Hats/KQ5 - HatsOffToTheBull vs STANVIXX, who's gonna win?
M3R - I forgot which one I'm playing as
Hats/KQ5 - No STANVIXX is not gonna win, HatsOffToTheBull's gonna win
Hats/KQ5 - I'm playing as Bossk
Hats/KQ5 - Could you press X and get this started instead of looking at Facebook?
Hats/KQ5 - We already know who's gonna win
Hats/KQ5 - Don't make fun of Bossk
M3R - That thing looks like something from...Star Trek?
Hats/KQ5 - I wouldn't know
Hats/KQ5 - Eww, why did it give me this? I didn't want that
Hats/KQ5 - I wonder if I take it away from mine, will it take it away from yours?
Hats/KQ5 - Is it under controls?
Hats/KQ5 - Uhh, no it's not. It's under gameplay
Hats/KQ5 - I don't need button hints
Hats/KQ5 - Okay it takes away yours, but I guess you kinda need that
M3R - So did you guys ever use that?
Hats/KQ5 - Use what? ...no, of course not
Hats/KQ5 - You do know it's recording right now though?
M3R - Yeah
Hats/KQ5 - *?* I upload this to YouTube, oh wait is that, uh of course that's you
Hats/KQ5 - Oh man, ah this is a mess
M3R - Where did you come from?!
Hats/KQ5 - Behi- *you should finish your words, Hats*
Hats/KQ5 - Yes
Hats/KQ5 - I've got 100 health
Hats/KQ5 - Make sure to pay attention to the uh, the radar
Hats/KQ5 - So, you see the red dot in the corner?
Hats/KQ5 - If you go in that direction that's where I'm at
Hats/KQ5 - See, I'm going in your direction
M3R - So I still can't use that? (the E-Web)
Hats/KQ5 - No
Hats/KQ5 - You have to be - you have to play as infantry
Hats/KQ5 - Don't get all whiny, it's not that good
Hats/KQ5 - I barely get any kills...on it *with it?*
Hats/KQ5 - Or somebody will snipe you off of it
Hats/KQ5 - Ah god, this is what happens when you play on 80 sensitivity
Hats/KQ5 - I like how you're just standing right there
M3R - I don't like this blaster
Both - *I don't know what we're saying*
Hats/KQ5 - Change it to the rifle
Hats/KQ5 - L1
Hats/KQ5 - Oh you're right up here
Hats/KQ5 - *No clue what I said*
Hats/KQ5 - And now you're running the opposite way...stop running
Hats/KQ5 - I need to turn that off, I don't even know where you're at
Hats/KQ5 - There you are
Hats/KQ5 - Right here
Hats/KQ5 - Also, you can try making a run for it and grab the hero health
Hats/KQ5 - But you're probably gonna die
Hats/KQ5 - You're going to die so I'm going to just watch you...RIP
Hats/KQ5 - I usually don't play as Bossk
Hats/KQ5 - I might switch to somebody else, I might switch to Boba Fett
Hats/KQ5 - I should just kill you
Hats/KQ5 - Yes
Hats/KQ5 - Melee
Hats/KQ5 - Let's see, you're up here...oh, I didn't grab one, oh well
Hats/KQ5 - We'll do a rematch, I don't like this map
Hats/KQ5 - I'm going the wrong way
Hats/KQ5 - I'm gonna steal this hero health
Hats/KQ5 - I see you shooting
Hats/KQ5 - Come on Bossk, there we go
Hats/KQ5 - I really hate split screen
Hats/KQ5 - Also, this is how you uh, combat roll
Hats/KQ5 - Try to roll out of the way
Hats/KQ5 - Where'd you go, there you are
Hats/KQ5 - Dang
Hats/KQ5 - Oh gosh, my aim's off again
Hats/KQ5 - Ooh, I need 5 more points and I win
Hats/KQ5 - I'm not going easy on you, am I?
Hats/KQ5 - Listen...
Hats/KQ5 - I'm - I don't even consider myself to be good, I consider myself to be a noob
Hats/KQ5 - I'm just gonna run around and not do anything and see if you can hit me
Hats/KQ5 - Oh no, I just ran into that
Hats/KQ5 - Dang! That's pretty good *the damage*
M3R - Die...why won't you die?
Hats/KQ5 - Bossk never dies
Hats/KQ5 - OH
Hats/KQ5 - I gave you a chance
Hats/KQ5 - And the winner is...
Hats/KQ5 - Excuse you, did I tell you to skip that?
Hats/KQ5 - Did you just...oh
Hats/KQ5 - HatsOffToTheBull: 1 STANVIXX: 0
Hats/KQ5 - Wanna do this map or a different map?
M3R - Different
Hats/KQ5 - I'm just curious as to how much this mick- pfft this mick...microphone can pick up
Hats/KQ5 - K, battles...you wanna do hero battle again or infantry?
*M3R was confused by the word 'infantry'*
Hats/KQ5 - So, like Stormtroopers and...Rebels
M3R - In-infantry
Hats/KQ5 - On which map?
Hats/KQ5 - The same map, uh different - or a different one?
M3R - That one
Hats/KQ5 - Which one?
Hats/KQ5 - Endor?
Hats/KQ5 - Alright...umm splitscreen
Hats/KQ5 - Oh god
Hats/KQ5 - I just realized I have that stupid load out
Hats/KQ5 - I need my bacta bomb
Hats/KQ5 - Well, I guess I don't need it, but...
Hats/KQ5 - It's just gonna be 1v1 so
M3R - Here's something I was gonna show you
Hats/KQ5 - Umm...what?
Hats/KQ5 - That's how I react when VIXX post a teaser
Hats/KQ5 - When VIXX is having a comeback that's me
Hats/KQ5 - I need to - I need to download this and put that on - into the video
M3R - I'll tag you in it
Hats/KQ5 - I'm gonna download it, put this into the video so...
Hats/KQ5 - My whole 3 subscribers know what I'm talking about
Hats/KQ5 - Let's see
Hats/KQ5 - I'm just gonna troll you, I think
Hats/KQ5 - Troll you with the Bo-Rifle
Hats/KQ5 - And you pick whatever you want
Hats/KQ5 - Heavy blaster
Hats/KQ5 - Same exact load out
Hats/KQ5 - That - those are the 2 things you wanted, actually the 3 star cards you wanted to use
Hats/KQ5 - In multiplayer *you mean online?*
Hats/KQ5 - Woo, gosh
I'mma let you go loose in Walker Assault
Hats/KQ5 - Have fun with that
Hats/KQ5 - *Couldn't hear well, but I was wondering why music was playing (I have music turned off)*
Hats/KQ5 - Skip
Hats/KQ5 - So it's just me and you...it should be, yeah
Hats/KQ5 - See the thing is you don't know these maps
Hats/KQ5 - But, this is a map for uh, Cargo *and other game modes*
Hats/KQ5 - So, I know this map like the back of my hand *lies*
M3R - Oops
Hats/KQ5 - Oh, I'll take that
Hats/KQ5 - I know exactly where you're at. This would be the Empire's base in Cargo
Hats/KQ5 - I like how you're right at a wall right now
*No clue*
Hats/KQ5 - Now I'm using the emotes that you chose
Hats/KQ5 - Ah, I know where you're at
Hats/KQ5 - I know I shouldn't - way to waste a shield
M3R - I thought you saw me
Hats/KQ5 - I know where you're at
Hats/KQ5 - Oh my god
Hats/KQ5 - I hate this thing
Hats/KQ5 - There we go
Hats/KQ5 - I don't like the bo-rifle, I think I'll just let you kill me
Hats/KQ5 - You just took the easy way out *GTA Online reference*
Hats/KQ5 - Easy way out
Hats/KQ5 - You're gonna fall off the map again
Hats/KQ5 - That wouldn't save you
Hats/KQ5 - Classy
Hats/KQ5 - Anyways...
Hats/KQ5 - Hold on
Hats/KQ5 - Come outside
Hats/KQ5 - So wait, if you use a star - I mean if you use your personal shield, does that take one from me?
Hats/KQ5 - 'Cause it says I only have three left
Hats/KQ5 - Hold on, let me see. Does it - or does mine go down to two?
Hats/KQ5 - That's weird. I haven't used one, have I?
Hats/KQ5 - I haven't used a shield yet
Hats/KQ5 - We've only been playing for 3 minutes
M3R - I don't know how to get outside
Hats/KQ5 - Jump out the window
Hats/KQ5 - And I know exactly where you're at
Hats/KQ5 - Come on, come on
Hats/KQ5 - COME ON
Hats/KQ5 - Jump out the window
Hats/KQ5 - You know how to jump?
Hats/KQ5 - Jump off
Hats/KQ5 - Please please hit you, please. No it's not gonna kill you
Hats/KQ5 - Ah, that's weird. See it just updated...now I have ten charges, what? And you have one
Hats/KQ5 - I'll let you kill me. Oh, you're over here again
Hats/KQ5 - Stay there and I'll let you kill me
Hats/KQ5 - 'Cause I don't want to use this blaster anymore and I also don't feel like killing myself, so
Hats/KQ5 - I could just restart
Hats/KQ5 - I'm right here
Hats/KQ5 - Now just, oh hold on let me stand back a little bit
Hats/KQ5 - Charge it up
Hats/KQ5 - Hold R...2...let go
M3R - Yay
Hats/KQ5 - Headshot
Hats/KQ5 - You wanna pick those up?
Hats/KQ5 - Ah, man! I forgot! I can't change my blaster
Hats/KQ5 - *No clue*
M3R - How do you do what you usually do?
Hats/KQ5 - What?
M3R - Never mind, you're gone
Hats/KQ5 - What? Rolling?
M3R - No
Hats/KQ5 - What? What are you talking - are talking about tea bagging?
M3R - Yeah
Hats/KQ5 - Ah, now you know how to tea bag
Hats/KQ5 - Knew that was gonna happen
Hats/KQ5 - I won't pick those up
Hats/KQ5 - Ah man, now I'm stuck - I forgot you can't switch it
Hats/KQ5 - Well, crap
Hats/KQ5 - You're gonna die for sure right here
Hats/KQ5 - What?! How'd you not die from that?
Hats/KQ5 - Oh, I wasn't supposed to pick them up
Hats/KQ5 - Oops
Hats/KQ5 - Alright
Hats/KQ5 - Blaster cannon...
Hats/KQ5 - I don't want that
Hats/KQ5 - Pick up this charge
Hats/KQ5 - You probably need - you need more charges, you're out of personal shields now
Hats/KQ5 - Oh no, you still have one left, never mind
Hats/KQ5 - Another...come here
Hats/KQ5 - Come out, come on
M3R - No, you did something
Hats/KQ5 - Come on, look how pretty that -
Hats/KQ5 - And you still died
Hats/KQ5 - We'll let this drag out a bit
Hats/KQ5 - Let's see what you get
Hats/KQ5 - Oh, now you have the orbital strike
M3R - How do I use it?
M3R - Oh, I see it
Hats/KQ5 - Yeah, press at the same time *?* and then it'll be R2 to activate it
Hats/KQ5 - Oh you're outside...or almost outside
Hats/KQ5 - I'm right here if you want to kill me with it
Hats/KQ5 - Hold on, where are you at?
Hats/KQ5 - I'm right here
Hats/KQ5 - And you have to, oh L2
Hats/KQ5 - Hold down L2 and then position it
Hats/KQ5 - I'll go back a little bit
Hats/KQ5 - But you better watch out, you can kill yourself with it
Hats/KQ5 - I think I'll get hit by it
Hats/KQ5 - I'll step back
Hats/KQ5 - R2
Hats/KQ5 - L2
Hats/KQ5 - L2 then R2
Hats/KQ5 - Okay, you might wanna stand back
Hats/KQ5 - I would use that if I were you
Hats/KQ5 - Wait, I'm right here...I'm right here. Throw it. Throw that, throw that
Hats/KQ5 - Personal shield, uh oh. Oh no!
Hats/KQ5 - Yes!
Hats/KQ5 - I need a smart rocket
Hats/KQ5 - Have fun with that
Hats/KQ5 - Jump off
Hats/KQ5 - If you won't do it, I will
Hats/KQ5 - Oh that was a bad throw
Hats/KQ5 - Goodnight
Hats/KQ5 - Oh no, what?
Hats/KQ5 - I'm surprised the proximity bomb didn't kill you
Hats/KQ5 - It failed me
Hats/KQ5 - Now my foot's asleep
Hats/KQ5 - Please
Hats/KQ5 - I...miscalculated
Hats/KQ5 - Smart rocket...oh my god, I can't get a smart rocket
M3R - No!
M3R - I just backed up in my chair, I'm like...
Hats/KQ5 - "No!"
Hats/KQ5 - I don't want a blaster cannon
Hats/KQ5 - I don't know where you're at - oh, there you are
Hats/KQ5 - Blaster cannon
Hats/KQ5 - What's going on? That was weird
Hats/KQ5 - I'm not - I'm not ending this match until I get a smart rocket
Hats/KQ5 - That's a charge card...I mean, it's a charge. I don't know why I said charge card
Hats/KQ5 - Let's see...smart rocket? Nope, squad shield
Hats/KQ5 - Am I going to get one any time soon?
Hats/KQ5 - Wonder...nope that don't work *great English right there*
Hats/KQ5 - Miscalculated again...sweet
Hats/KQ5 - Where are you?
Hats/KQ5 - I didn't even know where you were at
Hats/KQ5 - Oh, here's the thing that you wanted to use so bad
Hats/KQ5 - I'll play in first person
M3R - Did that do anything to you?
Hats/KQ5 - Yeah! You got me
M3R - What's this?
Hats/KQ5 - Yes, yes! That's first person.
Hats/KQ5 - Did it swit- oh, it switched you to first person
Hats/KQ5 - Let's see...
M3R - I think I'll stay like that
Hats/KQ5 - You like first person better?
M3R - Yeah, either one's fine
Hats/KQ5 - Night night! Oh, what?! I completely missed you!
Hats/KQ5 - Oh my god
Hats/KQ5 - Okay, so I finally got my smart rocket and I missed
Hats/KQ5 - Seriously...
Hats/KQ5 - I'm gonna try this again
Hats/KQ5 - There we go
Hats/KQ5 - You really like that bowcaster, huh?
M3R - Yeah
Hats/KQ5 - I'll switch to first person again
Hats/KQ5 - I mean, I do agree...like with people that say that, you know it looks better in first person
Hats/KQ5 - But I just can't play in it
Hats/KQ5 - I play terribly *I think that's what I said*
Hats/KQ5 - Then again, I'm terrible third person too so...
Hats/KQ5 - So many charge cards
M3R - I saw your name
Hats/KQ5 - Ooh
Hats/KQ5 - So, I'm going to get a smart rocket again and -
M3R - Did you get this message that I sent you?
Hats/KQ5 - Probably not.
Hats/KQ5 - Random a** question
Hats/KQ5 - Okay, this chair's getting uncomfortable
Hats/KQ5 - My $100 steel chair
Hats/KQ5 - That I probably shouldn't be sitting on
*Reading messages*
Hats/KQ5 - No I didn't get those *shaky voice much?*
M3R - I was like, "she would've commented on this if she had seen it"
Hats/KQ5 - *No clue about this part*
Hats/KQ5 - Yeah, I defintely did not get those
Hats/KQ5 - And you activated a shield again, oh my god
Hats/KQ5 - What do you need a shield for? Well, you might need it for that *infantry turret*
Hats/KQ5 - Yes yes yes, I'm going to end the match
Hats/KQ5 - Finally!
M3R - I was getting ready to press it *the skip button*
Hats/KQ5 - Don't you dare skip it
Hats/KQ5 - Watching you
Hats/KQ5 - Alright that's the end of video 1 out of probably 1
Hats/KQ5 - Probably the only one -
M3R - Goodbye
Hats/KQ5 - We did not get to say goodbye
Hats/KQ5 - My PlayStation saved the clip, so -
M3R - It was like "it's done"
Hats/KQ5 - "It's done. Shut up. No more talking"
Hats/KQ5 - So...goodbye
Both *soulless*
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