Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 9 2017

Well, common sense is useful for certain things.

And of course from an evolutionary perspective common sense arose to stop us from being eaten

by lions on the Savannah, but not to understand quantum mechanics.

There's no sense in which our brains, the early evolution of our brains, needed to know

anything about quantum mechanics or relativity.

And what's amazing is that nevertheless those brains that arose to solve human problems

on everyday scales have allowed us to explore the universe on scales that are quite different.

And scales where everything that we think is sensible goes away, on quantum mechanical

scales where particles can be doing many things at the same time or when you're moving very

fast and your perception of time can change compared to mine.

And what we've learned, of course, using those principles going beyond common sense is that

the universe, our myopic views of the universe are just that they're myopic, that the universe

at it's fundamental scales look quite different.

And in fact I begin my new book with one of my favorite allegories: Plato's allegory of

the cave, where he likens our existence to people trapped in a cave, being forced to

look at the shadows of reality from the light cast behind them on a wall.

And he said the job of a scientist essentially is to interpret those shadows to understand

the reality underneath.

And when we look at the universe around us we're seeing the shadows of reality.

And what we've been able to do is peer underneath to discover the real world, which is really

quite different.

And, just as for those individuals, their common sense would tell them that the world

is two dimensional because all they see is the projection of reality, we, for us our

common sense tells us that the world is three dimensional, but we've learned in fact that

the universe isn't; it's at least four-dimensional; the three dimensions of space and one dimension

of time that are tied together yielding a reality at its basis, which is really quite

different from that which we experience.

That's just one example of the many ways we've been able to dive down underneath this fabric

that's shielding the real world underneath.

And the fabric is what perhaps our common sense is based to understand, and what's underneath—it's

not too surprising that it doesn't seem sensible, because it describes realms of the universe

that we literally did not evolve to originally understand.

And as I say it's an amazingly fortuitous accident that our brains evolved so we could

understand those regions as well.

The question arises, naturally, once we understand at a fundamental level that the universe looks

quite different than we perceive it to be: Whether what we're now discovering is truly

fundamental or whether we dive down deeper and the universe will look different still?

Richard Feynman argued that way, he basically said, "Will we have a theory of everything,

or is the universe like an onion and you peel back one layer and there's another layer,

and it's an infinite number of layers of onions (or turtles all the way down depending upon

how you want to describe it)?"

The answer is: we don't to know.

We don't know if there is an ultimate theory of everything.

But it really doesn't matter in many ways.

What we want to understand the universe better today than we did yesterday.

We want to expand our understanding and that's what we try and do.

And science often works by baby steps.

One of the things I describe in my book is the long series of baby steps that took us

to where we are now, from our understanding of the universe on the scales that we see

in this room to the fundamental scales.

There were many steps that took us there.

And the process is exciting, and every new step of discovery is exciting, and every time

we make a new discovery there are more questions than there are answers.

And so there's guaranteed job security, it seems to me, for scientists, and I don't have

any great expectations that there is a theory of everything or a need to know that theory.

To me the questioning and the search is as exciting in some sense as the answer.

For more infomation >> Quantum Mechanics, Onions, and a Theory of Everything | Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss - Duration: 4:18.


BRKLYN feat. Mariah McManus - Heart Of The City - Duration: 3:14.

I've been waiting for this

In the heart of the city With you and I (you've feel?)

And I don't know what this means But let's choose to believe it

And wait 'till the light Will guide us home

Take me way to a life I've never know In the heart of the city

I've been waiting for this All my life

I've been waiting

In my heart of the city I never think so clearly

That where ever I go I'll take you

To the place with the light Will guide us home

Take me way to a life I've never know In my heart of the city (in my heart of the city)

I've been waiting for this All my life

I've been waiting

I know it's out there I swear it's out there

And I choose to believe It's something is out there

I know it's out there I swear it's out there

And I choose to believe It's something is out there For me, for me, for me

I've been waiting for this All my life

I've been waiting for this

I've been waiting for this

For more infomation >> BRKLYN feat. Mariah McManus - Heart Of The City - Duration: 3:14.


Angel Card Reading APR 9-15 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 13:41.

welcome i'm elizabeth harper and here

with this week's angel messages so what

I want you to do is place one or both of

your hands over your heart just like

angel wings invite your angels to guide

you to either message one two or three a

message that comes from their heart to

yours you can of course go with your

intuition if you're guided to more than

one message go with that okay you ready

so we're using going back to use daily

meditation cards these are lovely they

have messages on each one so we have

three cards shuffling around you will be

care if you like some little long wants

to be first this is the first one that

was up shower of abundant so to get the

light out of the way their shower of

abundant so now look at the image on

this card on the back of all the cards

is the same image and I feel that that

is relevant it's called shower of

abundance there is this sense of lots of

lovely energy coming in so it says to

heal your financial situation first

givers your worries concerning money we

will guide you in order to show you how

to create and accept abundance as we

work together your financial situation

will heal as fast as you'll allow so

this is about abundance abundance isn't

necessarily your finances although the

messages about finances abundances

blessing all the wonderful things coming

into your life and especially again as I

say that image is on the back of all the

cards so we feel it's almost as if it

saying doesn't matter what you do

everything is moving in the right

direction for you whatever you touch

turns to gold which is kind of good

right and there is a sense of just

amazing blessings come

and because you've put that focus out

there you've put that intention out

there and you're angels that are

answering the universe is answering the

energy is coming back to you magnetized

so whatever you've put out there see the

image she's holding her hands out and

there's all these gold coins coming from

it so there's a sense of you are

creating all this amazing energy but

it's almost as if the stars are aligned

for this to happen so you may have been

trying to do this for a long time and

nothing's worked it's like whoa what's

happened here I've been doing everything

I'm supposed to be doing and yet it's

like nothing is working for me well this

week your angels are saying it's working

finally everything's kind of coming

together it's like all the ingredients

are coming together so this is a great

week for you a Kiki I keep getting this

message of friends as well lots of new

friends and you try the community there

is a sense of lots of people coming in

to support and help you and you know you

might think that's on a physical level

but it could be on a spiritual level

could be lots of guide lots of angels

etc but it could also be digitally so in

something like a Facebook group or or

something where you are connecting to

people on the other side of the world

and you're not necessarily physically

meeting them I'm feeling as well with

this lovely violet and of course I'm

wearing the same color just realized I'm

wearing the same colors in this card I

feel as well that this is saying that

something is changing in order for this

new door to open up as well there's

almost a sense of you're letting go so

that this can now happen for you what is

that okay number two which one you like

it's this one alright so this is the

ocean so let's see the mess

bitch it says the deep blue sea speaks

to your soul healing soothing you even

the act of imagining yourself dipping

into its healing room brings about

desirable effects better yet spend time

physically near the ocean allow its

power and beauty to wash away all cares

and concerns it's not always and it's

not always something you're able to do

is be by the ocean but you can certainly

visualize it will get on to that in a

moment but look at this beautiful

peaceful image it it's almost as if her

green is being washed over by this

watery cloth was watering the background

and then this ocean is this lovely it's

like an olive green isn't it the same

with the grass right there so there's a

sense of peace that comes in with this

particular image so when you look at the

difference between that that image there

how bright and vibrant that is and then

you look at this one it's much more

calming so that's your week that's what

your angels are saying that's what you

need right now is this calmness then

there's this sense of just being wrapped

in that if you think about when you have

a shower when you have water that's

coming down over your body you feel

clean it's almost as if you vulnerable

but you feel clean and there's a

protection that's in that shower and

that's what I'm feeling with this

there's a sense of you being protected

please very gentle it's not there's

anything bad out there it's just as a

sense of protection that's coming in

around you and there's a sense of peace

so feel that this this time for you it's

almost as if it's a time for healing at

the time for self it's a time for

introspection the full moon is this week

as well so there's a feeling of your

emotions are going to start to maybe

maybe there's some emotions that are

going to come up to be resolve

to be healed but they don't feel it's a

difficult time it just feels like it's

something that's naturally coming up to

be here that green energy that's there

it's the heart chakra but that

particular green is about cleansing and

releasing through the liver as well

there's a liver vibration that comes in

with that particular color so there is a

sense of letting go of old patterns

letting go of energy that has made

whatever it is you need on what in your

life be stuck so it's almost you know

like in the beginning and the first card

with that abundance didn't know why

certain things weren't working for you

well in this instance see you you're

going to be cleansing all those things

or some of the things that haven't been

working for you and it's linked in with

the liver so the liver is about

resentment it's about jealousy it it's

about holding on there's a holding on

vibe that's there and it's connecting in

with the stomach as well with the solar

plexus which is your power and your

success area so I really feel that this

is about cleansing it's about protection

it's about being at peace maybe this is

not a good time to start new projects

this is very much about focusing on

yourself and of course it would be great

to go by the ocean if you can have a

saltwater bath or at least have a shower

real shower with with water as well that

will help to cleanse through your system

and are being told drink lots of water

this week as well don't overdo it of

course but just to cleanse through your

system all right so the final card is

release and surrender do we see that

they're all connected just kind of

interested is it so this is releasing

surrender we shower you with blessings

of our radiant love open your arms and

release the challenges that you've held

tightly gripped with in your hands open

your hands are

and heart to our love and assistance

this is violet and yellow so violet is

the crown chakra yellow is the solar

plexus they are opposite to each other

on the color wheel those colors so with

with yellow it's being seen with violet

it's going inside so what's interesting

to me is if you chose more than one card

and you've got this card as well my

feeling is that that first card is that

yellow and coming out the second card is

going in and then this one is both of

them so it's saying release and

surrender so whatever it is you've been

maybe trying to get working or trying to

bring into your life or focusing on and

it's just not working your angels are

saying let it go just let it go it's not

that it's necessarily the wrong time

just sometimes we hold on and hold on we

really want something about holding on

can create a boundary around as it stops

it from coming in that stops whatever it

is we want to come in our heart isn't

open to receive so feel that with this

but it's just trying to help you to

release and let go surrender now with

that yellow vibe that is your success

your power with the viola energy that is

opening up the crown but yellow is the

color I often see in the energy fields

of angel messengers and that violet of

course is opening up to a higher source

so I feel that there is Lydia need this

week to meditate connect with your

angels ask them to help you to surrender

to let go give up your burdens to them

ask them to take whatever it is that is

stuck in the way you might not even know

what that is awesome to help you too

Lisa asked them to help you to be more

aware of it awesome to help you to step

through that energy and come into a

place of surrender and release I feel

like there's something else with this as

well as I'm looking at it you know when

you look at that image all this light is

coming into the violet and I'm getting

the sense of someone in through it those

wanting to connect with you wanting to

give you a message so often those

messages come in dreams especially that

violet energy but we don't always

remember those dreams so again I'm going

back to that place of meditation so when

you meditate connect with your angels

also ask if there is anybody in the

spirit world that has a message for you

and just be open to receive that message

it may come as a feeling an image a

sound vibration and knowing or it may be

that you're just opening the door way up

and that message comes later on let's be

open to it okay that's it for this

week's angel messages i hope you enjoyed

them now do you make sure that you're

subscribed to my love letter you'll see

a link above or below I have lots of

wonderful gift the gift of course this

week is the Archangel Michael prayer

that would be great for cleansing and

protection right now I have a course

coming up very soon connecting with your

guides and angels I've been talking

about this so much and i am excited to

share this with you so i'll let you know

all about that very soon be sure to give

this video to your friends i'm sure they

would love to have an angel message let

me know in the comments below if the

message is resonated for you and if you

joined this video please give it a

thumbs up alright i will send you lots

of angel blessings and love

see you next week bye

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading APR 9-15 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 13:41.


How to Move Past Limited Beliefs & Create the Life You Want In 5 Steps (law of attraction) - Duration: 18:46.

For more infomation >> How to Move Past Limited Beliefs & Create the Life You Want In 5 Steps (law of attraction) - Duration: 18:46.


Iron Golem Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 1:35.

Minecraft Animation

Iron Golem Life

Inspired by Craftronix

For more infomation >> Iron Golem Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 1:35.


How One Woman Is Changing Plus-Size Visibility | Features | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:37.



Come on in.


How are you doing?



So you're ready?

I am.


Are you sure I can be held on this?




I'm gonna trust you.

And so you've tied up larger bodies before?


I have people that message me on Instagram and they're

like, "My girlfriend is bigger.

Like, how can I do this?

I don't ever see that out there."

And I'm like, "Of course you can!"


Like, "Don't let that stop you!"

It's amazing when you just don't see yourself, how you don't think you have access to that.


There are many misconceptions when it comes to fat people and sex.

Fat people only have sex with other fat people or they're going to break their partner.

Simply not true.

This comes from how the media represents fat people, sex, and size.

I know that fat bodies aren't always seen as sexy, but I am fat, I am sexy,

and the world needs to see that.

There's a lack of representation and that's why I'm going to do something about it.


Can I please speak to Josh?

This is him.

Hey Josh.

My name is Laura.

I'm looking to speak to someone about projection art.

Have I found the right guy?

Yes you have.


What exactly is your project?

What are you looking to do?

I'm trying to do this guerilla style art project where I'm going to project images

of plus size women all around the city.

So I was wondering if this is something that you might be able to help me with or give

me a little direction on how I would be able to do this.

For stuff like this, you're gonna need a 10,000 to 15,000 Lumen projector.

You're gonna want to wait until after sunset, that way your images actually pop up on the buildings.

I'll just text you all the info.

If you have any questions, you can just call me back.

Awesome, that's great Josh.

Thank you so much.

Yeah, yeah, no worries.

And good luck!

Thank you.

You want a lady tat?

I set up a photoshoot to create some photos that showcase plus size women can actually

be sexy and can be put into situations where I have never seen them before.

Try to hold that right there.

So I do post really sexy photos on Instagram and sometimes I get comments that are quite

negative, like this one, for example.

"You're probably skeptical of good looking guys like me

because I have a choice of multitude of girls.

If I looked like you, I'd kill myself."

It's very isolating to be on the other end of the screen to receive these comments.

So, the more that we see images of things that we don't necessarily see all the time,

the more we'll find them to be beautiful.


And then those sexy eyes again.

Those are awesome.

Really good.

Now that the images are finished, it's time to project them on buildings across Manhattan.


You guys, I noticed you guys were looking at that really cool ad up there.

What were you guys thinking when you looked at it and you saw it?

Damn girl!


You look hot.

Thank you!

I think it's a beautiful advertisement, honestly.

I wouldn't look at it any other way than I look at any other advertisements.

If she was here, what would you tell her?

That she's beautiful and keep on modeling.

There should be more women like this in advertisements and I think that it would give women more

self-confidence because we're not all the same size.

They're into it.

You guys are just taking a really cool photo.

Why do you love it?

I mean look at her.

She's fearless.

They're finally showing full-figured women in this day and age.

Seriously, because the average woman is not a size two.


We need somebody who is going to represent what the average woman would look like,

not the runway model.

It's beautiful.

And if this model was here right now, what would you tell her?

I would tell her, "You better go girl!"

I would give her a high five and say, "Great!"

Oh my god, high five me because I am that person on the wall!


Oh my god!

That's awesome.

Can we get a hug?

That's awesome!

That's awesome.

You better work!

That is great!

That's great.

I'm really glad that I did this.

At first it was a little scary because I was watching people react and take out their cell

phones and take pictures.

But the more I spoke to people, the more positive reinforcement I felt about how we're going

to represent plus size women in the future and I'm just going to be part of that next step.

For more infomation >> How One Woman Is Changing Plus-Size Visibility | Features | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:37.


Make this Viral cobra April 11 2017 - Duration: 5:13.


PEACE MEDITATION 2017-4-11 It is time to take action again!

It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands!

We all agree that the process of reaching planetary peace is taking too long.

Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process.

Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Full Moon on April 11th to create a portal

through which we will balance the energy field around the planet.

We are doing this meditation to counteract the negative effects of the military escalation

that is now taking place in Syria:

Make this viral!

Share it worldwide!

Please post it on your websites and blogs.

Invite spiritual groups to join us.

If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them.

You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of

the world.

We also need one main Facebook group for this event.

You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society,

so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the

Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface

of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of

reaching planetary peace.

Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within

the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation!

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a cardinal grand square of Sun/Uranus/Eris,

Vesta, Jupiter/Moon and Pluto/Juno which signifies the peak point of planetary tension before

its gets finally resolved as a result of the intervention of the Light forces:

We will be doing this meditation at the exact moment of the Full Moon on Tuesday, April

11th at 08:08 am Central European Time (CEST).

This equals 2:08 pm CST in Taipei, 8:08 am EET in Cairo, 8:08 am EET in Palmyra, 7:08

am BST in London, 2:08 am EDT in New York, 1:08 am CDT in Chicago, 0:08 am MDT in Denver

and 11:08 pm PDT in Los Angeles on Monday, April 10th.



Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.


State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing

peace for planet Earth and its inhabitants.


Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through

all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of

the Earth.

Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your

body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our


You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards


Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.


Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Syria vortex and its energy field on plasma,

etheric and astral planes.

Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Middle East and purifying it.

Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field

on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.


Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people in Syria and bringing

peace to the country.

Visualize this soft pink light protecting Palmyra.

Visualize this divine feminine energy healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide

involved in the Syria conflict.

Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Middle East and healing

all people there.

Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings

on the planet.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

For more infomation >> Make this Viral cobra April 11 2017 - Duration: 5:13.


" The Look " Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> " The Look " Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:49.


SHOCKING! Immigration MAMMOTH Scandal Just Erupts, Illegals Stole BILLIONS From America Details - Duration: 12:30.


Immigration MAMMOTH Scandal Just Erupts, Illegals Stole BILLIONS From America [Details]

How the HELL did we miss this?!

The data has been accessible for quite a long time as indicated by the sources being referred

to but then, you're not going to catch wind of it on CNN.

Also, yes, "scandal" is totally justified as we are discussing ILLEGAL people accepting


To be perfectly honest, this is considerably more stunning than finding out about Barack

Obama focusing on red states with his wiped out movement arrange.

It positions straight up there with the $2.6 billion this nation squandered on food stamps

for minors and dead individuals.

At the absolute minimum, we considered American residents when uncovering these numbers.

All things considered, on the off chance that we comprehend "unlawful" accurately, they

shouldn't get ANY cash.


Indeed, hold up: according to a Washington Examiner report released a year ago (which

has strangely been cleared under the floor covering since), we find that illegals are

not just accepting a lot of advantages, they're getting much MORE advantages than American


These numbers are quite recently out and out sickening, so prepare yourself:

"Lllegal immigrant households receive an average of $ 5,692 in federal welfare benefits

every year, far more than the average 'native' American household, at $ 4,431, according

to a new report on the cost of immigration released Monday.

The Center for Immigration Studies, in an analysis of federal cost figures, found that

all immigrant-headed households – legal and illegal – receive an average of $ 6,241

in welfare, 41 percent more than native households.

As with Americans receiving benefits such as food stamps and cash, much of the welfare

to immigrants supplements their low wage jobs.

The total cost is over $ 103 billion in welfare benefits to households headed by immigrants.

A majority, 51 percent, of immigrant households receive some type of welfare compared to 30

percent of native households, said the analysis of Census data.


Yes, genuinely.

Those numbers are precise.

You know, it's a damn good thing President Donald Trump simply earned a huge choice on

account of a sound judgment government judge.

Plainly, something urgently should be finished.

Remember a certain something, individuals:

We're not looking at battling LEGAL migrants who resulted in these present circumstances

nation spontaneously and a petition, similar to so a large portion of our progenitors.

No, these individuals are here illicitly and they are, in the purpose of truth, taking

our cash.

There is no other term to utilize.

Which is the reason this needs to stop!

Like, at this point.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T The Washington Examiner, Center for Immigration Studies WHOA!

Phil Robertson Just OBLITERATED Chuck Schumer With One Word (Details)

You know, there is a justifiable reason the entire whole world LOVES Phil Robertson.

He is everything Chuck Schumer is not: shrewd, persevering, and genuine.

Be that as it may, even the Duck Dynasty star has his points of confinement.

He was down right PI$$ED when he saw the Democrats hindering the Constitution with their delay

of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

That is the reason Phil found the ideal word to depict Schumer and his goons.


Robertson told Breitbart, "These people are Godless.

And if you're Godless, then you're lawless-you practice lawlessness.

Everyone who sins breaks the law.

In fact, sin is lawlessness-that's the Biblical definition of lawlessness.


He set out the law with them.

No if's or potentially's but's.

Robertson made it clear there are 2 sorts of individuals on the Supreme Court and in

governmental issues:

Individuals who cherish the Constitution and God and Lawless, radical activists.

Robertson stated, "So what you have on the one side is lawless people such as Chuck Schumer

and these radical activists on the Supreme Court-judicial activists-and it scares the

daylights out of them to have a man who still thinks it's worthwhile to retain the knowledge

of God.


Indeed, don't stress excessively Phil Robertson.

Fortunately, Gorsuch won and Chuck Schumer's 16-year-old Senate Filibuster manage has been

crushed for good.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

Ivanka Trump Just Glared into the Camera and CRUSHED Every Liberal Who Has EVER Trashed


President Donald Trump has been doing a GREAT job so far.

He is driving the establishment INSANE!

However, there is one woman who he trusts above all others: Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka has worked a ton and had to put up with a TON of crap since her dad joined politics.

However, today she did an interview where she CRUSHED all the haters for good!

Ivanka sat down with CBS host Gayle King.

Mrs. King asked Ivanka some tough questions.

Like how it feels to be called "complicit" by the leftists.

Ivanka then glared into the camera and explained she is not complicit unless it means she is

driven and working hard to make the world a better place!


Of course, they were referring to a nasty online rumor spread by Saturday Night Live

that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are complicit in Donald Trump's "tyranny."

Here is the SNL clip that Ivana just DESTROYED:

But Ivanka was not done there.

Gayle King also brought up the fact that leftists LOVE to say Ivanka never stands up to her


Ivanka just called it a FAKE story!

Ivanka says she chooses to disagree directly and not make "public denouncements" of

her father because he listens to her opinion and cares about what she thinks.

Donald Trump may only have been Presidents for a few months, but Ivanka Trump is by far

the BEST First Daughter America has ever had.


Let's show the world how Amazing she is and get this Shared out all over the place.

Who here LOVES Ivanka?!

If This Video From Julian Assange Gets Out, The Democrats Will Be Destroyed Forever!

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange tweeted out a series of warnings to the liberals on Monday.

He started with a tweet to explain how the American left has embraced the institutions

that it once hated.

JULIAN ASSANGE: Unless the Left Disengages From Establishment

Elites, Alt-Right Will Destroy It

Assange then linked to the amazing video by Paul Joseph Watson that explained that conservatism

is the new counter-culture.


You heard that here.

Conservatives are cool again.

It's cool to be patriotic again.

Communists need to start running scared.

Julian Assange warned that the left better come back to the middle or they will get destroyed

by the right.

Nobody listens to the mainstream media.

SHARE this right now!

Get this out there.

Let the Democrats know that we the people of the United States want our rights back.

Share this with a liberal that you know!

Let them know that they now stand for the Deep state and not for the people of this


Tell them to turn off CNN.

Tell them to cancel their New York Times subscription.

Tell them that we both bleed the same American blood and we will work together to make this

country great again.

(h/t The Gateway Pundit) Sean Hannity Is Pissed!

Look What Just Leaked About What Obama Did To Him…

Independent journalist Mike Cernovich had a phone conference on air with GotNews founder,

Chuck Johnson.

You can watch that below.

THIS IS HUGE: According to Chuck Johnson, Sean Hannity and Erik Prince were spied on

by Obama.

This is massive.

Obama was the spy king.

The liberal media won't admit it but Obama spied on EVERYONE!

Frickin' Everyone.

Sean Hannity needs to know this.

Get this out there!

This just came out right after leftist media pointed out that Erik Prince had a secret

meeting in Seychelles.

Here is what Sean Hannity said about the Susan Rice issue:

*** SHARE this 500,000 times!!

Sean Hannity needs to know.

Get this out there, patriots! (h/t The Gateway Pundit) IT'S OVER!

Judge Napolitano Blew Obamagate Wide Open With What He Said Seconds Ago!

Susan Rice was entitled to ask that the names of Trump's transition team members be unmasked

as part of her role in the government, but when she revealed their identities, it could

now be considered "espionage."

That's what Judge Napolitano says: It's "espionage."

It's plain and simple.

"It depends on what she did with the information she unmasked," the Fox News legal analyst

told the "Fox & Friends" program, after he was asked if Rice broke any laws.

Here is what he said below:

"If she needs to know to whom the ambassador was speaking, in order to understand the conversation,

she can do that," said Napolitano.

"Can she reveal the identity of the American for a purpose other than national security?

Absolutely not."

Then Juge Napolitano took it further:

If Rice had gotten the names and then passed them on to Obama by saying, "By the way,

guess what Trump and Manafort were talking about last night" then that would be considered


If this is true, then Susan Rice is going to be in big trouble and this is going to

finally make steps to drain the swamp.

*** SHARE this 1 million times if you think that Obama should pay for his crimes!

We have to keep the energy high.

We cannot let the Democrats sweep this one under the rug.

Trump needs us! (h/t News Max) Sean Penn Just Did Something So NASTY to Steve Bannon, You

Will NEVER Watch Him Again!

You know, there are way too many horrible people out in Hollywood.

But what Sean Penn just did to Steve Bannon is absolutely deplorable!

In an unprecedented attack, Penn went on Death and Taxes and trashed Bannon something fierce:

"Bannon was then, as he is now, simply another bitter Hollywood wannabe who went rogue by

way of toxic narcissistic iconoclasm.

But, deep in his heart, he's just a conniving hateful bloated punk who despises mankind."


That is just so full of hate.

What good does that do for the world, to say so many nasty things about anybody?

Of course, all of this is coming from Sean Penn.

He is the same guy who met with drug lord El Chapo while he was in hiding and DIDN'T

tell the cops.

See What I am talking about?

He has so much hate to spew about Donald Trump and Steve Bannon.

Maybe Mr. Penn needs to take a moment to reflect on himself instead of attacking people at

least TRYING to do some good.

We all need to pray for Steve Bannon,

Please Father, protect Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Jim Mattis, and the entire White House

and help guide them to make the best decisions possible.

In your name we pray.


Send a Prayer and give this a share or comment AMEN to let them know we care.

Oh, and NEVER watch Sean Penn movies!

For more infomation >> SHOCKING! Immigration MAMMOTH Scandal Just Erupts, Illegals Stole BILLIONS From America Details - Duration: 12:30.


Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso Shares Big 2017 Plans - Duration: 2:15.

What's my biggest dream for Marvel in 2017?

Um, I think it's to continue what we've been doing,

which is to continue diversifying,

allowing the writers who are working on our books

and the characters who live in their world

while also bringing back some of our classic characters and

putting them back center stage where they belong.

For people who think we don't care about them, you're wrong.

We've always had our eye on them.

It's really hard to pick favorites in the line.

Is there is a specific book I like? There's plenty.

What I can say is that I love the approach that

my editors are taking, which is to find the right type of

creative teams to tell new stories for our characters.

So I- I look for exciting stories from

a lot of our big characters in the coming year.

I would be remised to say I'm not excited

about the potential for Captain America. Right now

many people may know that he's gone to the dark side,

he's an agent of Hydra. The question is,

is there a redemption story dug down deep in there?

We'll soon find out.

What did I learn in 2016?

Well, I always knew comic book fans were a passionate breed,

but I didn't know how passionate.

I think what's been interesting is that we had plans.

We knew that 2016 was gonna be about diversity and change

and blowing things up, bending them, and even breaking them.

So seeing people yell from both sides, the left and the right,

the red states and the blue states-

seeing them react to some of the, you know,

controversial moves we made has been interesting.

Um, what I can say is we're playing the long game.

2017 will have people yelling about very different things.

Marvel Comics reflects on the world.

You know, it's our responsibility to tell stories

about what's going on in the real world-

as we've put it, the world outside your window.

So it'll be an interesting few years ahead.

I mean, we've gone through a big cultural shift;

there's a lot of opinions.

But I think we're not a partisan organization.

We're not Republican or Democrat.

What we like to do is speak to what's going on,

speak through metaphor, speak potently.

When we see injustice, we like to confront it.

We like to think that we're on the right side of history.

That's a tradition that dates back to Stan Lee

and all of his guys. And I think that it's important

that we keep our eyes open and we listen.

Um, we listen to both sides of the issue

and we come up with stories that we think

say something about the world, um, that we can stand behind.

For more infomation >> Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso Shares Big 2017 Plans - Duration: 2:15.


5 Easy Ways to Get Past Her Defenses - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 5 Easy Ways to Get Past Her Defenses - Duration: 2:57.


Tesla: Balancing 90D Battery on Supercharger at 9.6x normal speed - Duration: 10:08.

Tesla says not to charge to 100%. Generally this is correct, as Charging and LEAVING your battery at 100% can accelerate degradation (Leaving your battery at 100% meaning weeks, months or years!). A couple of the major benefits of charging to 100% are: 1: Helps the computer re-calculate out the estimated capacity of the battery, especially if charging starts at near empty levels and is allowed to go to completion without interruption. 2: The finishing taper on charge takes longer at 100%, allowing it to squeeze in nearly the absolute maximum amount of power into the battery. 3: Along with #2 comes Balancing of the cells in the pack, which is more effective as that long finalizing charge gives more time for the BMS to bleed off excess power from the higher voltage cells in order to keep putting power into the lower voltage cells. The purpose of this video is to show the BMA balancing the cells throughout the process of Charging, followed by it's final top-off. Notice the Mv between the cells at the start of the video, and then at the end of the video. The lower the voltage difference between cells, the more in balance they are, and the more overall power can be put Into the battery and then then the more you can take out.

For more infomation >> Tesla: Balancing 90D Battery on Supercharger at 9.6x normal speed - Duration: 10:08.


The Emma Agenda #9 || How NOT To Ask A Girl Out - Duration: 2:15.

Today I am speaking to the men in my audience directly,

because I have for you the perfect example

of how not to ask a girl out.

Harriet? Take it away.

Okay, so um, the other day I got a text from...

(whispers) um, do I say his name?

(quietly) Go ahead.

(quietly) Are you sure?

It's fine Harriet, he doesn't watch this.

Okay, so um, I got a text from Robbie, and basically he asked me out.

Read the text.

No, that's going too far.

Well, let me sum it up.

"Hi Harriet, it's Robbie. I think you should go out on a date with me,

"...ah, I couldn't be bothered to ask you in person though,

" you wanna like, lower your standards for me?" Smiley-face emoji!

It wasn't that bad.

Okay, it wasn't as bad as I expected,

but still, Harriet. A text?

He has a flip-phone!

It like, probably took him like thirty minutes to write the whole thing out.

Oh, half an hour? Come on. That's totally enough effort.

Okay but like, how do I respond?

Well, you gotta be very polite.

Say you're sorry and all...

is he the kind of guy to think he's been friend-zoned?

Wait, so I should turn him down?

Isn't that what you meant?

I don't know, like I like him a lot, and...

I, I just...

I...I don't know what to do, just,

Emma? Can you like, just...tell me what to do?

I can't tell you, Harriet,

this is about you. You have to decide for yourself.

But like, I didn't know that he liked me so much.

Well. You want my opinion?


I think if you have any doubt, any doubt at all,

then say no.

You shouldn't go into a relationship with half a heart.

But, that's just my opinion.

Alright, so I'll just...I should just say no.

I'll just say no. It's like, better just to say no, right?

Seriously, Harriet?

This is your decision. You do what's best for you.

If he's the guy for you, he's the guy for you.

Unless...there's someone else, maybe?

I mean...


Yeah, I made up my mind. I'm going to turn him down.

That's my decision, I made a decision.

Thank you Emma. Thank you.

I, that's what I'm gonna do. Alright.




And that, gentlemen?

Is what happens when you go after a girl you don't deserve.


For more infomation >> The Emma Agenda #9 || How NOT To Ask A Girl Out - Duration: 2:15.



For more infomation >> 10 КРУТЫХ ВЕЩЕЙ С ALIEXPRESS | ЛУЧШЕЕ НА АЛИЭКСПРЕСС + КОНКУРС - Duration: 6:06.


Mental Omega 3.3 Challenge Solo - Purgatory Challenge - Duration: 55:19.

Purgatory Challenge is one of those that can be extremely hard or very easy, depending of the play.

For this challenge the best options are Russia or Epsilon subfactions.

The most annoying part are the three Mind Control pulses which are targetted at the groups of your and ally units, these will be always mind controlled (even robots, dogs and miners).

BUT it doesn't work on the submerged units and air - this is where Russia is the best.

Wolfhounds are great together with some bunkers against ground and air threats, while submerged Navy made of Akulas and Typhoons take care of the Epsilon.

And be advised, Mind Control pulses are off when you finish the Epsilon base completely.

For more infomation >> Mental Omega 3.3 Challenge Solo - Purgatory Challenge - Duration: 55:19.


✿Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo TOM Colours for Kids animation education cartoon compilation - Duration: 11:16.

✿Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo TOM Colours for Kids animation education cartoon compilation

For more infomation >> ✿Learn Colors with My Talking Pocoyo TOM Colours for Kids animation education cartoon compilation - Duration: 11:16.


Vlog #6 - I had an interview for the radio :) ☆ (Eng subs) - Duration: 1:51.

Hi, Crazy People

It's the morning and I'm going to work very soon

I just wanna say that I'm having an interview today

They need an Esperantist, who can speak English, so here I am, English-speaking Esperantist.

Hopefully I'll record everything


I didn't record when I was interviewed, so you won't see me, sorry :P

You will appear in my vlog :)

And here is Zamenhof :)

So I just came back from the interview

I spoke about Esperanto

I am surprised that I know so much

But I'm just a beginner now, so I didn't say everything

It was an interview for an English or French radio

I think that more for the English

Because I had to speak English

I had to say what is Esperanto

Who was Zamenhof

What interesting stuff I know about Esperanto

I was there with Łukasz Żebrowski

So, wave :)

I spoke in English, and he spoke in Polish

I learned a lot of new things about Esperanto

And I had a lot of fun

When I get the recording, I will send you the link

My piggies are making noise :P

So if you have any questions, ask in the comment section :)

For more infomation >> Vlog #6 - I had an interview for the radio :) ☆ (Eng subs) - Duration: 1:51.


To the woods! - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> To the woods! - Duration: 6:43.


5 Rules To Burn Fat Faster - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 5 Rules To Burn Fat Faster - Duration: 2:46.


Darth Maul: She Touched a Nerve - Duration: 0:05.

Sith are no better than Jedi

You name's what?

It started with a "C" and ended with a "T"

For more infomation >> Darth Maul: She Touched a Nerve - Duration: 0:05.


傑克武士(第三季)傑克變成雞 |譯者:B-lack |中文字幕 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> 傑克武士(第三季)傑克變成雞 |譯者:B-lack |中文字幕 - Duration: 3:17.


GATE B | SCP Containment Breach #26 FINAL 1.3.6 - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> GATE B | SCP Containment Breach #26 FINAL 1.3.6 - Duration: 11:04.


How to Translate Any Language In English Your own language हिंदी/اردو/ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੇ/سنڌي/عربى Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 8:06.

Subscribe Button ko Dabaiye

How to I.T Ke Sath Jor Jaye

Bell Icon ko Dabaye

How to I.T Ke Update Notification Paye

For more infomation >> How to Translate Any Language In English Your own language हिंदी/اردو/ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੇ/سنڌي/عربى Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 8:06.


یہ بندہ لڑکی کے مموں کے درمیان پیسے ڈال رہا ہے | زبردست مجرہ پروگرام - Duration: 2:54.

یہ بندہ لڑکی کے مموں کے درمیان پیسے ڈال رہا ہے | زبردست مجرہ پروگرام

For more infomation >> یہ بندہ لڑکی کے مموں کے درمیان پیسے ڈال رہا ہے | زبردست مجرہ پروگرام - Duration: 2:54.


Danse|Decorum (Preview n°1) - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Danse|Decorum (Preview n°1) - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> Danse|Decorum (Preview n°1) - Duration: 0:45.


Voici 4 Secrets Pour Avoir Une Bonne Mémoire - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Voici 4 Secrets Pour Avoir Une Bonne Mémoire - Duration: 4:49.


For more infomation >> Voici 4 Secrets Pour Avoir Une Bonne Mémoire - Duration: 4:49.


Rasmalai with home made paneer/cheese - Duration: 11:06.

For rasmalai we need cheese / paneer

to make paneer/cheese from milk

boil normal milk and add few drops of lemon juice,

after that boil again and you will get this type of milk

the other things we need are 1 Ltr milk

corn flour


pistachio nuts, cashew nuts, peeled almonds


crushed cardamom

now take a thin cotton cloth

pour milk in it which we have boiled with lemon

stain all of the liquid

remove all the water

hang it for 1 hour so that all water comes out

now we will prepare the liquid base

take 1 ltr milk

boil it

add sugar

add crushed cardamom

add finely chopped dry fruits

boil it on low flame until it become half

add little saffron for flavour and smell

now take the paneer / cheese

add 2 teaspoon corn flour

mix it well

make small balls

now take a pan

add water

add sugar

boil until all the sugar get dissolved

when it start boiling put the balls in this

boil carefully do not break them

turn it over cook from both the sides

after cooking leave them for 5 min

meanwhile the base has reduced to half

remove from the flame

make layers and pour the base on it

cool it in refrigerator

garnish it with saffron and pistachio nuts and serve

If you like the recipe do like it thanks

subscribe to our channel for more

For more infomation >> Rasmalai with home made paneer/cheese - Duration: 11:06.


For more infomation >> Rasmalai with home made paneer/cheese - Duration: 11:06.


How to Make Craft Foam Look Like Leather - Duration: 2:07.

Let's get started!

First off you'll need your piece of craft foam that you want to make look like leather,

you may want to do it to a large piece and then cut the desired piece out after you have

added the leather look because the process can cause your foam to shrink.

Next grab a good sized piece of tin foil, larger than the piece of foam if possible.

Crumple up the tin foil, not completely into a ball but so that the entire surface is crumpled,

then open it up.

Now you will simply lay the tin foil over your craft foam and press a hot iron onto

the tin foil, make sure to press and not slide because sliding could damage your iron.

Now press and hold for a couple seconds, then lift move to the next spot and repeat till

you have covered the entire surface.

No lift off the tin foil, it may try to curl up on you because of the heat, just simply

flip the foam over and press it down flat as it cools.

You can repeat this process and vary the amount of time you hold the heat on to see the different

effects to achieve the desired effect you want.

And Voila!

You must be a genius alchemist because you just transformed foam into leather!

Now go have some fun with that and see what cool cosplays you can forge now!

For more infomation >> How to Make Craft Foam Look Like Leather - Duration: 2:07.


For more infomation >> How to Make Craft Foam Look Like Leather - Duration: 2:07.


Attack on Titan 27 - I'm Home FULL HD - Duration: 24:11.

Multiple Titans from the south!

Wall Rose has been breached!

The 104th Cadet Corps were kept isolated under suspicion of Titans within their ranks.

But with the sudden appearance of Titans, couriers were dispatched to warn each district.

As you may know,

today marks the new darkest day in humanity's history!

If ever humankind needed to give its all, that time is now!



They all started sprinting!

The cause of this crisis remains in the dark.

For now, no one yet knows.

I must say, what a clever idea.

"I'm Home"

"Trost District"

Commander Pyxis!

Titans have been spotted!

Wall Rose has been breached!


"Stohess District"

What the hell does all this mean?

Damn it!


Would Titans break walls with Titans in them?

It's happened before. They busted the wall into our city.

That was a gate.

Armin? What are you saying?

The thing about the walls...

There's no crevices between the rocks or any signs of cracking.

We can't really tell how they're made.

So what if they're made of hardened Titan skin?

It must be pretty versatile if Annie can encase herself.

Titans... in the wall...

Section Commander! What are you doing?

We're supposed to leave in 5 minutes!

Please hurry up!

There's something I need to confirm--


Get moving.

Ah, sorry!

What about him?

He's been ready for a while now.

Eren. Wear it right.

It's cold at night.

Sorry to keep ya!

Took longer to prepare than we thought.


Isn't this a priest from the Order of the Walls?

Yeah. Nick and I are best buddies.


Don't let him bother you.

The whole makeup of this squad doesn't make any sense.

Does it, Levi?

No, I think it might.

Erwin picked them out for a reason.

Open the gate!

The situation within Wall Rose is unclear.

But everything up until Ehrmich is safe.

We'll save time going through there.

Move out!

Yes, sir!

Take us out.

Yes, sir!

This whole time, Titans have been protecting us from Titans.

Huh? He knew?

There's Titans inside the walls and he's known about it?!

Yes, though...

...he's kept his mouth shut this entire time.

But now he's coming with us to witness the harsh reality.

Will his beliefs be strong enough for him to stay silent?

Or will seeing it with his own eyes make him question himself?

No, no, no, no! This is all backwards!

If there's something you know, tell us about it!

Nothing's more important than keeping humans from going extinct!

Eren, settle down.

You're still not fully healed.

There's more than one way to get answers.

I may be injured and useless right now, but it doesn't take much to watch one man.

I'm hoping we can settle this without blasting a hole in anyone.

Aren't you?

Threatening him doesn't work, Levi.

Believe me, I've tried.

It seems to me that this priest is capable of sound judgment.

That's why I wonder...

What if the reason he doesn't talk

is because he knows something more important than the fate of humanity?

See that? It's the village!

Is that the last one?

No! My village is deep in the forest!

I'll go there alone!

All right!

Leave this village to me!

Got it!

Hey! Quit it, Sasha!

Sasha! You been nabbing snacks again?!

Stop! Spit it out!

Get it out of yer mouth!

We fixin' to smoke that for winter, ya moron!

You damn dumb girl!


Have it yer way.



Have you asked yerself why the world is a-changing?

Why these past few years the forest be shrinkin' and game harder to find?

Have you ever thunk about it?

It's 'cause more people be comin' and taking food and game from the forest.

That's why I'm hungry.

That's true.

But, hey...

They lost their homes and got no place to go. They got no other choice.

Their fault for losing it.

They oughta leave ours.

Titans took it from 'em.

They knocked a hole straight through Wall Maria. Where else can they go?

You can feed a hell of a lot more people by clearin' the forest and plantin' grain.

Maybe it's time for our family to let go of the forest and give up huntin' for good.

The government said they would pay us.

Every horse that we raise is money in our pockets.

You gotta be kidding!

If we give up huntin', we be givin' up who we are!

Why should we give a hoot about the people who make fun of our lifestyle?

I'll tell ya why.

It's because... we're all part of the same world.

We humans... We've always been pack animals.

Sure, we all live our different ways.

But when space is this short, we gotta join the group and do what's best to--

No! I refuse!

We've lived here all our lives, just like the way our ancestors taught us!

We don't owe nothing to any outsiders!

I see...

So be it.

Ya can live here in this forest, along with the others who think the same.

But, Sasha...

Are ya willin' to die for that choice?

No matter what trouble comes yer way, ya can't go beggin' for help.

If you're not there for them, don't expect them to be there for you.

I'm willin' to give up our traditions if it means I can live with my family.

Goes to show ya our world's connected, whether you like it or not.

Sasha. Are you that much of a scaredy-cat?

Is it that hard for you to leave this forest behind and get along with others?

It's been 3 years since I've been back.

Surely he realized something was amiss and fled...

It can't be! Way out here?

They've already come this far?!

This place isn't safe for people anymore.

What's that? A new village?

"In addition to the cities at the walls, there exist villages of various sizes contained within the walls." "They exist to provide goods and food to the people in the cities, though containing a higher population overall."

"Information Available for Public Disclosure" "Scattered Villages"

Damn! If I don't slice it off, it'll just heal back up!

A child?

I'm so sorry...

What's your name?

Don't worry. It'll be okay.

What will?

Huh? What? I mean... Um...

Steady... Steady...

Um, you see...


You're kidding me! Hey!

Please wait for us!

There's no need to worry.

Please stay calm. It'll come right back.

Why are you so nice when you talk?


Run away from here!

It'll be okay!

Why? Everyone already left.

The whole village knew my mother's legs were bad.

But not a single person came to help.

All I could do was watch.

It'll be okay!

It's okay.

You're really starting to tick me off.


That stupid way you talk politely to everyone.

Why don't you talk to other cadets like normal?

Um... Well, you see...

Wait. Let me guess.

You're embarrassed by the way people sound from your village.


I'm surprised an idiot like you cares so much.

You can't do anything but hunt, and you're afraid of people, to top it off.

I bet you don't have a single good reason for aiming to become a soldier.

Your parents probably--

Stop it, Ymir! You're being--


You gonna care what other people think and be someone you're not your whole life?

What a crock of shit.

You're fine as is, so talk in your own words for crying out loud.

Th-Thank you...

...very much.


I'm... sorry.

I'm not... yet...

Cut it out!

There's nothing wrong with the way she talks!

Sasha is who Sasha wants to be.

Her words will always be her own.

And I happen to like her.

Hmph! Have it your way.

Still, even if she changed the way she talks,

it won't change the fact that she's annoying.

You know, not everyone is as insensitive as you.

Excuse me?

You little... You little...

Hey! What are you laughing at?!

Ah! I'm sorry!

Why do I remember, now of all times...

...about silly, pointless days in the past?

It's all... I can think of.

Hey, listen up.

You'll be fine. Keep following this path.

Run as far as you can.

I promise someone will be there to help you.

You might not find them right away...

But still, keep running until you do!

Now, go!


Get runnin'!

If I take out both eyes, it'll buy us plenty of time.

Only... two left.


All it is... is a big...

...slow moving...!

Got it!

One more arrow.

But, if I miss this...

...we can't escape.

If I miss, me and...

...that girl...

I slipped out thanks to that blood.

Now I've gotta find that girl!

Huh? Sasha?

We been givin' horses to everyone in the area.

That girl told us someone was still back there.

Who'da thunk it was you?

You fought off a Titan for that girl, didn't ya?

Sasha... Yer all I hoped for.


I'm home.

Conny, wait!

Calm down!

There could be Titans anywhere!

Get back here, Conny!

This can't be...

Anyone?! Is anyone there?!

It's me! Conny!

I came back!

My house!



Sunny... Martin!

Please be okay!

Conny! Get back!

It's... my house.



Fall back, you two!

I'll scout the area!

Wait, it's...

It can't move?

Not with those legs...

Th-Then... How?

How did it even get here?!

"I'm sure my family is safe and sound."

Shaking off the dread of Titans appearing in his hometown,

Conny once again departs.

Battle erupts across the land while the mystery of the Titans remains.

As the plight worsens,

Eren and the others heading for Ehrmich District

receive a clue that might reveal the truth.


Next episode: "Southwestward."

For more infomation >> Attack on Titan 27 - I'm Home FULL HD - Duration: 24:11.


Ghost Recon Wildlands Funny Montage - Honey I'm home - Duration: 6:08.

He's standing here, on the truck

What happens if I do like this?

I can't see him

But I do :D

What?! NO! I killed a civilian!?

NO! I died

I drove straight into the truck

He ran over you

I'm under the car, like a freaking mechanic

Oh!! Look at me!!

I'm 300 meter away from you?!

That was so sick

No, No, No!

What? I can't see what's happening

I think you can jump in

Yes, I'm sitting in the back

Some freaking ghost's...

I have a tendency of ending up in the middle of nowhere

I don't know where we are

There are no roads here... F#%&

Check it out! Nice suspension

Oh, here's a road!

...and this damn music

I can't take this anymore (crying)

Oh... I'm crying...

Looks like the tractor belongs here

Honey! I'm home!

I'll park it here by the garage

That was the good deed of the day, returning that tractor

Look at my weapon?!

What happened?

It's sticking out from your back when you sit down

Sit down!

What's happening now?

It's locked like this

Can you shoot with it?


F#&€! NO NO NO!

Shit I thought we were screwed

Too close... Make a new approach

Yeah, I'm doing that

Look out for those trees!

There are cows down there?!

We landed... and missed all the cows

Back up the plane. It will probably work

I think you killed a cow now

No! You killed me?!



Yes you did, I'm downed over here

I jumped off and got hit by the tail wing

It looked soo weird

Clipped me on the back of my neck

Oh shit that cow is really scared

Look at how scared he is

Oh, so stupid...

For more infomation >> Ghost Recon Wildlands Funny Montage - Honey I'm home - Duration: 6:08.


CARDIO : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> CARDIO : WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - Duration: 7:10.


I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition in Utrecht, the Netherlands! - Duration: 5:11.

Hi guys!

Today is a very exciting day, because I am going to Utrecht!

U- Utrecht, how do you say that in English? I don't know

I'm going to Utrecht

Because there's a Harry Potter Exhibition there

And I'm going there.. today!

Also you may notice that I'm not wearing Harry Potter clothes..


I don't have Harry Potter clothes

And I'm a Hufflepuff, so..

My team color, my house color is yellow


I don't own any yellow clothes

So I'm just going to wear this..

Non Harry Potter related outfit!

I'm going to vlog the whole day, so..


*Mandrake screaming*

For more infomation >> I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition in Utrecht, the Netherlands! - Duration: 5:11.


Wimpy Dog- An auto-generated movie - Duration: 7:14.

John Squiggle: Rosie, please don't leave me.

Rosie: I'm sorry John, but I'm looking for someone a bit more brave.

Someone who faces his fears head on instead of running away.

John: I am such a person!

*Rosie sighs.*

Rosie: I'm sorry John, I just don't feel excited about this relatonship anymore.

John: Goodness Charlie, is everything okay?

Charlie: I'm afraid not.

John: Don't keep me in suspense!

Charlie: It's a dog! An evil dog!

I saw an evil dog hit on a bunch of children!

John: Defenseless children?

Charlie: Defenseless children!

John: Bloomin' heck Charlie, we've got to do something about it!

Charlie: I agree, but I wouldn't know where to start...

John: You can start by telling me where this happened!

Charlie: Adams house... That's right! Adams house!

🎶 E.T. Theme. 🎶

*Inhuman screaching.*

🎶 Suspense build. 🎶

Charlie: What is it? What's the matter?

John: That's not just any old dog! That's Welda Winkley!

Charlie: Who's Welda Winkley?

John: Who's Welda Winkley? Why she's the most wimpiest dog in the universe?

Charlie: Blinkin' knickers John! We're gonna need some help if we're gonna stop the most wimpiest dog in the universe!

John: Say that again.

Charlie: Blinkin' knickers John! We're gonna need some help if we're gonna stop the most wimpiest dog in the universe!

Welda: John Squiggle, we meet again.

Charlie: You know her?

John: Yes, it was long, long ago.

🎶 Be Our Guest 🎶

🎶 Psycho theme 🎶

Welda: Do you want some potatoes?

John: I don't know, you look kinda wimpy.

Welda: No, I'm not wimpy. I'm the least wimpy dog in the universe!

John: You're a dog?!

*Girly screaming.*

Welda: You were a coward then and you are a coward now.

Charlie: You ran away?

John: I was a child, what was I supposed to do?

John: I may have ran away from you last time, but I will not run away this time!

John: I mean I am running away... but I'll be back! With friendship!

Welda: I'm not scared of you.

John: You should be.

🎶 Pink Panther theme. 🎶

John: I feel like I left my friendship around here somewhere...

Charlie: Are you sure? This seems like a weird place to put a friendship.

John: You know nothing Charlie Heaton!

Charlie: Are you sure? We've been looking here for ages!

Welda: Looking for this?

Charlie: Crikey John, she's got your friendship!

John: Tell me something I don't already know!

John: The earth's circumference at the equator is about 40,075 kilometers.

John: I knew that already!

Charlie: You have a fear of violas.

Welda: DUDE!

John: Prepare to die wimpy potato!

Welda: All I did was hit on a bunch of children!

John: I cannot tolerate this kind of behaviour, those children were defenseless!

Well now they have a defender! John Squiggle! Defender of innocent children!

Welda: Don't hurt me! Please!

John: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't use this friendship against you.

Welda: Because John, I am your mother.

John: No you're not!

Welda: Well, it was worth a try.

John: Who's the mummy now? Huh? Huh!?

Charlie: Did she just faint?

John: Well, I think so.

That's disappointing, I was hoping for a more dramatic conclusion involving my deadly friendship!

Charlie: Be careful John, it could be a trick.

John: No, it is not a trick. It would seem that... It would appear that... Welda Winkley... Is dead.

It appears that I scared her to death.

Charlie: *Clapping* Well, it seems your friendship really did save the day!

Rosie: Is it true? Did you kill the wimpy dog?

John: How long have you been-

Rosie: Long enough.

John: Then you saw it. I killed Welda Winkley.

Rosie: So the children are safe?

John: So it seems that way.

Rosie: You are their hero.

John: I seek no worship. The fact that Welda Winkley won't hit on children again is enough for me!

Rosie: Humble as well as brave.

Rosie: I think they want you to have it as a simble of their gratitude.

John: I couldnt possibly... Well, if you insist.

John: Does this mean you want me back?

Rosie: Oh John, of course I want you back!

John: Well you can't have me!

Rosie: WHAT!?

John: You had no faith in me. You had to see me scare a dog to death to believe in me.

I do not want a lover like that.

Rosie: But-

John: Please leave. I want to spend time with the person who stayed with me through thick and thin.

My best friend, Charlie.


Charlie: You heard the gentleman! Be off with you! Skidaddle! Shoo!

John: Sorry Rosie, but I think you should skidaddle.

Charlie: Did you mean it? What you said? You know, that I'm your best friend?

John: Of course I meant it!

Charlie: You know when I said fear of violas, I was just trying to distract the dog, don't you?

Charlie: Hi.

Drew: Hi!

Charlie: My name is Charlie and I'm here with Drew Jones.

*Phone rings.*

Charlie: Shoot.

Charlie: I'm Charlie Adams, you're Drew Jones...

Okay, so...

wait, we aren't in the right place!

*Magic snap.*

Charlie: I hope you enjoyed the video,

Drew: Make sure to comment, like, and subscribe!

I'm allowed to say that, right?

Charlie: Sure.

Charlie: Make sure to subscribe to Drew.

Drew: Yeah, link in the description I hope...

Charlie: Yep, there's going to be one.

Drew: I'm glad I'm Canadian!

Charlie: No you aren't.

Drew: Uh, Guatemalan... This cap is a lie.

Charlie: Bye.

Drew: Bye.

Charlie: Perfection.

Look at our excellent tripod.

For more infomation >> Wimpy Dog- An auto-generated movie - Duration: 7:14.


[Elsword KR] Optimus 1:1 PvP (7) 옵티머스 공식대전 - Duration: 24:04.

(Plz lower the sound for only 1 minute)

(be being hit by 'mana gift' of 'auto-gun')

"Get up, you're +10 Legend !!!"

"super trash El resonance balance"

"take my snaaaaaaaatchhhh !!!!!"

(2 fxxking big snatch guns)

(MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18)

(MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18 MP +18)

'That's it, Opt chan!'

(When she meet high snatch resistance)

"You poooool no 'descent' girl"

(MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18 MP -18)

'That damn it free mana statioooooooooon ;-;'

simple parody is over

cheer up Opt chan ;-;

For more infomation >> [Elsword KR] Optimus 1:1 PvP (7) 옵티머스 공식대전 - Duration: 24:04.


Bullet Journal Collections // What are COLLECTIONS?? // Veronica Marie - Duration: 5:19.

Hey guys welcome back, it's Veronica. So a

few months ago I made a video on how to

start a bullet journal and in the video

I kind of talked about how to plan out

your week, and your months and how to

schedule everything and kind of use it

as a planner, but I never really touched

upon how to do collection, which are

really fun to do. So if you want to see

that then just keep on watching. So

starting off I'm just going to be

showing you guys two different

collection designs that you could do, but

there are so many more ideas out there.

So I definitely recommend you guys go on

pinterest and find some other cool ideas

for now I'm just going to be starting

off by showing you guys how to do the

most basic collections that I've seen,

which are books to read and movies to

watch. So for those of you guys who

really don't know what a collection is

it basically is just a spot where you

can keep all of your information for one

topic on one page, versus having it

spread out all across your bullet

journal. So for example if you wanted to

organize birthdays on all of one page

then you could just make a page for

birthdays, versus having it spread out

all over your bullet journal. So I'm just

going to start off by making some shelf

for my books to read page, and then I'm

just going to fill it with books. And

maybe some flowers and pots and things,

and you can also use washi tape for the

shelf parts of this. So you can do to so

many different variations with this it's

actually kind of fun to play with, as

long as you keep the front part of the

book empty and not colored in, because

that is where you are going to write the

name of the book that you want to read.

So you can kind of just fill this in as

you know you have book ideas that you

want to start reading and then later on

you can kind of go back to this page and

see some ideas. And then when you're

finished maybe you want to color in that

book or you could do some different

ideas, maybe just outline the book and

then you know you've read it. So I

started doing a few doodles I did a pot,

and a globe and then I'm also going to

do a little storage box with something

on top of it as well, and like I said you

could do more of a washi tape version of

this, you could also not even draw books

and a bookshelf for this page you could

just maybe make a list of books you want

to read, it really just depends on how

you want to do it. So now we're going to

move on to our movies page and for this

page I'm just going to write my title

and then I'm going to fill that in red

so it kind of goes with the movie

theater sort of theme, and then I'm

basically just going to draw little

cloud shapes... is the best way I can

explain it basically popcorn. I think the

easiest way to explain this is that it

looks like the little clouds you used to draw

when you were little. So I'm just going

to draw a few of these and it really

doesn't matter if they're odd shapes are

weird or funky, and then when you're done

you just basically will write the name

of the movie inside the popcorn and then

each popcorn will have a movie on it. So

then to add to this, on the bottom I'm

just going to make a little popcorn bag,

where the popcorn can be kind of flying

out of. And then like I said i'm going to

write a few movies down that I want to

see and then when I'm done I usually

will sort of outline the popcorn with

the color. So then that's about it so

these two were just really simple ideas

that you guys could try, I did this

because I actually had two extra pages

in my journal that I needed to fill, that

I somehow skipped over when I was

planning. That's also a really cool

use for these as well. So like I said

in the beginning there are so many

collection ideas out there, and I would

just sort of search different ideas that

you want to do and you know maybe you'll

find ones you really like and you want

to include in your journal. I personally

get a lot of my ideas from Pinterest, so

I always will pin them to a board and

then I just kind of reference them later,

and I'll fill those into my journal. If

you guys want to check out my pinterest

board I'll link it below. So yeah, that's

about it. I hope you guys like this video.

If you did don't forget to give it to a

thumbs up. And if you guys really like

this video I might end up doing more

collection videos, because I actually

really enjoy doing them. So yeah I will

see you guys in my next video, bye.

For more infomation >> Bullet Journal Collections // What are COLLECTIONS?? // Veronica Marie - Duration: 5:19.


RECETA FÁCIL || MUSAKA || MOUSSAKA - Duration: 13:47.

For more infomation >> RECETA FÁCIL || MUSAKA || MOUSSAKA - Duration: 13:47.


5 Easy Ways to Get Past Her Defenses - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 5 Easy Ways to Get Past Her Defenses - Duration: 2:57.


Voici 4 Secrets Pour Avoir Une Bonne Mémoire - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Voici 4 Secrets Pour Avoir Une Bonne Mémoire - Duration: 4:49.


Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs | Ten Little Indians & Lots More by Anon Kids | Preschool Learning - Duration: 45:42.

One little two little three little Indians

Four little five little six little Indians

Seven little eight little nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys.

Ten little nine little eight little Indians

Seven little six little five little Indians

Four little three little two little Indians

One little Indian boy.

Johny Johny!

Yes Papa

Eating sugar?

No Papa

Telling lies?

No Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Johny Johny!

Yes Papa

Eating sugar?

No Papa

Telling lies?

No Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Some are red,

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Some are green,

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Some are pink,

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

With a lovely sheen..

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully..?

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully?

Some are crunchy

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Some are soft

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Some are tangy

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Some are sweet..

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully..?

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully..?

Have them whole

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have them sliced

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have them minced

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

In an apple pie

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully?

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully?

Drink apple juice

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

And a milkshake

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have apple sauce

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

On apple cake!

Yummy apples! Juicy apples!

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully?

Have you ever seen a tree

With apples dangling beautifully?

Shapes shapes all around

Left right up and down

Wherever you look.

Landscapes flowers trees

And within houses are these

Even in a book

Look around for a circle

In a tambourine in a bangle.

In the full moon in a doughnut

In your eyeballs and a polka dot.

Can you see a square

In a window in a dice

Or the shape of a star

On a Christmas night sky

Have you seen a diamond

In a kite flying in the sky?

Or a leaf that looks like a heart On the tree so high?

Would you like a sandwich

In the shape of a triangle?

Read a story about a witch

From a book - a rectangle!

Three little kittens they lost their mittens

And they began to cry

Oh mother dear we sadly fear

Our mittens we have lost

What? Lost your mittens you naughty kittens!

Then you shall have no pie.

Mee-ow mee-ow mee-ow.

We shall have no pie.

Our mittens we have lost.

Three little kittens they found their mittens

And they began to smile

Oh mother dear see here see here

Our mittens we have found

What? Found your mittens you good little kittens

Then you shall have some pie.

Mee-ow mee-ow mee-ow.

We shall have some pie.

Let us have some pie.

Three little kittens put on their mittens

And soon ate up the pie;

Oh mother dear we greatly fear

Our mittens we have soiled

What? Soiled your mittens you naughty kittens!

Then they began to sigh

Mee-ow mee-ow mee-ow.

Our mittens we have soiled.

Then they began to sigh.

Three little kittens they washed their mittens

And hung them out to dry;

Oh! mother dear look here look here

Our mittens we have washed

What? Washed your mittens you good little kittens

But I smell a rat close by.

Mee-ow mee-ow mee-ow.

We smell a rat close by.

Let's all have some pie

Oh you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me...

Oh you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me!

Oh you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' yourself at me...

There's no honey inside my head...

Go and buzz at a flow'r instead...

There's no honey inside my head...

Go and buzz at a flow'r instead....

Oh you beautiful bumblebee...

Don't go buzzin' at me...

Engine engine number nine

Running on the Chicago Line.

See it sparkle see it shine

Engine engine number nine.

Engine engine number nine.

Running on the Chicago Line.

See it sparkle see it shine

Engine engine number nine.

Engine engine number nine.

Running on the Chicago Line.

See it sparkle see it shine

Engine engine number nine

I can read

Big signboards

A, B, C ...

Like my teacher taught me

I can count

On my fingers

One, two, three..

Like my teacher showed me..

I can sing

So many songs

And dance too

Like my teacher and I do

When I play I'm gentle

With girls and boys

Like my teacher said,

I share my toys.

Healthy meals I finish

Without a fuss

Like my teacher says and does

When I greet

Everyone I have a smile on my face

Like my teacher has always

My teacher tells me so, so much

About the world out there!

My teacher shows me how to walk

And talk and love and care..!

'Woof woof' says my little doggy

I take him for a walk

By the river to the park

When he's happy

He gets wiggly wiggly

With his little tail up in the air.

'Meow' says my little kitty

She blinks her eyes

Eats beans and rice

She loves a cuddle

Jumps in a puddle

When I stroke her soft fur she happily purrs.

'Hello' say my little goldfish



So merrily they play

In the water all day

And rush to my finger

As soon as I am there.

"Love you' says my little parrot

In a sing-song voice Sure you'll rejoice

He loves to talk

He goes 'squawk squawk'

He eats bird seed

With a great speed..

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

You can't cluck too much for me...

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

Now come down off that tree...

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

You can't cluck too much for me...

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

You can't cluck too much for me...

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

Now come down off that tree...

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken....

You can't cluck too much for me...

"C" is for the little chick

"H" for the momma hen

"I" cause I love that bird

"C" for the cluck, cluck

"K" for the Kackle, Kackle

"E" and the little "N"


That's the way to spell chicken....

That's my friend, the chicken...

Hen hen count to ten;

Goat goat get your coat;

Pig pig dance a jig;

Hen Goat Pig

Mouse mouse build a house;

Chick chick make it quick;

Cat cat find your hat;

Mouse Chick Cat

Bear bear go upstairs;

Mite mite say good night;

Sheep sheep go to sleep.;

Bear Mite Sheep

I'm a little monkey

How do you do today?

See me take my hat off

When I shout "Hooray"

I can clap my hands

And stamp upon the floor

See if you can do the same

And then we'll have some more

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey..

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hip hurray

I can stick my hands out

Then tuck them away

See my head go nodding

Nodding all the day

I'm a little monkey

Hip hip hurray

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey

I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


I'm a little monkey

Hey hey hey

I'm a little monkey


Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are!

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are!

Five little ducks went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack."

But only four little ducks came back.


Four little ducks went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack."

But only three little ducks came back.


Three little ducks went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack."

But only two little ducks came back.


Two little ducks went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack."

But only one little duck came back.


One little duck went out one day

Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said "Quack quack quack quack."

But none of the five little ducks came back.

Sad mother duck went out one day

Over the hill and far away

The sad mother duck said "Quack quack quack."

And all of the five little ducks came back.


All of the five little ducks came back

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes

She'll be coming round the mountain

Coming round the mountain

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes

She'll be driving six white horses when she comes

She'll be driving six white horses when she comes

She'll be driving six white horses

She'll be driving six white horses

She'll be driving six white horses when she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes

She'll be wearing red pajamas

She'll be wearing red pajamas

She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma when she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma when she comes

She will have to sleep with Grandma

She will have to sleep with Grandma

She will have to sleep with Grandma when she comes

Cock a doodle doo

My dame has lost her shoe;

My master's lost his fiddle stick

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle doo

What is my dame to do?

Till master find his fiddling stick

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doddle doo

My dame has found her shoe

And master's found his fiddling stick

She'll now dance with her shoe.

Cock a doddle doo

My dame will dance with you

While master fiddles his fiddling stick

For dame and doodle doo.

I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee

I'm going to Louisiana

My true love for to see.

It rained all night the day I left

The weather was so dry

The sun so hot I froze to death

Susanna don't you cry.

Oh! Susanna don't you cry for me

For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.

I had a dream the other night

when everything was still;

I thought I saw Susanna dear

a coming down the hill.

A buckwheat cake was in her mouth

A tear was in her eye

Says I'm coming from the south

Susanna don't you cry.

Oh! Susanna don't you cry for me

For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.

I soon will be in New Orleans

and then I'll look around

And when I find Susanna

I'll fall upon the ground.

But if I do not find her

then I will surely die

And when I'm dead and buried

Oh Susanna don't you cry.

Oh! Susanna don't you cry for me

For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.

Oh! Susanna don't you cry for me

For I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee.

Ding dong bell

Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny Flynn.

Who pulled her out?

Little Tommy Stout.

What a naughty boy was that

To try and drown the pussy cat

Who never did him any harm

But scared all the mice in the farmer's barn

Ding dong bell

Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny Flynn.

Who pulled her out?

Little Tommy Stout.

What a naughty boy was that

To try and drown the pussy cat

Who never did him any harm

But scared all the mice in the farmer's barn.

Ding dong bell

Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny Flynn.

Who pulled her out?

Little Tommy Stout.

What a naughty boy was that

To try and drown the pussy cat

Who never did him any harm

But scared all the mice in the farmer's barn.

Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake baker's man.

Bake me a cake as fast as you can;

Pat it and shape it and mark it with "B"

And bake it in the oven for the baby and me.

Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake baker's man.

Bake me a cake as fast as you can;

Roll it up roll it up;

And throw it in a pan!

Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake baker's man.

Baa baa black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes sir yes sir

Three bags full;

One for my master And one for my dame

Then one for the little boy Who lives down the lane

Baa baa black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes sir yes sir

Three bags full;

One for my master And one for my dame

And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one

He ran back down

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck two

He hid in a shoe

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck three

The mouse said "Gee!"

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory Dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck four

He hit the floor

Hickory Dickory dock.

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck five

He ran out the door

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck six

He hid in a hive

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck seven

Eight nine ten eleven

Hickory dickory dock!

Hickory dickory dock!

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck twelve

He ran back in

Hickory dickory dock

Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb

whose fleece was white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary went

Mary went, Mary went,

Everywhere that Mary went

The lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day,

school one day, school one day,

He followed her to school one day,

Which was against the rules,

It made the children laugh and play,

laugh and play, laugh and play,

It made the children laugh and play,

To see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,

turned it out, turned it out,

And so the teacher turned it out,

But still it lingered near,

He waited patiently about,

ly about, ly about,

He waited patiently about,

Till Mary did appear.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

love Mary so?" love Mary so?"

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

The eager children cried.

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,"

lamb, you know," lamb, you know,"

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,"

The teacher did reply.

Lullaby and goodnight

With roses bedight

With lilies o'er spread

Is baby's wee bed.

Lay thee down now and rest

May thy slumber be blessed.

Lay thee down now and rest

May thy slumber be blessed.

Lullaby and goodnight

Thy mother's delight

Bright angels beside

My darling abide.

They will guard thee at rest

Thou shalt wake on my breast.

They will guard thee at rest

Thou shalt wake on my breast.

For more infomation >> Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs | Ten Little Indians & Lots More by Anon Kids | Preschool Learning - Duration: 45:42.


No More Complaints, Changed Up My Room (again...), Feeling More Positive - DragoNate Sunday Vlog - Duration: 13:54.

hello again today is Sunday once again

the start of another brand new week and

it is going to be a great week today may

may not have been the most greatest week

day ever it was really relaxed and

really lazy and that's about it and then

yeah it didn't really do a whole heck of

a lot like usually watch videos and

that's have about it for today now I was

told last week to not put the camera so

close to my face so hopefully this works

for that the only thing is I don't like

this white wall this way or all that

stuff that you guys see that way and I

feel like I have to talk louder because

my voice is now or because my face is

not much further from the microphone so

and i already have to increase the

volume in post so hopefully it doesn't

distort my voice or make it very

difficult to hear or anything i also

plan on changing one small little thing

with my setup here and that is that i

have my xbox and my ps3 I didn't turn

off my monitor sitting on my glass desk

there currently and they take up a lot

of room and my desk is quite wide but

not so I'm not not so long or deep I

guess if you know what I mean they're

from front to back it doesn't go that

far so what I thought of doing is taking

another little desk or end table thing

or something which I have here in my

other room over there my bedroom i

should say over there and i'm going to

put that underneath and i'm going to put

those on there underneath the desk so i

have free room on top and on those

things on the bottom and then this way

to when i play with the controller the

controller doesn't like come almost

across my shoulder into my lap that

instead it comes up which will hopefully

be a lot better i also put a comment in

last week's video as saying that

I am going to try for for at least a

week to not complain worry about freak

out about anything to do with the

computer or that whole situation there

because I've done that a lot and it's

just making me feel like crap every

single time so and and I'm sure you guys

are sick and tired of it so i am going

to stop that and i'm going to make a

point of it for myself and make it a

goal for myself to not and to just leave

it alone and to be a little bit more

positive for at least a week so i can do

it for a week i can do it for another

week i can do it for them I can continue

going so I'm going to keep trying my

hardest to do that haha i once again

change my entire set up sort of no not

not my entire set of all i did today is

i moved my dresser from this room which

you guys have probably seen you probably

know where that is maybe because i

usually have to have a green screen up

in the live streams and stuff so you

guys probably haven't seen that for a

long time but I moved the dresser out of

my office into my bedroom and I brought

an end table in here so that I could put

my xbox and my ps3 on that instead of

having it taking up instead of having

both of them taking up so much room on

my beautiful lovely desk here and so now

I have a ton more room on my desk and

now I am kind of free to move the lamp

wherever I want and I don't have to

worry about that so I I have the camera

angles for now are much better this time

funny thing is moving all that and doing

all that and changing my my room just

that little tiny bit and adding this a

little bit of I guess extra neatness or

whatever to it has made me feel a lot

better just in general and I felt really

motivated today I

really energized I felt really good i

wanted to do a whole lot of other stuff

my bedroom is even looking nice because

now i don't have this end table with a

bunch of stuff piled on top of it

instead I have my dresser with a bunch

of stuff piled on top of it not really i

have i brought up an end table because

what i was going to try and do is put

this little our coffee table is what i

was going to try to do is put this

coffee table underneath my glass desk

here and put the gamecube and p s

well yeah the gamecube ps3 and xbox 360

on that underneath the desk instead of

beside it but the end table didn't fit

it's just a bit too wide so i had this

end table in my other in my bedroom there

so i decided well i'll try it with this

thing because I mean the height fits but

the width you know it's a square it's

not a rectangles or well the other ones

an oval actually so but it's not so long

right so I put it in there but the only

problem is my legs end up hitting it

when I'm sitting so it's very

uncomfortable so I decided instead to

put it beside my desk and the cords are

just long enough to reach perfectly over

there although I had to change how

everything kind of looks a little bit

the xbox is now standing up on its side

instead of laying down which is how I

usually like it but that really

shouldn't be a problem it's supposed to

be able to stand anyway either way just

in general was kind of fun to change

that all up and I feel good about it I

feel really good about just that so yeah

we'll see what tomorrow brings good

evening it's Wednesday I fell asleep

last night so I completely missed making

anything for Tuesday night but today and

today I was still really tired so I felt

like a little bit again today yesterday

I guess was just really really tiring

which I guess is ok and today well what

did i do I did nothing on the computer

really today at all I started making the

seminole for friday but didn't he was

finish that a little bit about tomorrow

get that set up then but what I did do

is I continued clean it up

stuff from my other dresser in my other

room there so that I can put all that

junk on to it so that will be fun ize

obviously did not finish this quite yet

so but I will be and what else i did is

i shaved i shaved my beard because my

beard gets very scruffy and kind of

gross and it just like all over the

place and i don't like it but i really

like the mustache and I really like the

goatee those are my favorite things this

this here the goatee I actually haven't

shaved that in over a year this is like

as long as it gets and that's it it's

it's silly my beard my beard can end up

getting like to this long but it just

curls up in it just kind of sits there

and it's that's annoying it gets caught

in my zippers to like for my sweaters and

stuff and that's really annoying to it

hurts because it pulls like on a single

strand it's stupid but the mustache I keep

the mustache hello and welcome to

Thursday today was a great day I got a

lot more done in the rooms that I'm

talking about to move and everything

changed everything cleaning everything

up my office is looking pretty good

although i still haven't done that mess

there yet I'm getting to that I am I am

been to that i vacuumed up my bedroom

and got a lot of other stuff done moved

around i guess in there there's a box in

there but i opened up and i found a

couple of cool things I found an old

walkman I don't know if anyone knows

what that is but i found an old walkman

in there and it still works he still

works it can play cassette tapes as well

as the radio i can listen to the radio

today just pop in some batteries and

you're good although you do need a

headset for it like Orwell headphones

for it to be able to hear anything

because it doesn't have speakers on it

itself but this was still kind of cool i

also found my old beyblade

set that i had i think i have four of

them there I might make a video on that

or something I might I don't know i'ma

show you guys at some point anyway

because I think that'd be kind of cool

not too too much else other than that I

didn't even do much on the computer

today all I did record a video of course

some mail and stuff but other than that

I was still just trying to figure out

where exactly i'm going to put all the I

guess junk it's still junk although some

may call it junk me I call them

treasures so figure out where I'm going

to put all that stuff because I don't

really a hundred percent know yet a lot

of is just kind of sitting out on my

dresser in there now yes I cleaned off

the dresser to put more junk sorry

treasures on them but I'm going to

figure out boxes other little boxes and

things to put all that stuff into and

then maybe just store it on top of the

dresser in that way and then

everything's easily accessible inside

boxes and it'll be nice and said of

having all this crap strewn about well

hello and welcome to Friday and today

after the live stream which went very

well later on the very beginning was a

full of garbage and stupid stuff but

we're going to just ignore that and go

past that all right sound good I like

that idea so after that I went into my

other room and i did a bunch of stuff

with my clothing that used to be sitting

all over there in which is still full of

junk but that pile over there isn't

really going to be able to have too much

done with it so that's fine but i put

all the clothes up where they need to go

i'm hanging all the hangers as well as

in the dresser and all that stuff and

other than that I did nothing I wanted

to do some other stuff on the computer I

didn't do a thumbnail yet for Monday's

live streams so I'm going to try and do

that tomorrow though for some reason it

never works that way for saturday

I just literally never do anything else

so I don't know i will i will figure

that out but i'd like to get that done

tomorrow shouldn't be too hard for me

and then that can be all ready for a

monday and i can hopefully start of

doing some other stuff as well this pile

of mess on that desk over there i think

is going to have to wait just a little

bit and until I can figure out all this

stuff and and get a little bit more time

instead of using up on my time doing all

that and doing all that and all that and

I can do some other stuff instead then

once I have time then this can get done

because this is an imperative right now

this is just something I want to do

because it'll make me feel even better

so but yeah we'll see what happens

tomorrow the last day of this week

welcome to the last day of the week

saturday and today was a pretty good day

although for some reason I guess I was

less energetic and a bit more tired than

normal today I not not tired as in how I

normally talk about being tired like not

sleeping right or anything like that but

just I guess body tired my body was

tired today so for training I wasn't

able to do as much as I normally could

or as well but I saw had a lot of fun

there was um there's one set of bars

that I think is about 10 feet from each

other and I was trying to swing from one

to the other and I got it I'm getting it

I'm hitting with both hands and I

actually grabbed onto a long time but I

let go right away because I am I would

have grabbed straight arms which would

have put too much strain rate into the

shoulders all that would have gone to

the shoulders tonight would not feel too

good so but that was pretty fun and yeah

I guess the the rest of this day was I'm

pretty relaxing from mom and I fell

asleep in our chairs while watching


and tomorrow we will probably do the

same and I don't know what else but we

will leave that fourth end so you guys

have a great day today or evening I hope

you had a great day today because a lot

of you are from other parts of the world

so when it's morning for me it's night

for you but either way I hope you guys

have a great next week and let me know

in the comments below what your week

what your past week was like and I look

forward to seeing that and I will see

you guys again very soon Godbless

For more infomation >> No More Complaints, Changed Up My Room (again...), Feeling More Positive - DragoNate Sunday Vlog - Duration: 13:54.


How to Delete your FACEBOOK account PERMANENTLY - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> How to Delete your FACEBOOK account PERMANENTLY - Duration: 2:55.


Vienna | Austria - Duration: 0:58.

Hey dear Urbansurfers, I'm Tolga.

I will talk about traditional foods in Vienna.

When someone says Vienna, it reminds me schnitzel.

If you want to eat schnitzel,

Figlmüller will be best place for it.

After a good dinner you may want to eat

some desert so you need to go to Hotel

Sacher for eating best sacher in Vienna.

If you want to try another culture food so

Australian pub will be the best place.

I ate kangaroo and crocodile meat and

they were really delicious

After a tiring day you can go to Cafe Central

to enjoy your coffee and listen to the piano show.

If you need suggestion for coffee

absolutely you should choice the

traditional one:wiener melange

Enjoy your trip.

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