oh you can have a mature language filter no I'm not gonna do that I feel like in
some ways it kind of ruins the immersion of stuff I can choose male or female oh
wait what females coming soon really one renegade no a drifter specialty can play
the guitar haha nice nail gun oh I don't know this is audio file ah detective
true Christmas tree can be back mm-hmm wait no I can be ninja archaeologist
field medic Reacher renegade mercenary stalker no I'm gonna be the ninja
dodging assassination equipment nice okay there we go
wait I can change my No only between three guys well I don't smoke I don't
wear big hats like that but some glasses sure why not from character your solos
ours we own you now urgh we'll eat you from the inside
I'm Clark this must be hell yes most likely oh wait game game it's not
recording a nightmare now how am I still alive one sec I should be dead or at
least it felt like it where am i where Know Who am I not to mention this weird
earth tattoo still feels fresh must been one heck of a party
hey you this guy not talked to the address is some weird about a job sure
beats staying in this dump ok you guys will see the the thing up on screen
image of everything there because the game decided it's not gonna
record nicely it's an interesting loading screen as well actually it's
kind of pretty except for one small problem thing is it gonna work okay
WASD okay well it's giving me tutorial so don't wise to move shift+ movie cause
just sprint okay cool it seems to know okay so looks around find and talk to
Hunter let's just get closer to open the
inventory me you're taking the piss over here over where where are you this way
oh actually that's show the right way all right
hey sweet I can dodge a roll well welcome everybody
hello I'm dragon 8 hello friends hi haha this is called he'll sign okay hey don't
save rude things to me sir calm down rookie hunter me we spoke to of course I
am sir scout look if you see this automatic rifle on my back I've had all
hell a hell of a weekend here waste time I even lost my cast time of your blade
juggling before I lose my crap I should have turned the profanity filter on this
guy's way too much relax mate yeah I'm this Scout you spoke to thank ok thank
God here so you know what you gotta do right yeah of course wait no I should
have said no I'm sorry um you ripoff yeah whatever that means
everything's in the neighborhood we've really put her guys to him father don't
worry about me that's our job so what do you need me to do ah I just spoke about
it over the phone we need you to scout the house for any paranormal signs and
activity so get your EMF detector out heading to the house and suss it out
when you're done I head back over here with any signs of is we can figure out
what we're up against already sounds good to me
so use a van to drag in gadget sojust but no cigar missus last pursuers
audience knockin me this piece is unreal nice good for you I did I have no idea
where it is you check your van this guy's like oh my god what an idiot
why did we call this guy how would I know you're actually x' go right press I
had access Chris Chris you can oh that's a problem CIC inventory that's
right you know I can't show my face still taking hints of vamp blood know
what I don't want to know oh I like the bloody bony hands thank
you very much okay so put that on there a moan attachment straps something else
over here and blah blah blah leave job ooh keep all signs and receive
complete driver where it's nice alright so I guess I go into the house a like
this you're closer open the door okay I inside the house now how do I use this
by the way press three it's toggle m f-- okay so I can what suspicious accident
supernatural murder what is going on weird okay alright so the further I go
this way the more ghosty ghost activity we got it
so I can't run when I'm using this thing let's go check that thing check the
table so wrong delight mmm struggle supernatural suspicious yes and
light is very suspicious suspicious oh look is a dead body horrible
knock knock anyone home so I'm gonna pop out and scare the pants off of me no
okay that's fine oh oh that has a problem maybe mouse
cursor over objects attesa oh wait I don't have to investigate things I just
have to move my mouse over them I thought it was based on like where the
location I was not just where my mouse is okay well then this is definitely the
problem their struggle note evidence marijuana bones I like to cheat okay
well sorry never mind locate a corpse with a blood trail yeah I already found
that oh we knew there before I have to look at that again
fine so I'm using black light cathode F
this must be afraid here yes no uh-oh don't you mess with me all right so I
found the blood trail right oh oh it's more than just you know like a single
sign it's multiple if you look closely at it see a bunch of different like
sigils and stuff weird oh wait that's what I'm supposed to
follow oh okay so let me come back out of the house where's it gonna go rotten
fruit evidence okay that what I was supposed to find five one more sign use
of the EMF detector ah right there the black amulet evidence alrighty
find another corpse and fellas play a trial to find one more sign using the
black light okay well I know where that other corpse is I guess now we're
supposed to follow it follow this blood trail here is that it no ah there we go
symbol clue okay take the signs back to banjo go talk to this weirdo me I don't
care what effing signs you found just hurry up and decipher them before we get
killed out here put that crypto nomicon out and start
deciphering on it what the heck's our crypto nomicon your kryptonite Khan I'm
talking about that massive encyclopedia detail encrypted some paranormal
phenomena that every Scout lives and breathes and Tobiah during their brain
training here's a crap out of here tell me you didn't waste our time by driving
all this way I thought it pressed Jay to be done okay okay Jay
okay so we got note unleash oh so put that there and we got the rock fruit
there what this over the what that doesn't know it goes up there I guess
and this over here okay so decipher Zuo Pepe ganic cryptic esoteric occultic so
what's the saying here don't look how are you behind you ah okay it's fine
see there's nothing there it's just my room scary right-click on the tab
corresponding to the glue clue type so it's all right so it's a symbol and
there you go so hygienic cryptic so it's Paganica it's also cryptic
no no ancient symbols are often left behind by the supernatural or victims
and are broken down into several main types Paganica esoteric occultic cryptic
and alchemical okay next symbols continue okay I don't know what any of
this here says it's all a different language and stuff and so upside down so
I can't really read it too nicely so decipher the clue use arrows and bottom
to scroll pages alright so it is
well it's it's definitely it's it's this one it's it's a call tech right what am
I supposed to do just go pages Oh Oh click on this I'll call tech ok no wait
sorry I think I clicked the wrong one that's never trusting the new guy in
town this to say it didn't end well um I'm never wrong ok do I click the right
one this we got finish up this job before you can bugger off all right
where's my pay ya paint we've got our hands full here so I'll tell you what I
head back to town find the shaggy jackal down on Valley Road I'll meet you there
once I'm done with this poltergeist we can start up a well I guess that's it
for that job then you see sweet okay leave job all right it's fine it's it's
a correct one we'll leave the job there we go all done total earned $0 head to
the bar I'm addressing donors cluck you gossip equipment used during the job I
don't need signs okay well let's go to the bar where's the bar bars there we'll
find banjo this game seems really interesting I'm not usually my kind of
style where's banjo here this guy oh that is him hey sweet
sup who are you you're joking right where's my damn money well calm down
mate I'll sort you out don't worry about that you see that shady cook in the
quarter though I was there that the black hoodie in the crappy shades that's
a red bag this sides you found you can get some serious cash selling to him
is he a merchant a fixer more like yeah don't let them missing here and shit er
that parents will use sharps a ninja's knife that one word to the wise watch
your back random last time I'm a Adelia cheated me out of five grand on my
effing cat my cat mate what kind of arse may it takes another man's cat a
horrible one this one over here or is it this guy which one find red
back and talk to him yeah I I definitely see exactly here too oh this one there
he is I know I was looking for a guy over the
hood um you don't look like you're from around here I told you I was told you
buy signs for cash just signed under jacket you a cop it was a crap sent you
yeah my relax just looking for to make some extra cash man Joe sent me oh you
sure said so I play cards with that guy's an aegis how much did you tell you
about me no a lot buddy just say you cheating about five grand a cat
first of all II wasn't even taking proper care of that cat and I didn't
cheat him out of anything man's got a terrible poker face now that we cleared
that up I deal in the other ground stuff and I elidio with cash no no that debit
card crap so if you're looking upon a pawn off anything a paranormal I'm the
guy see around here so you got the signs of course I do
all righty you shadow pages pirate - wait where's that stuff oh that's tough
for me to Tibet oh you can get some serious cash by selling things to him oh
yes I made like $14 total sweetie I can buy a blood crawler entry great thanks
okay bouncer don't want to talk who's this
cryptozoologists I'm deep in concentration scribbling ancient
characters on some papers I'm muttering to herself
sorry indie positivity the only explanation gonna be Wendigo blood great
are you magician because whenever I look at you everyone else disappears Clair zu
them used to bury back into her papers sorry
such a terrible pick-up line gambling hunter hey player I'm Kenny but they
call me lucky Kenny around here anyway if you want to chill out and play some
blackjack with me I'm always here to take your money so you'd never ask deal
again brother now let's try it why not five dollars
yes so I I don't know how to play blackjack
but um hit me I hit me stand
did I win and I win $10 huh Oh way it's banjo what and now he stole
my money jerk well I didn't even get back any
money from before I just got back the fines I put into it
Oh use J to read your krypton AMA con use you to access your skills all right
vampire blood nice head back to the bar and find some art let's equate what I
didn't even take any rest what's this by the way my inventory
nice I like my secret stash that's cool what's up looking for some work camp
hooked me up oh really I think things are working right up your alley man I
gotta pull your dick from my head no one's pulling anything today you lookin
up with some gems I need to ask a favor from you first
I hate I need you to hit the small shaft town just up parks railroads as a little
place called guns abate sweet you should see a puzzle box sitting from the window
get that for me and I'll hook you up with a new job you want okay so go to
the five puzzle blocks from the whatever this place Amy what can I do a via for
looking for a puzzle box to count one your are another one of banjos and boys
are you because it was for him oh not for sale
poker face all the nine thousand whose banjo okay sorry I um I sent you that
kind of bloody filthy hands they can't keep to himself anyway sorry about that
name's Noah I hear one hunter um and I'm Scout oh yeah can use a former
specialist investigative sometime you'll be glad to know a shipment to the latest
gear just arrived last night we got parabolic mics thermal detectors in can
it incandescent torches and loads more let me know if you need help with
anything I have stupidly there was a stupid
puzzle box I saw my hoodie wearing nothing so what happened between you and
banjo anyway don't get me sorry I felt it baby we seem around town steer clear
from that guy's bad news I don't see nothing and I'm I'm I just flipping
blind I do the wrong thing
Oh freaking I thought I had to like click on something I didn't even like
should be more clear on that okay upon further inspection what does a surface
different second ago no of course it wasn't okay there you go
I already buy good thing at zero dollars sir not only have flippin four dollars
anyway I thought I screwed it up for a while there cuz I wasn't able to do
anything well cluck me you're actually magic in it you're a legend you have no
idea how rare these are now filing so take care of that dank old priests sweet
cool 5 XP thanks I still need like 89 more anyway introducing no way you got
me a puzzle box so we're even how sweet you are at least I'm working on some
work around here alright I guess so at least I'm not your pal Redbacks always
look for newer crews but don't get sucked into his bullcrap
alright give me a red back maybe good with a gun yeah I am why you ask I got
this job downtown not too far from here I'm tin alley road nothing too serious
just a few small critters to clean up here is just it 350 and 15 next week
sweet you sugar why not first it's great lovely okay so once you
there clear out the house and make sure you do a good job you know what I'm I'm
very curious about something listen head back here another cut all right oh yeah
we're gonna turn on the mature language filter just to kind of see what happens
web changes prezerv you use your stem for an instant heal note your total
health we reduced for the remainder of the job okay equip your sidearm with to
fire your weapon with Blair and your precision aiming mode with that perform
a Dodge with just space do I have to find my weapon for can go anywhere I
guess so a click house door to kick open house door where is house door house
door door house is this just a maze of an area act Oh over here okay she's like
you could have been more clear on that where the darn hell store is kick it
open waah oh hi okay um Henry's budget a Q's
direction plus space key to dodge I'll just run outside now anyway but okay
great thank you oh my god oh god okay well KITT how do
you how are you supposed to what jobs just like shoot the direction King
where's my house how do you there's V to use your stem oh good thank
you yeah little max health now a piece of
crap oh good look I hit it oh I'm wait you actually have to do you
have to use the aiming mode oh it says up at the top right persistent human
target gone enemies okay I didn't know sorry when there's none to be in my face
all I'm focused on is like trying to attack the piece of crap god okay so
I'll clear the house and get the fuck out of here
oh my god well those that don't do no garbage to me now Open Sesame
ah breach damage or use position aim are click
don't lock it I'll highlight Pierce
let's get closer be true breathe out what Oh found a good idea to shoot that
I don't know why you got a kick every door open wouldn't it be better in some
ways like slowly open the doors ah
hey get over here sing ugly yeah good thing I got tons of bullets oh okay what
what is this resurrection what I earn $4 good hooray
thank you what I got sucked into another dimension he lives never thought I'd see
you again much less on two legs what you talked about furnishing the shadow
dimension with shadow beasts hell over here any longer than and they would have
wouldn't have been anything left to find ya know die what's the shadow dimension
well it's no regular place I'll try not to mention you can only get to with a
hell set weight there are mine sorry why don't you tell me how to f'ing he'll
sign oh okay so just like bleeps I don't like that well that's okay what he'll
sign you know the mass of a cult tattoo on your back that turns into magnet for
the supernatural what were you thinking I got no idea what the hell sign is you
serious I liked how it didn't block that out though weird for weird for friendly
filter sorry man I'm out of time here already
late for a hot date with some twin sisters but just so you know this
doesn't look good for you I'd seriously if I were telling people you've got that
mark for now so what were you doing a shadow too much anyway oh um my opposer
box no missing since you're the one who brought it I bought it I went looking
for you see it has this weird tendency to make its way back to the owner anyway
next minute I found you lying there like a pile of crap of the rest is history
anyway mate I'm getting out of here and heading down to Melbourne catch you on
the flipside sure take your time on that job it's
been three effing days where have you been
um call me a liar there's nothing special about that job you must be effed
up somewhere you must have effed up somewhere along the way
anyway I assume you cleared the house cuz client hasn't complained yet so I'll
consider the job done but as a late fee I'm taking a nine percent cut of course
so no money you don't get any money in this game now you hit anyway there's
always a few jobs going around town and I used so much this goes well hook you
up so you know these scouting jobs work right yeah of course it's going to float
investigation that crappy gear not chance because many times you can't get
out don't try to be hero next scale pick up where you left off and continue the
investigation maybe once you have got that lousy gear yours you can hope to
pull an entire scouting job on yourself Thanks maybe if you could get could have
given me the 350 so I've taken a frigging nine you're saying cut you jerk
oh and we're gonna straight so you have a he'll sign you might want to keep that
under wraps I'm not just anyone now am I okay so bender didn't tell me anyway
since we're gonna work together I'll help you out this one time free of
charge whose chick there's this chick who I was hanging around the bar I think
it named Zoe you're something hey I know her she's the one who sits there talking
he never talks to me I use the horrible pickup line on her hello what's name
doesn't matter need to go to this address here sorry forgot name was a
Roger man anyway your scout no my name is shawni in the game anyone see see
Shawnee says right there oh so you're a hunter looking for a swamp to traffic on
how this poor normal activity around town all pieces together about tell you
what help me fish research now and any questions you have seventy seventy
dollars in 20 X P are you gonna take a 90 percent cut two and give me only
seven mmm so I've been studying the area of nose powder with apparent knowable
disturbances around town ever since I shadow up here back in 76 down at the
docks it's been crazy here alright well maybe we'll leave that for another time
because I've done quite a bit of this already so thank you all so much for
watching hope you enjoyed this this is a really interesting game I did get this
game for free to check out and it's it's actually quite fun I do enjoy these are
not usually the kinds of kinds of games that I usually like but yeah I I do I do
really enjoy it's quite fun actually but yeah thank you so much for watching and
we'll see you again very soon let me know your thoughts on this game if
there's something you would like to play we haven't done a whole heck of a lot
and this one so far I think that job was rigged part of the whatever part of the
story to tell you hey you have a Hill sign and to kind of tell you what it's
all about and what it's um what what kind of things it's gonna do I guess and
stuff I don't know I will find more about that later on we'll probably play
the samuri at some point soon maybe hopefully since I'm very busy right now
with extra work and stuff that may not have him as good as I want it to but
done as it c all I can presume a mournful they bye-bye and Godbless
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