black point is.
If I click anywhere on the image, you'll see that only thing that changes is the center
point, and that is true for every channel.
Notice how I'm not really adjusting the black and white point, just that point right in
the center, which is a neutral gray.
Also, if you select the black point eyedropper, and click on any color, notice that in this
case, the black point changes, and the black point changed on all channels.
So if I go into the RGB mode, watch the black point of the Blue Channel, which is here,
and the Green and Red Channel, which are right here, almost in the same spot.
If I click on this area here, notice how all three change.
So the black point eyedropper changes the black point for all three channels, the same
is true for the white point, notice how all three change.
And I'll click on her backpack just so that there's a bigger difference, you can see the
three white points change up here.
And I'll reset the adjustment, click on Auto, and the same is true for the gray eyedropper.
If I click on an area, it will change all three channels at the same time.
But the point of me showing you this is that when you hit your Auto button, you'll adjust
the black points and white points of all three RGB channels, and you can adjust the gray
point without affecting any of the black points or white points.
And there you have it, the one-click-solution to color correcting images in Photoshop.
In this case it was actually two, but you get the idea.
Let me know in the comments below if you already knew this technique or if you prefer a different
algorithm than the one I used.
If this is your first time at the Photoshop Training Channel, then don't forget to Subscribe,
and to click on the notification button.
Thank you so much for watching, and I will talk to you again in the next tutorial!
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition - Duration: 0:53.
4架轟炸機殲滅40餘艘中國軍艦?美專家腦子進水了 - Duration: 9:25.
The Four Percent Challenge Review & Testimonials (WATCH before you take action!!) - Duration: 16:22.
开播4年的《奔跑吧》,真是岁月不饶人啊!跑男团谁变化最大? - Duration: 3:01.
郑恺在跑男上给昆凌拍的照片这么好看,周董知道么? - Duration: 1:59.
Apple iPhone 3GS - review - Duration: 0:46.
Smallfoot Official Movie
For more infomation >> Smallfoot Official Movie-------------------------------------------
Laeticia Hallyday n'a pas rendu visite à son père, victime d'un infartus - Duration: 1:25.
For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday n'a pas rendu visite à son père, victime d'un infartus - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Melania Trump refuse encore de prendre la main de son mari… l'image qui fait tache - Duration: 2:38.
For more infomation >> Melania Trump refuse encore de prendre la main de son mari… l'image qui fait tache - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D 5drs LT AIRCO LMV TREKHAAK 1e EIG - Duration: 1:08.
For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D 5drs LT AIRCO LMV TREKHAAK 1e EIG - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> SỬA CHỮA MÁY ĐIỆN- LẮP RÁP ĐẤU VỈ AVR SỬA CHỮA MÁY PHÁT ĐIỆN - Duration: 11:51.-------------------------------------------
Comment maintenir son érection plus longtemps | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 14:23.
For more infomation >> Comment maintenir son érection plus longtemps | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 14:23.-------------------------------------------
Le maca pour BOOSTER son sperme et fertilité | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:26.
For more infomation >> Le maca pour BOOSTER son sperme et fertilité | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
Aline de retour dans N'oubliez pas les paroles : a-t-elle gagné face au maestro Aurélie ? - Duration: 6:51.
For more infomation >> Aline de retour dans N'oubliez pas les paroles : a-t-elle gagné face au maestro Aurélie ? - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Prince William : fatigué par la naissance du royal baby, il s'endort en pleine messe - Duration: 7:10.
For more infomation >> Prince William : fatigué par la naissance du royal baby, il s'endort en pleine messe - Duration: 7:10.-------------------------------------------
Kendrick Lamar Type Beat - ...
M jak miłość. Marcin odzyska Maję. Szymek pozna siostrę - Duration: 1:54.
What Lives At The BOTTOM Of The Mariana Trench? - Duration: 11:45.
From axe-shaped fish to bone-eating zombies, here are 10 crazy things that live in the
deepest place on Earth!!! Welcome to the Mariana Trench!!
10. Frilled Shark
The frilled shark has been around a long, LONG time. They're 'living fossils',
thought to have been swimming around for anywhere between 95 and 300 million years! Also while
they were first discovered in approx 1880 they weren't actually described until 2004
(the same ROV mission as the barreleye fish). This is one predator that really knows how
to keep its head down. It lives at a depth of over 5,000 ft (1524 m).
Frilled sharks get their name from the frilly appearance of their gills. They can grow up
to 7 ft (2 m) and have a mind-boggling 300 teeth. Their teeth are so white they can attract
prey. They feed on squid amongst other creatures but aren't picky and will even eat other
sharks! It can open its mouth so wide it's able to consume an animal up to half its size.
They also have a really long gestation period of 3½ years.
When it was first seen the frilled shark was compared to a sea serpent due to its eel-like
body. Reportedly legends of sea serpents came from sightings of this shark, that would make
sense right? While no one has ever seen it hunting, scientists think that it lunges at
its prey like a snake. And while those gills may look pretty, they actually create a vacuum
to suck in a meal. Since it leaves so deep down and rarely comes up to shallow water,
we will probably never see one.
9. Hatchet Fish
Okay so if you came face to face with this dude you'd get one hell of a shock right?
Meet the deep sea hatchet fish, so called because of its metallic, hatchet-shaped appearance.
It can be found 5,000 ft (1,524 m) down. The metal like quality comes from its scales which
is just as well because if it weren't so shiny you'd have trouble seeing it!
The biggest hatchet fish are usually 15 cm long and the species are bioluminescent which
you think would make them an easy target for predators. Actually this little guy plays
a neat trick with their light organs which face downward, known as 'counterillumination'.
Sounds like magic right? The hatchet fish can adjust how bright it is according to the
quantity of light shining down from above. By camouflaging itself this way it can hide
its shadow and be really difficult to spot. This is one hatchet you'll never seeing
8. Seadevil Anglerfish
You've probably seen this one in the movies. A seadevil anglerfish appeared in Finding
Nemo and the image has been used in some high profile shows like The Simpsons. They were
first described in 1864 and can live at a depth of over 6,000 feet (1900 m). Like many
deep sea species its movements are mysterious to experts and the only one filmed alive was
in 2014.
The angler fish's most distinctive feature is its 'esca'. That's the fleshy tentacle-like
thing sticking out of its head. It uses the glowing esca to attract prey. The angler fish's
dinner swims toward the light, thinking it's gonna get a juicy mouthful… when we know
that only thing on the menu is them!! The fish can open its mouth very wide, in fact
it's thought it can make its mouth bigger than itself so it's capable of swallowing
some big competition.
When it comes to the battle of the sexes the female anglerfish have an advantage over the
males. They're much bigger. A male grows to around 3 cm but a female can reach 18 cm.
However the male gets its own back in a gross way. Not much is known about the fish's
reproduction cycle but it's said the male attaches himself to the female and feeds off
her till she's ready to accept his seed and start spawning. He starts to slowly disintegrate
until he is nothing but teeth and testes. Maybe TMI, let's move on...
And now for one of the coolest animals! But first if you are new here welcome! And be
sure to subscribe before you leave!!
7. Telescope Octopus
Some deep sea animals like to take it easy, I mean there's a lot of pressure down there!!
Maybe none more so than the telescope octopus. Living anywhere from 500 - 6,500 ft (150 - 2000
m) below the surface it's really laid back. In fact that's literally what it does…
lie back and use its eyes to look up for any food swimming by.The eyes are the first thing
you notice on a telescope octopus. They stick straight up on stalks in a telescopic way,
which is where it gets its name. It can grow up to 20 cm long, meaning it can really stretch
out!Like other octopuses its body is dominated by its arms.
However you can also get a good look at its digestive gland if you want to! That's because
it too is transparent and jelly-like. The good news for the octopus is that it's not
too visible in the shadows so it can avoid predators. Not sure a major organ on permanent
display is a good look though.
6. Benthocodon
Usually when you think of a jellyfish you think of a transparent wobbly thing that stings
your foot. Well not this one. The benthocodon isn't transparent. It has a round, red top
which is 2 - 3 cm in diameter and it won't sting you unless you run into it 2,500 ft
(762 m) below the surface. You'd have to be pretty crazy to be at that depth and even
crazier without any flippers! To put that into perspective, most recreational
scuba divers only dive as deep as 130 feet (40 meters).
Not much is known about this creature since it lives so deep down, but the reddish dome
is great for eating because it helps the jellyfish hide it's fluorescent prey and not attract
predators while it eats them.
To us their prey just look like little particles that glow in the dark. It's dangerous so
far down because all those lights make you think that you are going towards prey when
it might be a dangerous predator luring you in like the angler fish!
Luckily for the benthocodon it doesn't have to worry about that. It moves through the
water by whisking its tentacles. It has at least 1,500 tentacles so it can actually move
through the ocean really fast. As ROV's go where no man has gone before,
more and more new species of critters are being discovered deep down like this new species
of jellyfish and the frilled shark to see what it does deep down in the trenches.
5. Barreleye Fish
This fish with a transparent head shocked viewers when it appeared on Blue Planet!
Also known as a "spookfish" it has a jelly-like forehead that allows it to look up through
its skull, giving it greater visibility! Pretty freaky huh? It is a very efficient hunter
that can live at a depth of at least 2,600 feet (800 m) and can be anywhere from 15 to
40 cm long. The eyes are shaped like barrels and can be rotated both forward and up and
they act like binoculars to spot prey. Though it was discovered in 1939 the barreleye
had only been seen in a deceased state. That changed in 2004 when a live specimen was snapped.
Before that no-one knew about the transparent dome because it never survived the journey
to the surface.
It stays motionless a lot of the time and spends much of its life alone. Its minuscule
mouth means it has to be selective over what it can chew. The barrelfish enjoys things
like zooplankton and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute were able to record the
live specimen live, swimming around in 2004 in the Mariana Trench.
4. Goblin Shark
This shark is one ugly shark, hence why we call it the goblin shark! Of course I wouldn't
say that to its face poor thing! But its sword-like snout and prehistoric appearance makes it
truly unique. It's another living fossil, and hasn't
changed for millions of years. It grows up to 13 ft (4 m) in length and reaches a weight
of around 200 kg so it's not one to be messed with, not like it will mess around with us
or anything. It's a slow-moving predator that prefers
to hang out on the ocean floor waiting for things to swim overhead. Its diet includes
squids and crabs and it's been known to munch on plastic which is a sad remark on
the condition of the planet. The freaky thing about this shark apart from its big nose is
the way it eats its prey.
It has as many as 115 teeth in its head which are longer in the middle. When it goes to
take a bite its joints enable the jaws to slide forward, like its teeth are coming out
of its face almost. It's bad enough being eaten by a shark in the first place without
it looking like Pennywise the Clown from 'It'! Creepy, huh?
3. Zombie Worm
Zombie worms, also known as bone-eating worms, were discovered by accident in 2002 when they
appeared to be drilling into the skeletons of dead animals like whales and fish. This
confused experts because they looked too squishy to be able to drill like that, but that is
how they got their name. The answer came later on in 2012. What the worms were doing was
attaching themselves to the bone and using acid to dissolve the bones and extract the
lipid goodness within. Yummy!
Want to hear something else weird? There are male and female zombie worms but they've
got a bit of a bizarre relationship. You see at first scientists believed they were all
female because that's all they could see. The males were actually inside the females,
remaining in a larval state. Gives a whole new meaning to the expression 'man trouble'!
2. Foraminifera
Foraminifera or 'fora' are tiny organisms from the 'protist' family. They vary between
100 micrometers and around 20 cm. Because many of them are so small and I'm guessing
chewy, they are a prime source of food in the Mariana Trench. That's a shame because
there's a lot more to these little things than meets the eye. Not that there's much
to see in the first place what with them being tiny and all. Fora use fine hairs called 'reticulopodia'
to catch their food, be it plankton or even small animals. These creatures are small but
they're experienced at life. They're thought to date back to the Carboniferous and Permian
eras so they're living fossils going back around 300 million years!
Those who feast on them also have to crunch through their shells. These are made from
stuff like sand and organic particles. The shells can be hollow tubes or spheres, or
they can contain little chambers. Fora are related to algae and it's been known for
algae to actually grow inside these chambers. Kind of the ultimate deepsea apartment share!
1. Ping Pong Tree Sponge
The strangest name on our list is also the nastiest! Sure, Ping Pong Tree Sponge sounds
like something out of Spongebob Squarepants and it's one beautiful-looking life form.
But despite this charming exterior this isn't a thing to be messed with! It lives nearly
9000 ft (2743 m) underwater and if you're a small creature it spells bad news.
This is a carnivorous sponge. You heard right! It's a sponge that kills! The 50cm-tall
stalk has a series of stems on top of it which hang in the water. And if you're a crustacean
and you swim too close you soon know about it. Each stem ends in a network of tiny hooks
called 'spicules' which you can easily get caught in.
What then happens is a slow and terrible death. Cells travel up to literally dissolve your
body. Because the Ping Pong Tree Sponge doesn't have internal digestion it has to do it on
the outside where everyone can see it. Imagine not only being eaten but also being on display
for the whole ocean to gawp at. Plus you're alive as it happens. For such a pretty thing
it has some pretty disgusting behavior…
Thanks for watching! Were you surprised by any of these? Let us know in the comments
below!! Be sure to subscribe and see you soon!
SsangYong Kyron M 200 XDI 4WD / 2300KG Geremd Trekgewicht / Climate Control - Duration: 1:04.
Paramotor Training Vlog - Ep8 - DISASTER! Don't do this!! - Duration: 6:47.
LEGO Roller Coaster 2018 set - My Thoughts! - Duration: 1:08.
Hello, just2good here,
and the LEGO Creator Expert Rollercoaster set
was revealed today!
This bad boy retails for 380 bucks,
but it does have 4124 pieces.
And they're actually doing a VIP early release
for it on May 16th,
something they haven't done this year.
LEGO was also nice enough
to provide a video showing it in action.
Either way, I love this set.
While I don't like riding big rollercoasters,
I love building them...
thanks to Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
which I spent so many hours on when I was younger.
But my gosh, this is gonna be a tough one to buy
for that hefty price tag.
I don't think I'll get it right away.
I do want to make an amusement park of sorts -
pairing this up with the Joker Manor
and Fairground Mixer.
Speaking of which -
I'm sad to see the omitted Fairground Mixer
off the park map as it's the only one I have.
Other awesome details include
the new hair piece from the Hospital set,
the beehive piece in pink to represent cotton candy,
the ability to make it move via power functions -
which you bet I'll be adding to the set
if I ever do get this one.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think
in the comments below.
I'll see you guys later -
peace out, bye.
「Nightcore」→ No Tears Left To Cry (Rock Version / Lyrics) - Duration: 2:57.
Nightcore - No Tears Left To Cry (subtitles in video)
What's up everyone Yohei Naito here today. We're doing the proper introduction
These are not mine glasses are like Casey Neistat stuff, so
Whatever, so these are my favorite youtube creators
Casey Neistat, Peter McKinnon David Dobrik and I have one more, but I'll save that for the last okay so today
We're doing a proper introduction of myself. I am Yohei Naito, and Yohei is like yo hey
It's easy to pronounce don't call me hey
Yo ever as you can tell I'm Japanese I was born in Japan and I was raised in Japan
I went to school in Japan. Up untill I was the age of 21 then I moved to Ohio
Went to college there. I actually graduated college from Osaka and Ohio
So I have two degrees and then I moved to Los Angeles
And then I worked there for a year, and then you know well the Trump things happens, and I got kicked out of the country
the reason why I went to the state is the same reason why I'm doing this I
Just love movies
And I would definitely love to make one so this is like self studying and also sharing the techniques
What I've learned over the years of studying well, I didn't go to film school
But I studied I read books like master shot and shot by shot
Those are really good books, but the best way to learn films for me is
To just watch movie and analyze everything about how an audio
Composition transition scenery lighting and just analyzing it and it's just fun
I mean keeps me focused and you know in life you have all these noises like your parents telling you to get a job
Your friends getting married your friends telling you hey get a job man
But like I love movies so this thing gets me focused so that's my hobby
I like watching movies, but I also like taking pictures
I've been taking pictures since like six years ago because my dad got me you can't
And I'm still using that camera up until now
I want to get a new a camera which is tight canon c300 but that costs like
$10,000 I'll take me about half a year
One of the things I ski and well I used to play soccer and I swim
I also played badminton and also played rugby for a year, and then I got injured and I quit
I wasnt much of a rugby guy as you can tell I have Mavic Air
I got it when I came back here, so that's like four months ago, and I've been using it
And it's like it's one of my favourite gear so far it has this amazing
Gimbal, so you don't really need to fly it you just have to have it on your hand and just move it stabilizes
the shots and it's like having a DSLR and
Ronin, but it's much smaller and much cheaper, so it's pretty good. Let's check out my drone shot. I have a lot
Other favorite hobby of mine is taking a nap you know in Japanese we sleep everywhere
We Japanese are Notorious sleeper, so we sleep everywhere which we sleep on the office we sleep in the train. We sleep and
Library, and we sleep everywhere as a matter of fact. I was taking nap just like an hour ago
Oh my favorite one of my favorite scene from the movie. This is one of my favorite movie of all time
It's Forrest Gump my favorite scene from that movie and my favorite scene of all time is
When Jenny comes back to her dorm with her with her boyfriend? They're making out and
And Forrest heard Jenny sang ouch it hurts
When Forrest goes through the car grab her boyfriend punch him in the face?
Her boyfriend leaves and Forrest offers Jenny chocolate and the end Jenny it takes
Forrest to her dorm, but that scene it's
So good because so many so many kinds of shot everything is
Smash into this 3 minute Oner, but it doesn't feel like oner and because of the perfect blocking
You wouldn't know if you weren't studying it, but it's just perfect
I want to be able to do what Robert Zemeckis?
Does in this film so just like I said I love movies?
And I like studying movies and like shooting videos so my vision for this channel to become is
like sharing tricks how to make better YouTube videos
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's about it
I've been shooting this floor 15 minutes now, and I'm scared of editing it so I will finish shooting, but yeah
I have now 8 subscribers
I don't know how far I can go hey by the way quick shout out for which border next
Thank you for watching, and thank you for commenting
I will link his channel below, please subscribe
So I'm making this video because you know YouTube is all about personal connection getting not getting to know each other
You know this is me. You know getting personal with you guys
Well, thank you for watching. I'll talk to you guys on the next one, peace
Baby: Please Don't Burst My Bubble! | Baby Beats (Official Music Video!) - Duration: 3:23.
What is this thing? it's interesting
It's quite the mystery
It's like the air is trapped inside the air…blistering
Ok ok, I think I've had my first epiphany,
and from now on I'll see the world with a different view so differently.
These bubbles got me bugging
cuz when I blow them into the wind
and they bump into each other they go from something to nothing
And then I touched one like a button with my thumbprint
and all of a sudden... it busted
Please don't burst my bubble, cuz then my bubbles rubble
and if my bubbles rubble then you will be in some trouble
and if you're in some trouble and you burst another bubble
then the trouble you're in doubles. Please don't burst my bubble.
I like taking baths when there's some suds in the tub
They go straight to the top just like a rubber duck does
I'm having a blast, while I'm having a scrub
Add some soap and some water, and now its rub a dub dub
This is the best
It's better than rest for my stress
I need zest… helps me get some things off my chest
I'm getting clean, while I'm making a mess.
Do you think this is a good thing? - Yes
Please don't burst my bubble, cuz then my bubbles rubble
and if my bubbles rubble then you will be in some trouble
and if you're in some trouble and you burst another bubble
then the trouble you're in doubles. Please don't burst my bubble
Please don't burst my bubble, cuz then my bubbles rubble
and if my bubbles rubble then you will be in some trouble
And if you're in some trouble and you burst another bubble
then the trouble you're in doubles. Please don't burst my bubble.
Michael Scott's Table - Duration: 7:56.
The Office S4E13: Dinner Party
Pine (not Nordic Cherry)
Cutting legs to length.
Cutting top to size.
Nailing legs to top (while avoiding smashing my thumb)
Michael Scott would be proud
The Dundie for "Handyman of the Year"
Now with (Nordic?) cherry
Cutting to length for legs.
Ripping down the middle for two legs per board.
Smoothing the faces on the jointer.
VMarking lines for the top angles.
Hogging out the waste with the bandsaw.
Setting cut depth on tablesaw to 3/16"
Hogging out a wide dado on each side of each leg.
Chamfering the edges.
Yellow pine.
This will become the cross bracing.
Ripping to correct width to fit the dados on the legs.
Cutting the cross members to length.
Cutting mortises in the cross members.
Be careful cutting mortises on the tablesaw without a jig!!!
Marking half-height notches on center.
Why Does Your Attachment Style Matter? - Duration: 10:24.
Rapunzel and Ariel's Sticky Gooey Hair Repair - Homemade Goo Gone - Duration: 6:45.
Ariel and Rapunzel have sticky gooey hair
You won't need to buy goo gone for this hair repair
cuz I'm going to show you how to make your own goo gone
Doll Hair Removing Sticky Goo
Homemade Goo Gone
I got Ariel from the thrift shop
she's in really good condition, except for her hair
She has a very common problem called glue seepage
The glue inside her head, that's holding her hair in place
seeps out and gets all over her hair
Her hair feels like it's coated with wax
It's stickier at gooier the closer you get to this scalp
Feels really gross!
The good thing is the hair can be fixed
I've been using Goo Gone to dissolve the glue
It works really well!
But it's not safe for children to use
It has a few danger warnings
And a lot of our viewers can't seem to find this product where they live
So I decide to look for more available and safer alternative
I found this recipe for homemade Goo Gone
It got great reviews
It's safe and environmentally friendly
You will need coconut oil
baking soda
measuring spoons and a container for mixing
This will be my first time trying this so I hope it works
You'll need equal parts of each ingredient
I'm going to make a small batch just in case I mess up
Two tablespoons of baking soda
and two tablespoons of coconut oil
This coconut oil is in solid form but it melts very easily
Mix it well
Okay, let's do this!
Get Ariel in
I want to rub this paste into our scalp where most of the glue is
make sure I cover all of it
Well, I used up all the paste!
Let that sit in her hair for 30 minutes
Time to comb out the tangles!
Normally, I would spray fabric softener on her hair to make combing easier
But I think the coconut oil should do the trick
I don't know this is my first time
Wow! Look at all the coconut oil on my comb!
This is really messy!
Time to wash your hair!
You'll need dish soap for this
It cleans better than shampoo
Wow! That coconut oil was hard to wash out!
I had to do it three times!
And I used a lot of dish soap!
Comb out any tangles
Let's get her dress back on
That's better!
Let her hair air dry overnight
Time to check Ariel's hair
It looks good
It's easy to comb
It's not sticky anymore
but it feels oily
The glue is gone
But I think her hair needs to be washed again
I don't think I got all the coconut oil out
I'll come back to her later
Okay, it's Rapunzel's turn!
I got her at the thrift shop too
Her hair is in pretty good condition
Until you get closer to her scalp
Her glue seat bitch is worse than Ariel's
You can see all the hair stuck together
Oh well, let's get to work!
I'm gonna do this a little different
Two tablespoons of each in here
I'm going to melt this
20 seconds in the microwave
and I stirred it
I'm gonna put this in a spray bottle
Here we go
Wow, it works!
I thought it might be too thick and it wouldn't come out of the spray bottle
Wow! I like this way better
Make sure I cover the scalp
[Music: Sunbeam Waltz]
I'm really like in this spray method
I'd do it this way from now on
Okay, I'll get the rest of the hair
I used up the whole amount
Leave it for 30 minutes
Whoa! Her hair is stiff!
I'm gonna need help to comb through this!
I'm gonna spray some fabric softener all over this hair
It's great for detangling
Wow! So much easier!
Look at all the hair I pulled out!
You could also use hair conditioner or liquid soap for detangling
Done! Time to wash her hair!
I washed her hair four times!
That coconut oil was hard to wash out!
Comb out any tangles
Let's put some clothes on her
I made her a purple swimsuit
That's better!
I made Ariel a swimsuit too!
I had to rewash Ariel's hair a couple of times
Hopefully I got all the coconut oil out
I'll leave them to air dry overnight
Okay, Rapunzel. Let's have a look
Wow! This turned out beautifully!
So smooth and soft
Let's check the scalp
Wow! No more glue!
Awesome! It worked!
It's not oily either
No more gooey sticky hair
I'd say this homemade Goo Gone was a complete success!
Yay for homemade Goo Gone!
Let's check Ariel's hair
Well, it looks good
If you liked this video, click like
Check out these videos!
I think Ariel's hair absorb more of the coconut oil
It's still a bit oily
But it's better!
You girls look fabulous!
Don't forget to subscribe!
Thank you!
Tokyo, Japan Maid Cafe Vlog + Sega Arcade | Japan Travel Vlog (SB72) - Duration: 5:05.
How to Ground Yourself - Duration: 3:46.
Peppa Pig Funny Face Swaps & Moments for Kids | Try Not to Laugh Challenge Cartoons for Children #85 - Duration: 11:29.
180426 Suzy (수지) At Chaumet Liens Collection Event In Hongkong - Duration: 3:28.
180426 Suzy (수지) At Chaumet Liens Collection Event In Hongkong
Row Row Row Your Boat | Early Reading | Educational - Duration: 4:02.
Baby Joy Joy
Baby Joy Joy!
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(life, dream)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the brook
If you catch a baby fish
Let it off the hook
If you catch a baby fish
Let it off the hook
(fish, hook!)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the creek
If you see Baby Mouse
Don't forget to squeak
If you see Baby Mouse
Don't forget to squeak
(Mouse, squeak!)
Oh, when you row, row row
You can go, go, go
You can go anywhere, so
Row, row, row, row, go, go, go, go!
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
(Crocodile, scream!)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the Nile
If you see Baby Frog
Don't forget to smile
If you see Baby Frog
Don't forget to smile
(Frog, smile!)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the lake
Baby Kitty rocked the boat
That's a big mistake!
Baby Kitty rocked the boat
That's a big mistake!
(Kitty, mistake!)
Oh, when you row, row row
You can go, go, go
You can go anywhere, so
Row, row, row, row, go, go, go, go!
Rock, rock, rock the boat
Gently to and fro
Baby rocked it way too hard
Into the water you go
Baby rocked it way too hard
Into the water you go
(Baby, NO!)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the brook
If you see a baby shark,
Don't forget to look
If you see a baby shark,
Don't forget to look
(Baby Shark, look!)
Ba-by Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark, doo doo doo
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
(life, dream)
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
Gently under the stream,
Ha ha, fooled you
I'm a submarine
Ha ha, fooled you
I'm a submarine
Pine Pollen Acetract (Tincture Alternative) - Duration: 4:53.
It's Logan Christopher from Lost Empire Herbs and we're gonna do a little bit of
an experiment today. What I've been meaning to do a long time and I'm going
to educate you on some herbal wisdom at the same time. So we're talking about a
Pine Pollen Acetract.
Acetract. A-C-E-T-R-A-C-T
What is that? Well a tincture of an herb is an alcohol extract of that herb.
The alcohol is a solvent that draws out the different medicinal components of an
herb. In the case of Pine Pollen it's really good for drawing out that
hormonal component. However some people have issues with alcohol. Whether they're
an alcoholic and don't want to mess with tinctures or they're just too sensitive
to in the first place. Then they may want to get the benefits of the Pine Pollen
Tincture but not get the alcohol with it. Now of course you can just stick with
the Pine Pollen Powder, that works great. However it is a little bit different. So
an acetract is a vinegar extract of an herb. And there are other forms of
extracts, glycerides would be glycerin extractions of various herbs. Sometimes
they're called glycerin tinctures but once again technically the tincture
refers to an alcohol extract. But most people aren't familiar with these other
terms. So I took a while ago some Pine Pollen Powder and threw in vinegar. I did
this quite some time ago. I have the month and the date here I did not write
the year because I intended to finish this off soon but this has actually just
been sitting in my shelf for quite some time. And we're gonna see how well, have
to even open it, I may have used white vinegar or it was apple cider vinegar.
Now vinegar is a solvent it will extract out things whether it works as well as
the alcohol, the answer is probably not, that's why they tend to use alcohol
rather than vinegar but it will work to some degree. We'll see if it has the
similar sort of qualities as the Pine Pollen Tincture in it. So I have a couple
fine threaded cotton bags here. Now one of the problems
with making Tinctures, or in this case acetracts with Pine Pollen is
the stuff just turns the mud. Its much harder to work with then, say if you have
roots or mushrooms or even leaves or something, stuff that is a little easier
to strain. Because you could just, you know, eat this mud but really the solvent
you're working with should have drawn everything else out and the mud that the
mark that's left over can kind of just get in the way. So there's gonna be some
in here. Now I should also mention if you are trying to get the benefits of Pine
Pollen Tincture but don't when you use the alcohol there is a trick of putting
the the tincture, the dropper full into boiling water or tea because alcohol is
a lower boiling point than water a lot of the alcohol may evaporate
off from that leaving just what's behind. Now it's not going to drive into the
system the way taking the tincture sublingually under the tongue is going to
but it should give you some benefit.
a few moments later
So I got an empty tincture bottle.
Hmm. Very interesting taste. Quite vinegary. But yeah they did have similar
feelings as I get with the Pine Pollen Tincture. Of course this is just one time
trying it and just myself trying it so different people may find different
results. But once again if you're looking to get the benefits of the Pine Pollen
Tincture without having alcohol involved, this can be a way to do it. And of course
an acetract does not just apply to pine pollen. You can try this with all
kinds of other herbs as well. So there you go hope you learn something. Bet most
people watching this didn't know you could make alcohol-free tinctures using
something like vinegar. But if you want to try it go right ahead.
It would be the exact same steps as making a alcohol tincture, just use
vinegar instead of alcohol so be sure to post a link below this video that goes
to our "How to Make Tinctures" article that goes in-depth all the different
steps you can do.
Alexandra Doten wants to help young students reach for the stars - Duration: 2:13.
Her biggest passion born from a failure.
I took astronomy my freshman year thinking it would be an easy "A" class and I failed
my first test.
And coming from high school and getting straight A's I was devastated.
Human and Organizational Development major Alexandra Doten thought about dropping the
I went to office hours with Professor Weintraub and I told him I don't think I'm smart enough
to do this.
I am not smart enough to be in science classes.
And he sat down with me every single week and said No you're smart enough to do this
don't even think about dropping this class you can do it.
I fell in love with astronomy. Launching two summer jobs with NASA.
They helped create a job for me where I could utilize my Human and Organizational Development
skills in a science field.
Is that how it goes?
At Vanderbilt she's combining a love of science and outreach.
Now let's slide the RV slider and then switch the S1 switch.
Launching a hands-on engineering program at the Monroe Carroll Jr. Children's Hospital
at Vanderbilt.
It kind of gives them bragging rights you know they're in the hospital they're going
to come back and their peers are going to say where were you for the past two weeks
and they get to say oh I was learning about robotics, I was 3D printing, I was building
I'm determined to make this work.
Doten's future dreams combine students and space.
I would be doing public outreach specifically to children to help them understand what space
is how big it is, what impact does it have.
With Professor Weintraub supporting her all the way.
Professor Weintraub has been without a doubt the most influential figure in my Vanderbilt
He exemplifies my favorite part about Vanderbilt which is how much the professors care about
the students.
Taking that support into her life beyond Vanderbilt.
Inspires me every single day.
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