I guys ashkirwan.com.au here in this
video I'm going to talk to you about the
concept why I can't lose weight because
it's something I had to deal with myself
massively because as you can agree
cleaning from size 44 jeans down to now
wearing size 32 into jeans quite
comfortably it's quite a substantial
drop in weight and size like I mean
April who meaning back then to whom you
mean who know me now so that it's like
two from people standing here and
there's so many times that journey I had
to cross that bad like what's going on
why can I lose weight because that first
game 5 when I lost five kilos and 120
quite easily but from 120 110 was like
it was hard work then and it wasn't hard
work as a digital hardware or dietary
hard work it was like to actually
breaking a lot of them want it because
sometimes when we can't lose weight
illogic a lot of it is because we've got
patterns in our life and our lifestyle
that nobody's come accustomed to
performing at and it just gets happy
singing this like plateau because we now
i do wait and i get right into my cowl
standing so a lot of monkey bar work and
i said throughout my body around body
weight around like a monkey pretty much
is probably the best way I can describe
calisthenics and the street workout kind
of concept now in order to break
plateaus because even in the gym gym
junkies yes I can call myself that towel
right they get plantoids Ivo get to a
certain weight range where they start
pushing certain amount of weights and
all something so they can't get beyond
that no matter what they try is just
flat like plateaued at one level and in
order to for gym junkie to break that
plateau and go up in weight or perform a
different availability the cows setting
to the gymnastics kind of concept what
though what athletes have to do is
basically break up the cycle of creating
or the routine of the diet or course
some pattern in their life in order to
switch to neurology change the actual
molecular makeup body because also this
differently different functions or
something two switches up and snaps and
changes which actually breaks whatever
cycle it is in whatever system in
whatever format whether it's in a
neurological system or a body functional
format or witness the other way your
body's processing food which is still
basic part of your digestive system but
to break that for matters set the card
and set the class whole and set the
pattern in your body that stopped you
from actually breaking out fat molecules
of a cellular level in order to pro stem
process them in order to lose weight and
a big part of ads give yourself
permission to actually go who you are
like I said in one of my other videos is
probably the easiest weight loss tip is
to look into the mirror like I'm looking
to that camera right now be like a
lovely man you are sexy and you know
that you know that everyone wants a
piece is just lately it's just our
circle I love you you're sexy as fuck my
that's probably the easiest way to step
into your weight loss paradigm thought
and shift your perception around who you
are in the role you find well too if you
want to be and we want to move to being
greater variation of your own sexy so
you know the biggest concert around you
are you're not losing weight you know
could be real ways you guys put me and
my perception to come down to this my
mindset you know when I was 120 no I was
180 member 17 bouncing up 221like just
doing three kilo jumps daily and then
once I got down 115 Mike I couldn't
really break out of 15 for about four
months five months or so frustrating I
remember like even breaking the 110 it
was like another four or five months it
took me a long time you know it's been
eight years and losing 50 kilos now and
I think for me the best way that you're
going to get maintain any level of
weight loss is to look at maximum one
killer week weight loss and old even
goes as far as to say look at one kilo
per month likewise if you can maintain
in your lifestyle one kilo weight loss
per month from here on in
your body wouldn't actually fire that's
comfortable flow in its own performance
based on the lifestyle you're creating
and it won't it won't be pushed it won't
you rushed it won't be stressed in
losing that weight and it will actually
feel comfortable and it's moved like
surfy into the wave and say into your
lifestyle because you know being dug by
way of the beach is not fun for anybody
but if you learn to surf and learn to
float on that wave getting dumped can be
a can be a blessing them because you
just had this week's ride up the beat
you know you've got that Fitness you've
got that mindset and you enjoy that ride
that's just all part of the children
adrenaline of God's beads and having a
good time nope so as far as a sweetener
patterns to break the chains of you're
at a cellular level in your body which
is probably not and you're looking at
thought patterns or what spark and I'm
not sure if you know this video
neurology our thought patterns what
spark enzyme production because our
enzyme production of chemical production
through our minds through our body come
directly from our thoughts I've got bird
for letting around in the tree above me
me because it's dawn which is a
beautiful another way of breaking up
your patents like getting up early or
doing something completely different
with yourself even just a strata commode
just to get up and see the beautiful
colors at the time one however your
neurology patterns spark enzyme
production spark chemical production
which then have a electrical charge it
travels out to your body which fires off
your hand to eye coordination and the
synapses through your minor through your
body to actually perform tasks any times
making a tank writing 100 meters
whatever task is you've always got
enzymes and hormones producing
electrical charge three body which
actually while I hope you perform
whatever task you need whether it be
fitness whether it be losing weight
whether it be reading a book or saying
goodbye to the kids so once you congrat
concept you realize that part of weight
loss is hang the neurology changing
enzyme production to charge the body to
start to break down a fat molecule so if
you've got a pattern that's
your body's ability to process fat cells
the first thing I we've got to get do
for you is getting you to start to break
those patterns and your body that's
stopping you and hindering you because
those fat cells in your body are a
safety mechanism they are there to like
the hump of a camel your body thinks
that if something happens if danger
comes you can have a predator come into
your world and you have to go and fight
fight flight or flight mode these a lot
of people groan wait as a safety
mechanism it keeps them safe from some
kind of coats over there is somebody
picking on them or making them feel bad
about themselves or leaving them alone
by being having late on that way is also
so she misses inside status being stored
there to help you just in case you need
to go on a long journey through the
desert and you know we'll get away from
a predator and it's a flying concept but
a lot of us think we look into a line
full start to realize that I know with
my way my predator with my mother
funnily enough then you know we're
really close now he works with a lot
about issues in this I can laugh about
it now i can smile about now because
I've got a beautiful i took my mom but
it wasn't always don't like it was quite
feral interesting lady for a lot of
years they're dealing with a lot of
anger and revolt and hurt herself too I
might add you know so it's not all the
website and straight there yet i hailed
on that all that way because we're
safety makers and stop the old took
actually picking on it and tearing
strips off me and making me feel not
good enough so by me being overweight
she would leave me alone and i could
just enjoy yourself and be myself our
soft it because in time on skates you
were just absolutely start to tear strip
something so it was we're not started to
face a lot of those emotional interviews
and turmoil with her and breakthroughs
communication barriers is her son Lee
enough it's craziness down I started to
lose weight you know it was like the
weirdest thing because I could grow
knotted Ali's staff but it's like a more
I open up and communicate with her and
effectively works where the issues was
her it's having a fly effect in all
other areas of my license don't ever
think that your weight loss is governed
just to your diet and smashing it out
on the park or at the gym no it's not
always that it's all is that simple
sometimes it's the mindset stuff going
on you know because I mean I as you can
imagine go on to the mental health
system and I mean I'm all of us had
parents who had a really super messy
breakup you know like unfortunately
Australia's had this kind of breakdown
of communication issues it's gone
through a family dynamic for a long time
so there's a lot of people coming from
families that don't have a strong family
connection so the neurological locks are
tied in our mindset a lot of my
operators around our inability to
express ourselves effectively be
understood by those people in their life
so therefore slightly easier for us to
carry a little bit of weight and just be
comfortable where we're at and be safe
because otherwise we're not imposing on
anybody or not a threatening to anybody
or we're not challenging anybody so so
being our own little spaces is to kind
of have our own little space so we're a
lot of civ accepted that as a paradigm
of who we are moving forward but for me
bring our communicate effectively numb
and actually open up conversations about
emergence because mum for a lot easier
you had no ability to communicate to me
heard about her emotions because of her
experiences in life and Helen left here
shut off emotionally and cold and really
bitter about her experiences in life so
long comes me I know man highly
explosive separately expressive
emotionally expressive creative
expression expressive you can imagine
our challenging that was for a woman who
and channels and emotions and being
totally disconnected because of last
experiences of violet psychological fish
molestation and etc et-cetera delightful
probably like being slapped over face
with cold slapper however we're not stop
them long enough and fight a lot and I
thought mean about five years to
literally just try to put my life on
hold and stop and go you to what not
going anywhere well you know we will
work through this we got to talk this
out and we're going to make do with the
goods here we're not thing more I'll do
that and then we're back to add you work
and my diet really
because a lot of factors until sharing
other videos about how like the little
tricks and techniques and substitutes
that I used to lose weight through you
know such as ice baths and different
products I've been taking over the years
and different combinations of food and
diet plans i'm used to to break down and
fat all got on that into that with other
videos of course but you know over last
five years that the product b street sex
I've you were in losing that weighs more
stop and had those hard conversations
whoo family members they're not just
money even think you know we've dad as
well but Horace Cobb had those
conversations as importantly my
partner's ex-partners friends me little
brother and my grandmother and anybody
else in my life that I've needed to
really open up to emotionally the more
have done that stuff a morsel the
greater than and freed me you know it's
funny that in the gym like fairly
recently I got muscle ups and it was
only when I really open up the
conversation with a close friend that i
liberated myself nothing a lot a lot a
lot of my own anguishes that would look
truly kind of freed up a lot enough
energy for me to actually throw myself
above the back and I was like it was
almost like a fit of rage but a fiddle
liberation said the right word yeah it
was like being liberated from something
with he'll be lockdown if you have a
look into your life they'll be emotional
blocks in your life some way that I was
like keeping you energetically
suppressed and so that emotional
suppression because there's a lot of
research done in two people who bottle
down their emotions I'm more susceptible
include serious illness know and we all
know it in Australia we're all like yeah
my mate back and when sweet they're cool
but really two people I got stuff going
on you can see a male this stuff and
nam nam tai fung who I'm well y'all on
good guy I mean we can't have that
attitude in Australia we push down push
it down manifests and other ways like
stacking on weight but the more of like
open that up and gone in horn I've
actually not what I'm a highest values
in my life is resolved like resolving
issues resolving conversations
understand people is dane tend to be
understood took me five years to
understand my machine tends to be
understood news I've had to give her
space to open up a lot of her emotional
stuff give her space to open up a lot of
the truth some of her truth indicates
hurt and shows her let's see has been a
bit of a cranky eagle narcissistic
overlord of a witch in modern times that
predates back to the 16th century old
and half men to know caper I watched her
come to life well that's done from
leaning the great mean to actually
challenge myself above and beyond what
I'd be impossible for myself because
we're a many I didn't see myself was
having the possibility being here and I
guarantee inside you if you're carrying
weight you're not you're finding it hard
and you cut your feet you're wondering
why you can't lose right there'll be a
big reason emotionally as to why that is
and sometimes it takes a drone it takes
a soldier who had a goal back able to
look deep inside yourself and scan toys
is ask those questions about what is
going on for the emotion what is really
tiring down here was really hungry
meaning and blocking me to this place of
not losing anyway because I'm try like
fuckin are suffering now because if you
playing smash in and out for a while now
and you haven't seemed to progressively
get anywhere there's got to be something
emotions done on there and i challenge
you to look deviantart inside of your of
your world and be like cool oh my what
do I really want and what's really
stopping me here what I really need to
say well I really need to express what
what am I really trying to do though who
make sure somewhere deep in inside of
is is required in truth that greater
truth will set your weight loss food
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