Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 30 2018




this is gonna be one of those days

hello there scrubs how many of you seal clubbers managed to find Charlie in the

previous episode well done people now watch this video ten times over till you

find him in this episode two law

nope nope

100 super EXTREME justice let's just go for it yah-ah-ah claim

everything's go as planned here we go nice oh I remember smash them

ready for smash man Nick hey hello then we go hey hey come on nice hoodie

ok everyone off primary target this thing should be able to side script

yeah hood you know I can awesome oh yes lost a radio operator he's doomed told

you dr. Rainey operate or most important crewmember indeed in the came 5 yep

well this tank seems to be balanced oh hello head sir

ramen swatch ramen very nice oh there is what didn't we see him earlier oh he

wrecked me it was watched on ice me that's per kinase I also got a laser

well we did a lot of a lot of damage I'm going for the Matilda he's balanced

hello I got team killed by our left seriously you're not even safe from your

own artillery playing this game

well seriously stop camping conquer like 500 damage isn't enough he's also

getting a 20 second stun how can I hit these people they're behind a huge

mountain guys you gotta stop camping oh my god stop camping people I'm

preventing you from camping stop camping behind that e75 that are killed

previously yes maybe he decided to move the engine deck stop camping colonies on

the first game oh Jesus if me come here get me ten hours

oh god this is amazing I was expecting madness and I you guys didn't disappoint

this that we never disappoint this is amazing

jo-ann Emmerich you as well yes mm I like here we make a triple now but he

died so it's okay LM on fire and I lost like oh there we go yeah

hello Bechet let me aim for half an hour

yes follow us on Twitter scrub

and kill all our patreon supporters at home up until today is the donor month

get access to awesome perks shipped link in the description

join the dark side we have hash browns look mom I'm on TV father salt

collecting balanced premium tanks since 2012

here is my doomsday

just to the heck do you think I am the all kind of helping

supporting epic contacts since 2080 well thank if watching this amazing video and

if you want to watch more of this kind of content why don't you go ahead and

click this playlist in the middle of the screen and don't forget to Like and

subscribe yes and don't forget to send your

replays to our contact mail more details in the description

For more infomation >> Another Day in World of Tanks #52 - Duration: 11:04.


How to get free v bucks fortnite PS4 | Free Fortnite vbucks Skins | How to get fortnite vbucks free - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> How to get free v bucks fortnite PS4 | Free Fortnite vbucks Skins | How to get fortnite vbucks free - Duration: 3:33.


Kanye West: We Got Love (Live) - SNL - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Kanye West: We Got Love (Live) - SNL - Duration: 4:12.


Found my duplicate..😱😱 - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> Found my duplicate..😱😱 - Duration: 14:19.


How to get vbucks fortnite skins | free Fortnite v bucks hack fortnite | Free v-bucks fortnite - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> How to get vbucks fortnite skins | free Fortnite v bucks hack fortnite | Free v-bucks fortnite - Duration: 3:33.


Как связаны лишний вес, женственность и сексуальность? Причины лишнего веса #3 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Как связаны лишний вес, женственность и сексуальность? Причины лишнего веса #3 - Duration: 3:05.


Fortnite Squad - SNL - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Squad - SNL - Duration: 3:43.


Nenávist na Instagramu: Máš co si zasloužíš, píši lidé popálené Třešničkové! - Duration: 5:24.

 Jak jsme váš již informovali, youtuberka Kristýna Třešňáková alias Týnuš Třešničková leží v kritickém stavu v istanbulské nemocnici

Tam se i s partnerem Viktorem Hajíčkem dostala po nepovedené fire show v tamějším vyhlášeném podniku Nusr Et, kdy byla zasažená neznámou látkou a na 35 procentech svého těla utrpěla popáleniny druhého stupně

 „Mám popáleniny, ale moje přítelkyně Kristýna Třešňáková je v mnohem horším stavu, než já

Ten večer to byla noční můra a stále se to děje," sdělil tureckým novinám Birgun Hajíček

 I přes všechny tyto informace existují lidé, kteří mladé krásce, kterou na youtube sleduje přes čtvrt milionů lidí a na instagramu o sto tisíc víc, její neštěstí přejí

 „Mrzí mě, co se stalo, ale snad pochopíš, že být umělá, rádoby dokonalá a napíchaná, není vše

A teď ke všemu ještě i popálená. Třeba se ti změní aspoň ty hodnoty," vzkazuje Kristýně, která leží na jednotce intenzivní péče jistá Luccy Kopecká

 Pavel Kuňák jí zase vzkázal, že alespoň tu plastiku bude vážně potřebovat, čímž nejspíš naráží na fakt, že úspěšná fashion a beauty youtuberká má umělá prsa

 Člověk skrývající se pod pseudonymem Love has no gender, což v překladu znamená láska nemá pohlaví, zašel mnohem dál

„Nechci působit nějak nenávistně, ale má co si zaslouží. Třeba už nebude tak namyšlená a zamyslí se nad sebou, podle mě nebyla dobrým příkladem pro mladší holky, co ji sledují a potom jsou nešťastné a chtějí si taky nechat udělat tyhle dva balóny, co má Třešničková

Vlastně celá její kariéra se zakládá na vzhledu, nikomu nic zlého nepřeju, ale pokud bude nějak nevratně zohavená tak si konečně uvědomí, jak se chovala a třeba se z ní stane někdo lepší," napsala osoba, která má ve svém pseudonymu nesmyslně slovo láska

 Dívka skrývající se pod pseudonymem czhanulkacz jí vzkázala, že vše zlé je k něčemu dobré

Aspoň prý nyní bude mít důvod jít na plastiku orlího nosu, ze kterého má komplexy

A to není vše. Nenávistných vzkazů jsou desítky a jsou i tací, co jí nadávají do ku*ev, ačkoliv v nemocnici bojuje o život

 Její rodina se modlí a doufá v brzké a rychlé uzdravení. „Děkujeme za všechny zprávy a podpory

Až budeme vědět více informací, dáme vědět. Každopádně všechno bude v pořádku. Týnka je v nejlepších rukou a bude o ni postaráno

Modlete se, prosím. Posílám všechnu lásku, co v sobě mám," napsala přes Insta Stories sestra popálené módní youtuberky Martina Třešňáková

 Všichni, kdo mladé krásce neštěstí přejí, by si měli uvědomit, že Kristýna v Istanbulu prožívá nejhorší chvíle svého života

Podle informací Expresu by měla být na jednotce intenzivní péče. Nenávist zde opravdu není na místě


For more infomation >> Nenávist na Instagramu: Máš co si zasloužíš, píši lidé popálené Třešničkové! - Duration: 5:24.


Kavanaugh's Former Classmates Just Came Forward To Expose His Senate Testimony Lies(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:36.

Kavanaugh's Former Classmates Just Came Forward To Expose His Senate Testimony Lies

he characterized himself at his yearbook has in high school as a drinker and so

the Fox News person was asking him at and he said she said asked him if he

ever drank to excess did he ever drink to blackout and he was

like no I had a few beers was there ever a time that you drank so much that you

couldn't remember what happened the night before no that's a complete

mischaracterization of of who he was at Yale and the persona that he portrayed

to everyone and knowing Brett the way that I did I just find it hard to

believe it is not plausible to me that he remembers everything that he did when

he was drinking but I was really frustrated today in the testimony when

the Senators were trying to get at that and he kept deflecting and saying well

you need to look at my grades I studied hard I got into Yale Law School it was

number one and I was an athlete well at the culture Yale those two things are

not mutually exclusive Sarah I was the top of my class academically busted my

butt in school captain of the varsity basketball team got into Yale College

when I got into Yale College got into Yale Law School

worked my tail off I also was an athlete at Yale I played two sports not one I

also got good grades I went on to Wharton Business School and I drank in

excess many nights with Brett Kavanaugh so he was trying to portray that it's

one or the other and at Yale it's very possible and they were oh there's a lot

of people for which that was both probably my most specific memory is I

went on to the green by Sterling library when the deep new pledges were getting

tapped in to the fraternity and Brett was getting tapped in and he

was incredibly drunk in a ridiculous outfit and had to come up to me and sing

a silly song I'm a geek I'm a geek I'm a power tool when I sing the song I look

like a fool I still remember it to this day

he was so incredibly drunk I find it not plausible at all that he remembers

everything that he did that night so again from something that I witnessed

personally I find it very hard to imagine that he never blacked out or had

memory lapses and he really tried to evade those questions I never felt

unsafe I never witnessed any untoward sexual advances towards women that were

unwelcome I never witnessed anything about that and again I'm not here

speaking about those allegations I'm speaking to the allegation that I know

about which is he is misrepresenting who he says he was in college I'm a

registered Republican I'm not part of some left-wing conspiracy which I found

to be a very odd approach at the Judiciary Committee this whole two-week

effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with a

parent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election fear that

has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record revenge on behalf of the

Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition

groups this is a circus brett stood up there and lied about who he was and his

behavior in college it's not consistent at all with the brett that i knew and if

he's gonna lie about the little things what about the big things thank you god

bless you and God bless america


For more infomation >> Kavanaugh's Former Classmates Just Came Forward To Expose His Senate Testimony Lies(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:36.


La Piloto 2 | Yolanda se besa con John y su hijo los descubre - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> La Piloto 2 | Yolanda se besa con John y su hijo los descubre - Duration: 3:25.


網友:黎明的眼光真獨特啊!樂基兒四年敗光黎明7.5億,離婚5年後再嫁愛情,如今近照曝光成這樣。 - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> 網友:黎明的眼光真獨特啊!樂基兒四年敗光黎明7.5億,離婚5年後再嫁愛情,如今近照曝光成這樣。 - Duration: 11:50.


中国研发最新武器?美媒:比歼-20和航母还强!真相并非如此 - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 中国研发最新武器?美媒:比歼-20和航母还强!真相并非如此 - Duration: 5:29.


巫统需要非马来人意见 姑里打算【找华裔印裔做委员】? - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 巫统需要非马来人意见 姑里打算【找华裔印裔做委员】? - Duration: 4:10.


Лосяш ку ку 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Лосяш ку ку 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 4:29.


M60전차와 M1A1전차를 합치면? M60-2000 - Duration: 4:28.

The M60 final prototype M60-2000, which seems to be a bit of a mess today, will be the main character of today

The MBT line in the US is starting from the first generation M48

to the second generation M60 3rd generation M1A1 Abrams

However, there was a problem when western tanks were replaced with third generation MBT

The existing M48 countries wanted to buy a third-generation MBT, which was too expensive

In the case of M60 tanks, the modifications to the M48 were close

Most of the M48 holders used remodeling items with M60 parts

The age of the third generation MBT has arrived and the reconstruction has reached its limit

The M48 mass holders were Korea, Israel and Turkey

Korea first tried to buy the M60 tanks, and as the work went strange

it succeeded in developing the K1 tank which is the third generation MBT

In the case of Israel

it was upgraded to the M60T Saber tank with modified 120mm smoothbore gun and reaction armor

But, Turkey was a different matter

Most of the M48 operators upgraded their M48s to two generations

but Turkey directly operated the M60

It was only because of this that I had to leave the remaining M60 by going into 3rd generation

but it was too much money to buy 3rd generation MBT

However, General Dynamics, the developer of the M1 tank

did not miss the opportunity to earn money

It has come up with a method for countries that operate massive M60 tanks

That was the strange combination of the M60 bodywork + M1A1 turret

The result was M60-2000

The reason why it was not simply a combination of M60 and M1

was that the M60 body itself was also substantially modified.

First, the engine was upgraded from 750 horsepower to 1200 horsepower

the suspension was replaced as well

There is actually a compelling reason for this

Because the turret itself was very heavy compared to the M60

and the suspension of the M60 was too much to prevent the reaction of the 120mm smoothbore gun

These are the factors that have been upgraded from the existing M60

The turret defense increased to the M1 level and the mobsters were still on the M1 turrets

and went up to firepower from 105mm to 120mm

However, despite these modifications, there were limitations due to M60 bodyshells

Once increased from the engine to 1200 horsepower, but fell below the M1 of 1500 horsepower

And the complementary suspension was not better than the M1

which obviously led to a decrease in maneuverability

And the body armor was no different from the M60

It is the third generation, but it does not become a defense if it does not hull down

After replacing the engine and drive system

and then retrofitting the turret to the turret drive, the M1 turret was attached

cost of the replacement was very high

In the end, M60-2000 was proposed in the Turkish military's next tank project

but it was not in the upper class' judgment that the high cost of the renovation would not cover the budget

And then Turkey's got an existing M60 We're going to build a new Sabra in Israel

The German armament bought and used Leopard 2 for sale

After that, K-2 black panther technology was introduced to create a new 60t MBT altay

Of course no one has seen the M60-2000 since

Eventually, the M60-2000 was a welcome addition to the firepower from the M1 turret

However, due to the declining maneuverability and defense power of the M60 body

the overall combat capability was worse than the M1 tank

It was a failure that did not come close to achieving the same level

of competence at a cheaper rate than buying a new one

For more infomation >> M60전차와 M1A1전차를 합치면? M60-2000 - Duration: 4:28.


Doris and Rosie Ground Dora and Elena and Gets Ungrounded - Duration: 1:39.

Rosie: Dora and Elena!

Doris: you both are grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded for life! go to your house and go upstairs to your room now!

Doris yes! we ground Dora and Elena!

Elena: Look Miguel, Abuela, and Diego! Doris and Rosie just ground me and Dora!

Miguel: and you two deserve it!

Diego: you both are grounded for nothing once again!

Abuela: go upstairs to your room now!

Dora and Elena: (cry sounds)

Diego: Doris and Rosie, thank you for grounding Dora and Elena, she deserved it!

Miguel: go home right now, and I'm calling your son Caillou about this!

Caillou: Mom and Rosie, Thank you for grounding Dora and Elena. She deserved it!

Caillou: you both are ungrounded for life! go do whatever you want?

Doris and Rosie: Thank you Caillou!

For more infomation >> Doris and Rosie Ground Dora and Elena and Gets Ungrounded - Duration: 1:39.


180930 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 At Star Live Talk KCON In Thailand 2018 - Duration: 2:03.

180930 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 At Star Live Talk KCON In Thailand 2018

For more infomation >> 180930 (G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 At Star Live Talk KCON In Thailand 2018 - Duration: 2:03.



Hi everyone, I hope you're fine!

Today we are on a brand new spot,

a brand new skatepark, entirely made of concrete!

He is more design for skateboard,

but we will try to make some small lines on it!

Let's go !

First warm-up line, we bunny up right behind

stay in manual all along

and go down again!

Second line in manual, we will try to bunny manual just behind,

We cross all the way in manual

and we go back down


Very happy with this line!

I was not so confident on the tire tap,

but I land it !

Good then, little revenge of the last time!

I will try again just behind.

we'll see if I can do it today!

This happened ! It was sketchy!

I will try to make another one, a little cleaner!

Always a little sketchy but I'm going to settle for this one!

I'll take you right away to another spot,

on a session I had done last week in Switzerland

I leave you right away with these little lines! Let's go!

I hope you enjoyed these lines!

I hope you enjoyed this video too,

It's probably the last one I make with the Inspired Hex

I'll give you a little surprise for next week,

I'm going to change my bike,

so I let you put the prognosis of my next bike in the comments just below!

I hope you enjoyed this video!

Feel free to put a like if you liked it,

to subscribe on the channel,

and we'll meet again next week for a new video!

See you !

For more infomation >> DERNIÈRE SESSION SUR L'INSPIRED HEX ? (VTT STREET TRIAL) - Duration: 3:56.


Fiddle Leaf Fig tree (Ficus Lyrata) Propagation UPDATE cutting comparison Part 4 with MOODY BLOOMS - Duration: 2:46.

Hello welcome to Moody Blooms! Thanks for joining us on our Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation series.

Now these are our babies that we cut about ten months ago. They spent

about two months growing roots in our water and then about eight months ago we

transfer them to the soil. As you can see they're doing really well there's lots

of new growth and new leaves and they're nice and happy. They have been watered

about one to two cups every one to two weeks. Now normally I water my larger fiddle

leaf fig plants about once a week, but these seem to not need as quite as much

water. So again, one to two cups of water every one to two weeks and I place

them in bright indirect light the entire time. So you never want them to be in

direct sun because they can burn the leaves. So my baby leaves tend to get

these little brown spots, you'll see them on here as they grow and as they get

larger, they tend to disappear so I'm not quite sure what they are. You're welcome

to leave some comments below and maybe fill me in on that but I'm not quite

sure because they eventually disappear so I haven't been too concerned about it

but they're doing really well.

Now many of you have asked how fast the fiddle

leaf cutting will grow, so I thought you'd enjoy this comparison. This is our

two-foot cutting that we did. About eight months ago is potted this is about two

and a half years and it's a four foot tall plant. It's growing really well it's

nice and healthy and as you can see right here is where it was originally

cut it was a cutting that we cut off right here and this has continue to grow into a

nice full plant. Now check back for our video on how to shape and train into a

nice straight full tree. For another comparison we have our two eight month

cuttings in the middle, to the left we have our two and a half year old

four-foot plant and then the plant on the right is about five years old and this

particular plant we've propagated a few times. You'll notice both of these

cuttings on the ground in the black pots are from this plant, as well as the

4 foot plant on the left.

When I bought this plant about five years ago

it was about two to three feet tall and it's grown really well into a nice

healthy tree. Every one of my cuttings has come from this plant and has continued

to flourish and do really well. Also, keep in mind that this one has two

stalks on it. It's two separate plants here so you could combine two cuttings if

you'd like to make it a little bit more full. As a reminder you always want a pot

with good drainage you don't want any standing water and if you'll remember in

our last video we plotted those plants into the grey pots that had a reservoir

in the bottom that collected some water and it attracted some bugs and you

don't want that it wasn't a good fit for the Fiddle Leaf Fig. So again, well draining pot,

no standing water. Thank you so much for watching and please like this video if

it was helpful for you and go ahead and subscribe if you want to continue get

updates of the progress of these beautiful Fiddle Leaf Figs. Thank you so

much for joining us on our Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation series. Hope you'll join us


For more infomation >> Fiddle Leaf Fig tree (Ficus Lyrata) Propagation UPDATE cutting comparison Part 4 with MOODY BLOOMS - Duration: 2:46.



The battle of the battles

This is the Crossbar Challenge

Rock Paper Scissors for whoever can start

Rock Paper Scissors

Calm down

You are a talent but you have no experience

The one who hits the crossbar first has won

But this is not fair

He has lost

Congratulations on this one

What a fake congratulation

I haven't even got my turn

Yes, but that makes sense

You have lost with Rock Paper Scissors

I have taken you mentally

I knew exactly that I would cut you there

Cut it

How is your football knowledge?

I know a lot

You set the bar high

Yes, come on

Within thirty seconds as many clubs from La Liga as possible

How much do you think you will mention?

I think five

In thirty seconds?

Bro I have to think

Alright - La Liga is not the easiest





Stop - No man...

Eight clubs

You were modest so that you were higher anyway

That's better

The Football Names Series

You will get thirty seconds to name as many names in succession as possible

You must mention surnames of footballers

But one rule...

They have to stick together

It must be a series

In other words...

Imagine you say Unuvar

Ends with a ''R''

Then the next footballer must start with the letter R





Which one is with an ''O''

You are under pressure bro



He played at Ajax

This is really not good

How is this possible - Stop

This is weak

This is really weak

That's what they call performing under pressure

During the Future Cup you were amazing

But this is something else

This is something else

This is TouzaniTV

Become a subscriber before it's too late

You know this man is always in the starting eleven

And shows wo the boss is

This is the Crossbar No Look Challenge

Rock Paper Scissors for whoever can start

Rock Paper Scissors

Unfortunately man

You looked sneaky

No no no... - He looked sneaky

He looked sneaky - Unfortunately Soufiane

This is the Curve Challenge

The one who curves the ball first into the goal has won

Rock Paper Scissors for whoever can start

Rock Paper Scissors

What is wrong with your experience bro

So do it

We have to put you somewhere in a room

What will last a day

But if you are there you will be there for ten years

Then you have to come back and then you can battle with me again

Hold on

No, this is very bad though Soufiane

He is already standing where he has to stand behind the fences

You are a midfielder

A midfielder must be able to switch well

From back to front

From front to back

I am about to name a few names and you have to pronounce them from back to front









By the way, what do you get when you turn around poop


No... dirty hands

Yes man, haha...

Nowadays I chill with ''touch''

But I'm curious about his touch

How is your touch?

My touch is good

You have to turn 10 times

Then I shoot the ball in the air and you have to touch it











He does it - Almost...

You are dizzy, right?

A little bit

With the sun

You can click there and vote who has a better touch

Unuvar or ''Soufijantje''

It is required to hit the ball twice and play to each other

And you have to name something that has to do with Ajax

Doesn't matter what

But you have to name something of Ajax before you cross the ball

Naci Unuvar

Hakim Ziyech


Three crosses (XXX)

''De Toekomst''


Alright come...

That was a warming up - Warming up? You've lost...

You can go again but you have lost this one

You can't say that this was just a warming up - Alright I've lost come...

At warming up I only think about food

Premier League


Eden Hazard

Man U

FA Cup




De Bruyne

Wait wait... -Agüero

Good goal

I just said Hazard for nothing

Hazard was just good right

Hazard had already been appointed

But you didn't say it wasn't allowed

And you said competition once

Yes they do have a competition but...

It is a competition

You've said Hazard two times bro

That doesn't matter

You didn't say it wasn't allowed

So I think it's okay

The Bundesliga


Bayern München




(James) Rodrigues




Werder Bremen





You could also let the ball go

You saw a goal there so you just wanted to shoot

I think that this is a point for me actually

What a smart ass

And I say so

In football they sometimes play mysteriously

I will prepare you for it

Then they suddenly start talking and they put their hand in front of their mouths

As if they are beatboxing

Can you beatbox or not?


Do it

Can you do it?

We're not going to ask questions...

But it is important to be able to lip-read occasionally

So I'm going to name a player's name without any sound

And you have to guess which player I'm calling

Donny van de Beek

But you just hear me

No, I know it because of your lips


Okay now I'm going abroad


You are a difficult one

Was it good?

You can cheat well at school

Be honest







Nice man

You don't have to give any hints But you have to know for yourself


Come on man

It looks like hazard do it again

It is a well-known player right?

Yes of course

Where does he play?

I just say it

Manchester United

If you don't know now...





If the coach and the player have something special together

Then something magisterial can come out of that

Something very special

I am the coach

He is the player

I am Guardiola

And he is just Unuvar

Two times right foot

Three times left foot

Three times right foot

Two times right knee

Three times left knee

I have already seen it that left of you...

As a coach I must be able to use you well

That left knee of yours

Or it's because of your hamstring I don't know

But it doesn't come up

Two times right foot

Two times left foot

Two times right foot

Two times left foot

Two times right foot

Two times left foot

Two times right foot

Three times left foot

You were shocked by those three

I must say our first collaboration was not very smooth

The score you get from me is a 5

To be honest

I hope to see you in the future again

And to be allowed to train you

So that we can reach a new level

I would say work on your left knee

But frankly also on your left foot

Maybe you should cut your nails or something

Because I don't know what was going on

You have a big mouth against me

But can you do it yourself?


Show me

But the question is, can you coach?

You are still young what are you going to coach - That's not a problem

I want to see if you can do it

Three times right knee

Head twice

Three times right foot

Three times left foot

Three times right knee

Head five times

Two times left foot

That's wrong

He doesn't even know what is left and right come on man

You are still critical it was a nice rally man

Yes, but it has to be left that was right - I can't even head the ball normally

You have given me obstacles

Alright, score?

A seven

What do I have to work on coach

Start learning what is left and right

And then it will be okay

For more infomation >> TOUZANI VS NACI UNUVAR | AJAX | FOOTBALL CHALLENGES - Duration: 11:10.


September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.

what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV

welcome to my September wrap-up video I made it through all four of the books I

plan to read in September and I'm ready to talk about them so let's get started

the first book I read this month was "My Year Of Rest And Relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh

and I'm actually not going to talk about this one because it was my

September book club pick which means my full review comes out next Sunday the

first Sunday of every month I have my book club reviews come out and I hope

you guys will check it out because I do have some things to say about this book

I will give you my ranking though which was a high two maybe three out of five

and I hope that doesn't discourage you guys from watching that review and it

might still be worthwhile for some of you guys read

my classic read for this

month was "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway and I gave this a 5 out of 5

but surprisingly because it didn't meet my expectations but was better for it I

think it's rare that a story is exactly what the back of the book the

description says it's gonna be but this actually was yet the telling of it was

so good the characters are absolutely wonderful

Jake is a fantastic narrator and I love the Hemingway style is so simple yet he

says so much he tells you about the characters and the story without adding

anything extra and Lady Brett Ashley, Bill, Robert Cohn, Mike they're all

unique and they add something specific to the story but I love Jake and Bill's

bromance and then Bill and Mike Bill is just a wonderful character he's

probably my second favorite after Jake but Brett is really interesting as well she's kind

of like this rich aunt not rich she's a lady so but she's getting divorced but

she's been married a couple different times yet she loves Jake and Jake loves

her but they can't be together so the theme of disillusionment is definitely

there as the characters try to figure out what life is supposed to be like and

how they can live it to their fullest ability and there is that sense of

romance but it's not quite the romance that you would expect it to be but I

really really recommend this book and really enjoyed reading it

So my next book for the month / my history pick was "The History Of The Kings of Britain"

by Geoffrey of Monmouth and I gave this a four out of five and the thing that

got me most about it was whoever published it or put this version of his

work together put in footnotes and commentary but they just kind of ended

up being really snarky comments about this work and they called out the people

that this was written for at the time as being rather foolish for believing that

any of this could have ever happened most of the footnotes say stuff like it

was well known that that did not happen or that this is what happened is they

will tell you if the character is real or the dates that this likely happened

that he might be talking about but for the most part it's just like says that I

mean this couldn't have happened at all that he would even have written this but

I still enjoy the arthur elements and his storyline where he got his start

Merlin's background and then their connection to Uther Pandragon and Vordigan so if

you like our Arthurian Legend and you want to know where he got his start this is

definitely a worthwhile read I did have trouble staying awake but that can just

be a byproduct of history sometimes especially when most of it is just

genealogy but I would still recommend it and say it was worthwhile to read and I

still it encouraged me I want to read more about King Arthur and see how the

legend develops from what Geoffrey writes here and his start

I mean Excalibur is not even in this book his sword is called Caliburn so I'm

interested to read more because already minutes so I wouldn't recommend it four

out of five really good book

My final book of the month and continued my read

through the Vampire Diaries series was the Hunter's Moonsong and I gave this a

four out of five as well because in the end it felt like it was rushing and

getting trying to get to the conclusion too quickly with the majority of the

books blitz it I think all of the books tend to

go chapter by chapter from each character's perspective and what they're

doing and most of this book each character kind of had their own mission

or focus and so then in the end it all came together but it felt like it was

rushed and Elena who pretty much always drives me crazy was extra annoying and

frustrating in this one particularly in how she was treating Stefan and versus

Damon and then acting like she's miss innocent

'oh I never meant to hurt anyone' and then she's a martyr because she hurt somebody

and, its just annoying for me, but I still enjoyed it and there's ahuge set up for the last book and this

plot that they leave open in the end where they plan to reintroduce Klaus so

I'm excited to read the last book and I can't wait to see how the series ends

So those are the four books that I read this past September if you've read any

of those I would definitely love to know what you thought and if you ever have a

suggestion for a book you think I would love or should read a review let me know

in the comment section and stay tuned next Sunday for my book club review

and later this week for my October TBR

thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye

if you enjoyed this video give it a

thumbs up and don't forget to comment subscribe

and hit that bell for more bookish videos

For more infomation >> September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.


Gintama Drama CD | Tamo-san, is it okay that you smile? Extra Episode (Part A) - Duration: 18:08.

When you see your computer,

Keep the lights in your room and stay at a considerable distance.

Click on the red button below,

Leave your like,

And give us a comment please.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon it becomes a disaster ♪

But I really think that I do not care ♪

At 6 in the afternoon I have itching ♪

But tomorrow I will not care ♪

Tamo-san, smile

It will be OK!?

Yes, will it be okay if we smile? Extra episode!

Well, Monday's guests are!

Kondo-kun, Hijikata-kun and Okita-kun

The guest of Tuesday!


Why am I alone on Tuesday !? They could have put me on Monday with the Shinsengumi!

The guest of Wednesday, Sac-chan!

I'm in charge of being tight in the middle,

I'm Sac-chan❣

The guest on Thursday, Saito-kun.





Does not matter.

The guests of Friday, Shinpachi-kun, Kagura-chan!

- It is a pleasure! - Same thing!

And also!


Wait wait wait!

The order of the guests is very messy!

Especially on Thursday! That's fine!?

Do not worry,


It will be OK!?

I forgot it,

The new helpers of the show!

I'm Hasegawa Taizou!

I am Tokugawa Shige Shige

My name is Matsudaira Katakuriko

We start with a corner.

Hey, I have a question!

How does the Thursday system work?

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

The extra episode has already started

So is!

Everybody are well?

So is!

Your ice cream gari gari is?

It's a soda flavor, so is!

I thought I heard someone who said corn?

We prefer the taste of soda, so is!

Well, then our first guest.

Yesterday, we presented it to Otsura-san because their names are very similar.

It's Zura-san.


I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura!


Otsura-san I leave a message ready.


I see, I appreciate it.

Let's hear it.

It is a pleasure!

Otsura-san, thank you very much!

You are very dear Katsura-kun.

Do not,

Only that?

No, there's still more.


It is a pleasure!

No, it is obvious that it is the same as a moment ago.

You're wrong, you're wrong, that's not true, is not it, Otsura-san?

It is a pleasure!

It is a recycled!

You're wrong.

Okay, Otsura-san what is your favorite fish?


Ure, sardine?


It is delicious.

Roasted and with salt.


What kind of music do you listen to?

It i-

Did you say funk?

Funk, it's good, is not it?

Those who have the creeps

They edit too much audio that no longer makes sense!

Is it okay?

If we talk about hair,


Katsura-kun, your hair, is it a wig?

It's not a wig, it's Katsura! (Zura = Wig)

Also, your phrase is, you cut your hair !!

We're going to some commercials.

I'm Yamazaki Sagaru.

The Ampan Festival of Yamazaki.

This year, if you present three packages of ampan that you have eaten,

You will receive an elegant and white ampan!

And also, when you finish eating your elegant and white ampan.

If you deliver 5 labels that come in the package.

We will give you an extra ampan!

Our next corner!

Pro Sensei, it's your turn!

In this segment we ask a professional to come and show us their professional techniques.

And then, Pro Sensei this time,

Is he.

Takasugi Shinsuke

Takasugi !?

It will be fine if he is here !?

If we see that he tries something we will send him flying!

No, I don't think it's very easy to achieve.

In this corner something is done to do, is not it?

So, Takasugi-sensei what kind of professional is he?


I only know how to destroy.

This rotten world.

Well, there you have it.

What Takasugi sensei will do,

It will destroy the rottenness of this world.

What is that, in what sense?

To begin with, it will be the natto!

It already started!

Please sit in this chair, Takasugi Sensei.

ah, Sensei!

Don't do anything unnecessary.

This is my first Mc Corner.

Don't bring me your disgusting face!

Wait wait wait , that sensei seems to want to destroy the life of Okita-san!

Hey, assistant!

Hurry to bring that natto!

Shut up!

Don't give me orders.

Why are you the assistant?

Are there show aides or not?

They could be the assistants of the show.

I also want to know why I have to do this.

It was the condition that I put to make this corner.

I can choose the dog that I want.

Takasugi Sensei, just launched the natto!

And that natto fell on the whole face of Hijikata-san!

That was impressive Sensei.

A splendid way to destroy.


Wait a bit, this natto stinks too much!


Actually that natto was made especially for Takasugi Sensei.

The normal thing is to let the natto ferment for 18 hours,

but by special request,

We let it ferment for 9 days.

That's just rotten soy!

Idiot, do not come near me!

This is bad!



The presenter kicked the assistant!

And I also let out something that gets tangled up.

Look! Toshii's body is wrapped in sticky natto thread!

That beautiful!

Is similar to,

The tentacles of the amakusa jellyfish.

What if,

If those tentacles were those of Gin-san

And when I think that, they could be playing me in different places.

Just think it!

Don't be too rough when you push me, Gin-san ~

Shut up, perverted woman!

Don't come near me!

Sac-chan fell on top of Mayora covered in natto!

I wrap!

This is Gin-san!

You're wrong!!

- Then, the next rotten thing .. - No no no!

The spectators are aware of the two types involved in natto.

This is how the corner should be, no problem.

Well, let's move on to the next one.

Assistant Hijikata-san, please bring it.

Hijikata-san is stuck to the ground!

Wait, is he the only assistant there?


Until when do you think to rest? Do your job as it should.

I only know how to destroy.

See, hurry, Takasugi Sensei is impatient because he wants to destroy something else.

... Sougo.


Why do you look at me like that?

Perhaps the disgusting assistant,

He plans to take the contra to the mc of the corner with his title.

Title of disgusting assistant?

I'm going to rectify those rotten values ​​that you lost fermenting them for 9 days !!!

The sound of their punches seem stiff, they are also very slow!

Don't be fooled by the sound and its appearance

Because of the natto I can not see well.

I do not see the blows of Hijikata-san


The threads of natto entered through my nose and ears,

I can not hear!

Do not smell either!

I'm not done yet!

My mouth ... also, the threads wrap my body ...

But what attack.

Natto's threads stole his five senses.

Natto is that strong?

This is the final blow, Sougo.

He slipped with the natto and hit himself.

That's why I always tell you not to play with food.


?? Have not you lost your five senses for natto?

Obviously not.

Everything was acted.


Don't tell me we're finished.

Disgusting mc


But if we were ignoring you on purpose,

This is how we followed this.


It seems you really want to be destroyed by me.

If you can do it,

Want to try?




those two slipped with natto!

Those two do not stop!

They broke the wall of the studio!

This is bad! We are on the eighth floor of the building!

Don't worry!

Hijikata-san! It was well!

Yes, thanks to natto.

Instead, give me a hand.

We're going to pull the natto that stuck to their bodies to bring them back!

All right!

Pull, pull!

It stinks, my hand is sticky.

That shows when you see it,

That's why I would never touch that natto.

Then why do you pretend to pull the rope!

Calm down!

The impact absorption of natto is 10 times greater than that of a mattress.

If we make them fall into the natto, they will not lose their lives.

But what are you saying, since when do you know so much about natto?

Shinpachi, the staff brought some posters, hurry up and read them.

We are saved, let's see what it says.

The food watered will be the responsibility of those who threw it.

They worried about that !? What happens to the two who fell !?

Well, what is thrown has no salvation.

You're right.

It is said that if one does not eat, one can not think or work well after all.

We will have lunch?

I do not even know who of all thinks responsibly.

So, Gin-san.

My fermented body ... no, I'm wrong.

The natto that continues to ferment in my body,

Go ahead, eat it!

But that's just rotten soy!

I wrap!

What came out of Gin-san!

I already told you that you're wrong!

Gin-san, it's cold.

But, I like it that way.

Well, we'll go to some commercials.


Yes, more!

Move your hips!


Gin-san !!!

Sac-chan, what are you doing alone?

They said they were going to commercials, so I thought I'd use it to make soba.

Why were you shouting Gin-chan's name?

That is because,

I was looking at the picture of Gin-san as I hit the noodles.

To make soba,

You must move your hips to soften the pasta to make it delicious.

Come on look, this long and thick noodle.

Without being cut,

Pass it through your throat gently,

As if you drink it, that's how you eat soba.

Wait, this talk is on the air right now.

It will be OK?

Our next corner is here!

Carnival of similarities!

Here it shows people who are very similar to the guests of the show.

If the guests are similar they will be similar.

And if they do not look alike, pick up the "it was a mistake" letter.

If it is judged as a mistake.

The guest will be sent to a blood festival.

This time, who will be the similar person?


Sakata Gintoki-kun with changed sex.

It's Sakata Ginko-chan!

I'm here!

You are..

I did not think Ginko-san would come.

This is a dream meeting.

As expected from the alternate staff route

They misrepresented many things

At that time I was also a woman so I did not realize,

It's pretty cute, Ginko-chan

Hehe thanks.

All right, Shinpachi-kun, could you interview them?


Let's see, what could I ask?

Ask him his complaints about the bow dekobokko.

You started with the complaints.

But hey, you're right.

Gin-san, because of the dekobokko cult you became Ginko-san.

Yes, that's it ~

But thanks to that I could see something good and I could also touch them.

And also, let me think ...

It hurts, hurts ...

What happens Ginko-san?

When trying to remember what happened, my old wounds started to hurt me.

Old wounds?

My left chest hurts because Otae squeezed it very hard.

I remember!

I was also in the missionary position with Otae-san, at that time my breasts felt strange.

My sister just knocked you down !!

It is true that it was a shock to discover the rare tastes of Otae.

That can already be said fetish breasts.

I am shocked by your perspective.

But, Sac-chan and Tsukuyo-chan were too handsome.

If they call you handsome, then I would be a god.

Kagura, you were just a warrior.

So, if I wanted to talk about a complaint,

The previous me, the.

He did not do things the way he should,

I am sorry for my lack of responsibility.

Hey! the me there!

Don't say unnecessary things!

Do not tell me Ginko-san is quite reasonable

It was expressed in a way that Gin-chan would never do.

The girls turned into men were exceptional,

If I remember what the boys did at that moment,

The bottom part of my body starts to *******

Stop, stop!

A woman should not say that !!!

Did you just flick your tongue?

I thought if I acted like a pretty girl they would not censor me.

You were pretty close.

The glasses are very fussy, hell.

The lenses should act as such, you should pawn and stay quiet until you break.

Suddenly she became very rude.

Shinpachi, after all if it's Gin-chan,

Shinpachi-kun, the segment is about to end.

Get moving.

ahh, it's true.

So, let's see how much the two are alike.

I'll ask you an easy question to see your synchrony.

From the question asked,

We will see how close your response is,

That way you can change its compatibility.

To begin with, the first question.

Actually, Gin-san thinks in the background that Kondo-san looks like a certain animal.

Well, what animal are we talking about?

What's wrong with your silly question?

There is only one answer.


Whoever says it is weird but, you're right ..

Then, show your answer at the same time.

One two Three!

- Outdoor Stool Hideyo - Gorilla


The correct answer is, Gorilla Outdoor Stool!

Wait wait wait!! Your answers were very different!

Wait, who's Outdoor stool Hideyo?

Goriko, you made yourself outdoors.

Gorillas are also made outdoors.

Well, I did it but ..

I did it on the street but ...

Wait a minute!

The answer from a moment ago is wrong!

If China, tell them!

It should not be Outdoor Stool Hideyo, it should be Outdoor Stool Hide Ou! with king kanji.


He is the king of gorillas, that is the only truth here!

You could stop telling me truths that I do not want to hear !!

Actually. Hideyo is correct, if we speak the Hideyo that I know.

Who is the Hideyo that you know Goriko Outdoor Stool?

It is that, the doctor who said to find several viruses ..

You just called me Goriko Outdoor Stool !!?

Shinpachi-kun, start with the judge.

Oh, yes, yes, I'm sorry.

Then the guest this time,

Ginko-san and Gin-san,

Are they similar or is it a mistake?


You can judge!

- Similar. - They are similar -They annoy me..

Then, approved!

For more infomation >> Gintama Drama CD | Tamo-san, is it okay that you smile? Extra Episode (Part A) - Duration: 18:08.


War Thunder gameplay español. # fiebre de sabado por la noche TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:19:43.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay español. # fiebre de sabado por la noche TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:19:43.


Metro Rotterdam in April Part 3 - Duration: 10:20.



For more infomation >> Metro Rotterdam in April Part 3 - Duration: 10:20.


Laeticia Hallyday transformée, elle n'est plus dans «le monde des bisounours » - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday transformée, elle n'est plus dans «le monde des bisounours » - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday transformée, elle n'est plus dans «le monde des bisounours » - Duration: 1:46.


Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 1:35.


Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 338 (new model, Helen Troy) - Duration: 23:32.

Hi, I'm Larry Withers and welcome back to the Croquis Cafe.

Well, this week we're introducing a new female model. Her name is Helen Troy.

And though she's relatively new to modeling, I think you'll see she has what it takes to be a great art model.

Also, we've posted several dozen new photos of Helen Troy to the Croquis Cafe Photo Archive.

With each passing month we're posting more and more photos to the Croquis Cafe Photo Archive.

Making it an incredibly valuable reference for drawing and painting.

To access the Photo Archive follow the link below in the description area.

Please follow us on Instagram. Also post your drawings to Instagram, #croquiscafe. We really love to see what you're doing.

We appreciate all of you who've donated to the Croquis Cafe. Large or small, all donations are appreciated.

To support the Croquis Cafe, follow the link below to our donations page.

And with that enjoy this week's Croquis Cafe.

Hi, I'm Helen and welcome to this week's Croquis Cafe.

For more infomation >> Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 338 (new model, Helen Troy) - Duration: 23:32.


For more infomation >> Croquis Cafe: Figure Drawing Resource No. 338 (new model, Helen Troy) - Duration: 23:32.


Guaj Boya İle Slime Yaptım Çok Güzel Oldu - Gouache Paint Slime - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Guaj Boya İle Slime Yaptım Çok Güzel Oldu - Gouache Paint Slime - Duration: 6:40.


For more infomation >> Guaj Boya İle Slime Yaptım Çok Güzel Oldu - Gouache Paint Slime - Duration: 6:40.


Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 2:22.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron prend du galon dans la presse anglaise - Duration: 2:22.


WT588D Sound Module | Low-cost sounds for the models! - Duration: 12:38.

Sonorize models with less than € 10?

It depends!

What I want to talk to you about today

it's a small sound module

that I borrowed

from the electronic colleagues who deal with Arduino

the form is quite simple

to be used in our cases

just connect it to some function outputs

and he will reproduce sounds


limitations, first point

this module does not interface with the decoder

it's a separate form

very simple

and it can not be in any way

used for running sounds

it does not even have sensor inputs

so it's something completely separate

the sound power is not so much

and the management software is very simple

therefore the sounds that can be used

they are basic

Why should one adopt it?

The question is legal

and the answer can be:

in the pilot carriages

where maybe we want very simple sounds

and small, maybe opening doors

maybe the whistle or station announcements

this module allows us to use this type of sound

other limitation

it's the power supply

need for a 5 volt

or better, from 3.3 to 5.5 volts

so you have to manage this power supply

I know the 21mtc decoder

they have two pins

one that gives 5v, and one that is the earth

I do not know how much power they can give

so it's studying and checking

Normal Decoders have the classic Common

the +

and the larger ones

type i plux16, plux 22 and 21mtc

they also have a GND pin

just interface with the Common and GND

using a 7805

or even a 7844

and we're fine

the call of sounds takes place through functions

as this module has input pins

that once put on the ground

put to -

they will activate sounds

the functions, as we know

they are -

set a function to make sure that

the signal lasts very little

will close the circuit

and then to put our pin in -

and to activate the sound

this form here is the small one

from 16 pins

and it should have 4 pins

for this management through functions

there is also a larger variant

it seems to me to 28pin

which has many more input contacts

let us remember, however, that EVERY SOUND IS A FUNCTION

4 functions

if we already got an 8-pole decoder we do not have them

we can have them on a 21mtc or on a plux22

so you have to think well what sounds to use

a software is used for programming

which is easily found on the net

and is the official one of the form

is called

"WT588D Voice Chip"

works on all operating systems

so also win10

however the management driver

works up to 8 or 8.1

I have now reset windows 7

I'll show it later

on an old computer

and with windows 7 everything works without problems

the software is simple now you will see it

let's have a test on the fly

downloading a sound piece

from a video on youtube

as it is the video of the launch test

for the brake test carriage

the real one

the sound file then has a couple of features

that we will see

it is obtained with the Audacity program

and the only precautions are

a sampling frequency of 16000Hz

the .wav format

and the characteristic of the mono

that is, the module would also support the stereo

however we use it with a single speaker

so putting stereo files is a waste of space

because a stereo file takes up more

the mono should suffice

I leave you to the

to the mini instructions

to put sounds on the form there are more options

now I'll show you how I got one from the net

as for me it's about the sound

of the release test

of the brake test carriage

there is a beautiful video on purpose

I go in the part

in which I actually find the sound

it should be in this area here

I'm interested in the noise of the release

to simulate the release tests

so in this case

the simplest thing is more or less defined

the moment of sound

then from the minute


per minute 1:03

then I take the video link

I go here

I want it in wav format

and I say I want it from the minute

01:00 a minute 01:05


the discharge

save him


then I open it with the audacity program

this is the audio track I downloaded

I go to select the part that interests me: this

so around here

I select this part here and the gate

I leave a little more

and then cut the last part

so more or less from here

the cut

at this point

this sound

it's short

I try to amplify it a little bit

I go on effects


I have to select it


4db is so much we do 2

see that it gets bigger

I do it again

repeat amplify

at this point

the form is said

it can only hold 16'000Hz

so below I'm going to put at 16'000

and also I'm going to say that the track is in mono

because using only one speaker is mono

we just have to do files - export


and say

release test

save it here

ok, here it is

I put it in English

I open my project

and I'm going to enter

these two

in the first slot

00 I whistle

now you've heard it distorted

but it was simply amplified

to make it more powerful

in the device

in 01

I do not put anything

in 02 I put the release test

at this point

I do "Compile (Save Bin)"

saves me the file which will then be uploaded

and then all that remains is to load it into the form

regarding the loading

as I told you before

once I have compiled myself I find myself

to have that .Bin file

I just have to stay

go to open the little program

obviously every time he starts in Chinese

so I'll go and put it in English

then there is a menu above called "tool"

download date

and on this screen

I have to go through the "browse" item

to select the .Bin file

then I say that my memory is from 8megabit

because it is indeed so

I connect

the green ball comes to me

I just have to do "OneKeyDownload"

what's the problem?

these modules here, being old

they need an old system

on windows 10 they do not work properly

so I had to restore windows 7 on this PC

to use it

succesfull download

to say that we are here

the proof we do it this way


the form as I showed you first is that object above

the cost is around € 2

and another 6 € the programmer

so let's talk about really low figures

this is a practical demonstration of the use of the form

Right now

see that red thread and that gray thread

they are connected directly

to the contact points Vcc and GND

of a 21mtc decoder

the Vcc pin provides approx

a voltage ranging from 4v to 5 / 5.5v

this module supports them


Le aux, in this case I take this thread here

it's a very simple -

when I make contact

this - to one of the control pins

in this case the temporary contact I do it

because the function is always active

and this works for all the sounds put

this is a practical use

now the form will be inserted

on the roof of the carriage

and the speaker

I'll see to find him a place

however this is the use that this module can have

as you have seen

simple enough

now the many messy wires are due to the various tests

and he marries me in a magnificent way

with 21mtc

because the 21mtc

they already provide a 5v voltage

which is perfect for the form

while all the others

including the plux22

they need a 7805

that allows to lower

the tension of the Common, of +

at 5v, the Common normally from about 18/20

the one that gets from the rails

Test of the sound module

on the carriage


The module has been installed

all the sounds are not present

because the decoder in the carriage has not yet been programmed

but I would say that the work is finished

et voila we are!

For more infomation >> WT588D Sound Module | Low-cost sounds for the models! - Duration: 12:38.


For more infomation >> WT588D Sound Module | Low-cost sounds for the models! - Duration: 12:38.


Unique Cowhide Rugs - $154 & Up - Free Shipping and Best Quality

For more infomation >> Unique Cowhide Rugs - $154 & Up - Free Shipping and Best Quality


中国研发最新武器?美媒:比歼-20和航母还强!真相并非如此 - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 中国研发最新武器?美媒:比歼-20和航母还强!真相并非如此 - Duration: 5:29.


Maulwurf & Wühlmaus vertreiben mit Schallstab🐀so wird´s gemacht! - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Maulwurf & Wühlmaus vertreiben mit Schallstab🐀so wird´s gemacht! - Duration: 5:04.


Found my duplicate..😱😱 - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> Found my duplicate..😱😱 - Duration: 14:19.


Testing 8-bit Animation - Duration: 0:05.


*b3c0m3 b!g*

For more infomation >> Testing 8-bit Animation - Duration: 0:05.


Alex Iwobi reveals what Unai Emery has done to inspire his stunning Arsenal transformation - Duration: 3:43.

Alex Iwobi has revealed how Unai Emery has boosted his confidence this season and inspired his much improved performances

The Nigeria international has struggled for the past 18 months after breaking through into the first-team in fine style under Arsene Wenger

But the 22-year-old seems to be the player who has benefited most from the arrival of Emery, with his performances notably improving since the start of the campaign

And Iwobi - who came off the bench on Saturday to inspire Arsenal's 2-0 win against Watford - admits that he is now feeling more confident than ever in north London

"I'm more positive and more confident with the ball," he said. "The boss has basically told me that if something doesn't work, just keep going and don't dwell on it

"He's told me to stop being so critical and to just keep trying no matter what happens, no matter if things don't go as I want them to

"That's given me a lot more confidence to try a few more things, like beat a player, to shoot more

I'm always ready to get on the ball a bit more, so I guess it's helped in that sense

"I've lost a bit of weight because of the intense training and I think it's made me a bit sharper

Iwobi scored on his first appearance for Arsenal this season, during the 3-2 defeat at Chelsea in August - but he has yet to find the net since

Last season he scored just three times and - despite his improved performances - he knows he has to start scoring more if he wants to make himself a regular starter in Unai Emery's side

"Obviously the main thing is that the team do well," he said. "But if I can a few more goals that would be a bonus too

I'm working every day in training."The main thing that the boss stresses with me is to get in the positions to score

I scored against Brentford but I was offside. I had another chance too, and I just need to convert them

"He's happy with me getting into those positions and the next step is to convert the chances

" Speaking after Saturday's win, Emery was quick to praise the impact Iwobi had made having replaced Aaron Ramsey in the second half

But the Spaniard also pointed out that he believes the attacker needs to start contributing more when it comes to scoring goals

"He [Iwobi] is working well every day," said Emery. "I am very happy with him because of his mentality

He can play right or left, maybe he can do more one on one. Also, I want him to stay nearer the box to score and find assists for his teammates

This is the way for him

For more infomation >> Alex Iwobi reveals what Unai Emery has done to inspire his stunning Arsenal transformation - Duration: 3:43.


EP. 9 | LULLABY Makeup Look 🐥💚 | EN (ซับไทย) || #BNZ1412 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> EP. 9 | LULLABY Makeup Look 🐥💚 | EN (ซับไทย) || #BNZ1412 - Duration: 2:51.


HOW TO DRAW A ZOMBIE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.

How to draw a Zombie

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

Subscribe! :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A ZOMBIE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.


September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.

what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV

welcome to my September wrap-up video I made it through all four of the books I

plan to read in September and I'm ready to talk about them so let's get started

the first book I read this month was "My Year Of Rest And Relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh

and I'm actually not going to talk about this one because it was my

September book club pick which means my full review comes out next Sunday the

first Sunday of every month I have my book club reviews come out and I hope

you guys will check it out because I do have some things to say about this book

I will give you my ranking though which was a high two maybe three out of five

and I hope that doesn't discourage you guys from watching that review and it

might still be worthwhile for some of you guys read

my classic read for this

month was "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway and I gave this a 5 out of 5

but surprisingly because it didn't meet my expectations but was better for it I

think it's rare that a story is exactly what the back of the book the

description says it's gonna be but this actually was yet the telling of it was

so good the characters are absolutely wonderful

Jake is a fantastic narrator and I love the Hemingway style is so simple yet he

says so much he tells you about the characters and the story without adding

anything extra and Lady Brett Ashley, Bill, Robert Cohn, Mike they're all

unique and they add something specific to the story but I love Jake and Bill's

bromance and then Bill and Mike Bill is just a wonderful character he's

probably my second favorite after Jake but Brett is really interesting as well she's kind

of like this rich aunt not rich she's a lady so but she's getting divorced but

she's been married a couple different times yet she loves Jake and Jake loves

her but they can't be together so the theme of disillusionment is definitely

there as the characters try to figure out what life is supposed to be like and

how they can live it to their fullest ability and there is that sense of

romance but it's not quite the romance that you would expect it to be but I

really really recommend this book and really enjoyed reading it

So my next book for the month / my history pick was "The History Of The Kings of Britain"

by Geoffrey of Monmouth and I gave this a four out of five and the thing that

got me most about it was whoever published it or put this version of his

work together put in footnotes and commentary but they just kind of ended

up being really snarky comments about this work and they called out the people

that this was written for at the time as being rather foolish for believing that

any of this could have ever happened most of the footnotes say stuff like it

was well known that that did not happen or that this is what happened is they

will tell you if the character is real or the dates that this likely happened

that he might be talking about but for the most part it's just like says that I

mean this couldn't have happened at all that he would even have written this but

I still enjoy the arthur elements and his storyline where he got his start

Merlin's background and then their connection to Uther Pandragon and Vordigan so if

you like our Arthurian Legend and you want to know where he got his start this is

definitely a worthwhile read I did have trouble staying awake but that can just

be a byproduct of history sometimes especially when most of it is just

genealogy but I would still recommend it and say it was worthwhile to read and I

still it encouraged me I want to read more about King Arthur and see how the

legend develops from what Geoffrey writes here and his start

I mean Excalibur is not even in this book his sword is called Caliburn so I'm

interested to read more because already minutes so I wouldn't recommend it four

out of five really good book

My final book of the month and continued my read

through the Vampire Diaries series was the Hunter's Moonsong and I gave this a

four out of five as well because in the end it felt like it was rushing and

getting trying to get to the conclusion too quickly with the majority of the

books blitz it I think all of the books tend to

go chapter by chapter from each character's perspective and what they're

doing and most of this book each character kind of had their own mission

or focus and so then in the end it all came together but it felt like it was

rushed and Elena who pretty much always drives me crazy was extra annoying and

frustrating in this one particularly in how she was treating Stefan and versus

Damon and then acting like she's miss innocent

'oh I never meant to hurt anyone' and then she's a martyr because she hurt somebody

and, its just annoying for me, but I still enjoyed it and there's ahuge set up for the last book and this

plot that they leave open in the end where they plan to reintroduce Klaus so

I'm excited to read the last book and I can't wait to see how the series ends

So those are the four books that I read this past September if you've read any

of those I would definitely love to know what you thought and if you ever have a

suggestion for a book you think I would love or should read a review let me know

in the comment section and stay tuned next Sunday for my book club review

and later this week for my October TBR

thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye

if you enjoyed this video give it a

thumbs up and don't forget to comment subscribe

and hit that bell for more bookish videos

For more infomation >> September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.


War Thunder gameplay español. # fiebre de sabado por la noche TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:19:43.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay español. # fiebre de sabado por la noche TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 3:19:43.


STAY ROCKオリジナルドル札 プレゼント~!(字幕)ボタンを押してご視聴下さい - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> STAY ROCKオリジナルドル札 プレゼント~!(字幕)ボタンを押してご視聴下さい - Duration: 0:25.


WT588D Sound Module | Low-cost sounds for the models! - Duration: 12:38.

Sonorize models with less than € 10?

It depends!

What I want to talk to you about today

it's a small sound module

that I borrowed

from the electronic colleagues who deal with Arduino

the form is quite simple

to be used in our cases

just connect it to some function outputs

and he will reproduce sounds


limitations, first point

this module does not interface with the decoder

it's a separate form

very simple

and it can not be in any way

used for running sounds

it does not even have sensor inputs

so it's something completely separate

the sound power is not so much

and the management software is very simple

therefore the sounds that can be used

they are basic

Why should one adopt it?

The question is legal

and the answer can be:

in the pilot carriages

where maybe we want very simple sounds

and small, maybe opening doors

maybe the whistle or station announcements

this module allows us to use this type of sound

other limitation

it's the power supply

need for a 5 volt

or better, from 3.3 to 5.5 volts

so you have to manage this power supply

I know the 21mtc decoder

they have two pins

one that gives 5v, and one that is the earth

I do not know how much power they can give

so it's studying and checking

Normal Decoders have the classic Common

the +

and the larger ones

type i plux16, plux 22 and 21mtc

they also have a GND pin

just interface with the Common and GND

using a 7805

or even a 7844

and we're fine

the call of sounds takes place through functions

as this module has input pins

that once put on the ground

put to -

they will activate sounds

the functions, as we know

they are -

set a function to make sure that

the signal lasts very little

will close the circuit

and then to put our pin in -

and to activate the sound

this form here is the small one

from 16 pins

and it should have 4 pins

for this management through functions

there is also a larger variant

it seems to me to 28pin

which has many more input contacts

let us remember, however, that EVERY SOUND IS A FUNCTION

4 functions

if we already got an 8-pole decoder we do not have them

we can have them on a 21mtc or on a plux22

so you have to think well what sounds to use

a software is used for programming

which is easily found on the net

and is the official one of the form

is called

"WT588D Voice Chip"

works on all operating systems

so also win10

however the management driver

works up to 8 or 8.1

I have now reset windows 7

I'll show it later

on an old computer

and with windows 7 everything works without problems

the software is simple now you will see it

let's have a test on the fly

downloading a sound piece

from a video on youtube

as it is the video of the launch test

for the brake test carriage

the real one

the sound file then has a couple of features

that we will see

it is obtained with the Audacity program

and the only precautions are

a sampling frequency of 16000Hz

the .wav format

and the characteristic of the mono

that is, the module would also support the stereo

however we use it with a single speaker

so putting stereo files is a waste of space

because a stereo file takes up more

the mono should suffice

I leave you to the

to the mini instructions

to put sounds on the form there are more options

now I'll show you how I got one from the net

as for me it's about the sound

of the release test

of the brake test carriage

there is a beautiful video on purpose

I go in the part

in which I actually find the sound

it should be in this area here

I'm interested in the noise of the release

to simulate the release tests

so in this case

the simplest thing is more or less defined

the moment of sound

then from the minute


per minute 1:03

then I take the video link

I go here

I want it in wav format

and I say I want it from the minute

01:00 a minute 01:05


the discharge

save him


then I open it with the audacity program

this is the audio track I downloaded

I go to select the part that interests me: this

so around here

I select this part here and the gate

I leave a little more

and then cut the last part

so more or less from here

the cut

at this point

this sound

it's short

I try to amplify it a little bit

I go on effects


I have to select it


4db is so much we do 2

see that it gets bigger

I do it again

repeat amplify

at this point

the form is said

it can only hold 16'000Hz

so below I'm going to put at 16'000

and also I'm going to say that the track is in mono

because using only one speaker is mono

we just have to do files - export


and say

release test

save it here

ok, here it is

I put it in English

I open my project

and I'm going to enter

these two

in the first slot

00 I whistle

now you've heard it distorted

but it was simply amplified

to make it more powerful

in the device

in 01

I do not put anything

in 02 I put the release test

at this point

I do "Compile (Save Bin)"

saves me the file which will then be uploaded

and then all that remains is to load it into the form

regarding the loading

as I told you before

once I have compiled myself I find myself

to have that .Bin file

I just have to stay

go to open the little program

obviously every time he starts in Chinese

so I'll go and put it in English

then there is a menu above called "tool"

download date

and on this screen

I have to go through the "browse" item

to select the .Bin file

then I say that my memory is from 8megabit

because it is indeed so

I connect

the green ball comes to me

I just have to do "OneKeyDownload"

what's the problem?

these modules here, being old

they need an old system

on windows 10 they do not work properly

so I had to restore windows 7 on this PC

to use it

succesfull download

to say that we are here

the proof we do it this way


the form as I showed you first is that object above

the cost is around € 2

and another 6 € the programmer

so let's talk about really low figures

this is a practical demonstration of the use of the form

Right now

see that red thread and that gray thread

they are connected directly

to the contact points Vcc and GND

of a 21mtc decoder

the Vcc pin provides approx

a voltage ranging from 4v to 5 / 5.5v

this module supports them


Le aux, in this case I take this thread here

it's a very simple -

when I make contact

this - to one of the control pins

in this case the temporary contact I do it

because the function is always active

and this works for all the sounds put

this is a practical use

now the form will be inserted

on the roof of the carriage

and the speaker

I'll see to find him a place

however this is the use that this module can have

as you have seen

simple enough

now the many messy wires are due to the various tests

and he marries me in a magnificent way

with 21mtc

because the 21mtc

they already provide a 5v voltage

which is perfect for the form

while all the others

including the plux22

they need a 7805

that allows to lower

the tension of the Common, of +

at 5v, the Common normally from about 18/20

the one that gets from the rails

Test of the sound module

on the carriage


The module has been installed

all the sounds are not present

because the decoder in the carriage has not yet been programmed

but I would say that the work is finished

et voila we are!

For more infomation >> WT588D Sound Module | Low-cost sounds for the models! - Duration: 12:38.


Redemption of Preference Shares (RINPCP) | 60 Seconds Accountancy EP 2 | All About Accountancy - Duration: 3:54.

Hello and welcome to my channel all about accountancy where we convert your accounting problems into solutions

I am your host professor Tanmay Kesarkar and today I am back with a new episode of 60-second accountancy

Today's tip is related to the chapter called

redemption of preferences

This chapter is a company oriented chapter

In which we are the company and we are supposed to pass some journal entries in order to redeem our preference shares

Now the sequence of these journal entries is fixed. So

Today I am NOT going to explain the journal entries to you, but I am going to help you remember the sequence of journal entries

So let us begin

There are six steps involved in the redemption of preference shares

The first step is to pass a board resolution in order to redeem your preference shares

The second step is to sell any investments or fixed assets that you can in order to collect some money

The third step is to make a fresh issue that is you are supposed to give out some new

preference shares or new equity shares if you can the fourth step is to write off any

Premium on the redemption of preferences. That is P o R if you have redeemed your preference shares on premium

The fifth step is to create a reserve called the capital redemption reserve

this reserve is created whenever you are redeeming preference shares or debentures and

The last step. That is the sixth step is

to make the payment to the preference shareholders

In order to remember the sequence of these steps

Let us take out the main words from all these steps and try to make a short cut out of it

So our first step is to pass a board resolution

So let us take the word resolution for the first step in the second step

We are selling some investments. So

Investments then in your third step. You are giving out new shares so new

In our fourth step. We are going to write off the premium on Redemption. That is P o R so premium

In our fifth step. We are going to create the capital Redemption Reserve. That is CRR

so create and

In our last step. That is our sixth step. We are going to make the payment to the preferential older soup payment

So from all these words that is a resolution

investment new POR

CRR and payment we get a shortcut. That is RINPCP


P-C-P so you should always remember that a redemption of preference shares

Is equals to RINPCP this way you will at least remember the sequence of the journal entries of redemption

I hope you have liked my tip

If you have then please like and share my video subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell as well

I upload videos every Wednesday and Sunday if you have any queries or suggestions, you can use the comment box down below

See you in my next video till then, this is Professor Tanmay Kesarkar signing off. Good luck and take care

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