Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 23 2018

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LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les dons - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> LE ROCK DES BLOCS - Les dons - Duration: 1:56.


Melania Trump is the only First Lady ever to be able to do THIS - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump is the only First Lady ever to be able to do THIS - Duration: 2:07.





WHEN YOU ARE THIS FED, YOU DON'T NEED A TEAM - Cowsep - Duration: 10:30.

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【High Calorie】 Rolled Pan Fried Eggs + Hot Dog!! Is That Tasty!? [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> 【High Calorie】 Rolled Pan Fried Eggs + Hot Dog!! Is That Tasty!? [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 8:58.


"Новые русские сенсации": "Сбежавший покровитель звезд" - Duration: 47:08.

For more infomation >> "Новые русские сенсации": "Сбежавший покровитель звезд" - Duration: 47:08.


Почему ГОД и ЛЕТО? Когда русский Новый год? (Познавательное ТВ, Артём Войтенков) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Почему ГОД и ЛЕТО? Когда русский Новый год? (Познавательное ТВ, Артём Войтенков) - Duration: 3:38.


"Дачный ответ": Уютная и светлая гостиная в стиле северного минимализма - Duration: 52:06.

For more infomation >> "Дачный ответ": Уютная и светлая гостиная в стиле северного минимализма - Duration: 52:06.


Storm Team 8 forecast: 5 a.m. 092318 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Storm Team 8 forecast: 5 a.m. 092318 - Duration: 2:42.


【張鈞寧男友偷吃】床邊抓男友劈腿,超級露骨對話讓她心碎提分手,男友表示:只是炮友… - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 【張鈞寧男友偷吃】床邊抓男友劈腿,超級露骨對話讓她心碎提分手,男友表示:只是炮友… - Duration: 11:43.


CRAZY things foreign guys do when looking for LOVE in ODESSA, Ukraine!? | Vodka Vodcast 006 - Duration: 20:11.

[English] - So Mariana what is the most effective compliment that a guy has ever given you?

[Russian] - For me, it is very important to have a sense of humor.

I will remember forever the guy with humor. It was a couple of years ago,

I don't remember his name but I remember the things he said.

I was in a bikini at the beach laying near this guy, our eyes met a few times over an hour

and then he decided to finally say something to me.

I was expecting a compliment like

[English] You're so beautiful. Can I ask for your number and typical stuff? No!

[Russian] Unfortunately, it turned out like I had expected,

so he said, "girl ...", I turned to look at him and waited for the compliment.

But then he said, "go on, you should work out more on your ass!".

- Всем привет! [English] Welcome back to another episode of

the vodka vodcast with me Conor Clyne this is the Tsar Experience welcome and in

today's episode we're gonna be telling you a lot of stories what happens when

guys come here to Ukraine and hope of finding love with the beautiful girls

I'm here with Marianna you probably recognize Marianna from some of my other videos if

you're watching the travel vlogs and the advice videos you're gonna see plenty of

her here in Odessa in the travel vlogs and so Marianna tell us why

you such an expert in how guys mess up when they come to ... when they come to Odessa?

What are you doing for us here? - I just promise to make you feel happy

and I work like a tour guide and a lot of people coming to me and have the same

problem, have the same questions so we just want to find a perfect girl or girls

- Perfect girl - Or just girls - Girls - Or just girls!

- So with that maybe you should have a toast this is the vodka vodcast so we

need a toast with a glass of vodka to the girls of Odessa! For Ukrainian girls!

To beautiful Ukrainian girls!

Ukrainian girls! - So what I want to do in today is well collapse is episode

give you guys a little bit of like taste for the mistakes that guys make when

they come here like Marianna brings foreigners around here to kind of like

party tours they get to see the nightlife of Odessa they go not

just to Arcadia but also they go and do some cultural things at times yeah

- Come on it's not only nightlife we also live in a beautiful city - Definitely one

of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe so what I want you to get out of

this video from watching it is a taste of the things to avoid doing and

hopefully it's going to actually be entertaining for you because a lot of

these guys have done very funny things when Marianna has been bringing them around

here in Odessa, Ukraine. So Marianna give us a good example of like kind of things

that guys have done that are pretty crazy because you're just like bringing

them around showing them giving them a little bit of the Tsar Experience what

it's like to be here in Odessa and how do they sometimes start to behave

that's a big faux pas? Like give us a good example of where - Okay I'm not

doing a typical tour I'm just trying to make people feel like a local this is

my let's see it's my main goal for here for Odessa. - So they feel like

they're in an Odessite - Yeah Odessite and of course we explore local

places we do in like typical beach tour city tour and of course nightlife but

not like a tourist like a local and I am very open with people not like on

camera more open in real life and in a 1/2 hour guys people girls wherever they

feel comfortable with me and they can be honest and they become to be very open

and tell me what exactly they want and what exactly they are looking for in

Odessa. Sometimes of course some deep deep

history but not so often often most of the time it's nightclubs and beach places

and once they become to be very open some time is too much and I hear a

lot of crazy stories and also a lot of crazy propositions my side. - Propositions?

- Oh yeah I mean - Proposition you? Or girls? - In the

beginning first of all me and when it doesn't work with me they're looking for

other options. - Okay so even though yourr their tour

guide they kind of build up this rapport this relationship and then

they go boom this is the girl I want. - In the beginning exactly in the beginning

I'm just a tour guide but when I become to be also very open sometimes people

confuse when you're just friendly or when I am crazy and of course I want to

have sex with you tonight and unfortunately people have a wrong

imagination about me and I hear a lot a lot of crazy things like like example

let's go upstairs and I'm gonna pay you there in the middle of the night this is

my favorite I don't have money with me let's go upstairs.

I'm gonna pay, yes. - So it's an excuse to go upstairs. - Of course. How many times have you have you gone up to

the bedroom the time they don't have money? - Never!

But thanks God still in some point in the last minute oh sorry no you know I

really have I didn't have money and he pay me but he everybody in the end he

just have a little try you know like let's let's maybe maybe meet maybe I'm you'll be

the only one maybe maybe maybe even he has a small chance like 5% in the end he

still try it - Okay so they use it as a ruse right instead of paying you for the

guided the guided tour they kind of tried to create some situation where

they well - I forget something all I feel bad or whatever I'm so drunk a lot of

stupid stories like it cheap even come on guy

if you try something try hard don't use this cheap stuff come up with something

a little bit more sophisticated than my money is upstairs yes yes - You told me

more entertaining stories before this like one guy he offered to pay for your

surgery - Oh yeah we had a conversation with with

one guy and we talk only about tour we agree everything was okay in the next

day he text me hey baby my favorite baby

darling and this pretty disgusting stuff I have a name and he asked me do you

need a visa to do Dubai? And I was little bit lost why and I can invite you for

surgery I said what do you mean for surgery for your boobs and now you can

see I wasn't the wife. - This is pre-operation I'm pretty sure this is before.

You'll see her in a later video with boobs out to here and then you'll know that she went to Dubai.

- Yes and I said why? Are you kidding? And he ... don't worry it's free for you!

- So in addition to the tour and getting paid for it he offered you free

boobs. - Beautiful job! - But in exchange for what? - Well very deep

conversation! - Deep conversation. How deep? How many inches deep was this conversation?

- I don't know yet. I will go to Dubai and I will find out. - So we're waiting to see the results.

- Also one guy was so

nice with me we talked for three hours I saw him like I meet him today and in the

next day he left and he told me in the next what two weeks we chat he asked me

you know I like you you single I am single let's be together I will send you

a ticket to Australia this is guy you've already shown around on a tour exactly

just for three hours I know this guy just for three hours we never had before

and we just have a simple conversation after okay and it was a little bit weird

for me but don't worry I'm gonna pay for ticket let's go to Australia together of

course to get married you know just because you're single I'm single and

after that we should be together doesn't matter that we live with

6 billion people you're single I'm single very logical yes so you've

already been offered boobs ticket to Australia you told me some

other ones about about guy from China he told me my big dream to kiss a Ukrainian

girl oh yes this was good it was amazing

and Wow your dream is not so huge like mine for example but okay he was very short

guy and like okay let's make it happen she kissed my ... - that was my next

question where did he want to kiss you?

and of course I saw okay this poor guy I can make him he's lucky and he kiss my

only my check. - How much did he pay you? - In the beginning it should be free

preposition like a gift like a bonus But in the end he told me you know you made

my dream true now I can give you tips and he pay me $5 so you get five dollars

a kiss just five bucks Marianna. That's a little bit cheap. - Yes it's it like minimum price you know

and we start high five and no maximum price was for also for in

a lot of the website was you know I like you you can be my friend how about 2000

per night. - To be your friend? 2000 UAH or $2,000? $2,000 2000 US dollars to be your

friend of course yeah how many friends you have

Mariana? That's why I don't have any friends. I feel very privileged that we're

friends. This is apparently ... I get to kiss you for free and ... and you're so lucky like it I know

yep okay that's coming this is like you never know because if I don't know your

plan if you wanna maybe to have something here but trust me she's

gonna fuck you yeah yeah in some way. Maybe not the way that you

were expecting. - Yeah exactly all right so these are what the guys

have like done with you and just the reason for these stories are just some

of the things that you know don't work really. - Zero - $2000 she's still not budging

- I'm still without money I am just waiting for higher. - You have the offer $2000 a night

- And it was so simple like you know

come on you're just my friend it just some help for you so my questions was

are you buying your friend? No you're just so nice simple right

it's like to give grivna for babushka on the street. - Ah to give a girl $2000. - I mean I sometimes give

the babushka yeah 20 UAH so you are 1000 times more valuable. - Yes, yes! Also ... what else? What else?

- So you've been just talking about stories where the clients that you bring

around here to show them a bit of what it's like to live like a local that's

what they've done in terms of hitting on you but what have they also done with

other girls that you see that's kind of crazy - It's so disgusting sometimes they told me hey tell

this girl to come here come on you're so stupid you're so lazy you're so fucking

asshole all right. - S0 what's the mistake with that? They should go over there

themselves, right? - Of course yes if a huge problem is they don't speak English

also like me but even worse come on I can help you

with translation but I can't help you to be a man unfortunately. - This country

it's for real man only. - Really only really only men and you're not

accept these vegetables and it was really disgusting because the guy was

nice in the beginning but also when they get drunk they feel like if I have $5 in

my pocket I can buy everything here it's all so disgusting

because we have a lot of guys also from not from everywhere honestly some people

who get drunk they just show you your real face and a lot of people like just

think they have some money and we can do whatever we want if you have some

money also have some should have some brain. - And also apparently Ukrainian

girls are not as cheap as some people are expecting. - Yes exactly exactly if you

think this is like Africa country you you're wrong completely completely and

also one story when a guy coming complete exactly for wife he told me hey

I'm really looking for wife he was from Dallas he was 55 years old and I guess

he still doesn't have idea how even to kiss to girl. - So we're talking about a 55

year old - 50/55 yes and hey listen I need a girl 20/25 years old with higher

education no kids no divorce blonde long long legs beautiful body and he was

looking like he even doesn't have any even five dollars in his pocket

and hey hey wake up wake up exactly in the end I guess it was my first tourist

when he behaved really bad and he behaved like hey you don't have

idea and this can be mine he was really ugly and no culture no etiquette nothing

and just make me angry and this is my was my first tourist who

I really fight and I was ready to slap him but he was little bit afraid in the

end and we just finished our tour and he just disappeared

he was completely set. - Okay so the points to take out of this or that like don't

show up in Ukraine and just think because the economic situation is bad

and there a lot of beautiful women around here that they're suddenly

desperate for you and you're a big well that's a big wallet in some cases but

the perception that you have a big wallet of your you're a foreigner you're

big catch that's not the case here I would actually say that in general being

a foreigner here is a disadvantage versus Ukrainian guys if you take

everything ceteris paribus everything else of equal so you have to come here

and treat people respect have good etiquette like you would have in any

other country to be successful and yeah good manners of course that's why just

say good advocate good matters and what else don't be an idiot

don't beat it I guess is the first and the main just don't be a so simple can

you give examples of when guys actually succeeded any of your tour groups

because they behave differently you know I have a lot of not a lot maybe 30% of

my tourists it's really nice guys most of the hey guys but they're really nice

people and they come back again. - Where your clients form by the way Marianna?

- From everywhere? - Well what are the main nationalities an example of

what kind of guys. - From Europe from every culture yeah from Mexico even from US

from Australia even from New Zealand from South Africa from even from Namibia

I guess yeah yeah. - In general what kind of guys who come on the tour

actually have success with girls? How would you describe the ideal guy who

comes here in the way he behaves and who has success versus whatever kind of

clowns you've been describing you have no success because they act like jerks.

- I am still in touch with guys who get some good chance here yeah and I don't

know about relationship but for sure they met some girls who was they were a

good friends I don't know how it was after

when a tourist finished but for sure guy girls was happy why I like these guys

they funny open and just honest come on if you're looking for sex just

don't need to behave like oh I'm looking for wife I am thinking about family and

typical blah blah blah come on everybody understand you just want to have fun

just just be clear be open some girls also just want to have fun a lot of

- Girls come to Odessa on holiday exactly come on

if you are funny if you have some brain if you can some sense of humor come on

you're gonna be lucky here for sure. - Okay so the keys remember be open funny cool

a little bit, honest, be smart and don't use stupid comment don't use stupid

compliments I hate this but we're gonna talk about this later.

- Yes so this is a precursor although you it actually would be a postcurser

through this stage because this episode of the vodka vodcast is coming out

after the video that we're gonna make just after we cut this episode and it's going

to be in Russian it will have English subtitles of course you get if

you can't figure out how to turn them on google it and how to turn on youtube

subtitles and what are we going to tell what we're giving people seven oh my

gosh I can give you hundred mistakes huge mistakes we're gonna limit to the 7

biggest mistakes that I guess I mean it'll beginning guys doing in the

beginning really it's sometimes you like him so much

and in the one second he can just destroy everything just one of those 7

big mistakes it just kills your entire chances here so we're gonna be giving

you 7 biggest mistakes to make if you're trying to impress a Ukrainian girl here

in Odessa and that's coming up so definitely go

and check that out on the YouTube channel right so go and check it out if

you're watching this one a little bit later this episode of vodka vodcast

if you are new to the channel go and squeeze that red subscribe button and

definitely tickle the little bell beside it the for notifications here in

YouTube otherwise you won't get notified with me up when I upload new content and

if you enjoy this video so far you've got some entertainment value out of are

you find it useful if you're planning to come to Ukraine then give it a like

always helps the channel out a lot and if you've been to Ukraine got a tour

made mistakes yourself been successful then drop a comment below the video

building a great community of people who are interested in travelling here to

Eastern European and Odessa in particular so the more comments you leave there the

better it is for everybody and other guys who come here will also be able to

read them and learn a lot just from your own experiences and never think that your

own experience is invaluable to someone else just pop it below in the comments

section and we will see you very shortly in another video probably you're gonna

go watch the 7 biggest mistakes. - Please watch the 7 mistakes please - So it's

до свидания and до побачення! - До побачення! - From Odessa, Ukraine. So you in the next video!

For more infomation >> CRAZY things foreign guys do when looking for LOVE in ODESSA, Ukraine!? | Vodka Vodcast 006 - Duration: 20:11.


ХОРОШО, ЧТО ЭТОТ ЗМЕЙ ВЫМЕР! 10 фактов о титанобоа! | Динозавры и другие вымершие животные! - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> ХОРОШО, ЧТО ЭТОТ ЗМЕЙ ВЫМЕР! 10 фактов о титанобоа! | Динозавры и другие вымершие животные! - Duration: 6:36.


Après 4 mois de mariage, la princesse Meghan a révélé le secret caché dans la robe de mariée - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Après 4 mois de mariage, la princesse Meghan a révélé le secret caché dans la robe de mariée - Duration: 2:47.


김성태 "'남북관계 개선' 문재인 대통령, 존중…北 'NPT 조약 복귀' 촉구해달라" - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 김성태 "'남북관계 개선' 문재인 대통령, 존중…北 'NPT 조약 복귀' 촉구해달라" - Duration: 2:25.






Roomtour 🇬🇷 Cavo Tagoo Mykonos - Duration: 3:27.

Hi lovelies

Welcome to Mykonos!

We are currently at Hotel Cavo Tagoo in Mykonos

Before we stayed one week in Santorini

where we also celebrated my Birthday

I really wanted to film another travel video for you guys

because I uploaded many videos about my pregnancy for you guys

so I wanted to do a travel video now

I asked you guys whether you prefer a video where I don't talk

or where I talk

Most voted for talking

Thus, I will make a small room tour for you guys today

We are currently staying at the Diamond Villa of the hotel

As you can see the view is simply breath-taking

Most stunning is the sunset

which I will also show you later

The villa has several bedrooms

And I will show you the different bedrooms

and a few small things now

It's not gonna be a hotel review

I just wanted to show you some behind the scenes of our job

This is one of the bedrooms

This is like the kids rooms

Although there are not many kids at the hotel

You rather stay here with friends

So this is the smaller bedroom

But now I'm gonna show you the Master Bedroom

where we are staying

because that is very beautiful

There is also a lower area

I will show it to you later

But first I will show you our bedroom

It's this one

It's so beautiful!

We also have a large bathroom with dressing room etc.

and a large shower

But the best thing about our room is

the outside area

We have our own jacuzzi

This one!

Now I will quickly show you the lower area

It's only the two of us staying here

More people are welcome :D

As you can see we have a lot of space

Here is another room

completely with bathroom and so

It's really cozy

and also very big

There is even your own television

and your own living room

So many people can stay here

So that's where we will spend the day today

Those are the flowers my boyfriend gave me on my Birthday

They are still super beautiful & fresh

We are very thankful that we get to stay here

Although there is also a lot of work to do

We have a lot of collaborations at the moment

Such as taking pictures for other companies

That's how we earn our income as travel bloggers

So this is a great opportunity

And of course doing that at such a nice location

Is really like a dream

If you like such small travel videos

or Follow Me Arounds or Room Tours

please give me a thumb up

So I'm happy filming them more often

Otherwise I'm wishing you an amazing day

Talk to you soon!

For more infomation >> Roomtour 🇬🇷 Cavo Tagoo Mykonos - Duration: 3:27.


ИКРА ИЗ ЧЕГО??? Вы пожалеете,что не готовили такую икру раньше - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ИКРА ИЗ ЧЕГО??? Вы пожалеете,что не готовили такую икру раньше - Duration: 2:09.


The reason I sold all my favorite band's CDs! - Duration: 4:14.


The secret of successful language learning and education.

How you doin'?

Hi, it's Yosuke.

You may already know about this if you follow my Twitter, but

I'm a huge B'z(Japanese Rock'n'Roll band) fan.

If I ask my friends "Tell me the first word that comes to your mind when you think of me'"

I'm sure they will say, "English," Baseball," or "B'z."

B'z held a 30th anniversary tour this year and

this is a T-shirt that was sold on the final day of the tour.

I went there yesterday and I bought this.

The show was awesome!

Actually, these pants are one of the goods, too.

Please let me talk about this for 20 more seconds.

In addition, at such a memorial show,

I was in the third row from the stage.

Thank you, B'z Party (the B'z fan club).

It's so difficult to get a SS seat ticket.

That's why my voice is hoarse. (I apologize for that.)

OK. The introduction's done.

I used to have all the albums of B'z.

However, after I started learning English seriously,

I realized they could be distractions.

But to learn a language, using a long time in the language is really important.

So we need to decrease the time we use Japanese and we need to increase the time we use English.

So what should we do?

According to some research, we can be easily distracted if we see things that may distract us.

So we need to put away such things. Not having them is the best way.

So it was a painful decision.

But I sold


CDs of B'z.

After that,

I succeeded in increasing the time I use English.

Not having them was not a big problem because people can adapt to a particular situation if they need to.

So if a person who live in a luxury apartment was forced to live in a countryside,

they would get used to living there after a few months.

When someone doesn't have something, he/she usually looks for something that can be used instead of that.

My English CDs are still in my room.

So I started listening to English songs instead of Japanese songs.

As a result, the time I listen to English songs exceeds the time I listen to Japanese songs.

Listening to English songs is becoming more and more natural for me.

I was never like that when I was a junior high and high school student.

When I was a junior high and high school student, it was like the only singer I listened to was B'z.

So it was difficult for me at that time.

But once you lose things you like, you'll find a new way to enjoy yourself.

So if you become better at English (any foreign language) but you tend to spend too much time in your mother tongue,

selling the things (you can throw away if it's okay) that distract you

I think is one of the good ways.

Find your distractions.

If you can't sell them, it's also Okay to send them to your parents' house.

By just doing it, you'll be able to use English(your target language) more.

I'm a big B'z fan and I go to it's show like very year,

it wasn't easy for me to sell their CDs, but

I now thing it was a good decision.

Because I was able to improve my English a lot because of that.

So why don't you do something that may help you avoid being distracted.

That's all for today.

Thank you for watching.


Thank you for watching!

Sharing this video and channel would be appreciated!

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for my next video↑ A 👍 would be also appreciated.

Watch these!

Thanks again😉

For more infomation >> The reason I sold all my favorite band's CDs! - Duration: 4:14.



Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

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with nail designs collected

in a wonderful collection chosen from the set of

the best masters of nail art



42岁林心如与43岁贾静雯近照,从闺蜜到仇人,如今差距还真大! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 42岁林心如与43岁贾静雯近照,从闺蜜到仇人,如今差距还真大! - Duration: 3:40.


MADEIRA - TOP 10 HIKES - Duration: 11:54.


10th place: The trout Levada

Distance 11km, Ascent metre 0m , Highest point 875m, Difficulty: easy

9th place: Plateau Paul Da Serra

Distance 5,5km, Ascent metre 240m , Highest point 1640m, Difficulty: easy

8th place: Pico Ruivo (PR1.2)

Distance 5,5km, Ascent metre 270m , Highest point 1862m, Difficulty: easy

7th place: Levada Encumeada Folhadal

Distance 6,5km, Ascent metre 0m , Highest point 1057m, Difficulty: easy

6th place: 25 springs & Risco waterfall (PR& & PR6.1)

Distance 8,3km, Ascent metre 801m , Highest point 1135m, Difficulty: medium

5th place: Coastal path Sao Jorge

Distance 5km, Ascent metre 524m , Highest point 306m, Difficulty: medium

4th place: Fanal - In the spell of old laurel trees

Distance5,5km, Ascent metre 137m , Highest point 1211m, Difficulty: easy

3rd place: Sao Lourenco (PR8)

Distance7,1km, Ascent metre 488m , Highest point 170m, Difficulty: medium

2nd place: Levada Nova - Levada do Moinho

Distance 9km, Ascent metre 150m , Highest point 170m, Difficulty: medium

1st pace: The top hike - from Pico Arieiro to Pico Ruivo (PR1)

Distance 11,7km, Ascent metre 980m , Highest point 1862m, Difficulty: difficult


Already watched?

For more infomation >> MADEIRA - TOP 10 HIKES - Duration: 11:54.


章子怡首部电视剧《江山故人》即将上映,与周一围演绎帝后情深 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 章子怡首部电视剧《江山故人》即将上映,与周一围演绎帝后情深 - Duration: 3:20.


63歲周潤發公園晨練,郭德綱實力搶鏡?網友:我也要晨跑 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 63歲周潤發公園晨練,郭德綱實力搶鏡?網友:我也要晨跑 - Duration: 2:19.


對不起,影后周迅,皇后如懿,這次,我真的棄劇了! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 對不起,影后周迅,皇后如懿,這次,我真的棄劇了! - Duration: 4:04.


刘亦菲诠释旗袍新感觉,网友:这么肥真的好看吗? - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> 刘亦菲诠释旗袍新感觉,网友:这么肥真的好看吗? - Duration: 1:47.


ফিলিপি কৌতিনিউ কত টাকা আয় করেন? | গাড়ি | বাড়ি | অজানা সব তথ্য | Philippe Coutinho Lifestyle [HD] - Duration: 6:03.

ফিলিপি কৌতিনিউ কত টাকা আয় করেন? | গাড়ি | বাড়ি | অজানা সব তথ্য | Philippe Coutinho Lifestyle

ক্রিস্তিয়ানো রোলান্ড কত টাকা আয় করেন? | খেলাধুলা | অজানা সব তথ্য | Cristiano Ronaldo Lifestyle

মাশরাফি কত টাকা আয় করেন? | বয়স | গাড়ি | বাড়ি | পরিবার | অজানা সব তথ্য | Mashrafe Lifestyle

নেইমার কত টাকা আয় করেন? | খেলাধুলা | গাড়ি | বাড়ি | অজানা সব তথ্য | Neymar Lifestyle

For more infomation >> ফিলিপি কৌতিনিউ কত টাকা আয় করেন? | গাড়ি | বাড়ি | অজানা সব তথ্য | Philippe Coutinho Lifestyle [HD] - Duration: 6:03.


Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 22.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 12. (video č.24) - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 22.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 12. (video č.24) - Duration: 5:59.


For more infomation >> Ukázka: Žst. N.Město n.Met. 22.9.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 12. (video č.24) - Duration: 5:59.


FEAT. LA PAIX - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> FEAT. LA PAIX - Duration: 4:10.


For more infomation >> FEAT. LA PAIX - Duration: 4:10.


EN LIVE SUR | NINTENDO SWITCH - Duration: 1:56:43.

For more infomation >> EN LIVE SUR | NINTENDO SWITCH - Duration: 1:56:43.


For more infomation >> EN LIVE SUR | NINTENDO SWITCH - Duration: 1:56:43.


Si vous voulez perdre du poids comme jamais, c'est la boisson parfaite ! - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Si vous voulez perdre du poids comme jamais, c'est la boisson parfaite ! - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> Si vous voulez perdre du poids comme jamais, c'est la boisson parfaite ! - Duration: 4:42.


Self-worth. Body image.

For more infomation >> Self-worth. Body image.


The Mouli - I'm A Liar (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> The Mouli - I'm A Liar (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:33.


【High Calorie】 Rolled Pan Fried Eggs + Hot Dog!! Is That Tasty!? [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> 【High Calorie】 Rolled Pan Fried Eggs + Hot Dog!! Is That Tasty!? [4000kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 8:58.


【MHW LIVE】#77 おいちゃんと遊ぼう - Duration: 2:42:16.

For more infomation >> 【MHW LIVE】#77 おいちゃんと遊ぼう - Duration: 2:42:16.


Wdzięczni Polskiej Wsi - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Wdzięczni Polskiej Wsi - Duration: 1:09.


Episode 22. Macao. Old Town, Cotai and foot crossing into China - Duration: 19:56.

so, we are now in Macao

arrived in Macao on the ferry from Hong Kong

quickly passed immigration

now in Grand Casino

on of the biggest casinos

Grand Lisboa Casino

so, now we are in Macao, our next country - 96th

on the list

arrived by the ferry from Hiong Kong in 1 hour time

we see such

Portuguese architecture everywhere

very big Portuguese influence as

it was Portuguese colony before

lets have a look

that's how looks like

Macao at night

very nice

such nice promenade and view

on that tower

on that all casinos and hotels

here such castle on the left side

this is Grand Lisboa Hotel

evrything is posh

center of Macao, old town

St.Dominic Church

Fort De Monte


such old fortress

from 1617

very interesting

granny excersicing

this is the view from the fort

and we see Grand Lisboa Hotel

once more time such a view

over this side of the city

over the river - it's China, Zhuhai city

we see

green flag

its flag of Macao

many cannons

hotel Grand Lisboa

over there

museum of Macao

many Chinese excersicing here

this is remains of



built by Portuguese

we see

very interesting

let's have a look


this is the ruins of St.Paul's church

church of St.Paul

we see it is holding on such metal stalls

we can some remains


I would say

colorful fish market

in Macao

such carps



for 10


so, we are inside of one old theatre

in Macao

this is how this theatre looks like

we are downstairs

this is Barra Square

and here such Chinese Temple

giving money

such interesting temple

even Indians came here

such Chinese Temple on the hill

Chinese coming to pray for their Gods

burning such interesting candles

stick them

lets come closer and have a look

another hotel

Galaxy VIP




such a tower

but not in Paris

crossing Chinese border

with Macao


Carantine Inspection

so, hieroglyphs starts

ending English language

welcome to China

20 Yuan note

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