$3453.30 In 30 Days With Valentus - Review Compensation Plan Slim Roast Coffee - Duration: 12:57.one of our latest updates my last video you've seen that I banked over just over
two thousand dollars my first three weeks u.s. dollars which actually equals
to about over twenty seven hundred dollars and in my first three weeks with
Atlanta's now we're going into a new update let me see here to give you a
full statistical overview of my earnings before I go any further I might as well
throw this in their earnings disclaimer just because I'm giving examples of my
own earnings doesn't mean that that uh that is exactly what you're going to be
able to make you know clearly I don't know your effort I don't know what that
the energy you're going to put into this I don't know if you're smart enough to
comprehend the instructions that I give you so I cannot determine you know how Valentus, Valentus reviews,
much you're going to make I'm only using my earnings and what I'm doing to give
you examples what is actually possible with this product and that you know if
you put in you know if you're consistent you put in enough work you can get some
serious results with this it's it's not hard to sell all right what's hard is
that people just don't want to do the work and then they start complaining but
I give you so much value that it being near impossible for you to fail
in order for you to fail you just have to do absolutely nothing look and it
trust me it happens sometimes it happens okay
well with that disclaimer out of the way let me get into my earnings to show you
okay so my first month with Valente's I got oops and go back here there's 600 Valentus review, Valentus scam,
600 613 6240 and 316 let's calculate that up
so the 613 62-43 16-fold equals 2500 $96 so let's go to google currency converter
let's convert this into my dollars to show you how much I made twenty five
hundred ninety six dollars five hundred ninety six dollars and fifty four cents
so this is what I made thirty four hundred ninety two dollars and thirty
two cents my first thirty days with this company
pretty good right not bad and I didn't give a hundred one hundred and ten Valentus compensation plan, Valentus slim roast,
percent I actually probably sixty percent sixty
seventy percent effort into building that what that should tell you that this
product converts it does it really does convert converts really well and more
importantly products work so you know I'm getting results but I'm a product of
the product as well I actually lost ten pounds from the crowd so I mean that in
itself is awesome and so now we're in the twelve twelve more days is it 12
more days yeah do first twelve more days I brought in let's see here let's go
genealogy Valentus 12 in 24, Valentus max,
go to 320 so one two three four five people and one two three four were four
were business builders which is the $500 package so I get a two hundred dollar
bonus two hundred dollar bonus to an develop bonus two hundred odd bonus and
if any one of these people see all the rides here any one of these people bring
in a business builder I earn $100 bonus from them as well
crazy passive residual income so I mean like for instance one two three four
five six seven eight nine ten eleven there's 12 people here if they've all
brought in one person for a week that's an extra $1,200 per week for me if they
brought in four people per week that's an extra fourth out forty eight hundred Valentus coffee, Valentus movie,
dollars per month for me passively crazy this is what I mean about the the part
about duplication and passive residual income and I'm just going to keep
building right and now here's the beauty of this right it's old yeah making money
right I'm do good the power is not in what I'm doing for myself
it's what I'm doing for these people right and the reason why they're coming
to me is because I have value I give them value I do a couple things for them
that that makes it very easy for them to make their decision or whether they're
going to work with me or not to give you an example of this let me go to
my sales pages just to give you a quick overview of my bonuses that I'm going to
be giving you when you work with me at the business builder so you're going to
get 100 to 200 dollars in advertising credits as a business builder if you
come in at the business builder you're also going to get on my personal traffic
rotator you can see right here Monica got to $500 sales Mitchell just got a Valentus testimonials, Valentus documentary,
$500 sale so there's a couple other people who are getting a lot of pre
enrollees as well so there's a lot of traffic being spread around only for Pb
upgrades I will also rank a YouTube video for you
so to give you an example of this see this video right here this oops
this video right here is a team video so when it rotates when anybody clicks on
that look Monica's link see that check it again
Simba's like you see that I also have one two more videos right there ranking
and if you look at the whole page one two three here's one of my other
teammates four five six seven videos ranking on the first page for the
company keywords that's huge I'm getting a lot of traffic Valentus training, Valentus aron parker,
lot us a lot of pre enroll signups and it's been spread out between all my
teammates so they're they're getting results I'm about the yell on right here
because it's like 4:00 a.m. in the morning and I'm trying to crank this
video up before I go to sleep I work late at night some a full time daddy as
well as a full time marketer so I'm the real deal here if you work with me
you're going to get some massive bonuses as I said you're also going to get this
a custom sales page just like this you get access to our free mastermind group
where you're going to get training and support you're going to get access to or valentus power team, valentus breakthrough,
two paid members only marketing systems my marketing system let me go there
right now
and basically hope so when people join the system we're going to be offering a
free lead generation system for people to make money once people log in they're
going to be put through a setup process step 1 step 2 step 3 activate automation
very simple email automated email follow-up series that you're going to be
able to get access to training and yeah it's just the best place it's going to
make your your job of promoting this so easy because we're going to have videos valentus breakthrough, weightloss coffee,
in place that sell and explain the product to the leads right so we're
going to get them to opt-in to an email form an email form something like this
let me give you an example here I can see an opt-in page like this or
something you know of similar nature and they're going to opt-in and then when
they opt-in they're going to be redirected to a sales video where it's
going to get them to go through go through the setup process of this system
potentially getting you automated signups I can't guarantee it but I do my
best to try convert the traffic into leads know what this is going to do is
it's going to put you in a position to where we can just buy traffic and then how to make money online, how to start a home based business,
it turns into money I mean in a in a utopian land that's the ultimate you
know outcome the oral result overall looking for I thought it was like that
but you know we can get it there right that's a thing so I I built this system
for you we have actually another system that you're going to get access to so
you're not going to need it because my system is totally focused on two things
conversions and leads building you an email list now the cool thing about the
system is it integrates with an autoresponder get response so you're home business, how to work from home,
going to be able to connect an autoresponder that I have an email
follow-up series emailing these leads sending them to your polenta's link
sending them to your just on traffic links and
to your sales page sending them to your Facebook page you know doing all these
things automatically and all you it's you don't have to do anything on your
part to email these people it just does it by itself really cool right and so
you just go to the third step here activate automation and drilling your
lengths update it boom pretty much automated after that so click on the weightloss mlm, natural weightloss products,
link subscribe to my channel text me if you're serious about doing this inbox me
on Facebook and yeah otherwise just go through the process set up your system
by the be at the business builder pack um if you don't have enough to get into
the business builder I advise you to save up some money to do it if it's very
necessary that you just get in at one of the lower levels that's totally cool too
my system is open to any paid level that you join in on our team you even get
access to the training at any paid level as well but you will not get on the
traffic rotator you will not get the advertising credits you will not get the
ranking and you will not get the custom sales page but you will get this stuff
you will get the training and you will get access to my system so click on the
link in box me on Facebook send me a text
leave a comment preferably if you're going to send me a friend request send
me a message because I won't accept it without talking with you first and yeah
otherwise just get upgraded and then once you're upgraded to the BB the
business builder hit me up and I'll help you get set up with completely with your
system so we can automate this for you alright
you two... partners? - Duration: 1:05.The tusk of Ganesha
we find these symbols...
we find the tusk
you were going to sell me out, weren't you?
you lied to my face!
I need your help
you know nothing about me
CREATE A DRAWING ON A GRIDDED SHEET - Duration: 2:51.Hello everyone and welcome to the new Ebm good computer tutorial today
photoshop section is art what we will do is create a
drawing a grid well I went into photoshop and for that
I have an image you want and then a grid I leave the
two materials in the description of video
then we started well the first thing we will do is pick up and go to
duplicate the layer we press right and duplicate this layer
that we get now what we will do image is go to settings and we will
desaturate there and we would have already we will double again
duplicate the layer and now this layer what we will do is go to
image adjustments invest, now let's change the mode of the normal melting
we will put in overexpose Color It comes in white but now
we will arrange e Gaussian blur filter blur
we have put 20 pixels is pretty good
we can put more or less to our liking
in Principle 20 seems pretty well
would give ok well then now what I will do is this the canvas
that I have the blade so to speak I copied it and I'll strike up
this, copy and paste and now
I'm going to do is change the mode melting of this layer to multiply
then how come already beginning to out what we want and we will
reduce him stuffing as much 75 percent also to taste
as you want if it is more intense less intense well
then we would see that we already have and up today's tutorial here and see that it is
quite Simple has left us our drawing
in a grid, fine if they You liked the video can give me a
like you can subscribe to my channel and They know below where it says subscribe and
so they will be informed of the video or videos we got daily can
follow me on social networks and the websites and computer Ebm
Ebm garret any comments or suggestions or requests put me under
I answer all very well many and thanks to the video tomorrow.
Affordable Skincare & Haircare Kits - All Products Under ₹500/- | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 11:48.so today m going to let uh know about the best skincare n hair products which uh can buy from market below 500 rupees.
so lets start with today's video:
the facial skincare products r on 25% off n remaining products on 20% off.
n if uh remind that a few weeks ago i did a review on face shop products , those products r also on sale so dn't forget to check them out.
so if u want to buy them then this is the best time to buy them
firstly we will talk about face wash
so doesn;t matter ur skin is oily or combination or dry uh can use this,
n as this is researched n developed by dermatologist, people with sensitive skin can also use this
the second face wash from my kit is:
n mix some water in it n then uh can use it as a face wash
n as this is soap free it has no SLS in it so if ur skin is sensitive n acne pimple prone uh can use this .
so now comes the Scrub, in my recent video i told uh that do not wash ur face more than 2 times
so in the morning we wash our face with normal face wash but at nyt if uh will wash ur face with a soft n gentle scrub
so that it removes all the extra dead skin and clean ur pores which may get clogged by pollution n dirt.
its best part is that its granules r very round in shape gentle on ur skin so uh can use it daily.
toner is a liquid kind of product which goes inside our skin pores n cleans them there
so that ur pores doesn't get clogged thereby avoiding pimples n blackheads.
if ur skin is oily then it vil reduce the greasiness of ur face and leave a matte finish.
it means it vil not clog the pores of ur skin.
n if there r pimples on ur skin then it vil not increase them or spread them.
its paraben free n totally organic so must try if ur skin is prone to pimples n acne.
if uh r young then apply primer on the top of moisturiser n then sunscreen
n if u r 20+ then there is a necessity for using a day cream with anti aging properties.
coz wen wrinkles r there they r difficult to treat but try to use anti aging cream which fights under ur skin n never let the wrinkles to appear .
this is especially for day time so apply a moisturiser n then apply this n after that apply sunscreen.
now again i have two options for sunscreen
coz this is day cream plus sunscreen so uh may skip ur regular day cream n switch to this.
its speciality is that it is paraben free which r very harmful to our skin as this causes cancer.
this is SLS free Which means its safe for sensitive skin n also its non comedogenic which means its gud for pimple prone skin
if uh live in ur home whole day long n do not go out in sun then use neutrogena oil free moisturiser.
its gud for oily n combination skin type uh can use this coz this absorbs extra oil n makes ur skin matte n oil free.
this is also non comedogenic , allergy tested so if ur skin is sensitive uh can use this.
toner will remove the surface dead skin of ur skin n pores of the skin will also get cleared.
after this wen we will apply nyt cream,
this will go deep in our skin n make our skin healthy n make sure not to massage this apply it evenly n u r done.
at the same time it vil avoid any wrinkles n blemishes on ur skin.
summers heat is so scorching n if uh r too suffering same with the tiny little bumps on ur skin
n if uh live in hostel n uh don't have time for DIYs then
if uh want uh can apply this all over ur face but i like its spot treatment
or little bumps over my face n then i sleep n in the morning uh vil see the bump gets supressed due to this
it soaks the extra oil from the pimple n dries out that pimple to some extent..
hot air also makes our lips dryn chapped, so uh may have seen this in many of my vlogs n
coz its cover was removed so i was unable to show uh this but this is how it looks.
it has spf 15 in it n 100% natural n organic n a beautiful pink color. n it gives a true natural tint to our lips,
wen applied two three times a day n it stays all day long, n looks likes ur lips r naturally pink
now its time for body butter, so nobody is blessed with the skin type in which any body butter will work n turns their body buttery soft.
some people like us with dry skin, even after applying body lotions three time it seems to be like ohh god they never ever tried body lotions from birth.!
which is so much protecting that we apply it once in morning n it remains there till night .
it just melts easily on ur skin n leaves a mild vanilla fragrance on ur body.
especially if uh go to office or college, uh want a mild fragrance from ur side instead of garden of flowers.
so it will be a nice fragrance not too hard not too light.
its too much chit chat on skincare now lets come to hair care:
so many comments m getting about these products of wow.
its paraben free, sulphate free n 100% vegan too
its ingredients r too gud and its shampoo n conditioner both r awesome if uh want to try any new or organic shampoo so uh must try this.
uh may use the conditioner of the same shampoo but i feel like in summers our hair suffers from too much moisture loss
so this will give extra moisture to your hair so use a little amount of it n massage over ur hairs
n leave it for 2 3 minutes n then rinse with normal water
if ur hair r over dry, damaged n brittle , then leave it for 15 minutes n then rinse it with normal water
uh vil see a tremendous change in ur hair by this.
if ur hair r dry n curly then after washing ur hair , they will become too fluffy n then there is too much difficulty in detangling them
n uh have to use only a little amount after washing ur hair to ur hair length avoid using it on roots use it on tail side of hair.
n after that if u detangle ur hair then they easily get detangled n it is non sticky so it vil give uh smooth n shiny hair.
m sticked to this hair oil, i have recommended this to uh so many times
if uh have never tried this yet then do try this out. it has too many ayurvedic ingredients like amla , coconut n aloevera
n these ingredients r too gud for ur hair n this parachute oil is cost effective too so must try it out.
our last product is hair brush which is very essential product.
i have seen many peoples combing their tangled hair n the time there hair gets detangled they get a lot of hair fall.
n if uh r suffering from hair fall problem then do try a gud hair brush
i always prefer to use roots hair brush coz they r too gud they detangles the hair easily,
n if u have more detangled hair then take serum on ur palm spread it in the bristles of ur comb n then detangle ur hair within a minutes all ur hair wud b detangled.
so thats it for this video, today m aiming for 5000 likes , i know its quite difficult but v vil do it anyhow.
if i wud get this much likes then i vil b coming up with a skincare n hair care kit under 200.
n if uh r new on my channel then do hit on the red subscribe button n bell button near it.
so lets meet in my next video till then take care bbie
The importance of clarity - The Path to Peace book - Duration: 1:47.Hey, creators.
Hope you're doing well as always.
Let's talk about clarity.
One of the main reasons why people don't succeed or don't progress or don't get towards their
dreams or aren't living their dreams is because they're not clear on what it is that they
The reason is if you're not clear on your values, then you're hesitating, you're confused,
you're sort of lost as to what it is that you should be doing or could be doing.
And in that, you're not making the decisions to stride forward, to make those huge leaps
There might be little moments where you're progressing slightly, but it's not that stride,
it's not -- it's not getting to where you want to get to.
So the thing is, how do you get clear on your values?
There's a lot of questions you can ask yourself.
You can ask yourself: what is important to you?
What is it that you do value?
What resonates with you?
You can pursue those questions, but really it comes to a sort of self-exploration.
It's not something that someone like me or anyone else in your life can tell you this
is what you should be doing.
It's something that you realize for yourself.
Ideally, within realizing that, you become clear on the things that do resonate with
you, that you are passionate about and then, you make decisions based around those values,
those things that you value and when you start living by those values your life will become
So that is one of the things that I've brought up in my book.
If you want to get part 1 you can go to my website, scroll down to the bottom and subscribe
for free and get part 1.
And if you like this video, feel free to like, subscribe and share this.
Otherwise, thank you so much for watching.
Keep growing.
Keep creating.
And 'til next time.
'한밤' 왜곡보도 논란..김소연 측 "'한밤' 정정 방송 약속" - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Magic Maze Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 21:19.-------------------------------------------
Pack Leaders - Duration: 43:05.-------------------------------------------
Отзыв клиента о Школе Похудения С. Кашицкой . - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Magic Maze Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
iKON B.I play game Overwatch .he don't Loser - Duration: 3:01.[Overwatch played by iKon<br/>Jinhwang vs B.I]<br/>- Let's start. - Right now.
- Two of you...<br/>- I may be quiet.
- Secretly...<br/>- Jinhwan, sorry to say but I'm Gold. Not silver.
[Hanbin keeps losing]
I lost again.
To be honest, I almost won.
What? You haven't won any round.
Why am I given with the characters<br/>that I'm not good at playing?
[He keeps blaming the character]<br/>That's all because of the characters.
It's not my fault.<br/>It's because of the characters.
If I play Jungkrat,
- you'll lose right away.<br/>- Fans say stop bluffing.
Fans say Stop bluffing, bro.
I will win, right away.
[Finally, B.I's first victory]
He won!
- He won!<br/>- See? I told you.
He won! He won!
- "Hanbin, are you Bronze?"<br/>- No way. Not Bronze.
All iKON members play<br/>this game, except for Ju-ne.
Frankly speaking, Jinhwan<br/>and Chanwoo play well.
- But others are not that... <br/>Especially you, B.I. - Let's have a match.
- You can't say that.<br/>- Let's go to Jinhwan's room.
Be quiet. I'm the best<br/>player of Overwatch.
[Ju-ne, Overwatch best player <br/>who has never played Overwatch]<br/>- What? - Nonsense.
I'm the best player of Overwatch<br/>among iKON members.
Let's say so.
- Ju-ne doesn't play the game.<br/>He's just saying that. - He won.
Why are you telling a lie?<br/>I'm the best player of Lucio.
- What? Nonsense.<br/>- Do you know how Lucio looks?
[Ju-ne keeps bluffing]<br/>Go to the left. Then, catch Lucio.
Do you know what character<br/>I am playing now?
What's that?
- That's... Hanzo. <br/>- It's Soldier.
Right, Soldier 76. <br/>Go to the left and catch Lucio.
- That's...<br/>- He lost again.
[Hanbin lost again]<br/>Lost.
Let's turn this off.
Even though you're a good player,<br/>you need to collaborate with your team.
[Individual match that requires collaboration]<br/>But this was an individual match.
If I go, someone needs to back me up.
[He keeps making excuses]<br/>I just played for fun.
To make our fans smile.<br/>If I keep winning, it's not fun.
- Then, the broadcast...<br/>- Be quiet.
But you kept losing.
- Be quiet.<br/>- He will turn off the mic.
I'm not the last one.<br/>Who are you?
I'm not the worst player.
I'm not Bronze.
Stop saying excuses. <br/>Jinhwan, please say something.
Here comes the winner.
He's not wearing pants.
[Winner Kim Jinhwan arrived]<br/>I was wearing underwear only and<br/>I put on a T-shirt to come here.
I feel relaxed because I won.
Everyone, be quiet!<br/>Stop leaving comments!
Focus on what I say.
- I am very...<br/>- The loser can't say.
I'm not the loser...
I'm not Bronze.<br/>Really, I swear.
[Overwatch best player Ju-ne analyzes]<br/>Don't you think my analysis is correct?
- Lucio.<br/>- Everyone, be quiet.
What is he saying?
Because he didn't play Lucio.
I'm not crying.
"You're worse than me".<br/>If you play with me, you won't say that.
I see, anyways.
Let's stop broadcasting.
That's all for today.
See you later.
Magic Maze Extended Gameplay - Duration: 24:31.-------------------------------------------
Color Melting: Mocha-Melt Matrix Polska - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors Wild Animals King Kong VS Lions Animals Videos for Children Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 16:15.Learn Colors Wild Animals King Kong VS Lions Animals Videos for Children Nursery Rhymes for Kids
Hirohito - Duration: 1:00:02.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Auris Touring Sports 1.8 Hybrid Dynamic | Climate | 16" LM | - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUBBED] MONTA X - [몬채널][B] EP.56 KCON JAPAN practice - Duration: 1:43.- Is it lagging?<br/>- Lag.
We will introduce ourselves.<br/>2, 3!
Who! MONSTA X!<br/>Hello, we are MONSTA X.
We're having dinner right now.
We are done with all our plans in Japan.
- We're finished.<br/>- This is the last dinner in Japan.
No, we still have our last schedule.
- What is it?<br/>- Sleeping.
We're sharing our friendship...
- We're going to sleep together right now?<br/>- What?
- We're going to sleep together?<br/>- We usually sleep together.
On one bed?
- Where are you going to sleep? <br/>- Me? Fish dragonfly. (Joke)
- You're asking him a difficult question.<br/>- That's hard.
- What do you mean which bed?<br/>- A red dragonfly.
What kind of question is that?
The link between you and me.
Your eyes are rolling~
You can't stammer your words.
What do we have to talk about?
- First of all...<br/>- MONSTA's wife?<br/>- Earrings.
- So, we...<br/>- Pull-ups.
We just finished the release event in Tokyo.
- we came to eat.<br/>- A lot of people came to watch.
Thank you so much.
We were in Japan for five days right?
No matter what schedule
we did for the past five days,
you guys gave us so much love.
We were able to receive a lot of energy from that.
- We were so happy.<br/>- Wonho
found something online and showed me,
- and it was of the event. <br/>- Yeah.
- There were a lot of people...<br/>- It was taken from far away
and the people who came...
I saw the video
and although I saw it in person, a lot of people came.
- I was so touched.<br/>- Do you see our faces?
Can we do the setting mode on this?
Let's look at it up close.
- I think we need to do it like this.<br/>- Like this?
Should each person say something?
- Do it comfortably.<br/>- Do it comfortably.
- I'll do it like this.<br/>- Everyone is...
- Fighting!<br/>- Alright.
Like we said earlier,
a lot of people were with us during our appearances
and supported us, so we're very thankful for that.
Is it lagging again?
It's lagging.
- I think we need to switch phones.<br/>- It's lagging every time we do it.
I'm sorry everyone.<br/>We'll change phones when we get to Korea.
We're very thankful.
We weren't familiar with Japan since it was our first time,
but we'll make sure to take all the love that we received
and repay you guys next time.
- It's my turn.<br/>- Thank you.
Yeah, it's Kihyun.
First...<br/>I fell asleep in the car.
I'm a bit...
Thank you for all your hard work Mon Bebe.
We're going to Korea soon so the Mon Bebes in Korea must wait a bit longer.
We're very thankful for receiving so much
energy the past five days.
We will make sure to try harder in the future.
Do I do it horizontally?
It's already horizontal.
Where was it?<br/>That...
- That...<br/>- It's Tokyo.
- What's the name of the center?<br/>- The release event?
- Pokemon center?<br/>- Yeah.
We gave one another high fives at the release event.
I was so touched that so many people came.
I'm not sure when I'll be back in Japan,
but until then,
- I hope the Mon Bebes in Japan wait a little bit longer.<br/>- You're good looking.
- The chopsticks?<br/>- No, I.M.
- Is there a filter that makes you good looking?<br/>- Let's do a two shot.
Hello, my name is Jooheon.
- Jooheon.<br/>- You want a filter?
- Hi.<br/>- This is too bright.
- That's great. We look good looking.<br/>- This one?
- Pollack.<br/>- Are these potatoes made with pollack?
It's something like that.
- It's marinated with pickled pollack.<br/>- It's not pickled radish?
- Huh?<br/>- No, it's not pickled radish.
Anyways, today... <br/>Although the members said this before,
I saw a few people who were crying
when we were giving them high fives.
While giving high fives to each person,
I felt something.
Would you call it sincerity? <br/>Or love?
- That's right.<br/>- I felt something like that.
So I think it was a very meaningful moment.
- Are we talking about what we thought of today?<br/>- That's right.
I'm a bit disappointed that our plans finished so quickly,
and I want to hurry up and see Mon Bebe.
I'm thankful for all the people, fans, and Mon Bebes that came out today.
I'm thankful for all the Mon Bebe members.
Even if it may not be in Japan,
- My chopsticks.<br/>- we'll go meet you guys, so please wait for us.
That's right.
- Shownu.<br/>- You have to do this.<br/>- What?
- It's a single take.<br/>- The bright filter means
that we're in a great mood.
Are you trying to reveal something?
I'll stop doing that.
- First of all...<br/>- Oh gosh~
The release event...
We were able to have a great time
because you guys were in a great mood
and gave us amazing reactions.
I had a great time today
and had fun during my stay in Japan.
I had a lot of great food too.
- Anchovy.<br/>- I had anchovy.
Today is the last night here.
- What?<br/>- Propose to them in Japanese.
Give me the chopsticks.
- What does that mean?<br/>- Give me the chopsticks.
- I.M's chopsticks fell.<br/>- I told him to propose, and he's telling them to give him chopsticks.
It's right here.
We will show you a greater appearance in the future.
Please look after MONSTA X.
We'll come back to Japan soon.
I'm relieved that we finished
- our plans well during the past five days.<br/>- Why is everyone talking in a sad tone?
My legs are okay.
- Soon...<br/>- Why do you look so good looking without your makeup on?
The filter is a bit strong.
In August, we're having a fan meeting in Japan,
so please support us until then.
In June, we also have a concert in Korea,
along with America, and other countries.
Make sure to support us until then
and we will make sure to do a lot of performances before we meet.
We will upload pictures and communicate with everyone while we wait for that.
We will say good bye as a group.
We'll see you guys soon everyone~
- I can't see Wonho.<br/>- Filter! I should've talked with a filter too.
This was MONSTA X.<br/>Thank you!
- I hope everyone has a nice meal.<br/>- Bye~<br/>- There's a seal over there.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 AMBITION navi, cruise, PDC, leder - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Magic Maze Extended Gameplay - Duration: 24:31.-------------------------------------------
Magic Maze Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 21:19.-------------------------------------------
Magic Maze Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
CREATE A DRAWING ON A GRIDDED SHEET - Duration: 2:51.Hello everyone and welcome to the new Ebm good computer tutorial today
photoshop section is art what we will do is create a
drawing a grid well I went into photoshop and for that
I have an image you want and then a grid I leave the
two materials in the description of video
then we started well the first thing we will do is pick up and go to
duplicate the layer we press right and duplicate this layer
that we get now what we will do image is go to settings and we will
desaturate there and we would have already we will double again
duplicate the layer and now this layer what we will do is go to
image adjustments invest, now let's change the mode of the normal melting
we will put in overexpose Color It comes in white but now
we will arrange e Gaussian blur filter blur
we have put 20 pixels is pretty good
we can put more or less to our liking
in Principle 20 seems pretty well
would give ok well then now what I will do is this the canvas
that I have the blade so to speak I copied it and I'll strike up
this, copy and paste and now
I'm going to do is change the mode melting of this layer to multiply
then how come already beginning to out what we want and we will
reduce him stuffing as much 75 percent also to taste
as you want if it is more intense less intense well
then we would see that we already have and up today's tutorial here and see that it is
quite Simple has left us our drawing
in a grid, fine if they You liked the video can give me a
like you can subscribe to my channel and They know below where it says subscribe and
so they will be informed of the video or videos we got daily can
follow me on social networks and the websites and computer Ebm
Ebm garret any comments or suggestions or requests put me under
I answer all very well many and thanks to the video tomorrow.
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Rundlauf (12/13) - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Fokus und Balance (4/13) - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
COURSE EXCEL 2016 FROM ZERO 41 LESSON FUNCTION END MONTH - Duration: 2:50.Hello everyone and welcome to the new Ebm tutorial computing today with the
41 lesson course excel 2016 from scratch While we will use a
depending on which date time type called EOMONTH that comes very
well when we want to get a date the date correspondienteal
last day of the month then we will see how we would
well we have here some dates
I have for example this date and want the
last day of the month in this one he could put his hand
but when I have many dates as I take rather I go for formulas
and I say date and time and date and time he sought and putting EOMONTH
very easy where it says initial date you We mark the date we want
this case A2 and months I'll put 0 And I'll give you well as you will accept
and I get the date 05.31.2017 and fill down because I get the
dates for the rest of months
What if I want the end date month, but next month
it would change something in the formula I'm going again by date and time EOMONTH
but the same start date months you want the following month
I say that one then I will accept adding one pulse
and he backfilled down it would one more month
with respect to which we have started and if I would like the previous month as well
I could do EOMONTH date and time start date
It would be the same and in this case we would put -1 and
we would accept fill down and we would have
then we can really get to month that the month we want
just plus or minus months very well as far the
tutorial today if they liked me They can give like can subscribe to
my channel below can Subscribe and will be informed
the video or videos that got daily You can follow me on social networks and
on websites and computer Ebm Garret Ebm any comments or
suggestion or request they put me below I answer all very well
thank you very much and even video morning
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Armsprung (9/13) - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Intro (1/13) - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Passe-Muraille (6/13) - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Neue Techniken lernen (10/13) - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Demi-Tour, Landen und Rollen (7/13) - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Kraft (13/13) - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Mobilisation (3/13) - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Passement (5/13) - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Präzisionssprung (8/13) - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Parkour Tutorial by GORILLA - Rundgang (11/13) - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Простые рецепты куличей на пасху - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Lego Haul For June 2017 - Part 1 of ? - Duration: 3:49.Hey everyone!
JAYSTEPHER with my latest haul
for June 2017.
You should be watching this on the JAYSTEPHER YouTube channel.
First, I have a polybag
that I had found at one of my local stores.
It is a Lego City race car.
Set number 30354.
Your typical polybag.
I did get a package in the mail.
So let's see how much of a fight this box is going to put up.
It just would be so easy to use box cutters.
Now I know there's going to be a receipt lurking in that box.
So let's take a peek in here and look.
Oh wait a minute.
Well that's just the poppy things.
Okay. So far so good. Huh?
No receipts.
This is part one of two.
So this is the traveler set.
I was expecting this to be bigger.
Looks like the sleeve pulls off.
I'll save that for the review.
Let's make sure that we don't have receipts.
I do see one.
Well I'll put that over there.
Finally I forgot to turn off the auto focus.
Let me do that real quick.
I knew I had forgotten to turn that off.
Let's put it on manual.
I have the People Pack:
Fun At The Beach.
I hope I'm hot going to get disappointed on this set.
Looks like I may end up getting disappointed.
It doesn't look like there's a whole of accessories,
but I haven't opened up the box yet.
So I don't know.
So that's it for the haul.
Just three items.
I'm expecting a parts haul
maybe in a week or two.
I like to get started and finish up on the motor home project.
I'm still getting numerous comments and requests to make that a tutorial.
I am working on it.
Just be patient.
Also as another note,
I'm getting messages
either on YouTube or on my business inquiries.
You have to give me time to answer those questions.
I do have a full time day time job.
It is difficult to answer questions at this time
on those two platforms.
So it may take two or three weeks to get to them.
I'm slowly getting caught up.
I'm already getting caught up on YouTube comments.
It's private messaging that's becoming a challenge.
So that's it for the haul.
So this is first of many for June 2017.
Thank you for watching!
For more infomation >> Lego Haul For June 2017 - Part 1 of ? - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration Automaat | PDC | Pearl White | LM-velgen - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration Automaat | PDC | Pearl White | LM-velgen - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Le business plan : Les annexes - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Le business plan : Les annexes - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
#60 composition jour 6 - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> #60 composition jour 6 - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Kia Sorento 2.5 CRDI M-BITION - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
BMW 3 Serie Touring 330D M-PAKKET PANO-DAK - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Scudo 2.0 M-Jet Lh2 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
MEMORY147258369 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Dive Conditions Report For Caloundra 14 June 2017 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia #ScubaDive - Duration: 2:47.Hey people of the interwebs it is Q bringing you your dive conditions
midweek report and it's a special report this week because it's our 52nd report,
we've been doing this for a whole year now. Anyway back to the subject at hand,
it's pretty poor conditions here at the Caloundra coast guard jetty, cloudy as
can be, rainy as can be, but the good news is that it's all going to clear up as we
head towards the weekend. Right now though there's no chance of a drift dive
in The Pumicestone Passage, the water is dirty, it's only going to get dirtier as
more rain falls and of course the tide times are not in your favor for the
weekend. As we overlook Kings Beach we are experiencing a fresh 35 km/h wind
right now, but it's going to be dropping to a moderate 20 km/h by the weekend.
The rain will clear as well, as the weekend approaches, so that's a bit of good news
the bad news is of course all this wind and rain has created some very very bad
viz conditions. Zero visibility as I overlook Kings Beach right now. I'm sure
we don't need any confirmation but taking a closer look at the water on
Kings Beach boat ramp, zero visibility, big waves coming in and lots of rain.
If anything conditions are even worse here at Shelly Beach huge waves
relentlessly pounding onto the beach and of course zero visibility and with this
water being stirred up the way it is, I think the visibility is going to take a long
time to recover. Taking our bird's-eye view look down
onto The Keyhole dive site reveals much of the same. Zero visibility and in all
likelihood very little chance of any diving anytime soon. Moffat Beach the
most sheltered from the current wind direction and it's not looking too bad
on the surface. But unfortunately below the surface again zero visibility. Your
tide times for this weekend Saturday we have a low at 8:01 am and a high at
2:02 pm. Sunday we have a low at 8:57 am and a high at 3:12 pm and the swell
for both Saturday and Sunday expected to be around about the 2 meter mark.
So in summary once again it's bad news I'm afraid if you were thinking about a
shore dive from Caloundra anytime soon.
Nothing happening this weekend and probably for the next couple of weekends until this vis clears up.
If you found this dive conditions midweek report with Q helpful, please
leave a thumbs up down below, it really does help me out and of course subscribe
to the YouTube channel to see future videos.
Thanks for watching and take it easy.
real human music - Duration: 0:15.This is earth radio.
And now, here's ... human music.
[Electric Youth - A Real Hero]
Human music.
I like it.
"Real human -"
west london fire - Duration: 4:12.Firefighters battle inferno in West London residential tower
Firefighters battled a massive fire in a high-rise apartment tower in West London this morning,
with witnesses reporting what they believed were people trapped at the top, amid fears
the block-long building would collapse.
The Grenfell Tower — described in news and official reports as 24- to 27-stories — was
engulfed with swirling flames in a fire that started after 1 a.m.
London time.
Flames and smoke were still shooting from windows all the way up the tower more than
three hours after the blaze started.
At least 45 fire engines and 200 firefighters had been called to the scene as the blaze
raged past dawn.
One resident identified as Sophia told the BBC the fire was "all the way through"
the building and firefighters were "losing the battle."
Another local, identified as Jody, told the BBC he saw people "jumping out of windows"
to escape the blaze.
Dana Ali, 30, told The Sun newspaper her parents Maria, 51, and Khalid, 61, called to say they
were trapped in their 10th-floor flat.
"They said they're in their living room, they're closing all the doors, they can't
get out.
They opened the main door and saw black smoke," she said.
"They couldn't see anything so they closed the door back.
And now I'm trying to call and they're not answering."
A woman with two young children was seen shouting for help from an 11th-floor window, The Sun
The BBC's Andy Moore said, "We've seen debris falling from the building, we've
heard explosions, we've heard the sound of glass breaking.
"The police keep pushing back their cordons, pushing back members of the public for fear
the building might collapse."
Ousama Itani, who lives nearby, told NBC News, "We wake up early sometimes anyway in the
night, and one of my relatives saw the flames from the window and heard the people screaming.
It just started to burn across from one side to the other, and we saw apartment after apartment
getting lit up into flames."
Khalid Sarang, 23, who lives nearby, told The Sun it was like "hell on earth."
"I have friends who live on the top floor and I can't get them on the phone," Sarang
"There is a family of four trapped up there now screaming.
The first thing I heard were the screams and I came running out."
The Metropolitan Police said "a number of people are being treated for a range of injuries,"
adding that cordons were in place.
George Clarke, a British television producer, said, "It's so heartbreaking, I've seen
someone flashing their torches (flashlights) at the top level and they obviously can't
get out."
He said he saw rescuers "doing an incredible job" trying to get people out.
Clarke added, "I'm 100 meters away and I'm absolutely covered in ash."
Celeste Thomas, who lives across the street, told Sky News that residents and families
were "trying to find each other" following the evacuation of the building.
"Police have moved everyone back out of direct sight but I can hear cracking and debris
falling," Thomas said.
Nick Paget-Brown, the leader of the Kensington and Chelsea council, told Sky News he was
trying to establish how many people were in the tower block at the time of the fire.
"Several hundred would have been in there," said Paget-Brown, who had toured the building
in May after a multimillion-dollar renovation.
"It's a question of establishing how many were in there at the time of the fire."
Tim Downie, another eyewitness, told the BBC that part of the building was "completely
burned away."
"It has burned through to its very core," he said.
"It looks very bad — very, very bad.
I've never seen anything like this.
It's just such a big fire," Downie said.
"The whole building is just crumbling.
It's just billowing black smoke."
Learn Colors Wild Animals King Kong VS Lions Animals Videos for Children Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 16:15.Learn Colors Wild Animals King Kong VS Lions Animals Videos for Children Nursery Rhymes for Kids
you two... partners? - Duration: 1:05.The tusk of Ganesha
we find these symbols...
we find the tusk
you were going to sell me out, weren't you?
you lied to my face!
I need your help
you know nothing about me
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