Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2017

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory.

Today, Gloria and Kellie Copeland encourage you

to use faith, not fear, to overcome the strategies

of the devil and achieve everything God has

anointed you to accomplish for His kingdom.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory. Kellie's back. She's got more good

news for us today so get your Bible. And we're going

to hear something good. KELLIE: Amen. GLORIA: Welcome, Kellie.

Thank you for-- KELLIE: Thank you, Mother. GLORIA:

--preaching and teaching this day. KELLIE: Well, you know,

we love the Word, and we love sharing it. GLORIA: We love

it. KELLIE: I just happened to catch a scripture here.

I wasn't planning on reading this, but it

says that--Jesus is saying, "I will proclaim your name to my

brothers and sisters. I will praise you among your assembled

people." And it really just had not occurred to me till just a

second ago that He--that's what we do. I mean, He does the same

thing that we do. He proclaims the name of the Lord and praises

Him to His brothers and sisters. And so it's an honor to do what

Jesus does. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: What would Jesus do? He

would do what we're about to do right now. (Laughs) GLORIA:

Really, proclaim God's Word. KELLIE: Proclaim His Word,

proclaim His goodness, proclaim our freedom. We're talking this

week and next week about living free from fear, living a life

free from fear. And that's not a one-time thing that you do and

then you're just done with fear. Fear is Satan's doorway to your

life. GLORIA: He lies. He lies. KELLIE: He's a liar. His weapon

is fear. If he can get you to fear it, he can have more

opportunity to bring it into your life. GLORIA: If he can get

you in fear, your faith's automatically neutralized. And

we don't want that. And what does he come to do? Give--do

good for us? KELLIE: No. GLORIA: No. He's come to kill, steal,

and destroy. We don't give him any place in Jesus' name. Amen?

KELLIE: Amen. We--yesterday, you took authority over fear. And we

are standing on that prayer still. GLORIA: Yes, that's

right. KELLIE: Yesterday, we talked about letting the Lord

diagnose you. We're going to talk about that some more,

but--later in the week--but letting Him tell you, "Hey,

you've got fear there." I started to tell yesterday--I

started to tell about, God diagnosed me with some fear.

And--this week, two days ago. Let's be real honest. (Laughs)

And it's--I mean, it's okay. It's not okay to have fear, but

it's okay for-- GLORIA: You've got to deal with it. KELLIE: We

have to deal with it. And to pretend as though somehow we get

to this place where we're immune to fear is the day that we start

letting it in because we're not paying attention. We have to pay

attention. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: We don't let stuff sneak

in. You know, even in--in the Word, when it talks about the

parable of the wheat and the tares? GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: It

says where--where Jesus planted a wheat, the enemy came in

secretly, it says, and planted a weed. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: So

we have to be aware of that. GLORIA: That's a good analogy.

KELLIE: If it wasn't secret, it wouldn't be secret. I don't

know. Does that make sense? I mean, Jesus is the one that said

that. GLORIA: Well, this might be scary, but I understood it.

KELLIE: Well, good. Give me--(Both Laugh) Give me a

fist-bump there, Mama. Yeah, because it's--we have to be

aware of the--of the enemy's devises. And everywhere in the

Word, and especially when the Lord starts talking about the

end times, He says you need to pay attention. GLORIA: Pay

attention. KELLIE: You need to be alert. You need to be aware.

So just thinking, "Oh, I've done that. I don't need to hear

this," no, we need to always be open to the Lord's correction.

And right now, He's bringing correction like never before.

And people may think, "Man, is my life--what is up? It just

seems like so much is--I'm getting--needing so much

correction." Well, I don't--it may or may not be that you've

gotten worse. Ha-ha. If you're after the Lord, you probably

haven't gotten worse. GLORIA: One thing it helps to remember

is you cannot be in fear and faith at the same time. KELLIE:

That's right. GLORIA: And if you're not in faith, you're not

in the supernatural. You're living a natural, carnal, just

"help-yourself, devil" life. But we don't have fear. KELLIE:

That's right. GLORIA: We've faith. We choose faith. You and

I, Kellie, all of us, we choose faith. We choose to believe God

and not to fear. And we take authority over fear. Amen?

KELLIE: Amen. And as you practice these things, it gets

easier. GLORIA: Oh, you just--it becomes a natural way of life

to-- KELLIE: And even in-- GLORIA: --not doubt. KELLIE:

That's right. And even as you practice these things, you

recognize--you're more open to the Lord to recognize fear.

GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: But if you don't choose before the Lord

to be corrected in these things, you can just assume, "No, I'm

good. I listened to--I was at church. I listened to my faith

message this week. I listened to Gloria Copeland on podcast."

GLORIA: Well, that's good, but... KELLIE: It's good, but

you have to always be before the Father for Him to diagnose you.

And so I was doing--I was worshiping the Lord the other

day. I had--my last Saturday. Nobody was home, you know. I

have five kids, and they're all over the place. But there were

no grandkids there. My six-year-old was gone.

My--nobody was--nobody was there. I was just by myself. So

I spent the whole day just really before the Lord, and just

worshiped, spending time with Him. I got a new porch swing. I

was trying that one out. I like that. And so I just had a great

day with Him. But, there was just a lot of stuff felt like it

was weighing me down. We talked yesterday--even I could diagnose

this one--if you feel weighed down, you're carrying the care.

GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. KELLIE: And if you feel weighed

down or you have concerns, it's just another way to put fear.

It's just another word for fear. GLORIA: Yeah, that's true.

KELLIE: Make sure that you don't gloss over it with a different

word. If the Lord diagnosed you, call it what it is and then get

rid of it. Rebuke fear because-- GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: --the Lord

told us to stand against fear. Because when we have fear, He

can't help us. GLORIA: Fear tolerated-- TOGETHER: --is faith

contaminated. KELLIE: And it weakens your faith, and your

faith will not work. GLORIA: Just won't have that. KELLIE:

And if you're not aware of it, then you don't know why your

faith's not working, and it can lead you to think, "Well, you

know, God must not want me to have this." Or Satan will lead

you down that road or lead you down the road of, you know,

"Well, God's just not hearing your prayer," or "You're so in

sin that God can't love you," or blah, blah, blah. He's such a

liar. GLORIA: He is. KELLIE: Because fear, though, is an open

door to all those lies. So that's kind of where I want to

go off today, is, in Hebrews, it talks about that. I've got--I've

got the Gloria Copeland method of "version after version after

version" for you today because we are going to get this. Amen?

GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: So let's look at Hebrews 2. And there's a

couple of great verses that I want to read, and then we want

to get to Verse 15. But Hebrews 2:1-2 says, "So we must listen

very carefully to the truth we've heard--" That's a good

word for today. GLORIA: Hebrews what? KELLIE: Sorry, 2; Verse 1

and 2. "--or we may drift away from it." So if you don't listen

carefully, if you don't grasp carefully, then you can drift

away. And "drift away" means that you don't notice that

you're going far away. Have you ever drifted away from the dock

in a life raft? I mean, in a--on a float or been in a boat and

drifted away from the shore? It's easy when you get into a

current that takes you somewhere. And you know, the

current of the world and the current of your lives, it would

like to take you away-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --from what you

know. GLORIA: Now, is that Hebrews 1 you just read? KELLIE:

No, that was Hebrews 2. GLORIA: It was 2:1. KELLIE: Verse 1.

GLORIA: "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to

the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let

them slip." We can't let our faith slip, our words slip, our

determination slip, the things we're believing God for. We

can't let it slip. We can't talk it away. If you're believing God

for something and you believe you've received it, which is

what the Bible says, then you stay with that. And when the

devil says, "You're not going to get your healing," you know you

already got it. You got it from the Word of God. "And I'm

staying with it in Jesus' name." Amen? KELLIE: Amen. GLORIA:

Don't quit. KELLIE: It's crucial. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE:

This--The Passion Translation-- GLORIA: Life depends on it.

KELLIE: It does. And sometimes has in our lives. I mean, I

think sometimes people think, "Well, you're in the ministry,

things go great for them." You know, we've had hard--we've had

some-- GLORIA: You think the devil said-- KELLIE: --strong

battles! GLORIA: You think the devil says, "Ugh, they're in the

ministry. I just won't bother with them"? KELLIE: "They're

too--" GLORIA: Not hardly. KELLIE: "--they're too strong

for me." (Both Laugh) I tell you, we're going to get to the

point where he, like, runs away. GLORIA: We just don't give him

any place. KELLIE: And he feels like we're too strong for us--

GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: --for him. The Passion said, "This is why

it's so crucial that we be all the more engaged and attentive

to the truths--" GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: "--that we have heard so

we do not drift off course. For if the message of the laws

spoken and confirmed by angels brought a penalty to every

disobedient violation, how should we expect to escape

punishment if we despise the very truths that give us life?"

When it says "punishment," how are we supposed to escape, you

know, the snare-- GLORIA: You could say, "the curse." KELLIE:

--of the enemy-- TOGETHER: The curse. GLORIA: That's out there.

KELLIE: --without paying attention to the salvation that

He provided for us. This says, "The message God delivered

through angels has always stood firm." GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: This Word will stand firm. It's--the stuff out here

is not firm. And if we're standing on this stuff out here

and the stuff that goes on, we're not firm. That's the story

of the man that built his house on the rock. GLORIA: Yeah,

that's right. KELLIE: You know, when you build your house on

sand, sand moves, sand shifts. So what do you have your house

built on? If you're looking at circumstances, those bring fear.

And it puts your house at risk. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: But if

you're standing on this that does not change-- GLORIA: Thank

God for the Word. KELLIE: --it remains faithful, God remains

true. GLORIA: Yes, amen. KELLIE: Jesus remains true to you. And

even when we miss it, if you're looking at Him, He'll get you

corrected. If we're standing in faith, looking at Jesus,

allowing Him to talk to us, worshiping Him, He will get

us--it may take a while sometimes, but He'll get it

across to us. Like He did to me just this weekend, He said, "You

are--you've got a lot of fear." And I had no idea. I thought I

just had concerns. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: And one of them was

Jenny leaving to go to the Middle East to a very, in the

natural, unsafe country. And I didn't realize I was in fear. I

was just going along because I had already done--I had already

dealt with that. I had already quoted about that. I had already

prayed about--prayed for her. GLORIA: Hold fast. KELLIE: But I

realized that even over her trip this time, the prayers that I

prayed, my faith was not as engaged as I thought it was

because I had fear and I didn't know it. But, boy, when I

took--I took authority over fear and got it out, the next time

when I was with Jenny the next day, and I started to talk to

her about something about her trip, and I mean, the word of

the Lord started coming about angels and protection, and I

mean, there was a fiery purpose. Actually, I think I prayed for

her on her--our way to the airport. And it just, bwooo,

came out. GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: That's what happened when

Lyndsey was in the hospital, Mom. Lyndsey was in the

hospital. They said she had meningitis. You've probably

heard this story. I'll make it short. But she was totally out

of it. And lots of kids had died from meningitis. And the second

the doctor said the word, "meningitis" --and they had

taken her, done a spinal tap on her--I just felt that--I felt

like incapacitated. And I turned around and left that room and

walked into the hallway. I'm sure the doctor thought, "What

is wrong with that woman?" But I just turned around, left her in

there, walked into the hallway, and I--it's like all the word

that was in me for healing and freedom and deliverance, it was

all in there, but I couldn't--I was not being able to pull any

of it up. I just felt bound up. And I literally felt like if you

put a vice around somebody and grabbed them and couldn't move

your arms. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: And my sister walked up

to me, and she said, "What is it?" And I said--I didn't even

answer her. I just--sometimes, man, being in good company is

really helpful. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: I said, "I refuse to

fear!" And all of a sudden, it was like this--the--the bonds

that were on me were gone. GLORIA: Chains broke off.

KELLIE: And it was like that thing just left, like it was

very weak, when all it took was that declaration of refusal. I

made a choice. I chose--when Jesus said to Mary--to Martha

that Mary had "chosen" that good thing, the thing that would be

to her advantage-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: -I chose to

refuse that. And I mean, all of a sudden, out of my belly

starts--I'm like--I don't even remember what all I rattled off

to my sister. GLORIA: It's victory. KELLIE: But it was

coming out of me. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: I said, "There's blood

between me and Jesus over Lyndsey! She's healed by His

stripes--blah blah blah, blah, blah--she'll live and not die."

You know, the things you know you want to say when the time is

needful, they had--I had to refuse fear for those things to

come out. So I was in bondage until I refused to have the

fear. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And so that's talked

about here in Hebrews. So it says, in--I just want to point

out--because all the time that we're talking about fear, I want

us to keep a good handle on Jesus because He's the one that

defeated fear. And as we're talking, and I'm talking about

being free from fear, I'm talking about the only real way

to be free from fear is to keep your eyes on Him and to realize

His salvation-- GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: --and to believe in His

salvation. GLORIA: Be full of faith. KELLIE: Believe in Him.

It doesn't even--it means you don't even have to have all the

right answers at any moment. We're going to see that in the

next few weeks. You don't even have to have all the right

answers. If you're looking at Him, He'll give them to you.

That's what He is. That's Who He is. But I just--I wanted--this

point proves that, so I want to read this. It says, in Verse 9--

GLORIA: Of what chapter? KELLIE: --of Hebrews 2:9, it says, "by

God's grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone." GLORIA: Yes, He

did. KELLIE: "God, for whom and through whom everything was

made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was

only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a

perfect leader." A perfect leader. I just wanted to bring

that out. He's a perfect leader, like He led me just this week

with that pointing out that fear I had. He led me through it like

He did with Lyndsey. He led me through that place to what I

needed to say, needed to do. He gave me the words, and we got

through it. She was healed just within 24 hours. GLORIA: Praise

God. KELLIE: No, within 12 hours she was free. Isn't that good?

GLORIA: It is awesome. KELLIE: And that was a miracle. GLORIA:

So grateful. KELLIE: Oh, I am. It says, "A perfect leader--" We

should put this on our mirror. "He's a perfect leader, fit to

bring me into my salvation." GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And

that doesn't just mean-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE:

--accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. That's just saying,

"Okay, I'll follow you, Jesus." That's just getting yourself in

line. That's--sometimes we think salvation, that that was the day

I got saved. GLORIA: It is salvation from sin, it is

salvation from different things, but it's salvation from the

curse too, the poverty, sickness, disease. KELLIE: Every

day. GLORIA: Salvation encompasses--that Jesus got for

us encompasses everything good and dumps everything bad.

KELLIE: Oh, everything. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: You did a

series that I just remember. I haven't even listened to it in a

long time. I need to go back and listen to it, called "So Great

Salvation." GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: Whoo! GLORIA: Amen.

KELLIE: Man-- GLORIA: He is a great salvation. KELLIE:

--just-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: When you get saved, the

day you get saved, you position Him to lead you through to your

salvation every day for the rest of your life. GLORIA: That's

right. Now you have to pay attention. KELLIE: You do.

GLORIA: I mean, He's going to be talking to you. You have to keep

the Word going in your eyes and your ears where it gets into

your heart, and faith is there. And then you pay attention to

what you're hearing in your spirit and what the written Word

says, and you'll be safe. KELLIE: You do the dos-- GLORIA:

Yep, that's right. KELLIE: --that your leader tells you.

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: You know, following the leader.

GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: That's what the life of--with

God is all about. And it's certainly what a life of freedom

in Him, freedom from fear, freedom from sickness, freedom

from-- GLORIA: Oh, my goodness. You don't have to be afraid of

anything. KELLIE: Ugh. And we don't because we have somebody

to follow. says, "He is the perfect leader--" This is in

the New Living. "--fit to bring them into their salvation." So

now Jesus and the ones He makes holy, that is us. We have the

same Father. And that is why Jesus is not ashamed to call you

and I His brothers and sisters, His equal. We have the same

Father. And Jesus leads us through everything. Jesus speaks

to us the words of the Father. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: We

have a Father who loves us. That's one reason not to be

afraid. You have a Father Who loves you. Knowing that, knowing

that love casts out fear because He loves you, and He sent Jesus.

He sent his Son Jesus. Jesus did everything-- GLORIA: Yes, He

did. KELLIE: --that it requires to save us. GLORIA: Praise God.

KELLIE: I want to read this note in my Bible. It's the

Spirit-Filled Life Bible. It says, "The author emphasizes the

genuine humanity of Jesus. The path that He trod as the

suffering redeemer was right, for by this, Jesus was made

perfect. This doesn't mean that Jesus had moral shortcomings,

but that He became perfect or complete as a Savior. Because of

the temptation, He became perfect as a Savior. And by

suffering temptation and death, He qualified as our leader Who's

gone ahead of us to open the way of salvation." GLORIA: Praise

God. KELLIE: I don't know. I just really feel like somebody

today needed to hear that. As we're talking about being free

from fear, there's a reason we can be free from fear. GLORIA:

That's right. KELLIE: It's because of Jesus and keeping

your eyes on Him. And He'll tell you what to do-- GLORIA: And

that He bore the curse-- KELLIE: --and say. GLORIA: --for us. And

every bad thing there is is under the curse. KELLIE: Every

bad thing. GLORIA: So He took care of everything. KELLIE:

Everything. GLORIA: Now all we have to do is receive Him and do

what He says, and He'll take care of everything in our lives.

KELLIE: Mom, there's a worship song that I love that says, "For

every fear there's an empty tomb." GLORIA: Ha-ha, that's

good. KELLIE: Isn't that good? There's no fear-- GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: --that wasn't taken care of. GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: And it says, in Verse 14, "Because God's

children are human beings--made of flesh and blood--the Son also

became flesh and blood." You know the same kind of flesh and

blood that can be hurt is mine and your flesh and blood. "For

only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he

break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only

in this way could he set free all who had lived their lives as

slaves to the fear of dying." GLORIA: He took the curse for

us. He took it, the whole curse. Everything that--if you look at

Deuteronomy 28 under the curse, every bad thing's under that

curse. Jesus bore it for me, and He bore it for you, and He bore

it for Kellie. He took it. Now, what we do is receive Him, and

we're free. KELLIE: That's right. GLORIA: And we do what He

says, we stay free. Glory to God. KELLIE: And this said,

because of what He went through, He's able to help us when we're

going through anything. There's not anything that you might be

going through, might go through in the future, or might have

gone through-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --that He did not

take care of. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: So there's no

reason to fear when you look at your leader. This says, in

Hebrews 2, these scriptures we just read in the Amplified--this

is the Amplified Classic. There's two Amplifieds now. We

just get more versions and more versions. I love it. But the

Amplified Classic, that's probably the one sitting on your

coffee table, it says, "Since, therefore, these his children

share in flesh and blood in the physical nature of human beings,

He himself in a similar manner partook of the same nature, that

by going through death He might bring to nought," or to nothing,

"and make of no effect him who had the power of death." I love

what Dad says. "He is a big zero. Satan is a big zero." The

devil who's trying to make you afraid is a big zero.

I'm out of time. GLORIA: Yeah, you are. KELLIE: I'm out

of zero time. GLORIA: Yeah, you are. KELLIE: So we

will pick this up tomorrow, but don't go away.

For more infomation >> Refusing to Fear in the Midst of Trials with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 7-4-17) - Duration: 22:24.


Rebuking Fear Stops the Devil with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 7-6-17) - Duration: 21:31.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Through the redemption plan of

God, Jesus has redeemed you from all sins. Join Gloria

and Kellie Copeland today as they talk about how to take

hold of the freedom offered by our heavenly Father

on today's Believer's Voice of Victory.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory. Kellie Copeland's back with us

today with more good things from the Word

of God. Don't you enjoy finding out what God says in His

Word? It's all good. It's good for you, it's good for me, it's

good for Kellie. Amen? Praise God. What are we doing today,

Kel? KELLIE: Well, we're still talking about--this week and

next, we're talking about living a life that's free from fear.

GLORIA: That sounds good. KELLIE: It's an appropriate

subject for-- GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: --you know, any day. But

we are independent--we've been made independent by Jesus. He

did what it took to release us from the bondage of fear.

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: We read in Hebrews 2 yesterday, you

know--I have this Bible, it's one of my older Bibles. I don't

care it's all torn up, but it's got good notes in it. I just

like having to change them, don't you? But in that Bible, I

wrote--Dad had said this one time. Under Hebrews 12, I wrote,

"Never let the devil see you sweat." (Laughs) Because they

talked about that it was because of the haunting fear of death

that people were, all their lives, subject to bondage.

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: You know, under the control of

the enemy, under the control of what he wanted for you, not what

God wanted--wants for you. And it's faith that puts us under

the control of what Jesus wants for us. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: But fear puts you under control of what Satan wants for

you, you know? It's very much the key to life or death. It's

very much the key. You choose to walk in fear, you open the door

to the devil. So we've talked about this already through this

week, and you can go back to and catch up with us if

you haven't--if you're behind. But it's been fun talking about

it because, really, it's very revealing when you start

thinking about your--subjecting your life to Jesus for Him to

diagnose you. And I want to kind of talk about that today,

letting--we've talked about that some, but I want to talk--kind

of talk some more about letting Him diagnose you, you know?

GLORIA: That's good. KELLIE: He--we read in Hebrews 2, He

became our perfect leader because He went through the

temptations and all the things that we go through, yet without

sin. And that's not for Him to say, "I'm good and you're not."

He has made Himself and His words and His wisdom and beyond

that, His power available to us, to walk the same road, to walk

through things and come out as though it were Him walking

through it, because He walks through it with us. And if we

listen to Him, we'll come out just like He would. You know,

when people were attacking Him and people were after Him, He

just disappeared. (Laughs) GLORIA: Yeah. Where did He go?

KELLIE: I like--I mean, we can just--we have the--you know,

faith for His deliverance, and that's what it takes, and He'll

make us disappear. You know, this--we were talking to the

kids this summer at convention about being invisible, using

your faith. So I know--those may not seem to connect, but Jesus

used His faith to become invisible. And we can be--when

we're walking in faith, Satan can't get ahold of us. He

doesn't have anything to lay hold of. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: When we give him the hook of fear and we hook into

what he wants for us, and we hook into--with faith, we hook

into what God wants for us and His plan for us. And His plan is

good, always good. You can count on it. You can count on the fact

that His-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: I heard somebody say

this the other day. Who was it? I think it was--I think it was

Michelle Bachman in our--we had a women's conference at Eagle

Mountain in the spring. And she was talking about--at a women's

meeting, and she said, "You know, I could just hear God

saying, 'I know the plans I have for you.'" You know, as women,

we don't like telling--people telling us what we think. And we

can say, "I know what I think. You don't have to tell me what I

think." Anyway, she said, "I can hear God saying, 'I know the

plans I have for you. Stop telling Me I don't want you

healed. Stop telling Me I don't want you free. Stop telling Me

that I don't want your kids set free.'" That just got me stirred

up-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --because He knows the plans He

has for us. And not only that, Mom, He put them in a Book.

GLORIA: He did. KELLIE: And He sent us a Savior to purchase it

for us. So everything that needs to be done for us to be free is

done. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: But our position in this

is-- GLORIA: Except our receiving. KELLIE: We have to

receive. And fear is the only tool--this is pretty impactful.

Fear is the only tool that Satan has to keep you from receiving

it. He uses fear to get you to sin. He uses fear to get you to

not lay hold of the promises. He uses fear to not have you walk

in love. I want to talk today about--we mentioned some

different fears yesterday, but today I want to move on and talk

about Mary and Martha, and talk about the fear--I was thinking

about them and what this fear was that Martha had. You could

ascribe all kinds of words to it. But one thing that she had

was a fear of being mistreated. GLORIA: Hmm. KELLIE: She's like,

"This is not fair." GLORIA: Interesting. KELLIE: And you

know, pretty much all of us have an opportunity to utter those

words. You may be unfairly treated because of your age or

the color of your skin. You may be unfairly treated because you

have not enough money. You feel like you're unfairly treated.

You may be unfairly--you may actually be unfairly treated.

But Jesus is the answer to that. And going to Him without fear

will get you your answers. Going to Him--even if you have fear,

go straight to Him and let Him clean you up. Let Him show you

what to do. Let Him show you what to say. But I don't think

Martha felt like she was in fear. You know, this morning I

said something to Emily, my six-year-old. And I said, "Emily

Jean Ann--" She's part--your middle name is Jean, and so

that's part of her middle name and her other grandmother's

middle name put together. But I said, "Emily Jean Ann--" and she

wasn't in trouble. I just was saying--I don't even remember

what I was saying. But she goes, "That sounds like I'm in

trouble." (Laughs) GLORIA: Yes, it's hard. KELLIE: "Emily Jean

Ann." But you know, in the Word, I've always said that when

somebody says your first name and your middle name, it's like

you are in trouble. GLORIA: Like "Gloria Jean." KELLIE: "Gloria

Jean," or they used to say to me, "Kellie Dee." You're in

trouble if they use your first and middle name. But he repeats

her first name. It's like, "Martha, Martha." Like, "You

silly thing." When you say somebody's-- "Gloria, Gloria,"

there's just such compassion I hear in His voice. He knows her

name, He called her by name, and He called her out on what she

was dealing with. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And that's where we

have to understand, we don't come before our Jesus with

shame. If we have shame and pride in our lives, if you ask

Him to, He'll show you what it is so you can--so He can remove

it and you can get rid of it, and you can refuse it. You can

refuse shame, you can refuse pride, you can refuse fear.

GLORIA: Well, you can ask for forgiveness. Anything you have

shame over, you ask Him to--you ask the Lord to forgive you. And

He's quick to do that. KELLIE: He is. And He's quick-- GLORIA:

And then you go free. KELLIE: And He's quick to point it out

to you if you don't know. And there was a lot of things that I

didn't know I had in my life that was hiding, as Psalm 19:12

says. GLORIA: Ask Him. KELLIE: But I asked Him to show me. I

prayed Psalm 19:12. We read it the other day. I asked Him to

show me, and He began to point out things. Well, last week, or

last--actually, two days ago, He pointed out some fear I had in

my life. And this surprised me. We talked about that Monday and

Tuesday. But He will save you, save you from yourself, save you

from the enemy, save you from others. He is our Savior.

GLORIA: Yes, that's right. KELLIE: And so in our talk about

being free-- GLORIA: He has saved us, actually. KELLIE:

Yeah. GLORIA: All we do is receive what He did. KELLIE: And

listen to what He says, because what we read yesterday in

Hebrews 2 is, He is the perfect Savior to walk you through what

you're going through. GLORIA: Yes, amen. KELLIE: He

knows--He's already paid the price, and He was already

tempted, the Bible says, just like you. So He's perfect. He's

perfect to lead us through. GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: Sometimes

people look at His perfection and that means there's a big gap

between, "He's so perfect and I'm so not." But we don't need

to look at it--we need to look at it the way He put it out

there. His perfection is for us. His perfection is available to

us to walk through in His perfection, not our own. So when

we're imperfect, that's no surprise to Him. That's no

surprise to your family. (Laughs) So, you know, if you

just go with the flow of the Holy Ghost, He will move you

through imperfections into victory, and He'll take you from

fear into faith. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: But He's the one

we're looking at to show us what to do, show us where fear is

hiding, and diagnose it for us. So, you know, many times if you

look at like when the disciples were in the boat, and Jesus fell

asleep in the boat, and the storm came up, and they were

afraid-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: --they came to Jesus, and they

didn't even--I'm trying to think--I don't have it open in

front of me. But I don't even think they asked Him for help.

How many times do we gripe at God, and we're not even asking

for help. That is the--probably the epitome of not going to Him

in faith, is to just go complain and not ask for help. You know,

at least--I guess in some way, at least Martha was asking for

help. But the disciples were like--woke Him up and just said,

"Don't you care that we're going to die?" That's not even who He

is or what He's there for. And so He diagnosed them as being

without faith. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: And He said-- GLORIA:

"Oh, ye of little faith." KELLIE: Yeah. Which is kind of

the same. And you look at that, and you see He didn't mention

it, but they were filled with fear so much so they could not

look to Him for the answer. And He said they were without faith.

So that's a good example of "fear tolerated is faith

contaminated." They could not walk in faith. GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: I told you a story this week about my

daughter Lyndsey when she was sick and I was--I knew I needed

to say some stuff. I mean, I've been raised in this long enough

to know, when trouble comes, you've got to use your words.

Our words are creative, and they were given to us by God, our--

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --creative ability with our

words to speak what we want. Well, that ability is there

whether you're speaking bad or good. When we speak, it brings

things to us. It summons things to us. GLORIA: Or it pushes

away. KELLIE: Or it pushes away. GLORIA: Whatever you say.

KELLIE: You know, well, if you say, "Well, I'm sick," then

that's pulling that in. If you say, "I'm healed," that's

pulling that in. GLORIA: I'm healed. KELLIE: God gave us--God

made us that way, after His own image. And so I know I needed to

say stuff, and I knew it was in there, but I was just like

having this trouble pulling it out because of fear. So where

there is fear, your faith is contaminated-- GLORIA: Right.

KELLIE: --and it just won't work. And so in that situation,

Jesus diagnosed them as having that fear. And actually, I think

it's the Amplified that says, "Where is your confidence in

Me?" They had no confidence in Him. They had no confidence in

the fact that He said, "Go to the other side." They had--and

He said, "Where is your confidence in Me and in My

veracity?" And, Mom, that word means my inability to lie.

GLORIA: Truth. KELLIE: So you know, we have a--people always

say, "Well, I want a word from God." You know, there's nothing

that these words won't fix. Ha-ha-ha. GLORIA: That's the

truth. KELLIE: You really don't even need another word from Him.

He gave it all right here. But fear will shut those things

down. Fear will keep you from looking at the Word. Fear will

keep you, like it did the disciples, from looking at

Jesus. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: So--but Jesus diagnosed that.

And right here He diagnoses Mary--or sorry, Martha. I guess

He diagnoses Mary, too, because she was doing the right thing.

But let's see what He says here to Martha. GLORIA: Where are

you? KELLIE: This is Luke 10:38. "As Jesus and the disciples

continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a

certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into

her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to

what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she

was preparing." I've been there. "She came to Jesus and said,

'Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits

here while I do all the work? Tell her to come help me.'" So

she's--she's concerned that this is unfair. You know, we're

talking today about the fear of being mistreated. That was her

fear. "It's unfair, I'm mistreated." And really, whether

you are or not, sometimes people are mistreated, but the answer's

still the same. If you look at the mistreatment, if you look at

the problem, if you look at, "God, change that person," even

if that person's wrong, Mom, the best thing to do is just look to

Him, and He will change you. And the best standing that you have

to pray for someone else is to first say, "Jesus, change me." I

had that thought the other day. Isn't that good? GLORIA: Yeah.

KELLIE: Like, you know, when they talk about a lawsuit or

something, and they talk about standing, like if you want to

sue somebody because they're doing something and you're not

connected to that, you have no standing to come against that

person. If you want to sue the state of Oklahoma, but you're

not--you don't live in the state of Oklahoma, you don't have

interest in the state of Oklahoma, you have no standing

to bring a suit against them. GLORIA: You're a good lawyer.

KELLIE: Well, yes. That's about the extent of my lawyerliness,

so I am not--this is not offering lawyer advice, so

don't--no legal advice offered here. But in this, the best

standing for you to pray for someone else is to first pray

for the Lord to change you. Then when you pray--I was thinking

about this the other day. This is totally off topic, I think,

but maybe it's not. I was thinking the other day that when

someone who has been hurt by another person--and they've hurt

you, they really have, and they really--you have good reason to

have felt hurt, but you've taken it to the Lord instead of being

angry, that that person who will forgive and then pray for that

person--I had this thought the other day. I believe there is a

power in that prayer because it's based on the sheerest form

of love, to pray for your enemy. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: There is

a power in that prayer to bring such change to both parties'

lives. And the most powerful prayer, one of the most powerful

prayers is when someone has hurt you, and you've forgiven them,

and you pray earnestly in love for them to be helped. And it's

hard to pray that without letting God change you first. So

that gives you a lot of standing to get your prayers answered.

And actually, you see that in the Word of God. In John, Jesus

said, you know, "Greater love hath no man than this, that he

lay down his life for his friends." And He's talking

about--He just got through talking about walking in love.

But He's saying, "You're my friend if you do what I say."

What's He saying? No greater love--He's not talking about His

own love, He's talking about your love that--that that

love--that you will just walk in love because He told you to.

There's no greater love than that. And He says, "Ask what you

will." Isn't that powerful? GLORIA: That's good, yeah.

KELLIE: If you are a person that'll just love because Jesus

told you to, it's not comfortable, it's not fun, it's

not easy. But Jesus told you to, and He's going to help you do

it. This says, "Ask what you will, and it'll be done for you

by my Father in heaven." Isn't that good? GLORIA: That's good,

really good. KELLIE: So, here she is. It says--this is the

Amplified. "She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself

at the Lord's feet and was continually listening to His

teaching. But Martha was very busy and distracted with all of

her serving responsibilities; and she approached Him and said,

"Lord, is it of no concern to you that my sister has left me

to do the serving alone?" GLORIA: Can you imagine

correcting Jesus over somebody not helping you do the dishes?

KELLIE: Ah, well. GLORIA: (Laughs) KELLIE: Yes. (Laughs) I

can, actually. "Lord, make my kids help me do the dishes." So

I'm--I probably shouldn't judge Martha here. "Tell her to help

me and do her part." But the Lord replied to her, "Martha,

Martha, you're worried?" See, she thought her problem was,

"Nobody's helping me, and my sister is not helping me." I

mean, we've all had those feelings about brother, sister,

kids, spouse, friends. You're worried and bothered and anxious

about so many things. So He diagnosed her not just about the

dishes or the food or the people in her house, He said, "You're

worried and bothered and anxious about so many things." And you

know what? Maybe Martha had a lot--maybe Mary had a lot on her

mind too. Maybe she was concerned about many things, but

in her sitting at His feet, she was getting the answer to what

her concerns were. GLORIA: That's good. That's right.

KELLIE: Martha--you know, and it's--I think it's wrong to say,

"You shouldn't serve." I mean, obviously, there's times when we

have to get stuff done. So the answer is not the comparison

between Mary just sitting and listening and Martha working.

That's not the point. The point was, Mary positioned herself to

hear what He was saying. Martha could have been doing what she

was doing in the same vein, in the same heart, in the same

attitude to serve Jesus. See, right there in that moment, her

attitude was serving herself. And that's what He diagnosed

was, you've got fear. You're worried and bothered and anxious

about so many things. But only one thing is necessary, for

"Mary has chosen the good part--" and it says in the

Amplified, Mom, "--that which is to her advantage, and it will

not be taken away from her." Isn't that good? GLORIA: Praise

God. KELLIE: It says-- GLORIA: She chose right. KELLIE: Let's

look again at what she chose. She seated herself at the Lord's

feet. Now, you can do your chores all day long from the

Lord's feet, seated at His feet. We're not going to fear. You can

do your work. You know, a lot of times at work you have things

come up, you have situations come up, you have employees to

take care of, you've got bosses to deal with, and it can get

overwhelming. It can feel like "I don't know how I'm going to

get everything done for everybody that is in my circle

that I have to deal with." Well, that's fear. And it's important

that you diagnose it as such, and then you rebuke the fear and

sit at His feet. So if you take the time--Mom, maybe in the next

broadcast, you can talk a little bit about, you know, it's

important to take the time and sit at His feet-- GLORIA: Oh,

yes. KELLIE: --to worship Him, to read the Word, to put those

things in. It's just critical to our lives. GLORIA:

It's absolutely critical. (Both Laugh) KELLIE: And we'll just

selah over that. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: Because you can

make all the excuses in the world, but if you're not giving

Jesus the time and sitting at His feet-- GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: --you are going to have cares and fears and worries that

are not addressed. If you are not going to have His

assistance, and He's there, really, He's done everything

that needs to be done and can be done. GLORIA: But the receiving.

And that's our part. KELLIE: That's our part.

GLORIA: We have to receive what He says and take it,

put it in our lives-- hallelujah-- KELLIE: Amen.

GLORIA: --by faith. Kellie and I'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Rebuking Fear Stops the Devil with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 7-6-17) - Duration: 21:31.


Cat Reaction on New Home! - Duration: 10:01.

Goboogi- Chobee- Here is new home.


Goboogi starts to move around immediately.

Don't get out.

Ouch, we didn't block the under the bed.

Chobee is scared to get out from the bag.

Goboogi gets in under the bed.



Aww cute.

Babies, new home-

We placed the furnitures as same as the old house.

Backward ears!

Aww Chobee.

Are you so strange?

Brave Goboogi.

Babies, come to eat Churu.

Give a treat to calm down them.



Do you want to eat Churu?


Goboogi is eating well.

Oh, does Chobee skip Churu?

Chobee is too nervous to eat a treat.


Here is Churu.

I will hide.

Please come here.

Please eat Churu.

Chobee is nervous.

Anyway, he's eating.

Goboogi is moving around.

Closet is not ready to get in.

It looks like home intro with Goboogi.

Following Goboogi to introduce the new home.

Goboogi- All furnitures are yours.

Right? All yours.


You are familiar with them.

Forwarded whiskers.

Aww Goboogi.

His whiskers are forward.

Like a fan.

Are you familiar with them?

Right? Are you ok?

Why does Chobee cry over there?

Chobee- No body blocks you.

Chobee is hiding under the bed.

Goboogi is brave but Chobee is scared.

Chobee- Come to daddy.

Chobee- Come here.

We didn't clean there yet, Goboogi.


Let me see.

Chobee, are you scared? Will you get out?

Chobee gets out from under the bed to move around.

Look at his tail.

Chobee, are you ok?

Chobee is moving around as same as Goboogi.

Where is Chobeing?

Under the cat tree.

Aww you are using the scratcher.

It's your scratcher, right?

It's Goboogi's.

Chobee's. It's Chobee's cat tree, right?

Are you guys ok?

It's Goboogi's pink chair.

Enforcing familiarity to cats.

Cats are moving around to figure out what happens.

Goboogi is nervous by looking him on the window.

Are you familiar with it?

Chobee's and Goboogi's.

We didn't clean there yet.

He's hissing.

Chobee- Goboogi is gasping.

Goboogi got too much stress from new space.

Right, he's gasping.

Goboogi is gasping due to stress.

He's paws are so red.

It's ok. Daddy is here.

Paws are so red.

He's so high.

He's gasping.

Aww you are so beautiful though.

My cat-

"Where is it?"

I think they will be nervous for a week.

Chobee is on the cat tree.

Chobee- It's your cat tree.

His pupils are so big.

He's following bro.

It's your favorite space, Chobee.

Still confusing.

Enlarged eye pupils, red nose, forwarded whiskers.


It's all yours.

I think so..

Chobee, did you find your space?

Goboogi coming.


He is spreading cuteness while walking.

Goboogi- are you ok? It's ok.

Mom and dad are here.

Mom, dad, and Chobee are with you. Your furnitures are all here. Right?

Let me give him some food to calm down.

Aww so cute paws. It's so pink.

For more infomation >> Cat Reaction on New Home! - Duration: 10:01.


Thành Phố Tôi Yêu - Phố Đi Bộ Nguyễn Huệ | Cuộc Sống Sài Gòn - Duration: 14:07.

For more infomation >> Thành Phố Tôi Yêu - Phố Đi Bộ Nguyễn Huệ | Cuộc Sống Sài Gòn - Duration: 14:07.


minecraft hypixel skywars ep1 請打開CC字幕 (by Mango) - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> minecraft hypixel skywars ep1 請打開CC字幕 (by Mango) - Duration: 6:39.


[TD포토+] 초아 '잠적설-열애설-AOA 탈퇴' 후 첫 공식석상, 울컥한 모습 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [TD포토+] 초아 '잠적설-열애설-AOA 탈퇴' 후 첫 공식석상, 울컥한 모습 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:35.


Baba Ramdev Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net 2017 - Duration: 2:34.

Baba Ramdev Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net 2017

For more infomation >> Baba Ramdev Income, House, Cars, Luxurious Lifestyle & Net 2017 - Duration: 2:34.


Super smosh系列3 故障事故 (中文字幕) - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Super smosh系列3 故障事故 (中文字幕) - Duration: 4:10.


[ Audio Official ] Ánh Nắng Của Anh - Trần Minh Thắng | Nhạc Việt Top Hit | Nhạc Trẻ - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [ Audio Official ] Ánh Nắng Của Anh - Trần Minh Thắng | Nhạc Việt Top Hit | Nhạc Trẻ - Duration: 4:22.


КЛИП: Кристина Ташкинова - На осколки (клип с моим переводом!!!) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> КЛИП: Кристина Ташкинова - На осколки (клип с моим переводом!!!) - Duration: 3:26.


Nếu Minecraft Không Dành Cho Trẻ Dưới 18+ - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Nếu Minecraft Không Dành Cho Trẻ Dưới 18+ - Duration: 5:22.


【Undertale】G!sans Killer 【中英字幕】 - Duration: 3:03.

Stuck in a limbo(here we go) 陷入困境(開始了)

Me and my sins go (Go-oh-oh-oh-oh) 我和我的罪過去(Go-oh-oh-oh-oh)

I played a vicious part(woah) 我發揮了惡性的作用(woah)

I broke an unfair share of hearts 我打破了不公平的心

I`m about to blow 我要打了

so if you come around then you should know 所以如果你來的話你應該知道

I`ll tear you up in two go ahead walk it off if you know whats best for you. 我會把你撕成兩半 如果你知道什麼是最適合你,請繼續走下去。

oh-oh-oh-oh oh oh oh

I`m no good for you(No.) 我對你沒有好處(不)

This heart aint built for two so 這個心臟並不是為了這兩個而建的

Runaway Runaway 逃亡,逃亡

Cuz I`m no, I`m no, I`m no good for you 因為我不,我不,我對你沒有好處

Get in love and ill get you loose so, 愛上和生病讓你鬆了一口氣,

Runaway, Runaway 逃亡,逃亡

'Cause I'm no, I'm no, 我不是,我不,我不是

I`m a I`m a I`m a love killer 我是,我是,我是愛的殺手

I`m a I`m a I`m a killer 我是,我是,我是兇手

lower than real low(here we go.) 低於實際低點(開始了。)

Take your heart like a repo (no-no-no-oh-oh) 把你的心像一個回購 (no-no-no-oh-oh)

You dug yourself into (whoa) 你挖了自己 (whoa)

A pretty mess that I made for you 我為你做的漂亮的混亂

I'm about to show 我即將展示

For the time you're gonna lose 屆時你會輸

By the time I go-oh-oh 當我去的時候 oh-oh

I'll tear you up in two 我會把你撕成兩半

Go ahead, walk it off if you know what's best for you. 如果你知道什麼是最適合你,請繼續走下去。

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh oh

I'm no good for you (no) 我對你沒有好處(不)

This heart ain't built for two so 這個心臟並不是為了這兩個而建的

Run away, run away 逃跑,逃跑

'Cause I'm no, I'm no, I'm no good for you 因為我不,我不,我對你沒有好處

Get in love and I'll bet you lose so 愛上,我敢打賭你輸了

Run away, run away 逃跑,逃跑

'Cause I'm no, I'm no 因為我不,我不是

I'm a, I'm a, I'm a love killer 我是一個,我是一個,我是一個愛的殺手

I'm a, I'm a, I'm a killer 我是一個,我是一個,我是一個殺手

Bootleg emotions 私藏的情感

Bottled up explosions 裝起來爆炸

Intoxicating you 讓你感到毒害

Learning of the truth 學習真相

I'm your seventh sin 我是你的第七個罪

Exiting through your skin 退出你的皮膚

Intoxicating you 讓你感到毒害

Ninety-seven proof 九十七個證據

I'm no good for you 我對你沒有好處

This heart ain't built for two so 這個心臟並不是為了這兩個而建的

Run away, run away 逃跑,逃跑

'Cause I'm no, I'm no 因為我不,我不是

I'm no good for you (no) 我對你沒有好處(不)

Get in love and I'll bet you lose so 愛上,我敢打賭你輸了

Run away, run away 逃跑,逃跑

'Cause I'm no, I'm no 因為我不,我不是

I'm a, I'm a, I'm a love killer 我是一個,我是一個,我是一個愛的殺手

I'm a, I'm a, I'm a killer 我是一個,我是一個,我是一個殺手

For more infomation >> 【Undertale】G!sans Killer 【中英字幕】 - Duration: 3:03.


كيف تصبح مليونيراً في دقيقة أو أقل how to become a millionaire in 1 minute or less - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> كيف تصبح مليونيراً في دقيقة أو أقل how to become a millionaire in 1 minute or less - Duration: 0:41.


[Undertale Song] His theme (Vietsub cc) - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> [Undertale Song] His theme (Vietsub cc) - Duration: 2:03.


"二次元CC字幕翻譯" 完全敗給YOUTUBE了 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> "二次元CC字幕翻譯" 完全敗給YOUTUBE了 - Duration: 1:26.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250e ELECTRIC DRIVE LEASE EDITION 4 % Bijtelling, Range Plus, Zitcomfortpakke - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250e ELECTRIC DRIVE LEASE EDITION 4 % Bijtelling, Range Plus, Zitcomfortpakke - Duration: 0:58.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 AMBITION Trekhaak, Navigatie, Spiegelpakket, Park pilot incl. achteruitri - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 AMBITION Trekhaak, Navigatie, Spiegelpakket, Park pilot incl. achteruitri - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMG LINE Night pakket, Spoor pakket, Spiegel pakket, Dodehoekassistent, K - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMG LINE Night pakket, Spoor pakket, Spiegel pakket, Dodehoekassistent, K - Duration: 0:59.


Bizarre Inventions From The Past - Duration: 4:06.

From creepy weird inventions to a specialist anti-flirting group today on Facts Base we


at some Bizarre inventions from the past.

We can often look back at some inventions or

designs of things that may look absurd or just

out and out weird by today modern times,

sometimes some may even be laughable but you have to remember in the day of these inventions

it was the latest thing or latest invention no

matter if it worked or not, it would be like

someone a 100 years from now laughing or being confused at the latest up and coming iphone


review or when PewDiePie had over 50 million subs so let�s take a look at some of the


from the past.

This creepy thing that looks like something off

a sadistic horror flick is called a swim mask,

they started out in China, apart from terrifying others on the beach they were invented to


out the sun in the hot weather.

They are still about today, I would presume that are now


with better materials although they still look

weird rather strange.

Speaking of looking a bit

weird or strange let�s take a look at Pole Sitting�

Pole sitting is exactly what it is called, climbing

up a pole and sitting on the top of it.

Well when there�s no Internet, mobile phones or even


invaders I guess you had to find something to do.

It was craze that Hit in the mid to late 20�s and

then became increasingly popular as people then

started to break each other�s records of who could

sit at the top of one for the longest, the longest

time in the 1920s was 51 days and 20 hours, this was

broken in the 1930�s when a man named Richard Dixie

Blandy who sat om one for 77, 78 and then 125 Days but

died in 1974 when a pole he was sat on collapsed killed him,

this was a record than stood for 30 years until,

it was broke in 1964 however, in 1982 H. David Werder

sat at the top of a pole in protest over the price of gasoline,

He came down 439 days, 11 hours and 6 minutes later In 1984.

Also In the 1920s there was a group called the Anti-Flirt Club,

they were all against unwanted advances from men.

Members Of the club had strict rules to go by which included,

no smiling at strangers and certainly no winking at strangers,

no dating, no flirting and no being friends with men

Who may have wanted some.

Still staying with the 1920s if you had one

of the earlier cars you could then have a Pedestrian Scoop fitted,

It was basically a device that looks like a snow plough only

this was a net in a frame that fitted on to the front of your car,

they were designed to catch you if you were run over by a car

as not everyone then was conscious about car coming down the

roads and getting hit was a very big possibility.

If being out of on the roads is not for you them you could

try this next disturbing thing in this video�.

This gadget is something that could give people the creeps,

it is an eyeball massager, you place this horrifying looking

device onto your eyeballs and it is said that it sends air

into your eyeballs while moving Your eyelids around too,

sounds kind of disturbing to me.

Are you fed up with trying to write and there something

irritating distracting you?

Or someone Is playing music too loud and its affecting your concentration

when working?

Then there is hope, with a bottle of oxygen you can have

the 1920s Isolator, you can cut everything out and forget

about the world while you work with this bizarre hood that

you put over your head, just be sure you have enough oxygen.

If the Isolator is not for you and you would prefer to be

outside then don�t worry about the weather as you can always

wear the mask designed for snow storms in Canada in 1939,

this was a plastic type of cone shaped transparent invention

that you would stick over your face like a giant beak to protect your face.

Thanks for watching this Facts Base video and be sure to subscribe or call back for

more videos.

For more infomation >> Bizarre Inventions From The Past - Duration: 4:06.


Nếu Minecraft Không Dành Cho Trẻ Dưới 18+ - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Nếu Minecraft Không Dành Cho Trẻ Dưới 18+ - Duration: 5:22.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI COLLECTION - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI COLLECTION - Duration: 0:54.


L'existence sans effort. Brixton 3ème partie - Effortless Existence Brixton March 2008 Part3 - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> L'existence sans effort. Brixton 3ème partie - Effortless Existence Brixton March 2008 Part3 - Duration: 7:50.


For more infomation >> L'existence sans effort. Brixton 3ème partie - Effortless Existence Brixton March 2008 Part3 - Duration: 7:50.


How to make rakhi at home-Tutorial by express feelings for Flower rakhi bracelet for Raksha Bandhan - Duration: 6:33.

Flower rakhi bracelet for Raksha Bandhan

Draw six circles

Draw small six circles

One big circle

Cut all these circles

For more infomation >> How to make rakhi at home-Tutorial by express feelings for Flower rakhi bracelet for Raksha Bandhan - Duration: 6:33.


For more infomation >> How to make rakhi at home-Tutorial by express feelings for Flower rakhi bracelet for Raksha Bandhan - Duration: 6:33.


Grand chest opening! (+ Magical chest and 10th tier clan chest) | Will I get a legendary? - Duration: 2:30.

I'm about to whip somebody's ass....

Hi everyone!

So we're gonna be opening quite a few chests today...

We have a 5-win challenge chest...

(Nice music right?)

A level 6 goblin barrel...

(But we open THAT only in battles.)

We also have a Magical Chest! (SPOILER ALERT)

Free chests first...

'Cos we all loooooove Royal Giants

One more...

An inferno tower! I could use that...

Second smallest chests go second...


No comment on this one

Third smallest chests go ... THIRD!

Bet'cha didn't see that coming.

Not bad...

Not bad at all.

Fourth smallest chests...

Here goes nothing

We now have EXACTLY 10000 gold!

How many of you have achieved something like that?




Ugh... why did I bother hoping?

Mortars of all things!

Petty consolation for a big disappointment...

I still have a Magical tho...

Let's pause to admire...

Let's calculate for a legendary card.

123 minus 24 minus 4 minus 1 (for the legendary) gives us 94 commons to get.


My clan name... for posterity

Standardized gold...

Sorry... minor error in system

4 Arrows... not reassuring



That's all our commons done. We have a really good chance of a legendary.



Error 101. System does not detect legendary.

Pass me the poison, Claudius...

Anyway, thanks for watching! Please read the description for what's coming next.

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Grand chest opening! (+ Magical chest and 10th tier clan chest) | Will I get a legendary? - Duration: 2:30.


Lazy Hero plays Dig Dug - Duration: 4:03.



...whew, we are.

Where's my shovel?

...'cause I really dig this game!

*crowd boos* sense of humor. (u_u)


I'm at a 1982 arcade.

I have one quarter left...

And I'm going for the high score!

*inserts quarter*

*sigh* Here we go!

I love how you're your own soundtrack in this.

The music only plays when you walk.

It's brilliant! Makes me want to keep moving!


Still got you, Pooka! ( ̄ヘ ̄)

(  ̄ ︶  ̄ )

ARGH! (`ー´)

NOO!! (°ロ°)

BAD POOKA! (╯_╰)

Vengence is mine! (`ー´)

That rocked. ( ` ∇ ´ )


Pwetty pweeze? (^=◕ᴥ◕=^)

No escape for you! ( ` ω ´ )

OW! MY FACE! (°〇°)

( ౦ ‸ ౦ )

No high score for me. (╯︵╰,)

Oh well... maybe next time.

I still DUG the HOLE experience.

...not even a chuckle? C'mon... (╯︵╰)

Don't hate me and my love of bad puns please.

Until next time... have a good play!™

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