Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
FIDGET SPINNER Hypnosis Deceiving mother - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 3:44.FIDGET SPINNER Hypnosis Deceiving mother - [RabbitPlay]
"Es más motivación que presión": Ángel Zaldívar, llamado a ser el goleador de las Chivas - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Neighborhood demands cleanup of illegal concrete dump in Youngstown - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Dump Truck Accident Shuts Down I-10 - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Nghe Kinh Phật này cực kỳ linh nghiệm - Sám hối tội lỗi hết nghiệp chướng, vận may sẽ tìm đến bạn - Duration: 1:36:30.-------------------------------------------
Gov. Baker expected to file immigration enforcement bill - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Trump Pushes Out Priebus As WH Chief Of Staff - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Why do children have tantrums? - Duration: 2:34.What do you do when you're really angry?
If you're two years old then the answer is easy: scream as loud as you can, fall on
the ground, flail your limbs.
Why do children react this way?
Emotional regulation.
This is a set of skills that you acquire gradually from birth.
These skills allow you to feel your emotions without getting carried away by them, and
to express your emotions in a socially acceptable way.
Small children have not yet learned these skills.
Distressed babies will scream and cry until they are completely exhausted unless someone
comes to help calm them down.
When their parent holds them, rocks them, sings to them, they feel comforted and start
to calm down.
With practise, they learn this pattern: upset - calm.
Eventually this pattern will become sufficiently ingrained, that they can follow it themselves,
without their parents help.
Toddlers have some basic self-regulation skills - they can walk away from upsetting situations,
or hold a comforting object like a teddy.
But they are not yet masters of this and can still easily become overwhelmed by their emotions.
They can be helped through this by distracting their attention…
Their developing minds can only focus on one idea at a time.
Any distraction can make them forget whatever was so upsetting.
But toddlers have learned something about tantrums - that they force your parents to
The easiest reaction in the short term is to give the child what they want - if they
are screaming because you said they couldn't have any sweets, then they will stop screaming
if you give them sweets.
But… this method is terrible in the long term.
This teaches the child that crying is the way to get what you want.
This will not only teach the toddler a useful tactic, but will also start to get wired into
their brain as a natural reaction.
'Ways to get what I want' is exactly the type of thing that the brain likes to make
sure it remembers.
A parent faced with a crying, flailing toddler, can try distraction, comforting, and giving
the child space to make use of their own self-regulation skills (also known as time out).
It's important to remember that for small children who are not yet able to express themselves
with language, crying and other behaviours are the only way they can get their messages
As the child develops their language skills, they will be better able to tell you what's
Parents can support this development by naming the child's emotions for them as they happen
and mirroring their facial expressions.
So long as tantrums are not rewarded, they will gradually decrease as the child matures
and learns how to manage their emotions.
Here's My Canada: My Inspiration - Duration: 0:31.Terry Fox is an inspiring Canadian
I feel strongly about.
Terry Fox was my fellow Canadian
who ran across the country to raise money
and awareness for cancer.
He is our national hero.
Terry Fox did not let his fight with cancer stop him
from saving other Canadian lives.
Terry Fox was brave and encouraging to many
including me.
I wish I got the chance to meet him.
Happy 150th Canada!
Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag | 2017 - Duration: 14:12.-------------------------------------------
University of Alabama professor talks about arrest at Washington protest - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Heile durch Selbsthass, -ablehnung entstandene Geschwüre durch Haritaki - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Backstage with Bruno: 'H.M.S. Pinafore' - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
Translation Insights - PART 1 - Duration: 7:49.before we discuss this chapter in Genesis, I want to take a few minutes to discuss something a bit general
but important nature concerning the bible
it involves a rather scholarly, legal term.
The word is Redacted.
Redacted is a word you're going to hear with some regularity in these lessons;
it simply means, "edited".
And, I know that it bothers some Christians to be told that you are NOT reading the
original scriptures in your Bibles.
These writings went through many revisions over the ages.
But, I also want to assure you, that these revisions......particularly
to the OT......were generally minor.
We know this is the case because with the finding
of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written down by the
Essenes over a period time from roughly 50 BC to just before 70 AD, we have
been able to compare the words of the Hebrew OT scriptures
found among those Dead Sea documents with what we have been using for centuries, and
they are close to identical.
Only some minor spelling variations were found, and perhaps a phrase
here and there was added or dropped or modified......usually by adding, deleting,
or changing a person's name or a city......and THAT
because that name or city more recently went by a different name or title due to language
evolution; none of these minor variations had any significant effect on the meaning
or the principle that was being addressed.
Now, understand that the OLDEST OT documents written in Hebrew currently in use in our
modern Bibles were copies from the late 900's A.D......just
before the time of the Crusaders.
The finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls took us back, in one giant leap,
almost 1000 years earlier that time, which is
partly why that find was so important to us; so to see that virtually no meaningful changes
had occurred over a 1000 years attests to the
dedication of the hundreds and thousands of Jews and gentiles who
had hand-copied the Hebrew Bible for further use and distribution over that 10 century period.
What we are reading in the Torah is very least in the original Hebrew.
Where we have a few problems is with the translations from Hebrew to other languages.
And, the first translation of the OT from Hebrew to
another language was in Greek..... and that was
accomplished about 200 years BEFORE the Dead Sea Scrolls were written down.
Called the Septuagint, the Greek language version of
the OT has also proven to have been faithfully copied
and handed down over the centuries, so it, too, is a very useful and accurate document.
However, as we have discussed before, there are very
real challenges in translating the THOUGHTS and the concepts of one
culture and its associated language, into another culture and ITS associated language.
Hebrew thought and Greek thought were then, and remains
to this day, miles apart.
And, there are many words and thoughts in Hebrew that have no
parallel in Greek.
So, something close, or at least similar, had to be chosen in some cases. That was the limitation.
This problem is even more troublesome with the NT; because the oldest NT documents we
possess are all written in Greek.
Yet, it is obvious and unchallenged that the writers of the NT were
Jews; they were Jews thoroughly immersed in Hebrew culture and Hebrew thought.
We can compare the ancient Greek Septuagint against
the ancient Hebrew OT and fairly easily find where
the translation problems lay; but it is somewhat different for the N.T., because we have relatively
few passages of N.T. writings that were written down in Hebrew at some point or another; and
all of those appear to have been taken from the Greek,
not the other way around.
Recently, though, a group of Jewish scholars HAVE written a complete
Hebrew NT, using the tremendous leaps in understanding of Hebrew culture in the days
of Yeshua, that also gives us a better understanding of the 1st believers,
whether they were Jews or Christians.
This Bible is written by the Bible Society of Israel, and it is a fully parallel
OT and NT in English and Hebrew.....a very valuable tool for any serious student of the Bible.
(And by the way you can get that from Holy Land Marketplace)
Now, the translation problem is further multiplied when you take a Hebrew thought, try to translate
it in a foreign language, like Greek; and then take the Greek and further translate it into yet
another language, like English.
Even more, over time, words within a particular language can take on
different meanings.
What an English word meant when the first King James Bible was written, as
compared to today, can be quite different.
Here's the thing: understand that the mere translation of a document from one language to another
is by its nature a redaction, an editing.
Simply translating the Hebrew to Greek and then the Greek to English, adds in variations and editorial opinions.
Why else do you suppose we have the absolutely endless series of what we call
Bible versions in English today?
And, don't forget, the Bible has also been translated into hundreds of
other languages, and a substantial amount of those are taken from the English.
the English!
HSN | Colors of Diamonds Jewelry Celebration 07.28.2017 - 04 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
Haritaki entschlackt körperlich, mental & emotional - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
Cordoncillo con dos hebras - Crochet, ganchillo - Duration: 3:01.We are going to explain how to make another crochet cord
This time with two yarns with different colors
or the same color.
We make a knot to tie the two yarns together
Insert the hook into one of them, no matter which,
and make a chain with only one yarn
Once we have made the chain,
holding the two yarns this way, one on the front and the other one at the back,
we make as follows: take the front yarn from behind towards the front
take the hook backwards and
hook the yarn at the back and draw through the 2 rings on the hook
and draw through
and draw through
So we have a different but very easy to make crochet cord.
Ford Fiesta 1.25 TITANIUM 5DRS, Airco, 15"Velg, Radio/cd Fabriek. Rijklaarprijs! - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
France Daily Observation and Bad Driving Compilation #42 - Duration: 8:04.Got myself in a tiny parking garage again...
This car isn't here, usually
Montmartre !
First car stops in he middle of the road to drop people off
Then a second one does the same. Why didn't they get out while the first group of people was also blocking the road ?
Are you kidding me ?
Peds crossing next to the crosswalk blocked the VW which stopped in my lane
I had plenty of room to overtake but she moved to the middle of the road without checking for cars
Same here, I could have passed without making her brake but she didn't feel like helping me out... "Share the road", they say
Lets his dog run where my back wheel is about to be
I might be blocking the intersection right now...
Driving on the wrong side, honking at a ped on a crosswalk
Letting him out because I know ho difficult it is to reverse out of that spot
Next day. Got himself in that situation again...
Surrounded by 9 lanes of traffic. Must be nerve wrecking
Especially since his car is parked in the middle of the motorway
Satnav got lost
Being nice
Zero lane discipline
Yellow lights don't allow you to do that
I have right of way over everyone here. Car on the left didn't even bother slowing down to check if someone was coming
Taxi changes lane for no reason
I bought the right lane
I don't understand why no one else using this lane
Tail gating much ?
Been waiting for a while to overtake a slow car in the fast lane
Of course you would be turning right...
A bit rude to get in front of me like that
Poor trafic cone
The "do whatever you want intersection"
No one keeps to their lane, people have to turn left from th right lane because this intersection is badly laid out
Red light
Had to cut off a traffic cheater in order to not take a bus in the face
And he was in the bus lane on the right, to turn left...
Bicycle all over the road, going the wrong way
SUMMER BEACH ESSENTIALS! - Duration: 5:07.Hey guys it's me Katie and welcome to my channel BeautyWithKatie.
Today I am going to be doing a summer essentials for the beach video and I really hope you
guys enjoy.
Please comment, like, and subscribe it would really mean a lot to me.
So the first thing that you guys are going to need for the beach obviously is a cute
bathing suit.
Mine is just from Triangl.
Then secondly you are going to need a beach cover up.
Mine is from Hollister and it's just super cute easy to throw on and take off so that's
really good.
You are going to need sandals because you are not wanting to be walking barefoot on
that beach.
Because your feet just with the sand it is going to hurt.
So you are going to need a cute pair of sandals for the beach.
Then obviously you are going to need sunglasses.
And a hat to protect yourself from the sun hitting
your face and causing you to be more sun burnt.
On the topic of getting sun burnt you are going to need sunscreen for your face and
for your body.
Because let me just tell you, you do not wanna to be sun burnt.
Sun burnt is just not fun and you could get skin cancer down the line, which is horrible.
If you go in the water you are going to need detangling spray when you get out.
So I just use the It's a 10 spray.
And you are going to need a brush that can get out all of the knots in your hair from
the water.
So I just have a Wet Brush, which is really good and easy for getting out knots from your
It literally saved me so many times from like having to brush my hair for like twenty minutes
because I just can't get the knots out.
Before you go to the beach your going to want to put on some makeup, but your scared that
like what if it gets all smudgy and I look like a raccoon under the water, but I wanna
go under the water.
No need to worry just use some water proof mascara.
Water proof concealer.
And I'd also recommend using BB cream with SPF.
And I just use the BB cream from Maybelline.
I'd recommend putting on perfume putting on perfume before you go to the beach.
Just something tropical you know get yourself in that beach mode.
And the perfume I am using is from Bath and Body Works and it just seems really nice like
mangoes and very fruity and tropical.
Before you go to the beach your definitely going to put on deodorant.
Cause at the beach it is going to be super duper hot your going to be sweating like crazy.
And you know you don't wanna be smelling up the place so put on some deodorant.
And girl you should be putting on deodorant all day everyday because you just need deodorant.
Also at the beach if you are there for hours the whole day you may wanna listen to some
So I'd recommend bring some headphones or earbuds that you just have lying around your
It's just a good idea.
Also for the beach I would recommend having a cute water bottle.
Because you are going to be sweating it is going to be hot and you know girl you are
going to need to drink some water and stay hydrated.
Also for the beach I would recommend bringing some fruity summery lip balms or a lip balm
with SPF.
Because your lips actually can get burnt and I would not recommend you know testing that
and seeing if your lips will get burnt or not.
So just wear some lip balm with SPF or just fruity lip balm.
Because your lips might get chapped and you just may need some lip balm.
You are going to need a beach towel a cute beach towel of your choice to bring to the
Because I mean your not just going to be laying on the sand you are going to need a cute beach
And lastly to hold all of this stuff you are bringing to the beach.
You are going to need a cute bag that will just hold all your stuff and keep everything
Thank you guys so much for watching this video and I will see you guys next week with a new
Please comment, like, and subscribe!!!
Bye guys!
Walker talks FoxConn opportunities during stop in La Crosse - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Nghe Kinh Phật này cực kỳ linh nghiệm - Sám hối tội lỗi hết nghiệp chướng, vận may sẽ tìm đến bạn - Duration: 1:36:30.-------------------------------------------
Dunkirk Special James Holland on the background, significance & legacy of Operation Dynamo - Duration: 9:01.On Monday the 27th of May Black Monday that is the day that Britain comes
closest to losing the war, by the end of the week by the end of the Dunkirk
evacuation when not the 45,000 men that was expected to be lifted in a best-case
scenario 338 thousand plus had been evacuated then suddenly you're in a
situation where actually complete meltdown and crisis has been averted and
actually suddenly the nation is pulling together and their strength is growing
and their ability to hold out and to keep fighting and actually eventually
possibly even overtake Germany in terms of strength it suddenly being realized
so that week is the pivotal week. Had Britain lost the war then Germany Nazi
Germany would have dominated the entire year of European continent as well as
Great Britain and their job in the Soviet Union might have been just that
little bit easier. Well most of the Dunkirk evacuation the British probably
didn't wasn't aware that it was happening it was only once they started
coming back and droves that they started to realise and there was a press embargo
on this until I think something like the 30th of May so well into the evacuation
and when the little ships were called out I think on the night of the 28th of
May you know the embargo was still in place so the little the little sort of
powers shallow-draft boats all around East Anglia and southern Britain they
were called out but you know please keep it under wraps that was basically the
message the British public were really really deeply shocked by the turn of
events on the continent because no one expected the combined alliance of
Britain and France and then lastly once the war began at once the Germans
launched their attack Holland and Belgium as well they thought that would
be enough and now there's a rule of thumb when you're attacking that you
need at least three to one material advantage and the Germans didn't have
anything like that what they were able to do was bring to bear that freeze that
important advantage at the main point of attacking Germans called the Schwerpunkt
this concentration of force but overall not at all I mean France alone had
double the number of artillery pieces had almost double the number of tanks
that had bigger better tanks I mean you know on paper they shouldn't
lost where it was where it was won by the Germans was in their speed of
maneuver their speed of operation helped massively by the fact that German people
were there were more radios in Germany per family than any other country in the
world including the United States mechanically they were way down the list
they were kind of way behind France way behind Britain and certainly obviously
way behind behind the USA but in terms of radios Germany had lots of them and
so they're able to harness that and of course if you have radios in your tanks
and your trucks and your tip with your artillery even with your groovy BMW
motorbikes and sidecars then you can all communicate with each other very quickly
I mean that was the failing of the First World War that people could would
exploit it you know it would break through but they couldn't exploit it
because they couldn't communicate get reinforcements now the Germans have done
that the French still don't have radios they're stymied by this slow methodical
top-heavy um command structure they don't have
many radios just a few they're dependent on telephones and traditional telephone
wires which then get cut by bombing by you know problems of war and they just
can't move and the roads are being clogged by refugees and what that means
is units are being ordered by dispatch rider who are often getting lost and by
the time that order has reached the place it needs to be other events have
already moved and so what's happening is the French forces are just stuck where
they are they're literally like rabbits in headlights like they cannot physically
move and what that means is the Germans can concentrate their best forces which
are a comparatively small spearhead to the long wooden shaft of the rest of the
German army and can take out those units in detail and basically envelop the
whole lot but no one was expecting that so back in Britain
everyone is just absolutely gobsmacked by this turn of events and you have to
remember that people have been seeing the Nazis on newsreels at the cinemas
and so on these huge Nuremberg rallies and that all looks incredibly
intimidating and scary and so they've already been put on a kind of military
pedestal that perhaps they don't deserve and everything that happens in France
just confirms their very very worst fears so there is general panic in
Britain and what happens during that dunker with
week is they panic nearly so much that they throw in the towel the driving
force behind that is Lord Halifax who is a foreign secretary who is urging the
War Cabinet to pursue peace talks through Signor Bastianini who is the
Italian ambassador to Britain and had they done that what Churchill realizes
who is only sixteen days into his Premiership when Operation Dynamo
evacuation begins what Churchill realizes that once you open that door
even just ajar it then blows wide open and you can't shut it again and you've
already signed your death warrant effectively you've crossed the Rubicon
of which there is no return and he was absolutely right but you know Halifax
was the most respected politician in Britain Churchill had and was recognized
as being a maverick with quite unsound judgment but actually
the irony is is the man who was known to be steady, sound, you know, the absolute
epitome of good sense was the one who was losing his head and the one who had
the reputation for being a maverick and unreliable was the one who was really
keeping calm and as he was able to defeat Halifax on the 28th of May and
win over first the War Cabinet the five-man war cabinet and then the outer
cabinet so Churchill's own strength was reinforced and with it came this start
of this wonderful oratory and his own self-confidence and his understanding
his geopolitical understanding of the wider situation was that yes the BEF has
been defeated but most of the men have come back which is a psychological and
morale-lifting victory even though from the jaws of defeat but also what
Churchill recognized was of the British Army was a very very small component in
its armed services the absolutely number one senior service was the Royal Navy
which was really important because obviously we're an island nation and
second was the growing strength of the RAF and the RAF was able to operate over
Britain with the world's first fully coordinated air defence system which is
something that no-one else had ever thought of doing and no-one and no one
else in the world had so France didn't have in the RAF when they were in France
didn't have that either but they do when they're operating over Britain this is a
massive shock for the Luftwafe and completely blunts them in the Battle of
Britain but Churchill realizes that actually
there's a lot in Britain's favor the Dominions the empire extra imperial
possessions in South America for example Egypt control of the Suez Canal this
huge Navy the world's largest merchant shipping Navy access to around eighty
eighty-five percent of the world's merchant shipping you know these are all
colossal advantages and yes the very very tiny army has been defeated but
sort of that doesn't matter in the big scheme of things because we have the
Navy we have access to resources and we can grow our army and we can fight back
we can rebuild our strength as long as we can hold on now we can hold it we can
rebuild our strength as German strength is diminished well the little ships
contribution was significant because it it showed this kind of it bound people
together and it became part of the legend I mean how many people they
actually lifted of course you know compared to you know a destroyer or a
cross-channel ferry or something you know it's a tiny tiny fraction but so
many people answered the call and you know lots of them sacrifice their lives
and it became part of the myth it became part of it very very quickly part of the
myth you know everyone recognized what they
had done and it from a morale point of view it psychologically it helped bind
Britain it all became part of this we're not going to be defeated we might have
our backs to the wall but everyone can play their part and it was this part it
played an incredibly important part in this concept of bringing the entire
nation together, that this is not just about our armed services this is about
every man woman and child in Britain pulling their weight and these people
these civilians answer the call you are morally obliged everybody else is
morally obliged to do their bit as well it really works so there so it's a
psychological and moral advantage of what they achieve rather than the
numbers of men that they were actually lifting off the beaches but you know
it's a fantastic story isn't it?
Hawk Nelson Diamonds Cover With Unconditional Love Xo Enjoy :D ! - Duration: 2:48.Here and now I'm in the fire, In above my head
Oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh Being held under the pressure,
Don't know what'll be left Oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh
But it's here in the ashes I'm finding treasure
He's making diamonds, diamonds Making diamonds out of dust
He is refining in his timing He's making diamonds out of us
I'll surrender to the power Of being crushed by love
Oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh Till the beauty that was hidden
Isn't covered up Oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh
Oh it's not what I hoped for It's something much better
He's making diamonds, diamonds Making diamonds out of dust
He is refining in his timing He's making diamonds out of us
Oh the joy of the Lord It will be my strength
When the pressure is on He's making diamonds
Oh the joy of the Lord It will be my strength
When the pressure is on He's making diamonds
Oh the joy of the Lord It will be my strength
When the pressure is on He's making, he's making
He's making diamonds, diamonds Making us rise up from the dust
He is refining in his timing He's making diamonds out of dust
Making diamonds out of us
I won't be afraid to shine I won't be afraid to shine
I won't be afraid to shine Cause he's making diamonds out of dust
Making diamonds out of us
Here's My Canada: What I want for the future of Canada - Duration: 0:27.This is what I want for the future of Canada,
minimum wage that increase next year
which means a lot of service sector workers
will start earning more.
That would increase discretionary
spending levels in most households.
Income levels are somewhat proportionate
to spending levels which means more
income is going towards contributions to
the economy, which is actually the lifeline
of Canada's progressive future.
For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: What I want for the future of Canada - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
Ultron is Back~! Go Marvel Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Spidey - NomNom TOYS - Duration: 4:05.NomNom TOYS (놈놈토이스)
Ultron is Back~! Go Marvel Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Spidey
Ultron이 돌아왔다 ~! 마블 헐크, 아이언 맨, 캡틴 아메리카, 토르, 스파이디 가자.
For more infomation >> Ultron is Back~! Go Marvel Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Spidey - NomNom TOYS - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
I'm Poppy Meme|Joke Meme| Read Description - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Mylife Airconditioning-Schuif/kantel dak - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
MY BELLY BUTTON AND EAR PIERCING EXPERIENCE (SUBTITULADO AL ESPAÑOL) ♡ HeyI'mVal - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
Tumblr Tag - Duration: 3:49.hi hey hello I'm Hannah and I decided to start a YouTube channel and I thought
you know of course why not for the first video do the tumblr tag so I'm going to
just you know go check out what's happening on my tumblr yeah so we're just
gonna get started
ah! this is so good it's exactly what I wanted
I'm just- you know I really appreciate my fans you know going through all this
effort I'm just so touched that people would have blogs like dedicated to me I
just it just makes me feel really good about myself and that people are able to
like interact and meet new people like all because of me it's just like my
favorite thing about my job. my job being YouTube I don't know
I don't know which one I was um yeah so uh I'm just really touched by this I
absolutely live for it so I just thank you guys all so much I really appreciate
it it really means a lot to me to see all
your like, fan art and stuff so yeah thank you guys so much
that's about it for the video so if you uh if you liked the video make sure to
give it a thumbs up um what else do I say? subscribe make
sure you subscribe down below if you enjoyed the video if you thought I was
like a little funny or like you like Tumblr. subscribe if you like Tumblr. give
it a thumbs up if you have thought about tumblr sometime in your life
and hey if you're feeling wild uh turn on post notifications. post notifactions?
is it post notifications on YouTube I'm- oh my gosh I just realized i've been looking at the view finder
the whole time
that felt so good in my heart, that take. okay well yeah thanks for watching I'll
be making a new video and posting it probably once a week but maybe more I
don't know, I need to figure it out. also yeah we're just going to see but thank you so
much for watching thank you so much for making that amazing content and posting
it on tumblr just like because of me I really appreciate okay goodbye
hi hello! no, what I don't remember what it was was
hi hey hello and oh interesting that's not what
I wanted but you're going to do this okay and one two three
Wow oh no not yet I can dance really well as you can tell
oh wow! lots of people called Hannah Jayne none of them are me okay Wow oh
maybe that one's me I think that one's me just kidding that's not my name if you
liked the video shmake sure to- mm!
Cover of "Jane Says" by Jane's Addiction - Corinne Crimson & Roz (Guitar/ Ukulele w/Chords/ Lyrics) - Duration: 3:09.Hi, I'm Corinne And I'm Rozalynn
We're coming to you from Santa Cruz, California This song is by Jane's Addiction
And it's called ...
JANE SAYS, "I'm done with Sergio" He treats me like a ragdoll"
She hides the television Says, "I don't owe him nothing But if he comes back again Tell him to wait right here for me
I'll try again tomorrow I'm gonna kick tomorrow I'm gonna kick tomorrow"
Jane says "have you seen my wig around" "I feel naked without it"
She knows they all want her to go That's okay man she don't like them anyway
Jane says, "I'm going away to Spain When I get my money saved
I'm gonna start tomorrow I'm gonna kick tomorrow
I'm gonna kick tomorrow She gets mad and she starts to cry
Takes a swing but she can't hit!
She don't mean to harm She just don't know what else to do about it
Jane goes to the store at eight She walks up on St. Andrews She waits and gets her dinner there
She pulls her dinner from her pocket Jane says, "I've never been in love"
No, she don't know what it is She only knows if someone wants her
"I want 'em if they want me I only know they want me"
La la la la la la la
Whoo hoo
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