Atilla and the Huns belonged to the horse-archer nations. Such were the Scythians and many others.
The names Scythian, Hun or Magyar are blanket terminologies.
The empire of Atilla contained many nations, mostly Germanic.
Herulds, Quads, Marcomans, Suebs. Just as Alans, Ripuar Franks, Turigians, and so on.
They all had one thing in common, being under the domain of Atilla.
They were allowed to keep their leaders, customs and autonomy
on the condition to defend the interests of the Huns.
Priscus Rhetor in 448 AD meats a Greek man who used to be Roman citizen complaining
that since in the Roman empire the state affairs are corrupt, people are in danger
in both times of war out of the cowardice of the leaders and in peace times as well for all the taxing.
As long as amongst Huns all may live free and justices is served correctly.
The myth of Atilla is also preserved by Germanic people, like in the Nibelungenlied,
portraying him as a wise ruler.
But that his heritage belongs to us Magyars mostly is without doubt, living in the same area,
the Carpathian Basin, the centre of the Hunnic Empire stretching between the two Roman Empires.
The same land occupied by the Magyar Lords as descendants of Atilla.
Even if the Finnougric theory were right, as we all know it isn't, we should nourish the memory of Atilla.
From sources we know that "Hunni que at Avaris" -Huns that are Avars.
Or "Avaris que et cuntur Ungari" -Avars that are called Hungarians.
If we are wrong and wrongly associate ourselves with Huns,
than the whole world was wrong.
We know that the Turul Dynasty (Descendents of the Magyar Lords) had a strong Atilla cult.
How can Atilla be so important to the world if were present
for a such short historical period of nineteen years?
From the first appearance in 434 at the walls of Eastern Roman Empire with his brother Buda,
up to his death in 453, he turns the world upside down becoming the king of the world.
There is a false policy waged against truth saying
that the culture and history of Europe comes from other place, like Charlemagne.
This is not so, it is thanks to Atilla that Europe is as we know it.
As strange as may sound, the father of Europe is none other then Atilla. This is not taught on purpose.
The fall of Rome in 476 is due to a man dear to Atilla, Edeko, who's son Odoacer
declares the Italian Kingdom by defeating the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustus
son of another dear friend of Atilla, Orestes.
Later on all the nations, as Western and Eastern Goths, Vandals or Burgunds
form the new nations of Europe along with the former Roman citizens.
The new Latin languages emerge as Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French.
These nations therefore exist due to Atilla. Meanwhile the Hungarians and their language
managed to be the same for this period of time of more then a thousand years.
Not only the formation of Europe's nations but also its religion is due to Atilla.
Most of the Huns were Christian (not Judeo-christians!). Especially the Germanics, like the Goths
and Burgunds or Suebs were all Arianistic Christians (see Arianism and Prophet Aryus).
But in 452 when Atilla turns up at the gates of Rome is the point where Catholic Rome is born
and Catholicism becomes the religion of Europe. As odd as may sound this is truly thanks to Atilla.
Simon of Kéza (Kézai Simon) starts the history of Magyars from Nimrod,
who in antiquity was known as the first ruler of the world.
Must know that the Hungarian Kingdom was "Archi Regnum", an arch kingdom,
ancient (archaic) kingdom. In the story told by Kézai Simon, Nimrod has a redeeming character.
His chronicles were written in 1282 to 1285 and states more then the Bible knows,
as the tower of Babel being raised in 201 after the Great Flood by Nimrod to save mankind
if there were ever such cataclysms. This end of days role is embodied later by his great grand son, Atilla.
There is a poem by Endre Ady "Son of Gog and Magog I am", and continues
"Vainly I'm banging on the wall and gate."
This is about to the "Syracuse Legend of Alexander the Great". In this legend when Alexander the Great
reaches the Caucasus mountains at the Darial Pass, he hears an uproar of horrific sounds.
Asking what is it, he is answer that beyond this point that no man has ever dared to pass,
live the warrior nations of the Huns. It is foretold that at the end of the world they would come through
and destroy all of the sinful nations of earth.
For this not to occur, Alexander brings three thousand copper smiths
and three thousand blacksmiths to forge a gate,
which will be guarded as described in Arabic sources and puts up a plate on which is written that
"Behind this gate live the warrior nations of Huns, it is foretold that after 926 years the gates will fall
and the warriors destroy the sinful nations then return back. And it is also foretold that after 940 years
a Hun king will come through these gates and shall be the king of the world and rule over it."
If one does not know the story of the Gates of Alexander as Endre Ady did,
will not comprehend that "Son of Gog and Magog I am" means to be the descendant of the Huns,
and the gates he is banging on is the gates raised by Alexander.
Atilla is a ruler of the end of times, more over where he turns up cataclysmic events happen.
At the battle of the Catalaunian Plains (451 AD), people see meteors falling,
for two weeks the sky is painted blood red, there is a lunar eclipse
and the Mediterranean sea is shook by earthquakes.
Even prior besieging Constantinople in 447 AD cataclysmic earthquakes occur.
So great that the 52 tower of Constantinople fall asunder. This end time judgement character
is what we know as the Scourge of God and Sledge(hammer) of the World
(Flagellum Dei et Malleus Orbis). As written also by Thuróci,
"The stars fall, the Earth quakes. Behold I am Atilla."
The historical Atilla appears in 434 at a peace negotiations along with his brother Buda
with the East Roman empire. This is remarked because they refuse to get off their horses
and the negotiations happen on horse back. In true he was a real strategist and a diplomat.
He never went to war for the sake of war without a cause. He used battle as a last resort
and even these were made very consciously and cunningly. He deprived both the Western and Eastern
Roman empires of their defence lines.
He was an aware man and a remarkable leader.
We know this from the accounts of Priscus Rhetor, who was part of a delegation
to the court of Atilla in 448.
Priscus Rhetor writes his memories in eight books most of them lost,
but the accounts about Atilla and the Huns fortunatly remained intact.
Atilla was a true merciful and wise king, he lacked the "win for all costs"
and "win-win" mentality. Or this "keep smiling" of this age,
who is smiling after the last five hundred years of a history as we Hungarian have,
I have to say is a mere fool. We have this melancholic depression within us
that we wouldn't give away for anything. The win-win mentality won't settle only to defeat the enemy
but also to erased it form the face of the earth.
Lets remind the protestantist America that drops two atomic bombs.
Or the Orthodox Soviet Union that shoot Budapest to rubbles.
Atilla never acted this way. He taught mercy to the world.
This delegation in 448 takes place because the Eastern Romans don't keep their word
about the prior treaty, and they hold Huns captive.
Atilla asks the return of the captive Huns otherwise will go to battle.
At this point the Romans decide they must get rid of him. So thy make a plot of assassination.
They send a translator, Bigila to look up Edeko, one of Atilla's captains
to persuade him to take part in their plot.
The emperor at that time is Theodosius and one of his men Chyrsaphius sets the plot.
He meats Edeko and finds out that Atilla is guarded by the finest of each nations taking shifts,
and he has the possibility to get close to him, instead he needs to be payed handsomely.
They settle on 50 gold and later send a delegation to Atilla lead by Bigila.
Right away Atilla angrily asks Bigila how do they dare showing up since the peace treaty was broken
and still keeping Huns in captivity. Bigila answers that here these seventeen Huns are all of them.
Then Atilla calls him a liar and that he could punish him, cut him up into pieces
and throw his remain to the dogs if it wouldn't respect his delegate title.
Calling upon his secretary he names all the Huns captive on the territory of the Eastern Roman empire.
These Huns couldn't even siege a town but because they're Huns have to be returned
and sends Bigila back and forbids the delegation to have gold more then needed for one day's food.
When Atilla turns back to his quarters Edeko approaches and tells Bigila that at his return
should bring the 50 gold as promised.
At home Bigila tells about the success, making Theodosius
and Chyrsaphius so happy they raise the 50 gold to 100.
Bigila is so sure of himself that he brings his young son at the court of Atilla.
The minute he arrives he is surrounded by solders and the bag full of gold is taken away.
Atilla asks him about the purpose of such a big amount of gold
for it was forbid to have more gold as needed for a day's supplies, and until aren't all the Huns returned
no Romans held captive will be returned.
Bigila starts to lie about having other business to take care of and so on.
Atilla then commends to his son to be killed if the truth will not be said, at this moment
Bigila confesses the plot entirely, divulging also Edeko's role.
Obviously Edeko has reported the plot previously and set a trap to the plotters.
At this moment Atilla does not condemn them to death
as any tyrant and blood thirsty dictator would have done,
instead sands Bigilia's son back with a Hunnic delegation to the Romans to expose the plot.
The Romans thinking of celebrating Atilla's death are surprised by their plot being exposed
in front of every one. Then the Hunnic delegate says:
"Theodosius is the son of a noble man, and as well as Atilla. As long as Atilla has kept his noble spirit,
Theodosius has lost it since has become the tax payer of Atilla."
Paying tax meant slavery. Well, it still does.
Publicly in front of the whole wide world the Emperor was then exposed and humiliated.
And when Bigilia's son comes for his father with the gold, Atilla keeping his promise, lets go both of them.
We are faced here with the noble and merciful spirit. Just as does not destroy Constantinople nor Rome.
He also shows mercy to Saint Lupus who asks him of his whereabouts.
Answering: "I am Atilla, king of the Huns, Scourge of God"
and Saint Lupus says: "I am Lupus (Wolf) destroyer of the flock of God, Scourge of God judge over me."
Then Atilla spares the city of Troyes.
The same happens with Paris.
Even in Ravenna where in the 8th century a legend is born about Atilla
who in a state of raving is lifted up to Paradise.
The bishop of Ravenna goes to meat him to ask mercy,
at that moment Atilla is lifted up to Paradise seeing Jesus on the Crucifix bleeding.
Descending back to earth spares the city of Ravenna.
He is perceived as a destroyer but never as a builder,
even if we know that Udine was built by his command and Udine was one of his chieftains
and the city was laid using the helmets of the warriors.
He is truly a truthful judge at the end of the world.
As strange as may sound, he is really the father of Europe.
As about his death, there are many legends. One is sure, his death occurred on his wedding night.
The majority of the sources thought, like Prosper of Aquitaine, Cassiodorus
or Jordanes who lived a hundred years after, all talk about a sever nasal bleeding.
The Chronica Gallica mentions for the first time about his murder.
But I myself lean towards the bleeding. He was the king of the world, no one on earth could defeat him.
A brain haemorrhage, some sort of seizure is very real,
I also had a sibling that in minutes filled a dish up with blood.
Personally I would tend to see it from the mystery point of view, for no man could have defeat him.
There are of course the burial legends, that he was buried in a river and then in the ground,
especially in the lowlands we have this.
Or that he was buried in the Sun light, the Moon light and in the Dark on the night,
under water, under ground. In this way the Sun rays would be the golden coffin,
the Moon rays the silver coffin and the iron coffin the darkness of the night.
Then under river Tisza into the ground. All the elements being present.
Jordanes also writes about his burial ceremonies crediting Priscus, and says that in his capital
he was put on the burial mound in a silk tent, the Huns carried and put around him all of his gears.
Then a chosen few rode around his burial mound reenacting his battles. Interestingly in Hungarian,
especially in the Szekler dialect he word for battle charge is the same as resurrection.
Even up to the middle ages Hungarians were the ones
that yelled as a battle cry "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!!"
Meaning that the Resurrected is with them.
It is as if his burial would also be a resurrection ceremony.
And after the ceremony they sing a song that also says that Atilla is not dead only turned to sleep.
It says "Atilla, son of the great Mudzuk. Conquered both Western and Eastern empires,
and in great joy and happiness he meat his end. Who would think of death, if not thinking of revenge?"
Cause he is not really dead...
Then they have a great feast and in the night hid his body
and built a great mound on it. Herodotos already mentions that this is how horse archers,
the Scythinas bury.
This is intriguing since we have a supposed burial place of Atilla,
city of Ó-Szajla that is very similar to the kurgan of Chertomlik.
And this is 20 meters (~65 feet) high, 130 meters (~420 feet) in diameter
and 330 meters (~984 feet) in circumference.
It was used 75 thousands cubic meters (~4648 cubic feet) of soil.
For this 75 hectares (~185 acres) of land mass was used and turned into clay-sods.
A rock ring surrounded it, that was made out of 8000 tons of rock. These are huge amounts!
And an even more huge tasks.
Not surprisingly in the legend of building Udine the warriors use their helmets to make the mound.
So the Hungarian folklore still preserves the return of the hero,
like Prince Csaba (youngest son of Atilla – Csaba Királyfi). So the death is not definite, just a trance.
Atilla appears in the legends of Magyars as a world hero and he is so deep rooted in the spirit of Magyars
that on the archaic places like Szeklerland that were not yet infected by consumerism,
if Atilla is mentioned people feel as if their ancestor would be speaking to them.
And again and again live through his story.
There is a cute story that was collected by József Péter Gál.
The story tells that it's known that they want to assassinate Atilla
so his guardians guard his quarters very tight.
With one occasion the guardians are given sleeping cigarettes and fall into a deep sleep,
they enter then to Atilla and stab his heart.
Only after stabbing him in the heart that the breaking up of the Carpathian Basin was possible.
This is metaphorical, meaning:
if one is broken off from ancestral connections others may do with as they see fit.
This legend's meaning is that past has to be nurtured, the memory of ancestors well kept
and through myths and legends our ancestors speak to us.
Who has mercy and grace knows anything. This descended in our battle techniques
and is characteristic to the Hungarian nation.
Not surprisingly we are the nation of Virgin Mother and we are associated to her
since "Mother of God and Virgin, rejoice, Mary full of grace".
As well as arching backwards (pathian shot) is the same grace and mercy.
We always just wanted to keep the lands that we offered to the Virgin Mother.
If the ruler wanted to fight beyond the borders, that had to be put to the communities will.
We never had the winning mentality and in all Hungarians this consciousness of mercy exists.
One remembers as a child looking at sport events one was always cheering for the weakest team.
Then if that got better started to cheers to the other team.
In this situation a man may find himself in a constant losing position.
This is nothing else but the mercy conscience that is mistaken with the sheep mentality.
The Magyar knows, that if it gets up and has to use aggression, will feel the pain caused as well.
The backwards arching (parthian shot) is about the same,
the rider knew with who was dealing with giving an extra chance.
"Don't run after me, your life gets spared."
Because the one with wining mentality is not satisfied with
only defeating the opponent but also wants annihilation.
And this will be its death.
This is a very vigorous battle technique,
when one is running with the back at the enemy simulating fleeing
and then trying to turn around one needs extraordinary spiritual strength.
I think this sooner or later will happen and Magyars will turn around.
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