Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 20 2018

Unless and until you access the

consciousness frequency of presence all

relationships and particularly intimate

relationships are deeply flawed and

ultimately dysfunctional they may seem

perfect for a while such as when you are

in love but invariably that apparent

perfection gets disrupted as arguments

conflicts dissatisfaction and emotional

or even physical violence occur with

increasing frequency it seems that most

love relationships become love-hate

relationships before long, love can then

turn into savage attack feelings of

hostility or complete withdrawal of

affection at the flick of a switch this

is considered normal the relationship

then oscillates for a while a few months

of you years between the polarities of

love and hate and it gives you as much

pleasure as it gives you pain it is not

uncommon for couples to become addicted

to those cycles their drama makes them

feel alive when a balance between the

positive negative polarities is lost in

the negative destructive cycles occur

with increasing frequency and intensity

which tends to happen sooner or later

then it will not be long before the

relationship finally collapses

it may appear that if you could only

eliminate the negative or destructive

cycles then all would be well and the

relationship would flower beautifully

but alas this is not possible the

polarities are mutually interdependent

you cannot have one without the other

the positive already contains within

itself the as-yet unmanifested negative

both are in fact different aspects of

the same dysfunction I'm speaking here

of what is commonly called romantic

relationships not of true love which has

no opposite because it arises from

beyond the mind love as a continuous

state is as yet very rare as rare as

conscious human beings brief and elusive

glimpses of love however are possible

whenever there's a gap in the stream of mind

the negative sight of a relationship is

of course more easily recognizable as

dysfunctional than the positive one and

it is also easier to recognize the

source of negativity in your partner

than to see it in yourself it can

manifest in many forms possessiveness

jealousy control withdrawal and unspoken

resentment the need to rewrite

insensitivity and self-absorption

emotional demands and manipulation the

urge to argue criticize judge blame or

attack anger unconscious revenge for

past pain inflicted by a parent rage and

physical violence

on the positive side you are in love

with your partner this is a trust a

deeply satisfying state you feeling

intensely alive your existence has

suddenly become meaningful because

someone needs you wants you and makes

you feel special and you do the same for

him or her when you are together you

feel whole the feeling can become so

intense that the rest of the world fades

into insignificance however you may also

have noticed that there is a neediness

and a clinging quality to that intensity

you become addicted to the other person

he or she acts on you like a drug you're

on a high when the drug is available but

even the possibility of the thought that

he or she might no longer be there for

you can lead to jealousy possessiveness

attempts and manipulation through

emotional blackmail blaming and accusing

fear of loss if the other person does

leave you this can give rise to the most

intense hostility or the most profound

grief and despair

in an instant loving tenderness can turn

into a savage attack or dreadful grief

where is the love now, can love change

into its opposite in an instant was it

love in the first place

or just an addictive grasping and clinging

why should we become addicted to another person

the reason why the

romantic love relationship is such an

intense and universally sought after

experience is that it seems to offer

liberation from a deep-seated state of

fear need lack and incompleteness that

is part of the human condition in its

unredeemed and unenlightened state there

is a physical as well as a psychological

dimension to this state, on the physical

level you're obviously not whole nor

will you ever be you're either a man or

woman which is to say one half of the

whole on this level the longing for

wholeness the return to oneness

manifests as male-female attraction

man's need for woman , woman's need for man

it is an almost irresistible urge

for union with the opposite energy

polarity the root of his physical urge

is a spiritual one the longing for end to

allottee a return to the state of

wholeness sexual union is the closest

you can get to this state on the

physical level this is why it is the

most deeply satisfying experience the

physical route can offer but sexual

union is no more than a fleeting glimpse

of wholeness an instant of place as long

as it is unconsciously sought as a means

of salvation you're seeking the end of

the allottee on the level of form where

it cannot be found

you are given a tantalizing glimpse of

heaven but you're not allowed to dwell

there and find yourself again in a

separate body

on the psychological level the sense of

lack and incompleteness is if anything even

greater than on the physical level as

long as you identify it with your mind

you have an externally derived sense of

self that is to say you get your sense

of who you are from things that

ultimately have nothing to do with who

you are your social role possessions

external appearance successes and

failures belief systems and so on this

false mind made self the ego feels

vulnerable insecure and is always

seeking new things to identify ways to

give it a feeling that it exists but

nothing is ever enough to give it

lasting fulfillment its fear remains its

sense lack and neediness remains

sense of lack and neediness remains

but then that special relationship comes along

it seems to be

the answer to all the egos problems and

to meet all its needs at least this is

how it appears at first all the other

things that you derived your sense of

self from before now become relatively

insignificant you now have a single

focal point that replaces them all gives

meaning to your life and through which

you define your identity the person you

are in love with you are no longer in

disconnected fragment in an uncaring

universe or so it seems your world now

has a center the loved one the fact that

the Saintes outside you and that

therefore you still have an externally

derived sense of self does not seem to

matter at first what matters is that the

underlying feelings of incompleteness of

fear lack and unfulfillment so

characteristic of the egoic state are no

longer there, or are they, have they

dissolved or do they continue to exist

underneath the happy surface reality

if in your relationships you experience

both love and the opposite of love

attack emotional violence and so on then

it is likely that you're confusing ego

attachment and addictive clinging with

love you cannot love your partner one

moment and attack him or her the next

true love has no opposite if your love

has an opposite and it is not love but a

strong ego need for a more complete and

deeper sense of self and need that the

other person temporarily meets

it is the ego substitute for salvation

and for a short time it almost does feel

like salvation

For more infomation >> Attracting A Relationship/Soulmate Using The Law of Attraction [Not What You Think] - Duration: 9:58.


Why the Weak Nuclear Force Ruins Everything - Duration: 6:46.


The weak nuclear force gets short shrift among the four fundamental forces of nature.

People wax on about the marvels of gravity that holds entire worlds together.

They'll detail electromagnetism, which lets us see and keeps us from falling through the floor.

They'll even praise the strong nuclear force that fights to keep nuclei together.

Then they'll say the weak nuclear force causes radioactivity and fusion, and then move on.

Which is a real shame, because the weak force has been causing trouble for a century,

ruining everything physicists thought was true.

And at the same time, it might be responsible for your very existence.

Fundamentally, the weak force acts on leptons, which includes electrons, neutrinos,

and their heavier cousins, and on the quarks that make up particles like protons and neutrons.

When it acts, it changes a particle's identity by altering some of its properties.

But other forces change particle types, too, so that isn't what makes the weak force special.

It's special because it's the exception to almost every rule.

It's the Mongols of the forces.

Hints of trouble came around 1900, when scientists thought atoms of elements were conserved.

For example, they thought lead atoms were lead atoms, no matter how they moved or bonded,

and the same went for every other element.

Then, they discovered radioactive decays: Atoms of one element can transform into atoms

of another just by shooting some stuff out of their nuclei.

Nobody knew it at the time, but this alchemy was the result of the weak force.

And that wasn't the last time it overturned scientific common sense.

The weak force also majorly messes with our ideas about symmetries,

which help guide working physicists.

These are things you might change about an experiment without changing the results of it.

Like, if I'm in front of an experiment and you're behind it, we shouldn't get different results.

Physics should just care that something is moving, not that your left is the same as my right.

Physicists in the early 1900s also figured that swapping left for right is no different

from swapping up and down, you can just turn your head, or from swapping forward and backward.

If all of those are symmetries, then swapping all three of them at once should be, too.

This is known as P symmetry to the cool kids, and parity symmetry to the rest of us.

And it says that if you flip all these directions, no experiment will act differently.

Experiments show that gravity would work the same way, and so would electromagnetism and

the strong nuclear force, making a good case for P symmetry being true.

But the weak force has to be different.

See, particles have a property called spin.

It's more complicated than the direction they're really spinning,

but it's an okay mental picture to have here.

One of P symmetry's consequences would be that if something with spin decays,

particles should fly out of it in a random direction.

But in 1957, physicists watching cobalt nuclei decay reported that the direction of those

decay particles depended on whether the cobalt spun clockwise or counterclockwise.

And since the weak force causes decays, that meant the weak force is the only

thing in the universe we've ever seen violate P symmetry.

Later experiments showed that spin really matters, too: The weak force only acts on

clockwise-spinning matter particles and counterclockwise antimatter ones.

That also makes it the only force that treats matter and antimatter any differently,

so it's the only one that violates another symmetry called charge conjugation or C symmetry.

And in case you were curious, it violates both of them at once, too, known as CP symmetry.

Much more recent experiments have also revealed that the weak force is the only one violating

T, or time-reversal symmetry.

Gravitational, electromagnetic, and strong nuclear effects would all look

exactly the same if time ran backwards, which is weird to think about.

There are particles called B0 mesons that throw a wrench in things.

They can exist in two forms, called B0 and anti-B0,

and the weak force can freely switch a particle between forms over time.

Switching in either direction should be the same, but switching from B0 to anti-B0

actually takes longer than going the other direction.

The weak force's effects are therefore the only ones that depend on the direction of time, too.

Today's physicists have retreated one more time to CPT symmetry, a combination of all three.

Special relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics, two of the best-tested

ideas humanity has ever had, would both fall to pieces if it didn't work.

And finally, so far at least, there's never been a single experiment violating it.

Although we are looking.

Now, you might be wondering: So what?

Why does it matter if one force is different and doesn't follow physicists's made-up rules?

Well, for one thing, we want to know how all these forces are related to each other.

That's, like, a particle physicist's whole job.

Symmetries and conservation laws are also two of the most effective tools we've

ever found to guide us to new ideas.

If one force keeps being a weirdo, it makes understanding how the world works a lot harder.

But there is another reason you might care:

You could exist thanks to that CP symmetry violation.

One of the big problems in modern physics is called the matter-antimatter asymmetry:

Every reaction we've ever seen produces equal amounts of matter and antimatter,

but the Big Bang made more of one than the other.

Because otherwise, all the matter would have collided with antimatter and annihilated into nothing.

Of everything in the known universe, the weak force is the only one

that seems to differentiate between matter and antimatter.

So some modern scientists think that the weak force caused that asymmetry:

It may have resulted in about one extra matter particle per billion particles.

And that's all it took to make everything, everything.

Nobody has worked out exactly how yet, but the weak force is the only game in town,

at least, among ideas with solid experimental evidence.

So it might not just be a pain in the metaphorical physics butt.

The weak nuclear force could also be the reason the universe has anything in it at all.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

We hope you're okay after that.

We love searching for the weird, eye-opening, and downright amazing stuff in the universe,

but we would love to hear what you want to learn about, too.

If you have an idea for a video, you can leave it down in the comments below,

and if you wanna click the subscribe button, that's there as well!

We'll try to look through as many of your suggestions as possible,

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And as a bonus, you get to support the show along the way, and we can keep making it. Thank you!


For more infomation >> Why the Weak Nuclear Force Ruins Everything - Duration: 6:46.


Villarreal 2-2 Rangers - GOLES Y RESUMEN - Grupo G UEFA Europa League - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Villarreal 2-2 Rangers - GOLES Y RESUMEN - Grupo G UEFA Europa League - Duration: 2:12.


El vuelo de la victoria | Victoria se entera de que Leonardo fue asesinado - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> El vuelo de la victoria | Victoria se entera de que Leonardo fue asesinado - Duration: 1:11.


3 People Killed In Maryland Shooting - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> 3 People Killed In Maryland Shooting - Duration: 1:18.


Ninel Conde desmiente que se haya negado a trabajar con Niurka | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Ninel Conde desmiente que se haya negado a trabajar con Niurka | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:46.


ABC: Cohen has done interviews with Mueller - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> ABC: Cohen has done interviews with Mueller - Duration: 5:31.


I Tried To Be A Celebrity For A Week (And This is What Happened) - Duration: 16:59.

Have you ever been this crazy about any other entertainer?

No! And that's what's so amazing. We don't know why were like this

You been here since 6?


What's the best advice I can give to somebody in regards to getting a female... like...

My approach...

nowadays when it comes to

approaching a female is... It's a very...

long term approach... in the sense that what I think girls...

are attracted to...

Are niggas who just got their sh*t together!

You feel me? Like just be a good person!

Also another thing I didn't mention you know like...

Keep your body right! You'll wanna be healthy!

You know like... people are going to be attracted to people who seem physically healthy, you know, it's not

about having muscles... all that... It's literally about being healthy!

You're this high quality man! You've been working on yourself! You've been working on your goals!

You know, you've been getting your money up, you've been doing all this stuff... then you don't have to do anything!

You know? "Oh, wow. I want to be around that guy!" Because he's just a...

...good person to be around! All around!

You know He's someone that inspires me. He's someone that can make me feel secure and that prevents any bullsh*t happening with

She is

where she

finds out who the real you is...

Beacause who you are more than enough...

Because you've been working on yourself in all the right aspects and in all the right areas

That might not be the advice that you were looking for...

For more infomation >> I Tried To Be A Celebrity For A Week (And This is What Happened) - Duration: 16:59.


WARNING: STILL SCARY | Imscared - Duration: 27:15.

Hello mates! My name is Risk, and welcome to "Imscared".

Now, you might remember I've done a playthrough of this game

Ahh... Almost three years ago

And I've noticed that till this day, it's still one of my most watched videos

It still gets a lot of views every day.

So, amm...

I don't think that video is the best though.

Cause I've like done, done the entire game in like a single video

and I just don't think it came out as good.

So I decided maybe to replay it and see if you guys actually enjoy this series.

And I will try for this series as well to add subtitles

and captions, so do check out every time you watch my videos if captions are available for the video so

you will be able to understand whatever it is that I'm saying cause sometimes I'm rambling a little bit

or just, you know, screwing up a word

So... Yeah.

So welcome to "Imscared"

To work correctly,

"Imscared" created a folder on your desktop just for you.

Please make sure the folder is always there.

If the folder does not exist, there is a problem and maybe you have to manually create it.

As you may know, audio is important aspect of the game.

Please use your headphones or keep the volume mid/high.

Press "E" to continue.

Before starting, I need you to know that this game will try to deceive you as many times as it can

If something strange happens or the game


Refreshes please, Feel free to check the desktop folder for anomalies

I'm really sorry. This wasn't meant to happen. I didn't want things to go like this.

Press "E" to proceed. Forgive me

Now I've actually know the developer who created the game like I've talked to him a few times on twitter.

You're about to play "Imscared"

Before starting though, just consider that this game differs from others.

This first area is made to teach you the basics.

Move using the mouse or pressing the WASD keys.

Shift to sprint.

All right.

So as I was saying like, I remember talking with the developer on

Twitter, and he also like came to a bunch of my live streams when I played this game.

Interact by pressing the "E" key.

The gate is locked.

And he said this story of "Imscared" starts as soon as you actually launch the game.

Like, the story around it.

So, amm...

Like the story doesn't exist until you open the game, kind of a thing.

I don't know I just found it interesting. There is a flower over there, crouch by pressing the ctrl

You collected the red flower.

Now give that flower to me.


I mean I don't see

Okay, now I see him.

So again, I played I did a full playthrough of this game like three years ago.

And then I did another replay of this a few months ago.

I'm actually unsure when but that was when the developer, you know was on my stream.

And yeah, I just really like this game. I'm I really love pixel horror games, and a...

Yeah, also, I guess it's a good time to say that the creator of this game is also working on another game

but it's not a horror game. So if you guys are interested, do check out "MyMadnessWorks", which is a...

The creators page I assume.

Ahh! The developer's page.

The first key.


I love the fake achievements, is like we're not even playing on a Steam version

I'm actually I, I bought this game through so.

There is no steam achievements on

You used the little key and of course a closet.

Now each detail here, like, adds up to the story.


Guys, if you actually have any idea what the story is, please do write down in the comment section.

Remember the story doesn't exist until you open the game.

I need a heart in order to open it.

Like some sort of a... Virtual phantom.

So I think this goes without saying but ahh...

If you guys want to see more of this game

Let's shoot for 200 likes in the video. If we reach anywhere around that I'll definitely continue this series

Amm... You know.

Just continue it. So thank you for leaving and like I appreciate that.

So yeah, I'm just very excited to be playing this game.

And also it's kind of weird what I'm also excited to like caption the video.

I don't know, I really enjoy captioning videos even though we take super long it takes about two hours

Or even more depends on the video length

I'm assuming this one is gonna be thirty minutes

So I'm gonna be spending a lot of time making captions

But I just really find it nice watching with captions. Cause whenever I watch netflix I use captions

Even though I know english, but,

I don't know, It just feels like easier in my mind. Hey, I see you there

Yeah, sure just back out of there. Alright, cool.


Yeah, so ahh...

I think I need to actually find a key somewhere

Or maybe I'm just doing the right thing right now, oh

Well, I believe I'm doing the right thing anyway

Because I heard him laughing and he's like... Uh-huh

Well, at least it's not it's not like Baldi Basics


That's me!

I'm probably missing something somewhere


Yeah, we got the rusty key, okay,

I don't know. I really like looking through here, peekaboo.

Oh yeah, to actually beat the game guys. You actual

you have to get all the achievements so

You just got to do them

I can do all of them, but there is one that is super complicated and I think it has a random chance of happening

I'm not entirely sure how to trigger it

But we'll see.

Will get there when we get there is what I'm gonna say.


Ah disgusting man.

Ah this reminds me of "Red Haze" when we were reborn

Remember that part? When we were, we came out of the womb

screw that

All right. He said that he needed a heart, right? So I'm just gonna go

give him a heart.

A problem has been detected on your windows. It does not have Fortnite. Well, it's because I don't play Fortnite

Press escape to close the game. There you go. So


There is no there is no folder called "Imscared".

Hello, Do you know my name? White Face.

There you go.

I think you get jumpscared if you say something wrong. So.

I did good!

Good job me!

"Imscared, a Pixelated Nightmare" Press "E" to

To begin the experience, dude! I wish there was more games like this

I'm not talking about pixelated games. I'm talking about like games that are like

a really interesting experience

Like this game is a really interesting experience

Like it's it's fun. It's weird. It's scary

it has everything that I want in a horror game, you know. Oh god

Well, this is my least favorite section about this game

cause White face actually actively hunts you down and

You have to pay attention with the sound where he is

Don't laugh

Dude, I haven't played this game in so long and I'm still scared from this game.

Oh there he is! don't get caught.


So, how many did I get by the way? He's gonna come out any second again. Yeah, there he is

God dammit, dude.

The sound is unsettling

I'm sorry, it's just me.

I have a thing for being chased. I don't know why I'm just really scared of it


Oh my gosh

Can you leave me alone? Thank you

And yeah, and I especially like this part because the sound is not an indication of where he is

but it's an indication how close is

Where is the exit dude?


Sorry for being mad

Again, I'm just put in a bad situation and I just want to get out of here

All right

So yeah, I believe

Wait, hold up

Sorry, that was weird

I love watching you. I don't recall that happening last time.

I mean, maybe it did but then again it's a pretty long game. So

So I don't remember every single detail about it

But man, I'd like

ah it's so fun to be playing this game again, oh! What happened?

How to play "Imscared"

To play "Imscared" you just have to think outside the box.

To do so, I have made an example just for you.

Let's pretend that you're stuck in a room and you need a heart to exit

Looking around you'll find a key and with that key you'll be able to open the closet near the exit door

You won't find anything in the closet

It'll take some seconds though to understand that while we were exploring

a passage has opened behind you

It takes a small effort to be involved

Are you brave enough?


Okay, cool

That was not scary!

That was definitely not scary. By the way, the guy he laughing at the end

May indicate may not indicate that his white face

Because we already established that his name is a white face

I'm suffering, huh? I saw that I definitely saw that

All right. Let's follow the blood for now.

I guess we followed the blood and then it happens or like what happens? I don't know

by the way, this room here is related to the last achievement that is super hard to get.

I don't know exactly why but I think you're supposed to watch him suffer

Like there is a

People hanged on pillars and you're supposed to watch him suffer.

and then like something really really messed up happens

One of

Them is lying. Okay. What happening now?


I was transferred to a different room. I hope there was no framerate issues because I am recording desktop

All right

I'm like, I'm recording desktop rather than the game

So, I don't know. We'll see I guess we'll find out in the next episode. What the hell I'm gonna go with


It's gonna be a bit more annoying to record it

if I have constantly need to switch between recording the game at the desktop

Because right now I'm like recording the desktop, but my do framerate issues that's the thing with it.

When you do only desktop rather than the game that you were playing

Anyway enough about video games. Let's let's get outta here.

Oh my gosh, so there is nothing under the table as far as I can see

The wardrobe is locked this time and the exit is clearly labeled

You used the pulse

Pulsating heart, the end, press escape to close game

Are you sure about that?

I think game was closed so I think

never mind that

Okay, I'm sure every now we should have gotten something in the folder

So I'm gonna delete these folder and we're gonna create another one

Let's put it here as well. So we can just like look at the right folder.


Okay, okay, so this is the hard achievement you were supposed to do.

I just happened

You shouldn't be here

if you remember it says I'm suffering and I did look for a brief moment on a...

body on a pillar

So, I believe that's all you got to do to trigger this achievement


You're probably asking yourself. What's so bad with it? Well, what's wrong with this and you go over here...

Actually, it's fine

It's fine until you did see this thing

Like both her legs are stretched her her hands and also

stuff from her back

and she's also pushed by the hair and there was something white on the end as if somebody's grabbing the hair


The gramophone is broken.

oh that's cool well anyway I got the achievement I think

Excuse me?

Well, I really shouldn't be here is there a way out of here?

or should I quit the game?

I think I should quit

All right a...

Really hope it's it's starting to put stuff into the folder

So we don't have to like restart the game or something

And maybe it's putting it to another folder.

I don't know it might put it in the memes folder. I really hope it doesn't

Really hope we just don't have any issues with this

All right

So, where are we gonna go this time

Hmm... I remember this place I remember this place like the back of my hand.

I just don't remember how to solve it

Also over here. I remembered there is another achievement. There is a hidden door that you're supposed to try and interact with.

and if you interact with it, you just get

an achievement

Again, you have to get all achievements to beat the game.

What is that? Key number 1, cool.

You collected some tongs, okay

Everything else seems to be locked at the moment. So let's go to door number 1

Not that I can see anything

Key number 8 was collected cool.

Hello there


interesting stuff

Alright, let's go to number eight

Number 8 is not here


I didn't mean to do that

You didn't mean to jumpscare me? Well, don't worry. You didn't

don't be so full of yourself all the time man.

I heard a door open somewhere

maybe we should check that out

This place is still blocked with like some sort of

Meat I guess is the word to say

There's a door here

Well you better run you better run if you know, what's good for you


That guy knows what's up, he knows I can screw him up real big-time then he's locked

Key 7 cool

Alright, let's get out of here. I can't still help me. I

Don't want to die. I'm scared

Sorry, man, I don't know how to help you

Like I already tried

taking it a pulsating heart and it didn't work. This is my room

Do you see how dark it is? Sorry I'll leave I didn't mean to okay, it's cold

But I can look at you

Look at me

Are you scared?

I'm scared

Oh boy

so is there a key in this room? not to get stuck

The sound is very unsettling

Ah something happen here all this place is screwed up key number 2 was collected

why is number 6 like marked like that?


There you see the the blood that goes to the wall so if you go over here

There you go heaven's door

As if the person who died went into here

Anyway, we collected key number 2

He's 6 okay, so that's the room we wanted to go to, right?

Well, then that's just nice I like the decorating in this house, it's very pretty

I'm just gonna go don't mine all the meats. It's normal

Alright, I think we're back to reality yes

Reality the Wardrobe we still locked exit. All right. I'm just following the arrow


You made it to the end

But you can't escape from here

Stay with me

I will always be here

Looking at you

So by hanging myself do I become like him like a floating head too? press "E" to commit soy

I'm afraid I can't let you do that. feed me. share me. play with me. I'm Yours.

The end question mark I have a lot of names one of them is HER

Hmm so he's the white face and her the same entity? I don't know

like if we figured that I guess we figured out a bit more the story, but it seems like finally

Stuff are being added to the "Imscared" folder. So

It's alive. It's real it's changing again like the last time

Huh changing from white face to her

What form will it take? It's just a phantom of deception. Oh, that's what I like. That's what the developer told me

It's a like kind of it's a phantom kind of a thing. I think I made that remark

Like a phant a virtual phantom of some sort

Anyway phantom of deception

Which now saying that this story only exists as soon as you open the game now

It makes a bit more sense like the story starts as soon as you start the game.

I mean a bit more sense, I do. I like I can't explain the story in any way.

because I understand it myself

All right

Man I am I'm really enjoying my experience with this game. I have to say

I'm just gonna go now

Alrighty then


We actually get most of the important achievements so I don't think I'll actually have to replay anything

because like the heart achievements like the

The one where... you shouldn't be here. That one was the hardest one get cause

Like how are you supposed to know that you're supposed to look at somebody suffering rather than doing the objective?

Anyway, you found another pulsating heart. Oh, not again

Attention there is a way to turn the entity into data

They have a life of their own

And it is difficult to distinguish them from normal computer files in our action of every day while we sit on the computer

This byte entity observes us and study us every move and...

Fear the game is simple to touch the arrows is the key.

I don't want to do that again. Hold up. No, no, no. No, I don't want to do that again

Hello, do you know my name? Yeah HER

you're now HER

Okay, cool

So it accepted the answer

How about Fortnite, would that be an acceptable answer?

How about a fat dab?

I'm so sorry. Please be quiet. Yeah, if we run then we might trigger somebody but you can do this

You can like jiggle like, you know

In real life you are probably not able to do that because it's probably looks weird like, uh, ah ah, like going into running mode

Excuse me

You're asking me to be quiet, but you're annoying me

why would I listen to you?


Let's start heading

So you see she's not being triggered

By our running

You know

originally when I played this game

I thought it's like some sort of a love story because there is White Face and then there is a HER

and then there is a

the name of "Bury Her"

But it seems to be a bit more than like it. It doesn't seem to be a love story. It seems to be like

Somebody's playing tricks on me


Oh Man

That's a creepy face

That is just a creepy face. I'm out of here. Well, that's cool. I didn't have anything to do here anyway

So there is a picture

Guys that's the picture where we found the rusty key. Do you remember? Behind the bookshelf

Okay, but why? like why is it important now?

There is a picture of the elevator in the room where I was chased

There is a

A picture of just the room with white face that was looking at me from far away. But this time he's not there

oh there is a key at the beginning. I didn't see that. Sorry my bad piano key

All right, so let's start trying to open doors

Used the piano key. Oh boy. This is quite the room


So is there anything else to do here? Alright, I think I should be heading down then

Maybe some more jumpscares will happen as soon as I round the corner

huh, this time like

Quiet I said, sorry

Ok, so this is the point where I'm not gonna run again cause OH stop running

Why were you running?

You're trying to piss her off guys. I did not hold the shift key to run I...

Huh... to stop running. I had to press the shift key again

That was a weird.

There was hidden button behind the painting ok cool

Did I press it?

I guess the bookshelf back in the... the room now moved because I know the bookshelves supposed to move

But no running no running in the halls ok.

Oh cool hello there. Don't mind me. I'm just heading out

Well then

I'm fine. I'm just gonna relaunch the game and everything is gonna be good. Guys, on the top right corner of the screen

There is a card info click on it and I'll take it you to of part 2 of "Imscared" when it's available

again, if you want to see more of this game lets shoot for 200 likes

And yeah.

thank you guys so much for watching the video subscribe if you're new to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next time


For more infomation >> WARNING: STILL SCARY | Imscared - Duration: 27:15.


Sledge's Tactical Hammer DESTROYS ALL (from R6 SIEGE) - Duration: 13:02.

Hey guys on the last episode of Make it Real we tested our blitz shield that we made from Rainbow Six Siege

And on this episode we're gonna be building another operators gadget

Sledge's Hammer

Let us know in the comments below what operator gadget you'd like to see next

And don't forget to check out our new merch. There are links below

To make the sledgehammer. We're gonna be going to Walmart and buying one

BOO! Liar!

Just kidding

we'll start with the design in CAD. Do a little bit of machining on the hammer head, some real blacksmithing on the handle

And, finally a bit of chemical etching to finish it off and then of course, we'll smash stuff with it. Enjoy

To download the CAD files for yourself check out our patreon page. There are links in the description below

Alright to make the head of the sledgehammer we're going to use some super hard cold rolled steel which we're going to machine down

using our PCNC 440 milling machine that we got from Tormach

We're here because it is the

first episode of cooking with the Hacksmith jr.

We're gonna be cooking pork chops today, so we'll be using industrial tooling today

So I think that means we need better safety gears than just a lab coat


Are all the jokes going to be about me beating this meat


Call the number below and we'll give you not one but two

Gigantic meat tenderizer sledgehammers. This deal won't last forever. So please call the number on the bottom of your screen.

So, we just need a light seasoning

It's time to meet your maker

And that's a chop! Anybody call James?

We've already machined the head of the sledgehammer and we've got this awesome massive piece of hexagonal bar steel

And now we're going to give it a pry bar end to the end of this hammer

And to do that we're actually use Stan's Forge, which is cool because as you know, it's the Hacksmith

But I've never actually done any blacksmithing

So this is gonna be a learning experience for me and you guys! So let's put her in the fire

And turn on the blower

Oh, it is hot!

You're gonna get bad bounces if you don't clean your side off

You mean you lied on your resume? You're not a world-class ping pong player?

All right, so we got the sledgehammer handle nice and hot which means we can try forging this

I think I need a bigger hammer

That's more like it

All right, let's see what Mjolnir can do the sledge

That works pretty good

By the power of Thor!

That was the oil

All right, I think we're happy with that. Time to quench it

All right, let's see what this thing can do

So the great part about this, is I don't think anyone can really hear me except for whoever's operating the camera

OK! Good?

What? AH!

I'll tell you when you're allowed to breathe

See the real sledge. The real sludge doesn't have to worry about his hair. Cause he's bald.

You just disintegrated the last one

I tenderized it with Sledge

A couple of scuffs and scratches, like that's all the damage it took from all that

Hammer time!


I don't think you're going to break it

I see why they use these as weapons in videos

If you get grapefruit on me, you're fired

That is amazing. You hungry?

Not anymore

We're going to hit this. This? This is frozen.

I hope this doesn't shoot at Benjamin or my car

And I hit the GoPro

I got a bit of melon!

I got a bit of melon to

And you get a melon, and you get a melon

Everyone gets a melon

All right you wanna swing at me with the siege

Yeah sure

Look at your hair

Is it good?

It looks pretty good

Hey guys

Thanks so much for watching! This Rainbow Six project was a lot of fun to do and

It really means a lot to me because it's gonna be one of the last projects I do here

Unfortunately, I'm

What did I say about using my yellow wall?

Hey guys, thanks again for watching and as I was saying earlier

Unfortunately, I'm going off to college for the next four years to get a degree in mechanical engineering

So this is my final project at Hacksmith Industries as a full-time worker.

Oh God


We've got Rainbow six. Holy **** that's still hot

Are all the jokes going to be about me beating this meat?

For more infomation >> Sledge's Tactical Hammer DESTROYS ALL (from R6 SIEGE) - Duration: 13:02.


Oil ends lower after Trump's tweet on OPEC - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Oil ends lower after Trump's tweet on OPEC - Duration: 0:45.


Put the hurt on Gigan - Duration: 0:18.


*Gigan Roar*

Oh, you want us to put the hurt on you?

I think he wants me to put the hurt on him.

I think he wants you to put the hurt on him.

You think he wants me to put the hurt on him?


*Anguirus Roar*

*Godzilla Roar*

For more infomation >> Put the hurt on Gigan - Duration: 0:18.




Hillary Clinton was left humiliated this week after a new book revealed a massive secret

she has been hiding.

The Daily Caller reported that Kyle Smith of the National Review just spoke out to question

the revelation from Amy Chozick's new book that there was supposed to be an article in

The New York Times after the election that portrayed Clinton as fun and laid-back, citing

her drinking habits as proof.

Smith rightfully wondered why the details of Clinton's drinking could not be revealed

before the election.

"The attentive reader will wonder whether Clinton has a drinking problem," Smith writes.

"Chozick says that Clinton would have been 'the booziest president since FDR' and

'enjoys a cocktail — or three — more than most previous presidents.'

Chozick isn't saying that Clinton has three cocktails but that she has three cocktails

more than a man."

"So: five cocktails, then?

Five cocktails for a woman is generally said to have the same effect as ten cocktails on

a man.

Would you want a man who regularly put away ten cocktails to be president?" he continued.

Clinton's drinking habits have been an open secret of sorts for years.

She previously bragged about beating Arizona Senator John McCain in a vodka drinking contest,

and she admitted that she dealt with her loss in the election to Donald Trump by drinking

her "share of chardonnay."

Chozick's book also had bad news for Bill Clinton, as it portrayed him as a liability

who helped cause Clinton to lose to Trump.

The book claims that Bill "casually encouraged" Trump to run for office one year before he

entered the race.

The two former friends were golfing together when Bill told Trump that his candidacy "would

roil the Republican field."

Bill also tried to interfere with his wife's campaign when he met with Lynch on the tarmac

of the Phoenix International Airport in June of 2016.

Chozick wrote that this meeting was a "mild charm offensive that he thought would help


This ended up backfiring big time and only led to trouble for his wife, as it was believed

Lynch only cleared her a week later because of her friendship with Bill.

What do you think about this?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends

and family.

Thank you.



CNN panelist: Don't speak to me like that - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> CNN panelist: Don't speak to me like that - Duration: 7:44.


Younes Bendjima Sued for Allegedly Assaulting Security Guard - Duration: 1:58.





















































For more infomation >> Younes Bendjima Sued for Allegedly Assaulting Security Guard - Duration: 1:58.


How do you stop a cyberattack? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:45.

Estonia suffered a massive cyberattack more than 10 years ago.

The event was a defining moment for the country and the world's approach toward cybersecurity.

And it all started with this statue.

From the WannaCry ransomware attack to election meddling,

cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and costly, around the world.

Global spending on information security products and services is expected to reach $124 billion in 2019.

But that hasn't been enough to stop cyberattacks from becoming one of the global economy's biggest threats.

So how can governments keep hackers out?

The short answer is they can't. But that doesn't mean they're not trying.

One of the leaders in this space has been the tiny Baltic country of Estonia,

which gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

For years, this Bronze Statue stood in the center of Tallinn as a Soviet War memorial.

Then in 2007, the Estonian government decided to move it here to a less prominent location.

The move sparked protests and riots from Estonia's ethnic Russian population

that wanted the statue to stay in place.

Then, within days, Estonian institutions were crippled by a series of cyberattacks.

Parliament, government ministries, banks and newspapers went offline.

And though it hasn't ever been confirmed, it's widely believed that Russia was behind the attacks.

The 2007 attack on Estonia has been called the first cyberwar, which is defined as:

The cyberattack was a wake-up call for Estonia,

which at the time was already one of the world's most advanced digital societies.

The country decided it needed to take steps to protect data online and prevent future cyberattacks.

But how?

The first step was building a strategy that would allow the government

to keep systems up and running during a cyberattack.

IT experts in the public and private sectors worked together

to make systems more resilient against hackers.

One part of Estonia's strategy is a voluntary Cyber Defence League made up of hundreds of civilians,

including IT professionals and young people who would mobilize during an attack.

Estonia also decided to store copies of its information in a data embassy in Luxembourg,

as a backup in case there was a cyberattack on home soil.

Which brings us to another key deterrent for cyber threats, international cooperation.

NATO, the military alliance between North American and European countries, was a good place to start.

In 2008, the 'NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence' opened here in Tallinn.

Its goal?

To enhance NATO's cyber defense capabilities.

The center conducts large-scale cyber defense drills, sort of like digital military training,

though it's not technically a NATO operational unit.

It also put together a guide called the Tallinn Manual,

which analyzes how to apply existing international law to cyber operations.

In 2016, NATO allies agreed that a cyberattack on a member country

could trigger the same military response as an attack in the air, on land or at sea.

EU-wide regulation has also upped the penalties against data breaches.

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, that went into effect in 2018,

gave EU regulators the power to fine companies that don't protect user data.

And, unlike in the past, the fines can be massive,

up to 4% of global annual turnover or €20 million, whichever is bigger.

Still, many countries have not taken steps to prepare for cyber threats.

The United Nations found half of its member states don't have a cybersecurity strategy in place.

The UN ranks Estonia as the European country most committed to cybersecurity

and fifth worldwide after Singapore, the United States, Malaysia and Oman.

But even Estonia isn't hacker-proof.

Authorities still responded to more than 10,000 cybersecurity incidents in 2017,

one third more than the year before.

Which brings us to one final big step in preventing a cyberattack, getting the public on board.

This can be as simple as using two-factor authentication or changing your password from, well, "password."

Research found only one out of every four internet users in Europe

changes his or her password regularly because of security and privacy issues.

In Estonia, it took an unprecedented cyberattack for the country to become a leader in online security.

Other countries might want to take note as the threats of cyberattacks only become bigger and more complex.

Hey everyone, Elizabeth here. Thanks so much for watching our video.

Be sure to check out all of our other CNBC Explains over here.

And leave us any other ideas in the comments section.

See you later!

For more infomation >> How do you stop a cyberattack? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:45.


Why Are Trump's 19 Assault Accusers Being Overlooked? - Duration: 4:20.

Earlier this week Donald Trump told us that he has a really hard time accepting Dr. Christine

Ford's accusations against Brett Kavanaugh because he believes that Kavanaugh's not the

kind of guy that's going to go out and sexually assault someone.

And that brings us back to a story that has been grossly overlooked since day one of the

Trump presidency.

And that is the fact that this man, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has been

accused credibly by 19 different women of sexual misconduct, either assault, inappropriate

touching or sexual harassment.

19 different women, at least, with credible accusations.

The Huffington Post, a few months ago, actually had a report of everyone who's accused him

and the real number is actually over 40.

But nonetheless, that story doesn't get talked about enough.

The President of the United States has been credibly accused by at least 19 different

women of sexual misconduct.

I mean we're talking Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein numbers, folks, with the President of the

United States and there hasn't even been a single investigation into any of these claims.

Yes, he's being sued and yes those judges who've seen the evidence have allowed the

cases proceed, many of them are actually still in court waiting.

They're still waiting and yet that's not talked about nearly enough especially during the

Me Too age.

Donald Trump is the only person who has remained unscathed in the light of accusations and

allegations against them.

He just seems to be untouchable and the reason for that is because there is not nonstop,

wall to wall coverage of what he has done.

It's the media.

And I know this man does crazy, horrible things on an almost daily basis and you have to cover

those but how about continuously going back to talk about those 19 women.

Invite them on your programs, interview them for your papers, keep this issue fresh in

the public's mind because it's something that these victims deserve.

They deserve to be heard, they deserve to have these allegations investigated properly

and thoroughly.

Here's the thing, republicans actually take this issue very seriously, they do, believe

it or not.

Republicans in Washington, DC, understand how serious these allegations against the

President are and that's why recently they released a document ... well, they didn't

intentionally release it, but it got released about all of the alleged investigations the

democrats are going to launch if they take back the House in this year's midterms and

possibly the Senate.

And one of the things listed on there was Donald Trump's sexual assault.

They understand that the democrats might actually look into that and that it's going to be devastating

for their party if they do.

Meanwhile, nobody else is talking about it but if that party, that's in power right now,

is worried that there's going to be an investigation into it, then that's probably something worthy

of investigating.

It's probably something worthy of paying a little bit of attention to and looking into

a little bit deeper.

We know from the Access Hollywood tape that Trump admits that this is what he does.

And that only gives more credibility to the women who have accused him.

I do not doubt a single one of them but I do doubt everything that the President of

the United States has to say about these women that have accused him of sexual misconduct.

But that's a benefit of the doubt that the media doesn't give to these women.

They give it to Trump or they just move on.

They think covering it one time is plenty.

The truth is, there needs to be investigations.

Donald Trump himself needs to be deposed and, more importantly, these women need to be heard

so that they can finally get the justice that have for so long been denied.

For more infomation >> Why Are Trump's 19 Assault Accusers Being Overlooked? - Duration: 4:20.


Machine Gun Kelly Fights Another Fan, Staged?! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:54.
































































For more infomation >> Machine Gun Kelly Fights Another Fan, Staged?! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:54.


Tin Nóng BBC 21/09/2018 - Vụ con "C.H.Ế.T" vì không được qua Mỹ - BBC HÉ LỘ NGUYÊN NHÂN ĐỘNG TRỜI - Duration: 1:05:06.

For more infomation >> Tin Nóng BBC 21/09/2018 - Vụ con "C.H.Ế.T" vì không được qua Mỹ - BBC HÉ LỘ NGUYÊN NHÂN ĐỘNG TRỜI - Duration: 1:05:06.


Sledge's Tactical Hammer DESTROYS ALL (from R6 SIEGE) - Duration: 13:02.

Hey guys on the last episode of Make it Real we tested our blitz shield that we made from Rainbow Six Siege

And on this episode we're gonna be building another operators gadget

Sledge's Hammer

Let us know in the comments below what operator gadget you'd like to see next

And don't forget to check out our new merch. There are links below

To make the sledgehammer. We're gonna be going to Walmart and buying one

BOO! Liar!

Just kidding

we'll start with the design in CAD. Do a little bit of machining on the hammer head, some real blacksmithing on the handle

And, finally a bit of chemical etching to finish it off and then of course, we'll smash stuff with it. Enjoy

To download the CAD files for yourself check out our patreon page. There are links in the description below

Alright to make the head of the sledgehammer we're going to use some super hard cold rolled steel which we're going to machine down

using our PCNC 440 milling machine that we got from Tormach

We're here because it is the

first episode of cooking with the Hacksmith jr.

We're gonna be cooking pork chops today, so we'll be using industrial tooling today

So I think that means we need better safety gears than just a lab coat


Are all the jokes going to be about me beating this meat


Call the number below and we'll give you not one but two

Gigantic meat tenderizer sledgehammers. This deal won't last forever. So please call the number on the bottom of your screen.

So, we just need a light seasoning

It's time to meet your maker

And that's a chop! Anybody call James?

We've already machined the head of the sledgehammer and we've got this awesome massive piece of hexagonal bar steel

And now we're going to give it a pry bar end to the end of this hammer

And to do that we're actually use Stan's Forge, which is cool because as you know, it's the Hacksmith

But I've never actually done any blacksmithing

So this is gonna be a learning experience for me and you guys! So let's put her in the fire

And turn on the blower

Oh, it is hot!

You're gonna get bad bounces if you don't clean your side off

You mean you lied on your resume? You're not a world-class ping pong player?

All right, so we got the sledgehammer handle nice and hot which means we can try forging this

I think I need a bigger hammer

That's more like it

All right, let's see what Mjolnir can do the sledge

That works pretty good

By the power of Thor!

That was the oil

All right, I think we're happy with that. Time to quench it

All right, let's see what this thing can do

So the great part about this, is I don't think anyone can really hear me except for whoever's operating the camera

OK! Good?

What? AH!

I'll tell you when you're allowed to breathe

See the real sledge. The real sludge doesn't have to worry about his hair. Cause he's bald.

You just disintegrated the last one

I tenderized it with Sledge

A couple of scuffs and scratches, like that's all the damage it took from all that

Hammer time!


I don't think you're going to break it

I see why they use these as weapons in videos

If you get grapefruit on me, you're fired

That is amazing. You hungry?

Not anymore

We're going to hit this. This? This is frozen.

I hope this doesn't shoot at Benjamin or my car

And I hit the GoPro

I got a bit of melon!

I got a bit of melon to

And you get a melon, and you get a melon

Everyone gets a melon

All right you wanna swing at me with the siege

Yeah sure

Look at your hair

Is it good?

It looks pretty good

Hey guys

Thanks so much for watching! This Rainbow Six project was a lot of fun to do and

It really means a lot to me because it's gonna be one of the last projects I do here

Unfortunately, I'm

What did I say about using my yellow wall?

Hey guys, thanks again for watching and as I was saying earlier

Unfortunately, I'm going off to college for the next four years to get a degree in mechanical engineering

So this is my final project at Hacksmith Industries as a full-time worker.

Oh God


We've got Rainbow six. Holy **** that's still hot

Are all the jokes going to be about me beating this meat?

For more infomation >> Sledge's Tactical Hammer DESTROYS ALL (from R6 SIEGE) - Duration: 13:02.


Opel Corsa 1.0TURBO 90PK INNOVATION 5DRS - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0TURBO 90PK INNOVATION 5DRS - Duration: 1:03.


#TheRundown: Amy Padnani on Overlooked Women - Duration: 10:57.

Hello from New York City, I'm Nadia Neophytou, this is The Rundown, where I like

to interview people I admire on the run. Today I'm gonna go meet up with Amy Padnani,

she is the New York Times digital obituary editor and she is responsible

for this incredible project that they've been doing called Overlooked, where they do

obituaries for women from the past who never got their just dues back in the

day. She's also a runner, so let's go.

Up here in The Heights

Yeah, have you been?

Yah, I love coming up here.

It's always Lin-Manuel Miranda territory. I always think of 'In The Heights' and all of

the great films that are set up here, West Side Story, and all that jazz.

Yeah, that's so true. There's a lot of history up here.

I wanted to meet you because I've been

kind of silently a fan, or not really silent because I think I did I tweet

about the incredible Overlooked project so I've been like oh my gosh,

who's this Amy Padnani? She's amazing

It's such an incredible idea, first of all, to give women who didn't have obituaries

back in the day their dues.

It's funny, a lot of people, tell me, 'gosh, this idea is a no-brainer'

But it took how many years to - I mean, like 2018, for it to be rectified.

That's also a really funny thing, right?

When I started on the Obituaries desk, I was thinking a lot about diversity.

And had gone to this workshop, it's called the Executive Leadership Programme.

And they teach you that leadership is a behaviour. Not a goal.

So, no matter what you're up to - whether you're a manager or the boss

or just an employee, you can make a difference.

We also talked a lot about diversity in newsrooms and in our

coverage and it really inspired me to think about what I could do differently.

I decided to look into ways we could change our process going forward

but, in my day-to-day research, I came across all these really interesting people

in the past

and I would check our archives

to see if they had a New York Times obit

A lot of them didn't, so I was really surprised.

There was the poet Sylvia Plath,

That - Sylvia Plath - really surprised me

that she didn't get

recognition when she died.

Diane Arbus, brilliant photographer,

she didn't have one.

How's the reaction been?

I mean, how fulfilling has it been

for you to see it actually take flight now? It's been a few months right?


It's amazing to me, how meaningful it's been for people.

You know, I knew it was a powerful project, but

when I got into work the next day, I had hundreds of emails,

from readers, saying 'thank you for doing this,'

and even more surprising to me were emails I got from my own colleagues

Some of them were people of colour who said,

'you know, I never thought

a woman of colour at the New York Times could be allowed to achieve something like this'

and one of them said, 'I cried

reading this on my way to work because it felt so good to be seen in that way.'

It was really heart-warming for me.

I knew that people really needed this.

That's what I just love about this idea, you know. The woman Grandma Gatewood who

crossed the Appalachian Trail for the first time alone, you know?

That's one of my favourites.

That's one of my favourites too.

What runners have not been adequately -

I have one.

Oh, you do?

It's a surprise.

It'll probably run around the week of, I'll publish it around the NYC marathon.

Oh, it's coming out?

I will be eagerly waiting to see that.

I got really extra excited about you when I so that you're a runner as well

and you're training for New York City.

Have you always been a runner?

I always thought running was neat, but it wasn't until like ten years ago

when I ran my first race.

I was working at the Staten Island Advance

and it was a race called the High Rock Challenge

A trail run.

That's in the park there, right?

That beautiful Staten Island park.

It's like 2,400 acres of trails.

Most people don't know about it.

It's like a hidden secret of Staten Island.

So fun. I've done it maybe six or seven

times and there are mystery challenges like every mile or so.

So a bunch of my

co-workers we're doing it and it was just this fun camaraderie.

And since then, I've been doing it pretty regularly.

A few years ago, I convinced my dad to start running.

In 2016 we ran the marathon


so we're doing it again next year together

That's so great.

In a sense, running has taken on a whole new meaning.

I see it says the New York Times Running, I know obviously the New York Times has a great running blog

but are there a lot of friends, colleagues that run as well?

Yeah, I'm actually co-captain of the running club. We have something like 150 members now.

Which is, I think, bigger than previous years.

But it's one of those things where, especially journalists, you're always working.

It's almost kind of like your brain never switches off, so it's hard to

to fit it in but I guess it's essential, isn't it?

I mean, what does running give you?

Yeah, you can't shut off your mind and even during running, I think about work.

But probably, less so than I do about other aspects of my life.

It's really the perfect time to think.

Some people get their best ideas in the shower, I probably get my best ideas while I'm running.

It just clears your head and recirculates everything, so you can think with a fresh, clear head.

For me, it's really needed.

Do you think of obituary ideas as well?

Or do you switch off, or try not to think about it, or take a break from?

It's probably the one time I don't have to think about work, which is true, I hadn't thought of that before.

It's time I can think about other problems, not work

or good things

I actually catch myself laughing a lot when I'm running.

From just processing thoughts in my head, and I'll joke around, or I'll remember

some funny moment

If there's a really good song.

That's a skill I can't, no, I'll fall.

How do you push through? How do you get through those moments where it's like %$^&%ghd^?

I think it's just one step at a time.

When I'm going up it hill, l try not to look at the top of the hill I just focus on one step at a time

and before I know it, the hill is gone.

If you want to get past it and keep going, you've got to get over it.

Has it helped you get through anything

particularly in life, when you look over where you are, where you've come to?

Last year was sort of an awakening for me. That women and people of color here in America

really do

have a lot of challenges.

You can choose to accept them or not.

To face them or not.

I think for a long time, I just sort of ignored it.

I didn't like to believe

that we might be regarded differently or that

we may not feel that we have that strong a voice,

whether it's, like, a meeting at work

or in a bigger societal issue.

So, for me,

it was difficult accepting that there are ways

that I need to present myself to get ahead

and to help others.

I guess in a sense, running is, now for me, I love it because

it's an independent sport.

So it's almost the opposite.

You asked me if running helps me

come up with ideas for work, and I said no

it's the opposite, I don't think about work,

and I think part of the reason is, you're on your own.

And it's one time you can just be free

be yourself.

Not worry about any of those people around you

and how you have to be,

so maybe that's what I really love about it.

"Freshly squeezed," my friend likes to say!

For more infomation >> #TheRundown: Amy Padnani on Overlooked Women - Duration: 10:57.


58岁惠英红空降《我就是演员》同框章子怡,获刘嘉玲赞力量女演员 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 58岁惠英红空降《我就是演员》同框章子怡,获刘嘉玲赞力量女演员 - Duration: 2:47.


Viaja Bacano in Santa Marta and Parque Tayrona | Drone - Duration: 2:51.

Each country has its own little piece of paradise that makes it special.

And here in Colombia, it's no different. We'd like to show it to you...

This incredible and astonishing natural wonder lies on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia and it is truly unique.

The embrace in which the jungle merges with the sea, the mixture of exuberant vegetation with the blue sea,

makes this place perfectly designed as must-see destination on the northern shores of the country.

Starting the day with birdsong, waking up with the first rays of sun and allowing yourself be enveloped by the immensity of nature,

you will discover trails and paths full of landscapes. Walking between massive boulders, on beach heads

and marvelous discoveries lie around every turn.

Sometimes we surround ourselves by things so ephemeral and empty,

that we don't see the true wealth that is right in front of us.

Feeling the sea breeze caress your face while contemplating the tropical landscape

and being caught up in the rhythm of the sea are experiences that put you on the path to contentment.

So, you are invited to discover for yourself how to achieve happiness.

A way to laugh until you cry, to escape from the chaos of everyday life by looking beyond.

A way to live outside of the daily rush and to contemplate the little things,

because life is here, life is now

and it's waiting for you.

For more infomation >> Viaja Bacano in Santa Marta and Parque Tayrona | Drone - Duration: 2:51.


Como Memorizar Rápido | Técnicas de Memorização do Renato Alves #tecnicasdememorização - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Como Memorizar Rápido | Técnicas de Memorização do Renato Alves #tecnicasdememorização - Duration: 5:03.



For more infomation >> 10 DICAS de COMPRAS nos OUTLETS PREMIUM em ORLANDO nos EUA + Como GANHAR o LIVRINHO de DESCONTOS! - Duration: 20:47.


For more infomation >> 10 DICAS de COMPRAS nos OUTLETS PREMIUM em ORLANDO nos EUA + Como GANHAR o LIVRINHO de DESCONTOS! - Duration: 20:47.


Fisher Price Little People - Take Turns To Talk - New Season - Full Episodes - Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Fisher Price Little People - Take Turns To Talk - New Season - Full Episodes - Cartoons for Kids


BMW 3 Serie Touring 325D M-PAKKET BIJNA ALLE OPTIES !!! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 325D M-PAKKET BIJNA ALLE OPTIES !!! - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI 4 MATIC PTS-Climatronic-Wegklapbare trekhaak Leder- Comand- Xenon - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI 4 MATIC PTS-Climatronic-Wegklapbare trekhaak Leder- Comand- Xenon - Duration: 1:11.


I'm Sorry - How to Throw a Goddess Party | truTV - Duration: 1:31.

I am...

throwing an event

to celebrate women, or one woman.

-Um. Yeah. -That's beautiful.

Um, I guess sometimes --

It's a god--

It's a party for goddess -- one of tho-- You know...

-A Goddess Party. -Yes.

I'm in charge of buying crystals,

so I don't know how this ends.

This one here is

fantastic for healing.

I actually gave that one

to my mom when she was in the hospital.

Oh, good. And that worked out for her?

The citrine is great for digestion.

That's always helpful for someone.

-What is this? -It's a healing crystal.

I've infused it

with an energy for you.

See if it makes you feel any different.

[Hums] Makes me want to touch your boobs.

-Okay. -Okay.

All right.

[ Shouts, laughs ]

Should I just grab a bowl and throw them in there?

Oh, no, we just have everyone take one,

infuse it with

their positive energy,

and then give them to Jennifer so she can always have them.

That sounds great. Let's do that.

Oh. Shit.

I forgot to infuse it.

Um, so much love.

Ah, and...

[ Breathes deeply ]


Or, I guess... goddesspeed.


For more infomation >> I'm Sorry - How to Throw a Goddess Party | truTV - Duration: 1:31.


Authorities Still Searching For Alligator On Loose In Mullica Township - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Authorities Still Searching For Alligator On Loose In Mullica Township - Duration: 0:20.


Prince Harry caught doing something cheeky behind Meghan's back at cook book do - Duration: 3:42.

 A hungry Prince Harry was caught red-handed stealing a samosa behind wife Meghan Markle's back at her cook book launch

 The Duke of Sussex had no idea he was being filmed as he sheepishly sauntered away from the food marquee with his hands behind his back clutching the hot snack in a tissue

 He appeared to be unable to resist the tasty treat and seized the opportunity while Meghan was distracted speaking to guests

 However, it was only when Harry rejoined the duchess and the crowd that he realised he had been caught in the act

 The Prince, having looked around to see if he was in the clear, noticed the whole thing had been captured on camera by ITV News royal editor, Chris Ship

 He glanced towards the journalist before stepping back and giving a cheeky smile and giggling

 One person said: "That's the look of someone who just got rumbled!"  While Chris tweeted: "I could be wrong but I reckon we've caught Prince Harry red handed stealing some samosas from the Meghan's 'Together' cookbook event they were at today!!"  Another Twitter user added: "The ever so cheeky boy that Harry! Never change!"  While one joked: "Hope he's not on a DIET cuz u [sic] may have just got him BUSTED

"  Meanwhile, the event today at Kensington Palace, is the first official engagement Meghan's mum Doria Ragland has been on since her daughter became a fully-fledged member of the royal family

 The Duchess of Sussex is marking the launch of her first solo project Together: Our Community Cookbook - a charity cookbook in aid of those affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy

 In a touching moment, Ms Ragland said "I'm Meg's mum" as she introduced herself to the woman behind the Grenfell cookbook

 She then hugged and told the women: 'I'm just as excited as you are.  "I'm so glad I can put the face with the recipes

I'm going to make everything.  "The power of women. We make things happen. We're curious, we say yes, we show up

I'm inspired."  The former Suits actress had met a group of women - during secret visits to the community - who had started cooking for people around them whose lives had been destroyed by the disaster

 She became close with the team at the Hubb Community Kitchen in the Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre in West London

 When she discovered they could only open two days a week because of funding, an idea was born and now months later she has launched their charity cookbook

 As well as promoting the fundraiser with a sweet video, she's written a very personal three-page foreword for the book

 She speaks about her experiences meeting the women at the Hubb Community Kitchen and why she believes food is so important

 Dishes were handed out to those attending in the outdoor reception at the palace where there were long tables decorated with brightly coloured flowers

 The tasty treats included coconut chicken curry, aubergine masala and a range of chapatis and sharing dips, as well as caramelised plum upside-down cake, and spiced mint tea

 And as the video proved, the food has got Harry's seal of approval.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry caught doing something cheeky behind Meghan's back at cook book do - Duration: 3:42.


WebinarORama Overview - Duration: 2:52.

Hello everyone this is Jessica Pettitt and I wanted to make a video to tell you

about the Webinar O Rama that I'm putting on, so here's an overview ...

Basically, starting relatively soon, if you go to,

you can have two options. Number one is you can buy an all-access

pass or you can buy a fun pass. All-access pass gives you access to 20

plus hours of webinars as well as the recordings and any handouts or anything

that comes along with them. A fun pass actually just goes for one week of

webinars. What I'm going to do is every day starting October 1st at 1 o'clock

Pacific time, I'm going to offer a webinar targeting a specific topic or a

specific audience each week until the beginning of December. The idea here is

that I wanted to make my content as available to people as possible. So, I'm

building an incredibly accessible online platform and while I'm shooting these

particular webinars, I'd love for you to be able to join in live so that as I'm

doing them you'll be part of the recording. Then every Thursday at

3 o'clock (PT), I'm going to have office hours. The office hours are going to be on

the Facebook Live the YouTube Live the Insta TV..., whatever I can actually

figure out. But, they're completely free where anybody who's interested in having

any one-on-one consulting or asking questions about that week's webinars you

can do that there and I can talk about the upcoming week.

That's office hours and then just because I wanted one more thing to do,

every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting this weekend I'm going to have a book

club, where I'm gonna read Good Enough Now out loud and get the audio recording.

You're Welcome for the people who've been asking for that! But, as I'm going

through reading the book on a Facebook live or something like that kind of

format, we're going to be using zoom webinar to record the audio and I'd love

for you to join in so I can - one, read-along, answer questions, see what

kind of things you come up with and two, finalize what I'm going to be using

as a read-along or readers guide. So that is the whole WebinarORama content.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and most Thursdays at one o'clock on targeting a

particular topic or a particular audience. Office hours every Thursday at

3 o'clock Pacific and

then book club Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

You don't want to miss out!

This is going to be great! Book club, office hours totally free!

Go to and register for anything

and buy your all-access pass or your fun pass if you're interested in something specific!

For more infomation >> WebinarORama Overview - Duration: 2:52.


Depending on how to keep you can be very friendly with hamster! My relaxing time! - Duration: 1:58.

Daily upload!I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Depending on how to keep you can be very friendly with hamster! My relaxing time! - Duration: 1:58.


Meghan Markle's Cashmere Bodysuit Designer: 'I Will Definitely Be Copying Her Look Myself!' - Duration: 2:32.

 When Meghan Markle stepped out to host her first solo royal event on Thursday, she made sure she was both comfortable and chic in the spotlight

 Celebrating the publication of Together: Our Community Cookbook at Kensington Palace, with Prince Harry and her mom, Doria Ragland, by her side, Meghan chose to wear some of her favorite designers for her debut as a royal host

 Opting for a three-quarter length cobalt blue coat from Canadian label Smythe over a cashmere bodysuit from Tuxe and a pleated skirt from her pal Misha Nonoo's new Easy 8 collection, she finished off the look with a pair of black suede pumps from Sarah Flint

 "She looked fantastic — it was so demure and classy," Tamar Daniel, founder of Tuxe, tells PEOPLE from her design studio in Philadelphia

Wearing the brand's Renegrade bodysuit for the event, the Duchess "looked so comfortable, and this top in particular is a really nice snuggly top so I'm sure she felt good in it," says Daniel

"I will definitely be copying this look myself!"  To mark the occasion, the ribbed cashmere sleeveless turtleneck bodysuit has been reduced from $462

50 to $300. "We are an all-woman team, so we love her values and everything she stands for and we are very proud," says Daniel, adding that she herself was raised in London so feels extra pride in today's royal appearance

"Of course, it drives sales and that's cool, but it just feels really good to have someone like [Meghan], who is such a great role model, championing the brand

"  And of course, since the news broke, the Jerusalem-born designer has been dealing with the aftermath, otherwise known as the Meghan Markle Effect

"You really can't compare it to anything else," she says. "The website traffic goes nuts, buyers call, editors call — she really has a tremendous following!"  Meghan, who owns at least "four or five" of Tuxe's luxury bodysuits, also wore the brand's "Boss" bodysuit for her own wedding rehearsal at Windsor Castle back in May

(The $280 bodysuit blouse promptly sold out.)  "Meghan has that X-Factor," says Daniel

"She is obviously very beautiful, but she also has an approachability about her, people can connect to her story in all sorts of ways — she's a really admirable woman who is forging her own path in a brave way

We could not have asked for anyone better to be wearing our brand!"

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's Cashmere Bodysuit Designer: 'I Will Definitely Be Copying Her Look Myself!' - Duration: 2:32.


Generate Google Review Link - Duration: 4:53.

if you're looking to generate Google Review links to send to your clients so you

can get more reviews, today I'm going to show you not one, but two ways to do it

because occasionally one of them doesn't work for you. So let's go through both of

them right now

Hey, what's up busy people? Welcome to Five Minute Social Media. If you've had

"figure out my social media" or digital marketing on your to do list for, who

knows how long, but you keep shoving it down because you're overwhelmed, you're

running a business, you don't know where to start, you're in a great place. Every

week we put out a quick video to teach you a different piece of a digital

marketing strategy. So if that sounds like something that you could benefit

from, go ahead and take a second, hit Subscribe on this video and that way

you'll be notified when a new video comes out. Oh! Click the bell (ding sfx) that way

you'll definitely be notified whenever we put out a new weekly video. My name is

Jerry Potter, would love to connect with you on other social channels here, and

today we're talking about generating Google Review links If you want to

generate a Google review link to send out to clients or customers so they can

leave you a review you, make it easy as possible, here are two ways that you can do

it. And the reason I'm showing you two different ways is I've had some people

say, "Oh this way didn't work for me but this one did." So let's get into it now

Even though I'm gonna show you two ways, I strongly suggest you use the second

method because the first way doesn't work as well in some browsers, and I've

seen it completely fail on mobile devices. I'll show you what I mean by

that but I'll show you both just in case. The first one is the easier of the two

ways. You're gonna go to Google or anywhere that you can search Google and

you are gonna search for the name of your business. So I searched for name of

my business - this comes up, this automatically comes up over here on the

right because I've registered my business with Google Business. Hopefully

you've already done that. If not I've got a video on how to do that in the

description of this video, but I'm gonna come down and I'm gonna say "Write a

Review." This pops up for me to be able to write a review. Then I go up -

back to the top of my browser bar - it's got this super long long address but I

just want to copy that and then, of course I'm gonna want to put it into

some sort of link shortener before you send it out to a client, but

that way, theoretically if they click on it it will automatically - let me bring up an

incognito window here, i put in that link, they click on it, it automatically

populates with the ability to leave the rating. Google used to let it pre

populate where it had five stars and then they had to change it (which was

really cool), but they wised up and that is no longer available. So that's the

first way. The second way is more complex but I think you'll find that it will

work well in more places. The first method where the box pops up doesn't work well

on mobile devices where a lot of people do check their email and it doesn't work

well sometimes in other browsers other than Chrome. So instead of getting the

pop-up box they would basically just get this Google search result. Then they'd

have to come down here, find "Write a Review," which again on a mobile device is

not going to be as easy to spot. So let's learn the other method. What you're gonna

do is you're gonna look up the place ID for your business. I'll put this link

in the description of this video, but you go here and then you're gonna do the

same thing, type in the name of your business. It should hopefully come up in

the list. Click on it. Now if you look down here it says "Place ID" and then it

has this big long crazy thing. So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna take

this link that they gave us here, I'm gonna copy that, put it in the address

bar, then I'm gonna come down here and copy my place ID and then I'm gonna put

that here at the end in place of where it says Place ID. Now that becomes my

review link. Tada! Pops up with the box, also works on mobile so use that method.

You'll find both of those links in the description of this video

Getting those reviews is important. Not only does give your brand social proof,

basically credibility for other potential clients and customers, but

getting Google reviews actually helps you in Google search results. If you have

a lot of reviews, and especially positive reviews, they see that as, "Hey, I should

show this brand to more people because obviously people like this brand." So get

those reviews. If you have trouble getting reviews from

customers I do have a quick video - three ways to get more reviews from your

customers and clients - so that's linked up here or you can get it in the

description of this video. And otherwise thank you for watching, I really

appreciate it. If you got something out of this video give it a Like, hit

Subscribe. You're not only supporting me at Five Minute Social Media but also my

two tiny superheroes at home

For more infomation >> Generate Google Review Link - Duration: 4:53.


Rangers news: Steven Gerrard singles out one star after Villarreal Europa League draw - Duration: 3:42.

 Rangers boss Gerrard saw his side claim a credible point against La Liga side Villarreal tonight, with Lafferty scoring a late equaliser

 The former Liverpool star watched his side twice come from behind to ensure their Europa League campaign get off to a solid, if unspectacular, start

 Rangers had Lafferty to thank and, after the game, Gerrard pointed at McCoist while hailing the striker

 And he also insisted he was not surprised by Lafferty's superb goalscoring intervention

 "Sometimes away from home in Europe when you're playing up on your own it can be a thankless task," he said

 "You can give in and get frustrated but I the control on Kyle's finish and the way he used the speed of the cross was fantastic

 "I'm no expert on being a number nine - there's one at the back, he will tell you - but he kept it low and used the pace to guide it in

It was a fabulous finish finish and one our man at the back will be very proud of

 "I know it's the first goal for Kyle at this level but he has scored many international goals, which is obviously a very high level

 "It's not a surprise to me he scored tonight, it's the reason I played him, it's the reason I bought him and wanted him back here because I know he likes the big stage

 "I know he's capable of scoring big goals. Before we signed him he scored an important goal against Celtic

It doesn't matter who he's playing against, the standard of the team, he believes in himself, he backs himself

 "I'm very proud of my team, especially in the second half, which was a very strong performance

 "We obviously got off to the worst possible start but the players bounced back and into the game by scoring a good goal

 "Conceding straight after we equalised was another big disappointment. We need to show a bit more experience there and keep the ball better

 "The message at half-time was to show more belief and have more courage in our play by making passes

 "We knew coming into this game we could cause Villareal problems in the final third but we never showed it until the second half

 "I was concerned at half-time we were going to have regrets after the game. When we won the ball back we never kept it well enough

We never had enough belief when we were getting into really good areas. "We didn't really believe we could cause the opposition problems, but from half-time we did and we could have scored a few more goals

We deserved a point."

For more infomation >> Rangers news: Steven Gerrard singles out one star after Villarreal Europa League draw - Duration: 3:42.


Vegetarian Sushi for the Planetbox - THAI "Pad See Ew"-inspired filling made from Leftovers - Duration: 3:36.

morning guys it's melissa here and today i wanted to just quickly show you how i

put together sushi rolls for my four-year-olds lunchbox i posted

something on Instagram the other day and all of you guys kind of went crazy about

the homemade sushi but it's really so easy I just keep three things in my

pantry I keep short greened rice that I cook in my rice cooker sheets of nori

and I keep rice wine vinegar which I use just to season a few dashes onto my rice

today I'm using my leftovers so I have a piece of broccolini leftover from last

night I have some mint that was in the house and then I just scrambled a little

egg and made this guy and so this flavor combination is almost like a pad see ew

like the Thai noodle you would order with broccoli and the egg and a little

bit of mint makes it sort of a Thai flavor combination and we'll see how it

goes today and the lunch after I roll this for you I'm just gonna fill the rest

of my Planetbox which is super easy and fast I have leftover carrot cake cupcakes which have

no nuts so they're fine for school I do a "frost your own" so I put

frosting on the side for my daughter which she loves and I'll probably tuck

in some other leftover veggies some salty snacks and we're done this is really

easy and I just wanted to encourage you to give it a try and now I'm gonna

spread this out and show you how I roll up my sushi roll

okay so this is a generous amount of rice I probably could put a little less

I'm just going to wet my fingers and Pat it out into an even layer so that my

roll rolls up smoothly and when you wet your fingers the rice won't stick to

them and it helps those grains of rice really pack in together to be like

solid and smooth

okay this is the leap of faith moment but if you've rolled a burrito or any

other food like that you can do this when I roll I try to grip the edge

closest to me and then with my fingers I just kind of grab and hold on to the

filling so it doesn't shift and then I try to get it as tight as possible and

keep rolling

I'm just dampening my fingers again and sealing up that last edge there there's

a little bit of spillage out of the sides and I just chop those off I'm

gonna cut it in half and then in half again on the each of the ends to get

between six and eight pieces out of this sushi roll and that's it I can link

below to some other types of sushi that I've done for my daughter with purple

rice we do all kinds of sushi here and I hope to see you back here on my channel

soon thanks so much bye-bye

For more infomation >> Vegetarian Sushi for the Planetbox - THAI "Pad See Ew"-inspired filling made from Leftovers - Duration: 3:36.


Why I'm Sad question type song popping | subtitles - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Why I'm Sad question type song popping | subtitles - Duration: 2:01.


(subbed) Komiharus Birthday Vlog 2018 - Duration: 9:38.

but, it seems like, nobody came so far

It can´t be helped


Huh?..looks like Megu came watching

Thanks Megu

I´m super happy


so happy!

I got that from my fans

Oh! She wrote: Komi-chan, congrats

Thank you Megu <3


thank you

I got this from my fans


Isn´t this super cute?

those balloons

I already posted them on Instagram, but..


I received those for my birthday as well

I wondered if I can make Instagram very birthday like today

Ah! fans came watching

Jup, I said that I wouldn´t do it today but..

just do it a little bit, I thought

I´m glad you guys came

thanks to everyone

The reason, I said I wouldn´t do this video is..

The time I´m doing the Insta live, it´s not my birthday anymore


my Birthday already ended


thank you guys

to everyone that said : happy birthday

I´m happy


My papa bought a super cute cake

jup, jup..

after finishing work

Today I did a recording and radio show

I´m 20 years old

I´m 20 years now

I often hear that I don´t look like that

because it´s not visible

umm, you know..

because I have long bangs

and when I´m silent

they say, I seem mature

If I´m talking lots and..

kind of...I get it but..

I´m still not drinking alcohol


I´m still not drinking

but drinking..I´m also not planning it.

It´s crazy. When turning 20 everyone is like:

are you drinking? and

did you drink?

I heard that before but..

not at all

Are you alone now?

I´m at my uncle´s house so..

family is here

my family is here but..

I´m the only one in this room

Who would you like to try drinking with?

umm..ah but..

Mion and

but who I would drink with..?

Ami and..


I think

but In my family I´m the youngest

sister, father, mother..

since I´m able to drink now

I could also drink with my family

and also with Takamina-san

trying to drink..right?

I´m enjoying this relaxed chat

but we talk about that often

But Mion said:

When it comes to me drinking alcohol, I would be like

" I hate that, i want juice "

like that, and..

jup, we talk lot´s

but the face definitely turns red when you drink is what everyone says (?)

It seems to be a common thing

my face immediately turns red

like BAAAN

when there is something embarassing or

or things I don´t understand (?)


when I´m dancing and it´s hot

there´s no sweat coming

My face always get`s red when It`s hot so it would definitely happen there, too (?)

It totally would

But in elementary school

I played the drum at the opening ceremony

at that time I was the only one with a red face

and my teacher stopped me in the middle of it

while running

She was worried about me that much..

it was so red

rather than red..

it was dark red

My goal..

for this year is..

i want to have lot´s of challenges I think

well, I started in AKB when I was 13 years old

about 6 years ago and because of that


that´s why

what I really want to do in terms of AKB

This is it and

but also apart from AKB

when it comes to my activities

I myself steadily want to


take challenges

that´s what I think

6 years went by fast, right?

I´m surprised by that, too

jup, surprising!

well guys

My 20 year old self will too

continue doing Instagram Live Videos so

please watch them <3

well, today I did that, right?

I did two of them

with this baloon

It´s huge! look!

truth is, this ceiling

I couldn´t reach it

The ceiling...about that


the ceiling

It´s kind of super narrow

at least for the baloons so

I put them down there

about this height

I received those from auntie

She did this in the morning with my uncle

Eh? "I didn´t realize that Komi-chan is still an active AKB member (?)"

ehh I´m happy.. I?

I thought It makes me happy, that´s ok, right?

thank you

Did you recently meet yamada noe chan?

Yamada wrote me on Line today

"Happy Birthday" and..

"I love cute Komi-San"

So I sent out lot´s of hearts

to Yamada

jup, since auntie has a great sense

I received that one and another one

jup jup.

those are super cute too

This is.. Ah! The top is very cute

This know

is from the brand youneednow

jup, it´s youneednow

but since it´s pink..(?)

In the youneednow live shop

when I needed to decide

There were pink and white ones

currently the white ones got released

I took pink


It´s possible, there was only one left in the whole world


I wear it often


tomorrow I have to get up early again so


slowly it´s time to say goodbye

today was a little bit..

I did not plan on making a Instagram Live but

I thought: Let´s do it


cause that´s cute

Isn`t it?

but I want to do a proper live again (?) I thought

and at that time, I will properly inform you guys

watch it, key?

I didn`t inform anyone today, sorry!

well, guys. Good night

It`s late at night so :thank you!

For everyone that liked this Instagram Live

and thinks " I had fun"(?)

those people that watched this talk, too

I think about doing it again for those guys

give me a - like -, okey?

well, byebye. Good night <3

giving my best with 20


With everyone together,

I will give my best as a 20 year old

Thank you for your support

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