Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 23 2018

All of these YouTubers were brave enough to enter the forest, but after these encounters,

none of them were able to stay for much longer.


A YouTuber named bloodzack12 is investigating a forest that's supposedly haunted.

He and his friend don't see anything for a long time until they come across some weird

discarded opera mask laying on top of an old dirty clothes pile.

A short distance away they find another opera mask hanging up in the trees.

They decide to take this one home and study it for clues.

They are talking about what to do next when bloodzack12 notices something hunched over

in front of them.

Someone dressed in all black looks up at them from the thickets and then gives a short chase.

I have a hard time believing this video is real because of the movie-like sound effects

and timing, but I guess it's possible.

Let me know if you think they were genuinely being chased by some maniac lurking in the

woods or if the third person was just a friend.


A YouTuber named HolaBible lives in the middle of the forest in Oregon, far away from civilization.

So when he hears noises outside of his house late at night, he curiously pokes around his

backyard with a camera to find the source.

It isn't long before he comes across an object that looks out of place.

It looks like it could just be a rock or something, but he's memorized this area well enough

to know it's foreign in nature.

He zooms in.

Then he says something out loud to himself and draws unwanted attention.

A thin humanoid creature cranes its impossibly long neck in his direction.

Look closely and you'll even see a surprised expression on its face, almost as if it has

been caught doing something secretive.

I can't tell if it's feasting on an animal or maybe even burying something in the ground.

He spins around and runs away before we get a chance to figure out what it's doing for


I guess this video could just be special effects, but I can't tell for certain.

Maybe a follow-up video taken during the day would give us more conclusive evidence.


A YouTuber named High Gear and his friend are riding dirt bikes in the Russian woods

when one of them almost gets their head taken clean off.

His friend ducks just in time to avoid a steel cable that's been stretched tightly between

two trees.

The tripwire would have done some serious damage if he hadn't moved out of the way.

They think it's a trap set by some psycho lurking in the forest.

You can hear the anger and disgust in his voice as he talks about what they should do


He even talks about hiding in the woods for a while and getting revenge on whoever returns

to the spot.

Ultimately, they decide to simply disarm the trap and take the wire cable with them.

If this video is real, then whoever set this trap must still be out there waiting for their

next chance, so I hope High Gear and his friend stay safe out there.


Brin is ready to take a hike through the infamous Aokigahara forest in Mt. Fuji, Japan.

It isn't long before he finds a dark and foreboding entrance.

He's not very far inside when he comes across an abandoned bike.

Laying on the seat is the open packaging for a kitchen knife.

Sadly, it is clear that this person came here with one clear purpose.

A short while later he comes across a bag that is empty except for a note.

He tries to read the Japanese writing and comes up short.

If you could read the message, then please share what it says with me so that we'll

know once and for all.

As soon as he's finished reading, a crow caws directly overhead.

It's an ominous sign for sure, so Brin decides to get out of there before anything bad happens.


A YouTuber named Sweet Dreams is shooting off Roman Candles in celebration of the Fourth

of July when a shrill scream pierces the night air.

They track the noise for well over a minute until it becomes louder and more distinct.

At the end of a short journey, standing a very close distance away, they discover the

shrieking source, hunched over and alone.

He slowly backs away from the bent-over gray humanoid and then goes into an all-out run.

The creature gives chase and Sweet Dreams turns around to find it swiping at him through

the air.

I can't tell if this is an actual humanoid or just one of their friends with makeup on,

so I'll leave it up to you to decide.

All of the other videos on his channel are just him playing video games – nothing else

like this one.


A YouTuber named North by Wildwest is enjoying Christmas with the family when suddenly a

low rumbling noise from the woods gets everyone's attention.

They see something dart behind the garage, and everyone rushes out the door for a closer


Soon they see the large dark outline of a large creature stomping off in the distance.

They don't see it again for a long time, but then it reappears along their property

line for a bit longer before disappearing for good.

At first I thought this video was probably fake because I did not hear any genuine fear

in their voices, but then I realized they simply sounded uncertain of the situation

themselves, which is reasonable.

After all, this could be a real forest creature or someone in a gorilla suit.

It could even be a neighbor playing a prank on them for all they know.

But I do think, given these possibilities, that their lackluster reaction is genuine.


A YouTuber named GAURVAZONE is examining a notoriously haunted road in New Delhi, India.

They idle their car and wait in the darkness for a while to see what happens next.

I was starting to think the video could be fake until I noticed one part in particular.

What appears to be two yellowish eyes briefly stare at them before disappearing.

I was thinking that this could just be a reflection of the car's brake lights, but if that was

the case, then the lights should be red, not yellow.

I also don't know what would catch the light's reflection since they are on a desolate road

in the middle of nowhere.

The strange eyes, if that's what they were, disappear and never return, not even when

the cameraman zooms in for a closer look.


Seany Explores takes a Ouija board into the forest and places it just outside of a haunted

cottage where a man took the life of his spouse.

It isn't long before his electromagnetic frequency reader starts going crazy, so he

and his friends know they are in the right place and set up the board.

Soon they are channeling the spirit of a small boy who only refers to himself by the initials


They ask the boy for his age and some other questions, but apparently, it's only interested

in trying to warn them about a hidden danger.

"R-U-N" it spells, so they get out of there fast without properly ending the ceremony.

When Seany Explores remembers that he needs to select "goodbye" or risk becoming possessed,

he discovers that he can't move the pointer without exerting an extreme amount of force.

It's as if something is not letting him move.

You can see the pointer barely moving despite Seany pressing very hard, but I guess he could

be pressing straight down instead of forward to create this illusion.

I think this video is probably real, but I can't tell for sure, so give me your best

guess and let's figure it out together.


Will & Westen have been seeing a strange man walking around their house for a few days

now, and they are determined to get it on camera so that people will finally believe


This time, when it comes around again, the two split up and start recording.

Westen captures the giant dark outline of a man and goes running off to find Will.

They both seem more excited than scared, which is strange, but I guess that could be a normal

reaction considering they have been seeing this person for days and have not been harmed.

This could definitely be someone messing with them, but there's something about the overall

pace of this video that seems real.

Here is another picture that Will caught to further verify the story.

Whoever it is, hopefully, they stay in the woods and comes no closer to their home.


A YouTuber named Johny Paranormal decides to also go into the infamous Aokigahara forest.

He boosts the sound of his microphone to capture every paranormal sound, and he is surprised

at what he records.

For example, tell me if you hear a demonic growl here.

Or a quick coughing noise here, despite Johny Paranormal being all alone.

Or a second person quietly whispering the word "help".

These creepy sounds continue to follow him throughout the entire video, which is roughly

an hour and a half long.

I think that's way more editing than most people would be willing to put into a fake

video, so I think there's a strong possibility that this is real.

What's especially concerning is this demonic noise that follows him wherever he goes.

If Johny Paranormal really was surrounded by the supernatural, then I hope nothing followed

him out of the forest.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out.

I recently released a music video for my song Sidelined and I'd love to get your opinion

on it.

Tap the circle icon in the top right right corner, then tap MY MUSIC VIDEO to give it

a watch.

It's also linked in the description below.

It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough

to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.

This way you'll be notified of the new videos I upload every Thursday and Saturday.


A YouTuber named encounters26 is fishing late at night in Bishopville, Maryland when he

comes across something unnatural in the forest.

A silent hulking figure makes its way through the murky swampland, apparently trying to

get away quickly without being noticed.

encounters26 believes this to be some sort of lizardman creature, which would explain

why the creature does not make any noise as it tries to escape the flashlight's glare.

I was almost positive this was just a person in the suit until it turned its back to the


You can see some sort of sharp white scales coming out of its back, almost like a dinosaur.

And its arms look way too skinny to be a person's.

For more infomation >> 11 Scary Forest Encounters Caught By YouTubers - Duration: 13:18.


The Most Powerful Law Attraction Speech Ever!!! - The Law of Attraction for Dummies! - Duration: 12:00.

Today I want to talk to you about

something very special and that is the

voices in your head do not belong to you

which means you do not own your thoughts

they're part of your conditioned mind so

what do I mean with that what do I mean

when I say that when you were born you

had what was called pure consciousness

and that pure consciousness or pure mind

is a field of infinite possibilities

it's a field of infinite correlation it

is one with all that exists it's a field

of intentionality it's a field of

creativity of love of joy of

interconnectedness and intimacy with the

universe but then what happens is our

mind gets conditioned and how does it

get conditioned it condition its gets

conditioned but the other condition

minds that we are in contact with our

parents our culture religion social interactions

are history economic conditions on and on in

fact every thought that you have is

actually a recycling what you've heard

and what you've understood

what has been fed to you by entire

society you are culturally conditioned

and you are conditioned of course by all

the kinds of systems of thought and

these actually squeeze your infinite

mind into the narrow mind and then of

course through the narrow mind we create

ideologies and we create all kinds of

so-called truths which have no basis in reality

reality is the unconditioned

mind which has all those attributes that

I mentioned principally it's all

possibilities infinite possibilities

it's your source field and this is also

the source field of the entire universe

so once you really realize that once you

realize that you can be hundred percent

sure that the thoughts are not your own

so that includes our beliefs beliefs are

thoughts that we hold to be true so some

thoughts some beliefs are limited you

know I never be good enough there will

be successful rich I never have a good

relationship to ugly I'm not attractive

enough I'm not thin enough etc remember

these thoughts don't belong to you so

you have to whenever you have these

thoughts you should ask yourself is it

true how am I so sure if this is true is

this thought limiting me how could I go

beyond this limitation what is thought

that is more empowering how can I create

that thought better still go into the

deepest part of your being which is just

silence and then when the thought in

truth say it doesn't belong to me let it

pass observe your thoughts arise in

subside like waves on the ocean you are

not the waves you did conditioned by the waves

they're the mighty ocean itself you know

just to drop inversions you're the

portion in the drop itself and in the

depths of the ocean is infinity and you

are the infinite mind conditioned

through society and culture and religion

into the local mind, okay is this not

enough to convince you that your

thoughts don't belong to you when you

take ownership of your thoughts and you

get bamboozled by the gnosis of social

conditioning by the gnosis of cultural

conditioning and then there is no

regionality in that there is no

creativity in that there is no love in

that it's all conditioned love so please

please understand that you are the

infinite being you are the universe

having a whole human experience but the

human experience is conditioned by

labels by definitions by evaluations

by judgments by opinions

by words that you heard as a child and

it's difficult to break out of this

prison because you know if you're in a

real prison of so-called real person

at least you see the bars in this prison

which is the hypnosis of social

conditioning the hypnosis of cultural

conditioning you in the prison that has

no walls and therefore you don't realize

that you're in the prison and therefore

you have no desire to escape but if you

escaped you would find the true mind you

would find the true self you would find

who you really are and you would be free

the ticket to freedom is not to own your

thoughts the ticket to freedom

is to find the source field within you

which is the source field of the

universe so I like to quote Rumi when

you say when he says Rumi is so great he

says why do you stay in prison why do

you say in prison when the door is wide open

why do you stay in prison when the

door is wide open

please do not stay in this prison

ask yourself Who am I in the middle of

all this thought traffic that's what

Rumi also says in one of his poems Who

who am I

in the middle of all-star traffic and

who you are is the immeasurable

potential of all that was all that is

and all that will ever be who you are is

not in space and time but that which

experiences space and time

who you are cannot be imagined but

without which there is no imagination

who you are is inconceivable but without

which there is no thought in your

conception of anything who you are

cannot be perceived but without which

there is no perception you are

inconceivable unimaginable fundamental

reality out of which the whole universe

is arising in society as your mind as

your body and as the universe that's

where you belong not in time

not in time again to quote Rumi says

this is not the real reality the real

reality is behind the curtain this is

not the real reality this is not the

real reality the reality the real

reality is behind the curtain in truth

we are not here this is our shadow this

is we come spinning out of nothingness

scattering stars like dust look at these

words spinning out of nothingness this

is you my God when you see your beauty

will be the idol of yourself and when

you have that total self-knowledge

you have the total self-awareness and

you have a total self-love then there is

no stopping to what you can think of

what you can dream of what you can

imagine what you can create what you can

become but the first thing is do not be

bamboozled by the hypnosis of social

conditioning do not be bamboozled by the

hypnosis of social conditioning that's

where the world is right now total chaos

total confusion fighting killing

murdering and all in the name of

religion all in the name of God all in

the name of some ideology capitalism

communism socialism these are all

systems of thought that actually prevent

you from knowing yourself

you reinforce these systems of thought

by thinking that the voices in your head

belong to you the voices in your head do

not belong to you they are the prison

without walls that was created through

conditioning through cultural religious

social historical economic conditioning

that's what created the conditioned mind

that's what created the fragmented mind

and that fragmented mind prevents you

from knowing your true self please think

about this and get into that place where

there's infinite silence infinite being

infinite creativity infinite love

infinite joy infinite understanding that

the real you is not in space in time the

real you is endless eternal

non-local included this is where we belong

we can be in the world and not of it if

we understand the nature of our true

self so freedom is available to you

right now it's a thought away or should

I say - mindless a thought away in the field of

infinite silence which is also

infinite dynamism

so I hope that makes sense to you and I

hope that you can not be imprisoned by

the thoughts that don't belong to you

and that in fact never belonged to you

For more infomation >> The Most Powerful Law Attraction Speech Ever!!! - The Law of Attraction for Dummies! - Duration: 12:00.


(AT) Fínska dáma popisuje násilie moslimov - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> (AT) Fínska dáma popisuje násilie moslimov - Duration: 6:41.



For more infomation >> GTA 5 BLOODS VS CRIPS 'GANG WARS' IN THE HOOD #1 - Duration: 12:45.


Tin Nóng BBC 24/09/2018 - Sáng Nay DÂN HOẢNG HỒN khi CÔNG AN QUYẾT ÉP DÂN CHẤP NHẬN 3 ĐẶC KHU - Duration: 33:44.

For more infomation >> Tin Nóng BBC 24/09/2018 - Sáng Nay DÂN HOẢNG HỒN khi CÔNG AN QUYẾT ÉP DÂN CHẤP NHẬN 3 ĐẶC KHU - Duration: 33:44.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Sept. 23, 2018 - Duration: 27:01.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Sept. 23, 2018 - Duration: 27:01.


Neighbors shocked by South End violence - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Neighbors shocked by South End violence - Duration: 1:07.


Here's What You Don't Know About Bella And Gigi Hadid - Duration: 6:27.

You know them as supermodel sisters Gigi and Bella Hadid, and they are the industry's most

talked-about duo.

Whether it's Fashion Week, the Victoria's Secret catwalk, or the trendiest Hollywood

hot spots, these two really know how to steal a scene.

But from their rocky love lives, to their battles with serious health issues, there's

more to these sisters than catwalks and cover issues.

We're sorting out the rumors and dishing out some fast facts to reveal the untold truth

of Bella and Gigi Hadid.

"Paparazzi are crazy but we accept them in LA.

We have an understanding.

Did you guys get that?"

Those aren't quite their real names

The girls were born to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Hadid, and Mohamed

Hadid, a renowned real estate developer based in California.

And while their names may be different on their birth certificates, the sisters have

been going by their nicknames since they were kids.

Bella's given first name, Isabella, might not be a total surprise.

But Gigi's first name is actually quite different:

"Does anyone ever call you by your real name?


From this point on, should I call you Jelena.

Uh, if you want to, but GiGi's fine"

Though their parents divorced nearly twenty years ago, the sisters have maintained strong

relationships with their mom and dad.

"To have two sisters together in one place, that's really fabulous"

The perfect family mix

Mom Yolanda is a native of the Netherlands.

At age 16, she was discovered by the Ford Modeling Agency and traveled the world as

a successful model for more than 15 years.

"My girls are raised very Dutch.

We're very kind of humble, black and white, say it as it is.

Yet we're very polite"

Their father, Mohamed, is of Palestinian descent.

According to Fortune, the real estate mogul has purchased Ritz-Carlton hotels in New York

and Washington and once "beat out Donald Trump" to purchase a resort site in Aspen, Colorado.

"I feel very lucky and very proud to be of dual heritage"

Hands-on activism

As of 2018, Gigi has been working on behalf of UNICEF's efforts in Bangladesh.

The model has also opened up about her father's traumatic experience as a refugee, telling

CR Fashion Book,

"My dad was a Syrian refugee.

He was born in Nazareth, Palestine, and the week that his family was kicked out of their

home, they moved to Syria.

I think he was also about one week old.

It's crazy to think about what our families did for us."

But the supermodel didn't just pose for the 'Gram.

She also utilized her massive social media influence to dish out important information

about the refugee crisis.

"Bye...say bye… thank you!"

"Thank you!"

They didn't want to model

"I wanted to only be a professional horseback rider when I was growing up"

Before the sisters became supermodels, they each had their eyes on a different prize.

In 2013, Gigi moved from California to New York to attend The New School and pursue a

degree in criminal psychology.

She later posted on her Insta story,

"I think that if I would have had a career in that, I would've still ended up working

in something creative instead."

As for Bella, she went to college intent on studying photography but dropped out after

signing with IMG Models.

She told Glamour,

"I started modeling and was working almost every day, learning more with photographers

on set than I was in school."

"Oh no the cheese got stuck to the top.

This is like my usual night"

Struggles with their health

When Gigi's career first started taking off, her athletic figure caused a stir in an industry

where thin has always been in.

"I'm not gonna be extremely skinny I just don't want to do that.

I've always been an athlete I've always had a certain body type."

But in the years since, Gigi has shed some pounds, prompting shade from those who now

say she's "too thin."

In February 2018, Gigi revealed that she suffers from an autoimmune disease, tweeting: "When

I started at 17 I was not yet diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease; those of you who called

me 'too big for the industry' were seeing inflammation & water retention due to that."

But Gigi isn't the only one in the family battling a difficult diagnosis.

While mom Yolanda revealed she's been suffering from lyme disease since 2012, Bella was diagnosed

with the disease herself, in 2015.

"It's been really hard for me because I'm the only one that doesn't really understand

it, and that's been really hard for me...where my sister, my brother and my mom have all

struggled through it"

Bella told Glamour,

"It starts with brain fog; for a while I couldn't put sentences together.

I'm really tired a lot.

[…] It's hard, but I push through, because at the end of the day, if you're not working,

somebody else is."

"It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, it's only about what you think about yourself"

Bella and The Weeknd

R&B superstar, The Weeknd, and model-girlfriend Bella started dating in 2015.

"You've gone public with I think the coolest guy in the world, The Weeknd, what drew you

to each other?"

"Um, you know I, I don't know."

At the time, The Weeknd told Rolling Stone,

"If I'd met someone two years ago, I probably would've f---ed it up.

But I'm more, how do I say it? clear-thinking now."

But their relationship hasn't been a smooth ride.

A source told E! News the two took a break in 2015 due to busy schedules, and they appeared

to be on-again, off-again before calling it quits in 2016.

The Weeknd went on to date Selena Gomez for a minute, but according to Us Weekly, it seems

he and Bella may be "on again" as of August 2018.

Gigi and Zayn

Ever since December 2015, Gigi's had One Direction's Zayn Malik wrapped around her finger, and

she isn't shy about discussing their on-again, off-again love affair.

She told The Evening Standard,

"We cook a lot together, and do art together, and we're each other's best friends."

"We're really interested in the same things and it was really easy"

Gigi also appeared in Malik's "Pillowtalk" video, but this coupling hasn't been all rainbows

and butterflies.

They broke up in March 2018, but by June, Gigi was posting to her Instagram Stories,

giving fans hope that this relationship may be on again.

"How boring is it to be with a couple that they're kissing and you have nobody to kiss"

Sisterly bond

Gigi and Bella haven't let their careers make them rivals.

Instead, the sisters remain closer than ever.

"Are you ready for this Gigi?"

"I know the whole rap!"

"So do I, you're not coming in!"

Bella told Glamour in 2016,

"We've always been close.

We have the same voice, the same mannerisms.

Sometimes we'll finish each other's sentences, or we'll be the only people laughing."

The sisters told Vogue they often spend time together at Gigi's apartment in New York and

enjoy working together.

Gigi told the mag,

"All I do my entire life, the purpose, is just to watch over Bella.

She makes me so proud and I would do anything for her."

For more infomation >> Here's What You Don't Know About Bella And Gigi Hadid - Duration: 6:27.


HUGEE ALERT!!! It's About To BLOW!!! - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> HUGEE ALERT!!! It's About To BLOW!!! - Duration: 3:19.


Man, 30, dies in crash on I-89 in Warner - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Man, 30, dies in crash on I-89 in Warner - Duration: 0:58.


Here's What Happens If You Stopped Brushing Your Teeth - Duration: 3:09.

- [Narrator] Meet streptococcus mutans.

- Hey. My friends call me Strep.

- [Narrator] He's a bacterium and a bit of a slob.

But this isn't just any mess.

It's what's on your teeth.

You see, strep and all his roommates live inside your mouth.

Feeding off of the sugar and protein in your food.

When they're done, they excrete a slimy substance

all over your pearly whites.

The end result is a bacteria ridden pigsty called biofilm.

Now, a little biofilm isn't gonna hurt you.

It's only when you stop brushing it away

that things can get ugly.

And not only for your teeth.

It just so happens that strep and his friends

are a downright threat to your life.

Nearly half of Americans don't brush their teeth enough.

And when food builds up in those nooks and crannies,

you're inviting a host of bacteria to the party.

Including your gumline.

Which irritate and inflame your gums

causing tenderness and bleeding.

But that's just the start.

Soon enough, that infection will trigger your immune system

which sends fighter cells to battle the bacteria.

This creates a hostile environment for the bacteria.

Which is what you want but it can also damage the cells

in nearby tissue and bone.

Six months to years later that tissue and bone

will eventually die.

At this point, you don't have gingivitis anymore.

You have something much worse:

periodontal disease.

No more tissue and bone means no more structural support.

So, your gums separate from your teeth forming pockets

that quickly become extra space for strep and his friends.

Which further infects your gums

causing your teeth to fall out.

Now, you may think this could never happen to you

but about 10% of Americans between ages 50-64

have lost not one, not two, but all of their teeth.

And to make matters worse, strep and his buddies may enter

your blood stream where they'll wreak havoc

on your organs too.

For example, in one study, people with periodontal disease

were four and a half times more likely to have chronic

kidney disease than people with healthy gums.

And another study found that people

in a retirement community who didn't brush their teeth daily

had up to 65% greater risk of dementia.

Last but not least,

there's an increased risk of developing certain cancers.

To be fair, these risks can also be the result

of poor hygiene in general but the message remains clear.

Brush your teeth.

It's worth the extra four minutes a day.

For more infomation >> Here's What Happens If You Stopped Brushing Your Teeth - Duration: 3:09.


We're Still Ignoring Mental Health Experts' Warnings About Trump's Mental Problems - Duration: 4:23.

Within a few months of Donald Trump taking office last year, we started to get warnings

from mental health experts all over the United States, and those warnings were that Donald

Trump is not mentally fit to be the President of the United States.

Since those initial warnings came out, those mental experts, psychologists, psychiatrists,

everyone in the mental health field willing to speak out, they've repeated the same thing.

This man is exhibiting symptoms that should immediately disqualify him from running the


Yet, here we are September 2018, and we've just not done anything about it.

That, to me, is one of the sickest things about this entire administration.

That coupled with completely ignoring all the women who have credibly accused him of

sexual misconduct.

We're also ignoring all of these doctors and experts who have told us repeatedly, put out

a very popular book about just how psychotic, sociopathic, narcissistic this man truly is,

and why the traits that he has should cause us to invoke the 25th amendment to get him

out of office.

Now, as I've explained before, the 25th amendment actually does provide the president the opportunity

to prove that he is mentally competent enough to serve as the President of the United States.

But it also has to be invoked by the vice president and either members of the cabinet

or the Senate itself.

That's not going to happen.

Mike Pence desperately wants to be the President of the United States, and he firmly believes

that god is going to make something happen to Trump so that Pence can take over.

But Pence isn't willing to do what's necessary to get the job.

Because I guarantee you, if they actually banded together, invoked the 25th amendment,

there is no way that Donald Trump could pass this rigorous mental health screening that

is required to prove that he is competent enough to be the president.

If you need examples of Donald Trump's incompetence, we can just look at what's happened in the

last couple weeks.

This week, as part of the response to Hurricane Florence, when Donald Trump made the trip

to North Carolina, he handed a group of people food and said, "Have a good time."

They were headed back to nothingness.

Homes destroyed, some still under water, and he says, "Have a good time."

He told another person, "Well, hey, at least you got a nice boat out of it."

That's not normal.

A normally functioning human being wouldn't say something like that.

A psychopathic billionaire absolutely would.

But we don't want a psychopathic billionaire running this country, and if you do, you probably

need to have your head examined as well because that's not normal.

That's the point of all this, we cannot continue to normalize the behavior of the President

of the United States because it is so far from normal.

This man can look at reality and tell us that it's not actually there.

He told people in a speech not that long ago to ignore what they see with their eyes or

hear with their ears because it's not that way.

He's telling others to deny reality in the same way that he denies it.

Anytime he's presented with unpleasant information, he just says it's not true.

The death toll in Puerto Rico.

His lagging poll numbers.

Things that are hard data evidence, he still says they're not true.

Climate change.

So why should we take him seriously when he doesn't even take reality seriously?

But more importantly, why should we let him continue to demean the office of the President

of the United States when there are very easy remedies that can be invoked to get him out

of office, and then put it on him to prove that he is mentally competent, something that

we all know this man's not capable of doing.

For more infomation >> We're Still Ignoring Mental Health Experts' Warnings About Trump's Mental Problems - Duration: 4:23.


Car torn apart after driver slams into pillar at high-speed - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Car torn apart after driver slams into pillar at high-speed - Duration: 2:21.


6 Animals with Extraordinary Adaptations to Cave Life - Duration: 8:14.


It's not easy living in a cave.

There isn't a ton of space, the pickings are slim,

and then there's the whole living-in-total-darkness bit.

So it's not surprising that the species that live in caves, or troglobites,

have made some adjustments.

Many are eyeless, for example, or have become basically colorless.

But cave-dwelling species haven't just lost stuff.

The animals on this list have all gained amazing traits

because they live their lives in the dark abyss.

And those features are helping scientists understand evolution and adaptation better.

Mexican cave fish are maybe best known for their ghostly appearance,

but don't judge them purely on their looks.

While they may have lost their eyes,

they're still incredibly good at finding food

thanks to taste buds in some pretty weird places,

like their lips, gill arches,

and on both the underside and the topside of their heads.

This ensures they don't miss a tasty treat when rummaging around

in the sediment in search of worms, snails, or insects.

In total, they have 3 to 6 times the number of taste buds

that their surface-dwelling counterparts have

and that gives them a big advantage when it comes to finding food.

In one study, equal numbers of both types of fish were housed together

in a warm, dark experimental tank,

and then presented with bits of food one at a time.

The cave fish got a hold of 80 percent of the food offered,

which the researchers thought was due to both their heightened sense of taste

and their strategy of searching the bottom for food.

It's especially impressive that they can out-sniff their kin

given that their brains are 30% smaller, though not all parts have shrunk.

To help deal with all the taste information coming in,

the Mexican cave fish actually has an enlarged forebrain,

including an especially big teleost gustatory center

the bundle of neurons that deals with taste.

So pretty much their whole head is involved in tasting somehow

like a giant tongue.

Whip spiders are not the kind of arachnid you want to come acrossin the dark.

At least, not if you're a small cave-dweller.

They have long, really long, very, too long spindly legs

and two overgrown forearms that look like

some kind of terrifying hybrid between a venus fly trap and pincers.

And they have a brutish personality to go with that frightening appearance.

Encounters between two whip spiders generally end

in one of them cannibalizing the other

except if they're both troglobites.

It turns out cave varieties are just big softies by comparison.

In a 2015 paper published in the Journal of Arachnology,

biologists put pairs of whip spiders together in a gladiator style arena,

and watched what happened.

It must have been a Friday...

It took cave-dwelling ones longer to get to the point of

waving those terrifying forearms at their opponent, and when they did,

their displays were shorter.

This might be because cave life is so cramped that they bump

into each other more often than on the surface.

And because food is more limited in caves,

they don't have the energy to waste on squabbling.

The whip spider's gentle temperament is an example

of behavioral evolution, because adapting to an extreme environment

doesn't always mean changing physically.

It's probably no surprise to you that life in a cave is pretty dark.

While many animals have lost the ability to see, some have gone

the other direction and developed ways to brighten things up a bit.

Glow worms, which aren't worms at all, but the maggots of a fungus gnat,

use their bright butts to hunt for food in caves and other dark habitats

in New Zealand, like the famously beautiful Waitomo caves.

They fashion fishing lines out of a silk-like material dotted with sticky globs

of saliva and urea regurgitated from their mouths which are then

dangled them from the cave ceiling.

But rather than simply waiting for something to happen across their snares,

they lure unsuspecting insects towards them by glowing.

This light or bioluminescence is the byproduct of a chemical reaction

involving oxygen and a compound called luciferin.

It's the same way fireflies light up,

but the ability evolved separately in them and the New Zealand glow worm.

And in the glow worm, the process of making light happens in

excretory organs in their rear ends called malpighian tubules,

whereas fireflies have specialized light-producing organs in their abdomen.

All this might seem like a lot of effort for a meal,

but eating is literally the maggots' only job for 10 to 11 months.

Then, they pupate and emerge as adults.

The gnats only have two to four days to reproduce because

they don't have mouths, so they quickly die of starvation…

if they're not ensnared by one of their cousins first.

When you're living life in a cave, hearing can be hard.

With all those echoey walls, it's difficult to localize sound.

So instead of listening for sound,

several species of cave crickets have found a way to feel sound instead.

Insects usually hear airborne sounds using a structure

called the tympanal organ, which looks kind of like an exposed drum

on the side or leg of an insect's body.

But cave crickets don't have them.

Instead, they rely on something called the subgenual organ

which senses vibrations from the ground.

This organ is found on a section of their legs called the tibia

because it's in a similar position as the mammalian shinbone,

which makes sense because their legs are the parts in contact with the ground.

There are other insects with this vibration-sensing organ,

but theirs pick up on higher frequency sounds because those travel better in air,

whereas cave cricket subgenual organs

are tuned to the low frequencies of ground vibrations.

And in addition to finding food,

the crickets use their leg-hearing to locate mates.

Males will vibrate their abdomens to send signals through the ground

which are, hopefully, felt by a female nearby.

Now that's blind dating.

Swimming around in caves in southern Europe

is the world's only exclusively cave-dwelling salamander: the olm.

Like many troglobites, its sense of sight is pretty much non-existent

because its eyes never fully develop and end up covered in skin.

But it more than makes up for it with its amazing sense of smell.

Scientists have shown the salamanders can quickly locate living

and dead food items in total darkness,

and they can even find meals in the presence of a fast-moving current.

It's not that they have a particularly special "nose" either

the olm's olfactory epithelium,

the tissue that picks up smell signals and sends them to the brain,

looks pretty much the same as any other vertebrates.

But that layer of cells is up to 5 times thicker than in other salamanders,

though it's not clear how that translates to better sniffing.

And like with the crickets, olms don't just use smells to find food.

The animals are often found cuddling up in little rock crevices, and even opt

for snuggling if given the option between an empty or an occupied nook.

And they find and select between cuddle buddies

using their super sense of smell.

Most of the time, they don't even mind cozying

up to a member of the same sex.

But olms can live for nearly a century, take 12-15 years to mature,

and females only lay eggs once every 12.5 years on average.

So when breeding is on the table, males take over crevices to use as love

nests, and the smelly signals they send out can help other males avoid a fight.

After all, you don't want your friends getting in the way when you're

trying to woo a mate that's in the mood less than once a decade.

For the longest time scientists thought the tiny organ on each of the

cave beetle's antennae, called Hamann's organ, helped them smell.

But thanks to some pretty clever and kind of mean experiments in the 1970s,

they discovered it actually detects moisture levels in the air

like built in humidity sensors.

To figure this out, researchers cut the beetle's antennae to various lengths

and put them in a choice chamber with two different levels of humidity,

knowing the bugs prefer moist environments.

The ones with their Hamman's organs cut off weren't able

to find the more humid chamber.

Scientists aren't exactly sure how Hamann's organs work,

but they think water droplets in the air may cause sensory cells

or hygroreceptors to swell or stretch, which then send signals to the brain.

The brain combines those signals with temperature information

from thermoreceptors, and the result is a humidity sense.

To some extent, we can sense humidity too, but the beetles

are way better at it thanks to their special organs.

But why they need to be so sensitive to moisture

is still a bit of a scientific mystery.

One hypothesis is that the moisture content of their food matters a lot.

Many insects get water they need from their meals,

but because food is scarce where the cave beetle lives,

it needs to make sure what it's eating is nice and juicy, not dry like a cracker.

Or, it could be because female cave beetles only lay a few large eggs that take

a long time to develop, so laying them somewhere moist prevents

them from drying out before the little ones hatch.

Either way, finding moisture is probably pretty important to them,

so they've become outstanding humidity sensors.

Sure, living in a cave is lonely, dark, and challenging for all kinds of reasons.

But it isn't that bad.

You might wind up looking a little pasty, but as the creatures on this list show,

you could also develop some pretty awesome super powers.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

And if you liked learning about these troglobites' super powers,

you might like our news episode where we explain how

Mexican cave fish have turned being diabetic into a good thing.


For more infomation >> 6 Animals with Extraordinary Adaptations to Cave Life - Duration: 8:14.


Police: Officer shot in leg in South End; 3 in custody - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Police: Officer shot in leg in South End; 3 in custody - Duration: 2:16.


The Invisibility Lenses | Outrageous Acts of Science - Duration: 2:01.














































For more infomation >> The Invisibility Lenses | Outrageous Acts of Science - Duration: 2:01.


pure Coinexchange website clone script - create your own trading platform - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> pure Coinexchange website clone script - create your own trading platform - Duration: 1:02.


How Powerful is the Zandalari Empire? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 7:11.

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about the Zandalari Empire

and how powerful it is, covering their history, characteristics and the recent events.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore!

Long ago a group of native trolls gathered around a mountain range inhabited by many

Wild Gods, building countless encampments upon the slopes, naming it Zandalar.

Over time this would grow and camps would turn into cities and with the first King Dazar

eventually building a city of gold.

Originally the heart of the civilization was Nazmir with the town of Zul'Nazman, but with

the discovery of G'huun they would move south, ultimately establishing the bustling temple-city

of Zuldazar.

The most powerful group of trolls were known as the Zandalari Tribe and they were the ruling


They focused on knowledge and conquest while the ones beneath them would eventually evolve

into their own people.

Even though they split into forest and jungle trolls the Zandalari welcomed their departure,

seeing them as but children.

They were admired by all other trolls but they never really wielded authority over other

tribes, at least formally.

Some sixteen thousand years ago in Zandalar mountains, a group of rebellious trolls examined

a forbidden area, seeing these dark rocks.

This actually turned out to be a gigantic C'Thraxxi general that would subsequently

awaken from deep slumber and bring on the Troll-Aqir war.

This was a turning point in troll history and the Zandalari took command of the united


In order to establish control over the continent, the Zandalari convinced other trolls to build

strongholds over the corners of the continent which led to the creation of the Amani, Gurubashi

and Drakkari.

After centuries of brutal fighting and countless sacrifice, the trolls finally shattered the

Aqir Empire.

Now, without the war to bind them together, the troll factions once again split and turned

into their own respective empires.

The Zandalari withdrew to the mountains to pursue spiritual knowledge but they would

still maintain massive influence over other troll societies.

Eventually the Zandalari would forge an alliance with the Mogu as at the time they were essentially

controlling the entire continent.

However much would change with the rise of the night elves from a small group of trolls.

With their magic powers from the Well of Eternity, the kaldorei would far surpass the seemingly

primitive trolls.

Wars and skirmishes broke out over territory between the night elves and the trolls and

the trolls would fail significantly.

Queen Azshara granted them humiliating peace, allowing them to keep the sacred mountain

range, but this would lead to hatred between the two races that lasts to this day.

Ten thousand years ago with the Burning Legion invasion, the Sundering shattered the entire

world but the wise Zandalari priests wove magic powerful enough to protect their entire


Their territory was almost intact but soon they would realize that they were now stranded

on an island, isolated from the entirety of the world.

Seeing no reason to leave and establish a new empire, they would expand as much as they

could and learn how to master the seas.

For years there would be prosperity, civil wars, strife but nonetheless, the Zandalari

still maintained influence over other trolls and were a significant force.

Some twenty-eight hundred years ago the Zandalari helped the trolls battle the high elves and

the humans and even though initially they were very successful, ultimately they would


Then they would help the Gurubashi fight against Hakkar.

This threat would then rise once again quite recently so the Zandalari once again sent

a significant force.

For many millennia they tried to establish world domination over and over again but they

failed at every possible attempt, as seen with the Strangethorn Vale campaign and the

one in Pandaria where they had revived Lei Shen.

These endeavours cost the empire greatly but for the first time in Battle for Azeroth we

see their actual empire.

The Horde arrives to Zandalar and by helping them in the civil war and with the threat

of G'huun they join the Horde.

So with all this very long and rich history, how powerful is the Zandalari Empire exactly?

Many millenia ago they essentially ruled the entire world of Azeroth and together with

other trolls were the strongest force on the planet.

They defeated the very powerful Old God servants, but ultimately their power would wither.

Much of the Zandalari leadership and the army was destroyed when they failed to take Uldum

with Lei Shen and from that point forth they would mostly just become less and less powerful.

After their defeats against the night elves they were essentially confined to their mountain

range and after the Sundering, they would essentially become an island force.

While being on an island helped them avoid any wars, this definitely limited their chances

to expand further and to gather more resources.

With the civil wars and the most recent attempts, they were even further weakened.

The campaigns in Eastern Kingdoms and Pandaria seriously depleted their strength and with

the Cataclysm affecting the island they were weakened even further.

However as we have seen now in Zandalar they do still seem to possess serious power, both

in spiritual and military strength.

Due to the fact that they are an island nation they have one of the most powerful navies

on Azeroth if not the most powerful one currently, which is exactly why the Horde wanted them.

As we have seen they essentially one shot the Alliance force and they possess a massive

amount of ships even with so many losses in the recent campaigns.

Currently they are extremely weakened by the blood trolls and the G'huun threat and everything

else happening, but they will no doubt be a signficant part of the Horde.

Looking at their entire history, the Zandalari fell so, so many times and had countless setbacks

and even now they are in a dire situation but as always they persevere.

At the moment they are only at a fraction of their peak power but they are still very

powerful, with their navy, experience, magic and the loa.

Alright and that is all I have for this video.

Do leave your thoughts below on what you would like to see next and do subscribe and like

the video as it really helps out and keeps all the content going.

Thanks a lot for taking the time out of your day to watch this video and see you next time!

For more infomation >> How Powerful is the Zandalari Empire? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 7:11.


Hotels and Disney Parks Discounts | Know Before You Expo - Duration: 3:43.

Hi there, I'm Justin Arthur with D23: The Official Disney Fan Club.

Welcome to the second episode of Know Before You Expo, where we'll be breaking news and sharing tips

to help you make the most of D23 Expo coming to Anaheim in August 2019.

In the first episode, we announced that tickets were on sale, and they're going fast!

On this episode, we're going to give you expert advice on how to plan your visit to Anaheim and take advantage of some exclusive hotel offers.

I'm here at the Disneyland Hotel one of the three hotels of the Disneyland Resort.

Did you know that guests of the D23 Expo can get exclusive

hotel rates during the Expo by booking directly through D23?

I love staying here at the official hotels of the Disneyland Resort, because they include a slew of very Disney touches

including extra magic hours in the parks, signature suites,

restaurants, spas, pools,

character dining, being near Downtown Disney, and of course Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar!

The hotels of the Disneyland Resort can also offer amazing views of the theme parks.

Like this one here at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel and Spa but you know the official Disneyland resorts are only part of the picture

Here to tell us more is Harriet Porter of Visit Anaheim who's like the Jedi master of planning a trip to the area. Harriet, thanks for being here.

Thanks Justin. It was great partnering with the D23 team to offer these hotel options.

It's important to us that all D23 Expo attendees find a place to stay that's just right for them.

There are many hotels in the area that have extended special offers exclusively to attendees.

And you can book directly on the hotel link when purchasing tickets on

Click on the link or type then review the hotel rooms in their offerings.

For D23 Expo attendees, the hotels are offering extra perks

like free Wi-Fi, parking discounts, or shuttle service to the Convention Center, complimentary breakfast if you book through D23 Expo Hotel Link.

Many of the hotels we have on our list are within walking distance at the parks and the Anaheim Convention Center,

which makes them very convenient. Those hotels will go fast!

When you visit the website, you'll find that there are hotels to fit

every budget and family. It all depends on what you're looking for.

Once you've booked, you can start packing your bags.

Book now to get the best choice on the best price.

Remember D23 even offers special exclusive rates for Disneyland Resort Park tickets.

Be sure to click on the link when you buy your Expo tickets online.

For guests from outside the area, consider you can always extend your stay and make the most of your trip.

Anaheim is a great leaping off point for visits to Southern California. In and around Anaheim,

you can go riding, biking, surfing, and for those that just prefer to relax and soak up the sun, we have some of the best

beaches in Southern California just 15 minutes away.

If you need more information about local airports and transportation is here to help

So to recap here are my three tips.

1. Extend your stay to take advantage of Disneyland and everything the area has to offer.

2. You're going to want to book your hotel now to get the best selection,

best location, and best discount.

And 3. The place to do it is

Well, that's it for now.

Be sure to check back here regularly for more episodes in this series and be sure to Like,

Follow, Share and Subscribe for more on making the most of your Expo experience.

From one Disney fan to another, thanks for watching and see ya real soon.

For more infomation >> Hotels and Disney Parks Discounts | Know Before You Expo - Duration: 3:43.


CCPD: Argument leads to shooting at Moore Plaza - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> CCPD: Argument leads to shooting at Moore Plaza - Duration: 0:37.


🔴✅ RECUPERAR LA PERDIDA DE VISION ➜ con este LICUADO FACIL y No lo Sabias - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅ RECUPERAR LA PERDIDA DE VISION ➜ con este LICUADO FACIL y No lo Sabias - Duration: 5:04.


同樣是生雙胞胎,謝娜被萬人捧,而她卻受盡了婆家人的冷眼 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> 同樣是生雙胞胎,謝娜被萬人捧,而她卻受盡了婆家人的冷眼 - Duration: 3:17.


大V发文《渣男李晨现形记》李晨人设崩塌(全文) - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> 大V发文《渣男李晨现形记》李晨人设崩塌(全文) - Duration: 12:26.


用了这块高光你就是仙女!Fenty新品测评❤ ENG SUB - Duration: 5:14.

HI! Welcome back

Today is mid-Autumn festival, hopefully when I'm uploading it is lol

But if I'm late, Thank you for waiting

I can't really give presents to everyone

So I was thinking about making this as a festival present for you

today I'm going to share with you the Fenty Beauty new collection

their bomb highlight WOW

The packaging is literally goal

and then we have the dimond lip gloss

the only thing I had from Fenty is the universal lip gloss

I've used so much out of it

almost half of it is gone

you can tell how much I love this

so I'm super pumped for the new collection

I'm going to grocery shopping in a minute

So I'm all about that GLOW

Let's test out the lip gloss first, because my lip has nothing on right now

I find it very boring when I don't have lip color on

the packaging is sooo cute!!!

I'm guessing it's the same kind of applicator

I'm going to test it out

wish me luck

I'm staring at my camera now

wait it's so silver

so sparkly and silver

I think it's so pretty!!!!

I didn't put any color on my lip but I did use a lip liner

then the applicator got some pink on it

But I think it looks so cute

OMG!! It's so beautiful

cool! Let's open the highlighter and see

the packaging is so gorgeous

It's so pretty that even if you don't want to use it and just put it on your vanity

it feels soft and wet

I'm DEAD WTF is this !! Literally everything I've ever wanted in my life

I can't wait to put it on my face, hopefully this camera will show off how beautiful it is in real life

omg!!! UNREAL

idk if you can see it

I really really love fenty

and that's everything for the test today

if you have a chance, definetly need them in your life

I love them SO SO much

It looks bomb on the face

Now I'm about to show you the product in different lighting situation

So I'm updating the highlight under natural light

I personally think it still looks so good, it's that dewy wet look on your face

It's not gold hour yet, it's like this rainbow lighting

And my lip gloss, which I think is a lot like

lip balm but with sparkle, I really like it , I think it really suits everyday look

That's it for today's video, don't forget to thumbs up

It's a quick video, comment dow below what you think

my current update schedule is everyfriday@5 pm EDT

so make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to get notification

also I will be having suprise video drop @ 5pm EDT over the holidays

make sure you leave a comment so that I know you are here early

see you next time ! bye!

For more infomation >> 用了这块高光你就是仙女!Fenty新品测评❤ ENG SUB - Duration: 5:14.


✅ Messy Man Bun Tutorial - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> ✅ Messy Man Bun Tutorial - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 10:51.


For more infomation >> ✅ Messy Man Bun Tutorial - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 10:51.


Seminaire à Genéve le 24 nov - Annonce du Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 2:53.

bismillah ar-rahman rahim

as Salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

en particulier si vous êtes en France, en Belgique, en Suisse ou en Espagne

et que vous etes francophone,

je suis heureux d'annoncer que nous avons organisé,

ceci en raison de difficultés de le faire en France,

nous avons organisé un nouveau séminaire à Genève.

Nous avons fait plusieurs séminaires à Genève par le passé,

et maintenant nous en faisons un de plus

ce sera dans la même salle où nous avons eu le dernier séminaire,

vous trouverez tout au bas de l'écran ( description)

vous pouvez également aller sur mon site et trouver les informations.

Ce sera le 24 novembre, nous commençons vers 13H heure l'après-midi

et nous avons environ 4 heures.

Et notre sujet sera un sujet très excitant

" expliquer dajjal le faux messie",

et vous peinerez pour trouver quelqu'un qui fait des conférences sur ce sujet,

et vous trouverez encore moins quelqu'un offrant un séminaire de plusieurs heures sur ce sujet

Et donc ceci est une opportunité si vous êtes en France, en Allemagne ,

ou si vous êtes en Espagne ou en Suisse,

alors s'il vous plaît venez à Genève le 24 novembre

Nous allons commencé à 13h00 l'après-midi ,

et nous allons devoir louer la salle et nous devons donc payer des frais de location

donc à cause de cela,

nous devons maintenant demander un petit droit d'inscription de seulement 5 francs

suisses, j'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas,

car ceci est dans le but de louer la salle et payer le coût de la location.

j'ai fait déjà plusieurs séminaires à Genève dans le passé

et tous se passèrent très paisiblement, tranquillement et avec succès

et j'ai hâte de vous revoir à Genève le 24 novembre à 13h00 et pour l'après-midi

vous trouverez l'emplacement de la salle et tous les détails dans la description de la vidéo.

Je vous remercie

as Salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

pour tout les détails veuillez lire la description

traduction Ibrahim Utopien

Paix sur vous

For more infomation >> Seminaire à Genéve le 24 nov - Annonce du Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 2:53.


For more infomation >> Seminaire à Genéve le 24 nov - Annonce du Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 2:53.


✅ 金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 南韓夯團INFINITE人氣成員L(金明洙)今(23)日在台舉辦粉絲見面會,現場除了帶來多首歌曲,還賣萌學台語,... - Duration: 1:35.

金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 韓夯團INFINITE人氣成員L(金明洙)今(23)日在台舉辦粉 見面會,現場除了帶來多首歌曲,還賣萌學台語,雖然發音不標準,但台 粉絲仍被他迷倒,紛紛給予熱烈的尖叫聲

金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23)主持 台上教金明洙學台語,簡單的「我愛你」他馬上學會,但一聽到「哇巴豆 」時,立刻露出滿臉黑人問號,一旁翻譯解釋後,他就摸著肚子講「我肚 餓」,模樣相當逗趣,不過當聽到「我很帥」的台語時,他再度陷入疑惑 嘆了一口氣後,假裝面前有一面鏡子、抓著頭髮打扮,但卻因為發音太難 說完立刻害羞低頭

金明洙見面會上一共帶來〈It's okay even if it s not me〉、〈No More〉、〈Love U Like U〉、〈Talk N Talk〉、〈Reminisce〉等歌曲, 束活動後,將於明天離台,班機不公開

金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 金 洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 金明洙粉 見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 金明洙粉絲見面

(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 上一則 Red Velvet愛追台劇 《惡作劇之吻》也看過 下一則 WIN ER重視台灣演唱會 特地找老師惡補中文

For more infomation >> ✅ 金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 南韓夯團INFINITE人氣成員L(金明洙)今(23)日在台舉辦粉絲見面會,現場除了帶來多首歌曲,還賣萌學台語,... - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> ✅ 金明洙粉絲見面會。(圖/記者林柏年攝,2018.9.23) 南韓夯團INFINITE人氣成員L(金明洙)今(23)日在台舉辦粉絲見面會,現場除了帶來多首歌曲,還賣萌學台語,... - Duration: 1:35.


Take It

For more infomation >> Take It


Learn the alphabet | Letter M | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:44.

Hi there Cubs, are you ready to get your finger out? We're going to try the letter

M. M makes a 'mmm' sound, let's try a capital M, it has a straight line down

then back to the top and down up down and that's our capital M. Let's try a

lower case M together. It has a stick and two mini mountains, let's try it together

and that's our lowercase M. M makes a mmm sound like at the beginning of monkey

and it also starts the word music. M is the beginning of the word moon and all

these words start with a letter M. Okay Cubs get your finger out and let's try a

capital M. Let's try another one.

Now it's time to try a lowercase M

and one more...marvelous!

Thanks finger!

Finger says: See ya!

For more infomation >> Learn the alphabet | Letter M | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:44.


Hamster eating Baumkuchen for the first time【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:41.

Come here Othello♥

He eats Baumkuchen for the first time (It name is Harm Kuchen) ♥ ※ This is a special snack for hamsters

favorite? ♥

Delicious ♥

My mouth is cute, is not it?

Baumkuchen and me… ♥

It's a good combination ♥

But this ...

Eating spill defiles my face

Do you see the powder in the beard?

It is embarrassing.

I start washing my face

First I will clean my beard ♪

Next I will clean my face

Was it beautiful?

I will return in Home

No other?

See you

For more infomation >> Hamster eating Baumkuchen for the first time【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> GTA 5 BLOODS VS CRIPS 'GANG WARS' IN THE HOOD #1 - Duration: 12:45.


Avaliamos o novo Land Rover Discovery Sport 2018 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Avaliamos o novo Land Rover Discovery Sport 2018 - Duration: 7:15.


Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (Piano instrumental ) - Duration: 3:18.

Diamond Heart

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (Piano instrumental ) - Duration: 3:18.


✅ Messy Man Bun Tutorial - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> ✅ Messy Man Bun Tutorial - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 10:51.


Eurotrip - France | Visiting Antribes - Duration: 6:09.

Right now I am in the Port of Vauban. There´s a lot of sun, so that's why I can not open my eyes...

Anyway, this sculpture behind me was made by the Barcelonian sculptor Jaume Plensa,

It was created in 2007 and it is eight meters tall.

If you come closer to it... maybe from this point you can not see it but, if you get closer you can see that it was sculpted

of letters made of aluminum and representsa person.

On the front it is open and you can enter inside.

The sculpture is looking towards the sea.

Likewise, the best time to come and get a great view

is during sunrise or sunset

because there are many artificial lights around it

but right now it's not on.

It's really bright right now.

And this is the first part of my trip to France.

And if you liked this video, you already know what you have to do:

click the Like button, click on Subscribe and also click on

the little bell down here so YouTube notifies you every time I upload a new video.

Leave all the comments below and Share this video with your friends.

Seel next time!

For more infomation >> Eurotrip - France | Visiting Antribes - Duration: 6:09.


how i edit llsif cards - Duration: 14:59.

howdy hey y'all,,, a couple people on instagram wanted to know how i make card edits so i just made a video to describe it

first i take the transparent image that i got from kach again and paste kokichi's head over it (or any other character's sprite i guess)

then i start erasing the parts of the hair that aren't covered by the sprite

i lowered the opacity of the head so i can put the hat over it

i had to do some relining at this part because i was erasing too quickly rip

now i'm recoloring the hat so you can't see you's hair

honestly most of this is kinda self explanatory but i'm still adding captions just in case

since part of the background is in the transparent card, i erased it (you don't need to do this that often)

it takes a while to erase this

i'm sorry this video is so long i didn't want to speed it up that much

i really should have sped this part up though oops

now i'm coloring over the skin to match kokichi's skin tone more by using white on a soft light layer

if the program you're using doesn't have soft light as a layer option just use overlay and change the opacity

(i'm using clip studio paint by the way)

this part takes the longest unless the card is dia or riko because their hair is so hard to edit out :^(

honestly this is kind of unnecessary but i think it looks weird unless i do this

now i can finally merge the layers and put the transparent image on the actual card

i usually have to resize it to make it align with the card (i did it way better than i normally do this time lmao)

now i'm redrawing the sky to cover up the hair again

i also had to redraw some of the clouds which was annoying

then i add a blue overlay layer to make him blend in with the background more

then i use an orange color on an add (glow) layer (i don't know what the equivallent on other programs is so whichever layer setting makes it glow) and add lighting

i used a multiply layer and added the shadow from the hat onto kokichi's head

i know it looks bad right now i fixed it eventually

then i blended the shadow a little bit (also unnecessary, but honestly all of this is unnecessary)

here i'm making the image a square and adding a white background so i can get around instagram's garbage cropping

then i go to this god send of a website called waifu2x that smooths your images for you

i realized that i made the glow too strong on the shirt so i went back and fixed it

and there you go! hope this was helpful! now y'all can actually send me things so i don't have to make all of them dlksgjslkdfjlskd

For more infomation >> how i edit llsif cards - Duration: 14:59.


The First Interview with Vladimir Putin - Duration: 30:55.

Mr. Putin, how are you in the new office, in the new chair, in the new position? Are there significant differences from the previous situation?


The amount of work is about the same, although the sense of responsibility is, of course, greater.

But it does not depend on either the chair or the office.

I would like to talk about the most acute political problem of today's Russia - about Chechnya - and understand what is happening, because after the New Year we received very different reports: we stopped and did not release Grozny, then there are new battles in Shali and Argun.

That we have a truce.

An incomprehensible situation.

What stage are we in today?

I'm surprised that such questions arise.

It seemed to me that everything was developing according to plan.

The plan has not changed, nothing happened that would make us think that something unusual is happening.

Is that the only pause that arose during the Christmas holidays and holidays of the Muslims of Uraza-Bairam.

I must say that the opposing party asked for the suspension of hostilities, and we responded to this.

How the people who oppose us took advantage of this pause, we know.

They attempted to attack two settlements - Shali and Argun.

I must say that the very professional and decisive actions of our military all put in place.

In fact, it was rather a propaganda attack, albeit unsafe.

But we lost people?

Among the servicemen of the Ministry of Defense there was not a single loss, and among the servicemen of the internal troops there were losses.

I can not say that those people who led the operation, they did everything right to the end.

I must say that in some cases the terrorists proved to be more cunning.

Of course, certain conclusions are drawn from this.

But, I want to emphasize this, there has not been any change in the situation in Chechnya and, I assure you, will not come.

The generals took such, in my opinion, absolutely political actions, like the announcement of all Chechens from 10 to 60 years suspected of terrorism.

And such a toughening of our position, apparently, looked like a weakness, like a pullback, like excessive suspicion.

You know, I'll tell you, it just now comes to my mind, because you so formulated the question: weakness and strength.

This is not a weakness - it is the correlation of democratic institutions and approaches to terrorism and banditry.

Because we are acting with our opponents within the framework of the law in force in Russia, and they are acting with us with methods of terror.

That's what this is all about.

If we had the opportunity to detain and arrest people not for two or three days, as is required by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, but immediately for 10, 20, 30, 60 days, much would be different.

That's what all this is happening from, this results and not always accurate and verified military statements.

I'll tell you now what I did not say before.

We have, according to the law on terrorism, a decree of the President, based on this law, on the formation of the operational headquarters for the conduct of an anti-terrorist operation.

Here in Moscow?

Of course.

In accordance with the decree of the President, he is headed by the Minister of Defense.

I repeat, this decree, which was issued last year, is in full compliance with the law on combating terrorism.

Here is what is reported to the media at this level, at the level of the Minister of Defense, can be considered official opinion and official information.

All that is below is the current operational information, and there people can say exact or not very accurate things.

Do you think that the information support is sufficient?

You understand, we are faced with a situation where people in Russia are very sympathetic to the operation, to the people who conduct it, to those who have made a political decision about this operation.

But the information support is so confused in the last, maybe a month or half a month, that it starts to give the impression that something is wrong, something is not going according to plan.

At the same time, there are people who do not explain anything, but suddenly there are statements that residents from 10 to 60 years are potential terrorists, there is in fact some kind of horror in front of all Chechens except children and very old people.

Suddenly there are statements that fighting has started again.

And this is information support.

The view has not changed in the negative direction, but there are already a lot of doubts that something is wrong, and, perhaps, we are insincere.

Do you think that this is a flaw in the fact that generals provide information that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense are engaged in information support?

Maybe create a different organization?

If you will allow me, I will still make a small remark to which I would like to respond to the beginning of your question.

You said that people were very sympathetic to the operation in Chechnya.

I think that people are not sympathetic to the operation, but they want the order in Russia to be put in order, including in the North Caucasus.

And I can firmly state that we are acting in the North Caucasus on behalf of the Russian people: people are tired of our looseness, irresponsibility.

As for the information support, I agree with you that here, maybe, not everything is in order.

It seems to me that this is also due to the fact that the federal forces advanced practically throughout the entire territory of Chechnya and approached the mountainous areas, but this information support remained as if in the liberated territories.

Journalists are in Mozdok.

Yes, I agree.

This is due to the fact that at the Operational Headquarters for the conduct of an anti-terrorist operation, an information body was not formed, from which it is necessary to submit information at the official level, to give the appropriate information impulse.

... as, for example, NATO did when the alliance forces invaded Kosovo.

Absolutely, at least in our opinion, the unfair and difficultly substantiated war was explained hourly and was simply submitted to the media in the smallest detail.

NATO invaded the territory of a third country - we are conducting an anti-terrorist operation on the territory of our own state.

We should be easier this way.

Yes, we are in some ways easier, but there is something in it, because the dangers of our own citizens are, and we need to think about it.

This is on the one hand.

And on the other hand - I think, and you will not argue that everything that was submitted, as part of the operation in the former Yugoslavia, can be taken at face value.

Today we know with you and the other side of this information, and we did not come up with this other side.

For example, members of the British parliament say that today's exhumations show that civilians were not shot by anyone: they were killed not by bullets, but by bomb shards.

And this completely changes the picture, the information picture that we saw with you when events unfolded in Yugoslavia.

Therefore, it is possible to say that everything was done right there, too.

But there everything was done correctly in terms of achieving the interests of those who conducted the operation there.


In this I agree with you.

Yes. And the winners are not judged.

Even if disappointment is experienced, it will be tested later.

I agree.

I wanted to ask, what about the generals?

From the point of view of information policy, it is also completely unclear which of the generals is doing what.

Because Troshev, who commanded the eastern direction, is now replaced, but nevertheless he retained his previous post.

Who's doing what? And have Troshev been punished? Or is there someone else? Who than commands?

On this account, no one should have any concern.

Generals there is nothing to punish - they are awarded.

They got the title of Hero of Russia, and they got it deservedly.

There, no one has been moved anywhere, and certainly not displaced.

And external changes are related only to a change in the situation.

Troshev commanded the eastern direction, the Shamanov - the western direction.

Now, when their groups have approached the mountains, to the southern part, the zone of direct military operations and military operations is narrowed to two or three or four points.

And their deputies can fully cope with this task.

But this does not mean that their area of responsibility has already become - on the contrary, it has become wider.

They continue to supervise and supervise what is happening in the southern part, and are responsible for all their direction in the entire territory on which they used to operate and work.

So nothing has changed in this sense.

Their zone of responsibility, I repeat, is not narrowed - it, on the contrary, is increased.

But the combat work is directed by their deputies directly at the narrow points, in the narrow places that are now left for the Armed Forces.

This is a normal, absolutely natural solution, with them coordinated and not saying that they are somewhere shifted or moved.

I have already said and can repeat again: these are people who are exceptionally worthy, who have done a lot for the successful conduct of this anti-terrorist operation.

Russia protects such generals as Vladimir Shamanov and Gennady Troshev.

That's what I'd like to say.

I know that you avoid talking about the timing of the operation, but nevertheless the military has a political resource.

You can not receive too long a report that even three soldiers are lost per day.

We say that these are small losses, but these are three tragedies, in at least three families.

If there is a political resource, how long can a military operation last?

n my opinion, no matter how bloody it may be, it should be short.

In the program on September 5, we talked about carpet bombing.

This way the problem could be solved in two weeks.

And already now, months after the problem was solved and all the settlements are occupied, one could argue whether it is good or bad, but, as we have already said, the winners are not judged.

The problem is, you say: "They put civilians in front of us," but they consider us scoundrel as a result.

This is said in the West, the Western mass media and even the Russian media write about it.

Hence, it's not those who put up a human shield in front of themselves, suffer, not their image suffers from the fact that they put up a human shield in front of them.

So, if we play by these rules, we have two ways: either start negotiations with them, do not kill these residents, or squint and go on a quick operation with carpet bombing.

We have a different approach to this problem.

We have already talked with you about the fact that we consider the peaceful inhabitants of Chechnya our citizens, and we will never do so to sacrifice them for the sake of achieving some military goals.

We will never go into this.

And the timing?

And the terms will be determined by military expediency.

We will act hard there, but not cruelly.

What it is?

I will remind you how it happened so far.

Our units moved to the settlement.

If from the concrete houses or objects turns out to be armed - I emphasize, armed resistance, - endangering the lives of our people, our servicemen, these facilities will be destroyed.

But if there is no resistance, if civilians themselves, risking, by the way, their own lives, squeeze bandits out of their settlements, we will cooperate with these people.

We will not just cooperate and welcome such actions of the civilian population - we will involve them on our side.

And only with the expansion of the base among the civilian population supported by the federal authorities, we will be able to achieve final success there.

And not with the help of carpet bombing.

This is the process ...

Yes. It takes time and patience.

This requires understanding that this is a civilized way to solve the problem.

The other is unlikely to be acceptable not only for achieving specific goals in Chechnya, but also for our own public.

You understand, this will be a heavy burden for Russia.

Such a victory will put a heavy burden on the whole country.

I do not think that we should strive to achieve our goals by such means.

I wanted to ask about this.

You said "success".

Success is undoubtedly a political decision.

That is, military success should then be replaced by a political process.

After all, not military garrisons will determine civil life in Chechnya.

So, nevertheless, with men from 10 to 60 years will have to negotiate.

With women, perhaps not, but with men, and among them there are those who are now at war.

You underestimate the role of women even there.

Although it is understandable that in the context of military operations and due to the corresponding traditions, relations there develop in different ways.

But I think that it is also not necessary to underestimate this factor: women play a very significant role in Muslim countries.

As for the solution of the main problems by political means, we must now create the conditions for these political means to be in our hands.

This is very closely related to the issue that we have just discussed.

If we move to achieve our goals at all costs, then we will never create a base there to move to solving basic problems by political means.

We have no one to negotiate with.

Is it just with men from 10 to 12 years, with children.

Neither with women, nor with adult men, we have nothing to talk about if they see completely inadequate cruelty on our part.

I'm talking about the fact that the process should look like you know: the flag on the hill that the skier sees from the plain, and you go to this flag, even if the snowstorms, even if the tracks are not visible, you see the flag.

The flag in our conditions is not visible.

It is seen. I will show.

The first stage - we finally take Grozny.

The second stage - we will finish operations in the mountains, whoever runs there and hides in the caves.

We will do it.

Then elections?

Then elections?

This election has nothing to do and should not be connected with the political processes in the country.

If we link these anti-terrorist measures, associated with the death of people, with some political campaigns, then nothing good for these political campaigns or for anti-terrorist activities will not work - we all mix into one pile.

Excuse me, maybe I'm wrong.

I mean the new President of Chechnya, that is, elections in this territory.

This is a separate topic.

We need to consult with the population of Chechnya, as they see their future.

This is already a political process.

And there are so many different forms.

The law offers us various possible solutions to problems.

If they confirm Maskhadov's authority?

I doubt it. You know, Maskhadov finally became a puppet in the hands of bandits.

Where is he, where is he?

He still offers us meetings.

Please, we are ready on certain conditions: let them give the hostages, give out the bandits, terrorists already known to us.

Where is everyone?

And running around the mountains from one settlement to another and throwing information of a compromising nature on our servicemen continues.

In general, we had the impression that he had completely lost the character of an independent politician, if he had ever been so.

If he manifests himself in this capacity, then please.

But the impression is that [for him] the train left, and not only as a negotiator for us: I think that it is unlikely that he has any chances among the Chechen people.

You understand, when now people really began to look at what was happening in recent years, they saw and realized that they were simply trivially robbed.

See what happens there.

On the one hand, there is complete poverty - and a number of palaces.

On what money, at the expense of whom is this done?

Grotesque model of Russia?

That may be grotesque.

Because there the level of poverty already completely transcends all boundaries.

At the same time, we are looking at the palaces that have arisen on unknown money.

That is known: either it is the exploitation of resources, oil and so on, which belongs, among other things, to the Chechen people, and not to one or two leaders of bandit formations, or these are stolen money from the federal budget, which we transferred to pensions and social payments: for everything For three years, no one received pensions or wages there.

Speaking of Chechnya, we touched upon the issue of corruption, the issue of theft, the issue of crimes against property, against life, against everything else.

And recently, this week, we heard you say that you were hoping that this presidential campaign in Russia will pass without compromising.

This means that the participants of the presidential race can do anything, without fear of being under the microscope of the press?

I am very pleased that this is the question you are asking me.

I think that the election campaign without compromising means that, firstly, we should not distort cards, we should not aggravate the situation in the society.

We must react to some kind of violation, if they are real - not in the process of the election campaign, but constantly.

Incidentally, this is the duty of law enforcement agencies.

This means that we should carry out this campaign on the basis of those moral values that we talked about during the Christmas celebration.

"Do not kill," "do not steal," I think, they are included.

There are many values.

But including these two.

I would like to say that, perhaps, this term is rather incomprehensible and subversive in part: maybe just divide the so-called compromising facts into facts and fiction, right?

Of course, you need to deal with facts.

Fact, in fact, I have already talked about this, law enforcement agencies should deal with.

The public too.

This can and should be public.

But this can not be timed to election campaigns.

We have a danger that a person who previously hid the facts can become a person who will decide our destinies.

If he dared to become a janitor in my yard, probably, I would almost certainly not talk about his appearance.

But if he dares to become a leader, then it always cares more of me.

I think that this super-elite special unit, the superministry, which, as they say, you create from the FSB and a number of departments and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and will deal with such facts, verification.

Mr. Dorenko, "write", "write", "have heard somewhere" ... - this absolutely has no basis.

We have no plans to create any special super-elite bodies.

This is the first time I've heard about this from you.

If we want clean people to come to the authorities, not stained with some kind of undercover business, but at the same time we will base our conclusions and give information to a multi-million audience based on rumors and assumptions, it will be a dishonest and dirty campaign.

If we are talking something to millions of potential voters and viewers, then before doing this, we must check this information and use only reliable facts.

The best way to check - ask you. I'm asking.

I answer you: this is not true.

There are no plans to create any super-special service, there was not, and in my working folder, at any rate, there are no such plans and are not expected.

I would like to ask you, please tell me, how much are you now influencing the distribution of your bosses in the Duma?

How true are the rumors, avoid this word, how accurate is the unofficial information that you agreed with [the leader of the faction "Fatherland-all Russia"] Yevgeny Primakov that he will not run for president, and you will help him, in that including the forces of the faction supporting you, to become the speaker of the State Duma?

Such an agreement is not present and was not.

Mr. Primakov and I simply did not talk about such problems.

We had only one meeting with him in the general staff, remember, when I invited to the next hall the leaders of the factions of the former State Duma and the leaders of the movements who had passed to the State Duma of the third convocation.

It was a meeting in this format, in a general format.

We did not have any special talks on this subject, there are no agreements.

And influence, influence primarily because of my consultations with the leaders of factions - not even factions, but with leaders of movements, which, I repeat, went to the State Duma.

But these consultations are of the most general nature, and there was no dictation on my part, no, and there can not be, because they are people, in general, very independent, self-sufficient.

It can be, of course, some kind of arrangement.

I do not care what the future State Duma looks like.

But, importantly, it should reflect and be the result of some kind of undercover arrangements, even between respected people - the distribution of the main places in the future State Duma that influence the legislative process in the country should reflect not this overtone process, but should be a reflection of the real correlation of political forces and moods in the society.

If there is a certain faction, it means that a certain number of voters voted for it, it has the right to take an appropriate position in the Duma and should accordingly influence the legislative process in the country's parliament, thus influencing the life of the country as a whole, for some perspective.

You worked with Seleznev.

I'm simply talking about this because you supported him in the election of the governor of the Moscow region.

But this is somewhat exaggerated.

If you remember, just after this meeting I said that from one campaign the country went into another, and some have not yet finished their own in the Moscow region.

Mr. Seleznev is still in the process of the election campaign - we all, representatives of all factions, wish him success.

This was said quite freely and was immediately picked up by both opponents and supporters of Seleznev.

Apparently, you need to be more careful in such terms, but you can work with Gennady Seleznev.

I talked about this and spoke quite sincerely.

We have managed to establish working relations with the previous composition of the Duma.

You know, what you say is almost certain, one hundred percent can, will be interpreted, like Vladimir Putin - on behalf of, you know, everything, the Great ... and now the Double-Headed Eagle - Said.

And all, now Seleznev will be the speaker, because Putin wants so.

Because every word of yours is really interpreted that way, because you performed a miracle with SPS and "Medved" [Interregional Movement "Unity"].

Well, it was the same.

I do not know whether this is right or not, but I say what I think and what is really there.

Here we managed to agree with the Duma on key issues: on the adoption of the budget, on the passage of certain laws.

We managed to establish normal work, good interaction.

And it was not easy to do.

We also argued: our members of the Government sat in the Duma until five in the morning.

But we were able to agree.

And I believe that this is a very important signal for society as a whole - a signal for consolidation.

We showed that we can work together.

Well, should not I talk about it?

Why should I keep silent about this?

And you do not waste your authority, the authority of that eagle and those banners that are behind you?

Here you know how in the dash, when you several times get into the top ten, all the time in the "bullseye" - and everyone says: "He is a magician."

And the wizard does not have the right to make a mistake at all, he is not a real man - he is a magician, moreover, apparently, a future President, yes acting, and an unerring wizard.

And suddenly with Seleznev - and he is not chosen.

Then suddenly you say that Sliska could become a woman as the Chairman of the State Duma - and suddenly she is not chosen.

About Vladimir Yakovlev you say, and tomorrow it will suddenly become clear that he did something unseemly, for example.

The city is big, everything happens, - suddenly someone will say: "You missed, Akela."

And the chorus will pick up: "Akela missed."

And until March 26 elections are still far away.

You know, this danger always exists, but you need to make some fundamental decisions for yourself.

You can not adapt to what someone wants to hear.

I believe that I should always say what I think is necessary to say, and what I think.

But if it is a mistake after an error, then it will be necessary to revise something.

I will need to listen to those who criticize.

The issue of economics.

I would like to know: Kasyanov is the future prime minister?

Does he have a probationary period?

First, according to the Constitution - this is decided not only by the President, but also by the State Duma.

Secondly, Kasyanov is not the worst contender for this place.

And, thirdly, since the Duma approves the Prime Minister, it should be a compromise figure that suits many, but which is capable of carrying out those complex tasks facing the Chairman of the Government.

Thank you for the interview.

And I hope that you will continue to be equally open to the press.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> The First Interview with Vladimir Putin - Duration: 30:55.


QS. AL INSYIROH 1- 8 JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> QS. AL INSYIROH 1- 8 JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 0:55.


How To Do Skipping Tricks - Learn ANY Trick FAST! - Duration: 5:17.

After watching this video you're going

to be able to learn any jump rope trick

as I'm going to be showing you the exact

step-by-step process I go through when trying

to learn a jump rope trick.


Trying to learn tricks can be a very

intimidating process you see a trick

getting executed and you can't really

wrap your head around what is actually


Which is why in this video

I'm going to show you the step by step

process I go through to really be able

to find a jump rope trick break

it down and understand it and learn it.

So first things first we need to talk

about you cannot run a marathon with

Converse you need running shoes and the

exact same thing applies to jump rope

which is why you're going to need a

tricking group to be able to do jump

rope tricks I mean yes you can

definitely use any other rope to do

tricks but a Tricking rope is made to do

tricks you can run with Converse but

you're going to run better if you were

using actual running shoes.

The best

thing about tricking ropes is that they

usually have longer handles those longer

handles are going to give you extra

reach you need for any type of crossing

movement that you're doing

trust me this might not sound like a big


Once you're trying to learn

any trick even the simplest tricks like

the cross over the longer handles

is really going to help you do the

movement more easily and less time with

less energy and with less chances of


The second paradigm you need to

understand is that most jump rope

trick especially the advanced ones are

usually made out of different easier


Let's say you're trying to learn

how to do this 360 jump which looks like

this if you break the trick down you're

going to see that it only consists of a

side swing a backward jump and finally a

180 and once you're able to really see

that you can really start training on

each single component and then at the

end put them all together so you can

start training on the side swing you

first start with the side swing then you

try to rotate then you try to work on

your backward jump and then finally on

your 180.

And once you put all those different

aspects together it makes for the entire

trick and trust me that's the easiest

part the harder part is to try to really

to nail every single movement of this

trick putting it all together is just

a piece of cake just being able to break

down every trick into smaller chunks is

really going to get you to really but

it's like if you're placing the trick in

front of you on a piece of paper and

you're really looking at like of the

different components that make up the

trick and this is going to make it much

easier for you to actually learn tricks

so now for the example of the 360 you

can start working on the side swing

first then switch to the backward jump

and then finally do the 180 jump.


best part is this can be applied to any

trick so let's take some simple examples

for example the boxer step which is a

very famous trick.

Usually when you see

the boxer step this is what it looks

like but if you really zoom into the trick and you zoom closely, you're going to notice

that the trick is only actually jumping on one foot, but just alternating each time.

So it's like if you were jumping on one foot but then alternating.

And then you're just alternating at each step.

And this, those two components, those two sub-tricks, which are jumping on one foot

and alternating your feet make up the boxer step.

So if I was you, trying to learn the boxer step, I would first try to learn how to jump

on one foot.

Then, I would learn how to alternate my steps.

And then when you add those two together, that's what it does.

And this really applies to every trick at every level, like even the more advanced tricks,

the hummingbird.

You can really break it down into much simpler chuncks like it starts with a side swing,

then I do an arm swirl, then I do a backward jump then I jump back in.

You can really break everything down into smaller, more consumable and easier to understand


Seriously, once you're able to understand how powerful this method is, being able to

sit down, watch the trick, and really understand what makes this trick a bigger one.

It's really like a recipe where the final product is the addition of many different


And this is exactly how any jump rope trick is build, from beginner level to advanced


And once you're able to really understand how to look at a trick, and break it down

into different components, you're seriously invincible.

There's no jump rope trick you won't be able to do.

And hey, if you find this video helpful, be sure to leave a like behind you first to let

me know that you like this type of content and you would like to see more of it, and

second is that it also helps me a lot as a new creator trying to really put content out

trying to help you.

So that was it guys, look at a trick, break it down into smaller chunks and try to learn

each single chunk by itself.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> How To Do Skipping Tricks - Learn ANY Trick FAST! - Duration: 5:17.


用了这块高光你就是仙女!Fenty新品测评❤ ENG SUB - Duration: 5:14.

HI! Welcome back

Today is mid-Autumn festival, hopefully when I'm uploading it is lol

But if I'm late, Thank you for waiting

I can't really give presents to everyone

So I was thinking about making this as a festival present for you

today I'm going to share with you the Fenty Beauty new collection

their bomb highlight WOW

The packaging is literally goal

and then we have the dimond lip gloss

the only thing I had from Fenty is the universal lip gloss

I've used so much out of it

almost half of it is gone

you can tell how much I love this

so I'm super pumped for the new collection

I'm going to grocery shopping in a minute

So I'm all about that GLOW

Let's test out the lip gloss first, because my lip has nothing on right now

I find it very boring when I don't have lip color on

the packaging is sooo cute!!!

I'm guessing it's the same kind of applicator

I'm going to test it out

wish me luck

I'm staring at my camera now

wait it's so silver

so sparkly and silver

I think it's so pretty!!!!

I didn't put any color on my lip but I did use a lip liner

then the applicator got some pink on it

But I think it looks so cute

OMG!! It's so beautiful

cool! Let's open the highlighter and see

the packaging is so gorgeous

It's so pretty that even if you don't want to use it and just put it on your vanity

it feels soft and wet

I'm DEAD WTF is this !! Literally everything I've ever wanted in my life

I can't wait to put it on my face, hopefully this camera will show off how beautiful it is in real life

omg!!! UNREAL

idk if you can see it

I really really love fenty

and that's everything for the test today

if you have a chance, definetly need them in your life

I love them SO SO much

It looks bomb on the face

Now I'm about to show you the product in different lighting situation

So I'm updating the highlight under natural light

I personally think it still looks so good, it's that dewy wet look on your face

It's not gold hour yet, it's like this rainbow lighting

And my lip gloss, which I think is a lot like

lip balm but with sparkle, I really like it , I think it really suits everyday look

That's it for today's video, don't forget to thumbs up

It's a quick video, comment dow below what you think

my current update schedule is everyfriday@5 pm EDT

so make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to get notification

also I will be having suprise video drop @ 5pm EDT over the holidays

make sure you leave a comment so that I know you are here early

see you next time ! bye!

For more infomation >> 用了这块高光你就是仙女!Fenty新品测评❤ ENG SUB - Duration: 5:14.


「TFBOYS」「新聞」180923 TFBOYS三胞胎,剪影讓人傻傻分不清 - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 「TFBOYS」「新聞」180923 TFBOYS三胞胎,剪影讓人傻傻分不清 - Duration: 0:39.


MULTIFANDOM M.A.P._Stressed Out [1/30] - Duration: 3:23.

Part 1: I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words

Part 2: I wish I found some chords in an order that is new I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang

Part 3: I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink But now I'm insecure and I care what people think

Part 4: My name's Blurryface and I care what you think

Part 5: My name's Blurryface and I care what you think

Part 6: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 7: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 8: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 9: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 10: We're stressed out

Part 11: Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from

Part 12: I'd make a candle out of it if I ever found it Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I'd probably only sell one

Part 13: It'd be to my brother, 'cause we have the same nose Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam

Part 14: But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered Out of student loans and tree-house homes we all would take the latter

Part 15: My name's Blurryface and I care what you think

Part 16: My name's Blurryface and I care what you think

Part 17: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 18: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 19: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 20: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 21: We used to play pretend, give each other different names We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away

Part 22: Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face saying "Wake up, you need to make money" Yeah

Part 23: We used to play pretend, give each other different names We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away

Part 24: Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face saying "Wake up, you need to make money" Yeah

Part 25: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 26: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 27: Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

Part 28: When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Part 29: Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money

Part 30: Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money

We used to play pretend, give each other different names We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face Saying, "Wake up, you need to make money" Yeah

For more infomation >> MULTIFANDOM M.A.P._Stressed Out [1/30] - Duration: 3:23.


Allerlei von Nicolai - Underwater (Instrumental Music) | Royalty Free [No Copyright] - Duration: 4:18.


Royalty free music

Subscribe for more free music!

For more infomation >> Allerlei von Nicolai - Underwater (Instrumental Music) | Royalty Free [No Copyright] - Duration: 4:18.


NINJA Best Moments of Season 4! - Duration: 12:43.



Can talk to Nick I know you time it out another one on you another

Dinner for 40 nights more coming from residents in the middle street gang

One shot literally one bullet no shields to help

Right in front of me hey

Did he just get shield back stream, I mean, I just know scum head shot him 487. Oh, yeah other one of the road

331 rocket Joey actually

I wasn't looking I was too busy staring in here with you guys. Oh my god, dude

Was that a twofer

Quick also on the same spot time like in the head the exact save guide like half a second afterwards

Goods up behind the selfless

Top very top of the team jumping down. Oh so close I've had too close

Well building though

Needs me back now

On fire and I did

Talk here that and never shot either

Okay, I'll let me avenge Ebert

It's the fishway with a nice hot one D to the face like this breach one

Body one

My clothes off

They look so clean did let's go

It's all clean

No, not same nope, so I just building up all wonky style

Five K. Don't know if you get this dolphin. Enjoy hear me. I agree that I try hard enough

I'm a man of my word I got you. Okay, let's go Oh

Touch me here we go. Great. Oh

My god, not again

Come on it needs your brother

We wanna fly

22 kills with the boy what the guy okay

But a fabulous event sometimes bloom is on your favorite you actually have to aim oh

My god

Jiae's hurts

The one they are this thing, it's nuts this thing is nuts dude I am

Oh my god, Oh Oh

Be sure to like it retweet oh so good

Three two one good night


While you moved last second man that was supposed to be clean

Head shot 276 longest snipe record it

Go let's go. Let's go. You stare. I'd say you do stability Ellicott 300

Just what I need a little bit. It'll

Take me over the top

Okay, Mia Bush I am on my way let's do this

Yeah, no, no see delicate bush, oh, thank you so much

Yes closer closer, okay. Yes, we must yes get rid of the rock before. Okay. Here I come


No, please yo, you are so delicious the delicate I want your juices. Please do not kill me

No, relax Bush, please. You're in a wonderful safe place of care. Oh my god

I only for a minute go to kill me man. Oh

My god

You're a monster



Clip it

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