Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 18 2018



Nat to Alba: but stand by my side if you want ** SHE AVOIDED TO PUT HER SIDE **


Miki: have you slept well or nott? Nat: huh?

Miki: have you slept well? Nat: I don't know why I'm in the shit

Nat: We really wanted to sing together, because from the first casting we got along well

Nat: WHAT? Let's see, Have you changed the top? Nat: super cool, Are you happy? Alba: yes

Nat: you're gorgeous ** WE ARE ALL NAT







Miki: a girl like you should wear a warning Alba: they don't let us say that Miki: already, I know. But I'll continue singing it

Alba: Why do I have such big eyes? Nat: Because you've them very beautiful.




Alba: I love you baby





Nat: go Alba, hot chick


Nat: I love it, it's a work of art

(the heart)

Nat: I want to tattoo something written for you

Nat: how beautiful you're. This woman, I'm amazed. I'd love to compose harmonies for you forever, beautiful

Alba: It's the first time they tell me such a nice compliment

For more infomation >> Natalia y Alba Part XVII - Albalia - Duration: 3:52.


Powerful Technique To Attract Prosperity And Abundance | The Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Powerful Technique To Attract Prosperity And Abundance | The Law Of Attraction - Duration: 10:48.


Extreme Engineering to Create the World's Stillest Rooms - Duration: 6:42.

[This episode is sponsored by Skillshare]


Sit still for a second.

What do you hear?

Maybe a siren across town?

A jet overhead?

But how about the really tiny noises?

Your breath?

Your heart?

Your bones grinding against each other?

These sounds are so quiet they're barely there.

But for some experiments, even the softest background noise is too much!

So scientists have created rooms that are unimaginably still.

Take, for example, the room where LIGO conducted the first experiment that detected

gravitational waves—tiny perturbations in spacetime—from two colliding black holes.

It was an incredible triumph of science—but also of engineering:

the equipment had to sense tiny fluctuations a mere fraction of the width of a proton in


That meant eliminating every possible source of movement.

And they aren't the only ones aiming for perfect stillness.

If your telescope is looking for planets hundreds of light-years away,

a little thermal expansion could mean the galactic equivalent of photographing your


And if you're working at the other size extreme,

shooting electrons at individual molecules, even the light tug of a fridge magnet could

be disruptive.

So scientists have resorted to extreme measures to build the stillest rooms in the world.

That means, first and foremost, eliminating mechanical vibrations

from things like trains, ocean waves, and footsteps.

The simplest solutions are passive—they block vibrations just by sitting there.

For example, springs can provide isolation—they keep fast vibrations from being transmitted.

Think of a car's suspension on gravel: the springs mostly absorb the tightly spaced bumps.

Of course, fatter bumps, like speed bumps, are too much for springs alone to hide.

That's why cars also have shock absorbers,

which use friction to dissipate any bouncing of the car body.

That dissipation is called damping.

Sensitive experiments need isolation and damping too.

Many labs use rubber pads or pneumatic table legs, which provide both isolation and damping

for sensitive equipment.

If you're building an entire vibration-free room, though, you have more…hard-core options.

The noise-free room in IBM's nanotechnology lab outside Zurich is built deep underground—

right on the bedrock.

That means any vibration is fighting the inertia of millions of tons of rock.

And it, as well as the stillest lab at The National Institute of Standards and Technology

in the US, also employs a more complex solution:

active vibration control, where sensors detect small motions and counteract them.

It's like noise-canceling headphones, but for the ground.

And speaking of noise, you might need to block vibrations in the air, too—AKA sound.

Obviously blocking sound is crucial for audio measurements,

like testing a model concert hall or checking what background noises confuse Siri.

But sounds also make equipment or samples quiver,

which can lead to problems like blurry images.

To block outside noise, labs can be insulated with layers of concrete and air.

Microsoft's underground audio lab, for example, lives inside a six-layer concrete onion…

And on top of vibration-damping springs, of course.

To stifle noises from inside a room, the walls

and even the floor can be plastered with wedge-shaped foam or fiberglass tiles.

These break up and absorb sound waves, keeping them from echoing off the walls.

Hence the name for such rooms: anechoic chambers.

Microsoft also paid special attention to little details like how cables enter the room, how

the doors are sealed, and how air is circulated.

All that effort paid off: in 2015,

Guinness certified the lab as the quietest place in the world at negative 20 decibels.

That's barely louder than air molecules bouncing around!

Some experiments need to go beyond vibrations, though: they need to control thermal expansions

and contractions, too.

Heat is especially important in experiments like that LIGO one that use interferometry,

where miniscule lengths can be measured by looking at the effects of adding them to the

paths of laser beams.

LIGO kept the temperature constant for that gravitational waves discovery

by sucking out all the air in the room and hanging instruments from insulating glass


That obviously won't cut it when suffocatable humans need access.

In those settings, temperatures are normally stabilized by air circulation.

The problem, of course, is that air conditioning is loud!

And the moving air can directly vibrate equipment.

That's why that IBM nanotechnology lab uses a gentle, upward-flowing ventilation system.

The lab's not quite as quiet as Microsoft's,

but it does manage to keep temperature fluctuations to one hundredth of a degree Celsius!

For experiments on the very smallest scales, even electrical or magnetic fields can disrupt

the stillness.

Some modern microscopes sense tiny forces between particles,

and electronics manufacturers sometimes etch circuit patterns using beams of electrons.

Those critical particles can be deflected by electromagnetic fields from any nearby

source, including things like power lines.

So to block those out, high-precision measurement labs like the one at NIST

wrap the whole room and sometimes the equipment in magnetic metals.

Just two layers can cut magnetic fields to a third of the Earth's normal field strength,

and more layers push it down even further.

It's only by blocking mechanical, acoustic, thermal, and electromagnetic

noise that we can spy on distant black holes or watch molecules flow into and out of a

single neuron.

Not all experiments need all these measures, mind you,

so different labs are quietest in different ways.

The IBM lab is unusual in trying to block everything at once.

If you're seeking peace and quiet, though, you might want to look elsewhere…

these rooms are so silent many people can't stand more than a few minutes in them.

Me, I'll take some nice wind in the trees.

I'll leave the true silence to the microscopes.

If you're looking for a silent room to record with microphones, this skillshare class on

audio recording taught by young guru who is a sound engineer for Beyonce, Jay-Z and many


Young Guru covers the scientific basics of sound recording, how to set up a recording

space, choose a microphone, and how to record different kinds of vocals

Right now SkillShare is offering Scishow viewers 2 months of free unlimited access to all of

their classes.

You can learn from Young Guru, a leader in this competitive field for free.

Check it out or any of the over 20,000 classes by clicking on the link in the description

and thanks.


For more infomation >> Extreme Engineering to Create the World's Stillest Rooms - Duration: 6:42.


Upcoming Meteor Showers this Weekend - Duration: 4:07.

well hey check this out. we have a bit of a clearing finally. We're up here in

Northeastern Ohio, and today is Thursday October 18 2018, it's now 3:44 p.m. and

over here in the southwest, pretty low in the sky, we should have a Sun with

that one sunspot I guess it disappeared and it came back so we're gonna go check

for it. And I'm using my two stacked B&W neutral density filters for 16 stops of


all right just an overall view there and try to go in and see

I think the spot would be close to the middle

I don't know I'm not seeing it. that's not to say it isn't there but I just

can't find it

that's good enough there it's a good try anyway

There we go. oh by the way we have a couple meteor showers upcoming this uh this

weekend Saturday and Sunday so after midnight if you have clear dark skies

you might be able to see some fireballs shooting through the sky. I believe if

you look towards the East after midnight you might see some shooting stars over

there and and I think if you look over in the south after 4:00 a.m. up around

where I Orion is we'll see some meteors coming from that direction also so it's

the debris trail from Halley's Comet that would be the one over by Orion

and then the debris trail of comet Encke for the Taurids and they kind of

estimate about 40 to 50 per hour so if you do have clear skies if you have

chance to see them it's doubtful I will I I don't have clear dark skies here so

not in the city but you can get more information over at the Nemesis maturity

youtube channel they do a good job of explaining all that stuff of where and

when to look and all that. and so we might have a chance to see something tonight

we'll have a 70% moon being partners with Mars they'll be real close together

once they ever break over the treeline and it gets dark enough so I'm gonna

wish you all a great day and clear skies and great weather wherever you are

so y'all take care bye now

For more infomation >> Upcoming Meteor Showers this Weekend - Duration: 4:07.



Maybe Gusion ....


No No No, you misunderstood

I don't like women like that

you dont't like women

Maybe Gusion ....

not like that

let's prove it, there on it is a bush




Tibia Vouchers | Boosted Druid vs. Average Druid (Hunt w/o Manas) - Duration: 6:23.

Hey everyone!

Our Tibia Voucher series is back!

Here we show boosted characters during vouchers days, against average characters

On the right corner we have, Liovy, a powerful and trained druid from Gladera

He is on level 31 and has an outstanding ML of 78

That's why we got 100 great fireball runes and a Demon Helmet with Powerful Void imbuement on it

which means it drains mana points of the total damage dealt per turn, 8% to be specific

With a boosted mage like this, on these levels, you don't need mana potions to hunt

Is it impossible!, may say some!

Well if you think so, let me show you how wrong you are

The experience rate is on 210% and it has an average equipment too, nothing special

It is important to point out the eficiency of its healing due to its high magic level,

so we can lure more without serious worries on our life

Also I wanna say Thank you to Bojeno, who helped me with the Void Imbuement on Gladera

Pay attention to how many creatures we killed in 8 minutes hunting here

and the experience per hour reached

On the other corner we got a druid from Nefera, he is on level 31 with ML 30

and his name is not related at all to find Yetis for Liony


Yetifor Lio

Well this character will use exactly the same amount of runes and a Demon Helmet with Powerful Void too

same experience rate of 210% and same place and route

As you can see luring more creatures is not a good idea because it increases the risk of headshot

and recovering from massive damage is not fast or easy

not if you want to hunt without using mana potions, which we are trying to emulate here

Not to mention damage is quiet low so we can't kill them using a few runes

on the contrary every group of creatures takes a lot of them

So let's look at the numbers!

There is a huge difference, don't you think?

I hope you liked it!

If so please let me know your thoughts in the comments and share it with your friends

Thanks for watching guys, if you enjoyed the video Drop a Like, Subscribe if you're not and see you soon

For more infomation >> Tibia Vouchers | Boosted Druid vs. Average Druid (Hunt w/o Manas) - Duration: 6:23.


Cavuto: Mr. President, can you look in the mirror? - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Cavuto: Mr. President, can you look in the mirror? - Duration: 4:01.


Getting Deep With Andy Dwyer - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Getting Deep With Andy Dwyer - Duration: 4:29.



Hey folks, welcome to our newest video here at techno nerd we may be primarily focused on technology

But that doesn't mean we don't get excited for some spooky fun

When Halloween rolls around in the spirit of the holiday, we've put together a list of seven items

We consider to be the best Halloween decorations available on Amazon

You want your house and yard looks spectacularly spooky this year then this is the video for you

Check out the description down below for links to buy any the products that you see featured in today's video

All right, let's dive on in

Kicking things off at number seven. We've got the 72 inch cocoon corpse from fun world

Hang this frightening figure from your porch or a tree in your yard and terrify the kids in your neighborhood

Lightweight and easy to store this six-foot long shrouded corpse will sway eerily in the wind from the included hook

Adding a delightfully creepy ambiance to your Halloween decor

Especially if lit up with a blacklight

Moving on to number six a truly terrifying covering for your front door or a house window

Brought to you by you no more

It is covered with realistic bloody handprints has a shadowy figure in the middle and the words help us are

scrawled across the top

This large size covering is perfect for a glass door or window and with backlighting

It creates a frightening ly realistic 3d effect that will make your house the talk of the neighborhood this Halloween

Made with high-quality durable material it is entirely waterproof and comes with a full one-year money-back guarantees

Our number-5 items a crashed Wicked Witch from Holly bow is the

Perfect choice to add a touch of terror to your yard this Halloween

By catching an exceptionally detailed it is made from durable padded. Nylon

And has purple hair bright green hands and a classic straw broom

It comes fully assembled

so all you have to do is pick a tree in your yard and attach it using the sturdy buckled straps on the hands and


There are a few symbols more closely associated with Halloween than the pumpkin and at number four

We've got 30 of them all strung together

These solar-powered pumpkin lights from lighter are a perfect addition to your Halloween decor

With no plug to worry about you can hang them up anywhere you like but clear wire blends in smoothly to any

Environment and when fully charged they provide illumination for six to eight hours

With eight different lighting modes, these jack-o'-lanterns are sure to become a family favorite for many Halloween's to come

At number three, we've got the perfect spooky decoration for your front yard a

Skeletal skull and hands bursting up from the ground

This eerie item from haunted haunts is perfect for creating that haunting ambiance and is easy to set up and extremely durable

The 20 lights inside the skull and hands give it a creepy green glow

Perfect for lighting up your walkway and inspiring terror in all your Halloween visitors

Number 2 on our list a truly terrifying piece of Halloween decor from forum novelties ahead in a jar

This creepy item is sure to frighten your guests and makes a great addition to any haunted house

with an exposed brain

Piercing blue eyes and a ripped up and bloody jaw this severed head in a jar brings a tasteful touch of gore to your holiday


Add in some colored water and LED lighting to make this Halloween prop even more dramatic

At number one on our list of the best Halloween decorations available on Amazon

We have a true classic the life-sized hanging skeleton

this frightful full-body skeleton from Halloween hunters features realistic human bones flashing blue light up eyes and

Poseable joints so that you can set it up in whatever position you think is best

Constructed from durable all-weather plastics the bones have an aged look that adds to the realism

No haunted house is truly complete without a full sized skeleton ready to terrify trick-or-treaters

So there you have it our list of the best Halloween decorations available on amazon

Any of these items alone would make a fine addition to your haunted house, but for best results

We recommend mixing and matching to create a truly terrifying effect

Use the comments section on this video to let us know which ones were your favorites and to show us how you use them in

your own holiday setup

Subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on our latest videos breaking down all the best products available on Amazon

Don't forget to like this video share it with your friends and hit that Bell icon to ensure that you get a notification every time

We upload a new video

Thanks for watching. We hope you have a spooky Halloween

For more infomation >> 7 SPOOKIEST HALLOWEEN DECORATION ON AMAZON - Duration: 5:15.


A Timeline Of Drake & Kanye West's Beef | Genius News - Duration: 9:09.

[JACQUES] Drake does few interviews but recently he addressed his summer feuds with Kanye West

and Pusha T on LeBron James' talk show, 'The Shop.'

BRON: Well, well, well, would you look who pulled up.

[JACQUES] Drizzy aired out his numerous issues with Kanye, most notably that he promised

Drake the "Lift Yourself" beat before releasing it himself as a troll.

DRAKE: I wake up now to this text from him, passive, like sends me something like, yo I love you brother

"Lift Yourself" comes out with him just talking nonsense.

[JACQUES] This recent flare up is the latest in a 'cold war' of sorts that goes back

to Drake's first album.

[JACQUES] 2010's "Find Your Love," produced by Kanye West, Jeff Bhasker & No I.D,

was a smash hit peaking at No.5 on the Billboard Hot 100.

West was instrumental in Drake's early career, directing the music video for his first single,

"Best I Ever Had."

Years later, in a 2013 interview, West noted how "Find Your Love" affected their relationship.

KANYE: It's like I was fine with writing "Find Your Love" with Drake on his first thing

until he got too big and that was the moment I had to adjust and deal with this new energy

that's taking over the room, right?

[JACQUES] Drake grew up idolizing Kanye and relished working with the star.

Check out his verse on Ye's remix of "All Of The Lights."

[JACQUES] Rap is a competitive sport where the young often eat the old and Drake knew this,

and so does Ye.

[JACQUES] In 2011, Drake told The Source that he eventually wanted to surpass Kanye, but

by that time, Kanye was already trying to out maneuver Drake - especially when it came

to joint albums.

TIM: The thing which it all seems to be aiming towards, the joint album, the ultimate collab?

DRAKE: Yea, yea you talking about the real deal?

You talking about the me and Wayne?

TIM: Exactly, that's the only thing on our minds.

[JACQUES] Although Drake and Wayne's album never surfaced, Kanye teamed up with JAY-Z

for "Watch The Throne."

On Khaled's 2011 cut "I'm On One," Drake ended his verse with this.

[JACQUES] On Twitter, the 6ix God batted away rumors of beef but Kanye later admitted the

effect Drake had on 'Watch The Throne''s creation.

KANYE: Me and Hov would've never made Watch

The Throne if this nigga wasn't putting

pressure on us like that.

[JACQUES] As Drake's popularity grew, it seems his idol really did become his rival.

In 2013, after Ye's polarizing sixth album 'Yeezus' was released, Drake dropped his

remix of Migos' "Versace," with these lines.

[JACQUES] Drake was later quoted in a 2014 Rolling Stone profile questioning Ye's approach

on the album, but Ye tried to smooth it over.

KANYE: Ay sidebar, you keep on talking about Drake and shit, and I'ma tell you what it

is in the magazines, they always trying to pit niggas against each other and that ain't

going down no more.

[JACQUES] Then in a 2015 interview West teased the idea of a joint album with Drake.

KANYE: The Wolves song came from a conversation that me and Drake had

where we was gonna do an album together, and the album was called Wolves.

[JACQUES] They do push each other creatively, something Kanye was well aware of.

KANYE: I look at Drake as an amazing sparring partner.

Someone that's like come on man, get back up, bow, get back up!

[JACQUES] But at times, the one-upmanship got downright petty.

Is Drake's pool really bigger than yours, Kanye?

KANYE: I have three pools.

[JACQUES] In 2016, Drake released "Pop Style," initially featuring The Throne.

[JACQUES] But the version on "Views," which dropped during Meek Mill and Drake's

beef, did not have The Throne.

KANYE: Jay thought about it and out of respect for Meek Mill said he didn't want to be on the track.

I wasn't on this song cause of Hov.

Cause of some Tidal, Apple bullshit.

[JACQUES] At August 2016's OVO Fest, Yeezy once again teased a joint album,

and some billboards made their partnership seem real but the competition never ceased.

KANYE: Khaled, and Drake, and radio and Doc and 92.3 and everybody - Is it just me or

did you hear that song so many times, you said "You wanna pay for free?"

DRAKE: I went from being…like working on a project with him, to him sorta publicly

shitting on me and DJ Khaled for being on the radio too much.

[JACQUES] By March 2018, things seemed to have calmed down.

Drake went to Wyoming to help Kanye with new music but that's where their most recent battle began.

DRAKE: Then 40 went to Wyoming early, and he was like man, I'm here a day early man

something is off.

[JACQUES] In April, Drake announced a June release date for his fifth album 'Scorpion.'

Days later, Kanye announced his 8th solo album 'Ye,' as well as four others from his

G.O.O.D music camp, including Pusha T's "Daytona."

According to Drake, Kanye knew his release schedule and the struggles he had with his

son's mother.

DRAKE: You've gotta be transparent with me and you gotta play me your music and you

gotta tell me when you're dropping, and I know you don't like to do things like that.

[JACQUES] In May, Pusha T, who has his own side spat with Drake and Cash Money,

dissed Drake on the Kanye-produced, "Infrared," and Drake responded with "Duppy Freestyle,"

but his bars were primarily aimed at Ye.

[JACQUES] Pusha T dropped a bombshell with "The Story of Adidon," with these revealing bars.

[JACQUES] Drake says he recorded a response but chose not to release it.

DRAKE: I just listened back to it and I was like man, this is not, this is not,

something I ever want to be remembered for.

[JACQUES] Instead he put his anger into 'Scorpion,' crafting tracks like "Mob Ties," "Nonstop,"

"In My Feelings" and "8 out of 10," the last of which Drizzy appears to target at West.

[JACQUES] Later, reports surfaced that Kanye told Push about Drake's son.

So you didn't give Pusha T the information?

KANYE: No I didn't.

Don't pull me in to this conversation.

DRAKE: I send him a picture of my son, I tell him I'm having trouble with my son's mother,

we had a conversation. I shared my -

[JACQUES] But, in a new interview, Push says Drake's paternity intel came from Drizzy's

producer 40's disgruntled musings to a woman he was dating.

PUSH: With that also came the fact that Drake has a child, with that also came the trip

that everybody took to go see the child to bring him gifts and all of this information.

[JACQUES] Drake felt Push crossed a line by mentioning 40's illness, on "The Story Of Adidon."

DRAKE: "Hey man, there's no rules" but there are fucking rules in this shit.

Wishing death on my friend that has MS.

[JACQUES] Push said he never wished death on 40 and pointed to Drake's shots at Kid Cudi

for his mental health.

[JACQUES] While this may clear Kanye regarding Drake's child, there still may be some feelings

in the air.

In late August, a viral-but-unconfirmed Twitter thread says that Drake's "In My Feelings"

alludes to a possible affair with Kim Kardashian West.

[JACQUES] Genius confirmed back in July that Drake was mentioning K'yanna Barber and

not Kim.

[JACQUES]In early September, this bar from French Montana's "No Stylist" leaked

stoking the fire.

[JACQUES] Montana asserted that the verse was recorded months prior.

A day later, West apologized to Drake for "Lift Yourself," the release dates and more.

But weeks later he addressed Drake's silence on the "In My Feelings" rumor.

KANYE: You know if I had a girlfriend from Chicago and her name was Renita and you was

married to Rihanna, I wouldn't make no song called RiRi.

[JACQUES] Push says both Kanye and Drake are to blame.

PUSH: Now the bromance that they have going back and forth.

They cool and then he shoot him in a verse,or some shit?

JOE: That's weird, Push.

PUSH: Bruh, that's them!

[JACQUES] Ultimately, Drake is OK with how it all turned out.

DRAKE: Back against the wall I either go all the way filthy or I fall back and I have this

sort've chink in my armor for the rest of time to a rap purist which is fine I could

live with that.

[JACQUES] I'm Jacques Morel with Genius news, bringing you the meaning and the knowledge

behind the music.


For more infomation >> A Timeline Of Drake & Kanye West's Beef | Genius News - Duration: 9:09.


"Четвертая смена". 4 серия - Duration: 48:09.

For more infomation >> "Четвертая смена". 4 серия - Duration: 48:09.


The Talk - Jenna Fischer Plays 'The Price is Right' Game on 'The Talk' - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Jenna Fischer Plays 'The Price is Right' Game on 'The Talk' - Duration: 4:15.


Officials: Human remains could still be found inside Cantrell Funeral Home - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Officials: Human remains could still be found inside Cantrell Funeral Home - Duration: 4:09.


What Happens When You Lose a Balloon? - Duration: 3:15.


I'm so glad you're still having fun with that balloon, Squeaks!

[Squeaks thanks her for saving it]

Oh right!

We did almost lose it earlier today.

We were in the pizza store getting some lunch,

and the balloon slipped out of Squeaks' paw!

It went up to the ceiling, but the string was hanging down far enough that I could grab

it back.

Then we tied it to a water bottle from my backpack so it wouldn't get away again.

It's a good thing it didn't escape while we were outside!

[Squeaks asks what would have happened]

Well, a couple of different things can happen to a balloon that escapes into the sky —

the regular type of balloon, I mean, that's made out of the stretchy rubber stuff.

First, the balloon starts to rise higher and higher into the air.

That's because balloons aren't filled with regular air, like the kind we breathe.

They're filled with something called helium, and it makes the balloon lighter for its size

than the air around it.

So it starts to float on the air, just like certain things float on water.

If you try to push a plastic spoon to the bottom of a bowl of water, the spoon will

just float to the top again.

If someone lets go of a helium balloon outside, it starts to rise through the air like the

spoon at the bottom of the bowl rises through the water.

But unlike the small amount of water in the bowl, there's lots of air all around us,

and it stretches up really high in the sky.

So the balloon keeps floating higher and higher and higher.

And as it goes higher, the air around it starts to change.

The higher into the sky you go, the less air there is.

There's still some air, but it becomes more spread out.

And as the air outside the balloon spreads out, the helium inside the balloon starts

to spread out, too, pushing out on the inside of the balloon.

What happens next depends on the strength of the stuff the balloon is made of.

If the balloon isn't very strong, the helium pushing on it will pop the balloon before

it gets too high up.

Then the pieces just fall back down to the ground.

That's why it's usually not a good idea to send balloons into the sky on purpose.

When they come back down in those big pieces,

they can hurt animals that think they're food and try to swallow them.

But if the balloon is stronger, something different will happen.

It will keep floating higher and higher up into the air — sometimes even as high as

an airplane!

But the air very high up in the sky isn't just more spread out —

it's also much colder.

When you're as high up as airplanes go, it's freeeeezing.

And when rubber gets cold, it becomes stiffer and less stretchy.

So eventually, with the cold combined with the helium pushing on it from the inside,

the balloon can actually /shatter/, breaking into super tiny little pieces.

Those also fall back down to the ground, but since they're so small you probably wouldn't

be able to see them.

Whether it pops or shatters, the balloon always does two things:

it goes up very high, as far as it can go!

And then it comes back down.

That's actually what happened to your balloon too, Squeaks!


since we were inside, it could only go as high as the ceiling, and then we were able

to pull it back down.

Have you ever lost a balloon?

What do you think happened to it?

Ask a grownup to help you leave a comment below, or send us your questions through our

website at

We'll see you next time here at the Fort!


For more infomation >> What Happens When You Lose a Balloon? - Duration: 3:15.


'Love and Hip Hop Atlanta' star Tommie Lee arrested after allegedly attacking student - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> 'Love and Hip Hop Atlanta' star Tommie Lee arrested after allegedly attacking student - Duration: 0:34.


Priyanka Chopra Jokes That She Needs to 'Catch Up' To Best Friend Meghan Markle After Her Pregnancy - Duration: 2:46.

 Priyanka Chopra has royal baby fever!  When asked how she's feeling about pal Meghan Markle's recent pregnancy announcement, Chopra told E! News: "I just have a few of my friends who are having babies right now

So I'm like, 'God, I need to catch up!'"  The Quantico star got engaged to boyfriend Nick Jonas in July after he proposed to her on her 36th birthday in London

Shortly after the engagement news, Jonas and his parents flew to India to meet Chopra's family

 The two celebrated their upcoming nuptials with a party in Mumbai that was attended by their respective families and many from her Bollywood circle

 "Everything's going really, really well with Priyanka," a source previously told PEOPLE

"Nick will do what he wants to do."  "Even though Joe's been engaged longer, it wouldn't be surprising if Nick got married first," the insider said

"They're not really competitive in terms of who's going to get hitched first."  The actress, who attended the Meghan and Harry's royal wedding in May, has been friends with Meghan since 2016, after the two met at the ELLE Women in Television dinner

 "We bonded as actors," Chopra told PEOPLE of their friendship in September. "We just became friends, like two girls would

"  And, they keep in touch, even when they're in different parts of the world.  "She's doing amazing," Chopra told PEOPLE about Meghan after the royal wedding

"It's so nice to see."  "I think friendships depend on people individually and how personal your relationship is," she said

"You can have work friendships, those are different. But when you have real friendships, like ours, it doesn't matter what people look at you as or where your world goes, you sort of just, stay friends

And I think that's what we're like."

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra Jokes That She Needs to 'Catch Up' To Best Friend Meghan Markle After Her Pregnancy - Duration: 2:46.


Electrical Power, Conductors, and Your Dream Home: Crash Course Engineering #21 - Duration: 10:47.

Imagine you're putting together your dream home.

Maybe you're after a mansion on the rolling hills of LA, or a mountain-top ski lodge, or a beautiful cottage somewhere in the countryside.

Whatever it is, unless you're willing to give up a lot of modern conveniences, you'll want electrical power in your home.

It took scientists and engineers hundreds of years of experimenting with electricity to get us to a point where we can use it for our benefit.

Along the way, electrical engineers had to make choices about the materials they used to stop, start, and change the flow of electrical current as it was needed.

And although we may take it for granted, getting power to your new house will involve some pretty clever thinking.

[Theme Music]

Electrical power is carried in a material by the flow of electrons – charged subatomic particles found in all materials.

Most electrons are bound up in atoms not doing very much, but certain materials allow electrons to flow through them, carrying charge.

That flow is what we call an electrical current, and it's measured in units called Amperes.

In diagrams, you'll see that current is shown to be flowing from positive to negative, which might seem kind of confusing, since it's opposite to the direction the electrons are flowing.

But it becomes much easier to decode if you think about current as a flow of charge.

As electrons flow toward a positive charge, their destination becomes more negative, and their source becomes more positive.

Essentially, charge is flowing in the opposite direction to the electrons.

For our purposes, though, we just need to know how easily electrons flow in the material.

When they're able to flow in a material with a voltage applied to it – meaning it's connected to something that can generate an electric current, like a battery –

we say the material conducts an electrical current.

The degree to which a material can conduct the flow of electricity is called its conductivity.

Then there's resistance, which describes how much a material resists the flow of current through it.

It's inversely proportional to conductivity, meaning that when one increases, the other decreases proportionally, and vice versa.

Resistance is measured in units called ohms, represented by the capital Greek letter omega, so we talk about conductivity in units of inverse ohms – that is, 1 divided by ohms.

For electrical engineers, conductivity is often a good thing, like for the material inside an electrical wire.

We want that to carry a flow of electrical power to our devices.

As for the casing around that wire, if we don't want our electrical current escaping into unwanted materials,

we'd better make sure that the casing's material doesn't have a lot of conductivity.

In electrical engineering, we can broadly categorize materials into three types based on their conductivity:

Conductors, which, as you might expect, have high conductivities.

Insulators, which have extremely low conductivities

And semiconductors, which are somewhere in between.

For now, we'll be concentrating on those first two.

Metals, like silver, copper, gold, or aluminum, are good conductors.

You've probably noticed that a lot of electrical circuitry is made of metal.

Their conductivities are nice and high at around ten million inverse ohms per meter.

On the other end of the scale, insulators barely conduct electricity at all.

Those are materials like plastic, glass, and rubber.

As an electrical engineer, which type of material appeals to you usually depends on how much conductivity you need.

So it's going to be important to consider that when figuring out how to get power to your dream home.

Chances are, we'll have to transport the electrical power over long distances – far from a power plant.

Of course, the electricity grid has to supply other users too, like businesses, factories and other homes.

It takes a lot of material to supply electricity to an entire nation or continent, so we need to make a sensible decision about the cables we use to carry power throughout the grid.

Our material has to be highly conductive, to transport as much of the required electrical current as possible,

and high in tensile strength to ensure that it lasts for a long time hanging between transmission towers.

And, like so many materials in electrical engineering, it needs to be ductile so we can shape it to our needs.

The good news is that there is a material that fits the bill!

Copper is ductile, and has a high tensile strength, and best of all, is very conductive.

Job done, right?

Well, the bad news is that copper is too expensive to make a power grid from.

Cost is one of those pesky engineering considerations that's hard to get around!

Instead, transmission lines are typically made of a cheaper metal: aluminum.

Aluminum has a high conductivity – although not quite as high as copper – and is lightweight, so it's less likely to sag over time.

But despite this, it's not strong enough to support the tension power cables are put under for extended periods.

Well, no worries.

We're not restricted to using just one material!

And steel has a very high tensile strength.

So if we take strands of conductive aluminum and arrange them around a core of high strength steel strands,

the cable can transmit lots of power while the steel provides extra strength and support.

Which is exactly how power cables are designed.

But just because copper is expensive for power grids, doesn't mean it's not used at all.

With all that power now being supplied to your house, you probably have some electrical appliances that you'd like to put in there.

Copper will have an important role in those appliances!

In smaller quantities, copper is useful in electronic circuitry, especially since it's very easy to shape, weld and solder.

The purer the copper, the better it is for conducting electricity.

Perhaps one of the most important examples is in printed circuit boards, or PCBs.

PCBs are boards that allow for complex arrangements of electrical components to be connected and arranged on small scales.

And they're absolutely everywhere!

Any modern electronic items in this dream home, from televisions to microwaves or even a digital clock, will contain a PCB.

If you're watching this on your phone or your computer, there's a PCB already hidden away in the circuitry of your device.

And it's copper, with its marvelous conducting properties, that provide the tracks on those boards, connecting all the tiny components inside your devices together.

High conductivity isn't the be all and end all of electrical engineering though.

Stopping an electrical current from going where it shouldn't is just as important as helping it flow where it should!

Consider the wiring in the walls of your dream home.

As with the wire we considered earlier, insulators like plastic or rubber will be vital to stop the currents from flowing out of the circuit and getting where they shouldn't.

But even within that circuit itself, materials on the lower end of being conductors are often super important.

You might have noticed that your new place doesn't really have much lighting yet.

That's where low conductivity conductors can help us!

See, when we apply a current in a low conductivity conductor,

the electrons, which are carrying the current, can't zip past the material's atoms quite as easily and carry all the electrical energy through.

Instead, the material's resistance causes the electrons to convert some of their electrical energy to heat, and in some cases, even light.

Which means low conductivity conductors give us a way to generate heat and light from an electrical current.

So, resistance isn't always futile; sometimes it's rather useful.

The amount of power lost to a resistor to generate heat and light is given by the square of the current multiplied by the total resistance of the material.

Under the circumstances they're typically used in, it's also helpful for low-conductivity conductors to have some other features,

like a high melting point and mechanical strength.

They still need to be ductile, though, so we can shape them into a wire.

So it's also handy if those materials are resistant to corrosion, have a long lifetime, and are inexpensive – ideally.

Not asking much, are we?

We do have some options, though.

Tungsten, for example, is a metal that's typically extracted from chemical compounds in ores or tungstic acid.

It's name comes from the term "Tung sten", meaning "Heavy stone" in Swedish.

And that's a pretty apt name for it!

Tungsten is heavy; by density it's so similar to gold that counterfeiters sometimes cover a slab of tungsten with a bit of gold to make fake solid gold bars!

But it also has the highest tensile strength and melting point of any metal on the periodic table.

That makes it perfect for drawing into long, thin wires – better known as filaments.

And here's the important thing: tungsten is quite a low conductivity conductor, with twice the resistivity of a material like aluminum.

So it also does a great job of generating light.

Tungsten filaments can handle extremely high temperatures, up to two thousand degrees Celsius!

Which means a filament can give off a lot of light before hitting a temperature where it melts.

Unfortunately, though, we can't expose it to the atmosphere, since oxygen reacts with the tungsten to form tungsten oxide, which burns out the filament.

So instead, we encase it in glass, and surround the filament with an inert gas like argon or nitrogen so it can continue to shine when we put a current through it.

If you feel like you've just had a light-bulb moment you're completely right.

We've literally just described how incandescent light bulbs work!

Admittedly, more modern light bulbs, like LEDs, are much more efficient and better for the environment.

But tungsten's ability to withstand the destructive forces of electrical contact are still pretty useful elsewhere.

For example, tungsten can handle being bombarded by electrons –

those electrons cause it to emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of X-rays, which is how X-rays are generated in hospitals!

Another low-conductivity conductor that shows up in electrical engineering is carbon,

which is used in things like resistors, electrical contacts, and battery cell elements.

So we have light, but can we provide some extra heat?

A dream mountain-top ski lodge, for example, definitely needs a way to keep you extra nice and toasty in the winter.

Well, one low-conductivity conductor, nichrome, is up to the task.

It's a metal alloy that's mostly nickel and chromium, and because it's on the lower end of conducting, when we apply a voltage through it, it does a great job of heating up.

That makes it perfect to function as the heating element in an electric heater or furnace.

And with that, we've got the electrical essentials covered for your dream home!

Of course, if you want a device like a computer in your new place, we'll have to take a look at the intermediate materials on the spectrum that ushered in the computer age: semiconductors.

But that's a story for the next episode.

Today, we looked at the materials electrical engineers work with.

We looked at how high-conductors help us transport electrical power and form the basis of circuitry,

how insulators stop flow from going where it shouldn't,

and how low-conductivity conductors can be used to generate light and heat.

Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios, which also produces Space Time.

Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the depths of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth.

Check out Space Time and subscribe at the link below.

Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> Electrical Power, Conductors, and Your Dream Home: Crash Course Engineering #21 - Duration: 10:47.


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When you discover what the pineapple skin can do for you, you will not throw it away again! - Duration: 2:58.

learn how to make pineapple tea to clean the blood the pineapple is a fruit rich in

vitamins like potassium calcium iron fibers manganese

beta-carotene and vitamins like of the complex by the vitamin c the great

amount of fibers present in the fruit helps keep the bowel in good

operation below is shown how to make pineapple tea a drink that

will help in cleaning the blood and in the prevention of other diseases for

who intends to have one more action effective with pineapple tea is enough

add ginger or cinnamon in the drink besides leaving the tea with a flavor

wonderful these products are called thermogenic ie they help the

metabolism to work faster making the calories be

eliminated more quickly how make pineapple ingredients half a liter

of water half pineapple cut into small pieces peels of the half of the pineapple

cut into pieces how to prepare you will need to boil

the pineapple peel for about 10 minutes

then beat the shells in the blender mixing the pieces of the

pineapple serve ice cream or hot recipe tere pineapple with cinnamon ingredients a

liter of water peel of a pineapple medium a cinnamon stick cloves the

india- 5 herb pineapple peels in a liter of water for about 10

minutes then turn off the heat and place

cinnamon and cloves immediately tape the pot after five minutes uncover

and strain in sweet and drink pineapple tea with cinnamon pineapple tea recipe with

apple ingredients pineapple peel chopped a cup water two cups shells

of an apple how to prepare dressing gown pineapple peels in the blender

together with the water Then strain and place in the

fire with apple peels for about three minutes

you can serve after five recipe minutes of pineapple tea with lemon

pineapple ingredients in cubes grams a lemon cut in four water

150 milliliters ice crushed first you must squeeze two parts of the lemon

in the water and then put on fire after a few minutes with what the

other halves of lemon and pineapple for end with what I already chopped it

This recipe for pineapple tea is better frost

if you liked the video of a I like it Enroll in the channel and do not stop

share with your friends until the next video chao

For more infomation >> When you discover what the pineapple skin can do for you, you will not throw it away again! - Duration: 2:58.


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POSTPARTUM Fall Clothing Haul & TRY ON 2018 || ZARA, NORDSTROM, FOREVER 21 - Duration: 13:00.

(soft music)

- Hey loves, wassup?

It's Toya.

Welcome back to my channel.

I am so happy because fall is approaching very quickly

and actually I don't even know when the official day

of fall is but fall is my favorite season for fashion

so I wanted to share a little bit of a collective haul.

I hope you guys enjoy.

So during the move,

I will not mention any names (laughs)

but (yells) my husband, yeah, he's owning up to it,

accidentally threw away all of my shoes.

- [Man] I fucked up!

- And when I say all of my shoes,

outside of like a couple of pairs of flats

that I could only wear when I was pregnant,

I mean all of my shoes.

So I'm having to start from scratch

so I want to start with the things that

I'm most excited about.

I don't know if you guys can see any boxes over here

but you guys see this?

Do you see this?

This would be my first pair of Converse

but you know, I'm not a huge Converse person

but these, I even I couldn't pass up.

These are the Comme De Garcons Converse collaboration.

Chuck Taylors.

I'm a size 10, so like you know my feet are kind of big

but I love these.

I got the high top because I want to wear them with

some leather leggings.

I think these with some leather leggings

and like a leather jacket, a really comfortable tee

underneath would look really dope.

So I do have some leggings but I'll show you later.

I just, I think these are really dope

and I want the high top ones because I planned on either

like rolling up my pants or wearing leggings with these so,

so excited.

So on the opposite side of comfort (laughs)

I have some Nine West boots that I got from Nordstrom

and I believe I got the Converse from Nordstrom too.

I will put all the links down below

but these boots,

oh yeah.

I mean can you feel me though?

These are probably three inches,

let me just show you guys.

I want to say that these are faux suede.

The heel is not too high.

You know, I can not do four inch heels really anymore

like I used to so I want comfort

but I want style at the same time.

It's a pointy toe, pointy toe.

I am absolutely in love with suede

or leather, even if it's faux leather boots

but I think that these will be very, very chic for the fall.

It does not rain a lot here in California

so I think when I, I'll spray these down

just in case but I'm really excited to wear these.

And back again to comfort, I did some shopping at Zara

and I got these, these sneakers.

They're really cool.

They're faux leather

and they have these black and white polka dot strings

on them that I think are just too, too, too cute

and like if I'm gonna wear a sneaker,

I'm gonna wear a sneaker, you know what I mean?

So I really, really like these.

They're black and white.

I've been kind of going with a black and white theme.

I did just have a baby so

and I am building from scratch so the reason I say

I just had a baby,

black is just very chic and slimming

but then also when I'm building from scratch,

I really want to get the basic colors,

the blacks, the nudes, the tans out of the way

before I can have a little bit more fun

but this is kind of a good compromise

between comfort and practicality with a sprinkle of fun.

I am a size 10 by the way so (laughs),

all you size 10 girls do you feel me when I say

sometimes it's terrible, like it's ridiculous

trying to find your size of shoe.

They have gotten so much better, oh my gosh.

All right, so, moving on,

Zara, everything I got was black (laughs)

so there's this blouse, it's a see-through blouse.

It has, it's very textured you know.

I want to say that this is probably polyester.

It has a button on the sleeve,

it's kind of loose, kind of flowy,

a little bit of a boxy shape.

It has some fringing, lace fringing along the collar area

and the polka dots have this sort of velvet texture

to them on top of the sheer material.

I got this in a size medium and it is polyester, yes.

And then I got some high-waisted leggings.

I was supposed to return one of them

because I got a medium and I got a large

because I wasn't sure what my post-pregnancy body

would be doing but they are high-waisted.

They have, these are the, are they the mediums?

They look like a medium, yeah, these are the mediums.

They have, whoa, an elastic waist, they are high-waisted.

They have some vertical stitching,

lots of long panels in this

and I like the material

because it's kind of thick and I feel like it's gonna

kind of pull me in.

Yeah because I'm gonna need all the pulling in

that I can get.

So I got these also in a size large

so I can probably fit one now and then one later

once I'm, once I finish my snapback,

you know what I'm saying.

Now remember before when I mentioned

faux leather leggings?

So Bloomingdale's was having this big sale

pretty recently and they had a really good deal

on these Spanx leggings.

Okay I don't own anything from Spanx

but these have amazing reviews online

and it seems to be like the go to thing.

It's like everyone is like rushing to get a discount

on these Spanx leggings because I think they're like

over 100 dollars, retail price

and I want to say I don't know, I feel like I got like

50% off or 70% off, I can't remember

but these are great.

They're in size large and even if, I feel like even if

I kind of slim down because they're so stretchy

and after washing, things like that,

I should be able to wear them

but these are a moto legging

and I think that these are bomb

and they will go with pretty much anything

that I bought so black.

I love mixing textures so I'm good.

I'm good.

Now because I am working on my body

and because I am breastfeeding and pumping

every like three to four hours,

I would say between three and five hours I am pumping milk

or feeding him and I need like accessibility

to the boobies, you know what I'm saying?

So right before I had Davinci,

I got a bunch of maternity dresses

because I knew I wasn't gonna be able to fit anything.

I couldn't fit anything during pregnancy obviously

and I wanted something that would be versatile

that could bring me from summer into fall

with layering a couple pieces so I got a bunch

of nursing dresses.

I didn't even know that these existed.

So I got them from Kohl's

and Kohl's was having a great sale.

They're always kind of having sales,

but I got them from

and what I love about them, I'm wearing one now,

I'll show you in a minute, is that they look like

a normal dress but then you lift it up

and then there's holes.

There's holes for your boobies.

This is ingenious, guys.

It's so good and I got these all in a size medium,

a maternity medium.

So when you're shopping for maternity clothes,

apparently you're supposed to get the size that you were

pre-pregnancy and I think that that's so smart

because I was like I don't know what size I am

and that's something I didn't know.

So I got it in black and white,

I got it in olive and cream.

Then I got like a tank top version in red and white.

I got an all black one that has like a little knot tie

in the front like this one

and this one oop, and this one also has the little

peak-a-boo, little peak-a-boo.

So if these dresses are still available,

I will find them and link them down below.

If not, I will post something similar.

I ended up hitting up Forever 21

and thank God for Forever 21.

The quality of their clothing is not the best.

I think we all know that like after a year or two,

you'll probably be cycling the clothes out

but the point of Forever 21 is to keep you on trend

and you know, it's inexpensive.

So I got a couple of pairs of leggings

and I got a crap ton of tank tops

and what I like about the tank tops

is that you can easily drop 'em okay

and you can put them under anything.

You can put, you know, jackets, long sleeve shirts.

These are kind of the most versatile

piece of clothing I feel like I own, you know what I mean?

Like who doesn't need a couple of tank tops

and now that I'm nursing,

drop it down, put it back up.

It's great and I don't even have to wear to a bra

when I'm at home so it's amazing

and then I did get a pair of jeans

because I can't fit any of mine.

These are size 30 and they are high rise jeans

with some distressing and some slits at the knee

and I have three random things that I got from Amazon.

Shower caps (laughs) shower caps.

These are very, very thick,

very durable and I mean they're normal size

so like if you have super big hair,

maybe not the ones for you

but more often than not, my hair is in a bun, a ponytail,

in twists already so a regular shower cap

is just fine and they're in these really cute colors

and patterns so I will link these down below

if you're in, you know, in the market for a new shower cap.

I also went to MAC and MAC when my mother-in-law

was in town, we kind of checked it out

and I ended up finding these MAC Prep and Prime

Fix Plus Matte and I have not used it yet.

I remember the regular Fix Plus so I'm really excited

to try this out.

I have very oily skin, pregnancy has not been kind

to my skin so what I am doing right now

is I'm kind of refraining from using this

because I am repairing my skin.

I have a bunch of hormonal acne.

It's like, it's nothing I have ever experienced before

in my life and I did not know that this happened

but you know, I'm the anomaly, like all the time

so my skin is jacked up.

In response to that, I went on Amazon

and they were selling Benzoyl Peroxide

and I looked it up and it's pretty okay

for women that are nursing

so this is 10% guys.

Usually you'll see 2.5% but this is 10%

and because my skin is so oily,

it does dry me out

but in a good way.

I can throw some moisturizer on and still be fine

so if you have super dry skin,

I probably would not try 10% Benzoyl Peroxide

but it's seems to be working out.

I think, if this works out,

I also have like this special soap that I got too.

Like I might do a skincare routine

but that's only like if it actually works

and I can give you guys good news, you know what I'm saying?

But so far so good.

So that is the end of my haul.

I'm so happy to be back.

Thumbs up, let me know what your favorite piece was

and also like, do you guys have any like post-partum

fashion tips that you want to lay down on a sistah?

I will accept everything because this is a learning process

for me too.

I am excited for it, you know what I'm saying

'cause like it's fashion but if you guys have anything

that you've tried that works well, like the leggings

and the tank top sort of thing, let me know

so I can try it out.

I love you guys and I will talk to you later.

(smooth music)

For more infomation >> POSTPARTUM Fall Clothing Haul & TRY ON 2018 || ZARA, NORDSTROM, FOREVER 21 - Duration: 13:00.


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The hamster reaction which felt danger is too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:35.

Cheese Jr. Come here❤

Now go! !

Cheese Jr. is working hard in invisible places ❤

Here it is!

I'm here!

It is a reward of soybean seedlings ❤

Yum Yum

It is still tasty

Yum Yum



Yum Yum



I felt something…

What's wrong?



This is not it

I go home

I feel uncomfortable.

I will get it for a while

See you tomorrow

For more infomation >> The hamster reaction which felt danger is too cute!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:35.


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For more infomation >> Nightcore「Lyrics/Remix」→ Lie To Me (Steve Aoki feat. Ina Wroldsen) - Duration: 3:06.


Priyanka Chopra Jokes That She Needs to 'Catch Up' To Best Friend Meghan Markle After Her Pregnancy - Duration: 2:46.

 Priyanka Chopra has royal baby fever!  When asked how she's feeling about pal Meghan Markle's recent pregnancy announcement, Chopra told E! News: "I just have a few of my friends who are having babies right now

So I'm like, 'God, I need to catch up!'"  The Quantico star got engaged to boyfriend Nick Jonas in July after he proposed to her on her 36th birthday in London

Shortly after the engagement news, Jonas and his parents flew to India to meet Chopra's family

 The two celebrated their upcoming nuptials with a party in Mumbai that was attended by their respective families and many from her Bollywood circle

 "Everything's going really, really well with Priyanka," a source previously told PEOPLE

"Nick will do what he wants to do."  "Even though Joe's been engaged longer, it wouldn't be surprising if Nick got married first," the insider said

"They're not really competitive in terms of who's going to get hitched first."  The actress, who attended the Meghan and Harry's royal wedding in May, has been friends with Meghan since 2016, after the two met at the ELLE Women in Television dinner

 "We bonded as actors," Chopra told PEOPLE of their friendship in September. "We just became friends, like two girls would

"  And, they keep in touch, even when they're in different parts of the world.  "She's doing amazing," Chopra told PEOPLE about Meghan after the royal wedding

"It's so nice to see."  "I think friendships depend on people individually and how personal your relationship is," she said

"You can have work friendships, those are different. But when you have real friendships, like ours, it doesn't matter what people look at you as or where your world goes, you sort of just, stay friends

And I think that's what we're like."

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra Jokes That She Needs to 'Catch Up' To Best Friend Meghan Markle After Her Pregnancy - Duration: 2:46.


Farming Simulator 17 Mods Custom Modding John Deere 60/70 series US VERSION - Duration: 8:25.

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

Landwirtschaft Simulator 17 Mods

Farming Simulator 17 Mods

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Mods Custom Modding John Deere 60/70 series US VERSION - Duration: 8:25.


2 Chainz x Migos x Kanye West x Jay Z Type Beat - Japanese In Paris - Gangsta Rap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:55.

For more Type Beats & Instrumentals visit

For more infomation >> 2 Chainz x Migos x Kanye West x Jay Z Type Beat - Japanese In Paris - Gangsta Rap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:55.


QS AL ADIYAT AYAT 1 - 11 JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> QS AL ADIYAT AYAT 1 - 11 JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 1:32.


Duta Pelajar ACIKITA ke Jepang - Duration: 12:06.



why am I really excited to go to Japan?

Aight... I'll tell you why

One day I found a video on YouTube

and then I was blown away

because I can see people from Japan are really discipline, polite, hardworking, respectful of time


I really really want to learn from them

I'm serious


and I wonder..

how's it feels like to walk everyday?

I mean I know that Japanese always walk to go to everywhere

or use Public Transportation

I know..

But I really want to try it

it's sounds fun


totally, Japan and its people are amazing

I can tell

so is it only me who think that Japan and its people are amazing..

or does everyone think the same?

Let's see what they think!



Sis, what do you think about Japan?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what is it

it is the owner of Miniso

other than that?


ehhh aha aha eeeeee


eeee what do you think about Japan?

Japan it's a beautiful country and then they (Japanese) always appreciate time, very orderly and then clean, polite. but what I don't like about Japanese people is that they are a little apathetic

so they don't seem to care about other people's lives

but yea it's good tho

they don't interfere in other people's business

but the bad impact is to make them less respectful of neighbors, social. mm that's it

What do you need to learn from Japanese people?

Japan is.. Well I really want to learn about their cultures

about their culture such as dance, music, daily culture ... yeah

what do you think about Japan and its people?

Japan is a country that is truly disciplined

and its people also appreciate time and discipline. because they assume that time is truly valuable and cannot be repeated.

for example like how they walk. they walked very fast and seemed to appreciate time. the way they walk cannot be compared to lazy people

they are really good at managing time, like when it's time for them to rest they rest, it's time for them to relax they will relax, that's it.

oh yea, so what do you need to learn from Japanese people?

maybe about discipline, because if it's not done early, it's difficult to do it later

and that's what they think ...


of course, they want to be better person for the future

I mean they want to be more dicipline..

they want to be more good at manage time and many more

just like Japanese

so they want to learn from Japanese

because.. you know what?

they are the future leader..

they want to be useful for their country and for everyone

so yeah they want to be good person everyday

so, I'm trying to ask them one more time

about a program that will give them the opportunity to learn from Japan for free

are they interested or nah.. let's see what they think!

what do you think?

mmm interesting and I really want it..

especially if we will be invited to visit tourist attractions and learn about culture. Wow, I'm really excited

but...but if told to discussion, make ideas, presentations ...

noo, i'll throw up my hands

so what do you think?

I really like it

maybe from that program I can take lessons from their good habits that can later be applied to myself

ok thank you

wooo wooo wooo

I fforgot something...

I really want to talk about Young age..

so yeah... pls give me more time

more time

more time

more time

blehh blehh bleeh

young age is commonly known as the age of finding the true identity in someone's life

therefore, no wonder if there are lots of confusion on what they are going to be in the future

for example,

ehhhh what i want to be when i grew up

eehh what if i dont get a job someday

ehhhh what if i don't get paid someday

what if, what if, what if, and a lot of what if....

I mean come on

we are youths

we are thirsty on learning something new

we are thirsty on learning new experiences

and we are thirsty on learning new knowledge

don't be afraid

oh come on

I remember there are many speeches from powerful person who believe in youths potential

"Give me 1000 oldman, i'll undoubtedly rip Semeru from its root, give me 10 youths, i'll undoubtedly shake the world" - soekarno

this speech has been motivated a lot of Indonesian people

especially me

the belief on what youth potential is not only a concept nor a theory

I mean it's has been proven that youth has capacity in order to be an agent of change or change makers

aight.. do you know that currentlly and up to 10 years to come..

Indonesia will enjoy its demographic bonus..

where the majority of the population belongs to the productive age..

what a glorious thing...

so what should we do?

aight... before we talk about what should we do

let's take a look back there when Indonesia still under Dutch colonization

let's take a look :v

strats with mohammad hatta who started to lead perhimpunan Indonesia when he was only 21 years old

Ki Hajar Dewantara, the father of biggest moslem organization called Muhammadiyah estabilshed indische partij in 1912 when he was 20 years old

Agus Salim and Cokrominoto was actively lead Sarekat Islam in their 22

Mohammad Yamin joined make sumpah pemuda when he also 22 years old

but...before he had a great contribution in the making of sumpah pemuda , he was actively involved in Jong Sumatra Bond when he was only 19

these examples has shown us that youth is not only age but inside of the number of age there is a great potential to make a change

even tho there are lots of evidence that shown us about the youth's potential, still there is a negative statement bout it..

like "ohhhh i'm only youth"

seemingly if we are youth and we cannot do anything for our country

that statement is entirely wrong, indeed.

I mean hey if we could just believe if we are the agent of change and the future leader.. we should change the statement "I'm only youth" become "i'm the future leader"

aighttt... embrace our young age as the age of learning not as an excuse to do nothing

well.. in this era we are lucky that we are no longer under colonization

I mean yeah and that makes us have more opportunity to contribute for our country

and yeah we can bring our flag proudly with our achievement in national or international level

instead of wasting our age in a bad way, such as using drugs or involved in a criminal circle

or make something fully stupid in social media such as spreading hatred and making a bad trend for teen and youth

we shoul encourage and devote ourself for a greater good

in order to do that there are several thing you should do

first, believe in yourself.

you know we should believe in ourself as the future of the nation and we can chase our dream

like no matter what your passion is , nowdays there are many ways to be the pride of the nations.

is like.. it doesn't always have to compete and win in the academic field such as debate or math competition.

well..atheletes and musicians, youtuber and vlogger could also contribute for Indonesia

second, enchance your capacity building.

there are many programs to enhance your capacity building

and ACIKITA is one of them

you know.. this program would widen your knowledge and allow you to learn new things about Japan and its people

this is important to you to broaden your network and enrich your knowledge

so in the future your personality would be wiser because of this kind of program

third, don't ever think about the outcome and focus.

if we do believe that the result will never betray the effort. so we have to put our maximum effort on what are we doing right now

SOO THE CONCLUSION IS.... youth as the future genration and hope of a nation should aware on their true identity

also we should encourage ourself to learn more and act more rather than doing nothing

and don't be afraid to say to ourself that "I WANT TO BE A LEADER FOR THE FUTURE"


For more infomation >> Duta Pelajar ACIKITA ke Jepang - Duration: 12:06.


Identify and Engage Third-Party Influencers - Duration: 3:07.

Hi my name is Medha and I'm an analyst team lead here at PublicRelay. Today

we're going to be talking about the benefits of engaging with third-party

influencers for your brand.

Third party influencers are experts that journalists can consult and quote when

writing a story. There are a couple different kinds of third party

influencers, so you have your legislative coalitions, industry thought leaders,

academics, and nonprofits. Now if your position aligns with a third party

influencer's it lends your position and your brand credible and unbiased support.

These influencers also have a wide audience reach which means that engaging

with them can increase your brand's position and amplify that as well. Lastly

it helps uncover new authors and outlets to pitch to that feature these


Third party influencer information can be hard to uncover because it requires contextual

analysis of the field. Author and outlet information is relatively easy to

surface, but for influencer information you need to have thorough analysis of

each article in order to really find the respected members of each field. There's

a couple different ways you can parse this data once you have it. So you have

your audience reach, you can look at demographics information, you can look at

how the influencers tone is and their sentiment is towards different industry

topics, and you can also look at the level of engagement that they generate

on social media. All of this combined together, helps create a outreach program

where you can prioritize your efforts to make sure you're reaching those

influencers that are most important for you and your brand.

Influencer data can help you craft a powerful engagement strategy that will

help you reach your reputational driver goals as well as be as impactful towards

your brand as possible. Reaching out to influencers can look like a couple of

different things. You can engage them in conversations, you can set up meetings

between your executives and the influencers, and you can also ask them to

attend industry events. The relationship that you can build with these

influencers is really key in helping guide reporters who turn to influencers

for experiences and insights when creating content.

The last step is to measure the efforts of your engagement strategy. You'll want

to track the influencers that you've reached out to to see how their quotes

and their opinions might change over time. You also want to track your own

organization's message pull through to see if that's impacted as well. These

will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your program and they'll make sure

that you can continue to make improvements moving forward to amplify

your message as needed.

Thanks for watching. If you want more information about third party influencer

engagement, check out the resources page at

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