Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2017

- Just when you thought that you were alone.

The concept of alien life has been

heavily debated for hundreds of years.

Are we alone in the universe?

Is there other intelligent life out there?

Well, as it turns out, there are multiple

significant pieces of evidence pointing to yes.

These are 10 pieces of evidence that aliens exist.

Number one is the Drake Equation.

One of the most compelling arguments

that alien life exists is the Drake Equation.

In 1961, renowned astronomer and astrophysicist

Frank Drake developed this equation in order to estimate

just how likely it is that we aren't alone in the universe.

The formula considers a bunch of different factors,

like how many stars have solar systems,

the number of planets that could support life,

how long these planets live,

and how much of that life could be intelligent.

The equation was tested in 2001 using our own galaxy,

the Milky Way, and the results were pretty impressive.

There are 160 billion planets just in the Milky Way galaxy,

and the study found that statistically speaking,

hundreds of thousands of them could support life,

meaning that intelligent alien life

is mathematically highly probable

and will probably be much closer than we think.

Number two is Project Sign.

Project Sign was an official study

under the United States Air Force to investigate UFOs.

The study ran from 1948 to 1949,

but it was kept secret for years.

The investigations undertaken by the project were intended

to debunk speculation that UFOs were extraterrestrial,

but of the nearly 13,000 sightings that were studied,

701 of them couldn't be chalked up

to weird weather or human made objects.

In the end, the government had to classify them

as unidentified.

The final report, titled The Estimate of the Situation,

was supposedly written by the project's director,

Robert Schneider,

and supported the extraterrestrial hypothesis

even though higher ups rejected it.

It wasn't until 1956 that its existence was revealed

in retired Air Force captain, Edward J. Ruppelt's memoir,

and in 1961, its findings were finally declassified.

Project Grudge, Project Blue Book,

and all studies supposedly ended by 1970.

Number three are crop circles.

Reports of these mysterious markings

date all the way back to the 1500s

and have become a cultural phenomenon.

Some reports suggest that nearly 80% of crop circles

can be considered manmade, but that still leaves a good 20%

whose origins cannot be explained.

They tend to appear in fields of corn or wheat

where the crop stalks are long enough to be bent.

Farmers have reported that they appeared in the middle

of the night and seemed to be created within minutes

even though they never heard or saw a thing.

Theorists believe that alien could be responsible

and that the markings are a form of communication

or imprints left from UFO landings.

A major reason for this is the precision

with which the crops are bent into elaborate designs

without damaging or breaking the stalks,

suggesting the precision at which this is accomplished

may be beyond human ability.

Number four is Area 51.

The CIA didn't officially acknowledge the existence

of Area 51 until August of 2013.

Located in the Nevada desert,

the base was likely built during World War II

as an air field and used in the 1960s during the Cold War.

We now know that many state of the art fighter jets

and drones were designed and built there,

but many believe that the base is actually

an elaborate cover for UFO and alien research.

The extremely classified nature of Area 51

makes it an ideal place to study alien technology

and to store crashed UFOs.

In 2010, ufologist Scott Waring was able to use Google Maps

to spot a UFO resembling the Millennium Falcon

partially hidden in a massive hangar on the base.

Suspiciously, once he made his findings public

and gave directions on how to find the images,

they disappeared and the coordinates stopped working.

Today, there are still signs all around Area 51

warning against trespassing, even threatening lethal force.

Number five are the Nazca Lines.

The Nazca Lines in southern Peru were created

by the Nazca people between 500 BC and 400 AD

and are made up of thousands of lines

forming 300 geo glyphs.

They spread over an area of 386 square miles

and consist of massive designs and motifs of various figures

like fish, birds, and monkeys and are up to 1,050 feet long.

The most famous of the Nazca Lines

are known as the astronaut,

a humanoid figure with a giant head and eyes.

In 1994, the area was designated as

an official Unesco World Heritage Site,

but no one really knows why the lines were made.

Given their huge size and scale,

most researchers believe that they were meant to be viewed

and possibly even designed from the sky.

It's very possible that the geo glyphs

could only have been formed from instructions

from a flying object, especially considering

the mountainous terrain where the lines were made.

Number six is life on Mars.

Colonizing Mars has been a dream of those

who look up at the stars ever since

we first landed on the moon, but soon,

people started to consider what else might be possible.

Much has been invested in studying and exploring Mars

because it's the closest planet to Earth

with a similar environment.

We've known for a while that there used to be water on Mars,

which means that microorganisms

could have been there the whole time,

but it was only recently discovered

that roughly 4.5 billion years ago,

one fifth of the planet was covered in a massive ocean.

This is 200 million years longer than scientists thought,

giving life plenty of time to develop,

which could still be hidden deep in the red planet's soil.

And it's not much of a stretch

to think of Martian life as a recent occurrence.

To put it into perspective,

life on Earth was just developing

while there were still lakes on Mars.

Clearly, there was much that has happened before us.

Number seen is men in black.

For decades, there have been reports

of real life men in black turning up after UFO sightings

and scaring witnesses into keeping quiet.

There are reports of men who always travel in twos

who are cold, expressionless, and perhaps even sinister.

On May 15th, 2009, surveillance video caught

two suspected MIB entering the lobby

of a hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada.

The men claimed to be government agents

and spent over half an hour questioning

members of the hotel staff who had reported

seeing a UFO seven months earlier.

It seems crazy that a movie about CIA agents

investigating aliens could be based on reality,

but there are many conspiracy theories

that there are branches of the government

unknown to the public.

The men were described as being practically identical,

same height, wearing matching black hats and suits

with no eyebrows and totally bald.

Number eight is life not as we know it.

It's assumed that for living organisms to develop,

they would need the same environmental conditions

as we have on earth, primarily oxygen,

water, and lots of time to grow.

But as sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov theorized,

when we discover alien life,

it might not actually be as we know it.

This perspective inspired researchers at Cornell University

to reimagine the ways life could form on another planet

and they didn't have to look far for evidence.

Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the only other place

in our solar system that has lakes on its surface,

but these lakes aren't water, they're liquid methane.

It's a cold harsh environment,

but methane has a much lower freezing point than water,

which would give life more time to develop.

These theoretical organisms would be

methane-based and oxygen free.

The Cornell team are still researching,

but they believe that it's the first concrete blueprint

for life not as we know it.

Number nine is the Walton Abduction.

One of the most well-known and documented

alien abductions happened to lumber worker,

Travis Walton, on November 5th, 1975.

Around 6:10 PM, just after finishing up work

in the New Mexico National Forest job that he had,

Walton was riding in a truck with six of his co-workers

when they saw a large saucer-shaped aircraft

hovering in the trees.

The UFO was less than 112 feet away when Walton decided

to get out of his truck for a closer look.

As he approached, a beam of light shot out of the sky

and he disappeared.

Police were skeptical of his coworkers claims

and thought that they were covering up his murder,

but five days later, Walton reappeared around midnight,

walking around the highway totally disoriented.

He thought he'd only been gone for a few hours

but he reported remembering being on the table

in a hospital-like room with three hairless creatures

that were performing experiments on him.

And number 10 is the Chiles-Whitted UFO Encounter.

At 2:45 AM on July 24th, 1948,

World War II veterans turned commercial pilots,

Clarence Chiles and John Whitted,

were flying over Alabama when they saw

a red glowing object above and ahead of them.

Within seconds, the UFO flew past them at a high speed

before pulling up and disappearing into thin air.

The maneuver was impossible for any known aircrafts

to perform, especially of that size.

Chiles and Whitted reported that this thing was massive,

claiming that it was tube-shaped

without wings, nearly 115 feet long,

and three times the circumference of their B-29 Bomber.

It also had two rows of brightly lit windows

and flames bursting out of the backend as it accelerated.

Project Sign carried out a huge top secret investigation,

but they were never able to identify the UFO

as any known plane, jet, or military-grade flying object,

as it was officially classified as an alien aircraft.

I guess you never really know what you're looking at

when you look into the sky.

But thank you guys so much for watching this,

and if you enjoyed it, remember to hit that like button

and subscribe if you have not yet.

I'll have a brand new video for you tomorrow

at 12 west coast time, 3 eastern standard time,

so make sure you come by then.

Have a great day.

For more infomation >> 10 Pieces of Evidence That Aliens Exist! - Duration: 11:26.


Evermore (From Beauty & the Beast)- Disney Cover | Daniel Coz - Duration: 3:57.

Beauty and the Beast

Evermore- Daniel Coz

I was the one who had it all I was the master of my fate

I was the master of my fate

I never needed anybody in my life I learned the truth too late

I'll never shake away the pain

I close my eyes but she's still there

I let her steal into my melancholy heart It's more than I can bear

Now I know she'll never leave me Even as she runs away

She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me Move me, come what may

Wasting in my lonely tower Waiting by an open door

I'll fool myself she'll walk right in

And be with me for evermore

I rage against the trials of love

I curse the fading of the light

Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach

She's never out of sight

Now I know she'll never leave me Even as she fades from view

She will still inspire me, be a part of Everything I do

Wasting in my lonely tower Waiting by an open door

I'll fool myself she'll walk right in

And as the long, long nights begin

I'll think of all that might have been

Waiting here for evermore!

Thank you so much for watching my cover of Evermore from Beauty and the Beast.

This has probably become one of my favorite songs to sing.

And I really love the way this video turned out, and I hope you guys did too!

If you did like it be sure to give this video a thumbs up and if you are new around here

click that subscribe button for new videos.

I wanna say a big thank you to Anthony for helping me shoot this video.

All of his links are down in the description bellow.

And if you wanna watch any of my other Disney videos you can go ahead and click the card

in the right hand side or just right on the screen right there.

But thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys all next time.


For more infomation >> Evermore (From Beauty & the Beast)- Disney Cover | Daniel Coz - Duration: 3:57.


How Well Do You Know Your Own Hand? - Duration: 4:34.

There's an illusion that's become a kind of pet experiment that's used all over the world

by psychologists who like spooking people.

Here's how it goes:

You sit at a table and hide one hand behind a divider,

with a blanket draped over your shoulder.

There's a fake hand on the table, and the experimenter arranges it so the fake hand's wrist

looks like it's connected to you.

Then, you watch the fake hand as the experimenter strokes both your hidden, real hand

and the fake hand in exactly the same way.

After a few seconds, you start to get the sense that

the fake hand is actually your own.

That's when the experimenter grabs a hammer and whacks the fake hand with it,

which makes you recoil in panic.

And yeah, it's kind of mean, but this illusion has actually turned out to be super useful.

It's helping programmers create better virtual realities,

and it's also being used in medical treatments.

The trick is called the rubber hand illusion, and it was first published by a group of researchers back in 1998,

when they discovered that if your real hand is hidden, you can convince your brain

to adopt a fake hand as your own.

And there's a good reason why your brain just misplaces a part of your body

you've known and loved your entire life.

It has to do with multisensory integration: when your brain takes information from all

of your senses and puts it together to create one cohesive picture of the world.

Usually, your brain can do this really well, and your perceptions are pretty accurate.

Sometimes, though, the process can go wrong, because your brain trusts certain kinds of

sensory input more than others when it's building that big picture.

In this case, it gives more weight to what you're seeing with your eyes

and feeling with your skin.

So you see the fake hand in the spot where your real hand should be, looking like ...

... well, a hand, and you feel touches that match what you see happening to the fake hand.

Your brain trusts that more than your proprioception—

the sense telling you where your hand actually is in space.

So it just corrects your proprioception to match what it thinks

is the most accurate version of what's happening.

That's why you feel like the fake hand is yours, even though you know it's not real,

and you react to the hammer.

But the rubber hand illusion is useful for more than just scaring people.

Researchers can also use it to make virtual reality, or VR, seem more realistic.

In a 2010 study, for example, computer scientists from University College London tested whether

the rubber hand illusion would make it seem more like you'd actually stepped into a simulated world.

They had 20 university students use VR headsets and controllers to experience different simulations.

Then, the researchers monitored their reactions to the simulations using both questionnaires

and what's known as galvanic skin response,

which measures the intensity of your emotional responses based on how much you're sweating.

They found that when the simulation included virtual arms

that were in danger of being injured, the players' alertness spiked.

They were bracing their own bodies for impact, as if they were actually about to be hurt.

But they didn't tend to brace themselves that way when the simulation just had

plain arrows instead of virtual arms.

Since this was a small study, there's still a whole lot we don't know about

how the rubber hand illusion applies to virtual reality,

but the experiment been replicated by other researchers since then, with similar results.

Studies like this could pave the way for new techniques and hardware for more realistic simulations—

and that would be useful for more than just awesome video games.

Realistic, immersive simulations might also help people in physical therapy,

since you can have patients try exercises in ways that would be impossible in the real world—

if you set up a simulation with less gravity, for example.

And a version of the rubber hand illusion is already being used in another kind of therapy,

called mirror box therapy.

It's used to treat phantom limb pain, where people feel pain from a limb that's been removed,

as though it's still a part of their body.

Phantom limb pain is especially hard to treat, because ... there's nothing there.

Mirror box therapy uses a box with a mirror on it, set up to reflect the patient's remaining

limb in a way that makes it look like the missing limb is actually there.

As the patient looks at the reflection, they do stretches and exercises with their remaining limb.

Their brain reads what they're seeing in the mirror as the missing limb moving, stretching,

and generally being healthy, and turns off the painful alarm bells.

Dozens of studies have tested mirror box therapy, and they've found that it does work.

So the rubber hand illusion may be a weird cognitive flaw.

But by exploiting it, we can create some amazing virtual worlds—

and hopefully help people with rehabilitation and pain, too.

Thanks for watching this episode of Scishow Psych, and thanks especially to our patrons

on Patreon for making this show possible.

If you want to support this show, just go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> How Well Do You Know Your Own Hand? - Duration: 4:34.


Trump Threatens To Hold Subsidies For The Poor Hostage Until Dems Repeal Obamacare - Duration: 4:26.

In an interview that was published in the Wall Street Journal this week Donald Trump

laid out a pretty disgusting plan to get Democrats to come on board with whatever kind of healthcare

reform the Republican Party and Donald Trump try to accomplish.

Here is basically what Donald Trump has laid out.

First, we actually have to go back to the Obama administration.

When Obamacare was set up it allowed the federal governments to make payments to insurance

companies on behalf of low income Americans so that these insurance companies would be

willing to participate in the insurance pools and allow low income people to buy affordable

plans because the government was subsidizing the rest of the money to the insurance companies.

Now Republicans sued Obama to try to end this, it was unsuccessful, but now that Donald Trump's

president, now that he is controlling those particular purse strings, what he's saying

is that … an idea he's toying around with is maybe we can't make those payments anymore,

at least not until Democrats start calling me to negotiate.

Donald Trump is in effect holding the lives of low income Americans hostage so that Democrats

will be willing to strip those people of their healthcare insurance.

Donald Trump understands that if he does this people aren't going to blame him, or at

least this is what he thinks, they're not going to blame him.

They're going to blame those nasty little congressional Democrats who didn't want

to negotiate with terrorists, because that's what Donald Trump is acting like right now.

If you take the lives of low income people in the United States, people who need those

government subsidies and you hold that hostage because you want Democrats to play along with

whatever disgusting plan you have, that is essentially political terrorism, and that's

what Donald Trump is engaging in or at least proposing at this point.

You cannot do that.

He is playing politics with the lives of people in this country.

Now, we have seen some disgusting things from politicians for decades, centuries really,

but this has hit a new low with Donald Trump.

Willing to hold subsidies for the needy hostage just so the Democrats will be more susceptible,

I guess, to sign on to whatever horrible piece of legislation the Republicans come up with.

He's exploiting the Democratic Party's fear that the less fortunate won't be taken

care of, and he's using that to essentially strip more rights away from low income people.

This is a story that unfortunately is not getting very much coverage right now.

Nobody's talking about the fact that Donald Trump literally laid out this plan in the

Wall Street Journal, New York magazine has picked it up.

But are they going to talk about this on MSNBC or CNN or God forbid Fox?


They're not going to tell you about Donald Trump's disgusting way of doing business.

I can promise you, if we went back and looked at some of the business deals that Donald

Trump made during his time as a businessman this is his him MO.

This is what he does.

He says I am going to screw everybody over until I get my way.

He is a spoiled bratty child.

Unfortunately he happens to be a child that's more powerful than anyone else in the world

right now, and this has to change.

We cannot leave this psychopath in charge of the United States.

He is playing with the lives of people in this country.

Holding them hostage just so he can have at least one legislative accomplishment before

somebody comes up with enough evidence to impeach him.

That's what he's doing now.

For more infomation >> Trump Threatens To Hold Subsidies For The Poor Hostage Until Dems Repeal Obamacare - Duration: 4:26.



A little too much if I just kind of.....


What's up world?

Welcome back to the channel.

Right now we are at our home in

Los Angeles, California.

But April 17th is

Malbec World Day, so we've partnered

with Alamos Wines to bring a taste

of Argentina back home.

Last year we went to the source of

Malbec in Mendoza, Argentina, but

this year we're going to celebrate by

cooking an Argentinian barbecue known

as an asado, which goes

perfectly with Malbec wine.

We've got our buddy Juan all the way

from Argentina who's going to show us

how to make the perfect Asado.

First things first, we've got to get some meat.

We're at a Cut Above Butchery

in Santa Monica, and we're going to

our best to replicate the cuts you would

get in Argentina, here in the States.

What we're getting is flank.

We call it "vacio" in Argentina.

That's a cut that has a little bit of fat

in there, but it's super flavorful.

The fat will help the juices help

cook the meat, and that's going to

make it really rich and flavorful.

We're also getting skirt steak,

what we call "entrana", and then we're

getting chorizo and blood sausage,

which we call "morcilla.".

In general, in Argentina they eat tons

of meat and get a pound per person.

But here, we're going to go with maybe

half a pound per person.

We have a dozen to 15 people coming

today, so we're probably going to get

about 10 pounds in total

between all the different cuts.

All in all, we have over 11 pounds of meat.

It's going to be a good day.

It's going to be a really good day.

Thank you so much. Enjoy

Let's do it.

All right guys, we've just returned from

the stores. We have our wine, a

bottle of Alamos Malbec.

We got a bunch of meat.

Now we need to build the barbecue. In

Argentina they call barbecues "parillas."

We have a couple of bricks,

and we're going to do a DYI barbecue

in our front yard.

In Argentina, you can find parillas everywhere.

Every respectable Argentine will have

one in their house.

Here we don't have such big barbecues.

We went to the hardware store;

we got two dozen bricks and then some

of these replacement grills,

which were only fifteen bucks.

It's basically a three-sided rectangle

or a horse shoe shape.

We've got 12 bricks on the bottom.

They're spaced out for ventilation.

Then there's a wall and you just

put the grills right on top, using one

brick in the middle to hold it up.

The key to a parilla is the heat, and for

that, we're moving on to charcoal.

The fire is lit, so I think that officially

means one thing:

I think we can crack open some wine right now.

Honestly, just getting the scent

of the fire and getting a glass of wine

in hand is really bringing back memories

of last year when we went down to Mendoza

A bit of back round..last year

we went to the Valle Uco, which is a

valley in Mendoza, Argentina,

right up against the Andes where they

grow Malbec wine, and it's one

of the best places where it grows.

That's where this wine comes from,

and we were lucky last year because

we got to experience gaucho culture,

which is like Argentinian cowboys who

used to herd cattle. It's that tradition

of herding cattle that created this

asado culture.

That's where I had my first asado.

My first asado was in the Andes

with real wood and great wine

and Argentine meat.

We're going to do our best today

to imitate....honestly...the fact that

we're getting friends together,

drinking wine, eating good food,

it's definitely making me happy for

Sunday. Oh yeah. Boom

The point is to make this something

you guys can do back home.

And the important elements of an asado

are friends, wine, and good food.

We have the wine; we have the meat.

The friends are on the way.

Let's get cooking.

Usually when we do flank sticking to

the grill, we want to start with the part

of the fat. This will protect

the cut from the fire and make sure

it's still juicy.

And also it will give it flavor.

The fat of the meat is actually good

in this case.

What we're going to do is to start with

three minutes on each side;

we're going to go with a really strong fire,

and then we're going to go with a low fire

and just let it cook for about 40 minutes

on each side. Forty?? A little bit less.

That's the main difference between

a barbecue and an Argentine asado.

Americans would say, " Forty minutes?

No way."

Want a Malbec, anyone?

Right here. I 'll take some.

One of the best things about an asado

is that when you have people who are

grill masters, they basically say,

"Get out of the kitchen!"

which means all the rest of us can hang

out, drink wine, and chill.

Cheers guys. Salud


While our friends are over here chillin',

what a lot of the people who are watching

the grill do is drink a "mate` "

Mate` is an Argentinian green tea.

It's not quite a tea; it's very different.

It has a very specific ritual around it.

This is the mate`. That's the tea.

The straw is called the "bombilla."

Now we're going to pour some water

before we put the bombilla, the straw.

And now we stir the straw.

A really important thing is that once

the straw is stirred, you don't move it.

It remains there. In Argentina families

have gotten into fights

because someone moved the straw.

This is a bitter tea.

It's not everyone's cup of tea.

It's really good if you like it.

It's an acquired taste and goes really

good with a dessert we have over here

called "alfajores."

We're going to put some chimichurri

on top of the skirt steak.

It's going to give it lots of flavor.

It looks good.

I think we are good.

The good thing about being the one

that grills is that you get to try first.

Ummm. It's ready to go.

Want some? Yes, please.

Perfect. The reason this is so good with

any grilled meat is that it's really bold.

It's got dark plumbs, cherries,

blueberry flavor,

and it cuts through the fat.

It makes it perfect with any barbecue.

I shouldn't talk with my mouth full,

but it's just too good.

Time to serve it up, pour another glass

of wine and have some dinner.

All right, guys.....

the meat is ready; we're going to serve it

sit down and enjoy the rest of the evening

with a glass of wine. Big thanks

to Alamos for making this possible,

and hopefully this video inspired you

to try your own asado at home.

Big thanks to Juan for being the

grill master today. If you want to take

a trip to Mendoza, Argentina, click this

link to watch the video we shot last year.

And in the meantime, remember:

stay curious, keep exploring,

and we'll see you guys on the road.


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE AN ARGENTINIAN ASADO | DIY BBQ - Duration: 8:56.


Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 4x18 Sneak Peek "No Regrets" (HD) Season 4 Episode 18 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:09.

How do you know what you believe is true?

How do you know it's not the other way around,

that you're not the one waking up to reality?

Because it's not possible.

Where is your proof?

I don't need proof.

This can't be real.


Because the man I love

would never execute someone in cold blood.

Fitz would never do that.

He did.

Ms. Simmons.

I know you've been through a lot.

We all have.

But what we do here matters,

and you can never convince me otherwise.


What do you think?

Delusional? PTSD?

I don't know.

There might be a grain of truth

to her story.

Find out what that is.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 4x18 Sneak Peek "No Regrets" (HD) Season 4 Episode 18 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:09.


Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC Elegance Navi Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC Elegance Navi Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 1:03.


Top 10 Arms Exporting Countries - Duration: 4:49.

The world is becoming more militarized.

President Donald Trump has requested a ten percent boost in defense spending, China will

have nearly doubled its military expenditures by the end of the decade, and — with the

impetuous Trump occupying the White House — conflict zones from the Korean Peninsula

to Syria seem more likely to descend into open warfare than they did under the vigilant

command of President Barack Obama.

So let's take some time to review where the pieces on the board — the

weapons systems in this geopolitical game of chess — are coming from.

These are the top ten countries that export the most arms according to the authority on

this topic, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Before we begin, a few important points: the data does not include spending on support

services for these increasingly high-tech systems, which is now the dominant aspect

of military spending; companies — some state-owned — are the primary providers of these weapons;

and we're using the average of the five most recent years to give the rankings more


Israel's arms industry is ranked tenth.

Its exports surged above $1.2B for 2016, three times what it was just two years earlier.

Part of this is increased sales to India, Israel's biggest customer.

Israel's Aerospace Industries just finalized a deal worth $2B to provide India air and missile

defense systems.

Ninth is Ukraine.

Naval vessels were its primary military export until a contract with the Chinese dried up

in 2015.

Despite its ongoing conflict with Russia, Ukraine continues to sell it more and more


Aside from Thailand, the Indians and Vietnamese are also regular customers.

Italy, the world's eighth-leading arms exporter, does regular business with the United Arab


Leonardo S.p.A.

— Italy's leading defense contractor — recently cut a deal to sell the UAE eight of its brand

new P.1 "Hammerhead" Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for $347 million.

Seventh is Spain.

It's defense industry is concentrated heavily around two key markets: aviation and shipbuilding.

State-owned Navantia is in the midst of delivering three Hobart-class destroyers to the Royal

Australian Navy.

The first of the 147.2 meter ships is currently conducting sea trials as it nears completion.

The UK is the world's sixth-ranked arms manufacturer.

It's largest defense contractor, BAE Systems, is the third-largest in the world.

It's supplied The Royal Saudi Air Force with 72 Eurofighter Typhoons as part of a

deal that guarantees the UK government 600,000 barrels of Saudi Arabian oil a day.

The Germans have slipped from third to fifth in the last five years as Chancellor Merkel's

government has blocked the sale of certain weapons systems to countries with questionable

human rights records like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Brunei.

Instead, it's selling more to allies like South Korea and Greece.

Like the Germans, fourth-ranked France's arms exports also declined during the last

five years.

President Francois Hollande came under heavy pressure from his NATO allies to cancel the

sale of two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships to the Russians due to the crisis in


Those ships instead were sold to Egypt.

China's third-ranked defense industry is surging, rising from the sixth position just

five years ago.

The Chinese understand that in geopolitics, controlling the sale of military hardware

is often a government's most valuable bargaining chip.

What's interesting is the Chinese don't — or can't — make sales to its global

rival, the United States, or its regional rival, India.

The only NATO nation China has ever exported arms to is Turkey, but even that stopped in


Russia is second.

Its main customer, India, now buys just half as many Russian made weapons systems as they

were buying five years ago and, overall, Russia's arms sales are down 30% from their peak.

After Putin's actions in eastern Ukraine, the US, NATO, and their allies used a combination

of tools, including sanctions, to punish Russia.

But what this data seems to reveal is that their main game plan was leveraging their

vast, combined network of weapons manufacturers to successfully block Russian companies from

making large arms sales.

Weapons account for 2.6% of Russia's total exports, that's by far the largest share

of any country on this list, so its economy was extremely vulnerable if weapons exports

took a big hit.

So when Russia's economy entered a tailspin in 2015, it was clear this strategy had worked.

And the top weapons exporter is, of course, the United States.

Six of the ten largest defense contractors are American including the top two: Lockheed

and Boeing, which sell more than $60B in arms each year.

Regardless of how you feel about America's military industrial complex, it's important

to understand that dominating the world's arms trade gives the United States tremendous

bargaining power to leverage and mold the affairs of the rest of the world.

Thanks for watching.

I hope this provided some valuable background on some of the issues in the news.

Our previous video started some interesting debate about whether it's best to expend resources

exploring near or distant space.

Until next time, for TDC, I'm Bryce Plank.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Arms Exporting Countries - Duration: 4:49.


Hydrogen found in plumes on Saturn's moon Enceladus - Duration: 2:35.

This is Enceladus –

Saturn's sixth largest moon.

At around 500 km in diameter,

Enceladus is encased in a crust of ice

up to 40 km thick--

floating atop a vast salty ocean.

From afar, Enceladus looks like a

smooth, white pearl,

but a closer look at its surface

reveals a rougher reality.

Its north pole is riddled with impact craters,

scars left over from run-ins with asteroids

and other cosmic debris.

On Enceladus' south pole,

we see long, aquamarine "tiger stripes" --

fractures in the ice

that spew tall plumes of water vapor and ice particles

kilometers above the surface.

Since 2005,

Cassini has been gathering and analyzing

material from these plumes.

We know they contain water vapor

and traces of nitrogen and methane,

but the current mission

was to look for molecular hydrogen.

Here on Earth,

organisms known as chemolithotrophs

have the ability to harvest chemical energy

from hydrogen--

forming a base of life

independent of sunlight.

In this latest plume dive,

Cassini screamed past Enceladus' south pole

at around 8.5 km/sec,

a mere 50 km above the surface

at its lowest point.

Gas captured during the flyby

revealed that these plumes

do contain hydrogen gas

This suggests that Enceladus' rocky core

is interacting with the warm waters

of the subsurface ocean.

Such an interaction

makes Enceladus a more hospitable environment

for life than any other body in the solar system

--outside of Earth

This was, unfortunately,

one of Cassini's last missions.

NASA will soon send the satellite

on a series of 22 dives

between the planet and its rings,

a region of Saturn yet to be explored.

These dangerous dives will reveal

new information about

the formation of Saturn's rings--

are they as old as the solar system

or a new addition?

During its last five orbits,

Cassini will dip a toe into Saturn's atmosphere.

In September,

Cassini is set to plunge into Saturn--

sending back what measurements it

can before it vaporizes.

Bringing to a close a 20 year exploration

of one our solar system's largest residents.

For more infomation >> Hydrogen found in plumes on Saturn's moon Enceladus - Duration: 2:35.


Russia vetoes U.N. resolution on Syria - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Russia vetoes U.N. resolution on Syria - Duration: 6:45.


Consequences of the Turkish Referendum (Referendum Turkiye) | IN 60 SECONDS - Duration: 1:18.

On April 16th, 2017, Turks will head to

the polls and vote in a referendum. If

they vote yes, it will mean a new system

of government for Turkey. Leadership will

be under the executive authority of the

president, and the role of prime minister

will disappear. The president will be

able to appoint senior judges and will

also be able to dismiss Parliament. Now while

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey

says he's really doing nothing more than

having a system like in the United

States, in reality that's not true. It

would be as if the president ruled in

the United States, but you didn't have a

Supreme Court, and you didn't have a

Congress either, to have the balance of

powers. Now many political opponents are

very nervous because of President Erdogan's

dictatorial tendencies. He's

already fired a hundred thousand people

and put more than fifty thousand others

in jail, but he refuses to allow those

opposed to him to campaign. What many

people see now is the formalization of

an autocracy - a dictatorship - rather than

a real new beginning for Turkey.

What are your thoughts in the video? What are your

thoughts on the referendum? Let us know

in your comments, and also let us know

what other topics you want AEI scholars

to cover in 60 seconds.

For more infomation >> Consequences of the Turkish Referendum (Referendum Turkiye) | IN 60 SECONDS - Duration: 1:18.


Talking tough Trump administration says that Russia should stop backing Assad But will Russia liste - Duration: 6:23.

Talking tough Trump administration says that Russia should stop backing Assad.

But will Russia listen

Trump administration officials on Sunday made it clear that Russia must end their support

for the Syrian government or its relationship with the United States will continue to dwindle,

according to the Washington Post, providing a basis for what talks between Moscow and

Washington will resemble this week when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visits Russia.

Officials have said that Russia bears at least some responsibility for last week�s chemical

attack that was allegedly carried out by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

�I hope Russia is thinking carefully about its continued alliance with Bashar al-Assad,

because every time one of these horrific attacks occurs, it draws Russia closer into some level

of responsibility,� Tillerson said on ABC�s �This Week.�

On Monday, the Kremlin said President Vladimir Putin is not currently planned to meet with

Tillerson who is scheduled to only be meeting with Russia�s foreign minister.

�We have not announced any meetings.

A meeting with Tillerson is currently not on the president�s schedule,� Putin�s

spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters, according to the Post.

But last month, John Teft, the American ambassador to Russia, stated that Tillerson was likely

to meet with Putin �in the near future,� according to the Associated Press.

Peskov explained to reporters that �as far as I understand, [Tillerson] is coming and

will have negotiations with our foreign minister,� noting that if plans for a scheduled meeting

arise, the public will be informed �appropriately� according to the Washington Post.

The U.S. has not found any conclusive evidence that Russia was directly involved with, or

even knew ahead of time, about last week�s chemical attack, but national security adviser

H.R. McMaster said that questions about the Russian�s prior knowledge deserve answers.

�I think what we should do is ask Russia, how could it be, if you have advisers at that

airfield, that you didn�t know that the Syrian air force was preparing and executing

a mass murder attack with chemical weapons?� McMaster told Fox News.

The Washington Post reports:

The fallout from the Syrian regime�s use of chemical weapons against civilians, plus

the U.S. missile strike that came in retaliation for it, adds strain to a rocky relationship

that is at its lowest point in decades.

A host of issues are responsible, topped by Russian interference in the U.S. presidential

election and Moscow�s support for separatists in Ukraine, and have prompted U.S. and European


These topics have now been overshadowed by last week�s missile strike.

The Russians had hoped that relations with the United States might improve under President

Trump, who expressed admiration for Putin during the campaign.

Tillerson�s nomination and �confirmation as secretary of state also raised prospects.

given the former ExxonMobil executive�s experience negotiating a major deal with Rosneft,

the state-controlled oil giant.

While attending a G7 meeting in Italy on Monday morning, Tillerson was a participant in a

wreath-laying ceremony at a memorial to 560 villagers killed by Nazis in 1944.

Following the commemoration, Tillerson compared the situation to contemporary events unfolding

in Syria.

�We rededicate ourselves to holding to account any and all who commit crimes against the

innocents anywhere in the world,� Tillerson stated, according to the Washington Post.

Though Tillerson was originally not expected to make an appearance, he reportedly wanted

to stand with the foreign ministers of Italy, Germany and the European Union.

�This place will serve as an inspiration to us all.�

Tillerson is due to arrive in Russia late into Tuesday, where he will subsequently meet

with Russia�s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in his first visit as secretary of state.

For more infomation >> Talking tough Trump administration says that Russia should stop backing Assad But will Russia liste - Duration: 6:23.


Breaking Tonight , President Trump Latest News Today 4/13/17 , White House news - Duration: 21:08.

For more infomation >> Breaking Tonight , President Trump Latest News Today 4/13/17 , White House news - Duration: 21:08.


LY RAINE x JTC - Bon Voyage - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> LY RAINE x JTC - Bon Voyage - Duration: 4:18.


Jeep Wrangler AFE Magnum FORCE Stage-2 Cold Air Intake (2012-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 4:48.

I'm Ryan from, and this is my review and installation of the AFE Magnum

FORCE Stage-2 Pro 5R Cold Air Intake System, fitting all 2007 and up JKs.

There are two different versions of this intake system, one for those of you with the 3.8-liter

and one for those of you with the 3.6-liter engine, so make sure you get the right one

for your Jeep.

Today, we're gonna talk through the installation of this cold air intake system, which is a

very simple one out of three wrench install.

This is something anyone can do in their driveway with just some traditional hand tools and

about an hour's time, but we'll talk more about that in just a second.

We're also gonna talk through the construction and a few of the features of this cold air


A cold air intake is gonna be for those of you who are wheeling in dry environments only,

not doing a lot of mud, not doing a lotta water crossings, or just keeping your Jeeps

on the road and want a little bit of additional throttle response, a few additional miles

per gallon, and to get a little bit more noise from underneath the hood.

Now this cold air intake system from aFe does have a little bit of a different design than

some of the other ones on the market.

However, it's still going to be an open system instead of a closed box system with a heat

shield, so it is going to be fairly similar to most of the others out there, although

this one is going to be a little bit pricier than some of the others.

So if you're looking for a bare-bones system, you're not as worried about the brand name,

you can get a system that's very similar to this with a heat shield, a intake tube, and

a filter for few dollars less than this one.

If you like the aFe name, they've been around for a while, you wanna have their parts on

your Jeep, this is going to be great system, it's just going to be a little bit more expensive.

This system is going to come with everything you need to get it installed in your Jeep.

You're going to have a plastic intake tube that's designed to accept your crankcase vent

and your ambient air temperature sensor from your factory Jeep.

This does have a heat shield, and one of the things that makes this design slightly different

from some of the less expensive ones is that this is a one-piece heat shield, so there's

a little bit less assembly to do when you're installing this in your Jeep.

And of course, this does come with your new cold air intake filter.

This is a four-inch conical filter.

This one here is an oiled filter, but aFe also has a kit that has a dry filter if you're

more interested in that.

Cold air intakes are very easy to get installed on your Jeep, and this is going to be a very

simple one out of three wrench installation that shouldn't take you more than an hour.

The first step is going to be removing your factory air intake tube and air intake box.

Once you have those removed, you'll disconnect your crankcase vent, you're also going to

disconnect and remove that ambient air sensor from your factory tube.

Then you can go ahead and install your heat shield, which, as I said before, because this

is a one-piece shield, is going to install a little easier than some of the others.

You're going to install that from the top and from the inside of the fender well of

the Jeep using the hardware that's included.

Once that's installed, you can install the air intake tube onto the throttle body of

the Jeep, and finally top everything off with your new conical filter.

Along the way, you'll install that factory ambient air temperature sensor into your intake

tube, but make sure it gets plugged back into the wiring harness, and of course, reattach

your crankcase vent.

This whole process can be done with just some traditional hand tools in your driveway in

about an hour.

This system comes in at right around $300, and there are some more expensive systems

out there.

However, most of those are going to be a closed box system.

And there are going to be less expensive systems out there.

Some of those require some additional assembly, for instance, of the heat shield, so it really

comes down to what you want for your Jeep and what your budget is.

As I said before, if you're looking for bare-bones, you can get a similar system that requires

a little bit more assembly for a few dollars less.

And if you'd rather go with a closed box system that will hopefully get a little bit fresher,

colder air to your Jeep, we have those as well, but they're gonna be a little bit more


So this lands somewhere in the middle.

So if you're looking for a few extra miles per gallon, a little bit more sound from underneath

your hood, and a little bit better throttle response, a cold air intake is a good idea,

especially if you stay out of the water and the mud and only wheel in dry environments

or keep your Jeep on the road.

If that's what you're looking for, this is going to be an easy to install option, even

if it is a few dollars more than some of the simpler ones.

So that's my review of the AFE Magnum FORCE Stage-2 Pro 5R Cold Air Intake System, fitting

all 2007 and up JKs, that you can find right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler AFE Magnum FORCE Stage-2 Cold Air Intake (2012-2017 JK) Review & Install - Duration: 4:48.


money and U S dollar occult symbolism - Duration: 14:25.

Money and U.S. Dollar Occult Symbolism

The great seal on the back of the US dollar bill (above) is full of occult symbolism.

Even the most hardened sceptic would have a difficult time dismissing the following

features on the bill as mere �coincidence.�

13 leaves in the olive branches 13 bars & stripes

13 arrows 13 letters in: �E Pluribus Unum�

13 stars in the green crest above 13 stones in the pyramid

13 letters in �Annuit Coeptis� Then just below the pyramid there�s�Novus

Ordo Seclorum� that translates, �New Secular Order� or �New World Order.� Why the

number 13? What about the other features?

I will answer later. First, a couple of significant questions seldom asked.

What are the 2 biggest forms of enslavement on humanity?

-Answer: The monetary system and religion.

Both are massively entrenched in deception which is the basis of how the enslavement

on humanity works: In many ways, the more attached to either the more immersed one becomes

in illusion� I�m sure you�ve heard it said �It�s a mad world�. Indeed, it

is a mad world and in many ways connections to money andreligion have been the causes.

Both were invented by the hidden powers that be about 5,000 years ago in the first ever

known cities such as Babylon, Mesopotamia and Nineveh in ancient Sumer. Basically, the

invention of the monetary system has enslaved humanity on the physical level, while religion

has enslaved on the spiritual level stultifying genuine spiritual growth. Many people are

totally unaware of this, that they have been stitched up and how over the years the inventors

the ruling elite have used both money and religion purely for power, financial and political


I will be covering religion extensively in other messages (apologies for putting this

subject on hold in the way I have). This message is a brief expose on the money scam and how

it is symbolised in the Western world using the American dollar bill as an example, giving

rise to how the hidden powers that be work behind the scenes and what you can do after

you�ve got the realization that you�re being played.

What is money?

-Answer: Money is a means by which energy is exchanged. The economic system is based

on work energy exchanges from person to person during the supply and demand.

Let me give some simple examples. I am a musician and let�s say I have received payment for

playing a live musical performance. This payment represents the energy I had to put in to make

that performance happen.

Let�s say I then give money earned from this performance to a mechanic. The money

or payment the mechanic receives is for the energy he had to put in to repair my car.

Then, the mechanic gives this money earned to someone else for their work energy related

services to him� and so on.

-In short, throughout the working world money goes where the energy flows in the exchanging,

but here�s the rub.

In the above examples let�s say in every case the money paid out was fair and fitting

to the amount of energy each person had put in for their services. However, in the world

of work this is definitely not the case. There is a great imbalance:

Most people (like yourself?) in order to earn their pay check will have to put in far more

than they�ll ever receive. That is, instead of receiving a balanced payment for their

efforts most of the money made will go to their corporation. The fact that giant corporations

make huge pre-tax profits each year and can get away with paying some of its workforce

minimum wages tells you there is a huge imbalance. �This imbalance, unfair returns on people�s

daily work energy contributions occurs on a global scale. It has been orchestrated by

the hidden powers that be and it doesn�t end there.

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind � Who Owns The Federal Reserve? Hidden Secrets

of Money

There�s a whole list of other bloodsucking systems including many unfair taxations, banking

and financial scams designed to siphon off the people�s hard earned cash to just a

few very wealthy individuals: The ruling elite have deceptively manipulated the world financial

system to such an extent that they control more money than the entire world�s governments

stuck together. This means that they have usurped the energies from we-the-people to

such an extent that we have become physically and mentally enslaved.

Now back to the dollar bill

As I have said in previous blogs the hidden powers that be or ruling elite are heavily

into the occult. As seen printed on the back of a dollar bill the pyramid and all-seeing-eye

embodies the secret occult organisations that continue to control America. Since this symbolism

is frequently used in numerous corporate logos it may also serve as a statement by the ruling

elite that they control the world through business and banking.

Since the creation of the 1 dollar bill it has apparently been understood that number

13 indicates the colonial states with a Christian nation social order representing freedom,

equality and peace but actually the symbolism represents the opposite, something quite unchristian

and sinister in its secrecy.

The 13 not only represents the number of families making up the ruling elite but it is also

rooted in satanic occultism. It was a mystical number to the Babylonians and Egyptians. Today,

it is a mystical number to the Masons. Each item count of 13 given on page 1 represents

in occult terms the plans for a one world government takeover New World Order (NWO)

where we will be living in a global fascist dictatorship like that in George Orwell�s

fiction novel 1984. So, in more detail:

13 bars & stripes � Represents opposing God and the churches of Christ.

13 arrows in the right claw of eagle -Represents war and military power.

13 letters in: �E Pluribus Unum� � �Out of Many� is the plan to bring together all

the world�s governments, religions and money systems into one for control in the NWO. Incidentally,

the planned new religion is Satanism. 13 stars in the green crest above the eagle

-Stars arranged in a hexagram known as �mogen David� used in occult practice to evoke

Satan. 13 stones or steps in the pyramid -the number

of satanic families controlling the planet. 13 letters in �Annuit Coeptis� -�Announcing

the beginning or arrival� (of the NWO). 13 leaves in the olive branches -Symbolises

peace (oh really?!)

In the bill, the all-seeing eye is that of Lucifer (Satan). Notice how it is surrounded

with light. This represents the illumination and those in the satanic occult practices

are the �illuminated ones� because they have the secret knowledge and understand the

hidden meanings. So called the all-seeing eye because it knows and sees everything,

just the kind of thing you�d expect in a big brother is watching you global fascist


As well as in the dollar, it�s no coincidence that the eagle taken from ancient Pagan symbolism

was also used to signify the Roman Empire and again as an icon for the world-war 2 German

regime. This is because the same dark satanic occult forces were also behind these organisations.

The ruling elite meet up in secret societies where they discuss plans to advance the NWO

enslavement agenda. -One of these societies is the freemasons. Don�t get me wrong most

freemasons are descent sincere people, but these lower level Masons in the hierarchical

tree have no idea that those at the very top are running a satanic cult bent on world domination.

It has been said that the separated capstone (top) of the pyramid will be joined when they

establish their NWO.

The Solutions

The purpose of this message is not to induce panic or fear. This message has been written

to make people aware that something needs to be done and there are solutions available.

We-the-people must take back our rightful ownership of this planet. Since this message

is confined to money matters there is no better example of how to take back rightful ownership

by financial control than the country of Iceland. The following is very important to know.

During around 2006 -2008, the Icelandic government were allowed with the banks to wreck the country�s

economy causing mass unemployment and massive savings loses for the people they were supposed

to be serving well. This happened because of deregulation and privatisation granted

to the biggest banks. Indeed, this situation had happened in many countries and manifested

with the global financial crash of 2008 but the people of Iceland stood up and dug themselves

out of the crisis by.

1. Getting the entire corrupt government to resign.

2. Nationalising the banks.

3. Referendum, enabling the people to determine their own economic system.

4. Incarceration of responsible parties and

5. A rewriting of the Icelandic constitution by its people.

Now Iceland has become one of the fastest growing economies and I�ll bet you haven�t

read about any of the above in the hidden powers that be controlled mass media sources.

That�s because the hidden powers that be don�t want you to know that this is the

solution, disempowering the greed-driven private centralized banks and corrupt governments.

People come on it�s time to take action! A government for the people run by the people

not the centralized banks is the answer.

Financial independence is the key. Besides Iceland, other countries such as Iran, Russia,

China and Venezuela have financial control outside of the central banking system and

it comes as no surprise that they have been demonised by the hidden powers that be.

Unlike other states in the USA, North Dakota has operated outside of the Federal Reserve

System since the early 1920�s. Here, the banks are public and businesses are made to

bank in North Dakota and it�s the only state that�s not in debt.

The usurping of peoples work energies and money earned: Lack of money, scarcity, financial

hardship, debt, poverty�etc created by the greed driven enslavement agenda of thehidden

powers that be and their corporations / banking systems for the NWO agenda continue to rule

by our fear. Fear of not surviving.

Life shows up as a consequence of where you are at. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, deeds

and actions� manifest reality. Listen to what your inner being is telling you: Chose

love instead of fear or hatred, peaceful creative and resourceful action instead of anger, riotousness

or complaining which only makes more victimhood The hidden powers that be can only control

us by our negativity. �This is their food. Refusal to operate on this level is the key.

You will always survive in that you are an immortal consciousness.

Once this is realized; when love caring and sharing, non-victimhood, cooperation above


is chosen we will have a new paradigm experience.

For more infomation >> money and U S dollar occult symbolism - Duration: 14:25.


Top 10 Arms Exporting Countries - Duration: 4:49.

The world is becoming more militarized.

President Donald Trump has requested a ten percent boost in defense spending, China will

have nearly doubled its military expenditures by the end of the decade, and — with the

impetuous Trump occupying the White House — conflict zones from the Korean Peninsula

to Syria seem more likely to descend into open warfare than they did under the vigilant

command of President Barack Obama.

So let's take some time to review where the pieces on the board — the

weapons systems in this geopolitical game of chess — are coming from.

These are the top ten countries that export the most arms according to the authority on

this topic, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Before we begin, a few important points: the data does not include spending on support

services for these increasingly high-tech systems, which is now the dominant aspect

of military spending; companies — some state-owned — are the primary providers of these weapons;

and we're using the average of the five most recent years to give the rankings more


Israel's arms industry is ranked tenth.

Its exports surged above $1.2B for 2016, three times what it was just two years earlier.

Part of this is increased sales to India, Israel's biggest customer.

Israel's Aerospace Industries just finalized a deal worth $2B to provide India air and missile

defense systems.

Ninth is Ukraine.

Naval vessels were its primary military export until a contract with the Chinese dried up

in 2015.

Despite its ongoing conflict with Russia, Ukraine continues to sell it more and more


Aside from Thailand, the Indians and Vietnamese are also regular customers.

Italy, the world's eighth-leading arms exporter, does regular business with the United Arab


Leonardo S.p.A.

— Italy's leading defense contractor — recently cut a deal to sell the UAE eight of its brand

new P.1 "Hammerhead" Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for $347 million.

Seventh is Spain.

It's defense industry is concentrated heavily around two key markets: aviation and shipbuilding.

State-owned Navantia is in the midst of delivering three Hobart-class destroyers to the Royal

Australian Navy.

The first of the 147.2 meter ships is currently conducting sea trials as it nears completion.

The UK is the world's sixth-ranked arms manufacturer.

It's largest defense contractor, BAE Systems, is the third-largest in the world.

It's supplied The Royal Saudi Air Force with 72 Eurofighter Typhoons as part of a

deal that guarantees the UK government 600,000 barrels of Saudi Arabian oil a day.

The Germans have slipped from third to fifth in the last five years as Chancellor Merkel's

government has blocked the sale of certain weapons systems to countries with questionable

human rights records like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Brunei.

Instead, it's selling more to allies like South Korea and Greece.

Like the Germans, fourth-ranked France's arms exports also declined during the last

five years.

President Francois Hollande came under heavy pressure from his NATO allies to cancel the

sale of two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships to the Russians due to the crisis in


Those ships instead were sold to Egypt.

China's third-ranked defense industry is surging, rising from the sixth position just

five years ago.

The Chinese understand that in geopolitics, controlling the sale of military hardware

is often a government's most valuable bargaining chip.

What's interesting is the Chinese don't — or can't — make sales to its global

rival, the United States, or its regional rival, India.

The only NATO nation China has ever exported arms to is Turkey, but even that stopped in


Russia is second.

Its main customer, India, now buys just half as many Russian made weapons systems as they

were buying five years ago and, overall, Russia's arms sales are down 30% from their peak.

After Putin's actions in eastern Ukraine, the US, NATO, and their allies used a combination

of tools, including sanctions, to punish Russia.

But what this data seems to reveal is that their main game plan was leveraging their

vast, combined network of weapons manufacturers to successfully block Russian companies from

making large arms sales.

Weapons account for 2.6% of Russia's total exports, that's by far the largest share

of any country on this list, so its economy was extremely vulnerable if weapons exports

took a big hit.

So when Russia's economy entered a tailspin in 2015, it was clear this strategy had worked.

And the top weapons exporter is, of course, the United States.

Six of the ten largest defense contractors are American including the top two: Lockheed

and Boeing, which sell more than $60B in arms each year.

Regardless of how you feel about America's military industrial complex, it's important

to understand that dominating the world's arms trade gives the United States tremendous

bargaining power to leverage and mold the affairs of the rest of the world.

Thanks for watching.

I hope this provided some valuable background on some of the issues in the news.

Our previous video started some interesting debate about whether it's best to expend resources

exploring near or distant space.

Until next time, for TDC, I'm Bryce Plank.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Arms Exporting Countries - Duration: 4:49.


US dropped largest non nuclear bomb in Afghanistan - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> US dropped largest non nuclear bomb in Afghanistan - Duration: 1:46.


Lego Batman Scarecrow - Duration: 12:43.

Commissioner, the message has been sent half an hour ago.

Commissioner, the message has been sent half an hour ago. If he wanted, he would be here already.

If he wanted, he would be here already. We shall not enter, only to make some mess, let's wait one minute more.

At last!


Burglary? A mechanic has been kidnapped. We already notified his wife.

Any clue?


Yeah, coming.

Where is the mechanic?

Get lost, moron!


They told me to take him to warehouse.


Some people, I don't know them.

And then I'm saying: "maybe you"

Now is your turn.

Yes, yes I'm going.

They already know.

What do you know?

Nothing, he's joking again.

Better tell me, why are we watching these drugs?

Scarecrow wanted us to watch, so we are watching.


Our employer, as we should call him.

Gentlemen, let's move.

Stay there, in case it's a trick.

Where is your employer?


I don't know, he only e-mailed me.

Have you learnt anything?

I know as much as you.

I know as much as you. Have you repaired Batmobil's remote control?

It is done sir. I've also prepared those recordings, what you were asking about.

That was effect of 20 gram of my gas.

I've got tons of it, and I will use it tomorrow.

You will see your worst nightmares.

Send me coordinates of this transmision to Batmobil, I'm going after Scarecrow.

Where is the mechanic?

Follow me to see him.

As I promised, here are your worst nightmares.

Say hello to my guests, which are going to help me in ...

... reminding you, what's gonna happen to you.

... reminding you, what's gonna happen to you. Release test subject please.

Excellent! Now we let's get rid of both test subjects.

And move to our special guest. Your last word?

Do you think that I fell into your trap?

Well, at least we caught most of his thugs.

I've got an idea how to catch the rest of them.

Lucius Fox sent you a new costume sir.

I give up, what is this thing?

A scanner linked to a satellite

that looks for the substance placed here

in the range of 300 miles from the city center.

In my opinion, it won't work.

Have you said something?

I'd better send you those coordinates.

Boss! Boss!

Boss, we have a guest!

Who is it?

You know who it is.


Ok, where is the body?

Body? Oh no.

I've lost signal of the batmobile sir, looks like...

...your time is up.

Bombs disarmed.

Time to play with Scarecrow.

Or time to die.


Good morning Gotham, we've got an information, that

Scarecrow and his gang have been caught.

The police is saying that...

We received new information

that a fire broke out in a warehouse

belonging to Ronald Dagget killing six persons.

None of our photos should be watched by children.

Well, at least this night was not full of


For more infomation >> Lego Batman Scarecrow - Duration: 12:43.


BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY… - Duration: 13:37.

BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE


There's a lot of info, truths, conspiracies, and fake news swirling about Planned Parenthood

and their baby raking procedures.

But here's a

fact – Obama's administration made a rule that helped make it nearly impossible to defund

Planned Parenthood.

The Senate challenged this to a

vote and the results were tied.

That's when Mike Pence showed up with the big boy bat and smashed his vote out of the


Vice President Pence voted to overturn Obama's rule, thus providing the possibility that

states can decide to block federal grants to abortion


Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday was called into the Senate to rescue legislation

aimed at overturning a Obama administration rule that

currently prevents states from blocking federal grants to abortion providers, including Planned


Senate Republicans made a motion to proceed to the legislation, and while a simple majority

was needed to advance it, Sens. Susan Collins, R-

Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, voted against it.

That left the Senate in a 50-50 tie, which required Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote.

Some people will argue that Planned Parenthood provides other services that help people.

That's true.

They provide cancer screenings, birth

control, and other services that are not an abortion.

Those are great services and I have no problem with my taxes being used to provide low-

income people birth control.

I don't think poor people should be having babies in the first place.

If you can't feed yourself, then what makes

you think you can feed a child?

That's rude to bring a kid into the world knowing it may not eat three meals a day.

I would really like my taxes to provide sterilization for typical hoodrat welfare queens who bring

eight kids into the world.

They can't feed

any of their kids and have to call them by their last name because they're all different.

But they sure get that new iPhone the day it


(eyes rolling so far behind my head they can see my own rear end)

People seeking an abortion should pay for it themselves, or with their medical insurance.

That should not be a tax payer funded murder.

People who've been raped or a victim of incest, then I can understand the system pays

for it if the victim doesn't have health insurance to

cover that.

That's a different story.

That's a woman demonized by a horrible person and unfortunately, the spawn of a rapist is

better off not

being brought into this world.

That's something you catch the day of the crime.

The victim can't show up in the second trimester and think

they're going to abort a human who's a third of the way already developed.

Not happening.

You get to a hospital ASAP and report your crime.


rape victim can go to the pharmacy and take a Plan B pill that helps prevent the pregnancy

from forming.

No pregnancy means no abortion.

If some random girl in her second trimester decides they no longer want their child and

thinks having it suction-tubed or raked out of her

uterus is a good decision, then she's wrong.

And she's a bad person.

There's a certain point where pregnancy is now holding a small human and the woman

should be forced to have the baby.

She can put it up for

adoption if she doesn't want it.

There's plenty of people unable to have children who would love to adopt.

Pence saved taxpayers some funding when he made his vote.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then go on birth control.

If your birth control

fails, but you don't want the baby, then give it up to someone who does.

You don't need to abort.

The only time I agree with abortion is when

the woman is raped.

We don't need little rapers running around and I'm sure the woman doesn't want to

be connected to the rapist for her entire


Rape victims don't deserve a life of horror, but every other baby deserves a chance to


They might be abandoned by their irresponsible

parents, but there WILL be someone out there who loves them.

They can thank VP Pence for a new chance at life.

Ivanka Makes Shocking Sudden Job Change At White House, Then Drops Bomb About What She's

Doing With The Money

On what should be a glorious day for feminists everywhere, Ivanka is officially taking her

role as Presidential advisor and moving into her

West Wing office at the White House.

Somehow, though, the joy of the normally supportive left has been absent.

Could this be because the agenda

is less about breaking the glass ceiling and more about breaking the backs of conservatives?

Regardless, President Trump has given his daughter the opportunity to champion women's

issues by advising him about how he can best serve the

family unit.

She and husband Jared are both in the process of getting the proper security clearances

and government issued electronic devices.

The initial report was that Ivanka wouldn't collect a salary at all, but according to

Red State, it looks as if she may follow in her father's

footsteps and collect a check that would be donated to charity.

This is sometimes done as a formality because of government policies that frown

on anyone working for the government for free.

Despite all this, there are many who are still very much upset that she has a White House

role at all.

Apparently, we are all expected to turn a blind eye to anything that a democrat does,

but a conservative business person who graduated with

honors from Wharton can't possibly be qualified for a civilian advisory position that many

non-politicians before her have taken.

I'm not even sure the left is even trying to be impartial at this point, they are just

upset and don't care who knows about it.

If the

President knows that he works well with his daughter and son in law, and doesn't have

to go through the process of getting to know new people

and how they work, it seems to me that it would just expedite the efficient operation

of this administration.

But heaven forbid that we don't

calm the extreme fear of liberals that conservatives aren't ethical.

<insert eye roll here>

(Source: Gateway Pundit)

BREAKING It's Happening!

Look What Just Happened To 18 Sanctuary City Sheriffs!

The illegal immigration problem is an issue in almost every state in the union, but it's

especially prevalent in border states.

Those of us

that have a literal connection to Mexico are constantly in danger of being overrun by illegals

that have neither patriotism to this country, or

the intention of gaining any, once they settle in.

The increased rate of crime and drug-related deaths since borders have been being ignored

has grown to astronomical heights in the South West.

And unlike what the liberals would have you believe, it's not bringing people together;

it's causing even more animosity and distrust of all

diverse cultures.

When you've seen your cities turned into little versions of other countries and watched

your citizens have to avoid areas of their beloved

state that they used to enjoy, all because some politicians in a far away place with

gates and bodyguards say that it's good for you, that

tends to bring down morale.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot went on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," to talk

about what he's going to do about it.

His idea is simple; he

plans to force cities that refused to comply with immigration law and or Immigration and

Customs Enforcement to do so by signing legislation

that could jail sheriffs of sanctuary cities.

Abbot said:

"We have been pushing a piece of legislation in Texas that is going to pass that I will

be signing into law that imposes even sterner penalties

on counties.

It will include things such as further defunding them.

It will impose fines.

And it could impose jail time for these sheriffs to

enforce the laws.

Oddly enough these sheriffs could wind up behind the very bars they are releasing these

criminals from."

Texans have been marginalized and treated like racists for wanting to keep their own

land for too long and are ready to get behind the


As long as there are Texans, they will be fighting for the freedom that has always been


We were our own nation once before, and I don't

think it is out of the question that we could be again.

Obviously, that's not the ideal situation, but this is literally life and death for

many that live on the border, and we will not do what the politicians in DC have done

and forgotten about the problem just because it's not

knocking on our own door.

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

Melania Makes Heartbreaking Announcement About Barron That She Should Have NEVER Had To

Melania Trump is a soft-spoken but deeply private woman, which is respectable despite

being the constant target of criticism for it.

When she

speaks, it's with purpose, passion, or conviction, which was which makes her a strong woman.

She has also shown the ability to withstand her

harshest critics, who will likely now be spitting a fiery verbal assault at the First Lady for

what was just announced about her young son.

It's with intention, that the Trumps have kept 11-year-old Barron out of the spotlight,

to the best of their ability.

That hasn't stopped the

relentless attacks on this kid, despite the liberal mantra of "leave the children alone"

when it came to anything reported about the Obama


Now, the beratement has officially taken its toll, resulting in what has been happening

with Barron lately.

While the role of the First Lady comes with its challenges, nothing has been more difficult

than for Melania to see what her and Donald's son

has had to endure.

Prior to President Trump's Inauguration Day, Melania was by many means, your average

mother, which is how she preferred it.

She enjoyed the task of taking Barron to and from school each morning.

However, that routine has changed dramatically due to incensed liberals

who are on the constant attack and even put the First Family's lives at risk.

Anti-Trump protesters constantly surround the family's high-rise Manhattan home, forcing

Barron to be escorted to and from school by the Secret

Service, for his and his mother's own safety.

"The most difficult part of all this in Melania's eyes has been watching grown adults

mock her

son and even question his mental state," Truth Monitor reported.

This includes sickening acts and conversation about her son on shows like

Saturday Night Live and The View, some of which is perpetuated by women who are mothers


As insult to injury, liberals complain about the cost of Secret Service for Melania to

stay in New York City until the end of the school year.

It's because of their actions and it's necessary to surround these two in excessive


If they weren't so violent, persistent,

hateful, and intrusive, Barron could enjoy being dropped off at school by his mother,

like the other kids, and the cost of the Secret Service

to do it wouldn't be necessary.

Hollywood Badass Rob Schneider Just Threw Every Liberal Under The Bus With BRUTAL Announcement

That'll Shut Them Up

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you, a rare Hollywood celebrity who was

born with a working, logical, intelligent brain.

The one and only, Rob Schneider.

He just roasted every democrat on the planet and liberals are losing their minds faster

than a black hole sucks in every ounce of your


If this was a real awards show, then you would witness standing ovations for at least 39

minutes as Democrats sit down.

Pelosi rolls

her eyes to the back of her plastic face.

Maxine Waters throws her James Brown wig in the air and passes out.

Hillary Clinton burns a pantsuit.

Bernie Sanders Tweets something about taking care of poor people from one of his three


The list goes on.

It's all thanks to ONE Tweet Rob posted.

If you haven't noticed by now, then let me fill you in on a little secret.

Democrats like being victims.

They find every excuse to complain about things and blame everyone for their problems.

They're weak people who

like being trampled on so they have an excuse to scream and protest, even though NO ONE

listens to protests.

Rob Schneider raises a good point when he reminds democrats that it's not the Russians,

it's THEM.

Russia is just another scapegoat for

democrats to blame their weak losses on.

What comes next when democrats are tired of blaming Russians?

Does anyone remember the election of 2016?

How many Russians came here and forced voters to select Trump at the polls?

Pretty sure that number

remains zero.

Russians didn't make anyone vote for Trump.

The lack of acceptable democrat candidates, the annoying liberals crying over

everything, and the democrat party as a whole are the reason people don't vote for them.

There's literally nothing to like about the dingy democrats.

If you want to remain a victim where everything offends you, then become a


See how many votes your party gets at the next election.

The numbers will continue sinking until democrats take a look at the man in the mirror and make

a change for the rest of their life.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY… - Duration: 13:37.


Asly Toro - Libertad (Venezuela) - Duration: 4:33.

I'm tired of seeing this news

and the newspaper from yesterday

that it is still the same

They paint a reality that is unknown to me

and I see it through international media

My friends and my family

everything that I left behind

today, it calls me

today it calls me

The memories of my land

the ones I can't forget

and that song

screams today that

I want liberty

I wish liberty

I don't want to be ignored anymore

A change for good

because this helplessness invades my heart

today I sing a song for you

at the same rhythm of your heart

Mary cannot get medicine

and she has little time left

and the children are looking through the trash,

the leftovers to stop their hunger

Their friends and family are stressed today

looking for the solution

The solution

Desperate they all come together to pray

they ask God

for salvation

I want liberty

I wish liberty

I don't want to be ignored anymore

A change for good

because this helplessness invades my heart

Today I sing a song for you

at the same rhythm of your heart

And this song of sadness

There is still a hope

It's still here

It's still here

My people's smile

and the dances and the songs

and that desire to fight every day for a better life

You feel it here

Its heard in the streets

My people who scream, my people who fight

You feel it here

Every day stronger, you feel it here

the love of my people

the small towns, the big cities

in all the hoods, the country, the seas

you feel it here

Every day stronger

You feel it here

For more infomation >> Asly Toro - Libertad (Venezuela) - Duration: 4:33.


Musica Rilassante Per Calmare L'Ansia - Musica Per Calmare La Mente - Duration: 1:09:21.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Calmare L'Ansia - Musica Per Calmare La Mente - Duration: 1:09:21.


10929774 448821785270697 360078054 n - Duration: 0:07.

When you're not a fan of the mornings

For more infomation >> 10929774 448821785270697 360078054 n - Duration: 0:07.


For more infomation >> 10929774 448821785270697 360078054 n - Duration: 0:07.


АМЕРИКАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Веселые Ребята VS Самоцветы #20 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> АМЕРИКАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Веселые Ребята VS Самоцветы #20 - Duration: 11:58.


For more infomation >> АМЕРИКАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Веселые Ребята VS Самоцветы #20 - Duration: 11:58.


I'm In Pain After He Ghosted Me | Jason Farone - Duration: 3:42.

hey hey you doing there you know they

say the definition of crazy is doing the

same thing over and over again and

expecting different results well every

day I wake up I'm unfulfilled I go to

sleep and then I look at what I did

differently and the answer is nothing so

it's like what what do you expect what

the fuck do you expect um I'm smiling

right now because I don't want to scare

the shit out of you but I'm in the

lowest point of my life it is really bad

and recently I've experienced so much

pain emotionally this is not even

something that I've told you and mostly

because I'm so embarrassed and I feel

stupid it had to do with somebody online

that I damn near started falling for and

they expressed the same exact type of

feelings as me we had this for months we

were going back and forth they came to

LA um from very very far away kind of

Rome's and they ghosted me and you know

it's talking to my therapist and

apparently ghosting somebody and just

totally if you're not sure where that

any other mins banishing vanishing from

someone's life without any reasoning as

to why is actually more scarring and

emotionally detrimental to people then

straight out just go like I don't

fucking like you I never want to see you

again boom like it's a lot more

traumatizing to just you know have a big

mystery which is what this person was I

need to find some happiness I need to go

out into the world and figure out what

does it for me you know I sit here in LA

day after day year after year hoping

that this will lead to somewhere and

this and that you know what I don't know

what it is exactly i need to do i just

know that a massive change is in order

and it

time because as I look back over my

years I was never really happy each

section and part of my life I feel like

I can palpably remember going okay

you're going to be happy when when this

happens you're going to be happy and I

am sick and fucking tired of living for

the when instead of the now I want to be

happy now I am sick of waiting my life

is passing me by and I've never truly

been happy and I think it's because I

hold this defined path that you don't

know you can't you can't plan your life

as hard as I've tried to plan it and I'm

done planning it I'm done I don't give a

fuck and I'm just going to be damn it

I'm going to be I'm going to exist and

i'm going to figure out what it is on

this earth i should be doing and what

brings me fulfillment I shouldn't need

such agile ation to feel okay and not

like a piece of shit so it's like get

your damage in order try to be a human

you know anyway that's what I'm going to

try to do i love you lost thank you for

everything um okie sad don't be sad I'm

sad enough for all of us don't hire be

sad about this it's fine oh well I love

you lots

For more infomation >> I'm In Pain After He Ghosted Me | Jason Farone - Duration: 3:42.


WOT cz - AMX 105 AM 47 - M - 7 - 1698 HP - 1022 XP - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> WOT cz - AMX 105 AM 47 - M - 7 - 1698 HP - 1022 XP - Duration: 8:03.


WOT cz - SU-85 - M - 4 - 1789 HP - 949 XP - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> WOT cz - SU-85 - M - 4 - 1789 HP - 949 XP - Duration: 6:38.


Ferrari 512 TR - M MODIFICATED - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ferrari 512 TR - M MODIFICATED - Duration: 1:08.


BMW X4 2.0d xDrive High Executive M Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 2.0d xDrive High Executive M Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


greenscreen_test_04 - Duration: 1:31.

*door busts open*

*The Wanderer stops playing*


*autistic screeching*

I'm getting sick of your shit Jessie.


"I'm a furry"

*checks on autistic brother*

Subscribe to RandyInBed

Also Michael Rock Gaming, him too.

"Free my dude RandyInBed."

Subscribe to AwesomeDisneyToys★★

*chair dies*


*brother yelling in background*


For more infomation >> greenscreen_test_04 - Duration: 1:31.


The Chainsmokers – It Won't Kill Ya (Lyrics) ft. Louane [Trap] - Duration: 3:41.

the chainsmokers it wont kill ya

it wont kill ya lyrics

it won't kill ya lyrics

For more infomation >> The Chainsmokers – It Won't Kill Ya (Lyrics) ft. Louane [Trap] - Duration: 3:41.


BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY… - Duration: 13:37.

BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE


There's a lot of info, truths, conspiracies, and fake news swirling about Planned Parenthood

and their baby raking procedures.

But here's a

fact – Obama's administration made a rule that helped make it nearly impossible to defund

Planned Parenthood.

The Senate challenged this to a

vote and the results were tied.

That's when Mike Pence showed up with the big boy bat and smashed his vote out of the


Vice President Pence voted to overturn Obama's rule, thus providing the possibility that

states can decide to block federal grants to abortion


Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday was called into the Senate to rescue legislation

aimed at overturning a Obama administration rule that

currently prevents states from blocking federal grants to abortion providers, including Planned


Senate Republicans made a motion to proceed to the legislation, and while a simple majority

was needed to advance it, Sens. Susan Collins, R-

Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, voted against it.

That left the Senate in a 50-50 tie, which required Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote.

Some people will argue that Planned Parenthood provides other services that help people.

That's true.

They provide cancer screenings, birth

control, and other services that are not an abortion.

Those are great services and I have no problem with my taxes being used to provide low-

income people birth control.

I don't think poor people should be having babies in the first place.

If you can't feed yourself, then what makes

you think you can feed a child?

That's rude to bring a kid into the world knowing it may not eat three meals a day.

I would really like my taxes to provide sterilization for typical hoodrat welfare queens who bring

eight kids into the world.

They can't feed

any of their kids and have to call them by their last name because they're all different.

But they sure get that new iPhone the day it


(eyes rolling so far behind my head they can see my own rear end)

People seeking an abortion should pay for it themselves, or with their medical insurance.

That should not be a tax payer funded murder.

People who've been raped or a victim of incest, then I can understand the system pays

for it if the victim doesn't have health insurance to

cover that.

That's a different story.

That's a woman demonized by a horrible person and unfortunately, the spawn of a rapist is

better off not

being brought into this world.

That's something you catch the day of the crime.

The victim can't show up in the second trimester and think

they're going to abort a human who's a third of the way already developed.

Not happening.

You get to a hospital ASAP and report your crime.


rape victim can go to the pharmacy and take a Plan B pill that helps prevent the pregnancy

from forming.

No pregnancy means no abortion.

If some random girl in her second trimester decides they no longer want their child and

thinks having it suction-tubed or raked out of her

uterus is a good decision, then she's wrong.

And she's a bad person.

There's a certain point where pregnancy is now holding a small human and the woman

should be forced to have the baby.

She can put it up for

adoption if she doesn't want it.

There's plenty of people unable to have children who would love to adopt.

Pence saved taxpayers some funding when he made his vote.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then go on birth control.

If your birth control

fails, but you don't want the baby, then give it up to someone who does.

You don't need to abort.

The only time I agree with abortion is when

the woman is raped.

We don't need little rapers running around and I'm sure the woman doesn't want to

be connected to the rapist for her entire


Rape victims don't deserve a life of horror, but every other baby deserves a chance to


They might be abandoned by their irresponsible

parents, but there WILL be someone out there who loves them.

They can thank VP Pence for a new chance at life.

Ivanka Makes Shocking Sudden Job Change At White House, Then Drops Bomb About What She's

Doing With The Money

On what should be a glorious day for feminists everywhere, Ivanka is officially taking her

role as Presidential advisor and moving into her

West Wing office at the White House.

Somehow, though, the joy of the normally supportive left has been absent.

Could this be because the agenda

is less about breaking the glass ceiling and more about breaking the backs of conservatives?

Regardless, President Trump has given his daughter the opportunity to champion women's

issues by advising him about how he can best serve the

family unit.

She and husband Jared are both in the process of getting the proper security clearances

and government issued electronic devices.

The initial report was that Ivanka wouldn't collect a salary at all, but according to

Red State, it looks as if she may follow in her father's

footsteps and collect a check that would be donated to charity.

This is sometimes done as a formality because of government policies that frown

on anyone working for the government for free.

Despite all this, there are many who are still very much upset that she has a White House

role at all.

Apparently, we are all expected to turn a blind eye to anything that a democrat does,

but a conservative business person who graduated with

honors from Wharton can't possibly be qualified for a civilian advisory position that many

non-politicians before her have taken.

I'm not even sure the left is even trying to be impartial at this point, they are just

upset and don't care who knows about it.

If the

President knows that he works well with his daughter and son in law, and doesn't have

to go through the process of getting to know new people

and how they work, it seems to me that it would just expedite the efficient operation

of this administration.

But heaven forbid that we don't

calm the extreme fear of liberals that conservatives aren't ethical.

<insert eye roll here>

(Source: Gateway Pundit)

BREAKING It's Happening!

Look What Just Happened To 18 Sanctuary City Sheriffs!

The illegal immigration problem is an issue in almost every state in the union, but it's

especially prevalent in border states.

Those of us

that have a literal connection to Mexico are constantly in danger of being overrun by illegals

that have neither patriotism to this country, or

the intention of gaining any, once they settle in.

The increased rate of crime and drug-related deaths since borders have been being ignored

has grown to astronomical heights in the South West.

And unlike what the liberals would have you believe, it's not bringing people together;

it's causing even more animosity and distrust of all

diverse cultures.

When you've seen your cities turned into little versions of other countries and watched

your citizens have to avoid areas of their beloved

state that they used to enjoy, all because some politicians in a far away place with

gates and bodyguards say that it's good for you, that

tends to bring down morale.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot went on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," to talk

about what he's going to do about it.

His idea is simple; he

plans to force cities that refused to comply with immigration law and or Immigration and

Customs Enforcement to do so by signing legislation

that could jail sheriffs of sanctuary cities.

Abbot said:

"We have been pushing a piece of legislation in Texas that is going to pass that I will

be signing into law that imposes even sterner penalties

on counties.

It will include things such as further defunding them.

It will impose fines.

And it could impose jail time for these sheriffs to

enforce the laws.

Oddly enough these sheriffs could wind up behind the very bars they are releasing these

criminals from."

Texans have been marginalized and treated like racists for wanting to keep their own

land for too long and are ready to get behind the


As long as there are Texans, they will be fighting for the freedom that has always been


We were our own nation once before, and I don't

think it is out of the question that we could be again.

Obviously, that's not the ideal situation, but this is literally life and death for

many that live on the border, and we will not do what the politicians in DC have done

and forgotten about the problem just because it's not

knocking on our own door.

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

Melania Makes Heartbreaking Announcement About Barron That She Should Have NEVER Had To

Melania Trump is a soft-spoken but deeply private woman, which is respectable despite

being the constant target of criticism for it.

When she

speaks, it's with purpose, passion, or conviction, which was which makes her a strong woman.

She has also shown the ability to withstand her

harshest critics, who will likely now be spitting a fiery verbal assault at the First Lady for

what was just announced about her young son.

It's with intention, that the Trumps have kept 11-year-old Barron out of the spotlight,

to the best of their ability.

That hasn't stopped the

relentless attacks on this kid, despite the liberal mantra of "leave the children alone"

when it came to anything reported about the Obama


Now, the beratement has officially taken its toll, resulting in what has been happening

with Barron lately.

While the role of the First Lady comes with its challenges, nothing has been more difficult

than for Melania to see what her and Donald's son

has had to endure.

Prior to President Trump's Inauguration Day, Melania was by many means, your average

mother, which is how she preferred it.

She enjoyed the task of taking Barron to and from school each morning.

However, that routine has changed dramatically due to incensed liberals

who are on the constant attack and even put the First Family's lives at risk.

Anti-Trump protesters constantly surround the family's high-rise Manhattan home, forcing

Barron to be escorted to and from school by the Secret

Service, for his and his mother's own safety.

"The most difficult part of all this in Melania's eyes has been watching grown adults

mock her

son and even question his mental state," Truth Monitor reported.

This includes sickening acts and conversation about her son on shows like

Saturday Night Live and The View, some of which is perpetuated by women who are mothers


As insult to injury, liberals complain about the cost of Secret Service for Melania to

stay in New York City until the end of the school year.

It's because of their actions and it's necessary to surround these two in excessive


If they weren't so violent, persistent,

hateful, and intrusive, Barron could enjoy being dropped off at school by his mother,

like the other kids, and the cost of the Secret Service

to do it wouldn't be necessary.

Hollywood Badass Rob Schneider Just Threw Every Liberal Under The Bus With BRUTAL Announcement

That'll Shut Them Up

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you, a rare Hollywood celebrity who was

born with a working, logical, intelligent brain.

The one and only, Rob Schneider.

He just roasted every democrat on the planet and liberals are losing their minds faster

than a black hole sucks in every ounce of your


If this was a real awards show, then you would witness standing ovations for at least 39

minutes as Democrats sit down.

Pelosi rolls

her eyes to the back of her plastic face.

Maxine Waters throws her James Brown wig in the air and passes out.

Hillary Clinton burns a pantsuit.

Bernie Sanders Tweets something about taking care of poor people from one of his three


The list goes on.

It's all thanks to ONE Tweet Rob posted.

If you haven't noticed by now, then let me fill you in on a little secret.

Democrats like being victims.

They find every excuse to complain about things and blame everyone for their problems.

They're weak people who

like being trampled on so they have an excuse to scream and protest, even though NO ONE

listens to protests.

Rob Schneider raises a good point when he reminds democrats that it's not the Russians,

it's THEM.

Russia is just another scapegoat for

democrats to blame their weak losses on.

What comes next when democrats are tired of blaming Russians?

Does anyone remember the election of 2016?

How many Russians came here and forced voters to select Trump at the polls?

Pretty sure that number

remains zero.

Russians didn't make anyone vote for Trump.

The lack of acceptable democrat candidates, the annoying liberals crying over

everything, and the democrat party as a whole are the reason people don't vote for them.

There's literally nothing to like about the dingy democrats.

If you want to remain a victim where everything offends you, then become a


See how many votes your party gets at the next election.

The numbers will continue sinking until democrats take a look at the man in the mirror and make

a change for the rest of their life.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY… - Duration: 13:37.


Seat Alhambra 1.4 TSI REFERENCE 7P Trekh. ECC - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Seat Alhambra 1.4 TSI REFERENCE 7P Trekh. ECC - Duration: 1:03.


BEST FRIEND TAG (CHINA EDITION) //玲玲的闺蜜介绍 - Duration: 7:52.

Hey guys whats up welcome to another video from Linling.

Today we are in a summer palace in Chengde a small town outside of Beijing and we wanted to film in this beautiful location

but it seems like everyone is literally bumping into our video project here all the freaking time, but now we don't care anymore we are going to start

So without further ado let me introduce you to my best friend Tine.

Tine is here in china for the first time. Yes

And in this, what the hell is it called?


No something, whatever, it's not important.


So because she is here I thought I would like to introduce you guys to her

and we're going to talk a little bit about how we met the first time and about our long friendship.

Me and Tine we met each other in highscho, no middle school. Middleschool? 5th grade right? Yeah.

In the 5th grade and I remember we met each other for the first time when I went for football practice and she was coming as well,

as one of the new kids from out of town.

'Cause in my town we have a huge school and then all the other children from the nearby towns they had to come to our school to start school.

And yeah, that's how we met and I heard rumours that she had a horse but actually it was one of the other girls.

We still became friends and then we started horseback riding together because we were both so excited about it.

If we were not at school of course spend the rest of our time in the riding club, the horse club.

So I don't know if you can sense it but we were not the popular ones.

No, no we were not very popular.

Actually most people they teased us during high school.

Not like really ugly bullying but they were teasing us because we only thought about horses 24 hours a day.

Since then we kind of grew away from the horse passion.

Somebody just spat in the background.

Anyway, so fast forward to this day we have now known each other for, what did we say?

14 years? 12?

We measured it yesterday.

Now I don't remember.

I forgot it. 11?

Sorry sorry!

Cut again.

Small issue here, sorry guys.

We met each other when we were 12.



And then to 25 now so 14 years.

Yeah, we're not very good at math guys, don't judge.

Now Tine is staying in Copenhagen in Denmark with her boyfriend.

I've been so lucky that she actually decided to buy a flight-plane ticket to China.

She bought it like 1 year ago.

That was a little early. Danish people like to organize so this was very, very early.

Since then we've just been counting down and now you're here, so what do you think about China?

Actually I love China, I love everything about China, the…


Because it's really weird for us to speak English to each other we just chose to put in a Danish part

so you guys can also hear what it sounds like when Danish people are speaking Danish to each other.

Big cultural party here in Chengde.

So Tine what do you think, what has surprised you the most about China while being here the last few days?

Actually one of the things that has surprised me the most is the traffic and how it works down here.

No matter whether it's green or red you just go, everywhere.

Even if thousand are honking, no no doesn't matter you just go.

Look a bit left and right and hope you don't get run over by a giant bus or something.

Go with your guts.

Yes, exactly. I think is weird that it's not better organized in such a big city.

L: The sun is setting. T: We have survived it.

The sun is setting. Can't you see how dark I've gone?

Should I move?

No, you're fine it's only me who has disappeared.

Yeah like that, great.

I'll just lean a bit forward, theres the sun.

So the traffic, what else?

The pollution as well.

I had heard about but it. I was just so unfortunate that the first 2 days I was here it was really bad.

I was a bit surprised over the smell and just the whole atmosphere, everyone had to wear masks.

It was a bit weird but now the sky is blue again.

Now the sun is high up on the sky again.

There were 2 days with pollution and now there's been 2 days with sunshine and we're hoping there'll be sunshine till the end.

And we'll just speak up a bit because a whole turist group that is ruining our video has just arrived

Yeah and that's actually the 3rd thing I might want to mention.

The big difference there is between Danish and Chinese behaviour.

They spit a lot, I'm not really used to that and they stare a lot, like a lot!

This beauty here.

I had to get used to that at first.

Back home in Denmark no one even glances at me and here I feel like a celebrity.

You're a celebrity even though you haven't been on TV yet.

Yeah totally.

But you get used to it.

Yeah you do.

Tine has done really well in the metro.

I showed her from the beginning how to behave in the metro.

I learned from the best

For more infomation >> BEST FRIEND TAG (CHINA EDITION) //玲玲的闺蜜介绍 - Duration: 7:52.


Barkat Wala Marehra NEW Kalam 2017 by Hafiz Kamran Qadri & Indian Naat Khuwan in UP India - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Barkat Wala Marehra NEW Kalam 2017 by Hafiz Kamran Qadri & Indian Naat Khuwan in UP India - Duration: 6:14.


Alert: Spy Pics Reveal NK's Apocalyptic Plans for Saturday's "Day of the Sun" - Duration: 2:34.

New satellite images from Kim Jong Un's North Korea showed the communist country's

nuclear site at Punggye-ri is "primed and ready" for a new nuclear test, the Washington-based

think tank 38 North reported Wednesday.

The images reportedly showed North Korea preparing to detonate a nuclear bomb to coincide with

its national day, the "Day of the Sun" on Saturday.

According to 38 North, the images showed "unusually high levels of activity" at the site over

the past four weeks.

The satellite imagery from April 2 showed an increased level of activity around the

site's "North Portal," or the tunnel where the country's four most recent nuclear

tests have taken place.

And according to 38 North, aerial photos taken Wednesday showed continued activity at the

nuclear site.

Other activities that seemed to indicate that the nuclear site was preparing for another

test included increased personnel activity around the command center area located at

the compound.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday that it was possible that Pyongyang might

have the ability to deliver missiles equipped with weapons of mass destruction — specifically,

chemical weapons like those recently used in Syria.

"There is a possibility that North Korea already has a capability to deliver missiles

with sarin (nerve gas) as warheads," Abe told a parliamentary session, according to


North Korea's most important national day — its "Day of the Sun" — is on Saturday,

April 15, when North Korea celebrates the birthday of its founding president Kim Il


According to Reuters, North Korean leaders have used the date for major weapons test

in the past.

The country's current ruler, Kim Jong Un, has hinted that he had something big planned

for the day, but another missile firing, like Pyongyang launched earlier this month, or

a nuclear test could be a mistake of epic proportions: President Donald Trump has unequivocally

told Kim not to perform any more tests and he has urged China to work to keep the dictator

in check.

After Trump's recent muscle-flexing in Syria, Kim would be wise to back down.

Please Share this news… and let us know what you think about Kim Jong Un and his possible

plans for the "Day of the Sun."

What do you think North Korea is planning?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Alert: Spy Pics Reveal NK's Apocalyptic Plans for Saturday's "Day of the Sun" - Duration: 2:34.


Asly Toro - Libertad (Venezuela) - Duration: 4:33.

I'm tired of seeing this news

and the newspaper from yesterday

that it is still the same

They paint a reality that is unknown to me

and I see it through international media

My friends and my family

everything that I left behind

today, it calls me

today it calls me

The memories of my land

the ones I can't forget

and that song

screams today that

I want liberty

I wish liberty

I don't want to be ignored anymore

A change for good

because this helplessness invades my heart

today I sing a song for you

at the same rhythm of your heart

Mary cannot get medicine

and she has little time left

and the children are looking through the trash,

the leftovers to stop their hunger

Their friends and family are stressed today

looking for the solution

The solution

Desperate they all come together to pray

they ask God

for salvation

I want liberty

I wish liberty

I don't want to be ignored anymore

A change for good

because this helplessness invades my heart

Today I sing a song for you

at the same rhythm of your heart

And this song of sadness

There is still a hope

It's still here

It's still here

My people's smile

and the dances and the songs

and that desire to fight every day for a better life

You feel it here

Its heard in the streets

My people who scream, my people who fight

You feel it here

Every day stronger, you feel it here

the love of my people

the small towns, the big cities

in all the hoods, the country, the seas

you feel it here

Every day stronger

You feel it here

For more infomation >> Asly Toro - Libertad (Venezuela) - Duration: 4:33.



For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116I UPGRADE EDITION M-PAKKET NAVI LEDER XENON 18" 50DKM - Duration: 0:50.


Tennis Elbow Relief | Elbow Compression Sleeve | CopperJoint - Duration: 1:24.

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