do you love doors but are a bit fed up frankly
of wooden doors and iron doors and
even opening piston doors and you want
something that looks just a little bit
more Star Wars a little bit more
futuristic and a little bit more funky
well I have showed you today how to make
a laser door I kid you not a laser door
that you can go through when it is open
and can't go through when it's closed
don't go anywhere i'm going to show you
how to do it now
good morning good afternoon good evening
and good night depending what time
you're watching this next tutorial from
me Avomance and today yeah I kid you
not I am making a laser door in
Minecraft it is a laser door in
Minecraft and it is operated really
really simply it's got not a lot of
redstone is actually so simple and I'm
going to show you how to do it step by
step and you don't have to even have it
blue lasers you can have it red lasers
you can have it green lasers whatever
color you fancy you can make it that
color it's absolutely brilliant couldnt be
more simple do not go anywhere we are
going to show you how to do this step by
step but remember before you do that if
you do enjoy this channel I would love
for you to hit that little red button
that subscribe button is calling you
make sure you bash that button for me
and join my sub Club it would be great
to see you on that list and also if you
enjoyed the video make sure you hit the
like button I don't know you've liked it
unless you hit the like button it would be
lovely see if we can get 150 likes on
this video that would be absolutely
awesome so if you can help me do that
let's get on with the build first thing
you want to do is make a platform now
this platform coming right out of pretty
much any material you want it needs to
be a non-transparent block so as it can
hold a redstone signal a redstone
signals can pass through it, Quartz, bricks, dirt...
you know anything like that you can
use to create this particular building
needs to be seven blocks by seven blocks
and bear in mind that you're going to
create the rest of your structure
probably using these blocks including
the gate bit make sure it's a block that
you really want to use now this build is
survival friendly but you can see we've
got some expensive resources on here so
it's going to take a while to gather what
you want but it is survival friendly, you
could make this in survival we're going
to create across the middle of this
particular seven by seven platform a row
of diamond blocks yes I said it I said
it out loud diamond blocks, so its 3 by 7
and then in the middle of these blocks
we're going to put a row of beacons. Yep...
another expensive item, beacons. We
miss the first one and go two three
four five six and that creates a really
lovely kind of light shot out there you
go got there eventually shot out exactly
like that. Now on top of these beacons
you might want to put some colored glass
if you want it as blue, leave it is blue
Have it however you want
Its quite cool in blue but i'm going to try
purple and i'm going to put on the top
of me remember you've got to crouch to
do it i'm going to put purple you see it
makes just for a nice color I just like
it this particular one. Red looks awesome
green looks awesome any real color looks
awesome it just becomes really cool for
a laser door so that is what you want so
far next step is to create a pillar very
nearly on the corner so not on the
corner there's a one next to the corner
4 high and then on this side of the
pillar get yourself (ooo I'm covered in laser) get
yourself a sticky piston and stick it so as that
it's facing you this way and come along
with a 4 more sticky piston so all
four of you are facing yourself exactly
like that then get yourself another
block of choice and run it along with
the back of that and then similarly run
it along the front of that too
We are then going to put a row of redstone across
here so three four five and you can see
they're all that's done when these
sticky pistons activate they're going to push
that block and it's going to block off
that laser. It's really simple mechanism
and I'm just demonstrating that's going
to work if I stick a block there and I
get my redstone torch and stick it there
it's blocks off that laser and eventually
when the leg catches up like you did
there the lasers turn off and then when
that red stone comes away again the
lasers are going to come back on again
exactly like that apologize with a
little bit of lag that it did right
there. So now we have to get the glass
exactly where it is we want it to be
because I'm just put this glass on here
to demonstrate what the color change
would be like so all you need to get
glass so is one row above your Pistons
exactly like that that fantastic so that
has exactly the same color change as it
did before because it's doing exactly
the same thing then we want to get a
gate and we're going to get a gate and
face it so place it along the top of the
glass exactly like that and the reason
for that is it actually is going to make it
impossible so we have to walk through
the gate when it's closed and possible
to let it kind of let you through when
its open it's really dead clever and
then we want to get ourselves a bit of
gray carpet I'm going to stick that
gray car fit on top instead I've got to
again on top there and same on each and
every one of those gate so that creates
a nice kind of platform that you're
going to be walking through when this
gate is open. The next stage is to get
a row of block the other side of the
piston so come along here the best way
I've found to do it stop messing about
is to create yourself a block straight
through then go one two three four five
on top of these we want to be putting a
redstone torch on every one two three
four and five and then we're going to
come down in kind of a step underneath
here exactly like that and get rid of
that one there and we're going to have a
platform that is 2 wide so that's one
and that is 2, and into these blocks
pointing inwards we are going to put a
redstone repeater on each and every one
of them so you can see the arrows are
pointing to the block that's really
really important on all five of them and
then get ourselves some redstone and
we're going to connect that's not red
stone... that's redstone! We're going to
connect it up exactly like that so you
can see that kind of that part of the
redstone circuit is connected to these
but it's not yet connected to anything
else and the next thing we're going to
do is we need to put a block underneath
the carpet so come out to one side and
then come along exactly like that there
you go and on the other side again you
want a block to come up one get rid of
that one just like that so that now is
very nicely platformed, in fact lets
make this 2 wide, come around this side
make that 2 wide and we've got a
platform there but at the moment the
gates are open that's going to let us
walk through, so thats not particularly a
good gate but it will become a much
better gate in a moment. So we now have
to add in the Redstone to start to
connect that side with that side and
also some way of turning it on and off
around this side here, so we're going to go
all the way up to there and when you're
level with the lasers come out 1 and
then we're going to staircase ourselves
up so you've got like a steppy up bit
there then another two
and lose the middle one because we want
to create a bit of a gap get more
redstone and bring this redstone all the
way along to there, so that is now
connected up really very nicely and on
this side we want to get a redstone
torch which is right there and stick the
redstone torch on the side of that block
exactly like that so that's kind of got
that half of the circuitry all connected
up well I'm actually going to do now is
just to make it a little bit tidier
I guess for want of a better word we're
going to come along and we are going to
create our doorway if you like so we're
going to come sideways one like that I'm
going to go one two three four. Now,
whether you know this or not, you have to
have, with a beacon, it has to be able to
sing the sky so if I was to do that all
it's going to do is block off the beacon
that's what the Pistons are doing
they're blocking off the beacon so we
can't actually block that beacon off. It's
a bit of a shame because it would be
much nicer if it was encased but
actually it doesn't matter too much it's
still going to look pretty cool when it is a
laser door, how awesome is that! But if we
get some white stained glass what that
can do is that can then stop it looking
so obvious when it comes out of the top and
that is now "unstained", back to the way
it should be, the way it was normally,
and you can build your building whatever
it is you can add around it and always
going to have is some pillars going up to
the sky but if you make building big
enough it doesn't really matter.
Now we're just going to connect up this
redstone here. Dead simple... get a block
there a block there, a block on top of that
get rid of that one and a block right
there get our redstone dust, stick one
there one there... bang... that turns all of
those torches off as a result turn all
these repeaters on and that makes it
impossible for us to be able to walk
through this laser door... no I wont let me
through, wont let me through however if I
then get a lever... where's my lever...
haven't pulled one out yet I didn't get
a lever
stick it on there and flip the lever we
should find that turns off and we can
walk through it very fine thank you very
much just flick the lever, wait for the
lag and on it comes again... I do late lag!
but on a faster server you'll find that
that works really really well!
So there you go, that is the laser door all that that
gives us now to do is to tidy up a
little bit. The one challenge you've got
with it original build is that it's only
accessible from one side and once you're
inside you can't turn it back on again
or you can't turn it off when you're
inside if it's already on, so what you
can do is you can move this along one
space so it's in line with the wall and
you can just extend this kind of
stepping up here and move everything
along one and then you can access it
from this side, like that, very simple... and
then you can turn it back on again when
you come out of it as well so that's
maybe another and very different way to
do it so you've got accessibility from
both sides. So imagine you're walking
through the corridor of some castle or
some dungeon or some futuristic
spaceship even, and you're trying to
find a way out... and you turn the corner
and you see this and what are you going
to do? You can't get a through! Oh no, it's a
disaster I'm completely trapped and I've
got all kinds of nasties about to chase
after me... (I mean there's not, obviously
there's no nasties, this is just a
tutorial), but there could be loads of nasties
trying to get after me I can't go
through i can't go through him ok what
do i do what i do oh i know i'll flip
that switch there and the gate goes and
just so the Nasties can't come
after me I'll flip it again and it
closes again and I could just so haha
nasties you can't chase me through this
awesome laser door. So there you have it
it is a pretty simple but amazing laser
door that is controlled with actually
not very complicated redstone underneath
it all. This doesn't have to be up in the
air it could be on the ground and you
just dig down the red stone underneath
yourself it's really very simple
remember you can make these coloured
doors anything you want. You can make
them red you can make them green you
could do whatever you like and it's
really brilliant and now you're a
redstone master because you've watched
my redstone 101 tutorial the basic
absolute basics of redstone which there
should be a link somewhere in the screen
right now if
is not definitely link in the
description below go and take a look at
that if you want to get the basics of
redstone be great to see you in those
comments too. If you like this video
please do remember to hit the like
button I do not know you've liked it
unless you hit the like button it tells
me that you're enjoying the videos and
lets me know that you want me to make
more also if you're not already, make
sure you hit that subscribe button. It would
be really great to see you in my sub
Club and I look forward to seeing you in
another video. You take it easy now... byeeeeee
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