(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.
I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory.
Today, Gloria and Kellie Copeland encourage you
to use faith, not fear, to overcome the strategies
of the devil and achieve everything God has
anointed you to accomplish for His kingdom.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. Kellie's back. She's got more good
news for us today so get your Bible. And we're going
to hear something good. KELLIE: Amen. GLORIA: Welcome, Kellie.
Thank you for-- KELLIE: Thank you, Mother. GLORIA:
--preaching and teaching this day. KELLIE: Well, you know,
we love the Word, and we love sharing it. GLORIA: We love
it. KELLIE: I just happened to catch a scripture here.
I wasn't planning on reading this, but it
says that--Jesus is saying, "I will proclaim your name to my
brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your assembled
people." And it really just had not occurred to me till just a
second ago that He--that's what we do. I mean, He does the same
thing that we do. He proclaims the name of the Lord and praises
Him to His brothers and sisters. And so it's an honor to do what
Jesus does. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: What would Jesus do? He
would do what we're about to do right now. (Laughs) GLORIA:
Really, proclaim God's Word. KELLIE: Proclaim His Word,
proclaim His goodness, proclaim our freedom. We're talking this
week and next week about living free from fear, living a life
free from fear. And that's not a one-time thing that you do and
then you're just done with fear. Fear is Satan's doorway to your
life. GLORIA: He lies. He lies. KELLIE: He's a liar. His weapon
is fear. If he can get you to fear it, he can have more
opportunity to bring it into your life. GLORIA: If he can get
you in fear, your faith's automatically neutralized. And
we don't want that. And what does he come to do? Give--do
good for us? KELLIE: No. GLORIA: No. He's come to kill, steal,
and destroy. We don't give him any place in Jesus' name. Amen?
KELLIE: Amen. We--yesterday, you took authority over fear. And we
are standing on that prayer still. GLORIA: Yes, that's
right. KELLIE: Yesterday, we talked about letting the Lord
diagnose you. We're going to talk about that some more,
but--later in the week--but letting Him tell you, "Hey,
you've got fear there." I started to tell yesterday--I
started to tell about, God diagnosed me with some fear.
And--this week, two days ago. Let's be real honest. (Laughs)
And it's--I mean, it's okay. It's not okay to have fear, but
it's okay for-- GLORIA: You've got to deal with it. KELLIE: We
have to deal with it. And to pretend as though somehow we get
to this place where we're immune to fear is the day that we start
letting it in because we're not paying attention. We have to pay
attention. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: We don't let stuff sneak
in. You know, even in--in the Word, when it talks about the
parable of the wheat and the tares? GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: It
says where--where Jesus planted a wheat, the enemy came in
secretly, it says, and planted a weed. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: So
we have to be aware of that. GLORIA: That's a good analogy.
KELLIE: If it wasn't secret, it wouldn't be secret. I don't
know. Does that make sense? I mean, Jesus is the one that said
that. GLORIA: Well, this might be scary, but I understood it.
KELLIE: Well, good. Give me--(Both Laugh) Give me a
fist-bump there, Mama. Yeah, because it's--we have to be
aware of the--of the enemy's devises. And everywhere in the
Word, and especially when the Lord starts talking about the
end times, He says you need to pay attention. GLORIA: Pay
attention. KELLIE: You need to be alert. You need to be aware.
So just thinking, "Oh, I've done that. I don't need to hear
this," no, we need to always be open to the Lord's correction.
And right now, He's bringing correction like never before.
And people may think, "Man, is my life--what is up? It just
seems like so much is--I'm getting--needing so much
correction." Well, I don't--it may or may not be that you've
gotten worse. Ha-ha. If you're after the Lord, you probably
haven't gotten worse. GLORIA: One thing it helps to remember
is you cannot be in fear and faith at the same time. KELLIE:
That's right. GLORIA: And if you're not in faith, you're not
in the supernatural. You're living a natural, carnal, just
"help-yourself, devil" life. But we don't have fear. KELLIE:
That's right. GLORIA: We've faith. We choose faith. You and
I, Kellie, all of us, we choose faith. We choose to believe God
and not to fear. And we take authority over fear. Amen?
KELLIE: Amen. And as you practice these things, it gets
easier. GLORIA: Oh, you just--it becomes a natural way of life
to-- KELLIE: And even in-- GLORIA: --not doubt. KELLIE:
That's right. And even as you practice these things, you
recognize--you're more open to the Lord to recognize fear.
GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: But if you don't choose before the Lord
to be corrected in these things, you can just assume, "No, I'm
good. I listened to--I was at church. I listened to my faith
message this week. I listened to Gloria Copeland on podcast."
GLORIA: Well, that's good, but... KELLIE: It's good, but
you have to always be before the Father for Him to diagnose you.
And so I was doing--I was worshiping the Lord the other
day. I had--my last Saturday. Nobody was home, you know. I
have five kids, and they're all over the place. But there were
no grandkids there. My six-year-old was gone.
My--nobody was--nobody was there. I was just by myself. So
I spent the whole day just really before the Lord, and just
worshiped, spending time with Him. I got a new porch swing. I
was trying that one out. I like that. And so I just had a great
day with Him. But, there was just a lot of stuff felt like it
was weighing me down. We talked yesterday--even I could diagnose
this one--if you feel weighed down, you're carrying the care.
GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. KELLIE: And if you feel weighed
down or you have concerns, it's just another way to put fear.
It's just another word for fear. GLORIA: Yeah, that's true.
KELLIE: Make sure that you don't gloss over it with a different
word. If the Lord diagnosed you, call it what it is and then get
rid of it. Rebuke fear because-- GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: --the Lord
told us to stand against fear. Because when we have fear, He
can't help us. GLORIA: Fear tolerated-- TOGETHER: --is faith
contaminated. KELLIE: And it weakens your faith, and your
faith will not work. GLORIA: Just won't have that. KELLIE:
And if you're not aware of it, then you don't know why your
faith's not working, and it can lead you to think, "Well, you
know, God must not want me to have this." Or Satan will lead
you down that road or lead you down the road of, you know,
"Well, God's just not hearing your prayer," or "You're so in
sin that God can't love you," or blah, blah, blah. He's such a
liar. GLORIA: He is. KELLIE: Because fear, though, is an open
door to all those lies. So that's kind of where I want to
go off today, is, in Hebrews, it talks about that. I've got--I've
got the Gloria Copeland method of "version after version after
version" for you today because we are going to get this. Amen?
GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: So let's look at Hebrews 2. And there's a
couple of great verses that I want to read, and then we want
to get to Verse 15. But Hebrews 2:1-2 says, "So we must listen
very carefully to the truth we've heard--" That's a good
word for today. GLORIA: Hebrews what? KELLIE: Sorry, 2; Verse 1
and 2. "--or we may drift away from it." So if you don't listen
carefully, if you don't grasp carefully, then you can drift
away. And "drift away" means that you don't notice that
you're going far away. Have you ever drifted away from the dock
in a life raft? I mean, in a--on a float or been in a boat and
drifted away from the shore? It's easy when you get into a
current that takes you somewhere. And you know, the
current of the world and the current of your lives, it would
like to take you away-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --from what you
know. GLORIA: Now, is that Hebrews 1 you just read? KELLIE:
No, that was Hebrews 2. GLORIA: It was 2:1. KELLIE: Verse 1.
GLORIA: "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to
the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let
them slip." We can't let our faith slip, our words slip, our
determination slip, the things we're believing God for. We
can't let it slip. We can't talk it away. If you're believing God
for something and you believe you've received it, which is
what the Bible says, then you stay with that. And when the
devil says, "You're not going to get your healing," you know you
already got it. You got it from the Word of God. "And I'm
staying with it in Jesus' name." Amen? KELLIE: Amen. GLORIA:
Don't quit. KELLIE: It's crucial. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE:
This--The Passion Translation-- GLORIA: Life depends on it.
KELLIE: It does. And sometimes has in our lives. I mean, I
think sometimes people think, "Well, you're in the ministry,
things go great for them." You know, we've had hard--we've had
some-- GLORIA: You think the devil said-- KELLIE: --strong
battles! GLORIA: You think the devil says, "Ugh, they're in the
ministry. I just won't bother with them"? KELLIE: "They're
too--" GLORIA: Not hardly. KELLIE: "--they're too strong
for me." (Both Laugh) I tell you, we're going to get to the
point where he, like, runs away. GLORIA: We just don't give him
any place. KELLIE: And he feels like we're too strong for us--
GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: --for him. The Passion said, "This is why
it's so crucial that we be all the more engaged and attentive
to the truths--" GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: "--that we have heard so
we do not drift off course. For if the message of the laws
spoken and confirmed by angels brought a penalty to every
disobedient violation, how should we expect to escape
punishment if we despise the very truths that give us life?"
When it says "punishment," how are we supposed to escape, you
know, the snare-- GLORIA: You could say, "the curse." KELLIE:
--of the enemy-- TOGETHER: The curse. GLORIA: That's out there.
KELLIE: --without paying attention to the salvation that
He provided for us. This says, "The message God delivered
through angels has always stood firm." GLORIA: That's right.
KELLIE: This Word will stand firm. It's--the stuff out here
is not firm. And if we're standing on this stuff out here
and the stuff that goes on, we're not firm. That's the story
of the man that built his house on the rock. GLORIA: Yeah,
that's right. KELLIE: You know, when you build your house on
sand, sand moves, sand shifts. So what do you have your house
built on? If you're looking at circumstances, those bring fear.
And it puts your house at risk. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: But if
you're standing on this that does not change-- GLORIA: Thank
God for the Word. KELLIE: --it remains faithful, God remains
true. GLORIA: Yes, amen. KELLIE: Jesus remains true to you. And
even when we miss it, if you're looking at Him, He'll get you
corrected. If we're standing in faith, looking at Jesus,
allowing Him to talk to us, worshiping Him, He will get
us--it may take a while sometimes, but He'll get it
across to us. Like He did to me just this weekend, He said, "You
are--you've got a lot of fear." And I had no idea. I thought I
just had concerns. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: And one of them was
Jenny leaving to go to the Middle East to a very, in the
natural, unsafe country. And I didn't realize I was in fear. I
was just going along because I had already done--I had already
dealt with that. I had already quoted about that. I had already
prayed about--prayed for her. GLORIA: Hold fast. KELLIE: But I
realized that even over her trip this time, the prayers that I
prayed, my faith was not as engaged as I thought it was
because I had fear and I didn't know it. But, boy, when I
took--I took authority over fear and got it out, the next time
when I was with Jenny the next day, and I started to talk to
her about something about her trip, and I mean, the word of
the Lord started coming about angels and protection, and I
mean, there was a fiery purpose. Actually, I think I prayed for
her on her--our way to the airport. And it just, bwooo,
came out. GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: That's what happened when
Lyndsey was in the hospital, Mom. Lyndsey was in the
hospital. They said she had meningitis. You've probably
heard this story. I'll make it short. But she was totally out
of it. And lots of kids had died from meningitis. And the second
the doctor said the word, "meningitis" --and they had
taken her, done a spinal tap on her--I just felt that--I felt
like incapacitated. And I turned around and left that room and
walked into the hallway. I'm sure the doctor thought, "What
is wrong with that woman?" But I just turned around, left her in
there, walked into the hallway, and I--it's like all the word
that was in me for healing and freedom and deliverance, it was
all in there, but I couldn't--I was not being able to pull any
of it up. I just felt bound up. And I literally felt like if you
put a vice around somebody and grabbed them and couldn't move
your arms. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: And my sister walked up
to me, and she said, "What is it?" And I said--I didn't even
answer her. I just--sometimes, man, being in good company is
really helpful. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: I said, "I refuse to
fear!" And all of a sudden, it was like this--the--the bonds
that were on me were gone. GLORIA: Chains broke off.
KELLIE: And it was like that thing just left, like it was
very weak, when all it took was that declaration of refusal. I
made a choice. I chose--when Jesus said to Mary--to Martha
that Mary had "chosen" that good thing, the thing that would be
to her advantage-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: -I chose to
refuse that. And I mean, all of a sudden, out of my belly
starts--I'm like--I don't even remember what all I rattled off
to my sister. GLORIA: It's victory. KELLIE: But it was
coming out of me. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: I said, "There's blood
between me and Jesus over Lyndsey! She's healed by His
stripes--blah blah blah, blah, blah--she'll live and not die."
You know, the things you know you want to say when the time is
needful, they had--I had to refuse fear for those things to
come out. So I was in bondage until I refused to have the
fear. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And so that's talked
about here in Hebrews. So it says, in--I just want to point
out--because all the time that we're talking about fear, I want
us to keep a good handle on Jesus because He's the one that
defeated fear. And as we're talking, and I'm talking about
being free from fear, I'm talking about the only real way
to be free from fear is to keep your eyes on Him and to realize
His salvation-- GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: --and to believe in His
salvation. GLORIA: Be full of faith. KELLIE: Believe in Him.
It doesn't even--it means you don't even have to have all the
right answers at any moment. We're going to see that in the
next few weeks. You don't even have to have all the right
answers. If you're looking at Him, He'll give them to you.
That's what He is. That's Who He is. But I just--I wanted--this
point proves that, so I want to read this. It says, in Verse 9--
GLORIA: Of what chapter? KELLIE: --of Hebrews 2:9, it says, "by
God's grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone." GLORIA: Yes, He
did. KELLIE: "God, for whom and through whom everything was
made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was
only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a
perfect leader." A perfect leader. I just wanted to bring
that out. He's a perfect leader, like He led me just this week
with that pointing out that fear I had. He led me through it like
He did with Lyndsey. He led me through that place to what I
needed to say, needed to do. He gave me the words, and we got
through it. She was healed just within 24 hours. GLORIA: Praise
God. KELLIE: No, within 12 hours she was free. Isn't that good?
GLORIA: It is awesome. KELLIE: And that was a miracle. GLORIA:
So grateful. KELLIE: Oh, I am. It says, "A perfect leader--" We
should put this on our mirror. "He's a perfect leader, fit to
bring me into my salvation." GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And
that doesn't just mean-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE:
--accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. That's just saying,
"Okay, I'll follow you, Jesus." That's just getting yourself in
line. That's--sometimes we think salvation, that that was the day
I got saved. GLORIA: It is salvation from sin, it is
salvation from different things, but it's salvation from the
curse too, the poverty, sickness, disease. KELLIE: Every
day. GLORIA: Salvation encompasses--that Jesus got for
us encompasses everything good and dumps everything bad.
KELLIE: Oh, everything. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: You did a
series that I just remember. I haven't even listened to it in a
long time. I need to go back and listen to it, called "So Great
Salvation." GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: Whoo! GLORIA: Amen.
KELLIE: Man-- GLORIA: He is a great salvation. KELLIE:
--just-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: When you get saved, the
day you get saved, you position Him to lead you through to your
salvation every day for the rest of your life. GLORIA: That's
right. Now you have to pay attention. KELLIE: You do.
GLORIA: I mean, He's going to be talking to you. You have to keep
the Word going in your eyes and your ears where it gets into
your heart, and faith is there. And then you pay attention to
what you're hearing in your spirit and what the written Word
says, and you'll be safe. KELLIE: You do the dos-- GLORIA:
Yep, that's right. KELLIE: --that your leader tells you.
GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: You know, following the leader.
GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: That's what the life of--with
God is all about. And it's certainly what a life of freedom
in Him, freedom from fear, freedom from sickness, freedom
from-- GLORIA: Oh, my goodness. You don't have to be afraid of
anything. KELLIE: Ugh. And we don't because we have somebody
to follow. says, "He is the perfect leader--" This is in
the New Living. "--fit to bring them into their salvation." So
now Jesus and the ones He makes holy, that is us. We have the
same Father. And that is why Jesus is not ashamed to call you
and I His brothers and sisters, His equal. We have the same
Father. And Jesus leads us through everything. Jesus speaks
to us the words of the Father. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: We
have a Father who loves us. That's one reason not to be
afraid. You have a Father Who loves you. Knowing that, knowing
that love casts out fear because He loves you, and He sent Jesus.
He sent his Son Jesus. Jesus did everything-- GLORIA: Yes, He
did. KELLIE: --that it requires to save us. GLORIA: Praise God.
KELLIE: I want to read this note in my Bible. It's the
Spirit-Filled Life Bible. It says, "The author emphasizes the
genuine humanity of Jesus. The path that He trod as the
suffering redeemer was right, for by this, Jesus was made
perfect. This doesn't mean that Jesus had moral shortcomings,
but that He became perfect or complete as a Savior. Because of
the temptation, He became perfect as a Savior. And by
suffering temptation and death, He qualified as our leader Who's
gone ahead of us to open the way of salvation." GLORIA: Praise
God. KELLIE: I don't know. I just really feel like somebody
today needed to hear that. As we're talking about being free
from fear, there's a reason we can be free from fear. GLORIA:
That's right. KELLIE: It's because of Jesus and keeping
your eyes on Him. And He'll tell you what to do-- GLORIA: And
that He bore the curse-- KELLIE: --and say. GLORIA: --for us. And
every bad thing there is is under the curse. KELLIE: Every
bad thing. GLORIA: So He took care of everything. KELLIE:
Everything. GLORIA: Now all we have to do is receive Him and do
what He says, and He'll take care of everything in our lives.
KELLIE: Mom, there's a worship song that I love that says, "For
every fear there's an empty tomb." GLORIA: Ha-ha, that's
good. KELLIE: Isn't that good? There's no fear-- GLORIA: That's
right. KELLIE: --that wasn't taken care of. GLORIA: That's
right. KELLIE: And it says, in Verse 14, "Because God's
children are human beings--made of flesh and blood--the Son also
became flesh and blood." You know the same kind of flesh and
blood that can be hurt is mine and your flesh and blood. "For
only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he
break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only
in this way could he set free all who had lived their lives as
slaves to the fear of dying." GLORIA: He took the curse for
us. He took it, the whole curse. Everything that--if you look at
Deuteronomy 28 under the curse, every bad thing's under that
curse. Jesus bore it for me, and He bore it for you, and He bore
it for Kellie. He took it. Now, what we do is receive Him, and
we're free. KELLIE: That's right. GLORIA: And we do what He
says, we stay free. Glory to God. KELLIE: And this said,
because of what He went through, He's able to help us when we're
going through anything. There's not anything that you might be
going through, might go through in the future, or might have
gone through-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --that He did not
take care of. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: So there's no
reason to fear when you look at your leader. This says, in
Hebrews 2, these scriptures we just read in the Amplified--this
is the Amplified Classic. There's two Amplifieds now. We
just get more versions and more versions. I love it. But the
Amplified Classic, that's probably the one sitting on your
coffee table, it says, "Since, therefore, these his children
share in flesh and blood in the physical nature of human beings,
He himself in a similar manner partook of the same nature, that
by going through death He might bring to nought," or to nothing,
"and make of no effect him who had the power of death." I love
what Dad says. "He is a big zero. Satan is a big zero." The
devil who's trying to make you afraid is a big zero.
I'm out of time. GLORIA: Yeah, you are. KELLIE: I'm out
of zero time. GLORIA: Yeah, you are. KELLIE: So we
will pick this up tomorrow, but don't go away.
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