Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 27 2018

Man, I really have to read this book and I just don't have the time.

Hi. James from engVid.

If you're like me, you have to read a lot of material.

If you are studying English or you're learning English, you probably don't like to read,

which is too bad, because reading is one of the fastest ways to improve...

Well, let's go to the board and find out.

As you can see, E is running very quickly, here.


And he's trying to read.

So, we're going to learn to read faster today, and I'm going to teach you how to read faster

with two different techniques, and I'm going to teach you...

You'll start to enjoy your reading.

So we'll go to the board and we'll talk about reading, why it's important, and what we can

do about it.

The first thing I want to talk about with reading: Reading helps to do a couple of things.

Number one, it helps you to learn new things.

When you read a book about philosophy, it teaches you about somebody's new idea or a

new invention.

It gives you new vocabulary.

Many words...

In fact, they say if you don't understand 90% of the material, you won't understand

it; but even just reading something, if you have a dictionary, will help you go and learn

new vocabulary to understand material, so it gives you new words; it gives you a better

or a wider way to speak.

It helps you to understand.

Sometimes when someone says something it's a little too fast, but then when you read

it, you have time to read it, go back, read it, go back, read it, and go: "I got it."


It gives you time to look at the picture; the mental picture or the written picture.

It gives you new ideas.

Remember you learn new things?

Well, when you start adding idea from this book, idea from that book, you get new ideas

of your own; you become more creative.

Your world becomes a richer place to live.

And, finally, because we're doing English, you learn how to speak a language.

Like: "Stop.

What do you mean?

How do I learn to speak by reading?"

Well, for you people who are learning to speak a language-okay?-reading shows you the structure

that people use when they speak.

Reading shows you new vocabulary, or it shows you what we call the colloquial; the common

person's way of speaking.

You get all that from reading; how to say it, where to put the verb and the noun or

the adjective.



That's what it can do, and that's what's important to us.

Our reading is going to teach us how to speak, but also it's good to be able to read in a

country, because I often say: If you cannot read in a language, you're stupid.

And if you wonder what I mean, think about the guy who when you give a simple sentence,

like: "The cat went in the house", cannot read it and he reads it like: "The cat went

in", you go: "The guy's stupid."

Don't be stupid.

Don't be stupid in your language; don't be stupid in my language.

So today we're going to work on a process to help you with reading.

Now, as much as I said all these great things about reading, there are a couple of things

to be aware of, or...

Actually, I don't have to tell you.

You know, but I want you to know that I understand, so I'm putting it on the board so you know

what I'm going to teach you will help you overcome or help you solve that problem.

Problem: Reading takes a long time.

Well, in your own language it takes some time, but if you're learning another language, it

will always take you much longer to read because you have a problem of translating, or skipping

back and translating.

Translating, you know what I mean; you translate from the language you're looking at into your

own language to understand it, and then translate it back to that language - that's a lot of


And if you think about how long that takes, that's like two different trips, like: In,

out; in, out; in, out for every word.

That will take...

Something that takes four minutes to read - make you read it for 20 minutes.

And who wants to read one paragraph or five sentences, and it takes 10 minutes, and you

still don't understand it?

That's a problem.

Another problem: You don't remember what you read.

Do you remember when I said to you: "You're reading up and down"?

So I'm going to put...

Sorry, I'm going to put "problems", because it's not just a problem; it's problems.

Remember I said you translate, you go up and down, and back and forth, you keep going back?

Well, what happens is you forget what you read because there's too much information

to keep in your head.


So you read up here, you read five sentences, you read it, you go: "Okay, I got it."

You read another five sentences, and you go: "Oh, what were the first five?

Because without that five, I don't understand this other paragraph, and now I'm getting



So you forget what you're reading, which leads to: You don't understand what you read it.

You read it, you forget it, you don't understand - these are terrible problems.

So it's understandable why most people won't read a book if they're learning a new language.

They're like: "It's just way too much work for a little benefit."

Now, I'm going to tell you: If we can speed up your reading, you will cut the time down,

so you can read a page in...

Well, if you're learning a new language, let's not say a page a minute, but maybe every two-three

minutes you can read a page, instead of 10 - that would be cool.

You'll remember what you read, because we're going to force your brain to stay on the subject.

And you'll understand it, because if you're staying on the subject and the information

stays in your head, then you can actually understand and keep it; keep it, remember

it, and enjoy it.

You can't enjoy what you don't understand, especially if you don't remember it.


So let's try and fix that.

And I have two techniques I'm going to teach you today that should help you improve by

at least 50% by the time you've done reading...

Watching this video.


And we can also, you know, show you other things later, but today I want to do these

two to improve by at least 50% if you listen to what I say.


The first technique is called "grouping", and what I want you to do is we're going to

work on taking...

When you read right now, you do something called sub-vocal reading.


"Sub-vocal reading" means it's...

"Vocal" means, you know, sound; and "sub" means below sound.

So: "sub-vocal", it's in your head.

When I read this book, for instance, I'm going to read: "I propose to treat...

To treat poetry", but I say it in my head.

So the same thing as I say it, I'm reading it, but in my head I'm saying: "I propose

to treat of bah-bah-bah".

You don't really have to say the words; you can just look at them.

The example: When I show you the cover of this book, you don't look here, then look

here, then look here, then look here; you just look at the cover and you see this - all

of it at one time.

But when you read, you do this.

Part of the reason you do that-look at one word at a time-is when your mother or father

taught you to read, they would read one word at a time.

They would point to a word: "Easily regarded as the", and say it to help you understand

what the words sounded like and meant, and you learned to read that way.

Which was good, but unfortunately, now when you read even as an adult, you read the same


So the first method I want to teach you is grouping.

Now, because language...

The English language may be new to you or trying to read faster may be new to you: Grouping,

just take two words at the same time.

So, instead of saying: "Easily regarded", I would just look at: "Easily-regarded", and

then the next two words: "as-the", and the next one: "basic-work".

All right?

So it would be...

Put your finger there: "Easily regarded", move it to the next two words: "as the", "basic

work", "on the".

I'm getting the basic meaning of it, but I've almost doubled my speed, because instead of

looking twice, I look once.

Not quite doubled because, as I said, you're learning; but you can look at the two words

at one time.

And the basic meaning is following, so you don't lose time; you'll remember it because

you've cut down the time between each word; and you will understand because the meaning

is carried.


All right.

So, we want to work on that.

So I would suggest that you take a book...

Something simple.

You can take a kid's book, if you want, because the words are even bigger so it's easier to

see two words at a time.

And I suggest that.

And go through reading for about 10 minutes or so; just do that.


Read two words at a time.

All right?

Time yourself for a minute - see how many words you read.

Try and find a page that's equal and do that again to see what your words per minute is.

All right?


That's the first one.

The next is "pacing".

Pacing, in English, is this: Like, when you pace, you walk at a certain speed.

I'm pacing myself.

It means I move at a certain speed.

The first method is good to get you started.

Pacing is a secondary one, so I would suggest you do the grouping for a few days, maybe

even a few weeks; take your time because you might start going from two words at a time

and notice that your eye actually includes a third word.

And you won't have to try; your eye will just travel to three words at the same time.

And then after, four words.

And if you can do that, say, 10 minutes every day - slowly, slowly, slowly your eye will

just take a picture of two words together; then three words; then four.

And you'll find that your reading time is going down, your memory is going up, your

understanding is going up.

We call understanding "comprehension".

All right?

Your comprehension will go up.

Do this for at least a week, maybe two weeks; 10 minutes every day.

Not once; that won't work.

But if you did it right now, you'd notice an increase in your speed; and if you do it

over time, it'll become more permanent.


Once you get comfortable with the grouping, I'm going to suggest you do something called


Pacing is like...

As I said, it's like if I'm running and I run at this - this is the pace.

This is a different pace.

And I might change my pace.

But "pacing" means keep the same speed at what you're doing.

In pacing, we're going to use a magic tool.

It's a very expensive tool, so I'm sorry.

I mean, you're watching a video and I'm going to tell you: You have to buy this...

Well, you don't have to buy it, but if you wanted to get this tool and use it off of,

like, Amazon or something, it might cost a million dollars.

People don't even want to part for it for 2 million, even a billion dollars.

You want to know what that thing is?

Your finger.

This is the expensive tool.

Now, if that's too expensive for you, because you can't use a finger - get yourself a pencil

or a pen.

All right?

Now, I'm going to give you an example of what pacing would look like.

When I talked about grouping...

When you would be grouping, see how we're here?

Don't look at the sentence; you would do this: You would look here; these two words, then

these two words.


That's one word.

Then you do these two words.

Pacing is going to be different.

When you pace, you can take your finger-this will be my finger-and you do this.

If that's too fast, do this.

There's an advantage to pacing.

Because you might say: "James, it's the same thing."

Kind of; that's why I told you: Practice this first, because you're expanding your ability

to see, or we call it your field of vision.

You're looking at a longer line and giving your eyes the ability to see that whole line.


So, when we're going to move from pacing...

From grouping to pacing, there...

It can be a slight problem and it happens to people - it's going back or bouncing back.

Sometimes people go: "Reading...

Reading-takes a-long-time.

You-don't remember-what you-read.

You-don't understand", sorry.

"...understand-what you-read".

And sometimes they go: "What?" and they jump back up.

Pacing kind of stops that, because as you move your finger-like this-across the board,

you don't jump back.

You tend to just keep...

Your eyes will follow where you're going and see everything.

And because we've added...

Put the two words together and the three words together, it will go even faster.

So you can start reading pages in a minute or under a minute, as opposed to two or three.

Kind of cool?

I thought you'd like that.

With just these two techniques alone, you can improve your reading now.

In fact, you should get a book and start.

But before you do that, I'm going to take a quick break.

I've got a little bit of a bonus and some homework for you, and we'll be back.

You ready?


Listen: I basically explained what I wanted to at the beginning, but it wouldn't be my

video if you didn't get a bonus and homework.

So you're back for the bonus and homework.

The board's the same, which should be surprising.

Most of you, like: "Where's the magic?

It always changes."

The magic is: I'm still here, baby.


So, on the bonus what I wanted to add was this.

I told you: You can at least increase your speed by 50% right away, but you know, this

is engVid, we don't do it like other people do, so let's try and double it today.

So, what I would like you to do...

Do you remember we talked about the pacing?


It's going to be not so much fun, but it'll help.

Take the pen and paper...

Because remember I told you to go get a book when we came back?

Here's your opportunity to test yourself.

Remember I said pace like this?

So, here's what I want you to do: The reverse of what I was teaching you.


You said group first."

Yeah, I know, but I want you to pace on the page, but I want you to pace really, really,

really, really fast.

Really, really, really, really, really blah-blah fast; just really fast.

Not incredibly, like: "Blah!"


Don't go crazy, but faster than what's comfortable.


It won't be comfortable.

You're like: "Reading things, blah, blah, blah".

Oh, it's like: "Ooh."

I'm like: "Yeah", not comfortable.

You can see the words, but not comfortable; you're not taking it in.

Then I want you to go back and I want you to group.

You might notice almost automatically you can see almost three words without trying,

because you force your eyes to move very quickly at a pace of something, and then you're going:

"No, I'll just take snapshots.

Take snapshots", or take a quick picture.

And you probably will noticed that compared to your normal pace or your normal speed,

you've picked up speed and you're like: "How did that happen?"

Well, a friend of mine told me some time ago: What he used to do with the languages, or

tapes, or if he wanted to get it - he would actually turn it up from 1 to 1.5, and it

was fast and it would be uncomfortable, and he didn't quite get it.

But when he slowed it down to normal speed, it was very easy to hear all the differences

in the sounds that he was learning.

He sped his brain up.

So I'm telling you: Speed your brain up, and when you slow down to a comfortable speed,

you'll notice your brain is going to absorb the language faster.

Don't thank me; it's what I do for a job.


So that's your bonus.

And for homework, what I'd like you to do is you can go on...

Now, I've got to...

I've got to look at something, so I don't want to mess you up on this.


You can go on the internet and you can just look for: "one-minute readings", okay?

Words per second.

"One-minute reading word per second".

Look for that because there are many places where they will have a page, and the page

will be for one minute, so you don't have to do anything special.

Set a clock for a minute.

And they actually have: "If you read this far, it's 15 words; if you read this far,

it's 20 words; if you read this far..." so you will know how many words you read in a


The average person, I believe, is, like, 300 words in a minute.

But you can do...

Or yeah.

I think it's, yeah, 300, and that's decent; that's pretty good.

That's in your own language; not in English.

But if you can start going there 300 to 600, you can read books in hours; not days, not


And the knowledge that's sitting there for you...

Remember, I said you can learn new things, get new ideas, learn to speak a language,

learn to understand more - it's just waiting for you.

So, you've got the book in front of you; I told you to get it.

I've told you: If that's too hard, the technique I just taught you in your bonus.

Do the grouping right away.

Just try and do two words at a time.

Practice that 5-10 minutes, then stop; you're done.

Do it tomorrow.

It's about building the habit and getting in the habit of your eyes seeing more and

more, and then expanding that until it becomes easy for you.

Then do pacing; race through.

If you want to push yourself in that day, read five minutes, as I said; then do the

pacing first; then look at the grouping; and notice that your eyes will expand in what

they can see and you can take more information, and continually grow.

It's an old thing to be said, but it's true: I don't care about you perfecting it; I care

about your progress.

So if you can do two words from this month; next month, three words, four words in your

grouping and so on - by the end of the year, you're reading whole sentences in a second.

75 sentences in a page - you can read a page in a minute or 5, 10 seconds.

I mean, some people can do it; I'm not one of them.

But it's up to you where you want to go with this.


You've got the techniques, you've got the will because you're coming and looking at

this video.

Make it yours.

Anyway, that's that for now.

But I'd like you to subscribe.

And when you do so, there's a bell on the side - make sure you ding that bell because

some people have been saying: "I never get the latest thing.

I don't see..."

I was like: Every two weeks, we're hitting you with something new...

Well, my videos.

Actually almost every day, every three days, there's something new coming from engVid.

You hit that bell, you're going to get it on your email, on your text; you're going

to be seeing: "Boom!

This is what's coming out.

This is for you.

We're here to help you here and now."

All right?

So hit that on the "Subscribe" button.

Don't forget to go to the website because now you got a reading challenge - see what

other people are doing.

Are they at 300 words?


Kick some butt.

Have a good one; talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> How to READ FASTER: 2 tricks - Duration: 17:37.


Sen. Lindsey Graham reacts to new Kavanaugh accusations - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Sen. Lindsey Graham reacts to new Kavanaugh accusations - Duration: 6:47.


Retired agent who gave Ford polygraph test shares insight - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Retired agent who gave Ford polygraph test shares insight - Duration: 5:49.


[서당보고서] 2018 Chuseok SP #02 - Duration: 15:31.

(Seodang Report)

Now, the last game with this cone hat

Are there more con hats?

Yes, here

We have plenty of hats because it's Hyunjae special

This game is really special

- Taking selfies - Can we start?

He's the selfie king

The selfie king is here

I'm confident

Wear your cone hat first

In 1 minute


Good job

It's fast

Something just flashed by

Wait, it's record mode

It's record mode




Change it to selfie mode

Selfie mode

On the lower right side

Yes, there you go

One more time

No, the upper side

Where is the camera?

I deleted it

To the left

Don't move your thumb

Open the camera

- It's I phone - 20 seconds

- The camera is off - Yes


10 seconds

Hold it higher

- OK - Press

Selfie mode

Time's up

Oh my god, time's up

(Selfie King, failed)


Has the game begun?

He's ready

- Then start right away - Hurry

Come closer

Yes, move backward

To the slightly right

Sit there


No, stay there

Hold it lower

Stay there

Press the button


Press firmly

Press firmly


Press firmly


Yes, to the right

I'll tell him

A little bit more

15 seconds

Yes, hurry

Go back to the previous side

The lower right

Press where you touched before

Yes, the camera there

Press now


4, 3, 2, 1 time's up

It worked

Hold on

Do you know what makes me sad?

Why is this here?

Listen carefully

Our faces must have been on the screen

But the camera showed 3, 2, 3, 2 and it didn't work

The timer was set up?

(He's happy even he failed)



Hold out your hand

- On the right side - Does this work?

Does this work?

- 1 - No, not yet

There you go

One more time


Now it works


Turn it on

Turn it on

Hold it higher

Yes, now

Is it done?

Press the button

1, 2, 3

What is this?

What's wrong?

Let's comfort him

Don't listen to other team's opinions

Oh, I should've pressed the button

I should have

- Really? - Yes

Nobody was successful

I don't know

What's next?

Next game is 'Speak with your body'

Are you ready?

Yes, I am

We'll overturn the game




What's that?

- We can do it - It's difficult

We can do it

I know


Not yet


- Don't make a sound - Oh, really?

- Sorry - Yellow card








You guys look relaxed





He just uses the same motions

- Crocodile - Haknyeon?

Hurry, Juyeon

Somebody said Haknyeon




No more pass

What's that?




Time's up

(They got 7 correct answers)

- Ready? - Ready


- Confidence? - Energy?


Don't move your mouth

- Happiness? - Pleasure?

Come on



What's that?


Sense of shame?

- Hunger - Famine

- Depression - Hunger






- You're tired - Hunger

No energy?

Just pass


Giving up



What was that?


Feeling hungry


What was that?

Zoning out?



I know what it is




Time's up

(They got 10 correct answers)

Good job

What do I do?

Ready, go



What's that?

What's that?




Are you sure?




I'm your boy


How do you know?

Ice cream

You can do it better!

- Garaetteok - Soondae





- Sashimi - Eel

Eel Sashimi

- Sashimi - Sushi



Carp Sashimi

Japanese food


Make a sound




Try a letter by letter



What was the answer?

Fish-shaped bun


Hurry, we're running out of time

2, 1, time's up


Time's up

(They got 6 correct answers)

I'm upset

Schadenfreude overturned the game and become the winner

I had fun


Enjoy your beef

The winner is

What was the name again?


I can't get out of Tonkatsu

Schadenfreude won the game

How do you feel?

It's Schadenfreude

I feel sense of Schadenfreude

We'll get this delicious beef as a prize

but it's a shame to eat it by ourselves

Because we are a team

Let's enjoy it together

But take a quarter of what we eat

Wow, you're so generous

Yes, he is

The losers should do costume play

We'll give you the theme

Go ahead

Then I'll see you next Chuseok


I meant, next New Years day

The Boyz goes on

Stay healthy

Have a nice Chuseok

Have a nice Chuseok

Then let's say 'See you next Seolnal' together

- OK - Then

- See you next Seolnal - Bye

What was that?

Who was it?


It's fish

I think he's Bboongbbong-E



Sexy baby shark

Wear the mask

The pants


You should draw a mole on your face

They are all handsome


I'm nervous


Who are you?

I love Bboongbbong-E

Who's that?

Who are you?

You're scaring me

No, not this one

Let's dance 'Right Here'

Go,'Right Here'

You two, dance together

It's been a while

He's in deep thoughts

What are you doing?

What is he doing?

He's applying toner

Baby shark, come

With wearing your hat

I respect those who do part time job wearing these costumes

I agree

It's so hot

I'm sweating

Anyway, I become Bboongbbong-E for a while

and went back to my childhood

I had fun

What did you do, you two?

I didn't do anything special

It was just me

Juyeon played a role as Dolsoi

He should have had a big mole on his face

Let's do it

You look perfect

It's boring because he looks too good

Can I take this off?


Not yet

Next time

People who lost today will do costume play next time?


I won again


Looking forward to it, it'll be difficult

Good job

Let's say good bye

Best We The Boyz, thank you

Good job

Great job

Thank you for your effort

(Seodang Report)

For more infomation >> [서당보고서] 2018 Chuseok SP #02 - Duration: 15:31.


4th Accuser Alleges Brett Kavanaugh Assault | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> 4th Accuser Alleges Brett Kavanaugh Assault | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 10:55.


Jadah Causes Even More Trouble in New Orleans | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:11.

- No! No! - No what?

- KITTY: What are you doing?

- Where is everybody at? - What are you doing here?

- What you mean what am I doing here?

I told you I was coming here. You thought I was playing?

- Girl, it's too much going on.

- I came to this party because it's a Black Ink grand opening,

and I'm a part of Black Ink, as well.

I deserve to be here.

Ain't nobody about to tell me

where I can and [bleep] can't go.

Y'all got me [bleep] up.

- KITTY: No! No!

- Hi. - Kitty?

- Just the person I wanted to see.

Hi, baby. - KITTY: No, y'all not--

- TED: What's going on here? - What you mean what is going--

- You wanna talk about something, Jadah?

- Yeah, I do. And I just wanna talk to you.

This whole situation with Tati has completely gotten

blown out of [bleep] proportion.

I came down here to be a team player.

I did not come down here for this.

But I'm willing to be the bigger person and put this [bleep]

behind me so that we can all work together.

- --not to come. - What you mean why am I here?

You all are not about to do this!

Y'all trying to make it seem like I'm not allowed here.

Like come on, y'all-- - That's what it seeming like.

It seem like you definitely not allowed here.

- Well, I'm here-- - [bleep] you going on, like

I don't know what the [bleep] going on between y'all.

- What do I got going on?

I got [bleep] thrown in my face.

- Yo, guys, guys, guys!

Cut it out, cut it out!

You wanna talk? Let's talk.

So, we're gonna talk, and that's it.

I'm gonna talk to her.

- TED: No, Tati, I got this.

This [bleep] has been going on for too [bleep] long.

Jadah she can do and say what the [bleep] she want to

in the shop, and Tati's way more of an asset.

Jadah, you're just the receptionist.

Know your place and stay the [bleep] in it.

Listen, I don't know what the [bleep] is going on,

but this [bleep] between you and Tati,

this [bleep] gotta stop.

Like I don't know what's--like I said--

- You don't know what's going on, Teddy.

You act like you're not the reason for all this [bleep].

What happened? What happened?

Why the [bleep] is everybody acting like

I'm not supposed to be here?

I don't even wanna [bleep] talk to you right--don't touch me!

Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Don't touch me!

- Stop pushing me! You know what?

You can get the [bleep] out of here, bitch.

You fired, actually. - JADAH: Fired?

- You can get the [bleep] out.

For more infomation >> Jadah Causes Even More Trouble in New Orleans | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:11.


Chicago PD - Olinsky's Funeral (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Chicago PD - Olinsky's Funeral (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:09.


Set Tour: The Bishop and Lady Mae's Lavish Bedroom | Greenleaf | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:27.

Hi everybody we are here at the sound stages of Greenleaf

and we wanted to just give you a little tour of what's going on on our sound stages and

into the room before the end of season two

We're all use drop for Bishop and Lady made. This is the master bedroom


Have to admit it has not seen much activity after miss Rochelle came into the picture. So

This is the bed that lady Mae gets to do all of her

pillow talk is a very

luxury as you see it's it's all satin and brocade for lady Mae ambition Oh,

Lord pray for this couple I won't tell to pray for us. All right, and this is Bishop side of the bed

You see it's got all of his paraphernalia

Bishop I love our master bedroom

Is it time it's time to go he's taking me away bye. I hope you enjoy

For more infomation >> Set Tour: The Bishop and Lady Mae's Lavish Bedroom | Greenleaf | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:27.


What I Ate in Taiwan - Duration: 12:20.

There's no shortage of delicious foods and drinks on offer in Taiwan

and Marc and I did our best to consume as many as possible to share with you.

And by the way if you're wondering why my voice sounds different, like I have a frog in my throat,

I have a cold and I didn't want to delay this video so sorry for the sick voice.

Anyway I can easily understand thinking that you'd already seen it all

in our videos on traditional foods,


street food,

Taiwanese cooking,

and the top foods to try,

but in this video I'm going to prove that some of the best is yet to come.

We felt very lucky for the chance to dine at a Michelin star restaurant called Longtail

where course after course tested and satisfied our palates

but also inspired us with how much creativity you can fit on a plate.

We tried out different cocktails including a peach lassi that was delayed because quote,

'they were waiting on a fresh peach.'

Something I am more than happy to wait for!

It was made of peach, yogurt, caramel, and cardamom.

I also loved the signature Longtail cocktail where it's all about the glass.

If you've never contemplated drinking out of a bird's tail feathers before

let me tell you it does add a certain something.

The night market cocktail is a really cool idea.

It's savoury and delivers on its name with notes of sesame oil and basil.


I…I don't know about this one.

Next we got to try a bunch of starters like this banh mi paté served with baguette and house pickles.

The fig toast with ricotta cheese, port wine and lemon balm was one of my favourites

and look at how gorgeous this crunchy soft shell crab is with salted egg yolk and curry leaf.

Ah that's good.

We also tried a pesto made of a green vegetable that's very common in Taiwan

as well as fried chicken with sweet potato piri-piri.

Here's a twist on dumplings I've never had before: foie gras dumplings.

Very interesting.

So much happening right now!

Another of my favourites were these shrimp sliders,

which I could eat copious amounts of Homer Simpson style.

One of the most interesting fish dishes I've ever had

was this tilefish served with spring peas, parmesan, lemon and herbs.

Look at how the scales just stand up like a porcupine!

It's all about that crunch.

This braised short rib came with cauliflower, hibiscus, and lovage –

an edible flowered plant of the parsley family.

Marc also loved this juicy Australian beef tenderloin with carrots and leeks.

And having Chef Lam Ming Kin come chat with us

and talk us through the desserts he'd created was an extra special treat.

For all my fellow dessert lovers,

we had Kaya French toast with soy caramel and espresso ice cream,

chocolate fondant with lime and green tea ice cream,

and compressed strawberries with yogurt, kaffir lime, and Taiwanese basil.

Another meal we had where creativity was a main ingredient

was about as far away from a Michelin star restaurant as you can get.

We just arrived at the restaurant we're eating at tonight and it's actually an apartment building.

It's so private that it's in someone's apartment.

I've never been to a place like this before but I love home cooking.

The owner and chef is Wayne

who makes the term 'home cooking' quite literal

as he serves up unique dishes he's created in his tiny kitchen.

The food is Taiwanese Italian fusion – two of his favourite cuisines.

We started with platters of Taiwanese cheese, sausage, toast,

pork jerky, pig's blood cake, yellow fish tempura, and bamboo.

This is a luffa risotto.

Luffa is a vegetable that's part of the cucumber family

and it's commonly used in Taiwanese cooking.

Luffa stir fry with clam is one of the most popular dishes

so he mixed that with risotto to change it up.

We also had a Chinese style soup

with fried scallops and shitaake mushrooms.

Normally a soup like this would be served with dumplings,

but Wayne put a twist on it by making a ravioli fusion dumpling.

It is yummy.

Is it yummy?

Is it yummy? -Is it yummy?

It is yummy.

Next up was ground meat

served with the classic Italian flavours of oregano and balsamic vinegar

that we spooned into these big crunchy lettuce leaves.

My favourite was Wayne's take on Taiwanese burgers - which are called gua bao –

which he added Spanish and Italian flair to:

pork served with steamed buns and a mixed nut powder

which is usually just made with peanuts.

I enjoyed that dining in this private apartment felt so similar to a regular dinner party,

which is an experience you don't normally get to have while you're travelling,

unless you're lucky enough to know people who live there.

Marc and I work a lot while we're on the road

so we're always on the look out for places where we can be productive

and École Cafe really fit the bill.

As the name implies, it has an old school house vibe which I loved

and it's clearly a popular spot to work because we went more than once and each time

found lots of other people on their laptops.

The prices are higher but the wifi is pretty good and they don't pressure you to leave,

so we felt comfortable sitting for hours and hours.

Of course they have lots of different coffee options,

but I really enjoyed having a fruit lassi.

To eat we both had smoked salmon paninis which were simple and good.

Even if you're not in need of a place to work,

this is a lovely cozy spot to pull into for a break.

On a super sweltering day in Taipei

we were wandering around the Huashan Creative Park feeling really thirsty

when I spotted vending machines.

You know I love me a vending machine but I didn't anticipate just how good a find this was.

You got that just 'cause of the packaging, didn't you?

The tennis player.

Yeah, I would be lying if I said it was something other than the packaging,

although, I love anything peach-flavoured and this is peach-flavoured tea.

But just look at that!

Pink with a tennis player.

I was looking at all the vending machine and this one was calling to me.

It's so hot right now.


Imagine like the best peach yogurt you've ever had

and you whip it up in the bowl like this and then add like honey and cold water.

Oh my god, we need to put these in our suitcase.

Can we buy another suitcase?

Can we get a carton of those?

I looked for this peach drink everywhere and never found it again.

If you know where I can find more, please tell me!

I selected root beer just 'cause I love root beer.

And it tastes really different than the root beer back home.

Definitely less sweet.

Like it tastes more probably how it should taste.

More rooty?

Very earthy.

Like, yeah, whatever the root is, it tastes like it's in there.

It's good!

Ahh rootbeer.

Always a classic.

Taiwan was under Japanese rule from 1895 to 1945 and its cultural influence still echoes.

We had a fantastic meal at a Japanese restaurant called Xiao Dao Shao

on the beautiful island of Xiao Liuqiu where we went in search of sea turtles.

Xiao Dao means small island and Shao means grill so the restaurant's name is Small Island Grill.

It's getting rarer and rarer to find things that are only available in one place,

so I was delighted to find that this island that's less than seven square kilometers

has its own local beer and is only available there.

I don't even like beer but I do like awesome graphic design

and these cans are straight up gorgeous.

Being on an island means tons of fresh seafood and a menu that changes daily.

We had don buri with salmon roe, grilled salmon,

egg, ginger, and black bean

as well as clams cooked with a sake-infused broth.

We also had a colourful mixed sashimi bowl

and winter melon with passionfruit flavour.

That's niiice.

It's niiiiice.


The oysters were local and fresh

and sitting on the patio at this little restaurant

named after this little island, I felt a little touch of magic.

There's a well-known snack that's made on Xiao Liuqiu

so we went to a store where you can try samples.

They're twist rolls with different flavours like sesame, plum, brown sugar,

condensed milk, seaweed, taro, and spicy.

The best part is being able to peak behind the scenes of production

and watch people making the twisty treats that are then shipped all over Taiwan.

Something else you find all over the country is a fast food chain called Mos Burger,

which is originally Japanese.

They have smaller portions and higher prices than other fast food joints

but the food is fresher and higher quality.

Their most popular item is the Yakiniku burger

where the bun is made of rice.

Not a first date burger.

More like a ten years down the line kinda burger?


Even then it's questionable.

It's all good.

I got the chicken burger that comes with lemon tartar sauce

and then you freshly squeeze this on - oops -

you freshly squeeze this on as well.

And it's got this like…it tastes sort of like

when you have coleslaw on the side of fish and chips or something.

Except on the burger.

It's so good.

It tastes really fresh.

It's delicious.

Now I don't know what a typical food court looks like where you're from,

but we visited one that felt pretty next level in Taipei.

I think this was underneath Xinyi Place

but please leave a comment if you could confirm that for me.

This was the same day we explored the abandoned UFO village

and by the time we left it had started to rain

so the whole bus ride back we were craving something warm and cozy.

Ok we're taking the bus back into Taipei.

I don't know, I'm thinking like maybe we're here and we should go…here?

I have no idea how to read this.

Also, for my hilariously awesome hair here,

I have to give credit to humidity, saltwater, and rain at the UFO village.

Thanks for making me feel fabulous!

You know when you're looking at what people have on their plates making eyes at it?

So we walked by this woman's table several times

because what she had looked so good

and finally I was like let's just ask what it is

and she was so nice.

Her name was Dora.

She got up, she's like, 'Oh I'll show you, I'll show you.'

She took us way over to the place,

helped us order it, asked how spicy it was,

showed us other things on the menu, and then helped place the order.

Just such a lovely person.


And we interrupted her dinner and she got up to show us so

this makes this taste even better.

The curry chicken noodle bowl not only warmed our bellies

but the kindness of the woman who helped us warmed our souls too.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing more of what I ate in Taiwan.

From top tier Michelin star dining

to home cooking

and fast food to vending machines,

there are no limits on where to find unique and memorable meals on the road.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up

and watch the rest of our Taiwan series for more videos on food,


and tips.

And if you want to see more what I ate videos from around the world,

I'll link those videos as well.

Remember to subscribe for more travel adventures,

thanks for watching, and my voice should be better next time.

For more infomation >> What I Ate in Taiwan - Duration: 12:20.


Question 10 - Chris Bishop to the Acting Prime Minister - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Question 10 - Chris Bishop to the Acting Prime Minister - Duration: 6:32.


Pulmonary Embolism Remastered - Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, DVT - Duration: 10:45.

hey well welcome to another MedCram lecture today we're going to talk about

pulmonary embolism and specifically we're going to talk about the

epidemiology and also the risk factors and the next lectures we'll talk about

other things for instance the diagnosis and treatment first of all what is a

pulmonary embolism well to look at this we've got to look at the relationship

between the heart and the lungs as we know we've got the heart which pumps

blood to the lungs and also the left side which pumps blood to the rest of

the body and on each side we've got the lungs which sits on the left and the

right now of course we know that the venous system not only from the bottom

but also from the top drains into the right side of the heart and from there

from the right atrium it goes to the right ventricle and the right ventricle

pumps blood specifically to the lungs because of this any blood clot in any

vein is eventually going to end its way up if it breaks forth into the right

side now because of that the right side of the heart pumps this clot into the

pulmonary arteries and because the pulmonary artery gets smaller and

smaller and smaller and smaller that blood clot is going to get caught in the

lungs and get lodged and that's what's known as a pulmonary embolism

now it's because blood flow typically goes more to the lower part of the lung

than it does the upper part of the lung and that's a result of gravity more or

less because of this you're going to see more pulmonary embolisms in the lower

portion of the lungs and less in the upper of course it can happen anywhere

but just as a general rule since more blood flow goes to the lower portion of

the lungs you're going to tend to see more blood clots lodging in the lower

portion of the lungs now is there any predilection as to what side they tend

to go on now the answer is not really but it's possible for it to actually get

stuck in the middle where the pulmonary artery branches that's known as a saddle

embolus and that can be fatal obviously because of the large amount of blood

floo that gets disturbed at that type of pulmonary embolism okay so what is the

incidence of pulmonary embolism believe it or not it's about 600,000 people per

year get a pulmonary embolism and this results in anywhere between 50,000 and

200,000 deaths per year that's a lot of people and so I think this is an

important diagnosis to talk about okay now that you know what they are let's

talk a little bit about them in general first of all we miss them a lot

what do I mean by that we miss them a lot

they happen a lot in the emergency room and in the hospital and we fail to pick

them up because we don't realize this and how do we know that we miss them a

lot because of autopsies okay we see them on autopsies and we didn't even

think that the patient would have had them we also test for these a lot and

what happens is they're negative so we think that they're there and we test and

they don't turn out to be positive and in other cases we don't even think about

them and on autopsy we see pulmonary embolism what does that tell you tells

you that we're not doing a good job of picking these things up and it's

probably one of the most misdiagnosis in the hospital where do these things come

from well most pulmonary embolisms are from

deep venous thrombosis and most pulmonary embolisms from deep venous

thrombosis come from the lower extremities above the knee so they're in

the legs above the knee that's where we need to start looking for these things

so well what is the pathophysiology the pathophysiology specifically is is that

these blood clots form down in the legs because of a number of possible risk

factors they break off they go up the inferior vena cava to the right atrium

to the right ventricle and then they lodge themselves in the lungs now what

happens there when the blood cut gets lodged in the

pulmonary artery there is no more perfusion to that area of the lung and

so what you're getting there is ventilation without perfusion and that

is basically dead space and more forward is that the blood that should have gone

to that area that has to get diverted to other areas of the lung and then you get

an increased flow of blood to the other areas and so the major mechanism is VQ

mismatch if you have any questions about the mechanism of VQ mismatch please see

our hypoxia lectures and the mechanisms of hypoxemia now you also get increase

in resistance to blood flow especially on the right side specifically and that

can cause cardiac arrest in some situations you can actually get the

lungs to infarct about 10 percent of the time it's difficult because there's a

dual blood supply as many of you know the lungs have a dual blood supply

we know that the pulmonary artery goes to the lungs with deoxygenated blood

okay so deoxygenated blood goes to the lungs that way but also the aorta which

is coming off from the left side of the heart also sends branches over to the

lung and so it's difficult to infer the lung completely okay so let's talk about

risk factors what are the risk factors for pulmonary embolism now the reason

why this is important as we'll talk about later is that there is no test for

pulmonary embolism that you would order in another situation and accidentally

pick up a pulmonary embolism what do I mean by this I mean the only way you're

ever going to make a diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism is if you order a

very specific test looking for pulmonary embolism and what does that mean that

means if you're not thinking about pulmonary embolism you'll never really

make the diagnosis so it's very easy to miss it so what are the things that

should clue you in that this is a pulmonary embolism well it's risk

factors so what are some of the risk factors one it would be an orthopedic

procedure okay so what do I mean by that we're talking hip replacements knee

replacements or repair of fractures these sorts of procedures cause patients

to not only be laid up in bed but also the endothelial damage that occurs

during these surgeries and the fact that these patients probably haven't been

moving around very much in the preceding days two weeks before this procedure so

if somebody has an orthopedic procedure and comes down with symptoms of

tachycardia to get me as we'll talk about then you need to think about a

pulmonary embolism number two patients without prophylaxis what do I mean by

prophylaxis this is like DVT prophylaxis well the things that we're thinking

about in hospitalized patients would be bilateral lower extremity sequential

compression devices or anticoagulants things like heparin lovenox warfarin

things of that nature even things during surgery so these are all possibilities

what's another risk factor number three abdominal or pelvic surgery especially

if it's done for cancer so cancer or abdominal pelvic surgery could increase

the risk and does increase the risk number four obesity increases the risk

number five women greater than 30 years of age and they are on OCPs and they're

smokers this is a serious combination right here that you shouldn't forget

I've seen personally in the intensive care unit in fact in one month I saw two

women over the age of 30 on oral contraceptives who were smokers and they

had problems they had pulmonary embolism so bad that in fact they ended up on a

ventilator number six hypercoagulable state okay

what do I mean by this things for instance like protein C and s

deficiencies so you can have one or the other that's a possible risk factor

another possibility would be something like factor v leiden that's another type

of hypercoagulable state finally the last one would be pregnancy okay so

think about these things when we are trying to think whether or not a patient

may have a pulmonary embolism because these risk factors certainly could be

involved okay what about the symptoms what would be the symptoms or the

clinical findings well the first one is a high heart rate known as tachycardia

the first thing you'll notice is that that is very nonspecific number two is

just as bad and that's to keep Nia these things here are very nonspecific and can

be seen in a number of diseases like pneumonia like a myocardial infarction

for instance so you have to be specific and circumspect when you're looking at

these because these can fit into many different categories hemoptysis or

coughing up a blood especially if there is a lung infection that's impossible

clinical finding also signs of pulmonary hypertension so what are those types of

signs well you'd sometimes see elevated liver

function tests or you would see an increased in the sound of a p2 on

auscultation you might also see signs of right ventricular hypertrophy both on

palpation and also on the EKG so these are signs and symptoms of a pulmonary

embolism some of the clinical findings join us for the next lecture when we

start to talk about in terms of pulmonary embolism the diagnostic

modalities so how do we figure out whether or not this patient really does

have a pulmonary embolism it's gonna be an interesting discussion thanks

For more infomation >> Pulmonary Embolism Remastered - Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis, DVT - Duration: 10:45.


1 lakh Subscribers Telugu | KALABHAIRAVA GURU Telugu Astrology Youtube Channel | KALABHAIRAVA TV - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> 1 lakh Subscribers Telugu | KALABHAIRAVA GURU Telugu Astrology Youtube Channel | KALABHAIRAVA TV - Duration: 2:06.


No Work Done Yet To Remove Used Parts Installed For South Bay BART Extension - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> No Work Done Yet To Remove Used Parts Installed For South Bay BART Extension - Duration: 2:27.


¡Golazo de Pumas! Figueroa la puso en el ángulo - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> ¡Golazo de Pumas! Figueroa la puso en el ángulo - Duration: 1:22.


이달의소녀탐구 #404 (LOONA TV #404) - Duration: 1:00.

(LOOΠΔ in casual clothes!)

JinSoul: It's our first music video shooting...!

JinSoul: Oh, is it right?

HeeJin: Today!

JinSoul: Today! We will shoot a music video as a full group!

(LOOΠΔ full group music video shooting!)

JinSoul: This is~

HeeJin: This is Incheon! JinSoul: Right~ have you been here before?

HeeJin: Yeah, I used to live here...

(JinSoul has forgotten it!)

HeeJin: We will shoot a group dance scene~

HeeJin: And we''ll run a lot!

JinSoul: Okay then, fighting! HeeJin: Fighting!

(First MV shooting for 'Hi High' is a scene that HyunJin and Choerry meet each other!)

(Two girls are trying to match their hands to make a perfect scene!)

HyunJin: Hey, it hurts so much! Be careful!

HyunJin: Be gentle, I said!

Choerry: She's higher than me! HyunJin: No. Just we're not compatiable!

(Try again!)

Choerry: Oh~ we did well this time!

HyunJin: Always we're doing good when the came is off!


Choerry: And that's the problem!

Choerry: We're in a big trouble!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #404 (LOONA TV #404) - Duration: 1:00.


Personal Explanation - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Personal Explanation - Duration: 0:53.


KHOU 11 News 10 p.m. Headlines Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> KHOU 11 News 10 p.m. Headlines Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Duration: 8:12.


Deputy Critically Injured In Las Vegas Mass Shooting Shares Story Of Survival - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Deputy Critically Injured In Las Vegas Mass Shooting Shares Story Of Survival - Duration: 2:22.


Secret app lets you light up Dallas tower - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Secret app lets you light up Dallas tower - Duration: 2:58.


Peter Bernstein - Jazz Guitar Lesson 3 - Duration: 2:18.

Improvisation is the thing that makes life interesting in general, just, when the day

doesn't go exactly according to plan, that's when, you know, most of our memories and interesting

things in life happen, so...

And practicing, studying improvisation is really about how you might prepare for these

encounters that you have no way to really prepare for, and no way to really predict

what will happen.

What can you bring out of this tune that is you?

So, you discover what you are, when you are faced with a piece of music.

Even a simple piece of music.

As you wait for the next phrase, you can kind of hear some kind of answer, that can be some

kind of chordal thing.

You don't have to play a lot, you don't have to comp a lot.

It's just about how you decide to support your own ideas, which is actually a great

thing, because it teaches you about both comping, and what's necessary with that, and also how

to solo with someone comping, who might be just playing in the spaces that you leave.

Are you leaving them any spaces to play in?

A lot of Monk's tunes, I think the harmony is so implied, so strongly in the melody,

and just the way things move, that things are effected without playing a lot of notes.

I think Monk's sound, and some of the things he embodied into his music really come from

the things that you're leaving out.

Which is, to me, as a guitar player, is inspiring, because we have to leave stuff out, as I said,

so I want to figure how to leave stuff out, and imply more.

For more infomation >> Peter Bernstein - Jazz Guitar Lesson 3 - Duration: 2:18.


गेट/दरवाजे पर ये ११ फूलों वाले बेल लगायें ,जो स्वागत में फूल बिछाएंगे || GATE/ DOOR Flowery Creepers - Duration: 10:49.

Sansar Green

For more infomation >> गेट/दरवाजे पर ये ११ फूलों वाले बेल लगायें ,जो स्वागत में फूल बिछाएंगे || GATE/ DOOR Flowery Creepers - Duration: 10:49.


Betting Odds Have Been Set for 'Creed II' | - Duration: 3:26.

Betting Odds Have Been Set for 'Creed II' |

Have you ever considered laying down money on prop bets for a movie? I bet a lot of you didn't even know that existed.

Well, just in case you weren't aware, it is possible to make money from box office hits, despite not having any involvement with a movie.

On Wednesday morning, the highly anticipated trailer for Creed II has made its rounds on the internet.

The sequel to the Rocky series spinoff has been a major success with Sylvester Stallone, and Michael B.

Jordan working together.

While the first movie was a box office hit, Creed II  is expected to do just as well, if not, better since the film involves Apollo Creed's son, Adonis (played by Jordan) fighting Ivan Drago's son, Viktor (played by Florian Munteanu.).

While this sounds crazy, having a bet placed on events in the movie definitely increases the enjoyment for the viewers (if you're winning, of course.) And if you are interested, Oddshark has released the odds for a few prop bets available.

Check it out.

Creed versus Drago: Who's the favorite?.

Obviously, whoever is betting is going to have to put their money on the main event.

Adonis Creed is the heavy favorite at (-1000).

There are more bets available outside of the main event as well.

The trailer teases an intense staredown between Rocky and Drago before the fight.

So, there is a prop bet available on whether Rocky will punch out Ivan Drago, or not.

Right now, Rocky is favored to punch him out at (-140.).

Nothing in the trailer indicates either of these events happening, so there is no real advantage in betting on this other than going with your gut feeling.

Or unless you know somebody who worked in the movie.

In that case, keep it to yourself and don't ruin the fun.

We'll see what happens on November 21st when Creed II  hits theatres everywhere!.

For more infomation >> Betting Odds Have Been Set for 'Creed II' | - Duration: 3:26.


រាំវង់សម័យមុន រាំលេងក្នុងឱកាសបុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ | Romvong Khmer Old Songs - Duration: 59:29.

Romvong Khmer Old Songs

For more infomation >> រាំវង់សម័យមុន រាំលេងក្នុងឱកាសបុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ | Romvong Khmer Old Songs - Duration: 59:29.


Đi Chặt Dừa Nước Chấm Muối Ớt Xém Mất Máy Quay Phim Trong Gang Tấc Chỉ Vì...Miền Tây Vlogs Tập 266 - Duration: 16:51.

Welcome to Mien Tay Vlogs

For more infomation >> Đi Chặt Dừa Nước Chấm Muối Ớt Xém Mất Máy Quay Phim Trong Gang Tấc Chỉ Vì...Miền Tây Vlogs Tập 266 - Duration: 16:51.


Creed 2 金牌拳手2 2018 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Creed 2 金牌拳手2 2018 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:44.


孫儷真節儉,一雙鞋子要穿好幾年,換了多少套衣服就是不換鞋! - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> 孫儷真節儉,一雙鞋子要穿好幾年,換了多少套衣服就是不換鞋! - Duration: 1:43.


秦俊杰再曝杨紫猛料,手段堪比马蓉,网友:无法形容你的无耻! - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 秦俊杰再曝杨紫猛料,手段堪比马蓉,网友:无法形容你的无耻! - Duration: 2:57.


李晨在朋友圈祝冰冰生日快樂 網友:一看就是P的 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 李晨在朋友圈祝冰冰生日快樂 網友:一看就是P的 - Duration: 3:54.


国産女性メタルバンド、LOVEBITESが2ndフル・アルバムをリリース - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 国産女性メタルバンド、LOVEBITESが2ndフル・アルバムをリリース - Duration: 2:55.


广电要求湖南台撤播凉生改播黄晓明新剧?工作人员的回复很暧昧啊 - Duration: 2:35.

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Tammie Hedges: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:15.

Tammie Hedges: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Facebook Tammie Hedges was arrested last week after turning a warehouse into a temporary shelter to take in two dozen dogs and cats displaced by Hurricane Florence.

Tammie Hedges, the founder of Crazy's Claws N Paws animal rescue, was arrested last Friday after turning a warehouse into a temporary shelter in North Carolina to take in two dozen dogs and cats displaced by Hurricane Florence.

Hedges was charged with practicing veterinary medicine without a license, and every one of the animals she was attempting to help was confiscated by Wayne County, according to the Washington Post.

Thousands of people have rallied behind Hedges, who said in a statement that she and the volunteers that assisted her "did what they had to do to help animals displaced by the storm.

Here's what you need to know about Hedges:.

Hedges Was Arrested After an Official from Wayne County Animal Services Visited the Temporary Shelter & Had Concerns That Hodges Was Administering  Veterinary Care to the Animals Without a License.

County officials arrested Hedges after an official from Wayne County Animal Services went to the warehouse at the request of the state Department of Agriculture, which oversees veterinary services.

The official, according to a statement from the county, "developed serious concerns" that Hedges was practicing veterinary medicine without a license.

Hedges surrendered the animals to the county's Animal Services department, which is reuniting them with their owners, officials said.

Hedges Was Charged With a Dozen Misdemeanor Charges For Administering Medications Without a Veterinary License.

Hedges was charged with several misdemeanor charges and was accused of practicing veterinary medicine without a license. Specifically, she is charged with administering medications such as amoxicillin and a topical antibiotic ointment to the animals, according to the nonprofit's Facebook page.

The group said she is also facing one count of solicitation of a Schedule IV controlled substance for asking for a donation of tramadol, a prescription pain medication used for animals.

"Many of the animals were sick, injured and neglected.

Some cats were covered with so many fleas that volunteers had to scrub their play pen with bleach twice.

One cat had a bleeding cut on its neck, and Hedges treated the wound with an ointment she bought from a Dollar Tree store," a volunteer that was assisting Hedges at the time told the Washington Post.

Hedges, who founded and runs a nonprofit organization called Crazy's Claws N Paws that helps low-income families with veterinary bills and pet supplies, said in a statement that they did what they had to do to help the animals. She and others turned the warehouse into a temporary shelter, equipped it with crates, kennels, litter boxes and blankets, and asked for donations through social media.

The warehouse was already in the process of being remodeled to turn it into a state-approved shelter.

"We had a plan.

We had the calls for help, but we didn't know where to put the animals.

We came together as a community during a difficult time to help," wrote Hedges.

A Volunteer Who is Familiar With Hedge's Nonprofit Organization Claims There Was Nowhere Else For the Animals to Go.

Kathie Davidson, who volunteers Crazy's Claws N Paws, said that the animals had nowhere else to go and that veterinary offices had closed ahead of the storm, according to the Washington Post.

There was an emergency veterinary clinic in another county, but she said it was "impossible to transport 27 animals in the middle of a storm.".

"She had to do what she did.

If she hadn't done what she did, then they'll be charging her with animal neglect and cruelty.

… The Wayne County animal shelter has taken issue with that because it wasn't a hundred percent by the book and by the law," said Davidson.

"What was she supposed to do? The animals were sick and hurting.".

The county disputed her claims that the animals had nowhere else to go.

Wayne County spokesman Joel Gillie said that the county's shelter had enough room for displaced animals, although it could not accept pets that owners wanted to surrender.

A GoFundMe Page Has Raised Over $40,000 to Help Hedges With Legal Fees & a Petition Was Started, Urging the County to Drop the Charges.

After Hedges arrest on Friday, many have since rallied behind her.

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $40,000 of the $20,000 goal to help with her legal fees.

"Tammie recently rescued abandoned animals that people had left behind or that were lost during hurricane Florence in North Carolina," a description on the page reads.

"Her successful efforts in Saving these animals should not be punished.

She willingly surrendered the animals to the officials that were asking for them.".

A petition was also started that has nearly 30,000 signatures, demanding the charges against Hedges be dropped.

An update posted on the petition stated that the charges were dismissed, but is waiting to confirm the news before making a statement.

Charges Against Hedges Were Dropped Monday, According to a Statement on the Wayne County Government Facebook Page.

Wayne County Government posted an update on their Facebook page stating that the charges against Hedges have been dismissed.

They released a lengthy statement that claims that, although they dropped the charges against Hedges, District Attorney Matthew Delbridge feels they were in the right to seize the animals and charge her in the first place.

They accused Hedges of "taking advantage of a dire situation to solicit money and opioid narcotics" from the community, and that the county felt the building that she housed the displaced animals in "failed to meet suitable standards for license as an animal shelter.".

"The protection of animals and their well-being has always been an important concern, especially during times of natural disaster.

A passion for and the love of animals is laudable but does not excuse unnecessarily putting their health at risk when other, safer resources are available.

The removal of animals from a building that failed to meet suitable standards for license as an animal shelter and away from the control of this defendant who has previously been censured for the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine was a prudent decision made with the best interest of the animals in mind.".

The statement continued: "This was especially true in light of her taking advantage of a dire situation to solicit money and opioid narcotics from our generous and well intentioned citizens.

It is my desire that having ensured the safety of the animals in question, a dismissal of these criminal charges will minimize further distraction from my core mission of protecting the public from violent crime and allow the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board to take whatever action they may deem appropriate.".

The petition also gave an update stating that the charges were dropped, but that Hedges wouldn't be making an official statement until the news was confirmed.

"UPDATE 9/25/18, 4:22 PM: Tammie has been made aware of the charges being dismissed, but is waiting for confirmation before an official statement is made.

You all have been the voice of defenseless animals and Thank you, everyone, for your support and please share!".

For more infomation >> Tammie Hedges: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:15.


For more infomation >> Tammie Hedges: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:15.



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How to READ FASTER: 2 tricks - Duration: 17:37.

Man, I really have to read this book and I just don't have the time.

Hi. James from engVid.

If you're like me, you have to read a lot of material.

If you are studying English or you're learning English, you probably don't like to read,

which is too bad, because reading is one of the fastest ways to improve...

Well, let's go to the board and find out.

As you can see, E is running very quickly, here.


And he's trying to read.

So, we're going to learn to read faster today, and I'm going to teach you how to read faster

with two different techniques, and I'm going to teach you...

You'll start to enjoy your reading.

So we'll go to the board and we'll talk about reading, why it's important, and what we can

do about it.

The first thing I want to talk about with reading: Reading helps to do a couple of things.

Number one, it helps you to learn new things.

When you read a book about philosophy, it teaches you about somebody's new idea or a

new invention.

It gives you new vocabulary.

Many words...

In fact, they say if you don't understand 90% of the material, you won't understand

it; but even just reading something, if you have a dictionary, will help you go and learn

new vocabulary to understand material, so it gives you new words; it gives you a better

or a wider way to speak.

It helps you to understand.

Sometimes when someone says something it's a little too fast, but then when you read

it, you have time to read it, go back, read it, go back, read it, and go: "I got it."


It gives you time to look at the picture; the mental picture or the written picture.

It gives you new ideas.

Remember you learn new things?

Well, when you start adding idea from this book, idea from that book, you get new ideas

of your own; you become more creative.

Your world becomes a richer place to live.

And, finally, because we're doing English, you learn how to speak a language.

Like: "Stop.

What do you mean?

How do I learn to speak by reading?"

Well, for you people who are learning to speak a language-okay?-reading shows you the structure

that people use when they speak.

Reading shows you new vocabulary, or it shows you what we call the colloquial; the common

person's way of speaking.

You get all that from reading; how to say it, where to put the verb and the noun or

the adjective.



That's what it can do, and that's what's important to us.

Our reading is going to teach us how to speak, but also it's good to be able to read in a

country, because I often say: If you cannot read in a language, you're stupid.

And if you wonder what I mean, think about the guy who when you give a simple sentence,

like: "The cat went in the house", cannot read it and he reads it like: "The cat went

in", you go: "The guy's stupid."

Don't be stupid.

Don't be stupid in your language; don't be stupid in my language.

So today we're going to work on a process to help you with reading.

Now, as much as I said all these great things about reading, there are a couple of things

to be aware of, or...

Actually, I don't have to tell you.

You know, but I want you to know that I understand, so I'm putting it on the board so you know

what I'm going to teach you will help you overcome or help you solve that problem.

Problem: Reading takes a long time.

Well, in your own language it takes some time, but if you're learning another language, it

will always take you much longer to read because you have a problem of translating, or skipping

back and translating.

Translating, you know what I mean; you translate from the language you're looking at into your

own language to understand it, and then translate it back to that language - that's a lot of


And if you think about how long that takes, that's like two different trips, like: In,

out; in, out; in, out for every word.

That will take...

Something that takes four minutes to read - make you read it for 20 minutes.

And who wants to read one paragraph or five sentences, and it takes 10 minutes, and you

still don't understand it?

That's a problem.

Another problem: You don't remember what you read.

Do you remember when I said to you: "You're reading up and down"?

So I'm going to put...

Sorry, I'm going to put "problems", because it's not just a problem; it's problems.

Remember I said you translate, you go up and down, and back and forth, you keep going back?

Well, what happens is you forget what you read because there's too much information

to keep in your head.


So you read up here, you read five sentences, you read it, you go: "Okay, I got it."

You read another five sentences, and you go: "Oh, what were the first five?

Because without that five, I don't understand this other paragraph, and now I'm getting



So you forget what you're reading, which leads to: You don't understand what you read it.

You read it, you forget it, you don't understand - these are terrible problems.

So it's understandable why most people won't read a book if they're learning a new language.

They're like: "It's just way too much work for a little benefit."

Now, I'm going to tell you: If we can speed up your reading, you will cut the time down,

so you can read a page in...

Well, if you're learning a new language, let's not say a page a minute, but maybe every two-three

minutes you can read a page, instead of 10 - that would be cool.

You'll remember what you read, because we're going to force your brain to stay on the subject.

And you'll understand it, because if you're staying on the subject and the information

stays in your head, then you can actually understand and keep it; keep it, remember

it, and enjoy it.

You can't enjoy what you don't understand, especially if you don't remember it.


So let's try and fix that.

And I have two techniques I'm going to teach you today that should help you improve by

at least 50% by the time you've done reading...

Watching this video.


And we can also, you know, show you other things later, but today I want to do these

two to improve by at least 50% if you listen to what I say.


The first technique is called "grouping", and what I want you to do is we're going to

work on taking...

When you read right now, you do something called sub-vocal reading.


"Sub-vocal reading" means it's...

"Vocal" means, you know, sound; and "sub" means below sound.

So: "sub-vocal", it's in your head.

When I read this book, for instance, I'm going to read: "I propose to treat...

To treat poetry", but I say it in my head.

So the same thing as I say it, I'm reading it, but in my head I'm saying: "I propose

to treat of bah-bah-bah".

You don't really have to say the words; you can just look at them.

The example: When I show you the cover of this book, you don't look here, then look

here, then look here, then look here; you just look at the cover and you see this - all

of it at one time.

But when you read, you do this.

Part of the reason you do that-look at one word at a time-is when your mother or father

taught you to read, they would read one word at a time.

They would point to a word: "Easily regarded as the", and say it to help you understand

what the words sounded like and meant, and you learned to read that way.

Which was good, but unfortunately, now when you read even as an adult, you read the same


So the first method I want to teach you is grouping.

Now, because language...

The English language may be new to you or trying to read faster may be new to you: Grouping,

just take two words at the same time.

So, instead of saying: "Easily regarded", I would just look at: "Easily-regarded", and

then the next two words: "as-the", and the next one: "basic-work".

All right?

So it would be...

Put your finger there: "Easily regarded", move it to the next two words: "as the", "basic

work", "on the".

I'm getting the basic meaning of it, but I've almost doubled my speed, because instead of

looking twice, I look once.

Not quite doubled because, as I said, you're learning; but you can look at the two words

at one time.

And the basic meaning is following, so you don't lose time; you'll remember it because

you've cut down the time between each word; and you will understand because the meaning

is carried.


All right.

So, we want to work on that.

So I would suggest that you take a book...

Something simple.

You can take a kid's book, if you want, because the words are even bigger so it's easier to

see two words at a time.

And I suggest that.

And go through reading for about 10 minutes or so; just do that.


Read two words at a time.

All right?

Time yourself for a minute - see how many words you read.

Try and find a page that's equal and do that again to see what your words per minute is.

All right?


That's the first one.

The next is "pacing".

Pacing, in English, is this: Like, when you pace, you walk at a certain speed.

I'm pacing myself.

It means I move at a certain speed.

The first method is good to get you started.

Pacing is a secondary one, so I would suggest you do the grouping for a few days, maybe

even a few weeks; take your time because you might start going from two words at a time

and notice that your eye actually includes a third word.

And you won't have to try; your eye will just travel to three words at the same time.

And then after, four words.

And if you can do that, say, 10 minutes every day - slowly, slowly, slowly your eye will

just take a picture of two words together; then three words; then four.

And you'll find that your reading time is going down, your memory is going up, your

understanding is going up.

We call understanding "comprehension".

All right?

Your comprehension will go up.

Do this for at least a week, maybe two weeks; 10 minutes every day.

Not once; that won't work.

But if you did it right now, you'd notice an increase in your speed; and if you do it

over time, it'll become more permanent.


Once you get comfortable with the grouping, I'm going to suggest you do something called


Pacing is like...

As I said, it's like if I'm running and I run at this - this is the pace.

This is a different pace.

And I might change my pace.

But "pacing" means keep the same speed at what you're doing.

In pacing, we're going to use a magic tool.

It's a very expensive tool, so I'm sorry.

I mean, you're watching a video and I'm going to tell you: You have to buy this...

Well, you don't have to buy it, but if you wanted to get this tool and use it off of,

like, Amazon or something, it might cost a million dollars.

People don't even want to part for it for 2 million, even a billion dollars.

You want to know what that thing is?

Your finger.

This is the expensive tool.

Now, if that's too expensive for you, because you can't use a finger - get yourself a pencil

or a pen.

All right?

Now, I'm going to give you an example of what pacing would look like.

When I talked about grouping...

When you would be grouping, see how we're here?

Don't look at the sentence; you would do this: You would look here; these two words, then

these two words.


That's one word.

Then you do these two words.

Pacing is going to be different.

When you pace, you can take your finger-this will be my finger-and you do this.

If that's too fast, do this.

There's an advantage to pacing.

Because you might say: "James, it's the same thing."

Kind of; that's why I told you: Practice this first, because you're expanding your ability

to see, or we call it your field of vision.

You're looking at a longer line and giving your eyes the ability to see that whole line.


So, when we're going to move from pacing...

From grouping to pacing, there...

It can be a slight problem and it happens to people - it's going back or bouncing back.

Sometimes people go: "Reading...

Reading-takes a-long-time.

You-don't remember-what you-read.

You-don't understand", sorry.

"...understand-what you-read".

And sometimes they go: "What?" and they jump back up.

Pacing kind of stops that, because as you move your finger-like this-across the board,

you don't jump back.

You tend to just keep...

Your eyes will follow where you're going and see everything.

And because we've added...

Put the two words together and the three words together, it will go even faster.

So you can start reading pages in a minute or under a minute, as opposed to two or three.

Kind of cool?

I thought you'd like that.

With just these two techniques alone, you can improve your reading now.

In fact, you should get a book and start.

But before you do that, I'm going to take a quick break.

I've got a little bit of a bonus and some homework for you, and we'll be back.

You ready?


Listen: I basically explained what I wanted to at the beginning, but it wouldn't be my

video if you didn't get a bonus and homework.

So you're back for the bonus and homework.

The board's the same, which should be surprising.

Most of you, like: "Where's the magic?

It always changes."

The magic is: I'm still here, baby.


So, on the bonus what I wanted to add was this.

I told you: You can at least increase your speed by 50% right away, but you know, this

is engVid, we don't do it like other people do, so let's try and double it today.

So, what I would like you to do...

Do you remember we talked about the pacing?


It's going to be not so much fun, but it'll help.

Take the pen and paper...

Because remember I told you to go get a book when we came back?

Here's your opportunity to test yourself.

Remember I said pace like this?

So, here's what I want you to do: The reverse of what I was teaching you.


You said group first."

Yeah, I know, but I want you to pace on the page, but I want you to pace really, really,

really, really fast.

Really, really, really, really, really blah-blah fast; just really fast.

Not incredibly, like: "Blah!"


Don't go crazy, but faster than what's comfortable.


It won't be comfortable.

You're like: "Reading things, blah, blah, blah".

Oh, it's like: "Ooh."

I'm like: "Yeah", not comfortable.

You can see the words, but not comfortable; you're not taking it in.

Then I want you to go back and I want you to group.

You might notice almost automatically you can see almost three words without trying,

because you force your eyes to move very quickly at a pace of something, and then you're going:

"No, I'll just take snapshots.

Take snapshots", or take a quick picture.

And you probably will noticed that compared to your normal pace or your normal speed,

you've picked up speed and you're like: "How did that happen?"

Well, a friend of mine told me some time ago: What he used to do with the languages, or

tapes, or if he wanted to get it - he would actually turn it up from 1 to 1.5, and it

was fast and it would be uncomfortable, and he didn't quite get it.

But when he slowed it down to normal speed, it was very easy to hear all the differences

in the sounds that he was learning.

He sped his brain up.

So I'm telling you: Speed your brain up, and when you slow down to a comfortable speed,

you'll notice your brain is going to absorb the language faster.

Don't thank me; it's what I do for a job.


So that's your bonus.

And for homework, what I'd like you to do is you can go on...

Now, I've got to...

I've got to look at something, so I don't want to mess you up on this.


You can go on the internet and you can just look for: "one-minute readings", okay?

Words per second.

"One-minute reading word per second".

Look for that because there are many places where they will have a page, and the page

will be for one minute, so you don't have to do anything special.

Set a clock for a minute.

And they actually have: "If you read this far, it's 15 words; if you read this far,

it's 20 words; if you read this far..." so you will know how many words you read in a


The average person, I believe, is, like, 300 words in a minute.

But you can do...

Or yeah.

I think it's, yeah, 300, and that's decent; that's pretty good.

That's in your own language; not in English.

But if you can start going there 300 to 600, you can read books in hours; not days, not


And the knowledge that's sitting there for you...

Remember, I said you can learn new things, get new ideas, learn to speak a language,

learn to understand more - it's just waiting for you.

So, you've got the book in front of you; I told you to get it.

I've told you: If that's too hard, the technique I just taught you in your bonus.

Do the grouping right away.

Just try and do two words at a time.

Practice that 5-10 minutes, then stop; you're done.

Do it tomorrow.

It's about building the habit and getting in the habit of your eyes seeing more and

more, and then expanding that until it becomes easy for you.

Then do pacing; race through.

If you want to push yourself in that day, read five minutes, as I said; then do the

pacing first; then look at the grouping; and notice that your eyes will expand in what

they can see and you can take more information, and continually grow.

It's an old thing to be said, but it's true: I don't care about you perfecting it; I care

about your progress.

So if you can do two words from this month; next month, three words, four words in your

grouping and so on - by the end of the year, you're reading whole sentences in a second.

75 sentences in a page - you can read a page in a minute or 5, 10 seconds.

I mean, some people can do it; I'm not one of them.

But it's up to you where you want to go with this.


You've got the techniques, you've got the will because you're coming and looking at

this video.

Make it yours.

Anyway, that's that for now.

But I'd like you to subscribe.

And when you do so, there's a bell on the side - make sure you ding that bell because

some people have been saying: "I never get the latest thing.

I don't see..."

I was like: Every two weeks, we're hitting you with something new...

Well, my videos.

Actually almost every day, every three days, there's something new coming from engVid.

You hit that bell, you're going to get it on your email, on your text; you're going

to be seeing: "Boom!

This is what's coming out.

This is for you.

We're here to help you here and now."

All right?

So hit that on the "Subscribe" button.

Don't forget to go to the website because now you got a reading challenge - see what

other people are doing.

Are they at 300 words?


Kick some butt.

Have a good one; talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> How to READ FASTER: 2 tricks - Duration: 17:37.


Troy Clark executed for killing roommate - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Troy Clark executed for killing roommate - Duration: 0:22.


What I Ate in Taiwan - Duration: 12:20.

There's no shortage of delicious foods and drinks on offer in Taiwan

and Marc and I did our best to consume as many as possible to share with you.

And by the way if you're wondering why my voice sounds different, like I have a frog in my throat,

I have a cold and I didn't want to delay this video so sorry for the sick voice.

Anyway I can easily understand thinking that you'd already seen it all

in our videos on traditional foods,


street food,

Taiwanese cooking,

and the top foods to try,

but in this video I'm going to prove that some of the best is yet to come.

We felt very lucky for the chance to dine at a Michelin star restaurant called Longtail

where course after course tested and satisfied our palates

but also inspired us with how much creativity you can fit on a plate.

We tried out different cocktails including a peach lassi that was delayed because quote,

'they were waiting on a fresh peach.'

Something I am more than happy to wait for!

It was made of peach, yogurt, caramel, and cardamom.

I also loved the signature Longtail cocktail where it's all about the glass.

If you've never contemplated drinking out of a bird's tail feathers before

let me tell you it does add a certain something.

The night market cocktail is a really cool idea.

It's savoury and delivers on its name with notes of sesame oil and basil.


I…I don't know about this one.

Next we got to try a bunch of starters like this banh mi paté served with baguette and house pickles.

The fig toast with ricotta cheese, port wine and lemon balm was one of my favourites

and look at how gorgeous this crunchy soft shell crab is with salted egg yolk and curry leaf.

Ah that's good.

We also tried a pesto made of a green vegetable that's very common in Taiwan

as well as fried chicken with sweet potato piri-piri.

Here's a twist on dumplings I've never had before: foie gras dumplings.

Very interesting.

So much happening right now!

Another of my favourites were these shrimp sliders,

which I could eat copious amounts of Homer Simpson style.

One of the most interesting fish dishes I've ever had

was this tilefish served with spring peas, parmesan, lemon and herbs.

Look at how the scales just stand up like a porcupine!

It's all about that crunch.

This braised short rib came with cauliflower, hibiscus, and lovage –

an edible flowered plant of the parsley family.

Marc also loved this juicy Australian beef tenderloin with carrots and leeks.

And having Chef Lam Ming Kin come chat with us

and talk us through the desserts he'd created was an extra special treat.

For all my fellow dessert lovers,

we had Kaya French toast with soy caramel and espresso ice cream,

chocolate fondant with lime and green tea ice cream,

and compressed strawberries with yogurt, kaffir lime, and Taiwanese basil.

Another meal we had where creativity was a main ingredient

was about as far away from a Michelin star restaurant as you can get.

We just arrived at the restaurant we're eating at tonight and it's actually an apartment building.

It's so private that it's in someone's apartment.

I've never been to a place like this before but I love home cooking.

The owner and chef is Wayne

who makes the term 'home cooking' quite literal

as he serves up unique dishes he's created in his tiny kitchen.

The food is Taiwanese Italian fusion – two of his favourite cuisines.

We started with platters of Taiwanese cheese, sausage, toast,

pork jerky, pig's blood cake, yellow fish tempura, and bamboo.

This is a luffa risotto.

Luffa is a vegetable that's part of the cucumber family

and it's commonly used in Taiwanese cooking.

Luffa stir fry with clam is one of the most popular dishes

so he mixed that with risotto to change it up.

We also had a Chinese style soup

with fried scallops and shitaake mushrooms.

Normally a soup like this would be served with dumplings,

but Wayne put a twist on it by making a ravioli fusion dumpling.

It is yummy.

Is it yummy?

Is it yummy? -Is it yummy?

It is yummy.

Next up was ground meat

served with the classic Italian flavours of oregano and balsamic vinegar

that we spooned into these big crunchy lettuce leaves.

My favourite was Wayne's take on Taiwanese burgers - which are called gua bao –

which he added Spanish and Italian flair to:

pork served with steamed buns and a mixed nut powder

which is usually just made with peanuts.

I enjoyed that dining in this private apartment felt so similar to a regular dinner party,

which is an experience you don't normally get to have while you're travelling,

unless you're lucky enough to know people who live there.

Marc and I work a lot while we're on the road

so we're always on the look out for places where we can be productive

and École Cafe really fit the bill.

As the name implies, it has an old school house vibe which I loved

and it's clearly a popular spot to work because we went more than once and each time

found lots of other people on their laptops.

The prices are higher but the wifi is pretty good and they don't pressure you to leave,

so we felt comfortable sitting for hours and hours.

Of course they have lots of different coffee options,

but I really enjoyed having a fruit lassi.

To eat we both had smoked salmon paninis which were simple and good.

Even if you're not in need of a place to work,

this is a lovely cozy spot to pull into for a break.

On a super sweltering day in Taipei

we were wandering around the Huashan Creative Park feeling really thirsty

when I spotted vending machines.

You know I love me a vending machine but I didn't anticipate just how good a find this was.

You got that just 'cause of the packaging, didn't you?

The tennis player.

Yeah, I would be lying if I said it was something other than the packaging,

although, I love anything peach-flavoured and this is peach-flavoured tea.

But just look at that!

Pink with a tennis player.

I was looking at all the vending machine and this one was calling to me.

It's so hot right now.


Imagine like the best peach yogurt you've ever had

and you whip it up in the bowl like this and then add like honey and cold water.

Oh my god, we need to put these in our suitcase.

Can we buy another suitcase?

Can we get a carton of those?

I looked for this peach drink everywhere and never found it again.

If you know where I can find more, please tell me!

I selected root beer just 'cause I love root beer.

And it tastes really different than the root beer back home.

Definitely less sweet.

Like it tastes more probably how it should taste.

More rooty?

Very earthy.

Like, yeah, whatever the root is, it tastes like it's in there.

It's good!

Ahh rootbeer.

Always a classic.

Taiwan was under Japanese rule from 1895 to 1945 and its cultural influence still echoes.

We had a fantastic meal at a Japanese restaurant called Xiao Dao Shao

on the beautiful island of Xiao Liuqiu where we went in search of sea turtles.

Xiao Dao means small island and Shao means grill so the restaurant's name is Small Island Grill.

It's getting rarer and rarer to find things that are only available in one place,

so I was delighted to find that this island that's less than seven square kilometers

has its own local beer and is only available there.

I don't even like beer but I do like awesome graphic design

and these cans are straight up gorgeous.

Being on an island means tons of fresh seafood and a menu that changes daily.

We had don buri with salmon roe, grilled salmon,

egg, ginger, and black bean

as well as clams cooked with a sake-infused broth.

We also had a colourful mixed sashimi bowl

and winter melon with passionfruit flavour.

That's niiice.

It's niiiiice.


The oysters were local and fresh

and sitting on the patio at this little restaurant

named after this little island, I felt a little touch of magic.

There's a well-known snack that's made on Xiao Liuqiu

so we went to a store where you can try samples.

They're twist rolls with different flavours like sesame, plum, brown sugar,

condensed milk, seaweed, taro, and spicy.

The best part is being able to peak behind the scenes of production

and watch people making the twisty treats that are then shipped all over Taiwan.

Something else you find all over the country is a fast food chain called Mos Burger,

which is originally Japanese.

They have smaller portions and higher prices than other fast food joints

but the food is fresher and higher quality.

Their most popular item is the Yakiniku burger

where the bun is made of rice.

Not a first date burger.

More like a ten years down the line kinda burger?


Even then it's questionable.

It's all good.

I got the chicken burger that comes with lemon tartar sauce

and then you freshly squeeze this on - oops -

you freshly squeeze this on as well.

And it's got this like…it tastes sort of like

when you have coleslaw on the side of fish and chips or something.

Except on the burger.

It's so good.

It tastes really fresh.

It's delicious.

Now I don't know what a typical food court looks like where you're from,

but we visited one that felt pretty next level in Taipei.

I think this was underneath Xinyi Place

but please leave a comment if you could confirm that for me.

This was the same day we explored the abandoned UFO village

and by the time we left it had started to rain

so the whole bus ride back we were craving something warm and cozy.

Ok we're taking the bus back into Taipei.

I don't know, I'm thinking like maybe we're here and we should go…here?

I have no idea how to read this.

Also, for my hilariously awesome hair here,

I have to give credit to humidity, saltwater, and rain at the UFO village.

Thanks for making me feel fabulous!

You know when you're looking at what people have on their plates making eyes at it?

So we walked by this woman's table several times

because what she had looked so good

and finally I was like let's just ask what it is

and she was so nice.

Her name was Dora.

She got up, she's like, 'Oh I'll show you, I'll show you.'

She took us way over to the place,

helped us order it, asked how spicy it was,

showed us other things on the menu, and then helped place the order.

Just such a lovely person.


And we interrupted her dinner and she got up to show us so

this makes this taste even better.

The curry chicken noodle bowl not only warmed our bellies

but the kindness of the woman who helped us warmed our souls too.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing more of what I ate in Taiwan.

From top tier Michelin star dining

to home cooking

and fast food to vending machines,

there are no limits on where to find unique and memorable meals on the road.

If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up

and watch the rest of our Taiwan series for more videos on food,


and tips.

And if you want to see more what I ate videos from around the world,

I'll link those videos as well.

Remember to subscribe for more travel adventures,

thanks for watching, and my voice should be better next time.

For more infomation >> What I Ate in Taiwan - Duration: 12:20.


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Romvong Khmer Old Songs

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