People doing stupid things
How to TRANSITION to ADVANCED English level - vocabulary lesson - Duration: 16:01.-------------------------------------------
Dimension Drive – Launch Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 1:04.[ELECTRONICA MUSIC PLAYING]
Lucas - Season 29 - Part 001 - Duration: 7:40.-------------------------------------------
CBS 2 News at 11 p.m. (Sept. 3) - Duration: 11:20.-------------------------------------------
算命先生說:9月會中彩票的生肖!前三名,看看有沒有你! - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
신의 연기력을 갖게 되면 생기는 일|빨간토마토 - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
Acer Helios 300 2018 Gaming Benchmarks - 15 Games Tested! - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Forever and Ever - UK - HD - Duration: 7:01.James!
And Gordon!
And Emily!
And Thomas - Number One!
# Let's go, go, go
# On a Big World Adventure!
# Let's go, go, go
# Explore with Thomas and his friends!
# Let's go, go, go
# And meet new friendly faces
# The world's just a train ride away!
# Big World, Big, Big Adventures
# Thomas and Friends - Big World! Big Adventures! #
"I'm the Number One tank engine and I love to race! When I went to China, a lot of things looked different, but one of the engines was just like me!"
"All aboard for a big adventure!"
THOMAS: 'One day, when I was working on the Chinese Railway, I was running a little late...'
"I'm late! Oooh, I'm late! Grrr, I'm late!"
"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late..."
"Whoa-ho-ho! Easy, tiger!"
"Sorry, Yong Bao, I took a wrong turn into a siding!"
"That's okay, Thomas - you're here now, just in time for your coaches - AnAn and Lin Yong!"
BOTH: "Ni hao, Thomas!"
"Hi...I mean, hello...I mean, ni hao!"
"Back on the Island of Sodor, my coaches Annie and Clarabel love it when I go really fast!"
"Oh, yes!"
"Woo-hoo! Faster, Thomas, faster!"
'Once, I went so fast, that I flew up right into the sky as high as the moon!"
"Go, Thomas! You're number one!"
AnAn: "It doesn't sound very believable!"
LIN YONG: "Are you sure that's what happened, Thomas?"
LIN YONG: "You've made that up!"
"Maybe it wasn't quite like that, but it felt like it! One thing's for sure - where I come from, I'm the Number One tank engine!"
"But I'm the Number One tank engine! It's right here on the side of my tank!"
"That's a number one?"
"That's how we write the number one in China! Only we don't call it 'one', we call it 'yi'! My name is Hong-Mei, by the way!"
"Oh, my name's Thomas!"
"Race you to the next station!"
"Hey! Come back here!"
'Hong-Mei was fun! She liked racing and racing was something I knew all about!'
HONG-MEI: "I'm Number One! I'm Number One!"
"Keep up, slowcoach!"
"Oh, no!"
"Not fair! I had to stop for a silly, red signal!"
"Here in China, red is the colour for good luck, but it wasn't very lucky for you just now!"
"No, it wasn't, but I bet I could beat you if we race again!"
"Okay, Thomas, you're on!"
BOTH: "'Kaishi' means 'start', Thomas!"
"Ooh! Ah! Ow! Huh? Oh, it's no use - I can't keep up with Hong-Mei!"
"Don't worry, Thomas!"
"We know shortcut!"
"Just take this next turn!"
"Wow! Are you sure this is a shortcut?"
"Yes, Thomas, keep going!"
"I can't see where I'm...going! Whoa!"
"Is this safe?"
"Of course it is, Thomas!"
"We've been this way loads of times!"
"Okay...Oh, cinders and ashes!"
"Come on, Thomas, it's okay!"
"And you need to keep going if you're going to beat Hong-Mei!"
"Go quickly and show Hong-Mei who's Number One!"
"Come on, Thomas, you said you were the fastest engine on Sodor!"
"Didn't you fly up in the air?"
"Didn't you jump over the moon?"
"Here we go, Thomas! Faster!"
"I'm the fastest engine! I'm Number One!"
"Oh, no!"
"Oh, no! I've come off the rails!"
BOTH: "And no-one even knows where we are! HELP! HELP!"
"Sorry, Thomas, we should've stayed on the main passenger line."
"It's not your fault, AnAn. It's all because I wanted to be Number One."
"Hong-Mei, you took the shortcut, too?"
"Yes, what happened?"
"Oh, there was a rock on the tracks!"
"Oh, no, it must've fallen off one of my trucks...because I was going too fast! Sorry, Thomas."
" could've carried on and won the race!"
"And leave you behind? I don't think so!"
BOTH: "Yay!"
"Thanks, Hong-Mei!"
"No problem, Number One!"
'My new friend, Hong-Mei, and I make a great team! After all, what could be better than two Number Ones?'
"Have you and your friends ever had a race? Racing can be fun! But, sometimes, I get so caught up in trying to win that I forget about what else is important!"
'Once, James and I were having a race to the football ground. We were so busy racing, we forgot to pick up some of the players. That wasn't very useful.'
'When I met Hong-Mei, the Number One tank engine on the Chinese Railway, we just had to have a race! I wanted to win and prove I could go faster than Hong-Mei!'
'But, in the end, it was more important that we were friends!'
"They may write numbers differently in China, but Hong-Mei and I, we can both be Number One!"
ANNIE: "Come on, Thomas!"
"It's time to go!"
"See you next time!"
Subtitles by TTTEpisodeS22
Смешные одесские анекдоты! Анекдот про мужчин! - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
SPEAKER, BTS [First-Person] What is K-POP - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
QUEEN OF THE SOUTH Season 3 | Episode 12 Trailer | USA Network Series - Duration: 2:15.(sighs)
♪ ♪
-Tell me. -I swept the whole property.
I found this in James' room.
It's a bug.
♪ ♪
It's also a recorder.
♪ ♪
JAMES: Only four people know about the Pedolla play.
Three of them are standing here.
TERESA: The sheriff works for us now.
POTE: You made a deal with the devil, Teresita.
There's more where that came from.
Weeks of it. He's been recording us.
He put a tracker on little Tony's Game Boy.
He could have done the same with Guero's medallion.
While you two were...
(dramatic music)
You know.
(speaking Spanish)
Devon Finched attacked you in Bolivia,
and we both know that James worked for him.
Open your eyes, Teresita.
Or someone will shut them for you.
with Teresa. I'll handle things
Real Me 1 : Camera Tested To a Next Level (2018) - Duration: 6:27.
A.s.w my YouTube family
This is
atif raza from The AR Vlog
10below Icewine lounge!![Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 10:11.(Trip to the small cities in Canada)
(Icewine winery)
- It's a luxurious trip with the helicopter. / - Right.
This was unexpected.
(A quiet and small city by the lake)
(A big vineyard near Lake Ontario)
(A beautiful village with nature and wine)
- It's real ice. / - Wow, look at that ice.
They have an ice room.
There's a special place where you can sample wine.
- What is it? / - You'll see.
- I'll see? / - Yeah, you'll see.
Don't be shocked.
I've never been to an icewine winery like that.
- I'm Dylan. / - Dylan!
- Nice to meet you. / - Nice to meet you too.
- Already? / - Thank you.
Our Vidal Icewine infused into the bottle.
(He pops the cork like magic)
It's rose.
We used 100% of the grapes from Ontario.
It smells like champagne.
(Hey! Hey!)
- What? / - She can't stop!
She likes it.
I turn red even after one drink.
- So I shouldn't drink. / - Yeah, you don't drink.
But the wine was so good, I kept drinking.
(So delicious that she chugs it down)
You don't need a straw?
It's so good!
This is so good!
- This is good. / - I like it.
(Now it's time to tour the winery)
(Roses at the entrance of the vineyard)
They're bigger than my fist.
There's a reason why that rose bush is there.
Rose bushes are really important to a vineyard.
- Oh... / - Because...
A rose is susceptible to disease
and insects very easily.
So if there's anything wrong
with the rose bush...
Questions 1 through 17 are English listening.
Listen carefully and answer the questions.
It really felt like an English exam.
Workers know that there's a risk to the vines
and can take action quickly
before the grapes are damaged.
These are pretty...
It's the Canadian mentality.
(He can't believe he just said that)
- The roses are weak... / - Easily.
But they plant roses here because
the roses are the first to react if there are any pests.
So this shows the condition of the vineyard.
Workers know that there's a risk to the vines...
The roses are the first to react if there are any pests.
And can take action quickly
before the grapes are damaged.
So this shows the condition of the vineyard.
They look very healthy.
So the vineyard must be healthy too.
So everything here should be healthy.
Yeah, that's right. No pests.
Say it in English.
Let's go!
Don't make me speak English.
My mind goes blank when I try to speak English.
- Grape? / - Yes.
It's growing.
- Those are grapes. / - Still babies.
I had no idea that wine was famous in Canada
before I did research for this trip.
I heard that icewine was famous here.
- It looks like "Frozen." / - Right?
So it keeps freezing and thawing.
Wow, I bet it's delicious.
So, for icewine...
You drink it with ice in them like iced Americano.
So, is icewine cold wine?
No, it's not like that.
Icewine can be drank cold.
But the best temperature is 7 to 8 degrees.
- So that it's chilled. / - Chilled.
All these barrels are filled with wine?
A little wine in here?
Actually, the equivalent of 300 bottles of wine in each.
Wow, there is wine in these barrels.
We have to wear this.
- Isn't this a Canadian brand? / - Yeah.
You have to put on a coat to try the wine.
Is this a gift?
In a way.
Because you're going to want to be wearing that.
We're going into our 10 below icewine lounge.
And it is -10℃ in there.
- Ice room? / - Yeah, an ice room.
It's -10℃ in there.
You have to wear one then. Wow, this is crazy.
So this is why you said this was special.
-10℃ since it's icewine.
(Where will they taste icewine?)
Look at her face. Great reaction from both of them.
- I didn't want to come out. / - So nice.
Yeah! This is what I said was famous!
They're frozen in ice.
- They're in the ice. / - Yes.
Is that real ice?
I'm starting to sober up.
It's really cold.
(Everything is ice)
We carved it out of 30,000 pounds of ice.
We have to rebuild it about every 2 years.
Very cold.
But the perfect spot to try...
- Our signature series Vidal Icewine. / - I like this!
(How would it taste?)
- So, because it taste sweet... / - More, more.
- That's the famous one, right? / - Yes.
More, more, more.
Let's start with one and go from there.
- Cheers. / - When you drink this...
Because you taste sweetness...
This is what I'm talking about! I love this stuff!
He's excited now.
Hongki is finally happy after 3 episodes.
Don't drink it all at once. Sip it.
From your tongue.
He's good at doing what he's told.
He likes it.
That's what I'm talking about!
- This is it! / - You said you don't like sweets.
But this is wine.
- Is it different? / - Of course.
There's honey in alcohol!
It's not honey.
The grapes are just really sweet.
(I love wine)
Hongki's finally showing some reactions.
- Like a baby that was just fed. / - That stuff...
It's the best wine.
The sweetness differs depending on the vintage.
The one on the wall over there.
During winter 2013, it was so cold
that we measured the highest possible sugar content
in grapes.
From 2013?
They were able to make 1,500 bottles.
- It's incredible... / - It must be really expensive.
It's very difficult to turn it into wine.
(Limited edition icewine)
- 1,500 bottles. / - You can try that too?
- Limited edition. / - No, not that one.
You have to buy a bottle.
- Can I buy? / - Yes.
- How much? How much? / - Really?
- Around $500. / - $500? Are you serious?
If they sold that in Korea, they'd charge like $1,000.
Of course.
It's good.
It's really good.
(He has another glass)
Thank you.
Man, it's cold.
- This is so nice. / - Let's get out of here.
Just wait. Let me taste my wine.
Then I'm leaving first.
It's cold!
- I can't take this anymore. / - He's not happy anymore.
Fine, I'll join you after I finish mine.
- You should keep drinking. / - You should've waited!
- No, it was nice and quiet. / - He should've stayed.
It was nice to get some alone time.
It's so nice and quiet without Hongki.
My gosh, it's raining.
See? I told you so.
- Call a cab. / - Yeah, we should.
Old Town...
(Going to downtown Niagara-on-the-Lake)
(It looks like old England)
So pretty.
Where is this place?
This is Niagara-on-the-Lake.
- It was the former capital of Canada. / - It was?
If you go there,
you can experience Canada and Europe.
You can experience the UK.
- And you can go to the U.S. / - That's great.
(Very European due to British colonization)
There are many British-style buildings here.
I heard this hotel is really famous.
(They see an old hotel along the path)
- That's a hotel? / - Yes.
Queen Elizabeth II visited here during Victorian era.
Let's check out this pretty hotel.
(Victorian style interior from 18th century England)
【9月4日-9月10日】這五個生肖需要格外留意:豬、虎、狗、牛、兔!100%靈! - Duration: 3:27.如果一個人運勢好,那 麼做什麼事都將有如 神助,勢如破竹。
相反,如果處於運勢的 低潮,就感覺諸事不 順,做什麼事都好像 面臨著重重困難一樣 ,難以成功。
這五個生肖未來一周需 要格外留意,好運降 臨,財神駕到,財運 滔天,成為銀行座上 賓。
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖豬
生肖豬這7天得月德 吉星高照,財運非常 好,正好是上班第一 天,好運連連,偏財 運很非常好,要善於 利用,這樣才能把好 運發揮到極致,建議 別得意忘形,否則好運會流失!
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖虎
生肖虎今日是六合吉星 入命,運勢最佳。
接下來7天財運不錯, 正財很旺,只要在事 業上加以努力,就會 有令人滿意的收穫! 事業運很好,工作上 會有新的機遇出現。
今日桃花運也不錯,待 在越多人、越熱鬧的 地方,越能提升你的 桃花好運氣,能幫助 你在茫茫人海中找到 最合適的另一半。
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖狗
生肖狗今日開始三合 吉星入命,運勢大旺 。
這7天財運最棒,你有 比較多的賺錢的機會 。
事業運上,職場運勢有 所期待,利於合作, 帶動事業的運轉!桃 花運也不錯,單身的 朋友可得好好的把握 與心儀對象獨處的時 間。
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖牛
今日是生肖牛的偏財 吉運日,這好運將延 續7天,屬牛人的偏 財運勢很好,進財有 望。
這周事業運很好,工作 上有一個好心情,讓 你之前緊繃的情緒得 到緩解,讓你活力倍 增,可以迎接更多的 挑戰!
廣告-請繼續往下閱讀 生肖兔
生肖兔未來這7天財 運挺好,如果想讓自 己的財運能更加提升 ,那麼建議你不妨四 處走走,一來可以當 作收集資訊,二來讓 自己的心情放個假, 在保持最佳狀況下,生財就不是問題!
כאן חברו הטוב של | הסייעת בגן שמגדלת חמוסות - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
META Tattoo Workstation - Duration: 0:46.Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!
Quite A Ride - Duration: 52:25.-------------------------------------------
Challenges force introspection | Yoga Stories | Gauranga Das in English 2018 - Duration: 3:56.Challenges force introspection By gauranga Das at iskcon
Best Yoga Stories In English by gauranga Das 2018
Best Yoga Stories In English by gauranga Das
Challenges force introspection By gauranag Das
Best Yoga Stories In English 2018 by gauranga Das
आत्ममन्थन के लिए बाध्य करती चुनौतियाँ | Yoga Stories | Gauranga Das in Hindi 2018 - Duration: 3:59.Challenges to compel suicide By gauranga Das at iskcon
Best Yoga Stories In Hindi by gauranga Das 2018
Best Yoga Stories In Hindi by gauranga Das
Challenges to compel suicide By gauranag Das
Best Yoga Stories In Hindi 2018 by gauranga Das
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | Licht&zicht - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban | Nightpakket - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | Licht&zicht - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.0 100PK ECOBOOST | CRUISE | - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
宿涵獲封"傑迷之光",李健自誇"時尚"上熱搜……《中國好聲音》決出隊內四強! - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
吳莫愁《新舞林大會》再突破 展現全新自我 - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Style | Ambition | Licht&zicht | LED - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat | Style | Ambition | Licht&zicht | Parkpilot | LED - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Style | Ambition | Licht&zicht | LED - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
邓伦录节目遭调侃:追妻火葬场,媳妇作没了只能一个人录快本 - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | LED - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Licht&zicht | Ambition | - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Licht&zicht | Ambition | - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | URBAN | NIGHTPAKKET | AMBITION - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Style | Ambition | Parkpilot | Bleutooth | LED - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
🔥Machine à polir les comprimés TT-80 extra video 2 - Duration: 8:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | STYLE | AMBITION | LICHT&ZICHT PAKKET - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Pourquoi il n'y aura pas de photo du prince George pour sa rentrée des classes - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Pourquoi il n'y aura pas de photo du prince George pour sa rentrée des classes - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
How to TRANSITION to ADVANCED English level - vocabulary lesson - Duration: 16:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> How to TRANSITION to ADVANCED English level - vocabulary lesson - Duration: 16:01.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta (Navi/PDC/360° Camera/DAB+) - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta (Navi/PDC/360° Camera/DAB+) - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
RoboSoft Uso 1.0 - Duration: 1:21.Robo's Easiest use
Shelf most recent picture. Click to enable play button.
Start the movements towards the selected shelf.
To the Things page.
Thing's Image. Click to enable the play button
Start the movement towards the Shelf containing the selected Thing.
For more infomation >> RoboSoft Uso 1.0 - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
RoboSoft Playlist 1.0 - Duration: 1:53.Create a new Playlist for your Robo!
Open Main Menu.
To Playlists page.
Playlist Name.
Playlist's Notes
Edit Playlist.
To Playlist Execution page.
Playlist's Elements.
Switch between three execution mode.
Stops Playlist's execution.
Starts Playlist's Execution.
For more infomation >> RoboSoft Playlist 1.0 - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
RoboSoft Cronologia 1.0 - Duration: 1:22.Recover an Object with Crhonological Reconstruction.
Shelf's name. Click to open the Shelf's page.
Show infromation regarding this Shelf.
Click to open the Chronological Picture Archive. while inside the archive swipe to browse records.
Shelf's name, date, User who performed the action.
For more infomation >> RoboSoft Cronologia 1.0 - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
RoboSoft Ricerca 1.0 - Duration: 1:33.Find an Item within Robo
Insert text to Search
Start the Search.
Adds or remove the Item from your Favorites.
Adds or removes the Item from the One marked as Currently contained.
Search only among Currently contained Things.
Search only among your Favorite Things.
For more infomation >> RoboSoft Ricerca 1.0 - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
RoboSoft Aggiungi 1.0 - Duration: 1:31.Add An Item to your Robo!
Shelf's name. Click to open the Shelf's page.
List of the Things contained within the Shelf.
Open the menu to add a Thing to this Shelf.
Click to select a picture for the new Item.
Name or the new Item.
Click to add the new Item.
For more infomation >> RoboSoft Aggiungi 1.0 - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Un chef dans ma cuisine - L'entrée avec Noëmie Honiat - Cakes Pop - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Un chef dans ma cuisine - L'entrée avec Noëmie Honiat - Cakes Pop - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Get the All New REC ROOM-------------------------------------------
BMW 1 Serie 116i Executive M-Sport Automaat-8 Navi | Sportstoelen | 4-Cilinder - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
BMW X3 2.0d xDrive High Executive | M-Sportpakket | Navi Professional | PDC V+A | Xenon | Head-Up Di - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
TRAFFIC UPDATE: Ward Avenue reopened after accident - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Learn English on the Flower Farm! English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 7:15.Hi Bob the Canadian here.
A while ago I did a video where I gave all of you guys a tour of my farm.
But it was way back in the early Spring, and I said during that video that I would give
you another tour later in the year.
Well, today's the day.
We're gonna have a look at the farm, and while we're looking at the farm I'll try
to teach you some words and phrases to help you learn English.
So on our farm we grow what's called "cut flowers".
The flowers that you see here are called zinnias and we harvest the zinnias when you harvest
a flower it means you go out and cut them.
And we bring them into our barn where my wife spends a lot of time putting the flowers into
bouquets, and we sell the bouquets at a local market.
I'll get a little closer here.
This type of zinnia is called, "Oklahoma" and it's a small pink flower as you can
see and it's very very beautiful.
One of the places where we sell our flowers is on a wagon that we have along the road.
If you look out this way you'll see the road, and people drive in during the day,
there's not a lot of flowers out here right now, and they'll stop in and they'll buy
flowers from us.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but you can kind of hear a little bit of thunder in
the background.
If you look that way you'll see that the sky is very very very dark.
And we're expecting a little bit of rain possibly this afternoon.
So hopefully I can get this video done before, before that rain comes.
So I'm out in the other part of the farm, oh I'm not sure did you see my hat today?
It says, "Canada" on it, because I'm Canadian.
I'm at the other half of the farm today and I'll turn the camera around in a sec
and let you see what I'm looking at here.
In this bed we have some more zinnias.
There's also plants in this bed that we would call, "weeds".
So a weed is this type of plant, a weed is plant that grows and you don't really want
it there.
I'm not sure what the word for weed is in your language.
We have lots of flowers, but we also have lots of weeds.
These flowers here are called, "Sweet William" There another flowers that's quite popular
when we sell our flowers at the market.
It has a beautiful colour.
And I'll take you over this way and we'll look at another flower, I'll show you this
side first, these are called, "Lisianthus" and lisianthus are just a beautiful flower.
They look a little bit like a rose.
This is Jen the Canadian, she's the main grower, and those of some flowers that she
Just gonna stop for a moment and let you have another look at the sky behind me.
You can see that it's quite dark.
I think it's gonna start raining probably in about half an hour.
I think we're gonna get quite a downpour.
A downpour is when you get a lot of rain all at once.
So it will be pouring rain in about half an hour and I'll make sure I come outside and
shoot some video of that.
We grow quite a few sunflowers on our farm, but the way we grow them is pretty unique.
Let me, let me give you a just a quick look.
So this is a row of sunflowers, and these sunflowers were planted a few weeks ago.
And as I walk along you can see that every two weeks we plant sunflowers, so these were
planted even longer ago.
They're a little bigger.
You can see that these sunflowers, the leaves are even bigger yet, and we're gonna move
over to the next growing area.
These sunflowers are even bigger yet, so they're even a little older.
And as we move you'll start to see the sunflowers that are blooming.
Now I need to get around to the other side because you can't quite see how beautiful
this is.
These sunflowers are just super happy and kind of looking at you.
So it's kind of fun.
It's a really great place to take a picture.
I should do that for a sec.
So here I am, just kneeling in front of the bed of sunflowers.
You can kind of get a sense of,... they just make people happy.
I think sunflowers are the flower that make people the happiest.
So we really really like growing them.
Normally we don't let them open this far, but we have too many this year.
We have too many sunflowers so we can't harvest them fast enough to sell them all.
So just another look at the, at the sky behind me.
It's really starting, really starting to turn black now.
Not sure when the rain will start but we'll see.
I'll kind of give you a sense of some of the other things we grow you can see all of
this green behind me.
This is something we call, "Broom Corn".
Now we don't brooms out of it.
You know a broom is something that you use to sweep, but this is broom corn.
And the end, when you take the seeds off you can use it to make a broom.
We primarily use it to put in bouquets as well.
People really really liek having them in bouquets.
There was just a really really big lightning strike behind me.
I think I should probably get inside now.
Here comes the rain.
So you can hear it on the roof.
You can see my wife Jen the Canadian running by.
You can see the big drops coming.
In a minute I think I should probably run to the house.
I should probably get going sooner than later.
If you look in the distance you can still, woah, I'm kicking things.
If you look in the distance you can still see trees, you can see drops on my shirt.
I'm not sure if it's stopping or not but I'm gonna, I'm gonna make a run for it.
I'm safe.
We can watch.
And we'll just let the rain come.
Bob the Canadian here.
Thank you so much for coming and having a video tour of my farm.
Don't forget to click the like button below.
Subscribe if this is your first time here.
And this was really fun to make.
I look forward week's video.
Next week's video I think I'm gonna look at how to ask for directions or how to find
someone that you're looking for.
So look for that next week.
Bob the Canadian here.
Have a great day.
This was really fun to do.
Acer Helios 300 2018 Gaming Benchmarks - 15 Games Tested! - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
10 Things about Monet (Explained in a Minute) | COMIC BOOK UNIVERSITY - Duration: 2:52.Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University and I'm going to explain 10 Things about Monet in about a minute.
1.) Monet's first appearance was in "Generation X #40" in July 1998, though it was retconned to have been in issue one, and she was created by Scott Lobdell and Chris Bachalo.
2.) Monet St. Croix was the second of four children, and the oldest of the sisters, born to Cartier St. Croix, a man who was the president of three successful companies and Monaco's ambassador to France, and her mother, who was Algerian royalty.
Monet was also Cartier's favorite child.
3.) Born in Sarejevo, Bosnia on a ski trip, Monet was perfect in every way: beautiful, well-mannered, excelled at sports, the arts, academia; she could do no wrong.
4.) Her older brother, Marius, developed his mutant powers first, displaying vampiric abilities and draining his mother's bone marrow while Ambassador Cartier took his daughters out for the day.
His father kicked Marius out of the house but he would return to try and corrupt Monet, whom he was jealous of.
5.) When she refused, Marius turned Monet into a red-skinned, mute monster with razor sharp flesh.
The youngest daughters, twins, immediately developed their mutant abilities and banished Marius, who would call himself, Emplate.
The twins, Nicole and Claudette, then took the shape and identity of Monet, knowing that their father could do with the loss of all of his children, except for his favorite daughter.
6.) Monet was called Penance and she became a founding member of the mutant team, Generation X and, later, she would return to her original form, calling herself, "M".
7.) As Penance, she was mute and had resilient, razor-sharp skin, leaving her incapable of communicating effectively.
8.) When she was freed from this form, she was a "perfect person", with physical and mental abilities greater than any Olympic athlete and likely on par with Captain America.
She possesses an eidetic memory, can speed read, and has a superior IQ.
9.) She has a healing factor similar to Sabretooth and boasts enhanced senses, along with the ability to see in the infrared spectrum.
She possesses various mental abilities that need refining, like telepathy and telekinesis, which seems to allow her true flight.
She has several gestalt forms where she combines with one or more of her siblings, which radically changes their powers.
10.) Monet kept her pedigree of perfection, causing much resentment from the other Generation X members, especially Jubilee, but no one could deny her usefulness to the team as the "perfect mutant".
And that's 10 Things about Monet in about a minute.
What Do You Do When Customers Try to Get a Free Cleaning? - Duration: 9:14.What do you do about people who try to get free cleanings from you?
That is a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there.
I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now if you have a question, you can go to, and there's a little
blue button at the bottom of the page.
You can click on that blue button and, mysteriously, a little microphone appears, and you click
on the microphone and it's like leaving me a voicemail, except it sends it to me here
at the show.
So, if you have a question, you can call in your question to the show, or you can email
me if that's easier for you.
All right, onto today's show, which is what do you do if a customer is trying to eke a
free cleaning out of you?
All right, well, I don't like this question at all because it suggests that there are
people out there that would do that.
And I like to believe in the kindness of humanity
and that everybody's good and kind and has everyone else's best interest in mind.
I know, I live in Utopia.
So the truth of the matter is, believe it or not, there are some shysters out there,
and they're going to try to get something for nothing.
Okay, so is the customer lying to you?
Are they just being sneaky?
What is this all about, right?
Because I hear it all the time like,
"Oh, they're just trying to get free cleaning out of me."
The very first thing that I want to suggest is, as a business owner, how did you explain
your business in your walk through?
And I want to go back to you because you don't have control over the customer, but you do
have control over you.
And so I want to go back to the walkthrough.
Did you specify what you do when you were with your customer face to face?
Because there are a lot of times that house cleaning business owners will say,
"Well, I'm a house cleaner. They should know what I do."
Uh, no, they don't, unless you specified what you do.
That's like going inside a restaurant and saying, "Well, of course they know what we sell.
We sell food. Right?"
Well, but what kind of food?
Does it have MSG in it?
Is it precooked?
Is it frozen food?
Like, what is it that you're feeding me?
Is this organic food?
Is this just food off the store shelves?
What is it that you're feeding me?
Is this stuff that has already been sitting here for a couple of hours?
Are you cooking it fresh?
Are you making it to order?
Can I make some adjustments to the dish that I'm ordering?
Like, what happens?
House cleaning is the very same.
When we come to your house and we bid a job, we're customizing your order.
It's a made-to-order order.
So what is it that you're getting?
No, you have to specify.
Now, there's a house cleaner that called me and she's just in tears.
She's irate.
She did an amazing job at a customer's house.
The customer called her up and said, "I can't find anything in my kitchen.
I want a refund.
You didn't put stuff back where it was supposed to go."
So the house cleaner is just beside herself because, guess what?
She doesn't open cupboards and put anything away.
As part of her cleaning, she doesn't do dishes, but she failed to mention that to a customer,
so the customer just expects that that was going to be done.
Then when she couldn't find anything, it wasn't because she herself misplaced it or someone
in the house misplaced it.
She immediately blamed the house cleaner, and then she wanted a refund.
So then I had to ask the house cleaner, "What is your guarantee policy and your refund policy?"
which she had not clarified either.
Okay, so this is where we get into trouble.
Is the customer trying to eke something out of us for free?
Oftentimes the answer is no.
Oftentimes the customer doesn't know where our boundaries are.
They don't know what we've promised, and they don't know what we've delivered.
And so I asked this particular house cleaner, I said, "Did you use a checklist?"
And she said, "Oh, no, because there's a lot of stuff on there I'm not going to get around
to, and I don't want it to look like I left a whole bunch of stuff off because then they
wouldn't want to pay me."
Okay, but the customer doesn't know what you did anyway, and because you didn't check anything
off and there was no checklist, and you weren't very clear about the terms of what you did,
and you're not very clear about the terms of your refund or your guarantee, your customer,
and I'm just making a wild guess here, but your customer is not trying to eke something
out of you for free.
Your customer is trying to find and establish some boundaries.
They're super confused right now.
So I need you to go back to the customer's house, and I need you to redo your walk through.
And you can go back and say, "My bad, I didn't explain it very clearly.
When I clean houses, I don't do any dishes, and so if there's stuff in your dishwasher,
I don't even put it away.
I don't open any closed doors and I don't open any cupboards, and so if there's something
that's misplaced in your kitchen, it had to be someone in your house because I didn't
put anything away."
Then you need to say, "It has come to my attention that people would like more clarity on what
it is I'm doing, so here's my new checklist," and I'm really a big fan of the checklist
for this reason.
When you do a walkthrough with a customer, you give them a checklist, and you yourself
have a checklist, and as you walk through the house, there are things that will trigger
a conversation.
So if you're in the kitchen, then you can tell the customer right there.
You can stop at the kitchen sink and say, "Hey, listen, there are no dishes in the sink
today, and I just want to know if it's always going to be this way when I arrive.
And just to make sure you understand, my company does not do dishes.
And so if I arrive and the sink is full of dishes, I'm going to work around them and
I'm going to leave them in the sink for you because I don't want to be responsible for
your dishes.
That's a daily chore, and it's not part of the weekly maintenance that you're paying
me to do."
And so you need to have that conversation.
If you don't have that conversation and the customer leaves dishes in the sink, and then
you go home, and you left the dishes in the sink but you didn't tell them you were going
to do that, then they're like, "Oh, you didn't clean my house.
I came home and there were dishes in my sink.
I want my money back."
Oh, no.
They're not trying to get something for you for free.
They just thought that that was included.
So the checklist says we did this, this, this, and this.
Now everything that you're guaranteeing is checked off.
These are the things we did.
If your house was super messy and we didn't get around to it, we had to skip some things.
And so on the Walkthrough, you say, "Hey, if we have to skip some things, because sometimes
people's houses are messier than others, what are your priorities?"
And they say, "Well, you can skip the blinds.
That's not a priority to me, or you can skip the baseboards."
They will give you things that are not their priorities, and then you can skip those things
because you made notes on your initial walkthrough.
Now, if it's clear to the customer what you offer, and it's clear to you as a housekeeper,
and it's clear to you what your guarantee is and it's clear to the customer what your
guarantee is, it's going to remove a whole bunch of this weird, "Oh, you need to come
back and give me a refund for the money that I paid," because there are a lot of house
cleaners that are overcharging, and they are not being very clear about what it is they're
charging for.
And then the customer sees how much money they paid, and then they look at the whole
house and there's like a whole bunch of stuff that got skipped, so something is not right
here, I want my money back.
But if they say, "For this amount of money, we will do these things, and in the event
that something has to be skipped, we are going to skip these things and we will pick them
up on the next week when we do a rotation.
Is that fair?"
And the customer says, "Well, yeah, that's fair."
And the reason it's fair is because you just explained it to the customer that if the house
is tidy and everything is picked up and all the dishes are put away when I get here, I
can do everything every time.
Everything that's on this list.
But if there are other things in the way and I have to pick stuff up and put it away, it's
going to take away from the time that I've allocated for this list, but everything that's
on the list, we guarantee.
Then they're going to look at it and go, "Wow, there's some things that are missed, but they
didn't check that off.
So ... I should clean up before they come next time."
So there are customers, there are, that are going to try to eke a free cleaning out of you.
That is true, but for the most part, it's just customers that misunderstand what the
original deal was, and it is your job as the house cleaner doing the walkthrough to make
sure that everyone is understanding what your offer is, because if they don't understand,
when it comes time to pay the money, now you have a different problem.
Alrighty, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
FabScraps Technique Tuesday Faux Zinc effect with Fabstencil with Daily ART paste & paint - Duration: 5:16.Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel
In this video I'm going make a mixed media card with a FabStencil
and Daily Art pastes and paint to create a Faux Zinc look
If you are new here don't forget to click the subscribe button
first I start with adding fine texture paste to water colour paper with a stencil
and then I let it dry, it dries real fast I don't recommend drying with a heat tool
because then you get bubbles unless you like bubbles than heat away
then I apply gel medium on the card from left to right just in spots here and there
not the complete card I add this as a glue for the pearls I want to use
and now I start adding pearls in 3 different sizes just random
trying to divide the sizes a bit
the gel medium works great as a glue and after
I added all the pearls I let it dry
I added 2 coats of white gesso and let that dry
and now I'm going to add silver metallic paint
I want to create a bit of a zinc look I've done this before on cards but never
showed it in a video so I thought this may be fun to show you
because it's super easy
I let it dry and then I use the dry brush technique to apply Daily ART vintage paint
it's a paint with a chalky finish which will give you
the powder look you get on weathered zinc
just brush it lightly all over the card not
to much you still want to have some of that shine
from the metallic paint
now I want to pearls to pop out a bit more so I add some inka gold with my finger
this way I have more control then with a sponge
I tape the card to another card I coloured with the same pink inka gold
and taped that to a double white card
and now I'm going to add the word hello in black
I use my ruler to get the letters straight
and then my card is done
If hope like the video don't forget to like share and subscribe
and I'll see you in the next video
thanks for watching
Vodafone Smart N9 Lite Accessibility Settings - Duration: 6:20.hi every one I'm Ricky from Tech Talk and
today is my personal video I really like
to do on all devices that I look at on
the channel so today we're taking a look
at the accessibility settings on the
Vodafone smart n9 lite
so to find this first of all it's quite
easy and simple so what you need to do
is press your menu button here in the
middle you then go to settings which is
the gear icon here swipe in all the way
down to the bottom so go all the way
down we count four from the bottom one
two three four you have accessibility
and inside here you should find a range
of settings to help you so at the top
you've got helpful tips so underneath
that you can then set a shortcut so if
we go in here we can toggle on and then
we can choose the option that we want so
we can use talkback and then okay and
I'll demonstrate that a little wild
later underneath here we have downloaded
services so you've got select to speak
switch access talkback which is a great
feature your text to speech output font
size so if we go font size here if you
click on the largest here so we can hit
done there underneath that you have
display size that this can make the
icons a little bit bigger as well for
you again this is on the largest section
here which is really nice then you have
magnification so if we go into
magnification here inside here you have
magnified with triple touch so we're
going to toggle this on to one two three
so three quick taps will enlarge your
display you can then pinch to zoom as
well then with two fingers you can then
move around your display so one two
three and you'll come back there is also
another option if you go one two three
and then hold with just one finger it
just quickly zooms in you can look
around move around one finger and then
release to come back which is great and
then keep that on then you have
magnifier with buttons
so once toggled on you'll get this
fourth icon down here so you can tap
once and then pinching then again tap
again then touch and hold the display to
really zoom in with one finger and then
you can read your brand really quickly
and look for what you need
that's great option there that's also a
new option that I haven't come across
yet which is really nice to see you have
color correction so we can go in here
and turn color correction on if you so
wish to this again will make the colors
a little bit more easier to understand
also when you go home you see a slight
difference in the colors on the home
screen so please be aware of this and
you also have color inversion if it's
to read like this but this will really
scramble up the colors as well but if
you do put on color correction as well
this will try and solve the issue for
you you have a large mouse cursor so you
can use a cursor for this device if you
so wish to and then you've got click
after cursor stops moving again this is
whether a mouse you can use your power
button to end calls auto screen rotate
so if you turn this on you can just turn
your screen around for you and it will
flip around and make it absolutely C
which is really nice and this will do
that wherever you are on the device and
in apps if it allows it touch and hold
delay this for dexterity you have mono
audio option as well you have captions
down here at the bottom you have high
contrast text if I toggle this on you
can see the text becomes a little bit
bolder a little bit easier to see and
you've got scheduled power off and on
for the device you can schedule your
advice to come off and on the two major
features with this device is talkback
which is a great feature and also the
magnification which I went through so
going to talk back here let's talk all
talk back on it allows interaction with
the device using spoken feedback that's
really helpful so it's a finite back
button that what it will do is talk back
everything that's on your device for you
so I can highlight here so as you can
see it's highlighted a box here and then
to make an action come true or actually
happen you need to double tap that so if
we highlight the Vodafone three
ninety-eight percent it will read out
everything to you and you'll use the
device to make it a lot more simple and
a lot more easy out so if we go back to
the menu here to go through the menu
system you will need two fingers and
you'll hear a sound going
this will make it easier for people like
myself with a vision pemon to use his
so also there is another feature on here
as well that I want to show you so if we
go back into top layers and now talkback
is off there's also another option if
you don't want to hear it all the time
you can use select to speak so let's
turn this on and we're gonna hit okay so
now select speak ease on and toggled as
our favorite if I press it here I can
then read through the whole block I can
pause it and press again
and then pressing in I can tap Pacific
items you can get to know what I want to
hear is that of hearing through the
whole list it's great that option is
there as well so when on the home screen
I talked about a shortcut option for
accessibility settings and saving going
through the menu so if you press and
hold the volume keys together to hold
for three soft so hold in for three
we'll put talkback on and again we can
use that straight away so now it will
read everything that's out to me so I
can identify that's applications
double tap to activate double tap and
hold to long press that's giving you
options there and commands what you need
to do to use to turn this off press and
hold em threatens again so that makes it
nice and easy and simple for the device
to be used the screen on this device is
okay it's not great from every single
angle so if I turn it like this it gets
very dark
you need to look at this full-on
otherwise that displays okay it moves
through the accessibility settings okay
talkback feature can be a little bit
sluggish sometimes due to the power and
performance in this device but otherwise
it does work and it is there for you to
use if you have any questions or queries
please drop a comment down below and
I'll be more than happy to Thanks always
watching for me Ricky I'll see you in my
next video bye for now
How to Start #Dropshipping: Dropship Club's guide - Duration: 4:53.Do you like an idea of starting your own dropshipping business but still feel confused?
What should you do first?
What will be next?
What way to choose?
I'm here to clarify all that!
That's Anna from "Dropship Club" and I'll be your guide on your first dropshipping
I'm one of the experts in dropshipping business now, but I still remember how scary it feels
when you open your first dropshipping store.
Have you ever wondered: how does dropshipping work, and what is it?
We already have a video about it on our channel, this video is dedicated on how to start this
Let's start with a short definition of the dropshipping business model!
Dropshipping is an easy model of online business when you sell products from other suppliers
via your own dropshipping store without keeping any of the products at your place.
Suppliers will send their products directly to your customers and you will keep your margin!
You won't have to pay for these products before your customers order them!
No need to produce, keep or even manage shipping of any items!
Cool, right?
The first thing to do, of course, is to pluck up your courage and tap into launching it!
Fortunately, you've found our club and we will guide you through all of the steps.
So, first of all you should decide what is your niche and audience.
I mean, actually find out what types of the products you want to sell and who will be
interested in buying them immediately!
Check out the first and second steps in the road map on our website, and watch the videos
from our team on choosing the right niche.
You will find the links in the description.
You've defined your niche and audience.
Your next step is to set up your own online store with special dropshipping tools and
upload descriptions of your products with your prices for them.
You can do everything on your own and save some money, or, alternatively, you can save
your time and order a custom store which will be made by professionals.
Find the details on our website.
Also, we have a 30-minutes video demonstrating the process of creating a store!
You know where the links are, right?
Here is the most amazing part.
You promote your products, test different ads to find your best avenues of promotion,
and experiment with targeting methods!
After customers order anything in your store, you process the orders and keep your profit
that is not limited at all!
Check the instructions in the store promotion section on our website.
So, let's briefly summarize how to start dropshipping business!
Well, first of all you have to define niche and audience,
then set up your own online store with special dropshipping tools
and upload descriptions of your products with your prices for them.
You can even buy a ready custom store skipping these three steps!
After that, you need to promote your products to get orders from your customers,
and then pay initial prices to your suppliers.
The main advantage is that it's much less risky than traditional retail, because you
buy items from the supplier only after you've actually made the sale on your website and
got paid for it.
It also requires very small investments.
It's the perfect way to start making money online!
Here is how you can order a custom store.
Go to the "recommended solutions" page on our website and select "Custom Stores
by AliDropship".
Check the link in the description or on the screen.
Right here, after choosing your preferable package, you can order your future store without
spending your time on creating it by yourself!
Use code "CLUB20" for a 20% discount on your order!
You see - there's nothing too difficult.
Even if you don't have any experience in e-commerce business, you can succeed in that!
Remember, a detailed step-by-step guide is on our website in the "Road
Map" section, and several useful links are in the description!
Upgrade your skills and success with dropship club team!
Don't forget to put your like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and join our
You will find all the links in the description!
If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us.
We are always ready to answer all the questions!
Chelsea news: Paul Merson raises major Premier League worry despite perfect start - Duration: 2:42.That's the opinion of Paul Merson. The Blues have enjoyed a 100 per-cent start under new manager Maurizio Sarri after beating Bournemouth 2-0 at the weekend
Pedro came off the bench to fire Chelsea ahead on 72 minutes before Eden Hazard added a late second after Chelsea had threatened to be frustrated by the resilient Cherries
Chelsea's hectic summer, in which Sarri was only appointed as Antonio Conte's successor in mid-July despite their intentions having been known since the end of the previous season, saw them left out of the title conversation
Instead Liverpool were billed as the most likely team to rival defending champions Manchester City for the domestic crown
But Liverpool and Chelsea are two of just three teams, alongside Watford, to boast 12 points going into the international break and Bournemouth boss Eddie Howe noted that the Londoners are "a different team" this year who will be "difficult to play against" for any team
Yet though Chelsea have started strong, ex-Arsenal midfielder Merson does not believe that they can compete for top honours in the league this term because of their back-line - even though they have kept two clean sheets in four games
And he picked out David Luiz and Marcos Alonso out as particular weak points. "I'm a Chelsea fan and I cannot see them winning the league one bit," Merson told The Debate on Sky Sports
"I think, attacking wise, great. But back four, I don't think they can win the league with that back four
"David Luiz will do something. He needs to be playing in a back three in my opinion
You only have to look at the Newcastle game. "They're cruising that and only he knows what he was doing when he went to the head ball
He just waited for it, I don't know what he was trying to do. "[Marcos] Alonso plays where he wants to play, he's got no position, he just goes and plays
When they play against the big boys, they'll get picked off. "There's a lot of work to be done even though it's a great start
If Chelsea finish in the top four, I think they've had a great season." Chelsea will hope to make it five wins from five when they return to action after the international break with a winnable future against Cardiff City at Stamford Bridge (Saturday, September 15, 3pm)
TÜRKİYE DE YAŞANAN İZDİHAMLAR (Baklava ve Halı İzdihamı ) - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AUTOMAAT | URBAN | NIGHT PAKKET | AMBITION - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Buckwheat Popcorn Recipe. How to Make Buckwheat Popcorn. How to Make Popcorn at Home. ♦How to DIY♦ - Duration: 4:13.Dear friends, you probably saw in restaurants are served
this is an ingredient or whatever it is correctly say the texture that
called popcorn from buckwheat and you surely ask how do I do it
even know a number of chefs who do not know how to make popcorn from buckwheat there
there are several ways one of which it is necessary to take buckwheat and
trash then quit drying completely back to the state say solid
grains and then just throw it all in deep frying and then it will explode
so that all these manipulations are not There are shorter methods for
achieve my goal, I take buckwheat flakes look at the box
written buckwheat flakes Mom who is cooking porridge for children they
know what it is and yes, in general, if you suddenly do not know that in the store
pay attention to the shelf with the cereals and find such a thing that you can see
it's just like flakes are buckwheat I took some quantity of flakes
how much is two or three tablespoons is not important generally it does not matter the main thing to fry them
You need to take good oil in small doses warm up I think you need somewhere degrees
190 200 probably will be a bit too much but 180 it is not enough 190 the most that but you know
try it from the experience of previous recipes know that even if I tell you
so do not do it or it's small whether it would still be temperature
do it your way and you get so it will be okay 180 means 180 I
I do this with 190 also need cook this one here with
napkins in order to swipe napkins so as to be absorbed
extra oil here is a deep-fried you so I am pouring a small amount
right now quite a bit now, it explodes literally 45 seconds and everything
and pop feed and is ready the main rule if at you the temperature is insufficient and popcorn
immediately it did not explode you anymore explode
so I say that in the beginning everything you need to do small portions now
you can even have a little more
o see all this is done elementary simply and instantly
as soon as he sees it explode and you hear that there is nothing more
explode literally one or two seconds Hold and dredge otherwise you will start
These flakes, otherwise you will have these flakes burn already ready popcorn will begin to burn
Here we pour out the oil turn off you see they crackle they continue to burst
you can them here so scatter class see and dear cooks
the chef all who are addicted to such things
please recipe in the access to public means where we are
use this you can use dessert it can be used in salads
It needs to be salted while there is still oil not dried out and, respectively, using
for their own needs and one small momentik If you have it here so that's even
on napkins in the kitchen humidity high and pop feed
will cease to be crisp the next morning so if you want to use it
now just click and and eat it all do not have to store it
it is very hard to force to stay crunchy here is a very important point in
general, you now know one of many secrets of the chefs
which we use, and you on health write komenty stalte husky
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