Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 16 2018

The first most massive 1914 American electric car Detroit Electric Car

Chinese most popular in the country of origin electric city car Vhoo

The French electric car Renault Twizy has a speed of up to 100 km. and having a airbag

Canadian electric VeeMo hybrid with battery recharging from solar panels

Electric vehicle hybrid with a lively dynamic body, personal computer on wheels NISSAN Land Glide

Hybrid electric car with gyrodin system of balancing Lit Motors C-1

German electric city car e.GO, which will become the most affordable electric car in the world

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For more infomation >> Фантастически Крутые, Экзотически Необычные и Удивительно Реальные Электро Сити Кары ✦ Electric cars - Duration: 11:47.


I Found Out My Dad's Not My Biological Father Through A DNA Test • Part 3 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> I Found Out My Dad's Not My Biological Father Through A DNA Test • Part 3 - Duration: 8:32.


Live PD: Admitting and Forgetting (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Admitting and Forgetting (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:35.


[라온아빠tv][Engsub]12/2첫만남(First Meet) 브이로그(Vlog) - Duration: 6:22.

Jiwon: so weird

Grandma: Raon~ Jiun : youtube Jeeyoung: Grandma

Grandma: come here Jiwon Jiwon: let me wash my hand first

Jeeyoung: Grandma Grandma: wash your hand later

Grandma: come here and look at his face

Grandma: how cute he is....

Jiwon: where is the bath room? Grandma: let me wash my hand too

Grandma: Wait for me

Jiun: son your grandma and uncle is here

Jiun: you can go that way or around Jeeyoung: in the room

Jeeyoung: Grandma is here

Jiun: son

Grandma: Raon~

Grandma: o my goodness

Grandma: who is this cute boy

Jiun: pick him up

Grandma: my hand is still cold

Grandma: oh my goodness

Grandma: hello

Grandma: hello Im your grandma

Grandma: he still has lots of scabs

Grandma: look at your uncle

Grandma: what should we do

Grandma: Uncle

Grandma: say hi

Grandma: do it like this Jiwon baby loves it

Jiun: pick him up Jiwon: nonono its okay Grandma: Scary

Jiwon: why is he so small

Grandma: should I pick him up now?

Grandma: oh my oh my

Grandma: who is this boy

Grandma: who is this boy

Jiun: never seen this person who is that

Grandma: who is this who

Grandma: Jiwon hold him .... this arm is better for you right?

Grandma: watch his head

Jiun: he is fine

Grandma: uncle

Jeeyoung: Uncle~

Grandma: Look Look he is looking at his uncle

Grandma: so happy?

Grandma: you dont know what to do? Jeeyoung: Feel uncomfortable hahaha

Grandma: so pretty Jiwon: Hi

Jiwon: Hi Im your uncle

Grandma: lets take some picture

Jiwon: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He is so cute

Grandma: sit down hahaha look at his hand

Grandma: Raon ~~ Raon Kim

Grandma: this is the voice from the phone right?

Grandma: wants to say something?

Grandma: what do you want to say?

Jiun: lucky he is awake Grandma: why do you look upset all the time

Grandma: say grandma

Grandma: look here just like you guys

Grandma: this lips just like youguys

Grandma: oh my Jiwon can you go back to Korea with out him?

Grandma: lets take him to korea

Grandma: come here Jeeyoung you did the hard job

Grandma: oh my daughter well done

Grandma: he already looking at people

Grandma: what baby is like this chubby as soon as born

Jeeyoung: he gained so much Jiun: he is a pig

Grandma: look his looking at his mom

Jiwon: oh my..... Jiun: you can bite his cheek his fine

Jiwon: cheeks going to pop

Jiwon: how does he have fat on his chin Grandma: I thought he would be bigger...

Grandma: look at him smiling

Grandma: want to say something?

Grandma: dont touch that

Grandma: he made sound

Grandma: hello

Grandma: hello

Jiun: your grandma is so excited

Grandma: feel so precious?

Grandma: feel so precious? you dont know how to do?

Grandma: you grandpa told me to tell how you smells like

Grandma: oh my Raon's smell Jiwon: look at his small foot

Jeeyoung: Look at his toes just like his dad

Jiun: take a look

Grandma: this? how?

Jiwon: oh my.. what is this is this human foot?

Grandma: you brother was just like this

Grandma: look at his long toes

Grandma: dont he is tickle

Jiwon: look at his face hahah

Grandma: Jiun call your dad Jeeyoung: he doesn't know what is going on

Grandma: he is waiting Jiun: Okay where is my phone

Grandma: in my bag

Jiwon: love you baby

Grandma: we didnt even unpack the bags yet

Jiwon: why is he so heavy?

Jeeyoung: cuz he is fat Jiun: he is a pig

Jeeyoung: he is over 5 kg Jiun: that much?

Grandma: Right now?

Grandma: oh my

Grandma: Jeeyoung will have hard time Jeeyoung: want me to hold him?

Grandma: give him to me

Grandma: Oh my Raon

Jiun: hi dad one sec

Grandma: see us?

For more infomation >> [라온아빠tv][Engsub]12/2첫만남(First Meet) 브이로그(Vlog) - Duration: 6:22.


People Try Puerto Rican Pasteles - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> People Try Puerto Rican Pasteles - Duration: 2:33.


Nightcore - Without me (Lyrics) - Duration: 1:49.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Without me (Lyrics) - Duration: 1:49.


«Gilets jaunes»: Le gouvernement espère reprendre la main après l'Acte V de la mobilisation - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> «Gilets jaunes»: Le gouvernement espère reprendre la main après l'Acte V de la mobilisation - Duration: 4:11.



For more infomation >> CHEATING, JEALOUSY, GETTING MARRIED & SECRETS | COUPLE'S Q&A - Duration: 13:55.


Bloodsport (1988) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018 - Duration: 2:56.

Bloodsport (1988) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018

For more infomation >> Bloodsport (1988) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018 - Duration: 2:56.


The End Of Trumpism? - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> The End Of Trumpism? - Duration: 1:10.


Mr. Robot: Best of Rami Malek from Mr. Robot Season 2, Episode 12 (Spoilers) - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Mr. Robot: Best of Rami Malek from Mr. Robot Season 2, Episode 12 (Spoilers) - Duration: 3:52.


Doorbell cameras help catch porch pirates hitting Moore homes - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Doorbell cameras help catch porch pirates hitting Moore homes - Duration: 1:22.


CloseUp: Young California congressman considers run for president - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> CloseUp: Young California congressman considers run for president - Duration: 10:18.


Ancient Aliens: The Tomb of Emperor Patchacutec (Season 11, Episode 4) | History - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Ancient Aliens: The Tomb of Emperor Patchacutec (Season 11, Episode 4) | History - Duration: 4:57.


Keller @ Large: Reviewing The Year's Media Coverage - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Keller @ Large: Reviewing The Year's Media Coverage - Duration: 4:04.


VAN HELSING | Season 3, Episode 11: That Four-Lettered Word | SYFY - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> VAN HELSING | Season 3, Episode 11: That Four-Lettered Word | SYFY - Duration: 3:47.


Star Wars Legends: Darth Plagueis - Duration: 15:51.

Over a century before the Battle of Yavin, the Bith male, Rugess Nome stood as Master

of the Sith Order and heir to a nearly 900 year old legacy initiated by Darth Bane.

In accordance with their Rule of Two philosophy, Darth Tenebrous was required to train an apprentice

who he might one day engage in a fight to the death, so that only the strongest would


Yet after centuries of adhering to this tradition, Tenebrous believed its usefulness was at an

end, as he'd forseen the coming of the chosen, a being of enormous potential in the force,

who would destroy the sith order so that the rule of the One Sith could emerge.

With that in mind, Tenebrous made it his goal to keep his consciousness alive long enough

to inhabit the body of the chosen one, so he might rule forever as the One Sith.

Tenebrous created his own variation of Essence Transfer to achieve immortality, injecting

himself with a retrovirus, to turn Midichlorians into Maxi-chlorian.

These altered particles were designed to survive the death of his body so he might transfer

his consciousness into a new host.

However as a side effect of this procedure, Tenebrous lost his foresight ability, which

mattered little to him, as Bith Science could also be used to predict the future.

In order to ensure that his eventual Host body was strong in the force and worthy of

a Sith Lord, Tenebrous arranged for two force sensitive muuns to mate and have a child they

named Hego Demask II.

At a young age, Tenebrous took the boy, naming him Darth Plagueis and raised him as a Dark

Lord of the Sith.

The child proved strong in the force, and demonstrated a malevolent spirit even before

he was taken away from his parents, having used his powers to convince a playmate he

disliked into committing suicide.

In order to continue to make use of the boy's father Caar Demask, Tenerbous helped him climb

the ranks of Intergalactic Banking Clan, bringing him wealth and influence.

Meanwhile, Tenebrous trained Plagueis in the Dark Side of the force and together worked

from the shadows to destabilize the Republic, in accordance with the greater goal of the

Sith, which ultimately strove to destroy the Jedi order and rule over the galaxy.

Yet the training given to Plagueis was basic and limited as in the end he was only meant

to be a host body for his master.

However Tenebrous did encourage his natural abilities in mididchlorian manipulation and

subtly instilled in him a rampant fear of death.

In this way, the apprentice might become distracted in these pursuits, keeping him from gaining

a deeper understanding of the force.

In addition, this path would ensure that Plagueis stayed nearby his master's body upon his

death, to study his midichlorians, thereby giving the Bith the opportunity to transfer

his consciousness into the new host.

Even the Muun's name, reflected the greater plan, as Plagueis meant diseased one, a reference

to his unhealthy obsession with death and using midichlorians to achieve immortality.

And yet despite the master's plan, his apprentice proved ambitious and brilliant, teaching himself

a great deal and secretly developing his force powers far beyond what Tenerbous had intended.

Throughout their time together, master and apprentice developed many differing views,

with Tenebrous seeing the force as a source of energy, and enjoyed lightsaber combat,

as well as direct confrontation.

While Plagueis, saw the force as an investment for future profits, and was bored by direct

combat, instead preferring to use cunning to manipulate events from the shadows.

After many years serving his master, Plagueis was at last ordered to commit his first assassination,

using telekentic strangulation to kill Kerred Santhe, a wealthy industrialist who made an

enemy of Tenebrous by cutting him out of a lucrative business deal.

After the death of his father, Plagueis inherited the wealth and influence of the Demask family,

using his newly acquired status to further the ambitions of the Sith by creating division

between the impoverished and neglected worlds of the outer rim, and the prosperous inner

planets where many lived in relative luxury.

Yet as the years went on, Tenebrous grew increasingly disappointed in Plagueis, who he though weak,

and unwilling to attempt killing his master, as Sith tradition demanded.

Tenebrous did not fear the death of his body, as he had prepared for the eventuality by

creating maxi-chlorians to transfer his consciousness.

And so he began training a new apprentice in secret, naming him Darth Venamis, in the

hopes he might prove stronger and more capable then Plagueis.

However Tenebrous had misjudged the situation, and in 67 BBY, while investigating a cortosis

deposit on Bal'demnic, Plagueis arranged for a gas explosion to occur and used the

distraction to bring down the roof of the cave upon his master.

Before he died, Tenebrous congratulated his apprentice for the clever plan and was soon

knocked unconscious, giving Plagueis the opportunity to study the body and observe how the midi-chlorians

left his body.

Doing exactly as expected, Tenebrous enacted his plan for immortality, using maxi-chlorians

to transfer his consciousness into his apprentice.

Yet as he entered the new host, he saw a powerful vision forseeing the eventual death of Plagueis

before he met the chosen one, thereby dashing his plans to inhabit the boy's body.

Panicked, the Bith's consciousness fled the host, becoming trapped within the walls

of the cave, repeating his last moments in an unending loop.

As this occurred, Tenebrous came to the realization, that by using this method to transfer his

consciousness, he infected his apprentice with maxi-chlorians, thereby eliminating his

ability to see into the future.

This in turn would contribute the future failure of Plagueis to forsee betrayal by his own

apprentice, meaning the ultimate defeat of Bith Dark Lord was of his own making.

With his ship partially destroyed in the explosion, Plagueis made his way to a nearby city and

snuck aboard the woebegone, where he killed the crew but sparred their 11-4d Droid, who

served him from that day forward.

As the new Master of the Sith, Plagueis soon faced a challenge from Darth Venamis, defeating

the potential dark lord and capturing him for experimentations.

From Venamis he acquired a list of force sensitive individuals being consideed for apprenticeship,

and so Plagueis went out to find and eliminate these potential rivals.

Secure in his status, the Sith Lord continued his efforts to destabilize the galaxy, focusing

on the midrim planet of Naboo, where their recently discovered plasma reserve had divided

the government, with some conservatives wanting to keep this resource for themselves, while

the more liberal faction wished to use it to attract investors and join the interstellar


During his time on Naboo, where all knew him as Hego Demask, the Sith Lord met and befriended

a young force sensative man named Sheev Palpatine, who served as a spy for the liberal faction,

acting against his own family who were allied with the conservatives.

As Plagueis got to know the young man, he was impressed by his intelligence, ambition

and ruthlessness; and decided to take him on as an apprentice.

Manipulating events to further estrange him from his parents, the Sith Master told Palpatine

a story about how he killed his own half brothers and sisters in order to inherit his father's


Although this story was only partially true, it helped convince the apprentice to murder

his entire family after a heated argument with his father.

Having proven his commitment, Plagueis accepted Palpatine into the Sith Order and named him

Darth Sidious.

Yet much like his predecessor, Plagueis did not intend to train his replacement, and informed

the young sith that the Rule of Two tradition was over, and that their new goal was to complete

the destruction of the Jedi so they might rule the galaxy together.

Though he did not reveal the entirety of his plan with his apprentice, Plagueis intended

to achieve immortality, not through the transfer of consciousness as other Sith had achieved,

but through direct midi-chlorian manipulation, in order to preserve both his body and mind


Over the next few years, Plagueis trained Sidious in the Dark Side, making him earn

his abilities through pain, suffering and intensive study, sharing with him a collection

of holocrons from sith lords of the past.

Meanwhile, Plagueis helped him rise through the political ranks, until 52 BBY, when the

apprentice was ordered to arrange the death of Vidar Kim, so he might be elected as his

replacement in the galactic senate.

With both Sith Lords in positions of power and influence they worked together to undermine

the republic, furthering the grand plan of destroying the jedi and ruling the galaxy.

After making contact with the Kaminoans, Plagueis inquired about their cloning facilities before

attended a meeting on Serenno, where he spoke to Count Dooku and Sifo Dyas of the Jedi Order,

suggesting that the growing rift between inner and outer planets might one day lead to civil


Although his original goal was to create a clone army to fight his enemies, Plagueis

soon realized they should instead fight alongside the Jedi to gain their trust, in order to

one day betray them and bring down the entire order.

During a vote to add a number of senate seats for client worlds of the Trade Federation,

Palpatine was ordered to abstain on behalf of naboo, tipping the scales in favour of

their Sith allies.

However when Senator Pax Teem, who opposed the bill, learned of Palpatine's connection

to Hego Demask, he sent a team to kidnap the apprentice.

Plagueis, aware of his these plans, sent his own people to rescue Sidious, but he failed

to anticipate a second team of maladian assassins sent against him directly, which left the

leadership of Demask holdings all dead, save for the Dark Lord who was badly injured.

Having felt through the dark side that his master was in pain, Sidious rushed to his

side before going on a rampage in retribution, killing Senator Teem and all those nearby.

Now wearing a transpirator to help him breath, Plagueis was disturbed by the attempt on his

life and decided to retreat from public life, calling a meeting with Sidious where he at

last divulged the true nature of his research, and his plan to use midi chlorian manipulation

to preserve their bodies and minds to achieve immortality.

And so while Palpatine was left with the responsibility of manipulating galactic events towards the

destruction of the Jedi, Plagueis spent the next 20 years in relative solitude, studying

midichlorians intensely.

His obsession then yielded significant results, as he learned much about the force, gaining

insight into extending life, reviving the dead, and even learned of essence Transfer,

the same technique Darth Bane had used to try and send his consciousness into his apprentice

Darth Zannah.

However Plagueis chose not to employ this method, as he believed midichlorian manipulation

was superior as it could preserve his physical form as well as his consciousness.

When Plagueis travelled to Korriban to try and communicate with Sith spirits, he found

nothing until the very end, when he was confronted by Marka Ragnos, who admonished him for abandoning

the traditions of Korriban.

By 42 BBY, Plagueis was ready to demonstrate his new abilities, and so both Sidious and

11-4D were present when the Dark Side Master selected his still living test subject Venamis

for one last experiment, using the force to kill the creature and then revive him a number

of times before he permanently passed away.

Believing he was ready to take the next step, Plagueis then combined his powers with those

of Sidious and together they successfully reached out to the force and shifted the balance

towards the dark side, taking one more great step towards having the Sith rule over the


Confident in his new abilities, Plagueis then attempted another great project, reaching

out to create a being of his own design out of pure force energy.

However, not only did he fail in his purpose, but his actions seemed to trigger a counter-strike,

leaving plagueis to believed that the force itself was pushing back against his efforts.

During his time absent from galactic events, Plagueis allowed Sidious to take on an apprentice

of his own to help him conduct his affairs, training a Zabrak as a sith assassin, and

even naming him Darth Maul after passing a final test.

By 33 BBY, the Sith were entering the final stages of their plan to control of the galaxy,

orchestrating a war on Yinchorr designed to tarnish the reputation of Chancellor Velorum

and undermine his support in the galactic senate.

And while events were largely unfolding as he desired, Plagueis soon faced another attack

against him, when King Ars Veruna of Naboo, a former ally turned enemy, attempted to assassinate

him on Sojourn.

But Plagueis survived and tracked down Veruna, providing him a slow and painful death, by

eradicating his life force, one midichlorian at a time.

In 32 BBY Hego Damask made a rare public appearance, attending a meeting on Coruscant, where he

once again spoke to the Jedi Sifo Dyas, continuing the conversation started decades earlier to

discuss the possibility of galactic war.

But this time the Sith Lord was sure to mention the cloning facility on Kamino, manipulating

Sifo Dyas into contacting the Kaminoan and ordering the creation of a clone army.

When all the pieces were in place, the Sith Lords at last triggered the Naboo Crisis,

convincing their allies in the Trade Federation to blockade the planet of Naboo in protest

of the recent taxes imposed upon Free Trade zones.

During the ensuing crisis, the chosen one Anakin Skywalker was found on the planet of

tatooine, and taken in by the Jedi, tested to have an extraordinarily high midichlorian

count of 20000.

Plagueis soon concluded that this child may be the result of the Force pushing back against

the Sith Lord's attempt to create life 9 years earlier.

Fearing that the boy may represent the undoing of the Sith grand plan Plagueis could not

allow him to be trained by the Jedi, sending Darth Maul to kill the child's potential

masters Qui gon Jinn and Obi wan Kenobi.

In the end, the Naboo crisis had been a great political victory for the Sith, as it allowed

Senator Palpatine to bring down Chancelor Finis Valorum, and set himself up to be chosen

as his replacement.

On the night before the election, when Palpatine's victory was guaranteed, Plagueis met with

his apprentice in a private meeting to celebrate their achievement.

With Sidious as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and Plagueis soon to be named as

co-chancellor, the Sith would rule the galaxy and be in a position to finally destroy the

Jedi Order.

However, like many dark side apprentices before him, Darth Sidious never had any intention

of sharing power, and so got his master drunk and launched a savage force lightening attack

upon him while he slept.

As Plagueis died, Sidious went on a tirade, revealing that he was the true Master of the

Sith who had been enacting his own plan from the very beginning, listing out all of his

master's weaknesses and failures, pointing out that he his death was assured the moment

he chose Palpatine as his apprentice.

Plagueis quickly became aware of what was happening, but had grown so arrogant concerning

his powers that made no attempt to defend himself, instead trying to use Midi-chlorian

manipulation to reverse the damage being done too his body.

But he was too weak and could not keep pace, eventually succumbing to the attack and losing

his life.

Though Sidious was elated with his success, at the same time he felt a disturbance in

the dark side, later learning that while he was claiming the mantle of Master, his own

apprentice Darth Maul was killed in battle with the Jedi.

The next day, Sheev palpatine was elected as supreme chancellor of the galactic republic.

Although he believed Plagueis had outlived his usefulness, Sidious had a certain respect

for his sith master that stayed with him throughout his life, including his name in the book of

the Sith, as one of the Dark Lords to have played a pivotal role in advancing the grand


He even used the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise, to help lure the chosen one Anakin Skywalker

to the darkside, by revealing that his master had actually gained the ability to control

life and death through his studies of the force.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Legends: Darth Plagueis - Duration: 15:51.


so be it. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> so be it. - Duration: 1:00.


Ezra Henderson - Paradise - Duration: 3:01.

Emotions I can never keep suppressed You walk inside the room, I'm running out

of breath I guess I'm in too deep

But I don't want to leave

You got me falling bad I can't believe it

But if this is how I find the words so be it

Cause I still can't speak In your company

We could kick it back if you tryna unwind now

Hit the gas, we can leave them all behind now

Running laps in my head like every night Girl I put you over everything just let me

call you mine

Lay with me inside my open arms Ease your mind, and rest it on my heart

Let me spend forever in your eyes With you, I know I've found my paradise

Found my paradise With you, I know

Love your conversation Hate to say goodbye

Wonder what could we be if I could say what's on my mind

It's never been this hard Guess I've never fell this far

Come and kick it back when you need to unwind now

Hit the gas, we can leave them all behind now

Running laps in my head like every night Girl I put you over everything

Just let me call you mine

Lay with me inside my open arms Ease your mind, and rest it on my heart

Let me spend forever in your eyes With you, I know I've found my paradise

Found my paradise With you, I know I've found my paradise

For more infomation >> Ezra Henderson - Paradise - Duration: 3:01.


Hymer B 444 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Hymer B 444 - Duration: 0:55.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Navi,18inch,Automaat,Cruise AMG PAKKET 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Navi,18inch,Automaat,Cruise AMG PAKKET 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:13.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition Navi,16inch,Cruise,Clima Hoge Zit APK 12-2019 - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Lease Edition Navi,16inch,Cruise,Clima Hoge Zit APK 12-2019 - Duration: 1:14.


The Most Dangerous Game (1932) FULL MOVIE - Duration: 1:02:23.

The channel's here on the chart. So are the marking lights.

Then what's wrong with them?

Those lights don't seem to be in just the right place.

They're both a bit out of position, according to this.

Two light buoys mean a safe channel between the world over.

"Safe between the world over" doesn't go in these waters.

Look here. You'll see the water shoals on the island side...

while the deep soundings run to the mainland.

Have any of you seen the captain today?

- No. He wasn't down for dinner. - No, and he wasn't down for lunch.

He hasn't left the bridge since you decided to come through the channel.

What are you driving at?

Ever since you gave him those orders yesterday to cut through these waters...

he's had the jitters.

There's something wrong. I... Hey, I'm getting nervous myself.

Doc, what do you recommend for nerves?

- Give him a shot of scotch. - Give the whole bottle.

- No! I've got nerves too. - Here you are, Doc.

Just what you need.

- Well, maybe you're right. - And how, boy.

- Good evening, Captain. - Good evening, sir.

- May I speak with you? - Why, certainly. Go ahead.

We're heading straight for the channel between Branca Island and the mainland.

- Good. - But the lights are just a bit off, according to the chart.

The charts are never up to date in this part of the Pacific. You know that.

I know, sir, but...

Doesn't Branca Island mean anything to you?

- Well, not a lot. - Perhaps if I spoke with Mr. Rainsford...

Bob's not a sailor. He's a hunter.

He's made many of these trips. He's young, but he has judgment.

I'll call him.

- Oh, Bob. Bob! - What is it?

- Come up here, will ya? - Just a minute.

What's bothering you, Captain?

There are no more coral-reefed, shark-infested waters in the whole world than these.

Boy! Just take a look at these.

You didn't turn out so hot as a hunter, Doc, but oh, what a photographer.

If we'd had you to take pictures on the Sumatran trip...

they might have believed my book.

If you'd had me on the Sumatran trip, you'd have never had me on this one.

Say, here's a swell one of the ship, Skipper. What's the matter?

These old sea dogs tell yarns to kid each other...

and end up believing it all themselves.

I think that Mr. Rainsford should know...

that the channel lights aren't just in the position given on the charts.

Oh. Well, what do you think, fellas?

I think we should turn back and take the outside course.

We'll go ahead.

Very well, sir. It's your ship.

"It was the schooner 'Hesperus,' and she sailed the wintry sea."

Now, wait a minute, fellas. Let's talk this over.

- There's no use taking any chances. - Chances? That's fine talk...

coming from a fella who just got through slapping tigers in the face.

Get an eyeful of this.

And he talks about taking chances.

Here's the doc charging the enemy with an unloaded camera.

Get the expression on Doc's face, Bill.

He looks more frightened than the tiger.

- He is. - What'd you have on your mind, Doc?

I'll tell you what I had on my mind.

I was thinking of the inconsistency of civilization.

The beast of the jungle killing just for his existence is called savage.

The man, killing just for sport, is called civilized.

- Hear! Hear! - It's a bit contradictory, isn't it?

Now, just a minute. What makes you think...

it isn't just as much sport for the animal as it is for the man?

Take that fellow right there, for instance.

There never was a time when he couldn't have gotten away.

He didn't want to. He got interested in hunting me.

He didn't hate me for stalking him...

any more than I hated him for trying to charge me.

As a matter of fact, we admired each other.

Perhaps, but would you change places with the tiger?

- Well, not now. - Mm-mm!

Here comes that bad-luck lady again.

Third time tonight.

- Here. Let me shuffle them. - Wait a minute. Don't evade the issue.

- Yeah, speak up. - I asked you a question.

- You did? I forgot. - Oh, no, you didn't.

I asked you if there'd be as much sport in the game...

if you were the tiger instead of the hunter.

- Come on. - What's your answer now, Bob?

That's something I'll never have to decide.

Listen here, you fellows.

This world's divided into two kinds of people... the hunter and the hunted.

Luckily, I'm a hunter. Nothing can ever change that.

Hang on!

Hello! Hello, down there! Hello, Engine Room!

- The panel is flooded! - If the water hits those hot boilers...



You trying to drown me?

Where are the others?

See anybody?

Nobody left but us two and... that fella.

Doc! Help!

- Look! - Shark!

Ohh! It got me!

Hello! Is anybody here?

Anybody around, I say.

Oh, hello. Is this your house?

I'm not trying to break in, but I've been in a wreck.

Our yacht just sunk with all hands.

I got ashore and found your place here by accident.

I'm not trying to intrude, but I'm in sort of a jam.

Don't you understand any English?

Ivan does not speak any language.

He has the misfortune to be dumb.

Oh, hello. Are you the owner here?

Yes. Welcome to my poor fortress.

- Fortress? - It once was.

Built by the Portuguese, centuries ago.

I have had the ruins restored to make my home here.

I am Count Zaroff.

My name's Robert Rainsford. Glad to meet you.

Very glad.

Ivan is a Cossack.

I am afraid, like all my fellow countrymen, he is a bit of a savage.

Smile, Ivan.

I was trying to make him understand there'd been a shipwreck in the channel.

But how appalling!

And you mean to say that you are the only survivor?

Yes, I'm afraid I am.

You're certain?

I'd have never left the spot if I hadn't been.

The swellest crowd on Earth... my best friends.

- It's incredible. - Such things are always incredible.

Death is for others, not for ourselves.

That is how most of my other guests have felt.

Your other guests? You mean this has happened before?

My fellow, we have several survivors from the last wreck still in the house.

It would seem that this island were cursed.

That's just what the captain said.

Only he thought it was uninhabited.

We Cossacks find our inspiration in solitude.

- Well, it's a break for me, anyway. - My house is yours.

Oh, by the way. You'll want to change those wet rags immediately.

Yes. They look about the way I feel.


I have some loose hunting clothes which I keep for my guests...

that you can possibly get into.

Ivan will show you to your room.

- Thank you. - You'll find a stiff drink there also.

Thanks a lot.

All pleasure is mine.

Come in.

- Ready, Rainsford? - All set.

I'm afraid we have finished dinner.

But I have ordered something for you.

Thanks. I don't feel like eating, though.

Oh. Well, perhaps later.

Now, then, what do you say to coffee...

and most charming company?

It is hard to forget your comrades' fate, I know...

but our feminine guest is easily perturbed.

If I could beg you to put a good face upon the matter.

A-Assume a cheerfulness you may not feel.

- Why, sure. Of course. - Thank you.

Miss Trowbridge, may I present Mr. Robert Rainsford.

- Miss Eve Trowbridge. - How do you do?

- How do you do? - And her brother, Mr. Martin Trowbridge.

How are you, old chap? Pretty well shaken up, I guess, huh?

- Coming out of it now, thanks. - We know how it feels, don't we, Eve?

Indeed we do.

Perhaps Mr. Rainsford would like some hot coffee.

Oh, yes, of course. Mr. Rainsford, please sit here.

Vodka, that's the stuff!

One shot'll dry you out quicker than all the coffee in Java.

Have to toss it off, though. Like this.

Now, Martin, you don't have to drink it all tonight, do you?

Don't be ridiculous, sis. We are victims of circumstance.

Same as Mr. Rainsford.

And if anyone has a right to his liquor, it's a victim of circumstance.

- Isn't that so, Count? - Of course, yes.

- You were in a shipwreck too? - Yes.

Our lifeboat was the only one saved...

my brother and I and two sailors.

The count found us on the beach with nothing but the clothes on our backs.

Those channel lights must have been shifted.

- I wonder it hasn't been reported. - Well, we'll report 'em...

just as soon as we get back to the mainland.

You see, the count has only one launch...

and that's under repair.

Russians are not the best mechanics.

I'm afraid we'll have to be patient a few days longer.

It's all right with me. I feel as if I were living on borrowed time right now.

Speaking of that, perhaps now you'll tell us...

a little bit about who you are.

Just sketchily, you know... born, married, why I left my last job.

No, no, no, no. One moment, please.

Mr. Rainsford need never explain who he is in my house.

We entertain a celebrity, Miss Trowbridge.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't tell me. Let me guess.

I know. Flagpole sitter.

- I know. He wrote some books. - No, he lived some books.

If I am not mistaken, this is Mr. Robert Rainsford...

who hunts big game so adventurously.

Yeah? Here's to ya.

- I've lugged a gun around a little. - "I've lugged a gun around a little."

No, I have read your books. I read all books on hunting.

- A papiroso? - Thank you.

Only in yours have I found a sane point of view.

- What do you mean, "sane"? - Cigarette?

- Hmm? Yeah. Thanks. - You do not excuse what needs no excuse.

Let me see. How did you put it?

"Hunting is as much a game as stud poker...

only the limits are higher."

- You have put our case perfectly. - Then you're a hunter yourself?

We are kindred spirits. It is my one passion.

He sleeps all day and hunts all night.

And what's more, Rainsford, he'll have you doing the same thing.

We'll have capital sport together, I hope.

Don't encourage him.

He's had our two sailors so busy...

chasing around the woods after flora and fauna...

that we haven't seen them for three days.

But what do you hunt here?

I'll tell you. You will be amused, I know.

I have done a rare thing.

I have invented a new sensation.

Yeah, and is he stingy with it.

What is this sensation, Count?

Mr. Rainsford, God made some men poets.

Some He made kings, some beggars.

Me, He made a hunter.

My hand was made for the trigger, my father told me.

He was a very rich man...

with a quarter of a million acres in the Crimea, and an ardent sportsman.

When I was only still up high he gave me my first gun.

- Good for him. - My life has been one glorious hunt.

It would be impossible for me to tell you how many animals I have killed.

- But when the revolution... - Look out.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Count Zaroff was so interesting...

I didn't realize the danger.

Oh, it's all right now. What were you saying about the revolution, Count?

Oh, merely that I escaped with most of my fortune.

Naturally, I continued to hunt all over the world.

It was in Africa that the Cape buffalo gave me this.

That must have been a close call.

Yes. It still bothers me sometimes.

However, in two months I was on my way to the Amazon.

I'd heard that the jaguars there were unusually cunning.

No, no, no. No sport at all.

Well, conditions are bad everywhere these days.

One night, as I lay in my tent with this...

this head of mine...

a terrible thought crept like a snake into my brain.

Hunting was beginning to bore me.

Is that such a terrible thought, Count?

It is, my dear lady, when hunting has been the whip for all other passions.

When I lost my love of hunting...

I lost my love of life... of love.

Well, you seem to have stood it pretty well.

I even tried to sink myself to the level of the savage.

I made myself perfect in the use of the Tartar war bow.

Tartar which?

Tartar war bow...

That one up there.

It's cute.

Even to this day I prefer to hunt with it...

but alas, even that was too deadly.

What I needed was not a new weapon...

but a new animal.

- A new animal? - Exactly so.

You found one?


Here on my island...

I hunt the most dangerous game.

"The most dangerous game"? You mean tigers?

Tigers? No.

The tiger has nothing but his claws and his fangs.

I heard some queer beast howling back there along the water. Was that it?

It's no use, Rainsford.

He won't tell.

He won't even let you see his trophy room...

till he gets ready to take you on a hunt of the great whatsit.

My one secret. I keep it as a surprise for my guests...

against the rainy day of boredom.

You let me in on that game...

and I'll bet you I go for it.

You know, Rainsford, he hasn't failed yet.

If he says a thing is good, it is good.

He's a judge of liquor, wizard at contract...

plays the piano... anything you want.

He's a good host and a good scholar, eh, Count?

Yes, yes.

You want me to go hunting? You just say the word. We're pals.

We'll have a big party, get cockeyed and go hunting.

A completely civilized point of view.

I tell you what you do. You come to my place in the Adirondacks, see.

We'll have a private car, liquor and gals on the trip...

and the guides will make the deers behave.

I think we'd better change the subject.

All right. Change the subject.

Oh, I know! Play the piano, huh?

If you wish.

Good idea. Play the piano. Leave it to me, and I'll fix everything.

Perhaps the count doesn't want to play.

There you go, sis, throwing cold water.

Leave me alone. I know where the piano is.

I'm perfectly sober.

Charming simplicity.

"Completely civilized," did you say?

He talks of wine and women as a prelude to the hunt.

We barbarians know that it is after the chase...

and then only that man revels.

It does seem a bit like cocktails before breakfast.

Of course, yes. You know the saying of the Ugandi chieftains...

"Hunt first the enemy, then the woman."

That's the savages' idea everywhere.

It is the natural instinct.

What is woman... even such a woman as this...

until the blood is quickened by the kill?

- Oh, I don't know. - "Oh, I don't know."

You Americans.

One passion builds upon another.

Kill! Then love.

When you have known that...

you will have known ecstasy.

Oh, Martin!

Here you see Zaroff, the keyboard king...

in his Branca Island hour.

Come on, Count. Now, you show them.

- What do you suggest? - Oh, just a good tune.

But not highbrow, like last night.

- Just a good tune, see? - I see.

Oh, his hunting dogs.

Keep your voice low and listen.

It isn't true about the launch needing repairs.

I heard it leave the boathouse last night. It returned this morning.

You mean he's keeping you from returning to the mainland?


Well, perhaps he enjoys the company of two very charming people.

Two, maybe. There were four of us a week ago.

- The other two have disappeared. - What do you mean?

One night after dinner, the count took one of our sailors...

down to see his trophy room...

at the foot of those stone steps.

- That iron door? - Yes.

Two nights later he took the other there.

Neither has been seen since.

Have you asked him about them?

He says they've gone hunting.

Oh, be careful. He's watching us.

Will you smile, as if I'd said something funny?

Now look here. You must be mistaken.

Not now.


- Attaboy! Attaboy! - Thank you.

What did I tell you? Smacks a mean ivory, eh, Rainsford?

It was splendid. Don't stop, please.

I'm afraid we have failed to hold the full attention of our audience.

Well, I expect it's rather difficult for Mr. Rainsford...

to concentrate on anything after all he's been through.

My dear lady, you are pleading for yourself.

I can see the drooping of those lovely eyes.

Excuse me.

You know, the count's worse than a family governess.

Every night he sends us off to bed like naughty children.

Oh, no, my dear. No.

Charming children.

There, you hear that, sis?

Now trot along upstairs and don't bother us grownups anymore.

Well, after that I guess... I guess I'll have to go.

- Good night, Mr. Rainsford. - Good night.

We'll be seeing each other at breakfast.

- Good night. - Good night.

Good night, sis. We won't be seeing each other at breakfast.

Oh, my dear Rainsford, I have been most inconsiderate.

You must be feeling the need of sleep too.

- Yes, I am just about all in. - Then Ivan will show you to your room.

Oh, Martin, turn in early, please?

Don't worry. The count'll take care of me, all right.

Indeed I shall.

- Well, good night. - Good night, sir.

Sleep well.

Oh, uh, well, here's to long life.

A long life.

Tell me, Mr. Trowbridge...

are you also fatigued?

Tired? Me?

You know I'm not.

You know, Rainsford, we two are just alike.

Up all night and sleep all day.

Well, good night.

Well, what are we gonna do, huh?

What's the big idea?

I thought that perhaps...

tonight you would like to see my trophy room?

Your trophy room?

I'm sure you will find it most...


Say, that's a great idea.

Ho-ho. Now we're pals. No more secrets now, huh?

- We'll make a night of it. - I hope so, Mr. Trowbridge.

Just you and I... pals. We'll have fun together, huh?

Precisely, yes.

Fun together.

Attaboy, County, old boy, old boy, County.

Please let me come in.

I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm frightened.

- What was it? Those dogs? - My brother.

I've been listening for hours for him to come upstairs.

I've just gone to his room. He isn't there!

- He's probably somewhere with the count. - That's just what I'm afraid of.

Count Zaroff is planning something... about my brother and me.

You don't really think anything has happened to your brother?

Oh, I don't know, but we've got to find him.

Won't you help me?

Why, of course I'll help you.

- Where do you think he's gone? - Where did the others go?

The iron door.

I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes.

Thank you.

That's queer. It's unlocked.

Zaroff! He's coming down.

Back here, quick!

Where is my brother?

Where is my brother?

You killed him!

You killed my brother!


Why, you...

Come, come, my dear Rainsford.

I don't want to treat you like my other guests.

You and I, we are hunters.

So that's your most dangerous game.

Yes. My dear fellow, I intended to tell you last night...

but you know, Miss Trowbridge...

You hunted him like an animal.

I know what you think, but you are wrong.

He was sober and fit for sport when I sent him out.

An hour or two strapped up in here brought him to his senses.

You raving maniac!

Yes, yes, yes. I'll take it off... when we've finished.

The stupid fellow tried to escape through the swamps of Fog Hollow.

You see, when I first began stocking my island...

many of my guests thought I was joking...

so I established this trophy room.

I always bring them here before the hunt.

An hour with my trophies...

and they usually do their best to keep away from me.

Where do you get these poor devils?

Providence provided my island with dangerous reefs.

But there are light buoys to mark the safe channel.

They do not always mark it.

- You shifted them. - Precisely right.

Too bad your yacht should have suffered...

but at least it brought us together.

You take half-drowned men from ships you've wrecked...

and drive them out to be hunted.

I give them every consideration...

good food, exercise...

everything to get them in splendid shape.

- To be shot down in cold blood. - Oh, no, no.

Oh, I admit, with this annoying fellow...

but usually I give them hunting clothes...

a woodsman's knife and a full day's start.

I even wait until midnight to give them the full advantage the dark.

And if one eludes me only till sunrise...

he wins the game.

Suppose he refuses to be hunted.

Ivan is such an artist with these.

Invariably, Mr. Rainsford, invariably they choose to hunt.

And when they win?

To date I have not lost.

Oh, Rainsford, you'll find this game worth playing.

When the next ship arrives, we'll have gorgeous sport together.

You murdering rat! I'm a hunter not an assassin.

Come, Rainsford. Say you will hunt with me.

Hunt men?

Say you will hunt with me!


What do you think I am?

One, I fear, who dare not follow his own convictions...

to their logical conclusion.

I'm afraid in this instance, Mr. Rainsford...

you may have to follow them.

What do you mean?

I shall not wait for the next ship.

Four o'clock. The sun is just rising.

Come, Mr. Rainsford. Let us not waste time.


Your fangs and claws, Mr. Rainsford.

Bob! Bob!


Bob! Bob, what are they going to do?

- I'm going to be hunted. - Oh, no. No, Miss Trowbridge.

Outdoor chess.

His brain against mine.

His good craft against mine.

- And the prize? - The prize?

You may recall what I said last evening.

Only after the kill...

does man know the true ecstasy of love.

Suppose you lose.

If I do not...

What shall I say?... find you...

between midnight and sunrise tomorrow, freedom for both of you.

- I'm going with you. - No. He'll kill you too.

Not at all. One does not kill a female animal.

If you lose, I can easily recapture her alive.

All right. I'll take her with me then.

We'll set him a trail he'll remember.

It's only fair to advise you against Fog Hollow.

Outdoor chess, Mr. Rainsford.

Don't lose your nerve. We'll beat this thing.

- The others didn't. - We will.

Come on. Let's get going.

It seems as though we've come miles.

Yeah, but three hours doesn't take you far in this jungle.

Come on. Let's keep going.

Come on.

Just a little more of this, then easy downhill going.

We'll soon be safe.

No wonder he was so sure.

This island is no bigger than a deer park.

Oh, Bob!

Come on, now.

What are we going to do?

We didn't each live through a shipwreck to let this crazy man hunter worry us.

I shouldn't have come with you. You might beat him if you were alone.

Alone? And leave you here with that savage?

Not a chance.

Now we've got to think of something to worry him.

You'd never get near him. He'd shoot on sight.

Weapons aren't everything in the jungle.

Say, did you notice that leaning tree down there?

- The one we just passed? - Yes. I want to show you something.

You see? If that supporting branch were cut away...

this fallen tree would make a perfect Malay deadfall.

A Malay deadfall? What's that?

A man-killing contraption the natives use.

It would stop that madman, all right.

Trouble is, it takes quite a few hours to build.

He said he wouldn't follow till midnight.

That's right. If you help me, I think we'll have time.

Come on. We'll cut some strong vines.

There. Almost ready.

This bracelet of yours makes a fine guide ring for my necktie.

He'll have been on his way almost an hour now.

Look out! Don't touch that trip line.

You'll have a two-ton tree down on your back.

- Jungle wood's as heavy as iron. - Will it really work?

I've never known a living thing to get by one yet.

Look here. You touch that trip line...

it'll pull that trigger free.

Once that's loose, there's nothing to keep the log from coming down.

It'll crash down and kill anything underneath it.


We're ready. Let him come.

Give me that knife.

Come out, Rainsford.

Why prolong it?

I'll not bungle this shot.

You'll never even feel it.

But surely you don't think that anyone who has hunted leopards...

would follow you into that ambush?

Oh, very well. If you choose to play the leopard...

I shall hunt you like a leopard.

Wait. Maybe it's a trick.


Why did he go?

He's playing with us... like a cat with a mouse.

What do you mean?

You heard him say he'd hunt us as he'd hunt a leopard.

That means he's gone for his high-powered rifle.

His rifle? Oh, Bob, we must get away from here!

- Run, quick! - Eve, wait.

- No, I tell you, no! - Don't stop! No!

Wait. That's Fog Hollow ahead.

- Fog Hollow? - The swamp where he caught the others.

We haven't a chance of keeping ahead of him there.

- But there's no place else to run. - That's just what he's counting on.

We've got two hours till dawn. We've got to use our brains instead of our legs.

But he'll have his rifle.

And we'll have a man trap. Look.

It makes me dizzy.

Cover this over.

When Mr. Zaroff falls down there, he'll be all through hunting.

Quick. Gather some leaves and grass. I'll cut some branches.

Yes. Very good, Rainsford.

Very good.

You have not won yet.

Look at your watch.

Are you looking at it?

Still half an hour till sunrise.

Swamp or no swamp, we can keep ahead of him that long.

As you are doubtless saying, the odds are against me.

You have made my rifle useless in the fog.

You cannot blame me if I overcome that obstacle.

Those animals I cornered... now I know how they felt.

Achmed, Miss Trowbridge...

bring her here.


My dear Rainsford, I congratulate you.

You have beaten me.

Not yet.

Oh, but of course. I insist.

Why, you're...

You're not even wounded.

You hit the dog not me.

I took a chance and went over with him.

A clever trick, Rainsford.

I cheerfully admit defeat.

Here's the key of the boathouse.

The door is in the trophy room.

You and Miss Trowbridge may leave at once.





The boat! Quick!


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Maximus Crypto Bot Trading Update! Daily Progress With LIVE Trading Session! #maximuscryptobot - Duration: 8:16.

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join. don't forget to Like and subscribe

to our channel for future updates. for MAXIMUS CRYPTOBOT playlists and

related videos see the OUTRO of this video. stay tuned and until then take


For more infomation >> Maximus Crypto Bot Trading Update! Daily Progress With LIVE Trading Session! #maximuscryptobot - Duration: 8:16.


For more infomation >> Maximus Crypto Bot Trading Update! Daily Progress With LIVE Trading Session! #maximuscryptobot - Duration: 8:16.


vocabulaire français : il a neigé - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> vocabulaire français : il a neigé - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> vocabulaire français : il a neigé - Duration: 1:27.


Como Estudar Música Sozinho em Casa e Aprender mais Rápido - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Como Estudar Música Sozinho em Casa e Aprender mais Rápido - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Como Estudar Música Sozinho em Casa e Aprender mais Rápido - Duration: 6:19.


How I'm Planning For 2019 | Vlogmas Day 16 - Duration: 14:17.

Honestly, if you have an obsession with planners

like I do, and can't buy enough of them,

this video is going to be for you.

(writing sound effect)

(level up sound effect)

Hello and welcome back to the channel and Vlogmas.

As you can see, we are in a completely different

location, because I have absolutely failed

at prepping for Vlogmas, and I have a 12 hour stream today,

and, so we're at Starbucks, and I'm ordering a pizza,

and the pizza place is right across the street.

So while that is done, I have my coffee

and I'm going to film tomorrow's videos, and yeah.

So 2019 is almost here, and that means I have new planners,

and I have a few.

I've done some planner videos in the past.

I've done bullet journals, I've done Erin Condren,

although I don't think I've ever

talked about it on this channel.

And now I've been using some different things,

and I've gone back to some things to try again,

so, let's go over things.

So, first things first, my main planner

for this year has been the Hobonichi.

It's a Japanese company that

you kind of actually can use like a bullet journal, really.

And the thing is, I've been using

multiples of them in different ways.

I used to use their smaller A6 size,

but I found that it was too small for me,

actually, with my handwriting and,

you know, whatever else I was writing out.

So I went from the A6 size that was smaller

and I moved to a Hobonichi Techo Cousin,

and I, sometimes I find that size to be too big,

and then sometimes I find it to be just right.

So, I have the Techo Cousin,

and I have a cover to go with this.

I also

have the Weeks, and I'll tell you why, and,

I'm not gonna open these from this package

because I wanna save it for next year.

Thankfully, I actually remembered to bring

the one that I'm currently using,

so I'm gonna use that to show you.

But yeah, so here is my current

Hobonichi Techo Cousin for 2018.

This cover is cats, and I don't really need a new cover,

like this one looks, steering wheel.

This one looks just fine, and it's got

a little bit of staining on the inside

even with this plastic cover, but it's just fine.

However, the reason I did also decide to get another cover

is one, just to have options in case I get bored.

It's not like I have a bunch of different covers.

I only have these two.

But, when I travel for work, I was thinking

I might want a cover that's a little more professional.

Not that, this isn't really, like, unprofessional to me,

it doesn't really scream childish.

I mean it's neutral colors, and it's just cats,

like adults like cats, and honestly I don't think

anybody really cares about what your planner looks like,

'cause it's not like I'm going to shove it

in potential clients' faces, but,

I don't know, it just, I feel fancier when I have,

like, this kind of cover.

It's not like I have a Pikachu on it. (laughs)

I'd use this for YouTube stuff, for Twitch, whatever.

This is just like, it's my main schedule.

And I also use a Google calendar and whatnot,

but I'm just someone who just needs even the same task

and whatnot in, like, multiple places for some reason.

I guess it's also me just tryin' to find out

what works for me and what doesn't.

So it looks like this.

And, I'm not gonna get to, like, the fancy gritty details.

There are actual planner YouTubers that do better.

So this is like the yearly overview, which I like, but,

there are some sections that I don't pay attention to.

So this has the yearly, the weeks, monthly, and daily.

And I think the two things I really don't

pay as much attention to are the yearly,

even though, if you see, I have a lot written,

and the weeklies, and I'll get more into that in a second.

But, so, I got yearly overview, which honestly,

this is nice at a glance so I can make sure

if I have any appointments like dental,

gynecologist, whatever, and actually to be quite honest,

I really need to update this a little bit.

And then you have your monthlies.

I love the amount of space in this, because

what I really like to do, and I will show you right now.

Okay, so here's an idea of how I like my monthlies to look.

I'm gonna be honest, the only time

I really use my monthly pages is for YouTube videos,

and the titles, and what goes what.

The downside to doing this is that sometimes

I'll end up changing what video goes where,

even if it's on a regular upload, like Monday, Tuesday,

like this is special, this is Vlogmas.

So I'll have like, Monday on the 3rd

was the changing my sign name video,

so I have the name of that and then I color code it,

red for YouTube, right?

And then occasionally, I also have my Twitch,

occasionally I do my regular appointments,

so I got a program that I'm interviewing for,

and haircut, and whatnot.

And now lemme see if I can find a decent page of my dailies.

And okay, so here's the dailies.

So on this side on the left side you have the time table.

So anything, so like YouTube, time of YouTube,

my Twitch or whatever, any appointments

will go on the left side.

And then this side has my notes,

so if I gotta do tasks, I have my tasks of YouTube.

Write out Medium, writing stuff, whatever.

And sometimes, if I'm uploading a video,

so say this is the Q and A video that had to be published.

Next to it on the right side, I will write notes.

So say I gotta add a card, and I can't remember

off the top of my head what time the card goes on,

in the video, I put it on the side

so that way I can go back and really,

you know, it's just so much easier.

Now like I said, there are two sections

I don't really pay attention to

and it's the yearly one, but mostly, honestly, the weeks.

This is an example of this week,

and the reason why I tend to not use it

so much in this planner is because

it's so skinny, the columns are so skinny.

And it's hard for me to, like,

if I wanna write down my YouTube title,

I am someone that hates shortening my titles.

Even in a planner, like I wanna

write out the whole damn thing.

I don't know, I just, I don't really like it

and I also hate having to constantly

flip back and forth to different sections in the planner.

So I wish there was like weekly page

and then your every day page,

like you got your monthly page then the weekly page

to go with the dailies, I don't know,

I'm probably not making any sense.

That's why I also got the Weeks,

which unfortunately I did forget to bring.

In that case, let me open this one and show you, because

this is my fault.

So this is the 2019, and I got the soft cover black.

This is not real leather to my knowledge, I double checked.

So, you got the little Weeks.

And I like this for a weekly overview,

so if I'm doing my daily pages and planning out for the day,

instead of having to annoyingly flip back and forth,

I can just have this open at the same time.

They have monthly pages, but it's really really tiny.

I still occasionally use it.

But overall, I just, I find it so tiny

that I'm not that impressed.

One of the reasons why I do try to use it still

is because if I'm traveling locally,

or even if I travel, like, out of state for work,

and I don't wanna bring the heavy planner

and I just need something that has a schedule,

I don't need a whole bunch of notes to go with it,

this is fine, I can just carry this in my briefcase.

But yeah, that tends to be really tiny.

I think there's also a yearly overview,

but this is honestly so tiny,

I'm never gonna actually use it.

It's just, no.

And so this is what the weeks look like here.

So you have, please focus.

It doesn't wanna focus on anything but my face.

So you have your monthlies, and it's a good

chunk of each thing, and then over here,

you can still write some notes down,

so occasionally I do that.

What I actually tend to do is I also write

my video uploads for the week.

And then here I will write, like, to film,

and then a list of videos that I want to or,

I need to, but I might not get to film, so a video list.

Sometimes I might write notes on here

and then just bring this with me

when I film to make it easier.

Really, it's just like, to write this week,

to film this week, that type of thing, so there's that.

And then I have one more planner that I have.

Last Vlogmas, I talked about the Passion Planner

and how I wanted to try that out,

because it has the word passion in the title

and it's says that it's supposed to help you

with your projects and whatnot.

I used it for about a week.

Not a week, I used it for about a month or two,

and then I trashed it because it wasn't working for me.

And so what did I do one year after purchasing?

Bought another.

But I have my reasons for this, okay?

And I'm planning on using it a little bit differently,

and in conjunction, or together with, this.

One of the reasons why I didn't like the Passion Planner

is because it relies so much on an hourly schedule.

I don't run on an hourly schedule

except to upload videos and when I go on Twitch.

And if I have a speaking engagement or some other event,

which doesn't really come that often,

so it just seems pointless for me to have a Passion Planner.

So that's why it originally didn't work for me.

However, 2019 is looking to be promising, so I have hope.

But also, I really wanna try to give this another shot

because there are projects that I really,

like project projects, that I really wanna focus on.

And I'm hoping that if I can find a way to make it work

along with my Hobonichis, it might work.

So here you have like a little road map for your goals,

and I'm actually gonna make a video about that tomorrow.

So, stay tuned for tomorrow.

Okay, here's a random page, right?

You see right here it's all hours and it goes from

six o'clock in the morning to 10:30 at night.

Every day it has a daily focus,

so I focus on one damn thing,

which is actually really difficult for me.

This week's focus good things that happen,

because I need to remember that sometimes,

good things do happen.

And here's what I do like, you have a personal to-do list

and a work to-do list, so it's nice to see that all at once.

This kind of has a weekly and a daily

all at the same time, so this, uh.

But so you got top priority, a priority,

and like, random errands to run, so it's like

I need to go to Best Buy and buy something for work,

priority, film some videos, top priority,

film these exact videos, right, something like that.

Or that would be under the work list,

not so much the personal one, but you know what I mean, so.

And the random note space, and, after every month,

you have a little overview and it asks you questions,

and let's see if I can find an actual page.

What was the most mem-boral part, memor, memorable,

part of this month?

What are the biggest lessons?

This is more of like a mental health reflection

sort of thing I guess, but then it also says,

are you happy with how you spent your time,

and focusing on your priorities, things like that.

So, I'm going to try to give it another shot,

because honestly, when I decided after one month

that, you know, this doesn't work for me,

it was during a slow month where I wasn't doing anything.

But next year, for 2019, at least in March,

I know right of the bat March is going to be

a really good month for me in terms of work, so,

I wanna at least try to give this at least four months.

And that is it for physical planners.

There's also stuff like Google Calendar,

which I use to track appointments,

so that way I get a notification on my phone,

and I also keep track of what Patreon stuff goes up,

what videos will go up.

So if Monday says planner video, it's gonna be on Monday

and then on Thursday I might have the goals video,

but if I need to, I'll switch 'em.

So it's just easier that way.

And then if I have already written down on the planner,

I just have to cross it out, and

admit that I failed on that part.

But whatever, it's fine.

I also use Trello to keep track of tasks,

so I will have name of video in a card

and then I have a checklist that says film,

edit, thumbnail, captions, publish.

Sometimes a voiceover if it's a signed video.

That way I can actually really keep track,

because it's easier than going through

the planner sometimes.

I have a little bit of a planner problem, to be honest.

I feel like the system might be working for me,

at least the Hobonichi plus Trello plus Google Calendar.

That's working for me because I use it for different things.

We will see how the addition

of the Passion Planner works out.

I think I'm also still just in the phase

of me trying to figure out the perfect system for me,

and sometimes that requires using multiple things at once.

If you are a fellow planner user,

let me know in the comments what you use,

whether it's just your phone.

Some people prefer going digital and that's fine.

For me, I tried that route but I just,

I also have to write things down to remember them.

Also let me know if you're more of a functional planner

or a decorative planner.

I used to be decorative.

When I had the Erin Condren, I used to

buy so much stickers, so many sets

and that was way too expensive.

Now I still have a few, but now I mostly just have pens

and a couple of stamps, but I really,

I just prefer to use pen now because I realized

that the sticker thing was just way out of my budget

to keep up with on a regular basis.

And that is absolutely it.

As always, I very much appreciate you watching.

Now, before you go, if you haven't,

consider being a pledge on Patreon

as it is a great way to support

your favorite creator's content.

From me you get things like music playlists,

written pieces you won't see anywhere else,

and pen pal letters if you pledge high enough.

And I'll see you later.


For more infomation >> How I'm Planning For 2019 | Vlogmas Day 16 - Duration: 14:17.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1408: Michał dowie się o śmierci Agnieszki. Kochanka zostawiła mu córkę - Duration: 12:12.

Ta śmierć w "M jak miłość" będzie wstrząsem dla Michała (Paweł Deląg) i odmieni jego życie.

Nie dość, że w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" Ostrowski dowie się, że jego była kochanka

Agnieszka Szumińska, zmarła to jeszcze pozna swoją córkę. Kaja (Karolina Buchnicka), dziewczyna

która od niedawna kręci się na Wietrznej wokół domu Michała, powie pisarzowi że jest jej ojcem.

Jak to możliwe, że Michał nie wiedział o jej istnieniu?

Michał Ostrowski z "M jak miłość" ma córkę, o której istnieniu przez lata nie wiedział?

W 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" na Wietrznej znów pojawi się Kaja,

która od jakiegoś czasu wypytywała sąsiadów o pisarza. Tajemnica dziewczyna zostawi pod drzwiami

jego domu krótki list i starą fotografię, na której będzie właśnie Ostrowski w czasach studiów.

„To Pana zdjęcie, prawda? Muszę się z Panem spotkać, porozmawiać.

Kaja." A pisarz, zaintrygowany, od razu umówi się z nią w pobliskiej kawiarni.

- To zdjęcie mnie zaintrygowało... Jak je pani zdobyła? - To pańska fotka? - zapyta Kaja.

- Tak, ze studiów. Mam je pani podpisać? Chodzi o autograf?

To dlaczego pani za mną chodzi? - Nie. Nie znam pańskich książek.

Przeczytałam jedną, ale mi się nie podobała - wyjaśni dziewczyna.

Michał, coraz bardziej zaciekawiony, zerknie na Kaję, która w końcu wyzna mu prawdę.

- Obserwowałam pana, żeby się przekonać, jakim jest pan człowiekiem.

Fanką nie jestem, ale myślę, a w zasadzie jestem już prawie pewna, że jestem pańską córką!

Ta wiadomość w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" spadnie na Ostrowskiego jak grom z jasnego nieba.

Ze swoich rozterek zwierzy się Joasi (Barbara Kurdej-Szatan). - W zasadzie wszystko się zgadza.

W pewnym okresie przez dwa semestry studiowałem we Wrocławiu. Pokazała mi zdjęcia swojej matki...

Nie mogę powiedzieć, że byliśmy parą, ale parę razy żeśmy się spotkali i... - Czyli to jest możliwe?

- Właśnie nie. Nie mogę mieć dzieci. Dawno się z tym pogodziłem, choć nie było to takie łatwe.

No a teraz to sam nie wiem co mam o tym myśleć i jak się powinienem zachować...

A później w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" zacznie szukać w internecie informacji o Agnieszce Szumińskiej

swojej dawnej kochance. Trafi w sieci na jej nekrolog.

Dziennikarka, pedagog i opiekun młodzieży zmarła w maju 2017 roku.

Historia znów się w powtarza w "M jak miłość".

Kiedyś Agnieszkę i Joasię łączyło uczucie do Tomka (Andrzej Młynarczyk).

Teraz między przyjaciółki wkroczył Michał.

I choć Chodakowska nie jest na razie zainteresowana bliższą relacją z sąsiadem

to właśnie na jego ramieniu wypłakuje się w trudnych chwilach, gdy ma problemy z dziećmi.

Po chwilowej fascynacji Joasią, pisarz zmienił obiekt zainteresowania.

Od niedawna stara się zwrócić na siebie uwagę Agnieszki.

Uda mu się to w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" gdy zobaczy Olszewską w ogródku Joasi.

Widząc, że Agnieszka jest sama, odpoczywa na leżaku i korzysta z chwil relaksu bez właścicielki

domu wprosi się do niej na krótką pogawędkę. Oczywiście licząc na to, że zdoła ją sobą oczarować.

W 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" pewny siebie, roześmiany Michał zasugeruje Agnieszce

że to ona tak na niego działa. - Jestem jakiś rozkojarzony... Czuję się jakbym miał 16 lat!

- Ja dzisiaj trochę też... Lato, wakacje, pełna laba. Zupełnie jak kiedyś.

Usiądziesz? Napijesz się lemoniady? Joasia jest w pracy, a ja mam urlop.

Korzystam z jej uprzejmości i ogrodu oczywiście. A ty, co? Cały czas pracujesz?

- Agnieszka będzie trochę zmieszana, ale otwarta na nową znajomość i niewinny flirt.

W 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" Ostrowski przystąpi do ataku.

- Wiesz co, mam kryzys twórczy, który trochę już za długo trwa.

Muszę się zmobilizować, a jak tu się zmobilizować gdy za oknem takie słońce, a za płotem piękna dziewczyna...

- Tak źle to chyba nie jest? - zawstydzona Olszewska szybko zmieni temat.

- Los pisarza jest pełen wyrzeczeń... - Dobra... Powiedziałeś, że masz na warsztacie nową książkę.

Zdradzisz cokolwiek, opowiesz o czym jest?

Nagle Michał zbliży się do Agnieszki, ale tę intymną chwilę przerwie szczekanie psa Wojtusia (Feliks Matecki).

- Pewna pani prokurator zamierza... - przerwie w pół słowa Ostrowski.

Zaraz po schadzce z Agnieszką samotny Michał w 1408 odcinku

"M jak miłość" umówi się za to na spotkanie z Kają (Karolina Buchnicka)

– tajemniczą dziewczyną, która niedawno pojawiła się na Wietrznej i zaczęła go obserwować.

Ostatnio w "M jak miłość" Wojtuś przeżywa trudne chwile.

Choroba jego ukochanej Oli (Oliwia Dąbrowska), którą może uratować tylko przeszczep nerki, mocno nim wstrząsnęła.

Dziewczyna Wojtusia wyjechała na operację do Norwegii, a on myślami będzie przy niej.

I właśnie wtedy w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość" dojdzie do bardzo niebezpiecznej sytuacji.

Wojtuś będzie tak skupiony na rozmowie przez telefon z Olą, że idąc na spacer z psem Karmelem zejdzie

z chodnika wprost pod nadjeżdżający samochód. Tragedia będzie dosłownie na wyciągnięcie ręki.

Na szczęście w ostatniej chwili w 1408 odcinku "M jak miłość"

do chłopca podbiegnie Michał, który cudem uratuje go przed wypadkiem.

Po tym zdarzeniu Wojtuś przez moment nie będzie w stanie złapać tchu.

Zrozumie, że gdyby nie sąsiad mógł nawet zginąć.

Podziękuje Ostrowskiemu i jednocześnie poprosi go, by nie wspominał o tym co się stało Joasi.

To przecież bardzo by ją zmartwiło. Michał obieca zachować dyskrecję i

nie wygada się nawet przed Agnieszką (Magdalena Walach)

która pod nieobecność przyjaciółki będzie się zajmować synem Tomka (Andrzej Młynarczyk).

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1408: Michał dowie się o śmierci Agnieszki. Kochanka zostawiła mu córkę - Duration: 12:12.


Ezra Henderson - Paradise - Duration: 3:01.

Emotions I can never keep suppressed You walk inside the room, I'm running out

of breath I guess I'm in too deep

But I don't want to leave

You got me falling bad I can't believe it

But if this is how I find the words so be it

Cause I still can't speak In your company

We could kick it back if you tryna unwind now

Hit the gas, we can leave them all behind now

Running laps in my head like every night Girl I put you over everything just let me

call you mine

Lay with me inside my open arms Ease your mind, and rest it on my heart

Let me spend forever in your eyes With you, I know I've found my paradise

Found my paradise With you, I know

Love your conversation Hate to say goodbye

Wonder what could we be if I could say what's on my mind

It's never been this hard Guess I've never fell this far

Come and kick it back when you need to unwind now

Hit the gas, we can leave them all behind now

Running laps in my head like every night Girl I put you over everything

Just let me call you mine

Lay with me inside my open arms Ease your mind, and rest it on my heart

Let me spend forever in your eyes With you, I know I've found my paradise

Found my paradise With you, I know I've found my paradise

For more infomation >> Ezra Henderson - Paradise - Duration: 3:01.


BMW 7 Serie 740d 306Pk High Executive M-Pakket/ Surround View/ Schuifdak/ Hifi Prof./ Soft-Close/ He - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> BMW 7 Serie 740d 306Pk High Executive M-Pakket/ Surround View/ Schuifdak/ Hifi Prof./ Soft-Close/ He - Duration: 1:08.


My Favorite Tech Products Of 2018 - Headphones, Speakers & Other Things - Duration: 7:28.

With 2019 right around the corner I thought I would make a list of some of my favorite

tech products that I've reviewed in 2018.

These are the products that I feel you cant go wrong with in their respective categories

and products I have no problem recommending on a regular basis.

Now just a heads up, theres going to be a lot of headphones on this list cause the headphone

market is really heating up and I'm really excited to see where it goes in 2019.

But don't worry… a few speakers, drones, and other accessories made it on to this list


So first up, I think its pretty obvious if you watch my videos on a regular basis…

but my number one most favorite product of 2018 period are the Sony 1000XM3's.

Even though I didn't expect to get them so soon, Im really glad we did.

I feel the 1000XM3's are currently the best ANC headphones on the market right now.

They manage to block out the most amount of noise and they do so with very little cabin


Their build quality and fit has also be vastly improved from their predecessors thanks to

their much larger and spacious ear cups and new more low profile design.

They also bring a lot of features like Google Assistant integration, they have an ambient

aware mode which is very useful when you're walking around in the city or working in an

office, and they also have quick attention which is very useful for short conversations.

These headphones also have a very long battery life even with ANC turned on, and their fast

charging is great for commuters as well.

But most importantly… these headphones sound very good.

Their bass is deep and punchy, they have well defined mids, and the highs never crash.

Right now, these are the headphones to beat in 2019.

But I know dropping $350 on a pair of headphones isn't an option for everyone… which brings

us to the Sony WH-CH700N.

Even though they have a retail price of $200 they typically go on sale for about $150 and

on occasion they go on sale for even 50% off.

And even though their build quality isn't amazing… they are perhaps the most featured

packed sub $200 headphones out there.

Just like the 1000XM3's… they also have google assistant integration, they have an

adjustable EQ, and they also have an extremely long battery life of 35 hours.

Now even though these headphones have Active Noise Cancelation… don't expect them to

block out as much noise as the 1000XM3's.

But thanks to their very comfortable and spacious ear cups and ANC, I think the WH-CH700N are

a great pair of headphones for high school and college students on a tighter budget looking

for headphones to wear while they study.

But for those of you looking for a pair of headphones to have lots of fun with… theres

the Skullcandy Crusher 360's.

Just like how the Sony 1000XM3's are currently the best ANC headphones out there… these

are the best Bass Head Headphones on the market right now.

The bass on these headphones is honestly like nothing I've ever heard before and they

make the bass on the Sony XB950N1 look like a joke.

But I'm telling you, anytime I wear these headphones I cant but help crack a smile.

Now yeah I know 300 does seem like a lot for a pair of Bass Head Headphones… but Skullcandy

makes up for it with their build quality.

Theres a lot of metal on these headphones, what ever isn't metal is soft touch material

and the faux leather feels pretty good as well.

And even if you use these headphones with their bass featured turned off, they're

a good looking pair of headphones period with a decent battery life of 29 hours.

And the last headphones on this list are the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT…

Just like how the Sony's are great for commuters and how the Skullcandy's are great for people

looking to have fun… these are great for creators looking for headphones they can use

after they're done editing their videos or for people who prefer a neutral sound signature.

These headphones have all of the great characteristics found on their predecessors which have a cult

following, and even when you go wireless they still preform well.

But before we wrap up with headphones on this list…

I do want to give an honorable mention to the Windows Surface Headphones.

Even though they have great styling and build quality, I really like their dials, and they

also have lots of features like ANC, an Ambient mode, and Voice assistant integration…

I still think they have lots of improving to do if they want to catch up to the Sony


But I really hope we see a follow up to these later in 2019.

But now lets get into my favorite speakers of 2018.

Im going to be honest… the only reason I first reviewed the JBL Clip 3 was because

my Pre Order for my JBL Xtreme 2 was delayed and I really needed to put out content.

But after using the Clip 3 I just really liked it a lot.

Now, no I doesn't sound as good as the Bose Soundlink Micro… but for a $60 speaker the

Clip 3 performs very well.

Besides, I don't use the clip 3 to listen to music I use it as my dedicated podcast

machine for when ever I'm working around the house or for when I'm in the shower.

And since it has a much longer real world battery life than Soundlink Micro, I don't

have to charge it nearly as frequent.

But if you're looking for a large portable speaker then you cant go wrong with the JBL

Xtreme 2.

What really impresses me about this speaker compared to all of the other speakers I've

compared this speaker with is the amount of hardware this speaker packs in such a small


Not a lot of other speaker out there have a Dual Transducer, Dual Tweeter, and Dual

Passive radiator set up.

And even though the LG PK7 does have a similar set up to the Xtreme 2 it doesn't sound

or perform nearly as good.

So thats why the Xtreme 2 is one of my most recommended Portable speakers of 2018.

It sounds great, JBL connect plus makes it super easy to pair with other JBL speaker

if you plan on getting more in the future, and the new bottle opener built into the carrying

strap has proven to be more useful than I thought if you routinely take this speaker

to your friend's house whenever theres a get together.

But if you're looking for a great at home speaker then that's where the new Marshall

Stanmore II comes in.

The Stanmore II gives you JBL Boombox levels of wall shacking bass at a lower cost and

in a much smaller package.

Its just a little bigger than the Xtreme 2 I just mentioned.

And I also feel this is a great at home speaker cause I'm a really big fan of that Marshall

classic design, so I think this speaker will look great in almost any living room.

Now when it comes to drones, DJI in particular has had a very busy year.

With the release of their new Mavic Air, Mavic 2 Pro and Zoom, Ronin-s, Osmo Pocket, and

Osmo Mobile 2… theres a lot to choose from.

But I do think the DJI Mavic Air is the most impressive and important product DJI announced

this year.

The mavic air not only is a great foldable drone period, it brings uncompromised areal

cinematography to the masses at a not so scary price compared to the Mavic Pro.

And finally the last thing I want to talk about on this list is Apple's new 18 Watt


Even though I think apple should've included this charger with their new iPhones… and

I really do think it would really help with their sales.

If you do get a new iPhone or have an iPhone that supports fast charging, you gotta do

something about Apple's out dated and slow 5w watt charger.

And there you have it, theres are some of my favorite products I've had the pleasure

of using this 2018.

And I feel you cant go wrong with them if you choose to pick them up.

But I'm really excited to see what 2019 brings and I cant wait to see how headphones

evolve this coming year.

For more infomation >> My Favorite Tech Products Of 2018 - Headphones, Speakers & Other Things - Duration: 7:28.


Sane Belief - Nikes on my feet - A tribute to Mac Miller - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Sane Belief - Nikes on my feet - A tribute to Mac Miller - Duration: 1:39.


so be it. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> so be it. - Duration: 1:00.


SNL Documents the Search for New Oscars Host while Poking Fun at Kanye West, Rami Malek & More - New - Duration: 2:46.

 The Academy Awards are still in search of a new host for this year's ceremony and it seems like there are plenty of celebrities willing to take on the role — at least according to Saturday Night Live

 In a pre-taped sketch on this week's episode, SNL's cast parodied the audition process for the position, which freed up after Kevin Hart stepped down as host following the backlash over his past homophobic comments

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 Among the group of celebrity hopefuls vying for the gig in the sketch are Tiffany Haddish, Sarah Silverman — whose previous use of homophobic slang in tweets was resurfaced following Hart's controversy — Chris Hemsworth (played by the actor's real-life buddy Matt Damon), and Bohemian Rhapsody star Rami Malek

 In one of his few appearances on the sketch show that night, Pete Davidson — who had posted an alarming message about his well-being just hours earlier — portrayed the actor, and poked fun at his relaxed demeanor, joking that he would bring "something fun and super high energy" to the awards show

 During the sketch, cast member Chris Redd also poked fun at Kanye West.  "Controversy, bro

Like, you know what I'm saying? I'm trying to stay way out of it. Best actor? What about best human, bro, huh?" the faux West, shared, humorously adding, "My Twitter's never been a problem

Scroll it!"  At the time the sketch aired, West had spent the past couple of days embroiled in an explosive Twitter feud with Drake, Travis Scott and Davidson's ex-fiancée Ariana Grande

 At the end of the sketch, Ellen DeGeneres, played by Kate McKinnon, shared that she would love to "host the Oscars

"  "I haven't done anything controversial in my life, except for being gay, you know

But people love that now, except for the guy that was supposed to host," the faux DeGeneres said with a smile, taking a crack at Hart

 In addition to making a brief appearance in the pre-taped sketch, Davidson also appeared live on the program, introducing the night's musical guests, Miley Cyrus and Mark Ronson

 In keeping in the spirit of the holiday episode, the comedian wore a red sweater and green blazer

For more infomation >> SNL Documents the Search for New Oscars Host while Poking Fun at Kanye West, Rami Malek & More - New - Duration: 2:46.


Airsh4d3 - Clearest Blue - Duration: 3:35.


is all over us

Like it always was

Like it always was


by the clearest blue

But it's not enough

It's not enough, not enough

Just another time I'm caught inside every open eye

Holding on tightly to the sides, never quite learning why

You'll meet me, you'll meet me

You'll meet me halfway


to the shifting ground

Like it always was

Like it always was


were the perfect storm

But it's not enough

It's not enough, not enough, not enough

Just another time that I go down, but you are keeping up

Holding to a hope you'll undermine, never to be reversed

Just another time I'm caught inside every open eye

Holding on tightly to the sides, never quite learning why

Whenever I feel it coming on, you can be well aware

If ever I try to push away, you can just keep me there

So please say you'll meet me

Meet me halfway

For more infomation >> Airsh4d3 - Clearest Blue - Duration: 3:35.


BMW 1 Serie 118i Business Line Ultimate Edition Clima/ Leder/ Xenon/ 16'' LMV/ M Sportonderstel/ NL - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 118i Business Line Ultimate Edition Clima/ Leder/ Xenon/ 16'' LMV/ M Sportonderstel/ NL - Duration: 1:06.


►[ The Smile Has Left Your Eyes] Kim Moo Young & Jin Kang ✘ Hurricane - Duration: 2:38.

Do you truly...

have no feelings for me at all?

No, i don't.

Do you know me?

Not at all

Does it bother you?

It seems you're bothered

You were flustered in front of him

Your eyes...

Really annoys me.

I get irritated if i don't do anything.

We're done here.

Let's put an end to this.

you want to break up?

Yoo jin kang is...

your biological sister that you've been looking for so much.

She's your real younger sister.

Kim Moo young

please don't do this to me.

Kim moo young


Stabbed him

You shouldn't do that. you're my brother.

I don't know about others, but you shouldn't be like this.

Kim moo young!

Don't hit him! who are you to beat someone.

Why are you beating him up?

I love you

I love you too

For more infomation >> ►[ The Smile Has Left Your Eyes] Kim Moo Young & Jin Kang ✘ Hurricane - Duration: 2:38.


Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #102 [CC] - Duration: 9:12.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up for December 9th to 15th.

This week I read 2 books, I watched many shows, I watched 1 movie, and I listened to 1 book.

This is definitely not my normal setup.

I am actually at my parents' house, in their basement. I just woke up. I haven't even

put anything on my face or brushed my hair or brushed my teeth, because I knew

I was going to have some coffee. I pretty much just rolled right out of bed and

went, "I think this is the only time in the day that I can actually get this

video done," so we're doing it now. So you're getting this beautiful backdrop

of their lovely basement walls, as well as some things my Mom has painted, and I'm

using actually something I got for the holidays: a little light to help the

shadowy-ness of this corner, because I've got overhead lights, then I've got this

tiny little book light next to me. So there's gonna be some shadows.

We're really just improvising what I can do in the space. As for when I read this week,

I started the week with This is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kheryn Callendar.

This was one of the two books that I didn't get to during the Queer Lit Readathon,

because 13 books on a one week TBR is a really good idea, right? I mean, I did a

lot but also 13 is too many. Given that I read Kheryn Callendar's other book last week,

I can't help but compare the two and I liked this one a lot more.

Although this one still had some predictable moments, I enjoyed the plot a lot more ,and it

seemed less like I was getting whiplash, like with the plot of Hurricane Child.

This one features a main character who is still in love with his ex-girlfriend

when his childhood best friend moves back into town, and they haven't seen

each other since something happened five years ago. You don't immediately know what,

and this is an "ex best friends will they or won't they" type of love story.

I was here for it. I was also here for the fact that most

of the characters were queer and it was never a issue. For example, Nate's

ex-girlfriend left him for another girl. Nate himself turns out to be queer, as is

Ollie, the love interest, and we have no idea if Nate has really discussed the

fact that he also likes men before or if it's just something that happens

throughout this narrative and people are totally fine with it because people are awesome.

The other big element of this book is when they were children together,

Ollie actually lost is hearing due to an illness.

So as Ollie was learning sign, and Nate was learning sign along with him, and still

retained a little bit of it so he can still kind of use sign to talk to Ollie.

Signing is also heavily describing this book, so taking the actions that one way

to use while signing and putting them right on the page, and I think that

worked, but also I'm a hearing person who doesn't sign, so I'm really waiting for

Rogan to finish reading the book and tell me what he thought of it, because I

know he has the book and I know he's going to be reading it, if not already

t[hen] eventually, because I would never ask him to do the work for me just so I

could get his perspective. The other book that I read this week was the book that

I also didn't read during the Queer Lit Readathon, which was Wandering Son, Volume 1.

This one I found a little bit confusing, which is funny because when

you get to the end there's a note from, I believe, the artist saying that most of

their characters look the same, and that was my problem with it. If I can't easily

distinguish between who's talking, it makes it very difficult for me to

understand the story. Not to mention, characters had very

similar names and I didn't understand the honorifics, and I don't think it was

explained anywhere, so there were points where people are using the words for the

"wrong gender" when these children actually preferred that gender.

And let me explain this a little bit. This story is about two transgender children in the

fifth grade basically coming to terms with the fact that they are trans.

One was identified as a boy and his in fact a girl, and one was identified as a girl

and is in fact a boy, so the points where adults or other students used the wrong

words actually made them very happy because they wanted to be whatever they

just been called. Other than that, because I had a hard time following who is who,

it was okay. I enjoyed it. There are many more volumes.

I don't know if I'll continue, though. As for what I watched this week, I didn't

even give it a number, and you'll soon see why, but first let's get the

standards out of the way. Of course, I watched some more Steven Universe,

because that show is so cute and I can't help it - every time I watch it, I say

"I love him" or "I love her" so many times throughout the show, because the

characters are just the best. We're into the second season so there's not really

anything I can tell you plot wise because there are so many twists and

turns, and I just I love it so much. If you haven't seen this cartoon yet,

I highly suggest tracking it down. As for my other usual, we started the 15th

season of Survivor, which is the China season. Usually at the very beginning of

seasons I don't have too much of an opinion of all of the people as a whole.

It tends to be the ones that get the most camera time and are the most

annoying are the ones that stick out to me, just as somebody who needs to go, as

opposed to me having a favourite as to who should probably stay, and because I

watched two different seasons of Survivor a week, my brain sometimes

forgets the cast that I am less familiar with and moreso focuses on the current episodes.

Speaking of the current episodes, my favorite person went home,

and I thought I was gonna be okay, but one of the very last shots of the episode

was just the torch had been snuffed already all the remnants of the wick or

whatever it is going out so that the, like, smoke just drifting off into the

distance, and I was just like [makes sad sound] because they never show shots like that, but that

was just like the saddest shot I've ever seen on Survivor. I really need

this player to come back. I really enjoy this player. As for the other shows I

watched: I'm not even going to try to count them because since I'm back at my

parents' house, what do they have that I don't?

Well, many things, but one of those things is cable and the Food Network, which I

will just put on and watch all day long. Except for, it tends to go in about a

four hour cycle, so you realize, "oh, I've already seen this episode earlier today".

You kind of have to changed up or go do literally anything besides watch the

Food Network. And I know it's very strange for me to watch the Food Network

considering all of the shows tend to be based around things that I can't or

don't eat, because I'm vegan, but watching other people prepare meat doesn't bother me.

So yeah. I don't know what it is about the Food Network but it's one of those

things I do when I come home, every time, is flip on the Food Network, much to the

chagrin of my dad who hates it... but tolerates it because he loves me.

As for the one movie I watched this week that was The Nightmare Before Christmas.

It just happened to be on TV when I was looking for something other than the

Food Network, and it was just starting so I was like "fuck, yeah, we're watching this!"

Of course, my parents are right there. I'm almost 33 years old. I can swear

it in front of my parents. It's great being an adult, sometimes. So I turn it on,

explaining to my dad exactly what it is. It's a Tim Burton movie but it's not

directed by Tim Burton, blah blah blah... and it starts, and the opening is very

Tim Burton. The whole movie is very Tim Burton, and he's like, "Is a Tim Burton movie?"

I'm like "yes!" And then This is Halloween starts and he's like

"I thought you said this was a Christmas movie?" and of course I gave the only

correct answer, which is "it's both". Somehow, neither of my parents had ever

seen this movie, not that they're giant movie watchers, but I was just like,

"how did you not, with a daughter like me, see Nightmare Before Christmas before?"

I do not understand. This rewatch also reminded me that Jack has an amazing

library and I want it. On to the book I listened to this week. I picked this at

random from the app on my phone and pretty much just kept listening to it

because it was already on my phone, and it was more effort to find something else,

and because the writing was actually really good... but I should

probably tell you what I'm going on about, shouldn't I? It was

The Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich. So the writing of this was beautiful,

but also there were plot points in it that I wasn't sure if they were accurate,

if that makes any sense. The premise of this book is this woman is four months

pregnant when basically society finds out that evolution is going backwards, is

the best way I can describe it. So people are giving birth to babies that are not

Homo Sapien babies. Basically, worldwide, the government just basically shuts down

and, like, kidnaps pregnant women and sequesters them and all this strange

genetic testing is happening. It was basically a nightmare situation. I had at

least one pregnancy-related dream while I was reading this book, and I did not appreciate it.

The father of the protagonist's child is also mentioned to

be an angel, and then that doesn't come up again later, or it comes up, like, once

when she says something to the effect of he had folded his wings in, and I was

like, "is he actually an angel? Are you being one of those people that's like

'oh, he's an angel'?" Or... like, I needed more to understand,

one, if he was actually an angel, or if it was just a turn of phrase, or two, if that had

anything to do with anything. And maybe if the world wasn't so scary

already I would have enjoyed this book more, but because things are going down

in the world that are scary already, I probably should have just picked a

different book. Yeah. Really could have done without that

pregnancy nightmare, because nope. No thanks. I have certain criteria that

would have to be met before I would ever consider having children, and none of those are met so no.

And that's it. Have you read watch or listen to any of there?

Let me know about it down in the comments below. On the way down to the

comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you very soon. Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #102 [CC] - Duration: 9:12.


Arsenal news: Mesut Ozil BLAMED by Gunners fans for Southampton defeat as unbeaten run end - Duration: 2:50.

 The German has fallen out of favour recently with Unai Emery having signed a bumper contract to cement his status as a key player earlier this year

 Ozil replaced Alex Iwobi in the 70th minute with the scores level at 2-2. With five minutes to play, the playmaker lost possession in the middle of the park sparking a Southampton counter

 The ball eventually found Shane Long who hung it up at the back post for Charlie Austin to head home

 The goal ensured Ralph Hasenhuttl won his first home match in charge since replacing Mark Hughes

 Arsenal's 22-match winning streak has now come to an end and fans took to Twitter to express their anger at Ozil for the role he played in Austin's winner

 "Ozil  lost the ball for the 3rd goal and didn't even try to get it back. 350K a week down the drain," one fan said

 Another said: "People defending Ozil again. So boring. He's just replaced Wenger as the go to discussion, and people just maintain their stance regardless

" A third added: "The Ozil sub was a waste. Didn't increase our intensity or creativity

Added nothing. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but Ramsey May have done a lot better

" One fan even went as far as saying Ozil's career is on the decline. "It's time for Ozil to move to the Chinese league or something, guy is finished," they wrote

 Chelsea's 2-1 win at Brighton sees them go three points ahead of the Gunners in fourth place

 Ozil's former team-mate Per Mertesacker recently praised the 30-year-old amid question marks surrounding his future

 "Mesut is a player with magical abilities," he said. "Last time [for the 1-0 won at home to Huddersfield on December 8] he was injured

 "Now I'm curious how he fights back. He can still be very valuable to Arsenal."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Mesut Ozil BLAMED by Gunners fans for Southampton defeat as unbeaten run end - Duration: 2:50.


Maiara alcança manequim 38 e mantém preocupação com corpo: 'Focada em saúde' - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Maiara alcança manequim 38 e mantém preocupação com corpo: 'Focada em saúde' - Duration: 4:15.


BMW 320 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 320 - Duration: 1:11.


BMW 320 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> BMW 320 - Duration: 0:52.


Colin Kroll: 5 Things To Know About HQ Trivia CEO, 35, Who Tragically Died From Apparent Overdose - - Duration: 3:36.

Colin Kroll — who co-founded Vine and was CEO of HQ Trivia — has been found dead in his Manhattan apartment from an apparent drug overdose at just 35

We've got five things to know about him.  Tech CEO and co-founder of HQ Trivia Colin Kroll has been found dead from an apparent drug overdose

He was only 35-years-old. TMZ reports that his girlfriend had been unable to get in touch with him and called the NYPD early in the morning of Dec

16 to do a welfare check at his Manhattan apartment. The site reports cops found his body in his bedroom and that drug paraphernalia was allegedly found nearby

TMZ reports that police sources tell them they believe the drugs involved were cocaine and heroin, though an autopsy is pending

We've got five things to know about Colin.    1. Colin co-founded Vine.  In June of 2012 Colin, Rus Yusupov and Dom Hofmann launched the popular mobile video sharing smart phone service

Four months later it was acquired by Twitter a reported $30 million.  2. Twitter later fired Colin for being a "bad manager

"  Just 18 months after acquiring Vine, Twitter let him go. Recode reported that there had been allegations of "creepy" behavior toward women "that made them uncomfortable," according to numerous former colleagues

 3. Colin was named CEO of HQ Trivia in 2015.  He and Vine partner Rus launched the successful HQ Trivia app after Colin's tumultuous run at Twitter

At the time, Rus described it as "It's a way to give people a chance to have fun, maybe win, maybe learn something new

" Tech Crunch compared it to "an experience that feels like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire meets Facebook Live

"  4. Colin went to college in Michigan.  He graduated with a degree Computer Science from Oakland University and immediately started in 2006 as software engineer at Right Media,, which was then acquired by Yahoo! Colin served as an engineering manager at Yahoo! for two years according Crunchbase

 5. Colleagues are shocked by Colin's passing.   Marketing director at HQ Trivia Andrew Watts tweeted "What the f**k

I'm heartbroken. What," upon learning of Colin's untimely death

For more infomation >> Colin Kroll: 5 Things To Know About HQ Trivia CEO, 35, Who Tragically Died From Apparent Overdose - - Duration: 3:36.


MIKECRACK y FLEXVEGA REVELAN ESTO... 😱❤️ Mikecrack Especial Navidad 2018!? #BombazoMikecrack - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> MIKECRACK y FLEXVEGA REVELAN ESTO... 😱❤️ Mikecrack Especial Navidad 2018!? #BombazoMikecrack - Duration: 2:33.


Fox News' Chris Wallace Tears Into Rudy Giuliani: 'I'm Asking You For The Truth' - News Today - Duration: 2:33.

 Fox News' Chris Wallace on Sunday pleaded with President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to simply tell the truth during a wide-ranging, contentious interview

 The former New York City mayor danced around Wallace's questions on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and whether Trump had been truthful about hush money payments made to women who say they've had affairs with the president

 "Did the president know about the hush money payments or not?" Wallace asked Giuliani, referring to payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign

 Federal prosecutors say the payments violated campaign finance laws.  In typical Giuliani fashion, the attorney appeared to contradict himself several times about whether Trump directed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen to make the payments

Cohen has told federal prosecutors Trump knew about the payments and told him to make them

 "We're talking about something that doesn't matter," Giuliani said. ""  Wallace interrupted, "You're moving shells around on me

Either it happened it or didn't happen." But Giuliani defended himself by claiming, "That's what lawyers do all the time

"  "I'm asking you for the truth, sir," said Wallace, visibly frustrated by the circular exchange

 Asked if Trump would sit for an interview with the special counsel's office, Giuliani scoffed

 "Good luck," Giuliani said of Mueller's team. "After what they did to Flynn ― the way they trapped him into perjury

. They're a joke. Over my dead body."  Watch Giuliani's full interview on "Fox News Sunday" below:  Earlier Sunday, Giuliani appeared on ABC's "This Week," where he bashed Cohen over his statements to federal prosecutors

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison last week after pleading guilty to lying to Congress and violating campaign finance laws at Trump's direction

 "Pathetic," Giuliani told ABC of Cohen. "The man is pathetic." Download

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