Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 27 2018

Materials matter.

You wouldn't want to make a stop sign out of candle wax or a bench out of chocolate.

Neither would be able to hold up to the weather outside, and things would get quite sticky rather fast.

So if you're going to create things and solve problems, you're going to need the right supplies.

The right materials.

And two of the three main types of materials you'll encounter as an engineer are metals and ceramics.

[Theme Music]

Engineering, like life, is about choices.

For example: some people decide to get braces to straighten their teeth.

But choosing to wear braces isn't as simple as a yes or a no: there are many different kinds to pick from.

Two of the most common are braces with traditional metal brackets, and ceramic ones.

There's not always an obviously correct choice: picking the right type of braces is all about weighing the pros and cons.

That's true whether you're the person wearing them or the engineer designing them.

So to make a good choice, you need to know more about each material.

As a budding engineer – and, like, a person in the world – you probably already have a decent idea of what metals are.

They're in our cars, our buildings, and many of the devices we use every day.

And you may have already worked with ceramics, or at least have had them in your home.

Pottery is usually the first example that comes to mind, but you can also find ceramics in many other things, like bricks, windows, and even electronics.

So metals and ceramics are definitely common.

But working with them isn't always easy. Or simple.

There's a lot that has to happen before you get your final product!

For example, imagine what it would actually take to make a set of brackets for braces.

Before making anything, you have to get the material that you're using, which often starts out as ore that we mine.

Ore is a type of naturally occurring rock that contains certain elements or minerals.

Once you get ore, you can extract the elements you want from it.

Then, through processes like casting or forging, you can make that material into a more-usable bulk form.

A common example is an ingot, which is usually a bar of a pure metal, like the bars of gold you see in old Westerns or in Skyrim.

You can then take those bulk materials and form them into stock shapes, like sheets, tubes, or even powders.

That's what you might find at your local hardware or home improvement store.

But then, to get your final product, you need to turn those stock shapes into a preliminary version of your braces.

Even once you have that, and make any necessary changes to the design, the braces still need to go through a cleaning process,

be checked by quality control, and then packaged up before they can be used or sold.

That's a lot of steps, and those are just the basic ones.

In real life, there are even more.

Not to mention the time and effort it took to pick the right materials, design the brackets, and make sure they fit well.

You wouldn't want to get all the way to the end and then find out they're just going to snap in half!

That's why it's so important to understand the properties of the materials you're using.

Most metals share a few common properties.

They tend to conduct heat and electricity well.

Many are malleable, or easy to shape without breaking, and ductile, or easy to stretch and deform.

Put another way, materials that are made from metals are relatively strong and stiff, but also resistant to fracture.

This makes them good for building structures!

Metals also typically reflect light well, which is what makes them shiny.

That might not be the best if you don't want your braces to be so noticeable.

It just depends on what's most important to you – brackets that are less noticeable, or ones that are less likely to break.

If you decide to use metal in a design, for braces or anything else, there are lots of different kinds to choose from.

In fact, about three quarters of all known chemical elements are metals.

Common metals that we find here on Earth are aluminum – or aluminium as we say back home! – iron, potassium, and magnesium.

But often, these metals aren't used by themselves – they're added to an alloy,

a metallic material composed of more than one element, with at least one of those elements being a metal.

Steel is a good example – it's an iron alloy.

It's primarily iron, but it also includes a bit of carbon mixed in.

Sometimes there are other elements like chromium or nickel thrown in there too, depending on the type of steel.

But why not just use the iron itself?

Why go through the trouble of making steel, or any alloy for that matter?

It's because alloys have different, and often better, properties than the individual elements they're made from.

For instance, steel tends to have better impact resistance than iron.

And it's far more resistant to rust and corrosion – especially stainless steel.

So you'd want to choose stainless steel over iron for projects where corrosion would be a problem,

like for the exhaust pipe in a car or a replacement joint like an artificial hip.

A big reason that metals and alloys are the way they are is because their chemical structure is more free-spirited.

The bonds within metals and metallic materials leave a large number of electrons that aren't bound to particular atoms and can move from one atom to another.

That's known as the free-electron theory of metals.

It's like these free electrons can move as a group though the metal itself.

This explains why some metallic materials are so good at conducting heat and electricity – especially simpler metals.

Their electrons can more easily carry that energy from one place in the metal to the other.

So, metals have a lot of positives.

But they definitely aren't right for everything, which is where something like ceramic might come in.

Ceramics are compounds that aren't completely metallic, but they don't have carbon atoms bonded in a way that would make them organic, either.

You can define glass materials the same way, so a lot of people include them in the same general category.

The main difference between glass and other ceramics is in their chemistry.

Ceramics are usually crystalline, which means their molecules are more ordered, whereas the molecules in various types of glass are more random.

But no matter how they're organized, the molecules in both ceramics and glasses are made up of at least one metallic element, plus at least one non-metallic element.

They often include oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon.

Common examples include aluminum oxide, better known as rust,

and silicon carbide, which can form a very hard material that's used to make everything from car brakes to bulletproof vests.

And, of course, there are the more traditional ceramics that most people think of, like cement, or compounds made up of of clay materials, like porcelain.

In general, ceramics are relatively stiff and strong and often very hard.

In this way, they're similar to metals.

But they're also extremely brittle and can fracture very easily.

Which doesn't sound too good if you're gonna have them on your teeth for a few years.

Ceramics are also usually insulators, so they don't conduct heat and electricity well – although there are some that do.

And they tend to be more resistant to extreme temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers are.

But while most ceramic materials have similar properties, there are differences.

We could spend hours going through all the different types of ceramics out there, but there are a few major ones.

Glass-ceramic materials, or materials whose chemistry falls between a glass and other ceramics, are relatively strong and don't melt easily when heated.

They also tend to be biologically compatible.

And they make good insulators, which is why they're commonly used in electronic packaging applications.

Plus, they can be completely transparent.

Perhaps one of the biggest appeals of glass-ceramic materials is how easily you can fabricate them.

You can use conventional glass-forming techniques, and you end up with a product that's nearly pore-free, which is great for handling liquids.

So glass-ceramics are really useful!

But sometimes you want something a little simpler. Like clay.

Clay is inexpensive and commonly found in nature.

You can often use it as-is after mining it, meaning that you don't need to waste time or resources on refinement.

And it's super easy to work with.

If you've ever taken a pottery class, you know that clay and water, when mixed in the proper proportions, forms a material that's easy to shape.

Put that through a kiln, and you've got something great for mugs and dishes!

For something a little sturdier, you might try using cement.

It's mainly used as a binder to help hold concrete together,

which means you can find it everywhere from roads, dams, and buildings, to more decorative applications like patios and staircases.

One big benefit of using cement is that it can set at room temperature.

Imagine if you had to break out some big flamethrower every time you wanted to pave a new road!

So yeah, you could say cement's properties make it an important part of our lives.

Ceramics and metals also show up in places you might not expect them, like with microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS.

These are miniature smart systems that use tiny sensors to collect information by measuring things like mechanical, thermal, chemical, or optical properties.

They then use the information to make decisions that tell devices called microactuators to do something, like move a fluid or redirect a beam of light.

A major application of MEMS these days is something you probably know pretty well: the accelerometer.

For example, there's one in your phone to detect its movement.

And cars have accelerometers that trigger airbags to deploy during a crash.

Compared to older and more conventional airbag systems, ones that use MEMS are smaller, lighter, more reliable, and quite a bit cheaper to produce.

And with something as important and life-saving as an airbag, those are big benefits!

So, there's a lot to consider when choosing between materials.

For a set of braces, metal brackets tend to be more durable and are better at correcting severely unaligned teeth,

while ceramics tend to irritate the mouth less and aren't as visible.

And then there are your personal preferences, which also matter.

Other factors, like time, resources, and design limitations, might also influence your designs in the field.

It's all about finding materials with the properties that make them the best fit for want you want to accomplish.

So today we learned more about two of the three main types of materials that we use as engineers: metals and ceramics.

We saw the properties of metals and how we often use them as alloys in our designs.

Then we went over ceramics and the importance of clay, cement, and glass-ceramic materials.

Finally, we talked about the applications of our materials with microelectromechanical systems and accelerometers.

I'll see you next time, when we'll learn about the third main type of material that we'll encounter as engineers: polymers.

Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

If you'd like to keep exploring our world, check out Eons and go on a journey through the history of life on Earth.

From the dawn of life, to the "Age of Dinosaurs", to the end of the most recent Ice Age.

Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> Metals & Ceramics: Crash Course Engineering #19 - Duration: 10:03.


Audiencia ante el Comité Judicial del Senado de Christine Blasey Ford y Brett Kavanaugh - Duration: 4:40:47.

For more infomation >> Audiencia ante el Comité Judicial del Senado de Christine Blasey Ford y Brett Kavanaugh - Duration: 4:40:47.


Top 10 Differences Between Fortnite On Console & PC - Duration: 6:50.

There will always be a heated debate about whether console or PC gaming is better. For

some, they see PC as the superior way to game, and being of a higher tier when it comes to

competitive gaming, whereas console fans prefer the simplicity of controls that PS4s or Xbox

One's boast, and believe that not playing a game on PC doesn't mean you're missing

out in anyway on what the game has to fully offer. When it comes to games that appear

on multiple platforms, this debate often gets even more heated, and currently, one of the

biggest games that appears on pretty much any gaming platform is the worldwide sensation,

Fortnite. So you bet your butt there's been an argument or two amongst fans who are PC

loyalists versus those who like to play on console. So today, we're breaking down those

arguments with our list of the top 10 differences between fortnite on console and Pc.

10 Frames Per Second There's a limit on the FPS you get out of

a console versus what a PC is capable of. On a console you can get 60 FPS whereas on

a PC, depending on what your specs are, you can have up to 300 FPS. Now to some, you may

think, meh, not really necessary when it comes to enjoying your game. To others, that difference

is a big deal. So I suppose you've gotten determine where your priorities are. Generally,

a higher FPS allows for a smoother gaming experience, with significantly less lag, resulting

in better performance of your games overall.

9 Setting your button Preferences There are only so many buttons on your console's

controller. Whether you're playing on the PS4, Xbox One of the Switch, you're somewhat

limited to by the number of buttons on a controller. On PC, there's more options. Have a particular

way that you find your hands like to sit on your keyboard, or the way your fingers innately

react to certain keys? You can always adjust your button settings to easily satisfy those


8 Preference Of a different sort! Really the console vs

PC debate comes down to what you're more comfortable or familiar with. While starting

out on either for the first time has its own learning curve, playing Fortnite on the platform

that is the most familiar to you will always feel like you have a better grasp on the game

compared to playing on a platform that you're unfamiliar with. Personally, I'd rather

play it on the Switch or the PS4 compared to the PC, since I'm a bit of a Playstation

loyalist, and generally just like the Switch's controls. And most games, if you throw me

on a PC, it'll take me a while to get comfortable with the controls, since I rarely play on

PC. Not saying anything against the advantages that playing on PC has, it's just not my

jam. So if you're debating about playing the game and have multiple platforms to choose

from, but are determined to be as competitive as possible, pick the one that is the most

comfortable one for you if you're really having difficulty deciding.

7 The Challenge Speaking of playing for the challenge, many

fans of the game play competitively. Whether that means professionally or just for the

sake of reaching tier 100 and not being knocked out of a match outside of the top ten spots.

Since activates like building and shooting (which, we'll touch on later) there is arguably

a higher level of competency visible in matches, generally PC is seen as being the more competitive

of the platforms to play on. This isn't to say that overall average skill level is

lower on console, just that in terms of flexibility and versatility that the keyboard and mouse

give you, the games are generally of a different pace. Fortnite was initially built for PC,

despite part of its mass popularity being thanks for console users. And! Remember, cross

platform in Fortnite when it comes to battle Royale doesn't happen randomly; players

on different platforms aren't randomly thrown into servers together, but rather, you can

join parties with your pals who are playing on different platforms. The Save the World

mode works a little differently, but considering the more popular mode is Battle Royale, it's

safe to say you probably won't be coming up against any PC players while you're playing

on console.

6 Your Screen Now typically when playing on PC, you're

using a monitor. What size monitor that is is totally up to you, but generally, you're

not playing on a screen of massive proportions. But, when it comes to playing console, you

often can have a very different screen experience. You're not typically playing while sitting

right in front of your screen. You could be sitting on a couch, staring out at a massive

television screen, if that's your prerogative. While this may seem like a very vapid point,

its worth keeping in mind how the proximity of your screen can affect your eyes. Many

a professional gamer owns a pair of glasses, like Gunnar glasses, that helps put less strain

on your peepers. The more distance, generally, the better.

5 Your Hands Not a handsy kind of guy or gal? Not the best

when it comes to hand eye coordination but still love shooters? Well, console might be

more up your alley than PC. Obviously, like noted in our previous number, that kind of

thing falls down to preference, but what your hands will be doing on a controller (and how

they sit on a controller) may be more intuitive to some compared to the layout of a keyboard.

4 Streaming differences I mean, this is kind of not a big deal, but

hey, we have ten numbers to fill. Many a player capture their footage and stream their Fortnite

games. So the way in which you stream (and the possibilities of what you can add on to

that stream) are a little limited when streaming directly off console. For example, with Playstation,

you're limited to just using the playstation headset and camera if you want to stream.

You can still connect to Twitch, but compared to your options when streaming on PC, it's

not nearly as flexible.

3 Movement Away from peripherals and returning to game

mechanics for this number! Your movement in Fortnite varies a little between console and

PC. When playing on PC, thanks to your mouse and keyboard, you're able to swivel around

significantly faster than you can on your console.

2 Building Building is significantly easier on PC. Why?

You're a bit limited in terms of your controls on console compared to what you have on PC.

Not only can you build faster due to button placement and accessibility, but since you

can literally map out your button controls to be whatever you'd like them to be on

your keyboard, you're just going to get faster building experience, and can edit your

builds faster, too. The difference is noticeable when you compare building on a PS4 versus

building on PC.

1 Accuracy It's generally agreed using that playing

Fortnite on PC is more advantageous when it comes to aiming at your foes. The mouse generally

allows you to move more fluidly versus using the joysticks on your controllers. So this

means you not only aim faster, but using a mouse also allows for more precision, which

can make a huge difference when aiming from a distance. Using a mouse also allows you

to have more ease when jumping and shooting. PC also doesn't have aim assist, and on

console, you can't see your curser.

There we have it friends! What's your opinion on Fortnite PC versus Console? Do you have

a preference? Or do you not give a s***? Give us a shout in those comments below and let

us know your thoughts! If you dug this video, hit that like button, and subscribe to top

10 gaming for more gaming lists, news, theories, let's plays and much more! In the meantime

though, thanks for watching! Catch you all in the next video!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Differences Between Fortnite On Console & PC - Duration: 6:50.


How to make dried bread - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> How to make dried bread - Duration: 3:02.


Kā iet kursos || kas jauns noticis || UK vlog - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Kā iet kursos || kas jauns noticis || UK vlog - Duration: 8:47.


TRIATHLON TAREN Trainiac Mini Camp DAY 2: Swim coaching - Duration: 13:55.

- Morning, Trainiacs, it's day two

of the Trainiac Mini Camp, and I'm making 'em work.

We're talking swimming.

There's some good lessons we can learn here.

(upbeat electronic music)

This guy might not know it,

but he is gonna be one hell of a swimmer.

Look at this alignment.

He's bang on.

Back of your head, butt cheeks are out of the water,

heels are just out of the water.

Your arms are perfect down there.

Your kick is a little bit wide.

But here's something that I want you to look at.

Look at that.

That's straight, and you keep that pretty well.

So we'll go there.

A little bit curved.

- Yeah.

- I think you're just worried about, I gotta get air.

I gotta get to the air, I gotta get to the air.

And you know what, when you put a snorkel on,

that goes away completely, 100%, it goes away.

It's all about, you're worried about getting to the air.

The really good stuff, your head position in the water.

Really good, right there.

Just cutting through, like, that looks pro.

That looks really professional.

Look how far back you got that hand going.

- Yeah.

- You got that, this long, outstretch.

You got a really nice extension, you're way out there.

So you start it really well.

- Yeah.

- But I think you start sinking,

because people wanna push down, to get their head up.

- And head out.

- So you're trying to get your head up to get to the air.

I really think everything, like, look at that.

Holy smokes, man.

- Yeah, that is good.

- That's so good.

Everything comes from you wanting to get air.

Not being comfortable in the water.

And we look at how long you had to take at the end,

because you were out of breath.

20 seconds here.

- Is that me catching my breath?

- Yeah, you're catching your breath.

So it means that your breathing really hard,

you're hyperventilating.

We're at 30 seconds, when it was only about five,

when you had the snorkel and the fins.

That's perfect, you got really nice reach.

- Kinda winged that.

- Yeah, it's like you're firing your arm into the water.

It looks really good.

You would benefit from snorkel and band work.

But here, you see, you start off coming off the wall,

basically horizontal.

Your butt's nice, close to the surface of the water.

Take a few strokes, you start freaking out.

And watch how much lower your feet get.

They just slowly go lower, and lower, and lower,

- There they go.

and lower, to the point that they are.

And a lot of that is from people tensing up their body.

Oh, oh, oh, I don't like where this is going,

I don't like where this is going.

And I can see, when you're kicking on your back,

that that's what happens.

You get one splash in the face,

and you go a little bit lower.

And then you get another splash in your face,

and then you go a little bit lower,

instead of just trusting it and relaxing.

And the more you relax, the more you're just gonna float up.

Not a ton of bubbles.

Most of the bubbles are coming from

your head just going into the water.

And then there, boom, you see, not a lot of bubbles,

not a lot of bubbles, oh, I'm gonna take a breath.

(exhales sharply)

So you're holding your breath,

until you go and take a breath.

So you're never gonna be able to get rid of all that oxygen.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, so you're trying to go.

(exhales and inhales sharply)

Instead of.

(exhales and inhales slowly)

That's why that sink down drill is.

- Yeah, I actually feel like that's how you should breathe.

(upbeat electronic music)

Your body position here, Dave, is really, really good.

That head position is good.

Water line is halfway through your head.

You want head, butt cheeks, heels coming outta the water.

When you kick, the fin goes vertical.

So you're creating drag way, way better.

That little kick is about all you need, Dave.

I wanna start with the overhead.

Because that's the biggest issue for you.

Tower 26, Jerry Rodriguez,

taughtness, alignment, propulsion.

Taughtness and alignment, together, are you straight,

and staying within that channel, with your body?

Or are you wiggling around?

Are you wiggling out of it?

Is your body going in a banana shape that way?

Or a banana shape that way?

You wanna be a log, a kaiak in the water, not a pool noodle.

You can see, there, that, already, you got that.

And as we go, and you see certain areas here,

like right there, it's gonna create drag.

Because that, right there, is your frontal area.

That's your frontal area and it's going outside of that.

So it's creating drag, and you're not stiff.

You wanna be dead straight, all the way across.

The fix for that is simple.

I wouldn't even really do drills.

All I would do is follow the workouts,

and never miss a set that says snorkel band pull.

That stuff is going to be immense for you.

- Okay.

- The good news, like I say, is this is something

that's super, super common, with just about every triathlete

that starts swimming as an adult.

Because, all of a sudden, you get in the water,

where 92% of your body weight is displaced.

And you don't know how to be firm.

You don't have gravity working against you, to stay firm.

So, because you got no weight keeping you tight,

you've got nothing keeping you nice and solid, like that.

So this is totally normal.

This, here, phenomenal.

Going down, underneath the surface of the water,

about a foot and a half, having that nice line right there,

this is gonna be really, really hard for you to do.

It's hard for everyone.

But, in a perfect world, drawing a straight line,

from your shoulders to your fingertips,

we wanna have your elbow a little more like that.

- Yeah.

- That's tough, really tough.

I wouldn't worry about it too terribly much.

You're pretty close.

As long as that elbow isn't coming back here, and up,

you're pretty close, so, there's nothing there

that I would be really worried about.

That's good, your butt cheeks, here, the back of your head,

touching the surface of the water, good.

Your legs do sink a little bit.

Again, that's pretty normal.

So you can see that the butt cheeks are there.

And the legs are going down.

Again, snorkel band pull, focusing on having those heels

nice up close to the surface of the water.

But there's nothing really in that catch,

and that arm pull that I would be worried about.

You're finishing way back here, that's good.

That's something that I struggle with.

I finish up here, at my hip bone.

You're getting a nice big pull.

If anything, if you wanna fuss about it,

yeah, you can put that hand a little bit further down.

And how you work on that is by doing a drill

at the start of the swim, 25 drill, 25 swim.

And tuck that elbow in, and just go like this.

So you feel that tricep. - Tricep.


- Yeah, and you're not even taking a stroke.

You're just pushing and feeling that tricep pop.

- Okay, awesome.

- The reason we're doing a max heart rate test,

and not an FTP test, is because yesterday

was a bit of a big day.

When you travel, you might not yet have the legs in you

to do an FTP test.

But you can always get your heart rate up.

You're at four and a half, right now.

And then we're gonna bring your heart rate up a little bit.

Just kinda open it up.

Then we're gonna let you settle in.

(upbeat electronic music)

Alright, pick it up for ten.

Three, two, one.

Settle in.

I wanna max effort here.

Good grief, Winnipeg, you did not want to agree

with the weather, this weekend.

Not ideal for a training camp.

Winnipeg is not showing its best foot, no, no, no.

How about that little pain session that we put together.

Who's jealous of Ben and Dave?

So what we did there today was,

they traveled, both, Thursday, it's Saturday right now.

Yesterday was a bit of a bear of a day to start with.

We went for that easy 70K ride,

that there was still some effort into it.

We went out on the track,

which tends to beat people up a little bit.

So we started off this morning with a recovery swim.

Going just for an hour but, like, long, smooth swimming.

Throw the fins on, which facilitates a fair bit of recovery.

It just kinda works out all those kinks.

And Dave and Ben were saying that, after the swim,

they felt good.

Whereas, in the morning, when they woke up,

they were like, oh, my god, I hate Taren, not a cool dude.

Did not enjoy that.

But, at the end of the swim, they were all good.

Then we came in here, took all that footage,

that we put together while we were swimming,

and we analyzed it.

Ben is gonna be one hell of a swimmer.

Dave is a typical triathlete, not aware of his body,

he's gotta develop that body awareness.

And he's gonna, because, just in the last six weeks,

he had a swim smooth lesson, six weeks ago,

that they worked on his breathing pattern.

I didn't see anything at all, but his breathing pattern.

The guy's a good athlete, he's gonna get good.

And then, just now, we put him through this suffer fest,

doing a max heart rate test.

Because I could go and punish everyone.

Every single workout, and just pound them into oblivion,

do the workouts with them, and make them keep up with me.

And send them home walking funny.

But that's not really gonna make you a better athlete,

for the next three months, the next three years.

What is gonna make you a better athlete,

is being able to go home and have things

that you can apply, that you learned here.

And you can only do that, this well,

when we're in person for four days straight.

I can punish you from a distance.

But here, going through this testing protocol,

and then we worked out the zones, their training zones,

and I explained how much training should be in zone one.

How much should be in zone two,

how much should be in zone four, and zone five,

how little should be in zone three, and then why.

I showed them all the workouts that we've done,

and why all of those workouts are designed the way they are.

And when it says zone one, zone two,

why it says zone one and zone two, why it says zone five.

Because all those workouts, it's all done for you.

Once you do the heart rate test, like they did,

now they know why they're doing what they're doing.

So there you go, Trainiacs, that is day two

of the Trainiac, Kickstarter, backer, little mini camp

that we've put together here.

Thank you to Dave, thank you to Ben for giving it their all

in that heart rate test.

If you aren't already subscribed,

hit the Subscribe button below.

If you're already subscribed, and you like the sounds

of this Team Trainiac Training platform,

go to

Just sign up so you know when it's public.

That was sadist, woo, ha!

Later, Trainiacs.

For more infomation >> TRIATHLON TAREN Trainiac Mini Camp DAY 2: Swim coaching - Duration: 13:55.


50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #105 - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> 50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #105 - Duration: 11:07.


Jeffrey Toobin: Kavanaugh hearing is not a trial. - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Jeffrey Toobin: Kavanaugh hearing is not a trial. - Duration: 6:56.


Exposing The Contradictions Of Evolution! - Duration: 28:21.

For more infomation >> Exposing The Contradictions Of Evolution! - Duration: 28:21.


Artist Spotlight: Aly Aleigha - Duration: 6:36.

(♪ soft guitar music playing ♪)

What I would really love for my listeners

to take away from my music is hope,

even in the midst of struggle,

because we're searching for happiness and we all want to be happy and joyful.

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

We can get lost in that a little bit and when struggles come,

we don't always know how to handle that.

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

But, I want my listeners to be uplifted and know that there is hope,

and not just in a fluffy kind of way but...

Jesus suffered too and he's gonna enter into your suffering

and he's right there with you.

He understands.

He's gonna cry alongside you if that's what it takes.

But, he's also going to take those very circumstances and lead you to greater glory through that.

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

(Singing softly) ♪ A warm wind blows gently from the hillside ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ The birches and the pines stand strong and green ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Their branches sway so tenderly in the sun light ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Like they're dancing with the waters of the sea ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Like fingertips your breath glides across it ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ The glassy waters ripple at your touch ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ I marvel while all creation stands in glory ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Harmoniously existing,

(♪ guitar music growing louder ♪) ♪ I feel a rush of something swelling up inside ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Reviving what has died ♪

(♪ soft guitar music growing louder ♪)

♪ Inviting me to join ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪ (♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

(♪ louder strumming ♪) ♪ You're taking my breath away with every glance ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Your surpassing beauty offers me a chance ♪

♪ To share it in myself, but I am unworthy ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh I'm so unworthy

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ And I'm awestruck by this radiant light ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ The shadows that once enveloped me flee ♪

♪ With all their might in this glorious springtime ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ You're dawn, my delight ♪

(♪ louder strumming ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohh ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ What can compare to my beloved ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ The glaciers and canyons all fall short ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ I believe every mountain would crumble ♪

(♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ The very earth split apart without your support ♪)

♪ Ohhh ♪

(Singing louder) ♪ Oh I can't compare to my beloved ♪

( ♪ guitar music ♪ )

♪ The glaciers and canyons all fall short ♪

(♪ strumming louder ♪)

♪ I believe every mountain would crumble ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ The very earth split apart, without your support ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪) ♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh ohhhh ♪

(♪ loud guitar music ♪)

♪ You're taking my breath away with every glance ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Your surpassing beauty offers me a chance ♪

♪ To share in it myself ♪

♪ But I am unworthy ♪

♪ Oh I'm so unworthy ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ And I'm awestruck by this radiant light ♪

♪ The shadows that once enveloped me flee ♪

♪ With all their might in this glorious springtime ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Your dawn, my delight ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh ohhh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh, oh ohhhh, oh ohhh ♪

(♪ guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh, oh ohhh, oh oh ♪

( ♪ soft guitar music ♪)

♪ Oh oh, oh ohhh, oh oh ♪♪

For more infomation >> Artist Spotlight: Aly Aleigha - Duration: 6:36.


Trump Administration Deals Major Blow To Children's Health Programs - Duration: 4:17.

If you have children or if you are thinking about having children during the Trump Administration,

there's one thing you need to understand, and that is, Donald Trump and his entire administration

do not give a damn about the health of your child.

Now, we've seen that with policies that basically began as soon as this administration was sworn

in, but just this week, children's health was dealt yet another blown by the Trump Administration.

Andrew Wheeler, the acting director of the Environmental Protection Agency, the guy who

replaced Scott Pruitt, also happens to be a former coal lobbyist, we found out that

he has suspended, indefinitely, placed her on administrative leave, the director of the

Office of Children's Health Protection.

The woman who is in charge at the EPA of making sure that our children are healthy and safe

from toxic chemicals from corporations.

Just put her on administrative leave, didn't give a reason, just said, "Alright, you can

go home and don't come back for quite a while, until I tell you to."

The woman is Dr. Ruth Etzel, she is an award-winning pediatrician who spent her entire adult life

treating children, working on children's health issues, and they've basically just said, "Your

services are not needed at the moment.

We're no firing you, but we certainly don't want you working on keeping American Children


Speaking with current EPA staffers and members of the EPA, news outlets are reporting that

this is part of a broader plan by the Trump Administration because they wanna get rid

of that office altogether, the Office of Children's Health Protection.

They don't want it to exist.

They don't want an office dedicated to the protection of children's health!

We really are dealing with a level of cartoon villainy that we have never seen from within

the federal government itself.

There is no justification whatsoever as to why we need to get rid of this office.

This isn't something that could be more effectively run by a different group.

It is something that squarely falls within the authority of the Environmental Protection


There is no reason to cripple it by sending the director on administrative leave and then

attempting to dismantle the entire organization.

The only reason you would do that is because you want corporations to be able to get away

with anything.

When they dump their toxins in our rivers and our aquifers, when they spew them out

into the air, they don't want anybody testing those to see if, hey, maybe this is going

to ruin children's brains.

Maybe this is going to give them more asthma attacks.

And I bring up those two issues because this administration has already repealed rules

from the Obama Administration that they have admitted are going to really screw up children

here in the United States.

We're looking at well-over 100,000 additional asthma attacks in youth, thanks to their repealing

of rules about what can be spewed into the air from corporations.

And we're also looking at more fetal brain damage from their decision to not ban the

pesticide known as Chlorpyrifos.

Now, a judge has actually said they have to ban Chlorpyrifos.

They have, I think, until the first week and a half of October to put the ban in place,

but that didn't stop it from actually being sprayed throughout the time when they issues

the non-ban until the first week and a half of October.

And yes, that has 100% been linked to fetal brain damage.

But that's okay with this administration.

They don't care.

They don't care if your child is born with brain damage.

They don't care if all the pollution in the air gives your kids asthma, a condition they

have to live with now for the rest of their life.

They don't care.

All they care about is making sure that corporations, the corporations who destroy our plant but

give a ton of money to Republicans, they just wanna make sure that they stay happy so that

that money keeps flowing.

For more infomation >> Trump Administration Deals Major Blow To Children's Health Programs - Duration: 4:17.


After UN Disrespects Trump, Melania Wipes Smirks Straight Off Their Smug Faces - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> After UN Disrespects Trump, Melania Wipes Smirks Straight Off Their Smug Faces - Duration: 3:58.


This Piece Of Evidence Just Settled Whether Kavanaugh Is Guilty - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> This Piece Of Evidence Just Settled Whether Kavanaugh Is Guilty - Duration: 3:13.


Sarah Sanders Has Finally Had Enough Drops Sudden Announcement During Live Interview - Duration: 6:38.

I have the greatest respect for White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

She's fearless when confronted by leftists and she's simply the best press secretary

I have ever seen.

She has been inundated by ridiculous claims and allegations by the left and the media

over the last few days.

Many of them have to do with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and I think

she's just about had enough of this stupidity.

I know I have.

This morning Sanders appeared on Fox & Friends and bluntly gave her opinion on the Democrats'

handling of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation process and sexual misconduct allegations,

calling it "absolutely appalling and disgusting."

It is, there's no arguing with that.

The Democrats have jumped into the mud hollow and are gleefully wallowing in the muck that

they throw at Kavanaugh.

It's lies and defamation and it is sickening.

"I think the process that the Democrats have played has been absolutely appalling

and disgusting," Sanders told "Fox & Friends."

She made the point that the accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wanted to reach out about her

story privately.

I am not so sure of that…

I personally think this was all cooked up to do exactly what it is accomplishing…

throwing a wrench in the nomination process.

Sanders added that it has become a "public circus" because they waited until the "11th


All by design.

It's the same tactic they pulled on Clarence Thomas and Judge Roy Moore.

It's become their go-to last-ditch move to get rid of the conservative of the hour.

The Democrats are working hard to destroy a wonderful man, and a man who has the potential

to be one of our greatest Supreme Court Justices ever, with an array of False Accusations the

likes of which have never been seen before!

[Democrats], frankly, hurt two different families' lives that they will never be able to be the

same because of the way that they have operated this process.

And I think it's disgusting that they have exploited these individuals and their families

for their own political purposes," said Sanders.

I do too.

Kavanaugh does not deserve to be treated like this.

I do not believe Ford who has the credibility of swiss cheese or Ramirez who would not even

answer the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Both women have the same problem that no one backs up their claims and that they waited

decades to come forward.

And when they did so it was at the exact point in time to try and block Kavanaugh from the

Supreme Court.

I do not believe in coincidences.

Sanders also said today that Democrats are playing a "political game" with allegations

of sexual misconduct by President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, calling

the ploy "appalling."

Again, an excellent descriptor of what they are doing to Kavanaugh.

From The Daily Wire: "Brett Kavanaugh has asked for his voice

to be heard in this process, too," Sanders said.

"Last I can remember, we are still a country where you are innocent until proven guilty

— unless you are a conservative Republican.

It is absolutely shameful what the Democrats have done and the way they have turned this

into complete political process."

Sanders said that Democrats have ruined "multiple lives."

"They want this to be a political game, and I think that the way they have operated

in this is absolutely appalling," Sanders said.

"If anything has been appalling, it's the way that they have gone after and used

these people's stories and their lives and exploited them for political gain."

"Sanders was asked whether Deborah Ramirez, a classmate of Kavanaugh's at Yale University

who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself at a freshman-year party, should be allowed to


"Certainly we would be open to that, and that process could take place on Thursday,"

Sanders said.

"Christine Blasey Ford, who claims Kavanaugh held her down and fondled her when the two

were at a boozy high school party 36 years ago, is scheduled to testify before the Senate

Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

In an interview Monday night on Fox News, Kavanaugh denied both Ford's and Ramirez's

allegations and said he would not "let false accusations drive us out of this process."

"The president's been clear," Sanders said.

"Let them speak, but let's also let Brett Kavanaugh speak, and let's let him tell

his side of the story before we allow allegations to determine his entire future.'"

Sanders is fed up with the hypocrisy on the left over this whole piece of tortured political


So am I and I think most of America is right there with me on that.

ABC should be ashamed and I am referring to George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America."

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Has Finally Had Enough Drops Sudden Announcement During Live Interview - Duration: 6:38.


Question Period: Jobs, NAFTA, Industry development — September 27, 2018 - Duration: 1:07:25.

For more infomation >> Question Period: Jobs, NAFTA, Industry development — September 27, 2018 - Duration: 1:07:25.


Movies Caught Reusing Footage From Other Movies - Duration: 4:53.

We all know Hollywood loves to recycle ideas.

In fact, while we often don't realize it, studios sometimes even reuse footage — from

old installments in the same franchise or from completely unrelated movies.

Let's take a look back at some of the most surprising examples of filmmakers recycling

parts from another movie.

Life and Spider-Man 3

The idea of using stock footage in multiple movies is nothing new, but we received an

unexpected reminder of that when someone discovered that a scene in a TV spot for the 2017 sci-fi

film Life is actually taken straight out of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3.

The scene in question appears about 34 minutes into Spider-Man 3, with people looking up

at Gwen Stacy hanging off the edge of a building, shortly before Spider-Man comes and rescues


A slightly altered version of the scene appeared around the 26-second mark in a TV spot for

Life, though it didn't make it into the final cut.

It's just B-roll footage used for the commercial.

It's no coincidence that the footage came from Columbia Pictures, since they're the

studio that produced and distributed both Spider-Man 3 and Life.

Considering that Venom was one of the villains in Spider-Man 3, fans of the superhero franchise

have begun to speculate a possible connection between the two films.

What if the organism in Life is actually the Venom symbiote?

That's a twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon and The Island

Recycling doesn't bother Michael Bay.

He's guilty of reusing several scenes from some of his older films, and often does it

so seamlessly that it's difficult to tell.

One of the more recent examples can be spotted in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

The third Transformers movie features a car chase scene on a freeway, which includes a

portion of another car chase sequence Bay had previously filmed for his 2005 release

The Island.

Instead of having bounty hunters chasing the good guys, though, Bay replaced them with


The inclusion of The Island's sequence may have been due to the studio wanting to limit


The Dark of the Moon set was particularly accident-prone.

The first major accident, due to a snapped steel cable, left an extra permanently brain

damaged and partially paralyzed.

A second accident occurred a month later, when the Camaro that portrays Bumblebee collided

with a police SUV, injuring both drivers.

At that point, someone may have gotten the bright idea to just use a car chase from another


Transformers and Pearl Harbor

Throwing $150 million into a summer blockbuster movie based on a toy line would have been

enough to put any studio on edge.

So it's understandable that when Michael Bay was filming the original Transformers, he

cut corners by reusing a piece of footage of an aircraft carrier from Pearl Harbor.

While making Harbor in 2000, Bay used the USS Lexington to represent the USS Hornet

as well as a Japanese carrier.

Instead of shooting another scene using one of the Navy's carriers for Transformers, Bay

just recycled his old footage.

Definitely cheaper than arranging a whole new shot.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and Apollo 13

When one movie uses footage from another, they're usually similar in some way.

But there's nothing even remotely alike between Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and

Apollo 13.

These two films ordinarily wouldn't find their titles uttered in the same sentence — were

it not for one particular scene.

In Austin Powers, Mini-Me escapes with Dr. Evil to his Moon Base at the end of the movie.

To capture him, Austin and Felicity hitch a ride on Apollo 11 along with one of NASA's

astronauts, and if the whole sequence seems out of place, that's because it is.

An eagle-eyed viewer noticed that it was taken right out of Apollo 13.

It was a sequence created by Academy Award-winning visual effects designer Robert Legato, who

received an Oscar nomination for his work.

Rogue One and A New Hope

In some cases, filmmakers are upfront about reusing old footage, as was the case with

Lucasfilm's first Star Wars anthology film.

In the original Star Wars, the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star after obtaining the

space station's blueprints and discovering its fatal design flaw: an open exhaust port.

The reason for the vulnerable opening, as well as the way the Rebels obtained the Death

Star plans in the first place, became the basis for Rogue One.

Rogue One's story unfolds days before the events of A New Hope, and ends mere moments

before the original film begins.

To give the impression that the film is a prequel to Episode IV, director Gareth Edwards

worked with ILM to digitally recreate Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher's likenesses, but

they didn't stop there.

The filmmakers also brought back the original Gold and Red Leaders, played by Angus MacInnes

and Drewe Henley, respectively.

Edwards was offered access to the Lucasfilm vault, so he found old and archived footage

from A New Hope for the duo.

MacInnes even recorded new dialogue specifically for Rogue One.

Still, it was a gamble.

Edwards was skeptical about using the old footage at first, but when the two Rebel leaders

appeared on screen during Rogue One's premiere, the audience cheered.

For more infomation >> Movies Caught Reusing Footage From Other Movies - Duration: 4:53.


Serious Issues Discovered in Ford's Newly Released Documents Further Unravel Her Story - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Serious Issues Discovered in Ford's Newly Released Documents Further Unravel Her Story - Duration: 6:06.


"Канцелярская крыса". 7 серия - Duration: 49:39.

For more infomation >> "Канцелярская крыса". 7 серия - Duration: 49:39.


Colin Kaepernick Got Horrible News From Nike - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Colin Kaepernick Got Horrible News From Nike - Duration: 5:18.


WATCH LIVE: Brett Kavanaugh-Christine Blasey Ford Hearing Starting at 7 am - Duration: 4:16:15.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: Brett Kavanaugh-Christine Blasey Ford Hearing Starting at 7 am - Duration: 4:16:15.


Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0 71pk Intense + *Voorraad Voordeel * - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0 71pk Intense + *Voorraad Voordeel * - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen Golf Trendline 1.4TSI 122 pk DSG|PDC|CLIMATE - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Trendline 1.4TSI 122 pk DSG|PDC|CLIMATE - Duration: 1:11.


EcoXGear- EcoLantern- Bluetooth Speaker Lantern - Duration: 7:08.

hey guys welcome back to weekend voyagers where we do the reviews you're looking

today we've got the Eco Lantern by ecoxgear and you're right you should

pick this one up let's talk about why you need this in your arsenal for $129

this thing is durable like all their ecoxgear speakers it can withstand

pretty much anything you throw at it and the bright colors also allow it to

stick out in your pack at the campsite the orange is pretty bright yeah and

guys this is ip67 once again like all their other speakers so you can drop

this thing you can put it in the water you can submerge it you can let it float

down the river nothing's gonna happen to this we let it roll down a hill as

trevor talked about that durable design nothing happened - I mean we were

worried that this plastic was gonna break nothing happened to it they also

threw in an internal power bank into this thing which allows you to charge

your devices that way they aren't dead so you can keep playing music keep the

party rolling yeah and I love that and it's got big 360 sound in there so the

cool thing about this is you can set it down in the middle of your camp table

everyone's gonna have the same sound experience coming out of this since it

has a 360 speaker unlike most lanterns it's not just one white mode

it's got white, red, emergency, and party which allows for many functions I think

that's cool to get all that out of the lantern all those functions I was happy

with it it's also got four hundred lumens guys so it is gonna get pretty

bright which actually gives you a functional light source so

you can actually use this walking down a trail yeah and for that you'd want to

turn the 180 degree light that way it's facing away from you not towards you so

you can use it like a flashlight in comparing it to a water bottle it's

about the same size as a 40 ounce water bottle which doesn't take up that much

room you can fit it in one side of your pack and then your water bottle in the

other and it's got voice command just like there are other speakers have voice

assistant this has voice assistant as well so if you do have your phone hooked

up to this little guy you can go ahead and take your calls right through the

speaker and talk with someone which is way nice so if somebody's calling you

while you're playing music it'll pause the music then you can answer it right

on this device you don't have to switch it to your phone they also managed to

throw in a bottle opener in the bottom so this thing's a party central again

like their other speakers they must like to drink yeah I mean they're for

people having a good time just like the Boulder

that's a party type speaker right they put the bottle opener right on there and

I love how functional it is on this because this is a party speaker this is

meant to be enjoyed by a lot of people since it has a 360 sound cone in

there so it's kind of cool that they put that bottle opener on there so pop open

your bottle sit down jam some music with people and

it's got long playtime so you can jam all night with your friends with this

around the campfire or camp table it's gonna jam for about 20 hours at normal

listening love this and they also give you a three year warranty like many

other speakers it's durable so you're not really going to need the three year

warranty but in case you've got a lemon they'll stand behind it and another cool

feature about this and this is why it's probably my favorite above the Eco jam

and soljam is this one has econnect so we can hook this up to our eco Boulder

and we can get music out of both of them so we could put this in a corner put the

other one somewhere else and we can listen to the music coming out of both

of them after all those pros there are some cons to this product the biggest

one being the price $129 it's kind of a lot for a little speaker down here but

you're getting a lantern you're getting a speaker and you're getting a product

that's super durable and is not gonna break on you

so for $129 I would say that's pretty fair though yeah another con to this

product would be it has very difficult buttons to press and we've kind of seen

that on quite a few of their iterations of products that they have and I think

it's intentional that way it doesn't activate when it's inside of your bag

true and that way dust doesn't get in either or water so it makes sense that

they have to make them sort of hard to press the other thing with this is

it's got a 4400 milliamp hour battery which isn't all that large it can charge

an iPhone maybe once but don't depend on this solely but for the size that's all

they could get in there the other thing is it's got a three hour charge time so

for a battery that size it really should charge a lot faster but that's something

they could approve improve upon in the future so yeah and lastly guys this doesn't

have any backlit buttons if you've watched our other ecoxgear videos

that is our biggest complaint that it doesn't have backlit buttons

I mean thankfully it has a lantern on the top but now you just got to find the

lantern button to turn it on when you're in the dark so that's something I would

have liked to see just backlit buttons please give

me those and at least they made the lantern button quite large so you can

find it yeah and it's not bad okay for all you specky nerds out there here

it is so this is an ip67 product just like most of their lineup is so it's

waterproof its shock resistant its drop proof pretty much do anything to this

and you're going to be okay in terms of the lantern it's actually a

good lantern it's 400 lumens so it's usable light then as we talked

about you have that bi-directional light that you can use and the color

temperature is white so it's not that nasty yellow it's a nice crisp white and

to be specific it's about 4000 Kelvin color temperature and in the back they

give you a micro USB charging port which allows it to be charged in three hours

which is not great but at least it's kind of what we expected and then they

also give you a five watt speaker and 360 sound yeah which is kind of cool cause its

their own little proprietary system or cone in there to give that

same listening experience to everyone who's gathered around the speaker it's

pretty cool and this guy's got bluetooth 4.2 they say that it works at a hundred

feet I would realistically say forty feet is

the maximum you're gonna get out of it before it starts to get really staticky

with regards to its weight it's 1 pound 11 ounces which isn't that heavy you can

take that within a pack you can go backpacking with it because you've got 2

devices with a lantern and a speaker and then it's ten point four inches by three

point six inches and that's about the same size as a 40 ounce water bottle yeah

so you can slide that into your water bottle pouch on your travel pack and I

love that slim you know cylinder type design of this speaker because you can

just shove it into a bag and it almost disappears okay Trevor

now with those specs the pros and cons why would you recommend this speaker

I'd recommend this if you're looking for a lantern and a speaker it's a nice

device that does two things at once and it's actually a pretty fun speaker to

have around you've got your bottle opener it's

a good time I think for me I would definitely recommend this guy for $129

you're getting a speaker you're getting a usable lantern it's got all these

party modes to it and it's got a bottle opener on the bottoms and as we talked

about its size allows you to just kind of tuck it away and pull it out once you

get to that camp table so it's really a party speaker built for outdoor

enthusiasts so for people looking for a speaker to entertain with when

you're camping I think this is your guy right here

so guys pick one of these up hit the link down below and don't forget to

subscribe so we can bring you more cool videos see you guys

For more infomation >> EcoXGear- EcoLantern- Bluetooth Speaker Lantern - Duration: 7:08.


Bir Zamanlar Çukurova 4. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:59.

Will be forced to marry with Züleyha Demir will be learned that Hünkar mistress plays her.

Züleyha Demir will tell all the facts to ask him to remove Yilmaz.

Demir is very angry that Gafur, together with his mother, took jobs without his knowledge.

Züleyha `s wife to become wife of the second will drive crazy and will try to fire him.

Our thoughts about the next chapter. We would be pleased if you share your own estimates. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bir Zamanlar Çukurova 4. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:59.


周迅粉丝:希望你们去把周迅骂到退出《侍神令》的拍摄 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 周迅粉丝:希望你们去把周迅骂到退出《侍神令》的拍摄 - Duration: 1:42.


00後"厭世臉"模特成爲LV秀唯一中國面孔,她會成爲下一個劉雯? - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 00後"厭世臉"模特成爲LV秀唯一中國面孔,她會成爲下一個劉雯? - Duration: 3:06.


《真正男子汉3》开拍在即,邓伦杨紫再度合体网友张一山快来 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 《真正男子汉3》开拍在即,邓伦杨紫再度合体网友张一山快来 - Duration: 3:22.


Powerful Moola Mantra Stress Relief + Remove All Negative - Duration: 20:30.





Sri Bhagavati


Sri Bhagavati


For more infomation >> Powerful Moola Mantra Stress Relief + Remove All Negative - Duration: 20:30.


For more infomation >> Powerful Moola Mantra Stress Relief + Remove All Negative - Duration: 20:30.


Je découvre Fortnite sur XBox One avec mon jeune fils - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> Je découvre Fortnite sur XBox One avec mon jeune fils - Duration: 14:45.


For more infomation >> Je découvre Fortnite sur XBox One avec mon jeune fils - Duration: 14:45.


Publicité en ligne - Google AdWords (Google Ads) est il fait pour votre entreprise? - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Publicité en ligne - Google AdWords (Google Ads) est il fait pour votre entreprise? - Duration: 10:32.


For more infomation >> Publicité en ligne - Google AdWords (Google Ads) est il fait pour votre entreprise? - Duration: 10:32.


Relief For Denture Wearers

For more infomation >> Relief For Denture Wearers


I'm Taking a Break from YouTube! | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> I'm Taking a Break from YouTube! | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 2:43.


Large Family Instant Pot Beef Stew | Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes - Duration: 8:23.

- Hello friends, it is a rainy

but it's not cold, we'll just pretend it's cold,

but it is a rainy, drizzly weekend afternoon here

and because fall is on it's way,

fall is here, by the time you see this, yes fall is here

so I'm making a big hearty pot of large family,

of course, Instant Pot beef stew.

So here's my beef stew meat.

This is from the pasture raised cow that I bought.

This stew meat is in nice vacuum sealed packages

which I really appreciate but of course,

whenever you pull frozen meat from the freezer,

even though you can cook from frozen in the Instant Pot,

I still have to get it out of it's packages,

so I follow the, I believe it's the USDA

or whoever, people, authority who write

these food safety guidelines.

One of the ways to safely defrost items

can be in a bowl of cold water

for no more than 30 minutes.

After that you have to change the water out.

So my stew meat has been in here

for right at about 30 minutes.

Right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get

four tablespoons of this grass fed Kerrygold butter

sauteing in the Instant Pot and then we're gonna,

I don't even have my onions sitting out yet,

then we're gonna saute that onion first

and then we'll add the meat.

So then if you are new to the Instant Pot

there is a saute setting. (Instant Pot beeping)

And that allows you to add in different vegetables

or meats or whatever you want to saute before you cook it.

(butter sizzling)

There's the butter going.

And then I'm just gonna stir up those onions.

Now I'm not gonna make this beef stew

a true like keto, super low carb stew

but it is easily adaptable because whenever I have mine

I don't have to put big chunks of potato

and a whole lot of carrots in it.

I can just have a lot of the meat

and the onion and the broth

but if you wanted to make a true keto

or Trim Healthy Momma version of this stew,

you'd look for more root vegetables.

So basically leave the potatoes out

but you can use radishes.

Those cook up and have the same texture

and you can still do some carrots.

You can do some zucchini.

You can do whatever seasonal vegetables

you have available to you now.

So we're waiting on that onion.

I'm gonna go ahead and work on prepping

these potatoes and carrots.

I actually didn't get too far with the carrots

because now the onions are done

so I'm gonna go ahead and drain the water

from this stew meat.

Okay, so now I'm gonna take this over.

I'm gonna get this sauteing in the Instant Pot.

So here is how things are lookin'.

I ended up fitting about three pounds

of the beef stew actual meat in here,

letting that sit and saute,

stirring it every 20 seconds or so,

if you want to be precise.

I've got a little bit of the meat

that looks to be a little over a pound or so left.

When the stew is done though,

I will cook that up separate and have that on salad

or something good this week.

There's our carrots all diced up.

That again, is a whole pound.

And so then over here, here's how

our meat and onions were lookin'

and I'm just gonna leave it on the saute mode for right now.

That just kind of heats everything up.

We're gonna get the spices in.

What I'm doin' is just a teaspoon of basil,

teaspoon of thyme, teaspoon of sage,

a tablespoon of parsley cause I always like

to see those big parsley flakes

floatin' around in a good stew.

Two tablespoons of minced garlic.

Also, I'm gonna do two teaspoons of pepper,

two teaspoons of salt.

I know some of you all ask me about salt and pepper.

I don't always note that because I feel like

that's just based on a personal taste

but that's what I'm doing in this recipe.

Here is how things are looking.

Each of these little jars is eight ounces

so these are four jars, the equivalent of four cups,

of homemade pasture raised beef bone broth

and I'm gonna put this in the Instant Pot now.

If you don't have homemade bone beef broth don't worry.

It just happens to be something new I'm working on.

Anywho, I'm gonna put in four cups

but you put in four cups of whatever beef broth

you have on hand.

I did bone broth last week.

I think I canned maybe 12 jars of it?

Besides what I used in some cabbage soup I was doing.

I am going to go ahead and also add in four cups of water

because I want a lot of additional broth made in the stew

and I am not adding in cornstarch or any other thickeners.

It is going to be chunky and lovely

and all kinds of wholesome goodness here

in about 20 minutes, once it reaches pressure, yay.

So you can do it one of two ways.

You can do the meat/stew button for 35 minutes

or do manual for 35 minutes,

and I just tend to do a lot of things on manual.

I think it's kind of six one way, half dozen another

so there ya go, 35 minutes,

we're gonna have lovely beef stew.

A lot of you like to know what Travis is doing

when I'm making videos and doing things

so I'm gonna show you what Mr. Travis is doing right now.

So you may not be able to hear me,

but he's been, we've been cutting down trees

and just beautifying, at least about the acre

we have behind our house.

This giant rock, was under this dirt,

stickin' up just a little

and, hello Mr. Travis, Mr. Travis and Zion

have worked very carefully and gotten this

out of the ground.

Let me try to show you how big it is.


Okay, so we got this big thing and then,

there's my foot in comparison, look at that, it's mammoth.

(machinery whirring)

Travis cares about you guys,

we wanted me to show you his rock collection.

So these are the rocks that he's been digging up.

He started all the way up here, little property marker.

I'm gonna get you and Daniel in a bubble bath.

You go wash your hands real quick

and I'll give you a few, okay?

- I already did.

- [Jamerrill] You already did wash your hands?

- Yeah. - Okay.

So I'm gonna get them bubble bathin' here

while we wait on dinner but I cut up,

I had a red pepper, a yellow pepper--

What color do you want Amelia? - I want three.

- You want one of each, okay. - I like all the kinds.

- [Jamerrill] Yeah, they're real good.

Did you have fun outside? - Yeah.

- [Jamerrill] What are some things your were doing?

- Mommy do you have green peppers?

- I don't, I only have red, orange and yellow.

They're good though, yummy, yummy.

We have one minute let on this Instant Pot.

Then I'm gonna let it do a natural release

so it'll take 10 minutes or so until it's truly to the point

wherever we can open the lid.

I wanted to tell you though, if you are a momma

who doesn't have an Instant Pot or a Go Wise

or any other brand of electric pressure cooker,

you can still make this awesome and hearty

large family style beef stew.

All you need to do is do it in your slow cooker.

So you would just saute your onions and your stew meat

on the stove top, then add that

along with all the other ingredients that I listed

and load that into your eight quart slow cooker

and then cook it on low for up to eight hours

and it should be, viola, perfect.

And then what I did with that, about almost a pound

of stew meat that I wasn't gonna put in my Instant Pot,

the reason I wasn't doin' that

is 'cause I have so many people

who follow my recipes exactly and I just didn't want

to lead anyone to fill their pot too full

so I thought I would hold off 'cause honestly,

for my family, I would have done four pounds of meat

so that extra pound I just did in this pot,

if I don't steam up my camera.

And then once it was done, I cooked it with

about a tablespoon or so of olive oil.

Then once it was done I added in two more cups of water,

just to make some broth there

and then I will probably, I could as that to our stew

once it's done.

Okay guys, so now we're gonna take the lid off

and give this a look.

I did already make sure the pressure

was released and twisted so can just pull it off.

Here we go!

Oh, it's looking so lovely

and it smells so good.

So Travis and Zion are still working outside.

I'm going to serve the kids around the counter

and we're gonna have this hearty beef stew

and then we have these various pepper strips

so they'll all have some peppers, also.

And here's how I did mine.

You mommas following keto or Trim Healthy Momma,

this is a whole lot of broth, a whole lot

of the big meat chunks and I have very few

little carrot shavings in there

and maybe five little potato cubes so there ya go.

The recipe will be over on

and Benjamin's sayin' goodbye.

Teaspoon of basil, tea-speen, tea-speen, ya, tea-speen!

For more infomation >> Large Family Instant Pot Beef Stew | Electric Pressure Cooker Recipes - Duration: 8:23.


'The uproarious laughter': A detail Ford can't forget - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> 'The uproarious laughter': A detail Ford can't forget - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> HOW TO DO A STANDING FULL TWIST ON GROUND!! - Duration: 3:14.


Unlearning God: How Unbelieving Helped Me Believe - Duration: 5:34.

It seems to me that when I think of people who are spiritually well and happy–and here

I'm positing that happiness ought to be the goal of religion, not only our happiness

but the happiness and well-being of others–people who are spiritually well and happy have all

gone through a process of unlearning some of the first things they were taught about


My name is Phil Gulley.

I live in Danville, about 20 miles west of Indianapolis.

I'm the pastor of Fairfield Friends Meeting in Camby, IN which is just south of the Indianapolis

International Airport, and I serve as the pastor there.

I also write books.

First was the belief that there was a one true church, that a human institution had

somehow become the only legitimate community in which folks could gather and worship and

learn and grow together.

So I had to unlearn that, that there was a "true church."

And the other thing that I had to unlearn was what I learned and were called the "omni"s.

That is–God is omnipotent, God is omniscient, God is omnipowerful (all-powerful), which

lasted for a long time, until I grew old enough to start having bad things happen to people

I loved.

These were people of faith, wonderful people.

It became impossible for me to sustain the belief that God was both all-loving and all-powerful

and all-knowing.

I just could not continue in that belief.

Once I released that, I liked God a lot more.

Before I began unlearning the first things I was taught about God, I would have moments

in my life where I was very angry at God because the world seemed to me to be a very unfair


And it is unfair.

But I had convinced myself that the reason for that was because of God's failure to


When you see evil and when you believe that is a consequence of God's failure to act,

it is very difficult to sustain any kind of relationship with God, because you just have

this spiritual resentment.

When you no longer have the need to say everything in this life happens because of God, or doesn't

happen because of God, then you are free to have a much healthier relationship, not unlike

parents and children.

Children, when they're young, think their parents are so powerful that they can do anything,

which is a good belief to have when you're young and insecure and need so much.

But if an adult child has that opinion of their parents, wouldn't we say that they

have failed to grow?

And yet so many adult Christians persist with this belief that God can do anything and that

everything that happens is for a reason and that God knows the reason and God has caused

this thing to happen.

I think that is a patently unhealthy view of the power and personality of God.

It's hard to like a God who is all loving and all powerful and then doesn't do something

when innocent people suffer.

But when you let go of that burden and you no longer have the need to have God be all-powerful

or all-knowing, it really liberates your theology.

For more infomation >> Unlearning God: How Unbelieving Helped Me Believe - Duration: 5:34.


25 Weeks Pregnant | Third Pregnancy | BRITTANY BRINSON - Duration: 9:27.

shake its booty

go watch your movie with Bubba hurry

thank you take it to Bubba okay

hey everybody welcome back to my channel 25 weeks pregnant now let me pull up my

notes okay so 25 weeks where do I begin... The day I turned 25 weeks was a nightmare

the day I turned 25 weeks was a disaster only because I was going to meet my

husband and do some running around errands in town I didn't make it to do

any of it I made it maybe 10 miles down the road

and I guess you could say okay so I'm in the country and so I wasn't even into

town yet and the speed limit is 55 60 okay oh I'm going like 60

it's two-lane road there's a lot of trucks log trucks that come through

because there's a paper mill over here in West Monroe there's always a lot of

18 wheelers on the road and trucks and trucks and big trucks

I'm going through and it's almost like lunchtime and like I said I'm not I

haven't quite made it to town yet it's lunch hour rush line of cars

behind me and then I'm kind of vehicles come in the other way and I was

completely shocked I didn't think this was even this could even happen

I was driving down the road going 60 and then all of a sudden I hear boom and it

was so loud and I kid you not I screamed but as soon as I heard that boom I saw

it in like slow-mo I saw it like the whole thing my driver's side window

shattered and then all of a sudden all my window is falling on top of me it was awful

and I was a mess to say the least I didn't handle it very well I had the

kids with me thankfully we were blessed and that was the only thing that

happened I got a couple scratches I've dug out a couple pieces of glass that I

had like all over it was my entire driver side window and

like all that glass fell onto my legs and onto my arms and then my feet that

day I just happened to be wearing shorts and crocs in a short-sleeved shirt

because I was just going to run around town and do errands I don't know it was

it was a bad deal anyways that was why 25 weeks sucked for me like on that day

didn't make it to do any of that I was I was so hysterical calling my husband to

come and save me do it now I can't see I cried like a baby because I was just

scared but like I said my kids my kids handle it pretty well they were just

kind of like caught off guard but I was the one who is like freaking out and it

took me a couple hours to be realistic to uh get myself together and luckily

like we got my car in the same day to get the window fixed because the rain is

awful anyways let's get back to being pregnant okay so I have been nesting

quite a bit lately we're in the trailer right now because we are building a

house the walls have been empty since we moved in and I guess we've been here

like I guess a little over a year now I was just we have been building and we

were building pretty fast and then it kind of slowed down so I wasn't really

wanting to put any like pictures and stuff up on a wall but since I've been

nesting I have been constantly like going through every single my clothes

like I've been waiting out everything going through boxes that we hadn't you

know even opened yet because we didn't anticipate to be here very long from

building but we're we're building as we go because we're building it ourselves

but now all of a sudden there is like pictures decorations all over the wall

because I cannot handle I can't handle it like it's just the nesting the

cleaning the going so organizing it's just never

so I was doing that for several days and then all of a sudden it kind of like

died down and I wasn't getting as much and some of the past few days have been

completely and totally unmotivated to do anything and all I want to do is just

sit around and watch movies and I don't know if it's just the weather from being

pregnant but that's all I wanted to do these past couple days know I've got

like stuff hung up on walls and it looks like we actually live here I finally

have my registry up on target I need to like do my Amazon one and I don't know

if there's any other ones that I can really do I mean Toys R Us and baby

R US aren't around anymore so I can't really do one on there but er I

don't know if I'm even gonna do like a baby shower this time because every two

and a half years boom here's another baby and it's another boy

but I mean there's still are things that I need to replace from having to other

ones obviously and then obviously I got to get diapers you know a ton of diaper

you always need diapers and I may have a diaper shower just because I want it I

do want to party but I don't really want to have like a diaper shower that makes

any sense I just don't feel like it's really necessary considering and I had to

previously and I've got most of my stuff so

I don't know I just have the Registry's up I guess for me and anybody who wants

to like get us anything I mean diapers are always welcomed or

you know like gift cards because when I have the baby like I'm pretty sure I'm

not gonna want to be cooking and I'm not that put together organized mom who has

like meal prepped and planned and has stuff sitting and ready in the freezer

who ready to go that is not me I am super uncomfortable wearing pants and

shorts because the elastic okay everybody tells me he is so high

but I don't feel like he is high he sits way super down low and like sometimes

the elastic I don't care if it's pregnant you know well a maternity line are

not the elastic or whatever is on my belly like download really bothers me

and sometimes I feel like even I think it's like I'll get pains and I'm pretty

sure that's what that's from it's like too tight you know because of my bellies

growing so much just down there and he's down there and so when he moves or gets

in a certain position it really really hurts

so I'm bout to the point where I'm only going to be wearing dresses I guess cuz

I don't want to deal with that as I get too big because I am like 25 weeks now

oh the last thing I have on here is your aches I have been experiencing some

earaches I don't know that was just because recently I've been sick but I

didn't have the other two but they were so bad

I've never had an earache before and then all of a sudden they'll hit me at

night and it was only two nights thankfully one night it was my left ear

and then the next night it was my right ear and the right ear was way

worse it's to the point where I could not sleep I was taking ibuprofen trying

to put a warm wet towel on my ear trying to get some relief because I didn't

really know what to do for earache come to find out it is pregnancy-related so

that's probably why I was experiencing that but for two nights it was it was

bad but that is all I have on my list I will give you guys bump shot and then say goodbye anyways

so here you go here is 25 weeks you can see that obviously today I'm not doing

the shorts and that shirt to show you the actual belly but you get the gist

thanks you guys so much for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe for

more videos and to follow along on this pregnancy because I'm posting videos

every single week comment anything that you know concerns or you know

conversation starters or whatever if you're a pregnant how how far along are

you what are you having keep me up to date

and Luke with your pregnancy as well because I will be following along with

you I think it's fun to find people who are pregnant at the same time and who

are around missing due date as myself I will see you guys next time in my next

video like I said thanks so much for watching

and I will see you guys next time bye

For more infomation >> 25 Weeks Pregnant | Third Pregnancy | BRITTANY BRINSON - Duration: 9:27.



For more infomation >> NOFAP BENEFITS AND ATTRACTION - Duration: 2:00.


How To Post On Facebook Business Page From Instagram - Duration: 6:04.

In this video I'm going to show you how to post on a Facebook Business Page from

Instagram which saves you a little time. Let's get into it

Hello busy people! Welcome to Five Minute Social Media. If you've had "figure out my

social media" on your to do list forever but you're overwhelmed, you don't know

where to start, it just keeps getting shoved down the list, you're in a great

place. Every week we put out a quick video to help you with a different piece

of your digital marketing strategy, all while trying to save you time. We are all

way too busy to be wasting our time that we have allotted of for social media. So if

that sounds like something you could benefit from, go ahead and hit Subscribe

click that bell so you'll be notified when a new video comes out. My name is

Jerry Potter and today we're talking about saving time by posting to your

Facebook Business Page from Instagram. First of all let me say posting natively

on each platform really is the best possible practice. Just because you put

something on Instagram doesn't mean it's good content for Facebook. Ultimately it

comes down to this: when you're posting on Instagram, before you just

automatically share to Facebook, really think, like, "how's this gonna look on

Facebook? Is this gonna be a good piece of Facebook content? If the answer is no

then just don't bother. Sometimes it's great though and let me show you exactly

how to share to your Facebook Business Page from Instagram. Now I want to

clarify up front I'm doing this on an iPhone but it's very similar on Android

phones. And also I'm doing this from an Instagram business profile to an

Facebook business page so I'm gonna start on my profile and I'm gonna tap

the three lines in the upper right hand corner (it's actually called a hamburger

menu cause it's supposed to look like a hamburger I guess) and then at the bottom

I'm gonna click Settings. And then in my settings I'm gonna scroll down until I

get to "Linked Accounts." Click on that and - my page has been previously selected so

that's why it already shows my name here on the right but if you have nothing

there or if you want to change the page, anything like that, if it's actually

connected it'll be lit up in blue as you'll see when we're done. So I click on

Jerry Potter there on Facebook rather. It says "Instagram wants to use

to sign in." I say yes go ahead, I hit continue. Now it gives me a choice to do

it through the Facebook app or through a browser. Because

I'm doing this on my own phone and the account logged into the Facebook app is

the admin account for the Facebook page, I can go ahead and do the Facebook app

like that. So I tap that one - it'll say can they open this in the Facebook app

and again, this might be slightly different on Android and of course you

do have to be an admin on the page you are trying to post to. I can't just be

like, Yeah I want my Instagram to post to Kylie Jenner's page or McDonald's

Another pop-up here - you previously logged in, continue? Yes. If you hadn't

then you'd have to log in with your information. And now you can see it says

Facebook and it has my name and it's lit up in blue. That shows that it's now

connected to my page. If I tap in I've got a few options here. It shows me where

I'm sharing. It also allows me to share my story to Facebook if I want to - that's

what that switch is - if I want to share my posts automatically to Facebook so

everything you put on Instagram automatically goes to Facebook, that's

where that is. And then if I want to unlink I tap that button there at the

bottom. If you are doing this from a personal Instagram account your screen

might look slightly different. So if I go in here from a personal Instagram

account I have you can see it says Share to Facebook profile I tap on that now my

profile is at the top and then all of the Facebook pages that I am an admin for

come up underneath. So if you are doing it from a personal profile you'll see it

that way. If you're doing it from a business profile it's just going to show

you businesses that you can connect to and again of course you have to be an

admin on the Facebook page to do that. Now real quick before I show you how to

share the actual posts from Instagram to your Facebook business page I want to

show you how to set this up from the other side from your Facebook business

page. So if you're on your page click Settings on the upper right here and

then in your settings on the menu on the left you'll see Instagram, click on that

Now this, in all of my experience, is the most foolproof way and probably the way

that Facebook prefers to connect your Facebook business page to your Instagram

business profile. So once I clicked on that Instagram there I'm gonna say login

Type in your username and password for Instagram and hit login and it will

automatically connect your Instagram business profile to your business page

here on Facebook. The neat thing is then you can

you can edit your page from here among other things, and if you ever wanted to

run ads or anything like that you will have to do that

Alright so to share straight to your Facebook business page from Instagram

you create a post just like normal. Get everything set up the way you wanted it

and then down here at the bottom you can see different places where you can share

For Facebook you'll see it shows my business page name so that's how I know

it's going to the right place. Once I've got that up I go ahead and hit share so

it's on Instagram there and then if we pop over to Facebook and ... there it is

Let's say you forgot to hit that button before sharing or you have an older post

that you want to share on your Facebook page, now all you have to do is go to

that post, tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and then hit

Share and it'll give you those same options. And all you have to do is make

sure that the Facebook button is turned on and then hit share at the top and it

will show up on your Facebook page. I'm curious do you post the same content to

all of your social networks? I see that with businesses a lot. I do it sometimes.

Let me know down in the comments, yes or no, and I'll share kind of what I do as

well. I'd love to talk to you in the comments of this video. Thank you so much

for watching Five Minute Social Media. Connect with us in our free Facebook

group - just search for Five Minute Social Media, we'll accept you and we can have

the conversation there as well If you got this far hopefully you liked this

video, give it a Like, hit Subscribe if you'd like to see more videos like this

and thank you for supporting not only me but also my two tiny superheroes at home

For more infomation >> How To Post On Facebook Business Page From Instagram - Duration: 6:04.


Lavrov's Remarks at Meeting of UN SC Chaired by President Trump - Duration: 8:37.

Thank you very much.

Mr President,


In the modern world, an efficient fight against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is becoming increasingly important for global and regional stability and the reliable security of all states without exception.

Constructive cooperation in this area is an important component of the efforts to shape a positive international agenda.

I think everybody agrees that the UN Security Council resolutions that outline specific measures against violations of non-proliferation must be strictly observed.

Resolution 1540 remains the basis for this and contains obligations for the member states to take specific measures to prevent non-government agents from accessing weapons of mass destruction and their components.

The UNSC decisions taken in pursuance of this resolution are particularly important as they include sanctions for handing over any types of weapons to terrorists.

There have been incidents of such handovers and they must be thoroughly investigated.

Like fifty years ago, when the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was opened for signature, our country remains committed to the goal of ridding the world of the nuclear threat.

This requires careful consideration of all factors that affect strategic stability and all countries with nuclear capability must take part in the negotiations.

The ambitions of certain countries to ban nuclear weapons in isolation from the fundamental principles of the NPT will not be successful and will only create ambiguity in further approaches to non-proliferation.

Speaking about the NPT, I cannot omit to mention Resolution 2231, with which the UNSC approved the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran's nuclear programme.

Unilateral withdrawal from this plan by the United States poses a serious threat to the non-proliferation regime.

That is especially true because, as many before me stressed, Teheran is diligently complying with its obligations under the JCPOA, which is confirmed by the IAEA on a regular basis.

Russia believes that it is essential to preserve the JCPOA and we are currently working on this together with Iran, China and the European Union.

Otherwise we may have to face growing tensions across the Middle East, which poses risks to regional stability and the non-proliferation regime.

Breakdown of the JCPOA would also be counterproductive for the current denuclearisation efforts on the Korean Peninsula, which we welcome and strongly support.

Other serious obstacles remain on the way to nuclear non-proliferation, by which I mean the US decision to postpone the CTBT's ratification indefinitely – perhaps forever – and the lack of progress in implementing the decisions of the NPT parties to establish a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone (WMDFZ) in the Middle East.

There are alarming trends in chemical disarmament, primarily due to the actions of a number of Western countries that are making new unproven chemical attack accusations against the Syrian authorities.

We caution against new attacks on the territory of Syria under another staged pretext.

That would be a gross violation of the UN Charter and would undermine the efforts to promote a political settlement in that long-suffering country.

The Syrian Government has destroyed its entire arsenal of chemical weapons in accordance with the Russian-US agreement of 2013, which is enshrined in the UN Security Council resolution and the OPCW's decisions.

But terrorist groups still have chemical warfare agents.

Terrorists know how to synthesise them and are setting up production labs. Intelligence agencies have long been warning about this, including US intelligence.

Russia has repeatedly proposed devising a comprehensive strategy to combat chemical terrorism.

In 2017, the UN Security Council introduced a Russian-Chinese draft of a relevant resolution.

It was not our fault that it was not even considered.

On a broader scale, we submitted a draft Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Chemical and Biological Terrorism as early as March 2016, at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.

Unfortunately, the work on these documents was artificially blocked – you all probably know by which countries.

Nevertheless, our proposals still remain in force.

Meanwhile, the situation in the OPCW is deteriorating, with our Western colleagues attempting to impose on its Technical Secretariat far-fetched attributive functions, grossly violating the CWC and infringing on the competency of the UN Security Council.

At the same time, the groundless highly-likely-style Salisbury affair rhetoric is gaining traction.

At the same time, the United Kingdom is stubbornly evading our repeated proposals of conducting a joint investigation, although this is part of its commitments under the CWC, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1965 Bilateral Consular Convention and the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1959.

So we wonder, if they do not want to cooperate, does it mean there is something to hide?

Once again we urge London to establish a constructive dialogue with a view to establishing the truth.

The way events are unfolding suggests that nothing can be ruled out now – including provocations using biological weapons. Amid the attempts to manipulate the CWC status, I would like to caution against the temptation to use the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention for the same purposes

As a reminder, according to the convention, the right to initiate and conduct investigations belongs exclusively to the UN Security Council.

No surrogates are provided for and therefore cannot be used.

I would like to remind you, incidentally, that we have repeatedly suggested making an arrangement for verifying BTWC compliance of all the parties.

However, the United States rigidly blocked this proposal and eventually buried it.

This desire to keep their hands free is manifested in the demands that the BTWC regime is subjected to additional tests in connection with the buildup of military medical and biological activities, including in the post-Soviet space.

We call for the renunciation of militarisation of healthcare.

Russia has consistently advocated the strengthening of the BTWC.

We are implementing initiatives for this purpose, including mobile anti-epidemic teams for rapid response to biological emergencies.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mr President,

Dialogue between Russia and the United States, the two largest nuclear powers, is of special importance for strengthening the WMD nonproliferation regime.

It was our two states that were at the cradle of the common framework for multilateral cooperation to stop WMD from falling into the hands of non-state actors and to combat acts of nuclear terrorism.

We still consider this interaction to be of fundamental importance not only for Moscow and Washington, but for the entire international community.

We do not want this cooperation to be sacrificed to short-term projects and opportunistic considerations.

On a solid foundation of the UN Charter, Russia is always open to honest cooperation between the five nuclear powers and with all other countries in the interests of strengthening global strategic stability.

We hope that today's meeting of the UN Security Council, the key body for maintaining international peace and security, will help take a step in this direction.

In this connection, we consider US President Donald Trump's initiative to convene this meeting very timely.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Lavrov's Remarks at Meeting of UN SC Chaired by President Trump - Duration: 8:37.


ENGLISH SONGS 2018 ! DRAKE - HOTLINE BLING ! NEW SONGS 2018 - Duration: 4:58.


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For more infomation >> ENGLISH SONGS 2018 ! DRAKE - HOTLINE BLING ! NEW SONGS 2018 - Duration: 4:58.


Sergey Lavrov's Reaction to British Prime Minister's Accusations - Duration: 0:52.

British Prime Minister Theresa May voiced direct accusations against Russia during the UNSC meeting on weapons of mass destruction. Could you comment on that, please?

It is not the first time that Theresa May has made such accusations and every time she claims, quite arrogantly, that they have irrefutable evidence, although it has never been made public.

The United Kingdom has breached at least three or four conventions, both bilateral and multilateral within the Council of Europe, which require direct dialogue and discussion in such cases.

When we are told that they know everything and therefore we must confess to our wrongdoings and promise not to do it again, it sounds simply ridiculous.

For more infomation >> Sergey Lavrov's Reaction to British Prime Minister's Accusations - Duration: 0:52.


New Whatsapp Hidden Secret for All Whatsapp Users 2018 - Must Try - Duration: 3:44.



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