Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018


My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns.

We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns".

So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun?

So, a noun is a word that is a person...

It can be a person, so: "Emma", that's a noun; "teacher", that's a noun.

It can be a place.

"Russia" is a noun.

"School" is a noun.

It can be an animal; a dog.

"Dog" is a noun.

The word "cat" is a noun.

It can also be a thing.

This marker...

The word "marker" is a noun.


And it can also be a feeling.

"Happiness" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal.

There are many things that are nouns.

What a noun is not is it's not an action, like a verb; it's not a description, like

an adjective; and it's not a preposition, like the word "on" or "off".


A noun is, like I've said before, one of these things.

So, in English...

Well, actually, first let's do something.

Let's underline the nouns just to make sure we have this concept.

So, my first sentence is: "Canada is a large country."

So let's underline the nouns, here.

Well, "Canada" is a place, so we know "Canada" is a noun; "is" is a verb; "large" - this

is a description; "country".

"Country" is a place; this is also a noun.

"My teacher is funny".

"Teacher" is a person, so this is a noun; "funny" is a description, it's an adjective,

it's not a noun.

"The dog", so we have "dog" is an animal; "cats", "cats" are nouns; and we have the

word, here, "friends".

The word "friend" is also a noun.


So, these are all nouns.

So, in English, we have two types of nouns; we have countable nouns and we have uncountable


It's important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because this is going to tell

us if we use words, like: "a" in front of the word, and it will also tell us which words

we cannot use with these words.

So... And whether or not we need to add an "s" to the end of the noun if there's more than one.

So, in this video, we are going to talk about countable nouns with many examples and uncountable nouns.

So, let's look at countable nouns first.

Okay, so we're going to start with countable nouns first.

So, the first thing you need to know with a countable noun is when we have a countable

noun, we need to put an "a" or an "an" in front of it.

So, for example: "I have a dog.

I have a computer.

I have a lamp.

I have a chair."

So, notice I'm putting "a" in front of all of these.

If the noun starts with a vowel sound, so for example: "a" is a vowel, "e", "i", "o",

"u" - these are all vowels.

And if it starts with a vowel sound, then we use "an".

"I have an apple.

I have an egg.

I have an ant."


So, we use this if the first...

The first sound of the word is a vowel.

So, the second thing you need to know is that with countable nouns a lot of the time we

can count them.


So we can often...

A countable noun is something you can count, or...

Usually it's something, or an animal, or, you know, a place - it's something you can


So, for example: "I have a book."

This is one book.

"I have two books.", "I have three books."

So, this...

You can count books and it's a countable noun.

"I have two chairs.

I have five dresses."

These are all countable nouns.

When we have more than one countable noun, so for example, here we have one, here we

have two.

If we have more than one-so two, three, four, five, six-we need to add an "s".

This shows us that there is more than one.

And also notice that we don't need this in front of the noun anymore.

So, we cannot say: "a books", because the "s" means there's more than one, so this would

not match. Okay.

What else do we need?

So, we need an "s" or an "es" if we have more than one of this type of object or noun.

Here's another example: "I have one sister.", "I have three sisters."

So, notice here, you can count the number of sisters I have, and so I've added an "s".

Now, we have some exceptions.

For example, the word "moose".

You can count the number of moose, but we never add an "s".


It's a strange exception.

In English, you'll notice we have a lot of exceptions.

We break rules a lot of times in English and that's okay.

It's the same with "fish".

You can count the number of fish, but we don't...

You change this word if there's more than one.

I can't say: "I have five fishes."


I would say: "I have five fish."

So, sometimes there are exceptions with count nouns or countable nouns.

Now let's look at: What is an uncountable noun, and how is it different?

Okay, so we've talked about countable nouns; now we're going to talk about uncountable

nouns or we can call them non-count nouns.


So that means the same thing.

An uncountable noun is a noun where you do not use "a" or "an" in front of it.


So, for example, an uncountable noun is "happiness".

I do not say: "a happiness".

Okay, so that's no.

So, we do not use "a" or "an".

We also don't add "s" or "es".


And the reason we don't add "s" or "es" is because the idea of uncountable is you can't

count it.

Now, there are many exceptions to this, but in general, an uncountable noun is something

you can really count.

So I want you to think, for example, of happiness.

Can you count happiness?

Can you say: "One happiness, two happiness; my friend has five happiness"?

You can't really count it.

It's the same with words, like: "sadness" or with, you know, "stress".

These are things that are abstract and they're things you can't really count.


So, because of that, we do not add "s" or "es" to uncountable words.

Another thing you'll find with uncountable words, and this is where it kind of gets a

bit tricky, is a lot of uncountable nouns are actually categories.

So, for example: "furniture" is an uncountable noun.

In English, you don't count furniture.

So, you would...

You would not add an "s" to the word "furniture"; it's always the same.

"I have furniture at my house."

I do not say: "I have a furniture."


In English, you can't do that.

You say: "I have furniture."

There is no "a" or "an".

It's the same with the word "clothes".

"Clothes" never changes; it always stays the same.

I cannot say: "I have a clothes."

I cannot say: "I have four clothes."


In English, we can't do this, and this is because these are categories.

It's the same with "money".

And a lot of students get really frustrated with this, because in their language, you

can count these things.

So, I understand that and I understand, you know, languages are very different, but in

English you cannot count these things in the same way.

They're considered categories.

So, in English, I cannot say: "I have five money."

And I also don't add an "s" to "money".

It always stays the same.

I can say: "I have a lot of money" or "I have no money", but I can't actually put a number

in front of money.

So, what can you do is...

We're looking at categories, there, but within each category there are things you can count.

So, for example: "furniture" is uncountable, but tables, chairs, desks, refrigerators,

ovens - these are all things we can count.

So, "furniture" does not have an "s", but these other words do within the category.

"Clothes", again, we never change it; it always is the same, but types of clothes we can have

as countable.

So, we can have five dresses, you know, 10 socks.

So, you can count a lot of clothes.

With "money", we don't...

Like I said, we don't add an "s", but we can count coins.


So we can count coins.

"I have five coins.

I have seven bills."

So, within the category, you can count, but the category itself we cannot put an "s" on

that because it is an uncountable noun.

A lot of the times different types of food and different types of drinks are also uncountable.

So, for example: "milk".

We do not count milk.

In English, we can't say: "I have one milk.

I have six milk."

What we can do is we can add a container to this word or we can add an amount, so that's


So, what we can say is: "I have a glass of milk."


Or: "I have five glasses of milk.", "I have two cups of milk."

So, "milk" itself never changes, but the quantity or the amount can.

It's the same with, for example, "juice".

"I have eight cups of juice", but "juice" itself...

The word "juice", we can never say "juices".


So that...

It doesn't change because it's an uncountable noun.

And we'll look at more examples of this in full sentences in a moment.

"Mustard" or "ketchup", these are more examples.

We do not say: "I have 10 or 20 mustards."


We can't count this, so we always keep it the same; or we can add a container or a quantity.

"I have five bottles of mustard."



And it's the same with these words, too.

"I have 10 pieces of furniture."

So, we can put a quantity in front, but the actual word itself is an uncountable noun.

So, let's look at more examples of this.

Okay, so we're going to do a little bit of practice; but before we begin, I want to again

say that there are many, many exceptions to what I am saying, meaning usually this is...

What I'm telling you is the truth or what I'm telling you is accurate, but every so

often there are some words that are not going to follow these rules.


So, when you come across these words, just remember: Don't get frustrated; English is

not a perfect language and not everything follows the rules, but we're trying our best.

So, let's look at some of these nouns and I want you to tell me: Are they countable

or uncountable?

The first one is "English".

English is a thing, it's a language, it's a noun.

Can we count English?


Would we say: "I have a English"?

Can I say: "Englishes"?


So, "English" is uncountable.


It never changes; it always stays the same.

You can say: "I like English."

There is no "a" in front of "English".

What about "student"?

Can you count student?

Teachers do this all the time; they count the number of students in their class.

"There are 10 students in my class", so "students" is countable.

So, if I want to count students...

Maybe there are five students, so I could put a five here.

And if there's more than one, what do I have to do with a countable noun?

We add an "s": "students".

What about this word: "bottle"?


Like, a bottle of water.

Can you count bottles?

Yes, you can.

So, we consider "bottles" countable.

"I have one bottle.", "I have five bottles."


So, in this case, imagine I have one, I can say: "I have a bottle."

It's a countable noun.


Can we count water?

"Water" is considered uncountable.


Now, you might be yelling at your computer, saying: "But I can count water!

I can!"

And you might have water, here, and say: "Look, this is a water."

But this is actually not a water; this is a bottle of water.

"Water" itself we don't count.

We count water in bottles, or in litres, or in jugs.

So, "water" itself is uncountable.

We do not add an "s".


It is uncountable.

But "bottle" or "a bottle of water" is something we can count.


Can we count cellphones?

Cellphones are countable; they are a countable noun.

So, if we have more than one cellphone...

If we have two cellphones, we're very lucky - we can add an "s".

What about "shoe"?

"Shoe", we can actually say "shoes".

Shoes are countable.

"I have shoes."


I have...

"I have one shoe.

Here are two shoes, three shoes, four shoes", so we can count shoes.

We often talk about "a pair of shoes", but we can also count shoes individually.

What about "sadness"?

Can you count sadness?

Can you say: "Oh, that man, he's really sad - look, he has 100 sadnesses"?


We cannot count sadness; it's a feeling.

It's something we can't really count.

This is uncountable, so we do not add "a".


I can say: "I have sadness"; there's no "a" in front of it.

Last one we're going to look at here: "coffee".

So, coffee...

Remember food...

Or food and drinks are often uncountable.

We can talk about a cup of coffee, but we're counting the cup.

Coffee itself we consider uncountable.

So, usually we don't say "coffees".

Okay, but again, there's always exceptions and sometimes people use...

You know, they might go to a restaurant and actually...

They might say: "I'll have a coffee", so you might actually hear that.

It's going against the grammar rule, but people are starting to say things like that.

I don't want to confuse you more, but in terms of the grammar rule, "coffee" is uncountable.


So now let's look at a couple other words we use which are important when we're learning

about countable and uncountable.

Okay, so we've talked about countable and uncountable nouns.

Now, there are some words we use with only countable nouns and other words we use only

with uncountable nouns.

So, right now we're going to learn about "many" and "much".

So, let's start with "many" because it's a little easier.

"Many" is used with countable nouns, and it means a lot.

So, for example: "I have a lot of friends.

I have many friends."

So, it's when we're not giving a specific number.

"I have five friends" I can say, but I can also say: "I have many friends."

Maybe I have 10 dogs.

That's not true, but imagine that.

That's a lot of dogs, so I can say: "I have many dogs."

We use "many" for countable nouns.

A way to remember is, like I said before, you use "an" or "a" with countable nouns,

and "many" has "an" in it.

That's a little memory trick.


So if you want to remember: "many" - oh, "an", "an"; we use "an" for countable nouns - we

use "many" for countable nouns.

"Much" is used for uncountable nouns.

So, "much" means the same thing.


It means a lot, and we use "much" for uncountable.

So, for example: "money".

I told you before money is uncountable, so we could say: "I don't have much money.

I don't have much furniture.

I don't have much coffee."


So, "much" is used with uncountable nouns.

Now, a lot of students get really stressed about this, and they say: "'Much', 'many',

'count', 'uncountable' - ugh, this is terrible.

I don't remember any of it."

Here is the trick.

This is good to learn, but if you don't know and you're really stressed, you can use "a

lot" for both countable and uncountable nouns.


So: "I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have a lot of friends.", "I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money."


So, if you don't know, use this.

So, we've learned a lot today about countable and uncountable nouns, and this is something

that requires a lot of practice.


So, I invite you to come check out our website at, and there you can actually

do a quiz where you can practice identifying countable and uncountable nouns, and using

these in sentences.

So, I highly recommend you take our quiz.

I also recommend you subscribe to my channel, because there are a lot more resources on

all sorts of different topics, related to grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, and

many more. So, thank you for watching, and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


Local Heroes Injured In 2017 Las Vegas Shooting Get Financial Assistance - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Local Heroes Injured In 2017 Las Vegas Shooting Get Financial Assistance - Duration: 2:21.


That's 'Ambassador Rihanna' to You Now - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> That's 'Ambassador Rihanna' to You Now - Duration: 5:19.


Martin Keown tells Arsenal's defenders exactly what they must do to improve under Emery | AFC New - Duration: 2:06.

Arsenal news includes insight from the veteran defender on what the Gunners must do better

at the back

Former Arsenal centre-back and coach Martin Keown has told Unai Emery's team exactly what

they must do to improve their defending at the back.

"It was a concern from Arsenal the amount of one-on-ones with Petr Cech," he said.

"He's been under pressure but he did really well.

"It's a high [defensive] line but it's a false line.

Back in the day, Arsenal notoriously had that high line but we were there to drop off.

I want them high but ready to drop."

Keown too is keen to see the Spaniard's defenders push further up the pitch to allow the forwards

and midfielders to close in on the opposition but wants to see them adapt to situations

and being aware of danger.

"If you run from deep against Arsenal, you'll get in," he said.

"Everton got in today but didn't punish them.

They will have to look at that.

"It's about recognising when you drop as a four.

You want to make the pitch as small as possible and at the moment they are not working in


When pressed on his analysis, Keown offered more detailed feedback for Gunners defenders

such as Shkodran Mustagi and Sokratis Papastathopoulos.

"It's your body shape," he said.

"You don't just stand square, you've got to be sideways on.

You're looking along that line so you can see where the ball is, see where your opponent

is and you recognise whether you're too high and if you should drop off.

"You come up high to make the pitch as small as possible and then you dictate to the front

player where you are on the pitch.

If you just drop off they can set their stall out where they want."

For more infomation >> Martin Keown tells Arsenal's defenders exactly what they must do to improve under Emery | AFC New - Duration: 2:06.


Former KOAT reporter lands dream job of network correspondent - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Former KOAT reporter lands dream job of network correspondent - Duration: 2:33.


East Valley mom arrested after leaving her daughter alone to go clubbing - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> East Valley mom arrested after leaving her daughter alone to go clubbing - Duration: 2:04.


3 Simple and Trendy hairstyles to work & casual outing | Say Swag - Duration: 10:36.


Vinoth Bama (cosmetologist) here

Show you how to do 3 simple trendy hairstyles in this video.

Working women can try this self hairstyles .

Let me show you how to do.

Let's start with first one

It's a simple one

Just take one side of the hair and I'll show you how to twist ,puff& pin it.

First comb all over you hair.

Mine is wavy hair texture

Part your hair which ever side you need, either right or left

I prefer to do in left side.

Divide a section from the arch of your eyebrow

Do a cross partition and take a complete hair to the left side

Take some hair till here,

Remove the tangles before itself.

Hold this part and leave the rest of the hair.

Take this side partition hair and comb it.

comb it in backwards

To get pouf, back comb your hair

From partition take some stance and twist it inwards

repeat the same

Using your fingers easily you can take partition.

Again take some section twist it and join it with other one.

So, the partition will be visible properly

Join this part and clip it.

Give some loose and pouf it while doing

Repeat the same

Twist it until you get a good pouf

Partition have to be visible properly

Take another section similarly and twist the strand loosely

so that it looks elegant and neat while leave you hair free

i generally prefer ending the process near the corner of my eye.

i like this method but you can secure it where ever you prefer

Leave a strand of hair in front of your ear to enhance your look

Securing the rest of the hair by twisting it completely.

Pouf should be seen visible, twist it and secure using clip

Can do this hairstyle Within 5 min

Make sure your pouf should stand out by pulling out parts of it.

I'm securing my hair on other side with simple twist.

This way you can easily do your hairstyle all by yourself

Secondly we'll look into how easily you can tie your hair into a high pony

Make a triangular partition of your hair. taking hair from both side.

For more infomation >> 3 Simple and Trendy hairstyles to work & casual outing | Say Swag - Duration: 10:36.


Arizona gubernatorial candidates square off - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Arizona gubernatorial candidates square off - Duration: 2:13.


Kavanaugh Latest - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh Latest - Duration: 1:01.


Woman Shot In Neck In Suspected Road Rage Incident On Interstate 5 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Woman Shot In Neck In Suspected Road Rage Incident On Interstate 5 - Duration: 2:14.


Ben Shapiro Dismantles Bernie Sanders' Disparaging View Of America(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:17.

Ben Shapiro Dismantles Bernie Sanders' Disparaging View Of America

welcome back for tonight's big point this week senator Bernie Sanders

official beloved loon bag of the Democratic establishment sounded off on

what America meant to him he did so while appearing with alleged comedian

Sarah Silverman who's mostly famous for saying dirty words in a little girl

voice so Bernie is both ignorant and unfunny but at least he does have that

cute bunny voice that makes him beloved to college students everywhere and also

he loves pooping his entire lake house filled with different flavors of pudding

Bernie's statement is actually important because it does reveal a serious gap in

the way Americans from the hard left think versus the rest of America in the

view of the hard left universal ills are uniquely America's fault specific goods

are actually the result of universal culture so poverty America's fault

landing on the moon a world achievement war America's fault a thriving global

economy a world achievement the hard left believes America is an evil awful

place founded in racism sexism bigotry homophobia all of our pretentious talk

about all men being created equal with inalienable rights all of that is just

cover for the patriarchy heteronormative cisgender power structure that deprives

outsiders of their due that's the view of Howard Zinn of Hollywood and the

Bernie Sanders it's why many on the Left kneel for the flag the flag is the

symbol of a uniquely bad nation with uniquely bad idea this is all absolutely

wrong America's founding Creed the belief in God given individual rights

protected by limited government enshrined by a virtuous people has

achieved precisely the opposite of what Sanders says no America does not starve

little children America lifts little children from poverty the power of the

America led free trade and free market economy has alleviated global poverty

faster than any force in human history we are the engine of the world's

prosperity and that engine is going strong according to the World Bank over

the last three decades extreme global poverty has dropped by seventy four

point one percent literally hundreds of millions of people have been lifted from

poverty by the power of the American economy and its involvement in the world

economy and little chart a little children aren't starving in America

either Robert rector and Rachel Sheffield of the Heritage Foundation

report quote a poor child is more likely to have cable TV a computer

screen plasma TV and Xbox or a TiVo in the home than to be hungry according to

Pew Research the u.s. stands head and shoulders above the rest of the world in

terms of wealth 56% of Americans were high income by global standards 32% or

upper middle income only 2% of Americans are poor by global standards how about

giving tax breaks to billionaires as senator Sanders well knows the highest

income earners in America pay the most taxes by far it's not close the top 1%

of earners you know the 1% they pay 39% of federal income taxes the top 10% pay

70 point 6 percent of federal income taxes the bottom 50% of income earners

pay less than 3 percent of our federal income taxes America's tax system is

more progressive than any other developed country in the world according

to the Washington Post you can't cut taxes for tax brackets

that barely pay taxes and Bernie could start by donating that lake house what

about bombing homes and houses of children let's just remind senator

Sanders that America defeated slavery and Nazism and communism well to be fair

he might still be a bit bitter about that last one America spent more blood

and treasure defending the freedom of others than any country in world history

the Union lost him 365 thousand soldiers in the Civil War to free the slaves 117

thousand in World War 1 to keep Europe free of German imperialism four hundred

and five thousand Americans died in World War two to keep the world free of

fascism 37 thousand died to keep South Korean people free fifty eight thousand

died in a vain attempt to keep the Vietnamese people free more than two

thousand in a continuing attempt to free Afghanistan of its terror masters and

yes four thousand five hundred in a continuing attempts of free Iraq that

doesn't mean America hasn't made mistakes but the American fighting men

and women have been more humane in their pursuit of Liberty for others than any

other fighting force in human history and the world has trended toward

democracy and freedom because of it so senator Sanders I'd love to tell you

precisely where he can go but I'm on Fox News and on Fox News just like in the

Senate we're still not allowed to curse that was senator Bernie Sanders slamming

the u.s. and a new interview it was coming after Hillary Clinton declared in

a recent essay that American democracy is in crisis let's bring back our a-team

Capri Cafaro Chris Bedford and Philip Bob Chris you know he was kind of joking

here but it shows also what he this could have been a headline in a

student's for Democratic Society newspaper in 1968 which is kind of where

Bernie Sanders comes from the the old campus left the old 60s left the what's

going on in Yemen he's been protesting that is pretty serious it's a war

between Saudi Arabia and basically their proxies the proxies for Iran people are

getting killed and these are too mean mean forces and they're going at it and

that just the kind of scale and the dangers of this war the worst scene in

Yemen show how just and how careful the United States is we conduct any kind of

military operations that you know fill up the situation it horrible

what's going on with Yemen the bombing of that bus which the critics say was

use bombed by the Saudis using American munitions and that it we basically have

blood on our hands and then the senator is referring to that but he's doing in a

jocular way right yeah I mean it's tricky ground I mean it's obviously

sitting there with Sarah Silverman who was a comedian as well it's clear that

he was intending to be joking we certainly have seen lots of jokes go

south I think pretty yeah it's hard to read that is whether or not it landed as

a joke is he'll hold every but I think he meant it that way I think that what

senator Sanders he's in a different position now though than he was

certainly back when he was in college and but even when before he ran for

president he is now essentially the voice of the far left in the United

States perhaps Ocasio Cortes is sort of creeping up on him in that regard

but those sorts of jokes are going to land a lot differently now than they

would have three years ago simply by virtue of his heightened position and

someone who did was not a declared Democrat for you know decades who you

know represented Vermont as an independent

since you know the early 1990s and now you know it's unfortunately it's jokes

joking or not it's these kind of statements that I think are you know

damaging to the Democratic Party and they can people point to and say you

know this is why dinner we don't believe that Democrats are supportive of America

or patriotic so yes he has to be careful as a fair assessment it's absolutely not

a fair assessment I mean certainly Democrats are just as patriotic as as

any American but with statements like this you know it's an easy sound

point-to-point about statements like this this is a chunk from the recent

essay published in the Atlantic by Hillary Clinton calling into question

our democracy quote Trump and his cronies do so many

despicable things that it can be hard to keep track I think that may be the point

to confound us so it's harder to keep our eye on the ball the ball of course

is protecting American democracy as citizens that's our most important

charge and right now our democracy is in crisis she's absolutely right we have an

intelligence service it seems like it could have been undermining the

presidential candidate of American citizens being spied on with secret

courts the democracy is under threat right now and it's not because Democrats

lost the election this is a common thing that you see from Democrats if they lose

something that means the system doesn't work whether that system is Facebook

Twitter whether that system is democracy the electoral college they always say

the system is broken democracy is under threat because their ideas didn't win

and they it may make sense because if you live in New York you don't know

anyone who disagrees with you so they couldn't even imagine how President

Donald Trump could be president but it happened because outside there were

people who disagree what about those who blame President Trump and his tone is

Tanner and his rhetoric the American Republic is way stronger than tweets and

any kind of bad words as Bernie Sanders has talked about in his interview those

aren't gonna undermine American democracy I think our systems are

stronger than that yeah I mean I think it's a it's a it's a totally valid point

that the speech itself is not necessarily going to undermine America

you mean Don ferpa certainly made comments that you know I mean he said in

the past America does bad things too in defensive Vladimir Putin for example

there's so I mean they're there there are lots of ways you can talk about

America which don't necessarily undercut America I think it's the Hillary Clinton

the timing of this piece and the aligning sort of fascinating cuz it

comes on the heels of Barack Obama essentially making the same argument in

a speech last week of the week prior everything's sort of blurry by now but I

think that the points that are raised yes it certainly is the case that

Hillary Clinton in particular is frustrated by the results of the 2016

election but that doesn't change the fact that there are lots of indicators

that the Donald Trump's approach to the presidency is vastly different than past

presidents in a way that runs contrary to I think what a lot of people would

expect of an American president I think that Foster's legitimate concern among

Americans Hillary Clinton included brocco Obama included right but that

that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both trying to tap into and

Democrats are trying to tap you I think it's bad I think it's bad timing for

Hillary Clinton because I think she's the wrong messenger for this mess

because she looks like a sore loser but there-there are legitimate concerns here

I think there's no question as you said Philip that you know President Trump has

absolutely thrown all sort of conventional norms of governance out the

window and certainly as he you know publicly maligns

Jeff Sessions voices concerns about how the judicial process works is not

particularly you know clear on whether or not he thinks the justice branch is a

co-equal who could you know branch of government that being said when we throw

around things like crisis it's a you know constitutional crisis or democracy

in crisis that's when I think people start to shut off you lose you lose you

know any kind of merit that might be in that argument because they just say oh

this is a sore loser it's political it's it's away remember when when right after

he was elected he and his wife sneaked away for a steak house they Intel the

press pool and we were told that was a constitutional crisis I am is it a win

is that a winning message for the Democrats or do you think it'll fall on

deaf ears hey I I think that the only winning message for Democrats is to

focus on what we can offer rather than being against you know Donald Trump

somebody make the argument they haven't gotten that message yet thank you god

bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Ben Shapiro Dismantles Bernie Sanders' Disparaging View Of America(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:17.


*Josyesp* free robux codes || how to get free roblox codes - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> *Josyesp* free robux codes || how to get free roblox codes - Duration: 3:39.


FNN: President Trump speaks at United Nations, A.G. Rosenstein summoned to White House - Duration: 10:58:45.

For more infomation >> FNN: President Trump speaks at United Nations, A.G. Rosenstein summoned to White House - Duration: 10:58:45.


Officers shoot shoplifting suspect at Peoria Walmart - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Officers shoot shoplifting suspect at Peoria Walmart - Duration: 0:35.


Absolute 1.25ctw CZ Sterling Silver Round and Baguette B... - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Absolute 1.25ctw CZ Sterling Silver Round and Baguette B... - Duration: 3:25.


♥방탄소년단 유엔 백스테이지 인터뷰♥ [BTS UN Backstage Interview] - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> ♥방탄소년단 유엔 백스테이지 인터뷰♥ [BTS UN Backstage Interview] - Duration: 3:05.


还这样拼?女星谢娜励志练出马甲线,如今三月过去真有了 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 还这样拼?女星谢娜励志练出马甲线,如今三月过去真有了 - Duration: 2:25.


4年前黃磊道出周迅拍戲兩大問題,現在《如懿傳》中逐一應驗 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 4年前黃磊道出周迅拍戲兩大問題,現在《如懿傳》中逐一應驗 - Duration: 2:17.


吳秀波私生活曝光 3位女明星輪流 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 吳秀波私生活曝光 3位女明星輪流 - Duration: 2:48.


HỌC CÁCH LÀM VỢ, LÀM CHỒNG - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> HỌC CÁCH LÀM VỢ, LÀM CHỒNG - Duration: 1:26.


吴秀波人设崩塌!女星控诉做他"小三"7年被甩,因小四小五…… - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波人设崩塌!女星控诉做他"小三"7年被甩,因小四小五…… - Duration: 4:42.


Sweet Girl by Mohammad Saifuddin | Love Poetry | Open Mic | Blossom of Poetry - Duration: 1:35.

Found an angle As sweet as you!

Talking about happiness As that of raining dew

I have fallen in love, As I think it so

But can't be as I, Thinkit to be though

Those days when we were close, Are not as I supposed.

But still is the pain in deep, With loads of sorrow and tears that weep.

Never thought it would end so quick,

As someone strange and sick,

In search of a lovable hand,

Who knows the art to treat.

I may dance in melodies of sorrow,

Barely looking to your eyes.

But it won't be enough for you,

To rate a stranger's price.

You have shown me the way of life,

And tought me the song of love.

Days when out of love I have strive,

Proclaims you the best as my wife.

Forgive me if I had ever harmed you

Of my utter is a bit sour.

But bears you a big thanks

For giving me your precious hour.

Sweet as sugar is your utter,

But more than that is you my dear.

For more infomation >> Sweet Girl by Mohammad Saifuddin | Love Poetry | Open Mic | Blossom of Poetry - Duration: 1:35.


David de Gea, Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante named in FIFA FIFPro World XI - Duration: 2:20.

David de Gea, Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante named in FIFA FIFPro World XI

David de Gea, N'Golo Kante and Eden Hazard were all named in the FIFA FIFPro World XI, but there was no place for Liverpool's Mohamed Salah.

Real Madrid dominated the World XI, with Raphael Varane, Sergio Ramos, Marcelo and Luka Modric all featuring, while Cristiano Ronaldo - now of Juventus - also made the team.

Despite making the shortlist for the Best FIFA Men's Player - won by Modric - Salah missed the cut, with Kylian Mbappe, Lionel Messi and Hazard the other forwards making the list.

Dani Alves completes the line-up, despite the Paris Saint-Germain right-back starting just 23 Ligue 1 games last season and missing the World Cup through injury.

FIFA FIFPro World XI: David de Gea, Dani Alves, Raphael Varane, Sergio Ramos, Marcelo, N'Golo Kante, Luka Modric, Kylian Mbappe, Lionel Messi, Eden Hazard, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Modric beat Ronaldo and Salah to win the best men's player award at the FIFA Best awards.

The midfielder took the honour following another success-laden season with Real Madrid, in which he helped the club to another Champions League victory for a third consecutive season.

There was some joy for Salah, however, with the Egyptian beating Gareth Bale and Ronaldo to win the FIFA Puskas award for his goal against.

For more infomation >> David de Gea, Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante named in FIFA FIFPro World XI - Duration: 2:20.


For more infomation >> David de Gea, Eden Hazard and N'Golo Kante named in FIFA FIFPro World XI - Duration: 2:20.


9/24/18 9:08 PM (6205 N Havana St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:08 PM (6205 N Havana St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:08 PM (6205 N Havana St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


9/24/18 9:13 PM (8006 N Regal St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:13 PM (8006 N Regal St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:13 PM (8006 N Regal St, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


9/24/18 9:03 PM (6410 N Old Argonne Rd, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:03 PM (6410 N Old Argonne Rd, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> 9/24/18 9:03 PM (6410 N Old Argonne Rd, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:59.


The Modern Desktop Deployment

For more infomation >> The Modern Desktop Deployment


English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns.

We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns".

So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun?

So, a noun is a word that is a person...

It can be a person, so: "Emma", that's a noun; "teacher", that's a noun.

It can be a place.

"Russia" is a noun.

"School" is a noun.

It can be an animal; a dog.

"Dog" is a noun.

The word "cat" is a noun.

It can also be a thing.

This marker...

The word "marker" is a noun.


And it can also be a feeling.

"Happiness" is a noun.

So, a noun is a person, a place, a thing, an object, an animal.

There are many things that are nouns.

What a noun is not is it's not an action, like a verb; it's not a description, like

an adjective; and it's not a preposition, like the word "on" or "off".


A noun is, like I've said before, one of these things.

So, in English...

Well, actually, first let's do something.

Let's underline the nouns just to make sure we have this concept.

So, my first sentence is: "Canada is a large country."

So let's underline the nouns, here.

Well, "Canada" is a place, so we know "Canada" is a noun; "is" is a verb; "large" - this

is a description; "country".

"Country" is a place; this is also a noun.

"My teacher is funny".

"Teacher" is a person, so this is a noun; "funny" is a description, it's an adjective,

it's not a noun.

"The dog", so we have "dog" is an animal; "cats", "cats" are nouns; and we have the

word, here, "friends".

The word "friend" is also a noun.


So, these are all nouns.

So, in English, we have two types of nouns; we have countable nouns and we have uncountable


It's important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because this is going to tell

us if we use words, like: "a" in front of the word, and it will also tell us which words

we cannot use with these words.

So... And whether or not we need to add an "s" to the end of the noun if there's more than one.

So, in this video, we are going to talk about countable nouns with many examples and uncountable nouns.

So, let's look at countable nouns first.

Okay, so we're going to start with countable nouns first.

So, the first thing you need to know with a countable noun is when we have a countable

noun, we need to put an "a" or an "an" in front of it.

So, for example: "I have a dog.

I have a computer.

I have a lamp.

I have a chair."

So, notice I'm putting "a" in front of all of these.

If the noun starts with a vowel sound, so for example: "a" is a vowel, "e", "i", "o",

"u" - these are all vowels.

And if it starts with a vowel sound, then we use "an".

"I have an apple.

I have an egg.

I have an ant."


So, we use this if the first...

The first sound of the word is a vowel.

So, the second thing you need to know is that with countable nouns a lot of the time we

can count them.


So we can often...

A countable noun is something you can count, or...

Usually it's something, or an animal, or, you know, a place - it's something you can


So, for example: "I have a book."

This is one book.

"I have two books.", "I have three books."

So, this...

You can count books and it's a countable noun.

"I have two chairs.

I have five dresses."

These are all countable nouns.

When we have more than one countable noun, so for example, here we have one, here we

have two.

If we have more than one-so two, three, four, five, six-we need to add an "s".

This shows us that there is more than one.

And also notice that we don't need this in front of the noun anymore.

So, we cannot say: "a books", because the "s" means there's more than one, so this would

not match. Okay.

What else do we need?

So, we need an "s" or an "es" if we have more than one of this type of object or noun.

Here's another example: "I have one sister.", "I have three sisters."

So, notice here, you can count the number of sisters I have, and so I've added an "s".

Now, we have some exceptions.

For example, the word "moose".

You can count the number of moose, but we never add an "s".


It's a strange exception.

In English, you'll notice we have a lot of exceptions.

We break rules a lot of times in English and that's okay.

It's the same with "fish".

You can count the number of fish, but we don't...

You change this word if there's more than one.

I can't say: "I have five fishes."


I would say: "I have five fish."

So, sometimes there are exceptions with count nouns or countable nouns.

Now let's look at: What is an uncountable noun, and how is it different?

Okay, so we've talked about countable nouns; now we're going to talk about uncountable

nouns or we can call them non-count nouns.


So that means the same thing.

An uncountable noun is a noun where you do not use "a" or "an" in front of it.


So, for example, an uncountable noun is "happiness".

I do not say: "a happiness".

Okay, so that's no.

So, we do not use "a" or "an".

We also don't add "s" or "es".


And the reason we don't add "s" or "es" is because the idea of uncountable is you can't

count it.

Now, there are many exceptions to this, but in general, an uncountable noun is something

you can really count.

So I want you to think, for example, of happiness.

Can you count happiness?

Can you say: "One happiness, two happiness; my friend has five happiness"?

You can't really count it.

It's the same with words, like: "sadness" or with, you know, "stress".

These are things that are abstract and they're things you can't really count.


So, because of that, we do not add "s" or "es" to uncountable words.

Another thing you'll find with uncountable words, and this is where it kind of gets a

bit tricky, is a lot of uncountable nouns are actually categories.

So, for example: "furniture" is an uncountable noun.

In English, you don't count furniture.

So, you would...

You would not add an "s" to the word "furniture"; it's always the same.

"I have furniture at my house."

I do not say: "I have a furniture."


In English, you can't do that.

You say: "I have furniture."

There is no "a" or "an".

It's the same with the word "clothes".

"Clothes" never changes; it always stays the same.

I cannot say: "I have a clothes."

I cannot say: "I have four clothes."


In English, we can't do this, and this is because these are categories.

It's the same with "money".

And a lot of students get really frustrated with this, because in their language, you

can count these things.

So, I understand that and I understand, you know, languages are very different, but in

English you cannot count these things in the same way.

They're considered categories.

So, in English, I cannot say: "I have five money."

And I also don't add an "s" to "money".

It always stays the same.

I can say: "I have a lot of money" or "I have no money", but I can't actually put a number

in front of money.

So, what can you do is...

We're looking at categories, there, but within each category there are things you can count.

So, for example: "furniture" is uncountable, but tables, chairs, desks, refrigerators,

ovens - these are all things we can count.

So, "furniture" does not have an "s", but these other words do within the category.

"Clothes", again, we never change it; it always is the same, but types of clothes we can have

as countable.

So, we can have five dresses, you know, 10 socks.

So, you can count a lot of clothes.

With "money", we don't...

Like I said, we don't add an "s", but we can count coins.


So we can count coins.

"I have five coins.

I have seven bills."

So, within the category, you can count, but the category itself we cannot put an "s" on

that because it is an uncountable noun.

A lot of the times different types of food and different types of drinks are also uncountable.

So, for example: "milk".

We do not count milk.

In English, we can't say: "I have one milk.

I have six milk."

What we can do is we can add a container to this word or we can add an amount, so that's


So, what we can say is: "I have a glass of milk."


Or: "I have five glasses of milk.", "I have two cups of milk."

So, "milk" itself never changes, but the quantity or the amount can.

It's the same with, for example, "juice".

"I have eight cups of juice", but "juice" itself...

The word "juice", we can never say "juices".


So that...

It doesn't change because it's an uncountable noun.

And we'll look at more examples of this in full sentences in a moment.

"Mustard" or "ketchup", these are more examples.

We do not say: "I have 10 or 20 mustards."


We can't count this, so we always keep it the same; or we can add a container or a quantity.

"I have five bottles of mustard."



And it's the same with these words, too.

"I have 10 pieces of furniture."

So, we can put a quantity in front, but the actual word itself is an uncountable noun.

So, let's look at more examples of this.

Okay, so we're going to do a little bit of practice; but before we begin, I want to again

say that there are many, many exceptions to what I am saying, meaning usually this is...

What I'm telling you is the truth or what I'm telling you is accurate, but every so

often there are some words that are not going to follow these rules.


So, when you come across these words, just remember: Don't get frustrated; English is

not a perfect language and not everything follows the rules, but we're trying our best.

So, let's look at some of these nouns and I want you to tell me: Are they countable

or uncountable?

The first one is "English".

English is a thing, it's a language, it's a noun.

Can we count English?


Would we say: "I have a English"?

Can I say: "Englishes"?


So, "English" is uncountable.


It never changes; it always stays the same.

You can say: "I like English."

There is no "a" in front of "English".

What about "student"?

Can you count student?

Teachers do this all the time; they count the number of students in their class.

"There are 10 students in my class", so "students" is countable.

So, if I want to count students...

Maybe there are five students, so I could put a five here.

And if there's more than one, what do I have to do with a countable noun?

We add an "s": "students".

What about this word: "bottle"?


Like, a bottle of water.

Can you count bottles?

Yes, you can.

So, we consider "bottles" countable.

"I have one bottle.", "I have five bottles."


So, in this case, imagine I have one, I can say: "I have a bottle."

It's a countable noun.


Can we count water?

"Water" is considered uncountable.


Now, you might be yelling at your computer, saying: "But I can count water!

I can!"

And you might have water, here, and say: "Look, this is a water."

But this is actually not a water; this is a bottle of water.

"Water" itself we don't count.

We count water in bottles, or in litres, or in jugs.

So, "water" itself is uncountable.

We do not add an "s".


It is uncountable.

But "bottle" or "a bottle of water" is something we can count.


Can we count cellphones?

Cellphones are countable; they are a countable noun.

So, if we have more than one cellphone...

If we have two cellphones, we're very lucky - we can add an "s".

What about "shoe"?

"Shoe", we can actually say "shoes".

Shoes are countable.

"I have shoes."


I have...

"I have one shoe.

Here are two shoes, three shoes, four shoes", so we can count shoes.

We often talk about "a pair of shoes", but we can also count shoes individually.

What about "sadness"?

Can you count sadness?

Can you say: "Oh, that man, he's really sad - look, he has 100 sadnesses"?


We cannot count sadness; it's a feeling.

It's something we can't really count.

This is uncountable, so we do not add "a".


I can say: "I have sadness"; there's no "a" in front of it.

Last one we're going to look at here: "coffee".

So, coffee...

Remember food...

Or food and drinks are often uncountable.

We can talk about a cup of coffee, but we're counting the cup.

Coffee itself we consider uncountable.

So, usually we don't say "coffees".

Okay, but again, there's always exceptions and sometimes people use...

You know, they might go to a restaurant and actually...

They might say: "I'll have a coffee", so you might actually hear that.

It's going against the grammar rule, but people are starting to say things like that.

I don't want to confuse you more, but in terms of the grammar rule, "coffee" is uncountable.


So now let's look at a couple other words we use which are important when we're learning

about countable and uncountable.

Okay, so we've talked about countable and uncountable nouns.

Now, there are some words we use with only countable nouns and other words we use only

with uncountable nouns.

So, right now we're going to learn about "many" and "much".

So, let's start with "many" because it's a little easier.

"Many" is used with countable nouns, and it means a lot.

So, for example: "I have a lot of friends.

I have many friends."

So, it's when we're not giving a specific number.

"I have five friends" I can say, but I can also say: "I have many friends."

Maybe I have 10 dogs.

That's not true, but imagine that.

That's a lot of dogs, so I can say: "I have many dogs."

We use "many" for countable nouns.

A way to remember is, like I said before, you use "an" or "a" with countable nouns,

and "many" has "an" in it.

That's a little memory trick.


So if you want to remember: "many" - oh, "an", "an"; we use "an" for countable nouns - we

use "many" for countable nouns.

"Much" is used for uncountable nouns.

So, "much" means the same thing.


It means a lot, and we use "much" for uncountable.

So, for example: "money".

I told you before money is uncountable, so we could say: "I don't have much money.

I don't have much furniture.

I don't have much coffee."


So, "much" is used with uncountable nouns.

Now, a lot of students get really stressed about this, and they say: "'Much', 'many',

'count', 'uncountable' - ugh, this is terrible.

I don't remember any of it."

Here is the trick.

This is good to learn, but if you don't know and you're really stressed, you can use "a

lot" for both countable and uncountable nouns.


So: "I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have a lot of friends.", "I have a lot of friends.

I have a lot of money."


So, if you don't know, use this.

So, we've learned a lot today about countable and uncountable nouns, and this is something

that requires a lot of practice.


So, I invite you to come check out our website at, and there you can actually

do a quiz where you can practice identifying countable and uncountable nouns, and using

these in sentences.

So, I highly recommend you take our quiz.

I also recommend you subscribe to my channel, because there are a lot more resources on

all sorts of different topics, related to grammar, vocabulary, writing, reading, and

many more. So, thank you for watching, and until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Duration: 22:17.


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For more infomation >> Do you trust Russian courts? - Duration: 15:13.


还这样拼?女星谢娜励志练出马甲线,如今三月过去真有了 - Duration: 2:25.

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Breaking News - Jack Nicklaus backs Tiger Woods to eclipse his 18 majors - Duration: 6:28.

Whether it be the 42nd Ryder Cup starting in Paris on Friday or the Masters beginning at Augusta in 199 days' time, it is impossible not to look at Tiger Woods' stupendous return to the winner's circle and wonder what the walking miracle man will conjure up next

A story that began as a golfing curio in January when he took baby steps back into the big arena now has not only the sporting world in its grip but people who never read the back pages of newspapers from one month to the next

If you hadn't cancelled all plans this long weekend, the temptation to do so now must surely be irresistible

And he's playing for the opposition! The European galleries are known for their sportsmanship but this might be the first Ryder Cup where a man wearing stars and stripes gets almost as much applause as someone wearing blue and gold

Jack Nicklaus was so overcome with excitement on Sunday he could not help but look beyond Versailles to the majors

The great man now believes it is possible that Woods will win another five before he is done and overtake Nicklaus's own total of 18

'Maybe Tiger's got another 40 majors to play. Out of 40, can he win five of them?' said Nicklaus, leaving not much doubt what he thinks

'He's playing well enough.' As unrealistic as another five majors sounds is it really any more outlandish than the idea that someone could have four back surgeries and come back as good as new at the age of 42? More far-fetched than a man making mincemeat of Rory McIlroy 16 months after being found by the side of a Florida highway, drugged out of his eyeballs as he sought relief from the crippling, constant pain? 'I'm very proud of him,' said Nicklaus, and no wonder

Woods hasn't just taken the second chance offered to him in life, he has seized it with all his might

He has taken the opportunity to redefine how we look at him not just as a golfer but as a person

Where once he walked past his fans without a second glance, now he is smiling and acknow-ledging their support

After every round he signs plenty of autographs, something that would not have even occurred to him when he had his head down and didn't give a second's thought to smelling the roses

Sure, there will be people who cannot get past the philandering, sullen beast of old, and that is understandable

But the rest of us are enjoying this wondrous re-enactment of the Scrooge fable in a golf context

To witness the cacophonous stampede as he came down the 18th hole at East Lake was to be taken back to his early days, when he took golf to a place it had never been

Who could have dreamed he would take us there again? Fuelling Woods' desire to improve his image and his return to the top are the fact his kids, 11-year-old Sam and nine-year-old Charlie, have reached the impressionable age

'I think they understand a little bit of what dad does now,' said Tiger. 'I hadn't won any tournaments they could remember, so this is a bit different for them

The Open this year was great where I had a chance, I had the lead, and they felt that atmosphere

They know what their dad can do on a golf course now. 'At lot of times they equated golf to pain, because even when I played I came home hurt,' said Woods, who has had four back operations

'Now they're seeing a little bit of the joy. They're seeing how much fun it is for their dad to be able to do this again

' In fact, they are seeing how much fun it is for all of us that he is able to do this again

The final frontier in his recovery, of course, is to win majors once more. One thing in his favour is the aura is back

Even someone as experienced with crowds as McIlroy couldn't cope on Sunday, losing his swing completely in the midst of the fanaticism that accompanied Woods extending his lead over the front nine

Even Justin Rose, who gutsily birdied the last to win the $10million FedEx Cup bonus, couldn't lay a glove on Woods in the final round

Looking at the major venues next year, there must be every chance. In April it is Augusta National, where Woods has won four times and finished in the top five on seven other occasions

The US PGA, which moves to May next year, will be held at Bethpage Black on Long Island, New York, where Tiger won the US Open by two strokes in 2002

The US Open will be at Pebble Beach the following month, where he achieved the greatest of all his victories, a 15-stroke triumph in 2000

You get the picture? The Open will be at magnificent Royal Portrush, where he has never played but which he is just going to love

If he is not moved the needle for the first time since 2008 after that enticing quartet, he isn't catching Nicklaus

So much to look forward to next year, then. After so long when the Woods story was all about looking back with regret, the future gleams with possibility

It begins this week at Le Golf National. The man who used to sit almost resentful at Ryder Cup press conferences is now the man of the hour

The golfer who used to look upon the biennial dust-up as something of an inconvenience has the chance to be the hero who makes all the difference

Wouldn't that be symbolic of the caring, sharing, rebooted version of the peerless Tiger Woods?

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