RIP annotations
Anyway, this is my first lunatic 1cc out of any Touhou game
For some reason I find it to be the easiest Touhou game on lunatic
I'll be talking a lot during the whole thing, so if you just want to see gameplay then you should turn these off
Also, please tell me if these subtitles work as commentary or if I should invest a bit more time into editing text onto the actual video
These rocks are very innovative
So, here I am getting really close to those fairies to get a bunch of graze, since there's not much else to do in the beginning of this stage
This part can be annoying sometimes. The fairies come down from certain spots above the screen but they move towards you so the spot that they actually come from changes depending on where you are.
Here's the first midboss of the game, Kisume. She has no dialogue and no backstory or anything, so there's not much to say about her
If you defeat her fast enough a couple of extra red fairies will spawn so you want to defeat her as fast as possible
Defeating her fast enough is hard with as weak a shot as Reimu B, but it's possible.
looks like there's a hole in her bucket
Here I've got to be under her pretty much the whole time in order to get that extra power
I destroy this one rock here since if I don't it usually gets destroyed late anyway, but when it's destroyed later the danmaku get in the way of dodging the other stuff
So, here you want to position yourself on the left side of the screen so that you can kill the big fairy right when it spawns
Now do the same but with the left side
Now just go all the way to the left to get rid of every fairy and then quickly go all the way to the right
Just slowly move left now
I've gotten walled here several times, so watch out
Here we've got Yamame. She's a spider and that's pretty much everything to say about her.
If she moves downward during this first nonspell you won't be able to stream it like normal. Luckily, I got good RNG and she didn't move down.
In this spellcard it's mainly just dodging, but there's one important thing to remember. The purple wave rotates in clockwise and the green one counter-clockwise, so don't get too close to the left side of the purple 'strands' and don't get too close to the right side of the green ones
In this nonspell she moves towards whichever side you're on of her, so you want to manipulate her movement so that you can move along with the paths in the danmaku and still deal damage
Yamame isn't just a spider. She has the ability to manipulate diseases, but she doesn't like to use the ability, so that's why she's basically just a spider
10/68 capture history, you can tell that this one is tough.
This first wave here is easy, but...
next you have to dodge a super fast wave that has some RNG in it.
I usually end up bombing about now, but I got lucky and didn't have to
On to the second stage!
~~This song is so catchy~~
you want to be sure to kill these fairies as fast as possible since their danmaku are aimed and really fast, so unless you're already moving you won''t be able to dodge it
For this part it's pretty much just reactive streaming
You want to memorize where these yin yangs come from and attack them as soon as they spawn since if you let them stay alive for too long they make way too many danmaku on the screen
They do change where they come from depending on where you are in the same way as those fairies right before Kisume in the last stage, so you can't memorize it entirely
These guys aren't too hard, but you should try to kill them as fast as possible anyway
Here's Parsee. Her midboss is easy to beat if you try to move as little as possible.
And this song is even more catchy than before
Here you want to start below Parsee and reactively move up. I do some fancier stuff since I've done this so many times but all that you have to do is move up
Once you've gotten as high as Parsee just move over, though don't do it to o fast or you'll get trapped
Now do the same as at the beginning and Parsee should die (well, not literally, but her meter thingy will run out and she'll leave)
~~this song is still way too catchy!!! ~~ <3
uh, just stream everything here. It's pretty easy
Get to the right side of the screen or these yin yang orbs won't die. Then just stream to the left
Now get to the right and stream left
Now get to the right and stream to the left. You should probably stream slower than I did, but you'll probably be fine
I'm jealous of Parsee's theme
This nonspell is stupid. You just have to dodge the danmaku groups, but it's super tight and the second wave is semi-fast RNG
So, Parsee is the embodiment of jealousy. She is jealous of people even if they are in a worse situation than her. She can also make other people feel jealous
With this spellcard you want to follow underneath her the whole time to kill it as fast as possible
Once you reach here you want to to carefully look to find the widest gap in the gray danmaku. Go to it and wait until the red ones vanish before going through
And now do the same (unless there is already a gap like in the video)
This one is easy. Look at the trajectory of all of the waves, draw a line in your head, and then find the widest space inbetween those lines then just stay still while looking at the next wave
Parsee used to be the bridgekeeper of the bridge between the overworld and the underworld, but she got jealous of the people crossing the bridge leading her to gain her powers
Despite this being easy I still end up bombing XD
So, in this spellcard she has a clone. If you shoot her clone the clone will spam out a bunch of danmaku, so don't shoot the clone. The clone and the real one swap spots every now and then, but it's all streaming so if you time it right you can defeat this spell pretty fast
I don't have the timing down though, so this spellcard takes a while for me
Also, since Reimu B has homing danmaku the Parsee clone will get shot if you're on the same half of the screen as her and you're shooting, so it's harder with her than with other characters
Not as hard as with Marisa A though
Parsee is the bridgekeeper of the bridge, but as this stage's theme indicates that people no longer cross the bridge, so she's stuck at this bridge that nobody even uses. It's kind of sad actually
Her being stuck at the bridge might be why she's so jealous of travelers, but that's just my own speculation
This spellcard is streaming while dodging randomized danmaku. I would recommend starting underneath her (unlike what I did) since it seems to give you the best RNG with the danmaku
And of course you need to restream as well
Oh, and be sure to die. That step is really important or you'll... die...
This one really isn't too hard but I messed up for some reason
On to stage three!
This beginning part is just streaming. Start left to the middle by a bit and stream to the right so that you can get as much power as possible from these enemies
What does Zun follow up a streaming section with? More streaming.
You want to try to make your streaming end in the middle so that you can kill the first yin yang enemy quickly
Then move to the left some more to kill these yin yang enemies quickly
Get under these blue yin yangs as they spawn
Then get underneath these blue yin yangs
In this part some of the lasers are static but some other lasers are random, so you have to do some reading, though it's pretty easy
And here's Yuugi.
This first non is static. You can easily memorize a path
This one is easy. Try to stay directly under and stream slowly to the side
There will be a couple of stray danmaku that come off of the side but not many
Get onto the spot where if the danmaku were to have spawned they would have made a loop
For some reason this is the easiest spot to dodge the spellcard at
Next you just have to dodge
...Or you can bomb. (I would actually recommend the latter.)
You know what? Just bomb it twice!
Yuugi stays for the rest of the stage but attacking her does nothing
Get to the right side to kill the fairies as they come on
Then stream reactively to the left
Usually what you want to do here is kill these yin yangs and then go to the other side to kill the others, but I couldn't find a good opportunity to move out of this corner
If that happens a bomb is probably your best option
So, with this part I usually do reactive streaming across the screen, but you can also stay to one side and kill the yin yangs on your side as they spawn and you'll only have to dodge half of the lasers
This is the hardest part of the whole stage
This non isn't too hard. You want to try and destroy as many yin yangs as you can at the start and then move horizontally through the gaps with occasional macro dodging
Yuugi is an 'explainable phenomena.' She has super-human strength and she may even be the strongest youkai out of them all
She was one of the 'big four of the mountain' along with Suika, who is Reimu's partner with this shot type
Back when Gensokyo was separated from the outside world Yuugi moved to the underground with several other Oni (and youkai too) because they didn't want to have to obey the rules that were set in place
I dunno what Zun was thinking when he made this spellcard. Did he think that people would actually destroy the partial rings?
Oh wait, I know exactly what Zun was thinking. He wasn't thinking, since he was drunk
So, just stay under Yuugi and move a little behind her (if you move with her you'll run into the danmaku that are to the left.) If you destroy one of those rings you will make this spellcard more than 10 times harder, so be sure to not destroy them
This attack is completely static, so just memorize a way through it or follow what I do
Actually, don't follow what I do because dying is not something that you usually want to do
So, this is a good opportunity to talk about the plot of this game, and since at this point I'm basically copying Cartroner's "Touhou commentary" series I have to talk about the plot sometime
There was a hot spring that suddenly appeared in Gensokyo and it was releasing a bunch of evil spirits. People got worried about this so Reimu (or Marisa if you play as her) decides to investigate
After beating Yamame and Parsee the heroine runs into Yuugi who says that she will tell the heroine where the Palace of the Earth Spirits is if we battle her, as it's been a while since she's had a good battle
Bombing right when an attack ends is such a waste. Sure, I would have died if I hadn't, but it doesn't help out in the next attack so it's better to just not get hit at the end of an attack (because you can totally decide whether or not you will get hit)
I really like this spellcard. It taught me how to dodge while being unfocused
That being said though, this spell is bloody difficult
I'm kind of surprised that I managed to capture it six times since I bomb so often on it
It's basically just a bunch of fast bubbles coming from weird angles, so you really just have to git gud
(if you don't know already the way to git gud at Touhou is to bomb)
With this attack you do not want to do what I do here
That is, unless you want to die
Do what I do here. Move to the right side of the screen (but not all of the way,) stream to the left, then to the right, and then take the path that I take
This spellcard is cool
Right after the second wave of danmaku has spawned find a spot where you can move into it
If you don't then you'll die to the third wave
Back out of there right when the third wave is leaving
Now dodge through the gaps in these waves, which can be quite difficult. I couldn't find a gap so I just bombed
This part is pretty much the same as the beginning, but it has a few differences
The red danmaku form a path that is quite easy to follow
The purple danmaku just move straight outward and they're not very dense so they're easy to dodge
It repeats now, though you should be able to defeat this spell before you have to dodge too much more
Now is where the game really begins. Next up: stage four
Start under either one of the columns of yin yangs to defeat them as fast as possible and then get to the other side to defeat the other column
The cat's health does not matter in this as she goes away before you can get anywhere close to beating her, so don't worry about shooting her
Start in the very middle and then move out of the way of the danmaku as soon as they reach you. The danmaku are aimed and you can stream this attack at the very start
Around now you want to go back to the left and proceed to move back and forth. The streaming has set up the aim of the spirits so that you can do this
These fairies' attacks are aimed at you. Move a little bit to the left or right to avoid them. If you move too far it will be much more difficult
You want to stay as close to the center as possible or you will have to worry about the danmaku that the blue fairies shoot down
Also, don't hug the bottom of the screen. The big fairies' danmaku patterns leave behind a few lingering danmaku and if they were aimed at you when you were on the bottom of the screen it will make a later section have danmaku that will be hard to dodge
Stay in the bottom center but move right with the yin yangs as they pass above you
Now you need to get into the bottom center. If you were on the very bottom during the big fairy section then these amulets here will get in the way
Now do the same as with the first wave of laser-shooting yin yangs, though I messed up and had to dodge the lasers (MEOWWW~~)
Get under these yin yangs and then move over to the other column.
Get into one of the lanes of danmaku and then you just need to read a path through it.
I like to get up close here and bomb as it is right where a ton of danmaku spawn and cause the attack to end quite quickly
This section is EZ streaming
You want to start this section on the left side of the screen where you can easily kill this fairy. Once you're done with that move quickly over to kill the other one and then move back to the left to get in the lane that was right next to where you were when they fired the danmaku
When the normal sized fairies come in you want to be close to one side of the screen and then you want to reactively stream to the other side
This section is one of the hardest sections out of any stage in the game so don't feel bad about bombing
Another bomb, but this time it will get lasers in it, and lasers running into Reimu B's bomb is so satisfyingly powerful
This laser section is the same as the one before the cat's second attack so follow the same steps
Remember to not move too much when this danmaku comes out or you'll probably die
As you see here, I moved too much and so I needed to bomb
This death fairy is quite easy. You can dodge quite a bit of it's danmaku by just staying in the very bottom middle (I moved up a little just to be cautious)
Now move out of the center and follow the path that I take
This attack is static and not really all that hard, so just follow what I do
So, this is Satori. She a type of youkai called Satori. Zun was being really creative with the naming of her.
Satori youkai have the ability of reading minds with their third eye.
This spellcard is kind of odd to fight
The lasers will stop at your position, but if you move then the stopped ones will move and stop further past you by quite a bit
I just bomb on top of her because the wave of danmaku that she fires out is hard to dodge and messes up the lasers making them also hard to dodge
I think that I would've been safe here, but better safe than sorry
This nonspell is similar to her first one. It's a bit different, but it's still static so follow the path that I take
Satori is the mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, which was built on top of the fires of Hell to keep the spirits from revolting
Satori has several pets, including the cat that we saw earlier. Her pets manage Hell's fires, though it's unclear as to why they do since it's been abandoned.
Since Satori can read minds she reads the mind of the heroine and uses whatever danmaku they have in their mind, which is the danmaku of whoever their partner is
This one is just misdirecting and moving to the side but it's quite hard. Not usually hard enough for me to die on it, but it usually takes two bombs
You can't get too close to Satori since the danmaku that she fires at you are summoned from the area around her
bombing on this one is pretty good since the danmaku is aimed at you
And another death. I'm not usually this bad at this one, I swear!
I've found with this spell that it becomes easier if you move around a lot, unlike what I do at the start
Moving around gives you several more options on places to dodge to
this is one of Satori's easiest spellcards. I'm kind of ashamed to only have captured it one fifth of the time, though I've captured it ever since I realized that moving around helps
Here is her last spell. I usually try to guide her around the side of the screen at first and then just go wherever I feel like is the least dense, though I usually bomb eventually
You want to try to get underneath her as often as possible
At this point in the run I didn't think that I would actually beat the game since I only had three lives and I've reached here with five before and still lost
bombing on this one is pretty satisfying as she goes into the bomb and since all of the danmaku spawns around her it deals a ton of damage
next we go to the blazing inferno of the former Hell, stage five!
The beginning is just streaming.
It's odd that I've beaten two thirds of the game's stages yet I'm barely half way done
This section is really hard unless you bomb close to the beginning. What usually makes it hard is that there is usually a yin yang that spawns while you're still trying to kill another one but if you bomb you can kill them as they spawn
I've cleared this section while starting with only one power before
You really just have to memorize the locations of these guys and do a very minimal amount of streaming and then you're good for this section
If you don't shoot those spirits and stay in the middle you won't have to dodge anything
...but shooting stuff gives you power so I shoot a little bit and then stop so that I can easily restream it
When I saw the cat come back here for the first time I hoped that she would come back as the final boss
You have to get into one of these lanes and follow it, though you will have to unfocus occasionally if you don't wanna die
Each wave starts out as being aimed at you so if you get unlucky with it's aiming then you will have to bomb right here, but I got lucky
By the way, for both of the cat's nonspells in this stage you can safe spot them, but since this video was recorded nearly a month ago I didn't know that it was possible at the time
With this non you want to look ahead and figure out what path you want to follow. You should usually start out by moving to the right a little bit
If you survive most of the first wave then one bomb will get you to the spellcard
Follow the cat around to the best of your ability or this spell will last forever
Stop following her now as if you follow her over there you will get yourself in a spot where you won't be able to come out
Dodging these danmaku is really hard and I often just bomb
If you don't want to have to face this spellcard you can time out the previous nonspell but it makes the 'popcorn section' after this last for a really long time
This is the 'popcorn section.' You have to stream the blue danmaku and just dodge the popcorn danmaku. The popcorn danmaku move really slow and the longer this section lasts the more they build up, so that is one reason why you might not wanna skip cat's step (the previous spellcard)
Start on the left and work your way to the right killing these yin yangs as they spawn
You probably will want to memorize where these guys come from so that you can kill them all quickly but I didn't do that
This section isn't too hard anyway as it's just streaming with popcorn, though it's not exactly easy either
Bombing is great since all of the danmaku hit the shield and it kills all of the enemies
This part is practically the same as before. If you don't shoot you don't get shot at. It's simple.
I shoot a little bit though because I need power for fighting Orin
Now it's the same as the beginning. It's just streaming.
And the cat is actually a loli!!! Who'd have guessed?
So, this nonspell really isn't too hard but I'm taking this safespot anyways since I don't want to risk it this late into the game
You want to make sure that you are right on top of her hand as if you aren't she will spawn a bunch of danmaku that may be hard to dodge
Right before she moves (shortly after she spawns the green wave) you want to move up and right a little bit since she could easily move into you if you don't
So, this wonderful kitty's name is Rin Kaenbyou, though she prefers to go by Orin.
Orin's job is to cart corpses using her wheelbarrow into the blazes of Hell in order to keep it burning
She doesn't like to kill people though and she doesn't like already buried corpses, so she either steals corpses from funerals or finds somebody just as they are dying
This spellcard is way too hard
You want to start on top of Orin to get a bit of damage into her but then you have to move away or you will die
Move over slowly to get back under her killing these spirit fairies in the process
I don't normally need a bomb right at this point
Now I usually just sit underneath Orin trying to do as much damage as possible and kind of freestyling.
There are some routes that you can take for this that make it easy but I don't know how to do any of them
Only two bombs used. That's actually not bad for this spellcard
I will safespot this non as well
Get up close to her and shortly after you hear the noise that indicates that the spirits are about to shoot you will need to suddenly move up or down
Orin is a kasha/nekomata, which means that she has the ability to control the dead as seen in the previous spellcard
Orin is actually the one to cause the geyser. She forced the evil spirits to go above ground to get somebody to come down here and investigate an issue that Orin had found, though I won't spoil that quite yet
This spellcard isn't too hard but it lasts forever
You basically just rotate around the circle at a certain radius from the center and then you'll be fine
*awkward, out of place silence*
I was getting bored and bombing this spellcard is so satisfying and powerful so I decided to just end it quickly
This nonspell has a safespot but it's really hard to actually do so I just dodge the attack normally
The danmaku all move straight so it's pretty easy to just dodge
...but I'm not good at dodging stuff so I died
I don't really know what tips I can give for this one other than to just dodge.
I'm going to take this opportunity to thank you for turning on these subtitles and reading them
They took a surprising amount of time and effort to make, so I'm glad that my hard work wasn't for nothing
Zun should've called this one 'ghost ride the whip'
Orin shoots these spinning rings of spirits. They are aimed but they aim earlier than you may think so I like to stay in one general area until the second wave of ghost wheels spawns and then I move over
This spellcard is quite difficult though. When I think of Orin being hard this usually comes to mind.
Well, this and her spirit spellcards
I'm surprised that I nearly managed to capture this spellcard. I usually fail sooner than this
And now for her final attack, and the spirits are back! (didn't you just love them?)
Start out in the bottom center
Once the fairies start to move towards you move up to where Orin is spawning the danmaku
Now make your way to the left side of the screen
If you're lucky you won't have to bomb
I was unlucky and had to bomb
Once you've reached this point... just bomb spam your way through the rest of the attack.
If you run out of bombs just die and get more.
There's some strategy that people use for this one but I don't really know it and bombing is much easier
Orin sure is one tough kitty
Now we can move on to the final stage: stage six!
This starts off with streaming
This song is pretty good. I feel like it's not appreciated quite as much as it should be
You want to take out as many crows as you can. If you can't take out all of them you want the rest to all be moving in the same direction
The leftover crows' danmaku is very tight. You really just have to be able to see where the gaps are
From here on to the midboss the stage is entirely streaming. I created an easy route that you can follow that makes restreaming easier, but I didn't follow it in this video so I won't go over it
If you are not following a route and you are on one side of the screen take any opportunity that you can get to move to the other side of the stream ofdanmaku.
This slowdown here happened during the recording and not while I was actually playing (as this is a recording of a replay.) It doesn't really effect the gameplay, but it desyncs the music and so my dancing later on is not to the music
I knew that the midboss would show up soon so I didn't worry about restreaming this
~~But the cat came back the very next day, The cat came back, we thought she was a goner But the cat came back; she just couldn't stay away. Away~~
This spellcard is like a roulette for me. I sometimes manage to do it but if I fail I lose any number of lives and it's pretty random on whether I lost or not
You've just got to move back and forth while unfocused but you have to pause. What you need is the correct rhythm or really good reflexes.
Get the rhythm wrong and you'll die. If you rely on reflexes and they're not quite good enough and you'll die. It's a very strict spellcard.
This is the last time that we'll see Orin in this game and I was originally a tiny bit disappointed that she wasn't the final boss, but the final boss is amazing and Orin popped up more than any other Touhou character in a single game so I'm pretty happy with this
This section is next to impossible with this shot type. After making this video I've started to intentionally make Orin's spellcard in this stage last longer to skip this section
Honestly, just bomb. There's not much else that you can do.
This 'death spirit' (it's like a death fairy but it's a spirit) drops a full level of power so it is a great way to gain power back before the final boss
I believe that this attack is static, though I'm not sure. It's not too hard though. You really just have to dodge it. There's no special trick or anything.
This one is exactly the same as the first one (I think; don't quote me on that though) so you can do it the same way
And with that we've reached the core where we fight one of the coolest bosses in Touhou
I say 'coolest' but she's really the hottest. The hottest by a long run (and I mean hottest temperature-wise, not in terms of looks)
So, Utsuho is special. Veeeerrryyy special. Why is she special? (this nonspell needs no explanation)
She's special because she *ate a sun God.*
I'm not kidding, she ate the sun God Yatagarasu.
Since she ate the Yatagarasu she has the *special* ability of nuclear fusion and can **shoot suns at you**
This attack is similar to Orin's "ghost ride the whip" (aka ghost wheel) in the sense that you wait for her to fire off two homing things before moving over and dodging a bunch of stuff.
While similar in principle they are actually quite different. These suns reach you faily quickly and come out at a staggered pace. Utsuho is not constantly firing the blue danmaku as well so you only have to dodge them at certain times
She ate Yatagarasu because Kanako, the God from the previous game wanted to turn this abandoned Hell into a power source for all of Gensokyo and this would be a good way to do it
Unfortunately her plan kind of failed and now Utsuho is planning on destroying all of Gensokyo instead
I came really close to capturing this spell, just like with ghost wheel
So, this attack has a safe way to do it, but I don't really know how to do it so I just dodge it normally
You want to look at where the danmaku are going and get into the spot that is the most open as you will have to dodge more waves immediately
This attack is really dense so don't worry about trying not to bomb
After her third wave you want to get back into the middle and stream left while dodging the leftover danmaku
Now she repeats it but flipped the other way
That audio sync right there is so good!
This spellcard is just sun spam and smaller danmaku spam.
The suns get smaller as they go towards the bottom of the screen so it's easier to be at the bottom
The regular danmaku spawns in circle shapes that go outward, so keep in mind that they will be going in a variety of directions
If you stay all of the way on the bottom and directly under the center of Utsuho you will be fine
So, Orin sent out the spirits to the upper world to get somebody to come down and help out with Okuu, (Utsuho's nickname) but it wasn't because she was worried about Gensokyo being blown to oblivion.
She sent them out because she was worried about Okuu and wanted to restore Okuu to her original self. Orin's such a good friend.
If you get into the right spot you can actually graze the suns (never thought that I'd be saying that) and not have to worry about dodging them.
As you can see, it makes this spellcard much easier
In fact, it eliminates almost all of the challenge from it
This non is like her second non, just with less but faster danmaku
Once again, get into the lanes
Once she comes to the center you want to stream right or you will probably die once she starts going back and forth again
The yellow bubbles make it hard to see the other danmaku so if you're on the most right side of the screen you'll probably get killed (since it's the most dense)
Here I streamed to the right but it would be better to stream to the left
Once again I streamed the wrong way
And again. Maybe if you are kind of under where Okuu was when she was stopped you'll be fine, but I don't know if that's the case
That lasted for a while
At about this point I glanced at my lives and had no doubt that I would 1cc. I may have become a little too cocky though, as these next two spells are pretty difficult...
So, you want to get into the center or you'll die by the giant suns growing in size.
You want to try to stay under Okuu as much as possible as this spell will last forever if you don't
So, these danmaku come out in rings but they are rotating making it difficult and you have to manage them coming from two directions...
You really just have to try to dodge or bomb
Right here my confidence fell a little bit.
Luckily each time you die it takes a while before the danmaku reaches you again
Alright, now for the final spellcard, "Subterranean Sun!"
You start to get pulled in by gravity towards Okuu.
You want to move downward, over to the left and repeat that several times until eventually going to the right a couple of times
Now that these are here you need to move around a lot more. It would actually be better to get used to moving around during the first phase, but whatevs
You want to look ahead for where the gaps are and be ready to move there when the danmaku reaches you
I was hoping to capture this spell, though I didn't really expect to
At this point my confidence was falling quite a bit and I was starting to try a little harder
...and it gets faster, because we needed that
Another bomb. How badly can you fail a spell?
So, as this great game comes to a close I just want to once again thank everybody for watching
It was fun and I enjoyed almost every second of it
And it gets even faster! Apparently we weren't going fast enough!
I guess that speed kind of goes with two of her nonspells
and another bomb!
When I got hit here I was really worried that I would get hit two more times and just lose the whole run
...and that's Lunatic SA! Finishing with a bomb!
*cue abrupt ending*
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