- Hi, art friends.
- [Adam] Hi, our friends.
- We're gonna pump some iron.
- [Adam] We thought this would be a good opportunity
to let you guys know we're changing things up
to a fitness channel now.
- Not really.
We are gonna draw some stuff.
- [Adam] Tune in every week for this.
- Okay, we should actually scout out a location
where we can watercolour.
- [Adam] Yeah, we found like this really free,
like this free exercise stuff,
so we thought we'd come and check it out.
- I'm feeling pumped to go.
See those little benches over there.
- [Adam] Should we go look at those?
- We just found this bench that we feel like
we're probably gonna sit on.
Apparently it's to do with the diamond jubilee
of Queen Elizabeth.
- [Adam] Where you going?
- Just that view with the exercise machines,
it might be nice from here.
- [Adam] Oh, okay.
- [Stephanie] I few dead plants.
- [Adam] Yeah, we got a lovely view
of some dying plants.
We have some seagulls.
- [Stephanie] Where is our sketchbooks?
- [Adam] What are you actually planning
for us to draw today?
- Whatever affects our fancy.
We got two sets of sketchbooks in here.
We got the Doodle Date ones,
which in hindsight, since it's watercolour,
these ones might be slightly better for it.
- [Adam] Oh, so you want to use the Seawhite ones
that we've been using?
- I mean, it's still not the best quality in the world
for watercoloring.
- [Adam] Better than the Doodle Date ones.
- We're using the little watercolour palette
that we showed in a previous video.
There's not many colours in this.
- [Adam] If you guys didn't see this, guys,
this is what we're going to be using.
- I never brought any tissue or anything to brush it off.
- [Adam] Is this hardcore mode?
- Yeah, I think it is.
- [Adam] Hardcore watercoloring.
I wonder if we'll meet any bird friends.
- [Stephanie] Brought pencil cases in here.
So we're gonna be doodling on laps, I guess,
because we don't have a table.
- [Adam] Oh no, no tables.
I have spotted some fat pigeons.
Look how round he is.
Woah, he must've eaten another pigeon or something.
- [Stephanie] There's quite a few birdies
hanging around here.
- [Adam] I was hoping like some more birds might come
and see us if we sit really still.
But so far--
- [Stephanie] Well, if we still like a tree.
- [Adam] Yeah, perch on me.
If you stay like that for the Doodle Date
we'll see if any--
- There might not many interest in artwork.
There's quite a few of them
sitting over there. - Look how suspicious.
There's just all like, "Hmph."
- [Stephanie] Have you decided what you're gonna doodle?
- [Adam] Maybe pigeons.
There's a lot of them around. - Oh, that's a good idea.
- [Adam] There's one literally flying around.
- I'm just trying to draw the plants next to us.
I can't remember if I mentioned,
but the colours in this one,
I picked them to be kind of like a naturey colour palette.
So I feel like I probably got enough there.
- [Adam] Oh yeah, that's true.
These are going to be one funky coloured pigeons.
- [Stephanie] Oh yeah, that's a good point.
Pigeons do come in some interesting colours though.
- [Adam] And you are trying to draw these things here.
- [Stephanie] Yeah, and then I might put
some kind of character in them.
- [Adam] Oh okay, cool.
- [Stephanie] Here's me just getting a little closeup
of the plant that I'm drawing at the moment.
- [Adam] You think you're gonna about to replicate
the colour it has?
- [Stephanie] I don't know.
I've got a very limited colour palette with me.
- [Adam] I love how no one's questioning
why we're in this spot with squatting in the dirt.
- [Stephanie] We really are.
This is literally the angle that I'm in right now.
- [Adam] Welcome to Doodle Date,
where we take a dump in the bush.
- [Stephanie] Just realised I haven't had you
in the video yet.
- [Adam] Oh good.
It burns. - The suns just blinding you.
- They're coming to get me.
He's chasing him.
Can you see that?
- [Stephanie] Oh yeah.
- [Adam] He's like lowering his butt and stuff,
like, "I'm gonna get ya."
- [Stephanie] They're probably a couple.
- [Adam] "I'm gonna get ya."
- [Stephanie] Or at least he's trying to cot her.
- [Adam] "Do you have a minute to talk about car insurance?"
- [Stephanie] "No."
- [Adam] "How about if I dance around?"
- [Stephanie] Oh, he's doing a little dance.
Oh, there goes the bum.
- [Adam] Is this like a cotting dance?
- [Stephanie] It probably is.
- [Adam] Oh jeez.
- [Stephanie] Is that what you're drawing?
- This got awkward really quick.
I can't draw that.
Drawing pigeons is hard.
- [Stephanie] I don't think I've ever seen
you draw a pigeon before, or have I?
Is that the eyes on the side of the head?
- [Adam] 'Cause they kind of are.
Look at that one.
He's totally spying on me.
- [Stephanie] In the bushes.
- [Adam] He's like, "What you drawing?
"What you drawing, man?"
It just looks like they're doing some kind attack formation.
- [Stephanie] Do you like my drawing?
- [Adam] Let's look at yours.
- [Stephanie] It's inspired by that little one
that's hiding in there.
Although, he's really kind of melted.
I like his paws.
- [Adam] Oh, he's looking right at you.
- [Stephanie] I'd love to just go over and pat his head.
I don't think he'd like that. - I wish we had some seeds
or something.
- [Stephanie] I know.
- [Adam] Woah, slow it down Speedy.
Where you going?
You leave that one alone.
- [Stephanie] Is he going to whip him up?
- [Adam] "What you doing?
"What you doing?
"You seeing my butt?"
"Oh, no."
This is so awkward.
Guys, be nice.
- [Stephanie] Leave her alone.
She was having a sleep.
- [Adam] Oh he won't go in the dirt,
"I don't want to get my feet dirty."
This is gonna Barry.
- [Stephanie] Oh, is he coming up?
- [Adam] Hey, Barry.
Oh, Barry's on the move.
- [Stephanie] You keep getting a bit distracted by pigeons.
- 'Cause they've all got such different characters,
they're like little feathery people.
We're actually surrounded by them now.
It's kind of unsettling.
Have you seen how close they all are.
Oh, look at him.
Is that Barry?
- [Stephanie] He's just gonna sit there.
- [Adam] "Oh God, they've seen me."
- [Stephanie] Are you off now?
Bye Barry.
- [Adam] I'm drawing several pigeons.
- [Stephanie] That's one's so sad.
Is that the one that was asleep and gotten woken up.
- [Adam] Yeah, it's the sleepy.
I couldn't just settle on the one.
- [Stephanie] Which one's Barry?
- [Adam] That one.
That's Barry.
Is that Barry?
- [Stephanie] There's even ones over there as well now.
- Maybe we're pigeon whisperers
and we've never realised it before.
- [Stephanie] Say something in pigeon.
(Adam imitates pigeon)
I think that's a goose talking to you from over there.
- He's like, "Your pigeon impression's terrible."
- [Stephanie] Here's some little water brushes
that I've brought out with us.
- [Adam] Oh, is that what we're gonna be using to in with?
- One of them is Pentel one, and this one's a Kuretake.
I totally didn't think about
where to mix colours or anything.
And pigeons are quite grey,
so I'm gonna try doing the top of here.
But then it's probably gonna get all wet and gross
when I finally close it,
unless we find a napkin somewhere.
- [Adam] Should we like try
and go on some kind of treasure hunt?
- [Stephanie] Use a leaf or something to clear it out?
- [Adam] We're probably good.
I'll go have a look around to see if I can find something.
- Well, we don't need it just yet.
Okay, so I'm trying to mix a bit of greyish colour
from these tones,
and I don't what I'm doing.
Oh, that me a greyish colour.
- [Adam] Even to me that doesn't look too bad.
- [Stephanie] That'll do.
- [Adam] Save some of that for me.
I can't mix colours.
- [Stephanie] Oh, I'll help you mix colours if you need.
It's nice when the sun comes out,
gets us warm. - It's a really nice day.
- [Stephanie] The colours are probably gonna get quite muddy.
- [Adam] It's all part of the fun.
- [Stephanie] This is quite a challenge, really.
Those little plants are quite reddish.
- [Adam] These ones just here.
- [Stephanie] I mean, it means my colours
are gonna be a bit muddier than what I'd normally do them,
but I kind of like it, to be honest.
- [Adam] It's really cute, like super cute.
- [Stephanie] It's making it more of colour palette, I guess,
'cause the colours all look kind of related
since it's mixing.
- [Adam] What a cute little pig.
Okay, guys, I found this.
- [Stephanie] A leaf.
- [Adam] This is going to be my makeshift palette.
Here we go.
- [Stephanie] I don't know if that'll work for watercolour.
- [Adam] It's such a pretty colour though.
I'd give it a try.
- [Stephanie] I'm just wiping it off on my hand.
- [Adam] I guess that could work.
Oh, for mixing though.
- [Stephanie] Well, just to clean off the colours
that I already had on.
- [Adam] Okay, I'm gonna get my water brush too,
'cause I've already filled my water birds.
- Filled in my water birds.
Filled in my water birds.
Okay, so I have to hold this with one hand,
and I've got the camera in the other hand to film you.
- You're such a pro YouTuber now, honey.
- [Stephanie] And I'm helping Adam mix greys.
- [Adam] You're doing like three things at once for me.
- [Stephanie] Now, I can't guarantee I can mix
the same colour again.
- [Adam] Oh, that's fine.
I've never met a pigeon that's exactly the same.
- [Stephanie] So I'm just sort of making it up
as I go along.
There's a lot of water in that.
I just keep going until it kind of looks a greyish colour.
Do you want to try that?
So I've mixed quite a lot there.
- [Adam] I want to try that.
- [Stephanie] Where's the lid for this?
I don't know why I'm even holding it.
- [Adam] You're making this an unnecessary challenge.
- [Stephanie] Yeah, I'm making it harder for myself.
I can even pop this down, technically.
- [Adam] I was gonna say it's like
maybe you want to hold everything you can.
- [Stephanie] Well, I still need to hold my sketchbook
so it doesn't blow away,
'cause it's a little bit windy.
What was down there?
- [Adam] I thought you were gonna say,
"Where's the colour gone?"
Thank you, honey.
Let's see how this goes in, shall we?
- [Stephanie] And it's drying pretty quickly on sketchbook,
which is cool.
- [Adam] That's so cute.
- [Stephanie] I still don't know
if I want outline afterwards,
or if I like it. - I don't know
if it needs it though.
I think it looks really nice.
- [Stephanie] I still need to paint his wing as well.
Most of my pigeon references have run away though,
so I have to just make it up now.
- [Adam] They're kind of hanging over there now.
- [Stephanie] My hands' in such a mess
from trying to clean up my brush.
- Oh, honey.
We'll clean up when we're done.
- [Stephanie] Trying to peak over your shoulder to see.
- [Adam] Yours is way cuter.
I love yours.
- [Stephanie] You're running around a lot.
- It's because of this new fitness thing
we're doing with Doodle Date now.
We just actually run around.
No, I have a plan.
Because you've done such a good job with the colour in yours.
I was thinking maybe I'll play to my strengths
and use some smudging and stuff.
- [Stephanie] Yeah that's fine.
- Because there's a really nice--
- [Stephanie] It's not like it's a challenge video.
- I guess.
But because there's a really nice yellow too,
I'm gonna try and do the eyes in that really nice yellow.
- [Stephanie] Oh you're gonna paint the eyes yellow?
- Hopefully.
- [Stephanie] So how come you stood up?
Isn't this awkward for you?
- No, because I need to find somewhere to smudge,
'cause I can't do it sat down.
- [Stephanie] So you're grabbing some of that yellow?
- [Adam] Oh yeah, lots of yellow.
Okay, let's see if this is any good.
- [Stephanie] Oh, that is pretty cool.
- And I'll give him like a pupil and stuff.
His mom is looking seriously dead and grey.
I feel like I need to step up my game,
'cause yours is so cute.
That's why I'm like, "I need smudge it.
"I need to do good things."
- [Stephanie] Winds blowing my sketchbook around.
- I'm like, "Don't look at me.
"I can make it look better."
We're getting there, we're getting there.
I'm gonna run off and smudge somewhere.
- [Stephanie] Oh, you're going down here.
- I'm being so active.
I'm going to run around there in a minute.
- No, I can't keep up. - You're gonna have to like
chase me with the camera.
There we go.
You know, guys, we didn't even plan to film pigeons,
but I'm so glad that we did.
I think it's been so much fun.
- [Stephanie] I'd like to come back on day,
and have another go at doing like
a pigeon drawing video. - And we'll bring some seeds
and stuff.
- [Stephanie] Yeah, that would be fun.
- I think it will be really nice.
- [Stephanie] Although, don't be surprised
if other birds turn up.
- But that would be awesome. - Oh, some magpie over there,
talking about other birds turning up.
- [Adam] Yeah, seriously guys,
if you want us to do a video like that,
give us a thumbs up and let us know,
'cause I would be totally up
for doing another bird themed one.
- [Stephanie] Awkwardly trying to film
that little magpie over there.
- [Adam] Awkward magpie.
- [Stephanie] It's so hard trying to zoom in with one hand.
There he is, he's running past.
Can you guys see him?
- [Adam] He's running.
He's just stood there.
Okay guys, I can't own to this,
but this really nice blue wash was by Steph.
- [Stephanie] It's a shame,
in this light you can barely see it,
but yeah, it's a really pale little blue
that he's washing over within the background now.
You can make it a bit darker if you want darker.
- [Adam] No, no, I like this.
I like this colour.
- [Stephanie] You know, this is my first time
using this little palette outside the house.
- [Adam] Oh really?
- [Stephanie] Yeah, and I put it together
to be like a natural colour scheme.
- [Adam] It looks really nice.
- [Stephanie] It was really built
for doing stuff like this. - It's built
for colouring in pigeons.
- [Stephanie] It's made excited to use it some more
in the future.
- [Adam] Yeah guys, and seriously,
let us know if you want us to film more birds,
because I had so much fun with this.
- [Stephanie] Yeah, we live in an area
where there's quite a lot of English birds.
- [Adam] You're very good with lining.
- [Stephanie] I'm just trying to tighten it up
a little bit.
- [Adam] I love his face,
how he's slightly uncomfortable
with you painting around him,
he's like, "Um."
- [Stephanie] There's a lot of honking going on right now.
- [Adam] We're being attack by geese.
- [Stephanie] Oh, is that a flying goose going past?
What a sight.
- [Adam] Okay, maybe next time we can do geese.
- [Stephanie] Yeah, we live near so many geese.
- [Adam] Even though we live in the UK, guys,
we actually have a lot of Canadian geese.
So maybe next time we'll do those.
- [Stephanie] I'm not sure why we have so many of those.
I'm gonna try to use this to get up some of the water.
- [Adam] I'm glad we found a way to use for it.
- [Stephanie] Leaves are waterproof, this isn't good.
- [Adam] Oh, we need something to absorb it.
- [Stephanie] Can you find me something?
- [Adam] I could took some dirt on it for you if you want.
Oh, hang on.
It's watercolour, isn't it?
- [Stephanie] Yeah.
- [Adam] Oh, then it can wash out.
I can just use my sleeve if you want.
- No, don't use your sleeve.
- [Adam] But it'll wash out, it'll be fine.
- [Stephanie] You're using your fingers?
- Yeah, 'cause my skin's absorbent, right?
Hey, it's working.
I bet you're glad you finally met a man
that's like a sponge.
- [Stephanie] What a talent you possess.
- "I can't wait to show my spongy man to my family."
That's fine now.
That is dry.
I am so chuffed.
- [Stephanie] That's wonderful.
- Finally, a use for my spongy hands.
- Subscribe for more of our videos,
and I'll link another one up on the screen
if you want to watch another video.
- [Adam] And don't forget to give this one
a big thumbs up, guys,
in case you want to see us at the park again.
- And here's our finished artwork.
- [Adam] So many happy pig.
- [Steph and Adam] Doodle Date.
- [Adam] Is that Barry?
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