Actor/Author/Filmmaker Bill Duke Masterclass: The director doesn't hire you to act like that person the director hires you
to become that person are the most talented actors the ones
who make it in the Hollywood that's a very intriguing question if some people
who are so unaware of how this place works I believe that or of experience
that if you don't have the understanding of this industry
and the systems of the industry without a stroke of divine intervention it's
difficult to not only be successful but to survive
I think that some actors who make it in Hollywood
are very talented there's some of my heroes the Meryl Streep's of the world
you know a lot of people that I love their work but I think a lot of it's
luck looks strategic alliances and relationships your agent and a lot of
business components so everybody I see as an actor like you know Philip Seymour
Hoffman unfortunately who died recently you know and acting takes courage it's
not about you know how you look only but Meryl Streep is in Carroll she looks she
just surrenders to the truth of the character not everybody has the ability
to do that they look good and they can pretend to be that person it's not the
same as being that person and there are not many actors that will surrender to
that one of my great acting teachers when I was a very young actor I asked a
similar question he said I'm gonna make it real simple for you he said it's like
falling into darkness backward imagine just falling into darkness backward no
control of your landing you're gonna be caught or not just a fault embrace it
well supposes our rock back there or suppose there's a I don't know no
pillows and just hard floor the writer is saying to you
I want you to fall into darkness backward I'm giving you all the
description the director and I of who the character is we've had rehearsals
and discussions about who this human being is I do not want you to describe
them to me I want you to become them by falling into darkness backward can you
do that there are all kinds of acting techniques and whoever wants to go that
way fine but it's idiotic for an actor to think that in order to play a
substance user that he has to take a substance it's
it's like that's insanity actors who can play a substance user talk to substance
users and see what they do but the truth of the matter is once he sees that
or she sees that what a great actors understand is that
we are everything so therefore you don't have to take substances you just
surrender to the substance user within you see actors who play they may
hate criminals, they may hate whatever as
people but what they realize at one time or another in their lives they have evil
- and surrendering - that is the I mean to me that's the strength the
glory the courage of great actors and we don't have many of them unfortunately I
think where all of us are everything and people say why can you say that I'm a
woman with a child I'm not a criminal? Okay suppose somebody just came up and
made sure a baby in the head with a hammer
what would you call your response to that if you picked that hammer up no
one's saying you're a criminal no one's saying you're anything but you're
everything and if you're hired to do a job the director doesn't hire you to act
like that person the director hires you to become that
person and that's something that most people understand about acting I think
it's not I don't that word is annoying because it means you're pretending
acting is not pretending acting is becoming it's surrendering to the spirit
of whatever you're that character you're describing is so thing called stage
fright that's when you're in the middle you've given part of yourself up to be
the character but your ego and your fear and paranoia is watching how you give it
up and tries to control the shape of that giving up but real actors like the
ones that I adore and the Kate Winslet's and the Meryl Streep's and Denzel's when
he's really in it and the Sam Jackson's and
Philip Seymour Hoffman's and the Jeffrey Wrights and when those people go there
there's no there's nobody there except that character and that's admirable it
takes courage people to understand because sometimes you're not control
you're you're you're gonna ride if the trust and the person you trust the
director to say that I ride right what do you think cuz you don't stand outside
and look at your ride you ride and that's what real great actors do
surrender totally to the moment and to totally respond to what the other person
that you're acting with is doing that's her that takes courage you're not
watching yourself anymore you're watching the person you're with in the
scene you're not watching how you react to what they do
you're responding like we're talking right now I'm not trying to be a special
anything I'm just responding to what you're asking me
that's what acting should be common mistakes number one no actress for the
most part and some actors which just through egos were out of shape believed
that acting is about talking or speaking their minds they have no understanding
of the art of listening we are having a conversation what a conversation is you
speak I listen closely to what you're saying because I want to respond to your
question most actors had memorized their line so no matter
how you say it or what's anything they just respond
with their line non camera it looks like no wait a minute she was crying Oh Becky
you want to go to the prom no no she was crying when you give it a
flower oh yeah take two hey Becky you want to go to the prom cut you don't
have a long talk in the corner okay
second biggest mistake I think is that
some actors are not collaborators you know it's like they're so unsecured it's
like they're seen and so they go in with attitude like well this is my seats add
more lines than you know so you know and
there's two people on the scene it's two people on scene feeling the monologue
it's just you but there are people's Eagles who are so large that you're not
even there so it's like that's how good they can be and that's annoying as hell
the third thing is
nerves I mean I've literally seen I had to stop shooting a scene because in the
middle of this scene the actor was sweating so badly that we at the cut are
you okay what happen when I say sweat I'm talking about because internally
they are so worried about the fact that they're not doing it right that they
just something internally happens and they just are terrified and so as a
director you get a call and give them you know make sure they they know that
they're protected make sure it's if they you you gotta give me assurance because
acting is response it's it's it's it's surrendering it's not holding on to
safety that's easy for me to say but try it sometimes try going in and trying to
do it and you don't know how it's gonna turn out you ask how was I how did it go
was great can I see it you know it's like you
don't know how it was because you were involved in it and not knowing what to
do is we're not feeling safe that you've done it well it's it's it's a challenge
that one there are some actors I won't mention their names but there they are
so involved in legitimacy of what they do they're there before the crew and me
they just sit on this set and sit in this seat they know they're gonna be in
sometimes or if they're if it's supposed to be their bedroom they'll go around
there woman touch the props and do what is
never become familiar with the pictures on the wall and what's in the closet
what kind of bed sheets are they what color is the bedding how soft are the
pillows and why those pills that softer why are they harder or is the blind
closed or is it open and there's a curtains on the wall and why was that
color chosen for this sheet and ah okay and they're comfortable because it's
their bedroom for the last 15 years so sometimes they come to this set two days
before and they just sit there and they become organically engrained some of the
great actors have their own ways of becoming the truth of what they're
supposed to be and I get there and they're there hey Bill how you doing man
don't hear me you know what I'm doing working I see ya thank you because I
respect that they don't just wait for you to tell them what to do they have
their only because I'm an actor too as you start serve rendering to a character
that the author is written it's it's gonna sound crazy but the character
tries to live through you if you accept him or her I was playing a character
once in a movie forgot which one it was and week before us pulls a film I
started doing this never done that my life a girl for the time said what are
you doing I said wait she said you're going I said no I'm not she says okay
watch find this later I'm going
that was the character coming through me and so I put that in part of the film
because I knew something that is being expressed in that person and it's trust
trusting your instincts yourself and a lot of people come out here with dreams
and I'm not saying anything wrong with dreaming but have some kind of strategic
plan that you mean when I was coming here a black man big guy dark there was
no internet there was no YouTube Facebook people to look at like me right
now coming out here then create webisodes for nothing and make him be
seen the network can be singing and they can actually like what It's Always Sunny
in Philadelphia start off as a webisode Danny DeVito saw it and that was not
nine years so the thing is is that I mean I always say to these kids what are
you waiting for I think what every school does it sent you out there with
hopes and dreams it tells you that it's not going to be easy but they really
don't tell you how hard it's really kind of be because I think they don't want to
discourage you from because it's like it's a beast I mean not for
black people anybody I mean it's like why are we doing it you see wonder
sometimes you mean well you know I could be tired I could just live but you know
there's something that um I had to dinner at my house this was like a year
ago and my nine people were there and the discussion was about in your
lifetime out of all of the people you've ever known what percentage of them ended
up doing what they wanted to do with their lives Sadegh percentage which 3 3
% so when I look at my good fortune all I
continue to go through and I've been through but I am still doing it my age
what I want to do with my life and I wake up every day and I want to do more
I do never want to retire no matter what the pain has been I feel like I'm
blessed because most of my friends that I grew up with are dead or if they're
not dead they retired from jobs they hated that they did for 35 years or more
and they retire and they sit on the porch and go on cruises and stuff which
is okay they never enjoy one day at work not one
day there's something I mean you can know everything but if you don't know
anybody whatever you know becomes insignificant because you have no path
to realize your dream you have to have a mission a a path some people are very
lucky and very fortunate they exchange sexual favors or whatever it is and they
get ahead so whatever no pun intended but the fact of the matter is is that
just being talented only it's kind of and this is my opinion a naive thought
in terms of making it because it's called show business and if you are have
a nice face and a nice body that's okay but you have no understanding of the
industry you can be used for some period of time but the time that you're being
used you should be leveraging you know a
friend my sisters and I believe it now you know he says this is the
game you know he says as long as you're not the one wearing the fishnets
and pumps all the time it's a begin to be in
as long as you pimpin sometimes you're just I don't look good in fishnets and
pumps that's one of the things that I have probably you know it's you don't
want to see that picture but the fact of the matter is is that but the agents and
the managers go out there and they're fishnets and pumps and provide something
for you are you paying your percentage too so talent is one aspect of it but
the business of making sure that your talent talent is leveraged to your
benefit also you should own something you should own your own content at some
point and right now listen these guys two guys made a feature film with two
cell phones so you're waiting to be discovered and well there are times I
thought I'd never make in this business I remember being in New York City as a
young actor you know and I graduated from NYU School of the Arts tonight got
a part in the end new balsamic company and that's pretty prestigious and worked
a couple more gigs as an accurate stage actor and then couldn't pay my rent
didn't work for it six six or eight months unemployment ran out and I ended
up panhandling on the street and bill before that I mean my girlfriend says
till you put on these trench coats even in the summertime and we saw these big
pockets on the inside we'd go to the ANP supermarket we put
meat and stuff in a minute we'd buy like maybe some cereal and just that was a
low low low point diet panhandled and
it was like I was a drug user you know I was I'd hit a low point in New York City
one time and almost homeless and I literally was getting high all the time
on different things and I was on the street I had my hand out I was begging
for money and this older lady came by one day and she looked at me said ma'am
crafts changing she looked at me she walked by I thought she was going to ask
the next person I thought will tap on my back the same old lady I said yes ma'am
we got change she looked at my face she she said son
do your mama know y'all here doing this I said no ma'am
she shook her head she just walked away didn't give me a dime I turned around I
sit on the steps and never beg for money again you still see her face yes
oh yes I turned then looked likes of what I walked her what she walked two
blocks and took a left and I watched her change my wife remaining who my parents
told me and I got a college education and I had a master's degree and
blablabla my mother and father with a second and third grade and they never
asked anybody for anything I had to carry that legacy on changed my life
then I found transyl meditation other things that saved my life
and other times would be when a powers town USA was a hit show on
I think CBS Alex Haley and Norman Lear couple seasons making great money hi
lifestyle I said okay now I then this approve myself as an actor didn't work
for two years it's like made me really question my talent I think your ability
to deal with pain and how you deal with that determines your life journey yeah
every rejection and this it sounds crazy but every rejection is painful but it's
not personal of course the twenty people before you
are rejected also they weren't rejected because they're not talented and you may
be more talented than the person who got that job not because they're more
talented than you but because and this is gonna sound crazy because if you have
fifty thousand social media followers and they have five million because it's
a job so it's not personal and it's not meant to be personal
it's business they put fifty sixteen million dollars into the movie you may
do the scene very well but that other person is gonna bring five million
eyeballs so just suppose 10% of them buy tickets that's 500,000 tickets for
opening day
you know and it sounds harsh but I have a question if you put 50 million
downwards or 115 million thousand to a film when you be interested on the ROI
of your investment I mean you may love Henry but if Sam can bring you 50
million eyeballs for the hundred and fifty million you've spent you're going
to think about it so we think they're mean and horrible people no no no
businessman and women somebody calls me and wants to talk to me I'll tell the
truth but most people go away and they take it personally it's not personal
it's just a cruel rejecting business I mean I mean even if you come in and
you're right for the part III was I was doing I was film I don't
name the film but I was directing this film for a studio once and the the head
of the studio is sitting here and the head of marketing was here and here's me
we're going through a file of actors pictures and stuff and I'm talking about
how good the actor is and how he's right for the part and the executive looks at
me and he looks at the marketing person and he says oh he like this right market
person says no global
I'd learned so fast because it had something to with the actors but if they
had no global audience they're not going to be in the film they could have they
could have done the greatest audition for that part but they bring no business
and the actor goes home and says I was great and they rejected me maybe I'm not
so good no you're brilliant you were the best
guy for the part but no global so I said look up the percentage of AFTRA and sag
actors in the Union the percentage that work annually out of a hundred percent
certain number was twenty and out of the twenty percent how many made over fifty
thousand dollars a year 5 over 10 less about ten percent
they go over a hundred thousand dollars a year just deal with those numbers
you're coming in here with hope and dreams right along with thousands of
other people that look as good as you on the same day your coven coming they say
don't take rejection personally but I
have to get rejected once or twice you can understand that but suppose you're
rejected every other day for nine years
what's that do to you okay something called pain
self-deprecation self-doubt and a lot of people bury those things with liquor and
drugs and i did that for a while when I first started it's just so painful thank
God I found meditation but I see kids out here now on the street they came
here with hopes and dreams and you're my Senate I mean literally on the street
that now there's hope I mean there's luck and hope everybody's keep dreaming
they should understand the business too the good part about today is you're not
the wait to be discovered you can you can set podcasts and
webisodes up if I said something relevant and you get one or two million
eyeballs guess what they come to you
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia been out for ten years now right I started
out was webisodes you survey uncle dark girls bad girls right millions of
eyeballs got a big deal with HBO Tangerine [Sean Baker] was that Sundance two years
ago a movie made with for iPhones anybody waiting I'm waiting for them to
see how wonderful I am these guys got tired of waiting there is
someone discover myself and they did and guess what when they when they got that
kind of inner confidence and self that evaluation some changed something
happened I'm good for them the only thing I can do is give them information
and say listen I'm not in any way trying to stop you from dreaming
but a lot of dreamers I hear only not many make it not many really reach their
dreams in order to do that you have to be focused with a plan and even if this
plan doesn't work you have to you can don't ever give up when you give you
know I say you know whatever you empower the stroke and it create or destroy you
you know it's like if you it's if you're not responsible your own life and you
are not moving ahead and you're not doing this and you're succumbing to all
of the resistances that come along with every trying to achieve anything great
you are that resistance so it's a big giant so what he's got a toe bite it
he wants you to think he's invincible that's his job because he's big yeah
okay you you stick a pin in a giant toe it's only a pin stick it in there you
know and then you have to calculate which way is gonna fall because you want
to go that way well I mentor because I believe passing it forward and I see
tragedies a cap near I see beautiful young girls coming out here three years
later they're almost unrecognizable young guys coming out with just dreams
and no one to seeing with the business set of all and they are drugged out or
just I don't know doing crazy stuff rejection is business of rejection so in
my classes that we teach two things several things to teach the business of
the industry what is the industry what is distribution what is financing what
is marketing what does a studio was a network
what is Sag what is after what's the DGA what is it business of the industry and
we take financial literacy okay you made money right and everybody tells you to
spend it how do you use it how do you use money teach him that then we teach
in the paradigm shift between that's happening between film and media also
coming out here or like they want to be actors and directors and they want to be
Steven Spielberg I say okay it's good but why not be Steve Jobs to notice the
last name jobs so we we really cold-blooded in terms of then leave the
class they love and hate us because they're they become business people
maybe they they they they they I teach the acting part of it but they know what
a cellphone app is and how to use it they know what a game is and they we
should start getting enough those get into gaming not only being in one but
creating one they should really be getting into creating your own webisodes
I don't know how to write a webisode so that guys wouldn't you think right one
what's that what you're not knowing how to do it what's that got to do what they
think you if you're serious you find a way I can point you to a writer come
with a good idea I mean you know it's like you have to give them you know you
cannot make an informed decision if you do not have the information to make it
with can't do it it's all guessing you may guess right but man almost lumps
outside your head my god I don't get in trouble but I'll just be honest
thank god I've seen a few exceptions hard-working no excuse yeah there's like
there's two kinds of assistance that come to me to work on my films one
they're nice kids smart kids you ask them to do something they go do it then
they walk back and they ask gives us what you want the other kid is the kid
who has observed you and your needs before you sit and directing chair
everything you need is there give me something else they run to get it they
run back and they there before you get you get there at six o'clock in the
they leave at ten you see they they they they understand the industry and the
fact that they know they need missionaries so once they satisfy my
needs I become their missionary for the next job they understand it and they get
it but not the majority that once who walk there's a sense of entitlement I'm
not quite sure where the hell it came from but you know
somehow I look good and I should have that part what is wrong with you people
don't you recognize my talent I'm brilliant and I'm talented and I'm
handsome and I have nice breasts on my butt and I dress look at how sexy I am
what is wrong with you all oh there's only just that all maybe you
a million or so you landing here per year they look just like you would the
same buts impressive community and then give competition I mean love you as a
person I seen your potential but I'm working for Network studio and investors
they divide them my day not in two minutes but seconds they put a dollar
value on every second every second I have to spend convincing you to fall the
darkness backward it's a second taken away from me making my day if after
three hours I get you to fall in the darkness backward but I had to cut three
scenes from my day and I'm behind three scenes this is not a good thing I expect
you to come prepared is it hard I understand that but it could have been
a florist at that time was a cutting process you paid your money and you were
not guaranteed to finish the two years because every quarter in the basement of
the school there was a sheet of paper if your name was not on it you were
dismissed and they were preparing you for the reality of this industry of the
rejection and how no matter how good you thought you were good to keep kicking
your game up and so what it gave me is no matter what anybody else says about
my work and I see it in the theater I know it could be better and I'm always
thinking about man I have one more day or one more take with that actor or
whatever it is I could have done it better so they gave you a realistic
understanding of the industry and prepared you for it pretty well there's
some people who are so unaware of how this place works they'll say like come
oh I want to agent and I know you have an agent institution to your agent I'm
saying you have any pictures I don't have any pictures give a real no I don't
have a real have you ever acted in a home or a play nobody have an acting
teacher and and people think I'm a handsome they really think I'm beautiful
and they might think that they think I'm talented what do you say to that I mean
I I thought
okay.i God knows I wish you luck but you're coming out here with nothing you
want me to just drive you my agent it doesn't work that way then there are
kids they have pictures resume decks if they have a project the Ducks for their
project pictures actors attached they didn't the research for the demographic
of what they're trying to sell to the return on your investment how much money
it now when I see that whoa come here let's talk because you're serious III
can still I can teach you but you don't need that much teaching all you need is
opportunity it's just a different experience
I'm just looking for I wanna meet your agents
I don't be mean but I just can't I can't do that agent says to me why did you
bring that person here well they wanted to meet you
that's not good but there's something about like I say okay there was a train
waiting to be discovered by someone and discovering yourself it's like being
discovered discovering yourself is a different consciousness sure and I think
the newbies now are there's some kind of entitlement mentality but it's partially
our fault too because we have not prepared them for this and so you know
the Lindsay Lohan's of the world was those kids I feel sorry for them you
know that then the media just torches and just devours them but I mean you
make a couple of films you think hey you've made it you know and you take a
script to somebody and you say I know I made those films but now I'm gonna make
this one and they tell you I'm gonna say this once
shut your goddamn mouth sit down and don't come back until I call you you
have no power
that's kind of a painful thing and if you don't have God in your life or
meditation or something you're going to take something to kill that pain and
you've got to take something could be alcohol drugs with ecstasy but the point
is is that this is a business rejection and I'm not so sure this generation is
understands the layers of the rejection the levels of the rejection people who
won Grammys let's say in music two years ago where are they today I've heard
names people have started moving nice movies independent movies did a great
where's their next film there's third film or whatever
I'm just something saying it's it's a business of rejection and if you think
because you have talent that that is what's going to get you through I think
you're in for a painful journey but if you have the understanding of a
businessperson and you're creating maybe your website a webisode company and
you're creating your something else and plus your film and you're creating
strategic alliances with the people you're you may have a shot and you may
take that next role you get in leverage look at Queen Latifah I mean he Latifah
was a rapper made a couple movies and have a clothing line that was our own
show and producing movies
you want to follow an example of a business person if I was a woman in this
business I'd look at her I mean I a lot of pretty actresses out here were acting
but those look single last I mean they got mass then after 30 to you I mean I'm
not to be mean it's they just don't take you seriously so what are you gonna do
weep and cry or you're gonna say I get it
and from this agent at this stage I'm gonna leverage everything you give me
into my future which is owning my content there are people who somehow I
think someone's gonna be given to them
and there are other people who reach out to you for guidance of how they can get
it themselves the people who ask for guidance of how they can get it for
themselves I'm interested in them because they're not asking me to do it
for them they're saying you had experience and I'm willing to listen to
you so I don't make crazy mistakes and so those people like you're late too
because somebody did that for me but people who come out and they just want
as you so eloquently spoke before it but if not a variety they're not serious
about this industry not serious love being a great actor or a great writer
and great producer a great director they just want to be seen and that people
know who they are I don't take them seriously I was offered a role
I'm not gonna tell you the roles until the TV show I tell us payment playing
this role that I did not like I think it was an embarrassing role with him but I
have been trying to get a job in TV for like three years and couldn't get
anything rejection rejection reject so for this role audition and I got the
wrong and friends of mine saw the script they said don't do it totally broke
meant let's do I able to give me some something it was a hit TV show - I did I
did it when I saw the footages oh my god nobody sees and maybe five or seven
years later when I had some real money I call the network and tried to buy I
tried to buy the footage back that I was in and to buy the episode and I said I'd
pay whatever they it wouldn't sell it to me I saw him there was but David the
money they did the job haven't done it
sensitive but I understand and before that is to put down the step-in Fetchit
I just put down through that came before me that did you know they smiled laughed
and dancing didn't act like you know happy black people and maids and butlers
and stuff under their shaming the raisin that no no they took their jobs that
were offered to them at that time to do the best that they could what they had
and my respect for them changed totally because I was faced with the same thing
I could understand why they did what they did but I was fortunate enough not
to have to do it again I have had to do it sense but and I still get these
opportunities but to turn down something mechanical a lot of money a lot of
people would see it's totally against everything you stand for as an actor and
artist and everything I mean certain people put down certain people because
of what they did in the show or whatever or not I don't I don't do that anymore I
just say you don't know their circumstance you got a sick baby at home
you guys sick baby you don't got take care of the bills I don't know his
business having a big ego I think is a sign of a small self regard having a
small ego is similar I think I forgot his name but a Wayne Dyer a
lovely entire and he said you know the key to having a great life is to get rid
of your ego and the audience said what are you talking about he said do you
know what the word ego stands for e.g oh he goes to the born he says 'i edging
g-god zero out says your ego edges god out and without that force in your life
he says you have nothing but empty accomplishments and he says try eating
those empty accomplishments when you're sitting home alone because nobody likes
you in your mansion said it's more comfortable on being on the street he
said but when you ride but that person sitting on the street he looks familiar
I think he's brilliant and true I know very wealthy people who are miserable
give him any money didn't throw the whole cars in fill a hole closing to
fill a hole the casein didn't fill the whole relationship then from the hole
if something else that you'd have to have you must think I know everything
but I do know because I've had a lot of it that all those things don't some
whole if you don't have self love even if somebody else loves you if you don't
have self love tell my daughter every day I say you know never forget men
treat you the way they see you teach yourself
don't treat yourself the way you think he should perceive you cheat to sell
yourself the way you want to be treated there's two books that I would recommend
to people one is by Steven Pressfield it's called the war of art it's one of
the greatest books I've ever read helped change my life the war of art
another one is by Seth Godin it's called the dip in the dip talks
people who are serious about whatever they're doing they go go go then they
have a dip you know they have one of two choices of getting out of that you know
you can continue doing what you're doing or you can begin to learn from where
you've been and turn it into an advantage so if you want to be an
actress for 20 years or 15 years and you never really were able to get foot a
foothold or a great agent or whatever you're gonna either stop or you can say
hmm how can I use another way of getting to where I want to go and today there's
no excuse I said webisodes mobile TV games cell phone apps
kids made a feature film with two cell phones I mean what are you waiting for
the thing is that we were caught in this whole paradigm that I cannot do anything
without the permission of a system and if you continue to think of it that way
you're right you're waiting for permission but suppose you say I'm no
longer waiting for permission I'm going to create my own opportunity you can be
perfect in the beginning but I'm gonna refine it I'm gonna create strategic
alliances I'm an actor writer I know a star of a starving director over there
that guy isn't worked in five years and he's looking for something maybe he and
I well I know a set designer who's kind of horror producer hasn't was fired four
years ago hasn't worked sentencing but that kind of thinking it's another book
that Steph golden wrote called tribes he says stop trying to do it by yourself
stop trying to do it by yourself you don't have to I just finished doing a
film I would think it was in Canada and acting in the film and I rushed back and
at the same day that I came in I had to be on the set the Hughes brothers and I
just went there work I'm like who they were I read the script and I loved it it
was only one scene and it's like the way they set it up got me immediately into
the mood because the room was dark except there were like three spotlights
one on you the young boy one in the middle of the table the gun was and one
on myself and everything else was in shadow and the police had brought this
young man into this place to intimidate him into telling the truth
and so he was sitting there really nervous you know he thought he was
smarter than everybody in the in the room and so when I questioned him it was
like I first brought the gun in put on the table and turned it toward him but
said to him you're not necessarily getting out of here alive there's
nothing you can do about it what he gonna do we can all say that you
reach for the gun and we defended ourselves and Shachi
we DeSales words we just won like that that was the belt said that said it when
he saw that it was like oh boy okay and we started asking them questions ask
some questions about was he there and he said no and he said you left the beer
here and you bought the beer at this time you drank the beer at this time
then he was his so his hands start shaking and then I asked him the same
question again and he men second time said a different time and
that's when I knew that I had them and you know that little gang thought they
were so smart and we were so stupid it was a number it was a it was a feeling
of joy when I said to him you know something f'd up right
no no no no no no nothing you know you done f'd up right yeah here's what's
crazy I was in Brussels Belgium around five or six months ago acting in afula
Nicolas Cage called Mandy right I'm sitting in a restaurant eating food by
myself this young building kid comes up to me
and says you choose me sir but you know you don't f'up right I laughed so
hard but no matter what country I go to I mean I've made a lot of films as an
actor and director and the line that said to me the most around the world no
matter what city I cook over and you know something there are young kids
that's what's amazing to me they've all seen that picture I don't know how they
see it but they see it leo I'll repeat that line and older people too so yes
it's it's it's interesting how has that impacted your life I'm sure it's got to
feel good that people know your work yes at the same time maybe you're surprised
that they're young kids that are seeing this film and from all walks of life
what does that mitt do to someone what it means you did a good job because you
impacted them in that way you also wish there is more than shit
they remember you for than just that line but you know your preach it till of
the fact that they've seen your work and they appreciate what you've done and
that it's always good you know because I'm very self-critical in my work
and so when someone affirms that what I've done impacted them that that's a
very rewarding it's very rewarding they don't have to
be coming they don't have to come up to you they don't have to what they do at a
certain age you think you'd think you've been forgotten about and you haven't
that's she worrying also especially when young people do it in four different
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