Nemo, a stray dog, was reported to be severely hit by a train.
This emotional video shows how kind and sympathetic animal rescuers are and their determination towards saving animals at all cost.
Rescuers from Animal Aid India found Nemo alongside the railway tracks.
When they arrive at the scene,
they found Nemo was hardly breathing as his lungs were collapsed and his face was badly smashed due to the hit.
It was a miracle that Nemo survived as animals hit by a train hardly survive.
The rescuers brought Nemo immediately to the Animal Aid's hospital where the veterinary doctors worked day and night just to recover Nemo's health.
Many of the injuries Nemo sustained could have ended his life but he was a true fighter,
he never gave up, and this encouraged the rescuers to do the same.
Nemo was struggling to breathe so they had to put him under oxygen.
The vets inserted a tube through his chest so that he could breathe properly.
he staff was less hopeful about his recovery, but Nemo never gave up fighting.
His recovery is nothing short of a miracle and is a result of his own fighting spirit and the medical staff's sacrifice.
For more infomation >> 기차에 치인 강아지가 쓰러져 힘겹게 숨을 헐떡이는데... - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
[WayV-ariety] Research Note_TEN - Duration: 4:42.
Hey, what's up!
And I am TEN
Today, I have prepared a presentation of a research note about TEN
Let's get started
I'm excited
Number 1,
he likes to study Chinese
I already knew that you enjoyed studying Chinese
so this was the first thing that I thought
and I wrote it down
Please speak slowly
Okay, I will talk slowly
I just said that you like studying Chinese
Is that right?
You think so?
I work really hard on it (?)
Um... Yeah
Okay, then I will move on to the second point
Number 2,
his smartphone is also full of study materials for Chinese
In your smartphone,
there are a lot of things like,
revision materials for Chinese
He often uses his smartphone
to revise Chinese
HENDERY is like my teacher
I'm your teacher
Yes, I am his teacher
I'm his Chinese teacher, who lives in the same dorm
Thank you
Yes, nowadays when I study Chinese,
whenever I don't know a Chinese vocabulary
I ask you guys, right?
That's right
And after I have asked you guys,
I always take...
Screen capture
Yes, screen capture
Everyday, when I sleep
Before you go to sleep
I look at it
and revise it
I don't really like (studying Chinese), rather, I have to study harder
No, it's okay to say that you like it
Number 3,
I think all the members would already know about it
but he likes hugging people
He likes to cuddle
I don't like to hug
Yes, you do!
I don't!
This really came out as a result
of my research
And I am not the only one
who thinks this is true
What do you all think?
You are right!
You like hugging other people
Am I right?
Right, right
I love hugging
Hugging is my hobby
It's because the others are too cute
That's right
Okay, so you have a reason for it
Oh right, this is also an important point
Number 4,
he likes everything to be clean
so he silently cleans up the trash
This is the fourth point
It's not true that I like to clean and tidy,
You guys are just dirty
Very dirty!
That's not true!
I don't think we are dirty
You guys always don't clean up after you finish your drink
So I'm the one who end up cleaning it every morning
It's just because you like to be tidy
And actually,
the next point,
I think everyone already knows
because you have already talked about it before
He is picky on food
He doesn't eat fruits
Yes, I don't eat fruits
My mom told me that, when I was young I used to enjoy eating fruits
But why do you hate it now?
I'm not sure
I have changed suddenly
I think it's because many parts of me have experience sudden changes,
I suddenly started hating fruits too
I'm curious too
If you have any idea why, please tell us
Do you know spider?
It feels like that
Does it feel like you are about to throw up?
Or is that too extreme?
It feels nauseous
Let me see what else...
Actually, I wrote quite a lot
Wow, you really did!
You really do love me, don't you?
I just researched a lot about you
He is not only picky on food, but also on drinks
He doesn't drink any other drinks
but only water and coffee
I only like 2 types of drinks
And tea
I like drinking tea
I love the taste of coffee
The taste of coffee~
From all the coffee tastes, I especially like
The bitterness?
The bitter taste!
Yes, I like the taste of bitterness
You like bitter taste...
Also, when I eat 'Hercolate'...?
Chocolate! Chocolate!
I also like bitter chocolates
he likes wearing slippers and sandals
There are various sandals at our dorm, and all of them belong to TEN
They are really comfortable
They are
But he likes them extremely
I don't like sneakers
because it feels like I'm becoming a robot
Yes, it kind of feels like a restraint to your feet
I think I got to know you better
And this might have been a chance for our fans to know you better as well
Thank you for watching
'Research Note'!
50 Amazing Facts & Funny GIFs - MashUp #2 - Duration: 10:25.
【MUKBANG】 My Favorite Cheese Naan & Butter Chicken Curry With Garlic Naan!! [5500kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 5:50.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphex~)
so today! tadaa! I've got butter chicken curry and cheese naan to eat today
I love cheese naan so much and I really love eating it with butter chicken
and so I've got 4 cheese naan 1 garlic naan and 4 portions worth of butter chicken itadakimasu
I'll kick things off by tasting the butter chicken
err... I goofed I mean I'll start with the cheese naan
looks amazing
so good
the butter gives it such a rich flavor .... its so darn delish
and the cheese naan is so full of cheezy goodness that I love
stretchy cheese nestled inside chewy dough
I love really covering the naan in plenty of butter chicken
I have chai to drink today
its so cold and delish I love how it tastes... its full of so many unique flavors
check it out I love that color
I've got the rest sitting on a hot plate
the surface is crispy and its so soft and fluffy on the inside
I gotta say... eating cheese naan with butter chicken has gotta be among my most favourite things ever
whoever thought of this is definitely a genius
the chicken is so flavorful
and this is garlic naan
naan are so huge and they disappear so quickly
I'd love to go to a restaurant that offers unlimited naan ... I've worn out my welcome to restaurants like that though
the dough is so soft and chewy and flavored nicely with garlic.... its so delish
as long as you keep it warm it stays so crispy and chewy
last of the cheese naan
hot!! the hot plate is so hot
its tough to strike the right balance of naan and the butter chicken
I usually end up with extra roux left over since I'm always only dipping things a tiny bit into the curry
last piece
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita cheese naan with butter chicken and garlic naan is so yummy
butter chicken and cheese naan make for the best pairing ever
the rich and slightly sweet curry goes with the naan so perfectly
and cheese naan is so chewy and yummy I love it so much its all so yummy won't you all please give it a try as well
and as always thanks for watching and if you want me to do something or eat something tell me in the comment section
if you liked this vid plz hit the like and sub buttons lets all eat something yummy tomorrow BAI BAI
Kanye || Gacha Life [5K special] - Duration: 0:35.
wait, wrong channel wHOOPS-
*orange justice intensifies*
*fortnite has left the chat*
oh yeah yeah
oh sh- who these hoes?-
*twerks at t-series* SCREW YOU!!!
*a bed starts twerking*
wait wha-
there's a flying chair here
anyways, i was saying. thank you for 5k subs!! i lobster you all <3
Priyanka Chopra Jonas Had 2 Weddings, So Chill Out! - Duration: 1:48.
[ENG] 신전떡볶이에 치즈가 적어서 제가 왕창 추가했습니다. 나름이 신전떡볶이 먹방 Spicy rice cake MUKBANG - Duration: 12:49.
Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !
Today What I'm going eat is ~
Today, I crave Curry flavored tteok-bokki
So, I got the Shinjeon tteok-bokki with cheese
Let's do it quickly
Ta-da !
It's been a really long time since I ate Shinjeon tteok-bokki
I got 3 portions of tteok-bokki, 1 tuna mayo,
Fried fish cake
dumpling, Fried seaweed roll, Japchae roll
and Coolpis
It's all 25,500 won (include tip)
(It's too expensive…)
I've order Coolpis (Peach juice)
I came running down the stairs…
(Let me catch my breath..)
I'll enjoy it !
They've put a lot of cheese in it.
right ?
It's so yummy ~
I think it doesn't seem enough the cheese..
So, I got this
(She prepared a lot of cheese ..)
For making the thumbnail…
Is that too much ?
I will try cheese without sauce
(Thumbs up)
[Yum yum]
Wow !
It's so delicious
'I think it would taste better if i mixed ..'
I just want to eat without sauce
(I want to eat together TT)
I totally do Cheese MUKBANG LOL
[A lot of cheese]
I think.. I should heat ttok-bokki with cheese together.
I'll try rice cake
I like the sauce
Put some cheese on the rice cake !
[One full gulp !]
No need to say ~~
(Your diction was... lol)
Trying to eat the fish cakes
(Dip it in the sauce)
I wanted to eat the fried roll…
[Japchae tuigim]
(This is tuna mayo)
Eating tuna mayo after eating tteok-bokki is
a delicious way to eat it
it's too much ..
you have to dip dumpling in the tteok-bokki sauce .
Actually, you should eat the all kinds of tuigim like this
Eat half like this
Dip it in sauce ~
Dip it in the sauce until to the end
[Thumbs up]
Coolpis (Peach juice)
[So crispy !! ]
[It's too long…]
[Let me cut with scissors..]
[Fried seaweed roll]
(Eating three rice cakes at once )
Coolpis is really nice with tteok-bokki
(Dip it in the tteok-bokki sauce ~)
(What was that?)
(the sounds like a wolf..)
Please support the Aekoyong Youtube Channel !
It's yummy since I haven't had it for a while
It looks like the lump of cheese..
If you try the solid cheese
you can taste inherent of Mozzarella cheese flavor.
It's very savory
(Editor : I'm going to eat the Sinjeon tteok-bokki today)
I just got a funny face… right ?
(Flash back)
[She's concentrating now..]
Ummm ~~
(Tuna mayo with tteok-bokki sauce) ..It's really good
It's still crispy
(Eating 3 rice cakes at once )
(One last tteok-bokki)
and drink coolpis !!
I enjoyed that !
#The sound of Aekoyong crying…+ sauce on my clothes..
#koyong rushed in the kitchen..
Come here ~
Hold on a second ~
Bye ~~ hope you're having a fantastic day wherever in the world
CHỢ HOA LỚN NHẤT SÀI GÒN trước ngày LỄ TÌNH NHÂN VALENTINE & VÍA THẦN TÀI chuẩn bị ra sao - MÙNG 9 - Duration: 23:22.
Play-Doh Prank War! Miniature Play-Doh Set!!! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:55.
Hubba Bubba!
Leo's acting so weird, something is not right here
Hi Leo!
Hey Banh Bao!
Banh Bao made me eat all that Playdoh,
time to get her back
Guys, I hope you enjoy the video. Make sure you guys hit the Like and Subscribe button,
and don't forget to turn on the notification bell, so you guys don't miss any our awesome videos
I love you guys so much, see you guys in the next video
Bye, Love you!
What is this?
Banh Bao!
Time to get some cake
Banh Bao...What are you doing?
My cake!
Hey Leo!
Bye Leo...
잃어버린 휴대폰... 무서운 이야기.... - Duration: 4:32.
The name of the woman climbing up the stairs is Kim Na Young. The way home from work was always painful.
(Na Young) "Ha ... What kind of apartment did you make by cutting a mountain?
Nayoung, who has been moving from Seoul to Incheon for one year, has been grumbling every time he climbed the stairs, but when he arrived at his house, he shouted at his house that he had a good workout.
Her job was positive, cheerful and cheerful.
When Nayoung carrying a white ribbon on his neck in a neat suit went up the stairs in front of the apartment, people could not take his eyes off Naoyo.
Especially the gaze of the men was often unpleasant.
In the apartment where Nayyong lives, she was already famous as a rumor.
Nayoung always felt like someone was staring at people because they were staring wherever they went.
One day, however, something strange happens to her.
Nayoung could not find her cell phone in the morning to go to work.
Nayoung went to work and came back to sleep. Nayoung, who could not wash it, fell asleep on the floor.
She shook her foot and shouted "How do you do it?" She eventually goes to work without a cell phone.
Nayoung borrowed his cell phone from his co-worker and called his cell phone, but luckily he got it.
(Man) "Hello" (Na Young) "Oh, is that my cell phone, can you return it?"
The man had nothing to say. (Nayoung) "Please tell me where I am because I will go there"
History The man was silent. (Nayoung) "Please answer me!"
Nayoung was unable to tolerate the boiling wrath and spoke out and quit.
Na Young thought that he did not answer to sell it as used.
Nayoung has an angry look and says "I can not help but buy a new one ..." Nayoung sighs.
Nayoung hates all the street cats that pass by as the stairs go up to the apartment that day.
Nayoung, who arrived at home, picked up beer as usual and drank it.
She lacked a can.
She picked up another one and vigorously twisted the cantilever.
Two cans and one shot were put down on the desk as if it was hard.
By the time she put it down too hard, half of the beer cans fell to the floor in an instant.
(Nayoung) "There is nothing ... Ha ..."
The beer widened his area slightly under the chest of drawers and under the bed.
Nayoung quickly pulled the rag as Nayoung desperately wanted (Nayoung) "Haha .. Ha ha ha ..." laughed the floor laughed.
She put her hand under the bed to wipe the bed underneath, and something like a hard plastic stuck in her hand.
Nayoung shouted, "Oh .. what the hell?" With the irritated voice (Nayoung), and after a while, Nayoung got stuck.
The thing that Na Young picked up was his cell phone, which was lost long ago.
The voice of a man who talked to a long time ago came to mind in NaYoung's head looking at his cell phone for a while ...
Mark Clattenburg has given his verdict on the Ashley Young v Angel Di Maria incident - Duration: 4:13.
Manchester United are faced with a mountain to climb in order to reach the Champions League quarter-finals after losing 2-0 at home to Paris Saint-Germain on Tuesday night
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer suffered the first defeat of his caretaker spell in charge of the Red Devils, with Presnel Kimpembe and Kylian Mbappe scoring PSG's two goals inside seven second-half minutes
Both goals were set up by Angel Di Maria, the former Man Utd player who struggled badly during his one and only season at Old Trafford several years ago
The Argentine winger, who joined United in a £59.7 million move from Real Madrid in the summer of 2014 and was sold to PSG for £44
3 million 12 months later, was booed throughout the evening by the home crowd. They believe that Di Maria failed to give his all when wearing the red shirt, particularly towards the end of his ill-fated spell at Old Trafford
The biggest cheer from the United fans of the first half came in the 39th minute when Ashley Young barged his former teammate off the side of the pitch, sending him crashing to the turf
It was a risky move and, in the eyes of many football fans, Young should have been shown a second yellow card, having already been booked earlier in the half
Watch the incident here and judge for yourselves… Former Premier League referee Mark Clattenburg has reviewed the incident and has explained why, in his view, it was correct not to show Young a second yellow card
"Referee Daniele Orsato got it right — Young's challenge on Di Maria did not warrant a second yellow card," Clattenburg told the Daily Mail
"The slope at the side of the Old Trafford pitch made it look far worse than it was
Had this match been played on a pitch surrounded by an athletics track, for example, the coming together between Young and Di Maria would have looked like an innocuous shoulder-to-shoulder challenge
"Although VAR was in action last night, Orsato was not able to review this incident as second yellow cards cannot be checked
"The referee got this call right — but got it wrong when sending off Paul Pogba at the end
"The challenge was not a reckless foul and did not warrant a second yellow." That opinion is likely to raise a few eyebrows, although Clattenburg obviously knows what he's talking about
In the same article, however, former Premier League striker Chris Sutton - not a qualified referee, it's important to note - believes the incident clearly warranted a yellow card
"That was a nasty, cynical challenge from Ashley Young on Angel Di Maria. "He can count himself fortunate not to have been sent off last night
Shoulder-to-shoulder challenges may be allowed but when Young made contact, the ball had gone
"There was no way either player was going to win it. Young knows that the touchline at Old Trafford slopes away and could have injured his opponent
"There was nothing to be gained in this situation. Already on a yellow card, Young risked getting sent off — reducing his team to 10 men on a night when they struggled with a full complement on the pitch
"I would expect better from such an experienced player." Two very different sides of the argument there, but which of them do you agree with? Have your say below
TÔI ĐI DU HỌC THẾ NÀO? | 2 Ways to Study Abroad | 5 Minutes about IELTS - Duration: 6:42.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas Can Still Ace a Pose - Duration: 2:31.
紀平梨花は!フリーの女王!大逆転Vに露メディア驚き,蓄え全て使わずとも勝てる - Duration: 9:30.
★ Польза вазелина, о которой многие не знают. 10 способов его применения для косметических целей - Duration: 2:15.
🔥Why do Koreans like SPICY FOOD?😂🔥 2 idoits try to eat Tteok Bokki! [두 얼간이 (2 idiots)] - Duration: 7:11.
Hi guys! We are back..
All iz well! Hi, we are 2idiots
What will we do today?
idiots vs manager
Cooking silently..not exceed 60dB !!
Lost while cooking? Delete one ingredient!
Lost while eating? Finger-flicked on forehead!
He is preparing very hard!
The force of devil....will play hard on us
Very disturbing right now!
We will defeat the evil with Tteokbooki!
[Korean Spicy Rice Cakes]
Let's get started!
[Putting tteok in]
This is the rice cakes - core of menu
[Safe and sound!]
First poem written by tteok..
That's too hard tho!
[Step 122 - Turn on Gas]
Jaehyun is turning on the camera and...
You did 64 dB !
I will delete Spring onions, because deleting egg is too harsh..
WHAT? Tteokpokki without onions!!!!!
So you want to delete eggs?
Well..can you remove your lung from your body?
Onion is LUNG in this menu
So let's just decrease ok!
It's the most delicious part of this menu!!
[Step 3 - Putting in spices]
Hun Jang Geum is working hard ^^
(careful skilss..)
(What are you two doing...)
You lost!
I didn't do anything tho...
it's 72 dB.........?????
I think it's you playing on your phone!!!
I think this is unfair! We didn't do ANYTHING
I don't think this makes any sense....
Then don't do it..
Hey, careful
I have a knife!!!
You need to remove this..
[LOLL cheating!]
[Step 4 - putting in ramen noodles]
Rock Scissor Paper - who lost eat raw noodles ^^?
[Jaehyun wins!]
[Cha hun is the loser]
[Let's try it again!]
[Chahun lost again!]
[His facial expression is eating it too... lol]
[Did you lose...?]
[Jaehyun lost!!]
[Time to eat!]
[Tteokbooki is finally ready..]
We will try it now
Chahun did it safe&sound !
(We didn't lose right ^^)
[Getting full already....]
Our manager has worked hard, let's feed him some!
[He is smiling....naturally...]
[Turning off with chin!]
LOL You know what he did just now? He used his chin to press button LOLL]
[Jaehyun LOST]
Do it now!
I will eat raw noodles and if the sound doesn't exceed 60dB, you are punished
If exceeds, I will get punished.
Great idea!
How do you feel?
[Tears are dropping....]
Did you enjoy our A S M R
with Korean food tteokbokki?
It was so yummyyy!
I think Idiots vs Manager content is always fun
His suffering is our pleasure right
This is the real "Morality" ^^
If you like this video, then please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE
Turn on the alarm ^^
and press dislike 'twice!'
We will be back with even more fun contents!!!
All iz well!!! .... Annyeong..
Rebel Wilson & James Corden Are Two Cool 'Cats' - Duration: 2:20.
德州扑克教程 | Ivey告诉你老大是谁 - Duration: 13:02.
Trump Rallies El Paso and Gets a $1.4B Border Wall Offer - Duration: 4:50.
-Let's get to some news here.
Last night President Trump held a rally in El Paso, Texas,
right by the Mexico border.
When he landed, he saw signs for El Paso.
He said, "Oh, God, I'm in Mexico.
I've overshot it."
Of course, Trump was there to make a case for his border wall,
and I saw that someone actually showed up to the rally
wearing a wall costume.
Take a look. Yeah. Yeah.
Looks like SpongeBob's conservative uncle.
[ Laughter and applause ]
He was having fun until someone dressed as the Kool-Aid Man
tried to run right through him.
It's a tragic, tragic story.
But before the President spoke,
his son Don Jr. came out to talk to the crowd.
And some people said he sounded like he was drunk.
Listen to him talk about the Russia investigation.
-For two years, they're been pursuing their witch hunt.
[ Laughter ]
-[ Slurring ] "For two years,
they've been pursuing their witch hunt."
Shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot.
[ Applause ]
"For two years."
Here's some big news.
It looks like Congress has reached a deal
to avoid another government shutdown.
That's good. [ Cheers and applause ]
I don't know what I'm gonna do first,
file my taxes or go to the DMV.
I don't know. I'm just so excited.
Even though Trump asked Congress for $5.7 billion for his wall,
they're only offering him $1.4 billion.
When Trump asked how much wall that buys him,
Congress said, "This much."
[ Laughter and applause ]
Well, Trump talked about the deal at a cabinet meeting today.
And he started the meeting like he always does,
by going around to each cabinet member
and saying, "I thought I fired you.
I thought I -- I definitely fired you."
At one point during his rally last night,
Trump started talking about drug-sniffing dogs
and why he doesn't have a dog.
It was odd.
The whole thing sounded kind of crazy,
but maybe it's just 'cause Trump's the one who said it.
I don't know. I mean --
I wonder if it would sound less crazy
coming out of someone else's mouth.
Does anybody here want to read what the President said
word for word and see if it makes sense?
Who wants to give it a shot? Come on.
Wanna do it?
Yeah. You can try it. Come here.
Come on, man.
Come down to the monologue mark here.
It'll be fun.
Have you ever read off cue cards before?
-No. -Okay, this will be fun.
That's the monologue mark here.
Hey, nice to see you, pal. -Hi. Nice to see you, too.
-What's your name? -Blake.
-Blake. Very good.
Blake, these are the exact words
of the President of the United States.
Let's see if they sound any less crazy when you say them.
You can read them right off those cue cards.
And take it away whenever you're ready.
-Should I do it in Trump's voice?
[ Laughter ]
-"By the way, there's nothing better
than a good old-fashioned German shepherd.
It's hard to believe, right? It's true.
You know, I was with the people,
and they were showing me this incredible computerized stuff
and where it goes.
I said, 'Could I?'
The Secret Service took me out to the place,
and they were showing me these German shepherds.
They're unbelievable.
They'll run past all these empty boxes,
and one of the boxes has drugs in it deep down in a box.
You do love your dogs, don't you?
I wouldn't mind having one, honestly.
But I don't think any time. I don't have time.
How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?
Would that be -- Right? Sort of.
Not for -- I don't know. Doesn't -- I don't feel good."
-There you go.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-You didn't do any better. Still sounds weird.
Sorry. Thank you.
Thank you for trying, though. Good try.
Did you guys hear about this?
Today a jury in New York
convicted Mexican drug lord El Chapo.
And now he's facing life in prison.
I'll have a joke about this
after I'm 100% sure he's spending his life in prison.
Just so you know. I'll be the first one there.
Actually, El Chapo's jury took six days to reach a verdict --
one day to deliberate, then five days to change their names
and move to different states.
[ Laughter and applause ]
Speaking of New York,
this week the city's hosting the Westminster Dog Show.
And there are two new breeds competing.
These are real. This one's --
They're called the grand basset griffon Vendéen
and the Nederlandse kooikerhondje.
[ Laughter ]
Those don't belong at a dog show.
They belong at Ikea.
[ Laughter and applause ]
After this -- After going out of business last year,
Toys "R" Us stores are coming back.
Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]
When asked how he made a living while he was unemployed,
Geoffrey the giraffe said, "You do not want to know."
[ Laughter and applause ]
And finally, I saw that later this month,
Coca-Cola is releasing a new flavor -- orange vanilla.
It's interesting.
It's the first time anyone's combined orange and vanilla
since Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Group of white Wisconsin Republicans erase mention of Colin Kaepernick from resolution celebrating B - Duration: 2:36.
Group of white Wisconsin Republicans erase mention of Colin Kaepernick from resolution celebrating B
Wisconsin Republicans erased any mention of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick from a resolution recognizing Black History Month on Tuesday, saying hes too controversial to be included in a list of influential black leaders.
February is Black History Month. The Legislatures black caucus had proposed a resolution honoring a number of black leaders, including Kaepernick.
That didnt go over well with the GOP. Republican leaders drafted their own resolution that didnt include Kaepernick but did add Mandela Barnes, the states first black lieutenant governor, and Vel Phillips, the states first black secretary of state.
Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, who is white, told reporters during a news conference Tuesday that Kaepernick was left off the list "for obvious reasons." He later added that Kaepernick was a controversial figure.
Kaepernick, who was born in Wisconsin and used to play for the San Francisco 49ers, began kneeling during the national anthem before games in 2016 to protest police brutality and racial inequality. President Donald Trump has repeatedly slammed players who kneel during the anthem.
Wisconsin Republicans tried to bring their resolution excluding Kaepernick to the floor but fell short of the two thirds majority they needed after all the chambers Democrats voted against the move.
Republicans said they tried to honor black history and moved on to another bill. Rep. David Crowley, chairman of the Legislatures black caucus, walked out of the chamber. He told a reporter in the foyer that black people should be allowed to choose the leaders they want to honor and Kaepernick is "making history."
Republicans later added the black caucus resolution to the agenda, then amended it to delete Kaepernicks name on a 61 34 party line vote. That put Democrats in an awkward position — deciding whether to oppose their own resolution or adopt it without Kaepernick.
After that vote, Crowley said many see Kaepernick as unpatriotic without truly knowing him. He said deleting Kaepernicks name is a "textbook example of white privilege" and that he shouldnt need to get permission from white lawmakers to put together a list of black leaders.
None of the Assembly Republicans are black and none defended deleting Kaepernicks name on the floor.
A tweet on Republican Rep. Barbara Dittrichs account, however, said that Kaepernick wore socks depicting police as pigs and Wisconsin flags are flying at half staff in honor of a Milwaukee police officer who was killed last week.
The tweet was later deleted and Dittrich, when reached at her office, said she didnt send the tweet and didnt know who did. Dittrich, who is white, said her staffer, Keith Best, is only other person with access to her account. Best, who is also white, declined comment.
Former Republican Rep. Tom Weatherston, who is white, said in July that Best was working for him as an aide when he posted a message on Weatherstons Twitter account suggesting that state Sen. Lena Taylor was a racist because she opposes Wisconsins voter ID law. Taylor is black.
Crowley said he still supported the resolution despite Kaepernicks name missing but has "heartburn" over it.
"Its sad," he said. "What you may despise, we may lift up."
The resolution, which ended up passing 95 0, now goes to the state Senate. Republicans control that chamber as well. There isnt a black senator among them.
Last years Black History Month resolution ran into similar hurdles in the Assembly after Republican Rep. Scott Allen, who is white, complained the resolution honored only a select group of black leaders rather than all blacks from Wisconsin. The chamber ultimately passed two resolutions — one written by black lawmakers and one written by Allen.
Group of white Wisconsin Republicans erase mention of Colin Kaepernick from resolution celebrating B - Duration: 3:06.
Group of white Wisconsin Republicans erase mention of Colin Kaepernick from resolution celebrating B
Wisconsin Republicans erased any mention of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick from a resolution recognizing Black History Month on Tuesday, saying hes too controversial to be included in a list of influential black leaders.
February is Black History Month. The Legislatures black caucus had proposed a resolution honoring a number of black leaders, including Kaepernick.
That didnt go over well with the GOP. Republican leaders drafted their own resolution that didnt include Kaepernick but did add Mandela Barnes, the states first black lieutenant governor, and Vel Phillips, the states first black secretary of state.
Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, who is white, told reporters during a news conference Tuesday that Kaepernick was left off the list "for obvious reasons." He later added that Kaepernick was a controversial figure.
Kaepernick, who was born in Wisconsin and used to play for the San Francisco 49ers, began kneeling during the national anthem before games in 2016 to protest police brutality and racial inequality. President Donald Trump has repeatedly slammed players who kneel during the anthem.
Wisconsin Republicans tried to bring their resolution excluding Kaepernick to the floor but fell short of the two thirds majority they needed after all the chambers Democrats voted against the move.
Republicans said they tried to honor black history and moved on to another bill. Rep. David Crowley, chairman of the Legislatures black caucus, walked out of the chamber. He told a reporter in the foyer that black people should be allowed to choose the leaders they want to honor and Kaepernick is "making history."
Republicans later added the black caucus resolution to the agenda, then amended it to delete Kaepernicks name on a 61 34 party line vote. That put Democrats in an awkward position — deciding whether to oppose their own resolution or adopt it without Kaepernick.
After that vote, Crowley said many see Kaepernick as unpatriotic without truly knowing him. He said deleting Kaepernicks name is a "textbook example of white privilege" and that he shouldnt need to get permission from white lawmakers to put together a list of black leaders.
None of the Assembly Republicans are black and none defended deleting Kaepernicks name on the floor.
A tweet on Republican Rep. Barbara Dittrichs account, however, said that Kaepernick wore socks depicting police as pigs and Wisconsin flags are flying at half staff in honor of a Milwaukee police officer who was killed last week.
The tweet was later deleted and Dittrich, when reached at her office, said she didnt send the tweet and didnt know who did. Dittrich, who is white, said her staffer, Keith Best, is only other person with access to her account. Best, who is also white, declined comment.
Former Republican Rep. Tom Weatherston, who is white, said in July that Best was working for him as an aide when he posted a message on Weatherstons Twitter account suggesting that state Sen. Lena Taylor was a racist because she opposes Wisconsins voter ID law. Taylor is black.
Crowley said he still supported the resolution despite Kaepernicks name missing but has "heartburn" over it.
"Its sad," he said. "What you may despise, we may lift up."
The resolution, which ended up passing 95 0, now goes to the state Senate. Republicans control that chamber as well. There isnt a black senator among them.
Last years Black History Month resolution ran into similar hurdles in the Assembly after Republican Rep. Scott Allen, who is white, complained the resolution honored only a select group of black leaders rather than all blacks from Wisconsin. The chamber ultimately passed two resolutions — one written by black lawmakers and one written by Allen.
Play-Doh Prank War! Miniature Play-Doh Set!!! (CC Available) - Duration: 10:55.
Hubba Bubba!
Leo's acting so weird, something is not right here
Hi Leo!
Hey Banh Bao!
Banh Bao made me eat all that Playdoh,
time to get her back
Guys, I hope you enjoy the video. Make sure you guys hit the Like and Subscribe button,
and don't forget to turn on the notification bell, so you guys don't miss any our awesome videos
I love you guys so much, see you guys in the next video
Bye, Love you!
What is this?
Banh Bao!
Time to get some cake
Banh Bao...What are you doing?
My cake!
Hey Leo!
Bye Leo...
Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 8 - The Syndicate Masterplan Volume 2 - Duration: 1:03.
Henry Cejudo Writes Best and Cheesiest Valentine's Day Poem for Nikki Bella - Duration: 1:18.
Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News Henry Cejudo Writes Cheesy Valentine's Day Poem
for Nikki Bella Nikki Bella has plenty of men who would love to take her out One of
those guys is UFC Flyweight Champion Henry Cejudo The MMA fighter has already expressed
a lot of interest in dating Nikki Bella and she replied that she was opening to train
with him as well Now Cejudo seems to be laying it all on the line with one of the best and
cheesiest Valentine's Day poems we have ever heard Nikki Roses are Red Daniel bryan
is turning blue Becuz I got the Real Championship GOLD
And I have a loaded question 4 u I am trying to rebrand single awareness day what are your
plans on February 14th?
We will just have to wait and see if Nikki Bella makes any Valentine's Day plans with
Henry Cejudo Friends what are your thought about this Have your say in the comments section
✨Новости #BEpic! Новые бонусы! Новые продукты! Новая система - Duration: 1:08:21.
Telttur og isfiske i Bamble - Duration: 10:36.
Back on track - welcome guys!
Enough gear to stay out in the wild for a while.
10 - 12 degree below zero.
This will be fine!
Now a lot of things has to be done.
Think I will place the tent......
at this place.
We have to put up the tent,
and collect some firewood.
Prepare the sleeping area.
I look forward to this.
The camp is soon ready.
The dogs have got some snacks.
In this little "house" we will sleep for tonight.
This time I have brought with me......
follow me inside, and I will show you.
Look at this,
my best sleeping bag.
This give me good comfort wintertime.
Then I have my Jerven Bag.
And a Exped downmat
sleeping pad.
And an old simple sleeping pad here.
Now I want to collect firewood, and go fishing....
saw and make things ready for the campfire.
I really need a hot meal too.
And don't forget - setting out the fishing rods!
My camp, up on the island - beautiful!
The sun is shining.....
I'm setting out some
fishing rods.
Say hello to my shadow :)
It's easy to find firewood at this spot,
but we need a bit too.
Yes, we need a lot of firewood.
I want to have a good time by a big campfire tonight.
Look forward to that.
And we are going to stay for some days,
should be time enough to get some fish!
I really hope for fish!
Ahhh - I love the smell of fatwood.
It's a "smell of the wilderness" :)
The amount of wood increase....
and that's good....
because now it's...
Beautiful light.
Enja has taken place inside the tent already.
She is a smart one.
Around here I have some fishing rods.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
and this one, 6.
Then we have to hope!!
Fish on the hook!
It's fish on the hook!
The first fish this evening.
Ha ;)
It was easy hooked.
Now we have a fish!
hi - hi . YESSSSS!
Look at this size ;)
YESSS - my first fish on the ice this season.
A really nice one.
And I got a fish the first evening.
This one is really nice.
And it's a fat fish too.
The meat is red just the way I like it.
Look at this.
Then i'll get fried fish.
I'm relaxed and satisfied by the campfire.
I appreciate to sit on the kicksled,
and I've got a fish!
Love this.
The dogs relax inside the tent, and....
I'm sitting by the fire.
We get moonlight tonight.
Monday we will have full moon.
Today it's Saturday.
To look into the fire makes me calm.
Feels good.
Make me warm.
Beautiful fire with fatwood.
I love this.
Peaceful and warm.
That's good.
Yes, clever boy.
You are clever!
Good morning everybody.
A new day.
I have had a good night.
Now i have to prioritize
to collect firewood.
Five fish rods are placed out on the ice.
They do the fishing all the day.
And now I have to prioritize some wood,
afterwards I will have a daytrip.
It's cold today.
Yes, it's cold.
A lot of firewood in this one!
A big one.
Yes, something to do all the time.
We have been for a long hike with the kicksled.
We love this!!
It's full speed across the lakes - the dogs love running!
And I have had a look at all the fishing rods.
New maggot is applied.
No catch until now,
but i got one yesterday !!
I will boil some water on the coffee pot.
We really need it now.
Have to get some coffee and food.
As always a meal from Real-turmat.
Good to get some hot stuff inside the body.
Soon ready.
M-m - I needed this :)
As it should be on a little expedition.
One more relaxing evening by the campfire.
No fish today.
One fish on the hook.
But it swam away...
But yesterday I was lucky with a fish.
Nothing better than a night in the wild by the fire.
New morning.
A bit foggy.
I've been sick this night.
To vomit is not fun at all.
Now we have to try to turn back home.
But this is a nice spot indeed.
A bit new snow has fallen tonight.
I feel very very nauseous.
I have been vomiting once.
I didn't boiled the water as many minutes as I should.
Think that's the reason.
I should have boiled the water for a longer time!
Now I have learned!
But, this has been a nice trip!
And we've caught one trout.
Now I have to heading home.
Thank you for watching!
Beautiful wether today.
Blue sky.
Oh - you dogs are good helpers today!
They help me a lot!
Really good help!
Oh - I love this!
Yes, you are clever!
Clever dogs!
For more infomation >> Telttur og isfiske i Bamble - Duration: 10:36.-------------------------------------------
Tableau Abstrait - Démonstration peinture acrylique au couteau | Linéal - Duration: 6:40.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
For more infomation >> Tableau Abstrait - Démonstration peinture acrylique au couteau | Linéal - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
ADDICT ACTION Marseille Plan de Campagne #2 | Carolina's Life - Duration: 28:01.
For more infomation >> ADDICT ACTION Marseille Plan de Campagne #2 | Carolina's Life - Duration: 28:01.-------------------------------------------
Affaire Benalla: le patron de la société Velours entendu comme témoin dans l'enquête sur le contrat - Duration: 3:47.
For more infomation >> Affaire Benalla: le patron de la société Velours entendu comme témoin dans l'enquête sur le contrat - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
(EN/日) I`m Ready 빈티지 의상 하울 EP2 [소리] - Duration: 8:17.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Coming up next, Yves Saint Laurent, YSL!!!
I'm guessing the previous owner was pretty tall!
Perhaps had a very thin waist (Guessing the previous owner's body type)
These are carrot pants.
Latex Kim Sori has turned into...
Now, the upcoming outfit that I'm going to introduce is...
by Yves Saint Laurent, YSL!!
I bet lots of you are familiar with this brand,
I personally have lipsticks and throw pillows by them.
Their cosmetic products and bags are quite popular,
I have here an outfit designed by Monsieur Laurent himself 30 years ago
along with a pair of shoes.
I would like to introduce some items with historic values.
The color's so pretty.
I've seen this same color
on lipsticks by Yves St. Laurent.
I wouldn't dare to buy these brand new,
but to find something of this age that fits me...
If I've chances in the future, I intend to buy them.
Perhaps I could wear these on daily basis.
But these shoes are a little bit too big on me...
These shoes' size is 36.5
So a little bit big on me but with these straps they are alright.
Perhaps I should change the insoles, then they'd be better.
I really would like to wear these.
What do you think?
They're pretty comfy.
This is a skirt by Yves Saint Laurent!
(Material: 100% Soie-silk)
Seems like the bottom part is see-thru.
I see some cotton underlayer at the top.
It appears that it might be a little bit big on me.
It's 42 (or 28)
I'd probably have to take it to a tailor's if it's too big.
Maybe it's a little bit too big around my waist.
It is pretty though.
Maybe I should get some work done on this...
Yeah, I should.
I bet the previous owner was pretty tall.
Maybe I should make it shorter like so...
Then it would fit me.
It's still a nice skirt.
I can see myself wearing this in summertime.
Despite the fact that this is decades old, it still feels new.
No noticeable rip or tear...
I'll be back with another outfit.
This is the second Yves Saint Laurent skirt.
The size for this one is 34 (24)
and is made out of 100% cotton.
(Pretty unique way to put it on)
This is pretty cool!
Feels like I'm putting on my mom's clothes...
The size is still too big...
but I feel like this would go well with a jacket.
I think it'd be alright if I fix the waist line a little.
I'm gonna try on another outfit.
The 3rd skirt by YSL.
Once again, the size is 34, (24)
The material is made out of wool, 100%.
The condition of these skirts are just so mint!
Guessing from the length of this skirt...
The previous owner had some long legs..
but seems like she had a thin waist.
Ah, this one fits me perfectly.
It's a pretty long skirt.
Since I'm not particularly tall or anything,
I don't particularly wear skirts,
but I like this one.
Even though I didn't look at myself in the mirror, this feels right.
Perhaps I should put something on the top.
This is also by Yves Saint Laurent...
It's a sleeveless top.
Made out of rayon.
I'm gonna try this on with the skirt.
So I put this on, and I look so different... compared to my usual style.
Since I'm wearing shorts inside,
There's a bit of protrusion here...
but I really like how this top feels on my skin.
There's some subtle detail along the edges, you can see.
I could comfortably dance with this on.
I'm gonna move on to the next outfit.
(Very colorful pattern!)
Another one by YSL,
a skirt boasting a very extravagant pattern.
I would believe it if they said these are brand new.
Made out of 100% rayon,
I couldn't find the size for it...
Guys, these are actually not a skirt, but pants if you look at the bottom.
These are maybe just a little bit big.
A little bit big around the waist.
If I could repair the waist, like the other ones, then I could wear this too.
Pretty cute.
What do you think?
Pretty refreshing, right?
Shorts that look like a skirt.
It;s like carrot pants.
which is a term for pants that look like a skirt.
My boss told me.
He seems to be quite knowledgeable.
Aren't these perfect with the sofa?
This thing spread once I sat down.
So pretty...
I'm looking forward to deciding the stage outfit for this time around.
Aren't you getting excited too?
Former Latex Kim SoRi has
transformed into something else, stay tuned!
Perhaps a bit too drastic of a change?
I hope everything turns out alright.
(Stay tuned for the 3rd installment!!!)
【MUKBANG】 My Favorite Cheese Naan & Butter Chicken Curry With Garlic Naan!! [5500kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 5:50.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphex~)
so today! tadaa! I've got butter chicken curry and cheese naan to eat today
I love cheese naan so much and I really love eating it with butter chicken
and so I've got 4 cheese naan 1 garlic naan and 4 portions worth of butter chicken itadakimasu
I'll kick things off by tasting the butter chicken
err... I goofed I mean I'll start with the cheese naan
looks amazing
so good
the butter gives it such a rich flavor .... its so darn delish
and the cheese naan is so full of cheezy goodness that I love
stretchy cheese nestled inside chewy dough
I love really covering the naan in plenty of butter chicken
I have chai to drink today
its so cold and delish I love how it tastes... its full of so many unique flavors
check it out I love that color
I've got the rest sitting on a hot plate
the surface is crispy and its so soft and fluffy on the inside
I gotta say... eating cheese naan with butter chicken has gotta be among my most favourite things ever
whoever thought of this is definitely a genius
the chicken is so flavorful
and this is garlic naan
naan are so huge and they disappear so quickly
I'd love to go to a restaurant that offers unlimited naan ... I've worn out my welcome to restaurants like that though
the dough is so soft and chewy and flavored nicely with garlic.... its so delish
as long as you keep it warm it stays so crispy and chewy
last of the cheese naan
hot!! the hot plate is so hot
its tough to strike the right balance of naan and the butter chicken
I usually end up with extra roux left over since I'm always only dipping things a tiny bit into the curry
last piece
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita cheese naan with butter chicken and garlic naan is so yummy
butter chicken and cheese naan make for the best pairing ever
the rich and slightly sweet curry goes with the naan so perfectly
and cheese naan is so chewy and yummy I love it so much its all so yummy won't you all please give it a try as well
and as always thanks for watching and if you want me to do something or eat something tell me in the comment section
if you liked this vid plz hit the like and sub buttons lets all eat something yummy tomorrow BAI BAI
Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 8 - The Syndicate Masterplan Volume 2 - Duration: 1:03.
Disney Princess TIANA Play Doh Sparkle Dresses Making with Juicy Fruit Gum & Glitter - Duration: 7:52.
Welcome to our channel.
Have a nice time watching video on Dolls Beauty Channel, where we show you our love of making custom dolls for kids!
You are watching the video "Disney Princess TIANA Play Doh Sparkle Dresses Making with Juicy Fruit Gum & Glitter"
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Heera Group CEO Bail Granted To Aurangabad Court |Bail Granted To Nowhera Shaikh.By arj bro - Duration: 2:29.
ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Mie Sedap Goreng Rasa Mie Ayam Istimewa - Duration: 18:10.
Mie goreng rasa mie ayam istimewa (fried noodles with special taste chicken noodles flavor)
Mie sedap version
This the noodles
I add with telor goreng (fried egg) & otak otak ikan (fried fish cake)
Let's eat :)
Blowfuse - 09 - A Thousand Miles (Audio) Daily Ritual 2019 - Duration: 3:17.
I see, see it all
Would you let me in?
Would you tear down the wall?
I'm feeling your dejection
I see how you fear rejection
I see you're trying to take control
Planning every act in the show
Maybe I should go
It's over, I'm up for the truth, I want to know
Know how to dig up the treasure
Know your real and honest nature
And see right down into your soul
right down into your soul
right down into your
A thousand days to go
A thousand faces in the show
A thousand lines
And though it breaks you down it doesn't matter
A thousand episodes
A thousand pot holes in the road
A thousand miles
Between you and me won't last forever
I'm not the way I use to be
I've felt a change come over me
I'm not the way I use to be
I've felt a change come over me
I'm not the way I use to be
I've felt a change come over me
I'm not the way I use to be
Cause there's a change.
A thousand days to go
A thousand faces in the show
A thousand lines
And though it breaks you down it doesn't matter
A thousand episodes
A thousand pot holes in the road
A thousand miles
Between you and me won't last forever
Calabasas wide receiver Jermaine Burton aims for his long journey to continue in college - Duration: 7:29.
Jermaine Burton's path to being one of the top receivers in the nation has been a winding trail
The 6-foot-1, 193-pound wideout calls Calabasas High home after moving from Georgia before his junior year
He attended a school in Marietta before transferring from the Atlanta suburbs to the city at Hapeville Charter for his freshman football season
Burton spent his sophomore season at national powerhouse IMG Academy in Bradenton, Fla
, then transferred back to Marietta during the spring last year. But before playing for Marietta, he moved out to California and enrolled at Calabasas
Advertisement > He was selected wide receiver MVP of the Opening Atlanta Regional last spring over seniors Jadon Haselwood and Dominick Blaylock, the No
1 and No. 5 receivers in the 2019 class per 247Sports composite rankings. Burton's performance earned him a coveted spot as one of the select few underclassmen to be invited to the Opening Finals, an event that brings the nation's top high school football players together to compete against one another over the summer
He received an invitation to this year's finals in Frisco, Texas, with a stellar performance in the rain Sunday at the Opening Los Angeles Regional at Long Beach City College
Burton showed off his elite speed by running the 40-yard dash in 4.43 seconds despite the soggy conditions
He made defenders miss in an open-field drill and then ran crisp routes that helped him get open against the top defensive backs in the area
Blew the DB a KISS 😭 @dbassassin13 @TheOpening— Overtime (@overtime) February 11, 2019 That skill set has colleges vying for Burton's services and his coast-to-coast journey has allowed schools from all over the nation to see him play
Burton, the No. 2 receiver in California behind Calabasas teammate Johnny Wilson, has received scholarship offers from 20 colleges
His most recent additions include a pair of "hometown" schools, Georgia Tech and UCLA, in the last two weeks
Burton released a top five in December that included Miami, Louisiana State, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, but he recently took an unofficial visit to UCLA that opened his eyes to the school as a viable option
"It definitely made a difference in my recruitment," he said. "I say UCLA is right now in my top three
" He was impressed by the Bruins' strength and conditioning program and how they attack speed training
He's also seen the way UCLA football has transitioned since Chip Kelly took over as coach
The academics also stood out. Calabasas wide receiver Jermaine Burton runs after a catch during drills at the Opening Los Angeles Regional at Veteran's Memorial Stadium in Long Beach on Sunday
(Shotgun Spratling / Los Angeles Times) "I want to go to a school that I can lean on for after life of football with academics and UCLA, they have everything I need," Burton said
"But I'm still weighing out my options. I'm looking at a lot of other schools, so I'm just going to wait it out
" Miami and LSU remain among his top schools. Burton has always been enamored with the Tigers' physical style of play and the recent addition of former New Orleans Saints assistant Joe Brady as passing game coordinator also caught his eye
Burton committed to Miami for five months during his sophomore school year before backing off that decision
He loves the Coral Gables campus and has good relationships with many of the coaches even after the Hurricanes swapped head coaches this offseason
"It's still all love from the coaches and I respect all of them," Burton said. "They're all great dudes and definitely play a big role
" Burton is still working on a timeline for his decision. He is hoping to receive more interest from other schools, including USC
He wants to be cautious with his commitment this time. If his mind is made during the summer, Burton said he'd commit before his senior season
He otherwise plans to wait until January to announce his plans at the All-American game in San Antonio
Patriots haters, fans battle on Twitter as team makes yet another Super Bowl - Duration: 3:33.
The New England Patriots may inspire more haters than any team in American sports
And Sunday night, after the Patriots upset the Chiefs to earn their third straight trip to the Super Bowl and their ninth appearance in the Bill Belichick-Tom Brady era, those haters were out in force on social media
Scrolling through Twitter after the game and Monday morning wasn't nearly as entertaining as the Patriots' 37-31 overtime win, but it was fun
Setting aside the tweets full of profanity, empty threats/promises ("That's it, I'm never watching the Super Bowl again!") and dreadful illiteracy, there were some gems
Haters are going to hate, but New England fans showed they just don't care. Here's a roundup of some of the more fun and interesting Tweets
No matter your race, religion, sexual preference, or party association, we can all come together and hate the Patriots as one
That's a beautiful thing— Zach Sorensen (@Zach_Sorensen5) January 21, 2019 I never used to like the Patriots until I found out my loud neighbors who I hate are Chiefs fans
Go Thomas Brady, you have done me a great service.— Ryan Letourneau (@NorthernlionLP) January 21, 2019 I'll give my left kidney to not have the Patriots go to the Super Bowl again— km (@KayleighAMazon) January 21, 2019 Brady is the greatest player at any position in NFL history
Anyone who disputes this fact at this point can't be taken seriously. What he's doing at this age is unbelievable
It's very likely we will never see anything like it ever again. And I hate the Patriots, by the way
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 21, 2019 I hate the Patriots and Tom Brady— Isaac Eubanks (@CoachEubanks_) January 21, 2019 It seems like it's every year with the Patriots
I'm tired of having to root for some random team in the #NFC just because the Pats always represent the #AFC in the #SuperBowl
I forgot how much I hate the Patriots until today.— Christopher Hammer (@HammerTime1417) January 21, 2019 Hate the Patriots all you want, what they continue to do on a yearly basis is beyond incredible
— Aaron Leming (@AaronLemingNFL) January 21, 2019 It's so boring to watch the Patriots play, everything is executed like surgery
It's clinical, cold, and lifeless. I hate them.— TUCKER (@JERICHO) January 21, 2019 Don't hate on the #PatriotsNation
#TomBrady winning another one for us "oldes."My uncle was a ten year and all decade player for the Patriots— AuburnDr🦅Patriots (@AuburnDr) January 21, 2019 So true! #PatriotsvsChiefs @Patriots still love my boys! pic— Jheraldy (@Jheraldy) January 21, 2019 The Patriots will face the Rams in Super Bowl 53 on Feb
3 in Atlanta.
Đám Cưới Hot Nhất Miền Tây - Hotboy Xăm Trổ Rước Dâu Bằng Honda 67 400 Triệu - Ẩm Thực Việt - Duration: 12:58.
Expert reveals how much Reds can expect from massive new kit deal - Duration: 5:13.
We know Liverpool are in a very good place on the pitch. One look at the Premier League table is testament to that
But the recent release of the club's annual accounts show Liverpool are also in a very good place off it too
All the major revenue streams were up as the Reds posted a record-breaking £125million pre-tax profit
The money has been reinvested into Jurgen Klopp's squad - and the net result is the club's best chance of winning the top-flight title since 1990
But just as Reds boss Klopp is refusing to rest on his laurels on the field, owners FSG are determined to continue the remarkable growth they have overseen away from it
To that end the club will be looking to strike a club-record kit deal before its current contract with New Balance runs out at the end of the 2019-20 season
For all the latest Liverpool news follow our live blog HERE The deal with New Balance is worth £45m per year to Liverpool
And while the ECHO understands that discussions are underway with the American manufacturers over a possible extension, the club is also open to offers from rival kit suppliers such as Adidas, Nike and Puma
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Against that backdrop, a football finance expert has told Liverpool they can stand to bag a kit contract that should be worth in excess of £60m per year
Manchester United's 10-year deal with Adidas, worth £75m per year, is the biggest in British football
But while Kieran Maguire, a lecturer in football finance at the University of Liverpool, reckons the Reds may not match that, he believes they could surpass the £60m-per-year deals Arsenal and Chelsea currently have with Adidas and Nike respectively
Maguire, speaking on a special Blood Red podcast, said: "They will be looking for a substantial increase
"Manchester United have set a benchmark in English football with a £750m deal with Adidas, which is over 10 years, and it looks like Chelsea and Arsenal are earning about £60m (a year) "I'm an impartial observer here, and I'm also lucky enough to do a fair amount of travel around the world, looking at football-related issues, and Liverpool are more popular than Arsenal and Chelsea on a global basis
"So therefore, as a minimum benchmark, they'll be looking to match the £60m per year that has been generated by those two clubs, and ideally, they should be looking to bring in more money from that because the club is very much in fashion at present, it is an iconic brand, it does have history and heritage, which people want to buy into, and it's very popular wherever you go
"So they should be able to say to whoever the kit manufacturer is, 'we can pretty much guarantee you sales in Asia, sales in the US, sales in Australasia, sales in other parts of Europe and Africa and so on, and here's the figures from our existing relationships in countries'
Listen to the podcast in full below: "And the fact that you can't get a Liverpool kit - unless you're 7XL or XS size - is testament to the popularity of the kit
" Liverpool have worn New Balance shirts since the 2015/16 season. The last two designs from New Balance have officially become the two best-selling Reds kits of all time with the current carnation recently surpassing the 2017/18 version
And Maguire said: "It's interesting the relationship between FSG and New Balance because they are both Boston-based corperations
The Boston Red Sox's kit is also manufactured by New Balance. "There is a certain element of loyalty toward New Balance but if someone comes in and offers an extra £10m a year then Liverpool would be foolish not to take it
"I think in an in an ideal world FSG would like to continue the relationship, it's just whether New Balance as an organisation have sufficient funds to commit themselves to a long-term kit deal with the club
"But that would be FSG's ideal scenario - New Balance come up with an offer, a very competitive price, and the relationship continues
【エンタがビタミン♪】オール巨人、ゆにばーす川瀬名人を評価 「笑のセンスはなかなか良い」 - Duration: 2:26.
漫才コンビ、オー 阪神・巨人のオー 巨人が2月13日 なんばグランド花 (NGK)で撮っ 男女のお笑いコン ・ゆにばーすの姿 公開した
この日は1回目の 演でゆにばーすが 1:10から、オ ル阪神・巨人は1 :15からの出演 ケジュールだった
オール巨人は「今 楽屋で最初に会っ 若手、ゆにばーす 」と川瀬名人&は がポーズするツー ョットを投稿して 「川瀬君の笑のセ スはなかなか良い すよね~、二人の 才にいつも期待し ます!」とつぶや ている
昨年の12月2日 ABCテレビ・テ ビ朝日系で生放送 れた『M-1グラ プリ2018』の 勝大会でファース ラウンドに出演し 10組のうち、ゆ ばーすは10位に わった
審査員7人のなか オール巨人はゆに ーすを「84」と 価しており、これ 仲川家・礼二の「 1」、立川志らく 「87」、サンド ィッチマン富澤た しの「86」より いものの平均的な 点である
The 7 things you missed from Man Utd vs PSG: Angel Di Maria reaction, Paul Pogba picture - Duration: 6:48.
The loss is United's first under caretaker boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who described the result as a "reality check"
United began the game brightly, dominating possession without much incision from their young frontmen
That aspect of dynamism was lost at half-time, however, as Alexis Sanchez and Juan Mata replaced Jesse Lingard and Anthony Martial, who picked up niggles
PSG then took control in the second half, taking the lead when Presnel Kimpembe volleyed home from Angel Di Maria's corner, and United flop was the creator once again soon after as he crossed for Kylian Mbappe, who slid home
Paul Pogba was sent off for a second yellow and the tie looks settled with United having to win by two goals in Paris in the second leg, but what else happened at Old Trafford last night? Here are five things you may have missed…No love lost from Angel Di Maria thrived off the abuse of the Old Trafford faithful, cupping his ear throughout and enthusing the boos he received as if it was fuel
Before the game, the 30-year-old spoke cryptically about his United stint to France Bleu, saying: "I only stayed one year, it was not the best time of my career, or rather I was not allowed to spend my best time
"There were complications with the coach (Louis van Gaal) of the time. But thank God, I was able to come to PSG and demonstrate again who I was
" And as he whipped in the corner for the opener, it appears that Di Maria shouts "f*** off putas (whores)" at United fans
Kimpembe proves Wenger right, then wrong Arsene Wenger was appearing as a pundit on beIN SPORTS for the clash and, before the game, picked out Kimpembe as a weak point at right-back
"Kimpembe, recently, has not been convincing in this position because he is too impulsive and made too many fouls," Wenger said
That proved right with the 23-year-old earning the first yellow card of the game 11 minutes in
The Frenchman may well have been sent off early in the second half for a clear foul on Rashford, but the referee did not blow
Instead, Kimpembe pounced on his good fortune and scored the opening goal.Di Maria drinks in the abuse Di Maria was returning to Old Trafford for the first time since his ill-fated spell under Louis van Gaal in the 2014/15 season
The £59.7m signing largely flopped in Manchester and was cryptic about his feelings towards the club before returning last night
United fans left the Argentinian in no doubt as to how they felt about him, booing and jeering the winger the moment he stepped off the PSG team bus
The winger drank in the abuse though - almost literally. Di Maria seemed to egg on the United fans' vitriol during the game and celebrated wildly in front of the travelling contingent as he crossed for Kimpembe's opener
When he went to the opposing corner, the score still at 1-0, a beer bottle was shamefully thrown his way and playmaker responded by pretending to drink from it, only riling United fans more
Pogba rips off the red tape Pogba was sent off with minutes remaining in the tie, earning a second yellow for a dangerous attempt win the ball akin to the tackle against Spurs' Dele Alli
On the media's monitors it said Ashley Young was shown the second yellow, and it seemed that way as the United captain argued with referee Daniele Orsato
But it was Pogba who would miss the second leg, and the Frenchman did not waste time undressing himself as he walked down the touchline
Pogba began to remove the red and black tape on his wrists, which covered his bracelets, while the Stretford End clapped off their talisman despite his ill-discipline
Gary Neville has a shocker You could argue it was a shocking night for United, but former captain Gary Neville's was even worse
The revered pundit was doing some touchline analysis for beIN SPORT, and he was sporting some fancy gear
Former team-mate David May pointed out Neville's questionable shoewear, posting a picture of the clobbers captioned: "Rascals"
Make your own mind up on them.The wait goes on for Man Utd knockout glory It is approaching five years since United won a knockout game in the Champions League
That victory game under David Moyes, whose side overcame Olympiakos at Old Trafford 3-0 thanks to a Robin van Persie hat-trick
A few things have happened since then… Lingard, Rashford, De Gea sum up mood It was a difficult night for United's best of friends, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard
The latter was pulled on the brink of half-time for an ostensible hamstring strain, while Rashford did not fashion a clear sight of Gianluigi Buffon's goal
David de Gea was also off the boil, almost conceding a Dani Alves volley after failing to collect a cross and proving unable to thwart the mesmeric Kylian Mbappe
All three men's moods were typified after the game when, instead of undertaking their usual mixed zone duties and speaking to reporters, they acknowledged the press without giving a word on the performance
Highlights Bangkok United 0 - 1 CLB Hà Nội - Duration: 5:16.
The 7 things you missed from Man Utd vs PSG: Angel Di Maria reaction, Paul Pogba picture - Duration: 6:16.
The loss is United's first under caretaker boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who described the result as a "reality check"
United began the game brightly, dominating possession without much incision from their young frontmen
That aspect of dynamism was lost at half-time, however, as Alexis Sanchez and Juan Mata replaced Jesse Lingard and Anthony Martial, who picked up niggles
PSG then took control in the second half, taking the lead when Presnel Kimpembe volleyed home from Angel Di Maria's corner, and United flop was the creator once again soon after as he crossed for Kylian Mbappe, who slid home
Paul Pogba was sent off for a second yellow and the tie looks settled with United having to win by two goals in Paris in the second leg, but what else happened at Old Trafford last night? Here are five things you may have missed…No love lost from Angel Di Maria thrived off the abuse of the Old Trafford faithful, cupping his ear throughout and enthusing the boos he received as if it was fuel
Before the game, the 30-year-old spoke cryptically about his United stint to France Bleu, saying: "I only stayed one year, it was not the best time of my career, or rather I was not allowed to spend my best time
"There were complications with the coach (Louis van Gaal) of the time. But thank God, I was able to come to PSG and demonstrate again who I was
" And as he whipped in the corner for the opener, it appears that Di Maria shouts "f*** off putas (whores)" at United fans
Kimpembe proves Wenger right, then wrong Arsene Wenger was appearing as a pundit on beIN SPORTS for the clash and, before the game, picked out Kimpembe as a weak point at right-back
"Kimpembe, recently, has not been convincing in this position because he is too impulsive and made too many fouls," Wenger said
That proved right with the 23-year-old earning the first yellow card of the game 11 minutes in
The Frenchman may well have been sent off early in the second half for a clear foul on Rashford, but the referee did not blow
Instead, Kimpembe pounced on his good fortune and scored the opening goal.Di Maria drinks in the abuse Di Maria was returning to Old Trafford for the first time since his ill-fated spell under Louis van Gaal in the 2014/15 season
The £59.7m signing largely flopped in Manchester and was cryptic about his feelings towards the club before returning last night
United fans left the Argentinian in no doubt as to how they felt about him, booing and jeering the winger the moment he stepped off the PSG team bus
The winger drank in the abuse though - almost literally. Di Maria seemed to egg on the United fans' vitriol during the game and celebrated wildly in front of the travelling contingent as he crossed for Kimpembe's opener
When he went to the opposing corner, the score still at 1-0, a beer bottle was shamefully thrown his way and playmaker responded by pretending to drink from it, only riling United fans more
Pogba rips off the red tape Pogba was sent off with minutes remaining in the tie, earning a second yellow for a dangerous attempt win the ball akin to the tackle against Spurs' Dele Alli
On the media's monitors it said Ashley Young was shown the second yellow, and it seemed that way as the United captain argued with referee Daniele Orsato
But it was Pogba who would miss the second leg, and the Frenchman did not waste time undressing himself as he walked down the touchline
Pogba began to remove the red and black tape on his wrists, which covered his bracelets, while the Stretford End clapped off their talisman despite his ill-discipline
Gary Neville has a shocker You could argue it was a shocking night for United, but former captain Gary Neville's was even worse
The revered pundit was doing some touchline analysis for beIN SPORT, and he was sporting some fancy gear
Former team-mate David May pointed out Neville's questionable shoewear, posting a picture of the clobbers captioned: "Rascals"
Make your own mind up on them.The wait goes on for Man Utd knockout glory It is approaching five years since United won a knockout game in the Champions League
That victory game under David Moyes, whose side overcame Olympiakos at Old Trafford 3-0 thanks to a Robin van Persie hat-trick
A few things have happened since then… Lingard, Rashford, De Gea sum up mood It was a difficult night for United's best of friends, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard
The latter was pulled on the brink of half-time for an ostensible hamstring strain, while Rashford did not fashion a clear sight of Gianluigi Buffon's goal
David de Gea was also off the boil, almost conceding a Dani Alves volley after failing to collect a cross and proving unable to thwart the mesmeric Kylian Mbappe
All three men's moods were typified after the game when, instead of undertaking their usual mixed zone duties and speaking to reporters, they acknowledged the press without giving a word on the performance
【野球】アディダス2019最新グローブを徹底検証!カラバリ豊富でカッコよすぎ。。【グローブ紹介】 - Duration: 8:34.
#Söz 70. Bölüm Ön İzleme – #Yavuz Şimdi Ne Yapacak? #Derya #Ateş #Nazlı #Keşanlı #Melisa #Yavder - Duration: 10:15.
【Fate/Grand Order】[翻譯]《紫式部》寶具演示(2種語音) [中文/香港/新加坡/馬來西亞字幕]│FGO│平安時代才女│寶具翻譯 - Duration: 1:20.
Old Car Fiat 118 NE Found On Road In Awesome Amazing Immaculate Running Condition - Duration: 0:43.
Let it go
It is old car! old car but running excellent
Did they changed anything in it. Excellent running
Let us go closer and have a look
Hold the camera at side steadily
Topmodelka Heidi Klumová popáté těhotná? Tajemství propálil kamarád - Duration: 2:22.
Při rozhovoru pro německou televizi RTL se módnímu návrháři a blízkému kamarádu Heidi Klumové (45), Wolfgangu Joopovi (74), povedlo omylem »vyslepičit« novinku německé krásky
„Ano je těhotná, řekl mi to Tom." Tomem myslel teprve 29letého Toma Kaulitze, kytaristu kapely Tokio Hotel, se kterým Heidi randí… „Je to ten vůbec nejhodnější, nejvlídnější, nejlaskavější a nejdobrosrdečnější člověk
Nevím, kdy naposled jsem byla takhle šťastná," vychvaluje Heidi do nebes svého snoubence
Německý pár se k těhotenství zatím nevyjádřil. Pro Heidi by to každopádně bylo už dítě č
5. A s kým že má ty předchozí dvě dcery a dva syny? Heidi a její ratolesti 1
dcera Helene Boshoven Samuel (14) otec: Flavio Briatore (68), italský miliardář 2
syn Henry Günther Ademola Dashtu Samuel (14) otec: Seal (55), britský zpěvák 3
syn Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel (12) otec: Seal (55), britský zpěvák 4. dcera Lou Sulola Samuel (9) otec: Seal (55), britský zpěvák VIDEO: Halloweenská party Heidi Klum (2016) Video délka: 02:20 720p 360p REKLAMA Halloweenská party Heidi Klum (2016) Youtube
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