Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2017

You breathe in about 17,000 times per day.

It's a process you rarely think about,

but behind the scenes, a huge coordinated effort is playing out.

Your vital organs,

the gut,





and heart

work together to sustain your life

by delivering oxygen to tissues throughout your body.

Most of our cells need oxygen

because it's one of the key ingredients of aerobic respiration.

That's the process that produces a molecule called ATP,

which our cells use to power their many incredible functions.

But getting oxygen throughout our bodies is a surprisingly difficult task.

Gas enters cells by diffusing in from their surroundings.

And that only happens efficiently over tiny distances.

So for oxygen to reach the cells within our bodies,

it needs a transportation network.

This is where our 20 trillion red blood cells come in.

Each one contains about 270 million oxygen-binding molecules of hemoglobin,

which is what gives blood its scarlet hue.

To make these cells, the body uses raw materials

that become available from the food we eat.

So in some ways, you could say that oxygen's journey through the body

really begins in the gut.

Here, in an amazing display of mechanical and chemical digestion,

food gets broken down into its smallest elements,

like iron, the building block of hemoglobin.

Iron is carried through the cardiovascular system

to the body's hematopoietic tissue.

This tissue is the birthplace of red blood cells,

and it can be found enclosed within our bone marrow cavities.

The kidneys regulate our levels of red blood cells

through the release of erythropoietin,

a hormone which causes marrow to increase production.

Our bodies churn out roughly 2.5 million red blood cells per second,

a number equivalent to the entire population of Paris,

so that oxygen that makes it to the lungs will have ample transportation.

But before oxygen can even reach the lungs,

the brain needs to get involved.

The brainstem initiates breathing

by sending a message through your nervous system,

all the way to muscles of the diaphragm and ribs.

This causes them to contract,

thus increasing the space inside the rib cage,

which allows the lungs to expand.

That expansion drops your lungs internal air pressure,

making air rush in.

It's tempting to think of our lungs as two big balloons,

but they're actually a lot more complicated than that.

Here's why.

The red blood cells in the vessels within your lungs

can only pick up oxygen molecules that are very close to them.

If our lungs were shaped like balloons,

air that was not in direct contact with the balloon's inner surface

couldn't diffuse through.

Luckily, our lungs' architecture ensures that very little oxygen is wasted.

Their interior is divided into hundreds of millions

of miniature balloon-like projections called alveoli

that dramatically increase the contact area

to somewhere around 100 square meters.

The alveolar walls are made of extremely thin flat cells

that are surrounded by capillaries.

Together, the alveolar wall and capillaries make a two-cell thick membrane

that brings blood and oxygen close enough for diffusion.

These oxygen-enriched cells are then carried from the lungs

through the cardiovascular network,

a massive collection of blood vessels that reaches every cell in the body.

If we laid this system out end to end in a straight line,

the vessels would wrap around the Earth several times.

Propelling red blood cells through this extensive network

requires a pretty powerful pump,

and that's where your heart comes in.

The human heart pumps an average of about 100,000 times per day,

and it's the powerhouse that ultimately gets oxygen where it needs to go,

completing the body's team effort.

Just think - this entire complex system is built around the delivery

of tiny molecules of oxygen.

If just one part malfunctioned, so would we.

Breathe in.

Your gut, brain, bones, lungs, blood, and heart

are continuing their incredible act of coordination that keeps you alive.

Breathe out.

For more infomation >> Oxygen's surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler - Duration: 5:10.


Eat This for Breakfast Every Morning and Watch Fat Disappear - Duration: 2:36.

Breakfast at your home probably doesn't look like a buffet on a cruise ship.

You are in a race with the clock, and it's difficult to eat healthy.

The good news about oatmeal is that it's quick and also is ideal for weight control.

Plain oatmeal is high in fiber and low in calories.

It's also inexpensive.

In today's video, we are going to delve into oatmeal to discover its health benefits.

Breaking down Oatmeal

One cup of cooked instant oats has 159 calories; 27 grams of carbs, 5 grams of proteins and

only 3 grams of fat.

In case you are tempted to purchase pre-packaged flavored packets, you may want to know that

they contain additional sugar.

If you're not careful you can consume up to 6 times as many calories in those flavored


Oat Fiber & Weight Loss

Rich in soluble fiber, oatmeal can be used in a weight-loss diet.

Even though the fiber has carbs, it doesn't break down as most other carbs do.

While in the stomach, oatmeal absorbs water which is beneficial in fighting constipation.

To be on the right track for losing weight, the guidelines according to Harvard Health

Publications recommend getting 30 grams of fiber daily.

One cup of cooked oatmeal provides 13 percent of that daily requirement.

Additionally, oatmeal offers other benefits including lowering blood pressure.

This can have a significant impact on protecting heart health.

While anyone can benefit from the weight loss potential, recent studies indicate that oatmeal

may even help fight childhood obesity.

Dressing up Oatmeal

To create a more visually appealing bowl of oatmeal, and entice kids to try it, toss in

some chopped apples or pears.

Sprinkle pecans or a dash of cinnamon on top.

Adding a handful of berries will enhance the taste and boost the fiber.

Allow your creativity to try something new each morning.

For more infomation >> Eat This for Breakfast Every Morning and Watch Fat Disappear - Duration: 2:36.


League Of Legens Perspectiva Vs Realidad #1 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> League Of Legens Perspectiva Vs Realidad #1 - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 5008 1.6 HDIF BLUE LEASE 5P. (112pk) Navi./ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek.pakket/ Chroom/ LMV/ PDC v+a - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 5008 1.6 HDIF BLUE LEASE 5P. (112pk) Navi./ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek.pakket/ Chroom/ LMV/ PDC v+a - Duration: 1:02.


Shakira, Maluma, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee - Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Mix - Reggaeton 2017 - Duration: 1:01:30.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Shakira, Maluma, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee - Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Mix - Reggaeton 2017 - Duration: 1:01:30.


Tackle that Cable Spaghetti Monster! - NeetGeek Value Cable Management Kit - Duration: 2:27.

If you haven't seen it already, I'll be posting my full home video production studio

tour soon to the channel.

I'm pretty proud of the setup and my overall organization, but I'm always stuck on one

big, fatal flaw - cable management.

So for this video, NeetGeek is sponsoring my tidying up a little with their awesome

value kit for cable management.

What you see right now is one of the many random kits of cable "drops" or "cable

clips" on Amazon.

I've ordered this one a couple times - the price varies between 9 dollars and 11 dollars

on Amazon.

It's an alright kit, but I usually need them in bulk, and I can't help but feel

ripped off paying so much for only a few pieces of rubber and adhesive.

The same applies to wire ties, too.

I can never get enough of those.

Well NeetGeek offers their kit and it seems to be a much better value.

For about 13 dollars, you get TWELVE cable drops, versus the 6 in the previous kit, as

well as 10 cable ties and 2 ear-bud wraps.

This is a pretty awesome value, and I'll honestly need to order like 3 more of these

kits to truly clean up the studio and get cables nice and neat and to an acceptable

state where you guys won't cringe when you see how it really looks behind the scenes.

The cable drops are great for securing cable runs for phone chargers, camera chargers,

tablet chargers, and so on.

The adhesive isn't damaging when you remove it, so these don't have to be permanent

fixtures, but they are very handy.

As I drown under the ocean of cables that I maintain in my studio - HDMI, DVI, ethernet,

XLR, USB, you name it - I can never get enough of these cable ties.

Wrap around one end of the cable.

Loop the cable up and wrap around.

Cable secured and ready to store, or hang!

My current earbud storage system is… less than ideal.

I honestly hadn't considered buying organizers for them before, but the ones in this kit

are handy.

The number one reason I don't use earbuds in the first place is because of how awful

they are to manage.

These make it a lot easier.

Overall, for 13 bucks, NeetGeek provides quite the value for a cable management kit, and

I'm super grateful to them for sponsoring this video and helping clean up the studio.

For the full tour, check the YouTube card icon or link in the video description.

To check out this cable management kit from NeetGeek on Amazon, there's a link in the

description for that, as well.

Hit the like button if you liked this video, subscribe for more, and I'll see you in

the next one.

For more infomation >> Tackle that Cable Spaghetti Monster! - NeetGeek Value Cable Management Kit - Duration: 2:27.


The Incredible Health Benefits Of Mushrooms! Dr Joel Fuhrman - Duration: 3:04.

A tumor can't spread without hormones

that promote angiogenesis

and tumors that start to become

cancerous secrete neurological signals

and hormones that are pro-angiogenic

hormones to blood vessels

to get the message to grow

into the tumor so the tumor

can be fed with oxygen and glucose

and nutrients to help it grow.

That's one of the major mechanisms

of which something becomes cancerous

cancers can't grow unless they have

pro-angiogenic factors but mushrooms

have anti angiogenesis factors.

Mushrooms have 3 factors that make them

powerfully anti cancerous.

1. They have anti angiogenic factors

2. They are aromatise inhibitors there

are powerful aromatise inhibitors

naturally occurring in mushrooms.

Do you know what aromatise inhibitors are like tamoxifen?

They prevent the breast from being stimulated

but the benefit of

mushroom derived aromatise inhibition

is they're more specific for breast tissue.

They have an affinity for breast tissue

they protect the breast tissue from excess stimulation.

They're one of the reasons mushrooms

are so protective against breast cancer

and they have antigen binding lectins

that penetrates cells and binds to the cell

cells surfaces and gives signals

to the cells to help them fight cancer

and they help the natural killer t cells recognise

cells that are becoming abnormal so they can

destroy them through apoptosis before the cells

become cancerous

so mushrooms have a trifecta of factors

that benefit people and protect against cancer.

For more infomation >> The Incredible Health Benefits Of Mushrooms! Dr Joel Fuhrman - Duration: 3:04.


DAY 5: Does Hard Work Beat Talent? - Duration: 9:11.

Greatness is not this ...

Wonderful , esoteric , illusive

Godlike feature that only the special among us

will ever taste

It's something that truly exists in all of us.

The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts

for people who are trying to excel , who have dreams and wanna do things.

Talent you have naturally, skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft

First mission of a day is finding my shoes

Yeah, I think they fell from the balcony or my window

O! Yes!!

- Two bananas

-Yeah, pick them


I've just never been a big "breakfast guy"

Just haven't

You know nutrition and diet and all that kind of stuff is never something I was really passionate about

I do know the basics

I know about the protein, that you should get after workout.

I know about carbs that you should intake before workout

I know about dietary pyramid

I know about ... You know you should have a set of vitamins and minerals in your diet

The basics is that kind of stuff but,

It is room for improvement in my part

and that's something I have to research

Maybe there's something in diet and nutrition that I can learn even further

and that will make me a better player

There is room for me to optimize my nutrition for the best football performance

and that's something that I will continually research

through this vlog, share the findings with you

So I learn more about it and we can learn more about it together

-Very good

-Nick! How you doing?

- Great


I need you to do more Nick

Come on!

Come on not so slow!

Alright 46s


Come on!

It's gonna take you... It's gonna take you... come on!

Mou what if I beat 45s?


Don't miss it , don't miss it!

Don't panic! Come on Nick!

You're doing better come on

Watch out!

45 seconds , you should have beaten the time man

Try next time to do it

- I will get it!

- No, no! Try next time

Well done Nick, well done

Keep it up!

Yeees! See it?

That's the fastest

That's good!

Beutiful, beautiful

Ah! I've told you

I've told you!

And you see now you are loosing right dynamic

Watch your control! Yes!

Doing better!

Much better!


Goood, Nick , Nick , Nick , Nick

Come on push it push it! This is the most difficult one

You know, training takes a lot of time.

Argh! Don't push it boy and run after. Control it!

You have to do it under 2 minutes.


Let's see what happens





and 1:55

It's kind like , you know , shaking hands

Yeah, we're shaking hands!

It's kind of like

It's like , you know, somone doing this to a rougth guy

Or you can do pac! pac! pac!

-I was watching "Match of a day" highlights with a Son

and Dele Alli

-And they did the pac! pac! pac!

-Alli is gold. Dele Alli is gold

-My goodness

- He's like Coutinho , Coutinho does the same

- They always do this ...

- This one sharp, quick movement

- And they just like that, in the corner

You can do it Nick!

It could be my thing...

The first goal Tottenham against Watford

With Song? Yes with Song, he just did quick turn and the shoot

Korea? He's a star there now.

Like the next Ji-Sung Park

Yeah , yeah

Whenever I do this technique it is lacking the power and accuracy

If you do it ,for example If I were playing as you

And you're supposed to close the ball there

and I lay the ball like that,

you could do it with force

You can do it , but we'll drill on Monday

Like that , pac-pac and push it in

Nick, if it come to you in any game or in practice you can do it

You know, you do it

And it's like , pac-pac, push it...

But you know while you push it, your speed, your speed apply as well

I'm done with a vlog today guys...

Just wanna to, relax today

Just wanna to make sure to I'll recover properly

Tomorrow it's gonna be another intense training

and I just feel like

It's really time to prepare, to relax ...

I've just spent a hour+ doing the recovery , watching the match here so

just wanna make absolutely sure, that I'm focused for tomorrow

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> DAY 5: Does Hard Work Beat Talent? - Duration: 9:11.


My EDC | What's In Your Every Day Carry? | Essential Carrying Items For Men - Duration: 7:37.

For years you guys have asked Antonio what is your everyday carry? and I've resisted

this question because I felt my everyday carry was pretty darn boring and I changed it up

quite a bit.

But over the last six months traveling the world, I found that there were items I carried

with me all the time.

So finally, I'm going to be able to put this video out.

Gentlemen, in today's video: my every day carry.

So the first item on my everyday carry is about $200 to $500 in cash.

I usually got a mix of bills and it depends on what country I'm traveling through as to

how much cash I'm going to carry.

But understand outside the United States, outside of Canada, outside of Australia,

a lot of countries they depend on cash.

Everything is done in cash.

If fact if you try to use cards, it's going to be difficult.

So another thing I want to talk about with the cash I carry.

I always make sure I have unmarked, new bills that are crisp and clean with no tears.

Because I can tell you I still got this $100 bill which I don't know how it made it out

of the country with me.

But I could not get anyone in Thailand or Ukraine to actually exchange this money.

For some reason this was toxic.

Now I'm back here in the US.

I'll just walk through a bank.

I will get a nice, crisp, clean new one.

But I always make sure depending on what country I'm going to I got cash because cash is king.

Next stop on my everyday carry three credit cards: 2 business, 1 personal.

They're all chips card.

Now one thing about chip cars you need to be careful about those RFID readers.

I can tell you the wallet that I used has an RFID shield that protects me so that no

one can actually hijack my information.

Item #3 on my everyday carry two forms of identification.

If I'm outside the country I'll take my passport and my driver's license.

Inside the United States, I'm actually going to have my driver's license along with a military


Now this isn't the normal military ID.

This is actually my VA card.

But what's interesting about this anyone that is eligible for one should get one because

you can actually get discounts at hotels.

Any place that gives a military discount, you just flash your VA card and boom you get

a big discount.

So I used it quite a bit.

Item #4 on my everyday carry is the watch that I wore around the world for the last

six months.

That is made by Vincero.

This is their Chrono S. I've talked about this watch before.

This watch you know I loved.

Why? I got some pretty good stories.

It's functional.

It actually serves a purpose of keeping time consistently despite the fact it actually

ended up in the washing machine, twice, and it survived.

It made it through.

But also this is simply it's a great looking watch at an affordable prize.

Guys, Vincero is the paid sponsor of this video.

But I'm happy to have them as a sponsor because watch enthusiast founded this company.

They're like let's get the best watch out there at an affordable price, something when

people see it they're going to say wow.

It looks like it cost ten times more than what it actually did.

Gentlemen as you're going through the website make sure to check out their specs: 316L surgical

grade stainless steel.

The sapphire coated mineral crystal glass.

Basically it's scratch resistant.

Look at the leather band that's genuine Italian leather.

It's about 22mm wide.

Also the dimensions of the casing it's 43mm in diameter.

Thickness about 10.5mm.

They got worldwide shipping for free.

Gentlemen, as you can tell I loved Vincero.

They're a great sponsor and a great company whose product I loved.

I'm going to link to them down the description.

There's also going to be a discount code down there.

Use that link to get the best deal.

All right, guys, let's go on to the next point.

Item #5 on my everyday carry is my simple iPhone5c.

I know it's an older iPhone.

I'm not necessarily up-to-date.

I used this as a work tool.

So let's talk about the apps here on this phone.

I have Evernote.

I have the RMRS app.

If you haven't grabbed that, you better.

I have Receipt Bank.

I have Audible.

I have Personal Capital, Facebook which I used for business.

I promise I mostly use for business.

I have Expedia, Skype.

I have Uber and that's about it.

Now I also take a charging cable and I usually have a battery that I traveled with me.

I also take a pair of headphones.

Like I mentioned I have audible.

I listen to podcast on my iPhone.

Guys, never waste a dead moment.

So if you can be listening and educating yourself listening to the audio books or great podcast

make sure you're doing that.

Next on my every day carry a simple ballpoint pen.

I want something that's retractable.

Something that if I lose it I'm not going to cry about.

Something that my daughter can take which is often does and she likes to draw with these.

Now I do like Uniball and they're beautiful pens.

I started using when I was in Marine Corps.

I loved them but here's the problem with these is that these can break, these can leak.

So I want to go with something that's going to be I think more durable and again if I

lose it I'm not upset.

Two more items on my everyday carry.

Small packages of wet wipes, very useful when you have kids with sticky hands, and tissues

for all other messes.

I got a daughter.

She gets blood noses.

My son and I both have allergies, and we sneeze quite a bit so very useful right here.

So you may have noticed in my everyday carry I wasn't carrying any knives or any type of


Well, I'm going in and out of airports.

I'm in countries which they don't encourage you to carry weapons with you.

This was kind frowned upon but sometimes you do need a tool to be able to solve some quick


So what was the tool that I choose to take with me, one that could get through airport

security, have no issue?

Guys, a heavy duty paperclip.


I'm serious.

This is actually what I took with me.

I can tell you multiple situations.

So as it is this is a great stabbing tool.

You got a plastic.

We had some meat that my daughter really wanted.

It's in this plastic container.

I was able to pierce it.

Use it almost as a knife.

Whenever we were going in and out of different countries

needing to get our sim cards taken out.

Boom. Right there.

Be able to pull it out.

So how did I carry my everyday carry?

How did bring it all together?


So if I'm inside the United States, often times I'm with my vehicle so I can take things

out of my pocket, put them to the side and I simply would take an RFID blocking wallet

and often times a front pocket wallet that I can carry in my front pocket.

Just less likely to get physically pick pocketed and the RFID protection actually protects

my credit cards from RFID readers.

Outside the United States though, I'm often carrying multiple passports.

Not just one passport but six passports.

I got a big family.

Plus, everything I talked about you got to multiply it times two or three especially

the wet wipes.

So how do I carry it all?

Well, I have a very small and masculine looking satchel that I took with me and this thing

was awesome.

I know a lot of you guys considered these purses or they're man bag or whatever you

want to call them.

Definitely find one that works for you if you're going to be traveling especially with

the family.

It's nice to have one bag that is just a go to where everything is at.

So guys that is my everyday carry.

Hopefully you found that interesting.

Now it's your turn.

I want to hear from you down the comments.

Not only which watch would you like from the sponsor of this video Vincero which I got

some extras and I would love to send your way.

But also let me know.

What did I miss on the everyday carry?

What would you have added to this list?

What would have made it more complete?

I love hearing from you guys, love learning from you and hopefully you enjoy this video.

I know it's been a long time coming.

Gentlemen, that's it.

Take care.

I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> My EDC | What's In Your Every Day Carry? | Essential Carrying Items For Men - Duration: 7:37.


sOAZ gives a vet's take on personal improvement, lessons from Origen, and what makes a good coach - Duration: 10:33.

I don't think I'm a master on new champions.

I think I pick up champions based not like I'm necessarily a master on them.

Some of them, like, if I really like a champion, I would probably learn it a lot more quicker

than others.

I mean, I used to play a lot of different champions, but back in the days, you didn't

have to master them to necessarily do well on them.

So this was the difference between now and before.

Before, it was much more easier to pick up new champions and play them on stage or whatever.

Now, if you play a new champion, you need to know a lot more things that you didn't

have to before.

So I think it's just about really thinking outside the box.

And just, since there's always new champions coming out, you have to think about what can

be good against this new champion and just try to learn the new counters, sort of.

I think Support, for me, is a cool role because you get to play with someone else.

Like you are a duo, basically.

So for me, this is the funnest part of playing Support or bot-lane, sort of, is that you

play with someone.

So if your synergy with this person is good, then you're going to play a lot better than

people that have very little synergy.

So I think, for me, it would be very interesting to learn and to actually, like, learn and

improve with someone as a duo lane, basically.

Well, Origen was pretty much a roller coaster, honestly.

From never being in Challenger, transitioning to Challenger was, like... the first matches

were pretty hard because it was super stressful for us.

We are not...

I think, like a lot of teams that have huge expectation.

We tend to not play at the same level at the very beginning of Origen.

Then we qualified for LCS.

It was not that easy, as people think it was.

But yeah, the early part was--like, the first year was for sure the best.

It was very nice overall.

I really like the parts that... you're in a new team with sort of new teammates that

you didn't play with.

Like, I didn't play with Amazing before, with Mithy, and Niels was a new upcoming player.

I played with Peke but it was the only once, so it's--I think the nicest part of joining

a new team is learning how to deal with new teammates and just being around them and just

having new friends, sort of, you know?

So the first year was for sure the best.

And we accomplished a lot more than what we expected.

I mean, we expected to do well but not as well, for sure.

There's some ups and downs, obviously, but the first year was really nice in my opinion.

Second year was the downfall of Origen, so I obviously learned a lot more the second

year about myself and about the effects team-wise kind of stuff, how to deal with certain situations

that happen in teams, what I should do improve on myself, what I wasn't doing right, or...

just how to improve myself in general and how to to deal better in team environments.

So what did you learn in that second year about yourself?

About myself, it's more about... so for example, the team was going downfall, as I said, and

for myself, it was more about focusing on myself.

For example, when I was playing with Mithy and Niels and stuff in Origen, the first year

when we did well and stuff like that, a lot of times, I would think more about the team

and what I could have done.

So for some players, they need to learn to be a team player, sort of, how to cut certain

things in the game to help the team.

And for me, it was pretty much the opposite that I had to learn... or Mithy was trying

to tell me was, like, how to be more selfish for my own.

Because at the time it was a more carry-oriented meta, like Fiora type of things.

And when I was playing this type of champion, I was trying to go more than trying to stay

on my lane and get jungle camps or stuff like that.

So I was not putting enough pressure on my lane, and I was turning to go roam when I


So it's just about, like, yeah... just trying to be more selfish, try...

second year, what I learned, just, like communication-wise.

Also, shot-calling a bit because everyone sort of left and team was new, so I was watching

a lot more replays.

Yeah, just trying to teach sort of new players how to communicate properly.

Example, like, if you just ping and say, "I'm coming," you know, just say, "I'm coming in

five seconds" or "I'm flanking," just really small things, but just about details, sort of.

Just learn how to be a better teammate and just a lot of small things, like, not so many

big things because I've been there for quite a while, but a lot of small things that have

quite a lot of impact.

I think for most players, thats...

I guess it depends of what coach used to have as a player.

But I think upcoming players--all-new players--what they want is someone with knowledge.

I think a coach that has knowledge is probably the most important thing, in my opinion.

And then, obviously, the pack will be someone that have knowledge but also that have kind

smile and can bring people together, you know, like, make a great team overall.

But it's obviously harder on you to... just, like, all the community and most of coaches

are quite young, and we'll maybe need to wait for certain players to retire or whatever

to have a really good coach with knowledge.

And eventually they will learn about their role as a coach, you know, like kind smile

and all this stuff.

But yeah, I think knowledge is really important because if the coach doesn't have knowledge,

he will probably tend to lose respect from his players.

Because if he don't know what he's talking about, then it's going to be very hard for

players to--not necessarily, like, respect him--I mean, most players will respect the

coach, no matter what.

But it's more about losing faith in the coach or losing... like, just not thinking too much

about what he's saying when he's saying it.

So I think, yeah.

Just, knowledge is probably the most important thing.

Respect for coaches is more earned than just given.

I think for some players, like, it depends upon the coaches and the relation you have,

because the coaches have different relations with each individual.

So yeah.

For some players, they will tend to lose trust depending on a weekly basis.

So what happened during scrims or what happened in the games overall, or maybe even outside

the game.

Maybe there's some issue outside the game and the coach didn't deal well enough for

the player, so he will think badly about the coach, right?

So there's a lot of different issues coming in, and it's just about how the coach deal

with them.

And depending on how he deal with them, then some players will tend to lose respect for

him, sort of.

So it's pretty tough to be always, you know, always have these great decisions, I think,

as a coach, right?

And especially that the players are young, so they will tend to get influenced a lot

more by either the community or what other teammates are saying, you know?

So it's very hard.

And since players are young, they get influenced a lot more by different factors.

For more infomation >> sOAZ gives a vet's take on personal improvement, lessons from Origen, and what makes a good coach - Duration: 10:33.


Hubble Sees Something Huge Coming Out of Uranus - Duration: 5:35.

Hubble Sees Something Huge Coming Out of Uranus

Stop your giggling over there!

That�s what the press release said � kind of.

NASA scientists studying the gas giant (yes, that�s what it is) with the Hubble telescope

have been watching bursts of wind (this is just getting worse � it�s solar wind)

as they hit Uranus (you can�t make this stuff up) and saw that the wind caused huge

intense auroras to come out of Uranus and then circle Uranus (really!).

When they finally stopped laughing, they also reported finding the magnetic poles that disappeared

into Uranus in 1986.

This is what happens when private space companies takeover the launches and NASA scientists

have to find new ways to entertain themselves.

Seriously (if that�s possible at this point), this is part of an ongoing study of auroras

on other planets.

As on Earth, these spectacular light shows on other planets are caused by charged particles

from solar wind or cosmic rays that get caught by a planet�s ionosphere and magnetic field

and collide with gas particles to create bursts of light that are witnessed by the planet�s

inhabitants and/or astronomers on Earth.

That old space workhorse Voyager 2 snapped the first pictures of Uranus on its flyby

in 1986.

Since then, NASA has had to rely on Earth-based telescopes.

In 2011, the Hubble telescope was first used to photograph Uranus.

After the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) installed on Hubble was repaired and

put back into service, ultraviolet pictures were taken in 2012 and 2014.

The times were coordinated with two massive bursts of solar wind that were tracked to

Uranus and caused the equally massive auroras.

The astronomers pulled their eyes away from the auroras long enough to relocate Uranus�

magnetic poles which had been lost shortly after being discovered by Voyager 2.

Being the big ball of bluish gas that it is, coupled with its distance from Earth, there

were no features on the planet that could be used as points of reference to find the

poles again.

While the pictures don�t show the poles, NASA is now confident of their coordinates.

The images of the auroras of Uranus released this week are a combination of the old and

the new.

The picture of the planet�s orbiting disk is from the Voyager 2 shots while the aurora

is from the Hubble pictures.

Together they provide beautiful photographs of a planet that gets too much abuse for the

mispronounced name it didn�t choose for itself.

Oh, go ahead and giggle �NASA started it.

For more infomation >> Hubble Sees Something Huge Coming Out of Uranus - Duration: 5:35.


Fun with Grids: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Fun with Grids: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 6:29.


Top Reasons Why Lottery Winners Go Broke! - Duration: 16:20.

Here are the top reasons why lottery winners go broke!

6 - Family and Money…..

It's overwhelming to suddenly stumble upon an amount of money that's in most cases

more money than 99% of the population would otherwise make in a lifetime.

The smart thing to do is to consult with actual legal and financial experts who're experienced

in dealing with unexpected windfalls, such as inheritances, or in this case, lottery


It's not just lottery winners that can't deal with a large windfall at one time.

Just think of how many professional athletes go broke.

Most people just don't know how to react to such a large amount of money that they

didn't really work for.

As it turns out, there're lawyers who specialize in the niche field of advising instant millionaires

on how not to blow their windfalls.

Yes, actual lawyers.

Or you can go with a fiduciary advisor.

Not your smarta*s nephew who once saw a documentary on lottery winners.

In fact, listening too much to the advice of friends and family is probably the second

best way to lose your money.

Large amounts of money is a complicated business.

If you've never dealt with it before, you need professional help.

Unless your brother-in-law's surname is Gates or Zuckerberg, he's likely to just

"advise" you to invest in one of his horribly laughable ideas for a business.

5 - Watch your back People get bled dry, sometimes quite literally.

We've already gone over Abraham Shakespeare before in one of my previous videos, but we're

gonna go over Mr. Shakespeare real quick gain.

Abraham won a thirty million dollar lottery jackpot in Florida, receiving a lump sum of

$17 million in 2006.

He moved out of his working-class neighborhood in Lakeland, Florida into a gated community.

Several months after his lottery win, apart from a million dollar home, his only other

major purchases included a Nissan Altima and a second-hand Rolex watch.

His actually relatively modest purchases wasn't what done him in.

It was the people that he kept around him.

Shortly after his lottery win, Abraham's family declared him missing, and in January

2010 his body was found buried under a concrete slab in the backyard of an acquaintance.

Dorice "Dee Dee" Moore was convicted of his murder and is now serving life in prison without

the possibility of parole.

Abraham, however, isn't the only winner who has been murdered over his millions.

Urooj Khan won $1 million in the Illinois lottery in 2012, and opted for the lump-sum

payout of $424,500 instead of annual payments.

He planned to use the money to expand his dry-cleaning business.

Sadly, Khan died less than a month after winning, the day after his check was mailed.

While his death was ruled natural at first, a test later revealed that he had been poisoned

with cyanide.

The police have not named a suspect, and a subsequent autopsy revealed nothing more.

When you get a bunch of money, really DJ Khaled said it best.

No new friends!

4 - Discounted Cash Flows?!

This is probably the most obvious example of how to lose it all real quick.

Blow it.

You'd be surprised at how quickly previously broke people can burn through millions of


William "Bud" Post won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery in 1988, but soon had

$1 million in debt within a year.

A year!!!

How do you blow 17 mill in a year?!?!

On top of that, his ex-girlfriend successfully sued him for a share of his winnings and his

brother was arrested for hiring a hitman to kill him in the hopes that he'd inherit a

share of the winnings.


After sinking money into various family businesses, Post sank into debt and spent time in jail

for firing a gun over the head of a bill collector.

Unfortunately Post now lives quietly on $450 a month and food stamps.

Another unfortunate example is Sharon Tirabassi, a single mother who had previously been on


She was fortunate enough to cash a check from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. in 2004

for $10.5 million.

However, unfortunately for her, she spent her winnings on a "big house, fancy cars,

designer clothes, lavish parties, exotic trips, handouts to family, loans to friends," and

in less than ten years she was back riding the bus, working part-time, and living in

a rented house.

It's really just one giant math problem.

Once you figure it out, you just stick to the answers to the budget you have for each

year of your life.

Okay okay, not ALL people go crazy after they win.

Some people make pretty rational, measured decisions and continue to reap the benefits

of a massive financial boost for years into the future.

People such as Denise and Paul Hardware, who kept their cool, celebrated modestly with

a luxury cruise before making some good solid investments…mostly in property.

The life of this Wales-based couple took quite the turn in 2007 when they won £5 million.

But after returning from their cruise, they paid off their mortgage, bought their dream

home in Somerset, and then invested in three more properties.

The winnings also allowed them to fund their son's college degree.

While stories like that of the Hardware couple are encouraging to those of you who still

dream about winning the lottery and not ruining your lives are great, but of course, they

aren't nearly as entertaining.

So, in that spirit…here's one more.

Callie Rogers was just 16 when she won £1.9 million — about $3 million — in the UK's

lottery in 2003, and she was too young to know how to manage her money or where it would

lead her.

Rogers had two children and then blew the rest on partying, vacations, and gifts for

her friends.

Now Rogers works as a cleaning woman and is reportedly facing bankruptcy.

Just another classically tragic lotto story.

3 - Taxes Death and taxes, those two are pretty much

the only things that's guaranteed.

Winning a large sum of money immediately puts you in a whole new tax bracket.

Most people forget this and are in for a big surprise when a lot of the cash is spent and

the first tax bill arrives.

Let's use the example of the $1.5 billion Powerball.

In the US, there's no way you're taking home that entire amount, none.

Of course, the first hit comes even before taxes kick in.

That estimated $1.5 billion prize is only if the winner opts to take the winnings in

30 payments over 29 years.

Basically the gov't takes that money and invests it in bonds for you, tax free of course

until you get the actual payment.

If you want the money now in one lump sum, the jackpot is a mere $930 million, a cut

of 38 percent.

Next up is the federal tax bill.

Lottery winnings are taxed as ordinary income.

If you win the jackpot, you'll be subject to the current highest federal tax rate of

39.6 percent.

And there aren't many workarounds to substantially cut that bill.

A lottery winner isn't exactly the type of person the government is eager to give

a tax break to.

I mean, it makes sense, since they know typical lottery winners aren't exactly high cash

flow generating individuals, so they wanna take as much as they can now.

The U.S. government automatically withholds 25 percent of such large prizes if the winner

is a person with a Social Security number.

For someone choosing the lump sum, they'll be taking home that prize MINUS $232.5 million.

Residents who don't have a Social Security number, or fail to provide one, will have

28 percent withheld and foreigners, 30 percent.

Winners gotta pony up the remaining 14.6 percent in federal taxes come tax time.

That's a bill of roughly $135.8 million you don't want to forget about amid early splurges.

So after federal taxes, in the case of our 1.5 billion Powerball example, you'd be left

with about $561.7 million.

Which, is still a HELL of a lotta money.

Just think about it this way, even if you spent 2 mill a year for 100 years…'d

still have a ton of money left!!

Again, the problem is, people love blowing that new money.

Anyways, depending on where you live and where you bought the ticket, state and local income

taxes further reduce the winnings.

In New York City, for example, you pay federal, state, county and city taxes.

Tallied up, a state and local tax bill could shave as much as another 15 percent — $139.5

million — off the lump sum.

That reduces your net winnings of our example to $422.2 million.

Cooooommmme onnnnnnnnn!!!

The luckiest Powerball winner would be someone who's a resident of Alaska, Florida, Nevada,

South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.

Those states participate in Powerball, but don't have a personal income tax.

California and Pennsylvania also exempt lottery winnings from state income tax if you bought

the ticket in state.

2 - New money vs Old money If you couldn't figure it out by now with

what I've been saying throughout this video, managing money is waaaay more difficult than

most people realize.

It's NOT the math associated with investing that's the tough part.

C'mon, let's be for real, any random person with access to the internet and an excel spreadsheet

can easily do discounted cash flows to figure out a budget to make their money last.

The math is the easy part.

The hard part is dealing with emotions.

Executing the financial plan is where most lottery winners go off the rails.

Think of it like people and food.

Everyone knows that to lose weight, just stop putting food in your mouth.

It's literally that easy.

But why are there so many outta shape people around?

Exactly, it's because they can't control themselves.

It's the same exact thing with money.

Take Jane Park for example.

The youngest person ever to win the lottery in Britain wants to sue the jackpot honchos

who made her wealthy because the dough quote "ruined her life," according to her.

Jane Park, 21 — who won $1.25 million playing Euromillions at age 17 — says she was too

young to cope with the sudden flood of wealth.

And this is only 1.25 million dollars.

In the grand scheme of things, this isn't exactly life changing money.

Before Park won the lottery in 2013, she worked as an administrative assistant for $10 an

hour and lived in a modest apartment with her mother in Edinburgh.

Listen to this, now she owns a flashy purple Range Rover along with two homes, and has

traveled the world with the lottery cash.

She's also used her lottery winnings to pay for plastic surgery, designer shoes and

extravagant nights clubbing.

Does this sound typical yet?

She says she's now sick of shopping, misses hustling for a paycheck, and has struggled

to find a boyfriend who isn't using her for her money.

Apparently the lavish lifestyle has only made her feel quote "empty" inside.

She said she has material things but apart from that, her life is empty.

She said she started to wonder what her purpose in life is.

So instead of turning to God, therapy, or whatever it is people need to do to get their

life back on track, listen to this bullsh*t, she's filing a lawsuit against UK's National


She's claiming that the lottery shouldn't allow kids under 18 to play.

Just wow.

Does anyone hold themselves accountable these days?!

Let's think through the logic on this one, she's blaming her problems on having money,

but she's suing for more money.

How the h*ll does THAT even make sense?!

Sounds like someone went broke to me!!!!

Anyways, people with that old money, or people who gradually became wealthy through building

a business, have a kind of, let's just call it "training" that overnight millionaires

just don't.

This explains a lot of the silly financial mistakes that many rookie millionaires make.

You see similar traits in overnight celebrities, or like we said before in professional athletes,

basically just anyone who isn't used to a lot of money.

If you're inexperienced with big money, you should really see an advisor who hopefully

can pull in the reins on the spending and bad investing.

As we've seen with some of these stories, a good professional advisor might have actually

save these people from themselves.

A good advisor would have probably been helpful to Jonathan Vargas.

His is a very interesting, although tragic case.

The 19-year old took home a $35.3 million Powerball jackpot in 2008.

Vargas used his new-found wealth to start a business.

But not just any business.

He started a pro wrestling business.

He called it "Wrestlicious".

And wrestlicious featured an all-female cast of wrestlers clad only in bikinis.

Yeah, that sounds like 19-year-old genius at work for sure.

Anyway, Wrestlicious lasted just one year on TV, but obviously isn't in business,

because let's be for real, have you actually heard of this?!

And according to reports, Jonathan Vargas is broke.

Please, do this for me, if you ever win the lottery and you've never built a business

before, PLEAAAASE talk to a professional!

1 - Annuity?

Many people take an annuity, which means you get your money in installments over a period

of 29 years.

Which is a good thing.

Well…that actually depends on how good you are with money.

The problem is, you gotta be straight up with yourself.

Are you actually good at money management?

Or no?

Just as an example, everybody thinks they're an above average driver.

See how THAT math doesn't work out?

As I mentioned earlier, taking the annuity is basically letting the government hold onto

most of your prize and invest it for you.

The best part is, the government doesn't pay tax on investment income.

Of course, once you get the annuity checks, you'll have to pay income tax on them.

But if you take the lump-sum cash prize, you'll pay tax twice: on the prize when you win it,

and on the income you get by investing it.

This adds up.

If you invested all your prize money in the same way Powerball does, which is essentially

by putting the money in government bonds, you'd end up with 20 percent more cash in

2045 if you took the annuity option rather than the cash option, thanks to the tax savings.

Now this is where if you're actually good at money management comes in.

You COULD shave that difference by picking a different investment strategy with better

tax management, but you'll never beat the effective tax rate of zero on the investment

income earned inside the Powerball annuity.

But let's be for real.

A lot of hedge fund managers can't even beat the S&P 500…..and they're professionals.

If you're actually really good with money management, have built businesses before,

and have handled more than a mill year in net cash flow …….well damn, congrats on

getting to God-mode in life!!

By all means say "suck it" to the annuity and take that lump sum big pimpin!

But if not, by taking the annuity and accepting the lower rate of return and protecting yourself

from yourself so you can't blow all your money at once, it's worth it giving up the

extra points to make sure you're not broke in 2 years.

Let's not forget the tax savings too!

The only real downside with the annuity, is that if you die before it's finished paying

out, you can leave the future payments to your heirs, but the I.R.S. will want to collect

estate tax right away on those payments' future value.

Basically, you just gotta try to live past that last payment!

Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> Top Reasons Why Lottery Winners Go Broke! - Duration: 16:20.


Replacing the battery in your Running Dynamics Pod - Duration: 1:47.

Replacing the battery in your Running Dynamics Pod.

Your Running Dynamics Pod is powered by a CR1632 battery that can be purchased at

most hardware and electronic stores or through an online retailer.

To begin, first remove the pod from the flexible silicone clip by stretching

the material around the pod.

On the back of the pod, there is a battery cover with "Locked" and "Unlocked" symbols.

Twist the battery cover counter-clockwise until the indicator dot aligns with the "Unlocked" symbol.

The battery cover can now be pulled off.

Here's a tip; if the battery is lodged you can use a piece of tape or a magnet to remove

the battery from the cover.

Wait 30 seconds with the battery out.

Insert the new battery into the cover.

The positive side of the battery should be face down.

The positive sign on the battery will not be visible when the battery is correctly installed.

Replace the cover, aligning the "Unlocked" symbol with the indicator dot.

Press down and rotate the cover clockwise to lock it.

The indicator dot should now be aligned with the "Locked" symbol.

Be sure not to pinch the yellow O-ring gasket during this process.

The gasket should not be visible when the cover is locked.

Finally, insert the pod into the silicone clip.

Make sure that the running man icon on the pod is aligned with the running man icon inside of the clip.

The running man icon must be right side up when the Running Dynamics Pod is worn.

The Running Dynamics Pod is now ready to use. So head outside and enjoy your run.

For more infomation >> Replacing the battery in your Running Dynamics Pod - Duration: 1:47.


CNN Heroes: Students meet CNN Hero Ned Norton via Skype - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> CNN Heroes: Students meet CNN Hero Ned Norton via Skype - Duration: 2:27.


Hillary Clinton Does A Little Modeling | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.






































































For more infomation >> Hillary Clinton Does A Little Modeling | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:01.


The Harvard Arts Medal - Duration: 2:07.

My Harvard education, well, it went on

for a while. So it is one part

inspiration and nine parts perspiration

whereas with the poets it's the

other way around and that's why people

find them so annoying, they say I'm

not looking out the window I'm working

working visually working with

people and you know capturing something

extraordinary about ordinary life

If I could encourage young girls to pick up

the guitar and maybe be part of that

movement that would allow that sexism

in my end of the world to be eradicated

a little bit that I could do something

good with this guitar. I took a class

with a guy named Anthony Kubiak and I

had taken a few of his classes he was a

wonderful teacher and I started Good

Will Hunting and it was a playwriting class

I never took film seriously I, you know, I

came much more from theatre before

Put yourself in situations where you can

play with the best musicians possible

and play with honesty and integrity

Oh well it was it was great because I could

get into the Widener Library stacks

which is where I put the secret service

in the Republic of Gilead

I think the time it's never been better

for music if you're good you're going to

get through no matter what

Through music, it's a medium you could

actually explore everything and then I

was able to to say okay I do have a

passion this is something I can readily

sign on to do.

For more infomation >> The Harvard Arts Medal - Duration: 2:07.


Pop Latino 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Luis Fonsi x Daddy Yankee, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Chino Y Nacho - Duration: 1:00:35.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Pop Latino 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Luis Fonsi x Daddy Yankee, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Chino Y Nacho - Duration: 1:00:35.


HoriaSan S02E13 | Ride With Me #3 - Duration: 8:22.

konnichiwa my friends

what could be better

than after a day's work to get on your bike and go

i can't believe it, no traffic!

how's that? tell me, how's that? :)

look how nice, hornet 600

this a bike i recomand from all my heart

let's see what stupid drivers we'll find today in this Ride With Me

sorry for that

can't you see i'm coming?

thanks girls!

- hey girls, do you like fish (pimp in Romanian)? - no, cause he's beating us

it seems i talked too soon about the traffic...

ok boss, here you go you go first cause you're bigger

(guy in the bus sleeping)


i've changed the tyres and i can no longer slide the rear one...

ah, you f@*1ng retard...

wtf, what's with all these people here?

at least you looked before opening the door all the way...

look at this car parked here...

last year when they first announced this as a no parking zone

police was here every day with parking tickets

now... nothing, they park again

stay there!

that's it for today with this Ride With Me

i hope you like it, although you didn't have much to like

i hope you can learn from me this filtering and lane splitting

i hope you learn only this, not the fast riding in a limit zone

oh, very nice guys thanks a lot

so thanks for watching

and don't forget to like, share and subscribe

and until next time, i wish you all the best

For more infomation >> HoriaSan S02E13 | Ride With Me #3 - Duration: 8:22.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 BE Ambition Exclusief Sportpakket - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 BE Ambition Exclusief Sportpakket - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso THP LIGNE B. AUTOMAAT-NAV - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso THP LIGNE B. AUTOMAAT-NAV - Duration: 0:57.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso VTI LIGNE B. - NAV - TOPDEAL - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso VTI LIGNE B. - NAV - TOPDEAL - Duration: 0:47.


Malgudi Days English – Best Kids Tv Series - Full Episode 42 – A Horse And Two Goats - Duration: 26:24.


Have this.

Take this. Eat this in the afternoon with onion.

And yes, don't return home before evening.

I have to search some work.

I have talked to the rich people.

They too have said that there is no work today.


Hey! Listen.

Muni, bring curry leaves when you return.

Listen. Don't return home before evening.

You didn't bring the vegetables. Did you forget?

It seems the days have come to die with hunger.

Why? Didn't you find any work with the rich people?

Not only rich people. I have roamed the entire village.

I didn't find any work at any place.

Everybody says the same thing...

...that they don't have any work.

Now eat whatever is there. I am just adding salt.

This is left in the place of spices.

Everyday the same grass and leaved.

If it continues like this then I will become a goat one day.

I have told you to prepare the curry with drumsticks.

There aren't enough teeth in the mouth.

And look at the taste for food. Want everything.

Look at this too. The entire pots are empty.

Want curry with drumsticks.

Bring pulses, rice, oil and everything...

...from the shop tomorrow.

I cannot fulfill your wish without all of them.

I will boil it with salt. Would you be able to chew?

Eating a healthy meal has remained a dream.

What should I do?

Should I enter the houses of rich people...

...and loot them for oil and vegetables.

Bring the entire goods. Flour. Pulses. Mustard seeds.

Want some chilly powder too.

There is no money with us. And bring the entire goods.

Hey! Brother. Don't ask me about that incident.

What should I tell you?

It seemed to be an old feud by watching the way... suck the blood.

He had an old feud with Guruswamy whom we met...

...the other day when he was going to the post office. He...

Greetings, sir. - Yes, yes.

And then. - After that Inspector too has come.

He was asking everybody. He even asked me.

Do you know who has committed the murder?

I told him that I didn't do it.

Wonderful, Mr. Mishra. Wonderful.

What happened, brother?

Sir, I want some goods. Flour, pulses, etc.

Yes, yes.

Don't worry, Mr. Mishra.

Nobody can escape the police these days.

One minute. When will you clear my previous amount?

I will do it very soon.

You didn't pay a single rupee for the last two months.

Do you know what your due amount is?

Yes. Five rupees and twenty five paisa.

How much are you paying? Pay it.

Right now I don't have anything, sir.

I will clear the entire amount next month.

Are you wining a lottery next month?

Or are you going to loot some place.

My son's letter has come.

He has written that he is sending money.

Is it? Do you have a son?

Yes. - How will he send them?

Is he getting them from in-laws?

Next month is my birthday.

Did you hear? Next month is his birthday.

What will be your age then, Maniya?


I was born before 1886.

I remember everything.

My mother used to distribute sweets in the entire village...

...on my birthday every year.

Are you fifty years old? I find you to be seventy year old.

Young man, you have forgotten one thing.

Last month you took perfumed oil saying...

...that it was your birthday.

You said that you will get massage and then take bath.

When did I tell that I will take bath?

I don't get a bucket full of water for drinking.

So where will I take bath from.

Whether it is birthday or death day, you will not...

...get any credit from this shop.

Go. Go. Run away from here. Don't waste my time.

Okay, sir. Give me a cigarette.

Take it.

Rascal. He was saying that he will not give any goods...

...until I clear the old debt.

Then the curry with drumsticks will not be prepared.

Nothing is left with me to cook.

We have to remain hungry rill afternoon.

Then sell these drumsticks for whatever price you get.

If we could some money...

...then we can survive till tomorrow.

Yes, yes. Don't think too far. Go with the goats.

Don't return soon. Let them graze.

Yes, yes. Will you go to find work today?

I will not go.

Why? - A dead body was found at the ground near the well.

Dead body? - Police will come...

...and do the inquiry.

It's good for me to stay at this place.

But what are you afraid of.

I get scared by watching khaki colour.

If watch them once then there would be troubles.

I will not go anywhere.

For crying out loud.

Hey! You there. Hey! You, buddy.

Is there any place I can fill it up?

Yes, yes.

'Why is he coming towards me? '

Khaki. He is wearing khaki clothes.

'He must be definitely a policeman or a soldier.'

'If I run then he will chase me.'

'Maybe he could shoot too. Hey! Lord Shiva.'


That's a damn fine piece of sculpture...

...if ever I saw one from anybody.

Yes. No.

Hi! I am from New York. Franks is the name.

My name is Muni. Everybody knows me.

Ask anybody in the entire village.

Yes. These two goats are mine. I am telling the truth.

My name is Muni. Yes. Yes.

There are few people in the village...

...who give false evidence but you ask anybody.

Everybody will tell you.

Sir, my name is Muni. These two goats are mine. It's true? Yes.

Yeah! I think I kind of understand you.

Smoke, pal.

Come, on. Take one.

Yes. No.

Light it.

Are you okay, pal?

Did you come to catch me?

Is it regarding the dead body at the ground near the well?

Sir, God is the witness. God knows it.

I don't know anything in this matter.

I got to know about it today.

M wife has told me that a dead body was found there.

This kind of thing has never happened before in our village.

Yes. The people from that village are scoundrels.

They fight a lot amongst themselves.

Yeah. Yeah. I guess you know when this horse is made.

Why are you worrying, sir? I swear I don't know anything.

You go. I am there.

If I find any rascal or hooligan, I will catch him.

And I will bury him neck deep.

He cannot escape me, sir. Believe me.

The murderer is not from this village.

Whoever it might be, he would be from that place.

Can't you understand even a simple word of english?

Everybody in this country seems to know english.

Look, pal.

Let's sit down across there.

And I will talk really slow and you try and get my meaning.

You see, last august we probably...

...had the hottest summer in history.

I was working in my office on the fortieth floor...

...of the empire state building.

And I got to thinking about my vacation.

As soon as I got home, I told my wife Ruth.

We have got to go to India. See other civilizations.

That's why I am here.

But you know, my wife Ruth, she is up in Srinagar.

So I thought to move around and see more of the country.

And take in some of the culture.

Yes. No.

When I was very small, I had an uncle...

...who too told interesting stories like this.

Boy, what is the secret of your teeth.

How old are you anyway?

No, sir. There isn't any big animal over here.

There are tigers, cheetahs, wolves and elephants.

And sometimes they attack our goats too.

But mostly the people from that village come...

...and steal them.

But we think that Cheetah has eaten them.

But let me tell you something.

Thief cannot escape. The priest knows everything.

Do you know what he does?

He burns the camphor and watches his face in the flame.

Go and catch him.

His father too will acknowledge it.

And they thrash him.

Hey! I got your drift. You got some chopping to do.

Even I enjoy a bit of chopping now and then.

Strictly as a hobby on Sundays.

Do you understand?

Do you want a cigarette, pal?

Okay, sir. Should I leave? I am getting very late.

Hey! Listen.

I can't believe it.

Is there no one to translate for me?

Oh! Jesus.

Hey! Listen pal. I want to make a deal with you.

Is that statue yours? Will you sell that horse to me?

Who? This one. This one is very old, sir.

I grandfather used to tell its story when I was very small.

And do you know who has told him.

His grandfather has told him. And when was it.

When he was very small.

Excuse me. I don't want to waste your time.

I will take both of them.

This and this.

Who? This one. He is warrior.

And this is his horse.

He is a great warrior.

Listen, pal. Don't waste your breathe with sales drive.

I appreciate the articles. Don't bother with the little detail.

Sir, I am not educated.

There was Sanskrit school in our days.

Brahmin children were going to study there.

We were in the fields the entire day.

We slogged there from the sowing to reaping.

Who had the time to study?

That's why I don't speak english.

Even dogs and cats must be talking english at your place.

Only officers and high class people know english in our place.

Yes. There is a postman. He knows english.

But what will happen by knowing english.

His wife has eloped last year.

Sir, I will tell you one thing.

Every man should keep a strict vigil on his wife.

Let anything happen, we are the one to get blamed.

See you, wiz.

I wish I had my tape recorder with me.

Your language sounds wonderful.

I get a big kick just out of listening to you.

Very truth, you know.

This one. - Yeah.

This warrior is Kshetrapal. He will sit on this horse over here.

And he protects the entire village.

Watch it. The entire world will get drowned... the end of materialistic age

Then this form of Lord Kalki will kill...

...all the sinners holding a sword in his hand.

Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't get excited.

I can assure you that this will have the best home in the U.S. of A.

No. No, sir. I am not telling that. The priest says so.

This will become very, very big during... the time of doomsday.

Only the meritorious people can sit on its back.

And nobody else.

Do you know when it will happen?

How I am going to transport it? No, problem.

You see my truck over there. I will just trap in on the top.

That thing can take an elephant.

No. I don't know the entire story.

You meet the priest. He will tell you the entire story.

No. No. No. I am just a modest businessman.

I am no millionaire. My trade is coffee.

Coffee? Do you want to drink coffee?

Then do one thing, sir.

Go to the top straight.

There is a market in the next village today.

There is a coffee shop over there.

I will say it again, pal. Ours is a modest business.

Will you accept a hundred for the horse?

You are a decent man, sir.

You have talked to this poor old man for sometime.

Otherwise who asks for others in these days?

How many children do you have?

I said a hundred.

And daughters.

I don't know what the hell you are talking about.

But this is what I meant.

Do you want change?

Yes, yes. You want change.

Meet the village shopkeeper.

He will give you correct change.

He has got lot of money with him.


He might be having one lakh rupees gold coins.

Take it. Take it.

No. No. I will not go to him.

He says that the creepers of his cucumbers...

...are eaten by my goats.

In addition he asks for five rupees and twenty five paisa.

Okay. Okay. Let's make you another offer.

Here. Suppose I give ten of these.

Will that make more sense?

Okay? So you want my goats.

Yeah! You got it.

Will you take these goats in that vehicle, sir?


These goats are lucky.

Sir, I never sat in a vehicle till now.

These goats will sit in it.

Sir, these two will not move from their place... long as I am here.

I will go from here.

After that you pick up these two...

...and put them in the vehicle.

Did you understand?

Okay, sir. I am leaving. Hope God does everything good for you.


Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Hi! There. I need some gas for my truck.

And also I need some help from those guys up top there... put the horse on the truck.

Do you think that's possible?

I could even pay all you guys, you know.

Right, sir.

Give some petrol from the tank to sir.

Jesus. Great jog, guys. Great can.

Where did you get it from? Terrific.

Hey! You guys. Take it easy down there.

That's things got to go all the way back home to the U.S. of A.

Oh! God. So much of money? Where did you get them from?

Sold. I have sold both the goats.

A great sir has come in khaki clothes. Whiteman.

I felt he was mad. Otherwise who will buy those goats?

Tell me the truth. Did you steal?

Look, police will come at night.

They will break your bones. I am getting frightened.

I will go to my parent's house.

Hey! No, no. I am telling the truth.

He gave so much of money and took...

...both the goats in his car.

What is this? The goats are here.

Hey! This is wonderful. How did you both come back?

I have sold both of you for hundred rupees.

Did he leave you? Or you both returned on your own.

Oh! Where did that Whiteman go?

For more infomation >> Malgudi Days English – Best Kids Tv Series - Full Episode 42 – A Horse And Two Goats - Duration: 26:24.


Tery liye hum hain jiye || neha kakar song live sessions || kisi nazer ko tera intzar - Duration: 5:02.

Please Sabscribe our channel

For more infomation >> Tery liye hum hain jiye || neha kakar song live sessions || kisi nazer ko tera intzar - Duration: 5:02.


20170413_KOF98_초특급이오리 vs. x0v0x - Duration: 10:27.

1P 초특급이오리 vs. 2P x0v0x

For more infomation >> 20170413_KOF98_초특급이오리 vs. x0v0x - Duration: 10:27.


Roasted Salsa Recipe - How to make Homemade Salsa - Duration: 8:52.

everybody in Iowa no hippie BBQ what I

would be doing today is going to be a

roasted salsa recipe and this is a very

simple recipe Becky was going to kind of

distinguish this from a lot of recipes

as we're going to be roasting these

vegetables typically I would roast them

on my weber kettle drills and I'm going

to press for time so we're going to be

roasting them on my trailer drill anyway

the ingredients are simple come on in

and take a look the ingredients are

going to be using on this is we have

some tomatoes I have a couple or I have

one lime raised about half of this

garlic a couple habanero peppers to red

onions I have about five or jalapenos to

poblano pepper and three these are

Anaheim chili pepper since this not

hatch green chile time if this hatch if

it's hatch season go ahead and use those

anyway what I'm going to do and we also

have some cilantro what I'm going to do

is I'm going to go ahead and get this

grill fired up we're going to just start

roasting all these vegetables the only

thing i'm not going to roast is going to

be the habaneros and the onions outside

of that we're going to roast it all so

we are out here at the grill the first

thing I'm gonna do is put on my peppers

and I'm going to do my pepper separate

from everything else now the poblano


this big one right here I may leave the

charts skin on that the green chili

peppers we will be taking the skin off

of those and then the jalapeno peppers

just need to get charred up a little bit

and we're not going to peel those either

so once we're done with that or grilling

these things off the only thing we need

to do is get our tomatoes on here and

we're going to throw our lime in here

just to get that flesh kind of teared up

as well these peppers I can tell that

some of the liquid starting to kind of

run off of it so we're starting to get a

little chart not quite where we want yet

yeah it's probably gonna be about

another seven eight minutes before I

take a look at it I may pull these

jalapenos off before that another seven

minutes into this so there's kind of the

char we're looking for the skin and

separating from the flesh which is what

we want on this this paper like I said

we're probably just going to go ahead

and keep the charred skin on it since

this skin isn't it sick and the attalla

pain yo peppers those actually look like

they're about done so I'm going to go

ahead and get something packed Emma let

those go a couple more minutes

and then I'm going to take those off and

these are probably gonna go about

another six or seven we've gone about

another seven minutes I decided to leave

these jalapenos on there but we are

going to pull these off first

take a look at our poblanos and imma let

those go a little bit longer like I said

we're not going to be pulling the skin

off on these we're going to just let

this go i'd say about another five

minutes you're not going to have to

watch me take those up next time you see

me will be getting these tomatoes on now

when you pull these off you'll see some

people put them in bags and you know

like a ziploc bag to help appeal it this

skin is pulling back so well did I don't

think it's going to be necessary on

their tempers off now we're just going

to go ahead and throw these tomatoes on

and we're just going to kind of go for

we're just going to kind of soften them

up a little bit maybe get a little char

on it now what we've definitely going to

want to get some char off though are

these lines I may actually go with

another line depends on our salt to

taste we mix it together papers are kind

of starting to split I'm going to let

these go for probably about another four

minutes maybe I might let them go about

another seven minutes

these limes the juices already starting

to flow out of them we have a little bit

of a char on the moma go ahead and pull

those off now so these are going to go

about another seven minutes next time

you see me we will be inside putting

this together Terry Linda all these

peppers and tomatoes everything together

this is going to be kind of tailored

towards what you want probably what I'm

going to do if you've got a couple back

in this litter I do have one of those

nutri ninja blenders and to me I just

like this little lot better if you like

it a little bit more course you just

throw it in more like a food processor

type thing anyway oh we're just going to

let start off with about three to wait

just just the liquid in there hit it

with about three cloves of garlic now

here is what is important to me you

always be people that take the feeds

pepper to me the seas are the best part

so I'm gonna just pull this dim up leave

the seeds in that's what edit so that's

one poblano pepper and go as a couple

how the pineal peppers going to go with

one of our habaneros miguk one hatch let

me throw in my cilantro now as well and

then they just one more tomato just to

get the liquid going in there like I

said this is probably going to take a

couple Baptist to do and what I'm going

to do is blend this up I'm just going to

put it in this big little top so

everything is just going to kind of get

put together then with me everything

blended up and we're going to see this

we're probably just going to go with

salt on this outside of everything this


so that is our last batch right they're

just going to pour this in with the rest

of it this was about a half a gallon of

the mission you got that los andes ooh

squeeze these landing here and I'm going

to let this chill out for about two

hours before i had any salt to it just

so these flavors can come together and

i'm getting a real tasty with this

salsas leg all right it is time for this

taste test you know I was making this

roasted salsa for my man siren at TMC

barbecue just rolled into town from Iowa

let's go siren went off bro okay you

know what I tone this off it down a

little bit didn't use as many habaneros

as I normally would but you know I don't

you get on in and take a taste and let

you go first a male where my mom got

that must live pretty sure

told you in the type full flavor it is

that's all them roasted peppers in there

who now you know what last time that we

used some dried red peppers in that I

didn't have any other hand with the area

this works out well anyway I appreciate

you guys coming by no hippie BBQ run by

T and T BBQ and take a look at this

candle if you have it yet if you want to

do somebody does out there working that

smoker this is your guy he doesn't chew

as much as me but you know that's just

what happens when you don't have as good

at tita's idea anyway thanks for

somebody's barbecue I appreciate it

comment subscribe and I'm out

For more infomation >> Roasted Salsa Recipe - How to make Homemade Salsa - Duration: 8:52.


People of Puerto Vallarta: The Coconut Man - Duration: 8:13.

What is your name?

Jose de Jesus Cardillo

How many years have you lived in Puerto Vallarta?

Sixty six

What is your name?

Jose de Jesus Cardillo

Have many years have you lived in Puerto Vallarta?

Sixty six

I am a Puerto Vallarta native

For how many years have you sold coconuts?

Twenty nine years

How many coconuts do you sell in one day?

Right now we are in the high season for tourism

I can sell 60 in one day

And in the low season?


Do you like Puerto Vallarta?



I have everything in Puerto Vallarta. The sea, the sun...

The malecon

People are nice

This man is very nice!

The cafe, it's new?

Yes, it's new

What is the name of it?

It's called Frida.

Or the Cafe 412.

Here is where I was born.

Now this is where the English Language School is.

Me selling coconuts!

This is the truck of my friend that lives up the hill.

Here is when I was little.

That's you?

That's me!

He played on another [baseball] team!

They were bigger than us!

In a game, we beat them one to zero!

This is at parish of Guadalupe.

Here there was a movie theatre.

Now, this is where the National Bank is located.

The number 412.

What is the significance of it?

Three houses down is my house.

And it is the number 412

For all of my life the number of my house has been 412. So we named the restaurant 412 Cafe y Taco

For more infomation >> People of Puerto Vallarta: The Coconut Man - Duration: 8:13.


Actores famosos de Hollywood - Vin Diesel - Los Mejores Actores de Fast & Furious - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Actores famosos de Hollywood - Vin Diesel - Los Mejores Actores de Fast & Furious - Duration: 10:17.


واہ کیا کمال چیز ہے یار | کیا زبردست مجرہ ڈانس کیا ہے اس نے - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> واہ کیا کمال چیز ہے یار | کیا زبردست مجرہ ڈانس کیا ہے اس نے - Duration: 4:12.


BIOMEB - Discover your metabolism and live a better life. - Duration: 1:57.

High cholesterol levels have become one...

...of the main global health issues.

Although there is a growing interest in...

...improving health through diet,...

...chronic diseases, regarded as cardiovascular risk factors,...

...continue to rise.

The launch of new multi-functional products,...

...with new and improved features,...

...will continue to encourage the development of the sector,... well as an increase in natural ingredients... the expense of artificial ones.

Consequently, the global market for nutraceutical ingredients... expected to grow by seven point four percent...

...with sales of thirty thousand four hundred million euros...

...projected in 2018.

Within this context, Biomeb, a spin-off...

...from a research group from the University of Lleida,...

...has developed and patented Fibracep,...

...a new bioactive formulation based on fibers derived from onions...

... with the capacity to reduce total cholesterol...

...while also significantly increasing...

...HDL cholesterol levels by around fifty percent.

Biomed has entered into a strategic partnership...

...for its production with industrial partner...

...which specialises in the production of dietary fiber...

The product will reach the market...

...through distributors as an ingredient...

...certified as an oral medical device,...

...suitable for insertion in formulations of nutritional supplements...

...or addition to different types of food matrices.

Fibracep has already aroused the interest...

...of its first potential client as well as distributors.

Biomeb has developed two other products...

Well B, a test which provides healthcare professionals...

...with specific and personalized nutritional recommendations...

...based on biochemistry, genetics and,...

... for the first time in the market...

...the metabolomics of each patient.

Similarly, in the mid term, biomed will launch Fit B,...

...a test designed to help sportspeople...

...achieve better profiling of their response to exercise...

...and their adaptation in terms of the type of training and additional recommendations... a completely personalized way.

For more infomation >> BIOMEB - Discover your metabolism and live a better life. - Duration: 1:57.


Дважды Иуда 1969. Режиссер Нандо Цицеро. - Duration: 1:32:28.

For more infomation >> Дважды Иуда 1969. Режиссер Нандо Цицеро. - Duration: 1:32:28.


Shimmer and Shine – Game Cartoon Network | Nick Jr game 2 - Duration: 39:15.

Shimmer and Shine – Game Cartoon Network | Nick Jr game

For more infomation >> Shimmer and Shine – Game Cartoon Network | Nick Jr game 2 - Duration: 39:15.


[EN/FR] Zora no Densha • Tutorial n°2 • Creation & Construction of Tracks - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> [EN/FR] Zora no Densha • Tutorial n°2 • Creation & Construction of Tracks - Duration: 11:17.


For more infomation >> [EN/FR] Zora no Densha • Tutorial n°2 • Creation & Construction of Tracks - Duration: 11:17.


CARNIVAL FAIR KIDS at the Carnival | Family Fun at the Fair with Brothers r Us! - Duration: 12:33.

Kids Carnival

For more infomation >> CARNIVAL FAIR KIDS at the Carnival | Family Fun at the Fair with Brothers r Us! - Duration: 12:33.


For more infomation >> CARNIVAL FAIR KIDS at the Carnival | Family Fun at the Fair with Brothers r Us! - Duration: 12:33.


Sound Guns - Chemistry - Duration: 4:04.


so girl if you want to choose me

choose me with the whole of your heart

cause im im one of those who newer gives up

and excuse me for my crasyness

i am nobody else the me.. im just like you

dancing with the devil too...

said im nobody else then me im just like you dancing with god himself.. Lappi vails


so girl if you want to pick me

then pick me with the whole of your heart

cause i am crasy (text unknown)

i newer give up

with you (text unknown)

girl i am nobody else then me

im just like you

dancing with the devil too

said im nobody else then me im just like you dancing with god him self

i am nobody else then me

im just like you dancing with the devil too

said im nobody else then me

im just like you dancing with god himself

i am nobody else then me (text unknown)

For more infomation >> Sound Guns - Chemistry - Duration: 4:04.


For more infomation >> Sound Guns - Chemistry - Duration: 4:04.


Experiencias espirituais e a compreensão do Universo/ Spiritual experiences - Harald Walach - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Experiencias espirituais e a compreensão do Universo/ Spiritual experiences - Harald Walach - Duration: 4:30.


For more infomation >> Experiencias espirituais e a compreensão do Universo/ Spiritual experiences - Harald Walach - Duration: 4:30.


Jouer My Way de Calvin Harris grâce aux couleurs - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Jouer My Way de Calvin Harris grâce aux couleurs - Duration: 5:46.


For more infomation >> Jouer My Way de Calvin Harris grâce aux couleurs - Duration: 5:46.


vívosmart 3: VO2 Max Estimate and Fitness Age - Duration: 2:21.

vívosmart 3 is making it easier to monitor your fitness over time by estimating your VO2 max.

By analysing your heart rate, as measured at your wrist, the device learns more about how your body performs,

more specifically, the maximum rate at which your body can bring in and use oxygen.

The resulting score, your estimated VO2 max,

is a scientifically recognised assessment of your body's physical fitness.

Why should you care about VO2 max?

Because it's a relatively quick way to understand whether your current fitness level

could use some improvement, or if you're headed in the right direction.

Does climbing stairs now feel a little bit easier?

Your VO2 max is probably improving.

With vívosmart 3, determining your VO2 max is easy.

It's automatically measured whenever you perform a timed activity.

If you haven't recorded an activity, daily heart rate data will be substituted instead.

This measurement will be less accurate, but still perfectly usable as a starting point.

To view your VO2 max, wake up your device…

then tap and hold on the display to bring up the menu.

Scroll down and tap on the VO2 max icon.

If you haven't already gone for a timed activity, the first time you see this feature on the device,

you won't have a VO2 max recorded.

You will be prompted to go on a walk, of up to 15 minutes, in order to determine one.

You can always come back to this later, if you like.

If you're ready now, tap Test Now.

Then tap on the walking icon.

A prompt will appear.

Double tap to start the test, and a timer will appear.

Now just go for a walk.

The device will let you know when it has collected enough data to calculate your VO2 max.

It may take up to 15 minutes.

When the test finishes, you'll be prompted to save the activity.

Then your VO2 max will be displayed.

The higher the number, the better.

View your score on Garmin Connect mobile or desktop for a little more information.

It'll show your measurement and where you are relative to others in your gender and age group.

Thanks for watching.

If you're interested in learning more about the fitness monitoring features available on vívosmart 3,

watch the other videos in this series.

For more infomation >> vívosmart 3: VO2 Max Estimate and Fitness Age - Duration: 2:21.


For more infomation >> vívosmart 3: VO2 Max Estimate and Fitness Age - Duration: 2:21.


4x4 W and M Flag Football - Duration: 1:20.

Did you know that 4x4 Women & Men Flag Football is over!

It is seriously cancelled, it's over! Did you know that?!

That's not true, the 4x4 Men & Women Flag Football is still on! Still on!

Registration fee is $20 and register on

The deadline to register is April 17th

The first games will start on April 19th

It will be hosted at Hotchkiss field, Football field.

Championship prize would be Intramural Championship shirt

Have fun and see you there!

Where's Tim? Still napping?

Ok I guess I will wake him up.

4x4 Flag Football is back!

See you there at the football field!

For more infomation >> 4x4 W and M Flag Football - Duration: 1:20.


Starbucks FRAPPUCCINOS SECRET MENU (Birthday Cake, Oreo & Banana Split) Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 5:27.

Hi Bold Bakers!

Recently we made Starbucks Frappuccinos and they were a huge success.

But did you know that Starbucks actually has a secret menu?

Well today we are going to make the top three Frappuccinos from that so let's get started.

So before we get started, the written recipe for these Frappuccinos can be found on

and if you're new to my channel, welcome and make sure you tap that subscribe button.

Okay, so our first Frappuccino is a dessert loaded with strawberries, banana, chocolate

sauce, and a cherry on top.

You've probably guessed by now, it is a Banana Split Frappuccino.

So into our blender we're going to add in some ice, milk, frozen bananas, frozen strawberry,

some vanilla extract, and powdered sugar.

So this Frappuccino is going to be loaded with natural sugars, so if you want to hold

back on a little bit of this, that is totally fine.

You can also use agave or honey.

So now this is ready to go.

We're going to pop on our lid and blend it up.

So you just want to put this on your machine until all the ice has blended and it's nice

and thick.

Do you see this?

It got really lovely and light and fluffy.

That's from the frozen bananas and strawberries.

It looks really good.

Okay, you just want to go ahead and fill up your cup.

So you guys know that a banana split is so much more than strawberries and bananas, so

we're going to put a lot of decorations on top of this guy.

I have some whipped cream and we're just going to do a nice big swirl on top.

And then, of course, I have some chocolate sauce because there is always chocolate sauce

on a banana split.

And then the quintessential cherry on top.

Oh, look at that.

It looks so beautiful.

Yummy, it's nice and fruity but then it has that chocolate sauce on top.

It's absolutely delicious.

You know what this would be really great for?

Like sleepovers or parties, they'd go down a treat.

Yummy, okay, let's move on to another great flavor.

So for those of you who know me, you know that I am a big Oreo fan.

I love to put it into everything, to cheesecake, make giant Oreos, and even into mug cakes.

But right now we're going to make an Oreo Frappuccino.

So just like before, we're going to add in our ice.

So next is our milk and you can use any kind of dairy free milk if you want also, that

will work really well.

Next is our confectioner's sugar and some vanilla extract.

Now if you don't have vanilla extract, you can always leave it out, but I always think

it adds a lovely ump to your Frappuccino.

And then last but not least are Oreo Cookies.

Now I'm going to throw them in, filling and all, because it's going to be really


If you don't have Oreos, you can use any type of chocolate biscuit.

Okay, in you go.

On with your hat.

And then blend them up.

So I think these are really fun flavors but I want you to let me know in the comments

below what other fun flavors you want to see.

Okay, this guy is looking good.

Nice and blended.

Then all you want to do is just fill up your cup.

And, of course, in true big and bold style, we have to decorate this one too.

So we're going to put on some more whipped cream and then a little few crumbles of Oreos

just to give it nice texture as well.

This looks fantastic.

I can't wait to try this one.

Oh, forget about it.

Blended Oreos with cream on top.

This is insane.


Oh, so good.

Okay, I'm going to set that aside and we're going to move on to our next fantastic flavor.

So I'm a big believer that no matter what day it is, it is always a day for cake.

So our next Frappuccino is Birthday cake.

So into our blender we're going to add our ice.

You've got to have ice.

Next, our milk.

I like to use two percent milk because it makes it just that little bit more creamy.

Next in with our sugar.

So our next ingredients are extracts.

Now this is what is going to give it that lovely birthday cake flavor.

We're going to add in some vanilla extract and some almond extract.

Now if you don't have these to hand at home, I also have a video of how you can make your


It's really really easy and that's on my website.

Okay, lovely.

On with our hat and then we're going to pop it on the machine.

Okay, so birthday cake, you have to have sprinkles, right, but we're not going to add them in

just yet.

Because otherwise they would bleed and lose their color.

So we're going to add them in after.

This is look really good.

It's nice and light and fluffy.

So now into this we're going to add in our sprinkles.

So it's kind of my theory that no matter what you add sprinkles into, it's going

to taste like birthday cake, which is fine by me.

Now you just want to go ahead and give them a little stir in.

You don't want them to dissolve.

Just mix them in a little bit.

As you can see, I was pretty generous with the sprinkles.

I went to Starbucks and got these cups because I think it just makes it look extra nice.

And then fill it up.

Just like a birthday cake would have frosting, we have to frost our Frappuccino with some

whipped cream.


Go nice and high.

And then, of course, you can never have too many sprinkles.

So put a few of those bad boys on top.

Wow, that is a very festive looking Frappuccino.

This is just another great way to enjoy birthday cake in a whole other form.

And who wouldn't want that?

The vanilla and the almond and all these sprinkles, I mean yum.

The best thing about these drinks is that they are all your favorite desserts but in

a Frappuccino.

I really hope you enjoyed this episode and make sure you tap that subscribe button.

I will see you back here next week for some more Bigger Bolder Baking.

For more infomation >> Starbucks FRAPPUCCINOS SECRET MENU (Birthday Cake, Oreo & Banana Split) Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 5:27.


Fun with Grids: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Fun with Grids: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 6:29.


HORSE PROTECTION DAY! Marvelous and Fast Facts about HORSES! - Duration: 7:40.

Welcome Back. I'm Clover the curious and clever at and today I'm here to tell you

fifty marvelous facts about those powerful and beautiful beasts - horses in honor of

horse protection day.

Horses have been beloved of people since, well, it seems like forever. In fact, in Ancient

Rome an emperor made his horse one of his senators.

I think maybe the United States has some horses for senators too but that's another video.

Back to how much we all love horses.

The modern British Army had more horses than tanks as of 2012 and horses entered in equestrian

events in the Olympics get to fly business class on the planes to the events.

The horse is even responsible for the term horse power we hear in relationship to our

cars. A horse power is a unit of measurement that tells the rate at which work is done

and horses have a peak horse power of 14.9.

Many cars are rated in terms of horsepower though in London, it doesn't matter too

much since all traffic, including the cars, moves at the speed a horse drawn carriage

moved a century ago.

In the United Kingdom, all horses, ponies, donkeys and related animals have to have their

very own passport that identifies the horses species and height

though you have to convert the height since horses are measured in hands not inches which

can be a bit confusing. If you are good at math, a hand is about 4 inches and anything

bigger than 14.2 hands is a horse and anything smaller is a pony.

The smallest horse in the world is just 17 inches tall and weighs only 57 pounds. If

she was much smaller, she would have been a pony. Riding horses usually run between

14 to 16 hands and heavy riding horses run between 15 and 17 hands.

Draft horses are often the biggest and can run between 16 and 18 hands though the largest

horse in recorded history is a Shire Horse who stood 21 and a quarter hands tall and

weighted about 3,360 pounds.

Hand measurement is usually measured at the highest point of the withers or the place

that the neck meets the back. If you aren't good at math, no worries. There are tons of

important things to know about horses that don't involve weird hand to inch conversions.

Everyone knows that horses are fast with the fastest speed ever recorded being 43.97 miles

per hour and the average horse running about 27 miles per hour.

If you've ever watched a horse run, or gallop, you know it's a beautiful thing but did

you ever notice that all four hooves leave the ground at the same time.

Speaking of hooves, the horses hoof is actually a single toe made of the same protein as your

hair and fingernails, so when a horse runs, its actually running on its toes.

A horses hoof can actually replace itself completely in nine to twelve months which

is something no one else I know can say about their toes.

Horses spend a lot of time on their hooves, even sleeping standing up most of the time

though they will lie down occasionally. Hmm… that means they sleep on their toes. Weird.

Did you know that a a group of horses will not all go to sleep at the same time. At least

one horse will always stay awake to play sentry and watch out for danger. If the sentry senses

danger horses have a lot of ways to communicate with each other and a lot of ways to communicate

with humans.

A horse will whinny and neigh when they are excited or as a kind of greeting when they

meet or leave one another. Stallions, or adult male horses, will roar to call to the female

horse and all horses snort to alert each other to danger. Mares, or adult female horses make

deep humming sound called whickering, when they are nursing their foals.

Beyond sounds, horses have different facial expressions and use their eyes, ears and nostrils

to express their moods and they often communicate with humans by biting, stomping their feet,

or knocking holes in their stalls.

More civilized horses or horses that live with more civilized humans have even been

taught to recognize and use symbols to let humans know what they want and to understand

what a human wants from them.

One thing people get wrong is the idea that a horse is smiling or laughing at them. The

horse is actually getting a good sniff. When they curl their lips back and lift their heads,

they are just trying to smell better.

Horses also have odd eyes. They are not only the biggest eyes of any land mammal, they

are located on the sides of the horses head to give it an almost 360 field of view.

People used to think horses were color blind but that isn't true. What is true is that

horses see some colors more clearly than others but they can see them all.

Horses also have a brain that is fairly large but still only about half the size of the

human brain. Despite that, scientists have proven that horses have excellent memories

and think that the horse may actually have a better memory than an elephant, an animal

that the old saying says never forgets anything.

A couple of weird things about horses are that they have 8 different blood types. Humans

have only 4 and that they cannot throw up. Never.

Despite that throwing up thing, horses are amazing from birth. A newborn foal is able

to walk and run within a few hours of being born. Humans find foals so amazing they gave

them two names. The female foal is known as a filly and the male foal is known as a colt.

You can tell the difference between the two by counting their teeth if you are brave.

Male horses generally have forty teeth while female horses have 36. No matter whether they

are male or female, horses have 205 bones total in that big body of theirs and they

all have a well developed sense of balance and fight or flight response.

Fillies and colts are considered grown up at the age of 5 and the average horse lives

between 25 and 30 years of age. Horses are also divided into three categories ,hot bloods,

cold bloods and warm bloods. Now this doesn't have anything to do with how hot or warm the

horse is but rather how suitable they are for specific tasks.

The hot blood is meant for speed and endurance, the cold blood is meant for work and the warm

bloods are usually for riding though those are general categories and horses in each

blood class can do different tasks. On a true note, horses can get cold no matter what their

category. You can tell if they are chilled by feeling behind their ears. If that spot

feels cold to you, the horse is cold. Get it a blanket.

Horses are herbivores snacking on grasses, hay, and even oats. In fact, Darwin thinks

the horse holds the key to why humans have an appendix. In herbivores like the horse,

the appendix helps digest leaves so maybe in a far off time when humans were more vegetarian

than they are now the appendix served a purpose.

Beyond green matter, horses love a sweet snack now and then though most will reject anything

sour or bitter. Its no wonder either since the average horse produces about 10 gallons

of saliva a day. Bitter would increase that and no one wants to see even more spit come

out of a horse. Yuck.

With all that saliva production, horses need a lot of water and drink a minimum of twenty

five gallons every single day and even more than that in places where it is very hot.

So now you know a lot of reasons horses are so loved by humans around the world. Not everyone

feels that way though. There are a few mean humans who don't' seem to love horses

as much.

Take McDonalds for instance. They refuse to serve horses in the drive though or Americans

in the early 20th century who wanted horses banned from the streets of the city due to

the pollution caused by their poo in favor of cars, what they saw as a "green alternative".

Those people were clearly wrong and anyone else who doesn't like horses might be to

because I find the facts my curiosity dug up about horses fascinating and I hope you

did to. Click subscribe because I'll be back tomorrow with another set of 50 facts

about whatever attracts my curiosity. If you are curious about something, let me know.

Maybe I'll be curious too.

For more infomation >> HORSE PROTECTION DAY! Marvelous and Fast Facts about HORSES! - Duration: 7:40.


WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 70 - The Cleansing Hour - Duration: 18:23.


[eerie breathing]

[tense music]

[flies buzzing]

[foreboding music]



- How was that?

Is that, like, too much gurgling,


- Uh, no. No, no.

It was fine. - Okay.

Oh, hey, any chance I could get my SAG card after this?

- Yeah, and I'll be getting my acceptance letter

to the Director's Guild any day now.

- [scoffs]

- Hey, look on the bright side.

You get to work with the world-famous Father Lance.

You'll be saved from the forces of darkness

in front of millions of viewers.

- [chuckles]


- Where do you want the rest of these cables?

- They're fine where they are.

Just make sure you're wired up,

and don't forget to mic up our starlet here.

[eerie music]

- [sighs]

Do you want me to moan more?

I--I can.

Like, no problem.

- You're doing fine, Hailey.

- Okay.

It's Heather, but...

[dramatic music]

- I think-- keep it classy, okay?

- Let's go to a club.

- And I will only go if I have table service.

[upbeat dance music]

- Hey, freshy, get ready.

We're hitting Lambda in 30.

- You guys go without me.

I'll meet you there.

- You're gonna miss pregame!

- [quietly] Children.

- What is she even watching?

- Some weird shit. - Drink up!

[man speaking Japanese]

[both speaking Japanese]

[crickets chirping]

- Bryce, want me to take it away?

- But, Dad, "The Cleansing Hour's" almost on.

- First you finish your dinner.

Vegetables too. Come on.

[eerie music]

- God damn it, Lance.


- Somebody call for an exorcist?

Well, hey, sugar.

- Where the hell you been, man? We're live in four.

- I was...counseling?

- Is that fucking lipstick?

- Oh. [chuckles]

Well, you know, they can't resist a man in uniform.

- Tell me again why I put up with your shit.

- I'll give you 5 million reasons and climbing.

- Yeah, and if one of those reasons happens to snap a pic

of Father Lance with his hand down some IHOP waitress's skirt,

we're done; it's over.

- Drew, that's offensive.

I'm a Denny's man.

- What--would you watch it?

That's our lifeline!

- What is your deal today?

- I think he's just trying to say

you should show more respect for technology.

- Who the fuck's that guy?

- Braden.


- What happened to Chris?

- He's under the weather. Asked me to fill in.

- Okay, well, just don't get your boom in my shot,

and make sure you sign an NDA form.

Wow. Forgive me, Lord.

I have sinned. It's been 90 seconds.

I haven't introduced myself. I'm Lance.

- Heather. [laughs]

- Oh. - Uh, nice to meet you.

- Yeah, well, Heather, it's a beautiful name.

He's gonna shove these up your nose.

- I'm gonna place these in your nose.

They'll dissolve after 5 minutes.

Instant nosebleed. - Drew will direct you.

- Thank you.

- I'm just gonna move your hair a second

and put this in your ear.

- Okay. - Lean forward.

[squish, growling]

- Ooh. - Sorry.

That's always the most awkward part.

- No problem.

[foreboding music]

- This looks legit.

Where'd it come from? - Found it at a garage sale.

30 seconds. Take your mark, Padre.

- All right, guys. Let's make it a quick one.

I got a date with Destiny tonight.

Probably not her real name. - Ah, Jesus.

- Drew, don't take the Lord's name in vain.

- Okay, 10 seconds. You ready, Heather?

- Mm-hmm.

- [coughs]

- Okay, in three, two, one.


[dramatic music]

- I cast you out in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ!

You are at the mercy of the Creator!

[woman screaming]

[eerie music]

Welcome to "The Cleansing Hour."

I am Father Lance, your guide

through these troubling times.

Tonight, we bring you Sabrina...

[soft growling]

An innocent soul

tortured by the only family she'd ever known.

Molested by her father, beaten by her mother,

Sabrina sought escape from her unimaginable pain

in the form of drugs, alcohol, and ultimately, prostitution.

- 'Cause he's rich.

- Well, not just 'cause he's rich!

- Shh! - Wow.

Well, anyway, so it's Josh or Kyle.

- The enemy of God exploited her frailty

and took control of her body, but tonight,

by the grace of God, with my help and your prayers,

Sabrina will be rid of this evil.

[eerie rasping]

- Okay, that's great, Heather. Keep your head down.

Whatever they can't see will terrify them.

- [speaking Latin]

- All right, great, Heather.

Now try and bite him.

- Sabrina is exhibiting

incredible strength and aggression.

This could be a stage four possession.

I command you, unclean spirit,

by the mysteries of the incarnation

hatched in the resurrection and the ascension of our Lord,

Jesus Christ, that you tell me your name

and obey me to the letter.

Speak your name, demon! - [growling]

- Okay, Heather, your demon name is...

[evil laughter]


Repeat: Slubgob.

- Your name, demon.


- [growling]

- Damn, Heather, very nice.

- Tell me your name, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

- [demonic growling]

[flies buzzing]

[demonic echoing voice] We are Thoth,

collector of fractured souls.

Soon we'll be thousands in number,

limitless in strength.


- Just go with it.

She said her name was Thoth.

Uh, Heather, I appreciate your enthusiasm,

but please stick to the script.

- [roars demonically]

- Our Father, who art in Heaven,

hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come...

- What on Earth are you two watching?

- Give us this day our daily bread...

- [sucking air]

- Thoth,

abhor and slime of Hell,

servant of Satan,

see the cross of the Lord Jesus

and submit to the authority of the Almighty!

Fight, Sabrina! Fight!

Do not give in! Fight!

- [growling]



- That wasn't me.

Must've slipped.

- [chuckling demonically]

Fuck you, deceiver.

Fuck you for all of the masses!

You will take the world and the bounty it provides.

You're nothing but a pawn in the eyes of the Great One.

- Silence! Silence, demon!

I cast you out in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Be gone and depart from Sabrina,

who is but an innocent creature of God!

For it is He who commands you,

He who flung you from the heights of Heaven

to the depths of Hell!

- What the fuck?

- [growling]

- Is that you?

[eerie chuckling]

Hearken, therefore, and tremble in fear,

for you are at the mercy of the creator of all things!

Submit and depart from us!

- [growling]


- Holy shit. Heather?

- [gurgling]

- We've got a problem.

Something's wrong. Heather?

Heather? I don't think she's acting.

I got to end transmission.

- Don't you dare.

Look at the numbers.

- [normal voice] Help me, Father Lance!

[sobbing] Please!

- We've got to fix this.

- Don't break the fourth one.

- 13 million people are gonna watch this girl die.

Who do you think they're gonna blame?

- [demonic voice] Help me, Father Lance.

- Give me the book.

I'm the exorcist, right?

- [gasping, laughing]

- Read it out loud. - Yeah.

- Help me, Father Lance.


[demonic chuckling]

- Uh...

[tense music]

Uh, repel...

Repel, O Lord, the devil's power.

- [growling]

- Break asunder his snares and traps.

Put the unholy tempter to flight.

- [gagging, gurgling]

- I cast you out, demon!

Be gone, be gone, be gone!

Depart from us in the name of Jesus Christ!

Be gone!

[glass shatters]

- [screams]


[raspy moaning]

- Sabrina?


Are you with us?

- [raspy breathing]

- Sabrina?

Sabrina, are you with us?


Sabrina, are you-- are you with us?


- [demonic voice] Are you with us?

- [shouting]

Get her off me!

[dramatic music]

Drew! Help!

- I'll get her legs. I'll get her legs.

What the fuck? her legs! I got her legs!

- What the fuck?

[dramatic music]

[soft clinking]


- What happened?

Did I do a good job?


- You did good, Heather.

You did good.

- I did it.

I fucking did it.

[ominous music]

- We have to take a selfie before we go!

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

- Bitch! - I am not--

[dramatic music]


[dark industrial music]

[dark music]

[dramatic music]

For more infomation >> WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 70 - The Cleansing Hour - Duration: 18:23.


Ember Mug — $150 of crazy coffee AWESOMENESS - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Ember Mug — $150 of crazy coffee AWESOMENESS - Duration: 3:41.


Miracle • Shadow Fiend • 22 KILLS • 31 min — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 33:00.

Miracle • Shadow Fiend • 22 KILLS • 31 min — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Miracle • Shadow Fiend • 22 KILLS • 31 min — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 33:00.


DON'T DROP THE SOAP DURING THE PRISON BREAK! - Escaping the Prison - Duration: 15:58.

For more infomation >> DON'T DROP THE SOAP DURING THE PRISON BREAK! - Escaping the Prison - Duration: 15:58.


Bruno Mars- That's What I Like Reaction (The Grammys) - Duration: 8:13.

I don't know how I missed this

performance apparently bruno mars

performs at this year's Grammy but I

think I was so wrapped up in what beonce

i did and what she just delivered that

night but I was just not even check her

for nobody else that night but I

definitely gotta watch this performance

and get my life because Bruno Mars is

the male version of Beyonce if you ask

me I think he's one of the best

performance out nowadays and I know he

slayed this performance so let's just

get right into it

come on

you just give me rent like even bodying

the essence of words what every

performance hey come on I love I love

seeing people enjoy what they do and he

just looks like he's always has a good

time on stage come on let it

like his tracks ooh that lover

very simple setup it's always simple

with him but he always delivers like

it's really just about the performance

not everything else is one hour on him

hey come on yeah I don't want to you

know this song my keeper bit he was get

into it come on out I love when he does


I loved when he just like postures like

that like I love that that's like a


come on I don't go down for town I love

the feel of this record that's what I

like it he just makes great music you

come on I know you've got to give me a

compass sickening

come on

come on you can hold that mode

whoo Oh boom

come on background dancers I think

actual swimmers are they just dancers

but they just pretend as if they

thinking sugar I don't think they were

thing I think just dancers come on break

it down come on can you break it I love

you JLo she's here for definitely days

that we honor videos on my channel

are they singing

I can't tell this singing I think they

have something

I think oh they don't also got singers

and dancers I love that I love Christmas

to you come on for that out

come on


Bruno ah oh that was everything Bruno

Mars without that is one of the best

performers out male or female he's

definitely up there with some of the

best um he is always gonna give you

perfect vocals that's the one thing um

that people don't necessarily pay

attention to Buddha mine is a great

pfluger like he has a nice range to his

voice um I would love to hear more

records of him what he's actually

utilizing some of his like Laura

register cuz I know he can take it there

but he's always very comfortable up at

the top of his range hitting those

hadn't had no voices notes head voice

notes and some of his falsetto was just

so pretty out the whole time I'm trying

to figure out if his background dancers

sash singers are actually singers but I

think when they came down to the smaller

stage in front of the audience and they

actually were singing I think that

background singers were actually singing

like I don't I don't know I can't tell

um Bruno Mars is just like I don't want

to say he's Prince reincarnated but he's

definitely inspired by Prince and he's

definitely inspired by the showmanship

of prints and Beyonce to like I love his

signature of whenever he hits the high

hat or he hits a certain note in the

lights flashes and he I just love I love

watching bruno mars performs because I

know he is absolutely in control of his

stage and he's enjoying the performance

he's enjoying himself and you can

definitely tell whenever he performs

wasn't gonna be getting more into bro no

more stuff I Bruno Mars the one those

artists where you know his songs but you

don't know that you know his songs like

I didn't think I knew this record but

then when he started singing I might

okay I've heard this song before and his

workers are so catchy that you can even

just hearing it for a couple times you

can catch the melody of it you can catch

the course of it that quick like i said

i will be doing more bruno mars's

performance and music videos and

anything like that a lot more of his

stuff on my

all this is just a great introduction to

it because I had no idea that he

performed at the grammys because like I

said when the Grammys came on this year

I was just waiting for Beyonce and

before she perform I was late for her an

active you perform I was just basking in

her glory of that just amazing

performance thank you guys watching my

video and I will see you guys in my next


For more infomation >> Bruno Mars- That's What I Like Reaction (The Grammys) - Duration: 8:13.


Hebat! helikopter terbesar. Helikopter terbesar ini bisa mengangkat helikopter dan pesawat loh! - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Hebat! helikopter terbesar. Helikopter terbesar ini bisa mengangkat helikopter dan pesawat loh! - Duration: 2:34.


What is a Tower Garden? - Nutritionist Nikki Golly - Water Fountain That Grows Food - Stress Reducer - Duration: 1:08.

hello this is Nikki Golly with Fuel

Your Body and I wanted to talk today

about this amazing food growing system

called the Tower Garden from Juice Plus+

It's a system that uses no soil and very

little water. Actually it uses 90%

less water than in the ground

gardening does and its upright so if you

listen to it it sounds like a water

fountain but it's also growing me food

it is the coolest thing I've ever seen

and ever use personally love it so much

if you have any questions reach out

contact me check out my youtube channel

I answer a lot of questions there and

when are you going to get one for

yourself start growing food because the

best thing that we can do for ourselves

and our future generations is eat

nutrient-rich foods that we grow

ourselves thank you so much have a

fantastic day

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