Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2017


I think we all remember the T. rex from Jurassic Park and its iconic roar.

But that impressive sound effect was actually made using a recording of a baby elephant,

and it probably sounds, nothing like a real dinosaur.

If you want to know what dinosaurs might have sounded like, one place to start is with their

closest living relatives: birds and crocodilians, which are crocodiles and their cousins.

These two groups of animals have different vocal organs, which means their vocal abilities

probably evolved after the two groups split off from each other.

Crocodilians have larynxes, which are in their throats, and contain vocal folds that vibrate

to produce sound.

And birds have syrinxes further down in their chests, which are basically tiny chambers

surrounded by an air sac.

Their most recent common ancestor—which would have also been an ancestor of the dinosaurs—wouldn't

necessarily have had either of those things.

It's hard for us to know because vocal organs are made of soft tissues.

They usually decay instead of being replaced with minerals and becoming a fossil.

Parts of ancient bird syrinxes sometimes fossilize, but we've never found any fossil structure

resembling a syrinx with fossil dinosaur bones.

So dinosaurs probably didn't warble or sing like modern birds, it's probably good for

the Jurassic Park movies and we don't have evidence of larynxes and roaring either.

But the types of sounds that birds and crocodilians can both make might have popped up in dinosaurs.

Animals in both groups show aggression by hissing, which doesn't even use vocal organs.

It's basically just exhaling really loudly.

So maybe dinosaurs hissed, kinda like angry geese.

And one specific type of sound production called closed-mouth vocalization has evolved

in both groups multiple times.

The mechanics vary from species to species, but generally it's a low-pitched sound that's

made by pushing air through a pouch in the trachea or esophagus, rather than through

an open beak or mouth.

The most familiar example of this is probably a pigeon cooing, but large birds like ostriches

also bulge out their necks and use these sounds to communicate.

And so do crocodiles.

If birds do it and crocodilians do it, then maybe dinosaurs made these grumbly bellows


So next time you re-watch Jurassic Park, mentally replace all those mighty roars with hisses

and booms and you'll probably have something a little closer to reality.

This doesn't mean dinosaurs were any less cool… just a little weirder than you may

have thought.

Thanks to Patreon patron Fr.

Jay for asking, and, really, thanks to all of our patrons because we wouldn't be able

to make these videos without you.

If you'd like to submit questions to be answered, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> What Did Dinosaurs Really Sound Like? - Duration: 2:50.


DEADLIEST DEAGLE PROS IN CS:GO!! (Pro Juan Deags) - Duration: 12:01.


Stay low - a community go right you're right. Okay. I believe Lena Galaga

Okay, hey, you see any doors or connector

three Speedway, Dammit

Yeah, there's only there's only a smoke on mid cider

I'm on Connector. I saw this

That's short

smoke we'll give them some more room to push back in but they're taking damage all the way and edward out of 23 HP but

Simple pink, Taco there he thought he opened another paper simple to the deal shot

Take down cold feral animals are all from simple up to three now for him

He single-handedly shuts down the B-bomb fake defense, and it's all unfolded

hunger in

Fuck that one one more you might be right under examine L fashion carrot top properly. We're green

Hell to back green

We recognize

In the next couple rounds of it the pressure will be alleviated. It'll be a little bit weaker by won't be as many rifles

Stewie is going to try and lead the way we've seen him do some damage

Oh, oh, oh wow gets the second one, but doing the whole is that?

Still he is incredible as he has opened up this outer bomb site


Yeah, oh, yeah

Like you said it's three three. Oh hell. Yeah

They want to kill a lot of those supplies players

Maybe take a couple of guns through the next round and get a bomb plant

And I've started off well Stewie is able to take down machine gun Julian might have been spotted up there in heaven as well. Oh

Wow, wow stewie. What are you doing mate that he picked up three and finally goes down to our elders or Peter's?


my stream most likely

use clear tomorrow


right then ah Dad tummy-side that

Dink Dead

Duck don't

start from the first sight

Whatever happened. You were little see you already guys


Smoked some custom entice. I wanted one more tea. Please what I think that that from Dennis sealed the deal for them

He was supposed to you know be the player who can cover the bomb planter cover the Ct. Spawn?



That's just an Eco thing and another one. Oh

We need two rounds hold my sandwich

Drop one aside since there's one more set back side by side

Yeah, my opinion about the super team is that they will just happen oh

Lucky Tommy

Yeah, definitely the right thing is how does he do with this?

That's so scary if they get economy and he gets comes up

And he starts hitting those kind of shots especially he goes bring the a k on the t side like that


Oscar up close will pop up at the right time behind fenders take B alley

That's two kills for the price of one for the team again on the back foot

Nico doesn't it flashed off dodgers of what a short on cash

He's got two one digs in this round, and you might find out another kill

He does it's a head shot a different angles they have to worry about so phase have to look towards jungle to get this kill

Ok Depot. Just shuts everything down veto changes the entire game now

They have to fall back and be passive the rotation slowly coming in with lychee ochio and Nico and there it is rain the shot

Rings true, Nico wants another go at it. Though both

Come alive from the fan is down the series has not won their fatality very much, Keenan

Don't know what the ticket was but when you have bubble, you don't need more players you get the spray down

then a is Gonna roll in

Micro doesn't discuss for what is called a liquid just shooting them away from the equation

They're not existing at a more Electro

You just say yeah

I'm just gonna get the three one these casually no problem at all and it opens up their opportunities nelson it and now

We're cross is gonna try and get the frag on the retreat lands it on to get right 1 Vs. 1 now

This times the reason this kind of situation the last play would be round tetris or round

You would have spotted him if you went into Polish

And like promised us this one out. He is absolutely certain that Tetris is the last remaining player

What's also Forest box about craziness?

We did one headshot. That's what we want that. That's what we're talking about Pocket by Glaive

Perfect timing for it. I started forgot another thing on that point more importantly after seeing that force file date

They get the money down but look at like row go again with the vigo much like this around starts often to head shops looking

For the third, but he's found it

Something found it there it is yeah

Needs needs a little bit is a polish, but when I didn't get you on your way there you go

Okay, there crow Goblin

Sixty seconds left, and I mean this is kind of exactly what you know that go for isn't it

Yeah, just these silly silly and detectable aim. Yeah exit frags

Are worst if you remember his 1V5 of the awp hang on a second buddy with Davis is that oh?

My God, he's got four kills

10 aged 10 Hp as well is nothing this don't say these things like a five-second. No way ah

juicy very detailed plan

Subreddit man Tray quickly that's what should have happened well, uh could it'll had something else to say about it

Shroud actually cut don't kill in the middle of the molotov on the flashbang

Before he has to make it four to stay the round and the Carrigan knows you can just go for the hole here

But it's actually going to go

What a disgusting round from Straw man knows his ankles Diam

Former Ammad

Sy might come out one. Oh, he's not going to my nap. Good luck boys. I

Long for in there, but don't wonder

once with that

Still suicide of a long door. I always believe the setup. That's a haven't really impressed us too much

Smoking IV temporarily

hold things off

No shot plane lands as well. It's rush

Take the lighting lee close to the first to that one night. It's mixed well as the other option of two targets

He'll take either. Thank you very much in the rain is looking roughly and impressive

One close that one is like back. We have a smoke for the Penny Emily I

mean I was actually nutty by him, but

It'll be fancy, but makes it work has to as well. I guess the pistols

Brain takes them down that could be an issue

Because the offs go on inside of the site

They're Gonna push y'all exist

Can't find opening the longer it takes to find them the sooner they get on top of the site it's down the rain

How many clusters ewok today? He's got an M4 as well 35 seconds remaining?

Or mistakes Moore's law Kolkata zeiss your heads. Oh

My God he's doing it right you might just do it picked the find brain that's insanity

Another for cake watch for rain today. I think that's where Tom allo a desire to start a cheater Shapira Gregory Thomas

Jesus our canoe rental car so tomorrow's a ministry possible. Maybe two more there it is guarding. That's it now

It'll load back up and how it opens things back up?

Guardian still looking his gmAil. Edward has fallen. It's down to him. He's got 2005 HP no utility no armor this should be a

Clean finish from Flipside here, but then again let's remind ourselves Michael slow blade is low. It's Sharra. Oh

My God, kyle you guys have seen and he's still alive. He's still got a chance here. That's three kills

What a good read from Navi they stack that bomb said they heard that coming from a mile away, so great. Oh my God guardian

This is true again


They're shouting in return. They're getting fired up and with the existence else a lot of that

God in this - to find one fraggin. Maybe we'll better get a plot down here as well

That's all I won but all of a sudden something. I'm quite interesting will - guardian gets another

It could be remaining now still has got full Hp bomb has been planted

Its way towards up around

You can mind every weapon is taken away Paul. Could hurt them down the road a guardian now trying to channel his inner deagle. God

both doesn't get the second flag

Guardian is the cloud seat believe me. They don't believe me


For more infomation >> DEADLIEST DEAGLE PROS IN CS:GO!! (Pro Juan Deags) - Duration: 12:01.



For more infomation >> REPLAY: FREE 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT | SUBSCRIBE FOR PASSWORD | 2v2 BATTLES | CLASH ROYALE - Duration: 3:06:09.


Overcoming a Spinal Cord Injury: Claire's Story - Duration: 29:17.

What makes life worthwhile?

Is it the use of your arms or legs?

Is it being able to communicate, see and hear?

I thought losing any of this would mean my life would be over.

The truth is —

we don't have control of our destiny or what happens to us,

and when things happen, we're forced to look another way.

That's the story of my life.

I am C5-6 tetraplegic.

Which means all four limbs were affected.

I have limited function in my hands and legs.

I mean, I just tell people I have a broken neck,

and that, sort of, seems to resonate with most people.

Except Americans, who think I often say 'broken leg'. (LAUGHS)

When I had the accident and broke my neck,

I guess, it just completely flipped my whole upside down.

I think initially you just go into denial.

I spent a long time thinking that it would definitely get better.

I just didn't have any understanding of what paralysis was.

It was a big, massive life change.


Hey. Morning.

Sleep OK? Yeah, it was OK.

Good. Yep.

Ralphie does the whole waking up thing.

Yeah, he often does. Yeah.

Would you like a cup of tea or toast?

A cup of tea and toast.

I might grab that for you. Thanks.

I've always, sort of, been one to push myself

and push the boundaries of what you could achieve.

There you go. Thanks.

I have this, kind of, strange, kind of, twisted side to me

that likes proving people who think that they're right wrong.

A little bit? Yeah, that's all.

At the moment, I'm on 24-hour coverage.

John's my main person. I have other really awesome people that help as well.

We just all, kinda, work in with each other.

I'm here about five days a week, and I stay overnight.

And really, I just quietly go about helping her

get on with her life, sort of thing. Maybe the other one.

Yeah. Cool? Yep. Cool. Thank you.

But I met Claire through a friend on Facebook 10 years ago.

We just, sort of, struck up a conversation just talking online,

sort of, found we had some, sort of, things in common.

You know, we talked a little bit— got to know each other a little bit,

and then she mentioned she had a broken neck, and I really didn't know what that meant.

See how you going.

The one thing I, sorta, remember telling my friends was, pretty much, she can do anything, really.

It was just a little bit slower.


That's close enough. Cool.

Right. Let's go.

All right? Yeah.

He does a lot of personal cares as well.

There are a few people that I've accepted that I need that sort of help from,

and because I've known him for such a long time, he's one of the few that I feel OK about that with.

And he's just— He's always been there holding my hand, making sure that everything was OK.

He's just a very special, incredible person.


Today I'm going out to Burwood Spinal Unit

and meeting a young guy called Liam.

I've heard that he's a really lovely person.

OK. Cool.

You got it? Yep.

It took a long time to get a job.

I graduated from design school, and after a few years,

I managed to get a job down in Christchurch as a graphic designer.

It also meant that I could do volunteering for the New Zealand Spinal Trust.

They ask you to do interviews, talk to people.

Oh, cool you got a window in here. Yeah.

It's got mud on it. Yeah.

Oh my gosh. Hard core. Oh my God, that's crazy.

Slid over and hit my head on a wooden post.

If I didn't have this and my neck brace on, I'd probably be dead. Yeah, for sure.

I did my accident two months ago today.

You— Because you were a— was it mountain bike? Yes, yeah.

Cos what was your level — do you mind me asking? Uh, T3.

Last week, came here with the doctor and found out it was over 90% severed.

Wow. Which, yeah, was a bit of a blow, but...

Sure. Yeah, still, fingers crossed.

I think when I first had my injury, I was, um,...

You know, I was just like, 'Oh, I don't need to know anything.'

I'm, you know, kinda like— I was quite— not arrogant, but I just sorta felt like,

'I'll work it out myself,' you know. 'No one needs to tell me anything.'

And once you go out into the community, you suddenly realise, you know, that life

is a little bit different to how it was, and there will be things that you need to do differently,

and that's kinda when you start developing, you know, the, kinda, questions, I guess.

In a way, I, kinda, wish I knew more people back then.

Especially as a woman, you kinda feel like you're the only one in New Zealand, you know?

One of the biggest things has been recognising that helping other people

is a really good way of helping yourself.

I see it now as someone who had never addressed the grief of what had happened.

You have an injury, and it changes your life in such a profound way,

and yet you're just, sort of, told to get on with it. It's like, 'Keep calm and carry on.'

There has to be a moment when you do acknowledge it and you do realise what's happened, and I never did.

Using a wheelchair, I was terrified of going out anywhere.

I always felt people were staring at me and judging me.

If I went to the mall or anything, I would stare at the ground.

And so I never made eye contact with people.

I didn't see myself as an attractive person, and I guess I just sort of hid that side.

I pretended that I was normal. I pretended that everything was OK.

But inside there was a lot of grief there, a lot of anger.

If I could talk to my 17-year-old self fresh from hearing I'd always be paralysed,

I'd tell her, first of all, I'm already a survivor.

I'd say beauty is a state of mind, and no matter what I look like,

if I took pride in my appearance despite my flaws, I'd feel better both inside and out.

So, I'm going to the airport to pick up my mum.

Really excited because I love it when she comes down.

When— She lives in Wellington, so coming to Christchurch, you know,

it's always checking out grabaseat.

She is actually one of my best friends. She's an awesome woman. We always have heaps to talk about.

One thing I didn't tell you about my accident is exactly how it happened.

Hi. Hi.

Hi, sweet.


It's so good to see you. How are you? Yeah, really good.

Looking good. Thanks. So are you. I love those boots.

She was my third daughter. She was gorgeous. She was a lovely, lovely baby.

And she was a fantastic... child.

Looking back on it, it was quite a utopian childhood.

We lived outdoors mostly.

We lived by the sea, by the beach.

You know, we had a boat. It was just fantastic.

As a teenager, she was challenging sometimes.

And I think that's where her strength has come from.

She was a talented artist.

98% in school C art.

She was also a really good musician.

She played piano beautifully.

I was 17 at the time.

I was in seventh form, which is the last year of school.

I was preparing to leave home, anyway.

I was ready to start the next chapter of my life.

I had an interview at Unitec.

We were driving from Whangarei to Auckland.

You know, I even remember things like before I got into the car,

I remember running to the car and thinking in my head, 'I don't run enough these days.

'I should be running more, cos it's fun to run.'

The night before had been her final dinner and farewell for her class.

That had gone on till fairly early hours of the morning.

I was teaching at the same school where Claire was, and I was very tired.

And we had an appointment at 3 o'clock.

And I was in the backseat. I was lying down.

I didn't have a seatbelt on. I had taken it off.

We got as far as Wellsford.

And I wanted to stop, but, of course, we had the pressure of being at the appointment.

And I fell asleep.

The car rolled down a hill.

I'd broken my neck, but I was still conscious.

I couldn't move a thing.

And I just had no idea about how serious it was.

It probably was later on that it, kinda, occurred to me, 'Oh my gosh, this is paralysis.

'Like this is— You can't repair this.'

And just, you know, you have this pressure to be somewhere, and...

I should've just stopped.

You just don't know.

A matter of seconds,

our lives where just completely changed.

You feel incredibly guilty.

And that's a guilt that I just have to live with.



I never placed any limitations on myself.

Maybe it was because I was in denial, but I always thought I'll still be able to do design.


Excellent, Claire. OK?


Having this catastrophic thing, kinda, happen, no one was prepared

or no one, kinda, knew how to handle the situation.

We quickly realised that I couldn't go anywhere on my own; I would need support.


And because I was 17, I trusted my mum,

and so I just said she would need to do all those sorts of things.

All my mum knew was that she had to be with me. She put my needs first

and even ahead of her needs and my dad's needs.

I got into design school in Wellington.

So I just assumed she'd come with me to Wellington.

And my dad decided to stay in Whangarei. He'd a really good job there.

Well, they were married for 26 years. They ended up splitting up.



Wow. You all right? Yeah, thanks.

OK. Look at that. It's gorgeous. Oh, it's gorgeous.

Every time I come along here, I think about how this, sort of, reminds me of, like,

you know, walking along Oriental Bay, and it was a great, sort of, place to go

after everything that had happened and—

I was trying to work and keep my job going. In the end, it was hopeless.

So I had to leave. And so that meant quite an upheaval...

to move from Whangarei, and...

Cos they certainly don't have much in the way of disabled accommodation for students.

Yeah, I think at that age, it's really hard to, kind of, put everything into context,

so it was very easy to blame my mum, even though, you know, I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

You got it? Yep.

You OK? Yep.

You sure you're OK with this bit? Yep. Whoo-hoo-hoo.

It took eight years, which sounds like a terribly long time for you to hold a grudge against someone.

Ralphie, come. Come on.

I was doing a self-improvement course with my sister, and they said, you know,

'Are there any issues in your lives, think about this if there's anything wrong with a particular person,

'and we'd like you to write a letter to that person.'

OK, OK. Where's Claire? Where's Claire?

And I remember I went home, and I woke up at about 5 in the morning,

and I stated writing my mum a letter. I was just, sort of, going through it,

then it was like, 'Oh my goodness, like, she didn't cause the accident.'

She would have done anything to get me to that interview.

She would've put herself through pain even if it meant driving tired.

Claire, where is she? Good boy! Good boy!

So I wrote her a letter, and I said, 'I want to say I forgive you, but there wasn't anything to forgive,

'because it was just an accident. It was just a moment.'

Ready. OK.


How are you? Good.

Blame, I think, is something that's a human reaction to a situation that you can't control,

and I completely blamed her for many years afterwards.

Yes, it was a tragedy, and it was a long journey to get to where we are,

but we've learned so much about ourselves, about each other and about humanity.

Because I know forgiveness is possible even in seemingly impossible situations.

I remember thinking after my injury that I'd never live in a cool house

or have the same opportunities that I might have had if this hadn't had happened.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

I saw a TV documentary early on of a doctor who had a spinal cord injury,

and he lived in this amazing house, and I remember thinking, 'If he could do it, I could.'

So with little to no hand movement, I've got my design degree and masters,

and I worked my arse off for the dream of one day owning my dream home.

Hello, darling. Hi.

She was working a full-time job.

She'd be up at about 5 o'clock in the morning to get herself ready to get to work by 8,

and she was absolutely determined that she was going to pay for it independent of us.

I lived off 2 Minute Noodles and saved everything I had,

and finally two years ago, designed and built my house.

It was incredibly hard,

but I did it.

I started experiencing a lot more pain. That was a red flag for the doctors spotting it

that there was something wrong.


So, that's where C4 cafe used to be. Oh, yeah. Used to go there heaps.

Claire's injury was 20 years ago,

and just with time, the, sort of, supportive metal work and the bones around the neck degraded.

Some of her vertebrae were disintegrating, essentially.

If she did nothing, it would be quite serious.

The worst-case scenario — actually kill her as, kinda, bits of her neck

slipped and cut further into her spinal cord.

I guess, when I see the city, and you see all the buildings and you see the facades,

you see the crumbling walls, I can relate to that.

There is, sort of, sense of, you know, I know what that feels like. Yeah.

Unfortunately, some things had happened during surgery.

So it ended up being that the operation was medical misadventure.

A screw was put in the wrong place,

and it did cut into my cord, and I did sustain some more spinal damage.

I was a graphic designer. I did a lot of finicky design work with my hands and my arms.

But I really needed those triceps and that wrist function,

and not having that meant that I couldn't return to the one thing that I thought had given me purpose,

which was my career.

Before the operation, it was pretty bad, to be honest, yeah.

She'd been working really hard building the house, trying to manage her job full-time,

you know, the earthquake situation — there's a lot of things compounding at the time,

and, really, I think she was emotionally burnt-out.

I'd broken up with my husband of the time.

And there was a lot of stuff behind that that was extremely confronting.

It all, I guess, impacted on the post-traumatic stress.

I had nightmares about the accident that were rolling in together with all the earthquakes

and the aftershocks.

And it just reached a point where I was like, 'I can't do this any more.'

I just wanted everything to stop.

It was suicide, but in my head, it wasn't. It was just stopping.

She was talking about ending things. Being around that is very difficult.

You, sort of, feel a bit responsible for making sure that doesn't happen.

We were talking daily.

And she was telling me what she was going to do.

I was just waiting for the...

police or someone to knock on the door.

I was just deeply unhappy.

So I started looking into assisted suicide. This was potentially something that I might qualify for.

I discovered this place in Switzerland that might be a possibility.

Once I'd, kinda, decided that, it was actually, like, a relief,

because it was like, 'Oh, there's an end to this.'

Part of the reason behind our travelling last year

was to take a break.

Claire still was not in a very good space,

and she was telling me, you know, 'When we get to Switzerland, I'm never coming back.

'I'm not coming back.'

And I said, 'Well, I'm not going. I'm not going. I'm not going with you if...

'this is— There's a chance that you're not coming home with me.'

And so we, sort of, made a deal.

But that seemed to be a turning point.

I had the time to focus on myself.

I guess, to, sort of, put it in perspective and to try and grieve, in a way.

But that took 20 years.

It's taken me to become more disabled, in a way,

to just suddenly realise that there was another way.

Maybe just rein him in with the...

And I think the whole journey for me has been recognising that...

(SIGHS) things can change, you know. I suppose a state can change,

but that can be very, very difficult to tell someone.

Life lessons.

It's possible. You can work full-time.

But I think you need to acknowledge that you need some help with that,

especially if you have an injury as high as mine, that you are gonna need help, and that's OK.


Legs. How about that? That's all right? Yep.

Certainly, you know, Facebook or social media, you wouldn't see any pictures of her in a chair,

and I think a lot of her friends that didn't know her wouldn't have even known she was in a chair.

Hey, look at the camera.

She had an Instagram for her dog initially. That's kinda how she got into it.

But then she, sort of, started posting some pictures of herself in a chair,

which she'd never done before.

In one sense, it, sort of, feels like I'm coming out.

In the same way maybe as someone who was gay, or something like that — you know, reveals themselves.

They just said, 'Oh, we've been waiting so long to see you.'

It's so crazy how you always crop yourself. It's just who you are.

And the more I seem to be posting pictures, the more, kinda, feedback I was getting from people.

'You look great in a chair.' 'What do you do with your life?'

It was really healing for me to open up about my life through the pictures.

People started following me and telling their friends about me,

and that's sort of how it's got to the point where it's got to now.

There's, like, nearly 10,000 followers— or nearly 10,000 people out there

that, you know, are actively, kinda, looking at my images.

I used to be so ashamed of my freckles. At school, the boys would call them 'fly poo'.

That was my biggest problem in life — before my broken neck happened.

Also, there's this great life hack for people who use a wheelchair.

You can buy cheap but good-looking shoes as it's not like they'll be put to the test too much.

Gotta be some benefits.

I'm not a model, and I'm far from perfect, but dressing up is cool,

and rocking new heels is great, and finally accepting my body is liberating.

We're bringing sexy back.

The image of the disabled is being reinvented.

The epitome of sexy.

It's beautiful — the tartan, everything.

Yeah, I mean...

Certainly, if you get someone a present like this for their birthday,

they're gonna be very, very happy.

Spill your coffee, wipe it off. It's beautiful.

Um, yeah, I mean, this is kinda what I'm thinking —

not a lot of thought, maybe, has gone into the design, but very practical.

Given the surgery impacted my hand function, I could no longer keep my job as a graphic designer,

and I had to rethink my career.


So I'm combining my background in design and health science into a PhD.

I'm looking at the way society views people with power wheelchair use.

Certainly, the research shows that because it's such a physically big part of who they are,

that's often what people see first is this big cumbersome machine.

We've developed a manual chair, like this one — it's carbon fibre, it weights 2.5kg, it's fantastic.

But with a power chair, they're very heavy; you can't use them unless you have a van;

and aesthetically they haven't come very far either,

so they still look as they did 20 years ago.

It would be great to come up with a design that incorporates the latest technology,

but also brings that price right down.

I think there's terminology out there that's focused around wheelchair use.

If you read an article about someone in a chair, they're suffering.

Society as a whole tends to view someone with this injury in an asexual way.

I often hear the term 'she's bound to her wheelchair'.

The slightly twisted part of my personality drums up images of being tied to my chair.

I even told a health professional who asked if I was wheelchair-bound

that I wasn't into wheelchair bondage and discipline.

I use a wheelchair just as I use a car or an oven.

You know, it's a tool, a piece of equipment that helps me get around.

I want to design wheelchairs where you see the person first, not the chair.

OK. You all right? Yeah.

We're going in here? Yes.

How did I get from someone who was looking into assisted suicide to where I am now?

OK, cool. Yeah. You're cool?

Yeah. OK.

It's like I've found happiness for the first time,

and part of that happiness is this acceptance of who I am and what has happened to me.

Yeah, I had the accident. It's really given me a chance

to change things for the better for a lot of people,

and you can't really put a price on that.

So I think I'm really coming to terms with the fact that maybe I wouldn't change it.

So that's the story of my life so far. If there's one thing I've learnt —

if I can dream it, I can make it happen.

Physically I might have limitations, but I can adapt, evolve, learn from my failures and keep dreaming.

Given what I've been through, every moment is one to cherish,

because we don't know what lies around the corner of time.

For more infomation >> Overcoming a Spinal Cord Injury: Claire's Story - Duration: 29:17.


George Lucas – DISSES the Autograph Hounds! | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:00.









































































For more infomation >> George Lucas – DISSES the Autograph Hounds! | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:00.


Why We Never Got To See Jackass 4 - Duration: 8:24.

There's been speculation about another Jackass sequel since the credits rolled on Jackass

3D in 2010.

That last incarnation of the gross-out prankfest was so popular that Paramount released Jackass

3.5 a year later, which was full of unrated and outtakes from 3D.

"This is the flying nut high five!"

But fans still haven't had their fill of the death-defying stunts and excrement-centered

pranks they've grown to love in the first three movies.

In the six years since Jackass 3.5, there's been a ton of buzz about the next installment.

Paramount Pictures supposedly registered a bunch of Jackass 4-related domain names.

Johnny Knoxville said in a Reddit AMA that there were "no plans for another movie," but

they were "open to doing another."

Director Jeff Tremaine announced it would be shot in Australia, and Bam Margera even

let it slip that they were toying with a Jackass sequel named in honor of the crew's late buddy,

Ryan Dunn.

"We just started talking about it.

We want to call it 'We're not Dunn yet, like D-U-N-N.'"

So why hasn't another sequel happened yet?

Is there a worldwide shortage of tasers and poo-cannons that we're unaware of?

Not quite.

Here's why we never got to see Jackass 4.

Johnny Hollywood

Though the show and movies were definitely a collaborative effort, Johnny Knoxville has

always been the pointman for the wild Jackass crew.

He doesn't always do the craziest stunts, but he brought a lot of the star power that

transformed Jackass from a collection of underground stunt clips into a multi-million dollar TV

and film concept.

"Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass!"

Between the first two Jackass movies, Knoxville made the jump to actual films, with starring

roles in The Ringer and The Dukes of Hazzard reboot.

And yes, he still returned for Jackass 3D, but he's also talked about the desire to make

films with a narrative.

In 2016, he told Complex about a film he's working on, saying, "It's not Jackass but

all the stunts are done in the vein of.

It's pretty crazy.

It's a scripted film with me doing the stunts."

That film is about a real-life theme park called Action Park, which was tied to six

deaths during the late '70s and '80s—making it the only theme park in the world deadlier

than Jurassic Park.

So, while Knoxville clearly still has the itch to perform crazy stunt work, it seems

like he also wants to tell a story that's about more than a bunch of guys getting whacked

in the balls.

Star schedules

With Knoxville's career more or less taking off, the rest of the guys have had to turn

to other venues to keep the paychecks coming in.

Steve-O is busy nurturing a fledgling stand-up comedy act, while Chris Pontius, Wee Man,

Preston Lacy, and Dave England have basically taken the Jackass concept and applied it to

a live show.

In 2016, they went to Australia with their "Filthy Seppo Tour," an on-stage mix of stunts

and comedy routines.

But for the most part, they seem to be just biding their time until the next Jackass reunion

brings them all back together.

In an interview with The Daily Journal, Preston Lacy admitted that the next Jackass sequel

hinges entirely on Knoxville's involvement.

"Hopefully, we'll do another movie.

We're just waiting on Johnny Knoxville's schedule.

… In Hollywood, unless you have a contract, nothing is nothing."

Steve-O seems to have the same sentiments, but he put it a lot more bluntly.

He told UPROXX:

"...some of the guys are sort of less busy than other guys, and kind of feeling really

desperate to get another movie going.

Every once in a while an e-mail will be sent to everybody from one of the guys in the cast

saying, "Come on!

Come on!

Let's make a movie.

Let's make a movie."

It seems like a pretty clear sign that without Johnny Knoxville's involvement, that movie

will probably never get off the ground.

A dark cloud

Ryan Dunn's tragic death in a drunk-driving accident came right on the heels of the release

of Jackass 3.5 and had a devastating effect on the Jackass crew.

Dunn and his passenger, Zachary Hartwell, died when Dunn lost control of his Porsche

which he was reportedly driving "between 132 and 140" mph.

His blood alcohol content was .196 at the time of the crash.

Both director Jeff Tremaine and Johnny Knoxville penned touching tributes to their fallen friend

on Knoxville's blog.

In Tremaine's entry, he writes, "He was such a huge part of our family and it is forever

changed without him."

Dunn was also Bam Margera's best friend, and Margera later admitted that he'd spiraled

out of control after Dunn's death.

During an episode of Family Therapy, Margera said, "Since Dunn got in that crash, everything

changed dramatically, and instead of drinking for fun with your friends, [it] turned into

drinking to forget."

While a sequel is still possible, the loss of a beloved friend and castmate certainly

cast a dark cloud over any future Jackass project.

Margera's sobriety

After Dunn's death, Bam Margera's drinking spiralled out of control, leading Steve-O

to express his doubts over whether Margera could even get himself together for a sequel.

In a 2016 Reddit AMA, he said, "If Bam can stay sober and healthy, I suppose it's possible,

but I think it's unlikely."

And it's not like Margera is chomping at the bit to throw himself back into the intense

atmosphere of a chaotic Jackass set.


Not much, how you been?

High five!"

In fact, he only just resurfaced lately, in Spain of all places, where he gave an interview

to Jenkem in which he said he only cares about getting back into skateboarding.

"Right now, I just wanted to make sure that I had no obligations at all towards TV or

any f---ing Hollywood commitments.

I just wanted to know that I could go to Spain and skate for as long as I want and not have

to deal with any bulls---."

That doesn't sound like a guy who's dying to get catapulted out of a shopping cart,

electrocuted, or branded on the buttcheek again anytime soon.

"You ready?"



Steve-O isn't interested

For his part, Steve-O seems like he's just plain moved on from the show and movies that

made him famous.

The star famously battled with his own addiction issues during the show.

"Ummm... using ketamine, PCP, cocaine, nitrous, nitrous oxide…"

But he's since cleaned up, and he told The Daily Beast that on top of focusing on his

new stand-up career, he's also searching for a new purpose in his life.

"Now my goal is to find separation between me and that character.

To find separation between Steve-O and whoever I am—and more than that, for whoever I am

to find fulfillment and validation from within."

That's a big turnaround for a guy who once dove head-first into Mike Tyson's fist, just

because he could.

But fans don't have to worry too much about the possibility of a Steve-O-less Jackass

4 since he also told Vice:

"I almost don't want there to be another Jackass movie because I've worked hard to build my

own momentum, and for me to have a little bit of traction, and to be able to be getting

away with having a career beyond Jackass…

I want to keep that going.

But I would never turn down anything Jackass-related."

Aging out

Hard to believe, but Johnny Knoxville is now closer to 50 than 40.

And in the two decades that Knoxville battered his body for the show and movies, he's racked

up innumerable injuries, most notably the time he broke his urethra during a motorcycle


"The doctor said that just a couple centimeters down and that it'd be lights out for old Leeroy."

Steve-O brought up the cold hard truth about aging in an email to his buddies:

"Hey, I love working with you guys.

We're all great friends.

It's something really special that we have, but with that said, as excited as I am to

work with you guys, if we're going to another project we need to figure out a way to get

out in front of it and acknowledge we're old.

Because we're old."

And even though he's not exactly thrilled with the prospect of aging, he also told The

Daily Beast, "Now I'm in my forties and I can't post a picture without someone commenting,

'Dude, you got old...I think I'm pretty realistic about it.

It just points to what's important is to find separation from that."

Director projects

Jeff Tremaine is the director and driving force behind Jackass.

His skate magazine, Big Brother, served as the inspiration for the show, and even employed

almost the entire cast before they ever had a deal with MTV.

"I thought I could make a TV show out of it.

And MTV just loved it.

They ordered a series."

And because hanging out with notorious bad boys is kind of Tremaine's thing, he parlayed

his Jackass success to tell the story of "the world's most notorious rock band," Mötley


In 2016, he produced a documentary about the band's final tour, and recently announced

that he was finally been attached to direct a feature biopic about the band, called The


It will be Tremaine's first time directing a feature outside of the Jackass series.

Let's face it: Bad Grandpa was basically another Jackass.

"Try to just adjust it a little…"



Tremaine told ScreenCrush, "Dirt is something I pursued with everything I had.

I've wanted to make this going back to 2001, when we were just planning the first Jackass


Outside of the Jackass-sphere, Tremaine has been chained to the skater/prank show genre,

with producer credits for Nitro Circus, Dudesons in America, Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory,

and Ridiculousness.

But it seems he's ready to take a legitimate seat in the director's chair.

Plus, as far as we can tell, a 2014 Daily Mail interview was the last time Tremaine

even spoke to the press about another Jackass installment.

Sounds like he's in no rush to get back to it, and without Tremaine behind the camera,

Jackass 4 will probably never happen.

"Hello, my name's Johnny Knoxville and I'm about to end this movie."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why We Never Got To See Jackass 4 - Duration: 8:24.


Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE **Automaat** Eerste eigenaar** - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE **Automaat** Eerste eigenaar** - Duration: 0:56.


TOP 7 HOKAGE com a Habilidade Única mais PODEROSA🎓 | Canal TOP 10 🙌 - Duration: 6:16.

Save Clan,

Welcome to another TOP 10 Channel VIDEO, today I'm going to talk about a much requested channel theme.

It will be about the 7 Hokage of Anime Naruto, it's very interesting ..

Only before I have a NEW!

We made a Partnership with the Naruto Amino Application, I do not know if you already know.

If you still do not know, I will basically explain how it works!

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And taking part in the Poll I did there, I asked a question with 3 videos themes!

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Now let's go to the TOP that is very interesting!

As we know in Konoha had a total of seven Hokage so far.

They are among the strongest characters in the Naruto series.

But what we also know that each hokage has its own unique ability

Like the Mokuton technique of Hashirama for example

In today's video I rated the hokages according to their unique abilities,

So be very attentive to this criterion, I am not analyzing only their full strength.

And of course as I always say the top is based on my personal opinion

If you think differently as soon as the video is over you comment on what you would change.

Hatake became the sixth Hokage after the War.

However, Kakashi lost his Sharingan, which was replaced by a normal eye.

This also meant that Kakashi could no longer use RAIKIRI, since Jutsu depends

Much of the Sharingan.

However, Kakashi developed a new Jutsu, Release of Lightning: Purple Electricity.

This Jutsu is a long-range technique that shoots lightning from afar.

It is also strong enough to summon rain clouds if it is thrown into the air.

Hiruzen was the third Hokage of Konoha.

He was the second person, who achieved the title of "God of the Shinobi".

This was mainly due to the fact that Hiruzen had dominion over all

Known jutsus in the village of Folha.

Hiruzen was a student of the First and Second Hokage.

As his unique ability, we can cite the transformation of the monkey Enma into a stick,

Of an incredible resistance almost unbreakable, that had the capacity to cut anything.

Minato was the fourth Leaf Hokage.

He became known as a prodigy, who is born one with each generation.

Minato holds the highest scoring record at the Academy.

His unique technique I can cite the Rasengan that everyone knows was very powerful.

And I just did not use Hiraishin in Jutsu, because it was not his only technique since

Tobirama who invented the technique.

Tobirama Senju was the younger brother of Hashirama Senju.

He was named the Second Hokage after Hashirama's death.

Tobirama Senju was known as a genius.

He has developed numerous techniques on his own.

Like Edo Tensei, Hiraishin no Jutsu among others.

But as his unique ability, I will mention his mastery of water-type Jutsu, none

Another Hokage managed to overtake him in that matter.

She was the fifth Leaf Hokage.

Tsunade was part of the legendary Sannin.

She is very powerful and possesses an insane force and great reserves of chakra.

Tsunade's unique ability was to have awakened the Byakugo technique, which almost made her immortal

During their battles.

Hashirama was the first Leaf Hokage.

He founded the village with his best friend and rival, Uchiha Madara.

Hashirama was a very powerful shinobi, who was respected all over the world shinobi.

He also became known as "God of Shinobi" And as everyone knows his ability

Unique was the powerful Mokuton, a technique that had the release of wood and was a

Of the strongest in the anime.


Dream never give up...

He was the son of the Fourth Hokage and became the seventh Leaf Hokage

Naruto has the nine tails sealed inside him and managed to control her power completely

But I will consider as his unique ability the power he receives from Hagoromo in the Fourth Ninja War

Making the Hokage the single most powerful skill in anime.

Well this was the video of today, if you have a different opinion, comment there for us to debate in the comments

And do not forget to download the Naruto Amino app, choose the theme of the next video here on the channel

And now let's go to the Salves of the 3 MYTHS of Today

#I am Preparing My Cabinet o /

For more infomation >> TOP 7 HOKAGE com a Habilidade Única mais PODEROSA🎓 | Canal TOP 10 🙌 - Duration: 6:16.


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Title Reveal & Behind The Scenes (2018) - Duration: 3:55.

We finally have the name of the new Jurassic

World film.

That was an intro I made myself, pretty cool huh.

Fallen Kingdom is the official title for Jurassic World sequel, roaring into theaters next summer.

Let's go behind the scenes and return to the kingdom.

Remember that sad scene with all the dinosaurs dead in the field because of the Indominus


Well, we're going back.

Shots here show the remaining bones of the apatosaurus and other dinosaurs that were

killed in the gyrosphere valley.

The gyrosphere was a free roaming ride that took visitors through herds of dinosaurs but

now is a graveyard as Owen and Claire return to the island.

These scenes were filmed in Hawaii and it seems like they are trying to get the remaining

animals off of the island like they did in The Lost World.

Here we can see the remains of a crashed helicopter as well as those beautiful Mercedes vehicles

which should still be fully operational.

Another surprise/potential spoiler is the original Jurassic Park Jeep has been spotted

on set, does this mean their will be flashbacks?

Let's take a closer look at this Jeep.

See that #4 right there?

That is the same number as the Jeep in Jurassic Park but there were two of them in the movie,

#5 Alan Grant was inside, that must mean #4 was in front and we all know the kids were

in that vehicle, the same vehicle the T-Rex destroyed in Jurassic Park.

What could the filmmakers be up to with this vehicle?!

I have no idea, but I am more anxious than ever now to see!

Just as promised there will be plenty of animatronics in the film as we can see a triceratops laying

down behind the scenes and what seems like an ankylosaurus and here is a giant stegosaurus

which is clearly seen as well as a peek of the dinosaur caged up.

Everyone's favorite slime spitting demon dinosaur the dilophosaurus is set to make it's return

in this film.

There are a couple of large dinosaurs also caged up and many of the sets have been recreated.

Here is your first look at Claire back on set in a forest, not very tropical looking

which now moves us to the estate of Benjamin Lockwood who was John Hammonds mysterious

business partner who played an important part in extracting the DNA out of the misquito.

On set photos show a lavish property and a front piece for his mansion which will likely

be finished in CGI.

There are also rumors swirling around that the story will focus on a volcano on the island

that threatens the life of all who remain there, nothing has been confirmed but if so

could this be the end of Jurassic World or will the humans save the dinosaurs from extinction?

The film is said to be the darkest and scariest yet, what do you want to see happen in the

movie, leave your comment down below

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom stomps into theaters on June 22, 2018 and we can't wait,

we've got plenty of Jurassic World news coming your way, hit that subscribe button so you

don't miss out on our next update and watch more videos here!

For more infomation >> Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Title Reveal & Behind The Scenes (2018) - Duration: 3:55.


Kate,William Divorce: Duke and Duchess Leaving, Charlotte?Couple Travelling India Save Marriage? - Duration: 2:24.

Kate Middleton, Prince William Divorce: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Leaving Prince George,

Princess Charlotte?

Royal Couple Travelling To India to Save Marriage?

Kate Middleton and Prince William have been plagued with several rumors ever since they

confirmed that they were together.

Now, new reports claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are leaving kids Prince

George and Prince Charlotte for a week.

reported that Kate Middleton and Prince William will be leaving for India.

However, while the Duchess would clearly want to travel with the Royal youngsters, the Palace

discouraged the couple from making it a family trip.

One of the reasons why Palace did not allow the Royal kids to join the India trip is because

they know that having two children under three will never be fun for Kate Middleton and Prince

William even when they have a lot of caretakers to help out.

Another reason is Prince George's schooling.

To recall, it has been reported early this year that Prince George has already started

attending nursery school where the little Royal is adjusting pleasantly and meeting

new pals.

The entertainment news website suggested that disrupting Prince George in his schooling

is not a good idea at all.

Prince William and Kate Middleton having second honeymoon to save marriage

When the new about Royal couple's trip to India broke, some fans started to speculate

that this has something to do with the rumored divorce.

While reports suggest that Kate Middleton and Prince William are doing some Royal duties

during their trip, some say they need this time to save their marriage.

Parent Herald previously reported that Kate Middleton and Prince William were not in good

terms last Holy Week.

Prince William has reportedly met his ex, Jecca Craig, during his visit to Kenya.

Rumors have it that Kate Middleton was so upset that she skipped the Royal family's

Easter Sunday mass.

Aside from that, the couple has been reportedly fighting over and over again because of Jecca


Do you think it is good for Kate Middleton and Prince William to leave Prince George

and Princess Charlotte?

Do you think Kate Middleton and Prince William are heading to a divorce?

Share to us your thoughts in the comment section below.

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> Kate,William Divorce: Duke and Duchess Leaving, Charlotte?Couple Travelling India Save Marriage? - Duration: 2:24.


سیمای آزادی - Duration: 9:39:49.

For more infomation >> سیمای آزادی - Duration: 9:39:49.


mark jefferson is a psychopath [LiS] - Duration: 0:24.


Don't do this...

For more infomation >> mark jefferson is a psychopath [LiS] - Duration: 0:24.


Rifleman IIC Daktek Promotional Video - Duration: 6:49.

Clan Rifleman IIC Prime Battlemech

Cockpit Seat

Clan Beagle Active Probe

Clan XL Engine Fusion Reactor Core

2x Clan Large Pulse Lasers

2x Clan Large Pulse Lasers

Mech Control Group (Coding and Wiring)

Clan ER Small Laser and Heatsinks

Jump Jets

All Systems Nominal!

For more infomation >> Rifleman IIC Daktek Promotional Video - Duration: 6:49.


Shay Attias, Israel's best Ambassador in a breathtaking speech - Duration: 16:11.


That is it, I finished

Good evening, everyone. How are you felling today?

Since this is my second time, that Pastor Sandor and

Faith Church generously invited me today. I promise

to myself, at least to know one word in Hungarian.

We can put the presentation on, guys.

I am telling you, the world is blind today.

We know sometimes, we see people that simple don't

understand. Do you know this feeling?

Doesn't matter how much you try to explain them.

Doesn't matter how you try to give them an example.

The simple do not want to listen, right?

My organization Shuval Global Diplomacy put as swear in

front of him, as a vision in front of him to open the

eyes of the world about Israel.

My history began, a long time ago. My personal history.

There is a Romanian family here in Europe, that suffered the

the anti-Semitism. In fact, almost all the family were

killed by the Nazis. The Holocaust the God is

Willing, the God is sick. They survive and the rest of

the family moved to Israel.

And in the same time, in the same time that is happened.

On the other part of the world, there was one

Moroccan family with his little boy, that his name

was Joseph. And after the World War 2, and the Nazis.

They were in Moroccan and killed Jews well there.

Many people don't know that.

They left everything that they had and moved to…


Well, friends.

These are my two parents.

Joseph and Tamy and they came all the way to Israel.

And this is the personal history of Israel.

Jewish people came back for all over the world to the

promise land that Abraham got from God.

They didn't get the promise from UNESCO.

They didn't get the promise from the United Nation.

They got from the Big Boss, guys.

I am sure, that's why will be definitely ok.

And you know, I came here, and saw the Succa on the left.

And I am telling you,you know they say that God is sleeping

in Jerusalem, every night after he had a busy day.

He is going to sleep in Jerusalem, right?

I have a feeling that God confused and came to Budapest

Today, to the Faith,because this is look here, better

than Israel today.

And you know, we are living in this world that we have

all this, you know, social media, google, amazon,

instagram and a many beautiful words, empty and

doesn't do actually anything in the real life and that's

why what Pastor Sandor is doing with you every week is

so important. Because everywhere where that a Jews

was been persecuted or were been boycotted or by the new

manipulation that they call anti-israelism, there is a

boycott in God. You can't cut in the middle and say ok,

I love God, but I don't like Israel. There is Bible, there

is God and there is Israel.

And I want to tell that is A very, very special evening

for me today.

I don't know if you remember Pastor Nemeth, but I've been

here a year ago. It's amazing because we didn't planed but

I actually have been here in the last year in October.

It is about the same time, and I very happy that member

a Kenesset Ilatov is here today, from the Knesset Israel

as well.

And if you can see my presentation, where I show

something about his personality, and in the

first time I came back from this Faith church I swore to

myself that I am going to take this love, and this

scare of each and every one of you take it to my hands

and thrower to Jerusalem to give them this power that you

haven here. Can you see this screen?

Can you see this screen? Can you put it here as well.

Yeah, thank you God.

Pastor Sandor Nemeth got an official acknowledgment from

the Knesset of Israel, and got a special proclamation

for been a special Ambassador to Israel. This is your

Pastor, ladies and gentlemen, and he deserves

a lot of love, support that this special person to

Israel, will be stronger and stronger and stronger.

Thank you Sandor.

The map of Israel.

If you look the map of Israel. And it is very

important to you know that, as a member of a Knesset

Ilatov address early and before that, Sandor

spoke so articular about what is happen in Israel.

Israel is really under serious attack.

If you will see the map of Israel for a second.

You will see that. Map please come here, God.

Thank you God. We can see that the world today, not

only delegitimized Israel by same bad things about Israel

but also asking us to go back and to rethrowed to 67

border. Before we go to the map. I don't

understand how can you rethrow from the Promise

Land that supposed to be your Homeland, but no. The world

say you have to give it way. Give it back to the people

owns this land. They want of us to give way the Golan

Heights, give way the Judea and Samaria.

The ancient capital of David King Kingdom, where the Mount

of Blessing is giving us yours blessings all the time.

But if you will leave the Bible connection side for

a second, just a second please, don't be mad me

it`s very hard but let's try

to put this glass of liberalism and try to

understand these crazy mind of the people, that sit in

the Unesco. It's very hard.

Please tell me, why is Golan Heights, why is Judea and

Samaria. Why they are so dangerous to the State of

Israel, to give it way? Let us try to make it simple.

Don't worry; you don't have to be national security

expert. The Golan Heights is Mount, that's right.

Judea and Samaria are Mounts, What there once and when we

want to occupied places,What do you looking for the most?

Thank you, high places.

So, can you image yourself between the Golan and Judea

and Samaria, we have 80 percent from the Israeli


We don't need to be expert or politician or professor to

understand that. And least, a area of 449 it's right.

I can promise you, that I can take you right now with me to

the Middle East, and I will show you mothers like exactly

in the area of 449 in the Bible, mothers that send

the own babies to commit suicide. You can image

yourself. Taking the baby that you have created and we

got the privilege to created and thrower to them actually

to the fire and flames. My happiest moment in my life,

was when I actually understood that what happen

is was the moment when I woke up on Saturday morning and

saw my wife breastfed my first baby girl.

By the way, she is here. This is the first time that's my

wife came with me. First time that she joined me.

So, my conclusion is that we don't want to wait the United

Nation to wake up. We have to do the job.

And this minister, this Church, is one of the most

pratical church that I have ever seen, and the crowder

here is prayer, is foundation here, but it's not enough.

We have to do, we have to go Israel, we have to advocate,

We have to do by your deeds Show me by your deeds, right?

Not only by words.

That's why faith is so important and special for me.

And I wanna show you just one short video, I have 3

short videos but since we don't have time, I wanna show

you the last video for today. About how only one single

person can make a difference. And then you can think

between you and yourself how important each and everyone

of you is to Israel. Let's see the movie of

Nicholas Winton.

All the letters

<i>Right here is the list of all the children, this is Vera</i>

<i>Diamant now Vera Gissing. We did find her name in his</i>

<i>list. Vera Gissing</i>

<i>What I say tonight, Vera, that I should tell you that </i>

<i>you are actually sitting next to Nicholas Winton.</i>

<i>I think this is so wonderful, This is so tempting </i>

<i>tempting touching.</i>

<i>Could you stand up please.</i>

And, you know I thing I have seen this movie a hundred

times, And I am so emotional. Who are so dedicated and

scarified so much to the State of Israel. I personally

only are thirty six old but have past to many wars and to

many operations. And I have lost friends in the battles.

But every time, I came to Europe, and in the

immigration check point is asking me for my passport.

I spread my hand and I say this is my passport.

And this is the proof of God as well, and no matter what

will be the size of the enemy that want to confront

Israel. You can confront God. Thank you.

So, I wanna finished with the pray.

It's a good place to pray, that's right?

It's a very special pray, because every Shabat dinner,

when Alina and myself with ours two babies girls sitting after the sun go down,

with the candles for Shabat. The first pray we say is to

pray for peace. Can you image yourself?

Thirty six years old and said a few words, and praying

every Shabat for peace.

This is the power to the Jews people.

And this is the power of every sons of God.

The power of you and the power me to destroyed any

tread on God.

Oseh shalom bimromav God will give me peace on

the sky. He will do peace with the murse in the high

in the sky. And everyone should say Amen.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Shay Attias, Israel's best Ambassador in a breathtaking speech - Duration: 16:11.


Patada de cárcel del portero de Ghana a Dwyer - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Patada de cárcel del portero de Ghana a Dwyer - Duration: 0:46.


Chainmaille Tools - What Tools Do I Need to Learn Chain Mail? - Duration: 2:19.

In this lesson, I will be talking about chainmaille tools.

To start out in chainmaille, all you need are two sets of pliers.

Technically, needle nose pliers are thinner, finer versions of chain nose pliers. This

description does not always apply, however, since there are so many manufacturers of so

many different styles and sizes of pliers.

First, round nose pliers won't work in chainmaille.

They are actually for curling and wrapping wire.

They don't allow for a good strong grip on jump rings, which is absolutely essential

in chainmaille.

So when shopping for pliers, make sure that you're buying chain nose, needle nose or even

tapered flat nose pliers.

One of the most important considerations is the surface texture of the pliers' jaw.

Ideally, you will want flat, non-marking pliers as opposed to the pliers with ribbed or serrated


You can see the difference here between the two surfaces.

Using pliers that have toothy jaws is a sure fire way to mar the smooth appearance of your

jump rings.

Pliers with a smooth inside surface have a much smaller chance of damaging your metals

while you work.

The next factor to consider is the width of the plier tips.

I recommend using pliers with tips that are no wider than 2mm.

I personally rarely use anything larger than 1.5mm.

This allows you so much more maneuverability, especially when working with smaller jump


And finally, although this may not impact you much at first, you will definitely notice

the handle style of your pliers after a while, especially if you're working on a time-intensive


Wherever possible, I like to use pliers that have ergonomic handles or gel handles that

conform to the shape of my grip.

I'm a huge fan of these gel pliers, partially because they're super comfortable, but I'm

not gonna lie!

They're also great fun to play with!

For more infomation >> Chainmaille Tools - What Tools Do I Need to Learn Chain Mail? - Duration: 2:19.


Learn English Words - SANGUINE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.

Sanguine optimistic, hopeful, or confident about the future

Although the economy is looking better, we should still not be too sanguine about the


You can tell by the big smile on her fact that she has a sanguine temperament!

Despite the fact the soldiers have not been home in eight months, they are still sanguine

about seeing their families soon.

It amazes me how having cancer does not prevent him from being sanguine!

Since the doctor had told Sharon she could leave the hospital in two days, she was feeling

quite sanguine about her recovery.

Sanguine optimistic, hopeful, or confident about the future

Sanguine optimistic, hopeful, or confident about the future

Sanguine optimistic, hopeful, or confident about the future

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - SANGUINE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


Björk - Desired Constellation (Sub) - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Björk - Desired Constellation (Sub) - Duration: 4:20.


Ecoegg Set of 2 Instant Stain Remover - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> Ecoegg Set of 2 Instant Stain Remover - Duration: 9:05.


We're Doing This - Letters to July - Duration: 1:28.

Dear July,

Apparently we're doing this.

I've never felt any particular affinity to you as a month.

In childhood you were a time for family vacations and Summer Camp, for extended sewing projects

and lazy days by the pool.

July has always been a fly over month for me.

A month to get through the flurry of excitement at the beginning of summer in June

and the tons and tons of activity getting ready for the new school year in the end of


I haven't really been out of school long enough to have feelings of July.

So July, I don't really know who you are.

What you are?

My life lately has been a series of transitions, and this month is shaping up to the the most

transition-y of them all.

So we'll see how this goes.

Love, Rachel

For more infomation >> We're Doing This - Letters to July - Duration: 1:28.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Temple of Hotmogu Brawl - Enhancement Shaman OWNS! - Duration: 7:33.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Temple of Hotmogu Brawl - Enhancement Shaman OWNS!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - Temple of Hotmogu Brawl - Enhancement Shaman OWNS! - Duration: 7:33.


We're Doing This - Letters to July - Duration: 1:28.

Dear July,

Apparently we're doing this.

I've never felt any particular affinity to you as a month.

In childhood you were a time for family vacations and Summer Camp, for extended sewing projects

and lazy days by the pool.

July has always been a fly over month for me.

A month to get through the flurry of excitement at the beginning of summer in June

and the tons and tons of activity getting ready for the new school year in the end of


I haven't really been out of school long enough to have feelings of July.

So July, I don't really know who you are.

What you are?

My life lately has been a series of transitions, and this month is shaping up to the the most

transition-y of them all.

So we'll see how this goes.

Love, Rachel

For more infomation >> We're Doing This - Letters to July - Duration: 1:28.


Rates Increase For NTTA Toll Roads - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Rates Increase For NTTA Toll Roads - Duration: 0:24.


WE LOST EACH OTHER - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> WE LOST EACH OTHER - Duration: 6:41.


Creatively Blocked - Duration: 3:13.

Hi, it's me, I'm back, this is my face.

So, I wrote a script for a video uh um this week, this past week, and I typed it all up

and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go ahead with it or not.

Um, it's about something pretty controversial.

I don't really know how I feel about it.

I don't really know that I like it.

I don't really know that I want to put it out there.

I think I've sort of come to the conclusion that it - it doesn't say anything new, it

doesn't say anything that I haven't already heard other people say about the subject,

and so therefore it's like - you know, what are my intentions with putting that out there,

like am I just looking to rustle up some controversy or like what's my deal?

I don't know if I'm gonna go ahead with that.

I'm thinking maybe now, but um in the meanwhile I don't really know what I do want to make

or like what my next video is gonna be because I was kind of like - I prepared that script

this past week being like, okay this is the video I'm going to like shoot on the weekend

and this is like my next - my next video, and um kind of all week I've been thinking

about like, oh, like what's my next video gonna be?

What are my next few videos gonna be?

And I've like had ideas but then I haven't liked my ideas.

I've just been creatively blocked recently, which I guess happens to everyone, um I just

feel like I'm not really that interested in any of my ideas right now, I'm not having

a whole lot of ideas, I'm just feeling kind of like stuck um and just not really going

anywhere [laughs], which is tricky, you know, when you're supposed to be making like regular

content on your YouTube channel to sort of get to a place where you're like, I don't

like any of my ideas for what I want to make.

One thing that I have decided to do is um start the Artist's Way because I think that

um will help with the blocked stuff, but I also think that uh it would be really like

interesting to sort of show my journey with that on my channel and - and sort of work

through that and like make it a part of YouTube in a way because my main channel right now

is like all about like poetry and creativity and art and things like that, and so I feel

like that would be appropriate.

Maybe you'll be seeing some stuff like that soon, um but yeah, essentially, like, I think

everybody comes to these points where you're just feeling kind of stumped and like you're

just not really able to create stuff um at the speed you want to or whatever.

Apparently, if I start writing these awful things called "Morning Pages," [laughs] which

I've tried before and had a really hard time doing, apparently if I start doing that it

will help a little bit with the blocked stuff, so we'll see.

Kay, we're gonna do like a cool outro thing, are you ready for this?


Oh, you can still see my eye!


For more infomation >> Creatively Blocked - Duration: 3:13.


Message for your night 1 July - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Message for your night 1 July - Duration: 1:04.


Shooba Minceraft - Duration: 20:57.

Leafi, Little Sister, Shooba

I never though about it that way

I could have told you that a loong time ago

Did an alien get you that computer?

No, I bought it from an alien.

Be quiet, human!


I think it's soon to be day



Oh, really?

That's such a creative name!

So he's undercover?

I think the sky's getting lighter

What is your difficulty set to...

If you're scared of Endermen

Jumping out and attacking you?

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