I first started working with energy over 20 years ago when I was an engineer,
and I developed a practice not just in understanding energy but also in applying
it in the real world. And this is really fun because for the last 10 years,
I've been teaching courses in intuition and energy work and watching people not
just learn about this new concept about energy but also learn how to apply it to
improve their relationships, their business, their health, all different
areas of your life. And this is why I love teaching energy work because you're seeing
the big benefits that people have. So one of the big problems with education is
that, as we're growing up, we learn all about the physical world.
We learn about the things you can see and you can touch because this is really
obvious. It's easy for us to relate to the physical world. But there's a whole second
side of the world, this energy. And if you're not tuned into the energy world,
you're only using about half of your human abilities. Now, what will change when you
start to use energy work is you notice that things start to move very fast,
because even though we're used to working the physical world, that actually comes
second. Energy always happens first and then the physical world happens second.
Now, you can think of an obvious example. If you have an idea or something you want
to create, that's where it starts. It starts as an idea. It starts in the energy
and then eventually manifests in the physical world. So you'll find that if you
learn to work in the energy first, then there'll be much faster,
much stronger results that you get when you do take action in the physical world.
Another big place that you can use energy work is in your relationships.
And you may not know it, but when you're connecting with people whether they're
your friends, your co-workers, or your family, there's a lot of energy that's
at play. And as you learn to tap into that energy and start to manage it consciously,
you'll notice that a lot of the difficulties that you've had start to go
away. And this is really fun because one of the most powerful feelings that I get
from energy work is when there is a little hot bun that I had or a little difficulty
that I had with a particular person and the same behavior, the same situation
comes up, and I don't react the same way. It's like, "Wow, I've changed." And that's
the power of energy work in relationships. Another big one that people hit is,
if you've got low energy or if you feel like you're being sort of assaulted by the
world because there's too much noise around you or you're too sensitive,
that's something you can actually learn to change. You can learn to manage your
boundaries very easily with different energy tools so that you feel more
yourself, you feel more clear in your mind, and you don't have that sense that
you're too sensitive where you need to hide or kind of get away or protect
yourself from the world. Another big benefit that we see with energy work is
maybe really obvious. Probably the first one I should mention which is your
connection with your spirit, your connection with yourself. As you start to
work with energy, you're getting to know that part of you that's bigger than just
your body. And there's so much more to you than your physical body.
And as you tap into that, it feels so good because you start to love yourself more,
you start to appreciate yourself more. The little things that you kind of judged
about yourself start to go away, because you see this bigger picture,
this brighter you, and you're able to bring it through for your own enjoyment
but also in your relationships. Another big benefit of energy work is health in
your body. So if you've been feeling a little bit low energy in your body or
you've got a specific illness or something that you're working on,
there's always a place in your energy where you can add some...a little bit of
healing energy or maybe you can take out a little bit of difficulty or block that you
have. Anything that's manifesting in the body, remember I said everything happens
in energy first and then it happens in the physical world. So if you're having some
symptom in your body or something that you don't like, addressing your physical
symptoms is really important. You definitely want to do that. But if you
start addressing the energy cause, the thing that actually happened first,
you'll notice that oftentimes the disease will go away much, much faster.
So you want to use those in combination, your energy work and the physical work
together. And finally the most powerful of all is using energy to manifest things in
the world. I mentioned a little bit that everything starts in energy and then it
manifests down into the physical form. And if you know the details of how that works,
how it actually moves through your body energetically, you'll learn where is this
specific place that you have a block or where you have a little weakness and learn
how to tune that up. And this makes a huge difference when you're trying to
create things, because most people are getting stuck in the same place over and
over. And it's that little place in their energy where they've got a little pain or
they've got some kind of maybe a little past history or something where they're
not able to move completely through that energy. And when you learn that pathway
that energy flow as it's manifesting, you learn how to go around that and how to
manifest things much more quickly and much more easily in your world.
Duality is a comprehensive eight-week course that brings all these different
trainings together into one easy flow for you. And the way I break this down is the
same way that I've watched students grow over the years. I mentioned I've been
teaching for over 10 years and I noticed that students grow in a particular way
so I've organized this course to take them in that natural journey that people go on
when they're moving from kind of the beginning
of energy awareness all the way through to
energy mastery. You'll notice a change in yourself the way that you feel about
yourself, the way that you love yourself, the way you tune into the world around
you. And you'll notice a big difference in how you're relating to other people.
And this is one of the really fun things that I get feedback a lot from people who
take the course. They say other people notice the change in them.
So not only do you feel different, but you've changed enough that the people
around you start to notice something happened, something changed.
"I don't know what it is but you seem brighter, you seem lighter,
you seem happier." And when you start getting that feedback, you know that
you're really going down a beautiful path for you. Let me tell you briefly about the
eight weeks in training. The first week, we're going to go through personal
presence, getting you really grounded and present in your body so that you can fully
experience not just your physical self but you can start to listen to energy more
clearly. The second week, we're going to work on your mental clarity.
So you may think that you're not sensitive, but probably you just have a
lot of noise going on in your mind. So we're going to work on turning down that
mental chatter, how to get really quiet so that you can tune in and listen to energy
very easily for you. The third week, you'll be learning how to heal your body
and energize your physical body. And this is really fun because
we're going to learn the main energy channels that you use to fill yourself up
with energy so you can feel more powerful and more vibrant
in your life. The fourth week, you'll be learning about empathy
and personal boundaries. And this one is really fun
because this is where a lot of people are sensitive to energy and feel a
little overwhelmed in their world, they feel like their energy's getting drained.
And I'll teach you how to have crystal clear boundaries that's really easy for
you to maintain your energy. Week 5, you're going to learn a different way to
look at your chakras. Instead of looking at what they look like color-wise,
what their history is, I'm going to teach you how to actually use your chakras to
communicate with people and to improve your relationships but also how to use
your chakras to manifest things in your life. The sixth week, we're going to look
at your belief systems. And this week is so powerful because I'm going to show you
what do beliefs actually look like energetically. And when you know this,
you'll be able to find your own beliefs more easily and change them.
And this is powerful because when you can change your beliefs,
you can see the world in a whole new way. I'll also give you little tips for
learning how to change the first impression and your reputation so this
week is really powerful. Week 7, we're going to talk about intuition so we're
going to teach you how to tune into energy more clearly. So if you've got a decision
to make, you've got something you're wondering about, you'll learn how to
tune in and get those answers for you. And finally Week 8, we wrap this up with
connecting to your higher self and your higher guidance. And I really love this
week because it's a powerful way to leave you with that really strong connection.
You really feel yourself in a whole new way. I'd like to invite you to enroll in
Duality now. And how do you know that this program is for you?
Well, if you're operating at your highest level energetically,
you'll be manifesting the things you want very easily, your relationships will be
going smoothly, you'll be feeling healthy in your body, and you'll be feeling like
you can flow very easily in the world around you. There's also this inner peace
that comes through when you're really operating in this world of Duality.
Keep in mind that Duality is one of the top three highest-rated programs in the
Mindvalley Academy when it was released. And it's backed by Mindvalley's
award-winning customer support and a 30-day moneyback guarantee so you can try
this program out for a full 30 days. You can listen to those first four weeks of
the program, and you'll know if this is adding benefit for you.
If it's not, you can get a full refund with no questions asked.
So enroll today and I look forward to seeing you as one of our thousands of
graduates in Duality.
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