Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 17 2018

For more infomation >> how to get free v bucks - how to get free vbucks fortnite - Duration: 4:31.


TWO TIME 【MEME】 - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> TWO TIME 【MEME】 - Duration: 1:32.



For more infomation >> SAÇIMI NASIL UZATTIM,EVLENİYOR MUYUM? SORU-CEVAP - Duration: 12:22.



tusadivi: Guess the sound

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For more infomation >> PIANO VERSION - GUESS THE FORTNITE DANCE BY ITS MUSIC | tusadivi - Duration: 3:45.


12 Things You Should Not Do In The Morning - Duration: 10:56.

Brainy Dose Presents:

12 Things You SHOULD NOT DO In The Morning!

For many of us, getting up in the morning is a hassle.

We often start our days on autopilot and go through our daily routines, forgetting about

our well-being.

There are certain morning habits that can ruin your mood, zap your energy, and set the

stage for an unproductive rest of the day.

We checked out what scientists and other experts had to say about making the most (and the

least) of the first 60 minutes after you wake up.

In this video, we've rounded up 12 common wake-up mistakes that you'll want to avoid!

Number 1 - Hitting The Snooze Button

Sometimes, your alarm goes off and you're just not ready to face

the day yet.

Most sleep specialists believe that you should resist the temptation to put off the inevitable

by 5 or 10 minutes.

The reason for this is quite simple.

If you hit the snooze button, you might enter into a sleep cycle you likely won't finish.

As a result, you'll wake up groggy, rather than refreshed.

The second reason is more about motivation: When you hit snooze, you're telling your

hopes and dreams that they can wait.

Successful people don't do this.

The best thing for an alert day is to avoid the temptation completely.

Instead, opt for going to bed a little earlier the night before, to get sufficient rest - you'll

rise with ease and won't need to hit snooze.

Number 2 - Checking Your Phone

Most of us sleep with our phones just within reach - either under our pillows, or on the

bedside table.

But wellness and work-life balance experts recommend that if you like to start your day

right, you should try your best not to look at your phone until after you've had some

time to wake up and collect yourself.

Whether it's checking e-mails, text messages, or even your social media accounts, you should

make it a habit not to grasp your cellphone right after you open your eyes - because doing

so can send you into "panic mode," before your day has even begun.

So do yourself a favor and stop checking.

Your inbox and social media accounts can surely wait a couple of hours.

Number 3 - Remaining Curled Up

During sleep, your spinal discs absorb fluid as part of a natural rehydration process.

This causes the discs to expand, which is why you can actually be a few centimeters

taller in the morning.

However, this natural process also limits movement of the vertebrae and causes the spine

to stiffen.

So instead of staying all curled up, GENTLY stretch while you're still in bed.

Stretching out not only gets the spine and muscles limbered up, it is a way to build

confidence as you begin your day.

According to research, people who wake up with their arms in a V-shape "are super happy,

like annoyingly happy."

On the other hand, there is evidence that people who wake up in the fetal position "wake

up much more stressed out."

In fact, there is evidence that stretching first thing, helps to increase flexibility,

improve circulation and relieve tension.

So remember to stretch!

Number 4 - Forgetting To Hydrate

Upon waking up, your body is in need of hydration.

After all, assuming you had a good night of sleep, you've gone for seven to eight hours

without water.

Drinking water not only helps you wake up, it can also get your metabolism moving in

the right direction.

If you don't like plain water, you can add some lemon or lime, which also helps to flush

out the liver.

Drinking water first thing in the morning can also help with constipation, prevent UTIs,

help with weight loss, boost your immune system, battle bad breath and strengthen the brain,

among other things.

Experts suggest drinking water at room temperature though, because cold water can shock your

system and prevent the many health benefits from taking effect.

So start your day with a large glass of water.

It's one of the best things you can do for your body!

Number 5 - Drinking Coffee First Thing

If you think you can't function until you've downed a cup of coffee, think again!

Scientists have found that your body naturally produces higher amounts of the energy regulating

stress hormone cortisol, between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.

By drinking coffee before or during that time, the caffeine will force your body to produce

less cortisol in the early morning.

So enjoy that warm lemon water instead, and wait until after 9:30 to pour that perfect

cup of coffee.

Number 6 - Leaving Your Bed Unmade

It seems that people fall into one of two groups: the bed makers and the unkempt bed


I mean, who's going to notice if you don't make your bed, right?

Besides, you're just going to get back in your bed in a few hours and mess it up again.

Regardless of whether folks pull up the covers or leave them in a heap, they are convinced

that THEIR WAY is the right way.

Some people suggest that it might actually be cleaner to keep the bed messy because an

unmade bed is less hospitable to dust mites.

But most experts disagree, since dust mites are everywhere, so an unmade bed isn't going

to do much to fend them off.

Instead, they suggest washing the sheets every other week and vacuuming the mattress regularly.

In addition, forming good habits - including making your bed in the morning, is associated

with increased productivity throughout the rest of the day.

In fact, making your bed is a keystone habit that can spark chain reactions that help other

good habits take hold.

So, if you haven't already make it a priority, making your bed in the morning is a really

good habit to start.

Number 7 - Getting Ready In The Dark

This has nothing to do with making bad fashion choices…

Our bodies' internal clocks are so sensitive to light, that getting ready in the dark can

send a signal to your body that it's still nighttime.

This will keep you feeling groggy and out of it, rather than alert, energized, and in

a really good mood.

Continually getting ready in the dark may even make you feel depressed.

So if you're up before the sun, make sure you turn those lights on!

Number 8 - Skipping Exercise

We all know how important exercise is for our health and well-being, but many experts

say making exercise a part of your morning routine is particularly beneficial.

There are added benefits to working out in the morning rather than later in the day.

In addition, morning exercisers tend to stick with their exercise habit.

By working out in the morning, you get your exercise in before other distractions can

intrude – and that's something we can all relate to, because once the day gets going,

it's hard to get off the treadmill called life.

Number 9 - Brushing After Breakfast

Common sense would dictate that brushing your teeth after eating breakfast is the right

thing to do, because you generally clean off all the stuff and gunk from your meal.

But this is actually counter-intuitive: brushing your teeth right after eating can actually

do a lot more harm than good - especially if you've downed acidic stuff like fruit

or coffee.

Likewise, the bacteria in your mouth produce acid when you eat, and this weakens the enamel

of your teeth.

If you brush your teeth while they're in this 'weakened state', you can actually

brush away enamel from the surface of your teeth.

So brush your teeth after you rise, but before you eat.

Then afterwards, you can floss your teeth and rinse with water to make your mouth feel

cleaner, and wash away any food particles.

And if you really can't stand to skip brushing after breakfast, hold off for half an hour

after you eat.

Number 10 - Steaming Up Your Shower

The pulse of hot water feels great on your body, but it might be lulling you back into

la-la land.

Heat tells your nervous system that it's time for your muscles to relax, and for your

heart rate to slow down.

As a result, you start to feel calm - and sleepy!

If you want to feel more awake, take a quick cold shower.

It sucks a little bit, yes.

But it will signal the release of the energizing hormone adrenaline.

It will also boost your mood.

Research shows that cold showers can flood the body with feel-good endorphins.

Number 11 - Calling Anyone

Newsflash: nobody wants to talk to other people first thing in the morning!

Almost everybody needs a few hours to get their head around the day, and phone calls

before 9:30AM just aren't appropriate.

If you need to talk to somebody, just send them a text first, detailing the context.

Ask them to call you when they're ready - it's just the polite thing to do.

Number 12 - Watching TV

If your instinct is to reach right for that remote, you might want to think again, especially

if you like to tune in to the news in the morning.

It's just noise and negativity - not a healthy way to start the day after a restful night's


Instead, aim to have quiet time in the morning and maintain a sense of peace and calm for

as long as possible before the day begins.

If you ever feel like you don't get enough done throughout the day, perhaps you're

doing some things you should not be doing in the morning.

Sometimes, these habits are inevitable, and some of these suggestions may seem really


But, if you can keep your mornings more calm and restful, experts say you'll feel better

throughout the day.

Of course, not every morning is going to be perfect, but if you make some effort to avoid

these morning mistakes, you might find that the remainder of the day turns out a lot better

than you expected.

How do you start your day?

Are you guilty of any of the things mentioned on this list?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, and share it with your friends, so we

can keep making them.

For more videos like this, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, and remember to click on the notification


Also, be sure to check out our other videos as well.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Things You Should Not Do In The Morning - Duration: 10:56.


WWE Female Talent UPSET With PPV! Randy Orton SHOOTS On WWE 2K19! | WrestleTalk News Oct. 2018 - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> WWE Female Talent UPSET With PPV! Randy Orton SHOOTS On WWE 2K19! | WrestleTalk News Oct. 2018 - Duration: 4:41.


el vidio mas largo del mundo :v - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> el vidio mas largo del mundo :v - Duration: 0:10.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:00:31.

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:00:31.


Only I Can Insult My Mom - Duration: 3:31.

(computer dinging)

- Jesus, my mom sent me another article

about someone's phone exploding and starting a fire.

- Oh, she must really be worried

that that's gonna happen to you.

- She's constantly sending me neurotic emails.

Like, every week, I get these sensationalist articles

about the dangers of Lyme disease

or aspartame or tap water.

- At least you only have to deal with one paranoid parent,

some people have to deal with two.


(building dramatic music)

- Okay, well fuck both of you.

- Katie, what the hell?

- You called my mom paranoid,

or did you already forget that that happened?

Only I can talk shit about my mom.

- I didn't say anything.

- Yeah, but you laughed at Grant talking shit about my mom.

Nobody but me gets to laugh

when somebody talks shit about my mom,

which is also something that nobody but me gets to do.

- I was just reiterating what you said.

- Hello, you fucking idiot,

you called my mom paranoid, okay?

Only I can say she's paranoid.

- Okay, I'm sorry I said your mother is paranoid.


- Yeah, let's just move on, okay?

Just don't say it again.

- There's nothing really wrong with being paranoid.

I wish my mom had been more like that.

She never worried about anything,

she was too busy being eccentric.

- Yeah, what'd she do?

- Oh, tons of stuff.

She's like the artist type, you know?

Like she would show up at school

in these like sequin dresses

or like cowboy hats, something embarrassing like that.

- Oh man, that is crazy.


(building dramatic music) (whooshing)


- Hey, this isn't my shirt.

- Don't you fucking say anything about my mother ever again.

- Jess, I'm sure you're over-reacting.

- Bullshit, you heard what she said.

That's crazy. - I don't sound like that.

- What do you think?

You think my mother belongs in the nuthouse?

You think she's a nutcase?

- I didn't mean it like that,

I meant it more like, that's fun, like crazy fun.

- Good, you fuckin' better have.

- I'm sorry, really. - (sighing) It's clear

neither one of you were raised by my mom.

She is very relaxed. - How so?

- She's got this great chill vibe.

It's like every day is a day at the beach.

- That is relaxed.

(items crashing) (women screaming)

(table clattering)

- Don't you ever talk about my mother like that.

- That was a compliment. - Really!

- We swear.

- It was a compliment when you said she was relaxed?

- Yeah, that's a nice thing to say about somebody.

- Yeah.

- Yes, I do see how that would be a compliment.

I apologize, I can be a little rash.

- (chuckling) Well, you sound like my mom.

- That's too bad. - Yeah.

(building dramatic music)

- Don't you fucking dare say that.

- No, stop, Katie, no!

- Don't you dare say that about my mother!

(all screaming)

- No, get off of her.

Katie, you're gonna kill her.

You're gonna kill her.

You're gonna kill her.

- Oh, that totally reminds me of my mom.

She was a mob boss, she killed a lot of people.

- Um, sounds like an awesome mom.

- Are you kidding?

No, she's a murderer,

she's in prison, we're all terrified of her.

- Yeah, I was gonna say, that sounds super scary.

- What the hell did you say?

(knife plopping) (screaming)

For more infomation >> Only I Can Insult My Mom - Duration: 3:31.


Cuttlefish: Wearing thoughts on the skin - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Cuttlefish: Wearing thoughts on the skin - Duration: 6:19.


This may be the start of a large selloff: Dennis Gartman - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> This may be the start of a large selloff: Dennis Gartman - Duration: 3:39.


Why Surprise Proposal Videos Are the Worst | Internetting Season 2 - Duration: 4:48.

"You're so important to me."

"I love you so much!"

"I didn't think I could love someone

for the rest of my life."

Can I tell you something that makes

me a little bit of a monster?

I hate marriage proposal videos.

I hate the proposal video inspired by the Pixar movie


I hate the Bruno Mars "Marry You" proposal flash mob.

I hate the one where she takes the world's largest zip

line into the proposal.

I hate the one where she thinks

she's going to go on the "Today" show

to talk about her nonprofit work,

but she's really only there to be proposed to.

I really hate the one where the guy tricks her

into thinking their plane is crashing and then proposes.

But the one where the guy stages

a fake arrest of his girlfriend

and the only way for her to beat the rap

is to agree to marry him —

"Can I see the ring?

Just for evidence?"

I probably hate that one the most.

"Will you please, please marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

I hate proposal videos because they turn a private decision

between two people into a big surprise that's

sprung on just one of them, usually a woman,

in a way that is so dramatic in public

that it feels a little bit coercive.

But the same thing that makes these videos a little gross

is also what makes them so popular.





A part of me must love them because every single one

of them, without fail, makes me cry.

I hate that about them, too.

"Some birthdays are more special than others."


So much viral video is built on these kinds of surprises.

Proposal videos, promposal videos,

college acceptance videos, soldiers coming home videos,

soldiers coming home to their dogs videos.


Pregnancy announcement videos, gender reveal videos.

This is the YouTubification of dramatic irony.

Everyone watching knows what's going to happen.

The surprises aren't surprising to us.

We don't watch a viral college acceptance video

to see whether the kid actually gets into college.

We know they do.

We want to see them know it.


When we watch these videos, we tend

to identify really strongly with the person who's

engineering the surprise.

Even if only for a couple of moments,

we both know something that somebody else doesn't.

It makes us feel like a brave soldier or a man in love.

It makes us feel important.

It makes us feel like Harvard.


It's worth asking what this emotional surprise porn has

in common with another kind of surprise that

dominates online video —


The prank.


We inhale pranks of children, and mothers, and perfectly

nice boyfriends —

"What's on my neck?"

"It looks like a hickey."

And really good dogs.

We prank dogs now.

Cats, too.

There's a dark side to our obsession with these videos.

Viral proposal videos often work by scaring the target —

"Oh, my god!"

Before showering her with everlasting love.

It creates the greatest possible emotional whiplash

for the camera.

"No way!"

And it gives us this powerful feeling of control.

People in the videos aren't the only ones affected.

Lisa Silvestri, who studies digital culture in war,

suggests that surprise homecoming videos

produce a feeling of vicarious sacrifice.

When we watch them and cry, she says,

we feel as if we've sacrificed something, too, even if it's

just our own complacency.

Which means we might feel incredibly strong

positive vibes around issues that we don't necessarily

agree with.

A soldier's homecoming inspires

really warm and patriotic feelings about the place

he's coming home from —

the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A college acceptance video reinforces the vaguely

dystopian idea that higher education is

a once-in-a-lifetime privilege, not a right.

And a surprise proposal video suggests

that the most important moment of a woman's life

is when a man chooses her for marriage.

Maybe you already agree with all of those things,

or maybe you don't, but you just want to feel something,

and that's O.K., too.

You can keep your surprise videos.

"I think she's saying I can't do it right now."

And I'll keep mine.

"Hey, I'm Amanda."

"I'm Shane.

"He edits the videos."

"She writes the videos."

"You watch the videos."

"And if you like the videos, like, comment and subscribe here."

"And then tell us, what do you hate that everyone else seems to love."

"Leave your answer in the comments."

"We are very thirsty."

For more infomation >> Why Surprise Proposal Videos Are the Worst | Internetting Season 2 - Duration: 4:48.


'The Conners': Honest Spinoff Debut, Roseanne Reacts | THR News - Duration: 3:44.

'The Conners' made their return to ABC Tuesday night - minus Roseanne Barr.

Now, before we go any further we have to warn you that there are BIG spoilers ahead

for the season premiere of 'The Conners' so if you haven't seen it yet...go on get!

Tuesday's debut of 'The Conners' picked up three weeks after the season 10 finale

of 'Roseanne' with the revelation that their matriarch has passed away. The family

believe that Roseanne died of a heart attack following knee surgery but the

autopsy shows that she, in fact, died of an opioid overdose. It was a plot point

that Roseanne Barr herself revealed a month ago, telling conservative activist

Brandon Straka on his YouTube show 'Walk Away' about the addiction storyline.

Despite its huge ratings success, ABC canceled 'Roseanne' in May, just hours after

Barr tweeted a racial slur aimed at former White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

The network would only move forward with a spinoff if Barr — who owned the

series, since it was based on her life and comedy — relinquished her stake in it.

Barr has no financial or creative involvement in 'The Conners' and was not included in

the spinoff's updated opening credits. Viewers of the doomed 'Roseanne' reboot

might agree that the star's death makes sense, given that the seeds were planted in

the May 22 finale that addiction was imminent. It's a subject Barr had long wanted

to explore given the state of healthcare, and the opioid epidemic besieging America.

The finale featured Dan telling Roseanne that she needed to finally schedule knee

surgery and the series previously revealed last season that Roseanne had developed

an opioid addiction as she popped the pills to cope with her pain and discomfort.

According to showrunner Bruce Helford, the root of the storyline was from Barr's

personal experience. Speaking to 'The Hollywood Reporter' in March Helford said,

Helford, who is the solo showrunner on 'The Conners,' said the decision to tell the

larger story about healthcare in America through the Roseanne character at the time

was an intentional one.

he said in May before the cancellation. Meanwhile, during a Tuesday night Paley

Center panel in New York, executive producer Tom Werner and Barr's former co-stars

shared their thoughts on Roseanne's death.

Sara Gilbert, who plays Darlene, said she and her co-stars were able to channel

the heartbreak they felt over Barr's absence into their performances.

As for Barr, she was less than thrilled with the decision to have her character die in such

a way, with the comedian taking to Twitter an hour after Tuesday's premiere to write


Barr and her friend Rabbi Shmuley Boteach then released a more measured

statement late on Tuesday night in which they said the "opioid overdose lent

an unnecessary grim and morbid dimension to an otherwise happy family show."

'The Conners' airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

To read more on this story, head to to

For The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Lyndsey Rodrigues.

For more infomation >> 'The Conners': Honest Spinoff Debut, Roseanne Reacts | THR News - Duration: 3:44.


Elon Musk Is Making A Tesla Tequila! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:14.





































For more infomation >> Elon Musk Is Making A Tesla Tequila! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:14.


SMITE – Lore Reveal - Hera, Queen of the Gods - Duration: 1:20.


From the summit of mount Olympus, she has watched the Gods and pantheons.

Their triumphs. Their follies.

She watched as the legends of Zeus, of Hercules, and all the others were etched into history.

The world has descended into calamity, and she can watch no longer.

Now the time has come for the legend of Hera to be written.

By her side: Argus, her champion, the indomitable agent of her will...and vengeance.

Through her charisma and skill, Hera has rallied great heroes - and whole armies - to follow her, yet she is no distant general.

Hera is Queen of the Gods, born of the Titans. And any who cross her shall know her justice first hand.

While the other gods are masters of lightning, or fire, or death, Hera is master of divinity itself.

She can reshape nature, including her foes, and she will hold nothing back as she steps forth upon the Battleground of the Gods.

For the Queen of the Gods has come at last, and she has come to rule.


For more infomation >> SMITE – Lore Reveal - Hera, Queen of the Gods - Duration: 1:20.


Judge Says Lawsuit Against Trump And Obama Can Go To Trial - Duration: 4:09.

In a bit of good news this week, a US district judge has ruled that a lawsuit brought by

21 children and young adults here in the United States against both the Obama and the Trump

administrations is going to be allowed to go to trial towards the end of this month.

Now, this lawsuit specifically, this is the one that was brought by the group, Our Children's

Trust, on behalf of the 21 children and young adults, it was actually filed back in 2015.

This very week, a US district judge, after years of challenges and both administrations

attempting to get these lawsuits dismissed, this week the last judge, the last hurdle

to crawl over, finally said, "Yes, you have presented enough evidence to show that the

administrations, the federal government under both the Democrat and the Republican, were

required to do something about climate change and failed to do it.

You have done your job and presented enough evidence so that we can confidently take this

to a jury trial and let them decide what action should or should not be taken."

Now, the reason this is such a big deal is because over the last few months, we have

seen a lot of climate change lawsuits being thrown out of courts.

All of those were ones that were brought by cities, or states, or municipalities against

oil companies saying that they're responsible for the sea level rise and the other climate

catastrophes that those areas were facing as a result of climate change and the emissions

from those companies.

This one, the one brought by Our Children's Trust, the oldest one out there, is different.

It's different in a good way, in a way that actually might make it succeed, because what

they're arguing is that the federal government has an obligation, they have a duty to protect

people, citizens, coastlines, from the effects of climate change, and they have failed.

Both the Obama administration and the Trump administration have failed to do so, thereby

basically creating a dereliction of duty here.

The judge said, "Yes, you've made your point.

You've presented enough evidence to show that you can make this argument.

You're going to take it to trial now."

Now, it's important to point out that these lawsuits are no specifically against Barack

Obama himself or Donald Trump himself.

These lawsuits, though they list both people, are against the federal government itself.

It's just that when they were filed, Obama was in charge, and now Trump is in charge.

Those two individuals have nothing to worry about from this particular lawsuit.

They do, however, have to worry about their legacy because at one point, back in 2016

when Obama was still in charge and a lot of people still think he was great on the environment,

but if you look at the record, really not, his DOJ actually argued in their attempt to

get this case thrown out in 2016 that you don't have a right to breathe not polluted


That's what they argued.

They argued that in front of a judge saying, "You don't have a right to a pollution-free


That is the direct quote that they said to a judge, and that came from the Obama administration.

Now, obviously, what we have seen from the Trump administration has been a hell of a

lot worse than that.

But let's not give people a free pass when they don't deserve one.

This lawsuit is absolutely necessary because, if anything, the last few years have shown

us that the fossil fuel companies are always going to win no matter what party happens

to be controlling the White House.

The only chance we have to get any kind of meaningful action on climate change at this

point is going to be coming from the judiciary.

For more infomation >> Judge Says Lawsuit Against Trump And Obama Can Go To Trial - Duration: 4:09.


Мультики про машинки - Крокодил съел машинки - Мультики для малышей - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Мультики про машинки - Крокодил съел машинки - Мультики для малышей - Duration: 2:26.


Golden Wind Episode 2 Review | Vento Aureo - Duration: 10:32.

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since the last review and a while since the last episode, but I'm

happy to be here.

The episode today is going over the Bruno arc and there's a lot to go over so I'm

going to be breaking it down.

So, the first thing to go over is the adaptation of Giorno's past.

This was a great adaptation from the manga off the weight of it going past what was required

and what we had to begin with.

For example, the living conditions of Giorno gave you a lot more to feel for than what

we had originally.

We had no actual frame of reference to how bad his home was with just his mother.

Then you see how cramped the space is alone, how disgusting the rest of the space was alone,

and then there's little Haruno just sitting there in fear of it all, sitting in the darkness.

There was also the added dialogue between his mother and a friend of hers to give you

an even stronger reason as to why you should dislike her.

Then when the marriage had happened, and the pictures were being taken, you have the stepfather

being nice to him which setup a whole different scene because of

this manipulation at hand.

Making the unaware viewer think that this man could potentially be the saving grace

to Giorno, but just turns out he's even worse than the mom.

It's a legit powerful sequence of events and I'm all for this set-up.

This is a great adaptation and what a lot of what adaptations should attempt to be like

instead of adding in unnecessary things to the plot.

The chapter itself, had to focus on what was at hand and didn't have enough room to include

every little thing about Giorno's past, and we were able to understand the general


But now we're able to see this elaborated on, this isn't skimmed or anything.

Then it moves on Giorno and him being the saving grace to the gangster and how that

all spiraled into a better life for Giorno.

The most riveting part about this must be the addition of the scene of the gangster

taking out a member who was selling to kids, but he himself had a kid.

The kid wants to be able to pull revenge on the gangster here, but with what he told him,

it clicks that his father truly was the one in the wrong.

I mean both are wrong obviously, but with how the rules were set up, he's going to

be the wrong.

So now you see this kid with all types of emotions standing before the gangster and


Trembling from fear, confused, sadness, anger, this his filled to the brim with emotion.

And I love seeing this because it takes apart our situation with Part 5.

Stopping a few dealers at the cost of their life isn't a correct thing to do, because

you get situations like this and those people themselves are most likely doing it because

the profit is more than what the mafia would normally give them.

If you stop it at the roots, you never have to worry about this type of thing, which why

we get someone like Giorno to do exactly that, and instead encompass the true motives of

the mafia.

There's also this issue with the morality at hand that's tugging on each side because

the gangster that was saved by Giorno had killed someone, but this someone was killing

multiple people, specifically children through this process of dealing.

This is something we usually have in Part 5 because now retiring enemies is no more,

we're in a completely different environment and Bruno's group along with Giorno are

not ones to let stuff go like that.

That's an even bigger conversation for later, so I'll leave that alone for now.

On the Bruno Vs. Giorno fight.

I've always liked this fight for the interaction at hand and the thought process for Giorno

in this.

When Bruno escapes, some would just stop and take the win, but Giorno knows the mafia better

than most and knows that he has to nip this in the bud now before he gets guapped.

Now for how this was all adapted, I think the best thing about this has to be Bruno's

consciousness being projected out there.

The animation being done was great to see him blinking around and then his reaction

to it all was phenomenally lively.

Then one of the big things I do want to bring to focus is the whole tooth given life idea

was great, and I loved seeing the reaction from the anime fans.

Many were like, "Woah, I forgot about that tooth, he would've got me".

And honestly, when I read that, I also forgot about it too because of the little scene where

Bruno fell into everyone.

I was much more focused on his ability there than Giorno's ability and I can see that

this shook up not only Bruno, but the reader too.

Unless you already had the life ability down-pat before hand, then I guess it's just expected

for you.

Then there's the conversation between the two and I make this a case in my Bruno video.

Originally between Bruno and Giorno had lain a power position type of thing.

One was always towering over the other depending on who truly had the situation in control,

but then we finish up with them looking eye to eye, and the manga you have Bruno looking

up to Giorno.

Even with him being the taller character.

Great direction.

Now on the last things.

On music and sound, JoJo has yet to disappoint me with sound effects and the music being

used has this operatic direction going for it and I'm all the way behind it.

Part 5 with all the religious symbolism and Italian setting called for this opera and

in general classic direction for these scenes and I'm happy to see this.

I also think that we'll see some of this in Part 6 too along with some grunge or punk


Last thing being pacing, I'm loving the approach of this and cut off for chapters.

Having it cut off before the end of the interaction between Bruno and Giorno leaves us with the

introduction of Polpo being a great area to continue off of in an episode instead of rushing

to get to Polpo.

So, the next one is going to start off with Bruno's introduction to the positioning

and general rules of Passione and we'll potentially end off in the lighter scene or

the start to a fight and it will be all the better for it.

Can't wait to talk about Black Sabbath.

Forgot to mention that the fight itself was a great example of Araki's Ki-sho-ten-ketsu

technique, but I felt I got my thoughts out, so I'm done.

If you want to learn more about the technique I mentioned or just Araki's general view

and guide on how to write manga, I'll be leaving that book in

the description.

Thank you

all for watching!

Check out my Bruno video for a small elaboration on that whole interaction, and cheers to more.

Hopefully, I'll see you all in the next one.

Until then, peace out and God speed.

For more infomation >> Golden Wind Episode 2 Review | Vento Aureo - Duration: 10:32.


Darwin Project October Update Overview - Duration: 1:00.






For more infomation >> Darwin Project October Update Overview - Duration: 1:00.


Election Special 2018 Trailer | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME - Duration: 0:50.

The generic Democrat beats a generic Republican

by seven points.

ERIC TRUMP: If Dad loses Congress, he'll get impeached.

Let's terrify this country into loving me!


I want to talk about this me too movement.


Go, Russia, go!

I have to win my dad's love.

I mean, the elections.

I'll save you, Mr. President.

Wind took it the wrong direction.

See you back at the house!


For more infomation >> Election Special 2018 Trailer | Our Cartoon President | SHOWTIME - Duration: 0:50.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 200 Ambition Exclusief Automaat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 200 Ambition Exclusief Automaat - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d BS PLUS Navigatie, Cruise control, Parktronic incl. parkeerassistent, Lm - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d BS PLUS Navigatie, Cruise control, Parktronic incl. parkeerassistent, Lm - Duration: 1:14.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Business Solution AMG Navigatie, Cruise control, Diefstalpakket, Parkpilo - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Business Solution AMG Navigatie, Cruise control, Diefstalpakket, Parkpilo - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK TITANIUM *PARKEERCAMERA | HOGE ZIT | CLIMATE CONTROLE* - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d BUSINESS SOLUTION Navigatie, Led verlichting, Stoelverwarming, Parktroni - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d BUSINESS SOLUTION Navigatie, Led verlichting, Stoelverwarming, Parktroni - Duration: 1:14.


Te contamos lo que no sabías de Karol G, Ep. 3 | Latinx Now! | Entretenimiento - Duration: 22:14.

For more infomation >> Te contamos lo que no sabías de Karol G, Ep. 3 | Latinx Now! | Entretenimiento - Duration: 22:14.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 220 D 4MATIC Exclusive -en Night pakket - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 220 D 4MATIC Exclusive -en Night pakket - Duration: 1:08.



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see you later



黄晓明被点名批评,梁宏达:没演技没标签,名气再大也没用 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 黄晓明被点名批评,梁宏达:没演技没标签,名气再大也没用 - Duration: 4:40.


Alex's FIRST Photo Exhibition!! | Decaf Talks - Duration: 9:08.

Hello everybody, welcome back to decaffeinated photography, I'm Josh and

There's no Alex today. The reason for that will be explained in just a little bit. So keep on watching

So in this past month, we're trying to make a decaffeinated photography. Not just a YouTube channel

we've got a couple gigs coming up and we're very excited for those but we value our

Creativity not going to rag on anybody doing this professional sort of corporate commercial

Weddings and all that you can also be creative doing that stuff

But we also want to try and say something with our platform try to do stuff that

Is not usually talked about thought about even or just try to reinforce stuff that is already there in the world

But we think we have a different take about it as you guys know

Alex has been doing a full time course at Deakin University. And right now he's approaching the end of his third year

Meaning he's gonna graduate next year. So at this current time right now, I was I'm doing this video

He is actually setting up his photos to be shown at an Exhibition, which is pretty crazy

Who would have thought that people want to see his photos? I don't mean that in a bad way

I mean, that's just you know, it's it's a crazy thing. It's a big thing. He's showing it off to the world

Except not really just the people who are invited to this exhibition

The reason why I'm making this video Alex does not know I'm making this video by the way

Being half of decaf and more importantly my friend. I am extremely proud of him. I want to showcase

his work to the world and by the world

I mean you guys to subscribe this or anybody that happens to come across this video

Alex just been putting his heart and soul and putting so much effort into this blood sweat and tears into this set of photos that

This is not all gonna be shown. We shot a whole lot more. I did help him out every once in a while

I didn't have much to go with in the creative process

It's all from his brain his his brainchild his brain baby with you guys. I want to get to the depths of

Why Alex made these photos and what he's trying to say?

So we're gonna head to the exhibition you and me right now

We're gonna sit down with him and talk to him and do a little interview

And talk to him about what he's trying to say and why he's trying to say what he's trying to do

And why are you trying to do it and what the process was to create these photos the exhibition starts at 6:30 right now. It's

5:45 I should probably get ready probably take a shower shared in three days. Don't disappoint me Alex

that is all I have to say for the ending statement of this section of the video and

I'll catch you guys there

Alright next missions over and we want to welcome our very first guest in this series of interviews

That is probably not going to be a series Alex Papadopoulos

Congratulations, first of all, thank you. Thank you for coming to show thank you. Thank you. Very honored to be here

Yeah, get into it then. All right, so you had your first exhibition? Yes. I did. I sure did Tim

we always like to set it up and

I stressful. Yeah quite stressful. Yeah, everything was going wrong everything that could have gone wrong went wrong

But I went to all the swipes went back. It took me four four and a half hours to install my my part

Isn't that it was a real moment? Yeah loved it

Yeah, it will a well Bella save it was well received lots of people liked it

I think though the biggest ones in the exhibition. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the old one took up the whole wall


Was really happy with it. And I don't know if shamil is watching but shamil is my mehar me if it was yeah

That's the one for you shamil. I don't know what would have happened to me so much. Love. I'll hopefully I'll see you soon

And Hagin Hagin helped me out as well. So I'm given two shoutouts today that worry about big conception the conception

Okay, what what spurred you to want to talk about gender stereotypes? And okay. Well that type of stuff these phrases that are used in

You know everyday society and contemporary society that are quite negative

I had the phrases that I wanted to use because it's a phrase that I use myself

Yeah, have you used I don't think about them. I say man up. I say don't be a prick

I just say it. It just comes out

But what does that actually mean? Do we actually think about what it means?

I never did I do now and so yeah someone still do you say you still use these phrases?

I didn't II one that would maybe sneak into my very cap would be Derby a book

but it's one of the worst ones that yeah, but if but even then

Doesn't really they might slip yeah. Yeah, I think I think for me it's definitely it doesn't matter

Yeah, but I find myself talking to myself that way something you thought about like there's things that people thinking of them themselves

I think it's things that people say to themselves and it's also things that people say to each other and get told from others

There's the things that I've been said to me as well like the man up

I don't know if they're gonna throw shade but my

Ex-girlfriend and her mom said that to me like man have fun grow some balls that like really resonated with me

So now when I hear it, I kind of like like oh, it's a terrible thing to say to someone

Yeah, it's totally to say someone but especially under the the worst context. That's what like that's what makes it the worst thing

Yeah, you say come on man up man. Go for the bowl in tips. Like what? Yeah, it's like it's alright

Okay, because that's where masculinity is thrived upon

Now in another context where you got like a girlfriend of something saying it to you it really like hit hit time. Mmm

Yeah, one more thing. The reference is Barbara Kruger

I don't know if any of you guys know Barbara care whose work who is

Really? Well known for her white text with red borders you see anything

Ah Barbara Krugers, I was in there and I had like the phrase that I want to further songs with the gender stereotypes

how could we contextualize my work and

Actually have it in a form where people can be like, oh I see that for gender stereotype

But I also see that for feminism. I also say that for another reason. Yeah, I think it all works really well, so just

Together really? Well. Yeah that really striking read text in this like lush sort of greenish

Places. So yeah now we've talked about that

I'm sure the audience at home want to know like what you shot on why you chose that camera no shot on my xt2

It's the thing that I'm most comfortable with at the moment

There's no other real logical reason you can print pretty big with them and that's what I want to do with

So this one I think Josh talked we set up the frame and then Josh - okay

We showed you a couple more. They didn't make the cut. Yeah as well. Yeah, which are again ski against the wall bench

Obviously, this one is a better one. You can see the footy in the

Background. Yeah, everything the bridge Ron. I wanted to make it central. Yeah, nice meeting lines here on the left

You can actually see like there's a turn in her face. There's actually like she's actually saying that to someone and on the right

She's actually chasing something. Yeah, she and her body her body language is very like very mathematical in it. Yeah

Yeah, this one I afraid that in a similar nature to the previous man up one

I wanted to keep the same form if I were to be nice to have some cookies in there

Yeah, that's something that's an oversight from me if there was another oversight. That was that don't be a prick

I had to spend two hours with my cat trying to

Get her to play nice with me indoors go to a state Drucker put it down and then she would go like sniff it well

Up to it not applying this through it's a really nice photo and the dappled light as well

She definitely knew she was posing like I have no doubt. She knew she was posing for photos

It's actually it's testing a perfect pose. But yeah, and this one is welcome. Wow this one there's another cat in there as well

Oh, there it is. Oh my god

Yeah, this one was a fifty focal length

It was pretty dark in there and I wanted to the depth depth of field

We needed a bit of range and in a bit of foreground and background

Depth and I think that one's really good because it's actually mid notice Bloor

Probably not the most flattering and I'm you know, I hope he's okay with me using it. I'm really happy with it

Didn't Betty. Yeah, thank you. Thank you Joshy boy came I came prepared to the exhibition

I didn't know he was making a video about it. So he did definitely rock up with the camera. Toby not surprised. Yeah

Yeah, it was a nice surprise

Remember to subscribe like give us a like and comment down below what you think of a work and we'll check this website up

Yeah, I can take a look at the five images here. Yeah, and don't forget to check out Jimmy

I'll reveal on Hagen Kamil and Hagen in the description Neville Hagin Hagin has done a series on eyes and shamil on

Miniature cars so it's very very nice. Yeah, those ones ninja cars also one of the favored ones

So yeah, thank you to deacon and thank you - yeah, it's apartment and very good everyone and we'll also link

The Instagram for this Deakin graduate form so you can see all of them that Instagram. Yeah if you want

Thank you have to let us thank you for watching coming to be working hard

We've been working hard and come out with some really really cool videos soon. All right photo shoots going cool black worry, whatever, huh?

Thank you for coming Alex. Thank you, baby. It's a pleasure having you here with no charger bring here

For more infomation >> Alex's FIRST Photo Exhibition!! | Decaf Talks - Duration: 9:08.


当王子文脱掉高跟鞋后,完美不再,网友更是直言:有1米4吗? - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> 当王子文脱掉高跟鞋后,完美不再,网友更是直言:有1米4吗? - Duration: 0:50.


网曝黄晓明包养外国嫩模 本尊回应:已习惯被造谣 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 网曝黄晓明包养外国嫩模 本尊回应:已习惯被造谣 - Duration: 3:47.


Coloring for Kids with Animals of India - Colouring Book for Children - Duration: 5:19.

Coloring for Kids with Animals



For more infomation >> Coloring for Kids with Animals of India - Colouring Book for Children - Duration: 5:19.


Ford Transit Connect 1.6 TDCI 55KW Economy - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Ford Transit Connect 1.6 TDCI 55KW Economy - Duration: 0:49.


ask yourself the question WHY - Duration: 4:26.

some days will be smooth to fly

others may hold reasons for sigh

tailwind will encourage you in sky

but expect turbulence to make all go wry

so reflect well on purpose before you try

and ask yourself the question why

my name is Waqas Ahmed and I am the founder of Asset Yourself

our lives are full of ups and downs

on some days we have experiences of high

we feel motivated, satisfied and happy

everything at that time presents us with a sense of contentment and fascination - we obviously feel the joy

but then on other days we have experiences of low

we feel doubt, disappointment and sadness

everything at that time presents us with a sense of dejection and confusion

we naturally feel miserable

now, we all go through this in life

and unfortunately, the challenging times tend to linger on for longer when compared to periods of bliss

however, the good news is that if we asset ourselves with purpose

we can train ourselves to glide along the ups and downs of life without getting knocked out

we must all reflect within ourselves to understand out purpose in life

based on our unique set of experiences

more so based on our unique set of circumstances

we humans are social beings

and with us living in the social fabric

we have social responsibilities towards our families, our friends

our colleagues, our societies and our communities

therefore our purpose in life should spring out from our desire

to make contributions towards our social environments

now it does not have to be anything grand

it can be something very simple, very humble

but it must be significant enough

to encourage us to wake up everyday in the morning, to go through the daily grind

our purpose in life could be as basic as providing the best personal development for our children

it could be to provide good professional services to our clients

it could be to preserve a valuable tradition or custom in our society

It could be to strive towards the well-being of our community

whatever it may be

fundamentally, it must add value to our social environment

now on a personal level, I have seen a lot of negativity in my life

but I've also witnessed a great deal of positive exertion

pockets of hope and seen tremendous opportunities to excel

over the last 10-12 years

I have learnt the skills to navigate through pessimism

and to come out to light at end of tunnel

time and again to inspire and encourage others

my purpose through asset yourself is to empower you

it is to guide you with the right tools and techniques

so that you can create your own path in the sea of pessimism

and come out to good hope and enlighten prospects

a definite purpose in life can provide you with the mental energy and emotional stamina

to bear through the trenches in life without getting knocked out

and most importantly, it can prepare you for the time to rise again

fueling your propulsion - so that you can rise higher, faster and stronger

now, are you ready to asset yourself at purpose?

let me know in the comments below, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more asset yourself videos

if you like this video, share it with family and friends

and also consider following me on other social media platforms

until next time, asset yourself with purpose

For more infomation >> ask yourself the question WHY - Duration: 4:26.


Brigitte Macron : financièrement, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : financièrement, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:23.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : financièrement, elle n'a pas besoin de son mari - Duration: 2:23.


17/10/2018 05:49 (291 N Woolwich Rd, London E16 2BB, UK) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 17/10/2018 05:49 (291 N Woolwich Rd, London E16 2BB, UK) - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> 17/10/2018 05:49 (291 N Woolwich Rd, London E16 2BB, UK) - Duration: 1:28.


Hyundai i30 Fastback 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 2:30.

Hyundai i30 Fastback.

Moose test.

On the first attempt, which we did at an entrance speed of 77 km/h with the driver still not knowing how the car would react on this test,

the i30 Fastback behaved progressively. It was easy to guide the car safely due to the predictable movements of the body. We did not manage to complete the test without moving cones,

but the car performed with average nimbleness and we felt a good level of control over the manoeuvre.

The highest entrance speed at which we passed the test was 75 km/h, an average value when compared to similar cars. With the 5 door i30, we succeeded at 76 km/h,

but that car suffered from oversteer, which has not appeared while performing this test with the i30 Fastback.

On this occasion, the ESC worked effectively and the car had more neutral reactions when the tires got to their limit of grip.

On other attempts that we made at higher entrance speeds, of up to 79 km/h, the car reacted similarly.

The driver always felt in control of the situation, although we would have liked a bit more help from the ESC to help keep the desired path. The body roll was noticeable.


On the slalom the i30 Fastback changes direction smoothly and with average nimbleness.

The body roll is moderate and the steering, which is quite soft, does not provide much information about the grip level of the tires.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 Fastback 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 Fastback 2018 - Maniobra de esquiva (moose test) y eslalon | - Duration: 2:30.


Comment VAINCRE votre dépression ! - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> Comment VAINCRE votre dépression ! - Duration: 11:58.


For more infomation >> Comment VAINCRE votre dépression ! - Duration: 11:58.


Court film long « Idées forts » - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Court film long « Idées forts » - Duration: 2:23.


For more infomation >> Court film long « Idées forts » - Duration: 2:23.


Dahashatzada | Darshan's 2018 New Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movie | New Released South Dubbed Movies - Duration: 2:06:43.


For more infomation >> Dahashatzada | Darshan's 2018 New Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movie | New Released South Dubbed Movies - Duration: 2:06:43.


For more infomation >> Dahashatzada | Darshan's 2018 New Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movie | New Released South Dubbed Movies - Duration: 2:06:43.


Tout Info, tout en signes [Octobre 2018] - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Tout Info, tout en signes [Octobre 2018] - Duration: 7:53.


For more infomation >> Tout Info, tout en signes [Octobre 2018] - Duration: 7:53.


AI Powered Data Analysis and Visualization

For more infomation >> AI Powered Data Analysis and Visualization


I'm the Doctor (Turn CC on!) - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> I'm the Doctor (Turn CC on!) - Duration: 0:07.


Mazda 6 2.5 SKYACTIV-G 192 GT-M GTM 2.5 schuifdak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.5 SKYACTIV-G 192 GT-M GTM 2.5 schuifdak - Duration: 1:07.


BMW 3シリーズ 新型にMパフォーマンスパーツを設定すると発表…パリモーターショー2018 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 3シリーズ 新型にMパフォーマンスパーツを設定すると発表…パリモーターショー2018 - Duration: 4:11.


Mazda CX-5 2.5 SKYACTIV-G 192 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.5 SKYACTIV-G 192 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:56.


BMW X6 5.0I HIGH EXECUTIVE M pakket 22"LM Special edition Schuifdak 408PK! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 5.0I HIGH EXECUTIVE M pakket 22"LM Special edition Schuifdak 408PK! - Duration: 1:08.


How To Get Free Fortnite Skins - Get Free Skins Fortnite - Duration: 3:49.

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For more infomation >> How To Get Free Fortnite Skins - Get Free Skins Fortnite - Duration: 3:49.


Animator's Block - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Animator's Block - Duration: 2:17.


Camp Fire Girls commercial - 1960's? - Duration: 1:02.

Hi, I'm Patrice Munsel and I'm often asked

what are Camp Fire Girls all about. Well in Camp Fire Girls,

there are girls and boys sometimes and a mother,

business girl, college girl,

artists. All group leaders,

and it's men on committees giving a hand.

A lonely girl? Not for long in Camp Fire Girls.

There's always a friend and sponsors, a teacher,

minister, priest,

rabbi, oftering their support.

What do Camp Fire Girls do? Well,

you name it. And where?

From California to New York, Alaska and Hawaii.

All 50 states. That's Camp Fire Girls.

Today's program for today's girl.

For more infomation >> Camp Fire Girls commercial - 1960's? - Duration: 1:02.


Halsey – Without Me (Lyrics) Nurko & Miles Away Remix - Duration: 4:18.

Halsey – Without Me (Lyrics) Nurko & Miles Away Remix | JulyNice Music 2018

For more infomation >> Halsey – Without Me (Lyrics) Nurko & Miles Away Remix - Duration: 4:18.


Panic Attack Help Now | How to Stop a Panic Attack - Duration: 4:03.

How do you stop a panic attack once it's started? In this video I offer a few

quick tools to help you overcome panic attacks, even if you're experiencing one

right now.

Hi there! I'm Dr. Marie Fang, licensed psychologist. I post videos featuring

quick tips and tools to help you be your best self today. I assume a number of you

watching this video are here because you're experiencing a panic attack right

now. So I'm going to jump straight into today's tips. The most important piece of

information for you to know is that symptoms of anxiety are uncomfortable,

but they are not dangerous. Let me repeat that again because this is so important:

symptoms of anxiety may be extremely uncomfortable, but they are not dangerous.

With that in mind, here are three tips to help you overcome a panic attack: Number

1: Accept that you're having a panic attack.

Once panic starts it doesn't help to resist it. In fact, if you try to get rid

of the panic once it starts it often only gets worse. It's a lot like getting

on a rollercoaster ride where once you're locked into the ride and it's

begun there's no way you're getting off the ride. And if you try to get off the

ride it's only going to make you feel more uncomfortable because you can't. So it's

better to just hang on and wait for the ride to end. Number 2: Don't run away! Our

natural inclination when we're having a panic attack is to do everything in our

power to get away from the triggering scenario. But we know from research that

it's clear that when we avoid the situation that makes us panic we

actually reinforce our anxious response. It makes it more likely that we'll have

panic attacks in the future and that they will be more intense. So even

though it goes against everything that's inside of you, sit with the uncomfortable

situation and ride the panic attack out. This will be super uncomfortable in the

moment but it's going to pay off in the long run to help reduce and eventually

eliminate future panic attacks. Remember, the anxiety you're experiencing

is incredibly uncomfortable but it's not dangerous, so it's best to just ride out

that rollercoaster ride until it's done. Number three: Breathe through it. You're

not going anywhere so you might as well breathe through your panic. Now deep

breathing will not eliminate your anxiety but it will help you cope with

the discomfort. Place a hand on your belly and try to inflate your belly

like a balloon. Slowly exhale ensuring you empty all the air from your lungs

before inhaling again. The biggest error I see people make with deep breathing is

that when they exhale they don't empty out all the air from their lungs and

then it makes it feel like it's hard to breathe in again. If you empty out all of

the air it'll make it much easier to then inhale again and take a full breath.

Continue reminding yourself of these three tips until the panic passes. Panic

attacks are so intense that physiologically they can't last much

longer than 10 minutes tops. You can hang in there for 10 minutes! Ride it out and

once the panic has faded away you can then exit the triggering

situation and turn to some of your other coping skills. Maybe reach out to a loved

one or engage in other distracting techniques to help you to continue

to calm down. I can't guarantee that this will be your last panic attack, but by

practicing these tools you'll reduce the intensity and frequency of panic attacks

in the future and you may eventually eliminate them over time. If you're

experiencing frequent panic attacks or you find that they're significantly

disrupting your life, you might find it helpful to speak with a local mental

health professional. Hopefully you found these tips helpful to cope with panic

attacks. Until next time, I'm Dr. Marie Fang and I hope you have a great day!

For more infomation >> Panic Attack Help Now | How to Stop a Panic Attack - Duration: 4:03.


VLOG: Things I didn't know about Magic the Gathering before I started playing - Duration: 6:54.

Hi everyone! It's Pixie Kitten and today I'm gonna talk about things I didn't

know before I started playing Magic the Gathering which was about four months ago.

So technically, I guess I started playing Magic the Gathering a year or so

ago when I randomly bought a Kaladesh deck builders toolkit... I don't know why!

It has cards from shadows over innistrad, eldritch moon, Kaladesh, and welcome Deck 2016.

What is that? I don't know! Um... and I started playing really casually at home,

but I didn't understand a lot of what went into it. I certainly didn't

follow news about Magic the Gathering or anything like that. So the beginning of

July of this year 2018 is when I really started actually playing Magic the

Gathering properly. So! Things I didn't know before I started playing four months ago!

Number one! Colorless mana is not a mana of any color. I thought that

if you had anything any sort of artifact or whatever where you could tap and you

add the mana that is like a little grey color with a diamond inside of it I

thought that meant you could add the mana of any color so that's wrong I know

that now logically that makes sense

colorless mana but when I was playing I didn't I didn't necessarily know the

symbol that was devoid of color meant colorless mana because I didn't ever see

those words so there is that I didn't see the words colorless mana so give me

a break on that one next I also didn't know about casting

spells playing creatures at your end step I never did that and anything with

revolt I was like this is not really a very useful ability at all I didn't

understand it now I know you can cast creatures at your end step so revolt

makes a lot more sense okay next thing I didn't understand planeswalkers yeah

didn't get it didn't know what they were didn't know what their health was didn't

know how to use um like I said before I had gotten a deck builders toolkit and I

got one planeswalker in that and it was Liliana the last hope um but yeah I

never played with it I didn't know how to play with it so she's just been um

hanging out just being cool being herself and now I know how to use her

and I've actually come to find out she's pretty good and a lot of people want her

so there it is I didn't understand Planeswalkers okay last big thing that I

did not know before I started playing Magic the Gathering was how often sets

come out yeah so I come from a video game background and it takes years for

another expansion to come out so I was actually really really surprised to find

out how often sets come out and Magic the Gathering it's like three or four

year it's kind of crazy so those are kind of the big things that I really

didn't understand until about four months ago there are a few things that I

still don't get we'll go over that first thing commander I don't really

know what it is or how to play it but I know a lot of people really like it so

maybe I should look it up and figure out how to play it but I'm also kind of

resistant to it because I have this inborn thing where I just don't want to

like what everyone else likes it's a problem I have another thing I don't

understand how Magic the Gathering online works because it kind of looks

like it's an ms-dos or something um and I just don't I don't know what's ever

going on there if i watch gameplay from it I I don't I don't get it

also what's the deal with Stormcrow I know there's something about it I don't

know what it is and I don't get it someone explain it to me please

the last thing that I still don't understand about Magic the Gathering and

I don't think I ever will is why anyone would play a mill deck it's dumb it's

not really winning you're not really winning

you're just making all of your opponent get rid of all their cards I don't even

feel like that counts as a win so I don't get that at all

so there we have it leave me a comment below and let me know about something

you didn't get when you first started playing Magic the Gathering that now you

know better as always thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe

to my channel and be sure to check out my sponsor card sphere their link is in

the description below if you buy or sell or trade paper magic cards you should

definitely look into them I will see you guys next time


For more infomation >> VLOG: Things I didn't know about Magic the Gathering before I started playing - Duration: 6:54.


How to Configure Hard Disks in Adobe Premiere - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> How to Configure Hard Disks in Adobe Premiere - Duration: 3:56.


Доктор Кто 11 сезон 3 серия Промо (Русская Озвучка) - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Доктор Кто 11 сезон 3 серия Промо (Русская Озвучка) - Duration: 0:25.


5 "Hollywood" unusual ways to relax in LA - Live you best life! - Duration: 8:56.

hi guys thanks for joining me today I am relaxing on the beach welcome to my

area of Zen today I'm going to discuss with you some different ways to relax

here out in LA such a busy fast-paced city and there's so much going on that

it's very important that you find the right relaxation techniques for you as a

part as your survival here and as part as your ongoing health overall health so

the kind of things I'm going to discuss are unusual quite wacky you know some

will be a bit LA you know they're all gonna be highly beneficial and I would

recommend that you experience each of those at least once it's not going to be

the usual sorts of things such as having a bath watching a film playing a video

game they're gonna be a little bit different and a bit more connected to

you as a human and to the elements which surround us okay so number one I'm gonna

start off with goat yoga that's right yeah you heard it correctly I said goat

as in the animal yoga it is currently a thing here in LA what happens is during

your yoga session they bring in these little dwarf goats it's so cute and so

sweet and so timid and so lovely and friendly and you know as us humans we

have some kind of connection with the animal world anyway we get a lot of

comfort from touching them stroking them talking to them teasing them giving them

some affection and then giving us affection but this goes that extra step

further during your yoga poses they'll put the little goat on top of your back

he'll know how to stand straight he''ll massage those pressure points

he'll move when needed be still needed and you really bond with your designated

goat and it's just a fantastic experience who can say that they've been massaged

by a goat let me just add there's no cruelty to

the animals involved at all most of these goats have actually been rescued

these goats are treated exceptionally well you

and have the highest standard and quality of life now that they have been

rescued and for the goat I believe that the goat feels like they're the one

getting pampered not you as a human so it's a win-win

I would definitely recommend that if you just try it once it's a fantastic

experience number two I'm gonna recommend is forestry meditation it is

what it sounds like it's meditation within a forest but the rest but there

are some rules you're not allowed to take any kind of device with you whether

that be a phone a camera a tablet a laptop so once you get there you will

meet with your designated you know yoga no sorry your designated

meditation man who will give you a guided meditation as he takes you

through the forest like I said you'll be separated from all of those distractions

that you'd have in a day to day with in your life it would just be you

his voice him you'll be meditating you'll be connecting with things that

you don't usually connect with because you usually be so distracted by the

stress of life and technology which were faced with now on a day-to-day basis so

who make you very aware of your surroundings in terms of the wildlife in

terms of the nature the trees the stream the grass the soil the earth you'll hear

things that you normally wouldn't hear because you know normally you just

wouldn't you just wouldn't be present and you won't be living in the present

moment so be hearing all of the different insects the different wildlife

the sounds the birds the sounds of the stream that it is just absolutely

gorgeous it is such a good experience it is beautiful and what I would say at the

end of that you definitely feel a lot more centered a lot more connected to

the earth and to nature and I would highly recommend that experience it is

it is what it is it is you connecting with nature which believe it or not

right now you're probably so detached away from it that you don't even know

and that's just because of the modern world that we live in I would highly

recommend it that's called forestry meditation the third thing that I'm

going to suggest is hiking a lot of people are not I love to hike there were

so many different trails you think you can take Runyon Canyon is the most

popular it's also the most busy because I believe it was rated number one and

TripAdvisor so a lot of tourists go there a lot of celebrities used to go

there but they don't anymore because so many tourists go back and the

celebrities triangle alike on the mountains where they're not going to be

seen by the general public or paparazzi another popular one personal favorite of

mine is the Hollywood Hills hiking up to the sign they are there are different

routes that you can take for your level of skill and how much work that you're

willing to put in so there's like an easy moderate and severe trek up to

whichever point you're looking to get to and on average there about I think two

to six miles in total of hiking it is hard I definitely recommend you take

water do not go that water because obviously it's a mountain there are no

shops to buy anything in terms of something to drink at the same time be

aware that there are also no toilets so don't go with a full bladder whatever

you do it's nice if you take a camera to take some pictures because when you get

up there the views are just breathtaking and you know yeah you're getting a range

of everything there you're getting exercise you're getting to take a nature

and you're getting the views which which again are breathtaking number four I

think I'm gonna say where I am today the beach I love the beach and personally

it's free somewhere that you can go without paying anything well actually

that's dependent on where in LA you're staying

so you might be quite far away from the beach but obviously the sea sand chill

like depending on which beach you go to do go to my do go to one of my other

videos where I do a review on the top five beaches in LA because I do love

beach life and check that out but there are a range of beaches that you can go

to and you're not going to be disappointed there's a beach for

everybody out here very chill or if you want a beach that's very lively there

it's also very lively beaches where you can play a range of sports which is also

great number five is going to be another favorite of mine is to go and get

yourself pampered you know there's so many beauty salons you have the best of

the best out here in terms of the best people to give you massages and facials

the best products it is all here in LA I would say do your research get

recommendations read reviews price it all up go with something that is within

your your price range and just treat yourself because that'd be one hour two

hours if you go for a full spa day then a whole day to yourself for yourself and

you know you are the most important thing within your life and you deserve

to be pampered and if nobody's gonna pump you then do pamper yourself it's

much much needed and it's much important and you know even just an hour to

yourself in here in LA can really to you the world of good because everything is

just so fast-paced and you're always thinking okay what's next what's next

ideas ideas idea that you know you're in that business minded capacity in the

environment 24/7 and it is so important to just

take a minute to breathe you know breathing with me don't you feel so much

better if you found anything that I've said helpful do comment below do like my

page do you share it with friends and do subscribe to my channel I will be back

next week thank you and have a great day

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