hi everyone welcome back to my channel I'm here today we are here this week to
do her 15 months today actually it's the first one we do for her so I'm gonna do
kind of like catch up of this for 15 months but we are here with me no N so
yeah right I want to do a quick like chat about the life of me Liam our life
together these 15 plans right yes mommy's getting emotional again no okay
sorry yes I have to say it's been a difficult 15 months but it's been the
happiest 15 months for me motherhood is not easy the first time is not easy but
when you really want something sorry I feel when you really want something and
when you really fight so hard for it and you get it you don't care of the rest of
the small themes like obviously you have these sleep deprivation obviously you
you you you don't feel yourself anymore in some moments and sometimes you feel
you can't do it anymore you wanna give up but then you look at them and you
said I can't give up things I love but at the end of the day at the end of this
journey I'm so happy to be I don't know why I get so much
um as I said I'm so happy of being needless mom and I'm so happy that sees
my daughter I could not imagine a better baby for me yeah you want to be my mommy
three cars no first few months we're so difficult for me not for me for both
apart because it was my first baby like I didn't know what to do sometimes I
didn't know horse it is know me so I think for every first-time mom that's
the difficult thing for us was really difficult the breastfeeding that was the
hardest part for me yeah you're gonna make her cry right coming do it show it
to the people how Sofia
yes give her keys maybe similar stop crying boy she
stopped crying you're such a mean I asked on my social media to leave me few
questions that you would like me to answer about myself knee low and both of
us so that's what I'm going to reply now some of you ask me a lot about the press
thing because I mention it about in a lot of video the problem that Neil had
was she was suffering Tom time if you don't know what is that that means you
know the bit of skin we have under our tongue and we have here between our
comes and our late basically the one underneath me leo has hit from the back
straight to the front exactly of the tongue so she wasn't able to put her
tongue up and also she has him on the top what was the problem that she
couldn't like latch properly when they take Neil out for first time I don't
need no ad for first time I think when she was two days old
three days old three days old if you ask yourself horny Luis she's around on the
floor making a mess like normally so if you listen so much noise that's where
this guy another question was what was nearly weight and length she was two
point seven kilos and when she was 43 centimeters
she was so tight another question was when Mila start to crawl she start to
crawl exactly when she turned eight months I have to say since the beginning
I try to do a lot of these like tummy exercises but she used to love to sleep
in that position I never let her sleep like that during the night but during
the day because I was like every five minutes check
her and I was not sleeping I think he associated position with the sleeping so
every time we we're like in groups or playing here home and I used to put her
in that position she will cry because I think it was her
way to say I don't want to sleep we are playing but no more hair bun yeah yeah
yeah no more Sophia that's why I used to put these like pillows for her to make
her want it to be a little bit more like sit down and more interactive with her
friends I think that's why also when she was four months she could sit by herself
completely and being that position also helped her that type so much because she
wanted to play more and more and more which was so good next question was when
Mila start to walk so Neela start to walk exactly the first I could tell you
the big guy says she was 14 months okay what happens but I have to say walk by
herself seems so many months earlier I could tell you ten months nine months
something she could stand up and she loved to walk around like you know by
the side of the furniture or she used to use her Walker I have to say thanks to
that as well is that she learned how to walk by my opinion faster and to get
stronger because slowly slowly start to build up that confident she didn't want
to hold your hands she didn't want to you to like hold her with both hands at
the beginning it was only the Walker now that she was more courteous to properly
start to walk by herself is when she if when she start to ask you more like
give me your time so she could like live away from them
then when these 40 months was getting close by is when I feel that smells more
like asking to like hold my hand and seems more and more confident and
suddenly she asked for something and I kind of like hold it for her and she
stand up and there she walked to take it I was so surprised next question did
need to have any birth marks yes guys she has a lot of them she has one over
here don't know if you can see it she has another one here on her belly she
has another one under her thumb she has a part of her skin
but you can see it's a little bit darker the first time when she born I thought
was like okay so a newborn is just born it's been like with my station will
change things like that but no change is 50 months and that continue there I
really hope with the years when she grew
up oh it will disappear or it will be less
visible or at least it will be something that if she's wearing some like bikini
or some swimsuit is not going to be visible because obviously at the moment
we can see it only with the diaper so you know the diapers are quite tight so
obviously you can what is my new favorite food Nilo is a fussy eater
he turned 6 months so I start to give her like mush for like really soft food
I start to give her stick food she was doing amazing the problem was when we
travel to Bali for first time once I was there I didn't have the same control
like I'm happy in my heart it was kind of difficult even if
no Alex family was trying the best every time I asked I don't know if also
whether the country whatever but new latina wonder she was purely
breastfeeding but for me was really frustrated because for like let's say
previous mom she was eating so good and do it so good and I found myself coming
back home she didn't want to eat she just asked me
breastfeed breastfeed breastfeed and because she was getting older she fell
more hungry so I have to do more to pups that normally so now she needs to eat
what we eat I can't put a different plan in front of her because she'll say no no
no and she would be pointing or now she will ask directly she want our food she
like really tasty food so she eats anything that I give for which I'm
really happy her favorite favorite things at the
moment eat spaghetti or noodles and grimace especially the creepies she will
see them and she'll just get crazy and she doesn't care to it and frozen or
cookie doesn't matter silly just ask you for that next questions how many teeth
Neal Haas at the moment she has should tell people give us mine mmm no nothing
like that yeah she has eight officially out but
she has four that they are on the way already so now we change to both of us
question number one what do we have in common so many people say I don't find
it that way that when she smiled they seemed funny I think something we have
more or less in common it's the hair color when she born she was having a
black hair like eyelids no I don't know if because of summer the Sun yeah
the supper outside I can't see her here is getting curly like I used to have one
as a baby and he's kidding me a lot more brilliant so that's something we can
have in common another thing we have in common as well
it's the strong personality strong character seems Neela was four months or
even earlier you could already see C's has a really strong personality and she
is really patient like me and she is really I remember when she was a baby I
used to be so much on top of her and I end up making her cry even more and I
didn't understand what was going on when I decide to say learn and pay attention
and listen to my baby even it is not saying words yet I found out that she's
like me like but for the rest of the things she is literally 100% like her
father next question is when did we trouble for first time and where first
time I took Neelu on a trip she was four months and he was to Spain for her
Spanish Christian and another question you may be the same one was the longest
trip so the longest trip it's been to Bali we did it when she was about to be
six months and that trip was 20 hours 18 20 hours there another question is what
language are we teaching to Neil this I've been asked so much Aled is from
Indonesia from Bali I am from Spain and we are new blood since before I was
pregnant in our mind was we want our kids to be able to express themselves
and understand their family I want Neelu to be able to
to Spain and be able either to understand her cousins and my parents
are my grandparents we want her to be able to go either to body or go to Spain
and know both of the languages so when she co there she can go to eyelids
family or to my family and be able to tell them like I want a drink I want to
eat I'm tired or I'm feeling sick either way we want her to understand if
they are asking to her and if we have the chance to teach all of these
languages but I will not have to spend money in the future for that languages
because I already did to her why not if you come to my house this is the
precious you will listen to me you say a few words in Spanish few words in
English few words in in the nation we speak each other's that way we mix three
of the languages we found out that nila is learning really really fast and that
she is catching the words really easily and she just said in the language is the
easiest for her which takes me to the next question which is which words Nehru
said nila at the moment say hola she says hi it's the same she says good
morning in English vampa which is data in donation system Amma abuela which
means grandma in Spanish she says Nina which means drama in the nation wah wah
which wah wah is a word we use in Spanish it has no meaning at all but
it's the way we say Tommy no she ended up calling every animal is awawa she
started to learn how to say Mia Mia which is for the car you know it is love
like breastfeed she know how to say to talk which means clothes mom which means
eat in the Benicia it's not mom like me like mother it's like mom is how I'm
pronounce it is the same way but if you listen it from a lead which is
or regional language you will see it sounds different
yeah which means bye goodbye in the nation see also know how to say bye baka
which is the worst word I could ever have teaching her
so I mean Spanish when for example the kids take something from the floor and
you don't want them to take it you would say no no it's caca like it's dirty it's
like rubbish don't take it the problem is that Nino has two that work as well
and turn it in her own way and now everything that she found on the
floor will be couple another word that is he knows is Teddy
cut the cord Sophia favorite Joel in other words you know how to say us well
in English is a shoe when she went to wet her shoe see what comes in yes a
mommy sure see also know how to say mine and another things you know how to say
it's Nona's simple dad in Indonesia and I have to say in Bali it's something I
really like it it's the way how they teach the kids to ask for the themes so
they will not come to you and grab it for you
they will ask you like can I have it please it's the way so that means
obviously only us we know I'm trying to explain that to my family so every time
you go to them and then do like that they will understand that is what she
wants or what she's asking for bless her we go to the park and things
like that and then she will ask the other kids that way and I always start
to pay attention so I will be who so I'm saying to the kids can she have it or
whatever but because they don't sign because they understand English and they
don't understand each other because they are babies I tried to also teach to nail
you now whenever she takes something from someone else I would say ok me do
we need to give it back in 1 2 3 give it back and she will give it to me it's
something since the first time I tried she straight away giving she didn't cry
before maybe it was my mistake I just like they kicked away from her and
give it back to the other so I'm not in a bad way but I will take it away from
her she was just like why she never take things away from me and she's taking
this now anyway I'm learning and she's learning she know how to say see yes
it's the same and no she know how to say boo boo it's me sleep she know how to
say Monday which means see no dogs I want means water so next
question really quick this one cause sleeping or when Neelu porn we used to
do PO I used to sometimes let her sleep in the bed because when I was
breastfeeding I will fall asleep or whatever else now is fine it's true that
we don't understand whatever habits we give it to them is what they take
whatever is the easiest for them they will take it so obviously she preferred
to sleep without studying her god now she grow older and I can't keep her on
the cot not even to play like she hates her coat for some reason so much that I
will just put her there and she will stick sterically scream and cry so no
good cause sleep its link or bug I am 99.99 percent sleep I love it since I
tried the first time it's the best day easiest the fastest you can go anywhere
with your baby in the sling and it's perfect a question I've been asked so
much do I wanna have any kids since newborn we have never stopped try
because after all the problems I have for getting pregnant in our mentality
was what about if we weigh the specific time we went away to having the gobble
between the kids and when we tried it takes me in two years it's true I'm
breastfeeding it's true that when you are
breastfeeding especially like me on the month if you
are not ovulating in my case I didn't have my period until now two years after
I have there's like a really small percentage of chance to get pregnant
while you are persuading on Lamont in my case it didn't happen yet as I said I
wish it happens sooner because if he's hurting from now when the next baby come
Neela will be like like what between 24 to 27 let's say months and it's a
perfect age in between which is like two years two years and a half apart and I
think it's the best one we are just not trying to stop our life to give us what
we meant to ha and also you asked me how many kids do I
wanna have a little I we want to have four let's go quickly to my questions
which are where I'm from I'm from Spain from mitrik how old I am 28 years oh how
old I am I'm 167 what's my natural hair color my
hair color is dark brown how many siblings do I have I have one sister and
the last question today and it's the one that I've been asked so much for all of
these months is how can I find time to do YouTube and I also get so much passed
quietly in the starties area when I started let's say I think I started like
3-4 months before that I didn't have a laptop I didn't have all of these tools
that I have today I didn't have all of this knowledge and I also didn't feel as
confident and as good as I feel with myself know I even have to say when I
see my previous videos from only as I said three months ago I'm like oh I look
so bad but it was water how it was the best way I could
see me how I used to record it he was crazy and funny and just set up the
camera guys sometimes it took me two hours is it comes sounds crazy but it
did because of the quality of the camera because I need my phone as one at the
same time because of the lighting everything like no I have to be really
grateful to Allah that he been really supportive and he mean helping me about
that I mean what I normally to is like whenever I want to film something what
I'm going to do is when I wake up in the morning do my work out to my shower and
then quickly I will do my makeup nealy will continue sleeping and I
normally have my hair done which I wash my hair twice a week so I will have my
hair already done today I'm having the worst day ever like I wash my hair last
night for some reason I was kind of like you know as a mom you are always in the
shower trying to relax but you in your head you keep thinking you are listening
to your baby cry so I was all that I'm like open the court and get out of the
shower no she's livid go back the shower in all of that process I'm not even sure
guys I rinse the conditioner out of my hair that's why I think it looks so bad
and today is the only day I could film because we are going on holidays and I
want to have this video done before I go on holidays when I want to get ready
with like hair makeup and dressed up and come to sit that's the time that mean we
wake up we will have some breakfast and we will have some time to like as I
say give her five minutes to like relax and half her time when I speak she's
happy or whatever we will do it if she wake up in a really bad way no problem I
will way to her first up in the morning which will be after lunch so she will
wake up have lunch and then we will start filming that's how I do as you can
see you know my videos Neelu is always around always like I
don't have someone taking care of me while I'm filming sometimes I have a
leak home it's hard also to film honest because I have a really small house it's
so noisy everything you do so he has to be there he can't really play with me
look he can watch TV he can sometimes even speak because you will listen it's
so frustrating for him because sometimes that's why I have to put music when I'm
speaking in the background for try to hide that voices in the background that
is them that they are not screaming I just having a normal level of voice but
if it is so noisy so as I said so frustrated for me because after I'm not
happy with the video so I stop filming and he's home or when someone is home
it's just neither on me because I can manage the situation with nila like now
if you see my house right now my room where I am I have Bobby things
everywhere she took the Bobby box and she throw it
she has my iPad on hands and she's keeping like morning because
Cinderella's not in the screen because it's moving around and this is
motherhood this is half total her home and that's it I'm so grateful that this
channel as much as I can is going well I'm sure one day it will succeed and all
of you like it if you don't like it I'm so sorry I try my best right on so happy
like I'm so happy to be an accordion right now with Cinderella singing in the
background of my video thats everything guys
thank you so much for watching don't forget your life sucks like if you like
this video if you are new my channel thank you so much for passing by please
don't forget to press your red bottom of subscribe for more videos every week
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