hey folks this is rhykker with an
overwatch video on the latest teasers
about a possible new event or even new
hero the official overwatch Twitter
account posted this tweet initiating
archive declassification mission files
unlock april 11th retweet to confirm
included was a 20 second video clip
which will watch right now further the
lead character artist for overwatch
shared this message on social media
about the tease i can't wait to share
more of this as it is in my opinion one
of the best things we've worked on since
launch additionally in a recent
interview game director jeff capel and
stated that the 25th hero is very far
along in development hey folks i'm going
to quickly interrupt this video to bring
you some breaking news as part of an
interview with pc games n Jeff Kaplan
has confirmed some things about the
upcoming event we're going to quote Jeff
Kaplan here we've heard the call that a
lot of players want a non real world
tied event meaning they want some sort
of set event in the overwatch world the
event is going to be something when
players see the event and play the event
I think they'll see that we've been
listening to their feedback we've been
hearing a lot of desire for more story
people want to know more about the story
of overwatch they want to know more
about the past of overwatch I think they
want to know more about what's going on
between omnis and humans in this world
and how did we get there I think a lot
of that will be answered for them
capital went on to say I think
Widowmaker players who have wanted a
skin might be very happy very soon and
now back to your regularly scheduled
program okay that covers the too long
didn't watch version of this video now
we get into the mega over analysis let's
start with the main text overwatch
mission archives file 0038 two kings row
uprising entered into record seven years
ago security clearance required
confidential Declassified April 11 now
right off the bat the user interface
looks very similar to Winston's computer
but that doesn't mean this is Winston's
computer or that it has anything to do
with Athena windows for instance has a
very distinct user interface so this
could just be a standard operating
system in the future okay now from the
text we know that this pertains to an
overwatch mission from seven years ago
we can expect more details to emerge
next tuesday april eleventh and we know
that the events took place in kings row
which is both an in-game map as well as
a fictional location in london in the
overwatch universe looking at the
timeline we know that overwatch was
forced to disband five years ago and was
six years ago that Jack Morrison and
Gabriel rays came to blows at overwatch
headquarters and were believed to have
been killed in an ensuing explosion
although they actually survived and
re-emerged as soldier 76 and Reaper so
this mission predates all that that
means the Reaper is still a part of
overwatch and working with soldier 76
will also note that Widowmaker
assassinating that tom mcmahon dada the
Peacekeeper during that cinematic with
tracer that happened recently so all
that should be unrelated to what we're
discussing here so that begs the
question what kind of uprising could we
be seeing in King's row that would
require overwatch intervention well we
know that King's row is a fancy rich
neighborhood and that there's basically
an ominous ghetto right below it
Dominic's built much of modern England
but they're denied the basic rights that
humans have and tensions between humans
and ominous run high so for there to be
an uprising you got to have some group
that's rising up as in revolt and it
seems more likely that there would be
the oppressed on Nick's that will be
rising up against their human oppressors
now overwatch played a key role in
stopping the Omni crisis so it makes
sense for overwatch intervene in another
humans versus amna conflict we
should also know that when we play on
kings row the payload we are delivering
is an EMP bomb straight into the heart
of the Omni ghetto to kill the ominous
whether this is related to the event is
unclear it seems like this might have
been something that happened after but
we don't know for sure yet okay so what
else do we see in this video well
there's a panel on the left side that
shows Tom Nick's some kind of QR code
and the text that reads mandatory robots
registration the use of the bold color
monochrome almec depictions and in your
face text is all very aggressive and
oppressive in what is already an
overbearing mandate and this may have
been the final straw in what led to the
amna cup rising let's focus in on the QR
code a bit here if you're wondering
about this pseudo QR code because those
of you familiar with QR codes would
recognize that this is it resembles a QR
code but it's definitely not a real QR
code and it is in fact identical to the
pseudo QR code that we find in new
Bonnie so by itself this QR code scans
into nothing but this was actually used
as a piece of a puzzle that was solved a
very long time ago about eight months I
want to say you see in a preview video
for kings row released a very long time
ago we could see a QR code on a monitor
and that never actually made it into the
game those monitors aren't there in the
actual kings row map however the texture
for that monitor for the QR code on the
monitor was found in data mined files
now that QR code didn't scan into
anything either but by combining this
new new coats pseudo QR code with the
old QR code it scanned simply into the
word robot it was an interesting little
puzzle that required a bit of effort
than thinking to solve but with
ultimately very little payoff so what
else do we see in the video well in the
background we see a very positive
looking image with vivid colors that
says something like Turing green SW 0
subtitle building an omni
future it's a little unclear because
some of the letters are hidden but
that's my best guess so let's break this
down Turing green were unsure about
green but Turing something SW 0 the name
Turing may be familiar to you you may
have heard of the Turing test and the
Turing test was developed by Alan Turing
in 1950 he was an English computer
scientist and widely known as the father
of artificial intelligence the Turing
test itself is a test of a machine's
ability to exhibit intelligent behavior
that is indistinguishable from a human
so basically Alan Turing would obviously
be an important figure to omnis and the
fact that he's English only helps the
matter since kings row is in England
further the SW 0 seems to be an English
postal code SW is the modern postal code
for southwest London and the zero added
at the end could be a fictional addition
to refer to some sub area or nearby area
specifically for this Turing green it
appears to be some area built designed
specifically for aam Nixon anomic Haven
if you will with in England how exactly
this ties into the narrative that we're
constructing here is pretty unclear
could it be that the Onyx were promised
a haven and instead got a ghetto Turing
green clearly seems to be above ground
so it's not clear it obviously wouldn't
be that the Turing green turned into the
ghetto which is distinctly underground
but I look forward to seeing more
details emerge now what else do we see
we see what appears to be in the bottom
left there an image taken from the kings
row subway it looks very similar to the
defenders spawn room we don't actually
see that monitor on the wall or
advertisement or whatever you want to
call it but everything else seems to
match the curvature the the exit or
entrance now another thing we see in
this video is what appears to be a
tracer skin it's pretty clearly tracer
given the two side guns and overall it
does resemble her very much so it's
unlikely to be a new character but it's
not clear what exactly this skin
pics we're using a very low resolution
image here some speculated initially
that it was an omniscient venit user
Jolla guy provided these enhanced
screenshots in which it seems a lot
clearer that this is not an ominous kin
but again it's it's difficult to discern
details but I feel like I see a bow tie
or a scarf or some kind of neck wear
over all the colors seem to look kind of
industrial which is maybe what led
people to think initially that was an
onyx skin I think I could make out some
kind of light colored little hat on her
head could this possibly be a steampunk
tracer skin or maybe something closer to
divas junk Erskine who knows but what is
almost certain is that this is a preview
for an upcoming tracer skin and that
ties into what the hell all of this is
about to begin with this all seems to be
a teaser for probably an upcoming spring
event it does seem like it'll soon be
time for a new overwatch event and we've
already had a summer event with the
summer games we've had an automobile
terror event and we've had a winter
event with winter wonderland so it's
pretty logical that we're going to have
a spring event we did have a lunar new
year event squeezed in between there
that ended februari 13th though so it'll
soon be two months since our last
overwatch event and that means we're
about due for a new one given blizzard
has been opting to avoid any religiously
connotative events you know we got
winter wonderland instead of the
Christmas event I doubt we'll see an
Easter event for spring so the kings row
uprising may be our first specifically
overwatch lower themed in universe event
and it would only be natural that King's
row may somehow be a map that is
involved in fact on the PTR a week or
two ago some changes were made to King's
Rose lighting it made the map distinctly
warmer you can check out these
comparison screenshots here taking by
redditor Karl for president all on max
graphics settings so it's not that oh
it's a difference between low settings
and high settings or anything like that
now these changes were mostly met with
negative feedback
and those would apparently pass that
feedback on to the lighting artists
because all that was changed apparently
was the lighting there are no texture
changes now this wouldn't be the first
time that we've seen an event change a
Maps lighting and a year of the rooster
event for instance we revisited some
familiar Maps under different lighting
conditions so could this lighting rework
be in preparation of a similar treatment
for kings row and what exactly could
this new event entail could this be
another PvE game mode like Halloween
terror where we fight off robot hordes
could one of the doom fists somehow be
connected to any of this that's a bit of
a stretch but a girl can dream but while
everything seems to point to this being
a new event we've also just learned that
the 25th hero isn't all that far off in
a recent interview with IBTimes UK Jeff
Kaplan said quote yes I absolutely know
who the next hero is going to be the
next hero is very far along in
development so we're at the point where
we're doing art for that hero we're
doing a lot of aggressive play testing
we know what that hero what the
abilities are and how they interact
sewer at that point the heroes past that
hero are more in prototype exploration
phase but the next hero were pretty set
on now odds are the swings we won't be
getting the hero within the next couple
of weeks we'll likely have to wait a
little bit longer for that further
cementing the idea that this is a teaser
for an upcoming event rather than the
next hero we also just got IRISA so it
seems pretty soon to be getting another
hero maybe by summer now one more thing
I want to bring up from the video
there's a series of icons running up
along the top though difficult to
discern these all correspond to icons
use for hero abilities the degraded
quality of the video really makes it
difficult to discern especially if you
just take a screenshot it's actually
easier to see what those icons are
dumped to make them out if you watch the
video because the way the artifacting
happens depending on the frame of the
video sometimes the icons are more or
less discernible but from left to right
we see soldier 76s by out
field then we see Hanzo sonic arrow then
we see Lucio's crossfade then the next
one is apparently another Lucille icon
it's the cooldown indicator that you see
while you're on hill mode the next one
is bastion self-repair next is maize ice
wall then bastions reconfigure and then
Reinhardt's fire strike what could be
the significance of these icons could
these be all the heroes getting new
skins so if we have to for instance 24
Lucio and 24 passion that they're
getting two skins well it's at face
value a good guess but when you think
about a little bit more it kind of falls
apart because there's no tracer icon and
it's pretty obvious we're getting some
kind of tracer skin giving the big ass
teaser now one thing will note is that
in heroes of the storm which is below
there's MOBA game there was an event
called the Nexus challenge a few months
ago in which you can earn a Ganges skin
in overwatch by playing heroes of the
storm that's that sick Oni skin for
Genji now on April 25th a second Nexus
challenge will be revealed so it's
possible we may get to earn another
overwatch skin and it may be this tracer
skin here also while it's likely
unrelated will mention that it was
leaked that Genji is a hero that will be
added to heroes of the storm and will
most likely be the next hero now another
reason why it seems unlikely that these
icons indicate which heroes are getting
skins is that in and ask me anything on
Reddit game director Jeff Kaplan said
that Widowmaker and McCree would be
getting new skins in spring so odds are
that this spring event will see us have
skins from a Korean Widowmaker and again
none of their icons are appearing so
then what could the icons mean who knows
I tried looking at the first letter of
every skill the first letter of every
hero name and nothing seems to spell out
anything so it could just be random
symbols but if you guys can find some
meaning to it please leave a comment and
that wraps up this video do stay tuned
for more videos as this story develops
you know that we're going to find out
more information for sure next
but there might possibly be more hints
along the way go ahead and leave a
comment with your thoughts and
speculation on all this do you think
we're getting a new event thanks for
watching special thanks to my twitch and
patreon supporters for making these
videos possible if you enjoyed this
video please share it check out these
other videos and subscribe to join
rikers raiders for more overwatch
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