Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 6 2017


Hello, I am Ryujehong, support player from Lunatic-Hai

I didn't see any IDs with real name

so I decided to bring my name into the IGN with my clan mates

Of course I will answer everything from my heart,

but the answer may not answer your question

it will be a part of you getting to know me better

[Warm-up Question]

Q. What is your favorite food?

I like Gogi(meat) the most. Pork Belly

and I have a new favorite, chicken soup with ginseng

I just had one recently and it was really good

Q. How much can you consume in a day?

3-4 servings? just a bowl of rice per servings

I don't eat too much

Q. How many hamburgers can you eat at once?

It depends on what I'm getting(by brand)

For exp. I can just eat one from Burger King

but others, I think I can have 1.5~2 burgers

I do not eat much

Q. What is a nickname that you like the most?

A nickname that I like the most...

[Ryuddobbak Ryuddomuk Ryuddaeji] (ryu angry again, ryu eats again, ryu piggy)

I don't really have a favorite, but I like it when OGN calls King's row as Ryu's row

because my name is in the battleground

Q. Do you ever get angry while playing the game?

There are times when I get angry.

When I lose, I can't make my plays and get criticized

I'm not angry everyday. When everyone calls me jehong bro, hey, etc

If others talk roughly, I talk back the same to them.

I think it's my strong accent that makes it sound like it

Q. Which member's mental strength is the weakest?

It's all about the same, but I think I'm the weaker one

I think to myself, 'I should make this play so our team can win'

so I don't talk much which I'm working on to fix

Q. Your No.1 Karaoke song?

Gamsa(Thanks) by Kim Dong-ryul

I like all songs by Kim Dong-ryul. It's really good




as a person who plays the game and like the game

Q. What if today was the last day on Earth?


either die full or something


Of course, ESCA

because we are the same age and we've knew each other for a long time



I met gogi before meeting ESCA.

Q. Who made people sleep more

SungSiKyung VS Ryujehong VS Jigglypuff

LUL I think Jigglypuff wins here.

Jigglypuff can make anyone sleep with its song

[In-depth Question]

Q. What made you start playing Ana?

Heard that there's a new character as sniper which i like

and then I just tried it.

At first, Ana was not too great. I played her on and off

After the buff, I kept on playing Ana

Q. Is there anyone who is better than you at Ana?

UNKOE from team Rogue. He is a great player

and LUNA from LW BLUE

BUT! I am the best between all of them

Q. What other hero would you have used if there was no Ana?

I think I would be playing a sub-tank role.

I used to play sub-tank in the team

Played Zarya before then I fell in love with Ana and also I was good at Ana

That's how I started Ana but if not, I would be playing as a sub-tank

Q. If not a pro-gamer, what would you be doing right now?

I'd just be playing game at home or at PC bang

I think I would still be playing games

Even In my dream job section of my elementary and middle school graduation books(year book) I wrote 'pro-gamer'

I find myself lucky being a pro-gamer

Q. Could you line up the age of operation in the team?

1. Esca 2. Tobi 3. Miro 4. Zunba 5. Whoru 6. Ryujehong

1. Esca is the leader and the oldest so I picked him first

2. Tobi is the second oldest after myself and Esca and you have to boost a Lucio player

3. Miro used to be the youngest in the team and I've upgraded him to be on the third spot

4. With some reasons, Zunba is our youngest because he takes food orders from the team

5. Whoru is the youngest by age and latest to join the team, but he doesn't act like it

Even when I ask him to message our coach sometimes, he just gives me his cellphone to make me do it instead

6. and I put myself as 6th since I am the weakest and modest

If Esca was here, I would have picked myself as 1st and 6th to Esca

To. Esca Esca you are the 1st in the team. Let's keep playing together for a long time

[Last shout-outs]

As we prepared our best, keep on eye on us

and to all the Lunatic-Hai fans who are rooting for us

I want to say thank you so much and will pay you back with the champion trophy

Until now, I was Ryujehong from Lunatic-Hai, thank you!

Shake this?

SUBSCRIBE OGN for more APEX Videos!

For more infomation >> 고기보다 에스카?! 루나틱하이 류제홍 그의 선택은? [오버워치 HOT6 APEX 시즌2 A.M.A.] - Duration: 4:58.


DRAGON AGE и MASS EFFECT в ОДНОЙ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ? [Пасхалки и теория] - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> DRAGON AGE и MASS EFFECT в ОДНОЙ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ? [Пасхалки и теория] - Duration: 10:01.


O mužskej neslobode v obliekaní - Duration: 2:13:29.

Obliekanie pančuchy muža nemá nič spoločné so sexuálnou orientáciou !! A hetero muži milujú silonky. Aj muži majú svoje pančucháče.

Dressing up stockings man has nothing to do with sexual orientation !! A hetero men love high heels. Even men have their pantyhose.

Dressing up Strümpfe Mann hat nichts mit der sexuellen Orientierung zu tun !! Hetero Männer lieben High Heels. Auch Männer haben ihre Strumpfhosen.

Одев чулки человек не имеет ничего общего с сексуальной ориентацией !! Гетеро мужчины любят высокие каблуки. Даже мужчины имеют свои колготки.

For more infomation >> O mužskej neslobode v obliekaní - Duration: 2:13:29.


Volkswagen Passat 1.6 TDI BLUEMOTION PDC V+A Navi Cruise NAP - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat 1.6 TDI BLUEMOTION PDC V+A Navi Cruise NAP - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI Highline Automaat, Navi, PDC V+A, Airco !! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.2 TSI Highline Automaat, Navi, PDC V+A, Airco !! - Duration: 0:58.


【MUKBANG】 Gunma Prefecture's Special Mizusawa Noodles With Tempura ! 4.3Kg, 5300kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:11.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! tadaa A viewer sent me a whole bunch of these mizusawa udon... I'll eat 10 portions today

if I recall this particular udon comes from the Gunma area I've been to that area on a trip

this mizusawa udon is strictly made only with flour salt and mizusawa's water

and absolutely no additives whatsoever ~that's awsome, good for them~

oh and guys, check this out will ya, its got a little heart shaped kamaboko (fish cakes) in it as well So KAWAII

alrighty lets see how its made

here we've got the mizusawa udon firstly boil the noodles

my pot is too tiny for this kind of stuff~

boil the noodles till they get somewhat clear and the right toothsome feel

once its boiled immediately put it in soup the heartshaped fish cakes are so KAWAII

I've also prepped all these tempura to top it with wow so much.... did I overdo it here?

and then top it with onion and shredded seaweed

tadaa its done it looks so delish with all these toppings

lets see how much it weights... w/o the bowl its 4.3kg

itadakimasu its been a hot minute since I last had Udon

so much Tempura in the way.... they're hiding the noodles

~yeah... and it was me that put all the tempura there~

K, they look so delish

the noodles have a bit of a toothsome feel to them they're slightly salty but so slick and delish tasting

Udon are so wonderful

I'll now try one of the tempura

the tempura has soaked up the soup making it taste so delish

the shrimp inside is so womderful as well

and here's a 'kake age' (mixed tempura)

I love how sweet these kake age are due to the onions that are in them

one of the best things about Udon is that you can add any sort of toppings to them

my fav's would have to be these kake age and shrimp tempuras

finally I've uncovered one of the hearts while eating it

makes me so happy to find them

hey wait a minute... these aren't fish cakes are they?

the must have made them out of the same stuff that they made the noodles out of

the tempura has soaked up so much of the soup they're so delish

they're so soft and floppy but but that's another thing I love about them

the soup is so refreshing this light soy sauce is so delish tasting

last heart

hey wait a minute.... there was still one more heart in here.... oooh its so slippery

there was still another... they're so easy to cover up and get lost

hearts: if you keep looking out for them you'll eventually find your one

last bit of soup

all done Gochisosamadeshita

these mizusawa udon were so delish the noodles were so slick and without any additives

they were so natural tasting and yummy

it was also covered in all sorts of yummy tempura which was wonderful as well

I did feel like I goofed when making this however... when boiling noodles you've got to boil

it in plenty of hot water I did have a big pot of boiling water standing by

but we're dealing with such huge amounts of noodles... maybe I should have limited it to 8 servings...

either that or a way bigger pot was necessary that pot is at my very limits though...

I can barely manage to lift it up to pour out the water

I barely manage lifting it with both my arms well.....

~I'll just keep on trying my hardest~

the viewer sent me so many of these mizusawa udons that I'll do a better job when making my

next batch of udon noodles special thanks to the viewer who sent me these

these Mizusawa udon were so delish won't you all give them a try as well?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Gunma Prefecture's Special Mizusawa Noodles With Tempura ! 4.3Kg, 5300kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:11.


Самсун 2017. Интервью с Ребровым. С субтитрами - Duration: 14:09.

For more infomation >> Самсун 2017. Интервью с Ребровым. С субтитрами - Duration: 14:09.


Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 6:22.

Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry

Blood is the root cause for wellness of our body.

If unwanted things are added the blood become impure and it causes many health problems

If you want to prevent or fight against these diseases we have to take nutritous food

For this cause Amla/Gooseberry is such an important food.

Generally Amla/Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C and so it is widely used in Ayurvedha

So we are going to see what are the benefits we get from Amla/Gooseberry

We are talking about Amla/Gooseberry in this video

The speciality of Amla/Gooseberry is that it contains Vitamin A, B,C.

Not only that it contains 20% of vitamin -E more than Orange juice

When comparied to other vegatable the nutrients of Amla/Gooseberry will not reduce even after it shrinks

It contains 3 times more protein rich than an apple

It is healthy to take Amla/Gooseberry as it contain 160 times more Ascorbic acid vitamin

50 grams of vitamin is essential for a man to remain healthy

For this we have to take 4 ounce of orange juice or 8 ounce tomato juice

But we can get this 50 gms of vitamin in 1/2 ounce of Amla juice

When we take this we easily get the essential vitamin for our body

People who want to loss weight can drink a cup of Amla juice everyday in an empty stomuch and you will lose weight quickly

It increases the protein level and helps to reduce cholesterol

An analysis states that if you eat Amla/Gooseberry everyday it prevents cancer

As it contains antioxidants it hinders the growth of cancer cells and prevents cancer

If ulcer patients drink Amla/Gooseberry juice they can get rid of Ulcer

people who suffer in constipation can eat Amla/Gooseberry everyday.

The fibre present in it helps to the proper functioning of intensines and cures constipation

If High blood pressure patients take Amla/Gooseberry everyday it controls the blood pressure

We will get good results if we take powdered Amla/Gooseberry with honey

Some people have problems like eye irritation, redness in eyes.

If You take Amla/Gooseberry, Vitamin C present in it will cure the problem

The antioxidant present in Amla/Gooseberry is good for the retina of your eye

Amla/Gooseberry improves the blood circulation in our body

It prevents blocks in the blood vessels and regulates the blood flow in the heart

It flushes the toxins completely out of our body and keeps the blood pure.

If we drink Amla/Gooseberry juice regularly or blood plaletets will increase

Amla/Gooseberry controls blood sugar level

If Diabetes patients mix 1 tbsp of Amla juice mixed with Bitterguard juice it helps in the secretion of insulin

Worldwide Amla/Gooseberry is used for Liver problems

The antioxidant present in Amla/Gooseberry prevent liver problems by flushes out the toxins and improves the funtioning of liver

All of us know that Amla/Gooseberry possess anti-aging properties

The antioxidants flush out the toxins and keep us healthy and stay young

As Amla/Gooseberry contains iron, if we take it everyday it creates new blood cells

It prevents cardiac arrest and Stroke

Pregnant ladies face vomiting problems

Take a Amla/Gooseberry both in the morning and in the evening for 9 months

It prevents vomiting and increases your appetite

During summer we drink many types of fruit juices

If you drink Amla/Gooseberry juice it will reduce your body heat

As it is rich in Vitamin C it helps to keep your body cool

Vitamin C present in Amla/Gooseberry guards our skin cells and keep it healthy

It enhances our beauty if the skin cells are healthy

Many people suffer with heart disease or Diabetes

For such people Amla/Gooseberry will be very useful

If you take Amla/Gooseberry in an empty stomach you can get rid of these problems

Some people may have doubt whether it is small Amla/Gooseberry or big.

But i am talking about big Amla/Gooseberry

For more infomation >> Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 6:22.


Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.


Remixlive tutorial I First steps - Duration: 5:45.

Hello everyone and welcome to this Remixlive Finger-Drumming tutorial!

Today we will see everything you need to know in order to get started with this new version

of the app.

By the way, for all the newcomers, welcome!

So, here's the main view of the app.

The loop grid is composed of loop and FX pads.

Each line plays a track and each column corresponds to an instrument.

Loop pads are set on Loop playmode: Tap to make the sample play in an endless loop.

Tap again to stop it.

On the other hand, FX pads are either set on One-Shot: Tap to play the sample once.

Tap the pad again to stop the sample, or the sample will stop by itself after being played once.

Or on Gate: the sample will play for as long as your finger touches the pad

You can also trigger an entire line of samples at once, swiping your finger across the screen

On the upper part of the screen, you can notice some icons.

Tap on the hamburger icon to open the main menu of the app.

Here's your sample pack library with all your packs.

From here you can choose a pack to load it on the grid.

You can also edit, import and create new ones.

Here's the store to get some new packs and unlock new features

Note that there are free and discounted packs waiting for you guys in the store.

Back to the main screen, here's your metronome, tap on it to launch it

You can also set the BPM with these + and - icons.

Double tap on it to reset the tempo.

Also tap on the BPM

To tap your tempo yourself and to reset it.

This icon right here is the masterclock, every other clock inside the app is enslaved to this one.

Tap on it while you have some pads playing and it'll stop the music, tap again and it'll start again.

Note that if you tap on it while nothing is playing, it'll reset the clock.

This Q button is to set the quantize value of the grid.

This feature is tailored to help you always play on the beat meaning your samples will always start and end on the beat (in sync).

Here's the grid selector.

It allows you to switch in between the loop and the finger-drumming grid.

Tap on DRUM and land on our brand new finger-drumming grid.

With this grid you can play percussions and notes.

Those are all one-shot samples, unlike loops, each pad is like a piano key.

They are all set on retrigger playmode: Tap to play the sample once and you can replay

the pad whenever you want, even if the sample is not finished by tapping on it again.

This tape recorder icon is a part of our brand new finger-drumming feature as it enables

you to record your own patterns.

Now you can easily record finger drumming sequences to create original patterns.

Right next to it there's the track recorder that allows you to record your entire performance

in high quality.

Tap on it to start recording, tap again to stop it.

Jump back to the main menu to find all the tracks you have recorded playing the app.

And finally, here's your master level meter.

On the right side you'll see the view selection buttons allowing you to change views in the app.

The first one on which we are since the beginning is called the grid view.

Then there's the mixer view with level faders, filters & mute/solo buttons for each channel.

The third is the FX view to access your audio effects, as well as an X,Y pad to dose the amount of FX you want to apply.

You'll also find 6 beat repeat pads to create rolls and build ups .

Choose a specific channel to which you want to apply the FX or the beat repeat.

The fourth is the sample editor view which allows you to edit all your samples with four sub-sections :

- General setting, Key editor, Waveform view with the ADSR, And the sample recording

And last but not least,

is the sample collection where you can retrieve all your loops,

samples and patterns to add them to the grid.

Go back to the main menu and here you can

import tracks from your music library to add to the sample collection.

Note that the maximum file length allowed is 32 seconds.

That's all for this first round of remixlive finger-drumming.

Coming soon, we'll take an in-depth look at the pattern recording and the advanced

sample editor.

I look forward to seeing you soon with a new Remixlive Finger-Drumming tutorial.

For more infomation >> Remixlive tutorial I First steps - Duration: 5:45.


Super Doppler 10 Severe Weather Forecast - Duration: 2:26.




























70% CHANCE AT 10:00.













































For more infomation >> Super Doppler 10 Severe Weather Forecast - Duration: 2:26.


Nejkrásnější rakouská jezera #1 / The most beatufiul lakes of Austria #1 - Traunsee (+Linz) - Duration: 16:02.

EN subtitles will be finished withing 10 hours from poublishing this video, thanks for understanding guys :-)

For more infomation >> Nejkrásnější rakouská jezera #1 / The most beatufiul lakes of Austria #1 - Traunsee (+Linz) - Duration: 16:02.


Heavy rain potential raises flooding concerns - Duration: 1:15.







































For more infomation >> Heavy rain potential raises flooding concerns - Duration: 1:15.


How has the IRM International Certificate helped Dr Sarah Gordon? - Duration: 1:10.

Hi, my name is Dr Sarah Gordon, I am the Managing Director of a risk management consultancy

Satarla, and also one of the accredited trainers for short courses that are delivered by the

Institute of Risk Mangement.

I did the IRM Certificate a number of years ago, primarily to give me a foundation of

what risk management really is, and how to tailor it and apply it to the organisation

I was working in at the time.

The fact that the qualifications can be done remotely and in a modular form really helped

me, because I was doing a lot of travelling at the time.

Also, I found that as I read through the course material, and interacted with the other participants

on the course, together with tutors etc, it gave me a lot of confidence that what I was

already doing in my organisation was on the right tracks.

While I found the exams themselves a little bit nerve-wracking, I think maybe primarily

because I hadn't done that kind of exam in a little while, I got through it and I'm sure everybody

else will as well.

So good luck!

And I hope you enjoy doing them!

For more infomation >> How has the IRM International Certificate helped Dr Sarah Gordon? - Duration: 1:10.


Projekt Švédsko | 2016 | DofE - Duration: 42:20.

For more infomation >> Projekt Švédsko | 2016 | DofE - Duration: 42:20.


ILLUSTRATOR GEOMETRIC LOGO ARTWORK | Adobe Illustrator Shape Logo Design - Duration: 4:46.

today three variations of a geometric

logo artwork design illustrator that's

are created for today's speed up video

3gp logo design do you think is the best

check out my design process that's

coming right up next

what is that people thump astoria

graphics back again with another speed

up video remember I have the graphic

design tips and tutorials on tuesday and

sunday on thursdays i upload speed up

videos with commentary so to make this

design i started off for making a grid

using the guides you dragon down from

the release of the top line also from

the left if you haven't got your ears

open hit command R and it should open I

use the rectangle shape using the shape

tool and I use this shape over and over

again to make my letters for my design I

simply hold down alt and click and drag

so it can duplicate each shape I wanted

the shakes to be proportionally

identical throughout the whole design I

wanted to use the term graphic pioneer

from my geometric logo design here i'm

just using the direct selection tool aka

the white arrow tool to manipulate the

points or the anchors to make this end

shape here it's quite timely tedious

process but i think it's worth it look

at the end result is quite effective and

it looks quite appealing to the eye

so then we have my final phrase for the

design so you can see i beefed up the

text a bit using a stroke and now i'm

going to start using the shape tool

exactly the same size to create the alta

layers of the design

I wanted to get something quite

geometric and grid like it looks a bit

like a maze I wanted it to be kind of

cryptic kind of coded kind of so I was

going for a very structured regimented

style of design here as you can see this

is moving on and towards the end of the

design and I'm just stretching down the

letters to make it a bit more cryptic so

it's not so obvious for the phrase

itself says I think it's quite a cool

effect I think it works well let's have

a bit of mystery to this design but of

course is the mystery to you because

you've seen it being made from the

original phrase and this is going

towards the last stage of the design now

I'm just using the guides here to make

sure everything is level everything's in

line that was really important for me to

make sure that the whole design Addison

flow to it even though it's regimented

and rigid add some equal flows of it

basically I'm just saying I wanted it to

be perfect

and this is the final border for my

design and trying to make it the same

thickness as the lettering is the first

finished design I'm going for a very

minimal and very subtle approach here

using all kind of stamp in the corner

corset or graphics below I quite like

this with is very subtle and it works

well everything stamp again but I've

made one of them obvious and that maybe

others have overlay effect in the

blending mode that this is quite cool


and the third and final design is just

one stamp with an overlay the blending

mode and then of course to

photographically was itself so which

design do you think is the best out of

the three that I've done I mean in the

comment section play whist design you

think is the best and until next time

design your future today peace

For more infomation >> ILLUSTRATOR GEOMETRIC LOGO ARTWORK | Adobe Illustrator Shape Logo Design - Duration: 4:46.


Angeblicher "Giftgas-Angriff": USA und Russland liefern sich Schlagabtausch im Sicherheitsrat - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Angeblicher "Giftgas-Angriff": USA und Russland liefern sich Schlagabtausch im Sicherheitsrat - Duration: 3:31.


Sovereign's Cup KYC - Finny O'Regan Interview - Day 2 - Duration: 1:24.

I'm sailing on a local boat and it's called

Meridian. Meridian is a Salona 45 owned by

the Vice Commodore of Kinsale Yacht Club.

And today's racing we had some great

breeze from the south. 15 - 18 knots all

day with, today we were round the cans so

we'd some good upwind and dowmind legs and

especially from the south mark down to

Sovereigns and some really tight racing.

Great so you'd a great day on the water and

how about the event overall are you

pleased and wearing your management

committee hat in terms of the overall

event? Well this event has been so

far, we've another two days to go but it

has been really successful. Our numbers

are very good we've 115 boats and the

good thing about this is all the boats

or cruisers all 115 boats are cruisers

and we've numbers back big time, the

bar is full every night, people are having

a great time on the water and really

enjoying top quality sailing.

I believe her back to windward leewards outside

again and two races again tomorrow and I

believe the breeze will be up again

tomorrow. Enjoy the day.


For more infomation >> Sovereign's Cup KYC - Finny O'Regan Interview - Day 2 - Duration: 1:24.


How to roast Bell Peppers (Quick and easy recipe) - Duration: 1:36.

Low in calories and rich in Vitamin C, these beautiful Bell peppers are an excellent addition

to a healthy diet.

I use Red and Yellow Bell Peppers in different types of pastas and homemade multi-grain Pizzas.

However, my most preferred method is to roast them.

The roasting process brings their natural sweetness and adds a wonderful flavour to

a dish.

Recently, I made something brilliant out of it which I will tell you that at the end of

this video but for the time being let's see how to roast bell peppers.

First we need to clean them up from inside.

Make sure there are no seeds left.

Slice them up.

Take a baking tray and place the slices on it.

In a pre-heated oven, bake these bell peppers at 220° C for 20 minutes.

Once they are roasted, put them in an air tight container for 30 minutes.

Now they are cool enough to handle, so peel their skin, and keep the peppers on a plate.

Your roasted bell peppers are ready.

And recently I used them to make this delicious red bell pepper hummus.

Recipe is on the way so stay tuned.

I hope you enjoyed the video.

For more infomation >> How to roast Bell Peppers (Quick and easy recipe) - Duration: 1:36.


Silverstack Lab Introduction - Duration: 2:49.

Pomfort presents Silverstack Lab.

Be smart and manage digital assets

the most efficient way on set.

Silverstack Lab is the groundbreaking software

that combines on set data management and dailies creation

in one single solution.

This makes it possible to back up

and organize footage

while at the same time creating dailies.

Silverstack Lab integrates the renowned

data management capabilities of Silverstack

with an elaborate set of functionalities

needed for a lean and highly efficient dailies creation process.

As the only software available,

Silverstack Lab allows you to manage footage and transcoded clips in one place.

The proven Silverstack library is the central source of information that

stores and structures all digital assets, including clips, looks and audio tracks.

Based on this one library digital looks can be matched with video clips,

and audio can be automatically synced.

Silverstack Lab minimizes the effort of syncing external audio files with corresponding video

clips by using related time code information.

To enable an easy matching of looks with your video clips, Silverstack Lab comes with a

comprehensive set of features to import, adjust and manage your looks.

Going forward, the grid view allows you to directly compare and reference your selection

of clips so that you can make sure that consistency is accurately maintained.

Having all material prepared, Silverstack Lab's high-speed transcoding engine enables

you to rapidly transcode clips.

By supporting the simultaneous transcoding to all required file formats and parallely

to various resolutions, dailies creation becomes extremely fast.

Silverstack Lab gives you all the power needed to have dailies ready for transfer to editing

systems, web platforms, and storage archives.

As the only software available Silverstack Lab merges data management and dailies creation

into one integrated activity.

The responsibility for both data management and dailies creation can now be assigned to

one person working directly on set.

The production benefits from a lean workflow with less interfaces, reduced overall complexity

and a lower risk of costly errors and significantly faster results.

Ultimately Silverstack Lab makes sure that all digital assets become accessible for review

and further processing at the end of every production day.

For more infomation >> Silverstack Lab Introduction - Duration: 2:49.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:52.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Urban Handgeschakeld - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Urban Handgeschakeld - Duration: 1:00.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban - Duration: 0:55.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Aut. | PDC | Trekhaak | Unieke KM's!! - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Aut. | PDC | Trekhaak | Unieke KM's!! - Duration: 0:46.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 BE Ambition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 BE Ambition - Duration: 0:59.


Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 6:22.

Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry

Blood is the root cause for wellness of our body.

If unwanted things are added the blood become impure and it causes many health problems

If you want to prevent or fight against these diseases we have to take nutritous food

For this cause Amla/Gooseberry is such an important food.

Generally Amla/Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C and so it is widely used in Ayurvedha

So we are going to see what are the benefits we get from Amla/Gooseberry

We are talking about Amla/Gooseberry in this video

The speciality of Amla/Gooseberry is that it contains Vitamin A, B,C.

Not only that it contains 20% of vitamin -E more than Orange juice

When comparied to other vegatable the nutrients of Amla/Gooseberry will not reduce even after it shrinks

It contains 3 times more protein rich than an apple

It is healthy to take Amla/Gooseberry as it contain 160 times more Ascorbic acid vitamin

50 grams of vitamin is essential for a man to remain healthy

For this we have to take 4 ounce of orange juice or 8 ounce tomato juice

But we can get this 50 gms of vitamin in 1/2 ounce of Amla juice

When we take this we easily get the essential vitamin for our body

People who want to loss weight can drink a cup of Amla juice everyday in an empty stomuch and you will lose weight quickly

It increases the protein level and helps to reduce cholesterol

An analysis states that if you eat Amla/Gooseberry everyday it prevents cancer

As it contains antioxidants it hinders the growth of cancer cells and prevents cancer

If ulcer patients drink Amla/Gooseberry juice they can get rid of Ulcer

people who suffer in constipation can eat Amla/Gooseberry everyday.

The fibre present in it helps to the proper functioning of intensines and cures constipation

If High blood pressure patients take Amla/Gooseberry everyday it controls the blood pressure

We will get good results if we take powdered Amla/Gooseberry with honey

Some people have problems like eye irritation, redness in eyes.

If You take Amla/Gooseberry, Vitamin C present in it will cure the problem

The antioxidant present in Amla/Gooseberry is good for the retina of your eye

Amla/Gooseberry improves the blood circulation in our body

It prevents blocks in the blood vessels and regulates the blood flow in the heart

It flushes the toxins completely out of our body and keeps the blood pure.

If we drink Amla/Gooseberry juice regularly or blood plaletets will increase

Amla/Gooseberry controls blood sugar level

If Diabetes patients mix 1 tbsp of Amla juice mixed with Bitterguard juice it helps in the secretion of insulin

Worldwide Amla/Gooseberry is used for Liver problems

The antioxidant present in Amla/Gooseberry prevent liver problems by flushes out the toxins and improves the funtioning of liver

All of us know that Amla/Gooseberry possess anti-aging properties

The antioxidants flush out the toxins and keep us healthy and stay young

As Amla/Gooseberry contains iron, if we take it everyday it creates new blood cells

It prevents cardiac arrest and Stroke

Pregnant ladies face vomiting problems

Take a Amla/Gooseberry both in the morning and in the evening for 9 months

It prevents vomiting and increases your appetite

During summer we drink many types of fruit juices

If you drink Amla/Gooseberry juice it will reduce your body heat

As it is rich in Vitamin C it helps to keep your body cool

Vitamin C present in Amla/Gooseberry guards our skin cells and keep it healthy

It enhances our beauty if the skin cells are healthy

Many people suffer with heart disease or Diabetes

For such people Amla/Gooseberry will be very useful

If you take Amla/Gooseberry in an empty stomach you can get rid of these problems

Some people may have doubt whether it is small Amla/Gooseberry or big.

But i am talking about big Amla/Gooseberry

For more infomation >> Amla Health Benefits in Tamil - Indian Gooseberry - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 6:22.


고기보다 에스카?! 루나틱하이 류제홍 그의 선택은? [오버워치 HOT6 APEX 시즌2 A.M.A.] - Duration: 4:58.


Hello, I am Ryujehong, support player from Lunatic-Hai

I didn't see any IDs with real name

so I decided to bring my name into the IGN with my clan mates

Of course I will answer everything from my heart,

but the answer may not answer your question

it will be a part of you getting to know me better

[Warm-up Question]

Q. What is your favorite food?

I like Gogi(meat) the most. Pork Belly

and I have a new favorite, chicken soup with ginseng

I just had one recently and it was really good

Q. How much can you consume in a day?

3-4 servings? just a bowl of rice per servings

I don't eat too much

Q. How many hamburgers can you eat at once?

It depends on what I'm getting(by brand)

For exp. I can just eat one from Burger King

but others, I think I can have 1.5~2 burgers

I do not eat much

Q. What is a nickname that you like the most?

A nickname that I like the most...

[Ryuddobbak Ryuddomuk Ryuddaeji] (ryu angry again, ryu eats again, ryu piggy)

I don't really have a favorite, but I like it when OGN calls King's row as Ryu's row

because my name is in the battleground

Q. Do you ever get angry while playing the game?

There are times when I get angry.

When I lose, I can't make my plays and get criticized

I'm not angry everyday. When everyone calls me jehong bro, hey, etc

If others talk roughly, I talk back the same to them.

I think it's my strong accent that makes it sound like it

Q. Which member's mental strength is the weakest?

It's all about the same, but I think I'm the weaker one

I think to myself, 'I should make this play so our team can win'

so I don't talk much which I'm working on to fix

Q. Your No.1 Karaoke song?

Gamsa(Thanks) by Kim Dong-ryul

I like all songs by Kim Dong-ryul. It's really good




as a person who plays the game and like the game

Q. What if today was the last day on Earth?


either die full or something


Of course, ESCA

because we are the same age and we've knew each other for a long time



I met gogi before meeting ESCA.

Q. Who made people sleep more

SungSiKyung VS Ryujehong VS Jigglypuff

LUL I think Jigglypuff wins here.

Jigglypuff can make anyone sleep with its song

[In-depth Question]

Q. What made you start playing Ana?

Heard that there's a new character as sniper which i like

and then I just tried it.

At first, Ana was not too great. I played her on and off

After the buff, I kept on playing Ana

Q. Is there anyone who is better than you at Ana?

UNKOE from team Rogue. He is a great player

and LUNA from LW BLUE

BUT! I am the best between all of them

Q. What other hero would you have used if there was no Ana?

I think I would be playing a sub-tank role.

I used to play sub-tank in the team

Played Zarya before then I fell in love with Ana and also I was good at Ana

That's how I started Ana but if not, I would be playing as a sub-tank

Q. If not a pro-gamer, what would you be doing right now?

I'd just be playing game at home or at PC bang

I think I would still be playing games

Even In my dream job section of my elementary and middle school graduation books(year book) I wrote 'pro-gamer'

I find myself lucky being a pro-gamer

Q. Could you line up the age of operation in the team?

1. Esca 2. Tobi 3. Miro 4. Zunba 5. Whoru 6. Ryujehong

1. Esca is the leader and the oldest so I picked him first

2. Tobi is the second oldest after myself and Esca and you have to boost a Lucio player

3. Miro used to be the youngest in the team and I've upgraded him to be on the third spot

4. With some reasons, Zunba is our youngest because he takes food orders from the team

5. Whoru is the youngest by age and latest to join the team, but he doesn't act like it

Even when I ask him to message our coach sometimes, he just gives me his cellphone to make me do it instead

6. and I put myself as 6th since I am the weakest and modest

If Esca was here, I would have picked myself as 1st and 6th to Esca

To. Esca Esca you are the 1st in the team. Let's keep playing together for a long time

[Last shout-outs]

As we prepared our best, keep on eye on us

and to all the Lunatic-Hai fans who are rooting for us

I want to say thank you so much and will pay you back with the champion trophy

Until now, I was Ryujehong from Lunatic-Hai, thank you!

Shake this?

SUBSCRIBE OGN for more APEX Videos!

For more infomation >> 고기보다 에스카?! 루나틱하이 류제홍 그의 선택은? [오버워치 HOT6 APEX 시즌2 A.M.A.] - Duration: 4:58.


Dynasore Lion Vs Tiger Fight Dinosaur Fight Tiger Cartoons For Children Dinasour Lion Cartoon Movie - Duration: 13:46.

Dynasore Lion Vs Tiger Fight Dinosaur Fight Tiger Cartoons For Children Dinasour Lion Cartoon Movie

For more infomation >> Dynasore Lion Vs Tiger Fight Dinosaur Fight Tiger Cartoons For Children Dinasour Lion Cartoon Movie - Duration: 13:46.


Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.


ILLUSTRATOR GEOMETRIC LOGO ARTWORK | Adobe Illustrator Shape Logo Design - Duration: 4:46.

today three variations of a geometric

logo artwork design illustrator that's

are created for today's speed up video

3gp logo design do you think is the best

check out my design process that's

coming right up next

what is that people thump astoria

graphics back again with another speed

up video remember I have the graphic

design tips and tutorials on tuesday and

sunday on thursdays i upload speed up

videos with commentary so to make this

design i started off for making a grid

using the guides you dragon down from

the release of the top line also from

the left if you haven't got your ears

open hit command R and it should open I

use the rectangle shape using the shape

tool and I use this shape over and over

again to make my letters for my design I

simply hold down alt and click and drag

so it can duplicate each shape I wanted

the shakes to be proportionally

identical throughout the whole design I

wanted to use the term graphic pioneer

from my geometric logo design here i'm

just using the direct selection tool aka

the white arrow tool to manipulate the

points or the anchors to make this end

shape here it's quite timely tedious

process but i think it's worth it look

at the end result is quite effective and

it looks quite appealing to the eye

so then we have my final phrase for the

design so you can see i beefed up the

text a bit using a stroke and now i'm

going to start using the shape tool

exactly the same size to create the alta

layers of the design

I wanted to get something quite

geometric and grid like it looks a bit

like a maze I wanted it to be kind of

cryptic kind of coded kind of so I was

going for a very structured regimented

style of design here as you can see this

is moving on and towards the end of the

design and I'm just stretching down the

letters to make it a bit more cryptic so

it's not so obvious for the phrase

itself says I think it's quite a cool

effect I think it works well let's have

a bit of mystery to this design but of

course is the mystery to you because

you've seen it being made from the

original phrase and this is going

towards the last stage of the design now

I'm just using the guides here to make

sure everything is level everything's in

line that was really important for me to

make sure that the whole design Addison

flow to it even though it's regimented

and rigid add some equal flows of it

basically I'm just saying I wanted it to

be perfect

and this is the final border for my

design and trying to make it the same

thickness as the lettering is the first

finished design I'm going for a very

minimal and very subtle approach here

using all kind of stamp in the corner

corset or graphics below I quite like

this with is very subtle and it works

well everything stamp again but I've

made one of them obvious and that maybe

others have overlay effect in the

blending mode that this is quite cool


and the third and final design is just

one stamp with an overlay the blending

mode and then of course to

photographically was itself so which

design do you think is the best out of

the three that I've done I mean in the

comment section play whist design you

think is the best and until next time

design your future today peace

For more infomation >> ILLUSTRATOR GEOMETRIC LOGO ARTWORK | Adobe Illustrator Shape Logo Design - Duration: 4:46.


Sablique von Lux feet joi p.2 - Duration: 2:19.

Sablique von Lux feet joi p.2

For more infomation >> Sablique von Lux feet joi p.2 - Duration: 2:19.


Sablique von Lux feet joi p.3 - Duration: 2:14.

Sablique von Lux feet joi p.3

For more infomation >> Sablique von Lux feet joi p.3 - Duration: 2:14.


Sablique von Lux feet joi p.6 - Duration: 1:47.

Sablique von Lux feet joi p.5

For more infomation >> Sablique von Lux feet joi p.6 - Duration: 1:47.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO EXCL.BTW|2016|15% bijtelling|Panoramadak|Trekhaak|Matrix|7-persoons|N - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO EXCL.BTW|2016|15% bijtelling|Panoramadak|Trekhaak|Matrix|7-persoons|N - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO EXCL.BTW|2016|15% bijtelling|Panoramadak|Trekhaak|Matrix|7-persoons|N - Duration: 0:59.







Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.


For more infomation >> Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.


[육아정보] 소중한 학습 기회 | 실수 - - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> [육아정보] 소중한 학습 기회 | 실수 - - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> [육아정보] 소중한 학습 기회 | 실수 - - Duration: 1:00.


nienormalny pracownik z skierniewic krytykuje kolekcjonerów pamiątek z prl u 26 03 2017 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> nienormalny pracownik z skierniewic krytykuje kolekcjonerów pamiątek z prl u 26 03 2017 - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> nienormalny pracownik z skierniewic krytykuje kolekcjonerów pamiątek z prl u 26 03 2017 - Duration: 0:31.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-JET ACTUAL - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-JET ACTUAL - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Passat 1.4TSI 150PK CNG VAR COMFORTL. 545.00.- p/m All-inclusive Lea - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat 1.4TSI 150PK CNG VAR COMFORTL. 545.00.- p/m All-inclusive Lea - Duration: 0:58.


Are Bananas Healthy or Unhealthy? - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Are Bananas Healthy or Unhealthy? - Duration: 3:32.


【MUKBANG】 Gunma Prefecture's Special Mizusawa Noodles With Tempura ! 4.3Kg, 5300kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:11.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! tadaa A viewer sent me a whole bunch of these mizusawa udon... I'll eat 10 portions today

if I recall this particular udon comes from the Gunma area I've been to that area on a trip

this mizusawa udon is strictly made only with flour salt and mizusawa's water

and absolutely no additives whatsoever ~that's awsome, good for them~

oh and guys, check this out will ya, its got a little heart shaped kamaboko (fish cakes) in it as well So KAWAII

alrighty lets see how its made

here we've got the mizusawa udon firstly boil the noodles

my pot is too tiny for this kind of stuff~

boil the noodles till they get somewhat clear and the right toothsome feel

once its boiled immediately put it in soup the heartshaped fish cakes are so KAWAII

I've also prepped all these tempura to top it with wow so much.... did I overdo it here?

and then top it with onion and shredded seaweed

tadaa its done it looks so delish with all these toppings

lets see how much it weights... w/o the bowl its 4.3kg

itadakimasu its been a hot minute since I last had Udon

so much Tempura in the way.... they're hiding the noodles

~yeah... and it was me that put all the tempura there~

K, they look so delish

the noodles have a bit of a toothsome feel to them they're slightly salty but so slick and delish tasting

Udon are so wonderful

I'll now try one of the tempura

the tempura has soaked up the soup making it taste so delish

the shrimp inside is so womderful as well

and here's a 'kake age' (mixed tempura)

I love how sweet these kake age are due to the onions that are in them

one of the best things about Udon is that you can add any sort of toppings to them

my fav's would have to be these kake age and shrimp tempuras

finally I've uncovered one of the hearts while eating it

makes me so happy to find them

hey wait a minute... these aren't fish cakes are they?

the must have made them out of the same stuff that they made the noodles out of

the tempura has soaked up so much of the soup they're so delish

they're so soft and floppy but but that's another thing I love about them

the soup is so refreshing this light soy sauce is so delish tasting

last heart

hey wait a minute.... there was still one more heart in here.... oooh its so slippery

there was still another... they're so easy to cover up and get lost

hearts: if you keep looking out for them you'll eventually find your one

last bit of soup

all done Gochisosamadeshita

these mizusawa udon were so delish the noodles were so slick and without any additives

they were so natural tasting and yummy

it was also covered in all sorts of yummy tempura which was wonderful as well

I did feel like I goofed when making this however... when boiling noodles you've got to boil

it in plenty of hot water I did have a big pot of boiling water standing by

but we're dealing with such huge amounts of noodles... maybe I should have limited it to 8 servings...

either that or a way bigger pot was necessary that pot is at my very limits though...

I can barely manage to lift it up to pour out the water

I barely manage lifting it with both my arms well.....

~I'll just keep on trying my hardest~

the viewer sent me so many of these mizusawa udons that I'll do a better job when making my

next batch of udon noodles special thanks to the viewer who sent me these

these Mizusawa udon were so delish won't you all give them a try as well?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Gunma Prefecture's Special Mizusawa Noodles With Tempura ! 4.3Kg, 5300kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:11.


The Last Thing I Did With My Old CNC Machine / Second Attempt at Lazy Sharpening Jig - Duration: 9:41.

So this video is long overdue and I wanted it to be some kind of big comeback special,

but there just wasn't the budget for the can-can girls and live band.

Every now and then I'd checked in, make sure things were ticking over, money was still

coming in, and then I'd looked at the comments, sighed and wonder back to my second hidden

channel – deep in the YouTube forest where the algorithm gods, and the guitar gods, couldn't find me.

Anyway I'm back, more or less.

So I've just attached some 12mm birch ply onto the wasteboard of my CNC machine and

I'm going to cut the next version of the CNC sharpening jig.

I think that's the only thing I'm find a bit difficult when migrating from this CNC machine

to my new one, is obviously with a belt once you turn the stepper motors off you can push

this thing around but with a lead screw you will have to use the control panel to do that.

Anyway these are going to be the new arms for the sharpening jig, they have cut out

pretty well - that's a relief.

I'm not sure why it decided to cut this section separately from the rest of the piece.

The bar that's going to go in the centre, I'll just do that on the sledge.

I'm going to drill the holes a little off centre just so I can flip this piece around

if I need too, to move the clamping point towards the abrasive surface or further away.

That will go between this, like that.

I may end up putting something across here just to keep it square.

Could use some of this on one side.

I'm going to turn these wing knobs into throw hole wing knobs by drilling a hole at the top.

It works out a lot cheaper to buy these types and adjusting them when you need too.

When I'll do is hand feed these into threaded holes where they need to go, and then the

wing knob will act like a locking nut clamping on.

Ok these have been sprayed with some lacquer - a couple coats and I'm just going to put

the insert nut into the hole that I pre-drilled.

I've assembled this, it doesn't look too bad, in fact it looks pretty good.

Ok I'm going to just tidy everything up and then give it a go.

I'm just going to set this to 25 degrees - really don't know if this is right.

That looks like it's tilting in a little bit - maybe I haven't cut that flat?

so this time I'm going to keep this relatively loose just so the weight of that pushes down

against the paper as also this this will act like a weight.

Ok here goes.

Lets start from the middle.

This machine is starting to interfere with my videos now.

It doesn't matter what I do you can hear that in the background growing away.

I've decided to give up now.

I noticed the Y axis belts are becoming really really loose.

I think they are just warming up because I've left this machine running for so long.

It's sort of getting there but it's taking too long.

I would have done this quicker by hand.

I don't think I've got this straight either.

I mean it's really polishing it - it looks amazing but I mean that's completely off.

I think I'm just going to do this by hand.

I can't think about this at the moment.

I'll just show you where the old CNC machine has ended up.

This is what I've been working on.

So this is the machine I've been working on, hi, I'm over here.

And I'm practically at the end of the build.

And this has been the main reason why I've not been producing videos on the main channel.

Just because I've been focusing on learning a lot of new things which have allowed me

to build the two things you see here.

The controller and the CNC machine itself.

Anyway sorry for being away for so long, and hopefully I'll be producing more regularly

videos on this channel once again.

For more infomation >> The Last Thing I Did With My Old CNC Machine / Second Attempt at Lazy Sharpening Jig - Duration: 9:41.


When There's Some Time Left to Spare - Duration: 10:21.

A 7 minutes video.


It is evil…


It is so evil!

It is a bad, bad plan that will hurt many…


that are good!

I think, it's great cause it's so bad!

A few minutes later.

Carma, boy.


Hit it!

Slap that butt and run, like a granny ninja…

Hm, I haven't finished yet.

What are you doing?


You are only going to kill a man.

That's some icredible marksmanship.

Oh, I'm gonna tell everyone about this!


Are you blind?

Say "goodnight", floppy.

Finish him!


Hah… Oh, yeah…

Flawless work. You never cease to amaze, boss.

Neo mode activated.

Now on to some persistent bastards,

like that scout, who's wearing a gibus.

Boss, he's coming your way!

Nice work, boss.

Such a lust for revenge…


Impressive work, boss.

Don't take this one lightly.

Think, he/her gave up?

Nope, not even a little.

Has that brat finally accepted that he lost?

Hey, where are you going?

I guess, they took well look at you and got scared!

So, that was some cunning plan…

2x "Thanks, mate."

And then the guy realized, I'm not his only enemy in the game…

The enemy's trying to take you out!

I'm a great magician: your clothes are red!

Get it? It's because the clothes are covered in blood.

Wanna dance?

I could dance, like that, m…

If I felt like it.

This is how you spam.


Aim correcting progress:

CQC is effective for dealing with nearby enemies.

Here's a proper cunning plan:

Step 1: Find yourself a target.

Step 2: Let it kill all your nearby teammates.

Step 3: Miss all your shots.

Step 4: Make it think that you're going for a medpack.

Step 5: Bait your prey.

Step 6 : Destroy it!!!

Step 7: Celebrate.

Never liked sentries, especially ones with ammo.

Now is the time to take the offensive.


Sentries won't save your asses this time, pesky pests.

Switching to Spy was a mistake.

What the hell?!

Now get ready for another round.

Oh my GOD!



Where are you?

There you are!

Come out!

Enemy down!

I'll have my revenge!

You're about to see the most beautifully executed revenge in history of all revenges.

Here it comes!

*Me at the moment*

Thank you for watching.

Thank you for watching. Previous videos: In the Swamp of MLG Sesker MGS's Codec in TF2! [+ Reflex Mode]

For more infomation >> When There's Some Time Left to Spare - Duration: 10:21.


Lukas Graham "7 Years" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 4:01.

Lukas Graham "7 Years" (karaoke+chords)

For more infomation >> Lukas Graham "7 Years" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 4:01.


Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.

See The Description Below For More Karaoke Songs. Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Kaye Cal Isang Araw Karaoke - Duration: 4:45.


Video Marketing Pearl of the Week - Keep Looking at the Camera - Duration: 3:42.

Hi it's Dr. Alan and in the next few minutes I am going to reveal to you exactly how you

can make professional videos without having to memorize a long script - nobody does that

by the way - or have to do 20 takes because you forgot the points you want to make.

If you ever wondered how someone makes a 20, 30 or even 40 minute video (and I don't

recommend you make your videos that long), and they just keep talking and talking without

hesitation this is exactly how they do it and you can do it too.

Better yet, you won't have to pawn your wedding ring or watch collection for the equipment


I've trained hundreds of people just like you to do this and it is easy.

For those of you that don't already know me.

I am the creator of the SYSTEM marketing coaching program and I train people just like you to

create killer video content and use it in the social media networks and your blog to

get patients to your website and from your website to your office.

Notice I'm looking right into the camera, and no I didn't memorize this entire script.

In fact my memory pretty much sucks.

There are a lot of programs out there, now that there are so many practice building experts,

but none that I know of that creates over 20 article a month for you and teaches you

to turn them into compelling videos to get new patients and build authority.

As I have said in the past they do use video to get your attention and you should be using

video to get the attention of patients.

Truth is our program is not for everyone and we limit it to only 12 new doctors a year.

If you want to stand out from what everyone else is doing and be considered the go to

doctor in your community rather than send out or post exactly what everyone else is,

then you may want to contact me to see if you qualify.

I want you to notice one thing right now, because this is the mark of a good video and

one that people will watch.

My eyes are looking right at the camera.

Nothing is worse than people who are looking away from the camera because they are reading

a script they wrote which is on their laptop or computer screen.

Or how about those people that have the camera pointed at them but have the script on a monitor

and you see them moving their eyes left to right and back again so you know they are


No one can watch these videos because they are so disturbing and unprofessional.

So what is the key to being able to create compelling videos that make you look like

you really know what you are doing and extremely knowledgeable and professional?

A teleprompter.

As you can see I am using a miniature teleprompter, called the Parrot2 and you can use this right

over your webcam as I am or on your iPhone or any camera that creates video.

The camera lens shoots right through a glass directly at you, while the script you are

reading is reflected on the glass for you to read.

Up until now teleprompters were very big, bulky and very expensive.

The Parrot ended all that and now anyone can have a teleprompter no matter what you are

using for a camera.

The end result is a professional video that engages people.

If you add to that good content that people want, you have a winning combination and one

that makes practice building much easier and more enjoyable.

I'll put a list of the equipment I am using in the description of this video so you can

check it out for your own use.

Again if you are serious about one on one video marketing coaching for your practice

and creating a highly credible image I do have a couple of slots open and I am happy

to talk with you.

I'm Dr. Alan and remember to keep looking at the camera.

For more infomation >> Video Marketing Pearl of the Week - Keep Looking at the Camera - Duration: 3:42.


Les hotels des plus plus fous : Dormir dans un pod - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Les hotels des plus plus fous : Dormir dans un pod - Duration: 1:02.


1 - Unboxing e Inventario Impresora 3D - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> 1 - Unboxing e Inventario Impresora 3D - Duration: 15:11.


👮 UFO Buzzes Police in New Hampshire 👮 The Exeter Incident at Exeter 👮 Update Documentary Solved - Duration: 6:47.

In the wee hours of the morning multiple UFO sighting reports were coming in to the police

department of Exeter, New Hampshire.

This was 1965 and the police decided to investigate immediately.

Soon they would be sorry for rushing in.

Norman Muscarello was on Route 150.

He did not own a car and was walking home from his girlfriend's house.

Normally he would hitchhike but there were no cars on the road at two A.M.

It was a clear night and all the stars were visible.

Norman saw a group of pulsating lights in the northern sky and they were coming his


Suddenly the object was hovering over Norman as if it had traveled miles in an instant.

The group of five lights were so bright that the object itself could not be seen.

The crickets of September had fallen silent.

Norman realized there was no engine noise nor was there any sign of propulsion.

Norman Muscarello ran from the UFO through the middle of a field.

He vaulted over a stone wall and hid behind it.

He continued to watch the object.

He counted how many times the red lights were flashing... four times, every time.

The pattern was intelligent.

But the UFO lost interest and flew away.

Norman stood in the middle of the road and stopped the first car by waving his arms.

The driver rolled down his window.

Norman was known as a level-headed young man.

He had just turned 18 and he would soon enlist in the U.S. Navy on his way to Vietnam.

But now he was shouting, "I gotta get to the police.

Please, take me to the station."

The driver said, "Okay, Norman, no problem."

At the police station in Exeter he told everything to the solitary officer on duty that night,

Reginald Toland.

That is when officer Eugene Bertrand reported in to the station.

After hearing Norman's account he invited the young man into his squad car.

They drove to the area where the UFO was sighted.

Muscarello wanted to stay in the cruiser.

Bertrand said he needed his help.

They walked toward the woods.

Some horses in a nearby corral began making loud noises as though frightened.

Some dogs farther afield began to howl.

Both men saw the object re-appear, rising out of the woods behind the corral.

Bertrand described it as "a huge, dark object as big as a barn, with flashing lights the

color of blood."

The UFO was performing impossible maneuvers, making turns at right-angles.

Bertrand dropped to one knee, drew his pistol and took aim.

But he did not fire.

Instead he returned the weapon to its holster, took Norman by the arm, and together they

ran back to the squad car.

He radioed to the only other cop on patrol, David Hunt.

Waiting for Hunt to arrive, they continued to look for the object.

When Officer Hunt pulled up in his cruiser he leaned out the door and said, "How much

have you guys had to drink tonight?"

He said, "I'm from Missouri, the 'Show Me' state."

The UFO re-appeared over the tree line.

It hovered there and it stayed put.

The entire area was bathed in brilliant red light.

Two houses standing a few hundred feet away were bathed in the crimson beam.

The three witnesses still could not make out its shape because of the brightness of its


Then the lights moved across the field at a height of one hundred feet, and quickly

disappeared into the distance.

Officer Bertrand drove Norman home.

Norman's mother was having a fit because she didn't know where he'd been.

Just the two of them lived there and they could not afford a phone.

She saw the cruiser and said, "What did he do?"

Bertrand explained what happened to her son.

He added that two policemen saw the same thing.

In 1965 the U.S. Air Force was still investigating the appearances of UFO's.

They learned the witnesses had already spoken to the press.

In a knee jerk reaction they immediately issued a statement attacking the reputations of Norman

Muscarello and both policemen.

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