- Just when you thought that you were alone.
The concept of alien life has been
heavily debated for hundreds of years.
Are we alone in the universe?
Is there other intelligent life out there?
Well, as it turns out, there are multiple
significant pieces of evidence pointing to yes.
These are 10 pieces of evidence that aliens exist.
Number one is the Drake Equation.
One of the most compelling arguments
that alien life exists is the Drake Equation.
In 1961, renowned astronomer and astrophysicist
Frank Drake developed this equation in order to estimate
just how likely it is that we aren't alone in the universe.
The formula considers a bunch of different factors,
like how many stars have solar systems,
the number of planets that could support life,
how long these planets live,
and how much of that life could be intelligent.
The equation was tested in 2001 using our own galaxy,
the Milky Way, and the results were pretty impressive.
There are 160 billion planets just in the Milky Way galaxy,
and the study found that statistically speaking,
hundreds of thousands of them could support life,
meaning that intelligent alien life
is mathematically highly probable
and will probably be much closer than we think.
Number two is Project Sign.
Project Sign was an official study
under the United States Air Force to investigate UFOs.
The study ran from 1948 to 1949,
but it was kept secret for years.
The investigations undertaken by the project were intended
to debunk speculation that UFOs were extraterrestrial,
but of the nearly 13,000 sightings that were studied,
701 of them couldn't be chalked up
to weird weather or human made objects.
In the end, the government had to classify them
as unidentified.
The final report, titled The Estimate of the Situation,
was supposedly written by the project's director,
Robert Schneider,
and supported the extraterrestrial hypothesis
even though higher ups rejected it.
It wasn't until 1956 that its existence was revealed
in retired Air Force captain, Edward J. Ruppelt's memoir,
and in 1961, its findings were finally declassified.
Project Grudge, Project Blue Book,
and all studies supposedly ended by 1970.
Number three are crop circles.
Reports of these mysterious markings
date all the way back to the 1500s
and have become a cultural phenomenon.
Some reports suggest that nearly 80% of crop circles
can be considered manmade, but that still leaves a good 20%
whose origins cannot be explained.
They tend to appear in fields of corn or wheat
where the crop stalks are long enough to be bent.
Farmers have reported that they appeared in the middle
of the night and seemed to be created within minutes
even though they never heard or saw a thing.
Theorists believe that alien could be responsible
and that the markings are a form of communication
or imprints left from UFO landings.
A major reason for this is the precision
with which the crops are bent into elaborate designs
without damaging or breaking the stalks,
suggesting the precision at which this is accomplished
may be beyond human ability.
Number four is Area 51.
The CIA didn't officially acknowledge the existence
of Area 51 until August of 2013.
Located in the Nevada desert,
the base was likely built during World War II
as an air field and used in the 1960s during the Cold War.
We now know that many state of the art fighter jets
and drones were designed and built there,
but many believe that the base is actually
an elaborate cover for UFO and alien research.
The extremely classified nature of Area 51
makes it an ideal place to study alien technology
and to store crashed UFOs.
In 2010, ufologist Scott Waring was able to use Google Maps
to spot a UFO resembling the Millennium Falcon
partially hidden in a massive hangar on the base.
Suspiciously, once he made his findings public
and gave directions on how to find the images,
they disappeared and the coordinates stopped working.
Today, there are still signs all around Area 51
warning against trespassing, even threatening lethal force.
Number five are the Nazca Lines.
The Nazca Lines in southern Peru were created
by the Nazca people between 500 BC and 400 AD
and are made up of thousands of lines
forming 300 geo glyphs.
They spread over an area of 386 square miles
and consist of massive designs and motifs of various figures
like fish, birds, and monkeys and are up to 1,050 feet long.
The most famous of the Nazca Lines
are known as the astronaut,
a humanoid figure with a giant head and eyes.
In 1994, the area was designated as
an official Unesco World Heritage Site,
but no one really knows why the lines were made.
Given their huge size and scale,
most researchers believe that they were meant to be viewed
and possibly even designed from the sky.
It's very possible that the geo glyphs
could only have been formed from instructions
from a flying object, especially considering
the mountainous terrain where the lines were made.
Number six is life on Mars.
Colonizing Mars has been a dream of those
who look up at the stars ever since
we first landed on the moon, but soon,
people started to consider what else might be possible.
Much has been invested in studying and exploring Mars
because it's the closest planet to Earth
with a similar environment.
We've known for a while that there used to be water on Mars,
which means that microorganisms
could have been there the whole time,
but it was only recently discovered
that roughly 4.5 billion years ago,
one fifth of the planet was covered in a massive ocean.
This is 200 million years longer than scientists thought,
giving life plenty of time to develop,
which could still be hidden deep in the red planet's soil.
And it's not much of a stretch
to think of Martian life as a recent occurrence.
To put it into perspective,
life on Earth was just developing
while there were still lakes on Mars.
Clearly, there was much that has happened before us.
Number seen is men in black.
For decades, there have been reports
of real life men in black turning up after UFO sightings
and scaring witnesses into keeping quiet.
There are reports of men who always travel in twos
who are cold, expressionless, and perhaps even sinister.
On May 15th, 2009, surveillance video caught
two suspected MIB entering the lobby
of a hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada.
The men claimed to be government agents
and spent over half an hour questioning
members of the hotel staff who had reported
seeing a UFO seven months earlier.
It seems crazy that a movie about CIA agents
investigating aliens could be based on reality,
but there are many conspiracy theories
that there are branches of the government
unknown to the public.
The men were described as being practically identical,
same height, wearing matching black hats and suits
with no eyebrows and totally bald.
Number eight is life not as we know it.
It's assumed that for living organisms to develop,
they would need the same environmental conditions
as we have on earth, primarily oxygen,
water, and lots of time to grow.
But as sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov theorized,
when we discover alien life,
it might not actually be as we know it.
This perspective inspired researchers at Cornell University
to reimagine the ways life could form on another planet
and they didn't have to look far for evidence.
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the only other place
in our solar system that has lakes on its surface,
but these lakes aren't water, they're liquid methane.
It's a cold harsh environment,
but methane has a much lower freezing point than water,
which would give life more time to develop.
These theoretical organisms would be
methane-based and oxygen free.
The Cornell team are still researching,
but they believe that it's the first concrete blueprint
for life not as we know it.
Number nine is the Walton Abduction.
One of the most well-known and documented
alien abductions happened to lumber worker,
Travis Walton, on November 5th, 1975.
Around 6:10 PM, just after finishing up work
in the New Mexico National Forest job that he had,
Walton was riding in a truck with six of his co-workers
when they saw a large saucer-shaped aircraft
hovering in the trees.
The UFO was less than 112 feet away when Walton decided
to get out of his truck for a closer look.
As he approached, a beam of light shot out of the sky
and he disappeared.
Police were skeptical of his coworkers claims
and thought that they were covering up his murder,
but five days later, Walton reappeared around midnight,
walking around the highway totally disoriented.
He thought he'd only been gone for a few hours
but he reported remembering being on the table
in a hospital-like room with three hairless creatures
that were performing experiments on him.
And number 10 is the Chiles-Whitted UFO Encounter.
At 2:45 AM on July 24th, 1948,
World War II veterans turned commercial pilots,
Clarence Chiles and John Whitted,
were flying over Alabama when they saw
a red glowing object above and ahead of them.
Within seconds, the UFO flew past them at a high speed
before pulling up and disappearing into thin air.
The maneuver was impossible for any known aircrafts
to perform, especially of that size.
Chiles and Whitted reported that this thing was massive,
claiming that it was tube-shaped
without wings, nearly 115 feet long,
and three times the circumference of their B-29 Bomber.
It also had two rows of brightly lit windows
and flames bursting out of the backend as it accelerated.
Project Sign carried out a huge top secret investigation,
but they were never able to identify the UFO
as any known plane, jet, or military-grade flying object,
as it was officially classified as an alien aircraft.
I guess you never really know what you're looking at
when you look into the sky.
But thank you guys so much for watching this,
and if you enjoyed it, remember to hit that like button
and subscribe if you have not yet.
I'll have a brand new video for you tomorrow
at 12 west coast time, 3 eastern standard time,
so make sure you come by then.
Have a great day.
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