Happy Life TV
Family Life
Dr.BM Muhsin
Malayalam Parenting
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTI COLLECTION 88KW , NAVI , CLIMATR , TREKH , MISTL V , EL ROND , CR CONTR - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Honda CR-V 2.4I AWD EXECUTIVE AUTMAAT - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
No Knitting Video this Week! - Duration: 0:51.Hi, Staci here.
I haven't missed a weekly knitting video in almost seven years, but I'm missing this week,
and I wanted to release this short video to explain why.
It's due to a medical issue - I'm fine, I'm going to be fine, I'm under a doctor's care.
I've been through this before.
I have a chronic condition called iritis.
And sometimes my body's immune system attacks the irises of my eyes, which is a totally
stupid thing to do.
And it takes me a few weeks to get over it, and while it's happening, I'm photosensitive,
and my head hurts, and I can't see very well.
So I knew there was no way I could sit under the studio lights this week.
But i have stuff coming up, new videos coming up that I'm really excited about, and if everything
continues to improve as it is improving, we will have a new video next week.
That's it.
Thanks for watching.
Dave Rubin: Am I a Secret Conservative? - Duration: 5:48.One of the promises I made when I started this show was I would personally acknowledge
legitimate criticism when it's thrown my way.
This acknowledgment is one of the reasons I do live Q&A's right here on YouTube, as
well as on Twitter, Facebook, and even when people come up to me on the street.
Not only do I genuinely like hearing from you directly, but I think it's also important
to hear the bad feedback right along with the good.
Note I said legit criticism, and not hysterical troll criticism.
For example, I'm happy to hear from people who want me to ask questions differently,
or to have more aggressive follow ups or to find alternative guests, or anything along
those lines.
Those qualify as legit criticism whether or not I agree.
The people who just tell me that I'm a straight white supremcaist neo nazi alt right racist,
well let's just say I'm less likely to engage with you.
The battle of ideas is far more interesting to me than the battle to be first to sarcastically
respond to a tweet.
One criticism I hear occasionally is I'm actually not a liberal, and I'm really a secret conservative.
Or, sometimes they'll say I'm the only thing worse than a conservative: a dreaded right
Now it is true, I've been saying for months that defending my liberal principles, is now
a conservative position.
But am I still a liberal?
Do I still believe in any of thing things that people on the left believe?
Since we have so many new subscribers around here I thought I'd lay out some of my liberal
cred for you, in case you missed it...
I'm so for gay marriage, I even married a guy!
I'm pro-choice, I'm against the death penalty, I'm for a social safety net.
I'm for a strong public education system, I'm for legalizing marijuana, I'm for reforming
our prison system, and I'm against unnecessary wars and nation building.
There's other stuff too, but I think I've made my point.
Beyond any of those specific issues though, I'm for true tolerance of opinion and thought.
My liberalism is one of a live and let live attitude.
This is where I diverge from the modern left.
I see virtually no diversity of thought or tolerance of other opinions on the Left of
today, just constant smearing and slandering of all intellectual opponents.
Take a step back for a moment and think about your friends on the Left.
Are they tolerant of people who aren't for gay marriage, or of people who are pro choice?
These used to be political differences, now they are somehow a referendum on what type
of person you are, and whether you can be in someone's life.
I wish this intolerance was an isolated case, but not only have I seen this type of intolerance
first hand, but I hear it from you guys every single day.
I get emails about marriages breaking up, life long friends no longer talking to each
other and people afraid to say what they think politically because of repercussions it will
have at work.
And by the way, now I'll reverse that.
Do you know people on the right who are tolerant of people who are for gay marriage and who
are pro life?
I actually do, plenty of them, including people who I've had on this show.
When there is a disagreement, I see way more people on the right, conservatives or libertarians,
more often willing to agree to disagree attitude rather than defriending or smearing?
Could the right be better?
Are there real bigots on the right?
Are there real racists on the right?
Without question, but by and large these aren't the voices from the mainstream right anymore.
Let's not forget, even Donald Trump got a standing ovation at the Republican National
Convention when he talked about protecting LGBTQ rights.
Of course all this said, doesn't mean things are all right with the right right now.
Just in the last few weeks Tomi Lahren was let go by The Blaze after she came out as
being pro-choice Or at the very least giving a conservative explanation for abortion by
saying the government should stay out of a women's private life.
I actually agree with her rationalization here and know that position upsets a lot of
The immediate reaction to her comments and her subsequent firing strike me as the intolerance
we're used to seeing from the Left these days, not the Right.
And for the record, I'd I've invited Tomi on the show, and Glenn Beck back on the show
to discuss what went down between them.
I happen to like them both and we all have views that are inconsistent with our broader
We're not not robots yet, we're still human.
Oh, and yes, by the way it is Glenn's right as a private businessman to hire and fire
people as he sees fit, even if I don't agree with the reason why he did it.
Another area which I don't fit into the traditional political box is gun control.
I absolutely believe in the 2nd amendment and obviously also believe that a healthy
distrust of the government is an important part of being American.
Democrats often make it sounds like Republicans want every American wandering the streets
with a weapon like we're in the wild west and Republicans often make it sound like every
Democrat wants to take away their right to self defense.
As for me, I believe we have the right to bare arms but also have to keep weapons out
of the hands of the wrong people, and perhaps even more importantly, have a discussion about
mental health, which usually has more to do with these shootings than just the weapon
As always.
I'll keep talking about free speech, free expression, and the rights of the individual
which I believe to be the most important facet of a truly free society.
Whether that makes me a Libtard or a Cuckservative or a right wing maniac is for the commenters
to decide.
[Eng/中/J/I] EXID-Junghwa- Mask 마스크 Ep 9 - Duration: 13:02.[Kim Jin Woo]
[Park Jung Hwa]
I'm sorry.
I should've taken care of you.
Don't say that.
Just forget about the incident and rest.
I'm glad you're here for Anitta.
Please drop off Anitta for me.
Where am I?
How dare you ruin my plan.
If you do that, she'd be frightened.
It's all over.
Does he love you? Or me?
I've wanted him so much.
But it breaks my heart.
- Get some rest. - OK.
What is it?
I'm just concerned.
Do you want to sleep over?
I didn't mean it that way.
I should watch what I say.
I won't answer the door.
So don't worry about me. I should go to sleep.
OK. See you.
Can you deceive your lover and still be together with him?
- What did you hide? - Something big.
Something big?
- Like hiding your weight? - You...
- Never mind. I won't talk to you. - OK. I'm listening.
I'm listening.
He doesn't know who I really am.
He only knows my fake appearance.
Which means...
He loves me when I'm hiding behind a mask.
Are you saying that you're two-faced?
It's hard to imagine.
It's possible that you behave differently to men than you do to women.
Why does it matter now?
Because he truly loves me.
Somehow I feel bad.
It feels like I deceived him.
I'm hurt.
Because he doesn't know who I really am.
Can't you tell him the truth?
Just be you, Cherry.
It'll be all over when I take off the mask.
I'm scared.
I really don't want to lose him.
You know how my sister looks beautiful with makeup, right?
My brother-in-law has never seen her without any makeup.
But they're living happily together. It's no big deal.
It's no big deal at all.
At some point, I had a guilty conscience.
That's greed.
I'm not supposed to be with him.
My mind is telling me that I'm being greedy.
Cherry, how could the mind be like that?
You're just having a heartburn because of the empty stomach.
Have some more and pull yourself together.
you'll think about it again. OK?
Think it through.
- I have a question. - What is it?
Why do you like me? What part of me do you like?
That's a direct question.
Please be honest.
I'll be honest.
When I first met you,
I was confused because you and my fiancee look alike.
Maybe I was expecting her from you.
But you two are not alike.
As I met you, my feelings for you have grown stronger.
It was because you were being you.
Your honesty...
I was moved by how you were blindly into me.
I want to continue this relationship.
Thank you for being honest.
I feel better now that I've said it.
It's great to be honest.
Not always.
Sometimes, it's better to keep a secret forever.
Sometimes, it's better to keep a secret forever.
- Did I offend you? - No.
My love for you is growing deeper.
I'm concerned that I won't be able to live without you.
You won.
You're too good at expressing how you feel.
We won't see each other like this anymore.
Hope you lead a good life from now on.
Do you think you won?
No way.
I'm going to keep my eye on you forever.
OK. Watch me.
You'll see.
Cut! OK.
Thank you!
Good job, Anitta.
Thank you.
We got along pretty well than I thought.
I hope we act together again in the future.
If we do, I'll take a good role.
- Bye now. - Bye.
Career that I love.
Man who I love.
I'm living the life that I dreamed of.
I should let go of...
Cherry Lee.
- Hey, bro. - Whatever.
Where are you? Come out immediately.
Look who's really here.
- What are those? - All kinds of food for you.
Everyone knows where I am.
Your mom saw me going home,
and she asked me to drop these off here.
- My car stinks. - Thank you for all your trouble.
- Thanks so much. - Then pay for the delivery or buy me a meal!
- I will. - Don't ever forget about this. - I won't.
- Why don't we go now? I'm free. - No, I have to go.
- I have to work on projects. - OK. - Bye.
By the way, did you lose weight?
- Not even 1 gram. - Are you still having a problem with your boyfriend?
You look terribly drawn.
I think you'd be the only one who says I look drawn.
I'm late!
- I should go. - See you!
You'll be OK if I'm gone, right?
Will I be OK without you?
My favorite!
So delicious.
I should have this with rice right now.
This is a must.
My life as Cherry was not so bad.
My friends. My family.
They are too precious to give up.
There are things that are too precious to lose.
I bought this when I went to the market.
Would I still look attractive to you?
Would you like to go on a trip?
Go on a trip with your boyfriend. This is my special treat.
I hope you two stay together for a long time.
There's something I really want from you.
What is it? Just tell me.
I got an order from the special person.
Forget about Cherry.
Just enjoy this. I won't be able to buy you a meal like this in the future.
Are you going somewhere far away?
I'm not giving up.
I won't give you up.
I have something to say.
I'm sorry.
Imposters: Is Jules Sleeping With the Enemy? (Season 1, Episode 9) | Bravo - Duration: 1:19.- So yeah, that's me right there.
Uh, thanks for lunch
and, uh, asking some interesting questions.
- [laughs] That was fun.
- Yeah.
well--[stammers] Do--
would--would you like to see, uh, the piece I'm making?
Yeah... this is it--
where the... - Magic happens.
- [laughs]
Art--[laughs] Magic.
[upbeat rock music]
Sorry, no, I have to stop. - Okay, okay--
I really--rea- - Mm-hmm.
- I shouldn't do that.
It's Immoral Not to Preach the Gospel - Duration: 1:34.I was handed a book by a man by the name of van Harvey.
He was the author and the book was entitled the Historian and the Believer.
20-year-old young believer, I read the book and what van Harvey was saying—kind of the
left wing of the left wing of the left wing—what he was arguing is that given modern historical
consciousness, it's immoral to claim more of what happened in terms of Christ and what
is claimed in the New Testament than modern history can assure us actually took place.
He actually makes the charge that it's immoral to preach what we preach and to believe what
we believe.
But you know I can remember reading that book and having to mark it up knowing I was going
to be tested on it and knowing I was going to have to talk about—I can remember reading
that book and then thinking this—"you know if it didn't
happen, it would be immoral to claim that it did."
But if by God's gift of revelation we know that it did happen,
and we know that that's the gospel of Christ received as a first priority, if
we know that salvation comes to those who hear that gospel and hearing
that gospel believe and by believing are saved, and we know that the gospel is true
and we know that Jesus Christ really was
crucified for our sins and that He really was raised on the third day then,
brothers and sisters, it's immoral not to preach it, it's immoral not to tell it,
it's immoral not to teach it.
A Time Of Great Choosing Between Love And Fear - Duration: 7:17.A Time Of Great Choosing Between Love And Fear
This seems to be a time of great choosing.
The greatness relates to the scale of it, the collective invitation that it IS, and,
also, the depth of greatness that can be chosen through this process.
This process is a sorting through and a sorting UP and a sorting OUT.
An individual choice��species by species�whether to choose love or to choose fear as the main
process ground of each individual�s consciousness reality.
Each individual choice impacts the collective WE, of course, and yet the degree of impact
feels like it is going to lessen significantly as the two groups (and maybe many more) sort
out and diverge and splinter off.
To choose fear is to go back into a shadowed place, a place of cloak, veiled existence,
and not seeing clearly.
It is a choice to remain asleep or to go back to sleep.
Even souls who have identified as �awakened� will be brought to a personal place of choosing
love from a more pure ground, beyond unaware ego, and beyond self image attachment of their
3D self.
They will be invited to feel into the source of their awakening and soul growth and if
it is pure�. based in love or based in fear.
Many may be surprised to feel that there is still unhealed shadow and even much fear within
them that needs their love and attention, especially if they have bypassed this heart
healing to soar in the skies.
Some souls still need this process of fear depending on what they have �signed up�
for to learn and grow.
They need longer to �bake in the dark�, longer to drift, longer to be lost in the
This is not wrong and we can respond with love to them, not fear them or judge them
because they are needing to make this choice.
It is a sacred choice to remain in fear, a difficult one, and a sovereign and sacred
One that we have ALL made many, many times in our soul�s journey.
For those of us choosing love (and you probably ARE or you wouldn�t be open to reading these
words NOW), it is our phase of going in AND stepping up.
Trusting more deeply that we are HERE in this NOW to serve love and to offer a way that
is based on love.
Choosing our emotional healing as a priority (for which the soul awakenings hold the space)
and REALLY feeling all that blocks love flow in a very conscious way.
Going in to our hearts and feeling how they are��seeking help and support from those
who have been focusing on the healing of the emotional body as a key aspect of ascension.
It has been a struggle for those of us awakening and choosing love��perhaps for most of
this life and other lifetimes too, yet, with this transition phase, it seems like it will
get easier in some ways and already is.
We will draw more and more other souls who are choosing love too and fewer and fewer
who are choosing fear.
We will move into leadership positions that fit us and ALL that doesn�t serve the purpose
of serving love will fall away, almost without effort other than to digest what comes up
in emotional reaction to these changes.
This seems to be a time of diversion.
Timelines diverting off based on the choosing of this primary energy processing grounds
of fear or love.
This diverting energy looks like one of those overlapping freeways with on and off ramps
going in different directions and streams of souls going down one flow or another.
For those of you sensitive to the cosmic grids (and your own inner grids), you may be feeling
this branching off, diversion, sorting through.
It can feel awkward and uncomfortable.
It can show up in emotional reactions that are burst outs or lash outs or damping downs.
It can manifest in body symptoms as a last pull down in frequency from parts of you that
might still have fear.
And that�s ok, the only energy that heals fear is love, so loving the parts of you that
have fear AND the manifestations in your body is important right now.
What is eaten in the body seems to be VERY important too and was emphasized to me strongly
this morning during the meditation journey where all this was offered to me by my galactic
guides and aspects.
Sugar is toxic and lowers the frequency for those of us choosing and showing love�s
way, as is white and wheat flour, as is corn oil, alcohol, and meat.
You make your own choices based on your body and process, of course, yet this guidance
felt and seemed true for me and to me.
You can go visit the scene of this diversion and sorting if you would like to.
It seems that those of us tuned into the violet flame energy (which is a merging or union
of feminine and masculine frequencies in its new arising crystalline form) are very much
needed right now.
I was put in a position to form an energetic love bridge between the Reptilian �One�
mind (which is diverting with many of them choosing love as I have written about before
) and the human �I� mind.
Yes, there have been many contentions and �battles� and perceived enslavements between
our species (we cannot truly be enslaved on the soul level as we choose ALL that we experience)
and yet, we ARE them and they ARE us, so this was the energy inside of me that bridged between
the two.
I felt much move in this space for those souls who are ready to move into a love-based picture
around reptilians and out of the old battle energy.
Many reptilians feel not ready to choose love (along with many human souls) and so will
go into a working through fear reality.
The reptilians who ARE ready to choose love seem to have a beautiful, tropical planet
in another galaxy to go to.
And, those of us humans choosing love, get to experience more and more Gaia as a heaven
as earth as our reality shifts to higher and higher frequency timelines.
there is so much information but let this digest and perhaps reSOULnate with you as
it will and as it is meant to.
The one other piece I felt was that this violet flame energy (which really seems to represent
sacred humanity in the moment as an arising energy of possibility as we ascend with healing
hearts, bodies, and souls) can clear whole grids of fear at a time and dissolve inner
matrixes as well.
Ultimately, it is just another representation of the POWER of love to heal.
As we embrace our CHOICE of love deeper and deeper and surrender to where it takes us,
we experience the gifts of its healing and transformative power in our lives and in the
And it is not just a choice made once, yet over and over, moment by moment.
day 5: Goblet of Fire #harrypotterweek #VEDA17 - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Sandra Shaw's Video Forecast - Duration: 0:49.SANDRA: ANOTHER HOT AND BREEZY
THE 90'S.
Internet Slams Pepsi, Kendall Jenner Ad - Duration: 0:48.SOCIAL MEDIA, KENDALL GENERAL
♪ [ MUSIC ] ♪
밴쯔▼ 여자친구랑 500일기념 케이크 5판 먹방! 하이라이트 (Eating Show/Mukbang) - Duration: 28:41.hey wassup guys
today I have... simply
5 cakes
one thing that I wanna tell you
don't be surprised like 'dude, that guy eat 5 cakes'
u know the size of cake is small one
it's small size but pretty taller than I thought
the name of bakery is 'Caku'
u know it's a hand-made cake bakery
this is choco cake
oreo-cake here, sweet potato cake
white snow one, which is whipped cream
and blueberry cake at the end
and some of you might think like
'wait. is that 500 means 500th days since he filmed?'
obviously, it's been more than 500 days so far
let me tell you straight
tbh, today is 500th days anniversary with my girlfriend
haha thank you!
there's nothing I can do for her so
it's a personal streaming but..
u know many people can congratulate me and
u know I just wanted..so
thank you for your comments
thanks for congrats
thank you
so that's enough for celebrating my anniversary
this cake is mine
All I'm going to give as a present is this candle. that's it
let's try the one in the middle, sweet-potato cake
'is that famous bakery?'
I don't know. I looked it up online, the blog
at least, it's hand-made cake so
my job isn't student anymo...oops!
it has yellowish sweet-potato cream in it, not
custard cream
it's like a sweet-potato moose
it's not my type
I recommend this for those of you who like thick one
I love to eat cake like drinking it
if you guys want cheap sweet-potato cake
I recommend the one at Costco
because it has lots of
whipped cream in it
today I have a glass cup which is transparent
'Banzz, how do you film Daum Kakao TV?'
I'm using Daum pod player.
this is blueberry
why did I pick this up first?
each one has different jam in it
only outer is fruit cream
and there is lots of whipped cream inside
sweet-potato cake is good with milk
chocolate or whipped cream cake is
better with a cup of coffee
milk is better than...
next one is
the name is ...
'white snow'
u know it's just a whipped cream but the name is
white snow
u know strawberry on top
and pistachio next to it
oh this is it
this is exactly the one
unlike afreeca TV platform, you guys can sponsor me
on Youtube
strawberry here
look. strawberry in the middle of it
it's not that much sweet
'are you going to give that choco-cake to your girlfriend?'
it's mine buddy
for people who are going to visit Bangkok
there's a restaurant with the name of
I highly recommend
pupatpong curry is the best one
and this is Oreo cake
u know it's old school snack
grape on it
I personally don't want this on top of cake
Thank you!
This is not a snack though. it's a rolled chocolate
they just rolled it
the cream inside is even oreo cream
oreo is...
fluffy cake
and uh...songpun sea food?
no..may be songdam seafood?
u know there's a franchise restaurant in Si-am
I usually don't like thick one but
this one is actually good
it's sticky
ssongdam sea food
they have the best taste of pupatpong curry
it's hard crab so
i was little disappointed
seong-min, thank you so much!
even oreo
is like not cripsy any more
like a sweet and sour pork
I like it though
'sicca kid sponsored 100'
Thank you!
'I'm a big fan of your show'
You sponsored me thru Kakao TV but watched my show
on Youtube! haha thank you
'The cake looks like thick, is that okay?'
the bread itself is not that much thick though
here on top
u know chocolate powder
wow look at that cream inside
wow why it's not a chocolate cream?
oh this cream...
chocolate cream at the bottom here and whipped cream
on the top
technically speaking, rather than chocolate cream at the bottom
it's like a very soft chocolate
'Hello, I'm the c.e.o of caku at Gwanjeo-dong in daejeon city
Thank you for visiting our store'
I really appreciate that too because
u know there are many people recognize me when I
go somewhere to buy something
u know I love to take a picture with them
the fact that people recognize me itself makes me happy
this is almost just a chocolate. not choco cream
it's like a choco-pie 'oh yes'
oh no no. it's not
not at all
u know there's a really good chocolate...
it's just like that..
not a nutella
among basic chocolate
the best one
'Blueberry looks too sweet'
generally these are not that much sweet
it's just uh...
taste of fruit and whipped cream
it is well made
chocolate..this one is awesome
'I was gonna run for vice president at my school
but I thought I registered but i wasn't. so I couldn't even
I thought as long as u got a good grade like
upper 30% of entire students, then you are eligible
this oreo
u know the original flavor of oreo
but..this one is more like a...
thick one
even chocolate cake is soft too
the chocolate at the bottom
jam..no something like chocolate
is really good
'don't your mouth hurt?'
well it's not spicy food. why do u think it hurts?'
Thank you!
oh and..thai massage is...
u know regardless of brand, cake is yummy
and as u know, hand-made bakery has
better quality of cake
the difference is just that much. that's it
there are lots of thai massage in korea too but
whipped cream must be like this one
no I haven't tried aroma massage.
it was just a standard oil massage.
the bread itself isn't that much stiff but
u know it depends on the cream inside
If I must choose the one among these,
then I would choose chocolate.
I've never had something like this chocolate cake before
the bottom part is...awesome
wow..I thought something like chocolate cream..
'That chair looks good. Always with you huh'
yeah it's been almost 3 years now
'Do you have a gift for 500th days anniversary?'
sure I do
this is it
and these are mine
mae-bam, thank you!
this is gift for her
and these are mine
'Your English is very good when you speak'
ah..it says I speak english well
u know koreans always say 'oh you speak korean very well'
to foreigners
the guy saying 'U wanna have some soup huh?'
it's just like that.
I wanna learn dialect in the United States
'I was watching your show and now I'm eating pizza'
good for you
'Try oreo with milk together'
only 3 seconds while dipping it
but it's not necessary. it's already
humid and soft
'Try 'Le bread Lab' next time. It's so good'
le bread..lab?
oh so it's bakery..le bread lab..
seong-min, thank you.
'I like your fork! golden fork!'
I've heard it's hard to get this
'it's valentinorudy huh?'
no I thought it's Cartier but
the one that I have is from pawn shop
when u are craving for latte,
add this with milk
oh strawberry omelet!
isn't that franchising nowadays?
u know those strawberry thing
I knew that it started as a personal business
but I've heard that it now has franchisers
strawberry omelet
I poured too much milk here
add some Kanu like this
it melts
'even he mixes coffee'
I like this one
'5 cakes because it's 500th days anniv.?'
the Kanu powder melts later
'why omelet bread is omelet?'
isn't that because it's wrapped
'is that the one at the end a pyramid cake?'
no this is choco-cake
no worries. it melts soon
even chocolate outside
as you guys said before,
mix all 5 different one
guess which flavor is strongest
I'm like half worried and half expecting something good
sweet-potato is the strongest..
entirely sweet-potato flavor is strong
'Banzz, u pronouced 'sauce' in a little weird way'
many people talked about it
how should I pronounce it?
I say it sauce because it's sauce
it's not soooce. I..I just don't know..
sauce ..
sau is sau and ce is ce
sauce.. and I pronounce it like sauce
I know u get it
sauce ce cece
when we say spaghetti
we don't say Ssphagetti
'hey let's go have some SSphagetti'
we don't do that
yeoSSu night sea
we don't do that
It's my fault
'then why don't u just say sauce in korean'
it's the same meaning
but when we talk about pasta
it's just a proper way to say sauce..
not in korean
when we order pasta
extra yang nyum jang (sauce in korean) please
we don't do that
then it may sound like
soy bean paste pasta
pepper pasta, or something like that
'Isn't it burden to sleep right after eating like that'
yeah prolly, if I go to sleep right away but
I don't go sleep
soup sauce
i'm sorry
no i'm not eating a little by little
I just don't like chocolate
'today is my birthday, I couldn't have some cake though.
Banzz eat'em all in stead of me'
u don't need to eat for next 5 years then
'I was wondering how u stay in shape after eating
huge amount of food'
regarding that question,
it's first time to say it
5 PM on March 28, 2017
it will be published on YouTube
it's my first step of business
I'm so nervous every second I breathe
when talking about this
u know i'm bout to start my business
I'll tell you my secret on that date
until then,
I'm not going to tell you. don't even bagging me
my hands were shaking.
suddenly I was so nervous u know
'Banzz, do u like spicy one?or rich flavor?'
why should I choose one?
eat rich flavor one,
then eat spicy and then eat rich flavor again
then spicy food again
and over and over again
baby becomes stressed out when people ask
do u like mom or dad? which one do u like the most?
baby doesn't express it but mentally get stress
when their parents ask such thing
right in front of them
if that happens, then just say
I don't like'em both
they will continuously ask you so
just say like 'well I hate both of you guys'
and then just go to your room
then they won't ask again
because they feel sad
easy huh
if u say 'i like mom' then
dad will be sad
even if u say 'I like both of you guys' then
they will ask you again
so just say 'I hate both'
'then no more allowance money'
u are absolutely right. this is dangerous
do this one after u got enough allowance money
like after thanksgiving or something
'I hate both!' 'son, get out of my house'
it's possible from mom's perspective
why is it curious?
people ask it when they are all together
better ask such thing when they're not together
'uhhh I just started watching your show. bro
it was close though..'
u came late today
yo buddy
do u like mom?or dad?
just asking
'what kind of cake is that?'
this is chocolate cake
oreo cake
sweet-potato cake
I couldn't think of sweet-potato in English
so it just came out of my mouth
and white snow
blueberry cake
u know sometimes easy word doesn't come out of mouth
yeah it's sweet-potato..u right
I don't like sticky one but
this one is not. it's the one that pretending
I like this
go gu ma (sweet-potato in Korean) is korean
goguma cake is sweet-potato cake
I'll give you 5 seconds. come and get it
the person said 'I will get that strawberry'
thanks for the food
'Banzz, u look like a welsh corgi'
just tell me u look like a dog
u know there are different types of face
such as dog, cat, and puppy
I'm dog or puppy...
so that was it for today and
cake was
I ate 5 cake and strawberry..
I'm sorry for teasing I'm not going to
I'll eat 'em at first from now on
so anyway 5 cakes today
thank you for celebrating 500th days anniv
'babe, I'll film something different when it's 1000th days
anniv. bye!'
what should I eat for 1000th days anniv?
[GDMO]: BDG EASY MODE, 2 NEW EVENT DUNGEONS, QUIZ & MORE! (Updates & Events - April 2017) - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Style-Twins: Dani Katzenberger & Clea-Lacy im gleichen Kleid! - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Project Management Triangle aka The Iron Triangle + CHEAT SHEET - Duration: 5:56.Today we'll look at a stalwart of old school project management
The Iron Triangle.
And I have a new version of the "Waterfall vs Agile Cheat Sheet" for you.
Welcome to Development That Pays
Cutting-edge strategies for profitable Software Development
My name is Gary Straughan.
This is The Iron Triangle.
Forged in the fires of Mount Doom.
What's that?
We couldn't get the graphic?
What did you get?
Okay okay... we'll go with that.
The Iron Triangle
aka the Project Management Triangle
aka the Triple Constraint
has been around a long time.
The version I first came across was this one.
Time, quality and cost.
The three parameters are interconnected.
Change one and one or both of the other parameters change.
For example, if you want to shorten a project, you might
Skimp on the quality
Throw money at it
Skimp on the quality AND throw money at it
Things get interesting when we fix one or more of the parameters.
My mental model for this is a decorator coming in to do an estimate.
He comes in, looks around the room
Takes some measurements
Scratches his chin
And says
"I can do Fast, Good, and Cheap."
"Which TWO would you like?"
Cheap and Fast ... rush the the job and the Quality will suffer
Cheap and Good... is going to take time
Fast and Good - which might mean putting more people on the job -
will push the price up.
And that is all you need to know about the Iron Triangle:
The three parameters are interdependent
You can fix one
You can even fix two
But you can never fix all three
We're ready to move on too apply the Iron Triangle to Waterfall and Agile.
And for this there's a variation of the Iron Triangle that's a better fit.
It swaps Quality
for Scope
(Actually, this is the more common version.
So if you're going to memorise one of them,
memorise this one!)
How does the Iron Triangle look for a Waterfall Project?
Which parameters are fixed, which are variable?
Let's see if we can figure it out.
We're going to build a bridge.
It's going to take one year and cost
one million dollars
cost: $1m time: 1 year
scope: 1 bridge
What if it goes over budget?
Not ideal.
What if it comes in under budget?
You'd be okay with that, I think.
What if it overruns.
Not great.
What if it takes just 9 months.
I'm sure you'd take that.
What about Scope?
How would 3/4 of a bridge work for you?
What about 1.5 bridges?
You're right: both are silly.
We're going to need exactly one bridge
In theory anyway, for a Waterfall project, SCOPE is fixed.
and cost and time are variable
it would be remiss of me not to mention that
most project managers will CHOOSE to fix a second parameter.
Which they choose will depend on what's more important:
More important to finish on time?
Or on budget?
Let's move on to Agile.
It's not immediately obvious that the Iron Triangle applies to Agile
For one thing, many Agile projects don't have a crisp start and a crisp end.
But I can side-step this problem by picking an arbitrary block of time.
Say, three months.
Let's look at the parameters
That's fixed.
3 months.
Well, if we're talking about a software project,
most of the cost... is the cost of the project team.
Agile teams tend to of a more or less fixed size.
Fixed team, fixed time.
Looks like cost is fixed.
Time is fixed, cost is fixed.
By the rule of the Iron Triangle
this means that the scope must be variable.
And that fits with our experience, right?
And Agile team cannot
indeed should not
must not!
predict what it will be able to produce in a three month period.
They'll start work, they learn, they'll produce.
And at the end of the three months,
we'll get what we get.
Like I said: fixed time, fixed cost, viable scope.
There's a rather satisfying symmetry between the Waterfall and Agile Iron Triangles
I'll spin this around a bit.
Notice that:
- What's fixed for Waterfall is variable for Agile
- What's variable for Waterfall is fixed for Agile.
Perfect iron-triable opposites.
The Iron Triangle is just one element of the
"Waterfall vs Agile Cheat Sheet"
which has just received a minor make-over.
If you're one of the 200+ that received the first version,
watch your mailbox for the updated version.
If you've yet to grab a copy, you'll find a link somewhere around this video.
click the link, follow the instructions. and it's all yours.
Thank you for watching
If you liked this episode
Please click like,
Share it far and wide,
and click the logo to subscribe for a new episode every Wednesday.
Thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you next time.
Bowflex® Dumbbell Workout-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style Nightpakket Panoramadak - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Point B 油麻地警署執死人橙 - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.5 TDCI Style - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 bjr 11-2013 0% Bijtelling Ex.BTW 2.4 D6 AWD PLUG-IN HYBRID SUMMUM CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.B - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
(No-oven) Coffee coconut cheesecake recipe - Bánh kem pho-mát dừa cà phê - Duration: 10:43.Hello and welcome to Savoury Days!
Today we're gonna make a no-oven dessert
This dessert has 3 layers: a base with crunchy Oreo crumbs
a layer of melt-in-the-mouth coffee mousse and a top layer of creamy coconut cheese-mouse
For this dessert I'm using a silicon mould that has 12 rectangle holes, each contains 70 ml liquid
You can substitute with other moulds with similar volume, such as a spring form pan 16~18 cm (dia.)
Let's start with preparing the cake base
For the cake base we need 10 Oreo cookies with filling
add all cookies into a bag and crush them into small crumbs
then add the crumbs into a bowl with 25 g melted unsalted butter
mix well until all crumbs are damp
Divide the crumbs into each small mould
Use a spoon or your finger to press the crumbs to stick together and stick to the mould
once donce with the crumbs, chill the mould in the fridge for about 30 minutes
so that the oreo base gets firm
meanwhile, prepare the coffee mousse layer
first soak 3 g gelatin (1.5 sheets) in cool water
then dissolve 2 packs instant coffee with 60 ml hot water
mix well then let the coffee cool down
next add 1 egg yolk and 25 g sugar into a bowl
beat until incorporated, the egg yolk turns fluffy and slightly pale
sift in 10 grams corn starch
note that this is corn starch, not cornmeal (the one with coarse, slightly yellow grains)
Mix well until incorporated then add coffee (at room temp)
whisk constantly while adding coffee
whisking constantly prevents the egg from getting curdled because of too hot coffee
last add in 60 ml milk
mix thoroughly
pass the mixture through a sieve to remove lumps if any
then cook on medium heat
don't set the heat too high and...
keep stirring constantly
because otherwise the starch or protein in egg and milk can fall down to the bottom and get burnt
or the mixture can turn curdled as the egg is cooked
we want our custard to be slightly thick and smooth like this
squeeze all water out from gelatin sheets before adding them into the pot
mix very well
thanks to the heat in the pan, gelatin will melt and be mixed with the custard
if there is some gelatin that doesn't melt...
add 1 - 2 tsp water, mix then continue cooking the custard on low heat, stir constantly until gelatin melts completely
so that was our coffee custard
let this custard cool to room temperature
meanwhile, prepare whipped cream for the mousse
I've made a tutorial in which I explained in details on how to make whipped cream
you can check that video for more information
basically we have two major notes here
first, the bowl and whisks should be very cold
it's best to put the bowl and whisks into the freezer 15 - 20 minutes in advance
second, the fat content in the cream should be no less than 30%
ideally the fat content should be between 35 and 40%
whip the cream until it's fluffy and thick
but not too stiff and firm such as the cream used to frost a cake
the cream is then at its "soft-peak-stage"
we don't whip the cream till stiff because we still need to mix the coffee custard in
if the cream is too stiff then it'll get curdled easily when being mixed with other ingredients
as you can see on the screen, I've added all coffee custard and fold it into whipped cream
let the spatula touch the bottom of the bowl then fold it over
note that the coffee custard should be at room temperature
otherwise it will make the whipped cream melt
and we want to fold the ingredients, not stir
stirring ingredients too harshly may also cause cream to be over-mixed and get curdled
the final cream should be smooth and lump-free like this
transfer the coffee cream to a pot then divide them into 12 holes
once done, gently shake the mould to flatten the mousse
then chill in fridge or freezer to help the mousse set
we move to the last layer of coconut cream chese
first we also soak 3 grams gelatin into 40 ml cool water
for 10 - 15 mins until gelatin is soft
then melt the gelatin in a water bath
stir to help gelatin melt and dissolve into water
then let the gelatin cool to room temperature
next, measure 120 ml coconut milk
remember to shake the can well before open it
as the fat can float to top and separate with the water underneath
add in to a bowl 150 gram cream cheese
note that this cream cheese is at room temperature
sift in icing sugar
then add coconut milk in small parts and mix well
you can use a hand mixer with lowest speed in this stage
but it's completely fine with a wire whisk like this
add coconut milk in small portions and mix to incorporate all coconut milk before adding another part
that helps the coconut milk to be incorporated more easily and faster
normally, the more coconut cream we add, the smoother, finer the cream cheese should be
however in many cases the cream can look lumpy like this
this can happen to both cream cheese and mascarpone
the reason is that the cream cheese (or mascarpone) was stored in a very low temperature
which causes the water to separate from the fat
so when we start to mix coconut milk (or other types of liquid)
it's hard for the solid fat in cream cheese to get incorporated with other ingredients
but don't worry as we can fix this problem
and this is the way....
first simmer some water in a sauce pan
then put the bowl with cream cheese on the pan
note that the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch water
keep stirring constantly
the heat from water will warm up the cream cheese
and help the fat lumps to melt and dissolve into the mixture
keep stirring until we only have very small lumps in the mixture
then remove the pan from heat
last, pass the cream mixture through a sieve
by this, we can remove most of the fat-lumps in the cream mixture
and make the cream mixture smooth
after mixing in all coconut milk and sugar with cream cheese
we add gelatin (at room temperature) and mix it with the cream mixture
the coconut cream cheese is now ready
take the mould out of the fridge/ freezer, the coffee mousse should have set by now
divide this coconut cream cheese into the holes
once done, put the mould back into the fridge
as I'm using a silicon mould, I place the mould into the freezer until both cream layers are firm
with other metal moulds, you can chill in the fridge until the mousse and cream cheese set
this is the mould after staying in the fridge for 2 hours
as the cakes are frozen, it's very easy to remove them from the mould
this is also the thing I like with silicon moulds
we don't need to worry about ruining the cake when unmoulding it
after unmolding, take the cakes back to the fridge to thaw completely
Store the cakes in the fridge and use within 2 days
and lastly, this is my suggestion to decorate the cake with cocoa powder (only do this right before serve)
Good luck and I look forward to your feedback after trying this recipe
Thank you for watching and see you soon again!
2017 کا کمال ڈانس ایک بار ضرور دیکھیں اگر مزہ نہ آئے تو پیسے واپس - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
5 Facts, Sony Xperia XA - Full Specs Review - Duration: 17:12.-------------------------------------------
Result of Mar-a-Lago summit to determine N. Korea's next provocation - Duration: 2:14.Trump made it clear that he's going to focus heavily on North Korea during his summit with
Regardless, Pyongyang isn't done yet.
However, the timing and type of another provocation will depend on the results of the U.S.-China
Connie Kim shares with us some expert analysis.
They have plenty to discuss, but North Korea is certain to be one of the top items on the
agenda when the leaders of the world's two superpowers meet at President Trump's Mar-a-Lago
resort in Florida this week.
Ahead of the highly-anticipated meeting,…. Trump told business leaders at the White House
that ways to deal with Pyongyang will come up during his talks with Chinese President
Xi Jinping.
"We are going to talk about a lot of things, including, of course, North Korea.
A problem and it's really a humanity problem."
Adding urgency to the issue, North Korea fired off a missile one day before the summit,…
an action interpreted as a message that sanctions and a hard-line policy on the North will not
be effective.
A senior White House official told reporters on Tuesday that "the clock is very, very quickly
running out" on North Korea... and that "all options are on the table."
The White House official also said the North Korea issue is a test for the U.S.-China relationship.
The Trump administration wants China to exert more economic influence over the North, but
Beijing insists it does not have that kind of influence.
However, there are concerns the former business tycoon could take the pressure off of Beijing
in relation to North Korea... if he thought he could make gains on trade with China.
"I think there is going to be a lot of discussion on trade.
North Korea may be raised as an issue, but I would be very surprised to see any significant
breakthroughs on that front.
And that's largely because President Trump has already signaled that he does not need
to work with Beijing on that particular issue."
In any case, the overriding consensus among North Korea experts is that the timing and
type of the North's next provocation will most likely depend on the results from Florida.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Result of Mar-a-Lago summit to determine N. Korea's next provocation - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Design Pack + 5x5 Pack + € 5.000 VOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Design Pack + 5x5 Pack + € 5.000 VOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta (Premium Pack / Cold Pack) - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta (Premium Pack / Cold Pack) - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
『シカゴ・タイプライター』Interview (日本語字幕対応) - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 『シカゴ・タイプライター』Interview (日本語字幕対応) - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
ユ・アイン主演『シカゴ・タイプライター』予告Teaser(日本語字幕対応) - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> ユ・アイン主演『シカゴ・タイプライター』予告Teaser(日本語字幕対応) - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Bourse, comment trader : order book trading session by DoTrading; video 8 - Duration: 14:32.Hello,
Welcome to my DoTrading channel for a new video.
Always with the Platform of TT (Trading Technologies)
We will be discussing positions taken on future ES and ZB contracts
The intervention areas are the result of a pre-market analysis combining the study:
movement of prices,
and also technical analysis ...
We see that the price comes on a resistance level with a positive flow.
I am a purchaser at 2361 with a contract.
The target will be the next resistance located at 2363.
But the market is too aggressive, I'm not executed.
Seeing that the buyers hold the market and that the price does not return to point of entry level.
So I cancel my order.
I monitor the price for a sale on the resistance of the 2363.
I place myself as a seller with a contract at 2362.75.
Now executed, and seeing that buyers are still in control,
I know my goal will be short.
Of the order of 3-5 tick at max.
I am at 2361.75.
A tick too low to be executed
A buying hand is presented returning the price on my point of entry.
With buyers who keep control, I go up my goal gradually up to "flat"
Later, I see that my analysis was correct and that the resistance played its part perfectly
Pity not to have held the position ....
The target would have been reached
The price is back on a key level, where I am about to step in with a long
Quickly executed, the trade is well oriented.
The objective is the resistance level at 2363.
And if this resistance is crossed, the next level will be around the 2364.
I would like to thank the people who took the time to respond and leave their opinion on the previous videos.
It is a pleasure to see that you are more and more numerous to follow me. Thank you.
We see that the resistance is tested several times
On the ZB, I return seller on a technical level.
But again, the market is aggressive and I'm not running ...
Meanwhile the price on the ES has crossed the resistance
Buyers are aggressive
The price go up quickely
And I go out with a profit of 7 ticks.
Too bad for the lack of the position that ended with a flat,
as well as non-performance on the ZB ... but this is part of the game ...
Thank you for watching this video,
Do not hesitate to like, share, comment
Subscribe to be up-to-date
See you soon on my channel.
For more infomation >> Bourse, comment trader : order book trading session by DoTrading; video 8 - Duration: 14:32.-------------------------------------------
How to make the most of guest reviews - Duration: 1:43.Online reputation has never been more important than it is today.
The internet is now involved in almost all travel bookings,
whether it be for pre-trip research or to actually make the booking.
A recent study showed over two-thirds of all consumers look to user guidance when booking online.
At Booking.com we believe that an honest review is the best way for our guests to share their experience with other travelers,
and for you to show what makes your property unique.
At this moment there is over 90 million verified guest reviews, each representing a real customer experience.
So how can you make us reviews work for you?
At first it might seem a bit daunting to receive comments about your property,
but getting a glowing review makes it all worthwhile.
And very quickly these reviews will start to provide you with valuable insights into how guests feel about your property.
"You have to satisfy your guests, make sure that they're happy"
It's our first priority, guest satisfaction so they can come again and again at the resort and to recommend us to others.
It's a really great compliment from the guests that they take their time to sit down and send me a review.
It's the key source of information for me.
Responding to guest reviews is a great way for you to harness the power of reviews.
Make it part of your daily routine check for the latest comments and to reply to them regularly.
Your replies don't need to be long but try to say more than a "thank you".
A personalized message shows how much you care about your customers.
Everybody likes to feel like his or her opinion is valued!
For more infomation >> How to make the most of guest reviews - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l'autisme - Histoire à succès chez Dare Foods - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l'autisme - Histoire à succès chez Dare Foods - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Booty Shake : compilation des pires tentatives de twerk - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Booty Shake : compilation des pires tentatives de twerk - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 500 Luchtv./Dak/Harman/Xenon - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M LINE 2WD - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Jumpy 2.0 BlueHDI 180 Business M S&S Automaat, ACTIE RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.5 S-VT GT-M | RIJKLAARPRIJS | - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M LINE 2WD | €4.414 VOORDEEL | RIJKLAARPRIJS | - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 270 CDI Navigatie / LM / Dealer onderhouden. - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 16v 85PK M-JET DYNAMIC Clima/ Blue&me/ Panoramadak - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M 2WD | €3.965 VOORDEEL | RIJKLAARPRIJS | - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
КИЕВ ЛИШАЕТСЯ "ЕВРОВИДЕНИЯ - 2017" (05.04.2017) - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
No Knitting Video this Week! - Duration: 0:51.Hi, Staci here.
I haven't missed a weekly knitting video in almost seven years, but I'm missing this week,
and I wanted to release this short video to explain why.
It's due to a medical issue - I'm fine, I'm going to be fine, I'm under a doctor's care.
I've been through this before.
I have a chronic condition called iritis.
And sometimes my body's immune system attacks the irises of my eyes, which is a totally
stupid thing to do.
And it takes me a few weeks to get over it, and while it's happening, I'm photosensitive,
and my head hurts, and I can't see very well.
So I knew there was no way I could sit under the studio lights this week.
But i have stuff coming up, new videos coming up that I'm really excited about, and if everything
continues to improve as it is improving, we will have a new video next week.
That's it.
Thanks for watching.
ХАБИБ НУРМАГОМЕДОВ: "Я чуть не умер!" (05.04.2017) - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
English Listening and Reading for Beginners - Memory Champions - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
A mute, 4-second conversation - Duration: 0:05.-------------------------------------------
Ravel: Piano Solo - Duration: 55:10.Pavane pour une infante défunte in G Major, M. 19
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 1, Modéré, très franc
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 2, Assez lent, avec une expression intense
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 3, Modéré
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 4, Assez animé
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 5, Presque lent, dans un sentiment intime
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 6, Vif
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 7, Moins vif
Valses nobles et sentimentales, M. 61: No. 8, Épilogue. Lent
Miroirs, M. 43: No. 1, Noctuelles. Très léger
Miroirs, M. 43: No. 2, Oiseaux tristes. Très lent
Miroirs, M. 43: No. 3, Une barque sur l'océan. D'un rythme souple
Miroirs, M. 43: No. 4, Alborada del gracioso. Assez vif
Miroirs, M. 43: No. 5, La vallée des cloches. Très lent
World Autism Awareness Day - A Success Story at Dare Foods - Duration: 2:01.I wake up and get dressed.
I look forward to going to work;
to the point that I want to head out early.
My parents often tell me, "You're leaving too early!"
It doesn't bother me though, since I like it.
My name is Joanie.
I work for Dare Foods as a packer.
I really like physical work because I need to move;
if I don't move, I easily fall asleep.
In my job, I move a lot.
It's motivating and fun.
If things aren't going so well, there's always someone nearby
to help make the cookies fit in the package.
I'm never all on my own.
Dare is proud of its involvement,
and sees an opportunity to give some special people a job
like anyone else in the plant.
Integrating Joanie took a bit of teamwork.
Her integration was possible thanks to
her brothers and sisters.
The enthusiasm and efforts of this family
contribute to its success; and the same goes for Joanie.
She made a good start at Dare and has virtually the same
social status as her colleagues.
I'm proud of Joanie because she has succeeded at overcoming many
obstacles, especially prejudice.
Today, she does things that no one would ever
have imagined her capable of.
My mother often said that people really like it when despite bad
weather, even a snowstorm, as soon as they see me
coming with a smile on my face, they cheer up.
I'm a ray of sunshine at Dare.
Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown|Book Review - Duration: 4:26.Hello!
My name is Noah and today we're talking about "Hacking Growth" by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown.
This book is meant to be a step-by-step guide to implementing growth strategies.
I have two main points that I want to go over with you, so let's get started!
The first point has to do with conversion rates.
Now conversion rates are the percentage of people who take a desired action.
So that can depend on your business and your strategy what that specific action is.
One of the formulas that is shared in this book is that conversion rates = desire - friction.
Desire can be seen as how much a product or a service is wanted by a potential customer.
Friction is anything that can make a potential customer think, "is it worth it?
Should I follow through with this?"
So ideally we want to maximize the desire so that people really want the product, and
minimize the amount of friction.
But often we focus on trying to increase desire, which is actually very hard to do.
Especially nowadays as the digital world is becoming more congested with ideas.
However friction is something we can more easily combat.
However, a lot of times we don't focus on that.
If you look at examples such as Amazon, they have the option to do one-click purchasing.
That is eliminating a lot of friction.
Eliminating the process of having to type in your credit card information each time.
Eliminating the process of having to click on multiple screens and waiting for screens
to load.
It's a one-step process.
There's very little friction and that helps us with our conversion rate.
The second point I want to talk about is gamification.
Now gamification is the offering of rewards, perks, benefits that users can earn based
on their actions.
There are three keys that are important when implementing gamification.
Meaningful rewards, surprise and delight, and instant gratification.
These are important elements to consider when trying to implement gamification into your
product or service.
Some gamification strategies are more overt than others.
For example, rewards and loyalty programs at Starbucks and other major brands have,
are very clear ways of gamifying the process of using the product or the service.
However there are also more subtle instances of gamification.
For example on LinkedIn when you create your profile there's a bar on the side that shows
your progress to completing your profile.
So once it reaches 100% you've completed your profile.
The reward is having completed your profile, and that progress bar that's tracking what
you're doing acts as a way of incentivizing and encouraging the consumer to finish their
sign up process.
Now, let's go over some of the positives, negatives and who I think should be reading
this book.
One major positive that I love about this book is that it highlights relevant examples
from today's business world to illustrate what they're talking about.
It shows how Facebook, Airbnb, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram implement growth hacking
techniques into their businesses and that's a great way of relating to the ideas that
they're trying to explain.
So I like how they use a variety of examples that are relevant to really illustrate the
They're not just giving you theoretical ideas.
They're showing you how these different strategies are being implemented by major corporations.
Why would you not want to be using some techniques that the Facebooks, YouTubes, and Twitters
of the world are using themselves?
And now to the negatives.
The only negative I had with this book is that at times I found it to be too specific.
It gave you even examples of how to break down your meetings.
What you should be talking about exactly within the meetings.
Just going over the general ideas and specifying how ideas are implemented would have been
enough in my opinion.
Who should be reading this book?
Well, startups and tech companies should definitely consider reading this book because the strategies
are definitely targeted towards the kind of products and services you'll be developing.
And these ideas are very relevant to startups because they can show you how with a limited
budget some of these techniques can be implemented and used for extreme results.
That's it, that's my book review for "Hacking Growth" by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown.
If you want to see what I talked about here in a written format, or you want more information
on the authors, please head over to my blog, www.noahsachs.net.
Next week I'll be back with another book review!
But until then, keep reading and keep learning!
Miracle • Anti-Mage • 21 kills • 1K GPM— Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 44:48.Miracle • Anti-Mage • 21 kills • 1K GPM— Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2
Project Management Triangle aka The Iron Triangle + CHEAT SHEET - Duration: 5:56.Today we'll look at a stalwart of old school project management
The Iron Triangle.
And I have a new version of the "Waterfall vs Agile Cheat Sheet" for you.
Welcome to Development That Pays
Cutting-edge strategies for profitable Software Development
My name is Gary Straughan.
This is The Iron Triangle.
Forged in the fires of Mount Doom.
What's that?
We couldn't get the graphic?
What did you get?
Okay okay... we'll go with that.
The Iron Triangle
aka the Project Management Triangle
aka the Triple Constraint
has been around a long time.
The version I first came across was this one.
Time, quality and cost.
The three parameters are interconnected.
Change one and one or both of the other parameters change.
For example, if you want to shorten a project, you might
Skimp on the quality
Throw money at it
Skimp on the quality AND throw money at it
Things get interesting when we fix one or more of the parameters.
My mental model for this is a decorator coming in to do an estimate.
He comes in, looks around the room
Takes some measurements
Scratches his chin
And says
"I can do Fast, Good, and Cheap."
"Which TWO would you like?"
Cheap and Fast ... rush the the job and the Quality will suffer
Cheap and Good... is going to take time
Fast and Good - which might mean putting more people on the job -
will push the price up.
And that is all you need to know about the Iron Triangle:
The three parameters are interdependent
You can fix one
You can even fix two
But you can never fix all three
We're ready to move on too apply the Iron Triangle to Waterfall and Agile.
And for this there's a variation of the Iron Triangle that's a better fit.
It swaps Quality
for Scope
(Actually, this is the more common version.
So if you're going to memorise one of them,
memorise this one!)
How does the Iron Triangle look for a Waterfall Project?
Which parameters are fixed, which are variable?
Let's see if we can figure it out.
We're going to build a bridge.
It's going to take one year and cost
one million dollars
cost: $1m time: 1 year
scope: 1 bridge
What if it goes over budget?
Not ideal.
What if it comes in under budget?
You'd be okay with that, I think.
What if it overruns.
Not great.
What if it takes just 9 months.
I'm sure you'd take that.
What about Scope?
How would 3/4 of a bridge work for you?
What about 1.5 bridges?
You're right: both are silly.
We're going to need exactly one bridge
In theory anyway, for a Waterfall project, SCOPE is fixed.
and cost and time are variable
it would be remiss of me not to mention that
most project managers will CHOOSE to fix a second parameter.
Which they choose will depend on what's more important:
More important to finish on time?
Or on budget?
Let's move on to Agile.
It's not immediately obvious that the Iron Triangle applies to Agile
For one thing, many Agile projects don't have a crisp start and a crisp end.
But I can side-step this problem by picking an arbitrary block of time.
Say, three months.
Let's look at the parameters
That's fixed.
3 months.
Well, if we're talking about a software project,
most of the cost... is the cost of the project team.
Agile teams tend to of a more or less fixed size.
Fixed team, fixed time.
Looks like cost is fixed.
Time is fixed, cost is fixed.
By the rule of the Iron Triangle
this means that the scope must be variable.
And that fits with our experience, right?
And Agile team cannot
indeed should not
must not!
predict what it will be able to produce in a three month period.
They'll start work, they learn, they'll produce.
And at the end of the three months,
we'll get what we get.
Like I said: fixed time, fixed cost, viable scope.
There's a rather satisfying symmetry between the Waterfall and Agile Iron Triangles
I'll spin this around a bit.
Notice that:
- What's fixed for Waterfall is variable for Agile
- What's variable for Waterfall is fixed for Agile.
Perfect iron-triable opposites.
The Iron Triangle is just one element of the
"Waterfall vs Agile Cheat Sheet"
which has just received a minor make-over.
If you're one of the 200+ that received the first version,
watch your mailbox for the updated version.
If you've yet to grab a copy, you'll find a link somewhere around this video.
click the link, follow the instructions. and it's all yours.
Thank you for watching
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Thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you next time.
[ENG] Food, Food and More Food 벨롱장에서 먹방! - Duration: 11:14.Today I came in Bellon Market with my friend
Bellon Market opens every Saturday
'Bellon' is a Jeju dialect which means a light twinkling far away
LOADS of people are here!!
These are postcard and phone case
They have a picture of Jeju Island on them
(It's a sample of a Jam made with Jeju citrus)
You can take pictures of these
You can take your selfie holding these
Wow it has little fire in it
You can smell this
I got this sol fish sandwich!
It is first time for me to eat sol fish sandwich,
I don't know how to tell what taste it is
Because of this pickled onion,
It doesn't taste really fishy
It does taste of sol fish, but nothing fishy in a bad way
I heard this sandwich is turkish food
There were also things for historical event
This is signature campaign for Sewol ferry disaster
Thank you
(They are giving out people ribbons for Sewol ferry disaster)
This carrot juice
is made with only carrots
It literally tast strong carrot
It is quite sweet from carrot
This is so nice! Taste heathly!
This is made with fishy sauce which is Indonesian style and avocado
Does it contain any meat?
Not avocado Banh mi, This Chicken Banh mi does
I bought this avocado Banh mi
Shall I try~
I've never tried Banh mi before,
It has a lot of avocado
I love avocado
Do you?
Because of the fishy sauce,
It is sour and nice
You can take picture of these
Thanks lol
Thank you~
Let's go
This is amazing
So nice!
As they use butter, this octopus has so rich flavor
Try this
So many people... :(
We came in a cafe near bellon market
Carrot cake,
(This village is famous for carrot, so you can get carrot juice or carrot cake in here)
Ice americano,
Ice mocha
So lovely crema!
This cup is cool
We are just dropping by this candle shop as it was on our way
A dog over there
This is drying sea weed
Look this amazing color of the sea!
We are on a olle tracking course now
Wow it's wind power generator over there
It's field all over here surrounded by stone walls
A car is coming!
Guys, What is this?
Spring onion?
Don't they look like spring onion?
I think this is white radish
You already knew it..? lol
You can see white part of the radish
I can only see leaves
Look under the leaves
I think we got lost
I can't find the ribbon which let you know directions for Olle tracking course
Where should we go..?
I can't see any ribbons here!
Not this way
Can't believe this little pathway is part of Olle tracking course!
We could see this way
We've got main road!
they are forsythia!
Let's sing a song
(Singing a song of Forsythia lol)
(As I don't know the lyrics, just humming)
( I told my friend we should go this way,
but she doesn't trust me searching directions on her phone lol)
This is right way~
You don't trust me !
Guess it's gallery
(Explaining about her painintg)
You did paint over there on your own?
(She was so nice)
You didn't really mean to walk along Olle tracking course
But happened to
As the view was so nice
Thank you~
(She gave us some candy)
It was nice to see your painting, Bye~
We are on our way to eat something
The wind is so strong...!
This is a bowl of rice, fried squid as a topping
Gonna eat this right now~
Will it be spicy...?
I think it's grilled on a charcol
It taste charcoal, It's nice
You should say I can smell of charcoal
Yeah it doesn't taste charcoal, smells of charchoal
Lol (I've never eaten Charcoal before)
See you guys in my next video~ Bye!
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