[MMA X 1theK] 'Energy-Up Interview' (피로회복 인터뷰) - Duration: 8:36.Wow
- What's this? - Can I sit wherever I want?
- What's this? - Wow
Is this for real?
It's too good to be true
Wow, a massage chair
I'm so happy
(Where am I? Who am I?)
(Thank to 1theK, I'm healed)
(Wow, this is amazing)
I haven't had this kind of interview
(Tired artists, come here) (Energy Up Interview)
(How do you feel now?) Hi, we are BTS
Hi, we are BLACKPINK
(How do you feel about being here?) I couldn't be happier
Melon Music Award, the best!
Thank you so much
I have mixed feelings
I feel good
I'm nervous
My tension is decreasing
I'm excited
And I'm looking forward to it
I'd like to show the best performance
I hope our fans enjoy the performance
I'm very excited
- We were not satisfied - As always
- We could've done it better - What a shame
Thank you for the prize
- Clap - Thank you
We got many prizes
2018 will be remembered as a special year
Because we got many prizes
(What does MMA mean to you?) MMA is....
To I-dle, MMA is...
Like a macaron?
(What does MMA mean to MOMOLAND?) It's sweet like a macaron
(Nice one)
(What does MMA mean to I-dle?) It's not a dream anymore
It's a real stage that came true
(What does MMA mean to GFriend?) It's a legend
At the MMA,
I look the best
(What does MMA mean to The Boyz?) My prayer and
It's coming
my wish
and my dream
come true here
(The dancing king PINK02 Q from DANCE WAR)
(Sing a song for the 10th anniversary) Congratulations!
Congratulations on MMA's 10th anniversary
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary
Congratulations dear
Melon Awards
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary!
(IKON sing in harmony)
Blow the candles
Celebrating myself
(In 2008 MMA started, how was I?) 10 years ago,
IKON was
10 years ago?
How old I was?
- I was 11 - 14
I was studying hard
I think I was having a quarrel with my teacher
to skip extra lessons
10 years ago,
I was dreaming of being a fashion designer
A fashion designer
In my case,
I released 'Indian Boy'
That was my debut
- I saw it - Did you?
- You kicked the door, right? - Right
'Crazy B.I'
Yes, I was
I saw it from a TV show
I was still B.I back then
I was a trainee
I was crazy about dancing, I even went to a competition
(Natural born dancer, Euijin)
I knew it
When I was 18,
I won the top prize at 'Suwon singing contest'
I think I was watching TV
like this
(What do you see yourself in 10 years?)
In 10 years,
Samuel will be still younger than my age now
In 10 years
I think I will have been married
We'll be in Taeha's wedding ceremony
- This is... - Awesome
We'll be in Taeha's wedding ceremony
We'll dance 'BboomBboom' together
(Congratulations on your wedding in advance)
In 10 years,
I'd like MAMAMOO to be remembered as wonderful singers
I want to age nicely
I think we'll be on Melon Awards
We will have to
In 2028 at the 20th anniversary,
BTOB will be there
I love MMA,
I wish to be an athlete of MMA in 10 years
(Martial arts match?)
Sorry, let's move on
(What if a miracle happens?) On Christmas day
I've never received a gift for Christmas
- Seriously? - Yes
I still believe in Santa
I'd like to hold a party after a long time
All 6 members together
All 7 IKON members
Let's go somewhere for skiing
Skiing sounds awesome
I like the idea
I wish I had 2 Christmas days
I'd like to spend one day with the members
Don't lie. You're not gonna gather together
I want to ride Rudolph and
give some pretty present to children
I want to be Christmas tree so everyone can look at me
Take a picture with me
Yes, that's right
Teleportation miracle
I knew it
After the schedule, teleport to people who I like
and I want to spend time with them
We released our new song 'No air'
If we won the first place in music show
It would be a miracle
It would be a miracle, really
(How would you propose a toast to close this year?) I've been doing this after I saw it somewhere
I think I can propose a toast as if it's my belief since I'm on Dance War
It's just 'drink', isn't it?
Get soaked
Let's go higher
Even if I succeed, it's my youth! Even if I fail, it's still my youth!
Always youthful
Jjan! Koong! Kwang
Everyone I hope you'll have a sexy year
Next year as well
Well, it's Burning Up
This feeling
Whenever we're exhausted, Woo Jin
Gives a shout of concentration
Shall we say it?
One, two, three
(What's your bucket list before 2018 ends?)
I want to take a trip together without the cameras
I wanted to be on Melon Music Awards
Now I made it so I have no more wishes
Having one more interview with 1theK?
I want to travel around
I really want to throw a Christmas party
I want to walk on the street in the snow
I hope Sowon will make her dreams come true quickly to become Santa
And give me a gift
I got it
Feeling the snowy Christmas
I want to see Santa
Santa exists
I want to go to see the sunrise on December 31
I'd like to record my own song so that
I can release a good song early next year
I want to spend some time
in my room looking back this year
We'd like to have a party together
A year-end party
(What do you want to say to fans?) Hi
Loboly, Hi
It's getting cold again You shouldn't catch a cold
Eating well and take care
Sleep well and be healthy
How was your year?
We had a concert and listened to the songs and were happy, right?
We'll make you happier next year
So in 2018
It was so nice to be able to spend time with BLINK,
but I hope you will stay with us in 2019
We love you so much and thank you, THE B
We'll work harder so we can pay you back
We'll be such a proud, wonderful artist
I think I've gotten more intimate with you lying down like this
Can't believe I'm lying down on the air…
Even next year, I hope you don't get sick
I hope you can achieve everything you want
It's cold and lonely at the end of the year,
, and you may be happy, but
whatever state you're in, I'm always rooting for you,
so thank you for always staying with us
I hope you don't get sick and be happy
Let's stay in love. Love you.
I love you.
Thank you.
(Message of love to fans) (I love you)
(Pit a pat)
Ah, his eyes
(I love you)
(Biting heart)
(lovely night)
(Hwasa is the best)
I love THE B
SantaCon 2018 Invades New York - Duration: 1:53.-You guys, tomorrow is SantaCon.
Yeah, it's the annual bar crawl where people dress up like Santa
for a day of drinking,
or as mall Santas call that, every day.
[ Laughter ]
So, on Saturday, thousands of people
will dress up like Santa for a bar crawl in New York City,
and then it all ends Sunday morning
with the year's most festive walk of shame.
[ Laughter and applause ]
That's right. All over New York,
people will be drinking and partying
dressed like Santa, or as Jesus put it,
"not how I pictured people celebrating my birthday,
but okay".
[ Applause ]
But to stop people from drinking on the trains,
New Jersey Transit has decided to ban all liquids.
[ Audience boos ]
Hundreds of drunken Santas said,
"Well, Jell-O shots it is. Let's go".
[ Cheers and applause ]
"Not a liquid. What, actually, is it?
I have no idea. It's a solid".
Well, the local news here in New York asked people
what they think about SantaCon.
Check out what one New Yorker had to say about it.
-They're running around, they're partying.
Half of them are naked.
[ Laughter ]
-[ Imitating man ] "It's crazy. They're all naked.
You can see their jingle bells and everything.
Anyway, I'll see them on Saturday. I'll be there".
[ Laughter ]
[ Normal voice ] Check this out. I heard that tomorrow,
President Trump is going to the Army/Navy football game.
It'll get awkward when Trump starts chanting,
[ As Trump ] "Here we go, Space Force, here we go!"
Here we go, Space Force!"
[ Normal voice ] Get this, guys --
a student at a Florida high school
found a rat in a vending machine.
When she saw the only food left in the machine were TERRA chips,
she was like, "Oh, I'll take the rat".
[ Laughter ]
They are just like a human couple, so nice - Duration: 1:28.Two drink together.
Look, she is hugging Naidou.
They like to stay in one little bed.
Oh, my god.
Tonight Show Superlatives: 2018 NFL Season - Rams and Bears - Duration: 1:38.-Our first player from the Chicago Bears is Eric Kush,
who was voted most likely to open a can of beer
by squeezing it.
[ Imitates explosion ]
Next up from the Bears is Patrick Scales.
He was voted most likely to be the love child
of Ed Sheeran and a ghost.
Pretty pale.
Next up from Chicago, we have Ben Braunecker.
He was voted most likely to hit puberty during halftime.
[ Laughter, applause ]
"43, 21, hike. Oh, 21! [ Clears throat ]"
Next up from the Rams is Justin Lawler.
He was voted most likely to cut his own hair
using a cereal bowl and a knife.
[ Laughter, applause ]
Next from the Bears is Kylie Fitts.
He was voted most likely to get tackled by his own eyebrows.
[ Laughter ]
-Wow. -Next up for the Bears
is Daniel Brown.
He was voted most likely to co-host
"Weekend Update with Michael Che".
Hey, hey. That's good.
Next up out of Chicago, we have Pat O'Donnell.
He was voted most likely to be the guy
your mom still asks about even though you broke up
four years ago.
"How is that Pat O'Donnell doing?"
For L.A., we have Matt Longacre.
He was voted most likely to be the guy
your mom never asks about
even though you just broke up yesterday.
It's like...
"Good riddance". Pshew!
Finally, from Chicago, we have Cody Parkey.
He was voted shelfiest elf.
There you go, guys! There's your NFL superlatives!
【ENG SUB】 [리치/영웅리그][Zul'jin] 다 찢어버린다! 줄진! / Heroes Of The Storm_Rich - Duration: 20:20.(Asking Snitch about XP changes)
They won't change it if everybody hates it
It seems Massacre will be fun for Malthael
(In Game Chat) Malthael : What about heal reduction?
(In Game Chat) Rich : It's useless. You have to be tanky to win
What the hell? Why is Garrosh here?
I didn't see him going in there
Killed Gondar. He was most difficult to kill
I only need KyoCha. Others won't be that hard to kill
I need Voodoo Shuffle to ignore Garrosh's Q slow
My frame rate is dropping
Is it because of Lost Ark? Gotta turn it off
I really have to turn Lost Ark off
Should've killed KyoCha
-Calamity of Lost Ark- Hey guys, can I play Lost Ark after this match?
-Calamity of Lost Ark- It won't take long. I need to finish Chaos dungeon
(Twitch Chat) You don't have to come back ㅡㅡ
Oh yeah? Then I won't
If you want so
I'm dead... I can''t make this
Taaaaaaz'dingo? or Guillotine?
I feel like I need Taaaaaaz'dingo
So I'll go for Taaaaaaz'dingo
Guillotine? Like a man?
Like a man??
I have often regretted with Guillotine..
but like a man? Try once more?
Yeah I need to kill that chicken (Garrosh)
(Not only Falstad but Garrosh is also known as chicken in Korea)
(When Thrall killed Garrosh with his lightning, it was just like frying a chicken)
(So he's called as chicken. Don't know if you guys call something similar to that)
Give me stacks Mal'Ganis!
Stack stack my stack~
I thought ETC's stun has upper hand against his sleep
No hits?
(In Game Chat) Rich :Told ya. Massacre
Massacre is actually very good talent
(Talking about previous match)
(In Game Chat) ETC : Only Mal'Ganis left
What are they doing
(Answer to Twitch Chat) Q : How's Ensnare for lv 13?
It's good, but other talents are better
Lacerate's slow effect is almost like Ensnare's Root
So Ensnare is useful if you have Lacerate
But you can, only if you want to hit Guillotine for sure
This match, I have to face Garrosh, Mal'Ganis, Kerrigan, so movement speed was essential for kiting and poking
But normally
I prefer Lacerate
Should I rip off Garrosh with No Mercy?
Nah, Attack speed
They can't come for me as ETC is with me
I don't care if they hit me in that range. It doesn't matter
Hitting Tower, out of its range
Garrosh is coming!!!
Whatever, just deal!
Kerrigan did great
but Malthael cannot die in this fight
Not bad. He can't die
But that's something
His R?
D? I never turn it off
How much is my AA damage?
1 per 5, so 60! no 63 increased!
That surprised me
Hmm they are taking the shrine
(In Game Chat) Rich : Let's just defend it
(In Game Chat) Rich : Check there. Garrosh will come
(In Game Chat) Rich : Face them in mid
Buzzy buzz Buzzsaw
The End
Always fun to play Zul'jin!
Stacked up so well
I gotta finish Chaos dungeon!
Girls Hostel | Episode 1 - The Bra Chor || Girliyapa Originals - Duration: 20:42.Pune's SV road has a small cigarette shop called "Girl's Hostel Viewpoint"
My hostel is right across it
My parents are doctors and they wanted me to be one as well.
They wanted me to get married to a doctor and we could run a hospital together.
But after studying all my life, I fell short by 3 marks.
So, this is my hostel.
I'm done with family planning and rat race.
I need to live my life on my terms and catch up on 18 years of fun.
You could've cleared your medical tests if you'd studied a little more.
Look at your roommate. She's studying even before classes begin.
Even she is a dental student
She's been on the same page ever since we came
What's this? Didn't I buy you plain white lingerie before coming here?
You're already misusing your freedom?
I've been saying it from 1947
Freedom is overrated
Mummy, I use this like an eye patch at night. See!
Don't get worried.
Come on, let's leave. It's time for our train.
- We'll be left behind - Forget the train, this girl has left us behind
- Bye, dear. - Bye, grandma.
Take care.
- Bye. - Bye!
Hi! I'm Mili!
- Hi. - Even you didn't know I wasn't studying.
Right? By the way, by how many marks did you miss MBBS?
3 marks. Yours?
My dad missed it by 30 lakhs
I always wanted to be a dentist. You know why?
Because my brother had a gap between his teeth.
And he'd hide his mouth and laugh 'cause of that.
That's it! They're the kind of people I want to show what pain is.
He used to laugh at me, you see.
- Did you also come today? - Not at all. I've been here a while.
For a week.
We'll go to the canteen and have fun.
- The food is great! - Mili!
- Hi, Twitter! - Jo and Zahira are fighting again.
Come on, Richa. Let's go. I love watching fights!
- Come on... - But...
My cupboard isn't Narnia's gateway into her fantasy world.
Do not ever open it again without my permission.
Ma'am, there have been robberies in the hostel for a week now.
Right? When I didn't find my favorite red bra this morning, I thougt someone took it.
That's why I was just checking her cupboard.
I'll check everyone's cupboards. I don't wanna discriminate.
But why would I take your bra?
You're a 34C and I'm a 30C.
I'm not that optimistic in life.
But ma'am, she has a history of taking things that belong to me.
- Breaking trust is like 2nd nature to her. - Look within before blaming me.
Check if you're wearing it.
Fake news!
- Fine, then where's my straightener? - I took it to make toast.
- See, see... - I'll give it back, okay?
By the way, who are these people?
They're our super seniors. Zahira Ali.
Vice-president of cultural committee and a swimming champion.
She's popular, smart, pretty, witty
She is the only student of dental,
whom the medical people admire.
I like her a lot, but she never talks to me.
And her?
She's a lone wolf
She's neither ever ragged or been ragged
If she were a boy
every girl would be crazy about her
But she's a girl
So all guys are scared of her
They used to be friends.
Ma'am, even my bermuda has disappeared.
I have started the investigation.
Just give me a few days and I will catch the thief!
She'll find... What crap!
Guys, please stop fighting like kids.
Suku, wait. She's crossed the line. Okay, warden? Change our rooms.
I'm not Google for you to say "Ok Warden" and instruct me.
- Ma'am, please change our rooms. - No changing rooms here!
Only clothing stores have them.
Y'all have no evidence and our hostel has a strict policy about it.
Pics, or it did not happen.
Come on, go dream new dreams. Go!
- Go get some dreams. - Come girls.
Go, go, go...
So, we have common bathrooms here but you don't be afraid.
I use it atleast 3 times every night.
And we'll sync our timings in a day or two then we'll both go together in the night.
Listen! Write your name with a marker on your books, bra, towel, slippers and all.
I did the same. Actually, I live in a joint family.
So I know a lot about these kinda things.
I'm moving into this room.
If the warden finds out about this,
I will spin you around holding your hair like I used to do with my brother's barbies.
What the...
Looks like pink panther ejaculated in here.
Why is everything so pink, shiny, happy, smiley..?
I'm taking this bed, change the sheets.
One of you will sleep down on the floor and the speed of the fan will be low.
The tubelight will always be turned off, there'll be no alarms before 11,
and I'm taking this cupboard.
Get rid of this shit.
Whose is this?
Ma'am, may I use this space?
If not I'll have very little space for my clothes.
And I get what you're saying.
But you know what, I don't like your tone.
Please don't rub your first year sad, good girl vibes on me.
Also, if you want to stay in this room then he has to go.
- He? - He.
Wow! She believes in herself so much that she doesn't believe in God!
She's an atheist, she's weird and cool. She's definitely an orphan.
If I ever see your face muscles relaxing and your pupils dilating
while you zone out on me, you'll be out of the room.
Don't worry, Richa. I'll fold your clothes and put in the almirah.
I know origami.
Wake me up in two hours.
What was that?
She's so bold but that's so cool!
- How do we do this now? - What are you talking about?
You got the giggles, did you?
Now Jo is your roommate...
Instant karma.
What's your name?
- Richa Kamat. - Hi, Sukanya.
Third year medical.
So Richa, why'd you choose dental?
- I coudn't clear MBBS - Oh, honesty? I like it.
We're holding auditions for the cultual society's talent show. Come over.
Then we will laugh at you.
Come girls.
So that was my first day.
There's been a theft again. On this floor!
There's been a theft again!
I'd just bought this swimming costume.
Who's so disgusting, man?
How could someone steal and wear someone's swimming costume?
I know. This is just getting more and more personal.
But someone actually washed it and left it to dry in the sunlight, right?
Isn't that okay? Let's not judge.
- Oh Jo? - Yo!
Look, criminals often return to the crime scene they say.
Really? Are you confessing?
Guys, please don't start here again.
Why aren't we checking the CCTV?
There's no use. This the hostel corridor's blind spot.
Which no CCTV covers.
My bermuda was lost from here last week
That's why I call it the bermuda triangle.
Zahira, She's right.
Even our medical hospital has a blind spot like this.
However, thankfully such robberies haven't started there yet.
- Shit! I didn't know that. - Of course!
But it's such a coincidence that your room is right next to it.
The one where even you used to stay
And guess who likes to swim in fish poo.
In that case, who all here know how to swim?
See, it could be one of them as well. Did you think about that?
- Look, this is too much... - Guys...!
- You're teaching me? - Guys! Let's not blame each other.
Listen, haven't you come yesterday?
You stay out of this.
Let's see how much can the thief hide.
Shut up.
She's right! Richa, you've come just yesterday.
What do you mean?
Which means you're the only girl not involved in these robberies.
So congratulations. You're part of this investigation.
Get excited.
Go, do some research.
Who is suspicious of whom. Whose clothes have been stolen.
- Any information. I need eveything... - Jo, listen....
Can I also be a part of this team?
- I think I can help you. - Less teeth!
I need all the information on my desk by tomorrow.
I have to stay up tonight. Shut the door...
Damn good. Hi, guys! I'm, Richa. I'm new.
Has anything of yours been stolen? I need measurements.
Hi. Didn't your spagetti top get stolen? Can we have your measurements, please?
Ma'am, we needed your measurements for the investigation.
When we made a sketch of the thief using the measurements of the stolen things,
It didn't match anyone in the hostel.
We were back to square one
Sorry, I was bored with the fan sound- 'thad, thad'
So I was going for a fast paced sound like 'thadthadthadthad' Yeah?
We did everything Jo told us to do.
When we had no other option.
We laid a trap for the thief.
And we waited.
The first day, the second day.
We were failing in that as well, when on the third day...
Hey, habibi! I'm from Iraq! Yeah!
Let's go bootcamp, habibi!
- Ma'am! Richa's bra got stolen! - Why do I care?
- Jo, found the thief! - She did?
She did! GG Habibi, GG!
Looks like y'all have a lot of spare time. So tell me, girls. What's happening?
They say that the best place to hide is in plain sight.
That's what our thief has been doing this whole time.
In fact! She's right here with us.
Don't waste time, man. Just come to the point.
Even she could be the thief.
She could be the thief too.
It could even be her. But actually,
it is...
- Sukanya. - Suku?
- What nonsense! - Richa?
- Richa! - Ma'am..
Everytime Sukanya has come from the medical hostel for a night out at Zahira's room
You've taken her entry according to hostel rules.
She's been here 5 days in the last 10 days and there have been thefts on all those days.
3 items of the robbed items is clearly seen on Sukanya's Instagram page.
As usual, even last night Sukanya came to Zahira's for a night in.
As soon as she reached the Bermuda triangle, she quietly flicked my bra from there.
Once we saw this, it was easy to connect all the information collected as evidence.
to her
Sukanya, do you have anything to say?
No, no, ma'am. Please don't believe all this. It's all bullshit!
Zahira, listen to me.
I didn't do anything like this. I didn't do it on purpose, Zahira.
- I'm sorry... - Sukanya.
I want everyone's things back in an hour.
If not I'll go to the medical dean and complain to her myself.
And yes, I want your resignation from the president's position.
Zahira, please wait...
Okay, go on now. Session's over!
I never thought I would be part of something this crazy
I was kind of proud
Because of our efforts everybody got their things back.
- Blue jeans. - Blue jeans.
Why is this so torn, child?
Get it stitched by the tailor, okay?
I paid him 80 bucks to tear it up.
- Ma'am? - Yeah?
- My bermuda. - Bermuda.
Anything else?
- I can't find my whisper ultra pack. - Whisper ultra pack.
- 3 black rubber bands. - 3 black rubber bands.
3 litres of petrol.
Listen, why don't you sit over there? Once everyone's done, take whatever's left.
- I won't leave without my bermuda... - Bermuda... It's turned into pants...
- Sit there! - Why are you shouting? Chill!
- What's that? - I'm sitting down.
I won't leave without my bermuda.
- What is it? - My bra.
Oh... Sunny Lion?
This is not lion, it's a leopard print.
Child, this daring, wild forest theme doesn't suit you.
You don't look like you wear these things inside.
Why do you people have a problem with this bra of mine?
Please don't act like my mom.
I've been wearing the plain lingerie she's been buying me for 18 years.
I'll wear what I want now.
- Wear it. - And you! Here's your bermuda.
And listen, if you want to live with us, I want equal space in the cupboard.
Ganeshji goes back to the top shelf.
The fan speed will be high
and I want to be given a choice before being involved in anything!
Now that's the tone I like.
Now do you want to go f*** yourself?
- You wait! I'm telling... - Stop... Stop...
Why do you get so tense? Come on, let's get some fresh air.
Mama told me before I came here, that once a girl leaves the house
She loses her shit.
But if I had listened to her, I would have missed out on so much fun and adventures
So from now... I'll be writing my own rules.
I stole the first time when I was upset with my dad.
The second time was when my mom was sick.
And I was addict by the third time.
You have topped the state level medical entrance test, right?
I've come via donations.
My dad also can only send 4000 bucks a month now.
That goes into the college canteen itself
Now I have no respect 'cause of Zahira and the dental people.
When is the college fest?
赵丽颖旗下2位艺人,金瀚15天圈粉百万,他公开了女友都没走红 - Duration: 14:26.-------------------------------------------
梅根夫妇低调出席圣诞活动,与高调亮相的凯特,形成了鲜明对比! , 女王气场太强女王正讲着话,9岁男孩当着女王的面爬走了…… , 多行不义!梅根的"恩人"对她的评价:不停的"巴结"有用的人 - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car: SLIME, Balloon Learn Colors - Duration: 5:15.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thank you very much!
Brief Thoughts on the Mortal Kombat 11 Reveal Trailer - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
도티,공대생,재넌,테스터훈,작비 - Rainy Christmas (솔로를 위한 크리스마스 캐롤) - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
S7 Airlines Airbus A320neo | Тенерифе - Москва - Duration: 13:48.Los Gios Beach, Los Gigantes
Tenerife South Airport
Warm welcome to Russia - new S7 flight ad
Check-in began 3 hours before departure
Only check-in on desk is available for this flight
Same time was boarding on 2 flights to Moscow - S7 and Aeroflot
Many passengers was confused and went to wrong gate
This is my first flight on A320neo
VQ-BCH delivered to S7 in September 2017
By 7th of December S7 has 8 A320neo in their fleet, 9th is expected in the coming days
All of them are based in Novosibirsk airport and fly from there to different directions
From Moscow there is only a flight to Tenerife (besides Novosibirsk)
156 seats in economy class and 8 in business class
Охренеть! Это лучшее расстояние между кресел, которое я видел в экономклассе у Российской авиакомпании (мой рост 190 см.)
Wow! This is the best seats pitch which I saw in economy class with the Russian airline (my height is 190 cm)
Smatrphones and tablet holder
Aer Lingus Airbus A320-200 (EI-DVK)
Teide Volcano
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Child menu
Standart menu
New airplanes have smaller and smaller toilets...
Second meal - 2 hours before landing
2 sockets for each unit of chairs
Domodedovo airport
Embraer 175 Lot (SP-LIM) spen all night in Moscow, flight to Warsava at 9:00
Economy class seats
Extra Space seats (3 row)
We passed passport control in just 10 minutes!
Usually in DME it took me at least 30 minutes...
AVENGERS: ENDGAME TRAILER *THOUGHTS* - Duration: 9:12.After quite a bit of time of speculation and people promising trailers would come out on
certain days and fans being angry and just, just Twitter being chaos, finally finally
finally we have a trailer for Avengers 4, which now, officially, is Avengers Endgame.
God it feels good to finally have a confirmed title.
So, let's talk about it.
So I'm still thinking about this trailer and my thoughts my change a bit, but honestly,
I love this.
When I first saw it I thought, ok….that's….a teaser.
A bit underwhelming compared to what I was expecting.
But the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated why that's actually a good
thing, at least for me.
The problem I think is, and this falls to the fans as well, that this trailer was so
highly anticipated that it almost felt like the countdown for the movie itself.
Since there was so much secrecy around the movie and the trailer and even the title,
people are going to be disappointed that this isn't like the greatest thing ever created.
But the thing is, Marvel has said that the way they're marketing this movie is going
to be very different from how they've marketed their films before.
And I'd compare this to the Infinity War teaser, which is what I think I was hoping
this would be like, or at least would give me the same emotions.
Because that is how you do a fan pleasing teaser, there's action and amazing group
shots and nostalgia and blaring iconic music and awesome reveals and so many heroes.
That's how a lot of Infinity War's marketing was.
Here, I think the approach they're gonna take is keep most of the film close to the chest.
Even more so than Infinity War cuz even with all the awesomeness in the trailers, Infinity
War still had some great movie-exclusive revelas.
But here i suspect not just with this but with everything the're gonna be playing
it super lowkey, and I absolutely love that.
Because parts of why I wasn't crazy about Infinity War the first time I saw it was expectations
based on the trailer that distracted me in the film, like this shot missing or Cap against
Thanos not being as epic as I thought it'd be or whatever.
It was only the second time when I kinda put that out of my head that I feel like I really
appreciated it.
There were other reasons, but that's a big one.
And so here, really I can't see anything like that happening at the moment.
I was originally planning on not watching any of the marketing, but given that that's
kind of unrealistic for a lot of reasons, I appreciate that this trailer basically didn't
tell me much of anything about the movie.
It also means a lot of the coolest reveals will be kept for the film, I was thinking
when watching it, ah man they couldn't have shown something, like Tony reuniting with
Steve or the Avengers popping up in New York or Thanos vs some of the Avengers again or
some kind of crazy moment before the trailer ends, like the Cap vs Thanos thing, but i'm
really glad they didn't, cuz that'll just make those reveals that much sweeter in the
movie itself.
There isn't even a single shot of action in this trailer, and I kind of love that.
Will this affect the film's box office?
But I mean, a, I feel like they could just released a poster that said Avengers 4 coming
this day and people would go see it, cuz people like the Avengers movies, b, even if it does,
I think Marvel can afford to make only like, 1.5 billion dollars rather than 2 billion,
but honestly I don't think it will.
I don't know if this will be as big as Infinity War, it'll be clearer the closer it gets,
but this strategy of lowkey marketing is not a bad idea at all to me.
And now let's talk about the trailer itself, because yes while it's more subtle than say
the first Infinity War teaser, there is still a lot going on.
The first minute or so is spent on Tony in the Guardians ship leaving Titan, which I
find interesting because, I don't really know why but I just assumed that he'd make it
back on Earth pretty immediately or they'd kind of skip the logistics of him actually
having to find his way back.
I don't think him stranded in space will take up a ton of time in the film, he'll
figure something out pretty fast to move it along I suspect, but I liked this scene.
Or at least what we've seen of it.
His message to Pepper is pretty emotional, reminded me of Iron Man 3, and I'm happy
that they're really gonna finish off Tony's ark here.
I think he's gonna die, but it's gonna be in some sacrifice-y way.
Or he'll get to marry Pepper!
I hope that's it.
But I just think this is gonna play back to wath Yinsen said to him in the first Iron
Man film when he sacrificed himself, don't waste your life, and Tony's gonna give his
life for something pretty valuable.
Stopping Thanos, saving Pepper, who knows.
I like that it opens with that though, also seeing Tony on the Guardians ship, I don't
know, it's just a cool visual to me.
We get a little hint of Thanos on his planet but nothing much, I think this film is gonna
be less Thanos focused than the last one.
Not because of the lack of him in this teaser but just, we got a lot of Thanos backstory
and he's now an iconic character, I think now it's time for character's who didn't
get much time to shine in Infinity War to have at it and beat the crap out of him.
Which is where Steve Rogers comes in, now they've already said he's gonna have a
big part in this film, and this teaser shows that off a bit.
I'm damn excited for that because Steve Rogers is my favorite character in the MCU
and I wanna see more of that story arc and probably the end of it.
Seeing his old picture of Peggy Carter was a sweet and sad moment and I'm putting it
out now, prediction that people have probably made already, Peggy's coming back in this
In a flashback, through time travel, I don't know, she's coming back.
A, because in this trailer that already doesn't show very much I think it's odd that they'd
show that if she wasn't gonna play some part in this, and b, she's been such a surprisingly
big part of this universe considering that she started as a love interest side character,
and such a big part of Steve's arc, that it'd be fantastic to see her again.
I love her and Steve together and if he gets to see her again through the time travel that
I'm guessing they're gonna use in this film, I'm gonna cry, that's my second
Especially if that's how Steve's arc ends, getting to go off with Peggy for that last
dance somehow, that'd be the perfect way to end his story.
I guess we can talk about plot predictions, they're pretty much the same for me as they
were when I made this video.
If anything this just confirms it for me.
I think they're gonna be pretty down for a bit and trying to make sense of everything,
then Scott's gonna show up to the Avengers base although they thought he was dead, which
is why Steve says is this an old message, and then he'll tell them about the Quantum
Realm and possible time travel and what not, and then this scene happens where Steve's
like yeah I'm gonna cry a lot more if this doesn't work.
And then Thanos probably gets involved and this was all part of Doctor Strange's plan
and yada yada, you know what I think will happen.
Again though, I love how little they showed cuz there's so much going to the original
Avengers and Steve and Tony meeting again and god I can't wait for this.
The other biggest reveal (besides the title, which I like a lot) is Hawkeye is finally
back as Ronin.
Still don't know about that haircut, but that costume is looking awesome, and I can't
wait to see more of Clint Barton.
I talk about this a bit in my next video where I talk about his possible Disney Plus show
but I really like his character and I look forward to seeing him going a bit darker after
his family's killed in the snap, which is what I'm assuming has happened.
There are some more more miscellaneous things.
Shuri was killed in the snap, so that sucks.
Thought the Russos said she survived, but whatever.
Honestly I'm just not gonna trust what those sneaky Russoes say anymore cuz they've just
lied about a ton of this stuff.
Not that i have a problem with that, in fact I actually like it, because now that I know
they've said stuff that isn't true (like for example with this title), if they confirm
something or don't confirm something I don't know what to believe, which again keeps stuff
more under wraps and cooler when I finally see it in the film.
No Rocket in this trailer, but they can only show so much.
I guess he might be hanging out with Steve, Nat, THor, and Banner at Avengers HQ.
We get the return of everyone's favorite Thor look, casual hoodie.
I'm guessing he'll play a somewhat smaller role in his one given how much he did in Infinity
Speaking of everyone's favorite looks but not sarcastically this time, Steve's got
his SHIELD stealth suit back, which is an awesome suit.
Personally my favorite is the Civil War Age of Ultron one, but I do also love this one
and I get when people say it's their favorite.
And then we get Scott at the end, which I liked, partly cuz I love Paul Rudd and partly
because it showed yeah this is still an MCU movie, even though Tony's depressed and
in space and everyone's dead, there's still gonna be some comedy and some fun in
A good mix of epic and fun, that's what I'm hoping for.
I will say, if there's one thing I genuinely don't really love about the teaser still,
I feel like they could've used the Avengers theme in there?
I mean I know you wanna make it different from Infinity War's trailers but I just
loved the fact that they used that classic theme in those trailers and the film itself
that I feel like that would've made that cooler for me rather than what felt like a
pretty generic movie trailer score behind it.
Don't hate it, but ehh, just a thought.
Overall though, I was just dying to see more of these characters that I love, considering
we've seen so little for such a long time by MCU standards.
And so to just get a taste, I'm really happy with it.
Keeping this one more secretive is great for me, going into the cinema and just experiencing
all the moments and reveals as they're meant to be experienced in the final film, that's
what I'm looking for.
I've got a wishes video that should be out at some point, and I'll be definitely talking
about this more in the next few months, but yeah, we're getting this in about 5 months,
that's really close actually!
Can't wait, super hyped, obviously.
So those were my thoughts on the Avengers 4 trailer.
What do you think will happen with these?
Let me know all of your thoughts down be low in the comments.
While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter
@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other
week with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe
for more videos like the one you just watched.
Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.
[歌マクロス] MY FREIND(Live full version) - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Klopp to bring back big boys in 4-2-3-1 vs Bournemouth & Defenders ruled-out clash ● Liverpool News - Duration: 5:40.Liverpool
take on Bournemouth at the Vitality Stadium on Saturday.
The Reds made wholesale changes to their line-up for last night's 3-1 win over Burnley at
Turf Moor.
But we expect Jurgen Klopp to bring back several key players for the game with Eddie Howe's
The German was dealt a major blow last night though, as defender Joe Gomez was stretchered
off with an ankle injury.
Gomez has fractured an ankle and is expected to miss at least six weeks while he recovers.
Sadio Mane missed the game with a foot injury, and is unlikely to be risked with a crunch
Champions League clash with Napoli next Tuesday.
Andrew Robertson should return on the left though, after sitting out the Burnley match
with a dead leg.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain remains a long-term absentee with knee ligament damage, and Dominic
Solanke is also a doubt with a groin problem.
Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino should come back into the attack, with Fabinho and Georginio
Wijnaldum likely to start again in midfield.
Trent Alexander-Arnold will start at right-back in Gomez's absence, with Dejan Lovren and
Joel Matip battling it out to partner Virgil van Dijk.
Klopp sprung a surprise by fielding a 4-4-2 formation last night, but we expect him to
revert to 4-2-3-1 here, with Divock Origi possibly starting on the left wing.
Liverpool's likely line-up (4-2-3-1): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Lovren, Van Dijk, Robertson;
Fabinho, Wijnaldum; Shaqiri, Firmino, Origi; Salah
Liverpool defensive duo Dejan Lovren and Nathaniel Clyne have been ruled out Saturday's Premier
League clash against Bournemouth, it has been confirmed.
Speaking at his media conference at lunchtime on Friday, as quoted by Goal correspondent
Neil Jones on his personal Twitter account, manager Jurgen Klopp explained centre-back
Lovren is suffering from concussion and has not trained.
Right-back Clyne also misses the clash and the pair will join a third international defender
in Joe Gomez on the sidelines after he suffered an injury at Burnley in midweek that has ruled
him out for six weeks.
It's that time of year when injuries and suspensions start to bite, and Liverpool will
be unable to call upon three internationals in Croatian Lovren and England pair Gomez
and Clyne against high-flying Bournemouth.
It is a triple blow, with the absence of Gomez, who has been so outstanding for Liverpool
this season, a gut-wrencher.
The 21-year-old is not only emerging as one of the best young centre-backs in the world
but can also fill in with aplomb at right-back, as he did against Burnley and Paris Saint-Germain
a week earlier.
Lovren has slipped to third choice centre-back this season after playing such a key role
in the team reaching last season's Champions League final, when he was playing the best
football of his career.
He has missed plenty of matches this season through various injuries and appears to be
paying the price for his exploits for club and country during such a demanding year.
It is likely Joel Matip will once again partner main man Virgil van Dijk at the Vitality Stadium,
with Trent Alexander-Arnold recalled to right-back.
The real reason why Manchester United will not issue Jose Mourinho statement | News Now #mufc - Duration: 2:26.The real reason why Manchester United will not issue Jose Mourinho statement.
Manchester United have decided against issuing a vote of confidence in Jose Mourinho.
The former Chelsea manager is under mounting pressure at Old Trafford, after overseeing
a disappointing start to the season.
According to the Manchester Evening News, Mourinho retains the backing of club chiefs
ahead of the hectic winter fixture list.
But it is claimed they are not willing to speak out on his future.
Manchester United bosses reportedly believe publicly backing Mourinho would have the opposite
effect, and ramp up the pressure.
Tottenham gaffer Mauricio Pochettino has been linked as their top target to succeed Mourinho.
Pochettino would reportedly cost at least £40m in compensation to lure from Spurs.
The speculation resulted in Mourinho's agent Jorge Mendes issuing his own statement.
"There have been more rumours of Jose Mourinho leaving Manchester United," Mendes said.
"It's totally untrue.
"Jose is very happy at the club and the club is very happy with him.
"He has a long-term contract with Manchester United, and is fully committed to the club
in building a solid winning project."
While Mourinho believes his job is not in danger, Ed Woodward would be able to pull
the trigger for a vastly-reduced sum at the end of the season, if they miss out on Champions
League football.
United find themselves in eighth place in the Premier League table, eight points behind
fourth-placed Chelsea.
There is reportedly a clause in Mourinho's contract that means his compensation package
will be cheaper, if they don't secure a place in Europe's elite competition for
next season.
Sky Sports pundit Paul Merson believes Mourinho could be gone by Monday if they fail to beat
Fulham tomorrow.
"If they don't win the game I would be shocked if Mourinho was there on Monday," he said.
"I don't see it coming to that though because if there was one team you'd pick to play it
would be Fulham.
"They did alright against Chelsea but it was just okay, they were never going to win.
"Fulham have improved under Claudio Ranieri since his arrival but they have to start winning
games soon.
It won't be this weekend though."
How to Pronounce: /n/ (thin) and /ŋ/ (thing) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
磐田がJ1残留決める J2東京Vは11年ぶり昇格ならず FW小川航が先制PK弾 - Duration: 1:11.J1・16位 でプレーオ フに回った 磐田が、1 1年ぶりの 昇格を狙っ た東京Vを 下して残留 を決めた。
引き分け以上 で残留が決 まる磐田は 、前半41 分、FW小 川航がペナ ルティエリ ア内で倒さ れて得たP Kを小川自 らが決めて 1点を先制 。
さらに後半3 5分にはM F田口がペ ナルティエ リア手前か らのFKを ゴール左に 決めて2点 目を奪った 。
J2で6位な がらもJ1 プレーオフ を勝ち上が った東京V だが結局、 無得点に終 わり、昇格 切符をつか むことはで きなかった 。
ДОРОГОЕ или ДЕШЕВОЕ МАШИНЫ В МАЙНКРАФТ! ЧТО ВЫБЕРЕТ ЖЕЛЕЙНЫЙ МИШКА И ГРЕННИ В МАЙНКРАФТ! МУЛЬТИК - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition | Parkpilot | Bluetooth | LED - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Business Solution AMG | Automaat | Trekhaak | Parkpilot | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition | licht en zicht | Extra Voordee - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
치킨매니아 신메뉴 밥에 먹어야 가장 맛있는 바베치킨 + 닭발! ASMR 먹방 ~MUKBANG~Spicy Chicken チキン - Duration: 18:21.Youtube friends! Click 'Subscribe button' and 'Like button'. b^^d
Blue Dragon = b^^d
b^^d = Prumir
Today's menu is spicy chicken that goes well with rice.
And this is a spicy boneless chicken leg.
This is a rice ball.
Thanks for the food.
Let's eat.
Spicy chicken feet are delicious even with rice balls.
The rice balls are also delicious to eat with spicy chicken.
I'll try it now.
Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Bose (111pk) Navi/ Half-leder/ Camera/ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ B - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Neymar JR▪️Mask Off▪️Remix - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 207 1.4 HDI Cool 'n Blue inruilkoopje in zeer goede staat+airco! - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Không Ngờ MC Dẫn Lễ Ăn Hỏi Lại Hay Đến Thế / Lịch Sự / Sang Trọng /Ấm Cúng - Duration: 22:42.-------------------------------------------
刘昊然和白敬亭不和?在《明星大侦探》中,两人上演智商较量 - Duration: 5:58.刘昊然和白敬亭不和?在《明星大侦探》中
两人上演智商较量 《明星大侦探》真是承包了小编的笑点
两人上演智商较量 《明星大侦探》真是承包了小编的笑点
Iveco Daily 35S12 120pk Dubbel Cabine Open Laadbak Airco, Trekhaak, Nieuw LxBxH 281x207x40 Demo, 7 P - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
How to Pronounce: /n/ (thin) and /ŋ/ (thing) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> How to Pronounce: /n/ (thin) and /ŋ/ (thing) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
12/6/18 4:30 PM (9320 N Colton St, Spokane, WA 99218, USA) - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 12/6/18 4:30 PM (9320 N Colton St, Spokane, WA 99218, USA) - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 207 1.4 HDI Cool 'n Blue inruilkoopje in zeer goede staat+airco! - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 HDI Cool 'n Blue inruilkoopje in zeer goede staat+airco! - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
马来西亚的骄傲!连微信 wechat pay和阿里支付Ali Pay也没有的功能!三分钟看懂马来西亚Touch and go 电子钱包的超强功能! ( - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 马来西亚的骄傲!连微信 wechat pay和阿里支付Ali Pay也没有的功能!三分钟看懂马来西亚Touch and go 电子钱包的超强功能! ( - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Le Boo : utile et désavantageux — Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Le Boo : utile et désavantageux — Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Мировые лидеры гурманов.Турецкая кухня в подробностях. - Duration: 16:33.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Мировые лидеры гурманов.Турецкая кухня в подробностях. - Duration: 16:33.-------------------------------------------
11 Solutions à la Démonétisation sur Youtube - Duration: 8:09.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 11 Solutions à la Démonétisation sur Youtube - Duration: 8:09.-------------------------------------------
Professional Teleprompters Available-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 1.4-16V LIGNE PRESTIGE / 5 DEURS / APK T/M 06-2019! - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Easy ::: #YesWeSale – KHAN MEENEEMPRIJZEN, EINDEJAARSACTIE! ::: - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
上沼に暴言のスーマラ・武智 M-1決勝前日のラジオで「礼儀の大切さ」力説-PN - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
ケンコバ、M-1久保田炎上に激怒 「AKB総選挙の後に、前回優勝の指原莉乃が秋元康クソだ!と言ってるのと一緒」2chまとめ - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Mesha Rasi 2019 Astrology Prediction's | మేషరాశి 2019 రాశిఫలాలు పరిహారములు - Duration: 1:40.
ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat 1 Kg French Fries - Duration: 21:18.1 kg french fries
so many
with chili sauce
i think you already knew it, what kind of chili sauce that i usually use :)
still with this chili sauce
let's eat :)
[DETAILED] How to Cutting Gents Pants | Pant Cutting Tutorial Video - Duration: 15:01.Hello in this video I will do
[DETAILED] How to cutting Gents Pants
Measurement. Length- 39 inch.
waist-34 inch and Hip-39 inch.
crotch-27 inch. Thigh -24 inch. Knee-18 inch. and leg-16 inch.
Let's go start marking and cutting
First I draw a line right angle this waist line.
I'm calculate crotch length and divided by two
I'm calculate crotch length and divided by two
I'm calculate crotch length and divided by two
crotch is 27 inch.
divided by 2
divided by 2
divided by 2
crotch length-27 /2=13 and half inch.
crotch length-27 /2=13 and half inch.
13 and half and then I'm deducting 3 inches.
13 and half and then I'm deducting 3 inches.
I seen you why I'm deducting 3 inch
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
Our waist belt height is front and back 3 inch.
now I'm deducting 3 from crotch height
am I find 10 and half inch.
now I'm make crotch height and mark
now I'm make crotch height and mark
now I'm make crotch height and mark 10 nad half inch.
now I'm make crotch height and mark 10 nad half inch.
I repeat now I'm make crotch height and mark 10 nad half inch.
I repeat now I'm make crotch height and mark 10 nad half inch.
I'm do a line. for crotch line.
I'm do a line. for crotch line.
I'm going to making 2 and half inch down a mark
this the thigh line.
I'm going making Knee position see as measure
crotch point to12 inch. down and mark ths is
knee poisition
I repeat mark befor same.
and I draw line this knee line
and I draw line this knee line
I draw thigh line.
I draw thigh line.
I'm showing you position and line.
this crotch line
this crotch line
this crotch line
this crotch line
and this is thigh line.
and this is thigh line
and this is thigh line
this is knee line.
I'm going to making the thigh.
here I Leave 1 inch.
I'm calculate thigh-24 inch
I'm calculate thigh-24 inch
I'm calculate thigh-24 inch
remeber one inch. deduct from total thigh measurement.
remeber one inch. deduct from total thigh measurement
am I find 23 inch.
am I find 23 inch.
am I find 23 inch.
am I find 23 inch.
now I'm divided by 2
now I'm divided by 2
now I'm divided by 2
am I find 11 and half inch.
am I find 11 and half inch.
I measrue the front thigh as
mark 11 and half inch
I mark as middle of front thigh
am I find 5 and three quarter inch and mark
am I find 5 and three quarter inch and mark
am I find 5 and three quarter inch and mark
I'm going to making grain line of Pants.
I'm going to making grain line of Pants.
I'm going to making grain line of Pants
I'm going to making grain line of Pants
I'm going to making grain line of Pants
draw a line this is grain line
draw a line this is grain line
draw a line this is grain line
draw a line this is grain line
draw a line this is grain line
draw a line this is grain line
and I'm going to making length of Pants.
I measure waist belt height as 1 and half inch.
1 and half inch waist belt height
I'm going to make length of pant and I leave 1 nad half inch that the waist belt height.
I start inculding waist belt go to 39 inch
I start inculding waist belt go to 39 inch
I start inculding waist belt go to 39 inch
mark to pant length as 39 inch and I add 2 inch
for leg opening seam margin
I make leg opening line see as work.
I make leg opening line see as work.
I make leg opening line see as work.
I make leg opening line see as work.
now I calculate the leg
16 divided by 2
16 divided by 2
am I find 8 inch.
and I give 4 inch each side of middle line this front Leg.
here I calculate knee width
18 inch half am I find 9 inch.
18 inch half am I find 9 inch.
9 half I given each side middle line
this is front knee width.
I'm going to make front inseaam line.
I mark by shape scale and connect leg insem and front crotch hoqe point
I mark by shape scale and connect leg insem and front crotch hoqe point
I mark by shape scale and connect leg insem and front crotch hoqe point
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
I draw leg turn back for the match up.
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
also I mark by shape scale and connect leg side knee and front thigh point
here 1 and half inch. in mark for front crotch width.
I measure and find 4 and quarter inch. here three quarter inch deduct and mark. to 3 and half inch
I make front waist is 34 inch divided by 4
am find 8 and half inch. mark to as same
add 1 inch. for center front and side seam margin
now I make
center front line
I draw line this is center front.
I draw line this is center front.
I'm draw front hook point round shape.
now I'm calculated hip measurement.
is 39 inches. divided by 4
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
am I find 9 and three quarter and mark
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
and add half inches more for the side seam margin
I draw side line by shape scale
I draw side line by shape scale
I make pocket opening 1 and half inches at side top waist.
and I remake pocket opening 6 and three quarter
at below waist side seam.
I mark a line at pocket opening.
here three quarter inches. down and mark
for this better fitting at center front waist line.
this is standard.
this is standard.
I'm going to make
fly length at center fornt.
fly length is 5 and three quarter inches.
I mark for seen.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
I start cutting the front part.
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side seam cutting.
side seam cutting
side seam cutting
side seam cutting
side seam cutting
side seam cutting
I give notch mark and easy catch
when start sewing.
notch mark
notch mark
notch mark
notch mark
notch mark
front part marking and cutting finish.
now I'm make back part
now I'm make back part beads on front.
now I'm make back part beads on front.
front part lay on fabric for the make back.
front part lay on fabric for the make back.
front part lay on fabric for the make back.
I take measure middle of fornt for straight back
same as here top to bottom
I make straight
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
here Extended line for back inseam line.
I add 1 and half inches. at leg
I add 1 and half inches. at knee.
I add 2 and half inches. at back thigh.
I add 2 and half inches. at back thigh.
I do a mark for seen back side waist.
and here I give 1 and quarter inches. for the making back crotch line.
I do a line for back waist seam line.
here leave half inches. for side seam margin.
here leave half inches. for side seam margin.
here is I make back waist measure same as front 8 and half inches.
and add three quarter inches
for back dart seam margin
I add more 1 and quaarter inche for when needed plus.
I make back inseam line
I make back inseam line
here half inch. down and remember
back inseam shorter then front inseam.
I deduct half inch for seam margin
mark for back hip line
doing line at back hip line.
doing line at back hip line.
I measure hip
I measure hip
I measure hip
I measure hip
I measure hip
I measure hip
I measure hip
am I find front and back half 19 and half inches.
mark to 19 and half inches.
mark to 19 and half inches.
and make back crocth line.
and make back crocth line.
and make back crocth line
and make back crocth line
see on next marking and cutting.
Thanks for watching
Thanks for watching..
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