Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018

-i love marshmallow.

-i forgot the flavor


chocolate sea salt,

and then mine also had vanilla

we're off to Panther Beach.

gonna have some fun tonight .

-it's steep

*laughs* i think they're fine..

people come in flip-flops

*laughs nervously*


-i love big dogs so much.

-itchy boy!!!




i sorry

*annoying him*

you're comfortable like this>>


on mom's calculatrice?

I'm currently sorting out last-minute things.

..I dare you.

I dare you

it's so cute!

it's so cute

i like it so much!

thank you baby, thank you

thank you!



get it! get it quick!

see you in europe!

hello babe!

hello babe



helll yeah!!

is that the breed of your dog?

yeah , jack russell,

yeah so cute, i remember your dog.

just finished!

I can't believe it-that's two hours.

easy peasy lemon squeezy

-with a couple mistakes.

-yeah with a couple mistakes

okay, goodnight!

-see you later

it's kind of chilly out, so,

I can just run and keep myself warm

all the way home.

-does it look better?


this guy is so cheap,

a little bit of his deodorant melted and got into the lid,

in the car so now he

has to scrape everything out

trying not to be wasteful

I might not even need to melt it

my goodness

my mom's gonna laugh at you.

no she's gonna be praising me

she's gonna be like 'ah! saving money'

same with my dad.

auntie, is this good~?


I look pretty rough-

it doesn't matter because I'm gonna go exercise.

I got up at around 5:10 this morning and it's

been a while since I've worked out maybe like nine days and that is way too long for me I like to do at least every

other day or every day,

so I'm here at the brown gym,

it's been like a year since I've actually been here

I'm just gonna work out and so I'm tired I guess

and I'm gonna go back, hopefully before 8:00

when I went to Spain I really enjoyed the tapas where it comes in a pan with potatoes,

broken eggs ontop, and meat

and there's so many varieties but I couldn't find the name of it,

even though I searched the restaurant menus I went to so if anybody knows please let me

know in the comments so I can actually find the proper recipe but I was just

trying to recreate it which is very very loosely what it is..

and since we don't have any more meat I'm just gonna put in some toast inside


this one can only hold like a sandwich or a wrap so today I'm just gonna use my

big lunch bag

remember how I got this silicone wrap from Europe?

it works really well and I also use it for prairie's can, so it's nice

I'm heading out now I did my laundry right before,

and everything came out so I folded some

of them but I'm gonna actually take my time to put them away tonight.

bye prairie, sorry for the mess,

I will see you for dinner ...

she's ignoring me

oooh noo

o no o no



this one's having a nap on the rug

and we are having lunch before I go to class

this afternoon

we've got a soup and chicken and cucumber,

a lot of Chinese

things lately.

I didn't sleep well last night,

we walked down to get coffee

with our cups-

we split one though

-i feel like you have a hard time finishing that much liquid

yeah I have a hard time drinking a lot but

that's why I enjoy espresso products more because

they come much smaller

unlike the coffee's that are like twice the size

checkin out them squash~



I just got out of class,

totally forgot I didn't do my brows today which it doesn't matter but

later on I'm gonna go and see friends so I might just draw that on later

but I received two packages- I went to the mail room-

and one of them is from beautycounter and I totally forgot and it turned out

to be a kit full of skincare products;

clear pore cleanser, a toner, gel cream

acne treatment, and spot treatment

the second thing is a textbook I'm kind of

excited about this class honestly so a really big heavy expensive book

that I'm about to read for homework tonight

maybe...or he got a little bit of poo in his water he drank the water

-i can see that

goodbye, jacket

it has been a good

seven years

for those who are curious my depop is cat creature, where I post a lot of the

clothes that I don't wear a lot and I'm intending to sell,

I'm always in a slow process of cycling out my closet,

and a lot of these things I've had for over six to eight years,

and we finally come to the end of our journey together it's time for it to have a new

owner, somebody who can treat it like new and just adore it because it just gets

old after a while

we made a stop at McDonald's... just because

I really really craved a sundae.

I just really like this- except they always skimp out on the peanuts now

-oh do they?

yeah like no one really gives it to me except once in New York

and I thought that they just discontinued it

I'm just talking way too long about a sundae but

we also got french fries because it's free fries


free fries Friday,

I use the mobile app because-

-they have really good deals on there

*why am i talking about this*

after what seems like forever, we finally got everything that we needed especially

the table-

the table top just confused us so much- there's another couple back there

doing the exact same thing as us

yeah we walked back and forth and back and forth and

the one that we needed was a very end of the aisle, we never walk that far -i know

it's hot.


do I smell?

i think i'll start setting the table.

-oh -it's supposed to be fork on the right

how come we have knives? what is the knife for?


*slicing his pasta*

-it's an awful lot easier to eat this way

-but you know that's the bane of my existence

-yeah -cutting noodles

Prairie doesn't even mind that I put a magazine on her

I'm working with a ton of magazine sheets right now because we're gonna configure some color schemes

are you a cat sandwich?

tonight we cooked some *hong shao rou*

finally this big Chinese market opened

so now we're getting all of these vegetables that's not available at

Stop & Shop and other American markets so we're just making a lot of Chinese food

all the time and I really like it it reminds me of home and now I don't want

to eat out as much just because I'm not really creating anything like

Thai or ramen.. but of course you know Chili's is gonna come sooner or later.



I planned on doing a lot today..

as I'm sure we all do

Prairie was napping this whole time

and she came down and played for a while and she went back-

just ignore the laundry that I am going to fold-

well *ugh*

im so sore because I worked out yesterday

so just moving around


do that so you can see me.


Tyler just texted me, he's going to Petco because I ordered something and he's gonna go pick it up

it's for Prairie

I like to read slowly and take in-depth notes..

so as I was doing that I... not only was annotating the book I was also

writing notes and it was just really really interesting and I just don't want to forget any of this

so.. yeah, uh..

big picture- I kind of ruined the rest of my plans

because I'm not really sure how I'm gonna fit in...

going to the computer lab and doing all of those

tasks... and I wanted to do a presentation...

at least prepare, and then...


rework my pattern so I'll-

I'll just do that throughout the night today.

I'm so tempted to watch some vlogs..


do you like it?

it's a little more unstable than I thought.

like I didn't know the bottom is round.

Tyler just picked me up and made me lunch


there's really not much else to say except I feel like I'm..

bad at vlogging right now because I'm so focused by

um..focused by ?

-I'm so focused on

the schoolwork that's stressing me out, but then I also want to make sure that I have good footage, and i jus


I have to whiten teeth- look how yellow they are

hi... thank you for waiting

are you hungry ?

are you ready for food you waited so patiently.



we've burnt a scented candle just because I-

I don't know, something smells odd around this room ?

couldn't really put my finger on it so what a nice atmosphere to go to bed with

-a citrus candle,

and tomorrow is going to be a full day, we have Church in the morning and then just

you know the usual work in the afternoon and then

our week starts all over again so

I hope that you enjoyed this vlog thank you for spending time with us here

and bearing with us

wish you the best for the coming week take care of yourself

talk soon, sending you our love -bye!



For more infomation >> AND BACK, AGAIN. ⁄⁄ CatCreature - Duration: 16:51.


Kate Bolduan: The world laughed at Trump ... literally - Duration: 13:27.

For more infomation >> Kate Bolduan: The world laughed at Trump ... literally - Duration: 13:27.


Sonic X And GBA Video Were Weird - Duration: 13:52.

- [JAMES] So did you know that the majority of viewers on this channel watch my content

on a smartphone? This is incredible for a few reasons.

First off, YouTube Analytics are detailed enough to tell me not only what type of

device people watch my stuff on, but what country they're from and what the average

gender of my users are. Yeah, it's not perfect but it's really an incredible thing think about.

Second off, let's talk about watching content on a device that can fit in your pocket.

This is something that we all take for granted nowadays, but we

don't really realize how revolutionary this is. I remember back when I was a kid

growing up in Texas during the Bush presidency - the young Bush's

presidency, I was a late 90s kid after all - and going on many a road trip with

my parents to New Orleans. Now, I could have brought some games to play on my

trusty GameBoy Advance, which by the way was an SP, not a Micro like this one that I'm holding, but I was much too

cool for that. Instead I brought some of these: GBA video cartridges.

Does anyone remember these? How you could watch TV shows and movies on your GameBoy Advance?

- [COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER] TV Shows on the go! It's GBA Video!

- [JAMES] Granted, there wasn't much on each of these cartridges. You either had one

movie or a couple TV episodes, but the novelty was still rather awesome, despite

the fact that the video quality on these things wasn't the best, especially compared to those

newfangled portable DVD players. However, it looked decent enough when played on an actual

GameBoy Advance screen. Plus, being on a cartridge meant you didn't have to deal

with some of the not-so flattering aspects of a portable DVD player. Funnily enough, my

parents actually had a portable DVD player at this point, but I think I opted

for these instead for this particular trip mainly because I got way too

annoyed by the DVD skipping whenever we'd hit any sort of small bump in the road.

Nintendo clearly wasn't the only company to realize that there was a

market for selling kids incredibly compressed versions of their favourite TV

shows and movies in a portable format. Remember VideoNow from Tiger? I had a

friend who actually had one of these as a kid, and trust me, as bad as SpongeBob

may look on a blown-up GameBoy Advance screen, at the very least it wasn't in black and white.

So with that long-winded introduction out of the way, let me ask

another question: who remembers Sonic X? I know 4Kids aired it in the US, but my

only memories of actually watching this show as a kid was catching some episodes

on a random TV station while on a trip to Singapore. I remember in particular

catching the episode where Sonic went up against Perfect Chaos and being like "oh,

cool, that's the water monster from that Sonic Adventure game. I kind of want to

play that game again." I'm kind of assuming that was the point.

When it comes to actual GBA video cartridges I had as a kid, I mainly just had Nicktoons

and Pokémon. I didn't know Sonic X was on this format until I was well into my teens

when I went back and actually watched a few episodes. However, today for this video

that I promised to do for my 7000 subscriber special and, oh whoops I'm past

10,000 now, we're taking a look at the first two episodes of Sonic X as shown

on a GameBoy Advance cartridge. Oh boy.

So welcome to Stuff We Play, where today we aren't even technically talking about a

video game, but if that's cool to you why not subscribe? Sonic X for GBA Video.

Of all the Sonic "games" out there, this is the one I get asked to review the most,

next to Sonic '06 of course, but what makes it so special? Well nothing really.

It's the first two episodes of Sonic X, but in a compressed form on a Game Boy Advance cartridge.

Granted, there is SOME interaction. You can fast-forward and

rewind each episode, and there's also a menu you can go through to select each episode

or, you know, to view the credits by themselves, because I know that's what I

always loved the most as a kid. But really. that's it. As far as gameplay goes, my DVD

copy of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie has more going for it, so I don't think it'd be fair to

review Sonic X for GBA as a game, because it's not. It's essentially just a video

format. So, what we're instead gonna do is go through each of these two episodes in-depth.

I'll give you my thoughts along the way and then, at the end, I'll give you my

thoughts on Sonic X as a whole and ultimately see if going back and

watching it after it not watching it for, well, it's definitely been years, let's see if

my thoughts have changed at all. So now, let's get right into it.

Upon starting up this totally-not-a-game, we're greeted with the American theme

song for Sonic X. Hear that? How he's got to go fast?

That's the magic that memes are made of, kids.

As bit of a nice touch, the intro only plays upon booting up the cartridge, but then does not play

during either of the two episodes. I like that. That's a nice addition.

So the first episode here is the pilot for

the series itself, and according to the back of the box it goes as follows -

- [DILLIN] When the heroic hedgehog smashes into Dr. Eggman's heavily guarded compound to

snatch the 7th Chaos Emerald, Eggman panics and initiates Chaos Control.

Blasted into a confusing new world, Sonic soon becomes the target of a high-speed police squad

that'll stop at nothing to get their man... or their hedgehog!

- [JAMES] Special thanks to Dillin Thomas for reading these synopses, by the way, but with that let's plunge into

our first episode: Chaos Control Freaks.

They say first impressions are everything, and the first actual impression I'm given of Sonic X is... remarkably strong!

It's a dark and ominous night, with Big the Cat off somewhere being lazy.

Meanwhile over that the Dr. Eggman building, trouble is brewing.

Suddenly, Sonic is there and doing what he does best: infiltrating the mad doctor's

lair amid a barrage of attacks from various robots. Suddenly, Sonic gets

sucker punched into the air, but thankfully Tails and Amy Rose are there to

save him through the power of plot convenience. Sonic manages to safely make

it into the lair via a power ring while Tails and Amy have a near-death

experience, only to be saved by Knuckles. As you can already see, one episode in and

they're trying to introduce us to literally every character they can.

Meanwhile at the top at the tower, Dr. Eggman is doing what he does best, as

any good evil genius does: brooding and monologuing.

Also,Cream the Rabbit is kidnapped because... I guess Eggman has a thing for rabbit girls?

This never gets explained. Now would be a good time to bring up an issue I'm

noticing hereL the sound mixing is off. At several points it seems like the music

is quite a bit louder than the characters talking. Just listen to

when Cream is speaking here. - [CREAM] (Almost inaudible speaking.)

- [JAMES] I'm not sure if this is an issue with the GBA video format itself or the WONDERFUL

job that 4Kids always did with its anime dubs, but it's annoying regardless.

Anyways, Dr. Eggman has a Chaos Emerald and plans to use it to get rid of Sonic once

and for all by kil- sorry, by sending him to the Shadow Realm.

Also, Rouge the Bat is there because why not. Sonic arrives to save Cream, but Eggman

threatens to blow him to bits just with the press of a button.

Thankfully, Sonic has a power of overly suggestive retorts on his side! - [SONIC] If you can push it before I can grab it!

- [JAMES] Well, it seems Eggman managed to push it before

he could indeed grab it, and everything explodes. What a way for the series to

end-oh wait we're still going! Sonic is laying in the middle of a busy street

and staring around aimlessly, likely wondering if he's in Hell. Sonic then gets

ambushed by some easily angered cops for being the wrong colour in the wrong

part of town, but manages to escape, though not before beginning on a high-speed

chase down a highway! After making it over a roadblock, the polic take the only

action any reasonable police department would to catch what's essentially a

weird-looking rodent: hire an F1 racing team! Why catch it when we can race it?

This is never explained. Sonic is off pondering about how he managed to end up

in hedgehog hell when suddenly the F1 dude who isn't even important enough to

have been given a name yet shows up. Then, they race and the sequence is something like this.

- ~Can You Feel the Sunshine from the Sonic R Soundtrack Plays~

- [JAMES] Unsurprisingly, Sonic wins and the F1 dude nearly dies.

However, sonic nearly dies as well because he gets vaulted into the air

before falling to a swimming pool, and as we all know: Sonic. Can't. Swim.

Sonic seems to have accepted his fate and is eagerly awaiting the firm embrace

of the Reaper when, suddenly, he gets saved by Chris Thorndyke: a kid with an

annoying voice who unfortunately becomes a regular in this series. This was around

that time when Sega thought that their series about a cartoony blue hedgehog

needed more people and realism in it, though thankfully through the power of

hindsight we all know how that ended up! So the first episode ends on a hopeful

note, with Sonic and Chris meeting and looking towards the future, but honestly

I feel a little mixed. But what will happen next? Well let's jump into the next episode:

Sonic X Episode 2 - Sonic to the Rescue! Would this one be any better or

worse? Well let's see what the back of the box has to say!

- [DILLIN] Sonic learns that his buddies, Cream and Cheese, are being held at atop

secret military base, so Chuck hatches a plan to save them. The mission goes

smoothly - until Sonic finds the base is booby-trapped! Then it's a full throttle

race against time to a startling last-minute surprise!

- [JAMES] That was, once again, the incredible Dillin Thomas reading that. Definitely go check him out y'all!

But anyways, that sounds like quite an adventure, so let's spin dash right into it!

The episode begins with Chris on the phone with his stuck up sounding mother, whom he is

lying to, saying that he found a cat in the swimming pool. She's like "yeah, whatever."

So, it's cool for Sonic to crash at Chris's place. I should mention, by the

way, that Chris's family is loaded. Like, Bill Gates levels of loaded, as is

evident from the mansion, butlers, and multiple swimming pools.

This was obviously a choice made by the creative team behind Sonic X because the majority

of children world round will likely relate to no one better than a posh, spoiled, little brat.

So, Chris finally asks the question on everyone's mind - - [CHRIS] Where and when did you learn to talk, Sonic?

- [JAMES] Sonic replies by just shrugging. Then, Chris's dad calls and

screams at him for a bit before Chris tries to feed Sonic cat food. Because, of course,

you knowm something that walks and speaks like a person eats cat food and not, you know,

food food. Sonic and Chris then watch some TV and we

see a recap of the past episode's events. We are also introduced to Doc Brown, who is

Chris's grandpa. Upon seeing Sonic for the first time, Doc Brown's initial reaction is

to try to inappropriately touch him with a screwdriver.

Suddenly on TV, we see that Creme the Rabbit has once again been kidnapped.

Cream has been taken by the government of this country (America?) to the

mysterious Area 99. They're planning to use her for...something? It's never explained.

Doc Brown and Chris give Sonic and infrared

scope and help him break into the mysterious government base that

apparently everyone knows about. Sonic then locates an air vent and manages to

get in without prompting attack. He does, unfortunately, hurt his ass in the process. - [SONIC] It feels like I have skidmarks on my butt!

- [JAMES] Sonic's stealthily sneaks suspiciously through the secret base as

Cream fears for her life. The base's electrical power then gets shut off... somehow.

Sonic then manages to smash into the lab where Cream is being kept. He busts Cream

and her pet Chao, Cheese, out of their cell and they make a mad dash to escape

the base while getting shot at. Don't worry, though. As this is a 4Kids dub,

the bullets are all non-lethal. Sonic and Cream nearly get shot in the face by what I

can only assume are Nerf balls, but not before all of the guns aimed at them get

destroyed by a swarm of mechanical paper airplanes. Our heros nearly get trapped

again, but thankfully Tails shows up in his plane through the power of deus ex

machina, and rescues them. It is now revealed that it was Tails who was

responsible for cutting the base's power and creating mysterious mechanical paper airplanes.

Afterwards, they all go back to Chris' house and, since he's loaded, they all

decide to crash with him and his senile grandfather.

Tails and Grandpa Doc Brown hit it off together, and Tails then deduces that

they've all been transported by Dr. Eggman to a mysterious faraway world, and

that all of their friends are somewhere here as well. However, it is soon

revealed that Dr. Eggman himself has also been transported to this new world

and that he is plotting to take it over. To Dr. Eggman, it doesn't matter what

world he takes over as long as it's a planet and he's ruling it with an iron fist.

The episode then ends and we cut to credits, which anti-climatically have no

music and just have this still image in the background. So despite its issues, I think

that Sonic X Episode 2 actually ends on a really cool note.

Dr. Eggman is finally PROPERLY here and I'm excited to see what he does in future episodes.

The real question, however, is how did that episode itself, or rather both

these episodes, hold up? Well, I feel mixed on the package overall.

Along with there being absolutely no practical reason to watch anything via GBA Video anymore,

Sonic X itself is just a very flawed show. I just don't care for many of the new X-exclusive

characters such as Chris, and as with many anime series such as this, I

remember there being a lot of filler episodes.

However, it did have its high points.

There are some great moments throughout the rest of the

series, especially once Shadow the Hedgehog it brought into the mix.

But then we got to the final season of the show ,where it pretty much becomes Sonic

except Star Trek and kind of messes itself all over since, after Sonic Adventure 2, they decided not to

adapt Sonic Heroes or really any of the other Sonic games such as the Sonic Advance Series.

I know this is going to make some people mad, and I know a lot of

people have memories with this show, and it's certainly not as bad as something like, say,

Sonic Underground, but if you really want to watch a Sonic cartoon,

you're better off watching Sonic Boom or even going back and watching the

Sonic SatAM cartoon from the 90s, which is still great by the way.

Maybe I'll look at that at some point. So I guess with that polarizing conclusion out of the way,

let me know your Sonic the Hedgehog memories, whether they be with games, TV shows, or otherwise,

down to comment section below, and while are at it, subscribe to Stuff We Play

for more great content like this, or even back us on Patreon, because every

dollar and from Patreon does go back into the channel itself. So that thank you

very much for watching, stay classy, and... I guess, I don't know, maybe it's time I

finally look at Sonic the Hedgehog for Leapster.

For more infomation >> Sonic X And GBA Video Were Weird - Duration: 13:52.


A Laughing Matter: President Donald Trump Again Takes The World Stage | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> A Laughing Matter: President Donald Trump Again Takes The World Stage | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 5:06.


As Democrats Chances Rise Will The 'Blue Wave' Reach Texas? | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> As Democrats Chances Rise Will The 'Blue Wave' Reach Texas? | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 4:58.


Senate Judiciary Committee Reschedules Kavanaugh Vote For Friday | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Senate Judiciary Committee Reschedules Kavanaugh Vote For Friday | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 3:30.



For more infomation >> I Wore UGLY MAKEUP To SEPHORA – THEY TURNED AWAY FROM ME | Mar - Duration: 12:24.


Moon Jae-in talks Trump, Kim in one-on-one with Fox News - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> Moon Jae-in talks Trump, Kim in one-on-one with Fox News - Duration: 13:33.


Starting Winter Prep at the High Tunnel Greenhouse - Duration: 9:31.

Hi I'm Mike, I know its gonna sound crazy, but it is only 33 degrees out here

And that means its time to start getting ready for winter on the Project List on Our Wyoming Life

Hi and

welcome back to our Wyoming life. Where we explore the ranch and life and escape the

ordinary, 3 times per week. Please subscribe and make sure you hit the little bell icon

to hopefully let you know when we release a new video.

YouTube tells me it works and it does, sometimes. But let me tell you if you don't push it,

then there is no way to get notifications when we launch a new video and if you are

coming along with us then you will want to get those alerts. Here's why, we have started

a new feature here on Our Wyoming Life called Life Streams. They are like our livestreams

but they are totally off the cuff and unscheduled and you never know when they might happen.

Yesterday for example, we found bubbles and went live as we made sure it was him, and

got them moving back toward home. It was a lot of fun and if you don't that the bell

turned on, you might have missed it. Moving right along, today its time to hit

the project list and winter is fast approaching, in fact we have snow in the forecast, not

much but that snowflake is hard to ignore. There will be many more following it soon

enough. The project list is an ever expanding and

contracting list of things that need done around here and as part of our winter prep

we are going to be working at the high tunnels today.

Erin will be growing in these high tunnels all winter long. Although this is the only

second year of us doing this, we have learned over last winter that it can be done. Spinach,

lettuce, radishes, carrots and many other cold hearty crops will be harvested throughout

the winter and taken to our winter farmers markets which take place one day per month

from November through May. By growing all winter long, we can not only

continue to supply fresh vegetables to our community but also help out with our monthly

income, on the flip side it keeps us almost as busy all winter as we are in the spring,

summer and fall. Today we are working on the high tunnels.

With temperatures dropping down in to the low 30's at night we are only days away

from a good hard freeze. The high tunnels will keep the temperature of the interior

a few degrees above outside temperature, its not much but its sometimes enough to protect

a crop as our freeze will often happen then we will have a few more days or even weeks

of nice weather. Weather this morning is a bit chilly but as

the sun rises in the sky it does start to warm up, but with that comes the wind which

doesn't help. The whining you hear is the wind generator that is right by the tunnels,

the higher the pitch, the more wind there is.

Our main project for today is to finish sealing up the end walls of the new high tunnel, above

the garage door, gaps have been left for the installation of them. Now that the doors are

installed we can seal up that area and hold some more of the warm air inside the tunnel.

Today we are unloading 2x6's , some pressure treated and some just regular whitewood. The

whitewood will be used on the end wall project and the pressure treated lumber will be used

on the older high tunnel which I will catch you up to speed on our plan for that in just

a few minutes. The gap above the garage door is roughly 9

feet wide by 4 feet high. We get a start by installing a crossbeam the width of the door

at the bottom of the opening. By cutting out some of our framing, we can

create an area on each side to slip the cross piece into, then its attached to the existing

framing. Because our sheathing is in 8-foot pieces

we are too wide to just cover the gap with just one, we are going to have to use two

and by adding a vertical support piece in here it will give us something to attach our

exterior sheathing to, and strengthen it. We also remove some helper blocks I installed

while putting up the previous sheathing and get it out of the way for the new lumber.

With a dimension of over 9 feet cover we cut two pieces of OSB sheathing to 55 ½ inches.

Using our same ledge blocks we took off the wall, we then attach them to the bottom board

to give us something to rest our sheathing on. When you work by yourself a lot, you have

to come up with a second pair of hands quite often. Then very carefully due to the wind,

lift it into place. Wind love to grab anything it can, and I don't want to follow this

thing off the ladder. After one piece is in place the other can

be hoisted up, checked for fit, taken down, adjusted then finally screwed into its home.

With that it looks like we are done, our blocks are taken off and it looks pretty good, but

its only an illusion. Anywhere air can get into the high tunnel

it will. It will never be air tight but keeping out as much as possible will help maintain

temperature on the very cold nights and days. Above the door is gap that will allow air

to rush into the inside, we have to do something about it and luckily, I have some left-over

weather-stripping from somewhere that will work just fine. Its about 9 feet long, and

using short screws with washers to keep them from pulling through the rubber of the weather

stripping we can lay it in place and attach it.

As an added piece of security to keep the weather stripping in place we are also going

to add another 2x6 over it. After cutting it to length we get it in place and temporarily

hold each end in place with a screw. Then we very securely attach the two boards together.

The wind is still picking up, so rather than work on the other end. Let's take a look

at the other high tunnel for a minute. This high tunnel lost its cover this spring, not

a deal breaker as Erin was able to grow in here all summer long still, but now its time

for a new cover to go on. The new cover has arrived and is being stored

in the shop but some modifications are going to be made.

The ribbon board along the side here holds the cover on and allows the sides to roll

up. On the new tunnel we used 2 strips of wiggle wire to attach the cover, adding security

and piece of mind. We are going to do the same with old one and that means we are going

to have to replace the existing 2x4 ribbon board with a 2x6 one to allow the extra room

for the wiggle wire channel. We have 2x6 pressure treated lumber for this purpose as condensate

can roll down the inside of the plastic and end up at these boards.

They will be placed right on top of the old ribbon board, to be used as a guide and then

attached to each other and then then the frame of the high tunnel.

But that's later today, for now, I am going to go and finish up the other end of the tunnel,

basically the same procedure and then I can come work on these.

There's always something on the project list, sometimes it's the mundane and sometimes

it's live or die but it all needs done, especially if you want warm dinner and expect

to sleep in your own bed tonight. I think the next couple of project list videos

are going to be getting ready for winter, something that always sneaks up on us and

adds to the workload. At the conclusion, we will be doing away with my summer hat, and

moving putting my winter felt hat back on, a symbolic sign that winter is here on the

ranch. Last year we burned it, I think this year,

something a little more epic and devastating is in store, should be a lot of fun.

Thanks for coming and hanging out for a bit today, I am back to work but please be sure

to subscribe and if you like what you see, give us that thumbs up, it really does help.

Until next time, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Starting Winter Prep at the High Tunnel Greenhouse - Duration: 9:31.


Ted Cruz Confronted By Kavanaugh Protesters At DC Restaurant - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Ted Cruz Confronted By Kavanaugh Protesters At DC Restaurant - Duration: 2:41.


The Cool Kids React To Millennial Trends | Season 1 | THE COOL KIDS - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> The Cool Kids React To Millennial Trends | Season 1 | THE COOL KIDS - Duration: 2:00.


Fracasos De Taquilla Que Valen La Pena Mirar - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Fracasos De Taquilla Que Valen La Pena Mirar - Duration: 5:15.



For more infomation >> LEARN HOW TO STAY HEALTHY WITH DOMINATION MASTER YI - DIAMOND 1 PH - Duration: 18:49.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superhero Transform Grey Hulk Battle Toy - Duration: 11:12.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superhero Transform Grey Hulk Battle Toy

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Superhero Transform Grey Hulk Battle Toy - Duration: 11:12.


Questions Remain Following Police Pursuit That Ended With Crash On I-95 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Questions Remain Following Police Pursuit That Ended With Crash On I-95 - Duration: 1:31.


Lose Belly Just Breathing, Here It Is! - Duration: 3:28.

Many great discoveries have perhaps.

One of these most memorable discoveries is the law of gravity, recognized by Newton

to see an apple fall from an orchard.

Something similar happened with the Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke.

The actor says he lost almost 13 pounds and 5 inches waist in just 7 weeks

just breathing deeply for a few minutes per day.

And the most important: without making great sacrifices physical or food.

And this discovery was made by chance, while the actor practiced breathing techniques

seeking to reduce their back pain.

After a few days of constant practice, Ryosuke noticed that he was losing weight.

And that was his "aha moment".

From there, he elaborated, based on his discovery, the fundamentals of "breathing

long ".

Upon hearing about it the first time, many people may be surprised, because it goes against

everything we know and believe about lose weight.

However, according to Australian researchers, much of the weight we lose is eliminated

through respiration, such as carbon.


Here's how:

Ryosuke says that diet followers they only need two minutes a day to

feel the difference.

There are two exercises to do, and the ideal is to do both, repeating 5 to 6 times each


The first involves the contraction of the buttocks while a foot should be placed in front

of the body and any weight should be thrown over the back foot.

In this position, you should inhale for three seconds while raising arms above

of your head.

And then, it must expire vigorously, mouth while lowering your arms and tightening

all muscles of the body for seven seconds.

The second way of practicing technique is to stay standing while squeezing the buttocks and

one hand on the belly and the other on the lower back.

You should be inspired for three seconds before to expire for another seven seconds, while

stresses all the muscles of the body, pressing the hand that is in the abdomen so as to "push it

toward the back "as it expires.

It is believed that the diet of breathing increases the muscular strength and accelerate the metabolism,

raising oxygen levels in the blood.

If the instructions on how to do it are not clear, we put the link to a video of the

author of this diet explaining how do the exercises.

Try this new way to lose weight and tell us the results!

For more infomation >> Lose Belly Just Breathing, Here It Is! - Duration: 3:28.


Miles reciben la bendición de la diosa viviente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Miles reciben la bendición de la diosa viviente | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:48.


Woman sentenced for beating toddler - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Woman sentenced for beating toddler - Duration: 1:57.


Bloguera exige que hagan ropa de marca con talla grande | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Bloguera exige que hagan ropa de marca con talla grande | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.


Combate las arrugas con yoga facial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Combate las arrugas con yoga facial | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.


Arianne - Primeiro Amor (Quero Voltar) (Ao Vivo) ft. Priscilla Alcantara (REACTION) - Duration: 11:01.

Hey everybody we're BROTHER! I'm Terry and I'm Terrell

and were are back with another reaction video

and everybody




That's right, We are back reacting to





We love Priscilla's voice. She's amazing. We love it. We want to say thank you to all of our Brazilian fans.

We love you

I would like to say hello to

Follow the directions in the description if you want us to say hello to you!

We want you guys to like, comment, and subscribe!

Turn on your post notifications where the bell is at so you can be apart of the notification squad!

and join the family


Lows, Yea!

See you


Play that piano!


I feel heaven!

I like the piano! Yeah! The piano sounds nice!


Key Change


Sing Priscilla!!

Oh yeah!!



Sing it!



Sing ya'll!


Hold me. Hold me

Oh my God! Hallelujah!



(We don't know the words haha)

Yeah, that was amazing.




Shut up!!


You are amazing. This song was amazing Wow. Yes.

You are a masterpiece

This song is beautiful

The other woman(Arianne) you're amazing as well! Yes!

Priscilla you touched my spirit


Priscilla is so anointed.. from the first line

You could feel the anointing when she sang that first line of the song.

Priscilla your anointing smacked me in the face

Like this

Oh my god, that was beautiful

with that ranch dressing baby!

We hope you all enjoyed this video!

We want to say

That is ugly

We want you all to like, comment and subscribe!

Turn on your post notifications where the bell is at so you can be apart of the notification SQUAD!!


Join the family

For more infomation >> Arianne - Primeiro Amor (Quero Voltar) (Ao Vivo) ft. Priscilla Alcantara (REACTION) - Duration: 11:01.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation *Navigatie! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation *Navigatie! - Duration: 1:11.


姚明终于有了传承者,年仅17岁身高就有222cm,终极目标进入NBA! - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 姚明终于有了传承者,年仅17岁身高就有222cm,终极目标进入NBA! - Duration: 3:07.


YUGI H5 - COMBO Đảo Chuyển Thế Giới cực đẹp nhưng vẫn bị phá giải - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - COMBO Đảo Chuyển Thế Giới cực đẹp nhưng vẫn bị phá giải - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 12:56.


Andrea Constand Fought For A Decade To Hold Bill Cosby Accountable | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Andrea Constand Fought For A Decade To Hold Bill Cosby Accountable | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:46.


吴秀波与前女友合影旧照曝光 两人相恋12年 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波与前女友合影旧照曝光 两人相恋12年 - Duration: 5:14.


무거워진 속을 달래줄 🌱그린스무디 만들기 - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> 무거워진 속을 달래줄 🌱그린스무디 만들기 - Duration: 8:02.


孫儷讓等等妹妹"限次數叫媽",結果她要瘋了 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 孫儷讓等等妹妹"限次數叫媽",結果她要瘋了 - Duration: 2:09.


愈演愈烈,吳秀波警告大V刪博,大V回懟有錢撤熱搜,黑料一大把 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 愈演愈烈,吳秀波警告大V刪博,大V回懟有錢撤熱搜,黑料一大把 - Duration: 2:11.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Automaat N-Connecta Navi 360 View - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Automaat N-Connecta Navi 360 View - Duration: 1:12.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Automaat N-Connecta Navi 360 View - Duration: 1:12.


Nobody Wins: Contrapoints, The Aesthetic, and Negative Representation - Duration: 28:05.

so, natalie wynn of the youtube channel contrapoints released a video called The Aesthetic, and

i have... feelings.

which shouldn't come as a surprise, seeing as natalie has a long history at this point

of provoking, uh, "feelings" in her audience.

and i'll just lay my cards out right now: i like The Aesthetic, and i'm a pretty big

fan of natalie's work in general.

i even have a shirt, so, yeah, i'm biased.

but it's also clear that plenty of people who like the contrapoints

oeuvre just as much as, if not more than, me didn't

just dislike this video, but felt actively wounded and, in some cases, betrayed by it.

and that... sucks. and i'm conflicted.

because i don't like to see people hurt by media,

and i don't like to see people in a position like natalie's, as someone who is a rare beacon

of representation and optimism for a marginalized community,

apparently playing fast and loose with the expectations they know their audience has.

but, again... i like The Aesthetic, and my natural inclination is to defend the

things i like when i think they come up against unfair criticism.

and, yeah... i do think some of this criticism is unfair, which, under the circumstances,

will come across as glib, reductive, elitist, and tone-policing no matter what i do.

but i just want to say it explicitly, for posterity:

my intention is not to belittle or invalidate anyone who has mixed or negative feelings

about this video.

i'm not interested in saying that anybody who didn't like it, or who was harmed by it,

or who decried it based on its potential to do harm, is wrong or bad or not entitled to

their take.

this is just me trying to work through my own conflicts, and yeah, it's a reaction,

but i'm not judging the people i am reacting to.

we can all agree that this video is problematic, but i'm wondering... what do we gain, critically,

by ending the conversation there? if something is "problematic," doesn't that

imply a problem in need of solving?

so, okay.

here's my question: when does criticism become art?

i've been asking myself this a lot lately.

some prominent leftie youtubers have expressed dissatisfaction with the "youtube formula"

as it were, and have started experimenting with the form.

on one side you've got lindsay ellis, whose trilogy of videos about the hobbit films takes

its textual criticism as an invitation to explore the ramifications of nostalgia on

fandom, on economics, and even international politics.

over time it morphs from a fairly standard talking-head video essay into something of

a road film about a person flying halfway across the world in search of some kind of

personal truth.

and then on the other side, you have hbomberguy birthing himself out of a full-size canvas

print of loss.jpg. yes.

YES. wow.

both of these toe the line between criticism and art.

lyndsay's endeavor is certainly the more... socially acceptable of the two,

but neither video is an altogether objective presentation of evidence in support of an

argument -i mean, there's a lot of that, obviously,

these are still fundamentally argumentative video essays.

but the argument is inextricable from the expression -the facts here, such as they are,

are only important to us insofar as they relate to the narrative they've been tied to, whether

that be personal, political, or esoteric.

so, that in mind... it must needs be remarked that we do not judge criticism by the same

standards as we do art.

hbomb's third serious lore analysis, in my opinion, is a scattered and difficult to follow

bit of criticism, something he'd be chided for in a journalism class.

but, as a video about hypocrisy and fractured identities, that same scatterbrained assembly

actually helps the point he's trying to make.

so, as pure criticism, it fails... but, as art, it succeeds.

now, there's a whole epistemological debate to be had here about the boundaries of the

categories i just carted out for the sake of my argument, but we're not going to go

into that because i don't want to.

youtube, i think we can all agree, is a strange intermediary medium that we don't tend to

approach the same way we do television or film.

even as someone who respects the creative capacity of someone like hbomberguy, generally

i go into his videos expecting criticism, arguments, a point.

there are many expressive, artistic elements in his videos, but i tend to see these as

the flavor that makes his brand of argument special.

i wouldn't call most of his stuff art, and i'd hesitate to call most things on youtube


now, i don't think it's controversial to say that there is art on youtube, but it isn't

"youtube art," so to speak.

a short film hosted on youtube is taking advantage of the platform, but it isn't of or for the


it isn't what people think of when they think of youtube, and the flipside of that is, in

my very limited realm of experience at least, there's an opinion that what a person thinks

of when they think of youtube is anathema to "art," that "art" and youtube are mutually


that's nonsense.

people have said that about every new medium and they have always been wrong.

but this does beg a question- what does "youtube art" look like?

and this gets us to contrapoints. and yeah, i know, i'm sorry, i know how that


just... go with it.

alright. if you haven't seen The Aesthetic, here's the gist: it's a Socratic dialectic

(helpfully conveyed by the statue of Socrates on the tv here) about the importance of aesthetic

womanhood in the public discourse by and about transgender women.

Justine, who passes as cisgender, criticizes Tabby, a black-block communist catgirl

"actually i'm an anarcho-syndicalist" for her perceived lack of femininity and her

disinterest in attempting to pass.

so, for the uninitiated, a dialectic is a philosophical argument in the form of two

fictional characters having a debate -and yes, like all academic terms, dialectic conveniently

only has the one definition, which is why absolutely no one will show up in the comments

to "well, actually" me.

dialectic is often deployed as a way of implying objectivity -but, of course, it's just as

subjective as any argument, and the conclusion of a dialectic often tells us a lot about

the author. and the contention around The Aesthetic seems to be the result of a... shall

we say, ill-defined conclusion.

we don't like Justine, we don't like how she treats Tabby, we don't like that Tabby barely

gets to defend herself, and we don't like that the video seems to fail at adequately

criticizing Justine's transphobic, harmful rhetoric.

we want Justine to admit she's wrong, or for Tabby to finally be allowed to smash something...

we want some kind of catharsis and release, but instead, it just ends with them saying

"i guess nobody wins," and we cut to a sex joke.

it is, put charitably, ambiguous in its messaging, which makes us wonder what the author's intended

message was.

a major hangup in this conversation is, are the opinions expressed in this video the opinions

held by the characters, or are they the opinions held by natalie wynn? more specifically, is

the oft-reiterated statement "gender isn't who you are, it's what you do" natalie's personal

conclusion, the socratic truth she's trying to convey?

and this is where that ambiguity really fucks us, because a whole hell of a lot of people

give a shit what natalie has to say, and when we're not really sure what she's saying, we

start jumping to conclusions. for non-passing or nonbinary trans people, maybe this feels

like a revocation of identity from someone they admire; for passing trans people, maybe

this is a confirmation that non-passing and nonbinary trans people hurt the cause; and

for bigoted-ass cisgender people, maybe this is an endorsement of their campaign to spread

their very bad opinions on every image board from here to 4chan.

fittingly enough... nobody wins.

except, i guess, the cis people, because... i mean, they always win, don't they?

now, natalie has spoken about a lot of this stuff before.

these questions have been litigated constantly, sometimes very explicitly, in previous videos,

and she's expressed on twitter some skepticism about the idea that a twenty-something kid

assigned male at birth can just call themselves a woman without "becoming" a woman.

but it seems like this is more a feeling than a hard and fast opinion, and while i don't

share her skepticism, i also don't think she should avoid trying to explore that feeling

in her work.

let's take it as read that The Aesthetic doesn't really succeed as dialectic, and that natalie

herself doesn't provide much clarity on the subject.

so, why don't we take an... admittedly difficult step back from all that, and look at The Aesthetic

not as dialectic, but as art.

first of all, if it's art, we shouldn't even be having this conversation about intentionality

-at least not yet.

the "word-of-god" debate exhausts me because it's almost always the least interesting aspect

of any text.

"but what was the author's intention?" who cares? the author is dead.

let's look at the thing and see what it has to say for itself.

now, obviously the beliefs of the author are relevant, and since we all agree that everything

is political, then art must necessarily reflect the politics of the artist.

but the message intended isn't always the message received -rarely so, in fact.

so let's just set all that aside and look at the text.

so, we start with a new character, Tracy Mounts, who is an homage to Divine, the drag queen

whose performances in several John Waters films natalie has referenced previously.

"kill everyone now, condone first degree murder, advocate cannibalism, eat shit!" "filth are

my politics?" and this isn't even subtle, i mean, like... there's a poster for pink

flamingos right between tabby and justine.

now, i haven't seen pink flamingos, but i know it by its reputation as a vulgar, bizarre,

offensive film that is ultimately a celebration of the freakish (a moral that natalie echoes

in a previous video).

John Waters is known for being an articulate and personable guy who is unapologetic about

the way his art offends the delicate sensibilities of mainstream movie audiences.

in a recent interview, waters said of the subject matter he's drawn to:

"I'm most fascinated by subjects I don't really understand, that there's no easy answer to,

that I'll never understand.

and I'm always drawn to subject matter like that and I like to bring my audience along

with me, to be a little surprised by it and made nervous by it.

i never understood why people say "i like feel good books."

I already feel good!

I don't need a book to make me feel good.

I like to be troubled.

I like to go into a world that troubles me and amazes me, that I can't understand.

and then, after reading a book, think maybe i understand that world a little better."

so, in just the first minute of The Aesthetic, we're already signaled that this isn't going

to be a delicate experience, and that its content is going to be evocative in ways we

probably won't be happy with.

there's a lot in this framework that suggests some of the philosophical problems on the

author's mind.

tracy describes herself as "a lady who used to be a man dressed as a man dressed as a

lady", which is already complicated enough without taking into account that "tracy mounts"

is a character created and played by natalie wynn, thus making her a lady who used to be

a man dressed as a lady who used to be a man dressed as a man dressed as a lady.

identity! what the fuck is it? tracy is here to talk about quote unquote

color praxis, "colors! what the fuck are they?" which we're led into by youtuber Dan Olson

delivering a fifteen second monologue about color schemes.

"analogous color schemes use the main color plus one or more adjacent colors, while complementary

color schemes use any two colors directly opposite on the color wheel."

it happens so fast you might not even realize it happened, and it maybe seems like a nonsequitor.

but it's so specific- we're talking about color schemes in a design, the main highlight

being the difference between an analogous color scheme and a complementary color scheme.

later, we get this particularly telling digression about the shadow illusion- "same wavelengths,

different colors."

to my mind, this is a clarification of how we are to approach these bizarre fragmentary

identities -not as wholly distinct, but as different wavelengths of the same color, as

it were. and this isn't, by itself, a terribly revelatory inclusion -the very nature of natalie's

one-woman-many-characters dialectical style basically makes it impossible for the audience

to forget that these are fragments of natalie wynn.

what is revelatory, i think, is the focus on analogous versus complementary. if we look

at the wide roster of contrapoints characters, who talks to whom isn't just a strategic argumentative

decision, but a stylistic or, if you will, an aesthetic one.

sometimes these dialectics are complementary, and sometimes they are analogous. and it's

notable, i think, that when we are told about the difference between analogous and complementary

color schemes, the image itself is black and white.

just file that thought in the back of your head for now.

tracy poses a question, "what matters more, the way things are, or the way things look?"

before taking us to an "instructional video," IE an episode of The Freedom Report where

Tabby threatens Abigail Cockbane for misgendering her.

this is another short segment that, nominally, sets up the context for justine's criticisms

of tabby later on.

but when asked whether misgendering someone ought to be illegal, abigail has this to say:

"liberation from the oppressive institution of gender begins with freedom of speech."

i want to take a second to just analyze that statement.

abigail's goal is liberation from the oppressive institution of gender, which she insists begins

with freedom of speech.

a freedom she then exercises as a way of delineating and categorizing tabby's gender, and to insist

that pronouns refer exclusively to chromosomal sex -exercises which, undeniably, reinforce

the oppressive institution of gender.

i think abigail absolutely recognizes the logical inconsistency here, and she cares

less about that than... well, this whole speech feels canned, like a rehearsed talking point

she has on the ready for these situations.

the only moment she seems invested in what she's saying is, at the end, when she hands

it off to tabby with a pronounced misgender, and a vicious smile.

this isn't a good-faith argument, this is a trap, and it's one that tabby falls for.

"that's a human rights violation! i'll smash your fucking face."

abigail, instead of being surprised by the outburst or worried for her safety, immediately

launches into another diatribe about transgender ideology being a smoke screen for male violence.

she relishes delivering this speech, because she knows that she's already won the war of


we then cut back to tracy mounts, who says, "gender's just like a color.

some people see yellow, some people see blue.

it's all a matter of opinion.

or is it? it's not."

this is the first real indication of the confrontational in-your-face-ness we ought to expect based

on the John Waters connection, with tracy immediately undermining the suggestion that

gender might be subjective.

now, i could go through the rest of the video at this level of detail, but we're only three

minutes in and i've got shit to do.

so, go watch the video for yourself if you haven't already, and when you come back i'm

going to throw out a few observations that i think are significant.

ya back?

okay. first, let's briefly touch on the mise-en-scene, which is a pretentious college-degree-signalling

way of saying "all the stuff you see with your eyes."

we got the aforementioned pink flamingos poster -notice that divine's gun is aimed at tabby-

above which is a poster of the painted breakdown frames from another contrapoints video, Tiffany


hm, that probably won't come up again.

with tabby there's chairman mao partially covered by what looks like a picture of the

golden one, and with justine there's oscar wilde.

contradictions! satire! mise-en-scene! okay, so the debate begins with justine laying

out the boundaries of the idea that "womanhood" as a socially constructed role is an exclusively

aesthetic phenomena, and that one cannot be a woman if they are not performing womanhood.

she calls it verisimilitude, a term i don't hear much outside of film criticism, so its

use here is, i think, intentionally dehumanizing.

honestly there's a lot that justine says in this video that is... woof. you watched it,

you know.

we get an interesting aside in the middle where justine brings up the debate "between

blaire white and that youtuber with the pink wig... what was her name?"

referring to a livestream natalie appeared on early in her youtube career which marked

a pretty big turning point for her public persona.

justine says that, while natalie may have won logically, for all intents and purposes

she lost the debate because she looked, according to justine, embarrassing and awkward.

as harsh as this is, it's hard not to see her point.

in the 2016 presidential debates, a lot of people -myself included- felt that hillary

clinton wiped the floor with trump, but a whole heck of a lot of people thought otherwise,

and they thought that because trump always looked in control, he just said things instead

of ever defending a position, which is rhetorically suicidal but optically powerful.

after receiving a long series of insults and judgments from justine, tabby starts to stick

up for herself, and we get this exchange: "all your devices just try to turn me into


well, that's not what aesthetics is.

aesthetics is the expression of an inner truth, and i'll only ever be a second rate justine,

but i can be a first rate tabby."

"well kids, this week we learned a valuable lesson about the importance of being yourself."

"shut up!" this eventually devolves into a rapid fire

debate about the practical applications of gender identity that ends with this: "who

do you think benefits, and who do you think gets hurt, when you go out in the world and

represent trans women as masculine and violent?" "who do you think benefits when they trot

you out to be meek and feminine and acquiescent?"

"I guess we can't win, can we?

Wanna just chill out and watch youtube videos?" the supposed youtube video they watch is fascinating,

it's caitlyn jenner threatening ben shapiro, or whoever this dweeb is, repeated at lower

and lower framerates, intercut with right-wing trans woman blair white talking about damage


then we get clips of the hindenburg crash, some bigoted youtube comments, and flashes

of the word "plague."

so, "plague" still puzzles me, and it's kind of the only thing i'm not really sure about

yet? it makes me think of the clip at the end of lindsay ellis's RENT video, of a gay

activist admonishing others in the queer community for their infighting and inability to garner

support in the wider public "Plague!

We're in the middle of a fucking plague!

And you behave like this!"

i don't know if this was intentional, but it fits and it's the best i got.

this montage mirrors the freedom report clip from earlier

"cut that out now" "that's a human rights violation"

"or you'll go home in an ambulance" "i'll smash your fucking face"

we then return to justine and tabby, then we return to tracy, and then it's over.

after the patreon credits, though, we see three things -a chess board, tabby hissing,

and then a kitchen with a bottle of svedka. and now we're getting intertextual.

obviously, all of natalie's videos are in conversation with one another.

in this case, we're led to one of tabby's early appearances, called 'the left,' which

is another dialectic between tabby and justine.

it's very similar to the aesthetic, it even ends on a similar note, with basically the

same joke.

"I think it's stalemate."

"No it's not- my queen is wide open."

"I love you."


i'm also thinking of tiffany tumbles, another video exploring the question of permissible

feminine expression, and this is where some of that color theory seems to come in.

near as i can tell, 'the aesthetic' and 'the left' are analogous -similar shades that meld

together consistently.

meanwhile, 'the aesthetic' and 'tiffany tumbles' are complementary, opposing colors that stand

out from each other, but create a clear image through contrast.

so, how do we bring all of this together?

'the aesthetic' obviously has some harsh subjects on its mind.

as a trans person who's only been out a year, a lot of what justine says i say to myself,

at least on my bad days.

i think that's true for most trans people.

watching this video was painful, frightening, it kind of fed my demons a bit, y'know? but

that's precisely why i like it.

a lot of youtubers, myself included, pick a topic that shows some kind of problem and

then solve it, or anyway pretend to solve it.

'the aesthetic' doesn't do that.

see, when i go through this process of tearing myself down in this way, i never "resolve"

it, there's no catharsis.

i just feel like shit for a while until i forget to feel like shit.

no bones about it, this video is deeply problematic, and it is for that reason we ought to examine

it critically- because it is deliberately showing us a problem, showing us something

harmful, embarrassing, and true about ourselves that we don't like to admit.

"we don't say it out loud, but we all know it, and we all think it."

what does it mean that we feel so uncomfortable witnessing this debate, especially as trans

people? doesn't it kind of shore up justine's argument that other people hold the validity

of your gender in their hands, when we feel our own validity threatened by a youtube video?

but 'the aesthetic' is also reminding us that it does not exist out of context.

i think the "plague" montage is meant to show where this whole charade of disagreement is

heading, a parade of fractured, segmented identities unable to communicate or empathize

with each other "and i feel like, on my end, i'm always damage controlling."

this compounds when we consider the intertextual elements, that we can't take this one conversation

on its own.

neither a self nor a community is built by one road, one dialogue -it's a complex weave

of analogous and complementary elements.

you can't take just one color and expect to get the whole picture.

you need the analogues and the complements, together, to approach a totality of self,

to stave off self-destruction by way of fragmentation.

you need this whole picture because the hungry people on the outside? they don't see the

differences from one color and the next.

all they see is black and white.

the last point i want to make addresses a separate criticism.

some insist that, by not taking a side, natalie has taken the wrong side, and they point to

reddit threads that show cis bigots being validated in all their bigoted nonsense, comments

on the video from disappointed and wounded fans. and like... yeah, you know, that is

an issue.

like i said at the top of this video, that sucks, and i hate it.

as much as i like this video, even with my wildly debatable interpretation, i do think

it could have done just a bit more to reassure natalie's audience.

and i say that specifically because natalie has become a flashpoint of the transgender

community, and she knows it.

no one elected her, she didn't ask for the position, but people hang on her every word

now -kind of myself included.

her dysphoria video is one of the things that helped me come out and start transition.

whether she likes it or not, she has a responsibility to her audience.

but, all that said... aren't we kind of missing the forest for the trees here?

like, yeah, 'the aesthetic' has great potential to do harm, arguably it already has.

some folks have said they wished cis people weren't allowed to watch this video, and yeah,

i kind of agree with that, but we don't live in that world.

and this ammunition we're worried that natalie has given to the bigots... you really think

they wouldn't have found something else, somewhere else, to justify doing or saying the awful

shit they already wanted to? we're focusing so much on the negative impact of this thing,

and yeah, it's real, it's worth talking about, but in stopping there, in stopping at saying

that it's problematic and therefore shouldn't exist, aren't we doing exactly the thing that

justine does to tabby? we're essentially saying that the only permissible expression in the

trans community is that which is optically advantageous.

it has to make trans, nonbinary, questioning, and allied people feel good about themselves,

while simultaneously not feeding the trolls. it's got to be unambiguously self-affirming

of trans people, or unambiguously critical of nontrans people, unless you're critical

of the bad ones that we all agree are bad, like blaire white.

in short: it can't be problematic. and the painful reality of art is, it's all problematic.

there's a bit in an episode of the podcast behind the bastards where host robert evans

talks about the anti-nazi hollywood films that were accidentally pro-nazi.

"when we think of nazi propaganda, we think of triumph of the will.

when germans thought of effective nazi propaganda they thought of gary fucking cooper.

the nazis also loved mr smith goes to washington.

they looked at it and saw, well, here's a movie about how shitty democracy is, and one

guy with a vision has to come in and fix this corrupt town.

a lot of it is not even that there's direct collaboration going on, it's just that the

way movies work as entertainment really wound up reinforcing nazi beliefs."

"is the matrix a fascist film?"

"kinda, right?

a little bit." "if you want to view it that way..."

"if the matrix had come out in 1936, I think the germans would have loved it."

i think about this a lot when critical debates turn towards the question of what messages

the wrong audience will take from something.

lindsay ellis actually has an excellent video about this, link in the description, and the

fact is, barring some truly inspired bit of mel brooksian satire, it is impossible to

avoid giving ammunition to the people who want to hurt you.

every time you open your mouth, put pen to paper, every time you walk out your door,

you are making mistakes, you are contradicting yourself, you are undermining the causes you

claim to care about in ways microscopic and macroscopic in turns.

and yeah, you can mitigate the damage by being aware of it, and i think natalie is still

figuring out how to do that.

just two years ago she was mumbling over grainy camcorder footage; now, she's one of the very

few youtubers making something that approaches "youtube art," art that could only exist on

youtube. and she's doing it as a trans woman who is still very early in her transition!

it's fine to be critical, but we have to be willing to give someone the benefit of the

doubt because when all we can focus on is the harms produced by a work, we inherently

devalue the good.

we devalue the right and desire of a transgender artist to depict her own pain in a way that

isn't safe or kind or helpful or easy to digest. we might as well be insisting that what you

want to say is less important than what we want the world to hear. and look, you don't

have to like The Aesthetic, or any of Natalie's work, or any work at all.

you don't have to like how it affects your friends, or how it gives ammunition to your


but we ought to at least recognize that the endeavor itself is justified and valid, and

that the text is still worth rigorous examination.

wow, thank you for watching this video that is longer than the video it's talking about.

i wasn't gonna do all my normal shilling at the end of this one, but at this rate there's

no way the video that was supposed to come out in september is going to come out in time,

so i'm just going to take this opportunity to shout out the september names.

special thanks to: austin mccauley, amy mims, richard daly, and anarcho duck.

these are my ten dollar a month patrons over at for as little as a dollar

a month you get access to, among many other things, a thirty minute video essay! in case

you haven't read enough of my stupid words.

i also have a podcast, the trans questioning podcast, where i talk about being transgender.

recently i had youtuber may leitz of nyx fears, and that was a fun little conversation, you

should go check it out.

links to all the music and sources and everything else in the description, and that's all the


thank you for watching, good bye.

For more infomation >> Nobody Wins: Contrapoints, The Aesthetic, and Negative Representation - Duration: 28:05.


For more infomation >> Nobody Wins: Contrapoints, The Aesthetic, and Negative Representation - Duration: 28:05.


Troopers Set Drivers on the Right Track - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Troopers Set Drivers on the Right Track - Duration: 1:40.


For more infomation >> Troopers Set Drivers on the Right Track - Duration: 1:40.







4N1K Prva ljubav - 11.epizoda - Bariše odlazi - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 4N1K Prva ljubav - 11.epizoda - Bariše odlazi - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> 4N1K Prva ljubav - 11.epizoda - Bariše odlazi - Duration: 2:47.


Crazyiest candy stores

For more infomation >> Crazyiest candy stores


Kick-Ass, BEST Fight !! / " I'm HIT GIRL" - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Kick-Ass, BEST Fight !! / " I'm HIT GIRL" - Duration: 5:59.


AND BACK, AGAIN. ⁄⁄ CatCreature - Duration: 16:51.

-i love marshmallow.

-i forgot the flavor


chocolate sea salt,

and then mine also had vanilla

we're off to Panther Beach.

gonna have some fun tonight .

-it's steep

*laughs* i think they're fine..

people come in flip-flops

*laughs nervously*


-i love big dogs so much.

-itchy boy!!!




i sorry

*annoying him*

you're comfortable like this>>


on mom's calculatrice?

I'm currently sorting out last-minute things.

..I dare you.

I dare you

it's so cute!

it's so cute

i like it so much!

thank you baby, thank you

thank you!



get it! get it quick!

see you in europe!

hello babe!

hello babe



helll yeah!!

is that the breed of your dog?

yeah , jack russell,

yeah so cute, i remember your dog.

just finished!

I can't believe it-that's two hours.

easy peasy lemon squeezy

-with a couple mistakes.

-yeah with a couple mistakes

okay, goodnight!

-see you later

it's kind of chilly out, so,

I can just run and keep myself warm

all the way home.

-does it look better?


this guy is so cheap,

a little bit of his deodorant melted and got into the lid,

in the car so now he

has to scrape everything out

trying not to be wasteful

I might not even need to melt it

my goodness

my mom's gonna laugh at you.

no she's gonna be praising me

she's gonna be like 'ah! saving money'

same with my dad.

auntie, is this good~?


I look pretty rough-

it doesn't matter because I'm gonna go exercise.

I got up at around 5:10 this morning and it's

been a while since I've worked out maybe like nine days and that is way too long for me I like to do at least every

other day or every day,

so I'm here at the brown gym,

it's been like a year since I've actually been here

I'm just gonna work out and so I'm tired I guess

and I'm gonna go back, hopefully before 8:00

when I went to Spain I really enjoyed the tapas where it comes in a pan with potatoes,

broken eggs ontop, and meat

and there's so many varieties but I couldn't find the name of it,

even though I searched the restaurant menus I went to so if anybody knows please let me

know in the comments so I can actually find the proper recipe but I was just

trying to recreate it which is very very loosely what it is..

and since we don't have any more meat I'm just gonna put in some toast inside


this one can only hold like a sandwich or a wrap so today I'm just gonna use my

big lunch bag

remember how I got this silicone wrap from Europe?

it works really well and I also use it for prairie's can, so it's nice

I'm heading out now I did my laundry right before,

and everything came out so I folded some

of them but I'm gonna actually take my time to put them away tonight.

bye prairie, sorry for the mess,

I will see you for dinner ...

she's ignoring me

oooh noo

o no o no



this one's having a nap on the rug

and we are having lunch before I go to class

this afternoon

we've got a soup and chicken and cucumber,

a lot of Chinese

things lately.

I didn't sleep well last night,

we walked down to get coffee

with our cups-

we split one though

-i feel like you have a hard time finishing that much liquid

yeah I have a hard time drinking a lot but

that's why I enjoy espresso products more because

they come much smaller

unlike the coffee's that are like twice the size

checkin out them squash~



I just got out of class,

totally forgot I didn't do my brows today which it doesn't matter but

later on I'm gonna go and see friends so I might just draw that on later

but I received two packages- I went to the mail room-

and one of them is from beautycounter and I totally forgot and it turned out

to be a kit full of skincare products;

clear pore cleanser, a toner, gel cream

acne treatment, and spot treatment

the second thing is a textbook I'm kind of

excited about this class honestly so a really big heavy expensive book

that I'm about to read for homework tonight

maybe...or he got a little bit of poo in his water he drank the water

-i can see that

goodbye, jacket

it has been a good

seven years

for those who are curious my depop is cat creature, where I post a lot of the

clothes that I don't wear a lot and I'm intending to sell,

I'm always in a slow process of cycling out my closet,

and a lot of these things I've had for over six to eight years,

and we finally come to the end of our journey together it's time for it to have a new

owner, somebody who can treat it like new and just adore it because it just gets

old after a while

we made a stop at McDonald's... just because

I really really craved a sundae.

I just really like this- except they always skimp out on the peanuts now

-oh do they?

yeah like no one really gives it to me except once in New York

and I thought that they just discontinued it

I'm just talking way too long about a sundae but

we also got french fries because it's free fries


free fries Friday,

I use the mobile app because-

-they have really good deals on there

*why am i talking about this*

after what seems like forever, we finally got everything that we needed especially

the table-

the table top just confused us so much- there's another couple back there

doing the exact same thing as us

yeah we walked back and forth and back and forth and

the one that we needed was a very end of the aisle, we never walk that far -i know

it's hot.


do I smell?

i think i'll start setting the table.

-oh -it's supposed to be fork on the right

how come we have knives? what is the knife for?


*slicing his pasta*

-it's an awful lot easier to eat this way

-but you know that's the bane of my existence

-yeah -cutting noodles

Prairie doesn't even mind that I put a magazine on her

I'm working with a ton of magazine sheets right now because we're gonna configure some color schemes

are you a cat sandwich?

tonight we cooked some *hong shao rou*

finally this big Chinese market opened

so now we're getting all of these vegetables that's not available at

Stop & Shop and other American markets so we're just making a lot of Chinese food

all the time and I really like it it reminds me of home and now I don't want

to eat out as much just because I'm not really creating anything like

Thai or ramen.. but of course you know Chili's is gonna come sooner or later.



I planned on doing a lot today..

as I'm sure we all do

Prairie was napping this whole time

and she came down and played for a while and she went back-

just ignore the laundry that I am going to fold-

well *ugh*

im so sore because I worked out yesterday

so just moving around


do that so you can see me.


Tyler just texted me, he's going to Petco because I ordered something and he's gonna go pick it up

it's for Prairie

I like to read slowly and take in-depth notes..

so as I was doing that I... not only was annotating the book I was also

writing notes and it was just really really interesting and I just don't want to forget any of this

so.. yeah, uh..

big picture- I kind of ruined the rest of my plans

because I'm not really sure how I'm gonna fit in...

going to the computer lab and doing all of those

tasks... and I wanted to do a presentation...

at least prepare, and then...


rework my pattern so I'll-

I'll just do that throughout the night today.

I'm so tempted to watch some vlogs..


do you like it?

it's a little more unstable than I thought.

like I didn't know the bottom is round.

Tyler just picked me up and made me lunch


there's really not much else to say except I feel like I'm..

bad at vlogging right now because I'm so focused by

um..focused by ?

-I'm so focused on

the schoolwork that's stressing me out, but then I also want to make sure that I have good footage, and i jus


I have to whiten teeth- look how yellow they are

hi... thank you for waiting

are you hungry ?

are you ready for food you waited so patiently.



we've burnt a scented candle just because I-

I don't know, something smells odd around this room ?

couldn't really put my finger on it so what a nice atmosphere to go to bed with

-a citrus candle,

and tomorrow is going to be a full day, we have Church in the morning and then just

you know the usual work in the afternoon and then

our week starts all over again so

I hope that you enjoyed this vlog thank you for spending time with us here

and bearing with us

wish you the best for the coming week take care of yourself

talk soon, sending you our love -bye!



For more infomation >> AND BACK, AGAIN. ⁄⁄ CatCreature - Duration: 16:51.


Chelsea news: Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp hails Maurizio Sarri ahead of double-header - Duration: 3:32.

 Liverpool play Chelsea twice this week, the first meeting of the pair is on Wednesday in the Carabao Cup at Anfield, before the reds travel to London in the league

 Whilst both are unbeaten in the Premier League, Liverpool have a perfect record of seven wins from seven games

 Klopp has gone on the charm offensive, however, and has praised the work of his opposite number, who has only seen his Chelsea side drop points once in the league, in a 0-0 draw at West Ham

 "It's the biggest change I ever saw in such a short space of time - wow. The style is completely different

What a manager he is," said Klopp. "I'm pretty much a supporter of his since I saw him at Naples

Outstanding football, and now doing it after a very interrupted pre-season. "Starting the season and you see immediately the impact

He has all my respect. It's really good to watch. "People were always talking about Manchester City being clear, and completely forgot about Chelsea

This team is really experienced." It is widespread praise. Gianfranco Zola thought he knew all there was to know about football – until he met the fanatical Sarri

 Former Chelsea legend Zola returned to the club after 15 years away this summer to join Sarri as his No 2

 And he has been bowled over by Sarri's attention to detail and devotion to the job

 Zola said: "Maurizio opened a big world in front of me. I thought I knew a lot about football

I was wrong. "It's been great as an experience. I'm enjoying the person, and also his staff

We're working very well together. "This club is very different to when I left in 2003

It has evolved and won a lot. I am here with Maurizio to help the club develop even more

 "I have seen very few coaches that when they work, who are so detailed and work so much

With Maurizio it is in everything he does. It is about paying attention to everything you do

The players when they go onto the pitch know everything they have to do. "It is a lot of work - not only him, but everyone in his coaching staff works a lot

We don't want to leave anything to coincidence - for me it has been an experience


For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp hails Maurizio Sarri ahead of double-header - Duration: 3:32.


Weatherby Sub MOA .308 Bolt Action - This is Rifle Country S1 Ep4 - Duration: 5:34.




























































































































































































For more infomation >> Weatherby Sub MOA .308 Bolt Action - This is Rifle Country S1 Ep4 - Duration: 5:34.


Greater Binghamton Fund projects approved - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Greater Binghamton Fund projects approved - Duration: 2:26.


How to Start a Coaching Business - Duration: 3:48.


I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk to you about

how do you actually start a coaching business?

If you're out there and you're in a job and you want to change up to a coach or you

have been wanting to coach or have been doing a little bit of it, I want to talk to you

today about actually starting a real coaching business.

Firstly, you need to do a course.

You need to go and learn how to coach because a lot of coaches start a business and they

have this talkfest with their client every week and think that they are adding value

when in fact there is a real system or structure around coaching sessions.

I do a three-day workshop here on the Gold Coast called Grow Your Coaching Business and

you may want to look at that or someone else to help you start becoming a coach and do

a course where there's an accreditation where you are recognised around your coaching


Secondly, set your niche.

Who are you going to talk to?

Who are they going to be?

Are they going to be business people or are they going to be women?

Are they going to be men?

Are they going to be old?

Are they going to be young?

Are they going to be in your area or across the world?

Set up your niche so you know who you're talking to.

Then design your coaching system.

How often are you going to meet with them?

What are you going to talk about in those coaching sessions?

What are you going to do between the coaching sessions?

What are you going to offer them?

You need to set up your individual coaching system.

The next point is, promote yourself as a coach, particularly if you're changing careers.

And you may have even been doing it for a little while but some people still don't

see you as a coach.

What they do is, they still see you as the plumber, the hairdresser, the bookkeeper,

whatever you were doing previously, they may still see you as that.

Make sure that you're getting out to people and let them know that you're now a coach.

And the last point today is practice, practice, practice!

Make sure that you are practicing.

What I teach is a Discovery Session, how you get that information from your coaching clients

so you can best serve them during the coaching time together, the relationship that you have


Practice how you promote yourself, who you are now as a coach.

Practice, practice, practice.

Don't underestimate the importance of doing that.

So there are my tips today on how to start a coaching business.

One, go and do a course.

Two, set your niche.

Who you want to be talking to?

Who do you want to be working with?

Thirdly, design your coaching system.

Four, promote yourself out as a coach and lastly, practice, practice, practice!

If you want to do a course on coaching, I'd love you to join me here on the Gold Coast.

I do a three-day, hands-on workshop called Grow Your Coaching Business.

If you are wanting to start out or you're already coaching, I show you everything you

need to know and at the end of the three days, you are accredited as an SMJ Coach and you

can go straight out and take high-paying clients to grow your business.

I'm Sharon Jurd.

If you think this video is of value to your family, friends or colleagues, please share

my video out because I want to help as many people as I can and I need your help to do


I'm Sharon Jurd and we'll talk very soon.

For more infomation >> How to Start a Coaching Business - Duration: 3:48.


Meghan reveals she's excited about Royal Tour- and hints at what they'll do next - Duration: 3:47.

  Meghan Markle has a very busy month ahead of her, and the new Duchess of Sussex will embark on her very first royal tour

  She will join Prince Harry on a 16-day trip to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga , including a visit to Sydney for the 2018 Invictus Games

 It will be a huge test for Meghan, as the couple will have a packed schedule of official engagements, celebrations and events - not to mention all the travelling inbetween

 Speaking as part of ITV's new royal documentary Queen of the World, Meghan revealed she's very excited about the upcoming tour

 And she also hinted they're keen to more travelling.  She was reunited with her wedding dress for the show, which showcases the Queen's role as head of the Commonwealth

 When looking at her silk veil, which is embroidered with wild flowers from each of the Commonwealth's 53 countries, she focuses on the Australia section

 She says: "We've going to Australia so soon for our tour, so, exciting."  She later adds: "It's such an exciting time for us, especially with Harry's role as Youth Ambassador for the Commonwealth and the travel that we intend to do to do work specifically in all those different territories

 "53 countries, my goodness, it will keep us busy."  During the piece she also explains why she wanted to include the flowers in her design

 She said:"No specific flower repeats itself. I know that was part of how they had put everything together

 "I hope that when people come they can find their flower for their country.  "Because we have Australia, India, there are so many different beautiful features

 "I think also with Harry's role as Youth Ambassador for the Commonweath it was so important for us to have the spirit of inclusively in our wedding

 "I stuck in a couple of flowers that were important to me as well, personally. There is a California poppy in there which has nothing to do with the Commonwealth but it's where I'm from

 "It's ours. It really feels like it's important to us." Meghan and Harry's itinerary Tuesday 16th October: Sydney, Australia Wednesday 17th October: Dubbo, Australia Thursday 18th October: Melbourne, Australia Friday 19th October: Sydney, Australia Saturday 20th October: Sydney, Australia Sunday 21st October: Sydney, Australia Monday 22nd October: Fraser Island, Australia Tuesday 23rd October: Suva, Fiji Wednesday 24th October: Suva, Fiji Thursday 25th October: Nadi, Fiji and Nuku'alofa, Tonga Friday 26th October: Nuku'alofa, Tonga and Sydney, Australia Saturday 27th October: Sydney, Australia Sunday 28th October: Wellington, New Zealand Monday 29th October: Wellington and Abel Tasman, New Zealand Tuesday 30th October: Auckland, New Zealand Wednesday 31st October: Rotorua, New Zealand   Queen of the World is available on the ITV Hub

For more infomation >> Meghan reveals she's excited about Royal Tour- and hints at what they'll do next - Duration: 3:47.


[ESP|ENG SUB] Dosis Medicinal del Kalanchoe "Hoja Milagrosa"|CharismaticCook - Duration: 19:26.

How are you? This is Charismatic Cook

Today we are here with a special guest because we are going to talk about the Kalanchoes.

She is here but not by herself. I also have her baby and another dog.

She is here because I want to tell you that many studies have shown that the Kalanchoe is toxic to your pets

So if you have pets at home, be very careful to keep your pets away from the plants so they don't eat them.

I have this little boy, who is the son of chocolate that literally everything is food.

It is just a suggestion, but be very careful to be sure that your pets do not eat your plants

Today we are going to talk about dosage or how much plant can be used according to internet sources and personal experience

There are several ways of taking the Kalanchoe. You can take it in pills, infusion (tea) extract/drops in a tinture, or eating it.

This plant is helpful for the following: Phobias, asthma, cancer, diabetes, kidney stones, high blood pressure,

Arthritis, Cholera, Tuberculosis, ulcers, scabs and scars, impetigo,

Gastric reflux and it helps with schizophrenia and depression,

fear and anxiety as well

It also assists your immune system

I made another video and I explained how the Kalanchoe inhibited the growth of cancer and I invite you to watch it if you have not seen it

It also helps with aging and the wrinkles in the skin - this is what is shown in the studies and I invite you to take advantage of this plant.

This plant is known by many names, ...... I will tell you a few, it may be known by another name in your country..

You can find and purchase Kalanchoe in a local nursery

I would recommend that before you purchase online that you check your local retailer and look for it in the succulent section

I was able to find all but a couple locally. Look for them. Hopefully, you find the medicinal plants.

I purchased the Kalanchoe Pinnata online because I was unable to find it locally.

The dosage-- Let's start with how much you can start with directly. Here is my leaf.

Before starting the video I weighed this leaf, I used the scale, can you see it?

If you have this scale, you can weigh it..

and you can see how much you can take

if you have it, there are a lot of people who do not have a scale

and it may be difficult to find it..

because there are no large department stores that sell them

If you are from a small town like me. Then it may be hard to find it

But, if you find one- weigh it

I weighed this leaf, the whole leaf, before we began, and this is mother of thousands, Aranto

I weighed it and it weighed 23 grams

How much to take? Like this a live leaf-

Searching the internet and basing the information on studies and what we take here at home

It is from 20-25 grams

Obviously, if you take 26 grams or a little more - nothing is going to happen to you

In the studies is states that in order for you to you to have a toxic reaction you need to exceed this by four to 10 times or 100 to 250 grams a day

This is an amount that is considered by the literature and studies to be safe

I know that there are people that will say that they take much more than the recommended dosage with no ill effects.

Yes, maybe you are right. But remember, everyone is different

Maybe your illness is not the same as mine.

20-25 is ideal from the studies and has not been identified as being not effective

Here in our humble home we take 20-25 daily with no negative effects

This is the quantity that we use at home

But like I say, if you can't weigh the plant exactly,

25-20 grams

You can eat it in a salad or as a juice

You can divide it in three parts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

and as a preference, try to eat it before every meal because your system is waiting and your gastric juices are waiting for nourishment and they eat it right up and it goes into your blood stream

and with these studies, she cleans and protects your blood.

So remember, three times a day before every meal

If you want to learn how to make the Green Juice my family drinks, let me know!

My daughters don't like the taste so much, so we add It in the green juices.

If you want to learn how I do them, comment down below!

I also eat it in my salads!

You can also eat it by tearing off a piece and eating it raw

You can eat it this way as well.

That's my portion for the evening

This also has an acid, that helps relax the body

It won't make you pass out or anything, so don't worry

This wonderful plant calms your nerves.

If you're someone who has anxiety or restlessness..

Then try a little piece of this plant! That way you can sleep

People who have problems with acid reflux will benefit by consuming the leaves.

The plant will make you feel better internally and heal any necessary issues

There's people across the world who may not have the ability to obtain a scale like this..

There's several places that just can't find scales because of where they live

You just have to look closely!

In the countries that don't have accurate measuring devices,

What they do is.. They grab the leaf

Remember I told you how much it weighed earlier in the video

Imagine it still has the piece I bit off earlier

The people who do not have money, for example..

You can grab 2 credit cards

approximately this size

Or just another similar size card!

Usually cards like this are relatively the same size

Align your cards like this, and measure your leaf

remember that I took a bite of the leaf already

More or less, it's about 23 grams.

This is what they do in many countries..

And I am saying that these are large leaves.

These leaves will grow large too..

But a lot of people from other countries do not have the means of acquiring a scale

Use this system to estimate the weight of their leaves for consumption.

These Kalanchoes help with ulcers

and for depression and as I said, if you are an anxious person,

or if you can't sleep, it my help you a lot

Another important issue now is allergies and allergic reactions

It could be an allergy to peanut butter or something similar.

People say " I don't eat that"!

In my case- I am allergic to nuts. I get a reaction, like a rash and even though they taste so good- I can't eat them

They saw that in this plant it reduced the degree of reaction and in some cases eliminated it

A lot of people in India were dying from allergies and this plant helped the people who were effected by allergies and the number of deaths was reduced.

In Brazil, there were people who had lung infections. What they did was to take the plant twice a day in infusions. In the morning and in the night.

This helped them with these lung infections. It took time but it did help.

To drink by infusion you get a cup and place the leave in small pieces inside

and then pour hot water inside

after that remember not to boil the leaf and never to do so

find a plate or another item that can act as a lid to seal the cup

The reason why you seal it this way is to not let the components escape

You will leave it like this for a while for around 10 to 15 minutes

or the amount of time it takes for the water to become lukewarm and then you can drink it

I personally do not prefer the infusion method

because I think you can agree with me that it is better to consume raw as is, live to live, the enzymes and compounds in their natural form


Tintures, Leaves and the stem

many of you guys must be asking yourselves,"What is that?"

The Tintures are prepared mix made from the leaf in alcohol

You place many leaves in a jar that isn't transparent that light won't pass through

Stems and leaves

and after you have put in many leaves and pour in the alcohol and other ingredients in

then you must cover it with


and you store it away in a dry and dark place and make sure it doesn't get any light

after this process wait a few weeks and after you pull out the jar

You strain it

and what remains is your tinture and of course you have to add a few other components as well

at this point you will already have your tinture

and the method of consumption for these tintures is by droplets

Depending on the strength it will vary usually will be 5 drops 3 times a day

I found where you can buy these tintures online as you recall I had mentioned before

The tintures are sold

In Alabama,


in Hawaii too and there are others in other countries however these are the ones that I saw

I found that Mexico also sold them as well however they don't export them or they just don't export to the U.S

I don't know if there is another place where they are exported please let me know

I also investigated the prices

and I am talking about tintures that are in small jars

the starting prices are $25 for a 2 oz bottle

shipping not included so altogether I think you would end up spending 30 or so dollars

and here we are talking about ounces not about large amounts

The reason why I was so surprised was because that they also sell by the gallon like a milk jug

they sell two there is a special deal right now

two for $900 dollars

and if we include the shipping and tax we are talking about almost a thousand dollars

for two gallons of tinture


I went Woah!

I'm going to tell you that you can do it yourself at home

You only need a little patience because they are going to grow and look at this Mother of Thousands plant

It has so many babies!

if you look into the pot you will see even more

How many plants will come out from this one?

So many!

This plant too will grow and have many seedlings

so you can make your own tintures or you can pay a thousand dollars

If you want me to

to make a video dedicated to making tintures then we can!

Step by step

I also found facial creams

these companies that are selling these creams say

that these creams works wonders for the skin

and for people that have very dry skin on their faces


They also happen to be very expensive.

They are selling very small bottles like this very small tubes- 40 ml

and expensive

I personally

I make my own creams using only a leaf and an oil I use coconut

and since I really like my creams to have a nice fragrance

I think all girls like our smells to have a nice smell

I personally like my creams to have a citrus smell to it

in particular lemon and orange

and because of that I have essential oils that smell of lemon and orange that I also add in

What I recommend to you if you choose to buy Coconut oil or your essential oils

investigate use the best quality ingredients because remember you will be putting it on your face

when it comes to your body or skin remember to use the best!

because this isn't at all expensive and you have one leaf

You prepare it and I add two types of essential oils because it smells very good

You put it on and it smells like lemon and after that it smells like oranges

and so it smells very delicious

Also if you want me to do a video where I cover creams I can also make one

and this is the cream that I use as a night and day cream and I see that people use different creams according to the time of day but I just use this one cream

One more thing

When you buy anything tintures, creams or whatever you are going to buy please make sure it comes 100% natural

I was looking at several sites on the internet

and sometimes they will have added components and chemicals that I can't even read and if you are buying something so expensive you deserve to know what is in it

A while ago I broke my leg and I had a few screws placed in my leg and was wearing a boot

I had the boot removed and the doctor told me to walk without the boot and I didn't want to but did so anyway

and he told me that my body could sustain my weight by myself

The kalanchoe is not any different from the boot I was using when I broke my leg that helped me walk

The Kalanchoe shouldn't be eaten for a long time the recommended usage is three weeks and rest for 7-10 days

When I was operated on and had to eventually walk on my own is a process that you body must also follow to be strong

The chemo is somewhat similar they give it to you for a certain amount of time and then they stop and your body must do the rest

Why? The reason for that is to become stronger and see it as your body having 3 or 4 soldiers by you helping you walk

so you can fight!

so if you have these soldiers here then you too need to put in much effort as well

and that is what the plants are like your own little soldiers so your body can recover and then you can rest from it so your body and learn to be without it

This is the information that is from India I know that I said Brazil before but well there are more countries with information

This was the investigation results that was in India concerning the Pinnata Plant

If you have more information regarding this plant and want to share do so!

This portal is open so everyone can participate and so that you can leave your opinion!

This is Charismatic Cook and thank you so much for being with me today! I love you guys and Good day and good night and see you later! Bye Bye! Thank you!

For more infomation >> [ESP|ENG SUB] Dosis Medicinal del Kalanchoe "Hoja Milagrosa"|CharismaticCook - Duration: 19:26.


76 West Clean Energy Competition award winners announced - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 76 West Clean Energy Competition award winners announced - Duration: 1:34.


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For more infomation >> Online Video Maker. The Fastest Online Video Creator of 2018 - Duration: 4:46.


Is The World Becoming Crazier and Crazier? - Duration: 8:56.


The thing is,

when I first saw the car,

I thought there was nothing wrong with it,

and then I saw the driver,

nothing wrong with him too.

Makes me wonder...

Makes me wonder what

kind of person does such a thing?

What's the nature of a human being like this?

And if it does such a thing,

what else can he do?

So it was a regular day and I had to go away for to do something,

so I decided to grab an Uber,

and so I called the car in the app,

waited, and

when the car arrived I noticed


There was nothing abnormal or strange with the car. I said, okay, no problem.

I entered in the car, said "hey" to the driver,

nothing wrong with the guy too.

It seemed like a regular

drive to my destination.

And so I started to talk with the driver about life and stuff,

and we passed in front of a big mall

we have here in the city. And this mall is not just big, it is the big deal.

You have all kind of really expensive

stores inside. Like for example, if you want to you can pay five thousand dollars

for a purse

on that mall. So yeah, it's really... You can buy a Rolex and an Omega. So we were

passing in front of this mall,

and the driver said: you know what, one day

a passenger call me from here. So I accepted the trip,

and when the guy entered into my car, I noticed something wrong, the driver said.

And as he continued to drive for this guy,

the guy eventually said: and you know what?

Your car



What kind of observation is that?

The driver kind without knowing what to do said: Oh,

ok I guess, I'm sorry. And the passenger continued to push: man,

your car is terrible. Then,

I'm going to my neighborhood and people will see me, the passenger said,

getting out of this crappy car? Man, this is terrible! I cannot accept this.

And he continued, he continued, and the driver, you know, trying to be polite, I guess, trying to...


finish the goddamn trip, right?

The passenger didn't stop. And eventually the passenger said:

Man, you know what?

You suck. The driver got enough. He stopped the car and said:

Get out.

Get out of my car. And the guy had no other option but to leave.

What was this story, you know, as I said

I found nothing wrong with the guys car,

there was nothing wrong with the guy who was, you know, just a guy driving.

What kind of person does this?

To call an Uber and here is the thing,

he called the cheapest one. If he was so rich, and then we can start to think,


Well, he didn't have his own car.

Maybe it was in a garage fixing something.

Ok, then why he didn't ask for the Uber black,

which is the most expensive one?

He would get a really, I guess, good-looking car,

and he could go to his neighborhood without people

being ashamed on kind of absurd is that, right?

The driver telling me this story made me wonder like...

Who are those people? Because I don't think this is like one specimen only,

I think there are a lot of other people like this guy.

What are those people? I don't know, it bugs me, in a way, to...

Okay, we can say

that they are suffering for whatever reason because, I don't know, their lives are empty, and

they have to

compensate something up

being rich or pretending to being rich.

I guess in the guy's case is pretending, because again, why he didn't order an Uber black?

But, you know, just because one is suffering, and we all have problems, right?

Huh, my life's not perfect,

your life's not perfect. But still, this is not

excuse to

go outside and be a

barbarian, you know, stomping people in the face.

Makes no sense, right? We need to try to, I don't know, to be polite

and to have some kind of empathy

to the other. For me there was nothing wrong with the car, if I


had this impression of "wow this car sucks",

I would never tell the guy,

you know, he probably don't have money to buy a better one. So

why would I just spit on his face?

For what purpose? To what purpose?

He wouldn't change his car because I just said. So I think this passenger was

in the end of the day just

mean, just being mean for no reason.

Again, maybe he has his problems, he's frustrated.

But it's not an excuse to be...

to be rude with other people.

But again, I don't know, makes me wonder what kind of jungle will live in, you know?

You can go outside and no clews what kind of person...

Thinking right now, I don't think I ever experienced this kind of free rudeness

in my life. Like of course people rude sometimes, but this kind of rudeness in this

magnitude, I don't think I ever experienced.

Have you? If you have write in the comments. I think

there's one more thing we can wonder about

this situation,

the passenger himself,

what else he could do?

Because we can say that okay, in a way, the whole situation is not a big huge deal,

but a person that does this kind of rudeness

for no reason at all,

where does, you know, this person will stop? Something to wonder.

We cannot know, right? We don't have a crystal ball

to see the future and to see the guy, I have never seen the guy, right?

But we can wonder

what other

situations he could be

a little step further and being more rude,

and one step further, and one step, and one step.

This is something to think about it.

And, yeah,

kinda crazy, huh?

Hope you enjoyed this episode,

I'm having some ideas to change some things to

shake things a little bit.

But yeah, in time I think you will see.

If you like this video, and if you want to see new content every week, please subscribe,

share, like, comment if you have ever experienced some kind of

crazy situation like the driver or what you think about this situation. I got a little,

you know?

This is not right.

Yeah. Hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

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