Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2018

To kill when ordered...

Or to die when we want, what else is their life for?


How dare that bitch slap me in front of everyone?

Let's show no mercy

Let's make them cry

like little babies

Let's use their blood like water to irrigate our land

Bhairava Geetha

Bhairava Geetha

For more infomation >> RGV Bhairava Geetha Kannada Trailer | Dhananjaya | Irra Mor | Siddhartha | RGV | Abhishek Pictures - Duration: 2:05.


MSNBC BREAKING NEWS 8 31 2018 Robert Mueller's secret files - Duration: 30:17.

For more infomation >> MSNBC BREAKING NEWS 8 31 2018 Robert Mueller's secret files - Duration: 30:17.


Actress Kajol Beautiful Family Photos With Husband, Daughter And Son - Duration: 5:21.

Actress Kajol Beautiful Family Photos With Husband, Daughter And Son

For more infomation >> Actress Kajol Beautiful Family Photos With Husband, Daughter And Son - Duration: 5:21.


Nepokoje v Saské Kamenici: Protesty budou pokračovat, hlásí se další tisíce lidí - Duration: 3:17.

 Vše odstartoval incident, kdy Iráčan se Syřanem po předchozí roztržce zabili pětatřicetiletého Němce a další dva pobodali

Pobouření lidé svolali s hnutím Pro Chemnitz protest a vydali se do ulic.   K protestujícím se ale přidalo několik desítek neonacistů a hajlujících radikálů a demonstrace se změnila v pouliční potyčky, při kterých byli napadeni jiní uprchlíci i lidé exotičtějšího zjevu

 Druhou neméně výbušnou demonstraci svolali pro změnu lidé ze sdružení Chemnitz Nazifrei (Saská Kamenice bez nacistů), z jejichž řad také létaly lahve a petardy

  Pořádek mělo zajistit na šest set policistů, kteří neváhali proti demonstrantům použít vodní děla

Úřady ale nyní přiznávají, že jejich počet měl být vyšší. Angela Merkelová do médií řekla, že to, co se v Saské Kamenici děje, je ostuda celé země

„To, co jsme viděli, je něco, co v právním státu nemá žádné místo. Máme videozáznamy, které ukazují, že se odehrály štvanice, že se lidé srocovali, že na ulicích byla nenávist

A to nemá s naším právním státem nic společného," prohlásila kancléřka. Německá parlamentní strana AfD (Alternativa pro Německo) ale tvrdí, že město vraždu přehlíželo

Kdyby byl zavražděn cizinec, reagovalo by jinak. Starostka města ani nevyjádřila pozůstalým soustrast a chtěla pokračovat ve víkendových městských slavnostech

Město je zrušilo, až když začaly nepokoje. Němcům už začíná docházet trpělivost a uvědomují si, že pustit na své území statisíce imigrantů, kteří odmítají místní zvyky a kulturu, nebyl dobrý nápad

  Další protesty mají pokračovat ve čtvrtek a podle všeho se jich opět zúčastní tisíce lidí

Dosavadní bilance nepokojů je čtyřicet tři trestních oznámení a dvacet zraněných

For more infomation >> Nepokoje v Saské Kamenici: Protesty budou pokračovat, hlásí se další tisíce lidí - Duration: 3:17.


Neighbors Of Thousand Oaks Man Who Carried Out Urine Attack Called Menace - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Neighbors Of Thousand Oaks Man Who Carried Out Urine Attack Called Menace - Duration: 1:50.


"Кто в Доме хозяин?". Выпуск двадцать третий - Duration: 37:54.

For more infomation >> "Кто в Доме хозяин?". Выпуск двадцать третий - Duration: 37:54.


จ่าฝูงต่อ? 4 ประเด็นก่อนลิเวอร์พูลบุกลุยเลสเตอร์วันนี้ - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> จ่าฝูงต่อ? 4 ประเด็นก่อนลิเวอร์พูลบุกลุยเลสเตอร์วันนี้ - Duration: 3:03.


20 случаев когда Лионель Месси УДИВИЛ весь мир - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 20 случаев когда Лионель Месси УДИВИЛ весь мир - Duration: 10:32.


Kaiser High School student killed in Hawaii Kai crash - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Kaiser High School student killed in Hawaii Kai crash - Duration: 2:45.


Filipina British Life in UK:HOME SWET HOME+Bakit Wala Pa Kayong Anak? - Duration: 11:48.

good morning mga palangga(my loves) so we are

getting ready to go to the airport

The time here is 11:30 am

Our time flight time is...

3:25 pm our flight time...

And I am wearing the same clothes

The one that I wore when we went to Manchester to Bulguria

same jeans, top top, same sandals but not same underwear lol

And this are all washes so please don't bash me for wearing same clothes

cuz what my plan is to buy a top here so I can wear when going back but

and I bought two top but without thinking my jeans is blue and the other top is green and the other one is too sexy to the I have to wear what I got

Anyways we are just waiting for Vinny..he'll pick up us

We are still waiting for the taxi(Vinny)

and time here is 12:35 in the afternoon

And Sammy our care taker he give me a flower because we are sweet of him

Its beautiful and freshly picked from his garden

Hello mga palangga so we are through we are just waiting for our boarding...

our boarding time is 3:40 in the afternoon(delayed)

and time here is..20 minutes to 3

We're just gonna chill and wait for our boarding

Thanks God we are here now in

Manchester Airport...waiting for our luggage

I did not film inside the plane because there's so much turbulence and it lost my appetite to vlog(I'm nervous)

We are now in the car park

Home sweet home!

We're home

Look at the dog how excited they are oh... I missed them two

OMG! Our dog is now chubby..

It is nice to be away but it's good to be home

hmm home sweet home so so we are going to my garden

OMG we still have a lot of tomatoes!

There are still more tomatoesI thought its all gone

see we still have a lot of tomatoes you

I really thought they ate it all

And my chilli plants.. has a lot as well

and there is one ready here

and the parsley is so bushy again so it needs haircut

oh no! strawberries are full of weeds

oh dear!

but look they have loads of runners

There's loads..

and the cabbage, cauliflower and etc.They are full f weeds as well!

This cabbage is massive!

that's our cauliflower

That's bad isn't it?

Some fo cauliflower are bad

I thought our plum will be ready but not yet

When we're in Bulgaria John's son texted that the wall collapsed

but its not sorted and fixed..we just want to check it

oh..its cold!

My skin is so morena(brown) I love it!

There you that new stones? Thats the one that collapse

Cuz like this oh it's leaning over

Jesus... anyway it's sorted

Right, will do it tomorrow let's relax

Look how happy the dogs are

The time here is..half past eight in the evening

I will just sort our luggage and i will see you tomorrow bye

Hi mga palangga(my loves) good morning so this second part of this

video is like a sit-down video cuz

I've been reading a lot of comments

Asking or saying why you don't have a baby?

Are you planning to have a baby?

Go to the doctor get check if see everything is all right

All I can say or answer this question is..

I wish I know the answer cuz I really don't know when

We have serious talked about this

I really ask John if he gonna give me a baby or not

because I really want to become a parent..I want to be a mother

Cuz if you only asked me if I am ready I feel like I am ready but some

I feel like I am ready but in some part

part of me saying that I am NOT ready

Cuz when I asked John he said its not the right time

His reason why and said..what if will have a baby now? What if something happens to me? What will happen to you and our baby? Your not settle in UK he said

I don't want you to be in that position that you cannot support yourself and our baby (he added)

And in some point he is right

so I really don't know when but you know

I am trying to build myself here in UK

get settled

Cuz to have a baby is a lifetime responsibility and I understand where he's coming from because we are in an age gap as well

Because he said will have a baby when you are more settle..but I cannot give you an answer when

It's up to you.. you need to build yourself up

You need to get settled here in UK so that's

what I have to do and

I know I get jealous to my friends who has kids

I feel so envious that they are saying they are trying to have a baby

It's so nice to hear that they are trying to have a baby

and in my mind when I hear it..they back of my mind saying I wish are trying as well

But we are not trying to have a baby

I hope the right time will come that's all I can say

I am looking forward to the future

For more infomation >> Filipina British Life in UK:HOME SWET HOME+Bakit Wala Pa Kayong Anak? - Duration: 11:48.


Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.

Farmees I'm hungry

"Let's eat some Apples and Bananas!"

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

"Let's sing again with everything sounding like 'A'!"

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'E' this time!"

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'I'!"

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

"Let's have some more fun.

Change everything to 'O'!"

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

"Let's change everything to 'U'!"

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

I forgot what did actually sound like

Let's sing the correct version

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.






Those are the vowels

For more infomation >> Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.


Daily Show's Trevor Noah fascinated by Hawaii's lifestyle, 'what you guys do with Spam' - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Daily Show's Trevor Noah fascinated by Hawaii's lifestyle, 'what you guys do with Spam' - Duration: 0:46.


Magnet fishing (magneetvissen) 137 With the magnet stick. I found the Wishing Well - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> Magnet fishing (magneetvissen) 137 With the magnet stick. I found the Wishing Well - Duration: 9:09.


Нас учили, что ЭТОГО не существует - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Нас учили, что ЭТОГО не существует - Duration: 10:19.


EriAshiとスペシャルゲスト!浴衣で麻布十番納涼祭り2018 ☆ Эриащи и наш специальный гость! Японский праздник в юката - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> EriAshiとスペシャルゲスト!浴衣で麻布十番納涼祭り2018 ☆ Эриащи и наш специальный гость! Японский праздник в юката - Duration: 4:34.


한국형전투기 KF-X 기본설계 완료 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 한국형전투기 KF-X 기본설계 완료 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 6:34.


Лъчо (СкандаУ) - Катран - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Лъчо (СкандаУ) - Катран - Duration: 3:40.


九大生肖9月1日:有獎,有錢,接大財,來錢快 - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 九大生肖9月1日:有獎,有錢,接大財,來錢快 - Duration: 8:20.


Bihar B.ed 2nd Counselling Supreme Court Date Extend | Take Admission In This Two B.ed College - Duration: 3:28.

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For more infomation >> Bihar B.ed 2nd Counselling Supreme Court Date Extend | Take Admission In This Two B.ed College - Duration: 3:28.


Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.

Farmees I'm hungry

"Let's eat some Apples and Bananas!"

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

"Let's sing again with everything sounding like 'A'!"

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'E' this time!"

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'I'!"

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

"Let's have some more fun.

Change everything to 'O'!"

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

"Let's change everything to 'U'!"

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

I forgot what did actually sound like

Let's sing the correct version

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.






Those are the vowels

For more infomation >> Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.


Wie RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Schrägheck Zündkerze wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.

Open the hood.

Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.

Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.

Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.

Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.

Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.

For more infomation >> Wie RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Schrägheck Zündkerze wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.






【加埋逾200歲】四大不老男神逐個數 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 【加埋逾200歲】四大不老男神逐個數 - Duration: 3:16.


L25:Web Technology,CSS,Cascading Style Sheets,Internal CSS,External CSS,Selector in CSS in hindi - Duration: 19:13.




For more infomation >> L25:Web Technology,CSS,Cascading Style Sheets,Internal CSS,External CSS,Selector in CSS in hindi - Duration: 19:13.


《中国好声音》选手演唱《离人愁》,被网友质疑抄袭周杰伦作品! - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 《中国好声音》选手演唱《离人愁》,被网友质疑抄袭周杰伦作品! - Duration: 3:19.


《中國好聲音》:在周杰倫面前唱離人愁?一首《涼涼》瞭解一下 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 《中國好聲音》:在周杰倫面前唱離人愁?一首《涼涼》瞭解一下 - Duration: 5:06.


《中餐厅》的成员如果让我来选,大厨我选邓超!其他成员打几分? - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 《中餐厅》的成员如果让我来选,大厨我选邓超!其他成员打几分? - Duration: 5:59.


影视剧中常见的梗:长跪必下雨,车祸必失忆,你猜不到第三个梗! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 影视剧中常见的梗:长跪必下雨,车祸必失忆,你猜不到第三个梗! - Duration: 7:05.


Opel Vectra 1.6-16V PEARL SPORT 5 Deurs en Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Vectra 1.6-16V PEARL SPORT 5 Deurs en Airco - Duration: 0:54.


8/31/18 5:48 PM (6989 N Buffalo Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> 8/31/18 5:48 PM (6989 N Buffalo Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 14:19.


For more infomation >> 8/31/18 5:48 PM (6989 N Buffalo Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131, USA) - Duration: 14:19.


Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.

(Tasted Coca Cola)

What is your opinion about Coca Cola?

When you take it into you mouth

in the first second it has no taste.

And later it is like this

What does it resemble?

Well, there are bubbles

and it is so sour.

Is it tasty?


Not very tasty.


Nastya, what will happen if you put Mentos into Coca Cola?

Please order Mentos.

I want Sh-sh-sh.

Denis is drawing something.

Denis, you are drawing so nice.

All right. And now we are choosing green color.

We'll draw a leaf.

It's a usual tablet PC which is hang.

Dip potato into Coke.

Like tea.

What will happen if you dip French fries into Coca Cola?

Like tea.

Nothing will happen.

Is it tasty?


I will catch you.

I'm going to do cartwheel

Almost done.

Hi, I'm from future.


Hi. I'm too.

I have a small chair.

Small chair?


Let us give the chair to a girl?

For more infomation >> Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.


ONPC : Charles Consigny ne veut pas plaire à tout le monde - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> ONPC : Charles Consigny ne veut pas plaire à tout le monde - Duration: 16:26.


For more infomation >> ONPC : Charles Consigny ne veut pas plaire à tout le monde - Duration: 16:26.


Booba a plusieurs armes chez lui à Miami: Si un cambrioleur entre, j'ai le droit de le tuer - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Booba a plusieurs armes chez lui à Miami: Si un cambrioleur entre, j'ai le droit de le tuer - Duration: 10:25.


For more infomation >> Booba a plusieurs armes chez lui à Miami: Si un cambrioleur entre, j'ai le droit de le tuer - Duration: 10:25.


Relief For Denture Wearers

For more infomation >> Relief For Denture Wearers


Mara diletak bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar - Tun M - Duration: 3:01.

 KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan telah memutuskan untuk meletakkan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan  Luar Bandar, kata Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

 Katanya keputusan itu berikutan bantahan terhadap cadangan kerajaan sebelum ini yang berhasrat mengagihkan peranan agensi itu kepada beberapa kementerian kerana saiznya yang besar

 Beliau berkata peranan Mara kini telah berkembang dan terlibat dalam pelbagai bidang dan perniagaan dan bukan lagi semata-mata untuk pembangunan luar bandar

 "Saya harap kementerian itu kuat dan sanggup memikul beban yg cukup besar oleh kerana Mara bukan agensi kecil tetapi terlibat dalam pelbagai bidang termasuklah pembangunan luar bandar, perniagaan,  pelaburan, perusahaan, pelajaran dan latihan," katanya

 Beliau berkata demikian pada sesi dialog Kongres Masa Depan Bumiputera dan Negara 2018 bagi menjawab soalan peserta kongres tersebut yang mahukan kepastian kementerian yang akan mengambil alih Mara

 Mara ditubuhkan pada 1 Mac 1966 mengikut Akta Parlimen sebagai badan berkanun hasil resolusi Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera pertama pada 1965

 Sebelum ini, Setiausaha Agung Umno Tan Sri Annuar Musa mendakwa Mara akan dipecahkan dan dibahagikan kepada beberapa kementerian membabitkan Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Kementerian Pendidikan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ekonomi

 Mahathir berkata cadangan untuk mengagihkan peranan Mara kepada beberapa kementerian mendapat tentangan hebat dan menyebabkan kerajaan mengambil keputusan meletakkannya di bawah satu kementerian sahaja

 Beliau turut memberi jaminan bahawa kerajaan akan memberi bantuan secukupnya kepada Mara bagi memastikan agensi itu mencapai kejayaan dalam melaksanakan peranannya

 Kongres bertemakan 'Mendepani Cabaran Bumiputera Dalam Malaysia Baharu' itu dihadiri lebih 2,500 peserta dan delegasi daripada pelbagai pihak berkepentingan Bumiputera


For more infomation >> Mara diletak bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar - Tun M - Duration: 3:01.


Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.

Farmees I'm hungry

"Let's eat some Apples and Bananas!"

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

"Let's sing again with everything sounding like 'A'!"

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

Ae lake tae ate, ate, ate aeples aend baenaenays.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'E' this time!"

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

Ee like tee eat, eat, eat eepples eend beeneenees.

"Let's sing it with everything sounding like 'I'!"

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

Aye like tay ait, ait, ait aipples aind binainais.

"Let's have some more fun.

Change everything to 'O'!"

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

Oy lok toe oat, oat, oat opples ond bononos.

"Let's change everything to 'U'!"

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

Ui luk tu uut, uut, uut upples und bunanus.

I forgot what did actually sound like

Let's sing the correct version

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.






Those are the vowels

For more infomation >> Apples And Bananas | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids | Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:03:44.


HOW TO DRAW KAKUNA | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:03.

How to draw Kakuna, Pokémon

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW KAKUNA | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:03.


"Eternity is Now in Session" - Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller featuring John Ortberg - Duration: 58:50.

male announcer: The following program

is paid for by the ministry partners

of the Hour of Power and viewers like you.



♪ Joyful, joyful, we adore You ♪

♪ God of glory, Lord of love ♪

♪ Hearts unfold like flow'rs before You ♪

♪ Op'ning to the sun above

♪ Melt the clouds of sin and sadness ♪

♪ Drive the dark of doubt away

♪ Giver of immortal gladness

♪ Fill us with the light of day! ♪

♪ Amen Amen ♪

♪ Amen! ♪

Bobby Schuller: This is the day the Lord has made.

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Good morning.

Hannah Schuller: I just wanna say

that God loves you so deeply.

And Isaiah 43 says: "Do not fear for I have redeemed you.

I have summoned you by name.

You are mine."

Turn around and shake the hand of the person next to you

and say, "God loves you and so do I."

Bobby: Hannah and I want you to know

how much you are loved and valued by God.

He will never leave you or abandon you.

You are his child, and he loves you.

Hannah: That's right.

I want to encourage you today that if you've been praying

for something, maybe for years,

and you haven't seen a breakthrough,

don't give up.

Your prayers are powerful, and they will move mountains

in your life.

Bobby: Yeah, that's right.

My grandpa Schuller used to say God's delays

are not God's denials.

So don't give up.

In fact, we want to support you in your prayer life,

whether you're praying for healing, relationships,

or financial challenges.

We want to pray with you.

Matthew 18:20 says, "Where two or three gather in my name,

I am there."

Hannah: Take a moment today and write down

your prayer request and send it to us.

We want to pray for you.

It doesn't matter what kind of impossibilities you're facing

or how huge that mountain is in front of you,

you can put your hope in our powerful God.

Bobby: Yeah, Hannah and I consider you a part

of our church family.

We're here for you, and we would be honored

to keep you in our prayers.

Remember always, God loves you and so do we.

Bobby: Well, good morning, everyone.

Today, I'm taking a break from preaching.

We have the joy of having John Ortberg in the house

preaching this morning.

Ah, so what a thrill that will be.

And we just believe you're gonna leave here full of joy.

Let's pray together.

Father, we love you and we thank you that you love us

and that you care for us and that you love us just as we are

and not as we should be.

And we pray, God, in Jesus's name that your kingdom

would envelop everything we do.

We take the crowns off our head and we lay them

before your throne.

And we pray, God, that your effective will would be

at work in our lives.

We're at peace today.

We're trusting you, and we're living by faith.

In Jesus's name we pray, amen.

Hannah: Amen.


Hannah: You may be seated.

In preparation for John's message,

the words of our Lord found in Mark 1:14:

"After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee,

proclaiming the good news.

'The time has come,' he said.

'The kingdom of God has come near.

Repent and believe the good news!'"

Church family, we get to live together

in the presence of God, amen.

♪ Oh, the king cried, Oh, Daniel, Daniel, oh! ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ A-that-a Hebrew Daniel, servant of the Lord ♪

♪ Oh, Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ A-that-a Hebrew Daniel, servant of the Lord ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ Among the Hebrew nation

♪ one Hebrew Daniel was found ♪

♪ They put him in the lion's den ♪

♪ He stayed there all night long ♪

♪ Oh, the king cried, Oh, Daniel, Daniel, oh! ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ A-that-a Hebrew Daniel, servant of the Lord ♪

♪ Now the King in his sleep was troubled ♪

♪ and early in the morning he rose ♪

♪ to find God had sent his angel down ♪

♪ to lock the lion's jaws

♪ Oh, the king cried, Oh, Daniel, Daniel, oh! ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ A-that-a Hebrew Daniel, servant of the Lord ♪

♪ Oh, the king cried, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel ♪

♪ Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, oh!

♪ That Hebrew Daniel, servant of the Lord ♪

♪ That servant of the Lord

♪ That servant of the Lord ♪

[congregation applauding]

Bobby: Thank you, choir.

Just wanna take a time this morning to send

our hearts in prayer.

And today I wanna pray over fear and worry.

It's something that we all struggle with as human beings.

It's almost always under the surface,

driving a lot of our decisions.

I'm gonna ask that God would cast out the fear

and replace it with faith.

Lord, we thank you in Jesus's name that your kingdom is here,

that your Holy Spirit fills the air around us.

And Lord, we are asking that all these fears that we're holding

before you, things on the outside like fires and all these

challenges that our country is facing, our churches, our

schools, things that bother us and keep us up at night.

And then we think about personal things, our marriages, our kids,

our grandkids, our parents, stack of bills on our desk,

money problems, health problems.

We thank you, God, that you care about these things

but we don't have to worry about them.

Yes, we have to be responsible but we thank you, God,

that you're the ultimate provision.

And so we just pray in Jesus's name that your Holy Spirit

would come.

And I pray, Father, for those who need a miracle today, that

your kingdom would be made evident in their lives

through miraculous power.

I pray, Jesus, that you would transform our hearts to seek

your kingdom first, so that we can let go of worries and fears.

We're not gonna worry about tomorrow for example.

We're not gonna dwell on the past around yesterday.

We're gonna forgive our neighbor.

And we're gonna ask, Father, that you help us live every day

in a spirit of peace, faith, and love.

We wanna receive this and we just ask for faith.

We don't have enough faith on our own,

so we ask that you give it to us, Lord.

In Jesus's name we pray this,

and then we pray as the Lord taught us, saying:



















[congregation applauding]

Bobby: Thank you for joining us for "Hour of Power" today.

We hope that you found incredible hope and inspiration

from this program.

You know, oftentimes we think we need to have enormous faith

to do big things, but in reality,

we serve a God who only requires a faith

the size of a mustard seed

to do amazing things in your life

and in the lives of people around you.

Hannah: That's right.

Matthew 17:20 tells us: "If you have faith as small

as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,

'Move from here to there,' and it will move.

Nothing will be impossible for you."

The Scriptures say that you only need a mustard seed-sized faith

to move mountains in your life.

That's only 1% of you.

Even if just 1% of you is faith,

your prayers will move mountains.

Bobby: That's right.

If 99% of you doubts everything but just 1% of you says,

"I trust God," he can use that percent to move mountains.

Friends, you don't need to have

a mountain-sized faith to move mountains.

You just need a tiny little bit,

because God's the one doing the moving, not you.

So you can relax.

If you have the faith, God has the power.

Let him move your mountains today.

announcer: Call, write, or go online today

and request your accent pillow imprinted with the words,

"Your prayers will move mountains."

Use this pillow at home, take it on your vacation,

or gift it to a loved one as they go back to school

to be reminded daily that God will move mountains

in their lives.

We're asking for a generous gift of any size,

so call, write, or go online today.

Thank you and remember always God loves you and so do we.


♪ I've seen darkness shattered by light ♪

♪ I've seen joy break after the night ♪

♪ I want to see it again

♪ I've seen tragic and hopeless days ♪

♪ turn to stories of amazing grace ♪

♪ I want to see it again

♪ Oh, come, Lord, like a rushing wind ♪

♪ We are desperate for your presence ♪

♪ Revive us by your spirit within ♪

♪ We want to see you again

♪ See you again

♪ Ooh

♪ I've seen laughter conquer the tears ♪

♪ I've seen strength rise to persevere ♪

♪ I want to see it again

♪ I've seen bodies, ruined and frail ♪

♪ rise in power, completely healed ♪

♪ I want to see it again

♪ Oh-oh-oh

♪ Come, Lord, like a rushing wind ♪

♪ We are desperate for your presence ♪

♪ Revive us by your spirit within ♪

♪ We want to see you again

♪ See you again

♪ Oh, come, Lord, like a rushing wind ♪

♪ We are desperate for your-- ♪

♪ for your presence

♪ Revive us by your spirit within ♪

♪ We want to see you again

♪ Oh, see you again

♪ Oh, we wanna see you, Jesus ♪

♪ We wanna see you again

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ Anthony Evans: If you believe it, sing it with me ♪

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ Anthony: Come on, sing

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ You've done great things, yeah ♪

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ We believe it

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ We remember all the great things ♪

♪ you have done

♪ We believe that greater things are still to come ♪

♪ Oh, come, Lord, like a rushing wind ♪

♪ We are desperate for your presence ♪

♪ Revive us by your spirit within ♪

♪ We want to see you again

♪ See you again

♪ We want to see you again

♪ See you again ♪

[congregation applauding]

Bobby: Well, today, we have such a joy to have John Ortberg

in the house.

You know, it's-- I think every preacher

has their favorite preacher.

John is my favorite preacher. And I mean that sincerely.

I've been listening to your podcasts for years,

and it's amazing what John has been able to accomplish

at Menlo Park Presbyterian.

You know, right down the street from Stanford University,

he's been able to have a major influence in that whole,

you know, area of technology, what people are doing.

And John is so accessible, too, with the influence

that he has to pastors like me.

I still remember the first time I met John.

He agreed to meet me over a cup of coffee,

and I asked him for preaching advice.

And I still remember what you said, John.

Two things.

I forget which philosopher it was but I still remember what

the point was: always think about what do you want them

to feel, what do you want them to understand,

and what do you want them to do.

So I always do that in every sermon.

And the second was: read a lot but don't read for your sermons.

Just read and then it'll work its way into your sermons.

So these--this man has had a great influence on our ministry

and we share a joint love for Dallas Willard too which you'll

hear so much of what he's saying is what I'm saying,

so would you please welcome with me Pastor John Ortberg?

John, hi. It's so great to have you.

John Ortberg: Aren't you gracious?

Thanks very much, thank you.

Bobby: Well, one of the-- one of the reasons we're here

is this church is so excited about your new book.

John: Thank you.

If you wanna just keep talking about me, go ahead.

It feels really good.

Bobby: Well, we're gonna talk--before you preach this

morning we're gonna talk a little bit about your book,

"Eternity is Now in Session."

And of course, this is really important

to your message, isn't it?

Tell me a little bit about why you wrote this book.

John: Well, that phrase, "Eternity is now in session,"

comes from somebody who was very influential

on both of us, Dallas Willard.

And Dallas taught philosophy for many years

at the University of Southern California.

Brilliant philosopher, brilliant mind.

Smartest guy I've ever known.

I used to joke I would never get in an argument with Dallas

because I was afraid he would prove I don't exist.

And he used to talk about things like eternity.

Dallas had just thought through words that all of us throw

around but often don't think about.

And often we think eternity is something that is going on

that you have to die before you can get in on it.

And he would say, "No, eternity is going on right now."

Eternal life, another one of those religious phrases

that gets used a lot, is defined in the Bible only one time

and that's in the Gospel of John chapter 17 where Jesus

is praying to his Father and says,

"This is eternal life that they," the people, you and I,

"might know the Father."

And so the idea is that eternity is going on right now

and we can enter into an interactive,

participative relationship with God.

In our real lives on this planet right now we can

be part of eternity today.

Bobby: I remember he used to use the phrase I really

liked that helped communicate that idea.

He used to say, "Eternal living."

John: Yes.

Bobby: And tell me about eternal living, like,

I think there's a lot of people here that, you know,

it feels like--the other thing he used to say is,

"A lot of Christians think the fruit of Christianity

is more Christians."

And I think there's a lot of people especially that grew up

in church that maybe had that mountaintop experience with the

Lord but feel like, no matter what they do, no matter how many

times they go to church, they don't feel that eternal life.

What can I do, I mean, I've-- I experience this as a pastor

and many people here, believers who love the Lord,

feel that dry place in their lives

and they want eternal living.

What can we do today?

What's the easiest thing we can do?

John: Yeah, Dallas was the kind of guy who had a thousand

different phrases for those of us who knew him and loved him.

One of them is he would say, "I'm quite sure that God will

allow everyone into heaven who can possibly stand it."

Because a lot of us have kind of cartoon pictures of heaven

but the idea is heaven is about being with God.

And now, I have to become the kind of person

who actually wants to be with God.

And I would say, for anybody who wants that, begin right here.

Surrender your life to God as sincerely as you can.

Bobby: That's good.

John: That one simple prayer, your will be done in my life.

That was Jesus's core prayer.

People who are trapped in addictions,

surrender is always the first step.

And that's a wonderful prayer to pray at any moment.

Whatever's going on, whether you are happy, sad, successful,

failing at something, any moment, every time you think

of it, that prayer, "God, your will be done.

I surrender to you," and God, I believe,

always honors that prayer.

Bobby: If you want that great experience in your life,

get this book, "Eternity is Now in Session."

You guys wanna hear more?

Ladies and gentlemen, John Ortberg.

John, thank you. I love you.

[congregation applauding]

John: For a whole bunch of reasons,

I'm just incredibly honored to be here.

I heard Robert Schuller preach when I was a student

at Wheaton College for the first time, long time ago.

Came out to California to go to Fuller Theological Seminary,

and went to this amazing place called the Crystal Cathedral,

and that was remarkable.

And then the chance to get to know Bobby.

Aren't you glad that God thought up Bobby Schuller?

And his heart and ministry and love for people?

And the opportunity to spread the good news about Jesus

all around the world.

And then just one of the things, speaking quite personally,

I love music.

Is the music this good every week here?

Oh my goodness.

I hope you never take for granted--

I can't think of many churches where a choir will sing

and people stand up and applaud afterwards.

And then the strings play and people stand up

and applaud afterwards.

I finished speaking after the last service

and nobody did anything.

So don't get your hopes up.

But you know, it's--

I'm thrilled to be here, and I can't even tell you

how excited I am to get to talk about what we're gonna talk

about over these next moments 'cause I believe this is

the most important subject in the entire world.

It's what Jesus came to teach and to bring

and it's the greatest offer ever given to humankind.

And I wanna start with a question because it involves

a word, "gospel," that gets thrown around a lot.

I talk about this in that little book,

"Eternity is Now in Session."

But a lot of people haven't thought deeply

about what is the gospel.

So I wanna start with this question.

If somebody were to ask you,

"What's the gospel that Jesus came to preach?"

what would you say?

Not just what do you think of by the word "gospel,"

but if somebody were to ask you--now, Jesus had a gospel.

Somebody were to ask you,

"What gospel did Jesus come to proclaim?"

If you don't mind, for a moment, turn to the person next to you

and just take a shot at it.

If you're at home, you might just think about this

for a moment but for everybody who's here,

just turn to the person--

If somebody were to ask you,

"What's the gospel Jesus came to preach?"

what would you say?

Now this sounds like a terribly simple question but I can tell

you from quite a lot of experience, the vast majority

of people, not only outside but very often in churches,

do not give the same answer to this question

that Jesus himself gave.

And it matters immensely.

So Jesus had one message at the start of his ministry

and it's at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark,

the beginning of Luke, and beginning of Matthew

summarized his message almost in precisely the same way.

This is the summary of his message at the beginning

of his ministry: "After John," that's John the Baptist,

"was put into prison, Jesus went out into Galilee

proclaiming the good news of God.

'The time has come,' he said,

'the kingdom of God has come near.

Repent and believe the good news.'"

Now, the good news is where we get our word "gospel"

and what Jesus says constitutes it is that this thing

called the kingdom of God has come near.

Once he chose his disciples, Jesus adopted a strategy to

communicate his one message to everybody that he could.

We read about this in Luke chapter 8: "After this,"

after he chose his disciples, "Jesus traveled about

from one town to another, proclaiming the good news,"

the gospel, "of the kingdom of God."

That it's come near.

And then he sends his disciples out

'cause he's very passionate about this message.

And he instructs them to proclaim one message.

"When Jesus had called the 12 together, he gave them power

and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,

and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God."

Then he's crucified and when he rose from the dead he gathered

his little group of now 11 disciples together

and he talked to them about one topic.

This is from the book of Acts: "Jesus appeared to them over

a period of 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God."

And in the very last glimpse of the church that we get

in the book of Acts, the last verse in the last chapter,

it's Paul who's in chains now for the gospel and we're told,

Acts chapter 28: "Boldly and without hindrance

he preached the kingdom of God."

So if you were gonna say what Jesus's gospel is about

in one phrase what would that phrase be?

The kingdom of God.

The good news, the gospel, is simply this: the kingdom of God

has become available on earth for ordinary human beings

like you and me to live in.

It is here right now.

Eternity is now in session, and you can live in it

if you want to.

That's what Jesus came to proclaim.

And then he taught a lot about how to do that

but that was the news, see?

And here's what I believe to be terribly tragic.

In our day, for a variety of reasons, in thousands of

churches, millions of Christians have substituted another gospel

for Jesus's gospel and this is what I think is often

the substitute gospel.

People think of the gospel as here are the minimal entrance

requirements for getting into heaven when you die.

And we don't put it in exactly that language

but that's what people often think.

I'll give you a picture I sometimes use

for this not-the-real gospel.

There's a scene towards the end of a movie that all of you

are way too spiritual to ever have seen called

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

Oh, some of--this is my kind of crowd, is it?

So towards the end of that movie, Arthur and three

of his knights are trying to get into a castle

where the grail is but there's an abyss between them

and the castle and you gotta cross a bridge to get over

and there's this wizened old weird bridge keeper

and he only lets you cross the bridge

if you can answer three questions correctly.

If you get one wrong, you get cast down into the abyss.

That's the end of you.

So the first knight comes up and he's asked, "What's your name?

What's your quest?

And what's your favorite color?"

He answers that, he gets to cross the bridge.

Second knight's quite cocky and he's asked,

"State your name, state your quest," which he does.

And then he's asked some real obscure question like

who won the World Cup in 1948?

"I don't know. Aghhh!"

And he's cast down into the abyss.

So the third knight now is quite nervous.

"State your name, state your quest."

He does.

And then he's asked, "State your favorite color."

He says, "Red." "No, blue."


And he's thrown down into the abyss.

So now there's just Arthur left.

Comes up and the bridge keeper asks him, "State your name."

"Arthur, King of the Britons."

"Quest?" "Search the Holy Grail."

And then he's asked a question that's kind of a running gag

through the whole movie: "What's the wing speed velocity

of a coconut laden swallow?"

And his answer's also part of that running gag: "That depends.

Is it an African swallow or a European swallow?"

And the bridge keeper says, "I don't know. Agh."

And the bridge keeper is cast down the abyss.

Now, for a variety of reasons we don't have time to get into many

people have reduced the gospel to this idea, that when you die

there will be the castle, there'll be the good place,

and then there's this abyss and then there's bridge

and the gospel is the correct answer to the secret questions

such that if you give it they have to let you cross.

The gospel is understood by many people outside the church

and in to be this quite exclusive, quite cognitive,

minimal entrance requirements for getting

allowed into heaven when you die.

A lot of people think of saving faith.

That's a phrase you might have heard of if you've been around

church very much.

They think of saving faith as what do you have to affirm

at minimum so they cannot keep you out of heaven.

Here's the problem.

Where in the New Testament if you've read it much, where does

Jesus ever say, "Now, I'm going to give you the minimal entrance

requirements for getting into heaven when you die?"

He never says anything like that.

And yet, tragically for millions of people, that's what they

think they've got--and then they have arguments over exactly

what are those requirements and so.

Jesus never says anything like that.

What he says is, "Now, all the preliminaries

have been taken care of.

And the kingdom of God is now accessible to every human being,

no matter what you have done, how irreligious you think

that you are, so review your plans for living

and base your strategy of life on this remarkable opportunity."

That's the gospel of Jesus. That's his call.

Now, of course, of course, of course,

it includes the promise of the forgiveness of our sins

purchased at the cost of his life on the cross

as a free gift of grace.

Of course it does.

Of course it includes the promise that death will not

interrupt eternal life but it will go on, of course,

as it would with our heavenly Father forever.

But it includes more than that.

Jesus came as the kingdom bringer.

Many people think the only real reason why Jesus came to earth

was to die on the cross to get us over to the other side.

The cross was fundamental, his death was fundamental.

But they were simply one part of his overall mission.

His great mission was to be the kingdom bringer.

It is now here.

He was speaking in the Sermon on the Mount, the most famous talk

ever given at one time to a group of people

and they believe in God but, like us, they tend to fritter

their lives away on concerns that don't really matter.

What am I gonna eat? What am I gonna wear?

How am I gonna look? How much money will I have?

Will I have a big enough house? Will my career look good?

Will I get in the right office?

And he says, "Don't waste your life running after those things

for the pagans run after all those things,

people who don't know God."

And your heavenly Father knows you need them.

"But seek first his kingdom.

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness."

Now, righteousness is another one of those words

that's become badly misunderstood.

It's often thought to be kind of self-righteous

or holier than thou.

It is simply what it is that makes somebody good

from the inside.

We can never get away from that driving need to know,

"Am I a good person?"

And righteousness has a wonderful history behind it,

and Jesus uses it in deeply thoughtful ways.

To be a truly authentically good person, seek that and all these

things will be given to you.

His one gospel was the gospel of the availability of the kingdom.

His one purpose was to manifest, to actually model with his life,

his body, his words, the presence

of the kingdom on earth.

His one command was to pursue life in the kingdom

above all else.

His one plan was for his followers to extend the kingdom.

And yet millions of people who name his name

could not tell you what the kingdom is.

So let's spend a few moments on that,

'cause this is his message, the one we follow.

One of the difficulties for us is we don't use

the word "kingdom" often.

We have a different form of government.

We don't have a king. So think about it like this.

Every human being has a kingdom in a biblical sense.

Your kingdom is that little sphere in which

what you say goes, okay?

Your kingdom is where you are in charge.

The technical language for this is your kingdom is the range

of your effective will where your will can rule.

And people very early on learn they were made

to have a kingdom, to reign.

That's why we do not like to have someone else tell us

what we have to do.

What is a two year old's favorite word?


What's their second favorite word?

"Mine," okay?

Those are kingdom words, see?

Now, that can be irritating for parents, but it's a real good

thing that a two year old has learned 'cause they're learning

they have a will, and what a precious thing that is.

What an amazing and marvelous gift it is.

Two and a half months ago, my wife and I

had our first grandchild.

His name is Chance and there's a long story behind him

that I won't tell you but I cannot describe to you the joy.

If I knew having grandchildren was this good,

I would have skipped having children, gone right to it.

And anybody knows when a little child is born and then they

begin to develop and they learn how to walk and they learn how

to talk and how to move their hands, that that's a miracle.

What's happening?

A little piece of matter, a little piece of atoms,

is being reigned by a will, see, by a personal will.

Our universe is subject to will, to personhood.

That's a remarkable thing.

That's a supernatural-- and we see it all the time.

We're just getting used to it.

And little kids grow up and they start being concerned

for their kingdom.

They get in the back seat of a car with each other

and they draw a line.

"You'd better not cross over this line,

'cause this is my kingdom."

And they start defending their kingdoms.

They have little kingdom wars in the back seat of the van.

And then dad starts turning around 'cause whose kingdom

does Dad think the car is?

He thinks it's his kingdom.

And he sends his hand back there like a snake, you know,

"You kids want me to come around?"

And the kids retreat to the corner of the van.

A friend of mine has advice on how to get kids

out of the unreachable safety zone.

A tap on the brakes brings them right into play.

Thy kingdom comes.

My kingdom is the range of my effective will.

It is where things go the way I want them to go, beginning

with my body, and this is why our bodies are so important.

This is why they matter so deeply, why they matter so

deeply to God and why we treasure the little bodies of

our children and of other people and having bodies treated

with dignity makes so much difference.

They're where our kingdoms begin.

And that's a fabulous thing.

Having a kingdom is a real good thing.

It is what God made you for.

And then you're able to extend your kingdom through your words,

through your influence, through money.

That's one of the reasons why money is such a terribly

important and terribly spiritual subject 'cause it's one of the

primary ways that kingdoms' reign of the will gets extended.

And this is all part of God's plan for you.

Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, we're told: "Then God said,

'Let us make human beings in our own image,

according to our likeness, and let them have dominion,"

see, that's kingdom language.

God has dominion. God has a kingdom.

God speaks and it is so.

And then he makes these odd little human creatures and--

but we're in his image and we get to exercise dominion

in our own limited ways.

That's a real good thing.

It's part of being in the image of God.

But our kingdoms get all junked up by sins.

No! Mine!

No, on earth, all those little kingdoms intersect and merge

and they form larger kingdoms.

You think about it like this.

A kingdom is a system of personal power.

A kingdom in the biblical sense is a system of personal power.

And they come together and they form marriages

and then families and then neighborhoods and then schools

and companies and nations and cultures and civilizations,

and those are all kingdoms.

And all those together form what we might call the kingdom

of earth, if we were gonna use biblical language.

So let's do a little study in contrast for a moment.

Jesus says that there is an entity.

It is a reality that is called the kingdom of God.

Now, of course, that language had been used

for a long time in Israel, so Jesus is using language

that's very familiar to people.

But the idea, much of what Jesus did, was to try to correct

people's vision of what is life like in that kingdom.

And he says, "It is unspeakably good.

To what shall I compare the kingdom of God?

It's like a man who finds a treasure buried in the field

and in his great joy he sells everything he's got

'cause he says, 'I've got to have that treasure.'

To what shall I compare the kingdom of God?"

I met my wife many years ago now in Southern California.

We met on a blind date when I was working at a church

in La Crescenta, California.

And after the end of the date, the people who'd introduced us

lived 2,000 miles away.

This was before cell phones.

Didn't seem like a real suave thing to ask for her number so

the only thing that I knew about her, the only way I knew to get

in touch with her again was to call her church.

She attended a church at the time called

Whittier Area Baptist Fellowship.

And so I called that church and I said, "I'm a pastor.

I work at First Baptist Church at La Crescenta.

I need the phone number of one of your parishioners.

It's kind of a ministry thing.

Her name is Nancy Berg," and the receptionist put me on hold

for a long time.

Finally, came back on and gave me Nancy's phone number.

What I did not know then and didn't find out for another six

months, was the receptionist at that church

was Nancy's mother, Verna Berg.

And she actually put me on hold and called Nancy up and said,

"There's some guy and he wants your phone number.

Shall I give it to him?"

And--to what shall I compare the kingdom of God?

It is like a man who meets a woman and he wants her phone

number so desperately that he calls up a church

and semi-deceives them just to get it.

That's the kingdom of God.

Paul says to the church at Rome, "For the kingdom of God

is not a legalistic matter of eating or drinking rules, but

righteousness that is true inner goodness, joy, and peace," see?

The kingdom of God is where all is as God wants it to be.

Jesus says, "It's like a banquet where the lame and the blind

and the poor, people that normally get left out,

all get invited, all become guests of honor.

That's life in the kingdom of God."

The kingdom of God is like a little child who's just humble,

no big shots, no egos, no--

that's life in the kingdom of God.

It's going on right now.

The gospel of Jesus, the good news, is not that the kingdom

has come into existence.

It has always existed.

The good news is, through Jesus, it's now become available now.

And not just to Israel, but to anybody.

It's breaking its boundaries, okay?

That's the kingdom of God.

And then there is this other entity and if we were gonna

use biblical language for it, we would say it

is the kingdom of earth.

Every human life and all of our systems of power

and governments and politics.

How are things going on the kingdom of earth?

Not so good.

Tragedies, tens of thousands of little children die every day

of malnutrition when it's preventable and lots of us

have a lot of resources that could change that.

Abuse, corruption, misuse of power, #MeToo,

families breaking apart, people being neglected,

people not being loved because of the way they look

or the color of their skin,

politics in office places, just--it's a mess.

So Jesus has this plan, see?

Now, when I was growing up in church I always thought that the

idea was that we were gonna go up to heaven someday

and so we ought to just pray, it's such a mess down here,

"God, get me out of here and get me up to--"

There's a old TV show called "Star Trek"

and if somebody was in trouble, they would always pray

to the same guy named Scotty.

Anybody remember that? Remember what the prayer was?

"Beam me up." Get me outta here and let me go.

And I kind of thought that was the idea.

"God, it's a mess down here.

You're gonna come and torch this place."

Jesus has a real different idea and I don't know

why I didn't understand this.

The Lord's Prayer.

We said this a little while ago, these words that

are so familiar to so many people.

And yet, so often, we've never actually thought about them.

Guy named Ken Davis wrote about, back in the 1980s,

a chapel service for the Chicago Bears.

They had a Super Bowl team.

Mike Ditka was the coach and the guy leading the service wanted

them to pray the Lord's Prayer, and so he asked

Refrigerator Perry to pray the Lord's Prayer.

Some of you guys might remember the Fridge?

Jim McMahon was the quarterback

and he thought this was hilarious.

He said to the chaplain, "I will bet you 50 bucks

there's no way the Fridge knows the Lord's Prayer."

And the chaplain thought, "It's kind of odd to bet

on the Lord's Prayer but, you know,

it's a football team, okay."

Everybody bows their heads, close their eyes.

The Fridge begins to pray, "Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep."

Jim McMahon takes out 50 bucks, hands it over and says,

"I was sure he didn't know the Lord's Prayer."

You all know the words.

"Our Father who is in heaven."

Now, heaven is not some place way out there far away, see?

The kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God,

is the range of God's effective will.

Our Father who is closer than the air we breathe,

"hallowed be your name."

May people come to cherish and revere what a good God you are.

May you become famous and beloved.

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name,"

and then the next words that for some reason,

for so many years, I never really thought of.

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done on earth

as it is in heaven."

Here's Jesus's message.

Not, "I wanna tell you how to get from down there to up here,"

"I wanna tell you up here's coming down there."

Up here, O God, O God, O God,

O God, your kingdom come.

Your will be done.

In my body, in my mind, in my thoughts.

I surrender to you.

God, just take this body.

It's not worth much and it's getting older every day.

Take this body and make it radiant with your presence.

And then in my home.

God, where so often your will doesn't reign.

Where anger reigns or coldness reigns or apathy reigns

or selfishness reigns or deceits reign.

God, in my home may your kingdom come.

And then in this church.

You all look like such wonderful people.

Do you all pretty much have virtue nailed down in character?

But you know, in our hearts, we all carry scars and wounds

like you can't believe.

We all do. It's our story.

What might happen if God's will were done in this church

and wherever you are when you're watching in your life,

see, this is God's plan.

In your office, in your neighborhood, in our country,

would anybody like for God's will to be done in our country?

I know this is not like a church where you talk back

but could I get a amen for, like,

would it be a wonderful thing if God's kingdom

were to come for our country?

See, up there is coming down here.

This is the divine conspiracy and it's happening through Jesus

and very often it happens most in people who are least visible,

who look quite humble or unimportant but every time

somebody has some resources and they get generous with it

or every time somebody gets hurt and they end up forgiving

somebody or every time a workaholic parent says,

"No, I'm gonna not do that.

I'm gonna love my children."

Or every time somebody crosses racial lines to express

reconciliation or every time somebody cares--

serves in areas like homelessness

or somebody who is suffering.

Every time that happens, up there is coming down here.

And now, you are called to be not just somebody

who has satisfied the minimal entrance requirements

for getting into heaven when you die.

You are to be an agent of the kingdom.

So follow him. Follow him fully.

Love him. Learn what he taught.

Do what he said. Lean on his power.

Live in his love.

Be a part of the greatest movement in human history,

up there coming down here.

Would you pray together with me?

Now, heavenly Father, I pray for everybody listening to my voice

that they would come to know you,

not just believe certain things about you,

not just try to engage in a transaction

that will take care of them after they die.

To know you, to enter into eternity right now, right here.

We pray it again, our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth

as it is in heaven.

Starting with us in Jesus's name, amen.

[congregation applauding]

announcer: Please stay tuned for the closing benediction.

Bobby: Thank you for joining us for "Hour of Power" today.

We hope that you found incredible hope and inspiration

from this program.

You know, oftentimes we think we need to have enormous faith

to do big things, but in reality,

we serve a God who only requires a faith

the size of a mustard seed

to do amazing things in your life

and in the lives of people around you.

Hannah: That's right.

Matthew 17:20 tells us: "If you have faith as small

as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,

'Move from here to there,' and it will move.

Nothing will be impossible for you."

The Scriptures say that you only need a mustard seed-sized faith

to move mountains in your life.

That's only 1% of you.

Even if just 1% of you is faith,

your prayers will move mountains.

Bobby: That's right.

If 99% of you doubts everything but just 1% of you says,

"I trust God," he can use that percent to move mountains.

Friends, you don't need to have

a mountain-sized faith to move mountains.

You just need a tiny little bit,

because God's the one doing the moving, not you.

So you can relax.

If you have the faith, God has the power.

Let him move your mountains today.

announcer: Call, write, or go online today

and request your accent pillow imprinted with the words,

"Your prayers will move mountains."

Use this pillow at home, take it on your vacation,

or gift it to a loved one as they go back to school

to be reminded daily that God will move mountains

in their lives.

We're asking for a generous gift of any size,

so call, write, or go online today.

Thank you and remember always God loves you and so do we.

Bobby: Hannah and I want you to know

how much you are loved and valued by God.

He will never leave you or abandon you.

You are his child, and he loves you.

Hannah: That's right.

I want to encourage you today that if you've been praying

for something, maybe for years,

and you haven't seen a breakthrough,

don't give up.

Your prayers are powerful, and they will move mountains

in your life.

Bobby: Yeah, that's right.

My grandpa Schuller used to say God's delays

are not God's denials.

So don't give up.

In fact, we want to support you in your prayer life,

whether you're praying for healing, relationships,

or financial challenges.

We want to pray with you.

Matthew 18:20 says, "Where two or three gather in my name,

I am there."

Hannah: Take a moment today and write down

your prayer request and send it to us.

We want to pray for you.

It doesn't matter what kind of impossibilities you're facing

or how huge that mountain is in front of you,

you can put your hope in our powerful God.

Bobby: Yeah, Hannah and I consider you a part

of our church family.

We're here for you, and we would be honored

to keep you in our prayers.

Remember always, God loves you and so do we.

Bobby: Wasn't John great? Did you enjoy his sermon?

Look, he traveled a long way to preach

and bless us this morning, and he has this book coming out.

It just came out, like, this week so I know, as an author,

one of the best things people can do to show you that they

appreciate you is to simply buy your book.

And it's not because of money, truly, it's when you're

an author you put so much of your blood, sweat,

and tears into a manuscript, you really want people to read it,

to think about it, to get it.

And I know that's true for John and if you wanna say thank you

to him, make sure to go back there and spend the 20 bucks

or whatever it is to get a book.

He'll sign it for you. It'll mean the world to him.

And it would be just so great every time we have an author

come to just buy all their books as a church, you know,

and just send 'em home empty-handed so they leave

with that great feeling.

So consider that.

And more than anything, I just hope you know that you are so

loved, that despite what you've gone through, your challenges,

your pain, that God loves you, and your best days

are ahead of you.

We want you to leave here so full of joy and hope

and that this week would be just a week full of energy.

And so I just pray that over you this morning.

And now the Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face to shine upon you

and be gracious unto you.

The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you his peace,

in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit, amen.




announcer: The preceding program was paid for

by the ministry partners of the "Hour of Power"

and viewers like you, and is accredited

by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

For more infomation >> "Eternity is Now in Session" - Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller featuring John Ortberg - Duration: 58:50.


Booba a plusieurs armes chez lui à Miami: Si un cambrioleur entre, j'ai le droit de le tuer - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Booba a plusieurs armes chez lui à Miami: Si un cambrioleur entre, j'ai le droit de le tuer - Duration: 10:25.


Aretha Franklin funeral : US President ensure Aretha Franklin's funeral is fit for a queen - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Aretha Franklin funeral : US President ensure Aretha Franklin's funeral is fit for a queen - Duration: 4:00.


Appealing to a higher power in 2008 | Paul Britton - Duration: 4:02.

Walk us through Capstone in 2008.


So we unfortunately did very well coming out of the gates.

We actually started live trading for investors August, 2007.

And there was a number of events.

So you had the quant crisis of August, 2007.

And then we had made an extraordinary amount of money in January of 2008 through the Soc

Gen meltdown.

And so it gave us such a false belief in ourself, that we really felt that we were exceptionally

better than what we actually were.

And this is 4 or 5 months of managing institutional capital, and

it gave us this, in looking back on it-- reflecting it-- it gave us this false confidence that

we really were better than market.

Come September, October of 2008, I then made a decision based upon my experience of LTCM,

or the Asian crisis of '99, of 9/11 in 2001, that the VIX never really goes much beyond

40 or 45.

So talk about risk-on and risk-off.

We ran a relatively balanced portfolio, and I said, well, why would you ever have any

risk-off strategies in your portfolio?

Why would you have any defensive strategies once the VIX hits 40 or 45, because we all

know that the VIX is going to come back down again.

So I sold all of these strategies out, and essentially made a macro call that the market

was going to come down, and that we were going to be just fine.

We all know that that didn't happen.

And I'm not a particularly religious guy, and I found myself going to a Trinity Church

at the bottom of Broadway by Wall Street literally every day, like begging for forgiveness from

someone in terms of what have I done.

And so I actually built up a rapport with a vicar there.

And I'd only sit there for like 10 minutes to try and collect some of my thoughts.

And this is over like a three or four week period.

Did you tell him about the 45 threshold on the VIX?

At which, he would nod very compassionately and go along with whatever nonsense I was

talking about.

And I then would come back and it wouldn't stop.

And then I ended up buying back all of my strategies around about 65 in the VIX.

So what did it teach me?

It taught me that we certainly were better or smarter than the market.

It also taught me that the events that you think that the market is capable of - you

just don't know what the market is capable of - and that's what makes it so exciting,

in my opinion.

Is you really don't understand what the market is capable of doing to you, and that's why

you need to deliver such a humility and a process to make sure that you are around,

and you're an investor for the long-term.

For more infomation >> Appealing to a higher power in 2008 | Paul Britton - Duration: 4:02.


Arsenal news: Michael Owen predicts outcome of Gunners' Premier League clash with Cardiff - Duration: 2:53.

The former Liverpool and Manchester United striker does foresee the London club coming out on top in the end, however

The Gunners are looking to record successive Premier League victories for the first time under new boss Unai Emery

Arsenal suffered a 2-0 defeat to defending Premier League champions Manchester City in their season opener at The Emirates

Record signing Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang missed some glorious opportunities as the Gunners slumped to a 3-2 loss at Chelsea next

West Ham finally provided a somewhat less strenuous opponent last weekend, and despite going 1-0 up, the Irons eventually surrendered the three points

Owen thinks it could be a similar tale this weekend when Arsenal travel down the M4 to the Cardiff City Stadium

"I feel Arsenal's superior class will prevail in south Wales," he wrote in his BetVictor column

"It's back-to-back goalless draws for Cardiff City and they have yet to score a goal in their three league games to date

Although it will still be a real test of Unai Emery's side who were second best to West Ham for periods at the Emirates on Saturday

"I'm not convinced Emery has got the nucleus of a side which will see the Gunners' compete for a top four spot this season

"And it will be interesting to see how things pan out with Mesut Ozil with the German reportedly missing the game against the Hammers through illness

"That said, I think the Gunners will have more than enough to build on their first win of the season last weekend

" Emery has this week strongly denied rumours of a fall-out with Ozil, the club's highest-paid player

The former Paris St-Germain boss reiterated that would be expected to show flexibility and play in positions other than his preferred No 10 role

"I like the possibility to have the player play different positions on the pitch," he said

"It depends on each match and is the same for other players too."For that, Mesut has played with me on the right wing and also as No 10 and we are going to continue to do that

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Michael Owen predicts outcome of Gunners' Premier League clash with Cardiff - Duration: 2:53.


Nouvelles querelles pour Booba : il s'en prend à Damso et au magazine du Monde - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Nouvelles querelles pour Booba : il s'en prend à Damso et au magazine du Monde - Duration: 10:54.


THE BEST hidden TREASURE of New Zealand! - Omanawa Falls | TRAVEL (#58) - Duration: 8:36.

We've just arrived to a place called Omanawa Falls

Apparently it is a very nice place

But... The gate is shut

I went down those rocks hoping there will be an alternative route

<This was THE TAUGHEST place to get to during our entire trip around New Zealand>

<And as you can see... it would be nice to get there>

I'll try to get behind the gate this way

I did it... however...

I think you could have easily lifted this gate...

*uc* - <No comments>

There you go...

And I! Was trying to be a spiderman!

Kasia chose different route:

"You know, you can also use your brain because humans have been equipped with brain..."

"... and you can use your hand which human also has been equipped with and the just lift the gate"

"Thank You"

<Unfortunately it didn't change much> - Kasia, what an adventure right?

See, I told you I was dreaming that I am Indiana Johnes

Yes? You even look like Indiana Johnes


Our Chinese friend told us there is no way there...

So we came back to our camper van

We did some research about this place

The place is closed but we've seen people down there

So I decided to put my clothes - Collection Summer - Winter 2017

<Kasia stayed in the camper van>

Apparently there is some climbing involved

I do not know how to climb... but I'll find out

<In this very moment I started to walk completely opposite way> Am I giving up? I don't think so

There is some route here

The one I've tried before, am gonna try it out

Maybe this way

Mum, do not look

Gotta observe if I am not walking one-way route. I want to come back

I can't believe it is this way... That's not possible

I hope that the branches will hold my weight

Oh no!

So close... and so far at the same time

I think I have to go back

There is some other path

I think I've found the right path!

I hope

Before I left, Kasia said to me - Minho, just come back

I'll text her so she is not worried

It looks quite bad...

I do not feel like going down. I just go up and down, up and down....

That's how it looks

It is the end of the path

Only a chasm

Beautiful view of course

I think I lost this time...

Now I am thinking... that since we're in New Zealand, there was no single time we've failed with anything

This is very first time

that I feel I am not gonna find

I just went completely opposite direction hoping there will be some path

<It took me 2 hours to come to this place and come back to the beginning>

I am back at the beginning

<translating the sign here>

There is a path here... I could try to jump over

Mum... do not look!

There is a line in here

I really want to get there :( :( :(

There are people having fun there

How can I get there?!

O! I can hear people coming!

There are a stairs here!

We've listened to our Chinese friend who was wrong! ALWAYS CHECK FOR YOURSELF!

<Someone was coming back!>

<I phoned Kasia to let her know about my progress>

Back in the game :D Let's climb

This is the New Zealand I've imagined

Climbing, having fun :D

<PEOPLE! Meaning I am going into right direction>

<I can see my destination>

Mum... do not look

I met our friends that we worked at BLueberry farms with

I've arrived after 3 hours of searching :D

I said not to give up!

I've slipped

I had no idea that the water is THAT cold. Actually the coldest I've ever been into

By the way... Searching for this place for 3 hours was fantastic. I felt like a Tarzan or Bear Grylls. It was AWESOME!

If you EVER come to this place and you get lost...

I have to go through the gate first, then climb up the stairs through this door!

Then you have to keep left

For more infomation >> THE BEST hidden TREASURE of New Zealand! - Omanawa Falls | TRAVEL (#58) - Duration: 8:36.


Man Utd news: Mourinho could NOT manage Liverpool, Klopp would shine at United - McMahon - Duration: 3:08.

 The pressure is mounting on the Special One after losing consecutive Premier League games

 Mourinho fired back at the press yesterday, claiming he is still one of the best managers in the world, while firing shots at Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool and Mauricio Pochettino's Tottenham

 And former Reds ace McMahon says Mourinho can't stand that Pep Guardiola and Klopp are better than him, adding the United boss could never manage Liverpool

 When asked if he agreed with Mourinho's comments about being the best in the business, McMahon told The Debate on Sky Sports: "Presently, no

Absolutely not.  "He was magnificent when he first came into the Premier League and he was successful, but all of a sudden it's become about him

 "Every conversation in the last 10 days has been 'me, me, me' and that's the first sign of insecurity

 "The pressure that he has from the new type of managers like Klopp and Guardiola and Mauricio Pochettino

He can't stand the heat. "He is clearly not the best manager right now. Guardiola is, then it's Klopp

 "Could Klopp manage Manchester United right now? 100 per cent. "Could Mourinho manage Liverpool? Not in a million years

" Speaking yesterday in his pre-match press conference, Mourinho revealed he's one of the best managers in the world

 He said: "I am the manager of the one of the greatest clubs in the world but I'm also one of the greatest managers in the world

 "Did you read any philosophers? Did you never spend time reading for example, Hegel? Okay, so, just as an example Hegel says, 'the truth is in the whole

It's always in the whole that you find the truth'. "Do you ask that question to the manager [Mauricio Pochettino] that finished third in the Premier League last season? To the manager [Jurgen Klopp] that finished fourth? To the manager [Antonio Conte] that finished fifth? "Because he [Klopp] never won anything in international [European] competition for example

That's his problem. "I'll tell you what I think and how I feel. I analyse my performance myself and for me it is more important what I think than what you think


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Mourinho could NOT manage Liverpool, Klopp would shine at United - McMahon - Duration: 3:08.


Musical: Consécration à Marie (Ô ma Reine, ô Vierge Marie) - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Musical: Consécration à Marie (Ô ma Reine, ô Vierge Marie) - Duration: 10:03.


Detective Major on the trace/Detektyw Major na tropie - Duration: 5:14.

What are you looking for?

We saw second dog with Major

He escaped from Major &

now Major follows his trace

He investigates every trail, every trace

He investigates every trace like good detective

Right Major?

What did you find there?

Major Holmes

The best doggy detective

OK we passed bikes

Where trace leads, where

This way?

Or that way?

Probably there

Major found a scent

He's searching

Major Holmes on the trace

I already don't know, where this dog escaped

Easy Major, easy

Without any pulling

Bikes rides here, people are walking, cars driving

Calmly, search

Where now Mr. Detective?

Will you tell me in a secret or not?

Major says "I feel something probably"

I feel

"We'll go here". Oh right, we'll go, you lead

A little bit shorter leash, because

we're getting closer to main road

Oh, Major tracked down a dustman

These, who left trashes everywhere. Let's go

Leave it, we're moving

Search for this dog

Even Major knows, that can't litter

Nice sunset

& Major a tracker

Major, not here

No, we don't go that way

End of play of tracing

Oh, here, very good

So thumbs up

For Major a tracker

Like, subscribe, comment & share

& see you next time

& remember, that's all top secret


For more infomation >> Detective Major on the trace/Detektyw Major na tropie - Duration: 5:14.


VEGAN OLALLIEBERRY SYRUP - #IAmACreator - Duration: 11:39.

This is two pints of Olallieberry berries 1 cup of water and 1/2

of sugar in the raw also known as Turbinado Sugar

and I'm going to boil it and

Put it through a sieve so that we get the seeds out of it. So our friend who has

Diverticulitis can enjoy it. Welcome to Healthy Vegan Living Channel

Okay, so we're gonna bring it to a boil we're gonna update you as we've made this vegan

Although you say there's a lotta berries for vegan a lot of berries

They're sweeter than blackberries and they have a very nice summer

Mellow tastes to them. They're really truly delicious. I

Love them

And our friend can't eat them anymore cuz he's got an issue

But if we get the seeds out of it, he can have some a la la berry jam

I might have to add more sugar to get it to thicken up enough, but we'll see I

Put in a tad bit of cornstarch just to make sure it thickens up nicely

And one pinch of salt and what does I do

Just one tiny pinch, so we're using a Malayan sea salt

Ancient pink Himalayan sea salt

It's starting to come to a boil now along the edges got to bring it to a full boil

The all the berries are boiling and I have to go find the specialist if I'm in this talking about

Now it's coming to a good boil. You can start your smells of fruit

Oh, it smells like and you see the foamy stuff. That'll come out

When I put it through the sieve the guys throughout the bite

What we're doing here is we're walking the writer so it's nice and fresh but when we put in

alala berries in it a

new stove

the berries are now cooking and

They're getting very soft

And I'm just boiling off some of the excess water to concentrate the flavor and make it into an ice. Jam

They'll be able to go through the sieve and take off the seeds

Upside down drain a little bit

I'll probably do this if you're doing this at home, it's hot and doing a flatter yourself

You want to make sure you have a full adequate size to put it through?

it's not dreaming easily because


So now you just you can see some of the juices come through and then you just turn this handle and

The juice underneath you see has no seeds whatsoever which is the whole point of what we're doing here

See how the pulp is because

gathering to the side

You're going to see that steam. So you need to pick it up a little bit

It doesn't the inch push any of those things all the way down


We've emptied out the rice sir. And this is the pulp that we have left and that whole past season

Which is what we're trying to get out. So what we're going to do is put it through a second sieve thus even finer

To make sure we get rid of all the seeds

then we have to

Get every bit of the goodness and

Then you just take a spoon and you push

Until you feel like you've got all the juice out


Pretty soon this will start to condense down to just a little bit of full with lots and lots of seeds

You can see the seeds already in it

They're the white bits


Allan's gonna have himself some o Oliveri jelly jam jelly

Is without the seeds Jam is with

See how it's very

nicely getting cleared out of


class little bits of goodness and juice that we can add to our and this'll also because a little bit thicker helps thicken up our


Jelly I should say

Always when you do these kind of things that scrape the bottom has stuff will stick to the bottom

And you can see

What's coming off the bottom there? There's no seeds at all. That's absolutely clear of the seeds. Just a nice nice fruit

I'm gonna bring it back to a boil

And I think I am going to add just a little bit of fun starch to its elitism

Thickens up faster for me


Little bit bring it back to the boil. There's not one seed in there

It's just a lotta berry juice with a slight amount of sugar

And you can see there's not one seed in there it's just pure juice of the illallah berry

Here are our chars that we're going to use

Along with berry jelly this pretty one we're going to use for alley

And fill that up first and this other one we're going to use for us

We're not going to sterilize them. This is a small batch and we're just going to keep it in the refrigerator

And I'm gonna first pour it into this measuring cup and then

That will make it easier to get into the jars

So you'll see this sure with absolutely no seeds and this stuff right here is excellent

Taste wonderful

Not a little jar first, I'm going to fill it up and leave just a little Headroom for the steam

And we'll let it cool before we put the cap on

This one

You would be thou on this bigger one keep the pretty one

Anyway, there we go. It's all done and you can see it's already starting to thicken up on my finger

Has it cools it'll get thicker and thicker

I didn't put any thickener other than just a little bit of sugar from the natural pectin in the fruit

Okay, so that's the hollow the berries and thank you very much for watching us

Remember the do you clean up after you've done some jam or in this case what jelly be good?

Do you clean up a point? You can finish with your jelly?

You don't want to get have to cook do this you could volunteer and help out your parents or your level

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you wouldn't go ahead

good when you please


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