Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 23 2018

hi guys welcome back to the farm in Thailand with toon and Leigh and something

a little bit different for you today we are under attack so take a look at this

now I used to think it was termites doing this sort of damage but a lot of

the time it is this time though it's not

normally the termites would just go for go for the dead wood most of the time but

this is a little bit different as you can see it's it's really noshing on the

new stuff as well so that is being consumed now I know we we really really

try to push organic at the moment and month by month we're increasing the

organic aspect of of our farm here but I've given some of our palm nut trees

organic spray and it's it's not working quick enough there has been a slight

improvement but we have had to get the big guns out and give it a proper spraying

it's also affected obviously these coconut trees and luk marc palm

the skinny palm trees it's having a go at those as well and we found a couple

of infected bamboo plants as well but it looks like it's a slightly different bug

so that's had a spray too we had to spray about four plants so fingers

crossed we'll get on top of it the problem being though I know I'm short but

even tall people would struggle to get up there to spray that and we

haven't got a machine to super spray everything so I'm not sure and the

coconuts the coconuts look brilliant but I don't know whether we just let it ride

or not I know a lot of you that watch the

channel and living out in rural Thailand so you will obviously have some coconut

trees dotted around if you could give us some advice on it that would be great so

I suppose we could cut off the infected branches early as because normally with

coconut trees you're not supposed to cut any branches off at all and if

they're in the way this is this is what you're supposed to do if you really must

cut them just trim them off and then just let them die back naturally which

goes against what I've always read and been told that you know it's the same as

deadheading in my opinion if something's dying on your plant take it take it off

but it seems to be the opposite way around for your coconut tree branches

but on this occasion maybe it may be worth doing that or they're just going

to jump to the the really good branches after that because if you look up the

new branches aren't touched so they seem to go for the ones that are just

starting to turn I don't know what the bug is we can't find anything in there

whether they're doing it at night or not I don't know but I wouldn't have thought

these are termites now this over here isn't a fruit tree

it's just for decorative purposes in the future but that's being well and truly

nobbled that's caterpillars so we have been given this organic spray it has

helped but it's still a little bit behind the drug curve that is

I am contemplating stripping back these these branches a little bit I don't know

I'll guess in what would be best for it but that only gets organic spray if

you're not seeing the organic spray video here we used a mild soap you can

use a mild detergent mixed with just normal vegetable cooking oil in it it

suffocates most of the bugs it seems to work on most plants but it's a seem to

be working on the old caterpillars a

feed control is going brilliantly on here but I am spraying about every three

days which sounds a lot I know but it is organic guys we are going to be eating

these so there's been two days since a spray and we just look there those

little shit bags black aphids so of course the ants like them because they

they go in them steal all the little juice off there off there are souls so

they suck all the juice it pops out the raw soul and then the ants eat it yeah

but the spraying is working look at this that did

I don't know why they call them footlong beans because these are going to end up

about 16 feet if they carry on then honestly they are growing about 2 inches

a day it's bonkers now what I'm going to do next time is not use this fishing

line although it is strong fishing line of course the surface area is quite

small and I'm just concerned the weight of these because these are going to be

monstrous I think it could damage the plant so I'm going to do it with them

smaller bits of bamboo so we've got the weak worm effect at the end the bigger

bits of bamboo and then I'm going to put some smaller bits across because we've

got another couple of lines of these or about a foot tall so they just need to

be trained up now but yeah very very successful today but we've just got to

keep on top of these these bugs so you can see they come in there it's the red

ants that like them we all bloody hate those don't we guys

not bad for our first stab happy widows a feds were used to them in the UK so

they're nothing new part and parcel book free down here and put some chilies

chilies in there they're coming up billions of weeds so tunes lettuce doing

very very well we did you lose probably about 30 percent of the little seedlings

when they first died germinating the birds got in there and just scratched

and picked them all out so we ended up putting some black netting over there

for the first couple of weeks now they're big enough to survive so these

are the ones that tunes going to transplant into the banana trees here's

a wild growing chili I sprayed this a couple of days ago this was black with

aphids there's a few ants about so zooms a few aphids you get hunts with chilies

anyway that's a lot more healthy these are the the newest skinny beans or the

footlong beans it does look like they need a bit of a feed than not they're

not a really strong deep green almost I like them with almost a blue hue on them

but you can see even these are getting a bit of a battery

lots of spraying a lot more spraying than I anticipated

I don't mind they're in it it's just surprising how many bloody things eat

them and it's it's probably Barry's fault for not keeping his garden in

check so a lot of bugs would be hiding in there when everything's clean around

it seems to help quite a lot so the Welsh dragon needs to sort himself out

didn't you mate hey you weren't so cocky last week where

are you when what Stewart got in there he give you a bit of a paste in didn't

he may fly some out of a saw video that was a proper cockfight that was that's

too much - get out before got too bad but with him being white feathers it

looked like it had his bloody thrunk guy bands 15 nails but silkies not so much

boy town there's probably a fair few bugs in there it's taken them quite a

while to to get on top of things basically because we keep on eating them

or selling them for me but there is still steady progress there this

handsome boy here he's just started cockadoodle in but he sounds like a bit

of a broken squeaky toy at the moment he'll get there he's only just started

throwing in the mornings for about the last two or three days

a lot of people don't like the the noise of the cock rules but I love it

tells you you're in the country siting

we have full germination on our coriander bed there very well so the

straw wasn't too thick was it

these are our peepees posh papaya this is the only one that were germinated

have a packet seed of ten that we bought and it's doing very well the reason we

have moved it is because we didn't want to gamble with this one you do lose the

odd one when you do transplant them so it fits where it touches that is not

going anywhere so we'll keep this for seed

now I'm going to try and find you a fluorescent orange caterpillar on here

let's have a butcher's I don't know what these are tuned calls from Thai olives

they're all right that's probably about eight in size they're better size of it

Victoria plum no caterpillars that's good then so this has been sprayed so

many times this sort of thing you're up against guys if you if you want to use

organic spray it's not quite as effective as all the chemicals but you

know I'd have no problem eating that lot but I've said it in the past

it just seems now commonplace that you're going to when you're buying stuff

from the local markets and that I'm not imagining it you can taste the chemical

on a lot of stuff that you buy here's a bit of thirstiness that forms in here

you see as a few birds nests in here they should be doing their job and

eating all that rubbish this is the sort of thing you've got to keep on top of

guys anything that's there dying infected rotting just get it out because

there'll be all sorts of little bugs in there that need to need to be eaten by

chickens we have seen a huge improvement on them on growth on on most of the

trees and plants around here once we've got the poultry in here

there's very very few grasshopper type things there has been a big reduction in

caterpillars as well but once the plants get quite big of course the the

caterpillars and a little bit too high for the for the birth so have to keep on

top of that yourself

sprayed this one four days ago it was getting a bit of a batter in and

now we've got all the new growth coming on this is a lime treat you can see

again it's been having a bit of a batter in there so it is a challenge trying to

keep off these chemicals but - as it is worth it the mangos look nice and clear

here's a block map with one of the skinny palms you can see it's it's not

great so this won't get the chemical spray like the the palm now although

this is the same attack that it's suffering because the birds are here the

ones out in the field they've had their they've had the full monty so to speak

so the limes are still producing even when yeah even when your Bush looks

piss-poor so this one's still a bit just looking a

bit pants so it's left to be sprayed again it's not it's nothing to do with

them not getting enough feed because when we clean out the animal houses it

all goes in the tires below so it's not that it's not the water because they get

plenty of water as well I mean this one's come back nicely the guavas

looking quite good you don't have to keep on top of that

what are you doing in there see how we're getting guy panics all over the

place now young a young guy over there Alex don't look as pretty as a lot of

others but bloody how they're tasty really good sometimes I'm not being a

fan of it in the past I think it's a bit sort of fibrous not very juicy and not

very sweet but our some of them we've got about three different varieties some

of them are really sweet and new flowers come in as well wasn't that bothered

about growing these but now we've had it and now we've tried them that that will

grow to about four times that size

but it's another thing we need to do we need to get all this state we still

haven't finished our that the irrigation setup you can see some pipe work all

around it's just that once the the bugs moved in on the palms with reduced attic

and took our time it really this is one of three cashew nut trees that we've

popped in this is probably doing the least well something definitely likes to

nibble that but I'm not surprised because you can eat the leaves yourself

the other one with well we've got another two one of them is probably

three times the size of that and it's probably take it probably gets less care

than this one does you see it's nice and clean round there

and a bottom from the birds and that will be getting per third food as well

whereas the other ones just sort of like left to fend for itself so it's a bit

Buber here as well not sure how many years it takes to get your nuts off them

I do like my cashews lots to do not getting despondent very rarely do still

really really enjoying it I recommend it to anyone that wants to get out the rat

race so to speak get their hands dirty a bit get some animals grow a few things

it's I think it's good for your soul

Oh Fred

these two thick as thieves those two cockles Fred and Ginger and that ginger

was a girl but they're just getting a bit feisty now they are starting to join

swingers party but they are having a go at each other now rod is still number

one in your my battered poor old Barry didn't yeah okay I don't like that so

we're gonna have to see well start segregating them off this lad his life

flippin rocky bow bore well no doubt a I do it's more like Ivan Drago in the

right that's your lot thanks for watching guys take care out there so

jungle remember and set out for now

For more infomation >> Farming in Thailand | Go Organically Healthy in Thailand-2019 - Duration: 18:59.


#3 Nieuwe Iphone XS MAX - Rianne Meijer - Duration: 13:45.

Goodmorning! Welcome to a new video. It's tuesday and I just received a package which I'm gonna unbox right now

This is the new Iphone xs MAX

Fun story: I didn't knew I could have a new phone but turns out my phone contract finished this october

So now I got this new phone for almost no money. Really feel like a dutch person when saying that haha

Alright so lets start! I waited about 5 days for this package, was kind of dramatic at the post office, some of you might have experienced it as well

But it's here, lets see

Look this is the difference, this is the iphone X and that's the iphone xs max

I love this super excited.

I dont want that no

My old phone is full with pictures, but like for real, fullll

So I dont want it to synchronies to my new phone, but thats complicated

In the meantime we continue in chinees, or it's probably not chinees

The iphone works awesome! Definitely a recommendation.

I heard dfiferent stories about it but for me it works great

I just uploaded my first dutch vlog since a long time! My first dutch vlog

I was pretty nervous, not sue why

An Instagram picture is just one pic but it's different when it's a whole video of 15 minutes where you look horrible 75% of the time

But I do like it the most! And I got a lot of nice responses already so Im happy

It smells like poop here, harvey i feel like you did a doodoo somewhere

you cant miss that smell

Harvey where is it? Or are you just farting hahah

Cant find it anywhere, where is your doodo?

Little little harvey farts a lot dirty boyyy (but very sweet)

Ok some of you might now this, I have a party tonight called Oud & Opnieuw

It's kind of the party of the year for a lot of people

But are we excited? that's a questionmark

I got a ticket which was quit hard but you do that a month in advanca and back then you're super excited

But once the time comes... yeah I'm just someone who really likes sitting on the couch watching Dynasty

But it's gonna be fun, but I don't really feel good, ok this feels like a complain hour i'm gonna stop and see you guys later ahah

Ok it was really fun, and funny story

I was dancing a lot, and when I dance I do this a lot

Just fun you know

And there was this guy who said: you where yawning werent you?

So i thought noo i was just dancing, so i said: noo i was just dancing

And he said: nooo you where yawning, so I thought ok I cant convince this guy

So yeah i was yawning, soo awkward

Goodmorning, what a night

I showered last night but then you get this hair

I dont get how people shower at night and wake up looking normal

No option

Always when I wake up my hair stands straight ahead, hahaha

This is the best thing about waking up with a dog

I just cleaned the whole house, pretty proud. And I just received these packages

and I figured i'm going to unbox this with you

First box from storets

Blouse for christmas, like it a lot

A jacket

If i'm right there's a belt with this, or not..

Oehh another blouse, or sweater, I likeee it

This is great because I always only have sweaters so nice to have something a little more fancy

Look how nice, I love it

And this belt belongs to the coat

I love this! oh there's isaya

Oehh I like this.. viktor & rolf

Jesus christ they are crazy, look at this

Eau de toillette for men, and a hand cream, you guys thank you

Oke this is from Lacoste, I dont think you can see anything because of the sun, ok lets skip this

We're at Boxing Stars (tv show).Jessie is in the finales, you probably cant hear me right now

Hello good morning, it's already thursday, is it thursday already? yess

Yeah new day! The hard thing with vlogging is when you put on that camera

What is the first thing you say? I always say good morning, but I hear people dont like that

Ok so lets try again

Hello, ehm,, jesus ok

Okk new day! yesterday Jessie won with Boxing Stars which is crazy this woman can do everything

Yeah so I'm gonna go, I'm going to Sanne, we're filming a youtube video together

I'm going there now, not sure what I'm gonna do after. And yes this is me

I'm wearing this sweater from Lacoste, I really like it it's pretty comfy, pants are from &other stories

And these shoes are from Buffalo

And this mess here you guys omg what is happening here

What i really recommend btw is the docu The American Meme on Netflix

Super intense, really crazy stories

Go watch it you'll like it

Who's the prettiest poodle from the entire world? That is harveyyy

I got the instagram @toypoodleharvey and people ask me this question a lot on that instagram

What breed is harvey? On @toypoodleharvey...

Get it? Something goes really wrong there

I'm now with Sanne and we just filmed a video, linked below!!

I think yours is online sooner than this one

I'm now in the park with harv, we haven't been here for a long time

Our old park is under construction so now we're here since a longg time

And this little guy can go off the leach, he's very excited

He pees against every tree. every. tree. and he's wearing this sweater because it's freezing

Did you run in the park??

I got a gift from Sara, should I open this?

I always get very awkward from gifts, noo don't be awkward it's me

Dear Ri, I'm extremely happy and gratefull...

Did you write this with liquid ink? and wiped it hahaha

I'm happy and thankfull for our friendship

Ah thats so sweet!

Stop it hahahah everyone who knows me knows that i love this

I'm def wearing this

Omygod saar this is awesome this is not a small gesture this is huge i love it!

The whole thing the whole thing

Oeh I have an itch, can you itch my forehead?

Ah that hurts, lower lower

We got a doggy bag! A real one, for the first time,A bag for our dog

That's fun, real fun

Where are we?

Aquaman is a must for everyone!! And I'm now with Isaya and she has a new cameraaa

It's a sony A7iii... yeah this one is pretty big

This lense is too big isn't it? Yeahh you see the difference, carrying this the whole day is no fun

Hee and there is Nathalie!

See you next week!

For more infomation >> #3 Nieuwe Iphone XS MAX - Rianne Meijer - Duration: 13:45.


내가 먹은 방어회, 어떤 부위일까? - Duration: 15:04.

For more infomation >> 내가 먹은 방어회, 어떤 부위일까? - Duration: 15:04.


These TV & Movie Games SUCK!! - Game Sack - Duration: 28:26.

(Game Sack theme music)

- Hello and welcome to Game Sack.

This time around we're doing

bad TV and movie games.

Yeah, this one was a lot easier to pick out titles for,

because companies just wanna make a quick buck,

and just put out a crappy game.

- And speaking of crappy games,

Dave, you've got the first one.

So, lets just get right into this.

("Lights, Camera, Action" Sonic Mania soundtrack)

- [Dave] Here's Total Recall for the NES

from Acclaim and Interplay,

based on the movie from 1990.

In this action platformer, you play as

Doug Quaid who's out to get his identity back.

Right from the beginning you can just feel

that you're gonna have a hard time,

since Doug's punches have the reach of a T-Rex.

There's a lot going on in this game

that just doesn't feel right.

Guys will shoot you from garbage cans,

but you can't kill them since

they only pop out when you're not close by.

You'll get pulled into an alley

by somebody that grabs you when you walk by.

You fight a couple of really small dudes back there,

then it's back to the street again.

Be careful though, as a lot of times when you get back

you're being shot at by a car that's passing by,

and it's hard to dodge the bullets.

Eventually you'll get to the first boss.

You have to fight your wife who's got a gun

and follows you back and forth across a room.

After you punch her a few times she'll drop the gun

and it'll make getting rid of her a bit easier.

The problem is at some point Richter

will come and stand in the doorway,

shooting a steady stream of bullets at you.

You can't crawl,

and if you do have the gun you can shoot at him,

but he never gets hit.

You have absolutely no choice but to stand up and just die.

I did this several times,

and the only way I was able to get past this jerk,

was to kill my wife very quickly

and exit the room before he showed up.

And the next level seems impossible.

And I'll say that I do like the idea of it,

but the execution is very poor.

It's cool since it looks just like

you're a skeleton fighting other skeletons.

But it's not cool cause you get constantly

bombarded by these other skeletons

and that floating orb thing.

I couldn't get past this area.

And you know what?

I've had enough of this crappy game,

and I really didn't wanna keep trying.

Stay clear of it, it's bad stuff.

(music that makes you think of anything but Total Recall)

- [Joe] This is Congo The Movie, The Lost City of Zinj.

Made by Sega for the Saturn,

and only released in the US.

This is based on the 1995 Congo movie,

which itself is based on a book.

Now the movie wasn't exactly great,

and as you can imagine the game is even worse.

In fact, it's much worse.

From what I can tell,

this takes place before the start of the movie,

and you play as this guy whose name is Kabalo.

He's not in the movie,

and Sega shot new scenes just for this game.

And I've gotta say that the quality of

the full motion video is actually pretty good

for the Saturn, I'll give it that.

But listen to what Kabalo says

right before the first stage begins.

- I have no weapon.

My water is almost gone.

- [Joe] That's right, he has no weapon,

and his water is almost gone!

So of course the first thing he does

after he stops transmitting is take a big chug of water.

And then he pulls out fairly serious knife.

Right after this, the first stage boots

and he has a gun!

What the hell, he has plenty of water

and multiple weapons!

- I have no weapon.

My water is almost gone.

- [Joe] Stupid game.

Anyway, as you can see the game plays

as a silky-smooth first person shooter.

And by silky-smooth, I mean not smooth.

At all.

It controls similar to most Doom-era

first person shooter games,

and by that I mean you don't need to worry about

shooting up or down.

Your mission is basically to find a bunch

of diamonds for your employer, TraviCom.

If you find all the diamonds in an area,

you get rewarded with more ammo

and items to pick up in the next area.

Miss even one diamond and you're screwed.

It's really difficult to tell what's happening,

or where you're going on screen.

Thankfully, there's a map in the lower right.

The game would be unplayable without this.

Not that it's exactly playable with it there,

but still.

I don't know what kind of place this is,

but it has land that distorts on it's own

for no reason whatsoever other than

to give you a chance to pass.

Eh. Seems natural.

The enemies you fight are stupid.

Like bugs, chameleons, chess pieces

and two headed snakes.

And of course you're constantly being attacked

by enemies you can't see from all sides.

The control is slow, but it works.

That doesn't mean that there's any enjoyment

to be found here though, oh no.

The stages are long,

absent of variety,

and well they're boring.

Sometimes you have a fever which engages randomly.

When this happens the controls suddenly

reverse which is just a fantastic idea

in a first person game.

Especially when you're trying to navigate an area,

and then fall off.

The jumping and the collision are both wrecked.

As for the graphics, well lets just say

I've seen Atari 2600 games that are

more pleasant to look at than this.

Just stay far away from this one.

(gun shots)

(creatures chittering, angry that they're in this game)

- [Dave] This is Ghostbusters 2 by Activision for the NES.

Last episode I talked about HAL's New Ghostbusters 2

which is the game we should have gotten.

Instead we got Activision's attempt at

making a game based off the movie.

Well I guess this is old Ghostbusters 2,

and in this case, the new is definitely better

than the old.

This game has lots of problems,

and very little enjoyment.

You start out going into the

abandoned underground subway station.

The first thing that you notice is that

the controls are backwards.

The B button jumps, and the A button shoots.

Aiming your slime blower is a chose since

it's slow to move it up and down.

By the time you get it raised to shoot at,

well say a ghost, the ghost has flown past you

and it's way too late.

I tried keeping my slime blower at a 45 degree angle

but that was useless.

(laughs) That's not the half of it though.

You also have traps that you can deploy

by pushing the start button.

These will help ever so slightly,

and yes if you try to jump over them

you get stunned.

You can only get stunned three times

before you die and your game ends.

These side scrolling levels are a real chore,

and aren't even remotely fun to play.

There are driving sequences that are better,

but they still fall far short of real entertainment.

Driving the Ecto 1 is easy,

and hey it can jump!

You can also shoot slime straight ahead of you,

and in the air.

Like I said, these levels are better,

but everything is so small,

you feel you're really separated from the action.

It won't take long for you to get

your final game over scene with Vigo

taking over New York.

And I say let him have it!

I was actually rooting for him in the end,

and ended up turning it off

and playing something better.

(music that's better than the game)

- [Joe] Here's Dennis the Menace, for the

Super Nintendo Entertainment System, from Ocean.

This one's based on the crappy 1993 movie.

Not the crappy 1959 TV show,

and not the crappy 1996 TV show.

And not even the crappy comic strip.

I wish it would have been based on the

somewhat tolerable 1986 cartoon though.

Ocean is certainly not known for making well-designed games,

and this is no exception.

It's a side scrolling platformer,

and you start out inside Mr. Wilson's house.

Everything in here, including the thousands

of cats that he seems to own,

like bouncing up and down for no reason whatsoever.

And of course, everything you touch

will cause bodily harm.

Actually, instead of a life meter,

you have a courage meter.

So touching a cat doesn't actually hurt you,

it just makes you more afraid.


You have to go all over the place

and get four of these large coins

before you're allowed to exit.

You start out with a water pistol

which is useless.

Yeah, have you ever shot a stream of water,

at a cat?

Well apparently the designers of this game haven't,

because the cats here are completely okay with it!

You can pick up other weapons along the way,

like a slingshot, and a blowgun.

All of which have unlimited ammo.

The control here is super slippery,

especially when you try to stop

or turn around when running.

Sometimes you have to find switches

to access other parts of the level.

And good luck,

because Walter Matthau can come running at you,

and if he gets you, you die.

I mean, you lose all of your courage,

you don't die, you just become afraid.


And look at these enemies.

You have to content with the aforementioned

random bouncing objects,

and is that the Nestle Quik rabbit?

Sometimes you're forced to get hit by enemies

just to make it up high enough to a certain platform.

And of course you can't jump

down through platforms.

It even has some auto scrolling stages

which are way too long for their own good.

And it's impossible not to get hit a ton.

The graphics aren't bad,

but the music is mediocre at best.

Still, F this game

and also the awful movie that it's based on.

( mediocre 16-bit video game music)

- Alright, so far so bad, right?

I mean, god these are some stinker games.

- They are, they really are.

- What is up with that music

in Dennis the Menace?

- I dunno, it doesn't fit the game at all.

- Not even remotely close.

- Well, lets see if these games fare any better.

Spoiler, they don't.

(sweet music that's probably from a Gradius game)

- [Dave] How about some Indiana Jones in the

Temple of Doom for the NES?

I get a lot of flack because I actually

like this movie as much as Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I think it has a great story, where Dr Jones is sent to find

the mystical Sankara stone,

and all the children that have gone missing

from an Indian village.

His true adventure begins when he finds a cult

that's using the kids as slave labor

to find other stones,

and is ripping hearts out of peoples chests

as a sacrifice to Kali.

What could have been a great video game

turned out to be a jumbled mess.

The goal of the game is to save

all the children that are trapped in cells,

retrieve the Sankara Stone,

and get out alive.

It's really hard to make anything out in this game

because of the crappy graphics.

The screens loop infinity up and down,

and left to right.

At first I thought the levels were humongous

until I realized it was just looping.

Everything is so confusing,

and platforms you think you can jump to you can't,

and vice versa.

Then you'll leave an area and go into another one

thinking wait, I haven't finished that one yet.

Don't worry though, because you'll get back to it by exiting

another door in this new area.

It's just so confusing and completely annoying.

Speaking of annoying, how are you supposed

to rescue this kid without losing a life or two?

He's got lava or something that'll kill you

if you touch it right in front of him.

It's just brilliant game design.

You do get to ride the mine carts,

but instead of a cool adventure,

you're just using them to get to another platform.

It is so boring.

It won't take long before you just

quit this game like I did,

feeling that you're not accomplishing anything.

Seriously, I made it to the forth area,

and I felt like I did absolutely nothing.

The only thing I did accomplish

was wasting a few hours of my life.

(tense video game music)

- [Joe] It's time for some Cory in the House,

on the Nintendo DS.

This game is based on the top rated

anime of all time, that ran on The Disney Channel

for two seasons, which itself was a spinoff

of That's So Raven.

You're Cory Baxter, and you live with your dad

in The White House, where he is the head chef.

In this game, Cory has designed bobble heads

of the President, and wants to sell them in Neo Washington,

But hijinks ensue, and now he has to find the boxes

containing the bobble heads fast.

That's so Cory!

Now he has to sneak around The White House,

using only his wits, and the power of friendship.

The game is basically none stop fetch quests

for everyone.

You need to get one item for this person,

so that they can give you another item to give to

another person so that they'll give you what you need

and so on.

It's actually kind of annoying because no one can do

anything for themselves

and you gotta take care of every damn thing.

Oh and the game thinks that it's hilarious.

Some of the dialogue even features the laugh track

that's straight from the anime,

so that you know when to laugh.

(canned laughter)

Somethings are unintentionally funny though,

like the idle animations.

Just look at the way they sway back and forth

when they're just standing there.

There's also lots of mini games

which require the use of the touch screen.

Hmm, should I read all of these instructions before I start?


The worst are the rhythm music ones which

feel like they go on way too long.

But you'll also be using the

touchscreen for lots of things,

like hacking into secret doors with your PDA.

Or, fixing a neon sign, also with your PDA.

Because, y'know, that's how neon signs are repaired.

The game really isn't difficult at all to play.

What is difficult however,

is retaining my interest to keep playing.

While Cory himself was an amazing character,

whose exploits were often unparalleled

when it comes to storytelling,

this game sadly just can't live up to the

amazing greatness that is the original anime.

- [Secret Service Dude] Huh?

- Hng, Hng,

- Huh?

- Hng, huh?

- Hng


Hng hng.

- Huh?

- [Dave] Jaws was a great movie, wasn't it?

Just seeing it one time almost

made me never want to swim in the ocean again.

Hell, even when I swim in a swimming pool

I was afraid that Jaws was gonna get me there.

I was just a dumb kid though.

Anyway, LJN took it upon themselves

to make a video game for the NES

based on the movie.

In this one, you pilot your little boat around the ocean.

You'll get thrown into random battles just like an RPG.

In these battles, you'll kill stingrays, jellyfish

and sharks with your little spear gun.

And they drop various items when they die.

The only item that you really need to collect

is the conch, so grab these

and leave everything else behind,

unless you're going for a high score

or something like that.

Every now and again a bonus stage

will pop up where you fly a plane,

trying to kill jellyfish.

You must really hate jellyfish if you have to

use an airplane to kill them.

Yeah I thought it was a stupid idea,

but you can get some good conch shells

for killing those bastards.

Your goal is to go back and forth

between two ports on opposite sides of the map.

The first time you dock you'll get a scanner

that can track Jaws.

This will cost you 5 conch shells.

Every time you dock at a port after that,

your power will increase by one,

and this costs three conch shells.

Jaws does what a shark does,

and just roams around.

When you do get into a fight with him,

and you're at level one or two,

you can shoot him forever and he won't die.

He does have a life bar which I like,

but it barely moves.

You need to power up to at least level 5

to make his life bar move.

Once you do defeat him, then you have to ram him

with your boat.

This is insanely hard for some reason.

Anyway, the reason this game sucks is mainly

because of the repetition.

It gets insanely boring very quickly,

since you always seem to be in a random battle sequence.

The more you play, the longer they seem to get.

It can also be tough to stay alive,

since everything can kill you in one hit.

And since you're swimming,

the control is already a bit loose.

Those damn jellyfish killed me the most.

Probably revenge for the air plane depth charges

from the bonus levels.

And to piss you off even more,

you lose a lot of your conches

and your level goes down.

You also have to buy that stupid scanner

every time you come back to life.

This was a tall order for LJN

and it ended up just being a boring repetitious experience.

(Video game gun shots)

- [Joe] This one is VR Troopers for the Sega Genesis.

VR Troopers was a Power Rangers-like show

from Saban, Saban? Entertainment,

and they hoped to cash in on

the success of Power Rangers.

Well it never happened,

and it only lasted for two seasons.

It's a standard one on one fighter,

where you can choose from a whopping three characters.

Basically, the three protagonists get sucked

into a VR machine

and need to fight their way back to reality

or some stupid thing like that.

It's set up like any other fighter,

meaning you have to win two out of three rounds.

What's almost interesting about this one,

is that you can select a different

fighter before each match.

Not that it really matters though,

as there really isn't much difference between them.

You have buttons for throw, punch and kick.

Wait, a fighting game that's not six button compatible?

Well actually it is, kinda.

If you change it to one of the easier difficulties

The extra buttons can do your special moves.

Not that you'll need it,

cause pulling off the special moves is a piece of cake.

Unfortunately the fighting is boring

and uneventful.

Even the enemies are uninteresting.

Between matches a weird dog will talk to you,

and you'll go into battle grid mode.

It may feel like a bonus round,

but it's not.

A bunch of goons will attack you,

and you just need to survive until the time runs out.

If you fail, you need to go back

and refight the last battle that you'd already won!

These feel very tacked on,

and they're a complete waste of time.

The time gets longer and longer after each match,

but I quickly discovered a way to trick the game

into letting the timer just run down.

Just look at how dumb the AI is!

Overall, it's extremely easy,

I beat it on the first time I ever played it.

In fact, I never even lost a single round.

Suffice it to say, this one is not worth your time,

nor your money.

I guess it's worth mine though,

because I own it.

God I hope I didn't pay much for this.

(generic video game music)

- Hey.

- Hey-ya.

- Hey-ya.

- Hey-ya

- Hey ya.

- Follow GameSack on Twitter @GameSack

and @GameSackDave,

and on Instagram as @GameSackOfficial.

And check out our Patreon if you want.

- Alright Joe, I can see the games you talked about,

Cory in the House and VR Troopers,

but Indiana Jones and Jaws?

Those are some fricking top quality movies,

and they got these really crappy games.

- That's true, that's true.

They should have made those good movies

into good games at least.

Like in Jaws, why don't they let

you play as the shark, man?

And eat people.

That'd be awesome.

- That's what you wanna do.

- I know!

But anyway we've got more games to talk about.

Lets get back into it.

(music from Twin Bee)

- [Dave] Here's The Adventures of Gilligan's Island

for the NES from Bandai.

My first thought when I saw this game many years ago

was "Why would anybody wanna make a game

based on a crappy TV show from the 1960's?

I'll never play that stupid game!"

Well here I am playing it,

and this is the perfect episode

because it is just not good.

You play as The Skipper, wandering around the island

doing all sorts of boring tasks

for the other stranded idiots.

I'd been playing the game for a bit over an hour

and it was in an episode were Mary Ann

was taken by headhunters.

I wonder what kind of head they were hunting?

I was supposed to get the Professors book from

Mr Howell so he could translate some ancient text.

You'd think that Mr. Howell would hand over

the book immediately since it might be a clue

to saving Mary Ann from the headhunters.

And what do you think the jerk told me?

He told me to get his frickin' lost golf ball,

and then he'd hand over the book.

Even for a video game fetch quest,

this is very lame.

Gilligan follows you around

and is controlled by the AI.

For the most part he does okay at keeping up with you,

but he's not perfect.

Every now and again you'll get separated

because he'll fall into a hole,

or just not be able to keep up with you.

I was fine with this, since he was constantly

saying the same two things while we were walking around.

The problem is that to continue the story,

he has to be with you.

Like here, where I found the ancient stone tablets.

Gilligan had separated from me a while back.

I took the tablets to the Professor,

and he made a stupid comment about

Gilligan not being there, so the game couldn't advance.

Luckily you can use a rope at any time

and this will bring your little buddy back to you.

I used the rope

and then the Professor took the tablet,

and finally the story got moving again.

It's crap like this that's beyond annoying.

There's lot of birds, monkeys

and boars that roam the island.

You can try to punch them but good luck.

Your reach is way too short,

and they're way too quick,

which will leave you falling on your ass

almost every time.

Trudging back and forth across the map

is time consuming and just boring.

I wasn't a fan of the show,

and I'm definitely not a fan of this game.

Which makes me wonder why I bought it,

even though I got it for cheap.

(mildly perilous video game music)

- [Joe] This is Alf, on the Sega Master System.

And it was released in 1989.

It's based on the TV show from 1986

that ran for four seasons.

I was never really a big fan of this show,

I mean I liked Sesame Street okay when I was a kid,

but I could never really get into

the non-Muppet puppets like Alf.

This is the only console game that Alf received,

thank god.

You can tell that this game was made

by people who have never played a video game

before in their lives.

The goal of the game is to repair your spaceship

so you can fly to Mars and visit your girlfriend.

Unfortunately, you're stuck in a house

with a bunch of idiots.

The good news is that in this game

they don't seem to be home.

So you begin running around everywhere until

you find a secret cave in the basement full of bats.

And good luck, because if anything in the game touches you,

you die immediately.

Turns out you need to grab the cat

which will scare away the rats,

and also grab the salami from the refrigerator

and use it as a weapon against the bats.

It helps, but it doesn't help much.

The bats will get through and touch you somehow,

and it's super easy to die.

I can't tell you how many damn times

I've tried this cave.

Oh and you actually need to navigate

through it twice in the game.

If that's not bad enough,

you only have four lives,

and one continue,

and that's it.

So you get a nugget from the basement cave

that you can sell.

Hmm, what should you buy?

Oh I know, a key to unlock the closet

in the kids bedroom.

That's right, the general store is selling

keys to the closets in your house!

What the hell?

Oh look, this store is selling a book about me.

Okay, I'll try it.

Once upon a time there was an alien lifeform

blah blah blah,

...being very smart, Alf decided to sell the story

of his adventure to Sega so they could make it a game.

They did, and decided that if anyone read this book

they would have to go back to the beginning of the game.

Surprise... Ha.


And you've constantly gotta avoid these super grabby guys

that are everywhere.


They're even in your house!

What really ruins this game is the sloppy controls

and the giant hit boxes.

Also the game is cryptic as hell,

so you have to guess what you need to do.

But basically it boils down to finding things

to sell, so that you can afford to buy other things.

This part where you're taking your

rocket scooter into space throws random stuff at you.

That means that sometimes there is no way to escape.

But I discovered that if you face right

and fly up on this side of the screen,

you don't have much of an issue.

Make it to the moon, which has a spaceship repair kit,

for some reason,

and boom, you've beat the game.

Now, some of you may complain that I spoiled

the game by showing you the end.

Sorry, nothing can spoil a game that's already this rotten.

They graphics are sparse,

and the music is average.

And there's barely any sound effects anywhere.

What's worse is that this was one of the most

expensive games on the console.

Definitely not worth your money,

or anyone else's honestly.

(annoyingly repetitive video game music)

- [Dave] This is Bram Stokers Dracula on the Super Nintendo

which is based on a pretty good movie,

which is based on a very good book.

It's also on the Genesis.

You play as Jonathan Harker,

who is out to rescue his girlfriend Mina from Dracula.

It's your ordinary action platformer where you slay

many types of things from spiders,

to wolves to other humans.

Each level has you doing two things.

Firstly you must find Van Helsing.

He's just standing there being totally useless

and tells you to find a certain item in the level.

Once you find it, you go to the second area

where you fight your way to a boss.

The action is okay at best as you slice

and dice with your sword.

Killing enemies doesn't feel satisfying,

since they're just there when you cut them

up with no fight.

The most annoying part of every level is

the unfair hits that you'll take from spikes

that come out from the ground and from the ceiling.

In a well-designed game, you'll get a slight hint

of the tip of the spear maybe poking

out of the ground to warn you.

Not in this game though.

In all honesty, these types of unfair

deaths almost single handedly ruined the whole game.

Even when you know they're there,

like the second, third or even forth time

you try to get past them,

you'll still end up taking damage.

And once you get to the boss fights,

they're typically very easy,

and then you have to watch their death explosion

for a good five seconds before you can move on.

(prolonged explosion)

But this game is a triumph of game design genius

compared to the Sega CD version.

This is a side scrolling FMV platformer,

for lack of a better description.

Of course the buttons are backwards,

with A doing the jumps.

You trudge along fighting the most fearsome

creatures from the story.

Crows, bats, spiders and zombies.

You can even punch ghosts in the face.

The controls are just horrible though,

especially the jumping as there's a delay

before you actually jump.

And you can't attack while jumping.

The entire game is rather clumsy,

and you'll often find yourself covered with enemies

that you just can't avoid.

And don't try to play this one with

a six button controller,

or all you'll be able to do is kick.

Just remember to hold the Mode button

when you power it up.

To top it all off, it looks super grainy,

and the sound isn't very hot either.

There are random clips of the movie inserted,

but they look pretty bad.

Interesting concept having FMV

scrolling backgrounds for a game

but it just doesn't work well at all.

Hell, the book has better gameplay than this!

(definitely not Keanu)

(creepy streamed music... in mono)

- There you go, those are some games,

some bad games, that are based on TV shows and movies.

- They were definitely bad,

and I'm sure you guys can think of

probably at least a hundred others, maybe,

I dunno, if there's that many out there,

if there's that many out there,

- There'd be at least 95 I'd imagine.

- Over the many years of video gaming history

I'm sure there is.

- I'm sure there is.

And the person who's captioning this episode

is gonna love it when we talk over each other.

- Yeah, yeah totally. (laughter)

- Anyway, what are some games that you

recommend that we try?

If you want to torture us let us know,

and in the meantime, thank you for watching Game Sack.

(Game Sack ending theme)

- Joe! Joe! You're not gonna believe it!

Somebody sent us a game based on our show!

- Awww man! I was hoping it'd be a Genesis game at least.

- Yeah I was hoping for a Super Nintendo game

but well, you know... beggars can't be choosers I guess

and, we should probably be grateful, so...

...and since you do most of the work I think you should have it.

Awwwww man!

Well, let's see how it is, anyway.

- Good idea!

- Well look at that, it doesn't work at all!

- That sucks 'cause I really wanted to play with myself!

- I wanted to play with you, too!

(record needle scratch)


For more infomation >> These TV & Movie Games SUCK!! - Game Sack - Duration: 28:26.


Skrytá cesta v levelu: FingerDash - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Skrytá cesta v levelu: FingerDash - Duration: 5:07.


なぜか南京玉すだれを作りたくなった/Making a tool of Japanese entertainment. - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> なぜか南京玉すだれを作りたくなった/Making a tool of Japanese entertainment. - Duration: 4:37.


Syrian refugee on trial for rescuing migrants | DW Feature - Duration: 3:26.

Sarah Mardini faces up to 25 years in prison for helping other refugees on the Greek island

of Lesbos I would do it all over again for the rest

of my life.

It's transformed me from being a refugee to a rescuer.

She says she was volunteering with a rescue team in Greece.

On her way back to Germany from Greece, she was arrested and charged with crimes including

people smuggling, money laundering and espionage.

Amnesty International criticizes the case as an attempt to criminalize humanitarian

work in a climate that is increasingly hostile towards migrants and refugees

(The arrest) was shocking, draining.

I was disappointed and heartbroken because I was ready to leave.

I was looking forward to studying again, and someone just takes everything from you in

one second.

Sarah spent 107 days in pre-trial detention and was released on bail.

She then returned to her college in Berlin I never regret anything I have done and I

know deep inside that I have done that because I wanted to help people and that's given

me motivation.

I didn't do anything illegal because I didn't contact anyone directly.

I was just on the shoreline, and our house, the ERCI volunteer house, was just on the


And I am just handing water and blankets.

Do you think handing water and blankets is illegal?

No, it is not.

Interviewer: But people say, it is because they know there is someone waiting, that is

why they come.

If they thought that there was no one.

Sarah: I don't believe that because when I crossed there was no one waiting and I made


And I knew there was no one waiting, in 2015.

Sarah and her sister Yusra first made headlines in 2015.

After fleeing Syria, they used their swimming skills to pull their boat to shore on its

journey from Turkey to Lesbos.

They saved themselves and 18 other people Yusra is now a UNHCR goodwill ambassador and

was on the refugee team at the Rio 2016 Olympics Sarah won a scholarship to study social sciences

in Berlin but kept returning to Lesbos and joined a Greek NGO that assists newly arrived

refugees . I believe when you fear something, you should

just go for it.

I fear the place that I landed in, and I wanted to be on this ground again.

Following her arrest in August 2018 Sarah's classmates campaigned for her release

Florian BeckerDirector, Bard College Berlin We are extremely relieved.

It was just a beautiful moment to be able to walk to our cafeteria with Sarah knowing

that everybody was going to be waiting there.

But Greek authorities claim Sarah was part of a criminal network.

She is currently awaiting trial The experience in general has given me this

traumatizing fear.

I am afraid I am not gonna get my freedom back.

Because even if I am outside I am still under trial.

I still cannot go to the place that I love.

For more infomation >> Syrian refugee on trial for rescuing migrants | DW Feature - Duration: 3:26.


Wedding Guests Told To Shelter In Place After Shooting Involving An Officer In Encino - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Wedding Guests Told To Shelter In Place After Shooting Involving An Officer In Encino - Duration: 0:34.


Dead dog in trash bag found near Vancouver dumpster - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Dead dog in trash bag found near Vancouver dumpster - Duration: 0:37.


Bradley Beal | Wizards Vs Suns (40 pts, 15 ast & 11 reb) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Bradley Beal | Wizards Vs Suns (40 pts, 15 ast & 11 reb) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 2:00.


1 Killed, Several Hurt In San Bernardino House Fire - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 1 Killed, Several Hurt In San Bernardino House Fire - Duration: 1:26.


Late Saturday Night Weather Update December 22nd, 2018 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Late Saturday Night Weather Update December 22nd, 2018 - Duration: 3:44.


Family gets help after packages are stolen - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Family gets help after packages are stolen - Duration: 1:24.


2019 ல் சனி பகவான் ல் யோகம் உண்டாகும் ராசி காரர்கள் | 2019 ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:35.

YouTube ne'er Gallacher put Cardinal Walter run at the bottom buddy

Shanee bug Ivana la bundle Peru recycle y'know my intro there in the Culver the

communal she need a sane enough come bother hiding a man accustomed a

standalone monochrome bungalow Europe commander alarmed by fog on their moon

my soul alumni Shanee Bhagawan avec vous revoir theorem

I rear-ended Shanee the sale when he got to her

nominal Adam kept Adams who litter were number has sucked up toward of Darmouth

total not on the quadrille shin-yokohama guru K to the Lucia Mata wanna John

Martin Carmical angle and Sarita Namib pollen Belvoir we route the end the

Cthulhu Seiya mater shinny Bhagawan Sri Balarama cool yogic faith under who are

you gonna kill somebody column redacted but somebody very chicken Brassica

friend armadillo candy recipe Nala I made it for you rich over Isaac field

intimately than a thoracic John math pillow Makarov a psychedelic pnina

Hamilton theorem sherry Bhagawan sunset Akira in the Rasika rebel yell our main

hope for Khalil sin Islamic type who knew our work to or that our job at they

say the Naya thermal told a ninja welding and ma che Nabokov on sanded the

hunger of the Jabara Donovan the territory under the moon might h'l

Rishabha Rossi Kinnear i see vichy homme Gracie Donna sue Rossi Maharaja

Caravelle nigga yet a coup by Parimal nigga sector totem Darmok totem

on the canal Goomba locker alarm a man Miguel Malaga an otaku in the rasa Cara

Gallacher red eye at the bottom booth raasi palan girl Guevara Morgan Inga

telling the cola description in video links 43 crane click bunny telling the

polar boom sorry Jana sukhino bhavantu Oh namah Shivaya video via social media

less sharp ananda marga ma channel subscribe panicking of friends thank you

for watching

For more infomation >> 2019 ல் சனி பகவான் ல் யோகம் உண்டாகும் ராசி காரர்கள் | 2019 ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:35.


World War 3 fears: Putin's SHOCK response to prediction of 'Russian WORLD DOMINATION' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:57.

World War 3 fears: Putin's SHOCK response to prediction of 'Russian WORLD DOMINATION'

VLADIMIR Putin delivered a stunning response when he was asked this week whether the Kremlin

was plotting world domination, amid growing fears of nuclear warfare.

Vladimir Putin has warned that nuclear war is closer than ever before, in a set of shocking

remarks to the media this week.

The Russian president also said that "of course" he wants Russia to achieve world domination

before later distancing himself from the comment.

In a rare confrontation with a US journalist, the Wall Street Journal's Moscow Bureau Chief

Ann Maria Simmons asked Putin whether he sought to "rule the world".

She added: "Do you really want that, and can you tell me what the real goal of your foreign

policy is?"

Speaking at an annual Q&A session in Moscow, Mr Putin responded: "Of course I do.

"As for trying to rule the world, we know very well where the headquarters are of who

are trying to do just that, and they are not in Moscow.

Why is that?

"This is due to the leading role of the USA in the world economy.

Due to their expenditure on defense.

More than $700 billion is spent by the U.S. compared to our $46 billion.

"NATO countries have 600 million people, and Russia only has 140 million.

"Do you really think it is our goal to rule the world?

No, this is just a mentality imposed by some to achieve some internal goals.

"The true goal of our foreign policy is to secure a beneficial environment for the development

of Russia."

Mr Putin went on to issue a chilling warning about the sudden outbreak of a nuclear war.

He pointed to the US plan to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF)

Treaty as proof of escalating war rhetoric.

The Russian president warned that the US could now put intermediate-range missiles in Europe,

which would force Russia to take "countermeasures".

He added: "We aren't seeking advantages, we are trying to preserve the balance and

ensure our security."

Mr Putin predicted that these drastic moves, explaining: "The danger of such a scenario

is getting obscured and receding.

"If something like this were to happen - God forbid - it could lead to the destruction

of civilisation as a whole and maybe even our planet."

The Kremlin leader is widely suspected to be behind global cyber attacks, particurarly

on the US with interference in the 2016 presidential election.

For more infomation >> World War 3 fears: Putin's SHOCK response to prediction of 'Russian WORLD DOMINATION' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:57.


ДОМ 2 НОВОСТИ Эфир 23 декабря 2018 (23.12.2018) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> ДОМ 2 НОВОСТИ Эфир 23 декабря 2018 (23.12.2018) - Duration: 3:27.


Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin Episode 10 English Subbed HD - Duration: 22:55.

Uzbekistan has a great stamina! Will they be able to win the game?

Strike back!

Are you getting nervous about something like this ?!

You are the one who is nervous.

We are not getting so much damage

From the beginning we are a team of physical strength.

We will not be defeated by something like this

Here comes It is our opportunity!

Asuto-kun, There is no need to be impatient

We will continue with the plan of the Coach.

I understood

Our plan will continue after

We go. Let's continue with the match

"Emperor's counterattack"

A bit they are there

Hissatsu Tactics

"Eternal Run!"

My feet


guys. What are you doing

Is not that yet noticed

You guys are getting into our coach's 'strategy

It is awful

What do you mean

Uzbekistan with unlimited physical strength is out of sight

Caring for content


A lion that is inferior to herbivorous

animals at the speed of the foot

With Tool week

That Coach also did hunting on the field

The other party is out of stamina

What do you mean,

thanks to the whole team playing as they practiced

I continued to give the pressure marking by the opponent's water change in the way of the baton touch relay

is Today they should be running more than usual

It was not infinite physical strength

I do not have current physical strength or continuing

toranoana If you do not come wrong

It is about time to finish.

I only went up to Japanese with a wave From here to go bankrupt

just that

"Shining Bird!"

"Boukyaku no Sonata!"

It is very strong

Japan leads by two goals! They are strong Japan is strong!

What? We have been defeated?

To the extent I like it,

none So we won the victory with the goal to be 4: 2

It seems that Head is full of functions of Mr. Yamaba Sada who I am absent and raised the power of the whole team Oh no ... Nozaka Ah, it's not a good thing to go away from a

It's not that much To stand

I do not think that four will withdraw from this

A man called no emperor mentioned earlier

Japan has a powerful piece

If this is the case, Japan's Asian qualification breakthrough has become increasingly dense

I do not know what will happen to the day

Why did I lose football?

Why were they going?

King of football

When are we

You probably forgot it

When you stand


This strategy was special training in relay form

It's an interesting idea


I will have you look through the Nosaka Yuuma locker


I guess it matched

What is in this case

Is it the same as at Kidou?


Is it chocolate marble?

After the game I want to eat sweet things

If you are good, one piece please

Failure is muffled


What on earth are you doing?

What kind of thing is that?

It's blurry.

by the way

I noticed it in art but I mistook the chocolate marble

I brought and put it in your locker

It seems I was out

But somehow it came out of my locker


Oh yeah four or more you eat chocolate well


Would you like to join us?

A bit Japan representative Endou-kun

Cormorant Ono and cherry blossoms

I have a little time

Inazuma Eleven !!

What? Getter World Soccer people talking to me

There is a player named Ichihishi-kun in Japan


I think that it exists in japan even though it existed


If you do not want to answer just you do not have to answer

He has a bit of a past

I know the procedure of personality

It surely carries out

I think that I know

You have no choice but to follow us

Ichihoshi Hikaru head is determined by your own actions


Lattice Yoshi-kun

Are you with me?


What is this competition

I wonder if this is FFI

It's quite different from what I was imagining

Who will be done next

Is the captain now all right?


Was good

I was worried Endou

Do not worry,

it was bad

Nice to meet you, endou-san Cormorant

I'm honoured to be able to meet you

It's already Nosaka I wonder you finally come back

Thank you very much

I am also trying to be a player like Endou-san

Was it a fellow of a system earning a previous point?

My words are not lies

Okay, Endou-san has this tournament killer

Do you accept this kind of correct answer

Surely something is wrong with this tournament

It counts down and examines it

But we

There is nothing more than going to play soccer

Then, I guess it's impossible to play games like this

The team that fought while it would not have been doing strange things

Well I guess soccer was good.

I meet such guys and can chase the ball together

That's fine.

What is important but not what I can not do

Is not that what you can do?

Everyone, good There is something I have to tell you today.

You surely think that you are suspicious

African hot spring of ffi game

Actually, the circumstances of various bad peoples are involved in this outdoor As expected

I knew you You know As I expected

Football is one of the world's biggest entertainment business etc.

It is large enough to influence the world economy There are organizations trying to thoroughly manage football as business as they put eyes there

It is an Orion agent Nintendo

Is it the organization that sent part of him?

Yes ORION Foundation puts out the game result so that the economic effect in football is maximized

I am controlling it, which makes football a bigger business

Football is a game world

It is beautiful with such a thing So it moves and

there are those of the spy players of the Orion Foundation Orion Spyer

They sometimes take sides of the team and take action to become a negative of friend when sometimes Game results

The Orion Foundation will proceed according to the plan decided

It's totally okay lucky guys who played suspiciously until that Orion's

What is the capital?

Okay, let's get the police managed to do that too

I'm far away to control the way the game is going until they hurt the players

Cage, For Foundation is a mighty organization

Even the police may be embracing

Does that mean that you only have to look quietly?

Everyone will see a dangerous situation as it is

So it is

We haste day

Fight with them

With haste

If they can not dominate the writer they will come out in sealed action

Then the officers of the movements of wrongdoings they are doing

You can get it, that is, if we are going to win, Orion

Is it possible to blow out fritters?

saas Miyano Sakusami That is to say Mr. Ah ginkgo is definite because it is our enemy

Is it determined by exclusion?

Coach is good I am the opposite

Ichihishi suddenly lost his father and got lonely when he was small

I helped him when I was not able to do anything

It was me. Oh

This is the 4th floor acceptance scale

I noticed

I'm glad.

How are you?

It will be those days.

Did you do it?

He got accidents by car

Dad is not he Dead

Nice to meet you, Ichihishi You have a sense as an excellent soccer player

We want to support you ,Support

What happened to Endou-san

A soccer reporter asked from a person

Orion helped withdrawing without calling out

So is that Ginkgo-san no longer can not stand against Orion

I wonder if we can somehow manage it if that is true

He is falling out of the way and you can help me


What if you have poor circumstances you can do anything

Certainly it is only forgiveness by that It

Five species Ichihishi have grounds that must obey the evil organization that kinds

What does it really matter to you,

His brother hikaru and Penn two were that kinds

5 me nights

People are also beautiful with the name of gleaming Whater I misunderstood girls until recently 5 types 9 minutes

Boots as a younger brother

Endou-san was saying lonely, but in fact the waist is actually Ichihoshi Because he have a younger brother

Because I knew

Once the shiny Kuno Toto's glowing high is suffering from illness Cos

1st place Tonight to help him

He am under the organization of evil and boss

Besides, I saw the lord as being a suspicious man

A feeling of pushing at that time was the expression that he was likely to be personality

It 's the only thing I've ever thought I'd betray my favorite football,

but I wanted to help with my brother' s day lightly

I was deciding what to do

In fact it is a person who likes Saku more than anyone

To rescue Ishii Nemura glow

An unexpected surprise to have a specialist doctor perform surgery by transferring to an American hospital

Instead of having us face that day we will do soccer for us

That was the content of the deal Yes

If there is only one way in front

We are to contribute to the world football business according to the Orion Foundation's instructions

Is my brother a hostage ?

That's why Ichihoshi has followed the instructions of the Orion Foundation

Well then, let's save the Mr. manually The color of Orion's guys

If it's an operating table you can say donation

It seems likely that there is going to be a hit if you know the circumstances,

but what matters is that your heart

Whether it can save

What do you mean

As I saw him, he did not seem to be taking hostage and being totally taken

You may be living lying fooling yourself as a bad man unable to endure what you are doing

Absent If so it will be better for us to help the child with our hands

Yoshi everyone will help the child for the time being, but if the organization is able to accomplish

what we noticed the enemy It may target the master for the time being

You have to do a chateau

I have an idea

I want to become a soccer player like my older brother.


Because he has an older brother,

his brother is doing his best in soccer

so he can fight a strong day and fight

My older brother who plays football is my pride


Where are you going?

I'm shopping separately

My brother's place

You are following embezzlement for your brother

Then what is it?

We're I wonder if I can become your strength

How to help younger brother ah There may be other,

please leave me alone

I'll do it by my power No one's help comes in

I'm gonna have you

We are here

We are here so that you can write more than

when you want to be more written

Do not forget

I decided Day He will save me

It's fun to play football, though

I love seeing my older brother playing football

So I want you to work hard on your bro

I'm happy if my Carly brother does soccer

I do not sufring to my football.


Why are you playing football?

My older brother does soccer instead of me

That alone makes me happy

I am diverting Ichihoshi

Again Orion's sneaky command comes down on Ichihoshi

Next time Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin

"Emperor's scenario"

Inazuma Eleven Today's maxim

What is important is not what you can not do

What can I do?

That's all!!

For more infomation >> Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin Episode 10 English Subbed HD - Duration: 22:55.


Donovan Mitchell | Utah Jazz Vs Thunder (20 pts, 9 reb & 6 ast) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Donovan Mitchell | Utah Jazz Vs Thunder (20 pts, 9 reb & 6 ast) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 1:58.


现场《看劲爆视频》马来婚礼现场变【武打片场】发生在 K.L - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 现场《看劲爆视频》马来婚礼现场变【武打片场】发生在 K.L - Duration: 6:13.


Kelly Olynyk | Miami Heat Vs Milwaukee Bucks (11 pts & 5 reb) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kelly Olynyk | Miami Heat Vs Milwaukee Bucks (11 pts & 5 reb) | Full Highlights 2018.12.22 - Duration: 0:58.







Oh, It's me

Guys, It's time for a secret ingredient


Leo always eats chocolate in class

Should I get Leo back?

Listen to me, don't do it

You have to teach Leo a lesson

You're gonna regret it

Do it Banh Bao

Leo's gonna get it


I have something for you

What is it?

A Giant Kinder Surprise!

Thanks Banh Bao!

You're very welcome, Leo!


No cheating!

Thank you, sir!

Can I borrow your eraser for a second?

But I need it

Leo cheated

Guys, remember never cheat on your test


My Crayons!

Now, we're gonna refrigerate for 10 minutes

Wow, It works

Don't break it again, Leo

Class...Reading time

Reading time again?

Reading is my favorite

Hey Leo, I'm gonna go to the washroom, ok? I will be back

Please, keep an eye on my book, ok?

While I enjoy my book

See you later


Thanks so much Leo!

Class...Attention, please!

I want you to solve this equa...

Selfie girl, selfie all the time!

Banh Bao!

I want you to come up here and answer this question for me

Oh no, what am I gonna do now?

Hurry up!

Can I borrow your calculator?

No way, It's mine

What is Banh Bao gonna do without her phone

I got the answer

Huh? What's that sound?

What happened?

I'm sorry, I dropped your phone




My Baby!

My selfie!


I'm gonna get her good, Banh Bao!


Teacher...Leo broke my phone

No, I didn't

Leo, always clowning in class


Not again!

No wait, look!

That's even worse

It's just a joke

Bye guys, home time


Banh Bao!

Detention! Come join Leo


Your fault, Leo

It's your fault, Banh Bao

Hope you guys enjoy this video

Make sure you guys hit the Like and Subscribe to our channel

See you guys tomorrow!

Bye guys, love you!

For more infomation >> 100 % SỐC!! CÁC TRÒ TROLL LỚP HỌC CƯỜI BỂ BỤNG NHẤT! BÁNH BAO vs LEO - Duration: 15:13.


30 Useful Things/Gifts/Hacks for a Wheelchair User #wheelchairstatus #lifeonwheels - Duration: 12:22.

hey I'm Luda. I have muscular dystrophy and I'm here to share with you my life

experiences as I roll through life. enjoy! hi, so today I want to talk about things

and hacks and gifts that I've gotten that have helped me, as someone in a

wheelchair. and my hand mobility isn't so great so a lot of these these things are

really helpful and this is not really a comparison or a review of these products.

this is just me listing them. and I'm going to start with like makeup and

hygiene and stuff like that. so first, I did a video on this a couple months back

on just, on cleansers and micellar waters, and a video and I'll link

that below. but the first one is micellar water. so you do not need a sink, you do

not need extra water. just put this on the cotton and I suggest definitely washing

your face with the cleanser. I use the cera ve cleansing foam remover. I really

like this, this is really good for my oily, oily sensitive skin. now the

next item to go along with that are these square cotton things, or these circle

things. now they're great for washing your face or taking a mask off. now on a

really tired day I use makeup wipes to take anything off that I have a face

full of makeup and then I'll use some micellar water afterwards. oh if you need

some emergency shower wipes for your body there are a few brands um I've

tried this one time and they're pretty large. they're really big in size so I

usually just use one of these. and then for more like sensitive areas I use them

summer Eve's. and then in the bath or shower, I like these glove things that

you can put it on your hand, or if you have someone helping you, you can

use this. this washes really good. the next item. this was one of my very first

review videos and that was for the abri-flex diapers. now I've used these

for about a year now. I use it when I travel and I do really like it. you just

have to kind of find your, your sitting position that works for you and be

comfortable and wearing travel diapers. they do leak sometimes so you just have

to be careful about that. now going on to the toilet I have this black toilet that

I just love.

and I believe it's called, John's big toilet, and it gives you a boost like two,

three, or four inches boost and it gives you a wide seat so you have better

balance. Now speaking of hair, if you cannot take a shower and wash your hair,

there is something called the no rinse shower caps. now I will do a separate

video a reviewing this, so look for it on the link below. this is not really on

the list but, super emergency times dry a call for a dry shampoo. I don't really

recommend this too often because you really do want to wash your hair

the next day for sure because you don't want this stuff being irritated in your

school or anything like that. if the shower cap isn't really an option for

you I will also be comparing it to the shampoo washing basin. and I have no idea

how this works and I've never used them but I thought this was such a cool idea

and it was a gift from cure SMA. they sent this huge package. if you like to go to

the pool or the beach, or just need an extra towel support, I really like these

circular towels.

because instead of getting two towels, I can just have one towel. these are pretty

heavy so they can also work really well for a blanket and what I really like

about the circular towels is that I can put those around me or I can put it, if

it's over me, I can put it under my knees so that my legs don't get cold. my next

item which I don't really have on me because it's so big is this wool rug I

also got from cure sma.

I cannot sit on soft beds or soft couches. I just sink in and I can't move

and I start freaking out. this wool rug thing, I put under my bed

because it's really soft and wool is really warm and I just really like it. I

just really like it. it's not, it's soft but it doesn't make me sink into my bed.

I got this spry pillow from S-Cure SMA, and why I really love this is because one,

it's really thin. I can't really do soft big fluffy pillows. because this pillow is

really great, it's also a memory foam and it's pretty thick and comfortable. if

you're like me and you use your joystick to hold all of your 20,000,000 hair ties,

awesome for you because these are so helpful. I have tied this together to

make a rope before. I've used this to hold packages together. I've used hair

ties for literally everything. my next little tool are these manicure scissors.

now regular scissors are kind of hard to operate sometimes but these manicure

scissors, if I need open a package for my cotton thing, I can do that so much easier

than with like regular scissors. now alongside hair ties

I have carabiners just all over my chair, for my water bottle. this is for my

water bottle.

and then I have a couple just to hold my bike light thing battery.

so many people have told me to get lights on my chair because I do travel

at night

I have the multi-coloured bike thing. I believe you can only have it for about

20 hours totals but I've had them for about a year and they blasted me pretty

well. I used some of the most as maybe like an hour a night if I have to go

somewhere really far. the one thing that I forgot to mention were these metal

hooks now these are meant for tie-downs but I like to put my scissors or my

brush in there. next I want to talk about my footrest. I currently have these

socks that I put on them but they don't really last or work very well.

so I will be sewing together a little footrest cover thing for that. now what I

do have a cover for already made is my chair seat. now this is something I just

kind of sewed together with a fabric to put on my seat and then underneath it, I

just, this is like a target bag, so I put it like this and put it on my chair so

that way if I'm afraid that my diapers are going to leak, I know that my cushion

and my seat will be okay. if you've ever had cracked arm rests, this is totally for

you. now on my wheelchair, I've had my armrest armrest crack a few times.

before they start cracking you'll notice like this line coming into it and so I

used super glue, which I don't have on hand, but pretend I'm holding superglue.

so I put superglue on that armrest and then I let it dry and then the next item

I have is black nail polish, which I'll put over it and that's how I

temporarily fix my armrest because they just start cracking and breaking. I like

to reach things a really high like cereal

so I have this awesome yardstick, and it's so light, and it's so light, and it's

so just convenient because I can also push things closed, like cabinets. this is

the most helpful thing that I've ever owned. if you need to like reach a light

switch or get something else, this is awesome. now if you want something a

little bit more funner um cure SMA sent me a back scratcher

thing telescopic thing. and it is so fun to use. now why I also think this is

such a cool thing is that it comes together. so this back scratcher is so

cool cuz it becomes like a little spoon. it is a little hard to open back up, but

this is, how fun is this? like oh my gosh I'm like, take it anywhere. on to the next

item, I want to talk about these wall hooks that I have

and you can mount them anywhere you want. and just randomly put stuff on

there. you can also glue wall hooks to the wall which, I use like random places

to hang them on.

I go to a lot of conferences and I get these nametag holders. now I like this

because if I just have an errand to go to the post office or to the store, I can

just like put this on my neck. and my phone and my cash can go in here and my

grocery list in the back. now the next fun thing that's really helpful is

this phone grip. um I use on my iPad.

one of my favorite items are these remote control outlets. now, i got also this

from cure SMA. and there were three outlet, automatic controllers. they're a

little bulky, but they're really fun and you can manually turn off and on with the

switch. or it comes with two automatic controls. now speaking of remote controls,

you can have like a light or a fan remote control. the last thing is also a

cure SMA package item, and it is like a phone holder that you can put in a spot

and then just hold your phone or iPad and rotate it as you need it.

so those are all of my items. now if you have items that you think are super

useful, please comment below. hope you enjoyed this video, thanks so much for

watching. bye!

For more infomation >> 30 Useful Things/Gifts/Hacks for a Wheelchair User #wheelchairstatus #lifeonwheels - Duration: 12:22.


軍人ダイエット後71日目昼食(咀嚼音少々有) - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 軍人ダイエット後71日目昼食(咀嚼音少々有) - Duration: 8:31.


FRAMBUAZ | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | F Harfi - Duration: 2:45.


letter f

Hi friends!

Today I'il introduce you raspberry.

Hi Raspberry... Raspberry...

Hey, you are full of energy, but we want to meet you.

Can you stop?

You'll play later, ok?

Here's the smart raspberry!

Hey Raspberry

Dear kids, raspberry is full of vitamins useful for your health.

There are vitamins A, B, C and E in the raspberry.

Friends, why are we washing our hands with a soap?

Because soap removes harmful bacteria.

A soap removes bacteria from our hands, raspberry removes internal bacteria.

Raspberry, can't stop playing, because it' very energetic fruit.

Kids, that's why raspberry makes you energetic.

Hey kids, you can subscribe to our channel by touching this button.

I will introduce you to my fruit friends

For more infomation >> FRAMBUAZ | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | F Harfi - Duration: 2:45.


#WarThunder #gameplay en español. # 8x8 1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:21:31.

For more infomation >> #WarThunder #gameplay en español. # 8x8 1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:21:31.


美国惹不起的3小国 两个将其彻底打出阴影 - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> 美国惹不起的3小国 两个将其彻底打出阴影 - Duration: 12:02.


重大喜讯,中国迎来大机遇,此动作震惊了世界 - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> 重大喜讯,中国迎来大机遇,此动作震惊了世界 - Duration: 12:34.


12/23/18 1:03 AM (25538 N Fwy Service Rd, Spring, TX 77386, USA) - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> 12/23/18 1:03 AM (25538 N Fwy Service Rd, Spring, TX 77386, USA) - Duration: 5:10.


For more infomation >> 12/23/18 1:03 AM (25538 N Fwy Service Rd, Spring, TX 77386, USA) - Duration: 5:10.


How to Achieve Med School Goals

For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals



For more infomation >> ТОП 5 НОВОГОДНИХ ДИЗАЙНОВ 2019 🎈 l ОШИБКИ МАСТЕРОВ - Duration: 37:19.


2019 ல் சனி பகவான் ல் யோகம் உண்டாகும் ராசி காரர்கள் | 2019 ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:35.

YouTube ne'er Gallacher put Cardinal Walter run at the bottom buddy

Shanee bug Ivana la bundle Peru recycle y'know my intro there in the Culver the

communal she need a sane enough come bother hiding a man accustomed a

standalone monochrome bungalow Europe commander alarmed by fog on their moon

my soul alumni Shanee Bhagawan avec vous revoir theorem

I rear-ended Shanee the sale when he got to her

nominal Adam kept Adams who litter were number has sucked up toward of Darmouth

total not on the quadrille shin-yokohama guru K to the Lucia Mata wanna John

Martin Carmical angle and Sarita Namib pollen Belvoir we route the end the

Cthulhu Seiya mater shinny Bhagawan Sri Balarama cool yogic faith under who are

you gonna kill somebody column redacted but somebody very chicken Brassica

friend armadillo candy recipe Nala I made it for you rich over Isaac field

intimately than a thoracic John math pillow Makarov a psychedelic pnina

Hamilton theorem sherry Bhagawan sunset Akira in the Rasika rebel yell our main

hope for Khalil sin Islamic type who knew our work to or that our job at they

say the Naya thermal told a ninja welding and ma che Nabokov on sanded the

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Rishabha Rossi Kinnear i see vichy homme Gracie Donna sue Rossi Maharaja

Caravelle nigga yet a coup by Parimal nigga sector totem Darmok totem

on the canal Goomba locker alarm a man Miguel Malaga an otaku in the rasa Cara

Gallacher red eye at the bottom booth raasi palan girl Guevara Morgan Inga

telling the cola description in video links 43 crane click bunny telling the

polar boom sorry Jana sukhino bhavantu Oh namah Shivaya video via social media

less sharp ananda marga ma channel subscribe panicking of friends thank you

for watching

For more infomation >> 2019 ல் சனி பகவான் ல் யோகம் உண்டாகும் ராசி காரர்கள் | 2019 ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:35.


The football world hail Van Dijk as one of 'best ever seen' - Duration: 9:03.

 Virgil van Dijk has been nothing short of sensational since he arrived at Liverpool in January

 And the superlatives to describe the imperious world-class Dutchman are literally endless

 The Reds have kept 11 clean sheets in their first 18 games of this Premier League season with the latest coming against Wolves on Friday night

 Once again Van Dijk proved his incredible ability at the Molineux Stadium with an absolutely immense performance, capped with a goal to put the tie to bed and make it 2-0

 Here is what a whole host of people in the football world have been saying about the defender since that game which saw Liverpool extend their unbeaten run and stay top of the table

Sadio Mane  Sadio Mane believes Liverpool colossus Virgil van Dijk has proved to be a £75million bargain

 "It's been a big, big impact. We've all seen it," Mane said.  "Of course at the time he signed people were thinking that the club had over-paid for Virgil

 "But seen then everyone has forgotten about the fee because his form has been so good

He's done such a great job for us back there. I am so happy to have him as a team-mate

 "He's one of the leaders. You can see it in every single game. He has proved he's one of the best defenders in the world

" Tony Cascarino  Tony Cascarino hailed Virgil van Dijk as "one of the best centre-backs I've ever seen" after his masterclass in Liverpool's 2-0 win against Wolves on Friday night

 The Sky Sports pundit and former Chelsea player eulogised over the Dutchman's performance and claimed that he could be the greatest-ever Premier League defender

 "Some players make the game look easy and Virgil van Dijk is just bossing this league at the moment," Cascarino told the Times

"He was winning headers, matching Adama Traoré for pace, throwing dummies in the Wolves penalty area and he took his goal like a centre forward, drifting in off the shoulder of the defenders

 "Liverpool haven't had a defender as classy and composed since Alan Hansen. The Premier League has had some great central defenders — John Terry, Tony Adams, Rio Ferdinand — but Van Dijk may turn out to be better than all of them, he's one of the best centre backs I've ever seen

" Andy Robertson  Van Dijk took the plaudits after another faultless display from the big centre-back at Molineux was capped with his first goal for the Reds since he made his debut against Everton in the FA Cup back in January

 And now his team-mate Andy Robertson has said: "I'm getting bored speaking about how good he is!  "No, I'm only joking

He was fantastic. We knew when we saw (Adama) Traore up top that he has got great pace

 "His pace and direction are a big threat and big Virgil did so well with him. We knew on the counter attack they were dangerous

 "I'm sure he will be disappointed he has not scored more goals but it was a clean sheet and his first Premier League goal - pretty much a perfect day for him

" Chris Sutton  Former Premier League player Chris Sutton again called Virgil van Dijk "the best player in the world"

 He was speaking on Saturday Savage and was asked who he thought the best player in the Premier League was

 The BT Sport pundit replied: "Virgil van Dijk, he's the best player in the world!" James Pearce  Our full-time Liverpool correspondent wrote in his match verdict:  "Virgil van Dijk was absolutely immense

The most expensive defender in the world has proved over the course of 2018 that he's also the most gifted

 "The £75million man finally ended his wait for a first Premier League goal for the Reds to get the festive season off to a flyer

 "Van Dijk wrapped up the points in the second half after Mohamed Salah had broken the deadlock in style

" Chris Bascombe  The Telegraph football writer said: "Van Dijk does not take up positions

He marks territories. Molineux is the latest venue for Liverpool's centre-back to plant his victory flag, in doing so demonstrating why Jurgen Klopp can succeed where the club's other recent title pacesetters failed

 "Many will look to Van Dijk's goal against Wolves, Liverpool's second,but it was the nonchalant shrug on Adama Traore early in the second half that typified his excellence, the striker's whippet pace nullified with ease

 "Attackers need a Satnav to find a way past Van Dijk. His headed clearances have become so routine they are barely noted

He has become a £75 million bargain.  "Not that you will hear premature adulation for his charges from Klopp, who recoils at the hint of individual praise above collective excellence

This was Liverpool's 11th Premier League clean sheet of the season. The last time they won the title in 1990 they kept 12

"  Dominic King in the Daily Mail also labelled Van Dijk as "magnificent". Jurgen Klopp  Jurgen Klopp saluted the brilliance of Virgil van Dijk after Liverpool kept their title charge on track with a 2-0 win at Wolves

 The Dutch defender ended his 11-month wait for a first Premier League goal for the club when he volleyed home Mo Salah 's cross to wrap up the points

 It capped another dominant display from Van Dijk , who dealt brilliantly with the threat of Adama Traore

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  Klopp said: "I have no problem talking about individual performances, but only to the players! Virgil is in a good moment for us

Hopefully it can stay like this.  "The work rate in general is outstanding. I love the boy, but the two in front of them, they have to run much more to make life more comfortable for the defender

 "Dejan (Lovren) played again after not having a perfect pre-season, now having game after game, it's all good

Without that, we don't have a chance. The win was deserved and Virgil played a proper part in that

" Michael Owen  One area where the 2018/19 crop are a step up from the team of five years ago, Owen believes, is at the back

 "They've got a better defence," the former Liverpool striker told the Premier League's website

 "You can look at Sturridge, Sterling and Suarez, and say, 'Who's the best?' Those three, or Mane, Salah and Firmino, and you can debate it all night long

 "But the facts of the matter are, their defence now, they don't ever look like conceding

 "Brilliant goalkeeper, brilliant back four, protection in front of that back four

They're looking ominous." Read more Liverpool stories

For more infomation >> The football world hail Van Dijk as one of 'best ever seen' - Duration: 9:03.


#WarThunder #gameplay en español. # 8x8 1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:21:31.

For more infomation >> #WarThunder #gameplay en español. # 8x8 1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:21:31.


One sheet two layered cards FabScraps Holly Jolly Collection - Duration: 10:13.

Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room In this video I'm going make two cards

here I have my paper that I am going to use I use these two card for the focal point

and I am going to use these two strips and I use part of the back

here I have the pieces first I have my two cards with the cardstock

then I have my two mini cards and a piece of craft foam to add dimension

I have four strips with the Christmas trees and I have two strips from the back that I

just showed you and have this strip that I am also going to use

so let's get started

I distressed all the edges of the paper and now I first tape the base to the card

By the way I added the products I used in the description box for you

and if you are new here don't forget to subscribe

Now I am going to add some embossing powder on the edge of the mini cards

and I am just going to press the edge in the embossing pad

I use a piece of paper to press then paper down so the ink doesn't get on my fingers

sticky fingers and embossing powder will make a mess

and then sprinkle on embossing powder and then I scrape away some excess to get

a nice random edge instead of the straight lines

I use the craft pick for that

and then I melt the embossing powder with my heat tool

By the way if you feel inspired I always love to see your makes so don't forget to use

#gerryscraftroom when you share your work on social media

Now I add the foam to the back of the cards

and then I go on with the card base I lay out the elements to see where they need

to go and then I tape them in place

I want to do something different with the mini cards so I keep them to measure

but I don't tape them to the card just yet

I add some crystal drops and vintage drops

along the edge of the mini cards this will add to the vintage look

I put them on a lit so I can easily get them out of the way

and then I put them aside to dry

after drying I add them to the card

and I add some more drops in the same colour on the card

I hope you liked the video don't forget to like share and subscribe

and I see you in the next video thanks for watching

For more infomation >> One sheet two layered cards FabScraps Holly Jolly Collection - Duration: 10:13.


Threetone | Underwater | טריטון - Duration: 3:47.

my mind is wandering astray in this way snide

searching for some meaning babies empty words my heart is set upon a pedestal of

broken dreams beaten only for a cause it longs to fool

I don't know why but I don't wanna be alone Oh

I can't seem to take another night and I don't

but I don't wanna feel this anymore if I could tell you life would be a breeze

my mind is frightening it sound as if it is a fear if they take over

they push me away

far enough to make me feel like I'm under the water and far enough to make

me feel like I'm drowning

I don't wanna be alone no more


no but I don't wanna feel

if I could you love

don't know but I wanna be alone



but I don't wanna feel this anymore


For more infomation >> Threetone | Underwater | טריטון - Duration: 3:47.


軍人ダイエット後71日目昼食(咀嚼音少々有) - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 軍人ダイエット後71日目昼食(咀嚼音少々有) - Duration: 8:31.


ASMR 咀嚼音 LINDT Champs-Elysees Assorted Chocolates リンツ・チョコレート 瑞士蓮巧克力 린트초콜릿 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> ASMR 咀嚼音 LINDT Champs-Elysees Assorted Chocolates リンツ・チョコレート 瑞士蓮巧克力 린트초콜릿 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 10:23.


《刀劍神域第三季》第12集:a姐在回憶裡登場,她將是桐人要打敗的大BOSS!- SAO Alicization |中文字幕cc| - 動漫傳送門 🤔🤔🤔😱😱😱 - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> 《刀劍神域第三季》第12集:a姐在回憶裡登場,她將是桐人要打敗的大BOSS!- SAO Alicization |中文字幕cc| - 動漫傳送門 🤔🤔🤔😱😱😱 - Duration: 6:28.


Gorilla wild animals finger family song for kids,nursery rhymes,Lion,Tiger,cheetha,Bear,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 1:49.

finger family

For more infomation >> Gorilla wild animals finger family song for kids,nursery rhymes,Lion,Tiger,cheetha,Bear,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 1:49.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer left feeling proud by the reception from fans - Duration: 4:44.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer admitted he was left feeling 'proud and emotional' by the reception from Manchester United fans after his first game in caretaker charge ended in a thumping win at Cardiff

Solskjaer lived up to his promise of attacking football after replacing the sacked Jose Mourinho until the end of the season as United won 5-1

The travelling supporters lapped it up and sang tribute songs to the 45-year-old Norwegian who is still revered for his exploits as a player at Old Trafford

'It makes you proud,' said Solskjaer. 'It's emotional and I am happy for them because now it's a long ride up to Manchester, and I am pleased tonight

They can talk about the boys because they played fantastic.'It's been a difficult week for everyone and to get that focus and performance impressed me

' It was the first time United had scored five goals in a Premier League game since Sir Alex Ferguson's final game in charge - a 5-5 draw at West Brom in May 2013 - and in stark contrast to the cautious style of Mourinho

Asked how the same players could produce such a performance, Solskjaer replied: 'Good players

Very, very good players, talented players. Today they've approached the game properly

'One of the things I talked about is that a Manchester United team should never ever be outworked

It doesn't matter what team you play, you should run more than them and then your skills will give you a chance of winning again

'It's just work harder than them, enjoy yourself, pass it forward. Run forward. If you lose the ball, I don't mind as long you work to win it back, and they did

'I'm pleased with every single one of them. When you've got (Anthony) Martial and Jesse Lingard down either side, (Marcus) Rashford up top with Paul (Pogba) supporting them, it's exhilarating to watch

As long as we keep that standard up we'll keep up picking points.' Wayne Rooney revealed that he had texted Solskjaer some advice before the game after speaking to the players about the problems with Mourinho

'Manchester United is a big part of my life, it was never nice watching what was going on,' Rooney told BT Sport

'Once Ole got the job, I thought I'd give him a message of congratulations and my feelings of how it's been from speaking to some players and what I felt needs to change

'First of all get the lads enjoying playing football, that's what the lads wanted

He's (Ole) definitely the guy to get make them do that.' Cardiff boss Neil Warnock revealed that they didn't even bother watching videos of United beforehand because they knew the team would perform very differently under Solskjaer

'We didn't watch anything because it's nothing like they've been playing,' said Warnock

'We expected that team sheet.'The circumstances weren't great but we've had that before this season with Southampton and Leicester

(Mauricio) Pochettino will probably get the (United) job before we play Tottenham in our next home game!'He (Solskjaer) will be happy if they're like that every week, but you can't tell me they were unbelievable

Our defending was Sunday league - they'll have far tougher tests than us.'We started the game quite well but it was an iffy free kick for the goal

The penalty really killed us. It wasn't a penalty in a million years, but you can't blame the ref for 5-1


For more infomation >> Ole Gunnar Solskjaer left feeling proud by the reception from fans - Duration: 4:44.


Mì Lắc Siêu Cay Cấp Độ 1000 Sẽ NTN | Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Mì Lắc Siêu Cay Cấp Độ 1000 Sẽ NTN | Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội - Duration: 8:43.


30 Useful Things/Gifts/Hacks for a Wheelchair User #wheelchairstatus #lifeonwheels - Duration: 12:22.

hey I'm Luda. I have muscular dystrophy and I'm here to share with you my life

experiences as I roll through life. enjoy! hi, so today I want to talk about things

and hacks and gifts that I've gotten that have helped me, as someone in a

wheelchair. and my hand mobility isn't so great so a lot of these these things are

really helpful and this is not really a comparison or a review of these products.

this is just me listing them. and I'm going to start with like makeup and

hygiene and stuff like that. so first, I did a video on this a couple months back

on just, on cleansers and micellar waters, and a video and I'll link

that below. but the first one is micellar water. so you do not need a sink, you do

not need extra water. just put this on the cotton and I suggest definitely washing

your face with the cleanser. I use the cera ve cleansing foam remover. I really

like this, this is really good for my oily, oily sensitive skin. now the

next item to go along with that are these square cotton things, or these circle

things. now they're great for washing your face or taking a mask off. now on a

really tired day I use makeup wipes to take anything off that I have a face

full of makeup and then I'll use some micellar water afterwards. oh if you need

some emergency shower wipes for your body there are a few brands um I've

tried this one time and they're pretty large. they're really big in size so I

usually just use one of these. and then for more like sensitive areas I use them

summer Eve's. and then in the bath or shower, I like these glove things that

you can put it on your hand, or if you have someone helping you, you can

use this. this washes really good. the next item. this was one of my very first

review videos and that was for the abri-flex diapers. now I've used these

for about a year now. I use it when I travel and I do really like it. you just

have to kind of find your, your sitting position that works for you and be

comfortable and wearing travel diapers. they do leak sometimes so you just have

to be careful about that. now going on to the toilet I have this black toilet that

I just love.

and I believe it's called, John's big toilet, and it gives you a boost like two,

three, or four inches boost and it gives you a wide seat so you have better

balance. Now speaking of hair, if you cannot take a shower and wash your hair,

there is something called the no rinse shower caps. now I will do a separate

video a reviewing this, so look for it on the link below. this is not really on

the list but, super emergency times dry a call for a dry shampoo. I don't really

recommend this too often because you really do want to wash your hair

the next day for sure because you don't want this stuff being irritated in your

school or anything like that. if the shower cap isn't really an option for

you I will also be comparing it to the shampoo washing basin. and I have no idea

how this works and I've never used them but I thought this was such a cool idea

and it was a gift from cure SMA. they sent this huge package. if you like to go to

the pool or the beach, or just need an extra towel support, I really like these

circular towels.

because instead of getting two towels, I can just have one towel. these are pretty

heavy so they can also work really well for a blanket and what I really like

about the circular towels is that I can put those around me or I can put it, if

it's over me, I can put it under my knees so that my legs don't get cold. my next

item which I don't really have on me because it's so big is this wool rug I

also got from cure sma.

I cannot sit on soft beds or soft couches. I just sink in and I can't move

and I start freaking out. this wool rug thing, I put under my bed

because it's really soft and wool is really warm and I just really like it. I

just really like it. it's not, it's soft but it doesn't make me sink into my bed.

I got this spry pillow from S-Cure SMA, and why I really love this is because one,

it's really thin. I can't really do soft big fluffy pillows. because this pillow is

really great, it's also a memory foam and it's pretty thick and comfortable. if

you're like me and you use your joystick to hold all of your 20,000,000 hair ties,

awesome for you because these are so helpful. I have tied this together to

make a rope before. I've used this to hold packages together. I've used hair

ties for literally everything. my next little tool are these manicure scissors.

now regular scissors are kind of hard to operate sometimes but these manicure

scissors, if I need open a package for my cotton thing, I can do that so much easier

than with like regular scissors. now alongside hair ties

I have carabiners just all over my chair, for my water bottle. this is for my

water bottle.

and then I have a couple just to hold my bike light thing battery.

so many people have told me to get lights on my chair because I do travel

at night

I have the multi-coloured bike thing. I believe you can only have it for about

20 hours totals but I've had them for about a year and they blasted me pretty

well. I used some of the most as maybe like an hour a night if I have to go

somewhere really far. the one thing that I forgot to mention were these metal

hooks now these are meant for tie-downs but I like to put my scissors or my

brush in there. next I want to talk about my footrest. I currently have these

socks that I put on them but they don't really last or work very well.

so I will be sewing together a little footrest cover thing for that. now what I

do have a cover for already made is my chair seat. now this is something I just

kind of sewed together with a fabric to put on my seat and then underneath it, I

just, this is like a target bag, so I put it like this and put it on my chair so

that way if I'm afraid that my diapers are going to leak, I know that my cushion

and my seat will be okay. if you've ever had cracked arm rests, this is totally for

you. now on my wheelchair, I've had my armrest armrest crack a few times.

before they start cracking you'll notice like this line coming into it and so I

used super glue, which I don't have on hand, but pretend I'm holding superglue.

so I put superglue on that armrest and then I let it dry and then the next item

I have is black nail polish, which I'll put over it and that's how I

temporarily fix my armrest because they just start cracking and breaking. I like

to reach things a really high like cereal

so I have this awesome yardstick, and it's so light, and it's so light, and it's

so just convenient because I can also push things closed, like cabinets. this is

the most helpful thing that I've ever owned. if you need to like reach a light

switch or get something else, this is awesome. now if you want something a

little bit more funner um cure SMA sent me a back scratcher

thing telescopic thing. and it is so fun to use. now why I also think this is

such a cool thing is that it comes together. so this back scratcher is so

cool cuz it becomes like a little spoon. it is a little hard to open back up, but

this is, how fun is this? like oh my gosh I'm like, take it anywhere. on to the next

item, I want to talk about these wall hooks that I have

and you can mount them anywhere you want. and just randomly put stuff on

there. you can also glue wall hooks to the wall which, I use like random places

to hang them on.

I go to a lot of conferences and I get these nametag holders. now I like this

because if I just have an errand to go to the post office or to the store, I can

just like put this on my neck. and my phone and my cash can go in here and my

grocery list in the back. now the next fun thing that's really helpful is

this phone grip. um I use on my iPad.

one of my favorite items are these remote control outlets. now, i got also this

from cure SMA. and there were three outlet, automatic controllers. they're a

little bulky, but they're really fun and you can manually turn off and on with the

switch. or it comes with two automatic controls. now speaking of remote controls,

you can have like a light or a fan remote control. the last thing is also a

cure SMA package item, and it is like a phone holder that you can put in a spot

and then just hold your phone or iPad and rotate it as you need it.

so those are all of my items. now if you have items that you think are super

useful, please comment below. hope you enjoyed this video, thanks so much for

watching. bye!

For more infomation >> 30 Useful Things/Gifts/Hacks for a Wheelchair User #wheelchairstatus #lifeonwheels - Duration: 12:22.


Demonstrasi Tugas Besar E Business - Website Tiket Wisata dan Tour Travel Situbondo - Duration: 15:02.

For more infomation >> Demonstrasi Tugas Besar E Business - Website Tiket Wisata dan Tour Travel Situbondo - Duration: 15:02.


how to compress a vidio on Android phone || how to compress a vidio file without losing quality - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> how to compress a vidio on Android phone || how to compress a vidio file without losing quality - Duration: 3:06.


No One Mourns The Wicked Animatic - Duration: 5:59.

Good News!

She's dead!

The Witch of the West is dead!

The wickedest witch there ever was

The enemy of all of us, here in Oz-

Is Dead!

Good News!




It's Glinda!!!

Fellow, Ozians.

Let us be glad

Let us be grateful

Let us rejoicify that goodness

Could subdue

The wicked workings of-


Isn't it nice to know

That good will conquer evil?

The truth we'll all believe'll

by and by

Outlive a lie

For you and -

No one mourns The Wicked!

No one cries "They won't return!"

No one lays a lily on their grave

The good man scorns the Wicked!

Through their lives, our children learn

What we miss, when we misbehave

And Goodness knows

The Wicked's lives are lonely

Goodness knows

The Wicked die alone

It just shows

When you're Wicked

You're left only...

On your own

On your own Yes, Goodness knows

Yes, Goodness knows

The Wicked's lives are lonely!

Goodness knows

The Wicked cry alone

Nothing grows for the Wicked

They reap only-

What they've sown

Are people born Wicked?

Or do they have Wickedness thrust upon them?!

After all,

she had a father;

She had a mother!

As so many do:

How I hate to go and leave you lonely

That's alright - it's only

Just One Night

But know that you're here in my heart

While I'm out of your-



like every family...

- they had their secrets

Have another drink,

My dark-eyed beauty

I've got one more night left, here in town

So have another drink

Of green elixir

And we'll have ourselves a little mixer

Have another swallow, little lady,

And follow me down!

And of course

From the moment she was born

she was -



It's coming!


The baby's coming!

And how!

I see a nose!

I see a curl!

It's a healthy, perfect,

Lovely, little -


Sweet Oz!

What is it?

What's wrong?

How can it be?

What does it mean?

It's atrocious!

It's obscene!

Like a froggy, ferny cabbage

The baby is unnaturally


Take it away.

Take it away!

So you see,

- it couldn't have been easy!

No one mourns

The Wicked!

Now at last,

She's dead-

and gone!

Now at last,

There's joy throughout the land!


Goodness knows

Goodness knows (Goodness knows)

We know what Goodness is!

*Glinda Vocalizing*

Goodness knows *Glinda Vocalizing*

The Wicked die alone

The Wicked die alone She died alone!

She died alone!

Woe to those

Woe to those (Woe to those!)

Who spurn what Goodness is,

They are shown!

No One


The Wicked!

Good news!

No one mourns the Wicked!

Good news!

No one mourns

The Wicked!



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