When it comes to time and space, it is easy to become mind boggled.
Down here on planet earth, we are much less than a tiny pinprick of our observable universe,
and again, that is simply what we can see.
Many contemporary scientists speculate that actually, our observable universe isn't
the entire picture, they believe our universe is part of a multiverse.
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that loves a good what
if ! I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if the Multiverse was real?
Before we get into the video I want to hear what you think?
Do you believe there are parallel universes out there?
Let me know in the comments section down below!
Also while you are down there please do leave a thumbs up on this video and share it with
a friend….also do stick around until the end of the video where I will be reading comments
from a previous video.
So, multiverses.
The late great Stephen Hawking's final research paper was on the Multiverse.
The multiverse is actually a name that pops up in a number of different strands of theories
that often interlope.
One theory, shared by many physicists is that when the big bang happened, our universe wasn't
the only one created, which makes up part of the bubble theory.
Others have considered multiverses when it comes to matter and antimatter.
Over the last few decades, Scientists have observed a whole bunch of Dark Matter hanging
out WITHIN our universe.
Dark matter, so to speak, are dark spots that seem to make up 26.8 percent of our universe.
No one knows what it consists of and no one has seen it, because it doesn't interact
with the matter scientists know about – visible matter, that makes up around 4.9 percent of
what we can see.
Some cosmologists think that the dark matter could be the sign of another inverse universe,
existing side by side to ours, but unseen.
My favourite multiverse theory is the theory of multiple outcomes.
This one can be summized in Schrödinger's cat paradox, or by considering the simple
Electrons can spin clockwise and anti clockwise, but quantum mechanics says that they can spin
both clockwise and counter clockwise at the same time…which…means there are two things
happening at the same time, which is hard for us to get our heads around.
This creates a paradox as we have never seen things spinning two ways at the same time,
we perceive just one outcome.
But does that mean the other outcome didn't happen.
This is the crux of the "quantum measurement paradox".
The answer here, could be the multiverse – with each possible outcome for every possible decision
creating a new strand of reality… kind of like tree branches…if you catch my drift.
So, if multiverses in this respect were real it would mean that everything that could ever
have happened from the start of time to now has happened in an infinite number of realities.
If we start small, this is easy enough to understand.
This morning I woke up at 6am, I wrote my blog, I sent an email, I had a shower, I put
make up on, I had breakfast, I slipped on ice so I was late for work… there are already
a massive number of universes that would exist where just the smallest factors were changed,
I didn't slip on ice so I wasn't late for work so instead something else happened.
On a bigger scale, there could be a universe where I didn't move to Canada, didn't
break up with that one ex… in another universe my parents didn't meet so I don't exist.
If multiverses are real, there are many many versions of you that could exist side by side
– one where you need glasses, one where you don't….
some universes may be similar but some may be different….
There would be a universe where World War 2 never ended or the Cold War did end in mutually
assured destruction.
These are all reasonably basic concepts to grasp… she says whilst discussing everything
that could ever possibly have been true to be true… but the concept gets much deeper
when we consider all of the possible outcomes created from the beginning of time, which,
so far as we can track, was 13.7 billion years ago.
Planet earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago and orbits our sun.
We have the perfect conditions on earth for life, but if the multiverse theory is true,
there are infinite other universes out there that that didn't happen, there will be universes
where time runs backwards, where gravity doesn't exist… all of the constants within our own
provable physics wouldn't be the same…which is mind boggling.
A few more things to mess with your brain before we are done.
Again, so far as we can observe… the universe keeps on expanding.
Is this constant?
This means that, with every expansion, more possible outcomes would take place…using
the earths population as a case study – if every outcome from every action exists in
a multiverse…well…does that mean the multiverse is speeding up and getting bigger?
The human population has nearly doubled in my life time, with each individual creating
more outcomes.
Do we really need to just accept the notion of infinity, but know that we can only live
our one truth?
Many scientists theorize that the multiverses exist but there is no way, considering our
universes rules of space time, that we can ever get there… that is, unless, the multiverses
interact without us knowing.
I want to talk about our friends the electrons again before we go.
As well as having the ability to spin forwards and back, electrons show Quantum indeterminism
– basically to keep this simple, if you fire an electron through a double slit you
would expect it to go through one slit or the other, choosing an outcome, however scientists
have observed electrons acting like waves, passing through both slits simultaneously
and interfering with itself.
It is complicated, but this could be a hint towards proving the theory that multiple outcomes
create multiple universes…and actually they are unknowingly influencing each other.
Would this mean that phenomenon like the Mandela effect – an effect where large numbers of
people remember slightly different variations of historical events, are actually interactions
of multiverses, rather than tin hat theories.
Okay, sure, yeah, I've gone cross eyed.
Ultimately, if the multiverse did exist, unless we can access it, it isn't worth losing
too much sleep over.
Physics is provable science….
Not theory or simple observation.
At the moment, we can't prove Multiverse… but if we could, it could be both a comfort
and a discomfort at the same time.
The possibilities are endless.
So thanks for sticking with me through that brain work out – do you believe in the multiverse?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Comments from What if Scotland left the UK: Sluggy 1990 said: I'm from Scotland(Glasgow)
and I support Scottish independence.
Lewis Hussen said: I'm from Scotland this was very helpful thanks Rebecca
Dan the Science man said: The new name would be: The Joint Kingdom of England Wales and
Norther Ireland
For more infomation >> What If The Multiverse Was Real? - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
True Crime: The Zodiac Killer - Duration: 9:55.
Hello there horror fans, and once again welcome back to the scariest channel on YouTube.
It fills my soul with gladness that you can promptly join us - right here - for your daily
dose of horror.
Today though, we're going to be doing things a little bit differently.
Over the past few months, we've happily traversed the endless, mind bending dimension
of horror fiction, planting our Top 5 Scary flags across the way, in an effort to analyse
and understand just exactly WHY fear holds such an important place in the hearts of humanity.
Today though - marks the beginning of a brand new journey into the hard-boiled, harrowing
history of True Crime, as we flip through the case files of some of the most heinous
mysteries in human memory.
An appropriate place to begin then, would be perhaps the most unexplainable and notorious
crimes of them all - the case of the Zodiac Killer.
Well, please - take a seat, because as per usual, I'll be your horror host Jack Finch
- as today we peel back the layers of both fact and fiction - and take a look at the
True Crime Mystery of The Zodiac Killer.
Roll the clip.
Picture this.
The day was December 20th, 1968 and a young couple, a pair of high school students by
the names of Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday were on their first date together.
Their plan was to head to a Christmas concert at Hogan High School, which they both attended
and remained a mere three blocks away from Betty Lou Jensen's home, safe in the confines
of their Mom N' Pop etiquette.
Instead though, as young lovers often do - they changed their plans, and David took the keys
of his mother's Rambler so that the pair could visit a friend.
After eating at a local restaurant - the couple drove out to Lake Herman Road, just inside
the Benicia city limits of Solano County, California.
At around 10.15 PM - David Faraday parked his mother's car in a secluded gravel turnout,
notorious to locals as a well used lovers lane.
This would be the last known time that the young couple were alive.
Shortly after 11 PM - Stella Borges, the owner of the nearby Borges Ranch - discovered the
bodies of both Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday - the pair had been shot, Faraday
in the head - and Jensen with five shots through her back as she attempted to flee.
The Solano County Sheriff's Department took the helm in the investigation, but no viable
leads developed.
It would later mark the first known murders at the hands of the Zodiac Killer.
Sadly though, they would not be the last.
A little over six months later, just before midnight on the 4th of July 1969 - another
couple, Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau drove into the Blue Rock Springs Park in Vallejo,
almost precisely four miles from the Lake Herman murder site - and proceeded to park
up in a similar fashion.
A little while later, a second car approached their vehicle and parked behind them.
Quickly, and without warning - the driver of the second vehicle approached the passenger
door of Ferrin's car - clutching a flashlight attached to a 9 millimeter Luger - and fired
five shots at the couple after startling them with the flashlight.
Both victims were hit, and several bullets had passed through Mageau and into Darlene
Later, she would tragically be pronounced dead on arrival at hospital - but incredibly,
Michael Mageau survived the brutal attack despite being shot in the face, neck and chest
multiple times.
This would be an incredibly important landmark in the Zodiac Killer case - as Mageau provided
a description of his attacker.
He described him as a white male between 26-30 years old, roughly 200 pounds, possibly more
- around 5'8 - with short, light brown curly hair - a description that would later be corroborated
by the few known witnesses to the Zodiac.
That brief scrap of information would quickly be overshadowed though, because a few minutes
later - at approximately 12:40 AM - the Vallejo Police Department received a phone call - the
first known correspondence with the Zodiac Killer.
Police Dispatcher Nancy Slover answered, as the caller, a man, said - 'I want to report
a murder.
If you will go one-mile east on Columbus Parkway, you will find kids in a brown car.
They were shot with a nine-millimeter Luger.
I also killed those kids last year.
This would begin what is perhaps known as the most iconic modus operandi of the Zodiac
Killer - his startling and brazen correspondence with the Police and detective authorities.
The first of which occured on August 1st 1969 - when three separate letters were sent to
three of the most important Newspapers in California - the Vallejo Times Herald, the
San Francisco Chronicle - and the San Francisco Examiner.
Each letter - which were nearly identical in content - took credit for both of the shootings
at Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs.
But perhaps the most interesting facet of this act was that one third of a 408-symbol
cryptogram was included in each letter, which when combined would produce a key to the puzzle.
The Zodiac Killer claimed that this cryptic clue contained his identity, and if it wasn't
printed by all three newspapers, he would be forced to go on a rampage across the city.
Perhaps it was an elaborate game to him, and perhaps part of the mystery and mire that
surrounds the Zodiac Killer is down to the ambiguity and skewed intention of these cryptograms,
but nevertheless - on August 8th 1969 - a little over a week later, husband and wife
Donald and Bettye Harden of Salinas, California - cracked the code after seeing it in the
They discovered that the message read, 'I like killing people because it is so much
fun, it is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous
animal of all.' - as well as going on to describe his intention to collect slaves for
the afterlife.
Humorously enough, it didn't reveal the killers name - as he had promised.
Despite this crypto revelation though - there were now, many more questions than answers.
Over a month later - perhaps the most iconic act of the Zodiac Killer's murderous reign
occured - the Lake Berryessa attack.
On September 27th, 1969 - two students of Pacific Union College, Bryan Hartnell and
Cecelia Shepard - who were, identical to his previous victims, again a couple - and were
picnicking on a small island in the middle of Lake Berryessa, Napa County, California.
The pair were lounging in the sun, in the remote isolation of the lake - when they were
approached by a white male, wearing a black executioners type hood with a bib on his chest,
with the strange, white marking of a 3 by 3 cross-circle symbol on it.
This would be the first confirmed use of the infamous Zodiac symbol.
Initially, the couple believed that they were victims of a weird, bizarre robbery - and
after the Zodiac held them at gunpoint, he tied them up with precut lengths of plastic
Quickly and without warning though - the Zodiac drew a knife and stabbed the couple repeatedly.
Bryan Hartnell suffered six stab wounds, and Cecelia Shepard ten.
After the Zodiac Killer quickly fled the scene, he hiked 500 yards back up to the nearby Knoxville
Road where Bryan Hartnell's car was parked - and then with a black-felt tip pen, drew
the familiar Zodiac symbol on the window - and beneath it wrote, 'Vallejo/12-20-68/7-4-69/Sept
27th-69-6:30/by knife.'
Incredibly though, for the second time in history, a victim of the
Zodiac Killer miraculously escaped death.
Bryan Hartnell survived, after Cecelia Shepard tragically succumbed to her wounds after being
rushed to Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa County.
In similar fashion as before, the Napa County Sheriff's department shortly received a
call from the Zodiac Killer.
At 7.40 pm - an operator answered the phone - when the perpetrator stated verbatim, that
he wished to report a murder - no, a double murder - that he himself had committed.
After Bryan Hartnell's recovery from the heinous and violent act, on September 30th
1969, he took to KPIX Eyewitness News to try and make sense of
the ordeal.
The state of California was equal parts shocked and perplexed at the calculated crimes that
had unfolded.
Seemingly, a pathological killer had emerged from the unknown, who remained outside the
realms of conventional police work and the traditional, historical patterns of murderous
Every twist and turn seemed to reveal another dead end, like a payphone hung off the line
- always a minute too late - or a handprint on a window, too misted and foggy to pick
up a print.
Sadly, it wouldn't be the last time though, because a little over two weeks later - the
Zodiac Killer's modus operandi shifted once more.
This time, in a stark departure from his previous murderous methods - in his successful attempt
to stay one step ahead of the law, and the unsuspecting public that he preyed upon.
Although, unfortunately for us - that case is left for the next part of True Crime.
There we have it horror fans - our first toe dip in the endless ocean that makes up the
mystery of the Zodiac Killer.
Thank you for sticking around all the way until the end, and bearing witness to the
first part in what will hopefully be a lengthy series.
In the next video, we'll be taking a look at the latter end of the strange and perplexing
Zodiac timeline - as well as the string of theories that only add to the continued mystery.
Make sure to comment down below, and let us know your thoughts on where we should take
True Crime - whether you love it, whether you hate it - and whether you just want more!
I'll be reading out some of your best comments in the next part of this series.
If you were a fan of this video, make sure to hit that thumbs up button - as well as
that subscribe bell, and I'll be seeing you in the next one.
As per usual, I've been your horror host Jack Finch, you've been watching Top 5 Scary
Videos - and until next time, you take it easy.
Detective Pikachu Trailer Explained - Duration: 3:12.
Pokemon fans, get excited!
A brand new trailer for Detective Pikachu just dropped!
This trailer, the third to be released, features many of the shots and exposition about the
film that we've already been made privy to.
But it does have a few new moments that are worth gushing over.
Or rather, freaking out over.
So let's break those shots down!
Lickitung Perhaps the biggest attraction of this trailer
(almost quite literally) is Lickitung and his big ol tongue.
There's a shot about thirteen seconds into the trailer where we get our first glimpse
of a live action Lickitung, dropping it's tongue down to the ground with a heavy thud.
The internet has gone a little wild over this, with whether or not Lickitung's photorealistic
depiction is one that should or should not exist.
While many of the Pokemon we've seen in the trailer so far fall in line with the cute
and furry depictions we had hoped to see, Lickitung, a pokemon who has never really
been a part of that cute category, is definitely a reminder that there's some pretty strange
ass Pokemon out there, and here's hoping their adaptations are just as strange and
weird as his.
Snubbull The new teaser gave us our first glimpse at
another new live action adaptation of a Pokemon, Snubbull!
We see a police detective try to pet Snubbull, only for the Pokemon to react in true Snubbull
fashion; growling at him.
Considering that Snubbulls are known for their keen sense of smell and ability to track things
down, it would make sense that that kind of Pokemon would be found working as part of
the police force.
What else?
We also got a few more shots of Pokemon we saw in previous trailers, including a wide
with Mr Mime doing what he does best on a street, and a close up of Psyduck that doesn't
feature the water psychic type mid scream.
We also got a great little Pikachu loves coffee gag, which rounded off the trailer with another
joke about his 'silent but deadly' coffee farts.
So I guess that's confirmation that Pokemon fart.
Aside from the brand new cameos and fart jokes we mentioned above, we didn't get much of
any else in terms of new story developments or plot points.
In case you're out of the loop, the film stars Ryan Reynolds voicing and facial motion
capturing Detective Pikachu, and Justice Smith playing Tim Goodman, a former Pokemon trainer
and son of a prominent detective who has gone missing.
Tim travels to Ryme City after his father's disappearance, and ends up working with his
dad's old partner; Detective Pikachu, who only Tim can understand, and the two go on
a journey to discover what's happened to Tim's father.
And of course, in the process, they unravel a sinister plot that threatens the whole Pokemon
Oh the intrigue!
Detective Pikachu is set to be released on May 10th of this year.
Are you going to go watch it in theatres?
Do you think it'll be awesome, or that it'll totally bomb?
Share your opinion with us in those comments below!
If you dug this video, be sure to spread the love, hit that like button, and don't forget
to subscribe to top 10 gaming for more news just like this!
We also have a ton of lists, lets plays, creepy pastas and more, just waiting for you to check
em out.
In the meantime though, thanks for watching!
I'll catch you all in the next video!
Top 10 Celebrities Who Were Recently Arrested - Duration: 10:58.
Whoa, apparently a lot of celebrities got into trouble with the law recently and a ton
of them have been arrested and charged with serious crimes.
But before we take a look at some mug shots… how's it going you guys?
I'm your host Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing video.
2018 was a really hectic and busy year for the police.
They slapped on a lot of hand cuffs and here are the celebrities that took a seat in the
back of a police cruiser.
So, without any more delays, here are the top 10 celebrities who were recently arrested.
Alec Baldwin starts off this list in at number 10.
Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault after he fought with someone
over a parking spot.
This happened on November 2, 2018 when another driver took the spot from him.
Allegedly, Alec Baldwin went up to the parking spot thief and hit him on the left side of
his face.
He went on Twitter to defend himself by saying "It has become a sport to tag people with
as many negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of clickbait
(Use link in script for tweet) But regardless of what really went down, he was charged with
misdemeanor assault and harassment and he is scheduled to appear in court on January
23, 2019.
David Henrie magically appears on this list in at number 9.
You guys probably recognize him from his re-occurring role in the Wizards of Waverley Place.
Well as it turns out, this wizard has gotten himself into a lot of trouble in 2018.
He was arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport for brining in a loaded handgun.
According to TMZ, he was going through TSA screening when the security discovered that
he was carrying a loaded gun.
Is this real-life right now?
Everyone knows that you aren't supposed to bring a loaded gun to the airport.
No seriously, how do you forget that you packed a loaded gun into your carry on?
Orlando Brown stirs up some more trouble in at number 8.
Whoa take a look at this mug shot.
Do you guys recognize him?
He played Eddie from that's so raven.
I guess Raven didn't have any visions of her
friend getting arrested.
But on September 2, 2018 he was arrested in Las Vegas on one count of burglary and judging
by his mug shot, he seems way too happy about that.
But that wasn't his first run in with the police.
Last June he was arrested for felony drug possession carrying drug paraphernalia, arresting
arrest and obstructing a police officer.
But the fun doesn't stop there.
In January 2018, he was arrested after police responded to a family disturbance and he was
taken into custody because he has an outstanding warrant for his arrest.
Man I kind of feel sorry for this guy.
Hollywood got rid of him and now all he is known for is his long criminal record.
Moving things along in at number 7 we have Amy Schumer.
I know what you guys must be thinking, what the heck did she do?
Well Amy Schumer was at a protest on Capitol Hill that was protesting Supreme Court nominee
Brett Kavanaugh.
Remember he was the one who was being accused of sexually assaulting women in the 80's
but apparently none of that mattered because he was sworn into office regardless of these
So all of the protesters gathered around the Senate Office building where his hearing was
Amy Schumer wasn't the only celebrity that joined the protest and she wasn't the only
one arrested.
Next up in at number 6 we are talking about Vince Vaughn.
Whoa, 2018 was a tough year for celebrities.
Vince Vaughn was arrested in the morning of June 10, 2018
for a DUI.
He was pulled over at a DUI checkpoint around 12:30am near Manhattan Beach, California.
Apparently, he refused to get out of his car so he was arrested for driving under the influence
and for resisting, delaying and obstructing
police officers.
Chris Brown punches into number 5.
Oh Chris, haven't you learned your lesson yet?
I guess not because back on July 5th, 2018, he was arrested in Florida for an outstanding
warrant for felony battery.
Whoa, sounds super intense.
Apparently, he punched a photographer in Tampa Bay back in 2017 and now the police are finally
booking him.
Well lucky for him because he was released after he paid a $2000 bond and I'm sure
this photographer is going to get a nice settlement from Chris Brown's check book.
And now taking us to our number 4 spot we have Mac Miller.
Mac Miller was driving in the San Fernando Valley in the early hours of the morning when
he hit a power pole and completely knocked it down.
Mac Miller and his 2 passengers left the scene of the crime on foot but an eyewitness called
the cops and told them the direction of where they were going.
Once the cops arrived, they looked up the license plate and went to Mac Miller's address
where he completely confessed to driving drunk and fleeing the scene.
He was cuffed and taken to jail where his bail was set at $15,000.
But sadly, as we all know, Mac Miller died from a drug overdose a few months after his
He was battling with mental health issues and heartbreak so that's why its important
to always talk to someone if you're ever feeling down or depressed.
Number 3 brings us to Young Thug.
Alright so on August 16th, 2018, Young Thug rented out an entire Dave & Busters in Hollywood
to celebrate his 27th birthday and the release of his new project.
But the party was quickly shut down because he was arrested early the next morning.
He was booked for possession of a concealed firearm in a vehicle and his bail was set
to $35,000.
But wait, there's more…he was also charged with possession and intent to distribute meth,
hydrocodone and marijuana.
Here's someone you've all been waiting to see…Bill Cosby makes an appearance in
at number 2.
This was one of the most reported arrests of 2018.
Bill Cosby was found guilty on April 26, 2018 of three counts of aggravated indecent assault.
And finally, in September 2018, he was sentenced to three to ten years in state prison and
a $25,000 fine plus court fees.
But after he spent a short time in a correctional facility, he was transferred to a state prison
where he is confined to a single cell.
And finally, taking our number 1 spot we have Tekashi 6ix9ine.
He is facing a minimum of 32 years and a maximum of life in prison after he was busted for
conspiracy to murder and armed robbery.
It is also speculated that he was directly involved in a lot of other crimes committed
by the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods such as murder, robbery and trafficking narcotics.
He was denied bail and he was waiting for his trial in general population at a detention
center but he had to be transferred because he kept getting into fights with other prisoners
who were involved with the Crips street gang.
He was a pretrial date set for January 22, 2019 so I guess we will have to wait and see
what happens.
Well there you guys have it…
Dad Reacts to Korean Male Idols in Crop Tops & Hot Pants - Duration: 10:01.
Juice WRLD's "Robbery" Explained | Song Stories - Duration: 2:24.
TIA: Juice WRLD drops off his latest single, "Robbery."
TIA: "Robbery" is produced by frequent collaborator, Nick Mira, the beatmaster behind
Juice's hits, "Lucid Dreams," "All Girls Are The Same" and "Lean Wit Me".
TIA: It is the first single off Juice's newly announced sophomore album,
'A Deathrace for Love,' due March 8th.
TIA: On the track, Juice raps about how the pain from a breakup drives him to the bottle.
TIA: Lovelorn binge drinking is a recurring theme in Juice WRLD's music,
as heard on 2018's "All Girls Are The Same."
TIA: Back on the cut, Juice references his track, "Legends," his ode to the late
rappers Lil Peep and XXXTENTACION.
TIA: The music video, directed by Cole Bennett of Lyrical Lemonade, shows Juice WRLD sipping
Hennessy at a wedding where the guests are dressed for a funeral.
TIA: And by the end, everything is on fire, including the bride.
TIA: In an interview with Beats1, Juice says he got the name 'A Deathrace For Love,'
from a video game.
JUICE: I love video games still to this day.
I don't get time to play like I used to but uhh, yea Twisted Metal.
TIA: However, Juice may be mistaken.
While Twisted Metal is a racing game where armed cars fight to the death, he may be thinking
of the 2008 film "Death Race," which had a similar theme to the video game and was
a remix of a 1975 film of the same name.
TIA: Later in the interview he talks about working with Nicki Minaj ahead of their upcoming tour.
JUICE: Really kind spirited...she's one of the people that set the trail for people
to follow.
TIA: "Robbery" dropped just in time for Valentine's Day, and following its release
jumped to the top of the Genius Songs chart.
TIA: If you'd like to learn more about "Robbery" check out the song page on Genius.com.
TIA: I'm Tia with Genius News, bringing you the meaning and the knowledge
behind the music.
Katy Perry did an OPSIE, What is Thin Privilege?! - Duration: 10:10.
Hello and welcome to This Week in Social Justice
I'm Daisy Cousens and I'll be discussing all the biggest and baddest social
justice fails of the past seven days. This week we have why Katy Perry is in
the SJW bad books again why so-called thin privilege is suddenly
a thing and depending on how long I feel like talking about the first two topics
we may even get time for a bonus topic. So let's get started. But while I have
your attention hit that subscribe button if you haven't
already it really, really helps me out when you do that and I would love it if
you did. Ok here we go.
Singer and occasional feminist Katy Perry is the latest celebrity to slide
onto the social justice blacklist. Why? Well apparently the latest release in
her line of designer shoes is racist. Following the February 2019 of racism
being the new misogyny and white privilege being the new toxic
masculinity -- Katy has been accused of promoting blackface on her new pumps and
sandals. This would seem particularly rich considering she also released a
beige and a gold version of the shoes which closely resemble an Anglo face. But
clearly blackface is in vogue at the moment amongst the sjw's squadrons
because hey they've gone through everything else and are looking for a
fresh take on how to be offended by trivia. After the usual outrage brigade
took to Twitter to voice their displeasure, Katy released a statement
"The Rue and The Ora were part of a collection that was released last summer
in nine different colorways and envisioned as a nod to modern art and
surrealism. I was saddened when it was brought to my attention that it was
being compared to painful images reminiscent of blackface. Our intention
was never to inflict any pain. We have immediately removed them from Katy Perry
collections dot com." And so Katy Perry's design branch has become yet another
company who has mistaken what happens on Twitter as an accurate reflection of
public opinion, capitulated to the cry bullies and pulled a product that by
anyone else's standards really is just a shoe. This incident follows a sweater
released by Gucci which drew Iowan the same Twitter crowd projected their
blackface fantasy onto it even though it only covers half
face and just like Katy Perry, Gucci released a groveling apology and pulled
the otherwise innocuous sweater from the shelves. "Gucci deeply apologizes for the
offence caused by the wool balaclava jumper. We can confirm that the item has
been immediately removed from our online store and all physical stores. We
consider diversity to be a fundamental value to be fully upheld, respected and
at the forefront of every decision we make. We are fully committed to
increasing diversity throughout our organization and turning this incident
into a powerful learning moment for the Gucci team and beyond." Look poor Katy
this isn't the first time she's been in the firing line of the race fantasy
militia. In 2013 she was accused of cultural appropriation after dressing as
a Geisha during her performance at the American Music Awards the same year she
was harangued for dressing her backup dancers as mummies with heavily padded
bodies varying accentuated breasts, full red lips and cartoonishly large rear
ends on her prismatic world tour. While this was quite obviously intended to be
a statement about plastic surgery it didn't escape the screeches. Callie
Beusman of Jezebel stated that the consensus was that the end result looked
like hyper sexualized caricatures of black women's bodies. " A co-worker pointed
out to me that it's possible that this was meant to be a statement about
plastic surgery -- women bandaged up after getting implants
and lip injections, etc. That just reads very wrong regardless of intent though
these get-ups really do look like yet another attempt to commodify stereotyped
black female sexuality." Okay here's the thing public figures and companies need
to stop taking Twitter so seriously it is not real life it is a regressive
lefty safe space and consists of a comparatively small amount of very noisy
people who tweet 90 times or more a day about how terrible so-called oppressed
groups should think their lives are. They are so miserable that they want to
project that onto everyone else because they hate fun and they can't stand to
see other people enjoying themselves. Most people are not like that most
people couldn't care less about a shoe with eyes and a mouth on it or an ugly
sweater with a mouth design or a pop star dressed as a Geisha. I mean I didn't
even know Katy Perry made shoes until I made this video. I am waiting in
joyful anticipation for the day someone in Katy Perry's position stands up to
these noisy Twitter battalions and tells them where to stick it.
And while there would be much noisy outrage as a result I guarantee their
sales would go through the roof because of the majority of ordinary people
silently cheering them on from the sidelines. Enormous social justice fail
on this issue. The fat positivity movement has raged its way through the
intersectionality Oppression Olympics for a number of years now it's even
prompted its own label for larger ladies. However there is a certain complacency
to the movement that most people find quite perplexing. That is the total
acceptance of obesity and the insistence that you can be healthy at any size.
Which is just false. Nevertheless the fat acceptance movement continues to bubble
away in the halls of social justice rearing its head occasionally. This time
it's in a video by the BBC which was circulated on social media. "Thin
privilege now it's not a mythical creature or something made up if you're
thin you have a certain privilege. To everyday tasks but a thinner person can
take for granted they can leave a plus sized person like myself feeling full of
anxiety, burden and upset. Feeling as though they don't belong and don't deserve a place on the Earth.
So, public transport. What a nightmare for plus sized people. Just think, can you sit in a seat and not be met with sighs. Shopping, can you go to
99.9% of the high street and shop try on and take an outfit away that very same
day and not actually be able to go and enjoy the experience of shopping.
Grabbing something to eat just things can you pop into a bakery pick up a
doughnut and sit them and then enjoy it and not
feel that you're met with stares or comment. I cannot do that. Going to the
doctors. Are you able to go be seen and diagnose what is actually wrong with you
or the appointment turns into a weigh-in session. Okay I'm sure most of you are
expecting me to say what rubbish I think thin privilege is and how this girl
should just lose weight etc etc. However she's actually correct in her
assumptions just not in the way she outlines it in the video. What she
describes are less the results of thin privilege and more the results of fat
consequences. There also struggles that are not universal to fat people I mean
I'm a reasonably thin person and I don't always necessarily enjoy the experience
of shopping because clothes don't always fit or look good no matter what size you
are. But she's not mistaken in her assertion that thin privilege exists. It
does. But it's more bound up in what I like to call hot privilege. There is
plenty of evidence to suggest that conventionally attractive people have on
average easier lives than those who are less conventionally attractive
especially in the case of women. And while it's unfair it's totally primal.
Our brains perceive beautiful people as healthier and in the case of women more
fertile which makes it somewhat easier for beautiful women to attract a mate.
Pretty people are also beneficiaries of the halo effect. That is their
aesthetically pleasing veneer influences people around them to perceive them as
funnier, more likeable and more interesting. They also tend to be more
confident, they perform better in job interviews and a seen as more persuasive.
In the case of being fat or thin specifically fat people are most
definitely at a disadvantage. Fat people especially women are perceived as lazy,
incompetent, unattractive, lacking in willpower and to blame for their excess
weight and also they're considered a genetic risk for anyone searching for a
mate. They are also less likely to get promoted at work and they are even on
average paid less than thin people. For example in 2016, researchers at the
University of Exeter found that a woman who was a stone heavier would on average
earn 1500 pounds less a year than a comparable woman of the
height. Overweight people also work longer hours, are considered less
qualified for leadership positions and are expected to be less successful. Now
I'm not saying that all pretty people have wonderful lives or that all fat and
unattractive people have terrible lives but on average it's clear that thin and
pretty people have a distinct advantage in all levels of society and as I have
said before hot privilege is the only privilege that matters because it is
proven to be able to give you a leg up both professionally and personally and
it also masks a whole lot of personality flaws. So this actually isn't as much of
a social justice fail as usual, just simply the BBC went around explaining
themselves the wrong way. Unfortunately I have talked so long about the first two
topics that we can't fit in a bonus topic otherwise we would be here all day.
But tune in next time because who knows you might get lucky. If you like that
video please remember to like, subscribe, share leave me a comment and if you
really really liked it then check out the video description for my Subscribe Star
link and other ways you can support me.
The Genius of the Koopa - Duration: 8:42.
Cop Cars flew through the forest streets. Through the plains of root for which vision was concealed. The Old Forest of rich thickets and sharp trees.
Tall oaks, that bore the sky to blindness, with mere meager sals of leaves to ease from darkness to light, and bloom sight sensationalized by the sun - oh but slightly.. oh but slightly....
But as they drove, the cop cars were flung away. Departed of hold. Thrown avast a plethora of place beyond the hold of road. And by what, HE did not know.
He only saw the wreckage. The carnage. The destruction. The ruin which remain, as he roamed further and further up, so to not be left behind.
He'd joined the crew late. He was behind the pack. But closer, closer. Further, further. He drove on, and on, seeing the remains of fallen allies, frolocking in pain, or just plain ol dead.
One or the other. He drove he drove he drove, aye, that he did.
The man, the myth, the legend. Ed Sulliman, the cop.
Ed Sulliman was a mighty cop. With brute strength oozing out the mightest and buffest of muscles a man could wiled, he sir had become a legend.
He'd killed 500 criminals, and'd totalled 200 less! He was a brute sir, completely hairy all over his stomach.
He was a short man. But his balls were huge. He smoked 20 c*garettes per day, but only all at once.
Women loved him. And men wanted to be him. Some men also loved him, and there were also women who wanted to be him. Lots of weirdos out there from both sides.
He had a surplus from the military as well, cause he used to be an army man. So his current day paycheck wasn't too bad.
Ed Sulliman had it all. Money. Fame. Power. Women.
But... there was one thing he did not have. One tragic thing this hero lacked, and it something he would never again receive.
Ed Sulliman never felt love again.. Not since the incident. When his wife died in the fires of a New Jersey delis basement.
Why did a Deli even had a basement? Well, let's just say it came with the estate of the building.
A crooked building. One leaning slightly to the left. Ah, lemme tell ya about it.
On January 1st, 2003, an arsonist by the name of Lebo, had set his eyes on the deli after they gave him wheat bread when he clearly asked for Texas Toast.
The fools, that deli was! That mistake would change the lives of countless innocents!
At rush hour, that evening, as the deli was swarmed with customers aching for an oogle of deli sandwich and meat, the fire was cast in the front of the store. And behind the store.
And all around the store. And also in the store. The sprinklers of the store hadn't been working that day.
Actually, they hadn't been working for months, because that b*stard manager was too cheap to ever pay the water bill. Except on inspection days of course. And so, a fire hazard was created. Of course, everyone's always like, why do I have to worry about a fire hazard? We have fire drills and all that, but it's not like there'll ever be a REAL fire, riiiight?
And then when a fire did actually, nobody was prepared!
Firefighters arrived, alongside the complimentary police officer every 911 phone call has. And that officer just so happened to be Ed Sulliman. And one of the people in that store just so happened to be Ed Sulliman's wife.
Ed screamed. He ran to the door, but dodged a cocktail thrown from above by a masked Lebo, whomst cried with snicker of cheer and laughter for the act of horror he was inhibiting comittence of.
Ed Sulliman cursed him, and angrily shook his fist, whilst the firefighters ran past him, hozing their hoses in try to combat the flames.
But by now, hope was growing thin. The flames were rising. The flames were coveting more and more of the store. The people inside were growing exhausted. And Lebo howled like a wolf to the moon.
He howled, and he howled.
He screeched, and he screeched.
He cried and he cried. Jeers of fever.
Of smile and laughter. Laughing, laughing, laughing.
Only to cease, when Ed shot at him.
Ed hit near Lebo's neck. Blood spurt. Lebo screamed. He'd been shot at a lot before, by cops, and etc. But he'd never actually been shot before. This was something revolutionary.
Something new.
Because Ed Sulliman wasn't some NPC background cop who constantly missed.
He was THE Cop. Ed the Cop!
And he fired again, a bullet hitting Lebo in the stomach as he tried to run out of sight. The man was on the roof, dumping more and more gasoline from above and to below.
Ed Sulliman wouldn't have none of that shtuff. He rushed over to the windows of the deli, seeing his wife and a bunch of other strangers screaming in fear.
"DELILAHHH!!" He screamed.
And she, the young Delilah Sulliman, age 23, looked to he at first with distress. But then, a smile. A smile of reassurance, proud and happy that her beloved was there. Sure, that he would save her.
"I'LL STOP THIS, DELILAH!" he screamed.
Through the window, he saw her lips move. Passionate lips, unwavering, unfearful. Brave and beautiful. Eching out aloofly, a phrase she'd said a million times before. "Go get em, tigah."
The firefighters ran right past him again, swarming in spry to shoot out their wet water hoses.
And as they did so, Ed looked above. To that man. That menace. That evil cretin who started this all.
Ed screamed, as he rushed right up the nearby steely staircase.
He climbed, and climbed, and climbed. Up and up and up. All the way to the top!
Lebo threw some things down at him. Some barrels. A few impractical hammers. Even some gasoline and a match.
But he endured it. He dodged what he could (like he match) and took on the rest (like the hammer). And before long, he reached the top. "LEBOOOOO!!!"
Finally, there was nowhere to run for the arsonist. Ed Sulliman paced forward. And Lebo paced back. Back, and back.. till he reached near the end of the roof's edge, and realized.. he could run no more.
Lebo stepped forward to meet Ed Sulliman. "I'll give you one chance Lebo! Surrender!" "Heh, that's a good one, detective!"
"I'm gonna f*** your a** into nothing if you don't give up!" "Oh yeah we-.. wait. Wh-what?"
Ed Sulliman rushed forward, and flew the first punch. Their brawl began. First after fist, relentless tackling blow after blow.
The two hit each other over and over. Blood spilled. Wounds gashed. The sound of screams began to coerce. Pain and anger, a surging merge consuming soul. Menacing further hatred.
But in a fight.. in any fight at all... at least one side would eventually lose.
And that side for a moment seemed to be Ed. One certain punch knocked him down. And he lingered on the edge of the wall. Bleeding. Pained. His head confused. Everything lookin pretty fuzzy.
Lebo stood over Ed, menacingly, and with pride. "Well, it seems the one who's a** is getting f*cked... is YOU!" "Not on your life time, LEEEBOOOO!!!!!!"
Lebo rushes ahead for Ex, read to finish this final fight for good! But while Lebo neared, Ed adjusted his body back. Perched his arms forward, whilst leeching his body to a low position.
As his assailant rushed for him, he suddenly brought his body up and forward fast. "LEEEBOOOOOOO!"
Mid-motion, Ed caught Lebo in his arms, before lifting him straight right upwards at once. The goon flew up, rising from low to high.. and then high to low. Down.
Down down down, he fell. And over yonder the edge of roof, to down down down, down to the ground floor next to the deli, where the flames had reached, after the firefighters needed to retreat from the ever-more menacing flames. And Lebo fell into those fires.
Ed couldn't see it, see him... But he heard the screams, of a man on fire. The same screams his father had made, back in 2003, when a young Ed had accidentally caused the oven to overheat and spark, leading to the house he'd grown up in catch ablaze, and his whole family except his dear mother died. Those were the days..
Ed watched. He covered his mouth, in both fear and excitement, as those screamed spried far down below..! .... The rain began to pour.
Ed's excitement and fear swirled into a raise of mere meager fear. As he climbed down below, and he firefighters met him. Frowns their faces. Faces full of tragedy.
They didn't want to say it.. but... But....! BUT!
They couldn't save... her... The rain had fallen down just in time to clear the flames. Every civilian inside the the place was saved. All, except Delilah Sulliman, Ed Sulliman's wife.
Someone had accidently shoved her a little bit. And then she fell on the ground. And a lil bit of fire got caught in her hair. And then it spread through the hair really pretty quickly, cause she was wearin some flammable perfume - uh oh on her part.
And then her scalp got on fire. And then her head got on fire. And the rest of her body started gettin on fire, but it didn't matter too much cause she was already dead.
And so, Ed Sulliman's wife died in a deli fire in 2003. But you already knew that, right? Cause I already told you? Remember, at the beginning of the story? I told you guys? Remember?
Oh yeah, but anyways, so uh.. The body wasn't too recognizable tho. And Ed even pointed that out.
"Are you.. are you sure it's her?!" He even screamed, whilst shouting uncontrollably. But alas, none of em firefighters had the heard to give him hope.
This was the same with Lebo. He wasn't too recognizable as well. So what if Lebo was alive, and his wife was alive too?
It was a thought that he had after the funeral, posthumously realizing that the size of the hand (the only thing unburned) of the body the funeral people put into his wife's coffin didn't fit. Curious, ain't that?
nd for that, Ed felt a newfound pain in his heart. A pain which made him never forget this tragic incident. It was probably because of his Immortal Resolve, that he began to hope his wife was actually alive. A hope never lost to him.
And while not a hope, there was a longing wonder, that Lebo was still alive. Such a thought that lead Ed Sulliman to have countless sleepless nights. Nights of wonder. Nights of desire. To chase.
Ed would look for his target. Look for the sole man who brought him such ruin. He would not stop, not cease, not ease from ache of pain and torture, and rest to be lay in calm. Rest to retreat, until the new dawn.
He would not linger. He would not linger! He would not fade! Not until.....
But eventually... reality hit. Reality, in terms of employment, and money, and health issues.
For 2 years, Ed lived in his car, driving all over the States. He, with $2,000 on hand, and a poster of the man who brought him to ruin, went out everyday, talking to civilians, asking if they'd seen this man.
But eventually, Ed ran out of money.
He had to do.. awful things.. in certain types of bars... in order to... make ends meet for himself. But before long, one day while in Iowa, Ed just so happened to run into a New Jersey cop he'd hung around with.
His old partner, Danny Strizhand.
Danny told Ed he needed to come back to the force. That it just wasn't the same! That he missed. That he needed him!
"The ol police station's been in a slump ever since ye left! We ain't crackin the cases like we used to! Not without you around!" "....."
"Please Ed! Ya gotta come back! We need ya ol buddy ol pal! We need ya!" "......"
"I'll.... I'll buy ya Burger King." "... deal."
The two began to cuddle, and cried on each other's shoulders. Then they nibbled each other a bit on the lipsies. You know, like how cops normally do.
And then they went to burger king and Danny bought Ed some Burger King burgers. And then they drove back. BACK! To New Jersey.
And so... Ed returned. He immediately went to the hospital to reinstate his insurance, and around 14 days later returned so that he could get a deductible on treatments for the numerous STDs he'd acquired on his journey.
But even though Ed Sulliman was wreckaged health-wise due to all his smexual diseases, he carried on like everything was normal. It must have been his Immortal Resolve, which surged he to act, with no detest illness to keep him down.
He trudged along, that brave man did. He trudged along, through the streets of New Jersey.
He trudged along. He trudged along... But once a year, Ed would set out on a 3 day mini-vacation. To scope out the areas of where Lebo, not seen since his fall, might be.
7 years later - in 2009, rumors of a masked arsonist in New Mexico named Obel, flew by. Detestable notions quivering the perplexing thought, that... HE... had returned.
After all, what's Obel backwards? ... LEBO! Ed Sulliman transferred out to a New Mexico police union, land frequented the area where arsons were rumored to be.
Alas, still since then, his "Obel" has not been found. It was a goose chase, after all. Looking for a dead man, and preparing for the worst kind of closure imaginable.
But alas, if he could find this man... this Lebo. If he only could just find him through the thicket of the world, and... and... strangle him... with his own two hands..... Ed would.. he would......... He could.. finally rest... finally.. finally die.
Ed snapped out of his focus, whilst driving still through the thicket. He'd caught sight of a certain view which brought his attention back to the present. Two views, actually. The trail of something kinda meaty-lookin far down from road he was taking. A thing that'd gone down the corner, so he couldn't see it anymore right then, but he was right then on it's trail. And another sight too. A police car with the numbers, 009.
That was the last car aside from him of his union's cars. Ed Sulliman was.... the last cop on patrol, here now, in pursuit of this dangerous suspect. ..oh boy... oh boy. All alone.. All alone...
But Sulliman was not one to cower. His excitement only grew, the nostrils under his nose flaring a kind of bayous rage. He would not let his allies' falls be left in vein.
He would defeat this foe. He would reign supreme!
Then, he would find this Obel. Y-yeah! Yeah, right after this, $3md get amazing luck! And-and find that b*stard! And-and then maybe even his wife would come back! Ye-yeah, what if, what if she wasn't even dead! That's a possibility! After all, all those stupid paramedics couldn't confirm the burnt body was her! She might've lived! It was possible! And she'd come back to him!!
First this problem, then Lebo/Obel! And finally his wife! Heck! One of the cop cars he passed by was turned over and on fire. Fire?! Fire, like, an arsonist's fire?!?
What if?! What if?$?!?( THIS!,! WAS?!??! "LEBOOOOO!!!!"
The car deove down he grove, an acceled speed blistering boister of frenzied speed ahead. And somewhere closeby, a crow cried, to pitch the dawn of a new afternoon.
Climate Change Is A Real National Emergency | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 5:23.
What Actually Constitutes A National Emergency? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 8:11.
Prince Harry Has Priceless Reaction To An Igloo 'Shrine' Dedicated To Meghan Markle - Duration: 10:06.
Prince Harry has priceless reaction to an igloo 'shrine' dedicated to Meghan Markle
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
It's may have been in different countries for their first Valentine's Day as a married couple
But they weren't really too far
Well Prince Harry was in Norway on February 14th visiting exercise Clockwork
The traditional name for an annual winter military in during sex
Exercise he had quite the surprise
When he entered an igloo and found Duchess Meghan
The Joint him
In photos
That is
The 34 year-old step inside the emergency igloo called the Quincy shelter
Which was decorated to help him celebrate the special day even if he couldn't be with his pregnant wife
And Harry definitely saw the humor in the space
Which was outfitted with candles mood music and their wedding photos
You wear those
Nice hijab
It's very kind of you to invite me into your private
The sergeant said
Let the father-to-be
Had a smile on his face
And they had some chill-out music on
Just to show how creative you can be
The prince certainly seems to appreciate the kind of effort put into making him feel more at home
While stepping out of the shelter
He said only in there
Isn't it
It starts to get a little bit weird after a while
No matter where he goes he never forgets his sense of humor
Hairy pussy
Expecting his little bundle of joy in this
Spring was getting back to his military roots with the visit
Having served in the military for a decade
Including two tours of Afghanistan
He must have enjoyed the trip down memory lane
After all
He still spends much of his time getting back to wounded and injured veterans
And their families with the Invictus Foundation
And his various other charitable initiative
Like with the Endeavor fund
I miss my pilot days Phim used while checking out the Wildcat and Apache helicopter
Showing off his charm and big heart
He joined the servicemen and women in the mess hall for a hot Buffett lunch
Away for
From cameras
He was really Keen to engage
Sergeant Leslie said
He asked if they had got their girlfriends
Or wives or Partners flowers for Valentine's
He was keep to make sure no one was in trouble
She joked
Though sadly the Duke and Duchess
Is couldn't spend the special day of love
Together we're sure that we making up for it in the days to come
With cozy nights at home
Before moving in
The Frogmore Cottage
And home cooked meals
Like maybe the roast chicken he proposed to Meghan over
A flower named after Meghan will make its public debut in May
And here's what it says about her
The Duchess of Sussex is a known lover of beautiful blooms
Especially peonies
Which he was often spotted buying
And decorating her home with when she lived in Toronto while filming suit
But we are willing to bet you never thought you'd have a flower named after
Has The Royal Horticultural Society announced on February 13th
It's called the clematis Mega
And it's set to debut at the Chelsea flower show in May
Loaded Bloomin good news was just released
This week it was revealed by the society
Did the flower was chosen just after Prince Harry and Meghan said I do on May 19th
If anyone knows the meaning of flowers
It's Mega
After all
The Sussex is Jose one of the late Princess Diana's favorite flowers
The White garden rose
To decorate with on their wedding day
But what is the clematis Megan symbolize
And what does it say about the woman that was named after
The organization chose the flower to represent the glowing Duchess
Largely because it's distinct
Yet unique characteristics are similar to the traits
The thirty-seven-year-old exudes
And we couldn't agree more
They say the plant is Hardy with Rich and opulent pedal
Their site goes on to say it so
The flower that will make an impact in anyone's Garden
The clematis
Which is part of the Buttercup family
Symbolizes Ingenuity and mental Beauty
Also referred to by some as the Traveler's Joy
There's no denying
But this flower is
The perfect one to be named after the mom-to-be
For starters
Megan caught quite the travel bug
On her now-defunct Instagram account
She was often spotted jet-setting around the world
Especially to Europe with her industry
On her former lifestyle Blog the tig
Which he shut down after being linked to Prince Harry
She often wrote about her adventures and the importance
The travel
She told lifestyle magazine in 2016
It's all about balance
And I have
So much happiness in my career
And I'm fortunate to travel the world
And see so many amazing things
There's no denying
The Duchess of Sussex
Has a heart of gold
And shows off her mental Beauty every time she steps out for the causes she adores
Like showing off her love for dogs at the Mayhew
Her passion for fashion and giving back at smart works
And her love for the Arts at the National Theatre
She shows a great deal of ingenuity
When it comes to her political speech
Like the ones you made about feminism and education on her
And Harry's Royal tour
And her personal Hobbies
Like calligraphy
The clematis is a perfect fit
The release of the flower at this year's Chelsea flower show will happen alongside another exciting Royal attraction
A garden created by The Duchess of Cambridge
According to the Palace
The garden is being called The Back To Nature Garden
As the hope is to inspire families to get outside
And explore nature together
Kensington Palace has tweets went on to note that the Duchess of cambridge's number of shells your garden will have a natural wood
And feel and contain a treehouse
Waterfall and stream
Rustic Den
Campfire and stepping stone
What do you think
Share your thoughts in the comment box below and don't forget to subscribe to get instant news updates
Thomas Markle and Samantha slam George Clooney for defending
Just Megan
Meghan markle's estranged father and half-sister lashed out at George Clooney after the actor defended the Dutch
Pictures of Sussex
Against attacks
From the Press
They're just chatting Meghan Markle everywhere
She's been pursued and vilified Clooney
Told press on Monday
She's a woman who is 7 months pregnant
And she has been pursued and vilify
Enchanting the same way
That Princess Diana was
And it's history repeating itself
We've seen how that ends
He added I can't tell you how frustrating that is just seeing them broadcast a letter from a daughter to a father
She's getting a raw deal there and I think it's irresponsible
And I'm surprised by that
The oscar-winning actor was criticizing the media's treatment of the 37-year old former suits Act
Never once actually shading her relationship
Or lack thereof
With her family
That didn't stop Samantha Markle from slamming the former star on Twitter
And even bringing his human rights attorney wife
I'm all into the social media practice
Hey Looney Clooney
Your lawyer wife should have taught you
Not to make
Without full facts
Samantha 54
Tweeted on Wednesday
Hideout number George Clooney with ghost his mother for no legitimate reason
Be quiet Georgia
Sources closed
Thomas Markle also blasts
Did the actor
Telling TMZ
That Clooney ought to do a little research
Before he talks about Megan and her father
Clooney reference the letter Meghan reportedly sent to her father begging him to stop talking to the Press about her and Prince Harry
In the letter Meghan also
Completed with Thomas to stop cooperating with Samantha
Who reportedly Puppeteer Thomas's
Staged paparazzi photos ahead of the royal wedding
What will Prince Harry and Meghan's royal baby called Prince Charles
Prince Charles is gearing up to become a grandpa for the
The 4th time
But it will be the first grandchild he welcomes outside of Prince William and Kate's adorable crew
Prince George
5 princess Charlotte
A nine-month-old Prince Louis
Well Royal Watchers know what the Cambridge Trio calls their Royal Grandpa
Many are wondering what Prince Harry and Meghan's royal baby will call him
There's no doubt
That baby Sussex
Will spend a lot of time with his
Or her royal cousins once old enough
And by the time he or she starts
Stalking it's likely the sweet bundle of joy will call the Future King Grandpa Wales
Just like George
Charlotte NC
The adorable nickname was revealed last year by Royal author Robert Hardin
Who chatted with people very close to the 70 year old
What's even sweeter is the name the queen called her grandfather George V
Grandpa England
Too cute
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
I've been busy be stepping out for causes close to their hearts
Like the recent artsy outing to see The Wider Earth
And the red carpet appearance
Set the Endeavor fund Awards
Making them even busier
Of course is there baby who's due to join the Royal fold around the end of March or early April
But the couple won't be without the loving support of Prince Charles and his wife
The Duchess of
Of Cornwall
The doting grandpa has previously
He said it's a different part of your life
The great thing is to encourage them
Show them things
To take their info
My grandmother did
She was wonderful
It is very important to create a bond
When they are very young
And it's plain to see
The Charles fostered quite a beautiful bond with his children
Princes William and Harry
Who's still look up to their father for his environmental awareness and love for his grandchildren
Can Camilla The Duchess of Cornwall
Won't be far behind when it comes to bonding with the future baby Sussex
She has five grandchildren
Two granddaughters
Three grandsons
From her previous marriage
My grandchildren adore him
Absolutely adore him
She revealed on the BBC documentary Prince
Sun and Air
Charles at 7
He reads Harry Potter and he can do all the different voices
And I think children really appreciate that
What do you think
SHELLEY | "Justice Is Served" | Crypt TV Monster Universe | Short Horror Film - Duration: 6:24.
(intense music)
- Hey, mum.
I can hear that from outside.
- [Mother] You're back already, Shelley?
- It's me, mum, Lucy.
- I know that.
- [TV] But there are police at Avon Manor school.
- I'm making tea, do you want some?
- This is dreadful, it's your old school.
- What is?
- [Reporter] Eyewitness from the school union last week
says she believes someone is settling a debt from years ago.
Both schools remain closed until further.
- That's enough TV.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(loud banging) Jesus!
(glass shatters)
Give me a sec.
- Lucy Carter.
- Yes, I'm Lucy.
- Yes.
- Can I help?
(lock clicks)
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(Lucy sniffling)
(light knocking)
(metal creaking)
(woman screams) Mum!
- Shelley!
- Are you okay, mum?
It was just a dream, mum, everything's okay.
- It's Shelley.
- It's okay, I'm Lucy.
Breathe in and out.
- Shelley's home.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
- It's okay, mum.
I'll go and see.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
There's no one here.
(ghostly whispering)
- [Ghostly Voice] Help.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(fingers tapping)
- Shelley?
(hockey stick whooshes) (Lucy yelps)
(dramatic music)
(elbow thuds)
(hockey stick thwacking) (Lucy screaming)
Mum. - Lucy, is that you?
(dramatic music)
- Mum. (mother screams)
(crowbar whooshing)
(dramatic music)
(fire roaring)
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Well done, my child.
(dramatic music)
(girl screams)
(dramatic music)
- Come get me, Shelley.
(dramatic music)
Active Shooter Reported In Aurora, Illinois, Manufacturing Company | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 4:23.
Trump Might Be The Reason 21 Savage Gets Deported | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:14.
THE EAR WAX THAT REFUSED TO COME OUT - EP 143 - Duration: 11:44.
hi everybody my name is Rhys Barber I'm the audiologist here at audiology
associates we upload new earwax removal videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday
at 9 p.m. UK time so please consider subscribing
hi everybody this is Rhys barber from audiology associates thank you very much
watching our ear wax removal video today this was a bit of an unusual one for us
normally we can get earwax out on the first visit but I've had lots of people asking
is there ever a time you can't get ear wax out so this is the this is a patient
we've had through recently who had very very impacted ear wax basically they'd
been not hearing very well for a little while used q-tips to try and clear
their ears they thrown every kind of lotion and potion and there to try and
clear this out and then use q-tips again to jam it all in so what we've got is a
patient that's got a very sore ear very deep and impacted earwax so we're using
the standard size zoellner tube to remove this now what you can see is the
outer section of earwax is very very soft because that's been in contact with all
the drops the olive oil the sodium bicarbonate the hydrogen peroxide
everything basically they've thrown in there has come into contact with this
front section of ear wax but the difficulty is when you take that away what you have
then behind it is a very very deep hardened thick sticky plug of earWax
so what we're doing here is using the standard size zoellner tube to try and
release this out if we can and what you can see is as we're getting a grip on
the earwax it's just bending and flexing so we and
because it's so deep in the ear canal and because it's quite uncomfortable in
there for the patient because this is putting pressure on the ear canal walls
around all sides perfectly form to the shape of your ear canal so really difficult
really really difficult to remove you can see at the top there there's no gap
so just really wedged in there so where we would normally wiggle this back and
forth to remove the earwax we can't wiggle it we can't move it too much
because the patient is in is in quite a bit of discomfort not due to what we're
doing with the suction but just because it's been rubbing back and forth inside
that ear canal for some time it just means it's we then are restricted with
we can use on the ear wax so this is one that beat us we could not get this out
in one visit so this is the reason I wanted to show you this one because
everyone when you see the videos and we edit them together you know it's there
are occasions when we just can't do it and we have to get the patient back in
so I thought I'd show you one of those so what we have here is break it we've
broken some of the dry skin around the outside edge away and what you'll see in
a second is as we start taking some of the earwax from the left ear canal wall you'll
see a deeper redness to the ear canal now that's where it's been rubbing that's
why it's uncomfortable for this patient it's been really sore in there so we
have to be mindful of that red irritated spot of the ear canal there so we're just
trying to maneuver this through I'm trying to avoid using the Jobson horn as
much as I can only because this is quite deep I want to use it really as a last
resort because it can't no the patient's already feeling quite uncomfortable we
we do have to use it in a second just is just to try and shift it along a little
bit but you can see just how thick and
sticky and blocked this ear canal is poor patient hasn't be able to hear for
a long time and it they've got really frustrated with it I'm trying to avoid
the left side as much as I possibly can so I'm trying to work on the base of the
ear wax to lift it just try and find any purchase on this earwax to try and maneuver
it lift it and just get it moving out of this ear canal but as you can see it is
firmly wedged in there you can see that redness again there to the
left-hand side we are breaking little tiny pieces off all the time so we are
chipping into the earwax but it's it's not really budging it's not really moving at
all you can see us all we're doing really is just smoothing this earwax so jobson
horne going to go in here you can see more redness there as I
start pushing this jobson horn down you can see we can't get behind it it's
it's really difficult we're just pushing a groove into the center of the earwax so
it's not really getting the grip now don't forget the eardrum is it's
probably not far behind this ear wax so we can't just go pushing over the top to to
kind of get in there because we could run the risk of perforated eardrum so
I've just introduced a little bit of olive oil sometimes it will help to
lubricate the ear canal wall and it will slide a little bit more easily do you
can see us thats all its done is just pool at the base of the ear wax it's not really
made that much of a difference during this procedure obviously because this
was a it was already uncomfortable for the patient and came into clinic we're
checking in with a patient all the time asking how they're feeling you know and
fairplay he did say you know just I don't care what it feels like just get
it out but also we do have a duty of care to that patient we can't just go
sort of blindly digging around in here you can see it's just denting it's not
really taking away so I'm just trying to as best I can peel it from the ear canal
walls because that's what I'm carrying it in at the moment is that is the
sticky nature of this earwax stuck all over the ear canal wall
little hairs have got a bit of olive oil here's a little bit of olive
oil and that's what the blurring you can see on the screen is they're trying
to maneuver it down from the top or trying to roll the earwax just using any
kind of method really to try and get this moving but patience does such a
good job of really wedging this in the ear canal it's really really hard you
can see we're just trying to get into the ear wax but that's all we're going to
end up doing is pushing it further against the drum you can see the redness
there to the left ear canal wall now we've uncovered that a little bit more
I try and pinch some of this out of the crocodile forceps this is the people ask
what's the worst type of earwax remove this for me personally is my least favorite
type of ear wax to remove it's very thick very sticky which means that you don't
get a great grip on it with the with the suction tube you can't it's not solid
enough to hold on to with the crocodile forceps and it's just so pliable that
when you put a Jobson horn into it just dents it rather than pulls it out so
it's a really tough one it's a really tough kind of ear wax remove this is this is
one of the hardest and most difficult ones to take away so we're just holding
the suction tube on the base there allowing the the pressure from the
suction tube to build on the ear wax itself which allows us to get a slightly firmer
grip to see if we can just pull this out
you can see it's starting to lift a little bit
but it looks as all this pieces is quite long so it's not really sometimes if
it's a short piece of ear wax as you lift from the base you'll pull the bottom out
and you'll turn the earwax and it will start to work its way up to the ear canal
but what we can see here is it's just not really it's not really playing ball
so quite dry thing all sticky ear wax okay so what we asked the gentrleman to do was go away
for a week or you like so olive oil for a week and come back and see us so this
is one week later so you can see the redness is subsided to left hand side of
the ear canal gentleman's feeling they're hearing a little bit better so we're
just using the standard size zoellner tube again and if you look at the difference
just using a week's worth of olive oil in this ear has made to this ear wax
it's not a sticky so it's sliding across the ear canal walls a little bit better it's
not as tacky and it's not as thick so it's really started to loosen and break
this ear wax into pieces so sometimes you know it is worth going away oiling it
coming back you've always got to be conscious of patient comfort and you've
always got to do better best best practice for your patient if you feel
that you cannot you could've carried on working on that ear wax
for you know for a while longer but you would have run the risk of perforation
that eardrum you're better off letting the patient go
away oil for a week and you can see the difference it makes then you can see
it's really starting to crumble down or break away in layers now rather than
that thick tacky nature you saw to the earwax before a little bit of hair embedded
in there as well so just working their way out and then getting to the end of
this now so you can see we're able to now roll this ear wax it's come towards the
outer part of the ear canal a little bit as well which gives us a bit more room
to maneuver that redness and irritation has subsided the gentleman said that
subside of the day after so because we'd moved the ear wax away from
area that was rubbing it meant that it wasn't causing so much discomfort and
then what we'll see in a second is the work starting to move out they way I can
see it coming forwards now to the entrance of the ear canal here we are
getting a nice big chunk there and there we are you can see the redness is gone
the eardrum looks really healthy much much better so this is what we removed
so this is what was plugged really deep in that canal that's in centimeters
and inches
you very much for watching our video today if you did enjoy the video then
please like if you not subscribe to idea you'd like to do so you can click the
subscribe button here if you'd like to check out some more videos there also up
there now if you want to follow us you can do on Facebook Twitter Instagram and
also check our website if you want to know a little bit more about us as
always guys until the next time take care
Watch live: Police respond to shooter at Illinois manufacturing plant - Duration: 18:25.
Cancion de Amor / Cool Love Song - Duration: 1:23.
The singing profession sure sells
but I'm trying my best in others' shadow.
There are still people above me...
but I'll soon knock them over.
please keep looking my way...
Don't be unfaithful... I won't like that... Don't look away.
I do not want you to go
I'll charm you with my voice... Isn't that great?
you will be listening to me every day
I can still go on... Right? Right!
Captain Marvel Box Office Predictions - Opening Weekend? - Duration: 10:38.
Welcome to a Movie Math SPECIAL REPORT
where we're going to breakdown
the Captain Marvel box office speculation!
For Fact's Sake: A Wall Wouldn't Stop Drugs From Entering The U.S. | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 10:08.
"Night Ride" Migos x Cardi B Type Beat | Rap Instrumental | Free Type Beat | 2019 - Duration: 3:50.
00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000
Did you know flowers not only improve the quality of the air we breath?
It turns out that surrounding yourself with them help us
to relax, to reassure us,
as source of inspiration
and more than anything they brighten the day of the one who receives them.
That's not on me.
That's according the State University of New Jersey
according to the Internet...
And what best way to influence someone's year
than contributing some joy in it.
Taking advantage that it is already February and it's month of friendship and love
I decided no to wait until Valentine's day to go give some flowers out.
I wen't out, bought a bouquet of flowers and...
I trade them for a couple of smiles.
"are you ready?"
"to go and do your good deed of the day?"
We agree this was painted by a kinder garden right ?
("Thank you")
("thank you") "have a good night"
"I saw you very smiling over there, in the distance" ("thank you")
And that's how with just $125 pesos at Hermosillo's Cathedral
I got to exchange an approximate amount of 12 smiles
and pet a couple of dogs..
Definitely this has been my favorite activity for real
flowers does have the same effect as chocolate
and can bright up your day for hours
I invite you to do it yourself, for real I'm gonna do this again
And may you have a nice month of February. <3
Mauvaise nouvelle pour Laeticia Hallyday : Sylvie Vartan n'a pas fini de chanter Johnny… - Duration: 1:49.
For more infomation >> Mauvaise nouvelle pour Laeticia Hallyday : Sylvie Vartan n'a pas fini de chanter Johnny… - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP1 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 3:25.
New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP1 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
For more infomation >> New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP1 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP2 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 2:49.
For more infomation >> New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP2 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Brigitte Macron : ses retrouvailles complices avec Stéphane Bern, loin des intrigues élyséennes - Duration: 2:06.
For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : ses retrouvailles complices avec Stéphane Bern, loin des intrigues élyséennes - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
[Fanmade PV] 5 minutes Before the Court [VOSTFR] (réupload) - Duration: 1:21.
For more infomation >> [Fanmade PV] 5 minutes Before the Court [VOSTFR] (réupload) - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Oahu Hawaii Things To Do (Extended) | Hawaii Gezilecek Yerler (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 43:47.
Ocean, surf, beach, sun and many more…
If you are always summer person like me, your journey will be relaxing as possible in here…
We came to the island for a while ago,
and we decided to return to for a second time
I made a video for my first trip before but I decided to make an extended video to enrich the experience
So I prepared some personal suggestions from both tips for you
If backpacks are ready, let's go!
When you arrive in Honolulu, you can see Waikiki is home to the most of the island's hotels
However some hotels can remind you 1980's style here
For nature and surf lovers, staying on the North Shore can be better too…
If you're looking for hip and central place, Shoreline is a nice place with it's renewed style
Moana Surfrider is another option with its elegant decoration too
It is one of the Marriott hotels and I must add when I was there
I came across Marriott strike which was a multi-city strike involving thousands of workers at the Marriott hotel chain
You have many car rental options and locations throughout the island
But if you want another options like scooter you can rent from Hawaiian Style Rentals and Sales
So where can we go
From swimming with sharks to surfing, exploring exotic beaches to hiking beautiful waterfalls
there are plenty of activites and great places to visit
North Shore is my favorite
Let's go
So where to eat
There are lots of good places serving local or street food, breakfast, brunch or dinner
Let's visit them together
Remembering moments can identify all of our journey
There are so many moments worth remembering
Let's just watch
For more infomation >> Oahu Hawaii Things To Do (Extended) | Hawaii Gezilecek Yerler (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 43:47.-------------------------------------------
Jean-Luc Reichmann dévoile son énorme blessure... - Duration: 2:44.
For more infomation >> Jean-Luc Reichmann dévoile son énorme blessure... - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
《炮仔声》大房丁宁与老公结婚快10年,每天"照顾"3孩子,仍不忘"这件事"维持夫妻感情! - Duration: 3:23.
For more infomation >> 《炮仔声》大房丁宁与老公结婚快10年,每天"照顾"3孩子,仍不忘"这件事"维持夫妻感情! - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Simmer and Brew Chili and Soup Festival with True Vine - Duration: 3:29.
For more infomation >> Simmer and Brew Chili and Soup Festival with True Vine - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
'열혈사제' 김남길, 사기 굿 주도한 조폭 통쾌 제압 - KN Channel - Duration: 2:10.
For more infomation >> '열혈사제' 김남길, 사기 굿 주도한 조폭 통쾌 제압 - KN Channel - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
【おもしろ動物】見たことある?人間かよっ驚き方をするハムスター!可愛い癒し動物Hamster that makes a surprise like a human being! - Duration: 3:24.
Hello everyone
I am a cheese Jr.
I love to…
follow mommy
while taking a walk.
like this
Hey !Mom!
You are so mean to me!
Hey hey
Is this not mama…?
That's it.
Hey hey
Let's do something.
Hey hey
Watch it
I was surprised
Are you listening?
Hey hey
Come on!
Is not this a mommy?
Are you for real?
Mommy where are you?
Hey Mommy
where are you?
Mommy:I am here.Lol
Mommy,Please don't leave me
New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP1 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Duration: 3:25.
New Destroy N Devour Indominus Rex Dino Rivals Unboxing EP1 Mattel Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
Another Study Proves Monsanto's Round Up Increases Chances Of Developing Cancer - Duration: 4:31.
A new report out of the University of Washington says that glyphosate, the active ingredient
in Monsanto's roundup has been linked to a 41% increase in cases of non Hodgkin's lymphoma
among people who regularly use Monsanto's roundup weed killer.
And they, they came to these conclusions by looking according to them about uh, looking
at every single published study that has been done on the safety of glyphosate.
This is important for many reasons.
First and foremost, over the years we have reported every time one of these new individual
studies have come out and nearly all of them have said the same thing, glyphosate is linked
to higher risk of cancer, specifically one of the worst non Hodgkin's lymphoma that is
associated with this particular a weed killer.
But there's also lots of other neurological issues that it causes, can cause birth defects.
It can cause kidney problems, it can cause all sorts of havoc inside of a human body.
That is what the body of work tells us.
So University of Washington comes out and they say, listen, we're going to look at everything.
We're going to pull everything and then we're going to use their methodologies.
We're going to take their final raw data, compile it altogether, and release the results.
And that is what they did.
And what they found was a 41% increase in the risk of cancer for people who regularly
use glyphosate.
And if you're thinking to yourself, well, I'm just a casual user, you know, I'm not
hooked on this stuff.
I go out, you know, once or twice a year and spray a couple weeds.
Okay, still not good.
But there are plenty of people in this country, landscapers, people who work outdoors, farmers
who are exposed to this stuff on a daily basis, those people's risks of cancer are rising
because corporations want to continue to tell us that this product is safe.
Monsanto has been telling us that, and now that Beyer bought out Monsanto, Beyer's telling
us that Beyer has already come out and attack this study saying their methodology was flawed.
The numbers are flawed, everything's wrong.
You guys are wrong.
This is not true.
Glyphosate is safe.
Those words are going to come back to haunt you.
I promise you, I can promise you that what you would have done if you are a responsible
company is when you bought Monsanto.
Here's what should have happened.
You already knew they're facing hundreds if not thousands at this point of lawsuits about
the safety of roundup and you by purchasing the company, assume those liabilities.
So what you should have done is said, listen, we think glyphosate is safe, but we're trying
to go through this merger or this acquisition.
So what we're gonna do just for good measure, we're going to go ahead and settle all these
lawsuits so that we can move forward as a new company without having to deal with it.
We'll slap some warning labels on roundup because we're a different company.
We don't know what Monsanto themselves we're talking about are doing.
We'll take the role of leader on this.
We will do the right thing from this company that we're purchasing and we will put it all
behind us.
That's all you had to do.
You didn't necessarily have to say that you were lying about it or that you covered it
up or anything like that.
Just said, listen, we're a new company.
We just bought these people.
They're facing a lot of lawsuits, so we're going to get a settle all of it.
Create a fund for medical monitoring and move on.
You could have ended this a year ago, two years ago, whatever it was, but instead you
chose to fight it, and that is a decision that is going to come back and bite you hard
because all of the available evidence is showing that glyphosate and Monsanto's roundup can
and will cause cancer in human beings.
15 McDonald's Menu Items That Had To Be Taken Off The Menu - Duration: 10:47.
fifteen McDonald's menu items that had to be taken off the menu for McDonald's
being a multinational fast food chain means trying new things to stay ahead of
the competition whether it's adding a new burger or new dipping sauce
sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and see if it pays off this Titan
of junk food is certainly no stranger to trying strange trends sure there have
been some trends that are still going strong but there have also been a few
McDonald's menu items that were so crazy funny and bizarre but they had to be
taken off the market but before we discuss junk food let's talk about
hitting that subscribe button and ringing the notification bell too
because who else are you gonna go on a fast-food date with that's right your
besties at the moment McDonald's has had some great trends on their menu once a
year they have their McDonald's Monopoly promotion what that entails is each
customer has the ability to collect monopoly pieces if they collect a
certain amount they can win prizes they also have their McDouble combos which
are value meals for those who can't afford the more premium items sounds
like a great promotion right well hold on because they get much worse keep
watching for the wackiest food items to populate the McDonald's menu number 15
Mulan Szechuan sauce our first entry into the crazy food list is this bizarre
tale of special sauce in 1998 McDonald's introduced the Mulan set yuan dipping
sauce as a promotion with the Disney movie Mulan recently the hit television
show Rick and Morty brought back the sauce by mentioning it in their show
it's called Szechuan sauce and it's delicious
however McDonald's made a huge error when they predicted that everyone would
want the sauce number fourteen hula burger fast-food freaks unite because
this funny menu item is something you'll really have to try not to laugh
the only way you would remember this burger is if you were born in the 60s
the hula burger was added to the menu for the Catholic community it was to
give them a guilt free lint Friday option it consisted of a slice of
pineapple and cheese it was added to the menu around the same time as the
filet-o-fish when the filet-o-fish became more than just a Friday option
the hula burger was dropped from the menu number thirteen onion nuggets next
up on the crazy food list we look back at a misguided attempt at nuggets do you
remember when McDonald's had their dollar menu that menu included the onion
nuggets they were put on the dollar menu as a taste test to see if customers
would take a liking to it they were supposed to be a smaller alternative to
the onion ring unfortunately customers did not take a strong liking to it and
it was quickly removed number twelfth supersize this one might not sound
bizarre strange or funny but that's because we've all heard of it in most
fast-food restaurants you have the option to upsize your drink and fries
but do you remember when McDonald's took it one step further they gave you the
option to supersize your fries and drinks the supersize included a 42 ounce
drink 410 calories and a 7 ounce fry 610 calories this is five times the
recommended serving for fries and a soft drink this promotion was actually doing
well until the documentary Super Size Me came out it destroyed their promotion
and forced McDonald's to remove it number 11 the make pizza back on the
crazy food train we explore when the strange McDonald's food actually kind of
gets it right the mick pizza was an 80s and 90s hit it was a way for McDonald's
to try and compete with other fast-food chains that didn't sell burgers
unfortunately it was discontinued nationwide because McDonald's is a fast
food chain and pizza takes longer to cook however there are a few places in
the United states that still sell it number 10 Mick
spaghetti those of you who like junk food might not appreciate this next one
ah Who am I kidding the next menu item is probably just as
junky as the rest of them unfortunately the mick spaghetti ran into the same
issue that make pizza did it was too expensive to be sold in a fast food
restaurant that was known for delivering quick service spaghetti is not a meal
that is cooked quickly and it can't sit for long periods of time number nine the
mcdlt of what what's the D supposed to stand for
after a quick google search our team of researchers found that the D in the
mcdlt was supposed to stand for Donald's as in McDonald's what the
McDonald's lettuce and tomato if that's what you thought about this strange
fast-food you'd be 100% correct it's just a burger where all the cold stuff
goes on one bun and the hot patty goes on another then you put it together
yourself that's what I call mixed range number eight mix salad shakers radical
dude the year 2000 was kicked off with this idea that sure would shake up your
day what you do is take a salad put it in a cup and then shake it all together
and you have a mixed salad shaker fun fact apparently McDonald's was actually
a pioneer by being one of the first fast-food chains to put salad on the
menu huh healthy options and McDonald's why those
two go together as well as peanut butter and pickles
number seven fish Mick bites ah yes when I go to McDonald's the first
thing I want from the menu is a filet-o-fish I'm of course being
sarcastic don't get me wrong the filet-o-fish is a
fine idea but McDonald's is a burger joint if you don't eat beef try the
chicken maybe the chicken nuggets for example skip this strange bizarre fish
version of the legendary snackable treat people did exactly that it seems because
this product was introduced and discontinued in 2013 looks like somebody
lost a job number six the arch deluxe Bonjour Mons you're I'm happy you've
decided to join us at this incredibly fancy fast-food restaurant today would
you care to see a menu or would you just like to go ahead and order the fanciest
thing on the menu the arch deluxe that's how this
McDonald's food flop was pitched as a bordo alternative to the lame regular
burger the problem is the arch deluxe hardly had any difference from their
regular burger just goes to show not everything in life is better when it's
fancier just most things number 5 the cherry pie this one actually could have
been good one wonders why they decided to discontinue it apparently one
McDonald's employee reported they stopped offering them because they
weren't selling as well as the other pies well jeez looks like you're gonna
make this old man cry it would have tasted so good those sweet cherry pies
number for the triple-double this one doesn't seem too strange funny or
bizarre until you learn which movie it was meant to promote Batman Forever what
why triple double what does it have to do with Batman
why wouldn't they have done something with basketball where the term triple
double originated when was this introduced 1995 well never mind then
it's not like anything important was happening in basketball during the mid
to late 90s it's not like the biggest fast food company in the world could
have gotten a basketball star nobody but was good playing in 95 mmm number 3
fruit and walnut salad well is it really any wonder why this strange bizarre
snack was taken off the menu seriously who goes to McDonald's and thinks gee I
should probably get some fruit consisting of apples grapes walnuts and
what we can only hope for was yogurt this dud is an absolute no-brainer to
anyone who's gone to a fast-food joint let alone eatin McDonald's food before
seriously guys fruit number two chicken selects these aren't completely
discontinued they'll occasionally make a reappearance every now and then which is
fitting because they're a more endowed version of the McDonald's chicken
nuggets bigger Longer and meteor these things
can't stick around forever because the puny chicken nugget will get all
embarrassed for the sake of their sanity the chicken selects have to go somewhere
else for a couple of years while the Nuggets regains its confidence number
one cheddar melt while it may seem a little unorthodox this one actually
sounds pretty good a quarter pounder patty with onions cheddar cheese and on
top of it a rye bun the onions were sauteed in butter and teriyaki sauce
bringing the sandwich an Asian fusion that we can only dream up Wow my mouth
is watering just thinking about it that's it McDonald's bring back the
cheddar melt and while you're at it bring back the McRib as well so there
you have it a complete list of all the crazy ideas that McDonald's tried to
implement into their company when you look back on it you can only laugh at
the ideas as crazy and unproductive as they were you can't fault McDonald's for
trying to adapt to change if you don't take a risk you'll never receive that
reward how about you what discontinued mcdonald's item do you miss or find
strange comment below and let us know enjoyed this video hit the like button
and share with your friends also subscribe to our channel for more videos
like this thanks for watching
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I think nowadays I feel like there's such a
wide gap between
the fields of art
and the fields of science
and that you know they're not meant to be separate.
They're meant to work together.
My name is Patricia Fronda.
I have received a bachelor's and master's in music performance.
I'm about to start my doctoral studies in occupational therapy.
I hope to specialize in treating performing artists for
repetitive motion injuries.
So in my last semester of my under graduate degree
I injured myself when I was working
out at the gym.
The injury occurred a month before my recital
and it was quite frankly really scary.
I didn't know how to address this problem and
I knew that I wanted to start my master's
program the following semester afterwards
so it really prompted me to start thinking about
how to address this issue.
How could I prevent it for myself and for others?
So then in my master's, my very first semester I took it upon myself to start researching
the prevalence of this of injury in musicians
and the severity of it
and through that research
I found
that its really common but at the same time no one likes to talk about it
because of the stigma around injury.
Performing artists
it is ingrained in us to pursue perfection
so that those who can enjoy,
those who watch or listen
can best receive what we're trying to give them
and this sort
of pursuit of perfection is
dangerous I think.
It is something that no one likes to talk about in
this view that it can end up injuring us
because we owe it to those who want to hear us
want to see us
want to see and hear our work
to see a beautiful product.
So this stigma is
ingrained in us at a very early age
because we want to get it right the first time.
Get it right as soon as possible so that we can
show it and give it to others.
When I spoke to my primary care physician she said
"okay well this is what you can do"
and she gave my a splint and she said to
not practice so much and she also said that
I should probably stop working out or do different things at the gym
and while all of this was
said in good intentions
I did not feel that my specific needs were met and
I was not given
any advice on how to prevent this further.
So I had to kind of figure out how
to address this problem
for my recital but also for how
I could prevent it for myself in the future.
My playing didn't change the way that I
approached my instrument changed.
I think that I had always just used a lot of willpower to just get through things and
because of my injury I wasn't able to just
play, play, play at high levels of intensity
and so I really had to step back
and figure out how little I actually had to do
how little pressure I actually needed to play.
So figuring out what was actually needed
rather than going overboard
with intensity was how
I made my adjustment.
The injury wasn't in my fingers it was here in my wrist.
So that meant I had to really understand how much
I actually need to pull my fingers in.
So I think for me instead of like
pressing really into it I became really aware that
I only need so much pressure or weight
going into the string because
the string as you can see is only so far away from the finger board.
One, it's not just second finger.
It's also first finger pulling down
and also it releases the sound as opposed to squeezing
because if you squeeze here you also squeeze here and
then you get a crunchier sound
and some people like that and thats okay
but I don't need to do that
because I can just do it easier with
just less weight.
There are a lot of organizations out there
that are about
increasing knowledge of addressing
musicians problems.
However, I think that there's a problem
with access.
I think many musicians don't have access
to the right care
that they can receive.
So what excites me is that I am going to embark on
a new journey of
learning a bunch of new skills
and so learning how to
address and
figure out
what to do for a patient
and make sure that they are able to do their daily activities
whether it's playing piano or typing
at a computer or
So learning a bunch of new skills will not just help me
address specific music making
problems but make sure that all of my patients
can still lead a very meaningful life.
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