Traveling Pakistan by Train
In this video, Rohri to Nawabshah Railroad Journey
I've Completed my journey on Pakistan Railways
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I'm Creating New Series in March.
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My journey is almost 190 Km
Hazara Express takes 2:40 to reach Nawabshah.
Khairpur, Mehrabpur and Padiden are Main Railway Stations.
in my journey.
For more infomation >> Pakistan Railway Train Journey Rohri To Nawab Shah Travel Vlog 2019 - Duration: 23:30.-------------------------------------------
Как найти идеального сексуального партнера. Сексуальная совместимость 18+ - Duration: 3:47.
5 женских качеств, которые ценят мужчины. Какой должна быть идеальная жена - Duration: 13:14.
Мы существуем на всех уровнях Градиента одновременно - Duration: 1:46.
Извращенец или манипулятор? Как вести себя, если мужчина присылает интимные фотографии - Duration: 14:55.
Этапы развития отношений. Как построить долгие и счастливые отношения наполненные любовью - Duration: 8:16.
【進撃の巨人 考察 Attack on titan reaction】エレン完全洗脳説 パラディ島に勝機はあるか?【進撃の巨人 3期 楽しみ attack on titan season3】 - Duration: 2:15.
Hello, this is hitsuji Mei 15-meter-high school girls
Because it is an idea thought during moving Today I will talk on the road a bit
you must not look up at the top as you can see it
It is a consideration that Ellen was perfectly brainwashed by the royal family this time
Remember what happened when Ellen met with Historia's father Rod Reis, When Rod Reis touched Ellen, the memory that was in Ellen has revived
That means, A royal man can use its power when he / she touches a person with a founder giant Or you can manipulate memories when the royal family touches the Eldians
Did Sieg brainwash Eren?
Was Sieg tampered with Ellen 's memory?
Ellen talks with Sieg only when he goes to Mare
If Zeke touched Ellen at this time
Brainwashing is over with this alone
Also, even if Sieg hands a drink containing spinal fluid to Ellen, I feel like I can manipulate it
Because Sieg's skill is high in the sense of manipulating people There is a high possibility that Ellen is controlled by Sieg
If Sieg gives Ellen a drink containing spinal fluid, Ellen is brainwased
Because it seems that Zeek is definitely planning a strategy It seems that there is a high possibility that Ellen will be manipulated
The fate of the attack titan "Everyone can not be bound by the royal family" I wish it would be something like that
Today is the end
It is a little disgusting that Ellen is brainwashed
If you think carefully, Sieg will have the chance to manipulate Ellen I feel quite a lot, do not you?
I want Ellen as it is this time
Register for this channel and please rate it highly
I am 15-meter high school girl hitsuji mei bye-bye
Перспективы профессии коуч. Обучение коучингу - Duration: 4:10.
Wallows: Are You Bored Yet? - Duration: 3:22.
-Performing "Are You Bored Yet,"
from their upcoming debut album, "Nothing Happens,"
please welcome Wallows!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-♪ What's wrong ♪
♪ You've been asking, but I don't have an answer ♪
♪ How come ♪
♪ I'm still thinking ♪
♪ Let's pretend to fall asleep now ♪
♪ When we get old, will we regret this ♪
♪ Too young to think about all that ♪
♪ And stalling only goes so far when you've got a head start ♪
♪ 'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset ♪
♪ But I can't help from asking, are you bored yet ♪
♪ And if you're feeling lonely, you should tell me ♪
♪ Before this ends up as another memory ♪
♪ Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie ♪
♪ Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie ♪
-♪ Feels like I've known you my whole life ♪
♪ I can see right through your lies ♪
♪ I don't know where we're going ♪
♪ But I'd like to be by your side ♪
♪ You could tell me how you're feeling ♪
♪ Maybe we'd get through this undefeated ♪
♪ Holding on for so long ♪
♪ 'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset ♪
♪ But I can't help from asking, are you bored yet ♪
♪ And if you're feeling lonely, you should tell me ♪
♪ Before this ends up as another memory ♪
♪ Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie ♪
-♪ Wah-ah, oh-oh, oh oh ♪
-♪ Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie ♪
♪ Ah, ah, ooh, ooh ooh ♪
♪ Ah, ah, ooh, ooh ooh ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Aha! Hey, thank you so much!
Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you, buddy.
Wallows! [ Cheers and applause ]
"Nothing Happens" is out March 22nd!
(ENG sub)GoToe VS 6 KOREANS DO GUESS KPOP SONGS IN 10 SECONDS BATTLE!!! Who is the winner?? - Duration: 12:28.
Hello my dear subscribers
I am JUNHO. I saw GoToe take a medicine.
Hello my dear subscribers!
This is GoToe!!!
Today we gonna do KPOP game
I am not alone today
I will do KPOP game battle with these 6 Korea friends
We tried to do guess kpop game in 1 second
But we tried just before as a practice
1 second was too short for them
So we will do with 10 seconds today!!
What is difference with 4 years KPOP youtuber
and 6 normal Koreans
let's start now!!!
each one point for singer, title
What's that mean, ARE YOU READY? LET's Go?
Are you ready? Don't go
What are you doing??
What are you doing GoToe??
Please enjoying it
Why didn't you tell anything??
So... pretty
I saw this when I was in ARMY
He loves her
She saw me!!!
It's me
it's me!!
None of you
None of you
She closed eyes after saw you
nobody say anything
Don't you know GOT7??
Of course I know them
I can not laugh because I'm losing
He is so handsome
Oh I know him!!!
Is that JACKSON??
so handsome
I started to adapt to this atmosphere
What is this!!
He saw this before?
Didn't you see this before?
Of course not!
(They are talking about why only boy group appeared)
It's not fun if I answer it all
NO. That's not!
Please do your best
(They are still talking about boy group appearance)
No.. Wait!!!
why only boy group??
They ask you to do it with girl group songs!
I choose the wrong video sorry!
You are not a VIP???
I am not
I can do well with HYOSHIN's song
Your answer was wrong!
Song is a bit long after answer
War on Crime
That guitar is from JANG HYUN JAE!!
War on Crime!!!!
That guitar is from JANG HYUN JAE!!!
War on Crime
I am so sorry!!!! Please bear mercy
Why do you bow down with each other?
You need to bow down in that way
Why each other???
I saw... AMBER....
She was always there!
You saw it before right??
please be honest!
They came out with a brick in a music broadcast
DOOSAN Heavy industry
It is possible I answered wrong
You'd better to answer other one
When you answer it, it is always right
Everytime GoToe answer it,
You need to say your answer! You just thought he was wrong
So why did you say DOOSAN Heavy industry??
I spoke confidently!
connecting MIC
AMP connection??
amp connectiong sound
I think we know them well... that was popular song obviously
ready to knee
I love that movie! Catch me if you can
Leonardo Dic...
Is that a movie Leonardo DiCaprio appeared?
NO that's not
Leonardo DiCaprio was not there??
That is not a moive with Sketchbook??
Not a DiCaprio???
Make a Crime with 4 magician
no that
That's NOW you see me
Tough.. breathe...
HI bixby!!!
Chained up!!!!!
chained up!!!
They are doing team play now
Let's play the role of preventing the correct answer
I was trying to say title too
My neck was hurt!!
I just say VIXX first not to miss it
HI BIXBY was so nice
I love this choreo
(Meaningless interruption)
By whom???
Oh that's right
I said BLOCKB first!!!!
Does anybody hear his voice????
I am not
I didn't!!!
YOu didn't say anything!!
I think score is similar now
Korean rhythm
Korea traditional rhythm
Sound of a trumpet as a morning call
No! That's IDOL song
Oh.. I rally like this song
I can dance with this song
Me too
Japanese food??
I love it
You know that??
Father and son
video that makes music together
Whre are you going father?
Father and son...
jazz bar
Say again what??
Super Junior is right
It is awesome...
You can go middle if you just sit down
That's right
But we can't
with tons of wrong answers
I love them
I spoke GROWL first
No you said GROKE!!
You spoke GROKE!!!
NO you said GROSP!!!
what is GROSP???
That is legendary KPOP song right???
Yes right. Number one hit song in 2013
Wow.. awesome
XIUMIN and I are in a same age
Trying to make... relation with him
What are you talk about it
Blood tear and sweats
Is that?? right???
I know it
No you didn't answer it
I think
that is FACE of NUEST???
OH I am right
that's right
Honorable Director
I am right~!!!
That means face~!!!
That is one of old KPOP song
and how do you think it?? wow
debut song is NUEST
(Two of them didn't know what it is)
Oh that's real OH NANA??
I thought it was a joke
that is group with 2 boys, 2 girls?
(They saw KARD when they did practice)
We saw them in a practice video
I swaer I didn't see this video before
Don't do that!!
don't do that!
(Japanese word)
(Japances word)
I knew it
oh really?
Then give him 0.5
Where is her group??
you didn't know it right?
FX is SM right??
Didn't you ask about agency, no??
LONELY fight with 6 people
How many times she won in the masked singer
(He sings north korea song)
I know it include HO sound
(His name is JUN Ho)
did she call me?
Nobody spoke Blackpink!
Yes right
Who speak??
we all together
Did they?
Oh.. really?
yes we did
when I was singing?
Am I winning now?
maybe a lot
you danced this song!
this is...
Why time??
He is doing justice
Did you danced this song right?
He just danced!! and why???
He practiced hard and dance!! and why?
We are team!!!
Think about that!! WE are in a same team
He's our team from the moment he wins
Winning team is my team
You are 1st
I love you
I love JIMIN...
That's end??
That is all???
(There is a picture of Super Junior at monitor)
Just give me a point for sure
Just give me 1 point
Give me one
Fortuen cookie!
You can give us just a 1 point
Did you leave it?
鋼鐵人會死嗎?4個漫威電影中不再出現鋼鐵人的理由 - Duration: 6:40.
【韓国旅行】全てが黒!!話題のサクサクブラックチキン、ブラックソフトクリーム!超美味しいおすすめのお店!【モッパン】 - Duration: 12:31.
Những Phát Minh Quái Dị Của Các Thiên Tài Vĩ Đại - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 10:02.
Mom, teenage son found bludgeoned to death in Bronx apartment - Duration: 3:12.
不負責任乾湯麵評比 !?形象勒?! - Duration: 16:26.
Tatiana Maslany Cried After a Recent Embarrassing Audition - Duration: 4:04.
-You got -- you got a start early, as well.
We were talking to John Oliver tonight.
-Yeah. -He played an orphan.
You did some orphan work early on.
-I did. I did early orphan work.
-Yeah. -I was 9 years old,
and I did my first orphan work.
-And then you went on to be one of the most famous orphans
in television history. -The titular orphan, right.
-So this is "Oliver!" -Yeah.
-Are you down there? -Yeah, that is me.
-Wow, so how -- -I'm popping a squat
as I tend to do.
Again, totally fine 'cause you're wearing a dress.
-Wearing a dress. It's fine. -Doesn't matter. Yeah.
-This -- Paul Nolan is actually like, a huge Broadway star.
-That's fantastic. -And we grew up together
in Regina, Saskatchewan. -Wow.
-Yeah. Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ]
-Wow. Oh, my God. -That's the entire population.
Regina, right there. -By the way, like,
we only had one England for John.
-Oh! -Yeah.
That's a hot night for Regina.
[ Laughter ]
And so this was a Regina production of the show?
-It was "Oliver!" -Okay, great.
-With the exclamation point. -Yeah.
-And I played orphan with pipe cleaners in my hair.
-Great. -So, my braids --
that's all you need to know. -And was that --
Was 9 about when you got bit by the bug?
-That was the start. -That was it. Gotcha.
-That was literally the first performance I did.
-And as soon as you did it, did you think to yourself,
"Oh, yeah. If this a profession, I want to do it."
-Yeah, I was hooked. I was like, "I got do this."
-That's great. -I was addicted.
-Did you have in those early days, do have any bad auditions,
or did it come to you naturally?
-I think all the auditions at that time were probably bad.
I think they still continue to be.
I did a really bad audition recently -- very recently.
-Recently? -Yeah.
It was a cartoon.
For some big cartoon.
I won't name it or the company that is behind it.
But it was a musical, which I'm, like, cartoons,
musicals, love them, can't do them.
So I went in, and was, like, expecting to be in a booth
where you do animation. -Sure, right.
-So you kind of have, like, space to be a goof
and kind of, like, let go.
But it was basically a couch like this with two chairs
where the two execs were sitting that close to me,
and it was like a fluorescent-lit room,
and they're like, "Okay, so let's hear your song."
And I was like, "I think it will be really funny
to sing this song." Won't say what the song was.
"Part of Your World" by "The Little Mermaid."
[ Laughter ] And I was, like, so nervous
to be sitting that close to them.
-Close singing is the worst. -It's horrible.
-Yeah. -So I stood up and just, like,
sang to them, and then looked up,
because it was so uncomfortable.
And I just stared up and I got progressively more embarrassed,
and ran to my car and cried.
[ Laughter, audience "Awws" ]
-Picked up a newspaper. -Put it behind your butt.
Walked out of the room. -Yeah, yeah.
Put it on face or on my butt. Yeah.
-Is it nice now to be doing a show --
I mean, there's the repetition of doing it every night.
Also, you get to play one character every night,
as opposed to -- what was the total in "Orphan Black?"
-I don't know. 13? -Yeah, so ---
-Lots of them died, early. -Lots of them died early. Yeah.
I mean, there were the ones where we were like,
"That's not your best one, Tatiana."
[ Laughter ] -"We'll get rid of them."
-Kill 'em off. Yeah. -The one that sang,
they killed her almost immediately.
-Oh, they killed her fast. She died fast. Yeah.
-Is it nice, though, to just get to play one part?
-It is, and it's, like, such a different experience
to be doing the same piece every night.
You know, the same -- following the same trajectory.
But what's so beautiful is I'm working with,
like, Bryan Cranston... -Yeah.
-...and Tony Goldwyn, and Bryan, you know, they all --
everyone in the cast does this amazing work every night
where they're just navigating it differently, finding new things.
And I feel like, whatever is in the news resonates,
you know, with us because the piece is so prescient.
We're talking about fake news.
We're talking about, you know, the way that news
and entertainment have been fused.
All of it is so alive now
that I can feel the audience respond differently
depending on what crap has happened that day.
You know what I mean? -Well, that's great.
-And we sort of do the same onstage.
So, it's -- it's always very alive,
and Bryan's just unbelievable. -Yeah. He's something else.
-He's unbelievable. -The entire cast is.
-Yeah. -And congratulations on the show
and thank you so much for being here.
Learn Italian (advanced): più ... di o di più? - Duration: 3:57.
ごめんなさい!日本人に対してこれだけは認めない!! - Duration: 4:02.
Ford B-MAX 1.0 Ecoboost 125pk Titanium - Duration: 1:13.
SKAM FRANCE EP.5 S3 : Mardi 12h02 - Gentleman - Duration: 1:28.
-Hey, dude. How are you? Good? -Yeah, and you?
-Yeah. Just wait a second. He's here, the guy, in your class?
-Who? -Eliott.
Because I have to give him something back. -No, he's not. He's not really here these days.
The other, he freaked out in class and since, he doesn't come much.
He plays the tourist. Dude, I'm gonna eat. See you.
-As if she would've slept at your house?
-Of course but the next day, it was my birthday with my grandmother.
-Fuck, dude, it was your birthday. Alright, I'm sorry,
I totally forgot.
Because I had a... I had a big family problem this weekend.
But was it good? Did anything happen?
-Did anything happen? I'll tell you what happened.
The man you see there,
he went into the bathroom with Daphné.
They stayed like, I don't know, half an hour, forty-five minutes together
and he doesn't wanna tell us what happened! -Guys, all I can tell you
is that she stayed 20 minutes on her knees, in front of me.
-Lacing your shoes, right?
-Alright, don't believe me! -We really don't.
-I don't care, I've been a gentleman. -I don't believe you.
-Her hair, it smelled so good.
つるの剛士、生涯ウルトラマン宣言!「R / B」平田雄也らに絆つなぐ - Duration: 5:04.
拡大写真 上 :DAIGO、つ の剛士 下段:其 有沙、平田雄也、 池亮介、濱田龍臣 武居正能監督 俳優のつるの剛 が19日に『劇場 ウルトラマンR B セレクト! のクリスタル』完 披露上映会に出席 、メインキャスト 務める平田雄也、 池亮介、其原有沙 熱い言葉を送った
イベントには、つ のとともに主題歌 担当したDAIG 、前作「ウルトラ ンジード」で主人 を演じ、今作にも 演する濱田龍臣、 督の武居正能も登 した
本作は、シリ ズ初となる兄弟が ルトラマンに変身 る特撮ドラマ「ウ トラマンR / (ルーブ)」の劇 版作品
変身アイテム「ル ブジャイロ」を使 てウルトラマンに 身する湊カツミ( 田)と湊イサミ( 池)の兄弟らが激 を繰り広げる
この日は、主題歌 ヒカリノキズナ」 担当したつるのと AIGOが登場し 新旧のウルトラマ 俳優が揃う機会と った
つるのは「ウ トラマンダイナ」 1997~199 )にアスカ・シン ウルトラマンダイ 役で出演、DAI Oは『ウルトラマ サーガ』(201 年)でタイガ・ノ ム役を務めた
つるのは「僕は今 もウルトラマンだ いう気持ちを持っ いる」と語り、作 を担当するにあた て後輩ウルトラマ に"絆"をつない いこうという気持 があったそう
そんなつるの 熱い発言に、DA GOは大きく頷き がら「つるのさん 詞も僕の曲もすご いい
劇場版にふさわし 曲ができました」 自画自賛。さらに AIGOは、主題 について「US」 DAI語を披露し 「まさにウルトラ ソングです」と解 し、会場の笑いを った
피오(P.O)의 코미디빅리그 방문기 (feat. 피오골계) - Duration: 4:46.
February 12th, P.O came for 'Comedy Big League'
Hello, P.O
Hello x2
Have you seen a script?
Yes, I have!
Waiting room of 'Family on and off' team which P.O appears
(Practicing their parts)
He's looking at demonstration
Can… I do it well…?
Can I just enjoy for fun?
You don't need to worry too much
It's okay even you're wrong the script!
However… I like myself… who is looking the script…
P.O has done his make up (LOL)
O~~ Silky chicken~ P~ Silkie~
Final practice before going on the stage!
How are you feeling today, silkie?
This is your first time for 'Comedy Big League'
I'm good!
Checking the stage
Today… I came
to help Jinho
for 'Comedy Big League'
I came to cheer up
special time for the 300th show!
Q. Aren't you nervous as this is your first time? Yes! I watched this program lots of times
I'm not nervous,
I'm going to enjoy for fun!
Hope you'd enjoy!
Please watch it!
The stage of 'A sudden chill' has been done
It's 'Family on and off's turn!
P.O appears!
O~ silky chicken~ P~ silkie~
(He's doing his best what he learnt)
Do you have instant black noodle in your home?
I do, how many are you going to eat?
I want 7!
What's this?
It's not funny!!!!!
What's your wardrobe anyway?
I didn't order him to do this…
The first quiz is to associate problem
This is the best boy group!
Yuk Gagsu!
There is a song very famous!
You're handsome~
#Humble No… I'm not
P.O made a mistake of timing (LOL)
You both are going to do 'The shout in the silence'
Time's over!
Please give a clap for P.O!
It was really funny!
This atmosphere!
Give him a big clap!
Thank you~
The last photo shooting after the stage!
I'll protect first place of 'Family on and off'!
Family on and off is the best!
I can't hear
Don't be angry
The best!!!
Good job!
How was it today?
I had so much fun filming!
I have new experience
with Jinho
平田雄也、ウルトラマン舞台あいさつで「家に帰ってきた感がある」 - Duration: 3:40.
俳優の平田雄也が19日、都内で『劇場版ウルトラマンR/B( ーブ) セレクト!絆のクリスタル』の完成披露上映会の舞台あい つに参加した。 『ウルトラマンR/B』は、ウルトラマンシ ーズ初となる兄「湊カツミ=ウルトラマンロッソ」(平田)、弟「 イサミ=ウルトラマンブル」(小池亮介)の兄弟がウルトラマンに 身する作品
その劇場版では、妹のアサヒ(其原有沙)がウルトラウーマングリ ジョに変身。戦闘においてはまだまだ非力かつ未熟な面もあるが、 御能力と味方を素早くリカバリーする特色を生かして、戦いをバッ アップする
さらに、湊兄妹の想いの詰まったマコトクリスタルの神秘 パワーにより、ロッソ、ブル、そしてグリージョが融合・変身して 進化戦闘形態「ウルトラマングルーブ」が姿を現す
壇上で平田は小池とじゃれ合いながら「家に帰ってきた感あ 」と自然と笑顔に。「ようやく、こうしてみなさまにお見せするこ ができてうれしい」と完成を喜んだ。 舞台あいさつには濱田 臣、つるの剛士、DAIGO、武居正能監督も参加し、つるのが作 、DAIGOが作曲を担当した主題歌「ヒカリノキズナ」を2人で 唱
制作はカツカツの状況だったそうで、つるのは「時間がなさすぎて DAIGOが鼻歌で送ってきた。それに歌詞を入れた。出来上がっ ときは感無量で…」と振り返り、DAIGOも「ホントにスケジュ ルがヤバかったんですけど『本当の戦いはここからだ!』と」とウ トラマンらしく、どこまでも前向きだった
さらに、DAI語で感想を求められるとDAIGOは「USですよ ウルトラソング」と回答し、つるのは「いいねぇ!」と同曲にぴっ りのDAI語を絶賛していた。 また、先輩ウルトラマンとし 、DAIGOはヒーローの心得を漢字1文字で問われると「Hです 」と、まさかのアルファベットで返答
各方向からツッコミを受けると「アルファベットになっちゃう」と をかきながら「ヒーローですね」と真意を説明していた。
Meghan królewska - Meghan Markle poleciała do Nowego Jorku zorganizować baby shower. Na imprezie za - Duration: 2:34.
Meghan Markle jest w trzecim trymestrze ciąży, więc narodziny jej pierwszego "royal baby" zbliżają się wielkimi krokami
Księżna podobnie jak inne, modne mamy postanowiła wyprawić tzw. baby shower, czyli inaczej bociankowe
To impreza na cześć dziecka, które niedługo ma pojawić się na świecie. Zaproszeni goście, świętując to ważne wydarzenie, obdarowują ciężarną prezentami, ubrankami i zabawkami dla niemowlaka
ZOBACZ: Meghan Markle poczuła ruchy dziecka w brzuchu. Fani nagrali wyjątkowy momentMeghan Markle zorganizuje baby shower w Nowym Jorku Jak podaje magazyn "Page Six", na imprezie pojawi się 15 bliskich znajomych Meghan, ale ich nazwiska jak na razie pozostają tajemnicą
Baby shower będzie zorganizowane w jednym z hoteli na Upper East Side, czyli w jednej z luksusowych dzielnic nowojorskiego okręgu Manhattan
Przyjaciółka księżnej, Jessica Mulroney, podjęła się organizacji całego eventu dla księżnej
Nie wiadomo jeszcze, czy Meghan Markle po powrocie z Ameryki zdecyduje się zorganizować drugie bociankowe w Wielkiej Brytanii, na którym mogłaby pojawić się np
księżna Kate.Ksieżna Sussex nie uprzedziła nikogo o swoim wyjeździeZastanawiający jest fakt, że księżna Sussex zdecydowała się świętować narodziny dziecka z dala od rodziny królewskiej
Amerykański portal "Radar Online" poinformował, że Meghan bez uprzedzenia opuściła Zjednoczone Królestwo i wyjechała do Stanów zjednoczonych, a pałac Kensington odmówił komentarza w tej sprawie i nie chce podać przyczyny nagłego wyjazdu Markle
Myślicie, że żona księcia Harry'ego naprawdę pokłóciła się z Elżbietą II lub księżną Kate i dlatego jest teraz w Nowym Jorku?JP
Woman who had surgery to build new vagina using her bowel hopes to start family - Duration: 5:48.
A woman who underwent pioneering surgery to have her vagina rebuilt using her BOWEL is now waiting for a womb transplant or surrogate in a bid to finally become a mum
Tara Gratton, 37, claims doctors were left baffled by her "partially formed" vagina before she was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-K ster-Hauser syndrome (MRKS) - a congenital disorder that affects the female reproductive system
After being diagnosed with the most severe form aged 14, the support worker was told she had no vaginal tunnel, no womb, no cervix, no Fallopian tubes, and only one kidney
Tara was left devastated after realising she'd never be able to carry her own child but after meeting partner, Stuart Pretswell, 34, the couple began researching their options
Read More 'Miracle' baby boy declared dead three times starts breathing again in COFFIN She opted to have her vaginal tunnel rebuilt through using her bowel as a teenager and is now on the waiting list for a womb transplant - with the couple now hoping, through using her own eggs, they'll be able to start their own family
Tara, from Stakeford, Northumberland, said: "At 14 years old I was diagnosed and had my first surgery so I'd be able to have sex as an adult
"I had a vaginal tunnel built from my bowel as only part of my vagina had formed properly
"My surgery was a risky one as it involved using two inches of my bowel to create a new tunnel opening
"I was really young but naturally I was embarrassed about my condition back then as it was so rare
"Since then I have met my partner, Stuart, and we're desperate to have a family after meeting four years ago
Read More Young mum with cancer records bedtime stories for her kids in case she dies "I don't have a womb so the next surgery I need is a womb transplant
"It would be amazing to have our own family to show others anything is possible
" Tara was first diagnosed with constant kidney infections before doctors did further tests and realised she had MRKS - a rare disorder that affects 1 in 5,000 females, in varying degrees
She added: "My parents had originally taken me to the doctors when I was three, as I kept having kidney infections and nothing seemed able to stop them
"I spent a long time in Newcastle Children's Hospital and with antibiotics, it was eventually managed quite well
"It took them a long time to discover what was actually causing all my problems, and doctors even said, it was the first time they'd ever seen a girl like me
" Read More Woman, 27, with 'abdominal infection' woke up in hospital to find she's given BIRTH Tara decided to have the invasive vagina surgery at 14 to give herself a normal future
She added: "After the surgery I had to have lots of dilation therapy - which essentially stretched my vagina
"Doctors thought I didn't have any ovaries but as I grew older, I discovered that they were wrong - I did have ovaries which meant it was possible for me to have children - but I would have to go through IVF and alternative routes
" After finding her current partner Stuart, also a support worker, Tara was open about her condition and together they're excited about the prospect of starting a family together
Tara has since applied for the womb transplant trial, that has only recently become a viable option
The first baby from a womb transplant from a deceased donor was born in December of last year
However, with a long waiting list, Tara is also looking into surrogacy as a possible path
Tara said: "We have two embryos in storage and are raising money to cover any potential costs from surrogacy
"Now I want to help others like me by speaking out. "It took me a long time to get a diagnosis, and to find help - but with more awareness, more support could become available
" Tabitha Taya, founder of LivingMRKH, one of the UK's only support groups, said: "We first met Tara back in 2013 after she reached out to us after she read our LivingMRKH founder's story in a daily newspaper
"It is now a pleasure to work with her in sharing her message to help others. We have since got to know Tara through several social gatherings held to support those living with this condition
"We all have dreams and aspirations, to be a mother is one of Tara's and we wish her and her partner all the very best
"The road to parenthood for those with MRKH can be challenging, but not impossible, it's important to remember the condition does not define us and there are options available to make our journey a little less stressful and isolating! "We hope Tara's courage to share her journey provides hope and inspiration to our fellow community
" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online
Pedro, el inductor del crimen de Javier Ardines, actuó al sospechar que tenía una relación con su es - Duration: 7:46.
En la fotografía que acompaña estas líneas se ve a Javier Ardines, el concejal de IU de Llanes (Asturias) asesinado el pasado 16 de agosto, acompañado de varios familiares de su esposa Nuria
Entre ellos está Catalina B. R, de 47 años, prima de Nuria, y también el marido de Catalina, Pedro L
N. A., de 48 años. La afable estampa, que fue tomada en el verano de 2015 y muestra al grupo pasando un rato agradable, se ha hecho pedazos después de que la Guardia Civil haya detenido al hombre que sonreía junto a Ardines aquella noche, a Pedro, en relación con su muerte
La investigación de la Guardia Civil lo considera autor intelectual del crimen, por el que también han sido detenidos dos ciudadanos argelinos y otro español
La detención se ha producido en Amorebieta (Vizcaya), donde Pedro y su esposa residen, a 220 kilómetros de distancia de la localidad asturiana, en la que veranean y donde se tomó esa fotografía
El matrimonio tiene residencia en el País Vasco pero está muy vinculado a Llanes, localidad que visitan frecuentemente puesto que la familia de ella es originaria de allí y poseen una casa cerca de la vivienda de Ardines, en la pedanía de Belmonte de Pría, el lugar donde le tendieron la emboscada
Entre la casa del detenido y la del concejal asesinado apenas median 100 metros de distancia
Pese a que son muy asiduos a Llanes, Pedro y Catalina no habían vuelto a la localidad desde que Ardines fue asesinado, el pasado 16 de agosto de 2018
Ni siquiera en Navidad, como acostumbran. Hace semanas que los agentes de la UCO -la Unidad Central Operativa de la Guardia Civil- que se hicieron cargo de la investigación apartaron el foco de la convulsa política municipal en la que se posaron todas las miradas tras el asesinato y se centraron en el crimen pasional como móvil hasta cerrar el círculo en torno a Pedro L
N. A. Su nombre era la comidilla desde hace meses entre los 500 habitantes de Nueva, la pedanía del Ayuntamiento de Llanes más cercana al lugar donde residía Ardines y donde tanto él como Pedro son bastante conocidos
De hecho, el detenido, su esposa y Ardines han compartido alguna noche de fiesta por la localidad, como la que se muestra en la fotografía
El runrún que señalaba a Pedro se acrecentó entre los vecinos sobre todo después de que, a mediados de noviembre, al cumplirse tres meses del asesinato, los medios locales asturianos La Nueva España y El Comercio informaran de que la Guardia Civil se decantaba por la venganza por un asunto sentimental y desvelaran que, en concreto, se seguía a un vecino asiduo a la zona pero con residencia en el País Vasco
Prima hermana de la viuda Pese a ello, hasta que se ha consumado la detención no han acabado creerlo
Por un lado, los vecinos refieren cierto alivio tras tres meses de miradas de recelo, señalamientos de presuntos culpables y rumores varios que habían afectado a la convivencia
Por otro, no ocultan su conmoción puesto que las familias del asesinado y el detenido están emparentadas y tienen una relación muy estrecha
El padre de Nuria, la viuda de Javier Ardines, y el padre de Catalina, la mujer del detenido, son hermanos
Nuria y Catalina son, por tanto primas hermanas, y como tales siempre han mantenido una relación muy cercana y afable
"Están tremendamente preocupados y dolidos", decía un vecino a EL MUNDO hace unos meses sobre cómo se sentía la familia de Ardines ante los rumores que apuntaban a Pedro
Catalina no nació en Llanes, sino en Suiza, donde sus padres emigraron una breve temporada
A su regreso, la familia se instaló en Amorebieta. Fue allí donde Catalina, de 47 años, conoció a Pedro, quien regenta una modesta empresa de instalaciones eléctricas en el mismo Amorebieta
La pareja se casó en 2000 y tiene dos hijos, de 22 y 18 años. Todos las vacaciones las pasan en Nueva de Llanes, localidad con la que la familia mantiene un fuerte arraigo
El 1 de octubre pasado, dos semanas después de que Javier Ardines fuera asesinado, Pedro L
N comentaba en Facebook un vídeo titulado El nuevo tren de la bruja, en el que se veía a un grupo de policías interviniendo ante manifestantes independentistas catalanes
"La violencia no tiene ninguna gracia! Venga de donde venga", escribía.
'I'm the Greatest Dancer!' Cheryl fans go WILD over comedian's hilarious impression - Duration: 2:38.
A Yorkshire comedian has sent fans wild with her perfect impression of The Greatest Dancer's Cheryl
Impressionist Steff Todd has totally nailed the star's Geordie tones, and shared a sample of her work with fans on Instagram
"Well you know what, I totally loved that performance, I love your energy, I love how well you work as a group," she said, sounding just like the former Girls Aloud star
Teasing Chezzer, she added, "But, one bit of advice. I'm the greatest dancer." Fans were loving her work, with one gushing, "So brilliant
" "You're really good," agreed another. "I heard the voice before I saw you and thought it was Cheryl
You're b***dy good." "It's been years since we had some good impressionists, especially females," said a third
It comes after Cheryl was forced to bid farewell to two of her three acts on Saturday when Dane Bates Collective and Frobacks received the lowest votes and were eliminated from the BBC show
They were in the bottom three alongside Oti Mabuse's KLA, but failed to secure enough votes to get through leaving Cheryl with just one act for the final
The 35-year-old dance captain, who had just performed a routine with the Strictly Come Dancing pros, gushed about how talented her acts were and that she didn't think it would be the last she'd see of them
Frobacks had received criticism for their routine on Twitter with viewers complaining about the guys taking off their shirts
Cheryl said she was scrapping any "gimmicks" after last week's poor feedback but it seems their mega-medley wasn't enough to keep them in
The Frobacks were gutted after the results were revealed and said: "We just want to take the opportunity to thank everybody for getting us this far
You guys have been amazing." * The Greatest Dancer returns next Saturday on BBC1 at 7
10pm. Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033
ニュース 本木雅弘「まだまだ行けると信じています」シブがき隊が堀ちえみへエール - Duration: 2:28.
拡大写真 本木雅弘 俳優の本 雅弘(53) 19日、同期 ビューのタレ ト・堀ちえみ 52)がブロ で「ステージ 」の口腔がん 左舌扁平上皮 ん)を公表し ことを受け、 属事務所を通 、コメントを 表した
本木は「 5歳から変わ ぬ魅力的な笑 で、観客の皆 んを、ご家族 、そしてご自 を支えて来ら たのだと思い す。まだまだ けると信じて ます」とエー を送った
薬丸もこ 日、ブログを 新。「早見優 んが堀ちえみ んから"ブロ で発表前に同 の人達には伝 てほしい"と されて私に相 がありました 昨日までに1 82年同期組 は私から電話 伝えることが 来ました
現在も同期で 報を共有して ます」と報告 最後に「同期 んなでパワー 送りたいと思 ます」とつづ た。 本木 薬丸とともに シブがき隊」 して活動した 川敏和(53 はブログで堀 の2ショット 真を公開
「ちえみチャ は早く治して 窓会をやりた とも言ってい そうです。そ だよ、ちえみ つらくて大変 ろうけど、負 ずに治して、 日でも早く同 会をやろうぜ 願晴れ!ちえ !(原文ママ 」とコメント た
Caso Mauro Icardi: una traición entre ex compañeros desató una "guerra" que tiene a otra figura arge - Duration: 7:26.
La novela de Mauro Icardi sigue sumando capítulos (AP) No se trata de una telenovela, pero bien podría ser una historia adaptada para la televisión
El caso de Mauro Icardi y su dilatada renovación con el Inter suma capítulos día a día
En el medio de la celebración por su cumpleaños número 26, salió a la luz la "guerra" que se desató entre dos de los clubes más importantes de Europa
"Algunos dicen que el brazalete (de capitán) no tiene sentido, pero para Mauro es como quitarse una pierna más que un brazo
Lleva esa camiseta con mucho orgullo y si en el pasado se han tomado decisiones sobre el dinero o el amor por la camiseta, siempre elige la camiseta", sostuvo Wanda Nara en el programa Tiki-Taka, en el que trabaja como panelista para intentar calmar los ánimos con la institución neroazzurra
Las palabras de la pareja y agente del goleador se dieron en el medio de una ola de rumores de infidelidad (un medio italiano sostiene que tuvo un affaire con Marcelo Brozović) y la posibilidad de abandonarla y optar por ser representado por Mino Raiola, empresario que tiene como clientes a Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paul Pogba y Gianluigi Donnarumma, entre otros
Wanda Nara lloró en cámara al referirse a la situación de Mauro Icardi con el Inter En forma paralela y sigilosa, Juventus salió a escena para intentar sacarle provecho a esta disputa y quedarse con el argentino, a quien tuvo como "plan B" de Cristiano Ronaldo hace dos mercados de pases
"El interés del pasado mes de junio no fue una acción perturbadora, sino informativa
Era para conocer la voluntad de Icardi", sostuvo Fabio Paratici, director deportivo de la Juventus
Luego, agregó que "si Icardi quiere cambiar de club, la Juve está interesada. Esto lo hacen todos los clubes con muchos jugadores
Igualmente no ha habido contactos con la señora Icardi (Wanda Nara). Es un jugador del Inter y nosotros tenemos meses importantes por delante"
"De momento solo estamos en febrero, así que nadie sabe qué pasará en junio", concluyó el mandatario
La Vecchia Signora ganó las últimas siete ediciones de la Serie A y esta temporada se reforzó con la clara intención de ganar la Champions League (en octavos de final enfrentarán a Atlético Madrid)
Los principales medios italianos ponene a Paulo Dybala en el medio de la disputa Inter-Juventus Las palabras de Paratici no fueron bien recibidas en Inter
El primero en salir a contestarle fue Beppe Marotta, quien las tomó como una especie de traición
El ex dirigente de peso del club de Turín y actual director deportivo de Inter recogió el guante y lanzó una verdadera bomba:"El Inter no va a dar a Icardi y vamos a conseguir llegar a un acuerdo con él en el futuro
¿Paratici dijo que estuviéramos atentos a lo que iban a hacer en junio en relación a Mauro? Bueno, lo mismo digo de Dybala
En junio podemos hablar de él". "La declaración de Paratici está fuera de lugar
Icardi es uno de nuestros miembros y no está en el mercado", recalcó Marotta, dejando en claro el malestar que se generó en Inter a raíz de las negociaciones que iniciaron a sus espaldas por el ex capitán del equipo
Para concluir, el mandatario dejó en claro la postura del Inter con respecto al caso Icardi, pese a la decisión de quitarle la capitanía: "Haremos una propuesta para la renovación, luego veremos cómo será la negociación
Todavía tiene dos años y medio de contrato, parece arriesgado hablar de una ruptura"
El que se mostró en la misma sintonía fue Steven Zhang, presidente del club. El empresario chino, aunque no dio detalles sobre la negociación del contrato, dejó en claro que no hay intenciones de vendérselo a la Vecchia Signora y que la principal intención es retener a su máxima figura
"En el fútbol nunca digas nunca, pero en este caso específico no hay posibilidad de que Icardi vaya a la Juventus", señaló
Y luego, añadió: "Haremos todo lo que podamos para que se desarrolle de la forma correcta y darle todo nuestro apoyo
Aquí siempre ha sido bienvenido. Estamos en negociaciones para renovar su contrato ya que es un jugador importante para el equipo"
Por lo pronto, Mauro Icardi no estuvo presente en los últimos dos compromisos del Inter
Primero se negó a viajar a Austria para el duelo de ida por los 16avos de final de la Europa League ante Rapid Viena y luego quedó fuera de la nómina en la victoria por 2 a 1 ante Sampdoria por una supuesta lesión en la rodilla
¿Estará presente el próximo domingo ante Fiorentina? MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Continúa la novela Mauro Icardi-Inter: rumores de infidelidad y ataque a piedrazos a Wanda Nara mientras manejaba Una nueva voz en el escándalo: explosivas declaraciones del ex representante de Mauro Icardi contra Wanda Nara El polémico video que publicó Wanda Nara en medio del conflicto: fotos en llamas de ella y Mauro Icardi
「這樣大家都學會了嗎?」嘉中英文考題疑辱總統 蔡英文高EQ親自出馬教英文-風傳媒 - Duration: 2:53.
SKAM FRANCE EP.5 S3 : Mardi 12h02 - Gentleman - Duration: 1:28.
-Hey, dude. How are you? Good? -Yeah, and you?
-Yeah. Just wait a second. He's here, the guy, in your class?
-Who? -Eliott.
Because I have to give him something back. -No, he's not. He's not really here these days.
The other, he freaked out in class and since, he doesn't come much.
He plays the tourist. Dude, I'm gonna eat. See you.
-As if she would've slept at your house?
-Of course but the next day, it was my birthday with my grandmother.
-Fuck, dude, it was your birthday. Alright, I'm sorry,
I totally forgot.
Because I had a... I had a big family problem this weekend.
But was it good? Did anything happen?
-Did anything happen? I'll tell you what happened.
The man you see there,
he went into the bathroom with Daphné.
They stayed like, I don't know, half an hour, forty-five minutes together
and he doesn't wanna tell us what happened! -Guys, all I can tell you
is that she stayed 20 minutes on her knees, in front of me.
-Lacing your shoes, right?
-Alright, don't believe me! -We really don't.
-I don't care, I've been a gentleman. -I don't believe you.
-Her hair, it smelled so good.
For more infomation >> SKAM FRANCE EP.5 S3 : Mardi 12h02 - Gentleman - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Galaxy C7 Şarj Soketi Değişimi 🇹🇷 TELEFONUM ŞARJ OLMUYOR Neden ? - Duration: 15:58.
Yes friends. Hello there.
Today. In GSM Communication
Samsung C7
The model we call C700
We will replace the charging socket.
The phone is not charging.
As you see. Charging the charger as a result
they have damaged the charging socket.
We'll exchange the charging socket for this.
We know this is a broken charger socket.
99% of the problem
We believe it is from the charging socket.
Friends. If a phone is not charging
What can be the problem
Let me give you some information about this.
If a phone is not charging
the first of the charging socket
is in the slot
In the slot where the charging socket is,
Let us show you a home.
In the socket with this charging socket
usually dust, filthy etc.
The first can be. Latter
from the charger.
It could be the charger.
The third reason may be from the battery.
So if a phone is not charging
from the charger.
If not from the charger, it can be from the charging socket.
If not from the charging socket
can be from the battery. Finally
charge integrated
it can also be connected to the motherboard.
So if a phone is not charging
If you are not charging
we can't say this is because it is immediately.
We need to test it for him. But this is
Charging slot is shattered
this is from the charging socket, from the charging socket.
we are sure. Now we will watch together.
Friends C7 phone
naturally removes from this screen when we disconnect
As you can see, the paint, the paint,
We told this to the customer. This paint
Depart. He had a little bit of paint before.
It was swollen.
It was swollen.
We told him that this was our way to our client.
90% of them when opened
the paint is removed.
So this is Samsung's own fault.
The total number of screws removed is 14.
We've got two screws down there. Total 14
There are 16 total screw counts.
Number of screws to remove
16 friends.
Samsung Galaxy C7
we are changing the charging socket.
Model C700.
Under two keys
also remove the screws.
We've screwed a total of 18 screws.
This video is for our technician friends.
Shared for information purposes.
Watching our videos of non-experts on this subject
do these kinds of operations
We do not recommend.
Otherwise, you may break the device completely.
What friends do you do in a repair
Remove the battery socket and disconnect the current from the device.
Then you need to do other operations.
You see the motherboard screw.
The screw connected to this motherboard is black and slightly smaller than the other screws.
Watch this. Otherwise
If you insert the long screw on the motherboard, it goes up to the screen.
It infects the motherboard and spoils the device.
We highly recommend you to pay attention to this.
At the same time, the screws attached to the motherboard are black.
Yes friends. Motherboard
You see. The motherboard is the most important part of the device.
phone or smart phone or
No matter which device we do when repairing
first and foremost
The motherboard is the device itself.
There are other parts, but the motherboard is the device itself.
For that reason,
need to remove.
Yes, we removed the charging socket.
Let us show you the broken place.
As you can see, it's torn from the inside.
most likely the charger
Yes, as you can see.
New charging socket.
Let's install the new charging socket.
When we plug in the new charging socket
I hope he'il take charge.
What's on the charger socket?
Let us show you the parts.
We've got what we call an external headphone socket.
There's a microphone.
Same time
the button has a click section.
There are these. You know about this. Same time
There are several network circuits.
So it's all in one piece.
It's in the form of a team.
Yeah. We're replacing the motherboard right now.
Black screws as we say
two screw screws holding black screw motherboard
These screws are shorter than the screws we remove from the case.
Let's not put these screws in wrong.
If we install the screw on the motherboard
screen goes up.
And breaks the screen. It can also damage the motherboard.
That's why we need to be very careful here.
We're wearing the network antennas.
Yeah, we're gonna test it right now.
Yes, as you can see
So as we thought doing charging from the socket.
As you see
The broken charging socket has changed.
And the device is currently starting to charge.
Charge is fully empty
She needs 10 to 15 minutes.
Get the device back.
Yeah. In GSM Communication
The Samsung Galaxy C7 charger socket was replaced.
Thank you friends for watching.
For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy C7 Şarj Soketi Değişimi 🇹🇷 TELEFONUM ŞARJ OLMUYOR Neden ? - Duration: 15:58.-------------------------------------------
Alan Shearer slams Chelsea star Jorginho during Chelsea vs Man Utd: 'He's a huge negative' - Duration: 3:22.
For more infomation >> Alan Shearer slams Chelsea star Jorginho during Chelsea vs Man Utd: 'He's a huge negative' - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - 11 Minutes (YUNGBLUD, Halsey) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:34.
lyrics on the video
For more infomation >> Nightcore - 11 Minutes (YUNGBLUD, Halsey) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Comment changer le pressostat de votre lave linge MIELE - Duration: 7:50.
For more infomation >> Comment changer le pressostat de votre lave linge MIELE - Duration: 7:50.-------------------------------------------
Soi cầu lô đề xsmb 20/2/2019 - soi cầu miền bắc - soi cau xsmb- xổ số miền bắc 20/2,Thuận Vũ 286 - Duration: 5:53.
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For more infomation >> Israël: Livni, ex-ministre des Affaires étrangères, se retire de la politique - Duration: 6:56.-------------------------------------------
Contre le déni de justice, des victimes de prêtres pédophiles unies à l'international - Duration: 11:41.
For more infomation >> Contre le déni de justice, des victimes de prêtres pédophiles unies à l'international - Duration: 11:41.-------------------------------------------
Violences du 1er mai: Alexandre Benalla au tribunal pour être entendu par les juges - Duration: 4:30.
For more infomation >> Violences du 1er mai: Alexandre Benalla au tribunal pour être entendu par les juges - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
Violences du 1er mai: Alexandre Benalla au tribunal pour être entendu par les juges - Duration: 4:29.
For more infomation >> Violences du 1er mai: Alexandre Benalla au tribunal pour être entendu par les juges - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
中村獅童・大森南朋・浅野忠信が一同に集う奇跡のLIVEに、田口トモロヲの参戦決定 - Duration: 2:25.
中村獅童・大森南朋 浅野忠信が一同に集 奇跡のLIVEに、 口トモロヲの参戦決 3月13日( )に新宿LOFTに 開催される「ACT R'S NIGHT 2019」に、中村 童、大森南朋、浅野 信に加えて田口トモ ヲが出演することが 表された
中村獅童が役者仲 を募って「普段観ら ない特別なステージ 観せたい」という意 で立ち上げたライブ ベント「ACTOR S NIGHT」。 016年9月にレッ シューズ生誕35周 を記念して『ACT R'S ROCK' ROLL NIG T』を開催
チケットはソールド ウトし、2017年 は東名福にてライブ アー『ACTOR' NIGHT TO R』を開催した。 して今年、多くの方 声を受け、大森南朋 ギターボーカルを務 る『月に吠える
』、そして浅野忠信 ボーカルを務めるS DA!、そして今回 表された田口トモロ がボーカルを務める ASTORDERZ の4マンライブを開 する。自身は、多く ミュージシャンが訪 るロックバー『RE SHOES』の2 周年記念イベントに 結成されたバンド『 樹町ミサイルズ』と て出演
豪華メンバーが一 に会する奇跡のLI Eに注目が集まって る。
For more infomation >> 中村獅童・大森南朋・浅野忠信が一同に集う奇跡のLIVEに、田口トモロヲの参戦決定 - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Imran Khan strong message to India about Pulwama attack | M Starter Tv | 19 February 2019 - Duration: 3:06.
Pulwama Attach Reaction
'I'm the Greatest Dancer!' Cheryl fans go WILD over comedian's hilarious impression - Duration: 2:38.
A Yorkshire comedian has sent fans wild with her perfect impression of The Greatest Dancer's Cheryl
Impressionist Steff Todd has totally nailed the star's Geordie tones, and shared a sample of her work with fans on Instagram
"Well you know what, I totally loved that performance, I love your energy, I love how well you work as a group," she said, sounding just like the former Girls Aloud star
Teasing Chezzer, she added, "But, one bit of advice. I'm the greatest dancer." Fans were loving her work, with one gushing, "So brilliant
" "You're really good," agreed another. "I heard the voice before I saw you and thought it was Cheryl
You're b***dy good." "It's been years since we had some good impressionists, especially females," said a third
It comes after Cheryl was forced to bid farewell to two of her three acts on Saturday when Dane Bates Collective and Frobacks received the lowest votes and were eliminated from the BBC show
They were in the bottom three alongside Oti Mabuse's KLA, but failed to secure enough votes to get through leaving Cheryl with just one act for the final
The 35-year-old dance captain, who had just performed a routine with the Strictly Come Dancing pros, gushed about how talented her acts were and that she didn't think it would be the last she'd see of them
Frobacks had received criticism for their routine on Twitter with viewers complaining about the guys taking off their shirts
Cheryl said she was scrapping any "gimmicks" after last week's poor feedback but it seems their mega-medley wasn't enough to keep them in
The Frobacks were gutted after the results were revealed and said: "We just want to take the opportunity to thank everybody for getting us this far
You guys have been amazing." * The Greatest Dancer returns next Saturday on BBC1 at 7
10pm. Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033
I'm back in hvh UwU (Leak Config other..) - Duration: 0:27.
2019 Yamaha MT-15 New Version Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
ENFP and INTJ Relationships and Business Partnerships - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 6:18.
Hey Dan here and really excited to be answering a question today from Rebecca
about ENFP and INTJ partnerships whether that be in the bedroom or in the
boardroom. Now if you're new to the channel my name is Danm this is Dreams
Around The World and my mission here is to help you become the best version of
yourself all while creating the most awesome life
possible for you and those you love. Now I was excited to answer this question
because it's something I thought of a lot actually, full confession - for years I
had this limiting belief that I needed an INTJ partner.. What was interesting to
me about Rebecca's question is her wording made me think that she thought
it was maybe an unlikely pairing and actually in many circles INTJs and ENFPs
are considered a really, really good partnership and that was my belief for
the longest time - that an INTJ partner would be the perfect person for me to
grow a business with because of some of our complimentary skills. So why is this?
Why are INTJs and ENFPs considered so good together?
Well I won't get into all the jargon of how our functions work and can work
together but essentially as ENFPs we're very spontaneous, we love coming up with
new ideas, new concepts and INTJs tend to be really good at taking something we're
doing and creating more of a system around it. One of my good entrepreneur
friends who is an INTJ is all about the systems,
how can he build his back-end system and set everything up and that works really
well to compliment us ENFPs. Now INTJs are not taskmasters, they're not someone
I would consider necessarily a great virtual assistant or someone to help us
ENFPs stay organized and get everything done. They's someone who will complement
as well in more of a partnership setting and help take what we're thinking of,
take a new concept and together we can execute it a lot better and create more
of a system to get it done perhaps more efficiently and more effectively over
the long run. Now generally if an ENFP and INTJ meet at
the bar, let's say, there's not going to be sparks at first it's not gonna be one
of those relationships where you meet and you're just having witty banter back
and forth and you're just - oh my god, we're best friends forever right off the
bat. What I found with INTJs I've met is tends to be a bit more of a slow burn. It
tends to be a gradual relationship where you really grow and appreciate each
other at least from the ENFP perspective. We're meeting an INTJ
I don't initially have a great spark but over time I really learn to appreciate
them and find that it can be quite a deep relationship. I've also found at
least for myself there's usually been a fairly strong alignment in terms of
values and what's important to us and that generally we're driven by similar
things and not driven by some of the things that can tend to drive a lot of
other types which might be more around status or prestige, around significant
things like this. That may be more just me in the INTJs I've met, I'm not going
to make a blanket statement there, but that's been my own personal experience.
Another positive outcome I found with INTJ and ENFP relationship is more
brainstorming and coming up with new ideas.
Whenever I've spent a lot of time with an INTJ who's had similar interests as
me and we've kept talking about business, it tends to lead to some really positive
brainstorming, there's a bit of a dynamic where of course is ENFPs we talk a
little bit more, the INTJs might be better at organizing those thoughts and
coming back with their own idea and complement anything, but in general
that's really been my experience is together an INTJ and ENFP might be
two - three - four times as creative than say two ENFPs or two INTJs might be
together. On that note if you are an INTJ watching this do feel free to contact me
through my website or the comments below about possible partnerships or ways we
could work together! Who would I be to make this video about the great synergy
and not throw that out there? Now in the romantic side I can't really speak to
that too much one way or the other I think in general it is a compatible
match, INTJs and ENFPs, but when it comes to romance, it really depends more of
what you're looking for in a partner and a relationship. I think a lot of the
compatibility talk with personality type is about really a long-term functioning
partnership which may even resemble more of a business partnership than
necessarily where you're going to have the most sparks or the best romance or
the best sex for that matter, so that's really going to depend
what you're looking for but I would say overall an INTJ and an ENFP should have
no problem having a good romantic relationship assuming everything else is
aligned as well. Now what I don't want you to do is to make the mistake that I
made early on is get this limiting belief that a certain personality type
is what you need and that can be bad in many ways you could meet someone who's
amazing for you and they're not the personality type you think you need and
so maybe you shy away and don't give that person a chance. On the other side
you might meet someone who's not really compatible with you and not really the
type of person you should be with but you're an ENFP and they're an INTJ and
you're like: But Dan said in that video all right let's look over all their
faults yeah yeah they had Nazi propaganda flags in their bedroom but
like they said they got that from their uncle, that's not a big deal, right, I'm
gonna get flagged on YouTube for this - oh well, let's stick it out. So in conclusion
I think INTJs and ENFPs can be really
compatible and work really well together, especially in more of a
productive business capacity. I don't think you should ever limit yourself to
one or two types and just assume that anyone who isn't that type isn't going
to be a great fit with you and people who are that type will automatically be
a great fit for you because that's not necessarily true. Now I'm gonna do a
video soon on the types of people that are really aligned with ENFPs when it
comes to building a business team so if you are an ENFP entrepreneur and you're
thinking who are the two three four people I should hire to build a team
definitely subscribe to the channel and if you're not yet subscribed anyhow you
should subscribe. I publish new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6
a.m. Eastern Time, so hit the subscribe button, hit the bell and I will catch you
in the next video soon. Ciao!
Simmam Rasi 2019 March Month Rasi Palan Leo | சிம்ம ராசி 2019 மார்ச் மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:59.
Special Agent OSO Greenfinger Part 1 - Pink Fish - Duration: 3:49.
PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
You now here comes specially Genosha
So for today's training exercise
You need to climb up these here cliffs and get to that red flag piece of cake just watch me
Listen, fo sho. You have to get there without wolfy shining a searchlight on you wolfies. Got a searchlight. I
Sure do wow. It's a bright one, but he won't shine it on me. I'll make it to the red flag. I
Could use your help on this one which one's the red flag
The one in the middle. I see it. Thanks
Mean if a school mom, oh, I'm sorry. I'm running so late this morning Michaela. I still need to make your lunch
Oh and I've been meaning to water those plants. I can help mom. Oh, why did the plants for you? Oh, thank you, honey
That would be such a big help
The problem is I don't know how to water plant
Also, where are you
Olfi searchlight could never spot me
You can't hide for me also
Mr. Garrow
Where are you? Oh, so come on whoopee. You'll never get me
Now reach the red flag
It's all part of the plan
Gotcha. Oh so more or less
Special Agent Oso
Twitch extension challenge project presentation - Duration: 19:36.
I mean EC2, not ECW. I'm sorry.
É educado vomitar à mesa? - Duration: 16:31.
Czech star Petra Kvitova raring to go ahead of Australian Open final against Naomi Osaka - Duration: 3:11.
Twelve months on from a first-round loss at Melbourne Park that left her in the depths of despair, Petra Kvitova is within touching distance of making the venue the site of her third - and most remarkable - grand slam triumph
Victory over Japan's Naomi Osaka in Saturday night's Australian Open final would cap off an astonishing comeback for the Czech world No
6, who suffered a knife attack in late 2016 which threatened to end her career. Already the two-time Wimbledon champion has progressed further than she dared dream was possible
Doctors gave her a 10 per cent chance of again playing elite tennis after the violent home invasion which left her with a near-severed finger and nerve damage in her hand
There were also mental scars. Kvitova couldn't even be alone in a change room when she returned to the main stage at the 2017 French Open
A first-round loss to German Andrea Petkovic at last year's Australian Open was a self-described low point in her comeback
"I felt really terrible," Kvitova said. "Of course losing in Wimbledon was hurting a lot, as well, at the time
I think those two losses were really tough for me. Was especially in the grand slams, of course
"How I felt wasn't really nice. Sometimes I'm probably too stressed and it's not really great
" To say Kvitova has bounced back is an understatement. The left-hander is on an 11-match winning streak and is in such a good place mentally that she hasn't worked at all with her sports psychologist this month - something she described as a "very good thing"
She also boasts an enviable record in title deciders. Before her attack, Kvitova has played eight finals and each time she's won
"I think it feels better to know this, that I do have better percentage of winning than losing in the final," she said
"Every final is different, because every time is just different opponent or different place or time but I really love playing finals
"I love playing on the big stages and this will be one of them." As well as the Australian Open crown, the winner will take over the world No
1 ranking from Simona Halep. Kvitova said her fitness level since her return to tennis had given her confidence of going the distance against reigning US Open champion Osaka
"I'm able to be there and run and fight whatever is happening," she said. "Definitely everything is together
It's very connected and I'm happy for that."
Clever Solution To Your Content Problem! - Duration: 4:38.
Unknown: You probably have a treasure trove of gold of content available to you. And you may not even realize it. Hey, my name is Traci Reuter, and I am the CEO and founder of Divine Social. We are a Facebook and Instagram Ad agency. And I also am the contributing author to the Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising, Volume Three.
So what do I mean by, "you might have this treasure trove of gold waiting for you."
So with a lot of our clients, when we first bring on a new agency client at Divine Social, one of the early things that we do is we actually do an audit of their content. So the reason we do this is because we're looking for things that we can use in our Three Pillar Strategy that we architect out for each of our clients. Now, if you don't know about the Three Pillars Strategy, there's a link below this, you can download a worksheet and it'll explain it in more detail on how you can do exactly this process of looking for, for this gold in your existing content. So just for a quick review, the three pillars are audience building, engagement, and conversion campaigns. And those are things that we do when it comes to Facebook ads, Instagram ads, but you can also take the same approach for your organic content, and anything that you put out in social email, blog content, it doesn't matter. So what we're looking for is we're looking for in there any kinds of videos, blog post things that you've done in the past that you could use in any of those three pillars? Right? So is there something you have that you could use for audience building? Do you have a value driven piece of content that relates to your offer that we could use in the pre engagement or maybe the post engagement stage it's absolutely incredible when we start to dig and we find some stuff now, a lot of times what will happen is we'll find a few things and then we'll be able to identify what kind of content Do we need to produce in order to have an excellent and efficiently architected three pillar strategy. It's really it's actually a relief to most of our clients, because they realize they already have some good stuff. So here's what I want to encourage you to do. You haven't got the download already get the get the download the three pillars download. And in there, there's a worksheet and it will help walk you through doing an audit of your existing content. Where do you already have videos that you've made, it could be a Facebook Live, maybe it's a blog post, you may already have things that you can use valuable golden nuggets that you can use in your marketing. So for example, I have a colleague that did this with one of their clients, they found a YouTube video, it was a very old YouTube video, and it was perfect. It was exactly congruent with the offer that they were going to make. And it was so value packed, they had to use it. Now the interesting thing was sometimes, you know, we want everything to be perfect. Well, with this particular video, they couldn't find the original. And so what they ended up doing is they ended up pulling the YouTube version with all of the, the links, you know, the the, the YouTube branding, they pulled all of that and the used it in the Facebook news feed. Now they didn't use the link they didn't link to it. You never want to do that. You never want to take a link video that you know the YouTube link and put it in your Facebook news feed. Facebook and YouTube don't play well. What they did is they they downloaded the video as a source file. And they uploaded that straight into Facebook taking that old video that wasn't perfect that had the YouTube branding on it. They put that into Facebook, and they have literally made millions and millions of dollars by using that video in their ad strategy. It's absolutely
incredible. So
here's what I want you to do. I want you to be thinking What do you already have that you could leverage in some campaigns? My guess is is you have a lot more than you realize. So download the resource, make sure you do that and then start looking through and then start seeing, okay, I don't have as much that I need to create an order to build out a really great strategy to grow my audience to get great engagement to move those people through to the buying decision or to the opt in decision or some kind of step forward to do business with you. So if you haven't already subscribed, make sure you subscribe to our channel. We put up videos like this every Tuesday and sometimes more often. And make sure you leave a message below. We'd love to hear your greatest "Aha". If you find that you have some amazing content that's buried in your YouTube channel or your Facebook channel or your blog and you find something that you never thought that you could re-purpose, leave a comment below and tell us all about it, because we want to encourage you and celebrate your success. So my name is Traci Reuter and we'll see you next time.
Khing Kor Rar Khar Kor Rang EP 27 Eng Sub - Duration: 54:05.
Why are you crying?
I'm glad that you came to see me.
I don't believe you.
Are you hungry? Editor bought you jok.
I'm not hungry yet.
You should at least have some.
Where's Khun Pawee?
I don't know.
You had a fight again?
It's the usual.
Looking after you and fighting you at the same time,
I think that it'll make your condition worse.
Why don't you hire a nurse to look after you?
I can do it. But I'm worried about p'Nee.
It's fine. You stay with her.
I'll be fine.
Khun Pawee was probably forced by his mother to come look after me,
so he had to come.
He'll probably be gone by tomorrow.
Let's eat those.
That's more like it. Pat, go set these up.
Yes, Penh?
How's Nid?
She's doing better now.
I'm afraid that she'd misunderstand..
so I want to explain things to her that we're not together.
Uh, I think you should just let it be.
Are you home yet?
I'm still at the hospital.
Oh.. I forgot that you were staying overnight.
I'll hang up now. Please tell Nid good night from me.
So.. it's not delicious?
It is, but I can't really eat right now.
You only had a little bit though.
Why did you eat so little?
Eat a bit more.
Or you'll make Editor sad.
Eat, Nid.
Khun Nid, if you don't want to eat, then don't force yourself.
What do you want to eat, tell me, I'll buy it.
Don't you have work to do?
I do, but I can make time to come see her.
Oh, you don't have to. I can take care of her. It's not difficult.
What about you? Don't you have work to do?
Oh, I forgot. You own the company.
Of course.
I have to take care of her and stick close by.
Wow, someone's still after you even though you're pregnant.
I think.. we should leave now. We'll come back later.
Nid, I'll see you later.
Good bye.
Let's go, Editor. Bye Nid~
-Bye. -Good bye.
You were really talking down on my friend.
Why did he make those faces trying to flirt with you like that?
His face was normal.
That's normal?
Watch, tomorrow, I'll have them hang a sign that says no visitors.
Are you crazy? I'm fine!
I wanna punch someone's face in!
Why didn't you do that when you were in the room?
Because of Khun Nid.
One-sided love that won't go anywhere.
I'm sorry, Khun Nee.
I should be the one apologizing.
I'll remember,
that if you love someone, you have to hurry and tell that person.
If you're just watching, it'll be too late. Someone will steal that person from you.
Just think that it wasn't meant to be.
So you won't be together.
I shouldn't have been waiting! I saw that they were fighting so..
You have to let Nid take a vacation from work until she gives birth.
I agree.
Why are you home so early?
I'm kind of bored lately. How's Nid?
She's better now.
She was overworking herself,
so she's really stressed out. I don't think that's healthy for the baby.
We were just talking about making her take a break from work.
You guys are right. I'll go visit her tomorrow.
Your brother is acting so suspicious.
You're imagining things.
I'm not really pleased with him.
You're annoying!
I thought you were asleep.
Are you feeling any better?
I told you that I'm fine.
One more day and I can go back to work.
I don't think you should.
As long as you keep thinking that I'm stealing,
I won't stop going to work.
I will prove who's innocent and who's guilty.
Aren't you worried about our baby?
You still believe uncle Raasan, don't you?
It's not important whether I believe him or not.
It's important.
It's very important to me.
No matter what,
- I.. - You'll believe your uncle.
I'm sleepy.
Here, come here.
It's good that you're home.
I can help look after you.
Me too.
Are Khun Wee and Khun Nid going to have breakfast now?
Can you talk to Nid? She wants to go back to work.
You have really horrible timing, Wee.
At first, when you offered to go take care of her, I was starting to get pleased.
But now, I'm starting not to be pleased with you again.
Let's go upstairs, honey.
If she has someone else as her daughter-in-law, she would never be this pleased.
-Dad. -Yes?
I have something I want to talk to you about.
You don't want me to go back to work, am I right?
Well, only for now.
I want to be sure that my grandchild is strong enough,
then I'll let to go and work your butt off.
The end.
I believe you.
Why does Wee keep saying that you're stubborn?
I think you listen really well.
Only for certain people.
But for certain people..I won't listen to them.
Just like me!
That's why I'm so pleased with you!
I'm not telling this so you would worry about it.
But it's something Nid really believes in.
Nid used to be a reporter,
if she gets a wind that something isn't right,
she's not going to let it go.
But she's not a reporter anymore.
But she's still has reporter intuitions.
Doesn't she worry about herself and the baby?
I told you, it's what she does.
Then.. what about uncle Raasan?
It's time for Raasan and Nid to prove themselves.
I thought she was going to be in the hospital for a couple of days?
She probably changed her mind. Nok just called and told me.
I want to cause a scene... but..
Then, tell P'Ben and my mother about this for me.
Pat, I need yours and Editor's help.
Uh, I'll call you back later.
I can't talk right now.
I asked mom and she gave me permission because
she doesn't want you to be alone.
Then I'll go tell her that I can sleep alone just fine.
Who were you talking to?
A friend.
Khun Pat or Editor?
None of your business.
Let go of me and take your stuff and leave.
Sorry. I'll be staying in this room.
Then I'll go.
Go ahead and try.
You'll get it.
Are you threatening me?
Let me tell you something, I've never been afraid of you for even a little bit.
I know that you're brave.
Good. Now take your stuff and leave.
But I wasn't threatening you.
I'd do it.
I'll go to work now.
You cannot take my stuff out.
You think I'm afraid of that too?
I know that you're brave, but I'm serious.
Khun Pawee.
How is Khun Nid?
She's fine.
That's good. I was so worried.
Help Nok with her work for now.
She has a of things to take care of. When Nid comes back, you can go back to help her.
Thank you.
It's fine.
Nid's worried about you too.
Hello? Pat. We can talk now. It's safe.
I really need yours and Editor's help with something.
I want you to investigate someone.
Uncle Raasan.
Before, it wasn't much,
but now, he actually made up fake evidence,
he said that I stole the money.
And it seems like Khun Pawee believed him too. What an idiot!
He believes that you stole the money?
How could he believe him?
Anything that's bad about me, he believes them all.
Plus, he believes that his uncle is a good person.
I have to prove this! My dignity is on the line here!
Okay. You can trust me.
Thanks, Pat.
Do you want to call and threaten her again?
Aom! Why did you sneak up on me?!
I was asking if you want me to call and threaten her again?
Why not?
This time, I'm doing it for real.
Let's go right now then?
You're big with no brains, I'm not taking you with me.
I'm taking Penh and Ben.
Do you have any excuses?
Khun Pairou and I aren't together anymore.
These photos prove that you're still in contact with him!
It's not true! We aren't in contact with each other anymore.
Don't believe her!
Look at the evidence! She's lying to you!
Pack up your stuff and get out of my house.
But.. Khun Pairou already gave this house to me.
All I'm asking for is a roof over my head, can't I have that?
You can't even have this house!
You can't ask for anything!
Get your stuff and get out of my house!
Oh my!
She's begging you, don't give it to her!
Of course not!
Well? Are you leaving or not?
You're not, right?
Penh, Ben, let's take all her stuff and throw it out of the house!
Let's go!
Please don't!
Please! Khun Penh!
Please don't!
Let go of me!
Khun Penh!
Khun Penh!
He's not picking up!
Oh my!
What are we going to do?!
Call his office!
Call him!
Penh, how it's going?!
Don't rush me! I'm going insane as it is!
How can I help you, Khun Penh?
Oh, he just left.
Yes. Please hold.
Please stop Khun Pawee.
How's it going?!
He's still not there! I don't know what's going on!
Penh! She's breathing slower!
Mom! P'Ben, go help her!
No.. noo..
I'm afraid that she might die.
And if she dies..
She'll become a ghost..
She'll haunt me..!
She knows my face!
I'm scared!!
She remembers all of us!
Go help! Go!
Penh, how's it going?!
Hurry up!
Pick up! Please pick up!
Khun Pawee!
Khun Penh called, please call her back.
She said it's a matter of life and death.
Please call!
Khun Penh is at Khun Paranee's house.
What is it?
Where are you?!
Take her to the nearest hospital! I'm going there as soon as possible.
-What's going on? -I don't know.
What if she haunts us?
- P'Wee! - How is she doing?
She's inside, we still don't know.
I'm scared!
Don't go inside!
I think we should flee,
if something happens to her..we'll go to prison!
We can't run anywhere.
Jeez Ben, why did you have to join these two people?!
Oh my! How can you say that?!
Is.. is she going to die?
Are you worried about her or..
are you worried about going to jail for murder?
P'Wee! I didn't mean for this to happen!
That's right.
Penh didn't do anything!
We didn't do anything..!
She did it to herself, she fell on her own.. she's clumsy.
That's true, Khun Pawee!
I'm the witness! I didn't see anything!
When we got there, we were waiting downstairs and she fell on her own!
We don't know anything at all!
Thip, Wee already said that she's safe now.
But she's still in ICU!
If she's there, it means that she's not safe yet! I know!
The doctor said that she's alright now.
But they need to keep close eyes on her.
Oh, Nee! I'm going to see her!
Just sit first, okay? Sit.
Go tell Nid.
Come, sit.
Calm down, okay?
Nid! Nid!
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I have something to tell you.
Brace yourself.
What is it?
Khun Paranee lost her baby.
She miscarried.. but she's alright now.
How could that happened?!
She was 4 months pregnant without any problems!
Which hospital is she in?
I'll take you. Mom and dad are waiting downstairs.
Pat, how is she?
She's fine now.
Would you like to go in and see her?
- Yes. - She's over here.
I want to see her too.
Let's wait for Nid to come out first.
They won't let too many visitors in.
Then I'm going in alone. You all wait out here.
Take her inside, dad.
How did she fall down the stairs?
How did she fall down the stairs?
It was an accident.
Penh.. her mother and Khun Ben..
went to see her at Khun Nee's house.
Mom, what are we going to tell dad?
I.. don't know. Let's not tell him!
We don't have to tell him!
Can I stay over tonight?
I'm scared!
I'm scared that she's going to haunt me..
She won't leave me alone!
She's not dead, P'Ben!
That's right!
Whatever, please let me stay with you!
I don't want to be alone.
- The more the merrier. - That's right!
Get out of here!
Can't I stay..?
I'm scared too..!
What are you scared of?!
Let's go upstairs!
Hey.. Penh, the more I think about this,
I think I'll sleep with you guys too.
Yes.. that's a good idea. More people means it'll be safer..
How could things turn out this bad?!
I shouldn't have gone with you!
I'm scared of going to prison, I'm scared of P'Wee hating me.
I'm scared of everything!
Let's calm down.
Let's not come to any conclusion yet.
How could I not?!
You're not me, I'm about to lose everything!
What?! My life's heading towards prison time too, you know!
Oh my! Enough! Enough!
I'm sooo stressed out right now!
Watch, if something happens to my sister,
I'm gonna make your girlfriend and her people rot in jail!
Listen to me, Nid.
They didn't mean for this to happen.
I knew it.
I knew that you'd take your girlfriend's side.
I'm not taking their side.
And Penh isn't my girlfriend anymore.
Why don't you go get ready for bed.
Leave me alone!
You can be sad, you can be angry.
But you have to remember that there's another life inside you.
Don't hurt that person.
That's all you care about?
It doesn't matter what happens to anyone else.
You're so selfish.
You can be angry at me, you can even call me names,
but please, don't do anything that would affect the baby and yourself.
I worry about both of you.
Go get ready for bed.
Dad's home!
What should we do, mom?! Are we going to tell him?!
H- H- H-...
He'll find out even if we don't tell him..
How about this,
we act like we don't know anything.
Act like we haven't head or seen anything!
Kn- Know nothing?
Yes, it's better this way!
I'll go tell him myself.
If he finds out from me, he may not hate and be angry with me.
What about you?
Aren't you going to help?
I don't think so.
When have her father and I ever spoken nicely to each other?
Oh my! I'm going to faint!
Stay with me! Oh my!
Oh, Penh.
What's the matter?
You don't seem so good.
Paranee lost the baby.
What did you say?!
She miscarried, she's at the hospital. But she's safe now.
How do you know about this?!
I was at her house..
I went with mom and P'Ben.
<i>We'll get her stuff and throw them outside!</i>
Please don't be mad at me..
I didn't mean for this to happen.
Mom didn't mean for this to happen either.
She wasn't careful and fell down..
Which hospital is she in?!
Visiting hours are probably over..
Which hospital?!
Mom! Dad left!
To where?
To the hospital, to see his mistress!
He's mad at me.. he hates me now..
Not true, honey. It's not true.
Your father loves you more than anything in this world.
You didn't see his face..
I know that he's so angry and hates me so much.
P'Wee hates me.. dad hates me too..
What should I do?
It's alright, it's alright.
It doesn't matter if they're mad or hate you.
I love you, Penh. I love you.
Don't worry, I love you, Penh.
Can't sleep?
I'm worried about P'Nee.
She's fine now.
Who says she's fine?
P'Nee lost her baby.
I know that she's really hurting.
She loved her baby. It was her only hope.
Her baby was everything to her.
That's right.
The baby.. is love.. and hope.
It's everything to me too.
Why do you hate me so much?
I hate people who get physical.
When will you forgive me?
How could you be so tough?
You're never ever going to forgive me in this lifetime?
You're up so early.
Last night..
Your father didn't come home last night.
He went to see her since yesterday.
I told you, he hates us.
He's very angry with us.
What's with those two sisters?!
What if dad really leaves us.. what are we going to do?
Over my dead body!
- I want to- - Please leave.
I'm sorry..
I'm sorry for everyone.
I'm sorry for everything that's happened.
I don't want to see your face.
Please leave.
I'm going to get your wife and your daughter thrown in prison!
Your whole family is cruel.
He's already sad as it is.
What about my sister?!
Isn't she sad too?!
Why don't you go in and see her?
Let them talk.
Nid is probably hurting so bad right now..
You have to take good care of her, Wee.
I don't have my baby anymore..
It's because of those people..
They did this to you!
I'll make them pay.
No Nid, I fell on my own.
I really fell on my own, Nid.
No one did this to me.
That's not true! I don't believe you!
They went and caused a scene at your house.
And they pushed you down the stairs, didn't they?
I really did slip and fall on my own, Nid.
Don't let me be sad, Nid.
I don't want to hold grudges against anyone anymore.
I want to stop everything. Stop right now.
I can't let this go!
if you love me,
you have to listen to me.
You have to stop.
I beg you.
If you can't do this to me,
don't come visit me anymore.
I can do anything for you.
From now on,
I will take care of you myself.
I won't let anyone else hurt you anymore.
How could a tough girl like you shed tears so easily?
I was just joking.
It didn't happen to you, you don't know how it feels.
Whatever you feel,
I feel it too.
She told me to let your girlfriend go.
She isn't my girlfriend anymore.
I've been sure since yesterday.
Ever since all this happened.
So you wouldn't be so sure if this didn't happen?
I admit that I had my doubts.
Someone who loved and cared for one another,
it's hard to just cut that relationship suddenly.
But now...
I'm divorcing you.
Like you said, after I give birth, we'll talk about it again.
We'll be going now, Nee.
Rest up.
Thank you so much for coming.
I hope you'll be healthy soon.
We'll come back and visit again soon.
Why are you frowning?
Did he do something?
How could I do something to your Nid?
If you hadn't, why is she making a face like this.
She's dealing with a problem, you have to take good care of her.
When you were in there,
I was sitting here, trying to hard to reconcile with her.
If you sat there and she won't reconcile with you, then you have to stand up and do it!
Don't be stupid. Don't. I'm not pleased.
Let's go be not pleased at home, this is a hospital.
You can take Khun Pawee home.
I want to stay here and keep her company.
How could you stay here alone?
Let's go home first and we'll come back in the evening.
I'm not leaving.
See how stubborn she is, mom?
She's decisive, not stubborn, please understand the difference!
-Nid... -Yes?
If we leave now and come back in the evening,
she can rest. She's fine now.
Isn't that better? Okay?
Do you hear that, Wee?
Let's go, dear.
<i>Don't do this! Please don't!</i>
<i>Please, Khun Penh!</i>
<i>- I want to.. - Please leave.</i>
<i>I'm sorry.</i>
<i>I'm sorry for everyone.</i>
<i>I'm sorry for everything.</i>
<i>I don't want to see your face.</i>
<i>Please leave.</i>
It's fortunate that she's safe.
I'd like to visit her. Which hospital is she in?
Krungthai hospital.
When will you be going? I can take you.
It's alright.
My husband and I are going to visit her anyway,
Let's go together. The end.
So, will this be okay?
Khun Pawee,
Khun Penh has been waiting since morning.
Why did you want to see me?
Is Nid going to press charges..?
She really wants to.
But Khun Paranee forbids her.
But of course,
because she did this to herself.
If she hadn't stole my dad away, none of this would've happened.
From what I heard, she hasn't been in contact with your father for a long while.
Says who? You don't know anything.
She says that she wasn't,
but she was.
Why else would dad sign over the deed to the house?
How did you know about that?
He told me.
That's why my mom and I went to the house.. then all this happened..
We were wrong to be so hot headed,
but Paranee is at fault too.
And in reality, no one pushed her.
She slipped and fell on her own.
I'm here because I want to take responsibility for the hospital bills.
Sergey Lavrov Presents the FM's Award to Prince Dmitriy Shakhovskoy - Duration: 6:03.
... and this is my grandson, Daniel.
Of course, you are familiar.
Yes, this is my good friend.
This is my daughter.
My daughter in law.
Well, and my spouse, in the center.
She did a lot...
in connection with this holiday.
And the younger grandson.
This is a whole dynasty.
Yes, the whole dynasty.
That is, the future is secured.
Dmitry Mikhailovich, you said you see me every day. And that I support ...
I am certainly pleased.
But in fact, you and people like you are the core of our nation.
You have become so firm in your love for the Motherland, your convictions about the need to protect everything Russian,
to preserve Russian culture, art and general ownership of the country, that no revolutions and changes in geopolitical situations could prevent this.
It is flattering to me to be with you and your family now.
You are doing the work of a whole special large structure, spreading knowledge about our country and people in France and other foreign countries and of course in Russia.
You do a lot to study and popularize the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and preserve its identity.
You gather like-minded people around you who help you, follow you and learn from you and this is a great thing.
I am very pleased that a couple of days after your anniversary you are in great shape.
Well, I hold on ...
In our Ministry, there is a tradition to mark our friends, who help international cooperation, with departmental award.
If you do not mind, I would like to fulfill this mission.
It is called "For contribution to international cooperation."
I'm very touched
Thank you.
You know, my family is mostly military.
And this is the merit of the previous generation, which instilled in us a love for the Fatherland and to be ready to defend it at any moment.
I have the impression that ...
You know, we are always in some kind of conflict, but not our fault.
As for my life, I remember how my father went to war.
He went to war as a citizen of the Russian Empire.
He was born in Moscow, in 1910.
I have always felt that he wants to preserve his Russian essence, no matter what.
He became secretary of the Leybe Guards Regiment of the Transfiguration, which is now restored.
You know, all this gives a certain attitude.
I involuntarily said about conflicts, because when there is a conflict, it is the duty of every Russian to support his Fatherland.
It seems to me that if it was widely accepted by our society,
well, let's say, at the beginning of the last century,
then everything would be different.
20th century?
Yes, until 1920.
In general, there is a wise expression: "Do not make yourself an idol"
I have my own expression, which reflects the present time.
I was recently asked about my attitude to the Parisian strife ...
I just said shocked by this.
PUBG Daily Funny OMG Moments Highlights Ep 97 - Duration: 7:12.
Welcome to OMG Gaming ...
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8 ways to respond to GRAZIE - Duration: 6:44.
Hi! This Francesco from Vaporetto Italiano.
Maybe you already know the word GRAZIE in Italian, right?
But when someone says "Grazie",
how do you reply?
Let's see that in this video.
When someone says "Grazie"
you can reply in different ways. The options are many
in Italian.
Let's see 8 of them in this video.
The first answer is the most traditional one, the classic one and it's
So, "grazie" "prego"
The second answer you can give to the word grazie is
Di niente
It means "What are you thanking me for? I did nothing special"
Let's have a look at this example
"Where's my green jacket!?
Where is it?" "Is this what you're looking for?"
"Grazie, grazie mille"
"Di niente"
Another option is
That means that it wasn't difficult for you
helping that person
wasn't difficult at all. So if someone tells you grazie, you can reply
Figurati is a casual
expression, so you can use it with your friends, your relatives or someone you know well.
But if you talking to someone you don't know, or someone you don't know very well,
the right expression is
Ok? Have a look at this example "Francesco!"
A glass of water!"
The fourth expression you can use when someone says grazie is
Maybe this one is easier to understand.
It means that doing that thing was a pleasure
for you.
It was a pleasure to help that person, you did it with pleasure.
So "Grazie!" "E' stato un piacere"
We are in a working environment here
Lucia says
"we've finished the project!"
and Marco replies
"Yes, thank you for helping me Lucia" And Lucia says "E' stato un piacere
The fifth answer is
It means
"What are you thanking me for? I did nothing.
I did nothing special.
Why are you thanking me?" So if someone say grazie, you can reply "E di che cosa?"
Let's see an example
It's Christmas, the children have received their presents and say:
"Santa these presents are beautiful!
Thank you!"
And Santa Claus replies
"E di che cosa
he could say "E' stato un piacere
The sixth reply you can use is a very common one in Italian
Ma ti pare?
It means: Why are you thanking me? You don't have to thank me, it was very easy to do"
Ma ti pare is an alternative to figurati
The seventh option is
This is another way to say
"I did nothing special. You don't have to thank me. Ci mancherebbe!"
Let's have a look at this example.
Marta wants a picture and asks Mario
"Excuse me!
Can you take a picture of me please?"
Mario is a nice person and replies: "Sure,
no problems"
"Grazie mille!"
And Mario says: "Ci mancherebbe"
And the answer number 8 is an expression you use if you want to be
funny and make
the other person laugh
Let's see that together.
"Fra can you close the door please? It's cold in here"
"Ok, right away"
"Grazie mille"
10 euros"
These were some of the most common ways to reply to "GRAZIE" in Italian
Did you already know some of them before?
I'll read you comments here below.
See you soon!
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