Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 27 2018

all right so let's talk about the big debate between caloric restriction and

intamin fasting so there are many different types of intamin flossing

which you can do like not eating for 16 hours per day not eating for 20 hours

per day not eating for 22 hours per day you get the point

some people do alternative day fasting where they eat frequent meals one day

and fast the next there are many different ways to do it but what intamin

fasting is is basically intermittently not eating for at least 812 hours the

big debates between caloric restriction and intamin fasting is simple the people

on the instrument fasting side you could say claim that because intamin fasting

decreases your insulin levels this is going to increase fat loss more so than

eating the same amount of food and protein and eating more frequent meals

their logic is that eating more frequent meals causes more frequent spikes in the

hormone insulin and when insulin has increased fat lipolysis the release of

fat isn't able to occur so therefore eating less frequently even

if you're consuming the same amount of food is thus going to be better for fat

loss before I get into that debate specifically let's talk about how in

term the fasting does actually affect your hormones because not eating food

does have direct impacts on your hormones so the first thing that's going

to happen as I just mentioned is a decrease in insulin insulin is a hormone

released by beta cells in your pancreas and its role is basically to shuttle

glucose and amino acids into cells after you consume food so let's say you eat a

meal of rice chicken and broccoli insulin is going to increase in order to

shuffle the glucose from the rice and the chicken and the amino acids into

your cells so if you don't eat insulin isn't going to spike and your bodies are

going to be burning fat right you're going to be releasing fat from your

cells another hormonal change which has been shown to happen when you do

intimate fasting is an increase in human growth hormone which is responsible for

growth right and in the human body so this doesn't necessarily mean that

you're going to experience massive muscle growth because of the increase in

growth hormone when you fast but it's more like your response

mechanism to the lack of food to give you energy by mobilizing fat and

increasing glucose availability another thing you're going to see when you fast

as an increase in catecholamines there are certain catecholamines like norpro

nephron which are going to be released when the body is under the stress of

fasting and this can help to break down fat cells when you think about fasting

it and it makes sense the argument where people say it's better for fat loss

because if you have no energy coming in from food it makes sense that your body

would then turn to its own fat stores to increase fat loss this is what happens

when liver glycogen runs out your body is going to begin producing ketone

bodies like beta hydroxy butyrate and this happens because your body is

breaking down its own fat when it enters that state of ketosis after a certain

period of time of fasting how long this takes depends on a number of factors for

example if you exercise you're gonna deplete a liver glycogen quicker and

enter that same ketosis quicker but generally it's gonna happen from between

8 to 12 hours for most people that's why most of us are actually producing more

ketone bodies upon waking up because we've been fasting throughout the night

before we eat breakfast and break our fast breakfast another claim into how

intamin fasting may be better for fat loss is because of the effect that has

on our metabolism so for a long time there was a dogma that said that

frequent meals is going to boost your metabolism by sort of feeding the fire

right keeping your metabolism going however the research has shown this

isn't true at all and in fact some research but keep in mind it's very

preliminary shows that intimate fasting may slightly increase your metabolism by

between 3.6 to 14% short-term and then as you fast much longer right for

several days there's a down regulation in your metabolism to conserve energy

and increase your chances of survival but short-term fasting may slightly

increase your metabolism however it may not be significant enough to make any

sort of drastic increase in fat loss compared to someone eating the same

amount of food now when we actually turn to the evidence which compares total

caloric intake total protein intake and you have one group that's eating

frequently and one group that's doing insulin

fasting the research actually shows that it doesn't matter whether you're eating

two meals or six meals or eight meals if you're eating the same amount of

calories and protein then your fat loss is actually going to be the same over

time it doesn't matter whether you do one meal per day or ten mils per day if

calories and protein are the same you're going to get the same results

I mentioned protein because protein is important to control for because protein

is the most thermogenic food group all foods you know that have carbs fat and

protein are going to require energy to digest

however protein is the most thermogenic and it requires the most calories to

burn so you know if you have one person eating the same amount of calories but

really really high protein another person eating the same amount of

calories but really low protein the person eating more protein is going to

lose more fat because of that thermic effect of food so that's important to

keep in mind but basically meal timing is irrelevant or near irrelevant for

body composition as long as protein and calories are controlled form we've seen

this with controlled metabolic world studies of low carb diets just as a

comparison because carbohydrates out of all foods spike insulin the most of the

most insulin or genic so the hypothesis here is the same for a ketogenic diet if

you lower carbs low enough you're not gonna be sparking insulin and therefore

you're going to increase fat loss but we saw in the study when every factor was

controlled for as well as possible both the ketogenic group and the standard

American diet group lost 1.1 pounds of fat the exact same amount of a fat over

one month even though one group had much higher insulin level so this in itself

makes it very clear that you know insulin is important right when insulin

is increased lipolysis is inhibited however if you're eating the same amount

of calories in protein it doesn't really matter you know you eat a big meal you

have a big insulin spike you eat smaller meals you have small insulin spikes but

as long as the total amount of calories are the same then that loss isn't going

to be different between one person or the other now I'm a big fan of intimate

fasting so I don't want this video to seem like I'm ripping into it but the

truth is that intimate or fasting works because of how it can help you decrease

your appetite and better manage your calories puts

simply it's much harder to overeat calories if you're only consuming two

meals per day in comparison to six you just have a lower chance of over

consuming food another reason is because in termina fasting and may decrease your

appetite when the liver glycogen is depleted and you begin to produce ketone

bodies and you enter that safe ketosis there is some preliminary research which

shows that your appetite may be reduced so this may be another reason why in

some enforcing helps to reduce your appetite and help you consume less it's

just harder to eat more food when you're doing intermittent fasting so that's why

people get such quick and amazing results when they only eat once per day

it has nothing to do with insulin the other cool thing is that intimate

fasting does have some potential health benefits even when calories in protein a

control for like decreased inflammation increased brain derived neurotrophic

factor BDNF increased mitochondrial biogenesis there's a lot of animal and

human research looking into the potential you know anti-aging benefits

of intamin fasting so it's definitely worth doing if you enjoy it and it helps

you get results but it's definitely not required to get to where you want to be

in terms of your body composition so that's it to conclude for the video

doing summon fasting if you want don't do intamin fasting if you don't want but

if you do it don't expect magical results if you overeat when you fast

you're still not going to lose weight regardless of what anybody says about

the scary insulin okay so stop overthinking about insulin and think

more about the total amount of you do you're consuming and the type of food

that you're consuming because that's what matters if you want to check out

another video I've made on whether training in a fasted state is better

than I urge you to click in the link in the description to watch that video and

learn more about where the fasted cardio that's gonna help you lose fat faster so

until next time guys I'll see you in the next video have a great day and leave

your thoughts in the comment section down below

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting vs Calorie Restriction (The No BS Truth) - Duration: 8:38.


"Зың-зың Күлпәш" 7 шығарылым (Зын-зын Кулпаш 7 серия) - Duration: 36:49.

For more infomation >> "Зың-зың Күлпәш" 7 шығарылым (Зын-зын Кулпаш 7 серия) - Duration: 36:49.


Battlefield 1 - Road to Battlefield 5 Premium Pass Giveaway Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 - Road to Battlefield 5 Premium Pass Giveaway Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 0:31.


💪 How To Quickly Boost Your Immune System And NOT Get Sick - Duration: 8:25.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

I don't know about you, but I really hate being sick.

And from the sound of my voice, you can tell I have a bit of a cold.

Obviously, nobody wants to have some disease or cancer or some major illness.

But, just getting the flu or even the "common" cold, really sucks.

You feel like "junk".

You have no energy.

Things hurt throughout your body.

You can't sleep well.

You can't do much of anything.

And if you have to work, deal with kids and other major responsibilities -- it's so

much harder to get through the day AND it slows down the healing process.

So, today I'm going to give you some simple and proven solutions you can implement right

now, to help boost your immune system, to help you avoid getting sick or ill.

Because the bottom line to almost any illness or sickness is a weakened immune system.

And I'm not going to get into the hardcore stuff like injectable or IV vitamins, blood

cleansing, Stem cells or other things that most of can't do or don't want to do.

Stop The Drains & Leaks

The first thing to improving your health and immune system, is we FIRST need to reduce

and stop any "leaks" you have in your life.

Just like growing a business, we have to periodically audit the business, see what leaks there are,

unnecessary expenses and so forth.

This has to be done BEFORE you add anything to your life.

#1 - Reduce Stress Stress just drains your immune system more

than anything.

It kills your nervous system (CNS), kills your good hormones (testosterone, Growth Hormone,

etc.) and increases negative stress hormones (cortisol, etc.)

If work sucks, if you have money problems, if your "significant other" is a pain

the butt, if your kids are a handful and so forth -- some of that can't be changed,

at least not right away.

However, you CAN get rid of loser friends that drain you.

You CAN stop consuming negative information (TV, Internet, news, etc.) which creates negative

feelings and thoughts and thus, bad hormones!

Instead, consume information that's happy, funny, makes you laugh and you walk away with


Trust me, whatever is happening in some other country, is NOT going to make any difference

in your life RIGHT NOW.

You certainly wouldn't want you kids to consume negative information - so why do you?

Besides, most of it is MISinformation anyway.

At the very least, reduce it.

The other thing is you need to replenish your system by sleeping better and/or more.

Maybe take a 15 min break during the day and close your eyes, meditate, or just take a

power nap.

You'll feel better, and you'll be a lot more productive.

#2 - Eat Natural Foods No vitamin or "shot" is going to boost

your immune system, if your constantly "killing" it by eating crappy, processed foods.

So, I'll make this very simple - limit, reduce and eliminate things that come in box

and are "man-made" and eat more natural foods.

This also means liquids - stop with the junk and drink a LOT more purified water to help

DETOX your system.

You know the basics, so just do it.

#3 - Exercise I think exercise is so important because it

gets stress out of your system, it helps optimize so many positive, youthful hormones and you

know what - when you LOOK good, you FEEL good and you'll DO "good" … I know, proper

English is "well", but you get the point.

Now, most people either don't exercise enough or at all.

OR they exercise too much and that stresses their body even more.

My suggestion is very simple.

3x weekly, lift weights.

No more than 45 minutes to a max of 60 minutes.

On the other days off, 3x weekly go for a fast walk, outside in the sunshine, for 20-40


One day of the week, take off or go get a massage.

This is my general guideline and if you follow it, you will look and feel better.

#4 - Take Supplements I know, the minute I tell someone to take

supplements, some people just freak out.

They think I've got some hidden agenda and I'm trying to make money.

Or they think they can get everything they need from a healthy diet.

Listen, you can't.

You never will.

The foods, the soul, and everything related is just depleted of so many nutrients.

And unless you're going to be eating at least 5000 or more calories from really healthy

foods - you will need to take supplements.

STOP arguing this point with me.

My favorite, "immune boosting" supplements, in no particular order are:

Vit D3 (2000-5000 units daily) Vitamin C (3000-10,000 mgs daily)

Vit K (2000 mcg of K and 100 mcg of MK-7 daily) Magnesium (500-1500 mgs daily)

Fish Oil (2000-5000 mgs daily) Probiotics (acidophilus) and Prebiotics (inulin)

NAC or Glutathione (600-1200 mgs daily) Zinc + Copper (15-30 mgs + 1-2 mgs daily)

Selenium - (200-400 mgs daily) CoQ10 - improving mitochondria (100-200 mgs


BONUS: Glutamine powder if you exercise.

Most abundant amino acid in the muscle and gets depleted when you're "stressed".

Also good for your gut.

This made a huge difference for me.

I would take 3-5 grams, 2-3x daily

Now, I know there are other things … mushroom extract, echinacea, elderberry, garlic, astragalus

and so forth.

But, those might be best utilized WHEN you get sick, but not year-round.

While the supplements I've listed can and should be utilized year-round and they have

lots of other health benefits on top of it.

In fact, I suggest people take these 10 supplements ALL the time.

So, there you have it.

Staying healthy is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and family and it starts

with a strong immune system.

If you found it helpful, great… make sure you're subscribed, if you aren't already.

And "share the health" with others, so they can benefit as well.

Also, please do me a big favor and let me know what topics you'd like me to cover

in my videos.

I have a special link below, in the description area, that you can fill out and it'll go

directly to my private email box.

This helps me make videos that YOU want to watch about topics that YOU'RE interested


Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💪 How To Quickly Boost Your Immune System And NOT Get Sick - Duration: 8:25.


Beautiful Nails 2018 💓💝 The Best Short Nail Art Compilation #155 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Nails 2018 💓💝 The Best Short Nail Art Compilation #155 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:09.


Japan Fast Food Teriyaki Burgers Taste Test - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Japan Fast Food Teriyaki Burgers Taste Test - Duration: 11:12.


Weather News with J7409 Thursday 9/27/18 - Duration: 7:45.

and a good day to each and every one of you it's time for weather news with j7409

the name you know. the news you can use. if you your first time over here and

you're into the weather like all the rest of us please please please

subscribe click the bell check off the email notifications to make sure you get

all the latest and weather news forecasts watches warnings and tropical

weather boy oh boy Alabama got slammed yesterday with 8 to

10 inches of rain flooding was going on it was a total mess as flooding has been

happening all over the eastern and northeastern all the way down the Texas

and the South area everyone please stay safe my thoughts and prayers are with

you what we're looking at now is the name map this is what your forecast

should be for the next three days is set right now at 9:00 a.m. this morning on

Thursday mostly rain everywhere up in Montana all the way from the southern

tip of Texas all the way up into Virginia along the Appalachian border

there Jim I know you've been going through it buddy

hang in there it's got to get better we have some rain up in Wisconsin also in

Minnesota later on in the week this summit this is going to turn to snow in

area so let's crank our own up we'll go to 8:00 p.m. this evening

what will it be looking like some snow coming down from Canada into Montana and

a little teeny bit of snow in Wyoming mostly rain mostly rain at this time as

the cold fronts are progressing eastward you can see we have Pennsylvania more

rain West Virginia Virginia and also in Kentucky and it moves all the way down

into Alabama so we'll move up to 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning Friday morning and

the Sonoma progressively gets a little murder in area still in Montana still up

in Wyoming that looks like a good swath of snow right in there for you guys

rain rain everywhere else as we move along and the day we'll go to 6 p.m.

tomorrow and the snow starts to dissipate still a little bit coming down

from Canada up in this area but for the most part the US has rain little teeny

bit of snow up in Montana Wyoming and South Dakota so we'll move up to around

midnight tomorrow night why will it be looking like mostly rain everywhere it

still got that snow hanging around in Canada and a little bit sneaks into

Wisconsin right up in here just a little bit everything else is rain and as far

as we can go out is 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon

looks like the East Coast is looking better and the latest run of the gfs map

courtesy of tropical tidbits let's turn it on and here's what's happening folks

we have a lingering frontal boundary drape from the mid-atlantic to the

western Gulf Coast now it's going to keep showers and thunderstorms in the

forecast through at least today now locally heavy rain will be possible with

excessive rainfall and flash flooding also being a threat due to the previous

days of rain especially across the Tennessee and lower Ohio valleys a wave

developing along this boundary in the mid-atlantic for today is going to be

moving up the coast by tomorrow and it will also help to enhance rainfall from

the central southern Appalachians to the southern New England area and this

region from the Tennessee Valley to the northern mid-atlantic is under a risk

for excessive rain and flash flooding today

once it's wave clears by the weekend the southern portion of the front may linger

a little longer which keeps showering weather in the forecast into Saturday

for portions of the southeast and Gulf Coast

we got another cold front also it's going to dip into the northern tier

stage today with scattered showers accompanying its passage across the

Upper Great Lakes area and the Midwest to the central plains and northern rocky

areas with cold Canadian air filtering in behind the front expects a mixing of

snow and the highest elevations with light accumulations possible just like I

showed you on the NAMM map now temperatures across the northern high

plains for today could be as much as 10 to 15 degrees below normal with these

cold readings dropping southward into the central plains by tomorrow meanwhile

upper level ridging holds strong across much of the western US into the weekend

keeping the weather warm and dry and this will only continue to elevate the

fire weather threat still got red flag warnings up and fire weather watches

there in effect across parts of the Great Basin and the central Rockies

expect compromise air quality that's right as well given from the smoke from

ongoing wildfire so your air quality is not going to be that great in these

areas and so far as severe weather a few strong to marginally severe storms

capable of isolated damaging winds will be possible today from Georgia to parts

of an evening so please keep that in mind if you're in these areas also

there's a track across the southern Appalachian Zone to Southeast Virginia

it's gonna happen overnight and the latest model guidance suggests modest

boundary layer heating will be noted from Georgia into North Carolina where

low-level lapse rates are expected to be relatively steep so there is a risk of

height Falls that are in the forecast also southeast of the higher terrain as

a result the boundary layer heating will provide confection development from

Georgia to North Carolina and confection will be encountered from the

ozone draped across southern Virginia to northern North Carolina it will

encounter somewhat greater low-level shear which may weaken the super cells

to some degree and that's a check of your weather in general today thanks so

much for watching I appreciate it a lot please share this information keep

everyone well aware of what's going on around them thanks for the likes the

comments and everything you do for me and as you can see right down here this

is Rosa coming up Rosa will probably be a hurricane big time but as it moves up

as you can see let it run through again right quick it should be dropped arm

strength or maybe even lower we'll have to wait and see when it does reach up in

this area of Arizona if anything changes with that and I think it's more severe

don't worry I'll put it up for you take care of my friends have a good day a

blessed day peace love and kindness to each of you and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Weather News with J7409 Thursday 9/27/18 - Duration: 7:45.


The Most Powerful Promise (You Will Make) - Duration: 10:34.

I was 12 years old the first time I self-harmed

I was sitting in class hypnotized by the little shards of glass on my desk

I just accidentally smashed my new watch with my elbow

but I wasn't worried about that

There was a new kind of focus in my mind and without thinking

I picked up a little shard and dragged it through my wrist

For a kid, the feeling was hard to describe

I mean, it hurt and watching the blood pool out onto my desk made me feel pretty woozy

I even got sent home for the day but there was something else there

Another feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on

And I wouldn't for a long time

I did it for years without ever really knowing why

All through my angsty teens

It's what angsty teens did, right?

Just a phase?

To tell the truth I just liked the way it felt

In the end I realized it was about control

It was about some semblance of power in my life that I desperately needed

You see

I am a child abuse survivor.

My power was taken away from me at a young age

And I never really got it back

Even now

As I near 30 I'm always kind of afraid

Always expecting the worst right around the corner

Doctors call it anxiety

And for me, they call it a few other things too

For the longest time self-harm was my power over that

It's a confusing one, right?

Well, for me it makes sense to talk about an ideal, a way of thinking, to explain it better.

It's called nihilism and by definition is the philosophical viewpoint

that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is pretty much meaningless

If you've ever been in the receiving end of such wrongdoing

If someone's ever abused your trust and certainly if you've ever felt low enough to hurt yourself

this might make a lot of sense to you. It did for me for the longest time.

You see, my nihilism was my armor

I couldn't be hurt in a world that didn't matter

If I got sick of the way things were I could always take the easy way out

That thought never left my mind and though it might be hard for people to understand,

just having that option is probably what kept me here.

Living life like there's no tomorrow can make you feel truly alive.

I'm not condoning or supporting any self-destructive behavior

but it needs to be said that this isn't crazy

If you're watching this, counting the scars on your arm.

You're not crazy.

You might be someone who has had the control over your life, that you deserve, taken away from you.

That doesn't mean you're just like me.

Things aren't that black and white.

It might be a release for you, like turning a high-pressure valve when you're feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Well, it's your right to control that pressure.

It might be the only thing left you can feel, when all else is numb and meaningless.

Well, it's your right to control your feelings.

And feelings? Maybe they're so strong you can't properly express them, and this is the only way how.

Well, it's your right to control your expression.

Or maybe you just want to punish yourself?

Well, it's your right to respect yourself enough not to do so.

I'll be honest, I can relate to all of the above.

It's not a simple issue, it's not a simple thing,

and when you find yourself speaking to someone who doesn't have experience with self-harm,

you might feel like they couldn't possibly understand, and you couldn't possibly make them.

But that's okay.

They won't understand. Think about it, how can they?

They can however give you something very powerful.

A promise.

I'm just about twenty-nine years old now and have sixty-three permanent scars all over my body.

Some of them nearly killed me.

I thought I was being safe moving the habit to my thighs but nicked an artery on more than one occasion.

I consider myself lucky to be here, and I'm here because I opened up to someone who loved me

and made them a promise.

It was a friend. Not a mother, or a brother, just a friend.

One I loved, trusted and respected.

I couldn't feel the sadness in what I was doing

Like I said, it felt good. It gave me the control I longed for, it gave me my power.

But I could see it in her.

I'm not saying it's easy, I had to work hard to put myself in her shoes and see me as she saw me.

Self-loathing goes hand in hand with self-harm.

It's not our way for everyone, but it was for me

So it was hard to see the damage I was causing.

To really see it, I had to feel bad for myself, and that wasn't something I was about to do.

That felt weak.

Weak is what I felt all those times I couldn't stand up for myself, and now 'self-pity' felt weak too

I mean, it was hard wired in me.

But even if it feels weak, allow yourself that.

Because it's not weak in fact, it's a huge demonstration of strength

but I can't convince you of that, and you know what?

It doesn't even matter anyway.

What matters is trust.

Trust is a blind, made up human construct, right?

Sure. So, make it up. Put it in someone deserving.

If you don't know who, just ask yourself.

Who do you feel you can really be yourself around?

Is there someone in your life you can say absolutely anything around?

Like, the crassest, craziest thing, and they wouldn't bat an eyelid?

A friend like that is a good start. A friend you don't want to lose.

A friend you wouldn't want to see self-harming either.

Tell them what's going on with you.

Most importantly, show them your scars. If you have a slip, give them a call, send them a message.

Then make them a promise.

The promise I made to my friend still stands.

We actually fell out and I haven't heard from her in a long time

but it stuck with me that somebody cared. Somebody wanted me to be okay.

I haven't self-harmed in five years and I am immensely proud of that.

I can't say this works for everyone. I wanted to share this with you because it works for me.

Looking back now I realize it was such a shame a tragedy how little I respected myself.

When really, everyone should be the center of their own respective universes.

It's like RuPaul says, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"

Now, I haven't forgotten about you.

You who might be completely alone.

I was completely alone once too.

I can't say this put a stop to my self harm, but on that night, it may have saved my life.

I was in a particularly bad place at the time

Post-breakup. My partner had been cheating and I did not know how to handle the hurt involved in that.

I was a bottle and a half of black rum deep

Staring into a little mound of methylone on a DVD case, pressing cigarettes into my arm, trying to burn through to the muscle underneath.

I burned myself for hours

Toying with the idea of actually setting my entire arm on fire to see if I could kill myself that way.

It left the biggest scar of my collection on my body

and I look at it every day.

I used to be a chef, so I always told people it was from a bad oil spill; but I never knew if they believed me.

I passed out from the pain at some point.

I woke up, disoriented, but with a clearer head.

Instinct had me.

The pain was white hot, pulsating through every inch of my body.

I left a large patch of raw flesh, and while I'd passed out my arm had got stuck to the carpet.

The blinding pain of ripping it up was a bit of a wake-up call.

I was eighteen at the time and still living at home.

I couldn't tell my parents. Not a hope in hell of that.

But this injury looked ambulance-worthy, and the thought of suicide looked more and more promising.

How was I meant to hide this? What would everyone think?

Are they going to lock me up?

I needed some answers without repercussions. I needed someone to bounce these thoughts off

so I phoned the Samaritans

They're an organization in the UK and Ireland who are there to talk, about absolutely anything.

There are equivalents all over the world; suicide hotlines. I spoke to this guy in disdain at first, mockingly almost.

I told him what I had done.

I spoke to him about finishing the job.

To his credit he was one of the nicest people I'd ever had the pleasure of speaking with.

He stayed on the phone with me for an hour or so, just listening, piping in occasionally and

just keeping everything very calm.

I didn't finish the job. Because I had someone in my ear asking me not to.

Somebody cared.

Now, I didn't finish self-harming for years after that phone call either, but

that's just me.

It's not simple.

It's not black and white.

Every case is not the same. But that call did something for me.

It can do something for you too.

Just remember, it's as anonymous as you like. Someone will come on the phone and listen.

You can give a fake name, you can lie through your teeth about what's going on. It doesn't matter.

What matters is you're talking.

Letting this pain exist somewhere other than your own body or mind.

It's a lot easier to look at and understand when it's outside yourself, even in little ways.

I can't tell you what to do.

When it comes to a self-harmer, no one can, that's kind of the point.

But take it from me.

as someone who came out the other side of this:

The other side is there, and it will always be there.

This can stop.

You can be okay.

So, make a promise you can't break, or just reach out; anonymously if that's what works.

But, please, do something. Nihilism is easy.

If nobody cares, nothing matters, nothing can hurt you. Well, I'll tell you something.

I've never met you, but I care. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

You deserve more than that.

You deserve the true strength that comes from self-acceptance and vulnerability.

You deserve a happy life where you can manage your pain.

You deserve a fresh start.

It's never too late, for a clean slate.

If you can't find anyone to promise. Then please, promise me.

Be safe.


For more infomation >> The Most Powerful Promise (You Will Make) - Duration: 10:34.


Exclusive! NEW Trailer for 'A Star Is Born' - Duration: 1:26.

Her new movie opens next week.

We gave them a sneak peek last night.

So they're the lucky ones.

It's already expected to be a huge hit.

You know she wasn't the first choice.

You know that, right?

So here's the original trailer.


I think you're beautiful.


(SINGING) I'm falling.

Hey, I just wanted to take another look at you.


(SINGING) And all the good times I find myself longing--


--for change.


Here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to sing that song that I love.




(SINGING) I'm off the deep end.

Watch as I dive in.

I'll never meet the ground.


(SINGING) We're far from the shallow now.



Thank you.

Thank you.

Listen, I think we should give Lady Gaga a chance.

I think she'll be good too.

I think that it was a different way to go.

And we'll see how that does.

For more infomation >> Exclusive! NEW Trailer for 'A Star Is Born' - Duration: 1:26.


CBS2 News Update: 9/27 At 9 AM - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> CBS2 News Update: 9/27 At 9 AM - Duration: 2:13.


Ellen Meets Inspiring Hurricane Florence Dog Rescuer Ryan Nichols - Duration: 5:56.

When hurricane Florence hit a couple of weeks ago,

more than a million people were evacuated

and over 1,000 animals had to be rescued from the rising waters.

I saw an incredible video of a man who

rescued six dogs that were trapped in rising waters

and I wanted to meet him.

Take a look.


Dear God.

Come on.

Come on.


Come on puppy.

It's OK.

From Longview, Texas, please welcome Ryan Nichols.

That really touched me when I saw

that because clearly those dogs were trapped

and the water was rising fast so--

It was rising pretty fast.


Yeah, and there was no way for them to get out

so you saved their lives so you're an amazing guy.

Thank you.

OK so you live where?


Longview, Texas.

Yes, ma'am.

All right.

And what made you decide to go to North Carolina?

When did you make that decision?

I mean, well, we went to Hurricane Harvey last year.

We were living in Houston and so this year, it

was really no question.

One, you know, David and I are Marines and just took an oath

to the country.

Also have three amazing coaches, Christopher John Stubs, Grant

Cardone, and Tim Magali, were like,

dude, you know what you've got to do.

Get out there and do it.

So I called up David.

I was like, well, David, you served on the east coast.

Like I have no idea what's going on up there.

I have no idea of the landscape, the structure.

Can you help me?

He's like absolutely, man.

So we had like 18 hours before the storm hit

and we got the resources that we needed and we just

hit the interstate and it took us around 18 or 19 hours

to get over there.

We just drove straight through the night and got there.

Good for you.

Good for you.


You took out the boat.

So you picked up a boat along the way that you had.

So you get there and you drive to where you can

and then you put the boat in the water.

Yes ma'am.

And then how did you find out about the dogs?

So we were going back there.

We were driving the boat in like you said.

We found a spot where we could back the boat in, directly

into the water.

And we got around the corner and I hear awoo.

Where are these dogs coming from?

We just heard them in the woods.

And there was a church full of people

that we had to get out first.

And as soon as we got all these folks out, we're like,

we got to go back there and find these dogs.

And so sure enough, we went through the woods

and the neighbor was like, there's

dogs back here somewhere.

And we got around the corner and we saw the pen,

as you can see in the video, and there were six dogs there.

And we just went over there and let them out

and they went straight to the back yard

where their house was at where it's dry and found some food.

Well they had plenty of water already

but found some food for them and they were eating

and they were happy and just glad to be out of the water.

They knew you saved their lives.


Yes ma'am.

I can't believe that.

All right, so you rescued-- you were there four days,

you rescued how many people?

At least 25 people and at least 10 animals,

ranging anywhere between--


Couldn't have done it without David.

That was a lot of work so got David right here.

Hi David.

Over 25 people, over 10 animals ranging

anywhere between 75-80 years old all the way down

to a five week old baby.

And had David on the other side, navigating the roads,

taking care of the people when we got out,

giving directions, calling in orders, everything.

It was pretty awesome.

Well there's all these stories about more animals

that need rescuing.

There's a whole bunch of animals out there

so Shutterfly loves helping people

tell their inspiring stories like yours

and they want to make a donation for $25,000 in your name

to the Humane Society of the United States.


Thank you so much.

If you want to find out how you can help the Humane Society

and learn more about the rescue efforts, check out my website.

We'll be right back with Ryan after this.

When you were leaving to go rescue people and animals,

what did your wife think?

Same thing she thought with Hurricane Harvey.

It was a no, but I understand that you've got to go do this.

You've got a responsibility.

So a little bit of backlash but not really

just because we have two young children.

We have a business as well, staff, clients,

that we have to take care of and so there's

is a little bit of hesitation but she also

understands like this is what Ryan does,

this is what David does, go out there

and do what you need to do.

So you actually rescued your dog from Hurricane Harvey

as well, right?

Yes ma'am.

So I didn't rescue the dog from Hurricane Harvey

but it was a Hurricane Harvey rescue dog.

We have Macy now and we also have Copper too.

So Copper's another little hound dog.

He looks just like the dog that we out of the pens

so I saw that and was like, it's my puppy Copper out there so--

Speaking of that, I mean, like you

said, you rescued that dog from Hurricane Harvey,

there's so many animals, because people

lost their homes, that are going to need homes from Hurricane

Florence so if you can rescue a dog or a cat that

has been rescued, try to look into that

and see if you can do that.

So you lost everything in Hurricane Harvey

as well, right?

You lost your house?

Yes ma'am.

Yeah, so you just had moved into that house?

So we moved into the house.

We were there for about, I would say, six months

and we were already planning to move.

We moved about three days before Hurricane Harvey

hit but we didn't have time to get everything out.

And sure enough with the morning we were moving,

we looked on the radar, like Hurricane Harvey's coming.

Good time to be getting out of here

but unfortunately, there were some pipes

that broke in the house.

There was nothing that we could do.

We lost a lot of clothes, lost some of our belongings-- a lot

of our belongings, couch, bed, stuff like that.

But nothing that couldn't be replaced.

So I was just thankful that we were able to get out

and that's also where we realized that other people were

going to need help because we went

through the same situation.

So that's another reason why we do this

and why we're forming a nonprofit to help folks just

like this.

You're a good guy.

That's amazing.

All right.

Well I know you never got to go on a honeymoon

and David never got to go on a honeymoon either

so thanks to Shutterfly we're sending your families, both

of your families to Hawaii.

Oh, that's awesome.


For more infomation >> Ellen Meets Inspiring Hurricane Florence Dog Rescuer Ryan Nichols - Duration: 5:56.


她只一句受到粉丝力捧!张柏芝首晒男友照,颜值惨遭谢霆锋秒杀。 - Duration: 13:48.

For more infomation >> 她只一句受到粉丝力捧!张柏芝首晒男友照,颜值惨遭谢霆锋秒杀。 - Duration: 13:48.


Kellyanne Conway: Kavanaugh, accuser may both be right - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> Kellyanne Conway: Kavanaugh, accuser may both be right - Duration: 16:02.


Silicon Valley is 'too insular', former GE exec says - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Silicon Valley is 'too insular', former GE exec says - Duration: 7:11.


Amazon opens first brick-and-mortar retail store - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Amazon opens first brick-and-mortar retail store - Duration: 3:37.


7 GERMAN THINGS About My Apartment - Duration: 7:48.

There's no closet in the bedroom? There's no closet in the bedroom!

Hey everyone, I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

This video is about my apartment in Munich, Germany.

Specifically how German some parts of my apartment are.

Starting with the bedroom closet. Or lack thereof actually.

As far as I can remember, all the bedrooms that I had in the U.S. came with at least

a little closet built into the wall.

And that closet had a shelf and a bar to hang clothes on.

And here in Germany it's pretty much the opposite of that. None of the apartments that

Stefan and I ever looked at when we were apartment hunting had a closet built into the bedroom,

and the apartment that we live in now is no exception.

There's no closet built into the wall in the bedroom.

So I don't really have anything to show, like any footage to show here for this point because

that's the point of this point, is that there's no closet built into the wall.

It's just a wall in the bedroom. No closet built into it.

Another pretty German thing about our apartment is that it did not come with a kitchen.

Back in the U.S. it had never crossed my mind that an apartment that I was thinking about

renting wouldn't come with a kitchen.

That was just, like, a standard part of a rental apartment to me.

Sure, you had to bring your own bed, sofa, kitchen table if the apartment was not a furnished apartment.

But the counter top, the oven, the cabinets, you know, the kitchen itself, it always came

with the apartment in the U.S. Not always the case in Germany.

When apartment hunting in Germany, some of the apartments that Stefan and I looked at

did come with a kitchen, or sometimes the previous renter who was moving out of the

apartment was offering to sell the new renters the kitchen that they had put into the apartment

when they first moved in, but a lot of the apartments that we looked at to rent did not

come with a kitchen, including the apartment that we moved into and that we live in now.

For our apartment we had to buy a refrigerator, oven, the counters, the stove top, the sink,

the whole shebang! We had to buy the whole kitchen.

And if you'd like to see us in action in our kitchen, we recently filmed a cake video

in the kitchen. And here's just a little tiny bit of footage from that.

This cake is going to be the yellow of the egg.

But we are making two cakes.

These two cakes are going to the be yellow of the egg.

But it's a full egg. - Actually multiple eggs. - You use three eggs in your cake.

These cakes are going to be three eggs...?

Also my apartment in Germany has these amazing windows that I mentioned in this video here.

And before coming to Germany I had never seen windows like that.

The "Kipp" function and the ability to open the windows all the way, just so wonderful.

Two thumbs up.

From windows to doors now, another thing that I'd like to mention in this video is the

fact that the front door to my apartment in Germany cannot be opened from the outside

without a key.

So if I were to forget to bring my key with me and the door closed behind me,

that's it. I would be locked out of the apartment.

Whereas in the U.S. in the homes that I lived in, if I didn't manually lock the front door,

then I could walk in and out of the apartment without a key.

And now into the bathroom where we have our washing machine, and that's another thing

that I've noticed is different from the apartments that I lived in, in the U.S.

In the U.S. in my apartments I had a washing machine and a dryer in a separate little area

or small closet in the apartment, whereas in Germany a lot of people, myself included,

only have a washing machine, no dryer in the apartment, and I have seen it in a couple

different places in the apartments in Germany.

Sometimes the basement, the kitchen, or the bathroom.

And, yeah, in this apartment we have our washing machine in the bathroom.

And while we're in the bathroom, let's take a few steps over to the sink, to the

right of the sink, actually.

We have a towel bar rack thingy.

And yeah, this is something that I've seen quite often in apartments in Germany.

And I think it's kind of funny, because our apartment did not come with a kitchen,

it did not come with light fixtures, but it did come with this towel bar thing.

And specifically this kind of towel rack with the two metal bars coming out from the wall

is something that I have seen quite a lot in apartments in Germany.

And I don't really ever recall seeing that in apartments in the U.S.

In my apartments in the U.S. I usually had

like a bar hanging on the wall where I hung my towels on.

Not like this with these two bars sticking out of the wall next to the sink.

I love them though.

I think it's a really cool way to do it.

It makes it easy and quick to get to the towel from the sink without dripping water everywhere.

The towels are right there, right by the sink. I think it's very convenient.

And lastly, the light switches, not just in the bathroom but in my apartment in general,

and the flusher for the toilet.

The toilet flusher in my apartment here in Germany is so big!

It is this big rectangular block thing.

And it's built into the wall in the bathroom.

There are many different kinds of toilet flushers that I've seen in Germany.

I went into more detail on that in the toilet video, but the toilet flusher in our bathroom

in our apartment is a kind that I have seen in quite a lot in apartments in Germany.

And as far as the light switch goes, here in my apartment in Germany I have these

kind of these, like, blocky light switches that make a pretty satisfying little click, click

as I press them on and off.

And, yeah, there are some different kinds of light switches around Germany, but again

I would say these are a pretty common kind that I've seen here.

So my question for you is: What are some things in your home that you would say are pretty

typical of homes in the place where you live?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching. Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

Want to watch another video? Here are two.

And a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon who help

make these videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

For more infomation >> 7 GERMAN THINGS About My Apartment - Duration: 7:48.


💬【兩儀亂說】「電競」是追夢還是發夢?(中文字幕) - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 💬【兩儀亂說】「電競」是追夢還是發夢?(中文字幕) - Duration: 6:05.


Lady Gaga Stopped 'Dead in Her Tracks' Hearing Bradley Cooper Sing - Duration: 4:02.

I mean, you just hear Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga,

and just that alone is going to draw

people, much less the movie.

The movie has been remade four times, right?


Had you seen all of them?


You had.


So you were a fan anyway.


But I did my research also, after I was cast for the role,

because there was an original-- the original had

no music in it.

And that's with Janet Gaynor.

And then the second was Judy Garland.

It had music in it.

And obviously, the one with Barbra Streisand

had it as well.

So the first one didn't have music in it.

Was she an actress?

Or she was a singer?


She was an actress, yes.

OK, so it was a different story.

And then you get cast in this.

And you must be like, you know, beyond excited because this is

a movie that you already loved.

Well, I was just, you know, extremely

humbled by the experience of meeting Bradley and him coming

to my home.

And you know, he makes you feel comfortable right away.

And he's just such a loving and caring person.

And we're both from the East Coast, and we're both Italian.

So you know, before I knew it, I was heating up leftovers

in the kitchen and feeding him.

And we were talking about life.

And then we started to sing together

at the piano, a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival,

"Midnight Special."

And I heard his voice, and I stopped dead in my tracks.

And I said, oh, my gosh, Bradley.

You can sing.


He sings from his soul.

I mean, am I--

Yeah, he has a great voice.


He didn't think he did.

He thought he couldn't sing.

Well, he was wrong.

Yeah, I know.

He was wrong.

He can sing.

And you know what?

He's a great songwriter.

He wrote on all his songs for this film.



And some of them that we do together,

we did with other people.

It was just-- it was just amazing to hear

you sing, because I love your voice anyway.

And then the two of you together onstage

was just-- it was incredible.

Thank you.

Just incredible.

Now, you didn't wear much makeup, if any at all in this.

Was that freeing for you?

Were you self-conscious about it?

It was freeing, then terrifying, freeing, then terrifying.

And you know what?

It was perfect for the character.

You know?

It's exactly who Ally is.

And in many ways, it was wonderful for me

because I got to experience a real challenge with this role.

Because in a lot of ways, Ally and I are nothing alike.



Because I thought that really was,

just stripped down, that we don't get to see often enough.

But I felt like that was you.

Well, you know, when I started my career, I mean,

I decided around 19 years old that I

was going to go for it as a singer

because, like, I couldn't get any jobs as an actress.

And you know, I just hit the pavement running.

And I was dragging my piano around New York City,

banging on doors, you know.

That's heavy.



To bring a piano with you.

A keyboard.

Oh, OK, all right.

A keyboard.

And still heavy, very heavy.

And I would call up, and know I'd be like, (BRITISH ACCENT)

hello, this is a Lady Gaga's manager.

And she's really hot right now.

And we would like the 10:00 PM slot for her.

She-- she-- you know, if you can fit her in.

And I used it just, like, I pretend

that I was my own manager and try to get the best

gig that I could.

And Ally is completely different.

I mean, she's in her 30s.

She's completely given up on herself.

She doesn't believe that she can make it.

She doesn't believe she's beautiful.

She's completely insecure about her looks.

And she's jaded by the industry.

And so that was the major difference.


Hi, I'm Andy.

Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel

so you can see more awesome videos,

like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things,

like ball peen hammer, and also some videos of Ellen

and other celebrities, if you're into that sort of thing.





For more infomation >> Lady Gaga Stopped 'Dead in Her Tracks' Hearing Bradley Cooper Sing - Duration: 4:02.


Conservatives Just Saved Kavanaugh Hours Before Accuser Testifies With INCREDIBLE Move - Duration: 5:06.

As the Democrats wage an all-out smear campaign against Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh,

the cowardice of the left is revealed in all its glory.

When quite literally the best women can do as they have gained political power in America

in the last 100 years is to simply ensure that their own offspring can continue to be

murdered in the womb with impunity, no questions asked, one might want to take the time to

do some serious soul-searching, as it appears the left has become the very monster they

accuse others of being.

Perhaps Kavanaugh is a gang-raping, murdering, lying, sexual deviant that managed to reach

the upper echelons of the legal community living a very public life.

Perhaps that acclaim and honor he achieved was misplaced and that devotion to his wife

and two daughters just a front.

Perhaps all those women that spoke up regarding his character stating he never treated them

with anything but respect are simply lying and his wisdom from the bench was merely a

part of an elaborate plot to get away with it all.

I suppose just about anything is possible.

But what if it is not?

What if it is merely a bunch of sick, sleazy, and baseless allegations grounded nowhere

but in the sick twisted imaginations of the left?

The idea that in a country that purports to uphold the idea of due process so highly it

is literally mentioned in the Constitution twice in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments,

as the only principle to do so, that a man can be convicted and destroyed with no facts,

no evidence, and the flimsiest of accusations based on uncorroborated memories from 35 years

ago in what for all appearances is little more than a political witchhunt is a travesty

of the highest order.

This is not justice, not by any definition.

Kavanaugh is simply all that stands between the Democratic Party and the power it seeks

to take over America, reforming it into a socialist hellhole much like Europe.

An allegation of sexual assault is a serious one of some significance.

It deserves to be taken seriously by both those that investigate such allegations, as

well as those who accuse others.

If what Christine Blasey Ford says is true, then Kavanaugh's behavior was inexcusable

in the extreme.

In her vague recounting of the events that occurred some 35 years ago (she thinks), he

forced her into a room, turned the music up to hide her screams, put his hand over her

mouth, tried to remove her clothes as she struggled to get away, and treated her so

roughly she thought he might accidentally kill her.

This would be a crime that would merit jail time, and it should.

But the question begs to be asked if these accusations are legitimate, then why did Blasey

Ford choose to go to a politician with her accusations instead of any member of the law

enforcement or legal community?

Not only this but the four witnesses named by Ford as being present for the infamous

event deny even knowing Kavanaugh, much less ever attending a party where he was present.

Ford has named Kavanaugh himself who denies being there.

His friend Mark Judge was also named and Ford claims he was even in the same room, yet he

denies being at the party as well.

Also named is their mutual friend Patrick Smyth, who denies he was there, and her friend

Leland Ingham Keyser, who also denies being present and states she has never even met

Kavanaugh Frankly, it looks a lot more like the left

believes that Kavanaugh is all that stands between the Democratic Party and the power

it seeks.

He is in the way.

He must be crushed.

Should his wife and two little girls be crushed along with him?

Well, it is an acceptable casualty for the greater good.

That is simply not acceptable.

It is despicable on a host of levels and it seems that author and PJ Media columnist John

Hawkins concurs.

Rather than sit idly by, Hawkins chose to launch a GoFundMe fundraiser to support Kavanaugh

and his family as they endure this ruthless smear campaign being waged against them from

the left.

I am doing a GoFundMe for Brett Kavanaugh and his family.

If you are disgusted by the way he has been treated, please donate and spread this on

Facebook and Twitter.https://www.

The Kavanaugh family is being publically derided and slandered with the flimsiest of accusations,

and Market Watch reports that "Ford has some powerful incentives to lie

that most victims of sexual assault do not have.

She's a diehard partisan who contributed to Bernie Sanders through ActBlue and signed

a letter protesting Trump's border policies.

For someone like that, being able to stop Trump from appointing a Supreme Court justice,

perhaps permanently if Democrats take over the Senate, would be an incredible accomplishment.

For more infomation >> Conservatives Just Saved Kavanaugh Hours Before Accuser Testifies With INCREDIBLE Move - Duration: 5:06.


美 전략폭격기 B-52, 中 인공섬 군사기지 상공 비행➤ korean army - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 美 전략폭격기 B-52, 中 인공섬 군사기지 상공 비행➤ korean army - Duration: 4:02.


PLAN B #64 Dos Monos × 冨永昌敬 - Duration: 3:00.

"I cannot be a landmark, since I grow day by day."

Saying that, the nameless weeds laugh at themselves.

While most of the emotionally unstable insects don't laugh at all.

(The man: "No, it's dead end") The insects rest their wings,

("there's no path at all") folding their arms

("I correctly followed the map though") on the salad bowl full of umeboshi-flavored agar.

("it seems impossible to walk through / Are you sure?") That one who comes down only in the very hot summer

("Do I have to go still?") has not given up its dream to be one of the submarine crew.

("but, the map could be wrong") Preparing for the very cold winter to come,

it just strengthens the stomach and intestines,

sleeps well,

and looks into little water remained in the canteen.

For long trips, maps and charts are useful.

For short trips, it's enough just to ask some little landmarks beforehand.

In ancient times, when the world was yet covered by tundra and desert,

what were the landmarks for people to walk through trackless paths?

The old one of the village all pretend to be asleep.

At such times, gently stroke the turtle shell, eating meat of the fur seal.

Wash up the pillow cover with sweat and oil stained till they become just like new.

[Zhang Zhit] Overgrown fried umeboshi, displayed in the shelf of kleenex carelessly.

Umeboshi, coming down to the villages, crying, absorbs exhalation, breathes out and confesses.

Red or white flesh, throw either into the toilet as it's in the glass.

[Taitanman] "ESWN !!" of every morning, A dish of rice over bread, slight amount of agar.

Silent almonds in hundred-yen store.

Throw a salad bowl full of a stump of weed, into the fried pillow cover.

The guide map of the old one in the village.

[Botsu] The old one in the village says, "Ancient times, the very cold and hot summer, morning"

A perfect dish of rice Eat up your granola,

Wake up from tundra, merluza!

That one who comes down only in the very hot summer,

has not given up its dream to be one of the submarine crew.

Preparing for the very cold winter to come, it just strengthens the stomach and intestines,

sleeps well,

and looks into little water remained in the canteen.

For more infomation >> PLAN B #64 Dos Monos × 冨永昌敬 - Duration: 3:00.


Ford B-MAX 1.5 TDCI STYLE 96PK Navi, Clima, Stoelverwarming Topaanbieding v.a.161,-PM - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.5 TDCI STYLE 96PK Navi, Clima, Stoelverwarming Topaanbieding v.a.161,-PM - Duration: 1:11.


ENG)다이어트 음식이 뭐이리 맛있어..?🤭 다이어트 식단 브이로그! 💕 - Duration: 7:17.

The ingredients in the video are for two people.

I'll cut the ingredients into small pieces.

also put broccoli, which I don't eat very well.. :)

frozen pineapple

frozen 1/2 banana

4 kale and 2 Bic broccoli

Coconut water

Close the lid well..

close it up w…e..ll..

Yes, good ^^

Grind it!

Place in a bowl ~

to the last drop we need to save every drop of it!

parched beans

coconut chips

It looks East and West cultures coexist here. .? :)

Cacao nibs

Delicious Smoothie bowl Complete!

Add some salt and vinegar to boiling water and add eggs

seven and a half minutes

It was a late dinner, so Avocado only used a quarter!

When you cut the avocado, you have to stand up a knife to cut it off!

Roast whole wheat bread.

Add boiled eggs in ice water!

cherry tomatoes

Mini Paprika

whole-wheat bread

Place avocado on top of whole-wheat bread

Eggs on the bread…

it was just put down here. …

Salt and pepper are essential for avocado !!!!!

I also sprinkled pepperoncino ( I like spicy!!!)

Delicious and healthy brunch~~

Ah~~ I want to eat low-calorie bean noodles…

Let's eat!

winter mushroom

buckwheat noodles!

I bought vegetables too. (sale period..!!)

Let's make it now!

I'll use winter mushroom instead of noodles.

Slightly put water in a bowl and microwave it!

45 seconds!

I'll add with some noodles.

30g buckwheat noodles

The noodles were small and cooked quickly.

Slightly put water in a bowl and microwave it!

Cold bean-soup (saltless)

buckwheat noodles

winter mushroom !


Cherry tomatos

Sprinkle with sesame seeds~

A feel full, light meal ~!!

I think I eat about 7 to 80 grams.

1 to 2 drops of Myropatin Maple syrup

Shake it !

Matcha powder ! (1tbs)

Shake it !

The color is so pretty.

frozen strawberries

This combination is really delicious. 😍

Make sure you try !


Cacao nibs

5 to 6 almonds

So~ yummy~~

whole-wheat bread

I wanted to do this. >_<

Place half the bread in a bowl.

One egg !

frozen peas

salt and pepper

Cinnamon powder

almond milk (1 tbs)


Shake it ~

Add leftover bread!

Add the rest of the crab meat!

also peas ~

Microwave for 1 minute.


Actually, I have to add cheese.

Add basil and parsley, too!

really finished!

For more infomation >> ENG)다이어트 음식이 뭐이리 맛있어..?🤭 다이어트 식단 브이로그! 💕 - Duration: 7:17.


Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.

what's up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ and I've had kind of

little craving for some chicken wings so I'm figuring you know what let's go ahead

and knock out some honey garlic chicken wings I'm gonna be doing this recipe in

my Magic Chef air fryer all the information for that air fryer is going

to be in the description below ingredients are going to be broke down

into two different sections so first of all we have what we're going to be using

on our chicken wings which is I have some corn starch some salt garlic and pepper and

as far as our sauce goes boom we're gonna have some chicken stock some honey

sesame seeds garlic a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of white wine vinegar

and we have some green onions now I don't have a particular recipe for this

but what I will try to do is leave an approximation of what my ingredients are

in the description so our first step what we're going to want to do is we're

going to want to go ahead and season up our chicken and get a coating of this

corn starch on it so let me kind of move this back around here and the first

thing I'm going to do is go ahead and season it let's just go ahead and dump

that on and I have about 15 chicken wings right here and these chicken wings

are still a little bit moist from when I rinsed them off all right so that looks

good to me now we're gonna it's gonna go ahead and throw in some of this

cornstarch and I'm just gonna throw a little bit at a time just to make sure

that we're not adding too much and it's not kind of clumping up on it and what

this cornstarch is gonna do is help the wings become really crispy once we get it in

our air fryer today so we got that now what I'm gonna do is I have

a sheet pan with a raised wire rack and we're just gonna go ahead and put our

extra crispy chicken wings on this and it's gonna go in the refrigerator for about another

hour hour and a half just to kind of dry out a little bit in the meantime we are

gonna start on the sauce now to make the sauce we're pretty much it's gonna add

everything to a pan and you're gonna be able to cook this on low while your

chicken wings goes ahead and dries out I'm gonna go ahead and set aside our sesame

seeds and our green onions that's gonna be primarily for garnish we're just

gonna start adding the remainder of our ingredients we have our garlic in our

white wine vinegar or our rice wine vinegar whew

my chicken stock our soy sauce and then our honey now I'm gonna let this kind of

cook for a while and I will add you know other seasonings as I see fit

to kind of balance it out if it's necessary but this is gonna give us a

good base right here had a chance to reduce down for about 35 minutes and I'm

gonna go ahead and let this keep going but I'm gonna bring out my airfryer and

start cooking the wings as well we put our chicken wings in our air fryer I

like to go ahead and get my air fryer preheated just so the bottom grate is

hot when you put the chicken wings in so we're just going to go ahead and run that at

375 degrees for about five minutes should be enough

now that we got this basket heated up we're just going to go ahead and throw

these wings in like I said they do have a nice little coating on that from that

cornstarch make sure we had earlier so I let these go about ten minutes here's

kind of what we're looking like I don't think they're really gonna need any oil

or anything like that so I'm just gonna let them go probably another ten minutes

should be a wrap so here's kind of what we're looking like after another ten

minutes so that's 20 minutes in total and I prefer to have my fat rendered a

little bit more than this so I'm gonna go about another five minutes and that

should be it and we should be ready to get this all sauced up so these wings

are a done deal I'm gonna just go ahead and throw them in our honey garlic sauce which is

thickened up nicely yeah we're just gonna give them a good little tossing in

here and make sure that they're fully coated all right those look coated

enough to me I'm just saying go ahead and sprinkle some sesame seeds on here

give them one more quick toss and then it'll be time to plate up


so that's what honey garlic chicken wings look like I'm telling you they look beautiful to me

let's go ahead and get in see we think


that honey garlic sauce is killer the wings have a nice crisp exterior you could tell if that

cornstarch that's kind of putting in a little bit of work on this honey garlic chicken the

seasoning on the chicken wings is kind of separating itself from the from the

flavor on the wings so there's a nice depth flavor I met in the Sun well

this is a home run probably my favorite wings I've done on the airfare anyway

give it a shot I'd like to thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I

And Watching how to make honey garlic chicken wings. Air Fried Chicken

For more infomation >> Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.


Song-Tindern: Jess Glynne – Feelings für Drake und ein Feature mit Scooter | DASDING - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Song-Tindern: Jess Glynne – Feelings für Drake und ein Feature mit Scooter | DASDING - Duration: 8:35.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 55KW 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 55KW 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 1:10.


Opel Corsa BUSINESS+ 1.3 CDTI 95PK AUTOMAAT 5D - 14% BIJTELLING - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa BUSINESS+ 1.3 CDTI 95PK AUTOMAAT 5D - 14% BIJTELLING - Duration: 0:53.


BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> BARBEE BOYS、8年ぶり一夜限定復活決定 ライブ&テレビ出演も - Duration: 3:40.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Business Solution PLUS - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Business Solution PLUS - Duration: 1:15.


Learn French with Sylvie and be happy! - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Learn French with Sylvie and be happy! - Duration: 2:37.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI Elegance - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI Elegance - Duration: 1:06.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI - Duration: 1:09.


同样痴迷霸道总裁人设,为什么钟汉良的非议比黄晓明少? - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 同样痴迷霸道总裁人设,为什么钟汉良的非议比黄晓明少? - Duration: 3:15.


鄧倫、馬思純有望合作新劇,兩個證據證明,粉絲卻說"不約"? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 鄧倫、馬思純有望合作新劇,兩個證據證明,粉絲卻說"不約"? - Duration: 3:27.


劉亦菲當年素顏照曝光 着裝素雅不施粉黛 驚爲天人 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 劉亦菲當年素顏照曝光 着裝素雅不施粉黛 驚爲天人 - Duration: 1:57.


Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South - Duration: 6:28.

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South

For more infomation >> Pipsi, Marathi,Once More, chumbak, Patil Marathi, Dostigiri, Boyz 2 Official Trailers Upcoming South - Duration: 6:28.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta | Navi | Camera | Clima | LM | - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta | Navi | Camera | Clima | LM | - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta | Navi | Camera | Clima | LM | - Duration: 1:03.


Prince Harry, c'est tendu avec la maman de Meghan Markle (photo) - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry, c'est tendu avec la maman de Meghan Markle (photo) - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> Prince Harry, c'est tendu avec la maman de Meghan Markle (photo) - Duration: 1:27.


Y'a plus d'eau dans le lac (d'Annecy) ! PARTAGEZ ! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Y'a plus d'eau dans le lac (d'Annecy) ! PARTAGEZ ! - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Y'a plus d'eau dans le lac (d'Annecy) ! PARTAGEZ ! - Duration: 2:18.


8 hours of drawing without a break: ALEXIOS - ASSASSIN'S CREED ODISSEY - Duration: 3:29.

You need a spartan in your life!

For more infomation >> 8 hours of drawing without a break: ALEXIOS - ASSASSIN'S CREED ODISSEY - Duration: 3:29.


For more infomation >> 8 hours of drawing without a break: ALEXIOS - ASSASSIN'S CREED ODISSEY - Duration: 3:29.


Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.

what's up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ and I've had kind of

little craving for some chicken wings so I'm figuring you know what let's go ahead

and knock out some honey garlic chicken wings I'm gonna be doing this recipe in

my Magic Chef air fryer all the information for that air fryer is going

to be in the description below ingredients are going to be broke down

into two different sections so first of all we have what we're going to be using

on our chicken wings which is I have some corn starch some salt garlic and pepper and

as far as our sauce goes boom we're gonna have some chicken stock some honey

sesame seeds garlic a little bit of soy sauce a little bit of white wine vinegar

and we have some green onions now I don't have a particular recipe for this

but what I will try to do is leave an approximation of what my ingredients are

in the description so our first step what we're going to want to do is we're

going to want to go ahead and season up our chicken and get a coating of this

corn starch on it so let me kind of move this back around here and the first

thing I'm going to do is go ahead and season it let's just go ahead and dump

that on and I have about 15 chicken wings right here and these chicken wings

are still a little bit moist from when I rinsed them off all right so that looks

good to me now we're gonna it's gonna go ahead and throw in some of this

cornstarch and I'm just gonna throw a little bit at a time just to make sure

that we're not adding too much and it's not kind of clumping up on it and what

this cornstarch is gonna do is help the wings become really crispy once we get it in

our air fryer today so we got that now what I'm gonna do is I have

a sheet pan with a raised wire rack and we're just gonna go ahead and put our

extra crispy chicken wings on this and it's gonna go in the refrigerator for about another

hour hour and a half just to kind of dry out a little bit in the meantime we are

gonna start on the sauce now to make the sauce we're pretty much it's gonna add

everything to a pan and you're gonna be able to cook this on low while your

chicken wings goes ahead and dries out I'm gonna go ahead and set aside our sesame

seeds and our green onions that's gonna be primarily for garnish we're just

gonna start adding the remainder of our ingredients we have our garlic in our

white wine vinegar or our rice wine vinegar whew

my chicken stock our soy sauce and then our honey now I'm gonna let this kind of

cook for a while and I will add you know other seasonings as I see fit

to kind of balance it out if it's necessary but this is gonna give us a

good base right here had a chance to reduce down for about 35 minutes and I'm

gonna go ahead and let this keep going but I'm gonna bring out my airfryer and

start cooking the wings as well we put our chicken wings in our air fryer I

like to go ahead and get my air fryer preheated just so the bottom grate is

hot when you put the chicken wings in so we're just going to go ahead and run that at

375 degrees for about five minutes should be enough

now that we got this basket heated up we're just going to go ahead and throw

these wings in like I said they do have a nice little coating on that from that

cornstarch make sure we had earlier so I let these go about ten minutes here's

kind of what we're looking like I don't think they're really gonna need any oil

or anything like that so I'm just gonna let them go probably another ten minutes

should be a wrap so here's kind of what we're looking like after another ten

minutes so that's 20 minutes in total and I prefer to have my fat rendered a

little bit more than this so I'm gonna go about another five minutes and that

should be it and we should be ready to get this all sauced up so these wings

are a done deal I'm gonna just go ahead and throw them in our honey garlic sauce which is

thickened up nicely yeah we're just gonna give them a good little tossing in

here and make sure that they're fully coated all right those look coated

enough to me I'm just saying go ahead and sprinkle some sesame seeds on here

give them one more quick toss and then it'll be time to plate up


so that's what honey garlic chicken wings look like I'm telling you they look beautiful to me

let's go ahead and get in see we think


that honey garlic sauce is killer the wings have a nice crisp exterior you could tell if that

cornstarch that's kind of putting in a little bit of work on this honey garlic chicken the

seasoning on the chicken wings is kind of separating itself from the from the

flavor on the wings so there's a nice depth flavor I met in the Sun well

this is a home run probably my favorite wings I've done on the airfare anyway

give it a shot I'd like to thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ I

And Watching how to make honey garlic chicken wings. Air Fried Chicken

For more infomation >> Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.


For more infomation >> Honey Garlic Chicken Wings - Air Fried Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Recipes - Duration: 6:55.


The MoxCar Minute – Pilot Pumpers, Pat Summitt and more - Duration: 1:29.

Want a celebrity to pump your gas?

How about Phillip Fulmer, Madeline Rogero, Holly Warlick or NASCAR driver Michael Annett?

From Oct. 1-3, local media, elected officials and celebrities will pump your gas at

Pilot Convenience Stores in Knoxville.

And Pilot will donate 5 cents of every gallon of gasoline sold and 10 cents of every dollar

spent in-store to the United Way of Greater Knoxville.

Visit for the full list of Celebrity Pumpers.

Tellico Plains High School Coach John Mullinax needs your votes to win the title of

U.S. Cellular's Most Valuable Coach.

A football coach in East Tennessee for 48 years, Mullinax has stayed on the field while

fighting Stage 3 lung cancer, inspiring athletes and students.

Vote every day at until Oct. 8.

From rock 'n' roll to legendary jazz performances to classical composition, dance and more,

Big Ears is the most adventurous and ambitious music festival in the United States –

and it takes place right here in Knoxville.

The lineup for the March 21-24, 2019, festival features more than 100 concerts and events

and is available now at

THE TENNESSEAN Personal Luxury Hotel in downtown Knoxville has dedicated its new

Pat Summitt Suite, decorated with images and memorabilia reflecting the life and

legacy of the iconic Lady Vols coach.

A portion of proceeds from every reservation of the suite will be donated to

The Pat Summitt Foundation to continue the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

The MoxCar Minute – news for you.

For more infomation >> The MoxCar Minute – Pilot Pumpers, Pat Summitt and more - Duration: 1:29.


For more infomation >> The MoxCar Minute – Pilot Pumpers, Pat Summitt and more - Duration: 1:29.


YouTube SEO: Why It Can HURT Your Channel (And 3 Ways to Fix It) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> YouTube SEO: Why It Can HURT Your Channel (And 3 Ways to Fix It) - Duration: 4:04.


For more infomation >> YouTube SEO: Why It Can HURT Your Channel (And 3 Ways to Fix It) - Duration: 4:04.


Apartment fire displaces 2 - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Apartment fire displaces 2 - Duration: 0:33.


For more infomation >> Apartment fire displaces 2 - Duration: 0:33.


Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter (GUERRIER DEFENSIF) - Duration: 1:22:36.

For more infomation >> Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter (GUERRIER DEFENSIF) - Duration: 1:22:36.


For more infomation >> Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter (GUERRIER DEFENSIF) - Duration: 1:22:36.


Ray Wood, a retired veteran,

For more infomation >> Ray Wood, a retired veteran,


#LaIntuición - Alea Fellas | Videoclip - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> #LaIntuición - Alea Fellas | Videoclip - Duration: 4:17.


BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive M-sport pakket | Comfort Acces | Navigatie professional | LED-kopla - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive M-sport pakket | Comfort Acces | Navigatie professional | LED-kopla - Duration: 1:06.


What Bounce is Right for Your Golf Wedges? - Duration: 5:54.

so does bounce matter well we're gonna find out if it does right now let's go

okay if you're new to the channel I do a lot of golf tips and drills and product

reviews so hit the subscribe button and the bell notification so you don't miss

anything today I'm at precision golf centers my

man Craig over here is setting up the the system what we're gonna do is I'm

gonna hit a sixty degree wedge I have five different 60-degree wedges all with

different bounces everything's the same except the bounce and so we're gonna I'm

gonna show you what happens when you just change the bounce just the bounce

angle on the club and we've got everything gonna be a different color

when we give you the data so we're gonna start with very little bounce for four

degrees for 8 10 12 and 14 degrees of Bounce and I'm gonna show you what it

does let's do it

so we'll start off with 60-degree wedge four degrees of Bounce so very little

bounce right so we'll change clubs to the eighth degree bounce plan will

change color I'm already seeing like more spin already with this club than

the previous Club try it a little lower ball flight will move on 10 degrees now

you'll also find you'll be a lot more consistent with one of the bounces

because it just matches your style your swing style better like whether you have

a steep or more shallow swing so so far the 10 degree

they're all right looking good let's go to swap

last one 14 degrees bounce then we'll look at the numbers

all right let's check out the numbers okay there's the red is the lowest

degree bounce the four so it definitely went the highest and then our highest

bounce is the is the purple sixty 14 and if you look here the purple is averaging

as the lowest as a lowest wedge and our distribution pattern is I mean it's

fairly consistent they all are the same shape but the purple is the closest the

purple is a tie so for me yeah but the purple is by far the tightest

and then you go up to the eight and then the four they'll the eighth by far the

largest it almost seems like as the bounce gets a little higher your

dispersion kind of gets a little tighter mm-hmm okay so the difference between

the four degree and the eight degree is is minimal its small but the difference

between a four degree and a 14 degree it's pretty big so you can definitely

see the last bounce and you can see it on every different Club it would

slightly go lower and lower and lower the ball height so and the distances

would be slightly different just a little bit but it can make a big

difference you know in your scoring clubs it's the difference between a

three foot putt or six foot putt or a six foot in a 10 foot pot just that

little bit and it's a difference in height to are you playing a place do you

need more height are you a low ball hitter do you want to hit it higher so

balance would be a huge factor for you in determining what club is gonna be

best for your game but you need to get that kind of stuff looked at and figured

out so you know what your club is what your gapping Tzar what your tendencies

are where you miss you need all that kind of data so that you can make the

best decision actually improve especially in your scoring zone you're

scoring clubs so a place like this precision golf centers you'll be able to

come in you get first hour free if you mentioned me

rhymed whatever but it's still a free hour for you so come in bring your stuff

and get set up and know what you're gonna do on the golf course before you

get there hit that like button subscribe to the channel I haven't done so already

check out precision golf centers link below we'll see you the next video

misses short game right here here we go girl this is your game call mrs. Roarke

and rotate that body a little bit feet closer together be closer together a

little bit yeah it's back and forth back and forth

oh boy do it come on girl oh my gosh

that's a shank there you go killed it

For more infomation >> What Bounce is Right for Your Golf Wedges? - Duration: 5:54.


Intermittent Fasting vs Calorie Restriction (The No BS Truth) - Duration: 8:38.

all right so let's talk about the big debate between caloric restriction and

intamin fasting so there are many different types of intamin flossing

which you can do like not eating for 16 hours per day not eating for 20 hours

per day not eating for 22 hours per day you get the point

some people do alternative day fasting where they eat frequent meals one day

and fast the next there are many different ways to do it but what intamin

fasting is is basically intermittently not eating for at least 812 hours the

big debates between caloric restriction and intamin fasting is simple the people

on the instrument fasting side you could say claim that because intamin fasting

decreases your insulin levels this is going to increase fat loss more so than

eating the same amount of food and protein and eating more frequent meals

their logic is that eating more frequent meals causes more frequent spikes in the

hormone insulin and when insulin has increased fat lipolysis the release of

fat isn't able to occur so therefore eating less frequently even

if you're consuming the same amount of food is thus going to be better for fat

loss before I get into that debate specifically let's talk about how in

term the fasting does actually affect your hormones because not eating food

does have direct impacts on your hormones so the first thing that's going

to happen as I just mentioned is a decrease in insulin insulin is a hormone

released by beta cells in your pancreas and its role is basically to shuttle

glucose and amino acids into cells after you consume food so let's say you eat a

meal of rice chicken and broccoli insulin is going to increase in order to

shuffle the glucose from the rice and the chicken and the amino acids into

your cells so if you don't eat insulin isn't going to spike and your bodies are

going to be burning fat right you're going to be releasing fat from your

cells another hormonal change which has been shown to happen when you do

intimate fasting is an increase in human growth hormone which is responsible for

growth right and in the human body so this doesn't necessarily mean that

you're going to experience massive muscle growth because of the increase in

growth hormone when you fast but it's more like your response

mechanism to the lack of food to give you energy by mobilizing fat and

increasing glucose availability another thing you're going to see when you fast

as an increase in catecholamines there are certain catecholamines like norpro

nephron which are going to be released when the body is under the stress of

fasting and this can help to break down fat cells when you think about fasting

it and it makes sense the argument where people say it's better for fat loss

because if you have no energy coming in from food it makes sense that your body

would then turn to its own fat stores to increase fat loss this is what happens

when liver glycogen runs out your body is going to begin producing ketone

bodies like beta hydroxy butyrate and this happens because your body is

breaking down its own fat when it enters that state of ketosis after a certain

period of time of fasting how long this takes depends on a number of factors for

example if you exercise you're gonna deplete a liver glycogen quicker and

enter that same ketosis quicker but generally it's gonna happen from between

8 to 12 hours for most people that's why most of us are actually producing more

ketone bodies upon waking up because we've been fasting throughout the night

before we eat breakfast and break our fast breakfast another claim into how

intamin fasting may be better for fat loss is because of the effect that has

on our metabolism so for a long time there was a dogma that said that

frequent meals is going to boost your metabolism by sort of feeding the fire

right keeping your metabolism going however the research has shown this

isn't true at all and in fact some research but keep in mind it's very

preliminary shows that intimate fasting may slightly increase your metabolism by

between 3.6 to 14% short-term and then as you fast much longer right for

several days there's a down regulation in your metabolism to conserve energy

and increase your chances of survival but short-term fasting may slightly

increase your metabolism however it may not be significant enough to make any

sort of drastic increase in fat loss compared to someone eating the same

amount of food now when we actually turn to the evidence which compares total

caloric intake total protein intake and you have one group that's eating

frequently and one group that's doing insulin

fasting the research actually shows that it doesn't matter whether you're eating

two meals or six meals or eight meals if you're eating the same amount of

calories and protein then your fat loss is actually going to be the same over

time it doesn't matter whether you do one meal per day or ten mils per day if

calories and protein are the same you're going to get the same results

I mentioned protein because protein is important to control for because protein

is the most thermogenic food group all foods you know that have carbs fat and

protein are going to require energy to digest

however protein is the most thermogenic and it requires the most calories to

burn so you know if you have one person eating the same amount of calories but

really really high protein another person eating the same amount of

calories but really low protein the person eating more protein is going to

lose more fat because of that thermic effect of food so that's important to

keep in mind but basically meal timing is irrelevant or near irrelevant for

body composition as long as protein and calories are controlled form we've seen

this with controlled metabolic world studies of low carb diets just as a

comparison because carbohydrates out of all foods spike insulin the most of the

most insulin or genic so the hypothesis here is the same for a ketogenic diet if

you lower carbs low enough you're not gonna be sparking insulin and therefore

you're going to increase fat loss but we saw in the study when every factor was

controlled for as well as possible both the ketogenic group and the standard

American diet group lost 1.1 pounds of fat the exact same amount of a fat over

one month even though one group had much higher insulin level so this in itself

makes it very clear that you know insulin is important right when insulin

is increased lipolysis is inhibited however if you're eating the same amount

of calories in protein it doesn't really matter you know you eat a big meal you

have a big insulin spike you eat smaller meals you have small insulin spikes but

as long as the total amount of calories are the same then that loss isn't going

to be different between one person or the other now I'm a big fan of intimate

fasting so I don't want this video to seem like I'm ripping into it but the

truth is that intimate or fasting works because of how it can help you decrease

your appetite and better manage your calories puts

simply it's much harder to overeat calories if you're only consuming two

meals per day in comparison to six you just have a lower chance of over

consuming food another reason is because in termina fasting and may decrease your

appetite when the liver glycogen is depleted and you begin to produce ketone

bodies and you enter that safe ketosis there is some preliminary research which

shows that your appetite may be reduced so this may be another reason why in

some enforcing helps to reduce your appetite and help you consume less it's

just harder to eat more food when you're doing intermittent fasting so that's why

people get such quick and amazing results when they only eat once per day

it has nothing to do with insulin the other cool thing is that intimate

fasting does have some potential health benefits even when calories in protein a

control for like decreased inflammation increased brain derived neurotrophic

factor BDNF increased mitochondrial biogenesis there's a lot of animal and

human research looking into the potential you know anti-aging benefits

of intamin fasting so it's definitely worth doing if you enjoy it and it helps

you get results but it's definitely not required to get to where you want to be

in terms of your body composition so that's it to conclude for the video

doing summon fasting if you want don't do intamin fasting if you don't want but

if you do it don't expect magical results if you overeat when you fast

you're still not going to lose weight regardless of what anybody says about

the scary insulin okay so stop overthinking about insulin and think

more about the total amount of you do you're consuming and the type of food

that you're consuming because that's what matters if you want to check out

another video I've made on whether training in a fasted state is better

than I urge you to click in the link in the description to watch that video and

learn more about where the fasted cardio that's gonna help you lose fat faster so

until next time guys I'll see you in the next video have a great day and leave

your thoughts in the comment section down below

For more infomation >> Intermittent Fasting vs Calorie Restriction (The No BS Truth) - Duration: 8:38.


5 Possible Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 5 Possible Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba - Duration: 4:59.


💪 How To Quickly Boost Your Immune System And NOT Get Sick - Duration: 8:25.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

I don't know about you, but I really hate being sick.

And from the sound of my voice, you can tell I have a bit of a cold.

Obviously, nobody wants to have some disease or cancer or some major illness.

But, just getting the flu or even the "common" cold, really sucks.

You feel like "junk".

You have no energy.

Things hurt throughout your body.

You can't sleep well.

You can't do much of anything.

And if you have to work, deal with kids and other major responsibilities -- it's so

much harder to get through the day AND it slows down the healing process.

So, today I'm going to give you some simple and proven solutions you can implement right

now, to help boost your immune system, to help you avoid getting sick or ill.

Because the bottom line to almost any illness or sickness is a weakened immune system.

And I'm not going to get into the hardcore stuff like injectable or IV vitamins, blood

cleansing, Stem cells or other things that most of can't do or don't want to do.

Stop The Drains & Leaks

The first thing to improving your health and immune system, is we FIRST need to reduce

and stop any "leaks" you have in your life.

Just like growing a business, we have to periodically audit the business, see what leaks there are,

unnecessary expenses and so forth.

This has to be done BEFORE you add anything to your life.

#1 - Reduce Stress Stress just drains your immune system more

than anything.

It kills your nervous system (CNS), kills your good hormones (testosterone, Growth Hormone,

etc.) and increases negative stress hormones (cortisol, etc.)

If work sucks, if you have money problems, if your "significant other" is a pain

the butt, if your kids are a handful and so forth -- some of that can't be changed,

at least not right away.

However, you CAN get rid of loser friends that drain you.

You CAN stop consuming negative information (TV, Internet, news, etc.) which creates negative

feelings and thoughts and thus, bad hormones!

Instead, consume information that's happy, funny, makes you laugh and you walk away with


Trust me, whatever is happening in some other country, is NOT going to make any difference

in your life RIGHT NOW.

You certainly wouldn't want you kids to consume negative information - so why do you?

Besides, most of it is MISinformation anyway.

At the very least, reduce it.

The other thing is you need to replenish your system by sleeping better and/or more.

Maybe take a 15 min break during the day and close your eyes, meditate, or just take a

power nap.

You'll feel better, and you'll be a lot more productive.

#2 - Eat Natural Foods No vitamin or "shot" is going to boost

your immune system, if your constantly "killing" it by eating crappy, processed foods.

So, I'll make this very simple - limit, reduce and eliminate things that come in box

and are "man-made" and eat more natural foods.

This also means liquids - stop with the junk and drink a LOT more purified water to help

DETOX your system.

You know the basics, so just do it.

#3 - Exercise I think exercise is so important because it

gets stress out of your system, it helps optimize so many positive, youthful hormones and you

know what - when you LOOK good, you FEEL good and you'll DO "good" … I know, proper

English is "well", but you get the point.

Now, most people either don't exercise enough or at all.

OR they exercise too much and that stresses their body even more.

My suggestion is very simple.

3x weekly, lift weights.

No more than 45 minutes to a max of 60 minutes.

On the other days off, 3x weekly go for a fast walk, outside in the sunshine, for 20-40


One day of the week, take off or go get a massage.

This is my general guideline and if you follow it, you will look and feel better.

#4 - Take Supplements I know, the minute I tell someone to take

supplements, some people just freak out.

They think I've got some hidden agenda and I'm trying to make money.

Or they think they can get everything they need from a healthy diet.

Listen, you can't.

You never will.

The foods, the soul, and everything related is just depleted of so many nutrients.

And unless you're going to be eating at least 5000 or more calories from really healthy

foods - you will need to take supplements.

STOP arguing this point with me.

My favorite, "immune boosting" supplements, in no particular order are:

Vit D3 (2000-5000 units daily) Vitamin C (3000-10,000 mgs daily)

Vit K (2000 mcg of K and 100 mcg of MK-7 daily) Magnesium (500-1500 mgs daily)

Fish Oil (2000-5000 mgs daily) Probiotics (acidophilus) and Prebiotics (inulin)

NAC or Glutathione (600-1200 mgs daily) Zinc + Copper (15-30 mgs + 1-2 mgs daily)

Selenium - (200-400 mgs daily) CoQ10 - improving mitochondria (100-200 mgs


BONUS: Glutamine powder if you exercise.

Most abundant amino acid in the muscle and gets depleted when you're "stressed".

Also good for your gut.

This made a huge difference for me.

I would take 3-5 grams, 2-3x daily

Now, I know there are other things … mushroom extract, echinacea, elderberry, garlic, astragalus

and so forth.

But, those might be best utilized WHEN you get sick, but not year-round.

While the supplements I've listed can and should be utilized year-round and they have

lots of other health benefits on top of it.

In fact, I suggest people take these 10 supplements ALL the time.

So, there you have it.

Staying healthy is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and family and it starts

with a strong immune system.

If you found it helpful, great… make sure you're subscribed, if you aren't already.

And "share the health" with others, so they can benefit as well.

Also, please do me a big favor and let me know what topics you'd like me to cover

in my videos.

I have a special link below, in the description area, that you can fill out and it'll go

directly to my private email box.

This helps me make videos that YOU want to watch about topics that YOU'RE interested


Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 💪 How To Quickly Boost Your Immune System And NOT Get Sick - Duration: 8:25.


25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet - Duration: 8:38.

There are a ton of objects in your home that can attract germs, dirt, bacteria, and dust,

and you may not believe what they are!

The bathroom is one of the first places that come to mind when you think of dirty spots,

but there are actually several less obvious places that are even dirtier.

I'm Mike with List25 and These are 25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet!


Ice A study of fast food restaurants in the US

found that 70% of the ice served had more bacteria than the toilet water.

This is because their ice machines aren't cleaned, creating a breeding ground for E.


Not to mention, some servers just scoop up the ice with your cup instead of using the

actual ice scoop.

This just adds to the bacteria.


Restroom floors No real surprise here.

Public restrooms have about 2 million bacteria per square inch.

The average toilet seat has only 50 per square inch.


Office desks The average desk has 400 times more bacteria

than a toilet.

That's because it contains several of the materials highlighted on this list: your phone

and keyboard along with your mouse, drinking mug, printer, etc.


Keyboards Keyboards can have up to 200 times more bacteria

than a toilet seat, especially those being used by more than one person in a day.

The bacteria can linger for hours or even days after contact.


Cellphones Our mobile devices can have 10 times more

bacteria than toilet seats...and they're always touching our faces and fingertips.

Would you wipe the inside of your toilet bowl with your cheek?


Restaurant menus There are on average 100 times more bacteria

on restaurant menus than on restroom toilet seat.

What's worse is that they are touched by multiple people in a day between wait staff and customers

who carry bacteria and viruses on their hands.


Chopping boards These babies actually have a lot more poop

smeared on them than your toilet does.

Raw meat apparently carries a very high level of fecal bacteria, and that meat usually ends

up on a cutting board at some point.


Toothbrushes When you flush your toilet, the germs can

travel up to 6 feet and linger for up to 2 hours.

A lot of them end up on toothbrushes.

So how is your toilet cleaner than your brush if that's where the germs come from?

Stick around to find out!


Carpets With 200,000 bacteria per square inch, carpets

are 4,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat.

Humans shed 1.5 million skin cells every hour which helps feed the bacteria living in carpets.


Refrigerator Ironically, the reason why we refrigerate

food is to keep them from going bad, but in doing so, we can also be contaminating them

with E. coli and other bacteria.

Sometimes they are set too warm.

Sometimes they are the victims of leaks from raw meats.

Sometimes it's because they just haven't been cleaned regularly.

Whatever the reason, fridges should be kept cold and clean to avoid contamination.


Reusable shopping bags When you pack your groceries in a reusable

shopping bag, you don't realize that the bacteria from the meats and other raw food products

are being left behind, including E. coli.

They also tend to sit in cars, and when it's warm out, the bacteria can multiply.

Worst of all, they aren't usually cleaned after use, so the germs just linger.


TV remote control The remote control is known as the dirtiest

item in hotel rooms, and it's not much better at home.

When a number of people are handling the buttons, sometimes while eating, sometimes while sick,

all of the dirt and germs from that person's hand ends up on the remote, which is rarely


You might want to think about taking a Clorox wipe to your remotes the next time you clean.


Door knobs There's a reason why germophobes won't touch

door knobs and handles with their bare hands.

Viruses love to linger on them, making them responsible for the spread of illness throughout

homes and offices.


Light switch Light switches can have up to 217 bacteria

per square inch.

They are flipped on and off by hands that have touched a ton of dirty things before


It's a great way to catch germs from others using the same switch as they are hardly ever



Kitchen sink The kitchen sink holds raw meat, dirty dishes,

and germs from hands being cleaned in it.

As a result, it holds more fecal bacteria than a flushed toilet.

Experts recommend flushing it out after handling raw meat and wiping it down daily with disinfectant



Bathtub The area around the drain alone can have up

to 19,468 bacteria per square inch.

It seems counterproductive when you use the area to get clean.


Pillow Dead skins cells, dust mites, fungal spores,

pollen, and other body secretions are all floating around in the place you stick your

head on at night.

(Sweet dreams!)


Mattress Mattresses are a huge dust collector. Did

you know that after 10 years, your mattress will nearly double in weight thanks to the

number of dust mites and dust mite poop that it has collected?


Pet food bowl The inside rim alone contains 2,110 bacteria

per square inch.

You clean your plates after eating.

Why not clean out your pet's?


Money Bank notes can contain up to 200,000 bacteria.

It's a good idea to wash your hands directly after handling cash.


Draperies Magnets for pet fur, mold, dander, debris,

and dust mites, drapes just sit there unsuspectingly soaking it all up.

If you have allergies especially, be sure to wash your drapes every once in awhile.


Shower Heads You'd think the water coming out of the spigot

designed to clean your body would actually be clean, right?

Apparently, the warm, dark, moist insides of shower heads are perfect breeding grounds

for bacteria.


Purses and Handbags Purses usually contain a multitude of dirty

items that you will find on this list, such as your phone, cash, and coins.

It's a good idea to clean out your bag regularly to keep the germs from accumulating.


Kitchen sponges Sponges are notoriously the dirtiest thing

in the house.

With 10 million bacteria per square inch, your kitchen sponge is nearly a quarter of

a million times dirtier than your toilet seat.

Having absorbed the fecal matter of everything from humans to cows as well as a multitude

of other much more terrifying bacteria, we would highly recommend that you change your right now.


So how is the toilet so clean?

It's pretty simple really...we actually clean the toilet.

Because we generally think of the toilet as being dirty, we clean it with all sorts of


Things that we touch with other parts of our body, though, are cleaned rarely, if at all.

Enjoying our lists?

Be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and the notification bell

so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday.

Share them with friends and help us consistantly conciliate curiosity.

And if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our website


For more infomation >> 25 Things You Won't Believe Are Dirtier Than Your Toilet - Duration: 8:38.


Day 27 - Supernatural Creature? - Duration: 3:26.


Day 2, 27, 27


I don't know how to sign this question

I will try






will BE what-kind?

Good question

I think

Which one?



This is hard

I don't know


What do you think?

I like to know your comments down below


Learning signs now

I know, I know



I can't find a sign for SUPERNATURAL



Similar to ANIMAL

Creature/animal, creature/animal



Witch, witch


That's it

I'm done

For more infomation >> Day 27 - Supernatural Creature? - Duration: 3:26.


The Truth About New Volvo Cars, Made in China - Duration: 6:16.

rev up your engines, welcome to my Thursday video, where I answer a viewers

question with an entire video and today's question comes from John, and

John asks, hey I was looking at Volvos the other day and I noticed the

one being sold here in the United States was made in China what's up with that

yes well that's true, here's the history of Volvo to explain what's happened to

Volvo, now Volvo started making cars in Sweden in 1927 and they made

simple reliable cars in the 1960s an aunt of mine had a P 1800 those cute

little sports cars and she got a million miles out of hers, it had carburetors on

it it was simple, they were very reliable very simple car, a lot of people liked

them they were kind of a niche car and the Swedes had a very good system for

building the cars, most of the people in the factory were trained to do all the

different parts, so rather than put bolts on the wheel their entire life and being

bored out of their mind, they do one part of the car for a while and then the next

month they do another part, so they had a happy labor force that was really

motivated and they made really good simple cars, but then in 1985 they

started designing and making front-wheel drive cars, before this there were all

simple rear-wheel drive cars like a Model T Ford, simple technology that

worked great and they started to make them in a larger mass-produced situation

than they had before, so they're going to a new technology front-wheel drive and

building a lot more of them and they had quite a few problems, in the late 80s and

the mid and early 90s Volvo's had a lot of problems with their cars, the

automatic transmissions had problems, head gaskets were blowning because they

were going to a new engine design that was front-wheel drive and a new

transmission design that was front-wheel drive and that led Volvo to have a lot

of problems especially economically, so in 1999 Ford Motor Company bought Volvo

Ford Motor Company own Volvo from 1999 to 2010 and they shared some

technologies, but still it was pretty much a failure for Ford because in

2010 they sold it to Geely a Chinese company at a really low price they lost

money on a deal there's no arguing that, now

Geely is one of the smaller car manufacturers in China I believe they

are like 7th or 8th most popular or something like that, but they

decided to take a chance and buy Volvo so today there's three factories in

China that build Volvo's but only one factory in Sweden that builds Volvo's

and there's also an assembly plant in South Carolina that builds Volvo, they

don't do it from scratch, they put them together that's why it's called an

assembly plant, and I find that kind of amusing because years ago I bought this

Husqvarna chainsaw thinking, oh the Swedes really know how to make chain

saws, only to find out when I did the fine print did a little research this

chain saw it wasn't made in Sweden, it was made in South Carolina, so I guess

the Swedes or today the Chinese have a thing for either Southern women or a

warmer climate than where they come from in Sweden, now I do have to say this

Husqvarna that I bought that was made in South Carolina has worked perfectly fine

for years I've had no problems with it at all and if anything the quality that

I've seen in the Volvos that are make china, is the same or maybe even a little

better than the stuff that they were making it Sweden, but the Geely company

that owns Volvo they're doing big changes at Volvo

they are stressing the manufacture of three and four cylinder gasoline and

diesel engines and drop in the larger engine sizes and they recently announced

that Volvo as of 2019 are only going to be producing full electric vehicles or

hybrid electric vehicles like a Toyota Prius, so take that into consideration I

would not buy a new Volvo gas or diesel engine because they're not going to be

building them anymore and who knows what kind of upkeep they're gonna have on

parts and maintenance, because Volvo's arch competitors for a while at least

in Sweden was Saab and they went bankrupt years ago they had enough

problem with parts here in the United States being expensive and nobody could

figure out how to fix them, even when they were in existence, but now that Saab

is bankrupt don't go out and buy a Saab unless you want a lawn ornament, cuz you

can't get parts for them, hardly anybody's gonna work on them and they're very

complex cars and Volvo itself has always been a relatively high-tech car, so I'm

not saying they can't make the technology right, cuz in 2019 they're only

gonna make electric cars and hybrid cars they'll probably make really good ones

but as I talked about before, the infrastructure for electric cars is

still a long way away and hybrid cars are super complex and super expensive to

fix as they break down, I mean I got a lot of customers even today that don't buy Volvos

they lease them, so if you were thinking about that in the future maybe

you would lease an electric or hybrid Volvo car and then you wouldn't have any

long-term commitments for expensive repairs as they age, because throughout

their history, Volvo's have been pretty reliable cars

certainly for the first ten years or a hundred thousand miles of ownership so

if you're a leasing electric or hybrid car and it doesn't break while you're

leasing it what do you care and realize that the factories that are

making Volvo's in China are very new factories, you know they built them in

just the past few years and they're really high tech, their main problem is

finding good labor for them because the robots build most of it, so most of their

labor have to be trained engineers that can fix the robots and maintain them

while they're doing a 365 days a year 24 hours a day building of the cars, there's

no downtime with the machines but even the machines that build the machines are

gonna break down and need to reprogramming as time goes on

so now you know Volvo's are made in China, and since this is the Thursday

segment where I answer a viewers question, place your own question on the

YouTube comments below and I'll pick the best ones to make a single video to

answer your questions, and where else can you find a guy with 50 years experience

of fixing cars to answer your own question with a video, so if you never

want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> The Truth About New Volvo Cars, Made in China - Duration: 6:16.


Apartment fire displaces 2 - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Apartment fire displaces 2 - Duration: 0:33.


Những bệnh phụ khoa mà chị em phụ nữ hay mắc phải - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Những bệnh phụ khoa mà chị em phụ nữ hay mắc phải - Duration: 4:33.


WAYS TO SAY 'DAME' CHALLENGE MUSICALLY COMPILATION 2018 #tik tok #dame #Part2 - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> WAYS TO SAY 'DAME' CHALLENGE MUSICALLY COMPILATION 2018 #tik tok #dame #Part2 - Duration: 12:06.


[4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6575 VH4627 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 金鐘(西)-高鐵西九龍站 - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> [4K] Hong Kong Bus CTB 6575 VH4627 城巴 ADL E500 MMC FL 12.8m@ W1 金鐘(西)-高鐵西九龍站 - Duration: 14:23.


Biola Contract Quiz - Duration: 6:39.

I've deleted most of the subtitles. But because iMovie sucks, and apparently YouTube got rid of annotations, this is where I have to put my insert text.

Please keep the subtitles on.

By the way this video was a bitch to edit.

My roommate walked in at this part

I tell him a story

True story

Open Hours are when: "Students of the opposite sex may only be on floors and in rooms/apartments during designated Open House hours."

The tank top guy, actually

Notice the phrasing of the last one. "Behavior" not sex. But behavior.

Notice how the next one relates to it. Not only promoting sex, but same sex relationships or people who "behave"gay

This guy is the current president of Biola

Ooh. So free to do. Oh wait, it's still against the rules.

That's not really how the "community standards" are enforced in practice. It's kind of legalistic.

It's a set of rules. You can get in trouble for them. Doesn't sound like "living together" to me when the students have to follow these rules that the administrators don't have to

This video was a bitch to edit. iMovie is awful. Free editing software is awful. You can't do videos the way you want with free shit. That's the lesson here.

For more infomation >> Biola Contract Quiz - Duration: 6:39.


YouTube SEO: Why It Can HURT Your Channel (And 3 Ways to Fix It) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> YouTube SEO: Why It Can HURT Your Channel (And 3 Ways to Fix It) - Duration: 4:04.


Hướng dẫn bạn giữ vệ sinh vùng âm đạo sạch sẽ - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Hướng dẫn bạn giữ vệ sinh vùng âm đạo sạch sẽ - Duration: 3:43.


【フォートナイト LIVE】#65 バトロワ1周年! - Duration: 2:00:51.

For more infomation >> 【フォートナイト LIVE】#65 バトロワ1周年! - Duration: 2:00:51.


第一次去米蘭就遭遇小偷:( 快閃兩天一夜時尚發源地: 米蘭!│Travel With Peggy Ep.1 Milano - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> 第一次去米蘭就遭遇小偷:( 快閃兩天一夜時尚發源地: 米蘭!│Travel With Peggy Ep.1 Milano - Duration: 13:17.


Lume Deodorant: One Product, Multiple Uses - Duration: 1:06.

(upbeat music)

- Hey everybody.

I'm Doctor Shannon Klingman.

I am the CEO and inventor of Lume Deodorant.

Have you ever walked into an drugstore

and just seen the hundreds of products

that are available to control odor?

If you had to pick and choose which ones you need

for different parts of your body,

you might end up with three or four.

There's one for your underarms.

There's one for under your breasts.

There's ones for ball odor.

There's ones for feminine odor.

You're buying all these products to do one thing

and that one thing is control odor.

Odor happens everywhere on our body

and it's one reaction that leads to many different odors.

When bacteria consume bodily fluids, odor is the result.

So, why do we have to buy three or four products

that are targeted for different parts of our body

when there's one product that can do everything?

Lume is the one product that is able to target

the bacterial consumption of bodily fluids

like blood, semen, sweat and urine leaking.

We are one formula used many different ways.

Where'd you Lume today?

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