hello ladies and gentlemen once again it is your boy yo guys here to b5ring you
guys with yet again another video in which today hopefully it's going to be a
pretty short video because there isn't too much to talk about we have an
extremely saddening story from an actual close friend of mine and we also have
another story which could be the beginning of world war two in the old
school community and yes we are going to be talking about of course Oh at HD now
before we actually get into that guys tons of giveaways as usual going on on
this channel I've actually added the alley to the daily YouTube giveaway to
onto that be sure to comment something down below and - if you want like the
video you don't have to also 300 mode this code giveaway in ten days old
school I'll talk about both giveaways at the end of the video so the first thing
of course we should talk about is Oh sh t a third party client that a lot of
people have been talking about which is like introducing the 2011 graphics onto
old school so if you guys remember prio see and how to 2011 graphics worth this
client is offering you the ability to have those graphics on old school but
the big problem is that discs line according to mod McKay and other
moderators is triggering at the bot detection system meaning that players
have a chance of being banned by using this and we've had extreme cases of this
because a friend himself was banned for using this client estimate Lee it's my
fault for using the client because they said that it may get detected as a
bottom client and even in the login screen of the OS HD you can see if you
have been given beta access you are testing at your own risk
it's not you know it's my fault it's my jag ik said it they think that I bought
it because I'm pretty sure I got banned for a macron
we're gonna check just in a second but there is a second email which so much
tells the same thing okay what about account status banned your account will
be available again in two days or earlier so it's not even a permanent ban
now what a friend did was he risked his account for
audience right he knew that this you know this client was getting people
could potentially get you banned however I don't believe he thought it would get
him banned he did it and he actually did and that is because mod Nike is in talk
with ofhd and he's saying that on Monday we're going to get the final answer of
whether or not oh sweet iime is going to work with this
client to allow it on old school runescape meaning you won't get banned
for using it and that everyone can pretty much use it so tomorrow about
twelve hours we're going to know but while I'm saying this may start World
War two is because if mod my case says no this is not going to happen then
everyone is going to be pissed off because everyone and a grandmother wants
this client so everyone wants it because of how Opie it looks and how beautiful
it is so in 12 hours we're going to know
hopefully it happens the second and last story of today is going to be of course
about the gay pride event one more time now this is going to be looking to be a
really short video which is kind of cool and I'm still actually recovering from
my last video in which I talked about the gay pride event I mean we should
talk about the dislikes like on that video just kidding because I anyway
moving on rapidly a lot of people have been voicing their opinions on the gay
pride event and you have people liking I mean I could call in jabbering but I
don't really feel like that name suits in my eye I believe the name Jeb idiots
Oranje moron fix this guy because this guy makes me ashamed to literally be a
Christian I mean I am all for love but this guy is just so homophobic just
reading this guy's tweet makes my head hurt because I'm like bro aren't you
like supposed to be a reverend person why you and whatever whatever anyway we
have a really sad story from a personal friend of mine who made a video talking
about her experiences with a situation like this now before I show the clip
it's really sad I'm going to be showing parts of it the full video will be down
below which I recommend all of you check out um if you guys are really sensitive
or you get upset easily I recommend you don't watch it because it's a really
really saddening clip well the whole video is anyway I'll show you parts of
it but a lot of people say me by the way I'm not I'm not gay
I'm heterosexual I'm just I'm just letting you guys know
cuz some people because I advocate so much for gay people people think I'm gay
I'm not I'm just saying but a lot of people like Jeb berm says well being gay
is a choice and they picked the wrong choice on so many levels
is that wrong an example of this would be like me not liking tomatoes and
onions well yes it's a choice for me not to like onions and tomatoes but
technically it isn't like when I was born I wasn't being able to ask God like
hey God can you make me like tomatoes and onions it just doesn't work like
that if I don't like tomatoes and onions that's just me and how my human body is
made if someone was made to like guys as a guy okay
who if zone was a girl to like go cool what do you mean it's the wrong choice
it's like you being a heterosexuals like me telling you hey I want you now to
like guys it's I mean technically you could as a human as a heterosexual I
could tell you to like a guy you could technically do it but wouldn't it be
hard same for a gay person tell a gay person to like to say the opposite sex I
mean he technically could do it but isn't it hard because that's just how we
are made ah okay some people like well gay people can't reproduce bro I think
you should worry about yourself reproducing and not other people this
world actually adds too many people I'm just saying so people you know people
make argument well good people can't reproduce bro worry about yourself
reproducing please don't worry about a different individual living their
individual lives I'm just saying anyway I'm a realtor
the first person to really know after I moved out and everything
and that was after him and my mom got divorce and
he accepted me for who I was and then a year later he died and only recently as
in last month did any of my family start accepting you who I was my mother still
hates me my mother completely disowned me a
couple of my cousins and other family completely hate me but uh my grandmother
and my grandfather accepted me classroom
it's pretty funny because everyone everyone likes to talk about
homosexuality in religious aspects shares of the same nature aspects or
whatever but they never really look at our talking with people that have their
entire childhood or had to grow up with severe trauma because of abuse and
neglect or whatever I mean I just I don't know I find it really sad it
doesn't anger me at all it really doesn't anger me at all it just makes me
depressed because you know a lot of people have a normal lives and they live
normal lives they don't have to deal with any of this stuff that I had to
deal with growing up
I've literally lived in exile from my family for the better part of my life
now since I was in early middle school I got a I got put
on medication I got a forced around certain behaviors
and I got forced address certain ways I was constantly berated with name and I
was constantly named called by my mother and my father
well my stepfather but
no I grew up really nice now I I grew up completely differently than the way I
was treated and the way I was raised I grew up really kind really sweet really
open-minded to everybody's always wanting to make other people happy and
then that's really well rooted in the fact that I'm always depressed I'm
always sad I always feel like I'm never good enough I never feel like I belong
anywhere I never really feel accepted anywhere even though I have a lot of
friends even though I have a lot of supportive people in my life people
wonder why I get so upset with people having their own opinion a lot of people
just say well I don't like gay people I am entitled to my opinion mr. duyst's
why you gotta force me on how to think the issue with that is that not only is
your opinion nothing but hate and homophobia but your opinion is just
straight negative just because you have an opinion does not mean you need to
share it and make other people feel not safe there's people who are gay who
don't even say it why because they're not even they don't feel safe to even
tell people because of the negativity they will get and it's just so
disgusting so when I see people on jabber people like Jeb Rahman Twitter
tweeting about his you know proudly yeah I don't like gay people oh I don't think
it's the right choice you should just you should just burn in hell mr. Gerron
I don't care man like people don't understand imagine your own parents your
own household the last resort of safety you have and you're not even accepted
there because of the choice you have made or because of what you like I can
never imagine that my own parents not well I'm not gay but my own parents
let's say I was not accepting me that is the trauma in that I could never ever
even think about it's one thing going to school and getting bullied about it then
you come home to be safe until you know embrace your parents and then your
parents don't accept you as well where do you go no way look at the suicide
rate for people who are gay it's because of people like you with your retarded
opinions don't you don't need to share your stupid-ass opinions period I pray
to God that God chooses my children to be gay instead of someone else's
children because how would I embrace them with open arms
we'll be fully accepted in my household I'd rather it be my household than some
stupid-ass religious in household who do not accept gay people he just imagine
that it's discussed anyway this is going to be the end of the video
guys let me quickly talk about the giveaways so there's going to be a disco
giveaway 300 ml old school more information about that will be in the
discus in the you know the dis good link well the link will be down below in the
description and for my daily YouTube giveaway I'm just going to be picking a
comment which kind of fits this he says I don't care if you're black or white or
gay if you respect me I respect you amen you've won YouTube's giveaway I
will message you hope you guys enjoy your day Wow yeah I really wish I could
just get people to be nicer to each other and get people to stuff smile and
be happy and trading other was like the human being and I know it's not going to
happen but that's why I like streaming why I used to stream all the time is
because it really helps with my crush
For more infomation >> OSHD Is Now Allowed? A Friend Got Banned,This Needs To End Now - Duration: 11:47.-------------------------------------------
Funny Clown Bob | Food challenge & Learn Construction vehicles Tractor | Cartoon for kids - Duration: 4:15.
Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play and cartoon with Food challenge and Construction vehicles.
In this video for kids you will learn how to build construction vehicles Tractor
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
Click on the picture to see other funny videos
Boom Bam Poverty Is A Scam (Best Song Ever) - Duration: 1:22.
Lovely EarRape
Pig Vs Gorilla Fighting Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes For Children T-Rex Cartoons For Toddlers - Duration: 12:08.
Pig Vs Gorilla Fighting Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes For Children T-Rex Cartoons For Toddlers
Dragon Ball Super Episode 94 "Piccolo and Android 17" - Review - Duration: 7:44.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 94 was refreshing, and the comedy was on point.
You would think this would be a Frieza dominant episode from the preview of it, but the part
with Frieza only comes around at the 15th minute and continues until the end.
However, it was totally worth it.
Frieza felt as grand as he deserves to be.
The episode wasn't highly eventful but had some really meaningful and necessary moments.
It serves the purpose of building up the character depth and the hype ahead of The Tournament
of Power.
My favorite moment was when Android 17 meets Piccolo, and as you know these two has a history.
17 had the best fight of his life against Piccolo before getting absorbed by Cell, Piccolo
at that time was temporarily the strongest Z fighter, and oh boy that will always be
one of the most intense battles in the history of Dragon Ball.
Loved how, Piccolo took his hat off to show respect and shake hands, welcome to the squad.
Coming to think about, Android 17 could be Piccolo's Vegeta in a lot of ways, give
it a thought and you will find some similarities.
I sure as hell want to see them teaming up in the Battle Royal, and break some bones.
For the fans of Goten and Trunks, looks like you will see them have some fun while taking
care of 17's Island.
We all know they won't have difficulty taking care of the poachers, but they also have Marron
with them, so they might end up in some kind of a tricky situation.
That would be a fun side segment to watch while we deal with the tournament.
Loving how Krillin is getting some screen time every episode, Krillin's interactions
with 17 was fun to watch too.
This is slightly irrelevant, but if you guys comment about it will be resourceful in the
making of my next video.
How far do you think Krillin will go in the tournament of power?
And What could be the best case scenario for him?
Master Roshi on the other hand, has taken the responsibility given to him quite seriously,
and instead of lying around, he decided to utilize whatever time that is left before
the start of the tournament.
He eliminated his weakness at least to some extent; I bet that would strike back when
he sees the likes of Caulifla or Kale.
Now, in this episode we see him practicing his deadly finisher Lighting Flash Surprise
Attack on Yajirobe.
This technique can be used to paralyze or freeze the opponent, and even move them, and
thus it will be extremely handy in the tournament.
This move was used by Roshi against Kid Goku, and Kid Goku had to transform into his Great
Ape form to break out of it.
This is the same attack Roshi used on Tien few episodes back.
In terms of how strong Roshi is, it's still a mystery.
He secretly kept training throughout the years and has become significantly strong.
This was first highlighted in Resurrection F when Roshi was picked over Yamcha and Chiatzuo.
Not only that previously Roshi only used his buffed up form while using full powered Kamehameha,
but now we see he can retain that form full time while combating.
Meaning he has stepped his game up, with all that training.
Also, in the episode where Goku fought scroll controlled Roshi, he was able to impress Goku,
and note that Roshi was strong enough that Goku instead of defeating him head on, in
order to save time distracted Yurin and took Roshi out.
Meaning we are yet to find out the full extent of our Master's power.
In this episode, he was training in Korin's tower, and when asked why he explained how
he is attached to this place because he trained here when he was young, and all that, but
it ended in a very funny way.
Roshi was also pumped and was standing as if he was going to fly, but then he remembers
that he can't.
The episode was able to mix seriousness and comedy absolutely perfectly; this is how the
show always wants to be or was meant to be.
Now, coming to the Frieza part, I would have to say it went way way better than expected.
The animation quality was top notch, and ah the music was magical.
10/10 for this segment!
There was this really cool scene, everyone is talking about.
Frieza and Goku were acting like Bro's for life with those hand slip punches, and it's
working quite Good.
Vegeta has every reason to be jealous.
Frieza's golden transformation was spectacular, made my day, and gave the episode that really
satisfying finishing touch.
I don't know how you guys feel, but this resurrection of Frieza feels way grander than
the Resurrection F the solo Frieza arc.
Frieza looks and sounds more like Frieza.
Hard to explain, but Dragon Ball Z fans will understand exactly what I meant there.
Frieza is kind of a big deal, and the vibe of his dominance, I could feel that while
watching the episode.
The Environment at Baba's place was very fitting for it, the script was savage, the
depiction of Frieza's thirst for murdering and blood was told outstandingly.
We need to be grateful towards people who are making this happen, hats off to all of
The Emperor of Evil just got resurrected, and a group of retards arrived to welcome
him by getting murdered.
So there was this retarded dog guy saying blah blah and Frieza just kills him right
away without a second thought.
Goku is willing to skip this, but Frieza desperately needs this warm up.
It is being implied that Frieza will go all out, full savage and teach these noob assassins
what death and pain really means.
We got some more idea about what's going to happen in this encounter from the preview,
we will mostly talk about that on our preview breakdown, but we surprisingly see Sidra coming
out of the water and shooting a blast towards Frieza, and looks like Frieza will even dodge,
I don't know what to say about this.
Can Frieza and Goku take down a God of Destruction?
If they do, where would this put Universe 9?
They would stand for nothing.
Just imagine Frieza killing Sidra, and the tournament will be like one of the fighters
already killed the God of Destruction of a Universe.
That's will most likely not happen, Beerus might appear in the spot, and stop it all.
Maybe kick Sidra's ass.
According to some leaks, Frieza might turn against U7 and join force with U4 as Quitella
might be somewhere near watching, and he might invite Frieza, but those leaks are most likely
are inaccurate.
However, what do you think about Frieza?
Could he turn against U7 before or during the tournament?
Comment and let us know about that.
Also, for interfering could U9 and U4 get banned by Zeno?
Could we end up with a 70 man or 60 Battle Royal?
I guess these are going to be the elements of thrill in the coming episodes.
I know for fact billions of Yamcha fans, are praying, begging and is ready to do anything
to see him in the team.
Will Yamcha somehow make it?
Only time can tell.
Well, guys, that's about all for now.
See you in the next, Dragon Ball Super video.
Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Puzzle Games For Kids | Garbage for Children | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:40.
Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Puzzle Games For Kids | Garbage for Children | BinBin Tv
पुराने से पुराने ACNE और PIMPLES को जड़ से ख़त्म करने का चमत्कारी घरेलू नुस्ख़ा || POOJA LUTHRA - Duration: 4:10.
In this video I am sharing a magical remedy for acne & pimples.
This remedy will cure and remove severe pimples and acne in just 7 days.
First ingredient of this acne removal remedy is rose petals.
Rose petals have antibacterial properties. They reduce the redness and irritation of pimples.
Second ingredient of this remedy is basil leaves.
Basil leaves contain many ant-oxidants. It reduces inflammation of the pimples.
Next ingredient of this pimple and acne removal remedy is, Neem Leaves.
Neem leaves work as natural antibiotic for our skin and body. It cures pimples and their scars.
Next ingredient is fuller's earth(Multani Mitti).
It reduces sebum production, controls oiliness of the face and makes the skin spotless.
Last ingredient of this remedy for pimples is rose water.
Grind neem leaves, rose petals, tulsi leaves and rose water together and make a thick paste.
Now add multani mitti in this paste.
Apply this paste for 25-30 minutes on your face. Then wash off with normal water.
Use it daily for 7-10 days and then every alternate day to get the best results.
Секреты отношений между мужчиной и женщиной | Новые отношения после развода. Часть 2 - Duration: 8:25.
13 Clever TOOL HACKS You Should Know! - Duration: 11:00.
13 Clever TOOL HACKS You Should Know!
#13 Up Your Torque
Sometimes you run across a stubborn screw that requires a bit more convincing to come
out of its hole.
Instead of going to find for another screwdriver, just grab a wrench instead.
A little known fact is that most screwdrivers have a hexagonal shape to their shafts, or
to the first quarter inch of the shaft.
This section on the handle is perfect for gripping with a wrench or pliers.
Once you have a firm hold on the handle with the wrench, you can use the added leverage
to assist in removing the screw.
Free, easy added strength means more power, more power!
Nail Clipper Stripper
Is this really a dilemma?
There are no strippers to be found in your house.
Easy now.
Okay, you're working on a project and need to strip some wire.
For a decent wire stripper substitute, fingernail clippers can be equally effective.
If you apply just the right touch and technique.
If you have some spare wire, I suggest you practice once to get the right amount of pressure.
Place the clipper blades around the wire and squeeze just enough so they sink into the
plastic jacket, but NOT the metal wire.
Then gently rotate the clippers 360 degrees around the wire, so the jacket is sliced around
the entire perimeter.
Finally, use your fingers to pull off the separated section of jacket.
The result should be a perfectly stripped wire.
Multi-tasking tools take the cake.
Bread Stale, Mate
Bread: It's the wonderful, yet wasteful food most of us love dearly.
Wonderful because it's the awesome foundation for some of the most delicious culinary creations.
The ones that don't require an oven, anyway.
Wasteful because we get about halfway through the loaf before it meets an either stale or
moldy demise.
Rumbling stomachs cringe at the moldy sight.
We pout as we put all the fixin's back in the fridge, and call for pizza.
So how do we combat the crisis that plagues our bread-lust?
Some say use bread garages that take up a boatload of precious counter space.
Others say to stash your lovely loaves in the refrigerator.
Nope nope.
While bread will hold off the development of mold for longer in the fridge, the bread
will go stale just as fast.
And many other science project type issues will develop behind the scenes, drastically
lessening the quality of the bread.
If you haven't guessed by now, your best bet to bettering your bread lifespan is to store
it in the good 'ole freezer.
When you're ready for another go at your culinary masterpiece of a sammich, just reheat
it in the oven or toaster-only the portions you wish to eat at that moment.
Freezing bread stalls the processes that make bread go bad on the counter and in the fridge.
Now, go claim a section of your freezer as your new bread thrown.
You'll both be much happier for the long haul.
Baking Soda Bondo
Who knew that Super Glue and baking soda can form a solid, long-lasting friendship?
Caution- keep this concoction out of the kitchen!
Save it for construction and hack patchwork instead.
This bond will create a rock-hard filler, that can be both sanded down and drilled into.
You'll just need three things to create this versatile compound - Super Glue, baking soda,
and a small, inexpensive brush.
You'll most likely toss the brush in the trash afterward.
To make the magic happen, first, identify what you need to fix or fill.
Then clean any dust off of the areas where you'll apply the mixture.
Next, apply a thin layer of baking soda with the brush, then glue over top of it.
Alternate and repeat until you have achieved your desired results.
Finally, let the filler set for an hour before you attempt to sand, file or drill the layered
Once it's complete, you should have a rock hard fix that should last a lifetime.
Super Un-glue
Superglue is an incredibly useful tool because of its extraordinary adhesive, bonding, and
fast-drying properties.
But, it's these same properties that make the substance dangerous when misused.
It has a bad rap for bonding body parts, juvenile pranks, etc.
Here is what to do if someone 'superglues' you.
First, just chill.
Don't attempt to separate your fingers, for example.
You'll risk tearing your precious flesh.
Get your un-stuck digits on some acetone, or any safe-ish product containing acetone,
such as nail polish remover.
Poor enough into a bowl so that you can fully submerge whatever needs to be set free.
If it's your fingers, let your digits hang-ten for around ten minutes.
Or until the glue begins to soften enough that it lets go when you GENTLY pull them
Once you have separated you fingers, use a washcloth or sponge to rub off any remaining
Now get glu-ing.
Port Cleaner
There are few things worse to an audiophile than getting lint or other foreign objects
stuck inside your auxiliary port.
Mucking it up, or worse, putting a halt to your listening pleasure.
You then have to waste precious time, and test your patience; coaxing the stubborn debris
out of the port.
Thank the music Gods for this hack, that will have you excavating with ease.
To build the ultimate auxiliary port cleaning tool you only need a standard wire paperclip,
and a piece of double sided tape.
Straighten out a portion of the paper clip.
To 'stick-ify' the shaft, simply tear off a half inch section of the double-sided
tape and wrap it tightly around the probe.
Now gently place the probe inside the port, and ease it back out slowly, to free the menacing
Totally Tube-ular
These times, they are a corded.
Power cords, charging cords, extension cords, USB cords, Micro USB cords - you get it.
Unfortunately, most of our coveted gadgets are not all wireless-yet.
So what are we to do?
If you aren't going for a world record for the largest rat's nest of tangled cords,
you can try dad's old way, and shove them all in a storage box.
Only to spend too many minutes finding, fighting, and untangling the ones we need from the rest
of the chaotic nest.
Better option-become a recycling ninja by repurposing toilet paper and paper towel tubes.
Okay, don't repurpose toilet paper.
Just seeing if you're paying attention.
Use the empty tubes as individual storage vessels for your unruly cords.
The process is simple.
To get the cord inside of the tube, neatly wrap the cord into a coil.
Next you'll want to pinch the coil so it resembles a narrow oval shape that is roughly the length
of the tube.
You may have to re-coil to get the size just right.
Then, just slide the contorted coil into the tube.
It should stay snugly inside its new home.
Repeat with all of your cords, and put them in a box.
You can easily label them if they belong to certain gadgets.
And even note their length on the tube for easy access, too.
Congratulations, you conquered the chaos!
Planning for this hack is probably the only time you'll celebrate running out of toilet
For a time-saver, re-organize the cords while you're watching TV.
Free The Pickles!
You're jonesin' for a juicy pickle as the perfect accoutrement to your sandwich,
but it's stuck!
Everyone comes across a lid of a jar, now and then, that makes them feel like they have
the physique of an underdeveloped child.
Stubborn lids don't discriminate, with their mighty vacuum-sealing action.
Sometimes, there just isn't enough friction to allow your hand a good grip on the lid.
To gain access to the coveted tasty treats, just stretch the widest rubber band you can
find around the perimeter of the lid.
The rubber will add the needed friction to allow you to finally access your favorite
pickles or jam, AND, redeem your pride.
Free Your Drain
When you were playing with vinegar and baking soda in science class, you were really being
trained for a career in plumbing.
If you have a drain that's on strike, just grab the dynamic duo.
Measure a cup of each ingredient.
Dump the baking soda directly down the clogged drain, and follow it with a vinegar chaser.
The resulting bubbles will push through that picket line, dispersing any stubborn goo.
This team provides a powerful and inexpensive burst of strength for stubborn jobs.
Hand Drill Cables
Here's a good hack for taming tangling wires on wiring jobs.
The solution is absolutely electric.
You can actually create a neat cable out of individual wires.
Just grab an electric hand drill, and the assistance of a human or a clamp type vice.
To begin, get your wires together and straightened out as neatly as you can.
Then, twist the first few inches of wire together by hand and bend it in half to resemble a
Next, open the chuck of the drill as wide as it will go and place the hooked cable inside.
Tighten the chuck so that it has a firm grip on the wires, but is not causing damage.
Now secure the loose ends of the cables with your vice, or have a willing assist hold onto
Have them hold the wires taught, without any droop.
Now just pull the drill trigger, slowly, so that the wires begin twirling their way into
a cable.
Once you've achieved your desired twist, simply loosen the chuck, and release your creation.
Scuff Eraser
Did you run through the house with soccer cleats, and leave some serious skids marks?
If you laid rubber on your hard floors, don't reach for the spray cleaner.
Instead, find a tennis ball.
The fuzzy surface of a tennis ball provides the perfect amount of abrasion to combat the
worst scuffs.
Just rub the ball on the scuff.
You should notice the scuff dissipate almost instantly.
For bigger jobs, cut a slit in the tennis ball and insert a broom handle to create a
handy scuff removal tool that will keep you off your knees.
Carpenter Clothespin
Does anyone actually have clothespins anymore?
You might want to get a few for this hack.
We've all been there.
One moment you're feeling good about yourself because you are finally hanging up that picture
The next moment your hand is in crippling pain because your reflexes pulled a cruel
prank on you; orchestrating a rude introduction between your hammer and fingers.
A simple clothespin can spare your digits the next time you decide to get handy.
Grab a clothespin, your handy-dandy hammer and some nails.
Instead of holding onto the nail with your fingers, use the clothespin to hold it steady
against the wall.
Give the nail a few gentle taps with the hammer, and it should be far enough in to finish the
job safely.
Unless you are painfully uncoordinated, of course.
In that case, hire someone!
SIM Card Remover
You're itching to swap that tiny, factory-issue memory card, with your brand new, super-ultra-custom-deluxe
mega multi-terabyte SIM!
It's not everyday that we're required to remove our SIM cards.
But there are occasions where it becomes necessary.
Don't get bent out of shape because you think you need a special tool.
Instead, just bend a paperclip out of shape.
Straighten out part of the clip wire.
Check it out.
It fits perfectly into the ejection hole on your phone or other device.
Insert the wire and push firmly until the card ejects.
Now you can store selfies like a champ!
Tough Job Interview Questions and Answers - (Tricks and Tips For Job Interviews) - Duration: 10:24.
I'm often asked what is the most difficult question in a job interview
and as opposed to Will be the question about one's weakness? it's not easy to come up
with a good answer so some candidates may try to present a
strength as a weakness for example they might say I'm too hard-working or I work
too hard obviously it is not a good way to handle the question because you will
come across as being insincere I think one good way to handle this kind of
question is try to be honest about your weakness and say how you try to overcome
it for example if you ask me about my weakness I'd say sometimes I can be a
bit hesitant and find it hard to make a decision to overcome this problem I've
learned to list the pros and cons of a situation and that can really help me
make up my mind more easily so my advice is be honest about your weakness and
think about what you can do to deal with it remember to follow us on Facebook
Twitter and LinkedIn
Linda what's the most difficult interview question you've ever been
asked and that's good question I think the most difficult question I've ever
been asked in an interview situation is well we've we've got a shortlist of six
people and we've only got one vacancy for a teacher so what makes you so
special why should we employ you now that's quite tricky because you don't
want to show off and but you don't want to appear meek or lacking in confidence
either so luckily I have prepared an answer for that um in a book I'd read a
typical question might be what are the skills that you have soft skills and
hard skills that are relevant for this job so I prepared that and I broke it
down into my personal qualities and my practical work experience and also my
teaching qualifications and so I answered with those factors in mind and
I sold myself to to them to the panel um temp to personalize it and to make sure
they thought I was the best person for the job thank you very much thank you
remember to follow us on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn
hello Eric um tell me what is the most challenging interview question you've
ever had the most challenging question I've ever had was a very common question
the question was what are your personalities or what are your strengths
you know this question is very common and most of the employers would like to
ask you this question in a job interview so if I say I'm hard-working I'm helpful
I'm cooperative what do you think it seems that the answer is very
self-centered and you are having a huge ego in the job interview instead you may
try to answer this question indirectly or more objectively for example my
teacher my friends say that I'm a hard-working students my friends say
that I'm a cheerful person my friends say that I'm a good team player in this
case you can make your answer more objective more indirect and so that
you're the interviewers which would more likely to believe in what you are saying
in the job interview apart from this technique you also have
to try to give evidence for example if you are say you're hard working any
evidence to show that you're hard-working for example some awards you
obtained in for example speech festival or some other qualification you're
opting outside school Oh another example is if you are saying you're a good team
player you have to tell us how come you become a good team player for example
you are a very good sports player in basketball team you are very good a team
player in are some students organization evidence would make your answer more
objective - so I hope this little tip would help you suceed it in a job
remember to follow us on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn
some job applicants have been changing jobs quite frequently and their future
employer always ask them why you change your job so frequently how to deal with
this kind of question there are two things that you have to say in this kind
of situation number one you have to convince your future employer that you
can actually be a very committed person how to do that
you can simply share some of those stories in your life you can share your
personal stories or you can share some stories in your career for example you
have been contributing to voluntary organizations or you have been
contributing to your church for different kinds of services so by saying
so you're trying to convince your employer that you can actually be a
committed person so there's the first thing you share with your future
employer - you can tell your future employer that actually there's something
you're looking for but those something that you're looking for it's not in the
previous companies and this something you're looking for is something this
particular company that you're applying for is good at for example you can say
that there are that there were no development opportunities or there were
not enough development opportunities or there were some projects that I'm so
interested in but the previous company's unknown running those projects now in
this company you're running these kind of projects and I'm so interested in
that and by saying so you're trying to tell your future employers that with
these projects all of these development opportunities you will be a very
committed person and because you have already convinced them that you can be a
very committed person then they will understand why you change
up so frequently and why you will not change a new job after getting that new
job to wrap up there are two things that you need to say when you are being asked
why you change your job so frequently now what one you have to convince your
future employer that you can be a committed person number two you need to
share with your future employers that there's something that this future
employee is good at and it's not there in the previous companies
that's how remember to follow us on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn
I'm Karina what's the most difficult interview question you've ever been
asked ah most difficult question into job interview question I think all
interview job interview questions are difficult especially if you want the job
because if you don't take them seriously it might cost you the job one particular
question would be why should I hire you that's the fundamental question that
every employer wants answered in an interview so how did it
answer the question first of all think about the job what are the job
requirements what is the company what is the company nature think about that
write down a list and then you go to you a one my qualifications what are my
personal qualities the stem out and then you match try to match the company
requirement company nature your personal qualifications and so
try to match them and try to think about okay after matching them was the best
way to answer it and you plan and you do all this right before you go into the
interview thank you very much remember to follow us on Facebook
Twitter and LinkedIn
A Bridge Too Far - Duration: 42:34.
Каникулы наступили | Зачем учиться на каникулах | #УтроПонедельника - Duration: 1:37.
JPX MARKETS TODAY : Monday, 12 JUN 2017 [Subtitled in English] - Duration: 3:46.
well a slow start to the new trading week for Tokyo stocks Apple plunges in
the US and global tech shares are dragged down right with it it's Monday
June 12 I'm Ron Madison and this jpx markets today
well the Nikkei opened the day nearly half a percent lower and fell to a low
of 19 837 before recovering just a bit investors getting their first chance to
react to reports out of the US on Friday about Apple which said iPhones set to be
launched later this year we'll use chip technology that provides slower download
speeds than that of rivals the US company's shares plunged 4% their
biggest one-day percentage decline since April last year tech shares which have
been rising pretty much in tandem with the Nasdaq were heavily sold today now
also contributing to the downbeat mood was an unexpected drop for machinery
orders the government said private sector orders fell a seasonally adjusted
3.1 percent in April from the previous month economists were looking for
anywhere from about a 1% decline to a half a percent gain so that was
definitely a miss there well even when the Nikkei was struggling we've seen
that it's really been those IT sector shares recently that have been providing
support but that report on Apple proving just a bit too much today as many of
them do supply the iPhone maker took your electron as you can see they're
down 3 percent advantage declining 3.3 percent
TDK down as well 2% while Alps electric losing 3.2 percent while holding off
losses for the sector today was a big jump for Toshiba Reuters quoting a
person familiar with the matter says to see Toshiba's u.s. partner Western
Digital plans to raise its offer ports of Sheba's chip unit to 18 billion
dollars or more the US company has been trying to stop Toshiba from selling the
unit to a third party even threatening litigation so Sheba's
you can see there with a nicer today higher 9.4% well financial shares helped
to limit to clients as well the Fed wraps up its two-day policy meeting on
wins and is expected to raise rates at that
time investors will also be keenly tuned in to get any clues about the future
pace of increases and also if the central bank will start trimming its
massive balance sheet we saw the likes of musical up it gained half a percent
insurers like T and E Holdings were also higher it gained almost three percent
well finally today Fujifilm Holdings is giving a clearer picture about its
accounting losses following the revelation of even more accounting
irregularities the company now says the loss has reached 37 point five billion
yen that's roughly 340 million u.s. dollars now the figure is larger than
its earlier announcement of some 22 billion yen that's because as I told you
last week the company said it found improper
practices at group member Fuji Xerox Australian subsidiary in addition to a
subsidiary in New Zealand fujifilm also said its net profit for
the fiscal year ended March was 131 billion yen marking a rise of 6.6
percent from the previous year company delayed announcing the latest fiscal
year's earnings due to the investigation into the accounting irregularities the
company is expected to hold a press conference sometime this afternoon to
provide further details fujifilm Holdings was up today 1.6
percent all right that's how things are looking for today from the Tokyo Stock
Voices Nationwide: Joy France on how loyalty is demonstrated | Nationwide Building Society - Duration: 1:01.
Once, shopping with my gran, she turned her carrier bag inside out
and I said "Gran, what's that all about?"
She said " I don't want to look disloyal in this shop"
and the 10 year old me laughed loudly & scoffed
But I realise now what I didn't as a kid
'Cause I do exactly what she did
-well not the carrier bag thing! but I've got her attitude
'Cause in her own way she was just showing grattitude
for her shop that was local.
Her brand of loyal.
Loyalty finally makes sense to me.
Renew our Food - Duration: 2:23.
[海外ナンパ PU] ノーカット Uncut ダサい口説き文句 2 Cheesy Pick Up Line #2 [ポーランド Picking Up Polish Girls] - Duration: 6:23.
Heart for Heart: world's largest heart health initiative - Duration: 2:10.
Prim's Algorithm for MST(with Code Walkthrough) | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 8:11.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Clima Xenon PDC 16"LM 116Pk! - Duration: 0:59.
Baby listening to music | kids songs like to listen | video children - Duration: 10:18.
Baby listening to music | kids songs like to listen | video children
Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Puzzle Games For Kids | Garbage for Children | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:40.
Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Puzzle Games For Kids | Garbage for Children | BinBin Tv
For more infomation >> Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Puzzle Games For Kids | Garbage for Children | BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
Bretagne Télé: Requins en Baie de Roscanvel - Duration: 2:16.
For more infomation >> Bretagne Télé: Requins en Baie de Roscanvel - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Què és la pau per Maria Camila Moreno? - Duration: 1:18.
To me, peace is living without fear.
Is to be able of getting up everyday
and freely express myself.
That everyone feels they have a place in this world.
That we respect and listen to each other, coexisting...
To me, peace is also having the opportunities
to freely develop myself,
to have the conditions for a peaceful life,
with my family,
but also in a community that has the means and possibilities to grow,
develop and widely enjoy its freedom and identity.
For more infomation >> Què és la pau per Maria Camila Moreno? - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
The East Area Rapist - Duration: 42:34.
VGTU Kūrybinės industrijos - vieta, kur prasideda kūryba - Duration: 0:39.
We create the future
We are free
And we have a voice
We are not afraid of challenges
and by overcoming them we create innovations
We know how to communicate the right way
and we do it every possible way
We look at the world
and see endless opportunities
We think differently
but reach for the same goal
Creative Industries
A place where creativity begins
A Matadors Mistress - Viento Del Arena (Sand In The Wind) - Duration: 5:26.
I Give it Only to you
Maha Kali (Dark Goddess of Romance+ Sex+Desire + Death)
I Give it To You
Maha Kali
Oh Yes
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena (House of The Bull)
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
I'm Open
To You
Gypsy In Black
To You
The Great Gypsy In Black
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
Oh Yes
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
Oh Yes
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
I Will Lay It Down
I Will Lay It Down
My Life
My Life
My Life
My Life
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
I Give It To You
Maha Kali
Oh Yes
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
Go In The Arena
Maha Kali
I Will Lay It Down
I Will Lay It Down
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