(Game Sack Theme)
- Hello and welcome to Game Sack.
Again, we're talking about some of
our fondest memories when it comes to video games.
- These are always fun to make
even though this is our only second episode of this,
but it's always fun to reminisce about
all those old times that we had
and some good ones, even some bad ones.
- Yes indeed, and so, without further ado,
let's get into it.
(F1 Challenge - BGM 1 - Saturn)
(upbeat music)
- [Dave] One day back in 1989,
I was outside my house playing basketball
on the hoop over our garage.
My dad came out of the house
and we started to play a game of Around the World.
He said that after we were done
we should go to the game store
to see if they had Pac-Man on the NES
because he apparently liked that game.
This was news to me since I've never seen
my dad pick up a game controller
and play a game before in my life.
I said, yeah, definitely, let's check it out
thinking that Pac-Man would be his
and maybe I could get him to buy me a game too.
When we got to the store, sure enough,
they had a used Pac-Man but it was 35 bucks though.
Once I saw how reluctant he was to buy that game
I didn't even ask if I could get a game for myself
because it was clear that the answer was gonna be no.
So we went home with our new purchase
and plugged it in and played for a while.
We had a fun time as he was actually pretty good at the game
which made the competition entertaining for me.
I still wondered how he got good when I've
never seen him playing it, or any game for that matter.
Maybe there was an arcade close to his work
that he'd go to on lunch with some co-workers or something.
Or maybe he was just a natural at the game.
Either way it never occurred to me
to just ask where he got his skills from.
Well we played the game every now and again
for a few months together, which was cool,
but I've never seen him play the game by himself.
By 1990 we hadn't played the game for a while
so I figured he'd had his fun
and wasn't gonna play anymore.
This was fine because Sega had released the Genesis
and I really wanted it, but of course,
I had no money to buy one.
So I did what any kid would do at the time.
I put all my Nintendo stuff in a box,
including that Pac-Man, and sold it all
to fund my new Sega Genesis.
I was a happy dude that day.
I brought the black box home and hooked it up
in glorious RF and played Altered Beast over and over.
I think that was the only game I owned
until I could afford Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Golden Axe.
Anyway, wouldn't you know it,
one day my dad really wanted to play Pac-Man.
He was probably thinking about it all day long
hoping he'd get to the board with the peach on it.
It wasn't easy for me to tell him
that I'd sold Pac-Man along with my
other games to buy this new system.
He wasn't happy and boy did I catch it hot that night.
If I wasn't 17 years old, I'm pretty sure,
I'd have been spanked and sent to bed without dinner.
He went on and on about what a waste of money it was
for him to buy Pac-Man, only for me to sell it later on
for less money than he paid for it.
And how it was the only game that he'd ever liked
and he wasn't able to play it anymore.
Well he eventually got over it,
and to my knowledge he's never played a video game since.
Sorry Dad.
♪ Pac-Man fever ♪
♪ Driving me crazy ♪
♪ Pac-Man fever ♪
♪ Going out of my mind ♪
♪ Pac-Man fever ♪
♪ Going out of my mind ♪
(Soul Calibur music)
- [Joe] My first memory involves
the Sega Dreamcast console itself.
As you might be aware, each Dreamcast in North America
came with an included modem which was amazing for the time.
I had actually used it to play
random games online here and there.
Online gaming was pretty new to consoles
and I found it fascinating.
Plenty of games worked online like Quake 3,
Daytona USA, Alien Front and many more.
Of course, this was back in the day
when dial up was the norm and anything
faster was considered a luxury.
Anyway, one night a storm came in
and it was really intense.
There was lots of thunder, and it was raining really hard,
and it just went on and on.
(lightning crashes)
During the storm, I suddenly heard
the loudest thunderclap that I had ever heard
in my entire life, even to this day.
What happened was that lightning had struck a nearby tree.
Very nearby. And what the lightning also did was pretty much
destroy anything connected to the phone line.
It fried all of the phones in my house,
my computer's motherboard, and yes, my Sega Dreamcast.
Well actually, the Dreamcast itself was fine,
believe it or not, it worked great,
but the modem, it bit the dust.
I was easily able to replace my phones
and even get my motherboard repaired
because somehow it was still covered under warranty.
But I did not want to buy a brand new Dreamcast
just to get a working modem,
and they didn't sell 'em separately
because every Dreamcast already came with one.
But come on, I had to get it replaced.
What I did next was actually Dave's idea, so I blame him.
I went down to my local Target
and bought a brand new Sega Dreamcast.
I took the new modem from that console
and replaced it with my nonworking one from my system,
and then I returned the console to the store
the very next day, claiming it was a present
for my nephew, and he already had one.
And yep, I got a full refund, and no, I don't have a nephew.
So, was I evil?
Well, kind of.
I just hope that the person who bought that Dreamcast
didn't have any interest in playing games online,
But if they did, hopefully Sega
replaced it for free under warranty.
Didn't matter though, because I had
my working Dreamcast modem and I was content.
What's kinda funny is that same year
I eventually upgraded to fiber optic internet
with a blazing 10 megabits per second speed,
and I bought the Sega Dreamcast Broadband Adapter.
So I no longer really had much use for my modem.
I continued to enjoy certain games online at better speeds.
It's just too bad that not every
online game supported broadband.
Nowadays, I actually don't care
about playing online games at all.
Especially since you have to pay extra for it.
So, sorry everyone who befriends me on
whatever random console, you'll probably
never see me in any of your matches.
Trust me, it's nothing personal.
Back when online gaming was new,
it was interesting and unique.
I obviously felt it was worth going outta my way
to deceive Target continue doing.
But I think I'm just too introverted
to really appreciate online gameplay
with people I don't know these days.
- [Announcer] Check point.
Your time's extended.
(sweet, jazzy music)
Check your position.
Check point.
Your time's extended.
This is the final lap.
- All right Joe, you had a WWDWD moment, right?
What Would Dave White Do?
- That's exactly what you did, because if I recall,
you replaced your import Dreamcast with a U.S Dreamcast,
with that very same method, right?
- I did, and you know, sneaky guy and it worked for a while,
and I do remember at one point I did try
to return another system, but the bar, or the--
- The barcode, yeah. - Yeah.
It didn't match up to the box, the one in the system,
and they were like, "You can't, this doesn't match."
I'm like damn
they're getting smart. - Called you on it.
- Yeah, they're getting smarter.
- Well. - But anyways.
- We've got more memories, we can remember things,
so, back to it.
(Pebble Beach Golf Links - 3DO)
- [Dave] Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo
was one of my favorite games back in the mid 1990s.
Since I was still fairly poor
and didn't have a lot of games.
It was always in my rotation of titles I'd play
over and over along with Castlevania IV
and Super Mario World among others.
So yeah I love Super Mario Kart a lot.
I love the premise of characters from the Mario universe
battling it out in a grand prix.
When I had friends over, Mario Kart would be
one of the games we'd always play.
I had one guy who's still a friend to this day,
let's call him "Wario" for the sake of this story.
He had a Super Nintendo and asked to borrow Mario Kart.
And he said he'd bring it back the following weekend.
I was pretty reluctant but I agreed
and let him take it home with him.
The long week passed and it felt like it took forever
since I was having withdrawals.
I saw Wario on Friday and he brought back my game
and said thanks, and that was the end of it.
The next day I went to play it and noticed
that the cartridge had some scotch tape
on it by the label on the top end.
As I inspected it a bit further I noticed
that the top back of the cartridge was cracked
like a piece was breaking off.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing
since Wario didn't mention anything
when he gave the game back to me.
Of course I called him right away
and asked him what he knew about it.
He nonchalantly said that his brother had stepped
on the cartridge when it was on the floor.
He did the best he could to fix it by putting tape on it.
He didn't even apologize!
I asked why he didn't tell me about it right away,
and he said that he didn't think it was a big deal.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
One of my favorite games of the time was just marred,
and he figured it wasn't a bit deal?
Well it was a big deal to me since I
really like to have my games in good condition.
Especially ones that I buy brand new.
The game still played fine but aesthetically
it bothered me every time I plugged it in.
I hated looking at that cartridge
knowing that it was forever broken.
It really hurt my fragile feelings knowing
that my friend could to this to my property
and act like it was nothing.
You know I eventually got over it
and like I said I'm still really good friends with this guy.
But dammit I couldn't get over looking
at that hideous broken cartridge.
I eventually did what anyone in this situation would do
and I replaced it with another copy of the game
so I didn't have to look at the ugly broken shell again.
And being the good friend that I am,
I gave Joe that cartridge and he still has it to this day.
Now he can be the one to stare at that disfigured game
that I never want to see again in my life.
(Super Mario Kart sounds and music
- [Joe] This is Gangster Town on the Sega Master System.
It's a game that requires the light phaser gun to play.
And it can be enjoyed by a whopping
two players at the very same time.
You didn't see Zapper games doing that on Nintendo.
Anyway, this story involves some good ribbing from
someone else on YouTube that you may be familiar with.
Pat Contri, also known as Pat the NES Punk.
A few years ago there was a show produced
by Retroware called The Video Game Years,
which, as the name implies, chronicled noteworthy
games and events to the years in which they happened.
Pat was a producer on the show,
and I was one of the video editors,
along with the likes of Coury and Try
from My Life in Gaming and others.
In addition, Dave and I occasionally appeared on camera
to discuss subjects that we felt we could contribute to,
as did Pat and plenty of other YouTube "personalities".
- Obviously the marketing was terrible.
I mean look at this box, you can't even really see
the system, the games, you see some kid's face.
- Look at him, he's having a great time.
- That's 'cause he's playing the TurboGrafx-16.
- Yeah, rightly so.
- [Joe] One time in 2014 or so, we were all brainstorming
what should and shouldn't be discussed on the show.
I happen to opine that perhaps we were taking a look
at too many things that people were already familiar with
and not enough things that might offer
new knowledge to the viewer.
Basically I was saying that the show
was far too Nintendo heavy and that we should look at
other significant games on other platforms.
Like Gangster Town here on the Sega Master System
as no other light gun games at home let two players play
at the same time and it might be fun
for people to learn about for a minute or so.
Well Pat disagreed and that was that, or was it?
No, it did not end there.
So in order to make the show, people would send in
raw videos of themselves talking about various subjects
in front of a green screen, and then
the editors would get to work.
I really wish I still had them, but
in a couple of these raw videos, Pat would give me
a little bit of flack about Gangster Town.
And as for me, I tried my best to sneak references
to Gangster Town into the Video Game Years episodes
and even Game Sack episodes.
Oh, but it didn't end there either.
The next convention that we were both at,
Pat made sure to bring a copy of Gangster Town
and offer it for sale at his table.
Near the end of the con, I walked up to him
and pointed it out, and of course he made sure
to let me know that nobody was interested in buying it,
despite being priced very very low.
Well I thought it was funny and I laughed.
The thing is, though, is that I really should have
bought it from him and had him autograph it.
But of course by the time that thought entered my head,
I was already on the flight back to Denver.
But yeah, Gangster Town is a thing between us.
And I think that we should bring
the Video Game Years team back together
to create a half hour episode solely on Gangster Town.
Which is about three times longer than the game itself.
(Gangster Town music) (White noise gunshots popping)
Aw Dave, I know what it's like to have a broken game, so--
- It is.
- And I'm sick of having yours so here it is.
- The thing is I don't want it, Joe, so you have to have it.
- Oh, oh well.
I don't really have Super Mario Kart otherwise,
this is my only copy, so I'll take it.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you actually.
- But still, we have a few more memories to go, so
let's finish this up.
This next story involves several games,
the first of which is Batman on the Game Boy.
This is because I went with some friends to
the Nintendo PowerFest in Denver back in 1990,
and this was one of many games that
was being shown there that wasn't released yet.
One of the friends that went was Dave.
And I remember pointing out how the stages flipped in
with a similar affect as Castle of Illusion.
We were both blown away that the Game Boy
was even doing this super powerful effect.
I played the game for a short while
and I thought it was pretty fun.
Though I felt that the sprites were incredibly small
and simple looking even for an early Game Boy title.
(ominous music that makes you feel like Batman)
Another game that we saw there that wasn't quite
released yet was Mega Man III.
At the time I still didn't have an NES of my own.
But I was already a huge fan of Mega Man 2 anyway.
So, of course I was eager to see what Mega Man III offered.
It looked really cool and the music was good
but I could tell that it wasn't quite as good
as the music in Mega Man 2.
Overall I liked what they let me play there.
But I walked away feeling that
Mega Man 2 was still the better game.
And yes I still feel that way.
(tense music that makes you think of robo-snakes)
(dramatic music)
After the Nintendo PowerFest was
over we all went to my house.
I think this was probably the first
time Dave ever came over.
And of course what did we do?
We played Golden Axe on my 16-bit Sega Genesis.
I know I'm only showing single player gameplay,
but you get the idea.
I had it hooked up to a little black and white TV
in my room 'cause that's all I had.
It didn't matter though as we all still had tons of fun.
In fact I remember one of my friends remarking that
you don't even notice that it's in black and white
after a while because you're just too busy having fun.
We of course played this game a few times
and eventually beat it.
And I'm sure we played other Genesis games as well.
But Golden Axe is the one I remember the most.
And after we were done my mom
made us all spaghetti for dinner.
That was a good Friday and honestly
I'm surprised I remember it so well.
But when you're experiencing brand new Nintendo games
and then playing Sega Genesis
right after that who wants to forget?
(awesome Golden Axe music crushed by the TV's tiny speaker)
- [Dave] One week in the late 1990s,
I was on a camping trip with my family.
We were headed to the mountains of
northern Central Colorado and decided to eat dinner
at a tiny little town called Walden.
The population is less than 1,000, and the only
restaurant that was open was a small pizza place.
We went in and ordered our pizza and as we were waiting,
I saw a single arcade cabinet on the far side wall
and I had to know what game they had.
It was one that I never heard of before
called Three Wonders and it was by Capcom.
It's essentially three different games wrapped into
one package and you choose which one you want
to play after you pop in your quarter.
The three games are in action platformer
are called Midnight Wanderer which I like the best.
A shooter called Chariot, and a puzzle game
called Don't Pull which isn't that great.
The platform are in shooter and have awesome graphics
and huge character sprites that look really cool.
I must have put $3 into that machine
playing those game over and over again.
I'm not even sure if I ate any pizza that night.
When we were camping all I can think about
was this game and how did it end up in this tiny town
and how had I never heard of it before.
Ultimately though I was wondering if it ever had
a release on a home system.
When I got home from that trip the first thing
I did was hop on the internet to learn more about it.
I found out that it did get a release on
the PlayStation in Saturn in Japan.
Oh, there was hope for me to find this game on eBay then.
Every day I searched that site but
no copies ever came up for auction.
I was getting really frustrated and it got to
the point of me posting on forums,
asking if anyone had a copy that they'd want to sell.
Of all places somebody on GameFAQs had a copy
for the PlayStation and was in the market to get rid of it.
This person didn't want cash but
wanted to trade something for it.
He asked if I had any TurboGrafx games.
He said he wanted Lords of Thunder
and guess what, I had a copy!
This was when I first said to myself,
hold on now you're about to trade a game with
somebody from a freaking forum that you've never met before.
How could I possibly trust that this person
wasn't gonna totally screw me over
and just take my game and not send his to me?
But who knows maybe this person was having
the same thoughts about me.
I thought it over and decided that I needed to have this
game and went through with it.
We exchanged addresses and the next day I sent my
copy of Lords of Thunder to him.
About a week went by and in to my great happiness
I got the package with Three Wonders.
My faith in my fellow human beings grew that day
and I was beyond happy.
It was almost as fun as I remember
from the little pizza place.
And its only drawbacks were a long loading time
a lot of slow down and very shrill sound effects.
It didn't matter though as I was happy.
Oh and I was able to quickly replace my copy
of Lords of Thunder with a new one.
At that time a little online store called
Turbo Zone Direct had it in stock
and I didn't hesitate to buy myself another copy.
That transaction with a random stranger
will always be in my mind as one of the
strangest things I've ever done for a game.
(mediocre music)
- [Joe] My final story is about
Virtual Hydlide on the Saturn.
Now you may think this story is full of laughs
because Virtual Hydlide is so bad right?
Well maybe you'll laugh but it's actually something
I feel really bad about even though it's a long time
in the past and it no longer matters at all.
Basically this a lesson in how not to treat your girlfriend.
The year was 1995 and the Saturn was still new.
I was itching to play every new game that came out for it
so I'd rent every game that I didn't buy.
One Saturday I was out with my girlfriend at the time.
It was fairly early in the day and we both had off.
This was pretty rare as we both worked at the United Artists
Greenwood Plaza 12 as projectionists.
This was the most state of the art movie theater
in the Denver metro area at the time.
I loved working here.
This is the same theater where in a previous episode
I mentioned playing Mario Kart 64 on the big screen.
Which you simply couldn't do at most theaters at the time.
We had a video projector that I was told cost
more than $100,000 that we used
to do this and other things with.
Well we weren't suppose to play games on it but we did.
Anyway, there were only three projectionists for the entire
building and my girlfriend and I were two of 'em.
So getting a significant amount of time off together
didn't happen a lot unless the other guy worked a double.
So as we were out we stopped at a
local game store called Buy-Back Games
in Englewood and I rented Virual Hydlide.
It should be noted that when I rented games at this store,
I only ever rented them for one evening
at a cost of $1 per game per night.
That's why I rented everything that I
could because it was really cheap.
So after this we eventually make our way back to my place
and well, guess what happens next.
That's right, I go straight to my Sega Saturn
and start playing me some Virtual Hydlide!
I wasted literally no time because come on it's
Virtual Hydlide, it's gotta be good.
As you'd expect my girlfriend was pretty upset
that I was spending my time playing with this turd
instead of spending it with her.
So she just got up and went home as I was playing the game.
And you know what, I didn't even
really feel bad about it at the time.
But I also had no idea had pissed she was.
I probably only played the game for
about 15 to 20 more minutes after she had left.
And then never played it again until
it showed up in Game Sack episode 177,
Games that Make the Console Look Weak.
Seriously watch that episode.
I'm really happy with the way the Virtual Hydlide
segment in that one turned out.
So there I was sitting by myself
with nothing to do for the rest of the day.
And no girlfriend to hang out with.
I apologized but even to this day,
I feel that was definitely a dick move on my part.
I mean what guy basically ditches his girlfriend
for a chance to play one of the worst games to exist?
We truly do grow wiser as we age.
Actually no, I take that back, I'm still an idiot.
And since then the old Greenwood Plaza 12
theater has been closed down.
As of the making of this video it's been gutted
and remains empty hoping for a buyer.
Oh and look when they took everything out of the place
the left behind the video projector
that we used to play Mario Kart 64.
That's how useless this thing is in today's world.
The building is in very rough shape now
and it'd take a lot of money to
fix her back up nice and good.
There's no fix for Virtual Hydlide though.
(wimpy music for a wimpy game)
- All right there we have it
some more awesome gaming memories.
And well for us anyways.
- Yeah.
- And I totally remember that PowerFest, that thing was
so much fun I had a great time
and coming to your house for the first time.
- Now, I've got a question, do you think that's
where your love for Golden Axe started?
- It very possibly could have, you know.
I mean, I had a great time playing on your little tiny,
little, little TV, about this big.
- Right, anyway let us know some of
the gaming memories that you have.
I mean we'd love to hear 'em so let us know
and in the mean time thank you for watching Game Sack.
(Game Sack Ending Theme)
Dave, wanna play Gangster Town
on the Sega Master System?
It's two players simultaneously
and I have the rapid fire unit so we can cheat to win.
- I'd like to, Joe, but Pat Contri The NES Punk
says nobody cares about Gangster Town.
- Nobody, huh?
- Nobody.
- Well nobody is pretty all-inclusive,
so that means I don't care about it either.
I wish I knew earlier.
It'd save me a lot of grief.
- Well, how about we go play
some Bob Barker's Trick Shooting?
- Okay, I mean if the price is right.
For more infomation >> Our Gaming Memories 2 - Game Sack - Duration: 23:25.-------------------------------------------
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PTT鄉民b en108 472在政 黑版提出「 罷免韓國瑜 的成功性」 ,
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You're stubborn!
Hikaru Hoshina.
You're too selfish!
Both of you.
I don't get it.
I don't know what earthlings are thinking.
I hate...
Get along-fuwa.
Get along-fuwa.
Amamiya-senpai also said so.
"You should listen to the other," she said.
I'll speak after you.
In fact, I heard the pendant ring.
When I changed the direction.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
I tried to tell you, but...
I didn't listen to you.
I didn't know well why it rang,
so I went to the Star Donuts in the shopping street to get any hints.
Because the shop gathers various rumors.
Then, she told me about a firefly.
I thought it could be related.
That's why.
According to her analysis, it's likely that the power of the Princesses has the shape of a pen.
A pen?
Putting your talk together:
The power of the Princesses is a pen shining like a firefly.
The pendant is a radar used by changing its direction.
Is it okay with this?
Analyze it.
Okay, please keep it horizontal like a compass.
Here we go!
It's ringing!
It's shining!
There it is!
A shining pen!
👍세상 쉬운 EXO 찬열 떡볶이 만들기!!!! EXO CHAN YEOL Tteok-bokki Recipe [CHAN YEOL Tteok-bokki [이제이레시피/EJ recipe] - Duration: 3:13.
Ex's Hate Me - B Ray x Masew - Nhảy C walk Dance Version | Trần Cường - Duration: 2:02.
Girls Hostel | Final Teaser - Blast from the Past | Girliyapa Originals - Duration: 1:00.
This hostel is like a jungle.
and Jo is the king of this jungle
Mili !
Now there are 2 kings of this jungle
We'll have to talk to Zahira.
Hey Twitter! Why did Jo & Zahira have a fight between them?
What did I say that she ran away?
So listen carefully
Everybody thought something is brewing between Jo & Zahira.
and Gurpreet was like their adopted love child.
1 minute, 1 minute...
Who is this Gurpreet?
Gurpreet, heard this name after such a long time.
Together they were like the powerpuff girls of Hinjewadi.
But there is always a Mojo Jojo is every townsville.
That's Ramya Mantri.
It was due to her that there was a fight between Jo and Zaheera.
How can you trust that bitch?
F**k you girls!
How did you enter Girl's Hostel?
What kind of a mad woman is she?
I've had enough of Ramya,
Let's directly go to police and show them this video.
Gurpreet right!?
Jak siać pomidory | www.Kasia.in - Duration: 6:40.
Ex's Hate Me - B Ray x Masew - Nhảy C walk Dance Version | Trần Cường - Duration: 2:02.
MISFIRING GUNNERS Arsenal player ratings: Gunners rubbish on poor night as they fall to shock BATE B - Duration: 7:08.
ARSENAL fell to a terrible defeat in Belarus against minnows BATE Borisov. The visiting Gunners were awful, lacking creativity and barely having any chances as they suffered a 1-0 defeat
The shocking state of the pitch certainly didn't help, but Unai Emery's men were woeful
Stanislav Dragun scored the only goal of the game, heading home a first-half free-kick, but it could have been so much different had Henrikh Mkhitaryan turned in an early cross when one-on-one
Things went from bad to worse for Arsenal when Alexandre Lacazette was sent off for a nasty elbow
We rate the Arsenal players who lost to BATE - and it doesn't make for pretty reading
Piers Morgan leads angry Arsenal fan reaction to dire BATE defeat Petr Cech Arsenal fans won't have it but there was little Cech could do with the first goal, it was a good header from Dragun
Apart from that the veteran goalkeeper stood up to everything that came his way
Shkodran Mustafi The German international was poor but somehow managed to come out of the game looking better than his defensive partners
Slow to read danger and nervy in possession. Laurent Koscielny Nearly cost the Gunners a goal when he completely switched off and allowed Nemanja Milic to sneak in and hit the post
The Gunners skipper is nowhere close to the player he once was. Nacho Monreal Another player well passed his prime who shouldn't really be a regular starter if Arsenal want to win trophies
Looked a yard off the pace, although he had little protection from Kolasinac. Ainsley Maitland-Niles The attributes for a good player are in there but Maitland-Niles is a long way from the finished product
Brilliant athleticism but too often picks the wrong choice - and what is his proper position? Matteo Guendouzi The floppy-haired midfielder wasn't great but he showed a lot more effort and courage than some of his more senior team-mates
Always made himself an option and wanted to carry the ball forward, although his final pass was poor and he was caught out of position a couple of times
Granit Xhaka Awful, awful performance from the midfielder, this is the kind of game that a top class central midfielder should dominate
Xhaka was meek on the ball and found himself out-thought by BATE midfielders. Saed Kolasinac Arguably Arsenal's most dangerous player which says a lot about how poor the rest of the side performed
Remains a poor defender and not quite a winger, he spurned a couple of good openings in the final third
Alex Iwobi The forward had some good moments but his obvious limitations encapsulate this team
When he decided to drive at BATE they were terrified but those moments were few and far between with Iwobi (whether under instruction or not) too often happy just to play an easy pass than take a risk
Henrikh Mkhitaryan If only Mkhitaryan had scored that early chance this game would have probably been a lot different
But he didn't and unless you were watching closely you probably forgot he was even on the pitch
Alexandre Lacazette gets sent off for elbowing Filipovic as Arsenal lose to BATE Borisov in Europa League Alexandre Lacazette The striker only had two good bits of service in 90 minutes from an Arsenal side severely lacking creativity
He then made matters much worse late on when he was sent off for a nasty elbow on Aleksandar Filipovic
SUBS: Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Came on with just over 20 minutes to play but didn't have a chance
The lack of creativity and spark in this Arsenal team - missing Mesut Ozil and Aaron Ramsey - really is shocking
Lucas Torreira It speaks to Arsenal's lack of options that a goal down and needing a win, Emery swaps one defensive midfielder for another
Where are the wingers? Denis Suarez Looked neat and tidy on the ball and tried to be positive but was often no options for him
BATE packed the middle of the park and dared Arsenal to break them down. They couldn't
Ex's Hate Me - English! Jon Connell - Duration: 3:07.
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
Please use this song to send to your ex, are you happy with your new boyfriend?
I wish you all I didn't get from you, and I'm happy that you're marrying too
I wish you happiness and health, winning hands in the cards that you're dealt
Maybe my words are surprising, but some say happiness is changing hatred for peace
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back,
and it's all because of me
Please use this song to send to your ex, hope you're warmer to your new boyfriend
I pray that you'll forgive yourself, for all the abuse that I felt
I hope the wounds don't stay forever, take back the arguments we had together
When I was heartbroken I let go of the evil words
We always wanna hurt others - right?
But that's me right?
Just excuses, mistakes, difficulties - right?
Confucius said ''With revenge, dig two graves'' So now you feel without a hiding place
Could we come back together like we used to be?
I try and search for phrases but my heart is empty
Walking down your path there is no room for me
Swept away, remove me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back,
and it's all because of me
ȘOC! Începe scandalul! Giani Kiriță, provocat la bătaie de un fost fotbalist! Ce l-a determinat pe b - Duration: 3:12.
LAHANA | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | L Harfi - Duration: 2:28.
letter l
Hi kids
Today's hero is cabbage.
Let's meet him.
Let's say "Hello Cabbage" as I count to three.
Hello Cabbage!
Hello kids!
We need to eat cabbage especially in the winter
when the weather is cold.
Do you know why?
It's because the vitamins in Cabbage
improve our immune system
and protect us from diseases.
Cabbage contains vitamins C, B and E.
Babies should not rush to eat cabbage.
They need to grow up to eat cabbage.
Cabbage is now playing with friends.
If you recognize cabbage's friends
do not forget to share their name with us!
Bye bye!
How Vinicius Junior has allowed Real Madrid to forget about Cristiano Ronaldo - Duration: 6:32.
Against all odds, Vinicius Junior is proving the answer to the biggest question Spanish football has asked in the last decade
How can Real Madrid cope without Cristiano Ronaldo ? Just 18 years old, the Brazilian forward has almost singlehandedly revitalised a club in crisis, a team struggling to believe without their all-time top scorer
After joining from Flamengo for nearly £40 million last summer, of course there was some level of expectation around the forward
But with Ronaldo waltzing off to Juventus , it was Gareth Bale who was tasked with the role of stepping up to lead the European champions into a new era
Read More Vinicius Jr transfer: Real Madrid plans revealed amid Ronaldo interest New coach Julen Lopetegui didn't trust Vinicius, leaving him in the Madrid B team even as the team struggled, enduring the second worst goalscoring crisis in their history
The forward bided his time down in the second division, allowing his talent to do the talking
His quality upset Atletico Madrid B defender Alberto Rodriguez Baro so much that he bit Vinicius's head in a bizarre attack
In total under Lopetegui the winger was afforded just 12 minutes of first team football
Read More Football Manager 2019 wonderkids: FM19 best young players in the game While playing Vinicius might not have been enough to save Lopetegui, his Madrid would not have been so short on ideas
President Florentino Perez wasn't keen on watching his investment languish in the reserves either and Vinicius's situation changed after the axe dropped on the former Spain coach
Swiftly unshackled by Lopetegui's replacement Santiago Solari, Vinicius has become Madrid's most essential creative player
The most compelling to watch. There is an argument that only the direness of the situation has allowed the coach to use Vinicius in this way
Read More Gareth Bale 'could face 12-match ban' for gesture after scoring in Madrid derby After the 5-1 thrashing by Barcelona that sealed Lopetegui's fate, things couldn't get much worse
What would be the harm in getting Vinicius out there? In the weeks and months that followed, the forward's earnest running and box of party tricks have reignited Madrid's spirit
Fans who were demoralised now have a reason to go to the Santiago Bernabeu again
When Vinicius gets the ball, the stadium perks up. Now, something could happen. It often does
Playing on the left flank, the striker runs at goal with a directness which strikes fear into the hearts of defenders and opens the game up
Read More Santiago Solari's expletive-ridden team talk that inspired Real Madrid He still needs to add consistency in front of goal, but that will come
Vinicius has scored three and set up eight goals after bursting onto the scene in November, crucially winning a penalty in the Madrid derby clash with Atletico
Los Blancos have barged their way back into the title race, now just six points behind leaders Barcelona, they have an evenly poised Copa del Rey semi-final second leg to play at the end of the month and one foot in the Champions League quarter-finals
Which all means the pressure that comes with the territory is returning. It all seems too much for a kid to handle, but Vinicius has found guidance from an unlikely source
While off the field Benzema should be nobody's role model, on it, the French striker is a gleaming example of sacrifice and talent
As if to thank him, Vinicius created a goal for Benzema in the Champions League last 16 win at Ajax on Wednesday
Read More Real Madrid fans think Sergio Ramos got himself booked on purpose for ingenious reason The winger, with his intoxicating combination of speed and skill, broke into the box, leaving one Dutch defender on the floor and two quivering in his wake, before teeing up the Frenchman
"Since I came to Madrid, Benzema has helped me a lot," said Vinicius. "Everything is easier with Karim
"He always helps me make good decisions and try to win the game. I'm glad that I could help him score
" Goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois has compared Vinicius to Chelsea's Eden Hazard. And he should know, a team-mate of the winger with Belgium, formerly at Stamford Bridge, and potentially at Real Madrid in the future
Read More Real Madrid confident over Eden Hazard transfer as Chelsea rebellion grows The link between Hazard and Madrid has endured for so long and feels increasingly closer to fruition, but an unexpected side effect of Vinicius's explosion onto the scene could see that move scrapped
If the forward can help drive Madrid to either La Liga or Champions League success, president Florentino Perez will be second guessing the idea of lavishing up to £100 million on Hazard
Of course, Vinicius's form has not gone unnoticed in his native Brazil. Coach Tite's assistants Fabio Sahseredjian and Matheus Bachi came to Madrid to watch him train on Saturday and play against Girona on Sunday
They are planning to call Vinicius up to the national team squad for the friendly in March against the Czech Republic
Effectively just four months into his career at the elite level, it is far too soon to make big proclamations about Vinicius, how good he could be, whom he should be compared to, even if Neymar and Cristiano are frequently brought up
What is unequivocal is the impact he has had on a sinking Real Madrid side which had given up hope
Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories
司会は大泉洋・タカトシ…道産子の「夢」で特番-PN - Duration: 2:20.
堀ちえみ、過去ブログの内容を忘れデパコスの使用年数を大幅に盛る!!色々と胡散臭過ぎw - 芸能 ニュース - Duration: 10:30.
歌手でタレントの ちえみ(51歳)が自 のブログを更新した。 といえば先日、「今夜 スイーツ」と題してブ グを更新し、「セブン イーツ派の私ですが。 夜のスイーツは、浮気 ちゃいました
成城石井のモーモーチ ーチャー。とても甘く とろとろりん。美味し ったです」とスイーツ 写真を投稿。一部のネ ト上からは、「美味し うなんだけどスプーン 汚くて引く」などスイ ツとは違う部分に注目 集まってしまい、話題 なったばかり
そんな堀が1 日に「この洗顔フォー は、何年か使っていま が、とてもいいんです とつづり、長年愛用し いるという洗顔フォー を紹介した。 「何 か使っている」に疑問 声…詳細はDaily News Onlin へ [引用元:Dai y News Onl ne] これについ ネットでは… ♥嘘 良くない ▼2月1 日、愛用の洗顔フォー について「この洗顔フ ームは、何年か使って ますが、とてもいいん す」と紹介した堀ちえ だが… ♥おばちゃ 、しっかり覚えとけよ ▼この投稿に対し ット上で「使い始めた は半年前」との指摘が 到
堀は昨年9月に「今ま 使っていた、洗顔フォ ムがなくなったので、 うブランドに買い替え した。(中略)使い始 て2週間ほどですが、 い感じですよ」と同じ 品を紹介していた ♥ステマ疑惑だからっ こと? ♥こいつシ ンプーとかもステマし るよ ボケっとしてる うでしたたかな韓国大 きおばさん ▼堀の ログでは、シャンプー 化粧品だけでなくハズ ルーペ、スイーツ、部 着など毎日のように購 品を紹介している 服も鞄も韓国で買うら いね ▼韓国に度々 行に行っており、ブロ で「韓国にいるとホッ します」とつづったこ も… ♥お金もらっ 宣伝してるんだから、 ゃんと嘘つかなきゃだ よ、おばちゃん
♥RMKはデパコ でしょう?ステマじゃ くておばちゃんの記憶 いの問題でしょう。 ▼カネボウ化粧品の百 店向けラインであるR K。デパコスの中では 手頃な価格設定の為、 広い層から人気を集め いる ♥RMKか ちえみにステマを依頼 てもメリットないでし う
いつもテッカテカなの 。前の事は無かった事 して、シレーっとして つく人でしょ、この人 。さほど活躍してない に、嘘を晒されるなん ね。 ▼昨年3月に 旅行中の韓国でウルセ と呼ばれるリフトアッ の施術を受けた堀
ブログでは顔面アップ 像を披露したが、怖い と話題に 関連記事 堀ちえみ(51歳)、 国で美容レーザー治療 ウルセラ」&「シンデ ラ注射」&「ルチオン 射」を受けた結果が… ♥ステマだとしても ちえみが使ってたら「 ってみたいな!」って く思わないけどね
♥堀ちえみブログ 読者層って誰?w AmebaBlogの ンキングではママ部門 2位にランクインして り、それなりにアクセ はあるようだが… 関西の番組でしか見な けど、関西人だって別 堀ちえみに親近感はな w ▼関西で放送さ ている『ちちんぷいぷ 』には木曜レギュラー して出演中 ♥堀ち みがなぜ昔人気アイド 扱いだったのか未だに
目も腫れぼったい感じ もガラガラで正統派ア ドルでは決してなかっ 。 ▼1980年代 アイドルブームをけん した"花の82年組" 1人でもある堀ちえみ 2005年には同期の でも特に仲のいい松本 代、早見優らと『キュ ティー★マミー』を結 しているが…あまり需 はなかったもよう 関連記事:早見優、石 秀美ら『花の82年組 4ショットに反響!! 綺麗」だけど…「場末 」「二流アイドル」と しい声も ♥早見優 伊代ちゃん、堀ちえみ 三人組は あの当時、 菜やキョンキョンにく べて どうしてもB級 感じで、寄り集まって 良しこよしをやってる バサンってイメージ ▼コンサートやイベン の際、堀の本当のファ だけでは足りなかった め小泉今日子や中森明 の親衛隊をレンタルし 水増ししていたことも ったそう ♥ドジ のろまな亀だからしょ がない ▼ドラマ『 チュワーデス物語』( 983年)では「ドジ ノロマな亀」を自称す 落ちこぼれ訓練生を演 た堀 ♥この人にと ての半年は長年なんだ うね ▼「半年前」 「何年か」になってし った? ♥驚かない
この人の薄っーい人間 は承知済み。 ♥ガ ちゃんで知ったけど、 の人のブログ本当に嘘 らけらしいね ▼1 には「家族5人での夕 」と食卓の様子をブロ で公開。しかし掲載さ た画像には3人分の食 しかないことなどから 嘘をついている」と指 されることに 関連 事:堀ちえみ「すべて くさい!」ブログの内 に非難轟々のワケとは 最近の顔が何より嘘く い件ww ♥最近は い口内炎で強烈な痛み め飲んでるって言って けど昨日今日と鰻食べ るw なにこの人?( ) ▼数日前から口 炎による痛みを訴えて た堀だが、2月15日 は「2日続けて鰻」を べている
ちなみに鰻を食べたこ で「凄いパワーが出て て、食べ物を口に入れ 事が、出来るようにな ました」のだそうww ♥松本伊代もだけど この年代の頭緩いママ レはSNSやっちゃダ だよ ▼2017年 月、京都市内の線路内 無許可で立ち入った様 をブログで公開した松 伊代
ブログ炎上後に京都府 から呼び出しがあり、 時間もの事情聴取を受 書類送検された 関 記事:松本伊代と早見 、線路立ち入り容疑で 類送検!ヒロミが謝罪 ネット民「16歳でも んなことしない」 「私のエッセイ本が出 す!」 「どんな本な ですか?」 「まだ読 でないからわかりませ 」この方が面白い 松本が18歳の頃、自 のエッセイ集『伊代の 子大生モテ講座』の宣 告知で、本の内容につ て聞かれると「私も今 初めて見たんで、まだ も読んでないんだけど と失言w ♥↑それ 代ちゃんだよね 伊代 ゃんちょっと抜けてる ど可愛らしいし ヒロ が大事にしてるのもわ るわ ▼『有吉ゼミ の企画で松本の夫・ヒ ミが180日間に渡り 280平米の自宅をリ ォーム
「ママのために…」と て自分で作業する姿に 感動の声が多数寄せら た 関連記事:ヒロ 、自宅リフォームで好 度急上昇!「ママのた に…」妻・松本伊代へ 深い愛情が羨ましい… 有吉ゼミ 特別編』1 .9%の高視聴率 芸能人、プロを雇って 修してもらってブログ た方がいいと思う
♥所属事務所(松 芸能)って ブログ内 の検閲をしないんだね ブランド名の出た商品 ブログ掲載については 敏感になるもんだと思 けど。 ▼事務所や 能人によっては、SN のアカウントを事務所 管理しており、スタッ が内容を確認してから 稿するケースもあるそ 関連記事:華原朋 、SNS閉鎖騒動の真 を告白!「引退も考え いる」…それよりもビ ュアルの変化にネット 騒然 ♥この人結婚 手がいつも胡散臭い ♥↑二番目の旦那さ はまだ普通な感じじゃ かった?アウトドア系 誌の編集者だっけ?子 もの塾の送り迎えとか くしてたみたいだし
▼1人目の夫は 989年に結婚した外 医。3人の子供をもう るも、元夫のDVによ 1999年に離婚。当 相談に乗ってくれてい 雑誌編集者の男性と2 00年に再婚し二児を うけ、2010年に離
そして2011年に現 の夫と再々婚 関連 事:堀ちえみ、子を作 ては別れ、また新たな と子を作っては別れ… 作りサイクル3周目に 入 ♥息子も音信不 になりたくもなるよね
▼2015年、社 人となった長男と次男 は音信不通である事を かしている堀。就職後 全く連絡がないと言い ブログで2人にメッセ ジを送った際には「私 人生は、主人と一緒に きていくから心配しな で!って言ってるから 安心してくれてるのか ?」などと綴っている 関連記事:堀ちえみ 「しあわせに生きてる て信じてる」音信不通 2人の息子にブログか メッセージ送る? [ メント引用元:ガール ちゃんねる] (; Д゚) ブログでは毎 のように商品を紹介し いますし、購入した記 があやふやになってし うんでしょうね…
★新サイト「ガ ルズちゃんねる」でも ュースたくさん紹介中
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA | NAVI | BOSE | 360 º CAMERA - Duration: 1:23.
For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA | NAVI | BOSE | 360 º CAMERA - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta 21% KORTING (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:13.
For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta 21% KORTING (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Gritan '¡GuarderÃas sÃ!' durante mitin de AMLO en Mazatlán - Duration: 3:02.
Como una ola, el grito de "¡Guarderías sí! ¡Guarderías sí! ¡Guarderías sí!", comenzó a escucharse y avanzó en el graderio del Estadio de Beisbol Teodoro Mariscal, casa de Los Venados de Mazatlán
Mientras, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador explicaba a los mazatecos los avances de su gobierno y el programa de becas de bienestar para adultos mayores, estudiantes y niños con discapacidad
Desde el "home" donde se colocó el escenario principal, el titular del Ejecutivo respondió al grupo de madres trabajadoras que con gritos llamaba su atención
"Queremos que todos los beneficiarios de la política de bienestar tengan su tarjeta, como esta que estamos entregando, su tarjeta cada beneficiario para que reciba su apoyo, que salga el dinero de la Tesorería de la Federación directo al beneficiario", contestó en un primer momento el mandatario
Pero la marea de "¡Guarderías sí!, ¡Guarderías sí! ¡Guarderías sí!, seguía. Ya casi al caer la noche, el Presidente fue directo al tema: "Les digo de manera directa a las estancias infantiles
Va a seguir el apoyo a madres y a padres, les va a llegar con una tarjeta su apoyo, pero no a las organizaciones, de manera directa a los más de 300 mil niños van a seguir recibiendo su apoyo, mil 600 pesos cada dos meses"
Expresiones que se dieron casi en penumbras, pero como si se tratara de un concierto de rock, miles de ciudadanas encendieron las lámparas de sus teléfonos celulares para iluminar al mandatario
López Obrador se retiró del campo sonriente en su segundo día de gira de trabajo por Sinaloa y después de haber visitado Badiraguato y Tamazula, entrada al Triángulo Dorado
For more infomation >> Gritan '¡GuarderÃas sÃ!' durante mitin de AMLO en Mazatlán - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:24.
For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
CA Final SFM | Derivatives | Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) - Duration: 28:09.
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
For more infomation >> CA Final SFM | Derivatives | Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) - Duration: 28:09.-------------------------------------------
Maintenant, ça va [7] - Déficiences Foncières en Paires - Duration: 4:20.
Before, I hated each fragment,
each bit, each atom of myself,
both physically and mentally.
Among the most difficult things to live with
was the impossibility of finding an objective reason for all this.
When someone suffers from cholera,
we know it is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, for instance.
But what was the cause of hating myself so much?
I am sad without even knowing why
My entire being is painful and yet bears no visible injuries
I harbour an unequalled hatred against myself
My appearance, my behaviour and my actions
embarrass me
I don't know how to make choices so I don't make any, or I make bad ones
An evil genius constantly sows misfortune in my path
My inconsistency plays tricks on me and makes me detestable
I came to the world without any social abilities
I weep for my countless flaws
and my unfitness for life
Sadness with no apparent reason
Pain with no palpable bruise
Unmatched animosity against oneself
Uncontrollable shame of an attitude judged reprehensible
Options turned into dilemmas paralyzed with indecision
Misfortune carried continuously to one's side
Unpredictability dreaded so much it leads to being dreadful
Birth predestining to marginality
Woeful defects are the causes of whining;
fundamental incapacity
I have no answer to the question of knowing
why my self-esteem is so damaged.
I tried quite a few things to pull through,
for instance writing down every evening
three things that happened during the day and that I'm proud of.
But to be honest no real results showed.
All the more since I have to admit
that I didn't write those prides every evening.
When I felt really down,
I skipped my turn.
And therefore the whole operation was skewed,
since I only wrote the prides of the part of myself
that didn't feel too bad.
In the end, what worked the best
was to deceive myself.
I apply to myself numerous values,
that I try as much as possible
not to break,
in order to get as close as possible
to the idea I have, somewhere inside,
of being "a good girl".
Having said that, I don't necessarily look for those values in others,
and most of the girls I find to be "good"
do not live according to these values.
But let's move on…
The differences between what I apply to myself
and what I apply to others
are another story!
I thus realized that I could ambush myself.
Indeed, hating oneself so much
that one spends one's time analysing what's wrong with him or her
and making a list of everything one cannot bear in one's behaviour,
way of thinking and appearance,
could be considered as a form of vanity.
At least, I detect there a great deal of egocentricity.
And yet, I loathe self-centredness.
I could simply conclude that,
being therefore myself egocentric,
I did nothing else than finding in myself one more flaw,
and thus one more reason to despise myself.
To be honest, that's actually how I saw things for a long time.
But later, I told myself that
in order to live according to my values,
which do not include self-centredness,
I had to not show self-centredness!
I thus had to stop spending time hating myself.
Of course, I didn't succeed entirely.
But what occupied 99% of the space in my brain before,
now only occupies between 20 and 50% of it, depending on the moment.
Along my efforts to feel less self-centered,
I worked hard to think less about my faults.
The mechanism I found
is to think of myself as least as possible.
Obviously, since I am living with myself,
it is not an easy thing to achieve.
But I have made progress!
So in the end, now…
Now I'm fine.
For more infomation >> Maintenant, ça va [7] - Déficiences Foncières en Paires - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Avec "La Chute", Bruno Ganz avait fait l'objet d'innombrables détournements - Duration: 3:10.
CINÉMA - Des officiers crispés à l'extrême, des secrétaires qui sanglotent et un homme hurlant, vociférant, expulsant toute sa rage dans des hurlements terribles
Puis soudain, la résignation. Si vous n'avez pas vu "La Chute", le film d'Oliver Hirschbiegel avec Bruno Ganz, il y a tout de même de fortes chances pour que cette scène vous soit familière
Sorti en 2004, le film retrace les deux dernières semaines de l'existence d'Adolf Hitler, montrant le leader de l'Allemagne nazie assister impuissant à l'avancée des Soviétiques
Réfugié dans son bunker avec sa garde rapprochée, gradés de l'armée et proches, il apprend notamment qu'un de ses ordres n'a pu être respecté, comprenant que ladite chute est proche
C'est là que Bruno Ganz, l'acteur suisse qui incarnait le Führer allemand et qui est décédé ce samedi 16 février à l'âge de 77 ans, livre une performance exceptionnelle et restée dans les mémoires
Une scène d'anthologie qui a offert une seconde vie au film. En effet, depuis maintenant plus de dix ans, de nombreux internautes publient le passage en langue allemande sur les réseaux sociaux et autres plateformes de partage de vidéos, mais en y adjoignant des sous-titres parodiques
Que ce soit pour moquer une défaite en football, une décision politique controversée ou les tracas du quotidien, d'innombrables détournements ont ainsi vu le jour depuis 2006, faisant de "La Chute" l'un des mèmes Internet les plus célèbres
Interrogé à plusieurs reprises sur ce mème, le réalisateur Oliver Hirschbiegel se réjouissait de voir son œuvre ainsi détournée
À Vulture, en 2010, il expliquait: "On m'envoie les liens à chaque fois qu'il y a une nouvelle parodie (
) Parfois je les écoute sans le son, mais les textes sont si drôles que je ris tout haut
Et je ris à partir d'une scène que j'ai moi-même conçue. Je crois que je ne pourrais pas recevoir meilleur compliment, en tant que réalisateur
" À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
For more infomation >> Avec "La Chute", Bruno Ganz avait fait l'objet d'innombrables détournements - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Trump announces 'national emergency' on the border - Duration: 48:30.
President Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the border on Friday, a move calculated to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a second government shutdown after a bitter standoff with Congress
He signed the declaration behind closed doors prior to a Rose Garden announcement, which he delayed while he met with women whose children were either killed by illegal immigrants or died because of drug cartels
'We're going to be signing today, and registering, national emergency. And, it's a great thing to do, because we have an in of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it's not acceptable,' the president said
Congress appropriated $1.375 billion that Trump can use for 'bollard' fencing in a spending bill that has not reached the president's desk, yet, but is expected to make its way to him before funding for a host of federal agencies runs out at midnight
Trump is cobbling together the rest of the money through a patchwork operation that has him taking $600 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund and $2
5 billion from an account within the Department of Defense that is used for counter-drug activities, in order to build his wall
Another $3.6 billion will come from DOD's military construction and facility improvement funds
Democratic lawmakers are already plotting to void his national emergency through legislation that would call it off
Opponents of the policy are also hustling to put together legal challenges.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer immediately characterized it as an 'unlawful declaration over a crisis that does not exist' that makes America less safe
'This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process,' they said in a joint statement
An hour after the president's Rose Garden event, the state of California said it would sue
The state of Washington signaled that it could do the same.Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) also said it was filing suit against the Department of Justice
'Americans deserve to know the true basis for President Trump's unprecedented decision to enact emergency powers to pay for a border wall,' the organization's executive director, Noah Bookbinder, said in a statement
'We're suing because the government has so far failed produce the requested documents or provide an explanation for their delay
' Free-speech organization, the American Civil Liberties Union, filed suit, as well
Trump acknowledged in his announcement that the national emergency he signed today would end up in court before the Ninth Circuit and eventually make its way to the Supreme Court
'So the order is signed. And I'll sign the final papers as soon as I get into the Oval Office,' the president said
'And we will have a national emergency. And we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the Ninth Circuit even though it shouldn't be there
'The San Francisco-headquartered Court of Appeals has tripped up Trump's other major executive orders, including his first travel ban
Continuing to play out the court process aloud, the president said: 'We will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we will get another bad ruling, and then we will end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we will get a fair shake, and we'll win in the Supreme Court
' Trump said he was confident that he would win at the high court, where two conservative justices he out on the bench are the deciders, just like he did before
'They sued us in the Ninth Circuit and we lost, and then we lost in the appellate division, and then we went to the Supreme Court and we won,' he stated
The president may have harmed his legal case with some of his own public statements, however
He said during the press conference that followed his announcement, 'I didn't need to do this
But I'd rather get it done faster.' Administration lawyers will face the burden in court with arguing that there is an authentic crisis on the border that required the emergency designation
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Share this article Share 39k shares Taking on critics of the emergency and his instance that a border wall is the only way to stop it, he said, 'It's wrong
It's wrong. It's just a lie. It's all a lie. They say walls don't work. Walls work 100 percent
''I'm going to be signing a national emergency, and it's been signed many times before,' he said several minutes in
'It's rarely been a problem. They sign it, nobody cares.'Trump said national emergencies have been used 'many' times by past presidents as he harangued Obama for the economic slowdown that hung like a dark cloud over much of his tenure
He said he is considering a second emergency that would target to the cartels directly that is rooted in an emergency declaration his predecessor signed
'It's a very good emergency that he signed. And we're going to use parts of it on our dealings on cartels
But that would be a second national emergency,' he said.He claimed that the country was 'heading south, and it was going fast' under the previous administration
Trump meanwhile said that he's done a 'fantastic job' and that he is making America great again despite facing significant hurdles
Aside from the border, a problem for which Democrats have been loathe to provide him any money, he said, 'We have so much money, we don't know what to do with it
'I don't know what to do with all the money they are giving us. It's crazy,' he bragged
Then, in remarks pointed at former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the president said that he didn't have the best people by his side the first year and a half that he was on the job
'I was a little new to the job and profession. We had a little disappointment for the first year and a half, people that should have stepped up did not step up,' he said
'It would have been easy. Not that easy, but it would have been a lot easier. Some people didn't step up
We are stepping up now.' He made it clear that he was thinking of someone specific: 'I'm very disappointed in certain people, a particular one, for not having pushed this faster,' he said
Trump declined to say later if his criticism was meant for Ryan, who retired last month from Congress
'Let's not talk about it. What difference does it make? They should have pushed it faster
They should have pushed it harder, and they didn't. They didn't. If they would have, it would have been a little bit better,' the president said
President Trump said he would like to take it a step further and pass a total overhaul of the immigration system
'Maybe that is something we can all work on where we all get together and do major immigration reform,' he observed
It was hardly likely that Trump's executive action was paving the path for new congressional partnerships
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat and senior senator who sits on the Judiciary committee, said the emergency is a 'disturbing abuse of power' that is the very definition of executive overreach
'I will do everything in my power to ensure this flagrant power grab is not successful and our democracy remains strong for generations to come,' she said
Democrats broadly panned the president's claims in his speech as fiction and his executive order as a power grab
'There is no national emergency. No one who subscribes to reality can claim otherwise,' Sen
Patrick Leahy, the Senate Appropriations Committee vice chairman, said. Leahy said in Democrats' official radio and television response to Trump's weekly actions, 'He failed to get a deal with his own party, even during the two years when Republicans controlled all levers of government
And he failed to get a deal now. The President's inartful failure to get a deal does not justify him manufacturing a false national emergency
'New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the charge in the House to stop the executive action
She says she'll introduce a resolution to terminate it.She charged in a tweet: ' "I didn't need to do this" is admitting this isn't an emergency at all
"I didn't need to do this" means he's faking a crisis.'House Judiciary Committee Democrats said late Friday afternoon that they'll open an investigation
They demanded that White House make its lawyer, Pat Cipollone, and Department of Justice officials involved in the declaration available for questioning in the coming days
'We believe your declaration of an emergency shows a reckless disregard for the separation of powers and your own responsibilities under our constitutional system,' they said
'Congress has entrusted you and your predecessors with emergency authority in order to respond quickly and effectively to real crises, such as wars and natural disasters
'Their committee has jurisdiction over the National Emergencies Act that Trump is tapping to build his wall
They said it was intended for 'real crises' such as natural disaster and not the fulfillment of political wish lists
'By fabricating an emergency in order to bypass the political process for allocating a budget,' they wrote, 'you appear to be abusing both this trust and your own oath of office
' Trump's delay in calling a national emergency after reopening the government following a partial shutdown angered some conservatives, as well
Commentator Ann Coulter has been needling the president non-stop for failing to deliver on his most famous campaign promise
She said Friday that the national emergency declaration is a 'scam' that only the 'stupidest people' in his base will believe
Trump dismissed Coulter as 'off the reservation' as he addressed reporters later in the day
'Anybody that knows her understands that. I haven't spoken her. I don't follow her,' he said
The president who spends several hours a day watching television has signaled that his views are being shaped by the coverage that his policies receive on channels like Fox News
But he said Friday that neither they nor Coulter are pulling the strings within his administration
'They don't decide policy,' he said.He was complimentary to Fox primetime hosts Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson
However, the president openly mocked longtime radio host Rush Limbaugh and Coulter, telling one journalist, 'I hardly know her
' 'She is probably really nice. I just don't have the time to speak to her. I have nothing against her,' he added
Appearing on Fox News during 'The Daily Briefing' later in the day, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said that Coulter doesn't have any influence over the White House
'I don't think Ann Coulter has any influence over the White House or influence over much of anything,' Sanders said
'I don't think she did before the president became the president and I don't think she does now
I just don't see her as being an influential voice in this country and certainly not one in this building
'Coulter noted in a series of tweets that '25th Amendment' had been a trending topic on Twitter as she responded to the president's derisive comments
'He seems to think "the reservation" is HIM, not his campaign promises,' she tweeted
She also claimed that the blame for the border wall fiasco lies at Trump's feet, and not Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's or Ryan's
'This is not Paul Ryan's fault. It's not Mitch McConnell's fault. Trump ran AGAINST the GOP and won
Responsibility is 100% his,' she said.Conservatives like Coulter believe that Trump should have stayed the course on the government shutdown
On Capitol Hill, Republican senators openly called the president's national emergency declaration a mistake
Sen. Susan Collins, a moderate from Maine, said prior to the announcement, 'Such a declaration would undermine the role of Congress and the appropriations process
' Florida Sen. Marco Rubio called it a 'bad idea,' and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he was 'not in favor' of one
'I wish he wouldn't have done it,' ex-Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, the senior senator from Iowa, told Politico
'I imagine we'll find out whether he's got the authority to do it by the courts.' Republican lawmakers sued Obama for overstepping on immigration
They say he ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution when he created DACA, a program that gave illegal immigrants who came to the U
S. as children proper papers.The party's sudden change of heart on executive power, at least from the perspective of President Trump, was the subject of mockery on Friday from Democrats
'Tonight, after years of complaining about executive overreach, President Trump decided to do just that by redirecting federal spending without Congressional approval,' Pennsylvania Rep
Brendan Boyle said in a statement. In declaring the national emergency, the president can claim as he seeks reelection that he did everything in his power, and beyond it, depending on what the courts determine, to build a border barrier, just like he promised he would, if they put him in office
He insisted Friday that the election has nothing to do with his declaration. 'I've already done a lot of wall, for the election -- 2020
And the only reason we're up here talking about this is because of the election, because they want to try and win an election, which it looks like they're not going to be able to do,' he said of the opposing political party
Trump continued to insist Friday that he's building a wall because it's the best way to keep criminals from secretly entering the country
'Take a look at Israel. They're building another wall. Their wall is 99.9 percent effective, they told me, 99
9 percent. That is what it would be with us, too,' he said. 'The only weakness is they go to a wall and then they go around the wall
It's very simple.' The president also returned to a claim that human traffickers are tying up women and taping their mouths so they can sneak them over the border in the back of trucks unnoticed
'You can't take human traffic, women and girls, you can't take them through ports of entry
You can't have them tied up in the back seat of a car or a truck or a van. They open the door, they look
They can't see three women with tape on their mouth or three women whose hands are tied
They go through areas where you have no wall. Everybody knows that,' he claimed. 'Nancy knows it
Chuck knows it. They all know it.'The president's contention has actually been disputed, and some theorists believe he or someone advising him took the talking point from a fictional film
'It's all a big lie. It's a big con game,' Trump contended on Friday. 'You don't have to be very smart to know: You put up a barrier, the people come in and that's it
They can't do anything unless they walk left or right and they find an area where there's no barrier and they come into the United States
Welcome!' For weeks, the president had been suggesting he would declare an emergency on the border and made it official on Friday morning in a Rose Garden announcement
Trump is pulling power from the National Emergencies Act, which U.S. presidents have used 58 time since its 1976 creation
The checkerboard was set after Trump agreed to sign a bill to avoid another government shutdown
A national emergency was the only way he could secure the money for the wall in the fiscal year that covers 2020
Pelosi called it an 'end-run around the will of the people,' speaking to reporters minutes after news of Trump's position broke on Thursday, while warning it could come back to bite Republicans
'We will review our options, we'll be prepared to respond appropriately to it,' Pelosi said when asked about Trump's planned emergency declaration
The House speaker chaffed at the 'precedent' that the Republican president is establishing -- she noted that Republican lawmakers have said that a national emergency is not their first preference for the very same reason
'I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say. Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people,' she said
'You want to talk about a national emergency? Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America,' Pelosi said, referencing the one-year anniversary of the Parkland, Florida school shooting
'That's a national emergency. Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would
But a Democratic president can do that. [A] Democratic president can declare emergencies as well,' she threatened
White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told press during a call that preceded the president's remarks that today's action creates 'zero precedent' and Democrats would have declared national emergencies for their priorities already if they believed they had the authority to do so
'There's been some concern in the media about whether this creates a dangerous precedent
It actually creates zero precedent. This is authority given to the president in law already,' Mulvany said
'It's not as if he just didn't get when he wanted so he's waving a magic wand and taking a bunch of money
'Invoking the House speaker, he said, 'I saw Nancy Pelosi yesterday aid this sets the precedent for the Democrats to declare a gun emergency the next time they're in the Oval Office
That's completely false. 'If the Democrats could have figured out a way to do it they would have done that already
And the authority to do so has been on the books since '76. So it's not like they haven't had a chance to do that already
There's no precedential value to doing this.' Hours after the president's declaration, Democratic Rep
Ilhan Omar of Minnesota said that it does, and the next executive from her party should issue a proclamation to protect the planet
WHERE THE $8 BILLION COMES FROM $1.375 billion will come from the Homeland Security appropriations bill$600 million from the Treasury Department's drug forfeiture fund$2
5 billion from the Defense Department's drug interdiction program$3.6 billion from the Defense Department's military construction budget 'Our next President should declare a #NationalEmergency on day 1 to address the existential threat to all life on the planet posed by Climate Change,' she tweeted
Trump quietly signed the national emergency proclamation from the Oval Office on Friday morning and gave his approval to the spending bill in the same manner hours later
It only became public that Trump had signed the bill that keeps the lights on until the end of the current fiscal year, Sept
30, when Sanders told reporters about it in a quick Q and A session immediately after her appearance on Fox
Congress gave Trump $1.375 billion for 'bollard' fencing that he can deploy across 55 miles on the southern border in the legislation
His national emergency will allow him to build more, if he can move the funds.A senior White House official told reporters prior to the announcement that his goal is to build 234 miles of bollard fencing
'In terms of how many miles does this buy us, as you know we sent a request to the Hill for $5
7 billion that would have gotten us 234 miles. That's our goal, to try to accomplish that amount of miles,' the person said
'It's going to be a little mix-and-match because instead of Congress just providing the money, the different pots have different authorizations for how and where we can use that money,' the person explained
'And so we are in the process to make sure that we can make those dollars go as far as they possibly can
And we expect that they will be able to go farther than 234 miles.' PROCLAMATION DECLARING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY ON THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE U
S. The current situation at the southern border presents a border security and humanitarian crisis that threatens core national security interests and constitutes a national emergency
The southern border is a major entry point for criminals, gang members, and illicit narcotics
The problem of large-scale unlawful migration through the southern border is long-standing, and despite the executive branch's exercise of existing statutory authorities, the situation has worsened in certain respects in recent years
In particular, recent years have seen sharp increases in the number of family units entering and seeking entry to the United States and an inability to provide detention space for many of these aliens while their removal proceedings are pending
If not detained, such aliens are often released into the country and are often difficult to remove from the United States because they fail to appear for hearings, do not comply with orders of removal, or are otherwise difficult to locate
In response to the directive in my April 4, 2018, memorandum and subsequent requests for support by the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense has provided support and resources to the Department of Homeland Security at the southern border
Because of the gravity of the current emergency situation, it is necessary for the Armed Forces to provide additional support to address the crisis
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U
S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States, and that section 12302 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretaries of the military departments concerned, subject to the direction of the Secretary of Defense in the case of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
To provide additional authority to the Department of Defense to support the Federal Government's response to the emergency at the southern border, I hereby declare that this emergency requires use of the Armed Forces and, in accordance with section 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U
S.C. 1631), that the construction authority provided in section 2808 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretary of Defense and, at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretaries of the military departments
I hereby direct as follows: Section 1. The Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of each relevant military department, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall order as many units or members of the Ready Reserve to active duty as the Secretary concerned, in the Secretary's discretion, determines to be appropriate to assist and support the activities of the Secretary of Homeland Security at the southern border
Sec. 2. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and, subject to the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretaries of the military departments, shall take all appropriate actions, consistent with applicable law, to use or support the use of the authorities herein invoked, including, if necessary, the transfer and acceptance of jurisdiction over border lands
Sec. 3. This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third
DONALD J. TRUMP The White House stressed on Friday that Trump is not taking the money from disaster relief funds for Puerto Rico or anywhere else
It also couldn't say what projects within the Department of Defense the money was being taken away from
They were merely described as 'lower priority military construction projects' such as facility improvements that can wait until next year
'So we're going through a filter to ensure that nothing impacts lethality and readiness on the part of our military construction budget, which is a budget that's substantially larger than $3
6 billion,' an official said.Senior administration officials cited two previous national emergencies, both declared by Republican presidents, as precedent for moving around funds
President George H.W. Bush used the authority in November of 1990, when he declared certain chemical and biological weapons an emergency, an official said, and President George W
Bush tapped into federal funds in 2001. 'Combined, this has been used to transfer $1
4 billion. So is not something that is unprecedented,' an official said.Trump is proposing to confiscate more than three times the combined amount for the border crisis -- a total of $6
7 billion. WHAT HAPPENS IF DEMOCRATS CHALLENGE A TRUMP-DECLARED BORDER 'EMERGENCY' IN COURT?If President Trump declares that a national emergency exists on the U
S.-Mexico border, it's likely that court challenges will quickly seek to stop him from exercising the powers federal law would give him
Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday that 'the Constitution grants Congress the authority to appropriate federal dollars, so I'm sure such action will be litigated in the courts
'Congress passed the National Emergencies Act in 1975 in order to force post-Watergate presidents to explain themselves if they claim powers beyond what Congress has authorized
Trump would have to cite the specific laws he's relying on for emergency spending power
The most likely basis is found in Section 2808 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code. It allows presidents to order the Defense Department to 'undertake military construction projects' during times of emergency 'that are necessary to support
use of the armed forces.'Trump began sending military troops to the southern border last year, tasking them with supporting border patrol units
Among their jobs has been hanging more than 150 miles of razor wire as a barrier to protect the border agents
South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who met with Trump in the Oval office on Thursday afternoon, said in a Feb
4 speech 'they're putting up barbed wire. What's the difference between barbed ware and a steel slat? I'm confident the president has the legal ability to do this
'Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Thursday that 'it will be challenged in court and is of dubious constitutionality
'Trump's opponents will have to find a loophole in Section 2293 of Title 33, which allows presidents to repurpose military 'civil works' budgets to build 'authorized' projects 'that are essential to the national defense
'That law applies in times of war or 'national emergency.'The largely civilian Army Corps of Engineers has already spent the past 18 months contracting out the work of building miles of border walls
It's the Pentagon's civil-works construction agencyIt's unlikely a federal court would weigh in on whether Trump has the legal authority to use his own discretion in declaring declare a national emergency
The 1975 law leaves that judgment up to the White House.Every president since Gerald Ford has used it at least once
Barack Obama did it 12 times. Americans are still living under the conditions of 31 of the 58 declared 'emergencies
' The U.S. Supreme Court has never invalidated one.But his opponents would likely argue that Section 2808 can't be used to build permanent walls that go beyond what's necessary to protect the troops on border deployments
And lawyers will squabble over whether Section 2293's reference to 'national defense' includes border security in the first place
A White House official said Thursday that the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which provided for wall construction along the border, is enough to show Congress has 'authorized' what Trump might want to fund unconventionally
The official said the administration is betting that federal judges won't want to weigh in on what is and is not related to national defense, a concept federal law has never clearly defined
Trump said on Feb. 1 that while he expects legal challenges, 'we have very, very strong legal standing to win
'It would be 'hard' for Democrats to stymie him, he claimed, 'but they tend to go to the Ninth Circuit,' traditionally America's most liberal and most often-overturned bank of judges
'And when they go to the Ninth Circuit, things happen.'
For more infomation >> Trump announces 'national emergency' on the border - Duration: 48:30.-------------------------------------------
L'acte XIV des gilets jaunes marque les trois mois du mouvement - Duration: 2:22.
POLITIQUE - Presque trois mois jour pour jour. L'acte XIV des gilets jaunes qui s'est déroulé ce samedi 16 février dans un calme relatif a marqué la fin d'un trimestre de contestation
Né sur les ronds-points pour protester contre la flambée des prix du carburant, le mouvement a progressivement muté en une série de manifestations, chaque samedi, pour revendiquer à la fois la démission d'Emmanuel Macron, une hausse du pouvoir d'achat mais aussi la création d'un référendum d'initiative citoyenne (RIC)
Ce mouvement inédit qui n'est toujours pas structuré et s'est toujours refusé à choisir des leaders a tout de même fait émerger certaines personnalités
C'est aussi à travers les déclarations et les actions de Priscillia Ludosky, Maxime Nicolle ou Eric Drouet que l'actualité politique mais aussi judiciaire a tourné depuis le 17 novembre, jour où près de 300
000 personnes se sont rassemblées sur les ronds-points dans toute la France. Cela fait plus de deux mois que la barre des 100
000 manifestants n'a pas été atteinte et l'on assiste depuis quatre samedis à une baisse continue de la mobilisation qui a été très visible à Paris et dans certaines villes de province comme Bordeaux et Toulouse
Cette semaine a également marqué un tournant puisque pour la première fois dans l'histoire de ce mouvement, une majorité de l'opinion publique appelle désormais à sa fin
L'effet de la lassitude mais aussi la conséquence du grand débat national, censé esquisser une sortie de crise et qui bat son plein depuis un mois
Alors que les gilets jaunes entendent se mobiliser à nouveau ce dimanche 17 février, notamment à Paris, pour marquer les 3 mois du mouvement, retour les moments forts de la mobilisation:
For more infomation >> L'acte XIV des gilets jaunes marque les trois mois du mouvement - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
PSG: rester sur le nuage de Manchester - Duration: 7:17.
For more infomation >> PSG: rester sur le nuage de Manchester - Duration: 7:17.-------------------------------------------
SIHHİYECİ OLDUM ! - Battlefield 1 - Duration: 12:28.
위험군으로 분류된 고양이들이 순해집니다 - 보호소 빨간냥이들의 변화 - Duration: 6:32.
Hey guys-
Midna was categorized as 'red' cat because she was scared of human a lot.
I'll take just a toy.
I won't touch you.
Just a toy.
Cats in the shelter are categorized as three colors. Green means familiar to human, yellow means neutral, and red means aggressive or need caution.
You are scared of human.
Poor boy.
After 3 months, Midna becomes a 'yellow' cat!
How can I get in if you sit there?
Whatever. I get in.
What's this?
Midna now thinks that human is not dangerous. She does not run away.
Do you want to play?
You are so gorgeous.
You are so kind too.
OMG, you are so beautiful.
You are getting pretty.
Midna is not in the shelter anymore.
She's adopted last week! Hooray!
How are you?
Chloe has a cute belly. She is a red cat.
Do you remember me?
Come here-
Why are you looking there?
Why are you getting there?
Chole loved to stay next to me.
Now she loves to purr on my lap.
Sorry, have a sleep.
There- There-
Chloe is still a red cat. She becomes aggressive if human crosses her line.
Hope Chloe meet a new family soon.
Dart is 8 years old. He had adopter experience because he was not okay with small kids.
Hi Dart-
May I get in?
Do you want?
Please move away.
May I say hello?
Are you okay?
May I sit here? Next to you.
I'm sitting here. I won't touch you.
Just sitting here.
I'm just sitting. Don't worry.
He does not like to stay closely. Just give him a toy.
You look so beautiful.
You're so cute.
You're so tide.
Trying to pet Dart when he's sleepy.
(Rubbing paw)
Okay. Great progress today.
How to get close with cats.
Just stay next to cats. Do nothing :)
👍세상 쉬운 EXO 찬열 떡볶이 만들기!!!! EXO CHAN YEOL Tteok-bokki Recipe [CHAN YEOL Tteok-bokki [이제이레시피/EJ recipe] - Duration: 3:13.
Shinchan Episode 15 with English Subtitles - Duration: 24:12.
Liverpool transfer EXCLUSIVE: Reds know they can reject Salah offers - source - Duration: 4:29.
The title-chasing Reds announced record annual pre-tax profits of £125million during the week
It came as reports surfaced that Juventus are ready to offer Argentine striker Paulo Dybala plus £44m to take Salah back to Serie A
But Liverpool will battle any bids for the ex-Roma star. The Egyptian King has openly described Anfield as his "home" and it's no surprise he feels settled considering he is worshipped by Kopites
Are the club worried about losing their best players? The answer is simple. The answer is no
Liverpool are no longer a selling club and Klopp has made Anfield a final destination as opposed to a stepping stone
Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino have all put pen to paper on new long-term contracts that will see them stay at the club until 2023
Those qualms will be eased after a football finance source told Express Sport: "Liverpool are no longer a selling club
After posting profits of £125m they can resist any offers." Those words will be music to the ears of supporters, allowing them to sit back and enjoy the best Liverpool side they have seen for decades
Before, there would have been shades of doubt. Raheem Sterling joined Manchester City for £49m, Luis Suarez moved to Barcelona for £64
98m and Coutinho followed him to Catalonia in January 2018. But this time the club are adamant their stars are here to stay
Off the field, there are the figures to suggest that Liverpool are now with significant power
The road to the Kiev for last season's Champions League final, qualification for this year's competition as well as the £142m sale of Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona help Liverpool overturn a staggering £125m profit
That eclipses the £92.5m made by Leicester in 2016/17 after their 5000/1 Premier League miracle
That figure after tax was £106m, with a further £190m reinvested into Klopp's ranks including agents fees
The result of that has been an increased wage bill of £263m while the club have also had the chance to look towards the future; their brand new £50m training centre is taking shape in Kirby
Turnover from the year ending May 31 2018 saw an increase of £90m to £455m, media revenue was up to £220m
On the commercial side, revenue was up by £17m to £154m, the club's debt now stands at just £56m and the Reds will continue to repay £10m in capital over the year to Fenway Sports Group for the £100m they borrowed for the main stand
Michael Edwards deserves the plaudits too, for he has turned water into wine. From June 1 2016 to May 31 2018, buying Mane, Virgil van Dijk, Andrew Robertson, Georginio Wijnaldum, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was funded by the sales of Coutinho, Mamadou Sakho, Christian Benteke, Jordan Ibe, Andre Wisdom, Joe Allen, Kevin Stewart, Lucas Leiva and Tiago Ilori
How To Feel Better Faster When You're Sick - Duration: 8:56.
hey everyone welcome back to my channel so today's video is a little bit
different but this is how I get rid of a cold or flu quicker so guys cold and flu
season is upon us okay and if you can't miss a lot of time because you know you
can't miss a lot of time from work you can't you know take time off because you
have a family whatever guys these are what I do to feel better quicker so I
can get on with my life if you guys gonna tell I am sick right now
so this is a very true honest video about what I do to get feeling better
quicker because yeah we got stuff to do every single day so if you'd like to see
my tips and tricks what I do to get better quicker then please keep on
watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my channel hit that
notification valve bookmark my page guys I'm play doh video every single day of
the week some days a week guys plus I also do live streams every Sunday night
at 9:30 Eastern Time I want you to come on back and watch whatever you would
like so guys I am sick I'm congested and it sucks being sick I work full time
plus I film all weekend long so I can get out seven videos a week so guys
these this is what I do to still keep on living my life because I can't take time
off work I have to film every weekend so that way I can get videos up so guys one
of my biggest tips guys is get some over-the-counter medication it can be
from the dollar store can be in from wherever k over-the-counter medications
gonna make you a little bit more comfortable no it does not completely
help it doesn't change the way that you know you're sick you're six dollars
you're gonna be sick until you get better but it makes it helps control the
symptoms kay so I actually picked up two buckets boxes of the Apple seltzer a
cold and cough and guys this was actually on sale for two dollars and
fifty cents it was originally $9.99 and guys I actually like the alka-seltzer
like the plop plop fizz fizz that cold stuff cuz that stuff will almost
instantly make you feel better I think it's because it has the effervescence I
don't know but the stuff really really good too and like I said
it doesn't need to be expensive I've gotten cold medicine from the dollar
store and if you can just get something to at least help your symptoms while
you're at work or whatever it can really really help guys another thing that I
really really love to do is I love to do a green tea okay this is from the dollar
store it's the 2/5 green tea with ginger guys
it helps soothe the throat if you've been coughing if you're congested it can
help open up stuff and guys I also love to add honey honey has antibacterial
antifungal it has a lot of good properties to NK and it helps to soothe
the throat as well kind of coats the back of the throat which can help with a
cough so I love to do some green tea with honey in it and it really really
does help and you know got it on sale for a dollar six you got to love it
another thing that I really really have to do at night because I'm the type that
I will just cough and cough and coughing cough is I have to use like vicks vapor
rub kay this is the dollar store version but guys it's just this Mentholatum
menthol like ointment that you put on your chest and you guys can see I've
been digging into this kay what I'll also do is I'll bring it up my neck and
then I'll kind of wrap a scarf around it helps keep it warm which helps those
vapors keep on keep on working this does help to kind of help to open up air
passages and it can make a little bit more of a restful sleep
I will also after I put this on with my start I will kind of prompt pillows up
against the wall so that way I'm kind of sleeping kind of raised so that way that
drainage which sounds really gross it's not hitting the back of my throat as
much so it doesn't I don't have to koffice much so sorry
kind of edit out that cough but yeah sleeping a little raised can help you
help with the congestion and the drainage and all that so I do like to do
that another thing that has helped so much is either get some karmic
ballistics whatever kind of chapstick you have
and I have been blowing my nose and wife I might know so much that you know when
you get the chapped this like right here and it gets all red and chapped and it's
just so sore guys a little bit of like lip balm okay it really helps to
moisturize and it helps to kind of soothe that area I've also noticed that
it helps to heal it quicker because there's nothing worse than you're sick
for a week and you've been blowing your nose and then it your nose just hurts
because of all the rubbing and all the blowing your nose so guys definitely get
like a really nice thick lip balm I do recommend like a medicated lip balm
something like Carmex or the Blitz ex lip ointment that really really helps to
help combat that dry irritated chapped nose area I also use this on your lips I
don't know about you but when I'm sick I'm kind of a mouth breather and so my
lips get really really chapped so just put on a nice thick layer before you go
to bed and it'll help combat that mouth breathing a side effect of really really
super chapped lips and guys the biggest thing I can suggest is make sure you
stay really really hydrated get lots and lots of sleep when I'm super sick I'd
like to do like Powerade or Gatorade Powerade is usually cheaper than
Gatorade but I'll have one or two of these a day especially if you got like a
stomach virus going on I'm not gonna go into too much more details about that
but if you are having some issues that is possibly could cause dehydration guys
you want to nip that in the bud because dehydration can be very very serious it
can land you in the hospital so you want to make sure you're drinking plenty of
fluids lots of water and you know it's totally fine to kind of supplement with
a couple of like Gatorade or Powerade that really does help guys
it comes to the point though guys where when you are really sick you need to go
to the hospital you need to go to the doctor because you might need to pick up
some antibiotics the z-pak whatever okay guys don't let it go on for too long if
it's just a general cold okay if it doesn't start getting better
three or four days you probably need to go to the doctor and and see what's
going on okay guys last year I had pneumonia and
you know there are some things that can turn very serious very very quickly okay
these are just for seeing if this these things can make you feel better you
don't want to let things go for too long okay because it can turn really really
dangerously very very quickly so guys totally fine try to check some of this
stuff out if you start getting better it's probably just a common cold which
needs to run its course anyway but guys don't let it go over three or four days
Kay go to the doctor okay there's lots of free clinics out there you can just
get on google and google the closest one to you if you don't have insurance guys
I've been there and I know how stressful it is when you're sick but you need to
go to the doctor read arm insurance guys lots of you know there's lots of things
available to people out there but guys yeah if it's just a common cold and you
know it's totally fine just take a couple of days try out some of these
things see if this can help get you on the road to recovery if not though guys
go see a doctor it's it's worth it okay but you guys hope you enjoyed this short
and sweet little video on how I helped combat a cold or flu and that way I can
get back to my regular day to day life when you still have to go to work when
you still have to take care of the kids all that jazz but guys I hope you did
enjoy this video you did please go in and give it a thumbs up also make sure
that you guys share this video love getting tips and tricks out there on how
to live life frugally and how to combat a cold frugally gotta love it and guys
also make sure you guys leave a comment down below what is your favorite home
remedy for a cold I'm always looking for to add more stuff to my arsenal and I'm
sure everybody else would love to hear what you do to help get yourself feeling
better quicker you have a cold and guys also make sure you guys follow me on my
other social media twitter facebook Instagram it's all about to be planned
babe I will see you guys tomorrow for a Monday must-have it's a brand new brand
that I have never tried so I will see you guys tomorrow for that have a great
one guys if you like what I've been doing on this
channel please consider supporting me on patreon or be a super chat during my
live streams my link for patreon is in the description below
ASMR 咀嚼音🧀Grilled Cheese & Lobster Tail グリルチーズサンドとロブスターテール 구운치즈샌드위치와 랍스터꼬리 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:19.
Alexis Sanchez reveals WHY he is struggling so badly at Man Utd… and it involves Solskjaer - Duration: 2:41.
Manchester United's 11-match unbeaten run came to a crashing end on Tuesday night when they were beaten 2-0 by Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League
Sanchez came on as a substitute for the injured Jesse Lingard but made little impact for United
On Monday night, United and Sanchez will be looking for a response when they visit Chelsea in the FA Cup
The 30-year-old has scored just five goals for United since joining last January but looks set for a run in the team with Lingard and Anthony Martial out for the next few weeks
And speaking in an interview with the BBC, Sanchez admitted he needs to start performing
"He [Solskjaer] hasn't spoken to me a great deal about what I have to do on the pitch, but I think I'm an experienced player and I think I know what I need to do and what I shouldn't do," Sanchez said
"I'm a player that, if I'm not in contact with the ball, I lose that spark, and sometimes I want to play in every game
"You're in, you're out, and I'm used to paying.Alexis Sanchez was a demoralised figure against PSG (Image: GETTY) "It's not an excuse because if I go on for 10, 20 minutes, I have to perform because that's what I'm here for, to make a difference
"I would like to have brought more joy to the club. "Yes, it worries me because I believe in my abilities as a player, I want to show it
"I don't know how people see me, but football is what I've loved from being a kid and it's my passion
"Alexis Sanchez has been backed to regain his form (Image: GETTY) But Ander Herrera has come to the defence of Sanchez, insisting the former Arsenal player will deliver for the club
"I have big expectations for Alexis because he's a fantastic player and he's a fantastic professional," Herrera said
"He wants to be important for the club and I'm sure he's going to be. "The only thing we can tell him is that we all believe in his qualities, we know what he has
We all know what he is capable of, and he's going to do it, so you will see it soon
"I think he should be very calm, because he has everything to be a top player in this club and he will be
Whiny Wine Knee | Day 6 #Contemporaryathon [CC] - Duration: 3:47.
Trash panda!
Good morning, it's Saturday.
I have to go to work in a little bit, but last night after watching The West Wing I
just a couple more pages of In Sight of Stars.
This one...
I might get through by the end of Contemporaryathon.
I was invited to go play board games tonight and then I don't ever really count Sunday
as Contemporaryathon because my reading week is Sundays through Saturdays, and the readathon
is always Mondays through Sundays, which always throws me off for my Weekly Wraps Up, because
I'm not doing a Weekly Wrap Up, and then another wrap up for Contemporaryathon.
That's just... no.
I'm already don't daily vlogging.
Why would I do that to myself?
Because not only do I do Weekly Wrap Ups, I do Monthly Wrap Ups, so I feel like I don't
need to wrap up all of these books three times, plus what I do in daily vlogs.
Oh good!
The heating kicks on at random in my house, which makes filming things really fun.
In any case, this one is pretty short but we'll find out whether or not I will be able
to finish it before I go to games night, if I go to games night.
There might be people there I don't know; there will be people there I don't know.
Which makes me kind of scared to go.
But we'll find out.
I came up to the first major intersection on this walk and, uh, slipped and tripped
directly onto my knee, so that's gonna be fun to deal with all day at work, 'cause all
I do is stand and squat, putting books away.
Oh, good, it's already bruised.
Fixed it.
I'm home from work.
My knee still really hurts, and I think I've decided I'm not going out tonight because
I'm actually incredibly tired and don't really have the energy to meet new humans, so I guess
I'm gonna read.
To the shock of no one.
I'm still cold and sleepy and my knee hurts so I'm going to have a bath to make it feel better.
Sometimes you don't know if you want tea or juice in the bath, so you just bring both.
Also, my knee is so much ever more upset that I'm in a tub, so it's just never gonna be happy.
You know that you're cold when your hands are more blurple than your book.
Forunately, I think the colour is coming back to my finger nails.
Somehow, it is past 5pm and I've just been sitting in my tub reading and drinking tea
and juice.
But there's a liveshow tonight, and I totally forgot until I saw Chelsea's Instagram stories,
so I guess I should get ready to watch that.
Although me watching a livestream isn't the most interesting for you guys, it's gonna
be interesting for me.
I decided it felt weird to watch a liveshow without alcohol so I'm going to the alcohol
store, even though it's 5:30 and it starts at 6.
And the sunri- or the sunset behind me is amazing so there you go.
I could feel the person in that Yaris behind me judging me which is why I ran and turned
off the camera.
Oh gawd.
This is what you couldn't see in the last clip.
We're coming up on the place where I slipped earlier, so I'm really hoping that doesn't
happen again.
I will let you know.
Oh, look, all the ice is gone.
I can just walk without hurting myself.
This is the best!
This never looks as good on camera and that is sad.
The liquor store guy just asked me a question about my loyalty account and then I bored
him with the fun fact that my surname is very rare and I'm only one of, like 70 odd people that
have it, so you know my social game is strong.
I made it home with 6 minutes to spare so now it's time to set up my computer and get
my wine and I didn't remember to eat food.
Oh god.
I ended up getting some wine; we're gonna drink it out of a Mason glass.
It's going to be wonderful times.
I mean, just, so watch watching this.
This is my entire evening plan and I am okay with it.
Good god, that liveshow was three and a half hours!
Gonna edit.
I will see you tomorrow.
[outro music]
Meghan Markle's baby sets impressive new record - and it hasn't even been born yet - Duration: 2:10.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's baby has already set an impressive new royal record, despite the fact he or she hasn't even been born yet
The couple's first child, who is due to arrive around April time, has trigged a betting frenzy with a record breaking amount of cash being placed on the date of birth, sex and name of Baby Sussex
According to betting intelligence website bookmakers.tv bookies expect more then £8million on the new royal baby
This is massively more than the £3million bet on Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince George combined
Company spokesperson Philip Trampe said: "Meghan and Harry's popularity is off the charts and their good news will send the public into a royal betting frenzy of epic proportions
Read More Prince Harry racked up £30,000 bill on infamous Las Vegas trip - but he didn't have to pay "Fans are so keen to speculate on every aspect of the baby and millions will be riding on the name, arrival date and sex among many other predictions
"Up until now, Harry and Meghan's wedding was the Royal event attracting the largest number of novelty bets on record as bookies took in just over 3
5m in bets. "Yet the couple's unborn baby is attracting more than double that amount in bets already
" Punters having been putting their money on what the royal baby will be called, with Diana taking nearly 15 per cent of all bets
Latest odds: Sex Boy 1/1 Girl 8/11 Read More Off-duty Kate Middleton spotted pushing Prince Louis around busy public park in his buggy Name Victoria 10/1 Diana 10/1 Albert 10/1 Arthur 10/1 James 10/1 Alice 12/1 Charles 12/1 Elizabeth 12/1 Phillip 12/1 Alfred 16/1 Mary 16/1 Alexander 20/1 Alexandria 20/1 Edward 20/1 William 20/1 Andrew 25/1 Frederick 25/1 Henry 25/1 Read More Meghan Markle pregnant
Charlize Theron sets the record straight on Brad Pitt dating rumours - Duration: 1:50.
Charlize Theron has set the record straight on those Brad Pitt dating rumours.The 43-year-old appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to promote her movie Long Shot with Seth Rogen, when she let slip that she is in fact single
Theron and DeGeneres got to talking about the actresses favourite show, The Bachelor
"I was making out with myself at 7," Theron said. "I made out with dolls and myself in the mirror
It's just gross." Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter Ellen then revealed that she used to practice kissing on her hand to which Theron replied that she used bend of her arm when she practiced kissing
"You practice because it's like lips and so you can like …" the Oscar winning actress said laughing
Theron then added, "It's why I'm single".The news comes one month after The Sun reported that Pitt and Theron had been "casually seeing each other" since December 2018
The pair were reportedly introduced to each other by Theron's ex, Sean Penn.
Why Fowler is worried over which Liverpool will face Bayern - Duration: 1:41.
Another break for Liverpool – another chance for them to lose their rhythm in my eyes
Look, I must admit with all the injuries they had, they'll have been able to use the time off to get some players back fit and get their training organised, and work on things
Yet you know my feelings on momentum and playing. I hated not being involved in games when I was a player, I hated being rested
I'd much rather win and take the energy and rhythm from that, . just as Manchester City have done in recent weeks
So I'm a bit apprehensive about which Liverpool we will see next week against Bayern Munich and Manchester United
There was absolutely no doubt they lost a bit of rhythm after the last break, which cost them points against Leicester and West Ham
They looked a little rusty. I hope the same thing doesn't happen this time. But I will say Jurgen Klopp will be aware of that, and will look at what worked and what didn't at the last training camp
They'll also have the Kop in full European night voice too, which tends to blow the cobwebs away – so maybe I don't have to worry so much about momentum this time!
Manchester United go all in for Ruben Neves… but need Wolves to do them a favour - Duration: 2:33.
But United will only make their move if Wolves drop their £100million valuation. Wolves paid £15
8m for Neves when they bought him from Portuguese club Porto in July 2017. He helped them storm to the Championship title last season
The 21-year-old has continued to impress this term, making the step up to the Premier League look effortless at times
Manchester United have had scouts monitoring his progress all season. Neves has scored twice already this side of the New Year
He netted the winning in Wolves' 2-1 FA Cup victory over Liverpool, which knocked the Premier League title chasers out of the competition
And he also scored the opener at Everton as Wolves rumbled the Toffees 3-1 in the Premier League at the start of February
Wolves visit Bristol City in the FA Cup today but boss Nuno Espirito Santo is not thinking about glory despite the wide-open nature of this year's competition
Early exits for the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham, with Wolves themselves knocking out Jurgen Klopp's side in the third round, have presented the opportunity for many smaller clubs to reach the latter stages
The number of big boys will dwindle further tomorrow when Chelsea face Manchester United
Wolves could reach the quarter-finals for the first time since 2003 but Nuno is refusing to look beyond the tie at Ashton Gate
"We just go game by game, that's the best way," he said. As for United, they will hope to recover from the 2-0 defeat to PSG in the Champions League earlier this week when they face Chelsea
Rivals Manchester City secured their spot in the quarter-finals with a 4-1 win at Newport
Crystal Palace also play today, with the number of Premier League sides left at this stage of the competition just five
Alexis Sanchez noticed 'something not right' about his Man Utd teammates vs PSG - Duration: 3:09.
Manchester United went into their Champions League tie with Paris Saint-Germain full of confidence
Since Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took over from Jose Mourinho, United had been unbeaten and were playing some brilliant football
And with PSG missing Neymar and Edinson Cavani ahead of their trip to Old Trafford, many fancied the Red Devils to win the first leg
However, after a tight first-half, the match changed when Presnel Kimpembe turned in an Angel di Maria corner at the back post
How would Man Utd react? Well, they didn't and Kylian Mbappe made it 2-0 just seven minutes later
The fact that Jesse Lingard and Anthony Martial both had to go off injured at half-time certainly didn't help
It was Alexis Sanchez who came on for Lingard but the Chilean, much like his 13 months at United, struggled
While supporters aren't exactly satisfied with Sanchez's performances right now, they're now not particularly happy with his comments off-the-pitch
Speaking to the BBC ahead of United's FA Cup clash against Chelsea, Sanchez explained how he realised United weren't getting back into the tie as soon as PSG took the lead
"When they [PSG] scored that first goal, I looked at them [team-mates] and I thought, no, something's not right," Alexis said
"I looked in their eyes and I thought, there isn't that feeling there [of coming back], I'm not getting it
" Is Sanchez really questioning his teammates' lack of motivation in a Champions League last-16 clash? It certainly sounds like that and United fans didn't hesitate in calling him out for his rather odd comments: He's certainly not helping himself, is he? Sanchez's poor performance against PSG may have had something to do with the injury he picked up before he entered the fray
Whilst warming-up, Sanchez colliding with the assistant referee and he's now admitted that he suffered bruising from the collision
"The referee's assistant, when we had a counter-attack, came flying down the line, and I had my foot there and he crashed into me
Bang," he said. "And I went back to the dugout and I said to [reserve goalkeeper] Sergio Romero: 'I've just been whacked and I'm about to go on'
"I've got bruising but that's not an excuse for not being on my game in the way that I normally am
Tonic Craft Kit #19 easy layered cards - Duration: 10:41.
Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room In this video I'm going make a few more
cards with the tonic studios craft kit I cut the sentiment out of the specialty card
and out of white card I add glue on the back of the pink card
I use the tacky glue that has a very fine tip which works great for this
and I glue it to the white card just a little off set
to create a light shade effect not too much because then the sentiment gets a bit hard to read
I add foam tape to the back to create some
dimension I use the non-stick multi cutter which is
great with foam tape and I tape the whole piece to a purple card
that's under it and I'm cutting it straight down
and the reason for that is that I get the right size
that fits in between the lines or the right size to fit on the card
I also add some foam tape pieces around the word to support the middle part
By the way I added the products I used in the description box for you
and if you are new here don't forget to subscribe
Now for me when I get a kit like this I want to make projects with the items from the kit
and add as little as possible it's a great way to get really creative and think outside
the box I always like that
I add a piece of mirror card to a white note card
and a piece of black card on top of it
and then the card with the sentiment
By the way if you feel inspired I always love to see your makes so don't forget to tag
me @gerryscraftroom when you share your work on social media
and to finish I add some pre made drops I use the same colour drops as a glue
and here is the finished card for the second card I cut a sentiment and
glued it to a mat I cut another mat and cut that in half
and I tape it to the back of the sentiment just sticking out a bit from under
and I add another one with the satin mirror card
this gives some pretty dimension in a different way
I am going to assemble the card with all the layers I cut
I have a square of the pink card and cut off a strip to create a fun element
I love adding little details like this using the paper and it's real easy with a fun effect
I tape the black card in place and add the pink corner piece next to it
and then I add the pink piece in the middle and finish with the sentiment
and I add some pre made drops with the glue pen
You can also use the tape runner on bigger pieces or the same colour drops as a glue
especially on the smooth surface this will work great
for the last card I use the tape runner I am so used the using my tape that I forgot
to use the tape runner I found this works best on a smooth but not
too slippery surface but just try it yourself it could be the best
new craft supply you ever had
I am adding the paper to the side of the card this time
with a little edge of the previous colour popping out from under
and then I add the sentiments the middle one with the tape runner
and the open ones with glue I wipe away any excess glue and put the acrylic
block on to let it dry
and then I go crazy with my drops again this give the card that fun touch and make
it a bit less serious and then I put it in a safe place to dry
and this is what it looks like after drying I hope you liked the video don't forget
to like share and subscribe and make sure to keep on crafting
Ex's Hate Me - English! Jon Connell - Duration: 3:07.
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
Please use this song to send to your ex, are you happy with your new boyfriend?
I wish you all I didn't get from you, and I'm happy that you're marrying too
I wish you happiness and health, winning hands in the cards that you're dealt
Maybe my words are surprising, but some say happiness is changing hatred for peace
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back,
and it's all because of me
Please use this song to send to your ex, hope you're warmer to your new boyfriend
I pray that you'll forgive yourself, for all the abuse that I felt
I hope the wounds don't stay forever, take back the arguments we had together
When I was heartbroken I let go of the evil words
We always wanna hurt others - right?
But that's me right?
Just excuses, mistakes, difficulties - right?
Confucius said ''With revenge, dig two graves'' So now you feel without a hiding place
Could we come back together like we used to be?
I try and search for phrases but my heart is empty
Walking down your path there is no room for me
Swept away, remove me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back, and it's all because of me
All my ex's hate me and I hate them back,
and it's all because of me
【積みAT/字幕Onで見てね】Robonimo装甲騎兵ボトムズ スコープドッグ/SCOPEDOG - Duration: 7:55.
CÁCH PHA TRÀ SEN NGON NHẤT - Duration: 4:14.
Puștiul care la 7 ani avea 100 de kilograme a împlinit 18 ani! Gabriel a ajuns la o greutate normală - Duration: 2:31.
Liverpool transfer EXCLUSIVE: Reds know they can reject Salah offers - source - Duration: 4:13.
The title-chasing Reds announced record annual pre-tax profits of £125million during the week
It came as reports surfaced that Juventus are ready to offer Argentine striker Paulo Dybala plus £44m to take Salah back to Serie A
But Liverpool will battle any bids for the ex-Roma star. The Egyptian King has openly described Anfield as his "home" and it's no surprise he feels settled considering he is worshipped by Kopites
Are the club worried about losing their best players? The answer is simple. The answer is no
Liverpool are no longer a selling club and Klopp has made Anfield a final destination as opposed to a stepping stone
Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino have all put pen to paper on new long-term contracts that will see them stay at the club until 2023
Those qualms will be eased after a football finance source told Express Sport: "Liverpool are no longer a selling club
After posting profits of £125m they can resist any offers." Those words will be music to the ears of supporters, allowing them to sit back and enjoy the best Liverpool side they have seen for decades
Before, there would have been shades of doubt. Raheem Sterling joined Manchester City for £49m, Luis Suarez moved to Barcelona for £64
98m and Coutinho followed him to Catalonia in January 2018. But this time the club are adamant their stars are here to stay
Off the field, there are the figures to suggest that Liverpool are now with significant power
The road to the Kiev for last season's Champions League final, qualification for this year's competition as well as the £142m sale of Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona help Liverpool overturn a staggering £125m profit
That eclipses the £92.5m made by Leicester in 2016/17 after their 5000/1 Premier League miracle
That figure after tax was £106m, with a further £190m reinvested into Klopp's ranks including agents fees
The result of that has been an increased wage bill of £263m while the club have also had the chance to look towards the future; their brand new £50m training centre is taking shape in Kirby
Turnover from the year ending May 31 2018 saw an increase of £90m to £455m, media revenue was up to £220m
On the commercial side, revenue was up by £17m to £154m, the club's debt now stands at just £56m and the Reds will continue to repay £10m in capital over the year to Fenway Sports Group for the £100m they borrowed for the main stand
Michael Edwards deserves the plaudits too, for he has turned water into wine. From June 1 2016 to May 31 2018, buying Mane, Virgil van Dijk, Andrew Robertson, Georginio Wijnaldum, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was funded by the sales of Coutinho, Mamadou Sakho, Christian Benteke, Jordan Ibe, Andre Wisdom, Joe Allen, Kevin Stewart, Lucas Leiva and Tiago Ilori
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