Hey guys
this is sticks
Welcome to OUT N ABOUT
Today we're in mission Viejo California
And today we're at a doll party
held by a good friend of ours at this beautiful complex
Today we're going to have a lot of people from all over So CAL
We're going to come down and bring different dolls with them to show
we're gunna have a combination of Azone to dolfies to smart dolls
and a few others surprises here and there so let's go take a look
One of the cool things about this party is that it's actually grown in popularity since it's creation in 2016
People from all over from as far as the south of San Diego
all the way up to Bakersfield and even Las Vegas
All come down here for this one event and it grows every single time
With me today is my wife Alice who is at her very first doll meet
Along with our girls Amora who is a regular at some of theses
To our new girl Miku who is actually enjoying her first time here
It's always great seeing everybody getting along with each other as they do
and you never get tired of talking with these people all the time
Not to mention the fact that this is a potluck so next time that you ever come here
or go to a meet like this bring food otherwise you become a moocher
And nobody likes that!
It's always really cool to see any kind of dolls they bring over to these parties
But being an Anime fan there's 3 that actually get my attention every time
It was actually the Dollfie Dream dolls that got me interested in this hobby in the first place
They're roughly 60cm tall which is just under 2 feet
Each doll can be customized by changing their eyes, hairs, hands, body, clothes and even their bust size
But it's usually the shape of the head that everyone is looking for
And once you have that you have the ability to design these dolls to be practically anything you want
That's what caught our attention years ago before we finally bought Amora and Miku
And to be honest it's pretty cool and a lot of fun
But the ability to customize these dolls is always the most important thing here
They can actually be the exact same doll and you would not know that they are just because of the way they are dressed
the way their appearance is
when you change out the hair, the eyes, the costumes, the look, clothing, everything
then you can really make her your own
There is no limit to what these dolls could actually become
and that's what I think is great for anyone who want to get into this hobby
is they give a chance to really do something
Do something for yourself and something that makes you happy
and then you can show it to everybody else and then
everybody else just appreciates everything you've done
Azone dolls stand out a little differently than the Dolfies
and I do mean "little"
Some are roughly 1/3rd the size of a Dollfie
but some can be as tall as 50cm or more
they are not as customizable as the Dollfies but they make up by how cute they are
their hands and clothing can be changed and with their small joints and many possible poses
any doll collector can't help but see how adorable they are.
And with the dozens of times of Azones out there
You'll never get tired of seeing how special they are
The smart doll is relatively new to the market
They've only been around for a number of years now. Bu their popularity has skyrocketed
They were created by an entrepreneur named Danny Choo who lives in Japan
They are the same size as the Dollfies and just as customizable
But there are obvious differences
Their heads and bodies are sculpted differently
and they come in much better skin tones then the DD's
and since Danny is creating more variations of his Smart Doll
You're going to see more people taking interest in these dolls for years to come
And just when I thought things couldn't get anymore clear we actually got two people who showed up here
with Smart Dolls
There's something very unique about how they're put together so you know there's really
Well there's something fantastic about it. So these are ones you really have to take a look at up close
To really see the difference in the quality and the kind of love that was put into
What Danny Choo was really trying to capture
With the look and feel of these dolls
As you begin to look around the environment
You can see that everybody is having a great time
But this party would not be possible without the help of my friend and her boyfriend
Who set this all up for everyone to enjoy
So right now what I have is a good friend of mine
and unfortunately since I only know everybody by nick-names
I only know her name is Pandy
Hi my name is Pandy
I'm a multi doll collector
As you can see here I actually have 3 different types of dolls
Each of them are quite unique and different
I've been into the doll hobby for about 6 years now
See I only thought you only been as long as I have, maybe for like 3 years now
For the Dollfie Dreams, these are newer to me
I've only had them for a year now
I got Akane around April of last year
Sticks: April, see
So one of the reasons why I chose this doll in particular is because years ago
when I was first looking into Dollfie Dreams about 2011
I liked them but, a lot of them were based off of Hentai Characters
and like, you know they're geared towards men a little bit at the time
They're male fanbased in Japan
and most of them were very sweet looking
They're like kinda really young and sweet
I liked it and thought they were cute and charming but I didn't really
I didn't really feel anything until I saw this particular sculpt. Which is Rin Tohsaka
From Fate/Stay Night
However at the time this doll had released in like 2009. 2 years before.
and because she was so unique
compared to most of the other Dollfies at the time like
Her and Sabor had more of a mature
like grumpier look I guess you could say, I don't know how else to describe it
like they just look more mature you know
Cause they have sharper features, sharper eyes, like their eyes are a little more slanted,
Their cheeks are a little more, they've got a point on their chin
Sharper nose, that kind of thing
In Anime I've always liked the mature, strong, female characters a lot growing up
When I saw this sculpt she really spoke to me, and I really liked the character as well
From the Series, she's actually my favorite character from the series which was a bonus
But it wasn't the main purpose in wanting her
Where most Dolfie Dream owners a lot of them really like the character.
and that's all good and fine, but I like to create my own original characters
so when I saw this sculpt in particular I just fell in love
Sticks: and you named her
I named her Akane, I waited, I'm glad I waited, because her her price was $2,000 originally
Sticks: You're killing me, $2,000!
$2,000 second hand back in 2011
I was glad, over the years there's multiple dolls that came out that I was debating that I wanted to get
and I am so glad I waited because they re-released her
Everybody thought they were not going to re-release her, but they did, last year, in a lottery.
Sticks: and you were able to get her at the price Volks set for her
yes I was able to get at the price Volks set for her. I did not win the lottery but someone who won
two was kind enough, they knew how badly I wanted one
I was like if I can't get this Dolfie Dream I'm never going to have a Dolfie Dream
Becauses this is what I wanted, I waited years.
so I knew she was what I wanted, no other Dolfie Dream could top her for me
Cause I just spent years looking at her and wanting her, and just knowing, and looking at all the different ones
luckly that girl was nice enough to sell her at retail for me, about 50$ over for shipping
cause I had to pay an extra shipping fee but that was it
I was really happy and thankful that the girl saw that I wanted her so bad
I don't regret it all
Sticks: That's the good thing about a lot of people here, especially in this hobby, is that we look out for each other
Sticks: We help each other out if we can to try to help.
Whatever our dream is that we want to have
To help each other try to achieve it.
Sticks:Then after this she just suddenly got a second one which is this one here
A year later this is my dolfie dream, Len Kagamine he is from Vocaloid Series
and this is his full set, later on I plan to customize him
Sticks: He is the first boy, one of the first boy dolls they did.
yes the very first boy Dolfie Dream that Volks has ever made
He's a Dolphie dream sister
which is like the middle size between a Dolfie dream, and a min Dolfie dream
which there's 3 Dolfie dream sizes
and unlike the girl dolls which obviously have certain parts and we all know what hey look like
He doesn't have, he obviously has boy parts in him
Yes he has a male torso and he has different thighs and different legs, but he shares the female hands and feet
an you're going to change him up right?
yah the reason why I chose this doll, I do like Len Kagamine character so I'm going to keep this as a cosplay for convention
so I'll have him wear that when I'm walking around maybe cosplay some Vocaloid characters in the future
I chose him actually because in my main Dolfie Dream story she has a younger brother
I felt that I was debating for a long time since they announced the one doll, there was a lot of back
and forth thinking about it, thinking about it, if i really wanted to invest in him
When the owner photos came out I noticed that his face was very similar in shape to hers
If you actually look a little closely to them their heads are very round in shape
They have a similar cheek structure I guess
Sticks: you're right there is something similar
like when they both have really big heads, and they kinda got chubby cheeks. I guess
and smaller eyes
I'm going to give him a red tone wig, maybe ind a different shade, maybe the same I haven't decided yet
and he's going to have purple eyes, but for (enter name) are more magenta, colored, like a pinky purple.
His are going to be bluish purple
Sticks: That's going to be a great look, do you have a different name for him already?
Yes his name is (enter name) which means like very bright in Japanese
Because his character s really smart studios, like scholarly type
He's like a very, he's book smart you know, he's more of a geek type
I actually plan to get him glasses too which is fun
Sticks: You're going to look great in glasses
Okay let me asking you about this one here, because this one here is a little different from the others
This is my little Azone KIKIPOP
She's from the Kinoko Juice line which is new with Azone
they partnered with this one artist who had been sculpting these dolls by hand for years
But unfortunately two years ago because her dolls were so popular
And so hard to get you had to be in japan, enter in a lottery, physically and they were $900
on yahoo auctions was the only way you could get them second hand
People were just in love with their really cute Chibi, kind of anime style
So they decided to, some people in the hobby decided to do the wrong thing and re casted her unfortunately.
So it hurt the artist pretty badly
She did a little an anime doll collaboration with Azone
maybe about 3 years ago, 4 years ago in 2013
and that collaboration was very successful. So I think she decided to license the doll line through them
because she could hit a wider range of fans and have it more KIKIPOP more available to people around the world
and at a fair price
She retails at $250, which compared to the original $950 is much better
That was the story I heard from so many people who collect their dolls in different ways is that
is that they really want one sometimes but they have to wait for the prices to come down
But at the same time they are also waiting for a particular look of a doll that they want
and you know there could be like 200 of them there that they may make, whatever may be generic or what not
but there's always one that's going to stand out that you're going to want and no one is going to tell you otherwise
If you what you want, then you know you're going to get that one eventually
and what is so great is that they are available to anyone who really wants to get them
It just takes a little doing, a lot of know how, and a lot of dumb luck.
Dandy thank you very much for taking the time to show me your girls and your little boy. I'm looking forward to see what you can do with him in the future
Yah for sure
See, and he's going to be chasing all the girls down you watch
Thanks again
That's all the time I have to show
But I will have a second video out very soon
There will be more images from the party and a second interview which I also did that same day
So I hope you will tune in and see what it's like
and If you want more information on Dollfie Dream or you're looking for more information on Dollfie meet ups in your area
Log into the dollfiedream.com website
You'll find all the information you are looking for right there
Now since this is my first video I want to say a bunch of thank you's to everybody
First I want to say thank you to my wife Alice for putting up with me and being a good sport
about me doing all my crazy stuff that I gotta do
But what is important is that she's part of this video series just like I want her to be
And I'm very grateful for that
the second one I want to thank is my sister Lupe who I love her I know I care about her but she's been pushing
me to try to do something like this for some time so Thank You
The next one I wan to thank is my friend Colleen and she's the one actually helping me put together everything
From all my videos and everything from my YouTube pages and everything else out there
I'm also writing the subtitle's. You're welcome <3
The last person I wan to thank most of all is a good friend of mine goes by the name
Take a look at the link below you'll be able to see the link to her page
and take a look at her she does a lot of things, she's a Cosplayer, she's a vlogger, she's a makeup person
She does a lot of things that you really got to see for yourself what she's all about
and I adore this girl, and she's worth every second of your time to really see
Thanks Again
Next Video I don't know where I'm going to go but we'll see how it goes in the future
and I hope you guys will tune in. Please Subscribe below Thanks
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